University of South Carolina Libraries
BY 60 Per 'Bay. ^ IPhcTitftte of South Carolina *" GREENVILLE DISTRICT. By Dobctt Me Kay, Esq., Ordinary of Maid District. \\THKRKAS, J. A. Subce has filed a Petition T in my offico, praying that Latter* of Administration all-and singular the good* and ebattala, rights and credits of PmauuLA Bubkh, JaLf of the District aforesaid, deceased, should I ba granted to him. Tngad ?^o? therefore, to cito and admonish all and iiHitiiho *? ? ?* _ - - fl "* Aiarami uuu ^rouiiOri OI 1116 J said deceased, to be and. appear in tho Court of! Ordinary for said DlstHet, to he ho'den at Qreonvllle Court House, on tKfc|%ld day of February in*t. to shew eauae, if toy, why the eaid Administration should not be granted. ROBERT MoKAY, O. G. D. Ordinary's Office, 11th Feb. 1806. 40-2 TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ivfrtd Greenville Distriot. IN TUB COURT OF ORDINARY, nay Henson, Administratrix of the Estate of I Sarah Dill, deceased. Applicant, ts. Rebeeea Hsoson, Sidney Butler, Edward Dill. John Dill, Barnli Garrett anil Matthew Garrett her husband. Defendants. Petition for funds of - R?al Estate to pay tho dobta of tlie said Sarah I Dill, deceased. 11 r appearing that Sarah Garrett and Mntthow Garrett, her husband, reside without the limits of the State : It is, therefore ordered, that they do appear at the Court of Ordinary to be holden at Greenyille Court House for OrccnI yille District, on tlie 12th day of Mny, Anuo Domini, 1856, to shew cause, if any tney enn, why the prooeeds of the sale of the real estate afJWrak Dill, deceased, sold by mo for pnrtitition aad division, sliould not Go paid over to Anny Henson, Administratrix of the said Sarah I Dill, to bo applied by herbs the payment of the debts of the said Sarah Dill. Girsa under rtfy hand and seal, this 11th ft. a.1 day of February, A. D., IR56. I ROBERT MoKAY, I Feb. 14?40-3m Ordinary of Greenyille Diet Tbftao urhA Iknva * ? ? - " 7~~ Fiddler. I HOPE those whom I hart served, and who may again require my serviees, will reeolleet that I cannot loose my time and labor for nothing, and that instruments and strings are not to Ve purchased without money. With the understanding then that I am to he paid hereafter for nj services, they can be had at all seasons. w. t. spencer. Feb. M. 40 i At Cost, For Cash. CLOTHING, A WELL ASSORTED STOCK, mostly made in the shop iff -superior workmen.* GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Fine boots, bootees and shoeh THOSE indebted to the subscriber will plena* mike immediate payment, a* the sacrifice of his interests, as above, ore onlv madete raect, pressing obligations JOHN BUKSKY. Feb 7. S? tf * Planter's Hotel aTl^ subscriber being desirous of retiring frem the business would eflW the above welt kn?wi> ami long established Hotel for aalc. This Hotel is situated in ouc of the best sites intbetown of Greenville, and ie now in thorough repair. It has attached to the premises two flue Ten I'in Alleys, Stables, Carriage House, and all tlie necessary out-buildings. The Hotel is capable of accommodating al-out an* hundred parsons, and co.iid with but little expense, be made to accommodate dounlo that 1 cm ruber. To any person desirous of entorimr in- I to the busiaeaA, tho abort otfor? au opportunity rarely met with. * For terraa, (which -will be moderate,) or fur tfcer particular*, apply to THOMAS STEEN, Fab. 7. 38-t? Proprietor of Planter's Hotel. '' "** 1 ? - - * " To all Concerned. NOTICE is hereby given to all indebted to Will! am S. Tuknkr, either by note or book oooaat, that the name linvo been placed in the handa of KASLEY A THRUSTON, and unleee nettled by the 6th day of Moral] next will 1m ?ua4 upon without further notice. February 7. 88 td J Oysters! Oysters! U8T EKCF.IVED, and will be eerved to cuetorn era at all hour*. Call at l\ Smith 'h, AVENUE STREET CONFECTIONERY. # Feb. 7. 