University of South Carolina Libraries
ri .. i - * *r *t llwii &\ TTAS JUftt RECEIVED AND OPENED his J XI SPUING AND 8UMHE& GOODS, < .< which ho respectfully vu.Ua tho attention of the citiiens of Greenville, and adjoining Districts, , to the assortment, which comprises almost eve- ' 17 thing in the Dry-Good* line. Anaong my , Goods I invite particular attention to th? folLfkdire' Summer Silks, frpm 60c,to #i per yd. Silk Tinmen, Bnrcgc Detainee, Solid colored ' Beregea, Plain Swim and Dotted.. Mualins, Phkin Jaconet Cambrics, Nainsook and eCroes j I - Bared Muslin*, Printed Muslins, ,*j, Victoria and Solid colored JUtwna, , English and Scotch Plaid Ginghams, , . Fine worktid Collars, Chemisette, and I'nder , , iBleeves, Swiss and Jaconet. Muslin Edgings and Insert- , inn, I>rab D'Eto, White and Brown Linen Drills, i'lain and Twilled Cnttonndea, .Blenched and Jlrnwn Alen<in1o Sl?-#tinn, Bleached Long Cloths, \\ hite ami oolored silk Bonnets, . A stood assortment, of '? ASH&DHAia.'.B fflUMTS, ! of all kind*, auitaMo for the season. 1 Men's, Ladies', Boys', Misses' and Children's 1 Boots and Shoes. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, Sard ware and Cutlery, SADDLES.HRIDI.ES ce-A AND WlyFfc. >. A large Supply of GROCERIES, Ac.. ?tc., tyWwot call and examine my Stock, for we i will take great pleosuro inahowing it, M8-#5Mf It LONG. alOlif 1^^.18 AS USUAL, PRESENTING , Iffaay Advantage* lo Purchaser* 7 mm anuore Anvil* making the same unwavering efforts at The Ladies' Store, To accommodate his customer* to all they desire, j : HE IS OFFERING .-Super Black Canton Crape Drew .*, French itoinhiuiue*, Foullard Wa.di Silk*, ?. / Colored Printed Mn.lina, New 1'lnid Silk*. Linen I.tHtrcs and DoBjg", N u W Buttons, < jO-mnnt Kmnroi lcrirc, j i. dof<Xl Brillinnte*, ?n1 Superfine fctrgfoli *> ?cs and colored French Ki l Oh.^- , April and May ' El?!ilPTil?KIS. i "May* 62 tf ] ~~ ^xWWiTioEir^^DC AND ' Jewelry Establishment. P. B. BURN HAM & CO. TTAVE opened, next doOT to M. B. KaojaV 1 JLJL Drug Store, aa elegant assortment of Jew<rfry. eotiaieiing of Indies' (troche*, Ear aud Fin- ? ?er Rings, Cuff Pina. Ac. Geat's llreaot pino, I' IMl lllaMflT llll onJ A.llua 1 I ,,44^... - : '1-11 W mw?*v nnu vvum uuuvfw, ?U|'rnvr ifum ; Ijtr-fikftM, Carwoo lirochc* Guard, Vent and j b fab eh*tn* Gold and Hilver Thimble* Watch * Key* Gold guard Kern, Ifaaorifc Kara* Medal- ?? Sana, Locket* Hpoctndc* Ac. An extra lot of i Knirea; Gold and silver Pencil*, Gold Pen* Ae. ^ A superior lot ef l.n?lii ?' and Gcntlemcns* Port T Monaia and Memorandum* Also. China Caber* G coat Loo | >a ltrtieulc* Hewing Gird a Ladies' Fan a, Plain and aarved Heal* Purse lting* A?- l< An assortment of Mourning Pin*. and Brace ? lata, fto-neMan I ting* Mines' Finger King* Silk r Guitdlk Ac. Patent Match Boxaa. t A choice lot of PKRFUMKKY, Soap* Shaving " iVcaui, Tooth Brush?* Ac. 1-adi?<* Gold Watc4ic?f Ladiea' Album* <'/_>' c' Right-T>*y Lever Clock* superior quality. *' ; i^PAETICTLAR NOTICE. Watehe* Clock* and all binds of Jewelry repaired at shor no iee with despetah. All work _ ' warranted. Call and ace u* ^ P. B. BUBNHAM A C<X jJi I W Tke South 4 arolina b< AGRICULTURIST. Af"l VUE Eteeuiive Committee of the Slate JL Agricultural Society of Smith Carolina, having selected the- subscriber to edit their paper. * ?r???ectu* is now fwtfigd in corn pttaoce with their ioMtix-tions. Thin Jour aalwill be devoted to Agriculture. Hurticnf litre.'-Sc?encs, H-mi TM<s.