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!h? evening twilight gathers Bound our departing day, Then we shall sit end ponder On the dim and shadowy past: Within the heartV still chambers The guests will gather fast. The friends in youth we cherished Shall oome to us once more, Again to hold communion As in the days of yore. They may be stern and sombre; They may be bright and fair; But the heart will have its chambers ; Tlifl crnosta Will mtilior ilinrn How shall it I*, my sisters t Who, then,shall be our guests! How shall it be my brothers. When life's shadow on us rests ? Shall we not, 'midst the silence, In accents soft and low, Then hear familiar voices And words of long ago! Shall we not see dear faces, Sweet smiling as of old, Till the mists of that still chamber Are sunset clouds of gold, When age lias cast its shadows O'er life's declining way, And the erening twilight gathers Round our departing day ? mS(DlSILIL&Hie(DTI3. n:_i- ci i j r "" uu is guuiuu Learn ao neep House, No young lady can be too well instructed in any thing which will effect the comfort of. a family. Whatever position in society she occupies she needs practical knowledge of the duties of a houseke per. She may l)o placed in such circumstances that it will not be necessary for her to perform much domestic labor; but on this account she needs no less knowledge than if she was obliged to preside personally over the cooking 6tovc and pantry.? Indeed, I have often thought that it is more difficult to direct others, and requires more experience, than to do the same work with our own hands. Mothers are frequently so nice and particular that they do not like to give up any part of their care to their children. This is a great mistake in their management, for they are often hardened wit'u ftud need relief. Children should be eanj taught to make themselves useful?to assist t.'.'fir parents in every way in their power, and consider it a pr.vilego to do so. Young people canuot realize the importance of a thorough knowledge of housewifery but those who have suffered the inconveniences and mortification of ignorance can well appreciate it. Children should be early induged in. their disposition to make and cxf eriment in cooking in various ways, t is often a "troublesomo help" which they afford, still it is great advantage to them. I know a little girl, who at nine years old made a loaf of bread ever}' week during the winter. Her mother taught her now much yeast, and flour to use, and she became qui*e an expert baker. Whene/er she is disposed to try her skill in making simple cake, or pies, she is permitted to uo so. She is thus, while amusing herself, learning an important lesson. Her mother calls her little housekeeper, and often permits her to get what is necessary for the table. She hangs tho keys by her side, and very musical their jingling is to her cars. 1 think, before she is out of her teens, upon which she has not yet entered, that she will have some idea how to cook. Some mothers give their daughters the care of housekeeping, each a week by turns. It seems to me a good arrangement, and a most useful part of their education. Domestic labor is by no means incompatible with the highest degree ol refinement and mental cnlture.? Many of the most elegant, accomplishel women I havo known, have looked well to their household duties and have honored thomselves and their husbands oy so doing.-? JticnLiKu.?One ol the finest passages in Riclilieu?Young man, be blilhe ; for, note me, from the honr I grasr that picket, think that vonr guardian star rain* down fortune on you. Francisco?If I fail t Kichlieu?Fail 1 fail! in the bright lexicon of youth, which fate reserve* for a moat glorioua manhood, there ia no ouch word as fail! Why ahould a young man foil ? It he he honest, if he be honorablo, if he be ardent, if he be energetic, if he be gifted with mental power, if ho be right Tn seul and strength, he should never fail; and if any alluring temptation whisper iu his ear words that moke him turn aside, let him revert to that bright lexicon, ami never fail. and ointment man