88 . tf Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, &c. A. GREENFIELD HAVISO panh?Md the entire Stock of Dry Goods of Wm. 8. Ti'ixn, late CtrrritxDiu A Tuewe*, opposite the Mansion 1 louse, and ro moved Us Stock of Groceries, llard ware, Crocksiy, Iiqnors, Ac., from kis late store opposite the Patriot Ofti ce, is prepared to offer great Bar- | gains in the above articles, lie will keep constantly on hand a well assorted stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and OA PSV Boot - <fe ShoesHARDWARE, CROCKKRV, NAUKdrt;. dy Conn try produee taken in exchango for Goods. Us will keep on hand BAOON, MEAL, I PLOUR, and other article# fur home consumption at as elieap rates ss esn be had in the place. lie returns his thanks for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, and hopes by attention to business and a desire to meet the wants of the people, to receive a continuation of their favor*. Jan. si. ?8-tf Last tfotioe. I " A 1L PERSONS indebted to the concern of I'. in' X. Powsas A Co. by Note or Book A'ceoont are bow informed that longer iodnlgeace cannot be given. all each Notes 31 nseonnta remaining nnpaid np6n tha 1st of March will he put in suit without farther notice. * HOVEY. Jatw 81. 88-8 8?fvi*Iug Copartner. 1 ! ??* Police. \ LL PERSONS havtitt daraaada *g?mt tl.? il *8?u of Roar. B. Woo? deceased are raU> ha?4 ???m in property attaetad, and Um aaid aatal* u? squired to make hwJUl. ptjmtekrH IwlKhto..-.' ai.IT, .. t '* ft 4 <4 C. J. EIFOR0NAL0SON. Jan. 10. 36 Sra S1SD A 9O0PLETT, * ^AWW^ISTSfJa^S AW MW, ?rccnvi!lr, S. C. ?arOffico next door to F. F.B*atti* &Co. J. 1'. HF.KD.] [?. D. OOODLETT. Januaryli v 86 tf Thompson & Easley, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE C. H., S. C. Juno 83, 1864. 6 ft wTLLfAFp.PRI(!Ei Attorney at Law. WILL punctually attend to all matters entrusted to 1m* care. He may bo found for the present, at the Law Office of Messrs. Tnoureo* & Wastry, or at the office of the Southern Enterprise, GreenyiHo G. P. Feb 14. 40 tf ~v II. iToveyT PROPRIETOR OF 6lreenbtl!e. 8. C. FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, RICH DRESS SILKS, BONNETS, RIBBON8, Shawls, Manillas & Embroideries. ACMCXT FOR RICH'S FIRE-PROOF SAFEST V w 5 Stoddard'* Warranted Piano Fortes, ? ^ Mm. Allen's Word'* Ilnir Restorer, 5. M Dr. W. B Moffutt's Pills nnd Bitter*, Dr. David Jay no's Pateut Medicines, 2. **i Loudon cfr Co.'? " 2 2 A. B. AD. Sands' Snrsaporilla, * JS'o. 2, CltavelantT * Building*, Ntturly oppotilt Mantion Horn**. January 17, 1856. 3ft tf Lite itud Property Insnred. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! THE ASHEVILLE JHutiwl Snanrnnrr Cumjmmj Insure* Hooih, Store* and other Prop rty AOAtNST FIRE : And the LItm of Whit* ftnou and Slave*, between Ihe age* of 10 and 00 gears ON ?ieli terms as to rouder it a most safe and desirable investment. Full details, with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Company, will bo furnished on application to any of tlic Officers of the Company. JOSEPH R. OSBORNE, Pr'it. Wm. W. MoDOWELL, McePret. J as. II Rahkiv, Secretary ?fc Tretuurrr. JOHH W. GRADY, Agent, Dec. 27-tf. GREEN VILLK, S. C. Dissolution oi Co-Partnership. THE subscribers having purchased the entire interest of Hi. N. GOWER, in the Finn of Cowans, Cox A Mauklf.t, take thU method of calling on all persona indebted to them to nuke immediate payment. GOITER. OOX A MABKLEY. Tiioa. C. Gutter, 1 Tiios. 111. Cox, y 1L C. Makklky, j -t - -? ? J^L. ?Z2^5L.*?.!! rI^IIE undersigned having sold out hit interest JL to his late partners in the Wagon and Carriage Business, would take this opportunity to recointnond them to tha contidenoe of his friends and the public. IIo feels assured the bueinessof the new Finn will suffer no detriment by his withdrawal, as they are employing the very best workmen in all departments of their business. (Signed) E. N. GOWER. Greenville, January 1, 18fift. Jan. 10 35 if Sealed Proposals* "YY/'ILI-be rceeired, ^by the subscriber, until * i iiiu uiDt ua; wi (inmn next, loruie OUliaing of a Market Ilonae in the town of Greenville. Bidder* will be required to enter into bond for the performance of contract. Specification* for aid building will be seen at the office of II. LEF. Til HUSTON, In Undent W. P. Paice, Clerk of Council, Jan. 24 87 It The Home Journal for 1836. f . NEW AND BKILUANT flKJUES. WE last week issued the first number of the New Series of the Home Journal for 1866, in a new dress, nnd with new attractions. It contained Chanters I. and II. of PAUL KANE, OR PARIS OF A LIFE ELSE UNTOLD. A Novel in Serial Num bers. By N. P. Willis. That number also contained the commencement of a series of origiual novelette, in verse, fottmled upon faet. called, mThr Story or a Star," by J. M. Firld. Besides the contributions and lubor of tlio PJb. it. U I I a -J at i^uitur??nits uviiio ifutiruai cumaiiis me | Foreign and Domestic Correspondence of a j large l?