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January, 18JM, MwlMARYC. Mclll'OlI, wife ol W. A. MuHvml aged ti vc*r? .she was the ftsn^Titcr Drtvfd ami KliznWtli fcVrroe, of ? ft ^',c '?l,ve* ft Wfjmvsd jHwEM^SSInfiltit dl(l?litor. mul uim?? n<U. <> ! " '??; ?" w. Mi wthDrl)k? those without hope The deceased bad l^-ca a wroth* r <>f the M. M Churtll, for ten yrnr.t, nntl from her orderly wnlk and ! ifortly c >uvt r?nfioii wo hnve every reivion to be- i fevchhat our low U her eternal gain. ?5-ter U?ou whs t nill'l nnJ lovelr. V Dentin as the numtner hfeeae*; (Henaaut a* the air-of evening, ' tyiH-, When it float* among the tree*. . ' I <PI?#(Mtfel he tlif 4lVnt slumber. >' 1 Peaceful in the grave tn lew : ?*.* ?' ?*#. V'wno "??ro * ?!?,,r i TTu>u do more otir song* shalt know. ' * r-. . ,Jla| Ui.T !?** we U?N-ply IKl ; *T ?** *m (io.t Unit Ttallt bereft u*. Mfl W?? nii Our sorrow* heal, u I let again we hoi>? to meet thee, | I When tho .lav of life hath fle.1 ; The* in heaven with joy to greet thee, ! |DKi Where no farewoll tears are shed. -f" ' ^ ^ M. M- | I DOberliscln.-rits. I At Cost, For Cash. I ^ **'^.0111 INC. I A " WEI.T.' ASSOUTKI) STOCK, mostly made jt\. in the shop hv superior workmen. I FURNlSHIIVG Q00D3, tTNK IKKtTS, lKKJTKtt* AND SllOlX I - TrfY f i> :>yt . * * " * j I m m.? - - "" 'lltVKsr. indebted to t!i? suWrilicr will jilrM* Utah* imtnediute payment. iw the sncrifire of lib interests, a* ;>Im)vo, or? onlv made to meet pressing obligation* " JOHN BURSEV. Feb 7. * a# tf Planter's Hotel TllKsoWriber Wing desirous of retirJQjlttnx from tin* business would offer the above wdlknuwfi And long Hotel for sola. This Hotel I# titutal in one of the Wet site# in the town of ftraenvlHe, ?"d U now in thorough rejmir. It hn* attached to the premises two llfte Ten Htt Alleys Stable*, Carriage House, and all the necessary oat-bulldlng*. The Hotel is capable of ucanmmodnting about one hundred persons, nnd could with but little expense, be uyt<W4o accommodate douidc that number. TiiTiny person desirous of entering in to the business the aboro offers an opportunity rarefy met For tefuis, (which will W moderate,) or fur i ther partkulnr.*! apply t?i * JflOMAS STERN. Fek 7. of Ranter's Hotel. ..?.Oysters! Oysters! J1XT RKOKIVKH, and will l*> served to Ms touirr* S? all hour*. Cull at I*. Smitii\ - A VKXVK STKKKT COXFKCTION KKY. i**:! .: ?. To all Concerned. MHWCK*-hereby given to all iuil?bl(J to | , Wn.u.vw S. Ti'h.nkh, cititer by nv?to or book aeratioL tlmt the same liave been placed in the fcanda of'fcAftr.KY A TlfRWItlMf, and unlets settle<I by tlu> Stb dav of March ne\t trill be s?al npoti without futMicr notice. February 7. 8'J td Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, &c. ytulll?|. GREENFIELD HAVINU purchased the cntiro Stock of Dry tloods of WitS. Ti'mnkr, late CRinKMiws I A Tve*Ku, opposite the Mansion llo-.tac, and re j mored his Stock of Groceries, i bird ware, 1'iyek Vry, IJqnor*, Aft, from his Into store Opposite lW Halri<* Oftee, is prcim red to offer great Itar? j gain* in the above articles. Ho will keep eonrtantly on JitMid a well assorted stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and . iCAVS, liitoU aSc Shoes. 1IAHDWAUF, CllOCKKUY, NAlI>.AO. Wftisuntrr produce take?? in exchange for Tfoods. He will keep on hand llACOX MKAL, fDOUR; and other articles for home eonsiuup tion at as cheap rates as can he had in the jvlaee. Ho returns his thanks for the very liberal patronage heretofore, received, and hopes by attention t? huslnesa and "r. desire to fttcct the wants ?f the people, to receive a continuation of their ' favors. Jan. 81. 8S-tf - bv is Last Notice. ' aunt ore now Informed that longer indulgence cannot \>e given. Consequently all such Notes and accounts remaining unpaid iqion the 1st of March #1)1 be put in suit without farther notice. I *?] Jos. si. S4-6 Surviving Co partner. *** '**? ? HwilwlliW. #|H?n<UI af M. & EAIILK A CO., in tints Jb. day dissolved?