> Ar,-l.o. lure and Art, the Mechanical un<t Manufacturing interest*, and all the purxwfl* pertain jog to genemi improvement. It will aiao ~ aoataia a faithful trnnarript of the organization and proceeding* of tlie society. Essay? ? and Communication* from tlm bent writers V |n lilt State, and a monthly summary of the ? apirit of the Agricultural pw*?. All subjects devoted to the improvement of thomind, the eoil, stock and domestic comfort, will And ty feadj admission into it* columns, and sncli pbatributiun* aro specialty desired. Thu y . pork will be printed in beanthul, new and fair type,, on tine white paper, with a tinted cover, Ihd wiH contain thirty-two pages p*r T pionth. The publication wiil commence on * the first of May. 1There will also be published * aadttioBaltadvertialng sheet, ns a aopplemcnt, in whmh a limited number of _ Tbamb?$1 00 per annum. No paper , wmt unless the money bn paid in mlvance. J* Life members to the State 'Agricultural So- p*, Lightning Conductors, i HpHfc. luljHriUr w purchased the Right of JL puttinic up the above daaeMfwion nf 1 i? aing Hod* in Orweii ville District, sod is prepared execute-Orders for tlie some to any extent and ftrith promptness and despatch. These Rods arc jonductOi upo.t Scientific principles, and afford ( tha only method yet discovered of absolute "protection'agninafcflglttniitg< Any one acquainted with the laws of electricity, will be immediately convinced of their.utility, upon exantiniqg them rheir value has been totted l?r experience and iciencn and hns been vouched bv hundreds i?t , sertHicntesfroin all parte of the Union. From smongst these the following only are submitted. ' "I have carefully examined Otis' insnlsted Lightnfng Conductor, aud have it nttachod to the , building ttt which I reside. It is tatter eon- , itructeil, aud more securely in?ulntod, than any , form of Lightning ltoda I have seen. It is neat ; slid cheap, and if properly attached to the build- , lug, cannot failbo afford security agai st the i loss of life aiul properly by electricity 1 there- j fore iccomtncnd it as worthy of tfio confidence , of the community, R. F-. Rkvmuv. Frof. of Chemistry, Ac., in S. G. College.'* Mr. P. O. West field hns recently supplied my house with Otis' improved Conductor. 1 have examined them with great enre, and am convinced that they are the best Lightning Rods over Constructed. The methods of attraction and in mlation me,new, and seem to me to be perfect* '1 [ can confidently recommend them to all persons i wishing to socure their houses against lightning. C. J. Ei.roitD. Any further information may he obtained on application to D. 0. WF>?TFIELl)t May 8-52-tf. * Greenville, 8. (J. An Eatray. ^ 18 It A EL < "HARLES returns before I me an estrny mere MULE,of dork brown ?L2Leolor, medium size. four or five yen re old, with iomo marks from ir earing. Appraised at one hundred dollars. 8aid Mule can be had by application at Israel Charles' residence, fourteen miles below Orecnvillc CL ?- Q" the Augusta rood. JOHN \V.8T0Kfc?S M. O, 4>. May 3. 63 4 Battalion Orders. rI^llK 1st Battalion of the Ad Regiment S. C. Jl. Militia, is hereby required to parade at Yeargen's Old Field on Thursday, 16th of Muy, fur Drill and Review. The commissioned and non commissioned officers will attend the day previous for instruction and drill. By order of L'oL UeCulIough. . 8. 8. CRITTENDEN, Mnj. 2st. Bat. 8d Reg. 8. C. M. May 8. 63 1 Town Ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED, bv the Town Council of Greenville, that all Bar-Konm*, Billiard Rooms Ten Pin Alleys. Bowling Saloons, and the i like, licensed or hereafter licensed by theCaun:il shall he closed every night during the sasch i at 10 o'clock, P. M.. and on the Wabbath Shall , not bo opened at all. Be rr rcarMER Dku.mxbd. That for violation of 1 his Ordinance, the first otfence shall be punishf<l by a fine of Twenty-Five Dollars; for the Second, Fifty Dollars; for the tliird and each mbscqucnt offence, a fine of Oqc llnndrod Dolars; one half to the Informer, with ovidenec to :onvict in any court of competent Jurisdiction, Done and ratified in Council, tho twenty-first day of April, A. D>, 1866. 