*t of contributor*?the spice of the | European Magazine*?the selections of the most interesting publications of the day? the brief novels?the piquant stories?the sparkling wit and amusing anecdote?the I news nnd go?dp of the Parisian papers?the personal sketches of public characters?the stirring scene* of the world we live in?the chronicle of the newt for ladiee?the fashions ?the facts and outlines of news?the pick of English iuformation?the wit, humor and pathos of the times?the essays on life, literature, society nnd morals, nnd the usnal variety of careful choosing* from the wilderness of English periodical literature, criticwnif poetry,etc< We need not remind our readers that we have also otto or two troeurpossed correspondents in the fashionable society of Jetw York, Who give n* early aews of every new feature of stile and elegance among the leaders of the gay World. Tkrm*.?For one copy,#2;for three copies, ta?-or one copy for the three years, is? always in ad vane*. Address, r MORRIS A WILLIS. Editor,sod Proprietor*, 107 FuHoq-sL N,L nhi CIIAIUS of everj style. Fl??8 CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CA9E8, Opposite the Congaee* /r<nnutt Pec;7. OOLTJMBIA.S. C tj L T, LEVIN, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, OcSHoWSEiGBIlSke B. ? "UEFEUCKN CES. John A. Oratstord, Prerident Commercial Hank, John Cal&wku, President South Carolina /tailroad Company, Hon. John 9. Pwwrox, John Brtcr, Oilunibn. Morohcia dt Co., IIknrt Mimroox, Hon. W. F. Coloocx, C'ltRrlcitou. may 26. 2 tf s. ^owhsiehidT" DBALKR KIT Religious, Miscellaneous uuO School ISIS Itichardfton Street, COLUMBIA, S. O. AMERICAN HOTEL. <9<s>nnwmwn&9 a* m. THE friends of this establishment, And | JSmL tn* puonc at mrge, are respectfully informed tl?*t this HOTEL will b? continued and kepi open for the reception of all who may feel dirpoeed to patronise it. The services of Mr. JAMES L. BEARD, lone favorably known in connexion with the Hotel, have been secured. A continuation of the patronage heretofore given, is respectfully adlioited. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction. The pulinary department will be supplied with the selection of the mnfket. Gentlemen with their families visiting or passing through Columbia can be furnished with un surpassed accommodations; the location being central, retired and convenient to pleasure and business. Mr. JOHN A. SHRILL will continue liis location at the Stables in rear of the Hotel. His omnibus and Carriage line will be In readiness at the different Depots and at the Hotel at all necessary hours, to convey passengers to and from -Hn> WtsMMSsSSS Oummtm Jmmimmgf '' can have them at anv hour. W. BOLLINGER, Proprietor. Jan. 17. 36 tf THE NEW ERA, It Publitfud every Friday Fvtning in COLUMBIA, S. C. BY JAMES A. CURTIS. Terms ; f'2 per annum, in Advance. Dec 7. 81 tf Stoves! Stoves!! TIIE SUBSCRIBERS offers to the public a large variety of Stoves, via: Tho Challenge and Leviathan Cooking Stoves, and various others. Air Tight Cooking Stoves, T)R VARIOUS K1NI?S. PREMIUM COOKING STOVES, Large and fwall Ovens, ALli TLGLLT PREMIUM COoking Stoves. PAULO It OOOKItfO STOVES. P>iclnna Rav sifavna fI all C^. iraa fnr UKiiv?l?aa Storey together with a ft'll assortment ol plain and Jajmtmcd Tin Ware, TIN', COPPER, LEAI) A SHEET IRON WARE MAT AIL IC ROOFIMG Dona in tJbe most approved manner, with dispatch. tW The Trade supplied with TIN WARE at wholesale, niton the low est terms. D. G. WEST FIELD, AGO. UrernvUU, 8. C, \ apr 6, 47 tf Town Ordinance* STREET AND PUBLIC LAMPS. BE IT ORDAINED, That from and after the ratification of this Ordinance it rfiall be unlawful for anj person or persona, not eusjdoyed by the Town Council, for such purpose, to light or extinguish any rtroe't or public Lamp or Larap^ and any white person who shall light or extinguish any such Tximp or Lamps shall forfeit and pay for each and every offence a sunt not exceeding ten dollars, nor lea* than Ave. Any slave or free person of eolor who may transgress against this Ordinance shall bo