-|?enoiH owing accounts, will tilesM call and settle thein. K, R KAKLK. inn. 24 87 It. tv. I>01C0. -ft*// ?.? .. J ^ ^ t . _ * - ?s&aaaiva&Mt MiUl Jfflfe tfc&IWb Y I'^ptooliitlon or Co-r (trtnonhip. ^1 nit eabserlhers having purchased the entire .1 i..tereet of K. N. UOWKK. in the Firm of t'oWMMiCoa* take this inetkifcl of MlltMO* all-persons indebted to them to make I immediate payment. . . OOWEIl, COX * MAUKLKY. f? trnfC.' Qevit, ) * Toos. M. Col, [ , &MIE undersignedhaving sold out hie interest IIS. to hie late partners tn the Wagon and C?rrlCge Business, would take this opportunity to 1 j rerowmend than to the confidence of his friends aud the pub)i?. He feels assured the business of lKe now Finn will suffer no detriment by his withdrawal ss.thmy are employing the very best workmen wr all departments of their business. . ^gwed) & N. GOVVElt ssr*--* ' "a to the *- ^ (^ ^ Januiry 3. '41 ff " "I"- f I I HI li II I Hill * w Lfff Y' T i til, ! tWcubilte, P. FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, , tfPH BRES9 ?"?*, IWNETS, WtlWS, I NhawlN, Maatllao 8t Embroideries ! xonvr for ( RJClfH F1RK-PRUOF R.YFK*. 1^-5 ' l*i*iio FtoKw, Y ^ ' Mro. film's Word's iinir Uc*toror, ! Or. \Y, IJ Moffati's rilU itml Bitter*, ? >3 ' Or. T>i?\ j?l Jnync'* i'nteut Medicine*, ??* Lau.lon iL C'o.'s " " ? 2 1 A. ft. A 1). Snu<1?' Snr^.npuriftn. R ' A'o. 2. Cl*ar*lttn<r* Building*, j ] AVor/jr opposite J/annon Hoot, j' January 17. 1836. M tf ' PUBLIC SCHOOL MK.JLF.fHAW HAS.Ol'KNKO A ( MA1.K SCHOOL iu ClroenvilJe, at the)] Irouwivnuerljr w?ii|iir<) l>| tirt Mouutniucer of- ! i tic, on the corner of Lauren* aihI Wellington I street*. Tlic public patronage is respectfully so-1! I licit.-.1. j Tuition. | Rending and Spelling, ?4. i | Rending, SHelllntf and Wrltiuf. 6.V < With Grammar, (jeogrttpliy or Arithmetic, $6. | "With either two or nil of"tlie above, $7. j I History or Philosophy, #8. .A orient languages, or the higher branches of; ( Mathematics, JlO. HKFKUKNCES?Rev. S. 8. G aim.aKo Maj. S. 1 , A. Tows**, T, C. Gowmt, F.sq., Col. W. II. Cmr- , nKlt, J. A. David, Esq., II. T. Ssitii, Esq. ( Tho following certificate it nho suhmittil: ) llownotx, ) ' Brunswick, Mnine, Dee. 7, 1853. f ji Mr. J. F. 8h.\w i* n grndunte of this Collect.? , i He sustained while hero a liigli rank ns a scholar ( and on nnoxceidionnble character in every resjM*ct. lie line had much experience in t-'u'diina. ami hat been very successful, and it cheerfully rccommcmlcd a# n person highly qualified to be i emplovod n* nn instructor of vouth. I.KONAltD WO?*>D8, I>. D., !>Cfc I'AUKKR t'l.KA VF.I.AND, L.L.D. , THOS. %X lU'll AM, I>. 1). January 3. 81 4 Itollcc. quired to hand tln-m in pro|?erly attested, and thiso owing the said estate are required to make immediate pnrmcut, m longer iudulgonce cannot be given. * W M. C. HAII.KY, Administrator. * Jan. 17, ; 30 tf. Final Notice* r|MIK Account* dun the Mountaineer Office up ( .1 to Jmiunrv the 1st, 1850, nre in the linnd* of I' S. 1>. Goobi.rrr, En<|., for collection, with inatruc- j' I t inn* tosuo on nil nuiuo remaining unpaid on the 1 I lot of February next. JOHN R.U09SETT. ' Jan 24 37 2 I j denied PropoNah WILL l>? received, by the subscriber, until the tirot ?lny of March next, for the bnihl] introf n Market House in the town of Greenville. | Itiddrr* w ill be required to enter into bond for the performance of contract, Specifications for | raid building will bo teen nt. the office of II t rU'TUtttlSTliV !- ?I?* I V'.?, i'lirmuini. Vt p. Puck, Clerk of Council, Jan. Si 37 If. ,.-w ..T.* PUBLIC ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED by tho Town Cotm I cil of Greenville, that any person o: persons who shall in any manner, abuse or j interfere with any of tho Town Marshals, or ; any other officers of the Town in the discharge of their duties by words or acta shall for each and every offence j?ay a tine of not i 1 more than $50, and any person or person* aiding or abetting in such abuse or interference shall be lined in a >ntn not exceeding I Twenty-Fl^o dollars. Done and ratified in , Conned, this 27th day of Jatiuarv, A. D. i 1856. * i n. LEE THURSTON, Intemlant. 