11. LEE TIIRUSTON, Jnt W. P. Purer, Town Clerk. M 8-62-2 ii nf^iftiWvSt ? u J\l "C U J Anti-Rheumatic Powders. ^ Safe, Speedy ami Radical (Jure /or Rheumatism, Rheumat ic Gout and Sciatica. 11TE, the undersigned citizens of Putnam V? Conuly, Georgia, cheerfully bear testiway to the e?1i ?' Linch's Anti-Rheumatic 'avi dera in the tr<.'"tHi?Bt of ncute or ehronie heuiuali*m. ninny c W* baring lieen sucecasfnlr treated by Dr. J. <4. GIBSON, within our permit] k>KiTKJ|(o in aliitli these Powders were riacipally used. ?ei Branbanv. M. D. Wm. B. Carter, bephcn li. Marshall, l> K. Adams, . It. Harwell, Ttteknt* Respeae, L K Tkotna*. J. NuhLwon A others. iWAn* reasonable number or individual cerhcatca can be given in attestation of their eni "ifcffcrod and said by J. G. GIBSON. M. fit, atamoii On., at $t per l>ox. ^ All orders directed to him, with the at ore sura nclosed, and a description of the case shi'U l'? fire with the Atedleins such advice as may su't ? n> peculiarity thereof U For sale by M. B. KARLR. M. D-, Apothecary lid Drutgia?, Greenville, K Ot ai May 1. 61 1 r , p ai Ernest Linwood. ; VPUIXII sup|dr of this very interesting v work, by t*i?r late Aire. Carolina Lea ileiitz, a< u been reoeired at KHbrd's Bookstore. n ALSO, ar THE HAMK AVTHOBiaa, Tho Mob Cap, and other Tales, Rena, or the Suow Bird, Helen and Arthur, or Mine Thursa's Spinning I* Wheel. Eoline, or the Magnolia Vale, . Linda, or the Young Pilot of the Belle Creole, Robert Graham, a Sequel to Linda H The Plaster's Northern Bride. Aunt Patty's Scrap flko or the Brother* Iliriwd, W the <A>Olt aiysa npi-IIM, ' * Wild Jack, or the Stolen Child. M 1. 61-tf G. K. KLFORD. Perfumery, Extracts, dec. , ^RKAM OF BEAUTY, t OUkON'ES, FLA- I J VOICING WATERS, Ac. O? EXTACTS.?Golden Dew Drope, Violet, Jock- V luh. New Mown Hay. Hawthorn, liousy A ickle. Rose, Sweet Brier. Mignonette. O Preston Halts, Lip Baini. Cold ' ream, a Varie- o? of Shaving Soap* TVilet Powder, , . 'J? For sate at A. OKRLNFIKLXF& W a it aAjv hrtafM y*pni *?. % , fc Wine^ 3 > A8PBEBHY Of)RDT\T^ flir.ger Wine. Our \ .'t, Molftgr. NVioe. Cherry Rrai>4y, linger randy. Br.vtdy Peaches, Wolfe'? S*hs>d<un h nappe. Port and ModerU. For sola*1 A 21-50-2. A. OREENflKUY* * i??7;i?i,r : ,, * <MOAKKD SALMON, ftpiesd Oystsra, Pro 5 served Solroon, Preserved lobsters, Cod sh, Maekerel e-?d Sordine* Fof at I A *4-50-2. A. ORIWNFIELim * i tfiAf' ' " - ? __ pm j. f"^. * ?K!" i- * " **$ ' *** -yjEWS . REA, SCRUGGS & CO. DEALER* IN Staple and Fancy thy Goods. < Read y-JIa tie Clothing, BATS AND DApft, HOOTS AND SHOES, CiraelteNJ. |J PAliTTG A1TD OILS, Uh IrtBJOllMS?, *0. I )NE DOOd SOUTH OF THE NEW COURT HOUSE, $ a. m 5S IT AVE OPENED AT THE ABOVE PLACE II n large and varied aseoitnicnt of New and Elegant Goods, a* wliivh they invito attention from their friend* sod the trading community. The Stock line been with grent care tinder the personal supervision of the oroprietor* luring a protracted stay in New-York, ami feel confident in Assuring the public that they can and will offer bargain*. We deem it unnecessary to snumeratc the articles which we bate mi hand, behoving that ah examination of our slock will insure the belief that bargains may be had by calling at our establishment. *3y*Vonntry produce taken in exchange. Greenville, April 3. 47 tf WAR AGAINST HIGH PRICES! Motto?Quick Sales and Small Profits. siPisarsr?