committed to th# Guard House, and ordered by the Intcndant to receive such corporal punishment as ho mny direct, unless the owner of snch slave, or Guar<fian of free person of color, shall 11.. C- - 1 l-l.i ? !L.J iiic nur iicruiuutiurc |>rCTicrior<L Any person, free or slave, who thnll liroak or injure anv of the Lamp or Lamps, or Lampposts, hall bo lined not exceading twenty-live dallara, or receive ?ucb corporal punishment as the Intendant may direct, unless the owner of such alavo or Guardian of auch free person of color, shall pay the lino hereinbefore prescribed. No person shall hitch any horse, mule or oxen, to any of the Public Lamps under a penalty of five (foilare. It shall be the duty of the Town Marshals to enforce this Ordinance and one half of all lines accruing from violations of this Ordinance shall go to tlio person informing of the same. Done and ratified in Council, this 24th day of December, 1856. 11. LEK TIIRUSTOX, J*ten?W. W. P. Paica, Clerk of Council. Dee. 27. 88 2 PUBLIC ORDINANCE. BF. IT ORDAINED by tb? Town Coun ! r cil of Greenville, lhat any person or persons who shall in any manner, abuse or interfere with any of the Town Marshals, or any other ofllceni of the Town in the discharge of their duties by words or acts shall for each and every offence pay a fine of not moro than #60, and any person or persons aiding or abetting in such abase or interference shall be lined in a sum not exceeding Twenty-Five dollars. Done and ratified in Council, this 27th day of January, A. D. 1856. TT. LEE THURSTON, JnUruianl. Wu. P|PaicK, fowl CHerk. To Male Students. T^HE subscriber proposes to supply boarding, X lights, fast snd washing for lit or 14 Students during the ensuing year st fit per month. The money will be reouir.xf fs be psid semf-unnusllv in advsnee. Should student* beeomfe dWsatleBed, or leave before the end ef the session, the money wilt be refunded, exeept sufficient fa my fair the time eetofumed. W B- * FAJIR. hm. 10/ H tf mmmmmmmmBSB=B=asssasshouseke^hiq aooos. THE LADIE'8 STORE ft f AffKKfVn The New Tear 1856 With an unusually large and complete Stock of Housekeeping Goods. Bleached Sheetings, Furniture Calicoes, Brown u English Chintzes, Bleach 7-8 Shirtings, Table Diapers, Brown M Linen Damasks, PiJIov Cottons, Curtain Embroideries, Bed Tickings, Curtain Dimity, Twilled Jeans, Curtain Unmasks, IN GREAT VARIETY. The above, together with Rich Hilk?, Ribbons, Sec., AS U8CAL. Velvet Moss Trimmings, NK\V AND BEAUTIFUL, A It W. B. HOT BY* 8. WILLIAKIH St FEASTER, Wholesale Sc Retail Grocers AND BUYERS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, Greenville, 9. C., HAVE just received, nn<l will ccntinua to keep on hand a geod supply of Coffee, Sugar. Molasses, Rice. Salt, Baser., Lard, Floor, Heal, Hails, and Many other Article* pertaining to* Orooery Establishment, to wliicn we invite public attention. We are trading in Article* that require large Cash Investment and admit ofhut shvrt profits, and we find, by experience, that it I* impossible to do business on a limited credit. We shall, therefore, discard books, and in future, without distinction or exception, require the CASH on delivery of Good*. We are also BUYING PRODUCE of every description, and willj>?y the highest market prices, either iu Cash or Coods, at tlio pleasure of the ellrr. JACOB X. FEAST EX. LtOXAHD WILLIAMS. Nov. 2. 25 tf. 11 nnnn n n r\ a *\yt a .t aaivi ITKAIU & UUUULfilT 1IAVB REMOVED INTO THEIR NEW STORE Opposite their Old Stand, Wfcre ther will continue to sell to their customers find friends DRY GOODS. GROOKHlV>, dee., at prices AS LOW as can be had. Dec. 27. 83 tf RookN and Stationery. TI1K Subscribers are receiving a largo and varied assortment of the above Articles, which they offer at low prices. a "large variety of classical works. An Extensive Stock oi Miscellaneous Works. SCHOOL BOOKS, Slates, Pens, Pencils, Drawing Books, Water Colors, Dissected Games Ac., Ac. Blank Books, bound, half-bound, and in paper. Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper, by the ream or less. (I... f \t "I'? * ?.