1 Wm. P-fl'iticg, Town Clerk. AN OROlNA^ii Jor the government of Slave* and Free Per tone of color in the Tbwn of Greenville. BP. IT ORDAINED. That the market bell ?).n)! be rung every night from the vernal to the autumnal equinox at a quarter before ten o'clock, Lm., and at n quarter before nine o'clock, p. m., tho remainder of the year, which shall be a signal for all alareato repair to their home*; and any slave found outside of hi* or her owner or employ erV enclosure after the hour of ten o'clock, p. m., from the vernal to tho autumnal equinox, or after the hour of nine o'clock, p. m., during the remaiudcr of the year, shall be carried to the Guard House, ana detained until the next morning, when ho shall be whipped not exceeding twenty Leslies, or the owner shall pay a tine of one dollar, at the discretion of the presiding officer. 8 ice. 2, Be it further ordained, That hereafter no slave or slaves shall oceapy or reside in any house or other building or enclosure within the town of Greenville, other than hitor her owner's, without the written consent of such owner, wherein shall be expressly described the plaee where each slave or slaves nrc allowed to reside, and specifying the time for which such permission is intended to be given, which shall not exceed one month at Any one time without renewal; and anj slave offending herein hell be whipped not ' exceeding twenty lashes, nuicssthc owner or em- 1 player of stteli slave slinll pay a fine of fire dollars for each stare so offending, together will all 1 cost and charge* 8 m H. Be it further ordained. That no person 1 shall J *. or hire to any slave any lot, house, room ' or Intilding within the town of Greenville; and ( 1 any person offending herein, shall be subject to n penalty of five dollars |?er month during the 1 time such slare shall occupy any such lot, room, house or building so rented as aforesaid. 8 sr. 4. JU it further ordained. That slares or other persons of color, more than fire in number, 1 I shall not be permitted (except at funerals, and on 1 other oreaaions hereinafter provided for) to assemble or meet together within the limits of the lawn of Greenville, unless it be for the pnrpose of labor, under the charge and supervtaioii of some white person, being the owner, employer or oreifaer of each tlnves or free persons of col I or; nnd'H shall bolawfnl for any officer of the town, or any w lsito person, to apprehand any negroes or free persons of oolor, so asseml?le?l without tin; preseitce of aomo white |*n?onrs whore nreri.M; and for that purpose, authority is hereby siren to enter into nuy let, honee, or other building pr enclosure within the town of Ureeityllle, toLrreio any negroee ae ether per4M?,ofeot?r fpay be ssaembted jmtfrary to the provisions Wahi* or?Uoan??; ami urtrr negro or ' er msymte of thowardcae, w ho is hereby author , i/ed nipl reepiirrd to order sneh corporal pwaish-' ipvnt, 'not exceeding one hundred la Jsce, as' lite sba# be ctmftuill' lis Uig Qttavl lioxy ?hHI llit next woti J then tarried Iwfbjra the luteiidan? lit- why into of (lie xtnrden*, iinia ueart with its above |iravl<l?l. Chax 3. Be it farther artiuined, That no assembly o( negruct dr other {Jettons ?tf toldr, wrjjw [Mir]?oAo of <1iittt3?iijr fr <itHer imminent, si intrw pfiiuiltci within the limits of the town nfGreewville, without the written permission of the In* fendnnt, or in bin nlwenee of one of the wwihin; in<) no stieh assembly ehnll be allowed to ooutnine Inter than one o'clock nt night, under a penatly .?f twenty dollars for each nn?l ev-ry offence, payihle by the otruer oTneeupnnt of the premises wkete swell offence Is roiumitteil. And thu Intendant or any one of tho warden* or marshals, or other officer of tho town, or any other white |?er#on finding negroes or other person* <?f color 10 assembled without permission from the Ihteii.lnntor one of the wardens n? aforesaid, or after [ill) hour nbore (niincu, is aarebjr murai^o! and rtx|iiircii to enrry such negroes or jwrsou* of silur immediately to the (innril House, to be there eoutlued Ami proceeded against, as is profiled for negroes fuuml outside of their owner's ?r mployer'a enclosure after the hours prescribed,!