* swjmhsessi ..READY-MADE ? a, ? it na o oa ? AT THE Baltimore Clothing Store, ?0 ^STSUfM & oa. HAVE just received, direct from Baltimore, a beautiful and elegant assortment of Clothing. The proprietors would direct the attention of those wishing to purchase to the altove ritnek. It rnntlmla psrt Of CnRH, I'sntw, Vrvts, Shirts, Collars, Cravat*, Gloves, Hosiery and Suspenders. Also, Straw and Panama Hats, Cap*, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Carpet-Bays and Umbrellas. In fact almost every artiele to be found in a fieoi's 0uifitiina EsthMishtofni; 1 U - ALSO, A LOT OF BOY'S AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING. Wo Hunibuff, but a Reality f We will positively kII the above goo Is Twenty-Five per Cent CHE A PER :han the anmc cuo he purchased elsewhere. Wc intern! rentniniug in Greenville, thus giving cus-1 tomit* a* (?i?|?ortuiiity of tenting the eheitpnem iml durability of our Goode. dome and are for yourselves. Next door to Walker's Hotel, and ?ptMwite I'owers and ivldridge, M?in-6tivek (ir.'rriviile, April IT. 4:"> tf I The Stale of South Carolinnl GttKKNVtUJc -IllSTItlLlX. 9y Robert'McKay, Eeq., Ordinary ofemid Diatriet. W 11 Kit K AM, I)r. K. 1). l^ng has tiled * petition in my office, raying that letters of Ad niniatration, with Will annexed, on all and sin;ular the good* and chnt'elc, right* and credits if William M. Ooodlett laU of the Diatriet aforeuid, deceased, should be grnuted to him. 'Dieao are, therefore, to oite and admouidi all r.d singular the kindred and creditors of the u&' deceased, to be and appear in the Court of rdit ar/ for said Diatriet, to bo holden at Greeollle Cou.-t House, on the 12th day of May, ' eat, to shew oause, if any, why the said A?iiioistrati\>n f bould not be granted. \ KOBKKT McK AY, 0.0. D. 3rdan?rr'?, 28th April, 1856. 50-2 .? ?* : tte. The State of South Carolina. GRERNVftLS DISTRICT. In Court of Ordinary. I? L Henderson. Administrator with the WUI annexod, applicant, agr.inst James Henderson, AjCtm jbcjuwa, r\, Z^rssher, <rA ?pRpj>4 hia wife, Thomas Henderson, i*wic ami liehceva Ida ylfe, heirs of Nancy Long,- "<ftid . others, Legatees of P.eekiol Fl.-ndcrson, dcccae- , ed. Defendant* Petition for f%nai Settlement and Decree ^ > *T appearing to my satisfaction, th at the par'i tiea whose names api*ear shore, Ksidfl withit the limits of tbia State: It ia ordered, on id t eerecd, and that they do appear in persop, jr by ' ttoruev st s Usrvaf OrfMssrv. to bwholden at reettvillo Court House, for Greenville Diatriet, < Monday, the 7 th day ?f July next, 1868, at i I j clock, A. M. and duw ?*?**, if an/ thoy havtv ] hy a final Hettlanient and Decree, of Mid Ea-1 ta, should not l*> bad, and on default of appearfC. their conaant will ha taken pro ronftmo, pin* them. BOBT \U K\Y, 0. It. D. rdinary'a Office, Oreanvllle, 55, C. I April 13th, 18. ( ?dw The State of South Carolina. 5 GREENVILLE IHSTttlCT. p imiiel Payne ra. w5?y Payn^, Lcjhm?1 Payne, ,i Joeeph Lampkine ami F.milv luewife and olh, ?, era Bill for- I*orti1toM, Hollrf, -%e. K Toanrna 6 Co?w|'?PU HolV ? T appearing to my entiafaotioa Ihat the Dn- M fonvhmta, Lemuel Payne, Uriah. Payne, J? .yy- 5*7*u*s- x H? thUOtty or tha tame will b? taken yro A 0m j??k>A<lwm _ ?? a A?.TOWfKKS, G B O. D. April t 47 3m *r - 4k b ___. :a?h__ I .* ' Pt. fe- ' -" . ' tirecublije. 8. 6. . FANCY &STAPLF DRY GOODS. niQH DRESS SILKS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, Utawli, lllantilai & Embroideries. AOK.NT TOR RICirS FIRI'-PROOK SAFEft. 1 1 wHtoddnrd's Warranted Piano Fortes, 5? v; I tl Mrs. Allen's Word's Hair Restorer, 2, pi nr. w. n MolFntt's Pills no.l Hitters, 3 ? Dr. David J?yne's Putent Medicines, r, London A O.'s " " 3 2. A. B. A ]>. Snndr.' Sarnaparilin. J ** R tl No. 2, ClearelancT? Buildings, T Nearly opposite Mansion House. ,i January 17, 1866. SO tf e Life a-id Property Iusured. 