*?a wviwi mngiimrrp, csc. With ,i varied assortment ofother articles, to wliicli they invite the Attention of the public. O. E. ELFOUI) &. CO. ?i*r. 2, 42 tf HAIR WORK. KIR. au<l Juts. I.. OLSOft C^7"OU Id) respectfully inform the I.ndic3 nn<l T v Gentlemen of Greenville, and transient visitorsof this place, thnt tlicy have removed froin their former place of living (oiqiositc the \Jan.oion House,) to their (arm in the country. \ yeat variety of Kumlsome Specimen* of their may ho found at tho Watch and Jewelry Store of MR. CIIAKLES SMITH, who will be pleased to receive orders for all work in tlu'ir line. Mr. Smith is in frequent communication with them, nnd customers may depend on having their work promptly executed and delivered. Dec. 14. \ 31 3m ma A ?A mweiw e*?vy?sp*"> wW"Jr?6^Jr??wA>4 a??N)?L^i'. H|^HE undersigned having formed n copnrtnerJ ship under the nan'e Mid style ot GRADY A uOOJDl*KTT, and tnkV. 1 the stock of Goods and Store of Jous. W - Quatr, WI"/]R^3S\ continue the husinesv We hopriaujnw ^T?C. l?y prompt attentions to merit continuance of the liberal pat.*onags heretofore given the bnsineaa. Our stock L< very complete now, and preparation* arc makix'g to enlarge it oon. Give in a eall. JOHN IT. GRADY, ItOli'T. 1*. GOO DLKTT. January, i-*!, 1858. The True Carolinian. THE undersigned will issue at Anderson C. II., on or beforo the first of February, a LITERARY and NEWS JOURNAL, bearing the above title. It will be an independent paper in every sense of tlio term. It will be the size of the late Greenville Mountaineer, and about as large as the Gazette and Advocate. It will be published at the ur.preccdcntedly low rate of Ono Dollar per annum. Persons desiring to subscribe. would do well to send in their names as soon as possible, together with the subscription price, as we intend to require it in advance*, or send no paper. JOllN V. MOORE, Feb 14-tf. Ed. and Proprietor. Warrants I Warrants! VT.E. 3AOI.3T. Attorney at law, u prepared with *11 necessary instructions to procure Itounty Land Warrants under the late act of Congress, granting 190 acres to all who may have served in any of ohe warn. I inmcdiata attention given to nny bnein?nt jof the kind entrusted to his eare. Marfb IS. 44 tf Shaving' Ahd Hair-Dressing. BIJBBlPtiE, (he Barber, has re* fjMnturneif Uf Greenville, and taken nj> hie Headquarter* next door to C. W. Pmais CpTOyA Co 'a Tailoring oatnblixhment, in Beat MVtwi Brick Range, and is prepared to exe ar^Kcote pVery thing in bis lijvJi with the fineel Cp^Utoneh. Oenflemen Nib havwthoir hnir cut fp?\or shampooed, or faees shaved at any time jrjSfdwrins the day or evening, Shaving doss fj^Pbytbs mputb on roesotoabls term a. ^ % jj^h * Book and Job Printing <e*STABU?KMEKT/o) VV V-/ 11 AVI NO A FINE SELECTION OF Hnnrnvsj* S95 ASSTCT&S. CIRCULARS, CATALOGUE^ HAN0-BILL8, WAYBILLS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAM.8, fcC. PRINTED WITH DESPATCH. CHINA, SATIN ENAMEL, 8 AT IN SURFACE AND PLAIN AND COLORED CARDS, %J _ <f f^JtS - upon .fie tl)03t j^oofsble CSlCmS WO A OAlLflfl. t WAxtr iinnAaOAnTATTAIff JDLv n ailu/akiw vvjua a a vm JPIMU) c./AJDJsna3pai? A\Important Announcement rI^O all persons afflicted with 8extlal diseases, A anch as Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, impotence, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Symphilia, tko Vice of Onanism, or Solf-abusc, Ac., Ac. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of rhiladel[>hiH, in view of the awful destruction of human if? and henltli, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which are practised upon the un fortunnto victim* of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a Charitable net worthy of their name, to give Mcdirut Advice Gratis, ?x>all persons thus afflict ed, (Male or Female,) who apply by letter, with a description of their condition," Inge. occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in eases of extreme poverty and Buffering, to Furnish Medicine free of Charge The Howard Association is a benevolent Institution, established by a special endowment, for the relief *f the sick and distressed, atlliptcd with "Virulent and Ep4d?inie Diseases," and its furid* can ho used for no other nurooae. It baa now surplus of moans, which the Directors have voted to advertise the almve notice. It is needless to I add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of tho ago, and >?ill furnish the inost approved modern treatment. Valuable ad vies also given to sick ana nervous females, afIflicted with Womb Complaint, I.cucorrhoea. Ac. t3F~ Address, (post-paid,) Dr. George It. Cnl | bouu. Consulting Stfrgepn,, ll"w?M Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, PuuiS. 11V order of ths Director*, EZRA D. II ART WELL, President GEU. FA1KCH1LD. Secretary, ang 24. 15 tf Proapcctii^of (he SEVENTH VOI.UMS OF TOE 3W33SW WOIRaR ?^?3P?IIIMLk35r. ALL Post Masters nro authorized to net ns Age fits ; commission guarrontend to 1 bo more liberal thran given by other pablica-' lion*, nnd specimen copies sent free to any j parties. Agents wanted in all seCtiofrs of tbe country. rniCK OE THE DCTCftMAX 1 Copt #2 per year 3 oopietf 6 44 5 44 7 44 10 " , 12 " 15 " 16 " Subscription's received for 3, 0 or 9 months, at the same rate. Under the new postage law, the postage on the Dutchman is only thirteen cents a t nn r tit mo wo ft /.f iKa C?nl? V-.- V .1 ;v... ?V ? I'nii \'1 IIIU UKHC \JI iic\T J Ijm ; I out of ilie State, and t6 any part of life Un-! ion, only twenty six cents a year:?in both j ciuunto l>e paid quarterly or annually in hU- ! vauec. These prices will show that tho Dutchman is the cheapest paper in tho world. All orders must be addressed to EDWIN WESTON, & Co., No. 21 Ann street, New York. Dissolution. rpiIE FIRM of M. R. FA RLE <t CO., is this JL day dissolved?person* owing accounts, will please call and settle them. 11. li. LA RLE. Jan. 21 37 R. I>. JLONO. AN ORDINANCE For the government of Slave? and Free Peroont of color in the Town of Greenville. BEIT ORDA1XED, That the market hell shall I he rung every night, from the vornnl to the autumnal equinox at nqunrter before ten <?*clock, ?. m., nud ut a quarter before nine o'clock, p. m., >r the remainder ofthcyear. which shall be a signal for all slaves to repair to their home#; and j any slave found outside of his or her owner or J employer's enclosure after the hour of ten o'clock, i p. in., from the vcriuil to tho autnniunl equinox, ' or after the hour of nine o'clock, p. m? during the remainder of the year, shall be carried to the Guard House, and detained until the next morn 1 L. -1- -71 L. L!.. -1 a. J? in^f wnen lie piiiiii uo not e\rrruinjf twenty lashes, or the owner shall pay a fine of pno dollar, nt the discretion of the presiding officer. 8xc. 2. Be it further ordained, That hereafter no slavo or slaws shall occupy or reside in any house or other building or cjielosnrt within the town of Greenville, other than his or her owner's, without the written consent of such owner, wherein shall l?e expressly described the place where such slave or slaves are allowed to reside, and specifying the time for which such permission is intended to be given, which shn'.l not exceed one month at any one timo without renewal; and any slave offending herein shall he whipped not exceeding twenty lashes, unless the owner or employer ofsuch slave shall pay a fine of five dollars for each slave so offending, together will all cost and charges. Skc. 3. Be it far Our ordained, That no person Mian k-t or biro to any slave any lot, how* room or building within the town of Greenville ; and any person offending herein, shall he subjeot to a penalty of fivo dollars per month during the time such slave shall occupy any auch lot, room, house or building so rented as aforesaid. Sao. 4. lie it further onLiineiL, That sla i-es orj other persons of eolor, more than five in annlier, j hnll not ho permitted (except at funerals, and on : other occasions hereinnfter provided for) to as- j serahle or meet together within the limits of th<> j town of Greenville, unless it he for tlio purpose j of labor, under the charge snd supervision of] some white person, being the owner, employer or overseer of auoh slaves or free persons of col or; and it shall belawfhl for any officer of the town, or any white person, to apprehend any negroes or free persons of eolor, so assembled without the presence of eonij white persona*' above provided ; and for that purpose, antherity j is hereby given to enter into any lot, house, or other building or enclosure within the tdNvrt of Greanvllle, wnerflih any negroes or other persons of color may be assembled contrary to the provisions of this ordinance; and every nogro or person of eolor so apprehended in tho day time, j shall immediately be carried liefore the furendant or any ohe of tne wardens, who' is hereby author i teed eirtf required to order such corporal punish-! ment, net one hwndred lashes, at % V soeh Jut,ondant sr.. wardcua iray in his <Ti* oration cWm proper; and if such ?y> or other person of color lx> H(i>r?l? ended at itWlit, 1m ? h? shall iM-roiifio^i in the Ouard Wdnwi until Ut* n?xt tnorniny, and then curried Wfore the fntendant or nliv one of the kratdena, and daslt with r? above jirortded. 