*! die first section of this ordinance. Aud nny owner jr occupant ofany house or enclosure within the (own who shall deny ndmittsnce or make resistance to any of the aforesaid persona coming ufcoo ?r Into their promises for the pur|>oee of arresting negroes or other persons of color, so unlawfully nuemtded as aforesaid,"hull, for t-nch and every ofTenco, forfeit and pay a fine of not less thnn twenty nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. rt. He it farther onloitieJ^, That no owner r?r other person having (lie eh urge ami government of nny slave, shall permit such slave to carry on any mechanic or handicraft trade, in any shop or other place within the town, in the name or on the account of am-li slave, under a penalty of five dollars for every dnv such slave shall earrv > 1 .f.?JLi L??r iruotl HWIV i?9 niUU'Snni Sec. 7. Be it further orJuineti, Tlmt no clave or free person of color shall l?e permitted to k?ep a cliop or stand witliin the limits of the town of Greenville, except at the mnrket, for the wile of any article* or commodities whatsoever, rith?r on his or her own account, or on account of his or Iter owner or guardian, or any other |ter*nii, without n written license or permission from the Council, under n penalty of fifty lashes for each and every offence; nor shall nny such slave or free person of color be allowed to sell, wit hint Incorporate limits of the town of Greenville, any article or commodity whatever, without the written permission of li!s or her owner, employer or guardian, exeopt garden vegetables, frtnls," milk, MM cream, fish and oyateiw; and any slavear frev yawns ! mliirsHiajisa hsriiin rii ill lis punish ed not ?x??ling fiftr lasho*, as the Council may direct. Si:c. R. lit it further >w*hi>itttl, Tliat it ahull not Iks lawful for nny slave or free person of tolor, within the eor|?orntc limits of the town of Greenvide, to purchase any fioultry, hotter, eggs, venison, wild fowl, or any other article or comtnodity, w hatever, w ith a view to send the same to any other market or place to be sold on profit or expectation of profit; and nnv slave or free person of color who shall offend herein, shall forfeit all the nitich* or commodities so purchased, and ?hnll also be whipped not exceeding fifty lashes on the hare hack. Scr. 9. lit it furthtr onlitinnl, That no merchant or simp keener w ithin the town of Greenville. shall permit any slave or free person of color to act as bis or her clerk or agent in the sale of any goods, ware* or nicrohandire, under a penalty of tweuty dollars for each and every offence, Stt'.' W. Bt it further oflained, That any siave or irw person m color who sunn Do found drunk, or slinll otherwise misbehave, l?y Acting in a noisy or boisterous manner, or by singing nn indecent song or hallooing within she limits of the said town, shall for each and every offence receive not exceeding one hundred lushes; and any slave or free person of color who shall smoke n segnr in any street or in any open nsd public place in (lie town, or shall walk with a rauc, club or stick, (except the lame, infirm, or blind,) shall for each and every offence receive not exceeding twenty lashes. See. 11. Be it further ordained. That any person who shall hire or loan to any slave or slaves any horse or horses, or any ean-a^c, bnggy, sulky or other vcliielc, without the written consent of the owner, employer or other person having the charge and government of such slave or slaves, t-hnli be subject ton penalty not exceeding tea dollars for eneli and every offence. Sue. 1'i, lie itfurther ordained That any person who shall hire any slave from any non-resident nwncr, to be employed within the corporate limits of the town of Greenville. and who shall not duly report aucli slave to the Tow ? Clerk to be taxed, dial 1 be subject to a penalty of tell dollars for eaeli and every slave so lured by liim. which lie shall fall or negleetto return as aforesaid, one-half of whb-h mid penalty shall l>e |wiid to the informer. t?ix\ IS. lie it further ordained, Tlint it shall not be lawful for any slave to keep a hoarding house in the town of Greenville, or l?oard or lodge any white person, slave or free jicrsoti of color.nor shall it be lawful for any white person, slave or free person of color to bhnrd or lodge with any . slave, nor shall any slave Ini allowed to* board or lodge in any part of a house occupied by anv white person or free negro, unless bona fide hired or bound to such white person or free negro, or iiiiIcm such house 1k> upon