0 LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! THE A8HEVILLE JUtrtuat 3nfiurafict Campam}v Insures Houses, Stsrss and other Prop rty AGAINST FIRK : And the Uvss of White Person* and Slaves, between the apes of 10 and 00 years ON such terms a* to render tt n most safe and desirable investment. Full detail*, with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Company, will bo furnished on application to any of (he Officers of the Company. D^rfti! n AODAnvw n ^ 1 I um ii iv. v.-,i>vfniirl rrrwt. j W*. W. MoDOWELTj, Vtcc-Prt*. 1 Jar. B. Rankin, Secretary lYeaturer. 1 JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, ? Dec. 27-tf. OREESVILLE, a C. J \ Dissolution ot Co-Partnership. ' THE subscriliers having purchased the entire ' interest of B. N. GOWEtt, in ilie Firm ? ! CmrnrtL- Cua. A M*fclif.o. take_thu method .of calling on nil parsons Indebted to them to mnke immediate payment. GOWKR, COX tfe MA UK LEY. ! Tuoa. r. Gowkk, ) Tikis. M. Cox, V H. C., ) , THE undersigned having sold out his interest to his Into partners in the Wagon nitd Cnrringe Business, wonhl take this opportunity to reeommond them to the confidence of his friends and the public, lie feels assured the business of tho new Finn will suffer no detriment by his withdrawal, as they are employing the very best workmen in all departments of their business. (Signed) E. N. OOWER. Greenville, January 1, 1866. Jan. 10 85 tf Elford & Donaldson, O I CI CAOn T A AAMi I IVAA8I v. II Lirunu> ( I y. UJUnLUOUII. 1 Jan. 10. So Sin f REED & GOODLETT, ATt'TPviDRSSriTOS JA& R,&WS9 Mrri iiville, S. C. J XarOffit?? next door to F. F. Bkattif. JsCo. J. I'. HRKO.] (s. I). OOOIH.KTT. | January 1*2 S5 tf Thompson & Easley, ATtORNYS AT LAW, | GIIKENVILLE C. II., S. C. June 28. 1854. ft ? j WILLIAM I IIIICE, j Attorney at Law. ; \\T ILL punctually attend to nil matter* on- i trlifted to his care. lie may l>e found ' for the present, ot the Law Offio) of Messra. ' TnoMt-aox S Ka/m.kv, or nt the office of the Southera Katerpiise, Greenville C. 11. F?t? 14. 40 tf Medical Notice. rri!K rniinrtnni-e1-1!?*"""*" '^ existing beIT'TweenTwi. TUKPIN A JON KB, has boon dissolved by the death of Dr. Wj*. P. Tuanx.?All paraonf indebted to tho lute firm, will make immediate payment to J)r. W. R. Josh*, aurviving ' copartner. WILL oontinue to occupy the same offioe, and . in offering hi* professional services to the ] Cubiic, ho feels confident, (from hia long and in- jj mate association with Dr. IWiv,) of giv- tj i?K general satisfaction. p Ladies, and all iudividnala auftVring from chronic diseases, will find a consultation with ' l>r. Jonim very much to their advantage. March 27 4ft tf J, rav nntmwwrrffli - jku? ur. DXiii v iiiiJii ti ?0?K sSTTMi. . MAW ITtCTT !RIXt TO WAT.K. J jui THE i.m on hand a law* Rr|d S tSSgf wel I -selected Stock ..f J11SCKLLAN EOU8, TgpsCHOOL and CLASSICAL HOOKS. iVritiiur Paper, Blnnk Books, Mrniorandoms, Ac. Writing Orrku and Caaea, Portfolio*, I, Hold ank iMact Pens, Pencils Ink. Scaling Wax, Wafer*, Males, Copy Books, Ink-Standa, Hule*?, Ac., Ac. r klpoiu>. of th# Big Book. March. 6. 43 8tn W&wm \ a. <3. ^?aa33S>33c p XHAK GlU/KH P. 0? GKEKNVILLB HIST. J* r\KFKtfi< IM? aarviee* to tha public, and solicit* C. Lr patronflff*. All work entrusted to him di rill ba done w?th neatness and diapateli. Any on rton wishing to know how to y>loer (hard or f>, fl;) will bo furnished, on the rocaption of on* b? ollar, with a rooaipt containing full instruction*, th aabiiag bitn baaofdar any metal. Thin receipt aa n*v*r barn offered to th# pnblio before. Sntfaatiou given or the money refunded. Jaw may or sa**u wimeMa A l/> r 4?-tf ? ^ii'W'ee r?ii''?*Wwv??iW.M ..?**?< ? onu'war ?i" a . ^ ffotioe. >iW*' I' A I.L PERSONS having demand# agaiftafc th* **tat* of tha late Dr. W. 3'. Tu*n* are -q?