in London, wnt?? to the Pratris JVews on thd iubject of *ul yortising. He aays: yours bus recommended your paper to me Ae an advertising medium. He mentioned the circulation,* but may have been mistaken in the amount.? Will you kindly inform me as to the circulation of your weekly, as I wish to make a contract with you for the insertion of my advcrtisraent. I am unlimited in my advertising; my list of papers is now 1300, and I pay in advance. Yours respectfully. To which the editor of the JVews responds : Very dear Sik.?The circulation of the Prairie jVeios, which lias been increasing with unexampled rapidity fi>r more tnam two years, now amounts to forty-three, though I am bound in honor to say that two of my subscribers being very precarious pay, I shall probably cut tnem off before this letter reaches vou,sq that yon are at liberty to consider the list reduced to forty-one. To this number should bo added seven gratis copies sent to as many friends of mine at a distance, out of compliment to their indefatigable exertions in procuring new subscribers. This number should be further augmented by a permanent exchange list of sixty-ft re, making in all a constant weekly circulation of one hundred and thirteen, besides an average of half a dozen surplus copies ft week, which are sent witli religious scrupulosity to j>oetinasters nnd other distinguished individuals in benighted parts of the world. I have good grounds for estimating my reading patronngc at forty-nine per- ' sons per copy. You may safely calculate that the 5537 readers of 1113- paper ! would consume on an average ten clol- 1 lars worth per annum, each, of your 1 pills and ointment particularly the pills, 1 for I can not promise you an extensive sale of your ointment in this region, cutaneous diseases being rare, as may be inferred from the fact that the foreign 1 born population of Mississippi is only 1 one in sixty-two of the aggregate. So 1 you perceive I shall bo the means of opening a market to 3 011 for $55,370 ! worth of the invaluable remedies which ' have immortal-Z/<?-ed your name, on ' which, after deducting the cost of the materials, boxes, etc., your profit will i be about eighty-five per cent, or $47,- i 064 50. Upon this handsome increase 1 of your profits, accruing through my instrumentality, I propose to charge tho moderate com mission of one per cent, $473 C2$. If yon arc satisfied with them, for the first quarterly instalment of $117 00, l>e so goed as to pay f::r me one year's subscription to I*lineh DittgcM* and 1 he Times, all of which aro good papers, and should be encouraged, and Bend me the bal ance in cuttings of the London Partic- 1 ular Madeira grapevine. Subsequent 1 intsaliuents may be sent, at your opt ion, in Punk of England notes, or any sort of truck except your medicines.?Give my best respects to Queen Victoria, the next time you see her: tell lierslio is a lady whom I greatly esteem, nnd that I often think with what satisfaction, while this disastrous war is so thin- 1 ning the population of her realms, she 1 must reflect tllilt she. at least- has rlnne i her <lutv in the way of keeping it up. Your obedient servant, Tine Editou. i A Clever Dodge. At the encampment of a body of j British troops, in the province of Boje-j pore, in tlie East Indies, one of the of- j ticers had a horse stolen, but the chief j missing the road before lie got out ot sight of the tents, was detected and brought back. The gentlemen, highly pleased at recovering the horse, and much surprised at the dexterity of the fellow, who carried him from the midst of six or seven files of grooms, was more inclined to admire his address and cxpertness than to punish him. Next morning, his resentment having entirely subsided, he yielded to his curiosity. He ordered the follow, therefore, to l>e brought before him, and in-1 quired by what contrivance he had of-1 1 fected his purpose. The fellow replied, he could not well! tell his honor, but, if he pleased, he would eJurw him. i Well, then," says the officer, "since ; you are so bad at description, we will , see how you do it." "Now, sir, pray