the premises of the owner, or other person having the charge and government of such slave, and with the consent of aueh owner or other person having charge of such slave; and aiiv white ( crron who shall violate this section of tfie ordinance, shall be fined uot exceeding t wcuty.dullnrs, and any slave or free person of color for a like ulfcnccsnall receive not exceeding fifty lashes fin caeli and every offence. P-Sbc. 14. Be itfurther ordaioetl, That slaves aad free perrons of color shall be allowed to assemble at anv of the Chnrehce of tho town for the purpose i>f rcfigioua worship three tit nee in each weeknnd not elsewhere or oftencr: ProeuM. That at all Mich meetings some respectable whits citizen of the town bo and remain present during said tuecLiug*. Sbc. 15. Be it further obtained, That every ticket, giving permission t any person or forums of color, to be absent from the promises of his or her owner or employer, or from i..*, tier or their premises, shall designate and express, by the name of the owner or occupants of tho premises, the place from which tfleh person or persons of color has or have permission to go, and also express and designate, in the same manner, the place or places to w hieh, he, she or t|tey is or nre going. Man. If. Be It further ordained. If, after ringing the bell, and clave or free jxrmi of color ihil) lie mm outside of the pete or enalosure of her owner, employer of guardian, not being actually on his way to eoroe place to which he is ant homed by a Written permit to proeeed, ?oeh slave or |Mr>wi of color shall be liaule to the jx-nalties us are imposed for being token up without a ticket. I hough sack slave or free person of color should rat rest into hfs or her owner's, employer's or guardian's enclosure^ before he or die can l?e ar rested; and, on notico being sim to such owner or employer, fee shall runse aneh slave to be delivered ta the watchman ?r patrol to be carri#.! to the Owned House, and on failing to do so, shall forfeit not lea# than liye dollars nor more than ten doflara ; i*n?f if a ffee person of color, he or shall be arrested and carried to the 9ua*l House to be disposed of in the same manner as peraone taken Op without ticket* Dm* sntrf wtd<d mutt* rtr rmrpofnie teal of th* jL so niT#a tkr W r I'm. f! rwlK/ (XU-UtfBlA Am WRttbKMENTH . Q7S^TBi^|feT7 Ifttanurturer ??d DMlifcr m *~*2SSP Ft'^NlTthtK^I ~Jl Bod v cilAiks ?r every FIW*# OUMRATEO MCTAliC tWMAL CA8E8, Oppoeile ike (V'/ofW Jfouee, I>*c. COLUMBIA, 10. l v "" ;::c^HJ^ttnC"7rr" OKALHn IN onO School 1'iH KichnnUoii SI? ? ? t, COLUMBIA, S. C. rr^ysr Auctioneer and Uommiwion Merchant, ilKKKUCPixcix J?mim A. <'r\wroKi>, Prroi.Uul CtHttmtv'ul Hunk, Iw* C.U.OWKIL, /W7tt/ Sintfl* CrfWffMl tf'iitroad Company, lion. Jon* H. l'lsitnvs, Joiix BavrK. ('..I MuKiiiriA A Co., IIkmov Miwro x, Il??n. \W F. ColAirlt Ckurliulnu may 25. ,8 tf THE NEW ERA, It I'ubliahfil terry Friday Kv>niny in coi.OUJIA, s. c. BY JIBES A. CIBTIS. Tvrttw : >2 [*r annum, in Advance. IV* 7. 31 tf Elford & Donaldson, fcft VVH, 3>. TJ, C. J. ELFORO. T. Q. D1KAL0S0N, Jan. 10. 35 Sm REED ft GOODLETT, &&-.mmefW7rB A':e III AW, Grecuvillr, S. . Jt-grOllke next door t<? F. K. Hkattik J# ?m *. r. nam;"] [a. n. odoOi.rnr. u January 12 16 tf OOOlPXa, Watch Baker and Jeweller, UNDER STERN'S HOTEL, KKKl'S alvraya on hand (Jold nnd Silver Watches, and JEWELRY of or cry drRori|ition. Ehiicv (iootb and Perfumery. Cloche, Watches and Jewelry rejMtircd in ihe heat manner. dee. 2t?, 33 1y To Male Students. rpHK Mit?rilnT pmjiowii to supply boarding, 1 lijrbu, fuel and washing for 12 or 14 Student* during the ensuing;jr?r nt $14 per month. The money will In; required to l>c paid semi-annually in ml ranee, Should students become dissatisfied, or leave before the end of the aeMion, the money will be refunded, except sufficient to par for the time conaumed. W. R. It. FAUR. Jan. 10. 33 tf The naiumoth IHcilcnn Wheat. N'dW ia the time to plnnt this fine valuable and prolific Wheat. It was rained on the farm of Mr. TIIO.M.VS T. RATION*, of Uuiicomb* county K. C.t and may be found nt the storcn oi Mc*?r* Oxvnv * Oootu,trrr and Messrs. Gua m a Daviii, Creenville, S. CL, Nov. ? \ 43 tt Dissolution. TMIF. OOP ARTS KRS111P heretofore existing A. bet woen the Subseriliers is now ilianlrtd. I). \V BSTFIELIX J. WESTFIKLD. "[he Notvi? and Aeeoiuits of the naid concern are in the hands of the subscriber, and it not acttled before Court will lie put in anit. !>. G. NVKSTFIKI.D. mi}? 24. 13 tf AMERICAN HOTEL. s. ??. MTI1K friends of thin rtlililiKliiii'nl, an?l the public nt Inwo, nre respectfully in formed 11?;?t this llOTKL will Vw> (niitiiiun! and kept open for the reception of all wliw inn) feel disposed to patronise it. The services of Mr. JAM1S F<. HKAHD, lonjj fivor/il?ly Known in ooniic.vioii with the Hotel, have been secured. A eontinnntion of the patronage heretofore | given, is respectfully solicited. No pain* will Ik- spared to give satisfaction, j The Culinary department will l?o supplied with the selection of the market. Gentlemen with their fmniliea visiting or passing through Columbia can be furnished with un surpassed accommodations; the location being central, fytired and convenient to pleasure and bueiiiesa. Mr. JOUX A. SIIRIIil will otmiinuc his location at the Stables iu rear of the Hotel, llis omnibus and Carriage line will Ik* in readiness at llioditfVeut IVpot* aud at tlic Hotal at all necessary hours* to convey passengers to and front the establishment, Une-ts desiring Carriages can have theui at atrv hour. W. llOLUXGKK, Proprietor. Jan. 17. 3? tf HAIR WORK. 1*1 R. and MRS. L. OLSON WOl*M> reaped fully inform the Indies ami Gentlemen of Greenville, and transient visitors of this pluee, that tlwy have retwitei i from tMir fnrmvr of living (n'-poaitc tli? Man?ioii llnuae,) to their farm in the enuntry A great variety of HmAkwio .S|x>?imeni of then may to found at the WaUdi ami .Icwclry Store el MR. CIIAKt.ES SMITH, who will he trleaacd to reeeive orders for al work in their line. Mr.Swm h in frequent row munieation with them, and customer* may de ; fM'l on Iwmg tMt v?rk prwmj*tly exeente? (and delivered. Dee. II. SI Sm Shaving and H&ir-Dreoaing. KVRRVDGE, the Hnrhrr, ha* re ajt)'"tne?} to OreeWrille, ami taken np hi ZjJj^Uend quarter* next door to U Vf. Ihoati ^K/A (?> a Tailoring . Mahtohntent. hi Deat AAmjtfrn Brtefc It ant?.-, and hi jmrtwred f* exe , A^Kente eveev thing In hie line with the dne* QjRVteurh. ()iiit>w>i ii ran have their hair en f /gflPtor shampooed, or taeea ilwrel at any tim during the day or cvmlw. Shaving QSJIirtbi' tuonth oil maontlih hwn. iha-Jt id. 41 tf HOU8EKEEPtM^aoODS n** AHcxilt The Hew Year 1856 With nu uniwiudiy targe and oomjjfete Stock of HooBotUdp'xig Good*. | Blrmbwl SliMtuig*, Furniture* (Jaiic-H*. ! ttww? - Knelbh Chintzes j Pleach 7 8 SUirtings Table Diaper*, ! Drown ** l.isivu lhmn<k?. Pillow Cotton*, Cnrlxiit Kuibrttideries i Ihxl Tktli^s Ctutnin I >iiui:y, | T*ilW Jemik, Curtniii D:tm:t*ks IN GREAT VARIETY. The aliove, together with Rich Siittnj SSabbwIlVj Al.C.J I AM I.'si' A I.. Velvet Moss Trimmings, JCEW AND HBAVTIKIL, AT W. H, 110 V B ?'8 WILLIAMS A FKAKTEB, **-1 C _ ?- ? I ww nwirnniv ? uniui Mroccni Af:0 BUYERS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, Greenville, 9. CM HAVEjusi iwcivetl, ami will continue to keep on hnud good supply of ; Coffee, Sugar. Molassea, Rice. Salt, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Heal, Naila, and Mauv other Articles iwrtaiiiiog to a Grocery Fj I ttildndiinent, to wliirn we invite public attention. We are trading in Article* tlmt rcipiirc Inrge : Cash Intssfwrii! and admit of but. ?liort profit*. ' ami we find, by experience, tliat it is i j to dw Intaineaaon a limited credit. W? shall, I therefore, discard IwoVs. and in future, without idirtinetiou or exception, refpdro the I'ASII on delivery ofdooda. Wc are also flUYIXG PRODUCE of every dr| *eription, and will |my the highest market price*, either in Cash or Coods, at th? pleasure of the | seller. j.vconx. fk. ste*. ikonard wiluvms. ] Nor. a. S.? tf. LPe Rid Property Insured. LIFE AM) FIRE INSURANCE! I f TUt: AQurwn i c mm r-% VI lb W I U Wb fthitunl 3nsnnmrr Contpn] Inenres Houifi, Store* mad other Prop rtf AOAIXST PIRK : , I And the Utm of White Pereona and Uarei, I the ayes of 10 ami 60 years ON such term* a* to render it a moot eufe and dceirnlde iuvcMmcnt. Full detail*, with | the Constitution and IW Ijiwi of the Company, I trill ho furnished on application to any of the Ofi fieer* of the < 'onipan v. JOSKl'fl It. OSIIOUSF. Prest. Wv. W. McDOWfclJ* Viet-Pres. Ja*. II. Raikix, Secretary tt Trc<ttnrcr. I JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, | I>ec. 27-tf. fillEKXVILLK, S. C? Stoves! Stoves!! ritnv. m'RM'iMtiriM ~fr? .1.- ....11:. - JL lnrjfe variety ofSlovcs, viz: * T!?? Chiilleng* ami leviathan Cooking Store*, ami various ! others. . Air Tight Cooking Stoves, UK \ Al'.Iot s KINiJs. PREMIUM COOKING STOVES, I&rffe and small Ovens, AIR TIGHT PREMIUM r Cooking Stoves. PARLOR COOKlN'O STOVER. Parlor*. Bo* Stoves, Hall Stoves, for Churches, Stores, <te., together ?vit 1? a full assoi-tmcut o( plain au<l Japanned Tin Ware, ' Tlx, copper, a sheet iron ware, MATAIMC ROOFING Dono in the most approve*! manner, with dispatch. IW Tlie Trade supplied with TIN WARE at wholesnle, upon the lowest terms. I). G. WlvSTKlKLD, ?U<>. (J rernrille, S. C. i apr t, 47 tf ;; HookN and ^ladonerjr. TlIK Subscribers nre receiving a Incge nud varied assortment of tlie ?l?>rc Articles, wltivh thov offer at low prices. A LAME VARIETY OF CLASSICAL WORKS. An Xxtwnsfvo Stork ??t Miscellaneous Moris. SCHOOL HOtlMR Slate*, Prns, I'tnciln, Brewing Books, Water Colons Dissected Games At., AT. Blank Book*, hound, hnlf-liound, and in paper. Foolscap, letter and Noto Pajtcr, liy the ream or Ira*. Spy Glasses, Pocket Compasses, Magnifiers, Ae. With a varied assortment of other article*, to which thov invite the attention of the paldie. O. K. ELFOltD A IX?. n?ar. 2, 41 tf Town Ordinance. STREET AND PUBLIC LAMPS. BK IT RUlA4Nfi), Tliat from and after the ratification of thin Ordinance it shall be un' lawful for any parson or per in ma, not employed , by the Town Council for such purpose, to ifglit or extinguish any itrwl or public I.amp or j l,nmp*, and any w hite person who shall light or extinguish any such Lamp or tamps shall forfeit and pay for earn and ?Vcry offence u a\;m not exoeodingtcii dollars, nor leas than fire. 1 Any slave or free person of color w ho may t transgress against this Ordinance shall lie corn I I mitted to the Guard House, and ordered l?y the lotendnut to receive each corporal punishment I I.- ...... . ....! ?L - _/ t. ?1 ? ? . , mv iic iiinj mmlti, iiiurnn me un iur in nurii *inw, r or Gnardiau of aneh free perron of color, li.ill pay the fine hareinl>cf?re pNterilml. Any person, free or slave, who ahull hrenk or f injure any of the Lampor I-nitipw, or Lamp-prat*, ahull he diuxl not (^ci'txlinj( twenty-five dollar*, or receive aneh corporal pnnlahment a? the Intendant may direct, nnleea the owner ??f aneh alave or Guardian of aneh free |wr?on of color, j ah*ll pay the fine herein In-fore juvaerilied. I So peraon elmII hitch nny horae. mule or oxen, i to rmv of the Public J*am]?a Wider ? penalty ot ' five (follnr*. - J h rhall he the duty of the Town Marnhili t?i i enforee thia ?>rd?naiire and one half of all fine* j accruing from violation* of thia Onlinonce ahull : go to the |M-t*un informing of the some. flenc and ratified in Council, thia 24th day ol ' Dcecniher, !M.V II. |JO; YimtlSTOX, fntrmlimt. W. K Par a, t'lrrk vf i'Mntii. Bee. 27. its I Thompe* Ai luby, ATTORWfYS AT LAW, KIIKEXYH.VJ* C. 1I? K. C. * June *h, 1 |/ ? i ] II AVI NO A rtXK (VJUXTIpX OK WB AXX rSSrlSflS TO ZW WOfUl V*1 hfasys 5Sj^M2>Q!>sc3_c?rir5ia. CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES, HAND-BILLS, WAYBILLS, BALL TICKETS, PROCHAMMS, W. I'uixtk# *rru femrtipk ^aofciucsr A OsT^c**^' CH'Xi. Aatix kxami:i^ HATl.V hcrpac* a*d liuv ANU COt.OfvVD CAKUtf, lipoo iiie Most ?ofvlrQbl^ JVrtaf*. pwap \a& ,s\ HU W AKD&SSOUI ATIOH Important Aunoiincemral. '|>J nil |>?-r*ot>a afflicted villi StXimf diaeftaex^ L muh us S|.etiim?oriiiorfi, JVWtih'ifl Wcffkfi***/ flii|x>tciiee, Ooimrrlicea. (Jlwf, Synijhilix, tlM Vice of Ou.auixm, or SeJf-ftbftftc, dc.. ir. The 1IOWAUI) A8S(K-lATlON of i'l.ilftilftlnhin, in view of the awful d.nt ruction of humnn life and lu-altli, rtMlni by Scsunl di-uusc*, And tin? d-.i-eption* which ft re practiced upon the un fortunate victim of Mich aliacaavft by Quack A Intve directed their ('oiiMidt iujr Surgeon, ? A Charitable ret worthy of their until.', to (five .Medical Advice finiti.?, all |?cr*on? lliur nfflict ed, (Male or female,) who nppir by letter, with a dvneriptin*. of their condition, (ntje, o<'cti|>a(ion, habit* of life, Ac.,) nud in cctaraof extreme poverty and ajiroring, to Fttruhb Medicine fr<a of I v nar 14c . | The Howard AAuxdatioii inn benevolent Institution, cKtnldiidied l>v *|M-t-inl endow 111 out, (nf I 11... r..n,.r -UI- ?~.i j "Virulent und Kpidcmic and its fund# ! cnu lie need for no other purpose, it line now * I surplus of means, wliich tlio I?irectors have voted I to advertise the nhove notice. It is needles* to j add that the Association command* the hivhrst i Medical skill of the age, and will t'uruoli the I most approved modern treaimsnt. Vtihlalde adI viee also pven to sick and nervous females, "nf4 j (listed with Womb Complaint, l.eucorrhoe?, An EST" AdJreas, (jmst-paid.) Dr. George Cal' houn, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, i Xo. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, IVnn. Ilv order of the Directory *ZKA !>. HAIlTVTKI.L, President, GKO. KAIKCII11.D, Secretary.awg 24. 15 * if The C lariat inn Union nafanlae/ Monthly Periodical lor all Kvungtllcal Denominations, Published in Richmond, Va. rI"MlE first uumbar ofthi* periodical" wan isJL sued in May last, the object of which is, in part, t?i cultivate a spirit ? f lovo ami harmony among nil evangelical denominations, ami to encourage their united efforts in "evorv good word and work." The spirit I of sectarianism has, hitherto, in a great measure, impeded ttio progress of Chri?liauilv, and always will. Such a spirit, to a extent, however, is life at the present titne. To suppress it, if po-siblo, mill be the ?ou' stant uim of this MagHziiie. Il?4iucd literature, m>d the general eay*u ! of humanity, are embraced in it? contents Its contributors are nil gentlemen1 of no I kncwU-dged talents and piety# ' The fi leiuls of ChristiniHiy me ea mostly \ and respectfully solicited to jfh'e their united ! 'UpjKirt to this enterprise/ j Any person who will proehre ten ?ul>; script ions, and collect and forward the J amount, shall receive a copy gratis, hestJw a year's subscription to either of the religious papers published at tho South, (f twenty, collected and forwarded, he shall, in addition to a copy of this Magazine and Southern i religious paper, reeeive a copy (a ycarV iu Inscription) of the "Southern Literary Mmu! ger." I TERMS' OF SVIISCHII'TION. I Single nulMi'riktt, per an. iu advance, $?.00 Five .. u u 6.00 Tea ? 10.00 I AildrPHA \V\t l?OTTEIl January 17. Kicliniond, Virginia. Hew Volume.?1860. Urnhnin'n American noulklf MAGAZINE, Devoted to liiteratMre, Art nnd Fashion. rl"MIE new volume*, commortehyg with the ; A January number, 185<J, wit contain over Twelve Hundred pnpoa of ffte choicest reading matter. Steel and Wobrt Engraving*, ami Music. Tkush.?One copy, one yeiafcv advance, frS ; Two copies, to ; Five ro^fe*, (ami one to Agent or getter up of the Cmb.) !(); 11 copies, and oue to agent, (90 j for (0, or.e copy oill t?e sent (u j Clubs at the same rate asClttb setit. Specimen copies sent gratia W those desiring to get tip clubs. All communication* to be flrMrc**eJ to AlUtMIAM U. SEE. January 17, No. 100 Cliosntrt St.-, rhila. oc-?A?.T:7S?#?KX?. i ' r|"MIK undersijfned having formed a ropnrtner! i I ?W|> nndvr the name and style of (iltAltV ' A GOOItLKTT, and taken the stock of Oooda > | ^A^and Store of .loitx \V. 0?.u?t. wtlt/gg^K ' J^JsnntiiiMr 111* IntMneaa, We SIK l>v oroini>t atteiitrCns to un-i-it nmtiii'iiinn' <?f ihr Mural pnlronn-xo heretofore given tlir liiwiiieM. Oiir ntuck i* \ cry rom)ijMc now. ami preparation* arc making to enlarge it ooon. Give M h mil. .ions H*. <;rady. KOITT. r. OllOMXt. J?nmiry.5S, fttM. Warranty Warrant* f I "vr. x.a-a-BLBT, 4 TToRSEY AT LAW, w pr.ponr*! with all f f\. neeeawtry iimtruHion* to pro?-?ire Bounty l*atnl Warranto winter jfcr late art CoagfT*V , gi aiitiin' |M uera* ? all a ho mav have aerTed t? . { my of fhe war*. liom.-?lia1* attention ^Tr* ? anv hwatncia of tbo kinit cntriMnl to Ma enre. March lit 44 tf Wanted l? Hire. VNWJWl fffltl. "octh' aVavt three dollar* rap month. Apply ? A. B., at thU o.five.