#*t*d to (fie them with Wiuum OkorCK. n?j f Wornajr in fact, and thaaa indkbtad to aaid Rn V. K? ^ ^ ? flreanrffTe Apr# 17. IMA A JT-W-4 * ' Jmil? * r JV7 ' "Wwm.j ?.^li-r-r 7/t * aim C. Garrfcou n?ui O. *V. Gnermon, ?Umini< ( ^ Edmund Garrtopn and other*. heir* and * representatives ?f David Garriaou, deceased,;* Defendants. ~ I Petition fof Fbial t>ei( lament and Decree. FT appearing to u?y satisfaction that I'etcrGur | _ L tivin mill Kdmund Garrison r-*ide without ; ] tc limit* of this State : It is ordered and dc-'L reed, that they do appear nt a Court of Ordi-1? nry to be bidden at Greenville Court 11 uu?e for Ireeuville District, on the Oth *lny of May next, ud shew cause. If any they can, why a final seteincut and decrccHrf* the personal estate of Daid Garrison, deceased, should not be hod, or beir consent to the same will he entered of re- t ord. ROBERT MoKAY. O. O. D. t Greenville, S. C. ) * rdinnry's Ofliec, 16lh Feb. 188A. ) 48-3m \ .THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. f GItEBNVILLE DISTRICT. In 'the Court of Ordinary, f. D. Wbitted and Bailie E. Y. Whitted and " James VV. Binsingtitne, Applicants, against George F. Towucs nod Mary Fovtor, Admiitis trator and Administratrix of the estate of William Blaesinitame, deceased, Reuben Clay- ^ ton nnd Elizabeth his wife, William Blasaiugame, Robert Lylesand Lydia his wife, Tlioin- J as B. Blassingame, John G*. K. Hlnsaingamc, )? f Sai heirs and representatives of said William Inssingatne, deceased, Defendant*. BUI for Fina! Settlement and Decree. I IT appearing to my satisfaction that Rueben Clayton and Elizabeth his wife, William ilassingnme, Robert l.ylea and Lvdin his wife, ritonins It. Blassingame and John G. E. lilaasin;ame, reside without the limits of this Btnte; t is therefore ordered and decreed, that tliev do ippenr at a Court of Ordinary to be haldrn nil Iroenvill* Conrt House for Greenville District >n the 28d day of Mav next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., nnd shew cause*. jf nny thev enn, \\ hv Fiial settlement nnd Decree of tfio Perse nnl Esate of said deceased should not lie made, or their consent., on default, will lie entered of urn>,d ROBERT McKAY, O. O. D. DrJinary's Office, (jreenville, S. 0. ) February Iflth, 1886. f 43?3m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIKA. Greenville Distriot. IN TUB COUKT OF ORDINARY. William M. Leake, applicant, vs. C. J. Kuork, Administrator of tlm estate of Isaac 11. Bbnk Dicr, deceased, I. M. Seeinger and Oi.jvia A. Si'Bjnokr, his wife, John J. Benedict, Susan E. Lkakk, Samuel W. Benedict, Tiioxam J Benedict, legal heirs nnd representatives of !. H. Bknkiuct, deceased, Defeudnntn. Partition far Final Settlement of the Per tonal Krtate. [T appearing to my satisfaction that I. M. .Si'hisoeb, nnd Cuvia A. his wife nnd Samuel W. Benedict, reside without the limits of this *tnte: It fa ordered and decreed that they do ippenr at a Court of Ordinary to he hohicn at j reen ville O. II., of Greenville District, on Kri lay the 23d day of May, A. 1>. 1R56. ami shew , niise, if any thev enn, why a Final Settlement m<l Decree'of the Personal Estate of Isaac II. un edict, deceased, should not be had, els'" their onsont to the some will he entered of record. ROBERT McKAt, O. O. D. Ordinary's Office, 21st of Feb. 1856.