take notice. This ! is the way I crawled over the grooms. The next tiling was to loosen the ro]>ee behind, which I did thus. 1 then clapped a halter?observe, sir, if yon please ?over his neck, thus." "Admirably clever, by Jove !" cries the officer, laughing and rubbing his hands. "In this manner," continued the fellow, "I jumped upon his t>ack, and when once I am mounted, I give any one leavo to catch me who can." . In saying this, he gave the horse a kick, pnshod him, through the gaping crowd, put him to his full speed, carry, ing hiiu off clean, and baffling all pursuit.?British 0 uardum. * * , done in enttiTw ditch oa> defendant?* lands. Plea: Payment and set off, m bacon and corn meal. PiaiotUpB sotk on itniA; recollects the ditching perfectly, bart seems to forget about the bacon, Col. B. lor defendant r uYou say your dady did all this ditching? Do yon know what he go* in p^y for itt" Witness ; "He never got nothing, as ever I beam on?that's what he never got." Ool. B. -'Did'iit your dady got com nnd bacon from the defendant in pay for that ditching?" Witness; "Never beam of hip giting' no corn nor bacon." Col. B. "What did your dady and his family live on that summer!" Witness; "Yittels, mostly." Ool. B. " What sort of victuals?" Witness: "Well, meat and bread nnd some whiskey. 11. "Where did lie get that meat and bread?" Wit: "Well, fust from one, and then fust from another." B. "Did'nt he get somo of it from defendant?" Wit. "He nought," B. "I know lie might, but did he ? that's the a uestiou." W it. "Well, ho mougliU and then a gin you know, he mought'nt." B. (With considerable excitement, and in tones of thnnder) "Answer the anestion, sir, and no more of this triing with yonr oath. Did your daddy, or did he not, get corn and bacon from the defendant tor ditching?" Wit. "Well now he mouglit; It don't occur adzactly, you know. Ilorc his Ilonor interferes, and with i stern judicial frown, addresses witless thus, "Witness, you must answer he ([ucstion, or the Court will Wooni J jelled to deal with you: can't you say ( l*es or no 2" Wit. "I rcckin." x Court, "Well, then, answer yes, or ] no ; did or did not your daddy get corn \ \nd bacon from the defendant at tho ' time referred to?" J Wit. (Now fully urroused and conscious of his danger) "Well, Jedge, 1 ; can't adzactlv amember, yon know, seoins' as how its all dun bin gone and , oat up; but, (planting himself firmly, as one determined to out with it,) to the l>cst of my rickolection, ef my menory servos me right, he mought, and then again lie mougWnt. The plaintiff saved his bacon. Verdict accordingly.?AehviUe Sjpectaior. IIkakixg a man complain that poli tical papers of all kinds had l)ccome , such liars, that for his part-, he did not believo any of them,reminds me of the 1 old storv of the miller and three sons. Coming into tho mill, and finding a ji-ist in the hopper, the old man cried 1 out: 'Tom have you tolled this grist!' Yes sir.' 'llill have you tolled this grist f" 'Yes sir." ^ i Sam have you tolled this grist?' 'Yes sir." i 'You arc all a pack of lying scound i rels," sa3*s the old man." "I don't be- 1 lievo a word von sav?I'll toll it my- 1 self." A Good anecdote is told of an old Methodist preacher, who rode a circuit a few days ago. While going to one of his appointment*, he met an old acquaintance, one of the magistrates of the count ry. lie asked the minister why he didn't do as the Savior did? ride an ass. '"Because," said the divine, "tho people have taken all to make magistrates of." Fou thk Cure of Croup. ?A piece of fresh lard, as large as a butternut, rubbed up with sugar, iu the same way that butter and sugar, are prepared for the dressing of puddings, divine in three parts, and given at intervals of 20 ininuites, will relieve any case of croupe not already allowed to progress to the fatal point. "Boss, I want twenty-five cento." "Twenty-five cento! How noon do yon want it, Jack ?" "Next Tuesday." "Ab soon a* that! You cant hare it. 1 have toid you often that when you are in want of bo large an amount of money you must give me at leaat four weeks' notice!" '* We've betn Swhmning."?"Sam, where have you been f "We've been swimming, father." "Wcl who's been gwimming witli youT "Nobody, sir." "Well, but you said 'we've been swimming,' didn't you f "We've been swimming, father !" "Who did you swim with, then, yon yonng rascal r' "Me, father;" said the oert urchin, "why, I swam with the tkJe." Here tlie youngster hardly dodged a potato sent at his head. To what ?r? is everything invisible U? To the eve of s potato! * . - frm --- itr v . I ^ ' '"? ' ' J gtJj^ 1 v.ST- - - -v ^t A I ?JL^jTi^K| J v- Ml In jilt Fn-(5?M Hunting Watches 47S-160 " * 1 " Dti'd. Jf ft, 46-4#, " OpenFWee" ?* ?#4# " Lepines " 58-85 Silver Huotiug PaUnt Lever Watches #2-48 " Det'd. " " 18-25 Gold Vest, Keck ud Fob CHAINS Lodiee' Chatelaine Chains . <T" Breast Pins, Ear Kings, Caff Pins. Bracelets Gold P?pi and Pencils : ' - a "tSftZl <* U,. Seat quality and workmanship. Silver Spoons, Knives, Cups, Napkin Kings, Ladles, Ac. Ac. Also a new article of Sloevs Buttons and Collar Bnttona, our own pattern. , Any of the above articles may be ordered and will be sent by Express at our risk, and if they do not give satisfaction may be returned. ,, c twrfnt tir r*t?a' rnt/fT OA.Il U r?Li TT . DDIIU/IVl. 0 Wall street, NeW York. August 2 19 2 m A Ntw Journal to bo Pabiishod at Anderson A O ENTITLRD Anderson Dollar Weekly. r|"MIE undersigned proposes to publish in the A town of Anderson, a Litcsry, Political, and News Journal, to be styled, ANDERSON DOLLAR WEEKLY. Ho is aware, that he proposes entering upon an enterprise, besot witn dffloulties but he will endonTor to surmount these by securing a largo subscription list, and engaging tho best writers in the district to contribute to its columns. Anderson can and ought to support another Journal; and feeling confident tnat the enterprise will meet with a hearty support, I now presebt this prospectus to her people. As a Litcatury A News Jonrnal the Dollar W eckly will contain the choicest selections of Literature, and tho Latest Foreign, Domestic, nnd Commercial News. Also the Reports of the Acta of the legislature and of Congress. In Politics the Dollar Weekly will be Independent. It* Motto will be "Open to nil Forties and Controlled by None." 8i*c and Stylo of the iv.^.1.. _.:n i? .i i? .. ?J __?.r ?.? ? i . uckm, nui ii* n ujr ?> ?, prinwo wmi ?ew una Elegant. Tlrcrior add Long Primer tvpe, comprising TWENTY-EIGHT COLUMNS "of matter.? We will carefully exclude Patent Medicine Ad vertisemcata. ..C3T We hnvo secured the services of J V. M<K)11E, Eaq., ns Editor, whose experience and !?!> > w ?ri>U known to the pCOptC of >nr District, Tkrm*.?In order to place a paper within the *encli of cverv man in the District, we will issue the DOLL Alt WEEKLY at ONE DOLL A It per innura, payable iu advance, or within throe nontha. "Die first uuiubor will be issuod l>etwcen '.his and the first of January next All who wish ?n Independent P?|x:r, conducted on lnde)HMiilcnt Principles, will send in their names at onee. ! djrtVwt Masters who will receive and forward sultscriptions will receive a copy of Jho HOLLAR WEEKLY without charge. . ?r All letters and Communicntions to be ad- i ilresaed to the undersigned. J. T. HERSITMAX. Editor and l'ublithcr. Nov. 9 26 f SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION FOR THE WHOLE WORLD. i CHAPMAN A GltEAT DISCOVKUV. ^PIIB Monthly Rainbow, or Chapman * JL prt-culculatiotw for eltmentary chan(f(?, bnsod upon the discovery of the physical laws and hnrinony of electrical action pervnding tlio solar system, as involved in tho dif-1 fering effects of iiglit modified (or polarized) by differing angles or reficction on a Inrge scale. This important discovery of the laws of nature which regulate the changes of the elements, constitutes a subject of magnitude and importance, perhaps unsurpassed by any other on tho pages of historic record.? ri._ ? - ?? ? ? ma am pi isiiijf sucumcy wun wmcn lJr. Chapman in enabled to pro calculate all elemeutnry changes pnedisposing more to storing earthquakes, auroras, dec., and also atmospheric changes within the hour of each day, months in the future, and the physical effects on the health, feelings and humors of mankind, must be admitted by all unprejudiced minds to be of incalculable advantage to the wW? human race. In presenting the Rainbow to the public, we do not claim it to be an infallible weather guide. Hut this much we do claim, that ft will befonnd to be correct to tho letter eight times out of every ten. All wo ask is a candid examination. Terms of Rainbow, $1 per year, in advance, 60 cents for six months. Chapman'# Paineijna, or ntaure't first principles, cloth binding, 12mo., 200 pages. Volume first contains a full explanation of tho discovery to which Dr. Chapman has devoted the last nine years of close observatains. Published every six months, (March and September, price $1 per volume, for which it will be sent, post paid, to any part of the country. First volume now ready. Address CAMPBELL k Co., No. 73 South Fourth St. above Walnut, Philada. To the Public. ASHEVILLE HOTEL. THE suhaeribcr, having taken charge of |,t Iim Hotel, in the west end of Main street, in eville, N. C.. lately occupied by Jom? Rnvxolms is prepared to accommodate bis old friends and the public generally, with everything neecspeey to * Vh,'?on>f"e?. drrrlnw their c*-?7 WHh him. He hopes from his long experience in the bosh 11 ess, to he able to giro satisfaction to nil. 13J33 WAXBO^a shall he furnished with the best the conntry afford*. 5 PERMANENT and TRMPt >R AR Y Boarders can be accommodated upon reasonable terms. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. JOlIII McBRIDR Mag If. ** ?f "The Good Time Coattlag," BY T. a AKTHUB. V TII08E who wish to hear something of that long-expected day, should read this book. It is having an immense ssle; MOO copies hav inv been ordered in advance of publication, j.j We send a copy by mail, postpaid on reeeipt of the price, |1. J. VT. BRADLEY. Publisher, 4? North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Fa. ?-N. B. Agents wanted to sell this and oth-1 ar popular boohs in all parts of ths UnitedBt^em. Bend f?>r our list and terms to Agent*. dee. 20 S'J it T>0OK AND JOB PRTNTIKO neatly doaa at the "KnteryriM OWaa.* SL.V&n*: - .-j.. > folded and placed in the pocket constituting ? IPSE?;mi^mu point, write* equally With th? boat sold pen ill htsr ?taught in one lesson. Any loaf plant or Bower ?an b? transferred to the page* of the album, with a nunute ana distinct resemblance of notore. "V equal facility pictures and embroidery patterns con be taken, and have reoeived the highest eulogiams form the fair sex, and indeed a mors tasteful present for a iady could opt be produced. This magic paper will also 5rirndl\i^ ?r Aif Uao^l^rin"^ to bring it out. Any ohild can use it with perfect ease. With this MagieJTapeivlLkowise, one or four copies of every letter written can be secured withont nnj 'additions! labor whatever, making it the cheapest and meet convenient article extant. It is used to grent advantage by rsporters of tho public press, Telegraphic operators, and a host of others. Each package contains four different colors?Block,Blne, Green and IJiwf?with full and nrinted instruction#!. for all to use. nnd will last sufficiently long to obtain five hundred distinct impressions. It is put up in beautifully enamelled colored envelopes, with a truthful likeness of the Proprietor attached. Each and every package warranted. Price $2 a doxen or five for fl. Single pockages 26 cents. Address, post paid, X. IIUBBELL. 187 Broadway, >"?w York 0PINI0N8 OF THE PRESS. " 1Ii mku,'i Maoto InrnKssio* I'lrm.?We refer our readers to the advertisement in another column, setting forth the merits of this pleasing and ingenious invention. Hie cheapness should induce all to give it a trial.?Philadelphia Merchant. It is unsurpassed for neatness and utility nnd should moot with the sale it richly deserves.? Tribune. Just what the public lias long desired, nnd re commends itself to every individual of taste nnd refinement?Journal and Courier. Oct 24. 28. 8m. *' DOCTOR YOURSELF. The Pocket iEseulapius; on, icvirnY oxr his own- imivsician. rpiIK FIFTIETH EDITION*, with One ?*3l -* Hundred Engravings, showing l>iseases and Malformations of the lltuiinn System in every shape and form. To which is added a Treatiso on the Diseases of Females, being of (the highest importance to married people, or tboso contemplating 'iinrriagc. By William Youxu, M. D. 1*1 no father l>e ashamed to present a conv of the ASSCULA PIlH to his child. It mny save liiin from an early grave. Let no young man or woniftn cuter into tlio nccrpt nKli<v?Dfina <>f nms riujg* without romling XhcPOCKEt^CULAI* I US. I<et no one suffering from n hncknicd cough, Pain in the sido, restless night*, nervons feeling*, nnd the whole train of Dyspeptic lenmlions, aud given up their phvsicinn, he nnother moment without consulting tlie jKSdUf.Al'WS Have those married, or those about to 1>o mn-rie?l any impediment, rend this truly useful book, n* it deeiitho menus of saving thousand* of uufortiiuate creatures from the very jaws of donth. t3f~Any i>cr*on sending 7W?if^/7ss C**t* en closed in n letter, will receive one ropy of this work by mall, or five copies sent for one 1 toiler; Address, (pout-paid) 1>R. \VM. YOUNf r, 132 Spr<i"e-atrdaL Philadelphia July 6, 1855. lr Proapcctus or the SEVKKTlt VOLCMN OF TUB ALL Tost Masters are authorized to act as Agent*; commission guarrnntend to be more liberal than given by other publications, nnd vpecimcn copies sent freo to any parties. Agents wanted in all section* of the country. PRICK OE THE nt'TCHMAK i 1 copy t'2 per year 3 copies 5 " 5 44 7 44 10 44 12 44 15 44 > 15 41 Subscriptions received for 3, C or 0 month*, at the same role. I Tn/lap ika naie nnsUaia 1-? d t. ? ? 4 VWMV, v.iv nvn |ruoia^vi mWf lliu pWUIJJV on the Dutchman ia only thirteen cent* n year to any part of the State of New York ; out of the State, and to any part of the Union, only twenty six cents a year;?in both cases to be paid quarterly or annually in advance. Theae prices will show thai the Dutchman is the cheapest paper in the world. All orders must be addressed to EDWIN WESTON. Co., No. 21 Ann-street, New York. HOWARDASSOCIATION o) aPT-.iPisfiiAV~ Important Announcement. rIV> all person* afflicted with Sexual disease*, A such as Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Qonorrheea, Gleet, Sympbilis, the Vice of Onanism, or Self-abuse, Ac., Ac. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia, in view of the awful destruction of human life and health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which are practised upon the unfortunate riotims of-such dis?s?cs by Quacks, have directed their Consulting Burgeon, as a Charitable act worthy of their name, to give Medical Advice Gratia, to all ad, (Male Or FrfOftla,) who apply by letter, with a (ie^erfplion of their condition, (aoe, occupation, habiU of life, dee.,) and in oaaoa of extreme poverty ao?l suffering, to Furaiah Meditino treo of (*bnrga. The Howard Association U a benevolent Institution, eetabliehed by a special endowment, for the roliof of the sick and dittr?**?d, afflicted with "Virulent nod Epidemic Jiiaaaaaa," and iU funda eaa ba need tor no other purpose. It haa now a surplus of riejpe. wUfah tha Directors have votad to adva^ae^yab^W notice. It ia needless to add thaAh(iamow|bn aominanda tha highest Medical ak111 of tlK*aga, and will fnrnhh the moat approved modm treatment Vainable ad vice also given to sick (RNftytervous female*, afflicted with Womb Copdnit, Leoeorrhoea, Aq. pf Address, (poet^pald*) Dr. Oaorge B, Cal honn, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Penu. Hy order of tbo Ihralitor*, EZRA I?. IIAllTWETJ* President fllO. PATftCniLD, Secretary. a??g 24. 15 tf * ? .. ... '. .. lio4 t r a : ThFTWEEN tha village c*?.-eouvills and (he 1) old race conmtkh.Odd Fallow's BREASTPIN. The finder he rewa^^MMileavi^ " . ... 1 ge* of original doublocotame Beading la*t ^Muiete rSk^ ter, nOOfiv Wv ""^"^wwiMy three hundred Illustrations engraved ?w m0?*%IU Thrilling Original Stories Am frollt the beet authors, end written expressly for it. Beery volume contain. ?4 ? or mora of Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens* PCpjyight Novels, the celebrated author of **]lshvon and Famine." The Press and the Public pronounces it the most read!We of the Magazines. It is Jtrictly moral, and eminently American, as its name implies. /<s Superb MezsoHntt and other SUtl Engraving* >ed Are the best published envwhere?fe ?*-J ecu ted for it by the nisi artists { and, at the? end of each year, are alone worth the soWecription. wnjSr ''w- :i-" .w ? - It* Colored Fashion Plate* una me ?itiy reliable ones published ft# America, and are magnificently colors^ platy*. The Paris, London, IMnhrde!phi? and New York Fashions, aw described a# length, each month. Its departments fo# New Receipts, Crotchet "Worlt, ?#?btoMery, Netting, Ilortiewfture, and Female Enu<*. trinimm, are always well filled. pmfuselv |\. i:Kiatc<l, and ilch with the latent novelties. It is the best Ladies' Magazine In the world ! Try it for one year 11 TERMS?Always in advance. One copy, one year, $2,00 Three copioa, for one year, 5.00 Five oopies, for one year, 7,00 Eight copies, for one year, 10,00 i Sixteen copies, for one yenr, 20,00 PREMIUMS FOR CLUBS. To every person getting np n club, ant "Gift-Book of Art for 1065," with 50 Steel engraving* will be given, or a volume of the magazine for 1864. For a club of sixteey. an axtra copy of tho magazine for 1865 will be sent in addition. | Address, tort rain, , , CHARLES .1 rirrrra/vsr 102 Chestnut Street, Phil. Specimens set gratis, an 3. 12 tf THE MODEL ASiMCiitouma. XO H* IB TIM TLMM TO SUB8C/1/UK OF THE COURIER. Ternw of the CQVHlEK for a winJL gle yenr nre two douahh jkt annum; but, in order to continue its immense cirru: lulion, the rubljihers still propose to Clttha or Companies the following terms, THE HKST KVKli OFKKUK1):? l'AVADI.B tmUADir iv AOVArCB. Two Copies one year, or 1 Copy 2 years, 4 3. Fovn h 44 .... g EtonT 44 44 (ami one for the Agant!) 10 j Thiutkkv 44 44 - 44 44 ! TwKjrrr 44 44 44 44 20 Ovkr Twkntt COPIKH, TUB RAMK XVU AS TUB LAST. Jpy Members of old Clubs (not in arrears) are perfectly eligible to the offers to new ones, where they renewed in Clubs, and pny in full directly to the otliec, either personally or by mail, and not to an agent or third per'on. Postmasters or others sending for Clubs, i w<ii 1.1 cnnfi-r ? 1 :? *'? - ' u; liming incm met to one addrcM when they can do *? conveniently. CLUSUING WITH MAGAZINES. jt*}~ The Courier, and either Graham, Godey, or Harper'* Magazines, one year, for Four Dollar*. The Courier and Peterson'* Ladies' National Magazine, Aithur'* Home Magazine, or Scientihc American, for TKrt* Dollar*. letters containing remittance* may l>e registered in nuy Post < ?Hic? in the United State*; in which case omltf money forwarned to u* at our riak. ANDREW M'MAKJN. No 141 Chestnut St. Philadelphia TS, Arthur s Home Tlaga# zine for 1855. Fuutfopie* ayeer to* $5 ' -c-v v,; JJ-*>ee " ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAinror* the year 1850, will contain between 800 and 1000 double column octavo pagea of carefully edited reading matter. It will, in addition, be largely illustrated in Uie beat style of arty with elegaat steel and colored Engravings, and by several hundred hi I wood Engravings of citios, scenery, remarkable places, and objects in Science, Art, Natural IlUtory, Needlework, tho Latest Fashions, Articles of Dress, Ac. All for $1,2A ft I year, in clubs of four subscribers. TERMS :?ONE COPY, for one yeaa* I $2,00: TWO COPIES, for one year, $3,00 ; THREE COPIES, for one war, $4,00 ; FOlTfl COPIES, tor 0T,z yea?, , I JW All additional su bKribm lw(?4 four at the same rata; that is, $l,2fi per amr r ||tti OCT Where Twelve Subscriber* and M are sent, the getter up of the elub will be entitled to an additional copy of the tUflMha *? ? - ? wy S nooic and Home hfagMfro, oda jaar for $3,00. Specimen pumbeiywit io all who with to subscribe or mahffip duba. 107 v?Aix\rr ng|u[ andjhir-lhrwelngr" A^roB|PteaieUvine, *?a i*k?? ?? hi* jKjr 1i? *dk\UttrVor* next door to C. W. lWi r 52Kti ujjKSuipfe *^tatietnen ran hava thair hair M^#llMtnii>ooe4i, or fee## shared at anytime i -tiJrftf''" ' *? w w"'"fr. P-"-'**