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??M?? ? *v '"v ' ** 4 Oil x gco. Virrs. . * Coite, brother twin, let's do onr l*?t to smooth toe rougher way* of ttfcr. Bid Envy, with her jaundiced eve, Avaunt: nnd grim, ignoble Strit'o Give place to true Fraternity : Ami Discord. clamoroii\ depirt; Let gentle, H\vecb voiced Uani?tmy Enfokl it* twain?nye, heart to heart. Why should we *??>* toother bore. And wort* iiuui waste lift s pieeh?iM hoorw? Why ?nw each path with cruel thorn*, When caster far to culture flowers ! J . Why nurture fiery.fronted Hate, I Whien mild eyed Love stands pining by I ! And burst tbroffgh dntlt {xmkttons doors, j When angels woo u* lu the sky ! Nay. brother man, it is not well: j \Y? Mft the error of the pa*t; So, hand iu hand, lei's take our slnud, IModgod iu a ftk'uddiip that shall Inst, Tliew, ??h mid voir foil upon the wnv, fll not dewrt vow Mnkiiig ?oul: And, if I druopfrum lack of sirongth, ilelp, help ino forward to the goal. atjjb o'isr? Charity Araonj Juveniles. The Newark, X. I. AJvcrti?r re-j latua the following interesting incident A little hare-footed member of ono ?4 our public schools, whose want of shoes ami stockings had not attracted any attention during the pleasant! weather wilh which we have been so highly favored hitherto, appeared j among his clnssmn cs day before yesterday in the garb provided for him, by iiktti'M. At iiMtnl wilh buys sent:. laughed at bis ridiculous appearance,1 whilo others, perhaps not naturally more kind-hearted hut nnro relive ting pitied his painful condition and attributed it to what was really the ease ? his poverty. A g*ud deal of boisterous talking was the consequence; b?t this resulted thtaliv in the prevalence df a benevolent sentiment ami >ng all concoruc I. Trie little shivering follow was carried into the school room the subject of the sympathy of.all his littlo companions, and the attention of the teacher directed to his deplorable eomlirioit. "Well. bnyV said bo, "this litMe l>ov is doubles* pleased with the kind footings which seem to animate you an, an<i now wirn a ntrio effort on the wirt of each, you can make him coufortahle ami happy. Heap your pen-* uiiM together to-morrow morning and get him a pair of shoes." The proposition put them all in the best possiMe humor: and the thought that on the Morrow they would have fin Oportunity of performing a generous action, seemed to make eac-h one! ten fold more diligent in his pursuits.. Yesterday, as usual, tho lit-lo fellow j to school, his bare feet red and j aching with the snow and ice, through i which he was a ohligod to pass. The! bovs took him almost in their arms, j and depositing liitn in the school room, flung a ]>erfect shower of pennies audi sixpences upon the teacher's de.-.k ; and i the teacher himself was obliged byj their importunities to start forthwith ui search of the desired shoes. Rut i>itv had not eonon I v??t Ai i ?r - ? " j **" ; they trotted along the snow-covered; pavement at the Rule of their teacher, every one stopped to lo<?k at the paiiiri fiif sight, and the fact that provision ! |t#r it w;M so evident, that before the hoe shop was attained, the fund had *? much swollen by tho voluntary con j tributions passers bv that the little bare feet were periiitttc 1 to rejoice, not on- j ly in shoes, but in hnndsoino lxx>ts ad several pair of nice warm woolen stocking*. Fenagyric On Bode. *| Tha almost forgotten French romancer Cleinence