-42?3ni STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN A. Greenville District IN THK COURT OF ORDINARY. Anny llenson, Administratrix of the Estate of Sarah Dill, deceased. Applicant, vs. Rebecca llenson, Sidney Butler, Edward Dill, John Dill, Sarah Garrett and Matthew Garrett her husband. Defendants. Petition for funds of Real Estate to pay tbe debts of the said Sarah Dill, deceased. IT ap|>caruig that Sarah Garrett and Matthew Garrett, her husband, reside without the imit* of the State : It to. thcrofore ordered, hat they do appear at the Court of Ordinary to le hohien at Greenville Court Mouse for Grecn ille District, on the 12th day of Mar, Anno v...;..: io(>< -i 1 'vmiiiiii, iouii, iv cm"w cnnw, it iiny mcv can, vliv the proceeds of the sal a of the real estate >f &nrnh Dill, deceased, sold by me for partiition end division, should not he paid over to tnny Henson, Administratrix of the enid Sarah lill." to be npplicd by her to tho puymcnt of the . lehtsof the said Sarah Dill. ' ( iven under my hand ?nd seal, this 11th t. s.l day of February, A. 1)., * ROBERT McKAY. Feb. 14?40-Cm Ordinary of Greenville Dist. ' i STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. ? III the Conrt oT Ordinary. [ ortunntns L Johnson, Administrator with Will r annexed,applicant, against Minor Cox, William Cox, and others. Defendants, Legatees of the t estate of James IS. Gox, deceased. Petition for Final Settlement and Decree of the Per eon al Eetate. [T appearing to my satisfaction that Minor Cox. one of the Defendants, resides without the indts of this State: It is therefore ordered and cereed that ho da appear at a court of Ordiiiay to bo holdon at Greenville court house for I 'reenville District, on the tfirtli day of May ext, at 11 o'elaek, A. M., and shew cause, if any o can, why a Final Settlement and Decree of \o lVraonal Estate of said deceased, should nol . s made; else his consent to the same, will be *1 iken as confessed. J ROBERT McKAl. [l. S.] Ordinary's Office, I ' O. G. D. reenville, S. 0., 7tl* March, f 4 l-?m TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, j GREENVILLE DISTRICT. " TN COURT OR ORDINARY. r racl Charles and Joel Charles, EsMnlMi of the " estate of John Ohnrle*. deceased, and Israel 0 Clunk-*. Administrator of the estate of Kliza- 1 bvth Charles, deceased, Applicants, against /' Mary Garrison, l)nvid Charles, George Montol Irr, and Francis Mos teller his Wife, Maria 6'har Ji?S and Juntos <>. Charles, and others, Dcfen ^ dunta. Petition for Pencil Settlement and Decree. T appearing to my aatisfaetion that Mary Gar >1 rtson, D.tvid Charles, George Mosteller and ancis his Wife, Maria Clinrles and James (J. G liarlcs, reside beyond the limits of this State: to is ordered and .fecreed that they do appear nt | ft> Court for Ordinary to beholden at Otvenville II., of Green ville District, on Monday the SOili 1 ? ty of June next, at II o'clock A. M., to shew j us?f if any thsy ess, why u Final Settlement and oroe of the Estates of John Charles and Klisa th Chsrles, deceased, should not be made; or eireoiisantondefattlt, will ba entered of record. ROBERT McKAY, O. O. B. I Greenville, H. C. I .a , i I diuary's Office, 7th April, 1866. J * ?r 8hmvlng and Hair-Dressing. * Pi """ '*: ,t; ' h - ' BURRIDOK *. : " , lOKTiKinca the Tonsoria! business at his ) old stand, in Bosnia's ttriek Duildkag *-~ 'ihf'dTy f. ^mdnf. April DV. * tf . ,?r />' 1'ftJBBu VJtlr'^L?;I* i] r-. - I I Columbia -AUVFJrrisKM^m I.W.BYTBEWOoji; WM. HENRY SMiTfl.Bythewood ft Smith, FOR THS SCf.E or tieal Estate, Negroes, Cotton; v* Flour, Grain, AS? AIL MANNER OF , 'ROMJCB AND MERCHANDISE/ 204 flow, Richardson St: COLUMBIA, 8. C. RcffrcMcc*. 8leuhon*e, Allen A Co., and Wittie A Goodrin. Cliiu-Iontoii; .lolin A. Crawford and Richard indci-?on. Coluinhin, S. C. ; ltrawley A Ale*- >j aider, ClneterC. If.; Col. S. "N., Ye/tk ril?c, H. C. ; Spring* A Mcl,cnd, Charlotte, N. C.f rtirhacl Brown, Snliahnry, M. O.; It. C. Cooke,' 'otcord, N. V.; 1'r. W. It. libit, J.cxingtoa, fc. ; \Vhitfielj Walker, Newberry. 