3ca 6. Jie u further ordained, That noHheembly cf negroe* or ither pisrooa* of col?>r *>" the purpose of dancing or other merriment, ah?U ho permitted witliin the limit? of the tO^lTofOrhtDville, without the written pcrrniseiort of the Ii t.mlant, or in hit absence of one oftho wardens; and no such a?*>niblr shall be allowed to continue later than one o'clock at night, under a pettnlty of twenty dollnra for each and every otlVuee, payable l?r th?. owner of occupnrt of tho rrimtsef whero'sUvli offence ,!i committed. Ana the Intendaut or any one of tha wardens or marshals, or other officer of the town, or any 6'1 her ..white person finding ne?r6'u* Of olhcf pers&it of cdldr so assembled without permission from the Intendantoronc of the wardens nr uforeMiid, or after the hour above trweified, is hereby aothonrftn and required fo ttn^H tucli negroes or persons of color hnffiediatety to the ,Guard House, to be there confined and proceeded against, as is provided for uegroe* found ouUide of their owner's or employers V hoursprejerib^ill the first section of this ordinance. A'od any owner oVoecnpant of any house or enclosure witliin tho t/tidn vKn altoll dariv n/1??i?ffn??A/v ?? . ?-1-- ? ? ? ...? wm ? v-v.. y v/r uinM] ? OUf tancc-to any ofthe aioresafd pefsfcnS coming upon' or into their premises for the purpose of nrrestiuff negroes or other pereone of color, ?o" unlawfully assembled as aforesaid.shall. for each nnd every Offence, forfeit and pay a fine of not less than tv?i ty nor .more than fifty dollars. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained,, That no owner or othor person having the charge aud government of any slave, shall permit Such slave to carry on any mechanic or handicraft trails, in any shop or other plnce within the town, in the nmne or on the account of such slnve, under a peualty of five dollars fft'r every day such slave shall carry on such trade ss aforesaid Sre. 7. Be it further ordained. That no slave or free person of. color shall be permitted to lttcp a shop or stand within the limits of the tbwrt of Greenville, except at the market, for th'e sale of any article* or commodities whatsoever, either <jn his <Vr her own account, or on account of nis or her owner or guardian, or nhy other person, without a written license or permission from th? Council, under a penalty of fifty lashes for each and every offence; nor shall any such slave or free person of color he allowed to sell, within the corporate limits of the. town t>f Greenville, any article or commodity tflmt&ver, without fho written permission of Ins or her owner, employer or guaYdrrtn, except garden vegetables, fruits, milk, ice cream, fish and oysters ; and any slave or froo person of cofor offending herein, sh ill be punished not exceeding nftr lashes, as the Council may direct, Src. 8. Be it farther ordained, TV*t Hshall not be lawful for any slnvo or free person of Color, within the corporate limits of the town Of Gfeinville, to purchase any poultry, butter, eggs, venison, wild f6\vl, oh arty other Article ov commOditv, whatever, with a view to send the same to rfny hthyr matket or place to be sold 6n profit or exiicotntihn Of nrnfit nnd tin*.., /,? - , , , ..... iict |>rr; son of color who ahull offend herein, ahull forfeit nil the articles or Commodities so' purchased, nnd sh'ffll also be Whipped n6f exceeding fifty lashes on the bure hack. Set. 9. Be U furl fur ordaitied, Tlmt no rO'crchant or shop keeper within tbo town of Greenville, shall peNnit any slnve Or free person of color to Set Hi nis or her clerk or ngent in the snlo of nny goods, wares or merchandize, under n penalty of twenty dollnrsfor each and every offence, Sec. 10. Be it further ordained, That any tdavo or free person of color who shall be found drunfif; or shall otherwise niibbehnvc, by acting in a noisy or boisterous manner, or by singing an indecent song or hallooing within she limits of the said town, shnll for each ami every offence receive not exceeding one hundred lushes; and any slave of free person of color who shall smoke n se^ar in *. tiny streot or in nny open and public plnee in th?' toWn, or shnll walk with a cane, eliiD or stick, (except tho lame, infirm, or blind,) shall for eacht and cveryoffenco receive not exceeding twenty lashes. Sec. 11. Be it further ordained, Thnt nny person who shnll hire or loan to nnv slave or slaves nny liorso or horses, or any enrrnge, buggy, sulky or other Vehicle, without the written consent of the owner, employer or other person having tho ehnrgc and government of such alnv? or slaves, shall be subject toapennlty not exceeding tea dollars for each nnd every offence. Sec. 12. Be it further ordained, Thnt nny perron who shall hire any slnve from nny non-resident owner, to ho employed within the corporate limits of the town of Greenville, and who shall not duly ?. i ?- ... . ' n jnin, mini miiyr io Hie I own l_ierKtO lie Taxed,shall be subject to a penalty of ten dollars for eaeff and every slave so hired bv hirn.which he shall full or neglect, to return as aforesaid, one-half of wl/reh said penalty shall be paid to the informer. Hm I?. lie it further ordained, That it shall ftot be lawful for any slave to keep a boarding house in the town of Oroenville, or board or lodge any white person, slave or free person of color,nor shall it be lawful for any white person, slave W free person of color to board or lodge with any slave, nor shall any slave be allowed to" board or lodge in any part of a house occupied by nnv white person or free negro, unless bona fde hired or bound to sueli white person or free negro, or unless such house bo upon the premises of the owner, or other person having the ehnrgo aiuf government Of such slave, and with the consent of sneh owner or other person having charge of such slave; and any wlrito person who shall violate this section of tho ordinance, shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars, and nnv slave or free perpon of color for a like oft'encesTiall receive not exceeding fifty lashes for each and every offence. Sec. 14. lie it further ordained, That slaves and free persons pf color shall be allowed to assemble at anv of the Churches of the town for the purpose of refigious worship three times in each week and not elsewhere or oftener: Provided. That at all such meetings some responsible vfhite citizen Of the town bo and remait^prosent during saidf meeting4. Sec. 13. lie it further ordained. That every ticket, giving permission to any person or persona of color, to be hhscnf frobi the premises of his or her owner or employer, &r frob> his, her or their premises, shall designate and express, hy the name of tho owner or occupants of the premises,', the place from which such person or persons of color has or have permission to go, and also express ami designate, in .lie i?aaii .iiaiiuit, the place or places to which, he, she or they is or are going. 8ec. 16. Be itfurther orJained, If, aftcf ringing mo ucii, Bim miivt' or iree person or color shall' ho see* outside of the gnfe or of her owner, employer of guardian, not befog actually on hie way to some plaoe to which ho i* authorized by a written permit, to proceed, such slnvo or' person of color ?hnll be liable to the penalties ns ore imposed for being taken up without a ticket*' though soch slave or free person of color should retreat into his or her owner1*; employer's or guardian's enclosure, before he or she can be ar rested ; Mid,on notice being given to such owner or employer, he shall cause ?ueh slave to l?e delivered to the Watchman or patrol to be carried to the Qnard Ileus*; and on failing to do so, shall forfeit not lesh than Itve dollars nor more than' ten dollars ; nud if a free person of color, lie Or shall be arrestod nml earri?*d to the Canard House t6 bv disposed of in the same manner ah per sons tiiVou np without tickets. Done and ratified under the corporate seUl of the . . said Tovn of (rreennilfe, on the eeventeHtth lu M Jo>/ of J ant tarn, in the t/rar of our Lord tine thnumnd eiafu htotdr-d and /tfty-f'x. IL LiCICTllttUSTOX. hktindmii, W F. Tawr, (ler\ of CovneU, I ^ \ ' a ?