Robert, tlun warmly expressed himself oil the comforts of the j bed: 4iA bed is certainly the nust precious and most favorite asylum found here Mow. In fact, when 1 look at it, and when I think, when I step info t, how one is suddently, as if by em bailment, rtd of fatigue, cold, wind, dntt, rain, importunate visitors, tedious conversation conimon-r lace remarks, pompons assertions, nrag{ging, putting forth head-strong opin-j tons, contradictions, discussions, traveling stories, confidential readings of a yoeinor a whole tragedv,explanation or system fi> lonct wo wfa. interiniiiablti jwonohrgue-j,. aiwl that In j>hici> of nil lhe?e one lift* f^eMtre*, thoughts fnc-! nlories to l>ecftlie.l up, thot he t* in the society, or piiiwf ? mos mm! visions j?iss.t to the mind, *n<l nil fhete dream*, uhieh u foreign wrin Vr^eitUo "moonlight of the brain H'hcn t think ?<ujl those h-s t look at n ImJ, t know nut a hut worths to nmk-two of to exfNH?M My ?utWwhia>ni ami -vcrieratfon, *vr>?J f nft\ ti'OiUt" h * *-i u'i -r.-i!!- '> ' 'v ? f.& x - 4 mmmmws Man, WfmanjB^v ^ ^y. Aiul mow, yottng man, I Approach a J terrible important epockin your kui recP?tu ill, the day o* yohr weddin. j hod i Tiuw ?fe a plenty o> waste I Paupor tu ajHiro, i wttu Mil np a gtidMcnuv sheets in an Attempt tu port* tray The kuractnr of wumcn. hut i Shrink from the tarsk in' horror! lett it suffice tu scv, that Wen 1 thedey arrives in which vo set Sale on ! the S?Mt of mntroinony, 011 That very i dey a Pedlock is fastened tu Your j lilhfrtics, on Key kati unlockf * I i treiubie as i See vo a stamliu on The brink of that 'fire*precipice, & wud Gin the wurld tu reach lorrid ?K save yo. it wild linv bin better for Yc, hadn't ye never llin boru, or (bein' lk>rn) that Your ma had tied Sum 1-2 d-zen mill stones About ye, it soused A i> intll (lift n/>onn O 1? >. -1 - _ v ...... >?v ./vvuii, newt v/vor the Fust dey urter Birth. ?j i hnv Often sot down & pondered j Ovur wat on uirtH Wimeu was made For. it scams Tu mo they Are scut; j merely Tu uekt as a sort o' brakes' As wetnen are a Gliditi along on the! tracks tu j>eace, Happiness & pros perity. i wen i Fast seo dehorah up in thesingin gallery, and 1 leered her roll oat Ola hundred & lithcr Kindred tunes, i Sed tu inyself,(se*aesI) ?most; Snrtiuly that is An angel a Sittin up | in that 'ere Gallery, unawares !" & so i Follerod up tho idee till i XJarncd tu my sorrow the trtitli of the! prevai l), That awl Aiut gold wnt Glit-j tors. in fackt, the more ye see a Woimiuj dressed up in Plumes dc feathers, the More pizcnttiiA She is. stripped ofj tier Finery, what do you See??nin empty Sepulkrc! but i think i hav ted Emit, young\ man, Tu induce ye Tu gin tin awl. Thorts konsarningniamage. I liowsomevcr, it' Vo insist on't d: ; Think vc kiuit Git along without llaviu , a woman tnggin artcr ye, he Sartin tu . study well liitu Iter kapacitiofi Fori hard wurk. wile i was kortin delxuah, i used In J go round, ?fc Peep intu the kitchen1 I Winders tu see her Stir up the DonghfJ churn the butter, A: ho on, & Was j 1 much amused At the oxhibjsltun o'; Her industrial propensities, (so Tu , in mm. j;uk%, sue iiari ii Most; , powerful arm, ?fc n Fiat that would ' Fell a Voko of oxen. aiming nth or Thing*, take panes tuj j avoid A loud talk in \V minus. Jfem , me?which had Vo ruvther! j have a Buzzin round year Ear, a bablili ; vvitman or A nest of hornets, i j Shud involuntarily kry out, for marcj'a sake! Your butubel hoes! | beware, all so, oia wiuimn with red j hare?she'll fckiti vo alive, afore The . fust quai teriu ofThe honey inoone?? j they are the most vindictive people i ( suppose, in The long run, that Ye will kitm Akross. stout and I'ortly witnen are Ojectionabel on akount of the terrihel (quantity of Food they lay away, (i wtince ...... ... nvvi> < IIIWIIKII alKIV * ?I ( lie VI1tols dehorn kntisumod in wun week but i found if i Undertuk it, i Sliuldirt have no time for Nothin else, so i Gin it up,} j pur lontry?a very Thin wimnn, (wan That you knn blow About the' house with a wistle,) is apt to Imv A ! tcmj?er of A snuppin turtel. they tiro | Very wiry <te waspish, A you A'ay show em us Much o' the milk of I Unman kindness as jo Ken jtossibly! <*in down, every Drop on't will kurdel !t | but Xo more this time. J op Saw. j i A writer in the Boston Herald i thus alludes to "Heaven's l>e?t girt to | man:"?"a woman is about the most; wily & treacherous Bein ye knn ban-; ! die. thar aint Xo limits tn The troub-1 les Disasters she'll put Ve tu, when > Ifer w?ts are fairly at wurk. I believe I hav beeu to more Funerals of; old men who kum tu Untimely ends thro1 the Harsh trcetment of tliar Wivw, than would Iteacli from Hero ' to boston, provided Tiie saxto?i,t;;k strung 'etu Out in wun Proewkm;1 (wicli didn't well he Possible, ns they 1 was killed at different intervals.'^ Thk following horizontal musings of. ! a loafing tippler deserves to be per petuated. II ear him w ail. "Leave* have theii time to fall.' And ko likewise Imfe I; The r?MO? lliuV the wine?it Oimie? of our getting dry. But hero1 Ihe difference twixt leave*; and me: I falls 'more harder' and i more i rem lent lee.'1 Pkr iimmk?\ fashionable lady at ^ a watering place hud a favorite Jap-dog, ! w hich she called Perchance, j >%A siiignlar name for your lmautiful ! |*y*t, madam : w1>ere did tfnd it t ' 4Oh," drawled die, n>'*t cvqnWtc.' ly, "it was named k?f Byron* dog.? l ott rei.HMulaw whem he -peak- oflt.1 and says < , ?"V-Mcluun-a. mi .h.g v^JTI * ' W'~\ * A Nice Bedfellow.?4* Wail, stran. g^^^^d^h^kwootUinan^to^a man no objection to your keeping wid> nie, none it*-fho leant, but it seems to mo tlie bed's rather narrow for yotl to sleep comfortable, Considering how I drcntn. You see I am an old trapper, i and generally dream of fchootin' and! seal pin' Injuns. Where I stopped' night ftfore lost; they clmrgcd me live ]; dollars extra, cause I happened to j wnittlo up the heard-board |l the | night. But you can come, stranger, if , you liko; I feel kinder peaceable now." j "I love Yow, Kuth. You have sorely been able to disceara it. My love is ardent and sincere?oh, say tlmt1 you'll return it." "Keturn it, Paul ? No, not I. I've striven too hard to guin it; and new I've got it, by your leave I'd rather J far retain it." How to commence Business. We'll, boys, we doubt uot that you would like to rise high in the vfurld, and become good farmers, merchants Ac. Hero is a good motto for yotvbegiu at the lowest round on the ladder and keep climbing; and here is a story which will illustrate just what we warn io say. uno 01 me most wealthy merchants of Now York city tells ua how lie commenced business. lie , says: j, "I entered ft store and asked if ft clerk was not wanted 'No,1 in n rough ' ] tone, was the answer, all being too ' bnsv to bother with me j when I re fleeted that if they did not want ft clerk they might want a laborer, but I was dressed too flue for that. 1 went to my lodgings, put on a rough garb, and the next day went into the same,; store and demanded if they did not >. want a porter, ard *No, sir,1 was the ' response ; when 1 exclaimed, in despair ; ] almost, 'a laborer i Sir, I will work 11 at any wages. Wages is not my object; j I must have em ploy,and want to be use- ful in business.1 Th se last remarks 1 attracted their attention, and in the ] end I was hired as a laborer in tlieji basement an?l sub cellar, in very lu\v J pay, scarcely enough to keep Isnly j and st?ul together. In the basement 1 and sab-coller I soon attracted the at-1 tention of the counting house and chief; clerks. I save?l enough for tny em-j ]>Ioyers in little things to pay inv i wages ten times over, and they *omi' found it out. 1 did not let any person ! about commit j>etly larcenies without; remonstrance and threats of ex^ioenre,< if remonstrance would not do. I did , not ask for any ten hour law. If ! j was wanted at 8 a. m, I never growled, hut told every l>ody to go home, 'ami I would see overy tiling right.' I loaded off at daybreak packages,for the morn-j ing lxmts, or carried them invself. In i short, I soon l>ccu:ne iudcspcnsablc to iny employers, and I rose and rose until I became the head of the house, with money enough, us you see, to give 1 mean}* luxury or any js'sition a mercantile man may desire for hinself and children in this grrat city." [Primmer a Friend. II kick, said a dandy to an Irish la , borer, come tell me the biggist lie you ever told in your life, and nl treat you to a whiskey punch. An' by my soul,, quickly retorted Pat, yer honoris a gentleman, JIeau IIickman, hearing a gentle-1 man quote the Now Year's song begin-1 ning '"King ont, wild bells," modestly remarked that lie would prefer to' uJtnrj in? m<m> -lit ? ? Bhkhxo 'km out.?Up at Manchester, the other day, a jatrty front Host on was examining the factory faciltie* and buildings, and. among the rest, the force pumps that throw water a'l; over the premises. This was just as the girls were leaving their woi*fc, ami some ?f them got pretty wot. "Yon are washing your girls, Colonel,** snid< oim* of the party to the master ot the! ceremonies. "Yes," said he, <|iiickij,j us the bell sounded lor closing the work for the day; "Yes, 'and wo are! now ringing them out." i?99 t ? To hear the discourse of wise men, ; delights us, and their company inspires us with nohle and generous contemplations. years ago it was claimed hy the Welsh tliati one of their countrymen was tlm first, discoverer of America. Their mode! of proving it was this wise ';Oue??fowr counti') men lifted ontj all expedition and blurted im a vorn^ji of dieoovory. 11m was nover beard *4 afterward*.' An o.\ change n?ks, 'ami if he didn't diaktvor America, tlw>n what became of him f Why, be married a smuwr Mr of y fashion and turned a Hinginn, which , event wiw noted in ?l) the pajters of t hat time. ^ ( Nmat ^ve advice unlem it to naked fit particularly wlioro there to no ;?v-> dmluTTtr of ir* heinjr ?4h?We*U ' jiJU " i ? ?in, i ii ui jgga SCIENTIFIC INF0EMAT10* FOR THE WHOLE WORLD. 0rVrtfr*V*0WCAT ITIIWfCRT. Tift Jfot/U? Raido*? Ckapmtofi jvrt-calculation* Jbr eUmtmlavy ckam~ art, bused upon the discovery of lfi? physical laws and Uarruony of electrical action pervading the solar system, a* involved in the differing effect* of light modified (or polarised) bv differing sngle* or reflection on a large scale. ThS important discovery of the lows i of nature which regulate the change* of the element-*, constitute* a subject of tnngnitudu and importance, perhaps unsurpassed by any othefr on the page# of historic record.?^ The surprising accuracy with which Dr. Chapman is enabled to pro calculate all elementary change* predisposing more to storms, earthquakes, auroras, Ac., and also atmospheric changes within the hour of each day, months in the future, and tho physical etlects on the health, fueling* and humors of mankind, must be admitted by all unprejudiced mind* to be of incalculable advantage to the whole human race. In presenting the U.vinuow to the public, u?J do not claim it to be an infallible weather guide. But this much we do claim, that it will be found to be cotrect to the letter eight times out of every ten. All wo ask is a candid examination. Terras of Rainbow* {si per year, in advance, 50 cents for six months. Chapmttn'* Paincipia, or ntaurefirst principles, cloth binding, 12mo., 200 pages. Volume first contains a full explanation of tl?e discovery *x> which Dr. Chapman has devoted the last nine years of clone observatain*. Published every six months, (March and S<*pteml?er, price $1 per volume, for which it will be sent, post paid, to any part of the country. First volume now read v. Address C.\ M 1'BELL <fc CX, So. 73 South Fourth St. above Walnut,; Phi hula. To the Public. ASHEVILLE HOTEL. THE nuhacriber, having taken charge of jglj^thU Hotel, in the west end of Main atrrct, in 4nl?< 1'illr,- N. tt, l?y Jul!, ilmr. (otm, is rrei.arod toarcommtNlatf bin old friends t ml the public giiiH>nilly, with everything necessary to their comfort during their stay with him. ilv'liojx'S from his long exf*er!?MM in tho busiit..s, to l*e able to giro satisfaction to all. \ ni3i3 dinil- be furnished with the Wet the country af- j Wd*. PERMANENTnndTCMPUHART Board- j rs can be accommodated u|K>n reasonable terms.; lis NtMetfnllT solicit# n share of puldie patron-1 age. * JOHN McBltiDK. Hay 11. 5i tf STATE OF MH'Tll t AHOLIAA. GREEN VILLE DISTRICT. :r*r rj d m'w ?:? rzha&s. Walker A Irvine, 1 Declaration in Assuiusit. t>*. J- Damage John Meliride. ) It. F. l'mnv, I'ltTs Att'y. \ V* I1KUKAM the Plaintiff did on the 10th day * V of August, 1855, tile hss declaration a gMifixi me ueienunuT, who ia atount from. And without tin* limit# of the State, und hns neither wife nor attorney, known within the same, upon whom it ropy of the said declnrntion might be served. It is ordered that the said defendant do ap i?enr and plead to the said declaration, on or before the 11 ill day ?f August, in the year of our I?rd, one thousand eight htindron and fiftyrix, otherwise final and nlewdute judgement will bo gi\?n and awarded against him. l>. HOKE, C. C. P. Clerks OtTicc, Grrenville C. 11. ) August 10 1853. \ Sin Ij A GEORGIA BOOK. The Thrc? Golden Liuku, 7 I OH Tales iif Odd Fellowship. BT BIBS 0. W. BARBER. Lis* thk Firet.-?Friendship or tk* Musurious Governeet. I.i nk tub Second.?Love, or lh? Adventure* of an American Student. Link the Ttiiun.? Truth, or Crasy liady* and her Child.. IN the present work Miss Baubsk has succeeded, moat happily, in illusirftting tlie throe cardinal, principle* of Odd Fellowship?Friendship, Love and Truth. The stores nre well written and, whilo they will particularly interest the Odd Fellow, are ol such n character as to recommend them to readers of every class. Tlio Authoress stands deservedly high in literary circles at the South, ami we (eel sure that this book will enhance her reputation. It will bo published in a volume of near two hundred pages, printed in double Cvl urn us, on Hue white pajrer, and elegantly bound in muslin, gilt. J'rico 75 cents. Six copies will bo sent for Four dollars ; Ten copies for Six dollars. The trade will he supplied on the moat liberal terms. The cash or undoubted re ference must accompany orders, in all cases. Addieas. TU08. A. BL'KKE, Publisher, January 17. Caaavillc, Ga. "Tie Oood Time Cemiaf,*1 v t. a \n nn it rpilO?P. who wish to hear sontothiiig of that l* h>ng>espcete?l day, should read title book. Jt Is having an immense sole; flOoO <-opieeh?v in^ Item ordered iu advance of publication. We send a copy by mail, postpaid on receipt of the priee, fl. J. W. HKAItl.KY. 1'nMinlirr. > f 44 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. I'n. pf* X. H. Ag-nt* wanted to wll thl< and other popular book* in nil pnrt* of the United State#, lend f<>r imr IJ?t and term# to Agent*. ' dee. 20 31 if. . m tt# , YOU ore wywtoi *? wort at the W\ Won U?.w of th>v Hona of 1'etnuerMto# ?Atil ?urtW order*. Meeting?Onlay fcv?*i?g*. toy *nler of W. Puck, W??. ft-. ..,*#** ; Jnunry li. M . ~ ?ejT T",*"'?1 * 1 " ? V' 4 JfEfltoO OlfjT, tforth alAwt three dollar* i'V pr tetrMh. 4pptr ?<*; ,\. ft. n^Uiie.xll.*. 'jf i TT?e the Jia^io Impression JPapor ForWriting WithoutPm LKAV4BV PLASTY, KLOWEU3, I \J TUkUro, Patters* from Embroidery, mark | $.1* Linen indvlliMy, and manifold wriiing.? Tliu article' is absolutely the boat pocket inkI nkwl in tho known world, for ft mwll quantity folded and plnood In the pocket Constituting a travelling inkstand which cannot be broken.? No pen it needed, for any stick shirked to * point, writes equally with the best gold pen In j the universe. hor ui-nwing it Is inn??i>en*nh)e. ( it u indeed the wholeurtof drawing amipainting | ?taught in one Icwwa. Any leaf plant or lib#" 1 er can be transferred to the |?agoa of tho album, 1 with a minute nml distinct resemblance of nature. With oquirt facility pictures and cnibml| dory patterns c.tu be tnkeu, and Iiavc received tho highest culogiuuM form the fair sex. and indeed a inoro tasteful present for a tady could | not be produced. Hits magic paper will also mark linen, or other articles so us to be perfect ly indelible. All the washing in the world fnilsto bring it out. Any child eun use it with perfect ense. With this Magic Paper, likewise, one or | four oopki of every Mtw written own bo seen rod without nay additional Int.or whsKevrr, making it tho cheapest and most convenient artiole extant. It is used to great advantage by j reporters of the public press, Telegraphic operators. and a host of others. Kneh package eontains four different colors?Black, Blue, fj recti and Red?with full and printed instruction^ for all to use. nnd will last sufficiently long to obtain tiro hundred distinct impression*. It is put up in beautifully enamelled colored envelopes, with a truthful likeness of tho Pro-1 prictor attached. Each and evory package warranted. I'rioe V2 a dozen or live for $1. Single pack-i ages 25 cents. Address, post paid, N. HUBBF.IX. 107 Broadway, Sew York, f OPINIONS OK TIIK PBRSA llcnorix's Maow lnrsK??:oi I'AKft?Wo refer j our readers to th? advertisement in another I column, vetting forth the merits of litis pleasing nn?l ingenious invention. 'Hie choapne?? should induce all to give it a trial.?Philadelphia Merchant. , , It is ansurposscd for neatncM nn<l utility and . should meet with the sale it richly deserves.? Tribune. Just what the public has long desired, mid re commends itself to every individual ofta?to and refinement.?Journal and Courier. Oct 24. 2U. Sin. Prospectus or the SEVENTH VOLISIN OF THE &rm w mazrmn&iM&J ALL Poat Musters uro authorised to act 1 as Agents ; commission gunrrnntend to ' be inoru liberal than given by other publications, mid specimen copies sent frvu to any parties. Agents wanted in all sections of the country. l'KICR OK TI1E Dl/TCHM AN I 1 copy feg per year , 3 copies 5 * 5 ** 7 * 10 ? 12 " 15 " 15 M Subscriptions received for 3, 8 or 0 month*, at the smite rule. Under the new postage law. the postage ' on the Dutchman is only thirteen cents a| year to any part of the State of New York ; | out of the State, and to any part of the Un-11 ion, only twenty six cents a year!?in both case* to be {mid quarterly or annually in advance. These price* will show that the Dutchman is the cheapest paper in the world. All order* roust be addressed to * EDWIN WESTON.dc Co., No. 21 Ann street, New York. n kw- y on k a i?v Kirrisi :m ks t. tircat Reduction in PricpK. Fae Gold Hantiioj l''nt. I<ever Watche* $75-13o irciu. " 4B-8# 4 " 0]kso Fate " " ** 3i?4? Lcpiac* 2a-y* Silwr limiting Patent U'Vit Watehe* X2-3& Det'd. " 1?~*? tiol.l Vest, Xeek and Fob CHAINS Ladies' Chatelaine Chains Itreavt Pine, Ear lling#, Cuff Pin*. Braeelrts <jol?l Pens and Pencil* Stud#, Sl?ew Button*. Collur Button# And every article in tl?? Jewelry linr, of the j Scst quality und workmanship. Silver Spoon#, Knives, Cup?, | Napkin King*. Ladies, Ac. Ac. Also a new article of S)e?v? Button# and Col- ; lar Button#, our owu pattern. An v of the above articles may be ordered and will be sent by Express at our risk, and if they do not give satisfaction may be returned. SAMUEL W. BENEDICT, 5 VFall street, New York. August t 12 2ra DOCTOR YOURSELF. The Poeket JEienlapiai; OK, EVERT ONE 1118 OWN PIIT810IAN. fpHK FIFTIETH EDITION, with One M L Hundred Engravings, showing Diseases and Malformations of the- lluman 8v#teni in every shape and form. To Jji which in added a Treatise on the Diseases OB of Females, being of the highest impor-1 tanco to married people, or those contemplating I marriage. By Wilua* Yovxo, M. I). Lot no fivl her ha ? ?>! ? 1 tkl AHCULAP1U8 to hi? child. It iiwj ear# him from mi early grave. Let no young man or womun enter into tin. secret o Mi gat on# of mar riace without reading the POCKETjKRCVLApft'f!. I.ct no Ane miffertnt' from a hscknied cough, Tain iu the aide, rontleiw nights, nTrvona feeling*, mul tho whole traiH of Dyspeptic sensations, aud given up their physician, lA? another moment without, consulting the jKHCVLAPWS I Have those married, or those about to bo married any impediment, re ml this truly useful hook, o.? it liias deen the means of Mviug thonsands of ur.fortulist* croati.ros from tho very jaws of death. I. .PTAny iieraon sending 7Wa/y-/ta* C'tnti en closed in it letter, will receive 0110 copy of this work by man, or five copies sent for one Dollar Address, (port-paid) I>R. WM.YOUNO, 1 b'l 8prtine-*tr?f?L lliHadelpliin. July 0, 1S&6. If I MK8SB8. GliAPYIG00P1XTT 11AVK REMOVED IXTO THEIR NEW STORE Opposite their Old Stand, Where they will continue to self to ihe?r Mtatom?*% and friend* DRY (MM MM. ROCMtftja, ? *r? .tpdws ts illSf f Deo. 97. 3? U - r? ?w? "how""* TimsI PETEKSC N*S MAGAZIHK, A Monthly Periodical of lAltratwr*< Ar " ' " *nd Faction, ** * & ???' i ipi 1 iGr If 55, >iU contain urns hundred l*. gci of original ri out do-cot tune landing Mahwood. lit Thr'iliiny Ori'jiuul Stories Are from (he bc*i author*, written m* |?rcwly for it. Every volume contain* pad or mom of Mrs. A tin 3. Stephens' copyright Novels, the eeh-hrated author of "Fanhiod and Kamine." The Press and the INihIM pror. ou noes it the roost readibie of the Magazines. It is strictly moral, and iwiii^wlly A mortnn t> ?a?a lie mesnA SeiJIi. lit Supcrb *Mezzotinit ami otktr Sffft Mn' graving* ' -rife Are iiie Wai WAIO** ecu wd fur k bj the tit st nrtUt* and, at the end uf each year, aro ?l?ue worth the into* ?ciiption. 0 , - * lit Culored Fashion PtdUt, , . Aro the only reliable otUk published id America, rihI are magnificently colored plate*. Tim Paris, London, Philadelphia and New York Fashions, are described al length. eaeU month. 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OF THE COURIER. rpi!BT?rih?-..f the U?UKM?K -1W ?inX ;;!? war mi? two hollar* per murium ; l>tit, ill nr?l?r to continue its iinutm-m circulation, the l*ul?li?lirrr* still j>h?j??.?r to 4'let* or Cuinpnnic* tile following terms THE IlKST liVKi; QFf KUW?:r1'ayarlk invahiari.t is lovvxctl Two Cojiivs one year, or I 2 /'? ??, % 8. kocr ** . " ... ? - 3 Kiomt 44 M (nud our for the Agent !) 1$ Tikmtkrx '*<itl ').ij"q int.MT " " " " OVKR twkstv Cwl'M*, tiik mamk hatch ah tilt last. ^ ...? XV Meu>U"r*??f til Olitlr* (nut in anwar*) itru perfwHly eligible U? llio t? new one*. where they renewed m Clnh*. and per in futt directly to the titti*-**, either jmrmmally or by mail, nn?l not to nn agent or fAi'rw l>crson. Postmaster* or other* sending for Chilw, wouM confer a fnvor by baring them suet U> one address when they can do ?oconvenientIv. " CLUBBING W1TII MAGAZINES. XV The Courier, and cither Graham, Go (lev, or Harper'* Magazines, uite year, for Foht Dollar*. The Courier and Peteryon** Ladle*' National Magazine, Atth'tr's llofli* Magazine, or Scientific American, for Tkrm Dollari. Letter* containing remittance* may be registered in Hny Post Office in the United States; in which caae only money fonrarnW to us at our risk. ANI>KKW M M AKIN. No 141 Chestnut Si. lViiAPCLruu ThT s. Artk?r'? llomc eeic ^ ie zino for 185ft. Four copies ayenr fee ft. ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINE: dragthe year 18ftft, will contain iitmiw art* and 1000 double eolumo ooUvo page* o carefully edited reading matter. It will, fcu addition, be largely illustrated la the beat atyle of art, with elegant steel and colonel Engravings, and by several hundffcd fcta wood Engravings orcities, scenery, remarkable place*, and ohjeota in Science, Art, Natural History, Needlework, the I-atart Fashiona, Articles of l>eaa, ?e. Ali fv $2,25 year, in clulra of four subscribers. . " TERMS:?ONE COPY, lor one te*rr *2,00; TW<) COPIES for oueysar?*3,00; T?!Ue& COMES, for ona year, |4/?V POUR COPIES, 6>r oneyum, $ 23T All additional subscriber* Bejvadl four at the same rate; that is, *1,31 pee M|r num. 1 OCT W here Twelve Subscribers aad $lk are sent, the getter up of the club will b? * titled to an additional cony of the MfrtlM. Lady's Book aud Heme Msfrnies, on* yearfof^f^.^* ^ ^ jrarSpooiroew nuiaUwa aewt to all ?ifce< wish to subscribe or rttat?^up|C^uUc ^ . 107 WALNUT S'll, PhaUdvlyh^, Fty Mattreaa Making, So. t^n.u^iryj^: It BBS