8. C.; J. frown, Anderson. S. 0.; Cower, Cox A Markley,' Irecuville, Si. C. ; Juo. Kvle, I^nrcne, 8. C. Feb, 28. * 42 Sin G. 8. BOWER, iHanufavfMrer and Dealer la ^2ffijjjf FURNITURE if evnry description. CHAIRS of evcrr atyle. ^ ISK'S CELEBHATEO M ETA Lie BURIA1 CASES, Opposite the Conc/acee House t >cc.7. COLUMBIA,J. C ry L. T. LEVIN, Auctioneer find Commission Merchant,' vSJU. t?\BfMHiaa/4Vg p. (9* RfffiaWSBT donx A. Crawvoro, Prroid/nt Cttumrrrial Bank, loiix Cau^'Cll, Prriulmt b'ou/A Carolina Hail 'oaJ Company. lion. Jotta 8. 1'RksToH, Jbix' IIiyvk, (.'ulumliin. MoRitKniA A Co., IIcnrt MnMb s, tfdh. W. F." L'oi.cock, Charleston. n?ny *Jft. 2 11 &.a'DimSswl, DKALEIt 1N flillgiou*, ijJ?8cJlj)i)c:i!8 and Scfcoct IC9<B<4.M9 19(i Rh'hurtlxon Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. THE NEW ERA, Is Published every Friday Etrniuy in' COLUMBIA, S. C. RY JAKES A. CURTIS. Terms : $2 per nnunm, in Advance. Dec 7. 81 * if WILLIAM A FEAtTtlik, Wholesale &. Retail Grocer#' AND BUYERS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, Cireeuville, S. C., HAVE just. received, and will continna U> keep on liniul a good supply of Coffee, Sugar. Molasses, Rice. Salt, Bacon, Lard. Flour, Meal, Nails, and Many other Articles iiertainiitg Ion Grocery tnbliehment. to which \vc invitcpublifc attention. We are trading in Articles that require lnrge l?aeh Investment and admit of lint short profits, Atid wc find, by experience, that it is impossible to do business on u limited credit. We shall,' therefore, discard hooks, and in future, without Jistiuction or exception, require the CASH on loliverv of Good*. We are also BUYING PRODUCE of y\>erV deleription. and will pay the highest iiinr'kei prices, sither in Cash or Goods, at the pleasure of tho teller. * w.? 3. *t. n urON.?*? WILLIAM*. Nov. 2. 25 tf. Planter's Hotel THK suliscribor beitift desirous of rctir-' AiiS intr from the business would offer the above veil know nnd long established Hotel for sale.' This Hotel is situated in one of the best site* in the town of UreentOlt, and is now in thorntgh repair. It lies attached to the premise* ,?' fine Ten I'in Alloys, Stables, Carriage House, md nil the necessary out-buildings. Hie Hotel ia capable of accommodating about ?ne liendrel persons, and could with but little xpense, be made to ucconimodnte donnle that lumber. To nn v person desirous of entering inotlie business, the above offers on opportunity nrcly met w ilk. For terms, (which will be moderate,) or Curlier particulars, apply to * THOMA* .STERN, Feb. 7. 39-tf. Proprietor of Planter's Hotel.' MERCHANT'S TjOTEI* BY JAMES M. HURST,. (B. Board?$150 Per Bay. February 21. 41 tf PER G. & C. RAIL ROAD. ?\ 1 tot*"* v"\ta iWitSKit-*"'' -. ?. MONTI MIES TO EJX'EIVE, at his^tdfe, opLV nosite. the Mansion House, NEW ADImlONS *?? his Stock of Pry-GonJs ami Otw.-io?, which he offer* at oxcellcnt br.rg ins. Hn rook! state to those who purchase of liim rut' redit that their bills mnst he paid when presetted. Call and examine his Stock. Beside the sua) artick-a to he found in tlie Dry-Goods lino e direeta attention to thu following Groceries , t^r^VSng.irs. Coffee, Molasses, Syrup,* ViscH|b& gar. Sail. Soups, Candid*, A?. Fwh Pish I . , (jnirc-i, oniinnn, apnfTS "ll!?* ?. IXtlWWT*.' fMfft'onvtfV takon in exchange fuC oodA. Ih?e??n. Klo'ir, Meal, Corn, I'cba, I'otaMfc ot her nriH-lcd in that lino, on hjutd, an i VMlo C?WM}V TW* A. (1RKKNF1FI.D. jJ K~ fow&wm-%Tm&T CONFECTIONERY* w.'m. srnS. . '3 ncn? the proprietor of thin fnv?rite rorrti? < lie **HI ?tv.?r * pl< am-th<s fhrnle* cn*- ' merit of tt?!fc< ainMiehment. And l.v ?te?dy evtiow. itf iiiet-eaee the nqmher #f hw jfrtt'rttna At the t '. xfWr?oiter\ ?ill 1>?- fdunlT Camliv^ cklow. PrvMWVtfi Frwltc. lien (.'atet'p*.- < rtnliftK ; ^ Ice Cream and kumeU at ri * f JT'fhe Ihtkci^niH Ur >ofifWtf*'-1 M W?t fe. ??<! a-nMn Br^ad fritJujcd JtQt** 4tkj. i id ?!?? hi^? Apr i\ fO t-^W ' ,...: