University of South Carolina Libraries
smooth. A young mili?Lr.' attadied' to an Old Hcboc* Presbyterian church in this city, , >2BSSiw r?T?n? h? a.i) tpt* J*dy of wresllh who resides in Virginia, who haa boon divorced, her first taajriwg^boli?g a jforcod one. Tiie minuter* congregation hearing of the intendod tnfttch, JJpreaeoted, to Uirp the alternative of resigning I t ^Isgbcela the church or his hopes of eonAupml blus. Of course the minister chose >jM? jhrmer, and to cling to her to wbotn, no doubt, his heart's affections hare been given." Only Six. Mums.?The gap between the trends of the North OaroTmn Railroad has | \ Seen reduced to -only sis miles, and the work ^ of lajing ihe rails, is twogreasinn1 as raiintlv m u poadtye. A fcw mora days nud the iron mJmu4 ' wUicli stretches, rain-bow fashion, through our State will bo completed, and w then we can travel "like a steak," from jf ^ Maine to Tsxna! From Salisbury to Ra leigh the fare will ho only t4 60; and distant, in tiipe, only five Or six hoars.?Sails, bury Watchman. >J' (* ' n we. . o* ' **"? 'HttKKoiooifjv Posrd.?An itiner-1 firtt l*liranologir?t stopped at a rustic farm liouse, tho proprietor of which was busily engaged. I * a4ilr?'r? I ?m n phrenologist. Would you like to linve mo to examine the heads of your children ? I will do it cheap.* I CX WW a,1"l the farmer, pausing between two strokes, I rather guess they don't need it, "iV> old woman combs with a fine tooth #pmft, once a week /" A* editor can't get his pay for publishing marriage notices, lie says:? "The minister receives a fee, varying from 96'tot20 for the service?oftener, perhaps, the V. That 'publican and siuner,' theprin-j ter;aenls the matrimonial alliance, by g>v'i 't publicity'in bis lournal. lie raoerve* twenty five cent* for hit service, nnd some- j times grumbling at that. This is the differI once between righteousness nnd sin?the minister nnd the printer. An PrimormATi PiiAvmt.?A miserly, church member becoming excited l?y n sadden burst of eloquence from the minister, clapped his lirtiulv, nnd shouted out?"Thntik tiiAnlnr a f ee ptapsl! Twenty-five years have-1 been a church member, nnd it has n?>t cost mo n* many copper* !n "And may the Lord forgive yourv.ingy soul!" exclaim cd the preacher. "> I -o ... ? - - - 1 ?icTuiiiA, in nccntdniice with the' w^hw of tlio colonial*, 1ms (iluingod tlio! nniuo of Van Piemen'* Land touTiuuB?).ia." j Elford & Donaldson, %?s M, , ' '(?Ka3SH3Bi5Va.7jr-:si, B. A t- 1' ELFORO. T. Q. DONALDSON. Jnn/lO. ?.5 8in ? ^ To Male Students. Tiffc Bi.t^crifMT propose* to supply bonrdinp,' lights, fuel ?nd wnMitnjt for 12 or 11 .Sti> ' h nt* during the onsniujr your n( $14 per month. t *rtr iisxisv will l?e rMiilrol to kr paid *eitii-nn-1 ftonTlv In advance. Should students heroine dis- J nttsriod, lvnvo before tin- m<l of tlie iodmuii, ' iV? i onoy will U refunded, except sathvient to I ruy f-r-Jho time coiisunicd. 1 W. It. It FAB It J dun. 10.. SS tf Wi I U * - A. -*>? ? ? /. M A.. * A AA., ...M. 0. mm .? fc.*....'" el ^ m ABC25=3KZ. ^ ? . - Dissolution of Co-Partnership. 3"MIK Kubeeribvrs lim ing nnrrhiMd the entire |wL intercut of lu N. GOWKS, in the Firm of CowkMA, C?X <t Makkitt, take tlii* method of aalltug on tell persons bidi-Ued to them to mako immediate payment. ynf'i vt 60Wft, COX A MARK LEY. Tin*. C. Gowr.s, f Tu*. M. Cos, > JI.^, M auk lev, ) h><ns^ ^I'XllK tindereigned having sold out his interest A / to bit lato partners la the Wagon and Car^ riajjo llusincs*, would take tiiia opjiortiinity to recommend them to the confidence of his friends end the public. lie feels assured Uie business of the nwar Firm Will suffer no detriment by his! withdrawal, ??t% are employing the very beet workmen in 'all departments of tbsir business, (bignod) K X. GO W Kit. Greenville, January I, IMS. 'J?n. to M ! as U ooMMieoib?ap.,B SAL*. ' sLV . t-fii , i " is> - i The State of South Carolina- | GREENVILLE DISTRICT. rfuno 0 la ?qolly. - l?'Ann _ii** v*. Bill for Solo of Land iH M- Matthew*, and r?. Ann M. Bdnard#, R?litf. et. al. wl ;T?wk?i A Caupoell, Com'pl. Sol'a |>Y ORDER of Om Court in this t?M, I will 13 Mil before the Conrt-llonee door of Green|T villa Dietrict, on the ftrat. Monday in February j f naat, (|Ale day ) all that tra-.t aad p.-/col of land lying and being altuaU in said DUtriet and State, w hereon the late Dr. and Mra. Dr. Ioor resided ; Mfr aald land* being near watara of Saluda river and Y . Golden Grove ereeb. ThU land i? told at tha rink of J no. Wllaon, 1 wb(t having bo eon? e the purchaser of the Mine, atapfevioix tale, haa failed to oontply with the TKRlfB OF BALK Purchaser to give bond wilMw* goad curaMfV ">fl a mortgage of the premises to eaoure the pfrolmt money ; onethird ?i the purchase money t<TW peld in cash, andtf^e iWakder secured ea stated, dn pay menteaf one and two yoara. with intareet from date. Thj. Jwropj. 16^1856. Mfrurtortrfiwl OORRKCTBJ9 +K9KLY*k* ??? BWTlJpfc _VJMK Bagging, ? >o I " i!"!?-W a Drtjort, -i > '' ? 18 '* BACON ... .Ultras, per lb., r.onfy),< rr.'CjmftjQ- aboMkltihi, *? *1 - *> . .Sides, POBK, Country, 7 BUTl'Ell.. .Goahen, per lb. aoo*. ? trWW v- <? Vf"B<Jbuntry, per fb. 115 a ** > COFFEE.. .Rio, per ft>. 16$ Java, per lb. 16 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting. per yd. 0$ a JO Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 16 Osnnburgs, poryd. 11 a 12$ FLOUR ....Country, perbol. $6 a $7 V,. ' Country, per sack, 2 a 4 3$' GRAIN Gorn, per bushel. a 60 Wheat, per bushel, $126 180 Oats, per bushel, a 80 IRON.... .. .Swedes, per lb. 6$ a 7 English, per lb. a 6$ LAUD per lb. a 12$ MOLASSES, W. I. per gal. none. N O., per. gal. , ' o 75 Binur...." " per gtU. none. OILS Lamp, per gal. * I $ a $2 A Train, per gal. 87$ a $1$ , Linseed, $1$ RICE.......per lb. a 8$ ROPE. per H>. 15 o 80 SUGARS., ,N. Orleans, per lb. a 12$ Porto Rico, per lb. a 12$ I.oaf, per lb. 15 Crushed, pet lb, 15 Refined, per lb. a 14 SALT per bushel, *1 Salt, per wick, a 2 50 SOAP Colgate,pule, 12$ a 15 Yellow, per ib. 8 a 10 SHOT......per lb. 12$ Shot, per bag, . a #2 J CANDIDATE FOB CLERK. KrL. It. Shumate, Esq., U before the people of Grocnville District, m a Candidate for CLERK, and will bo aupportod by Man* Fhikxim. f.. A -? ' inn. >f. <14 lit tar w c are authorized to announce Wm A* iVfDRSiiel ?> a Candidate for t'l<rk at the ensuing election. Feb. 2. td. 11fW? arc an(liori'/.<!<i lo announce W. F. VlflNCK, as candidate for Sheriff at the ensuing election for that oflioe. Sr|>t. 8. 17 v tJTWc arc antbori/vd to nnnotincc WM, It A Y N l? a candidate for Sheriff at the ensuing Election. OfWe are authorized to announce Col. I>AVII) HOKE as n candidate for Sheriff of Greenville District at tho ensuing Flection |y We have been authorized to nnnouncCapt. A. V. Owing* * candidate forSheriflF at the next election. Oct. 2??td. publifscooolt" *" Mil. J. F. SHAW pXn]?d?eeto open a M ALE SCHOOL in Greenville, at the old Mountaineer uflicc, on Huncomla* street, on the second Monday ?>f January. inat. Tuition will nrv from *4 to ?1<\ according to the studies pursued hv the pupil. The public patronage is roejiectfullv wheitcd. ItKFEUftNiTX?licv. S. S. Gaiu.a*o. M?j. 8. A. Towxts T. C. (twir, Fxj.. Col. W. fT. CampnKi.t, .1. A. JKvin, Esq., II. T. Ssiru, Esq. Tiii lollon iagcertiftcr.ts !r rl*v rohmittd: T) < \ !>"? V < M.l.r.'. r , f KruniH ick, Maine, Dec. 7, 1855. | Mr. J. F. Sinw l.? a graduate of this College.? He sustained while hero n high rank no n scholar nixl an unexceptionable clinrnetcr in every respoet, lie ha* nad mueli experience in teaching, nud has heeu very iiiccvnful, and is cheerfully recommended ah a ponton highly nnnlified to bo employed as an instructor of youtn. LEONARD WOODS, D. D., Pres. PARKER CLKAVELAND, LL>1>. TIIO& 0. L'PIIAM, IX D, January S. 84 4 E.lfo and Property lnsnred. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! THE A8HEVILLE ftlutuul Siifinrnnre Coiitpomj Insures Hossst, Btsrss u4 ethwr Frsp-njr ,w AGAINST PIRK : And the Utm of Wklts Persons and Slaves, J, between the aget of 10 and 60 yean ON such terms as to render it a most safe and desirable investment. Full details, with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Company, will be furnished on application to any of the Officers of the Company. JOSEPfl R. ORBORNK, Prm't. W*. W. MoDOWELU Vie*-Pre*, i Jif. B. RaXKIn, Secretary <t Treutvrer. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Dae. S7-tf. GREENVILLE, & C. ? nsi 'flnv ? wi MESSRS. GRADY & GOODLETT HAVE REMOVED INTO THEIR NEW STORE Opposite their Old Stand, Where they will continue towel) to feeir euetom re and Meade DRY GOODS, QMpfAIEH, A&, at prioee A8 LOwHhSRR had Dm VI. tf N?llcc. AIL PERSON'S indSKed to the uboeribcrs by Note or Book Aoeoaot are requested to pay Op immediately. HT V* need money and moat have il * W. P. TIIRl'IN, M. D. ' W. R. JONI?\ M. D. dee. S7 M St ??? ? " ^ I * tr~g3F?gi?^' F?W?? CELEBRAm^TAUcTuRiL" CASES, Ojtpotite (A* Conj/aece House, Peu.7: CGLugBXA, 5. 0 ly' S, OTfHSISNB & to. *V/i/ ITRA1BRH IN fleligioup, Miscellaneous and Schooi a99 Richardson Street, COLUMN!A, S. O. a. townkrm*.] 30-ly (a. ?. novxe.' L."T7 LEVIN, Auctioneer and Commission Merohant, a.. <0. " REraUC^XCl'S. John A. Ciavhhid, President Commercial Bank. Joiin Caldwell, Freridcnt South Carolina Hailroad Company, lion. John 8. Puctrbx, John IJrtck, O.Iunibia. . : . *>iL-P Mordkcia & Co., TIrnrt Mimioi x, Hon. tf. F. Colcook, Chnrkaton J m?T 26. 2 it- If THE HEW ERA, T ,, It Published evtry FVidny JUvminff in COLUMBIA, S. C. . BY JAHES A. CURTIS. I Terms . $2 per annum, in Advance. <| DM?. SI tf HAIR WORK. MR. nud MRS. L. OI.SOX IVfOULD rwiwdfiilly inform the Indies and ? ? Gentlemen of Greenville, and transient visitor* of this place, that, they liavo removed from their former place of living (on|>o*itc the Mansion House,) to their farm in the country. A p?#t variety of Handsome Specimens of their iuav be fouuilatthe Watch and Jowclrv Store of MR. CHARLES SMITH, who*ill be pleased to -receive order* for all work in their line. Mr. Snmi is in frequent cuntmunication with them, and customers. may depend on having their work promptly executed and delivered. . Dee. 14. 81 3m Book* and Stationery. TI1K Subscribers arc receiving a lnrg? nud varied assortment of the altove Articles, which tlirv offer at low prices. A LARGE VARIETY OF CLASSICAL WORKS. I 1. Vvi.n.I... at?l- - ? M: II--' 'I' ' I M?I j>Av%.unito i.ivuu? ui iiiintuaniicuii^ ? orhf?. SCHOOL BOOKS, Slate*, Pens, Pencil*, Drawing Book*, Water Color*, Dissected Gaine* Ac., Ac. Blank Book*, bound, half-bound, and in paper. Foolviip, letter and Koto Pap. r, by th? ream or leas. Spy Glasse*, Pocket Compasses, Magnifier*, Ac. \Vith a varied assortment of other article*, to which they invito the attention of the public. O. K. ELFORD A CO. mar. 2, 4*2 tf Mattress Making, &c. , rI"MIE subscriber informs the publio tlist he ,1. has o|K;ncd his Shop ono door above P. N Powers A Co's dry good Store, where he in tends carrying on the husinea of MATTRFXS MAKER and BOLST1UIKR. Mattresses eon Htantly on hand and made to order, and repair ing done at the shortest notice. Ho also engages to lay Carpets, hang Window Shades, Ac. lie respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. JOHN K FnAKKE. ju 1ft. ? - tf Town Ordinance* STREET ANO PUBLIC LAMPS. BE IT ORDAINED, Ikstfrem and after the ratification of this Ordinance it shall be unlawful for any poison or porsons, not employed by the Town Council, for such purpose, to light or extinguish any street or publio Lamp or Lamps, and any white person who shall light or extinguish any"such Lamp or I.amps shall forfeit and pay for each and every oflfence a sum not exceeding ten dollars, nor less than five. Any slave or free person of color who may transgress against this Ordinance shall be committed to the Guard House, and ordered hv the lntendant to receive Mich corporal punishment ?at ho may direct, unless tho owner of ouch slave, or Guardian of auch free person of color, shall pay tho fine hereinbefore prescribed. Any person, free or slave, who shall break or injure miy of tho Lamp or I.amp*, Ump-pnoti, shall be fined not exoocding twenty-five dollars, or receive audi corporal punishment as the Intendant inny direct, unions the owner of anoh slave or GuaiSllan of such free person of color, shall pay the fine hereinbefore prescribed. No peraou shall hitch any horse, mule or oxen, to any of th? Public Lamps under n penalty of fire dollars. It shall bo the duty of tho Town Marsliala to enforec this Ordinance and one half of nil fines accruing from riolations of this Ordinance shall go to the person informing of t he same. Douo and ratified in Council, this 24th day of December, 1855. II. LEE TURUSTOK, lntendant. W. P. Pnicr, Clerk of Council. Dm. 27. 88 2 Stoves! Stoves!! rpiIE SUBSCRIBERS offers to the public a X large variety of Stoves, via: The Challenge and Leviathan Cooking Stoves, and various others. Air Tight Cooking Stoves, n T?f various kinds. raEMITTH COOHINe STOVES, Large and email Oven*, AI It TIGHT PREMIUM Cooking Stoves. PARLOR COOKING STOVES. Parlors, Box Stoves, Hall Stoves, for Chnrehes, Stores, Ac., together with a full assortment of plain and Jspanned Tin Ware, , ? . 4 TIN, COPPER, LEAD * SlIKET IRON WARE MATALUC R00FIN8 Dona in tks most approved manner, with die patch. MTTbc Trade ..applied with TIX WARl; at wnofranle, npon thelowot term*. 1>. 0. WRRTFIRLD, A CO. UrtnrilU, 8. O. apr?, 47 W To Sent. a< T1IK large and comnu-llou# Dwelling 10U8K at the oorncr of Main and Qon tract*, recent)/ occupied by Ltr. W. R. Jcxaa Appir to the subscriber. . , ' " O. W, PARKIN* 1 J JlttMIt t. tfc-# If J , 0 t\<t4*4p'. F?t (fee Pjipny* WISE!' ??$33 GOODS, W H. HOVEY WouM My to tho*n I.ivliee an J OeutUmeW mldoit of and vixitia-f-fhe riiltgQOf TUrcon?ill*, lit desirous of inspecting articles of .flL W* AH ^ HOUSEKEEPING' ' AltQi FlAKTAtUtN GSOBS, that at that popular and FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT, Kfty. ?o lon?< and widely known na ?l)c Califs' JJlotuV iuvj miity .\uiy nnu biicii a lint of d??lrAbU Good* m ttwy would be grntiticd to look through before pureli^aing., LAD1M' C10AK8, of PtlttM Cloth, Sntin, Colored .Silk nndTwoede. Several styles from $8 toft A. ?XDAK HA7UA13, of JVlitwc and Clotlo", Opera Flannels, Mori noes, ltd., with trihiiuings to. jiiateli, will be shown in coniidcrnhlc variety. it 523 sise,-S?T 3?,533 are fuller than usual of Hnndsome, Useful, and ORXAM EXTAL FAXOY ARTICLES. The variouseiiea of English, German and Italian Banjo, Violin and Guitar Strings, Fine Note and Letter 1'uper Envelopes, PERFUMERY, TOliET SOAPS, Morocco J'ortcfotio* and WORK BOXES, Ladies' au<h (vent's Medicated CORK SOLES, Shoes, Slipper", Gaiters, Hosiery and Gloves, ahvuyfc ou hand, at. the tia place, Ho. 2. Cleavcland'a Buildings, Nearly opposite tlio Mansion House. 125 UlvKtXO UNDERSHIRTS AXI) DRAWERS, ASSORTED PRICES. 1 Not. 9. (. . 25 tf ^ K ED FERN, From Charleston, PROPOSES to open, oil the let Monday iu January, ne.\t, in the basement etory of the Presbyterian Church, a FEMALE SCHOOL, in which all the branches of nn English Education will be taught. Terms will vary from f3 to $8, according to the branches taught. Good reforeuces can be given. * Apply at the residence of O. B. Dyer. Dec. 20 82 4 WELIAM A FEASTER, Wholesale & Retail Croccrs AND BUYERS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, tdrccMvlllc, S. C., HAVE just received, and will continue to L-.... - 1 1 ?r ? , .. .j v. Coffee, Sugar. Molasses, Eice. Salt, Bacon, Lard; Flour, Meal, Nails, and Many other Articles wrtiiiniii^ to a Grocery Fj tablfshiucot, to wliiclt we invite public attention, Wo are trading in Article* tlint require large Ciudi Investment and admit of but short profit*, and we find, liy experience, that, it is impossible to do business on a limited credit. We shall, therefore, discard books, and in future, without distinction or exception, require ths CASH on itWrerv of Goods. We arc also Itl! YIX'G PRODUCE of every de scription, and will pay the highest market prices, either in Cash or Coods, at the pleasure of tlx seller. JACOB x. FKASTKn. LKOXAltD WILLIAM*. X"6v. 2. 25 tf. The iHuniinotli Iffcxiruti Wheat. "VTOW is the time to plant this fine valuable Xx and prolific Wheat It was raised on th< farm of Mr. THOMAS T. PATTOX, of Buncombe county X. C., and may be found at the stores oi Messrs gitapy a airl Messrs. Goweu j l>AVn?, Greenville, S. C'., Nov. 2. 25 tf. Dissolutiou. rpilE COl'AllTXKltSIHl' heretofore existii.p I 1 i J. ? sL - o_i ?? * ? % .> nfiwwn wio DiioiicriiH'M is now dissolved. D. O. WRJTFIKLD. j. WI>?TI-TKLD. QfTli< Xotes mill Accounts of the sniil con corn nrs in the hunds of iho subseriber, and i not settled before Court will ho nut in suit. 1). O. WKSTFIELP. aug 24. IS tf YOU arc requested to meet, at the Division lloom of tlio Hons of Temncrance until farther orders. Meeting?Friday Evenings. By order of W. P. Paio*, MT.\ P.-. January 12. "5 I Handy, Candy. AFIXK lot of all kinds of CAXPIES just re ceivod at W. a TURNER*. Oct. 5 21 tf. Watch Maker and JTcwcllcr, UXDKK STERN'S JIOTKL, K LEI'S always on hand tiold U??l Mil* ver WtUches, and JEWELRY of every description. Fancy Goods and Perfumery. ( lliwL-u \V*uhtIt*a 4n<f .Tom?4?!hv n..naIa.i/1 t?? Iks J -! " " hcet nmnnor. u?c. IV, tH 2; Thompson ft Eaaley, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE 0. 71., S. C. June 23, 1SE4. ? g DR8. SULLIVAN ft MOORE, PUNCTUALLY AND PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL o.vrxs iv rirfc mjjrofturikprofession. ROinr^ac: Wartheu, GrttnwUU Ihrtrict. P. *t-OfFio*Dn*kHn, " *' J. M SULLIVAW.] (D. D. MOORF March 9. 43 *ft| REED ft OOODLETT, Sreenville, H. C. jfcyOffic? next door to F. K. Beattik ft Co. J. V. REED.]. (?. p. OOODLETT. JEnuarylt $4 M & a* vD . - I AT TI1B hlOHK or WILLIAM 8. TURNER, . IfOHMfcntY CRITTENQEN & TURNER,) Opf??I(c the n?uUpn House. jvyf I-HKU K li. lms r?ci*i*Ml .ml U t<> Tt offer hi* friend* and tlio public one of tf\c BfcST selecte<1 stock of OOOT**, which hps boon selected with great cnt-u nnd attention, aud one of th* most d**i ruble for purchaser* ever "fforc.l LX Tilts MARKET. It consists of UKALTIYllL STYLES OK AMERICAN* FRENCH m? mm. m nmr mr mm 9 A large assortment of American and Scotch Ginghams, A LAHOE LOT UK Foreign tad BouiCftic LONG CLOTHS SHEETINGS, Cot Ion and Linen Hun Jki-rchitft, IfilDmiTA'lB OlOXifiS, PERFUMERY, HAIR BRUSHES OTOffitASft, &V, WORTH _ m mom, *4? f T*?lk* 1 O.-wl lllinl> I i.v> ^>i|viv|j ?|i(v v?virnv?rvi( p i A large lot of Children's Shoes. MBfe BOY'S AND CHILDBEKB Of Ilat? and Cap?. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF) ayj>riD wawottsia fi i, D "J" jj J jvJ 4, CONSISTING OF j Coats), Punts, Vests, Undershirts, &c* j lie a'so invite* attention to il>? i?fj? *iUitiun j he ha* made to his stock of C R OCKERY, which he is offering at excellent burgu'nsA Call and See for Yourselves I WM. S. TURNER. I ej>t 27. 20 tf Ladir'st Handkerchief*. A FINE lot of LADIirs LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, assorted, just received at I W. S. TURNERS. Oct 5 21 tf. j A CARD. HAVING associated Col. KortF.KT P. Goodlktt with myself in the mercantile Inisiness, the said business will be carried on under the naiiiaand style of GUADY ?k GOOlJl.KTT, at my old stand on the south west, corner of the puunc square. 1 ntreny taRc occasion to return my thanks for the liliernl patronage heretofore bestowed ou me, and solicit n coiitiniuinee ol the same for tlie .new firm above referred to, feeling confident thnt we v.* ill be able fo give satisfaction to nil who may favor us with n cnll. ' It is with reluctance that I must truly say that necessity constrains me, to notify those who are indebted to me either by note or book account previous to 1st of January, 1355, to call niid par up. JOHM H'. GKADY, ' 1 January 23, 1855. CO-FAPsTxtbf.BE:?. H^IIE undersigned having formed a copsrtncr1 ship under the name ami style of Git AD Y ?t OOODLBTr, and taken the stuck of (basis and Store of John \V. Ghaut, w ill continue the business. \\ e iiopvUee^ ^5^<^by prompt nttentlona to merit , continuance of tho liberal pntronag-t heretofore , given the business. Our stock is very complete , now, and preparations aro making to enlarge it r soon. Givo us a cull. JOIJX ir. GRADY, uojst. i*. goodlktt. January. 23, 1855. LAST NOTICE. ALL I'EKRONS indebted to <>. A. Picki.r, o account previous to March last, are en nostly requested to call ot; W. IC. a . settle the same, as further i:.diligence cannot', allowed. J. R. Ul'TTTf, Assignee ' January 5. li-1 . rrr ?1- nr w an auis 2 w ctrrants : 77. K. 3AGL3T, ATTOKXKY AT LAW, is prepured with ail necessary instructions to procure Bounty ( Laud Warrants under the Into uot of Congress, I granting 1 ??<? acres to all who may have served in any of the wars. Immediate attention given to any business of the kind entrusted to his care. March Id. 4-4 tf HI rated i _ I ON tl?e 25th Nov. 1 ft/15, two mare mules, one a light sorrel and the oth| jJLs2SL er a dark mouse color. They are of I common si/t, one of them was raised in Green* | villel>i?t S. HI bought themofThoa llalbertand 1 Mr. Austin, of said l?ist. I think they art making i their way for that pi nee. Any person stopping said mulrs will be paid for their trouble, ami will confer a great favor upon me. J AM ICR STALL! XGS. ear Any editor iu Ldircfield or Greenville Did., by giving two or three insertions to the > above, will be promptly paid by sending accounts to Greenland, 1'. O. Barnwell, liistrict, A, U Look out Tor your Pocket. \\? ft. TURNER is now receiving one of the Tv s largest STOCK of GOODS aver Brought to Greenville, call and see him opposite the Man sion House. You oannot fail to s|K>nd your change. Oct 5 21 tf. l or Salt*. r|"MIE ft|il>MriWr will sell at private sale X. It in House hii?1 lot, on the l'enillet<m road, | ntile front the Conrt House, and near the Kail Road IVjH?t, and situated on n high and elevated lot, having a fine view of the mountain*. lite hou?o is a now frame building, recently completed, containing seven fine rooms. Out buildings hnve I teen erected on the lot. The lotcoutaine about one and one-thirteenth acre* of land, an<l is all enclosed with a now plank fence Any person desirous of purchasing a comfort aide residence will do well to oall on Ida subscriber. 11. W. OOUDKRlk | flye^nvilla, Oe*. IX t% If. ? -?* y ^^^AVIXU OF smtiilM ap% WB A*a PHBPAHBD TO DO-wn>*jpr aa3 mj^ssjDtes S3'z$&s. CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES, HAN0-81LL8, V^YBILLS, BALL TICKETS, PROSRAI/IA8, &Cv PRINTED WITII DESPATCH.* CHINA, SATIN ENAMEL, BAT1N BCRFAC* AND :' A PLAIN AND COLORED CARDS, ^ Upon the ^Joat Enbo^qfalc Jcirh)^ ^ MJiB A flMMQh&rf DF?T79- GTOP,S ?. *?\v] ANQ APOTHECARY SHOP. GK EEN VILLE^fL 0, 3E?3* MkiftTJ DEAI.EIl IN. DM RUGS, MKWCTXR* ?URG!CAT, TXSTRUmt'iiK Paints, I>vo Pu(f?, V?rnirli?A Fatly, ToUacco, Segnrn, Spiri'l G us, Gil*. Cumllvft. Souihl Spiers, finishes, Toilit Ardtlcn, Comb*. Perfumery, etc. Fresh and pttru Drug* wsrrautsd uml sold at low price*. May 4. 51 if STATU OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GKKENVILLB DISTRICT. U1C7 (9<fe>2inM?i59r T?JXiX3U\a. Walker <fc Irvine, ) Decimation in Arsumsit ?'?. > Duning" omXi.ou. John Mcllride. J 11. K. Derby, PlflTt Att'r. T\7 HftltEAS the Plaintiff <li?l on the Iftth <l.vy * t of August, 1H55, hie his declaration aguiust the defendant, who in ul>?enl from, and without the limit* of the. State, and has neither wife nor attorney, known within the sumo, tifon whom n copy of* the said declaration might ha served. : v? It in ordered that tlio said defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on or before the lltli dny of Antrim*, in the year of j onr I.ord, one thousand eight hundren and fifty| six, other wire final ami absolute judgement Will I u given and awarded ngflia.?l him. I). 110KK, a C. P. Clerks Office, GrcOinille 0. II. ) August 10 1855. } 8m ly TO PEBSOHS OUT OP EMPLOYMENT. The best Books for Agents. St ml far a /Vic copies and try them among yomr friend*. UOllF.RT SEARS publishes the following Popular Illustrated Works, mid for the sale of w hich he desires nn active Agent in every County of the United States. A small capital of $20 or $26 only is required. I Thtmott Elegant and Uteful Volume of the Tear. SEARS' OREAT \VOltJC ON RUSSIA. 1. Just published, an Illustrated Description of the Russian Empire. living a Physical and Political History of its Governments and Provinces, Productions, * Resources, Imperial Government, I Commerce, Literature, I'.duv^',?or.aI Means, BsI liiftAl) P.uinKi Mae ?^ ^ *? * * * "* , ?, ..-rs, v,ubwiius, .a iniquities, etc., etc., tlic latest and most nutbeutio ' soure.* Lin belli died with nbout 400 Knjrrft rings and Maps of Kuroj>enii and Asiatic Kuoia,? ! The whole complete in one large octavo volutins of about 7<>0 pages, elegantly and substantially bound. Ketail price, ?3. Persons wi.-hingtoact as agents, and do uft business, can send for a specimen volume, and a ttulwcriptiou Rm.k (price of both $3.25, sent frea of postage) and obtain froiu one to two hundred subscribers', to be delivered nt a certain time to be agreed on, sny in thirty or forty days from th* time of signing. II. Also, a deeply interesting volume, entitled "The'Uenini table Ad ventures of Celebrated Persons," embracing Romantic Incidents uud Adventures in the lives of Sovereiens, Statesmen, Gensnils. Princes, Warriors, Travellers, Adventurers, Voyagers, Ac., eminent in the history of Lurope and America, including Sketches of over titty celebrated heroic characters. Beautifully illustrated with nuincroua engravings, l vol. 400 pages, royal 12nu?. cloth, gilt Prior, $1.2C. III. AVt0 Pictorial llixtory of China and India, j ?comprising a description of those countries nud j their inhabitants, embracing the IlistoreialEvvnt* i Government, Religion, education, Language, Literwture. Arts, Manufactures Productions, CemI merce, and Manners and Customs of th? People^ j from the earliest period of authentic record to ! the present time. Illustrated with 200 engr*> : viuus. Gi)l> inures laruo octavo. Priss * " a.? IV. A'nt Pictorial Family Instructor, or Di- * I gest of General Knowledge?Comprising a com| j.i. te circle of useful <tnd entertaining inform.v I (ion. Designed for Families, Schools and Libra| rio*. fiOO |>n. octavo, l'rice f'2.00. Y. Piclortal History of the American JlerolutioH.?A look for every family in (he Unonl It : contains nn account of the enrly history of th* j Country, Constitution of the United State*, m'! j Chronogicnl Index, <tc. Several hundred en grnxings. l'rice ?2.00. j With a variety of other popular Pictorial I M'orA*, of sneh n moral and religious infiuenee, that while good men may safely engage in their circulation, they will confer apu6/te benefit, and receive a fair compensation for their lubor. To men of enterprise und tact, this busmen offer* an opportunity for profitable employment seldom to be met with. Persons wishing to engage in their vale, will' receive promptly l>y mail, a Circular containing full partieutors, witi? "Directions to persons disposed to Set as Agents," together with terms on which they will be furnishrd, add re f sing the subscriber, jMist paid. llOBKKT SKA RS, PuplUkrr, 181 William Street New York. Send for one Copy.?Single copica of the above works will be carefully enveloped in stout paper, aud forwarded at our risk ami expense to any j post oifiec in UU e Uitcu Stat-c?, on the ucv'tpl. of , the retail pitut dee. 1* *1 If"Tlic Good Time Cominfl^l BV T. a AKTUUt. r|"*LIt>SE who wish to hear something of (bit1' A long-expected day, should read this IstdH' It is having an immense sale; 6uOO copies hSv> ing been ordered in advanoe of publication. We send a copy by mail, postpaid on receipt of the price, fl. J. W. imAW.KY. Publisher. 48 North Fortrtb Street. I MhIMIi-IpIim. !?*' I N. D. Agent* wanted to-Eell tin'* and ofcfc| cr popular Uioko in all part* of the Unifc-JStaftra. ' Soinl f ?r our Lial And tcnoa to Agent*. . * doc. 2<? iST inI . Special Notice. i A IX persona indebtcA-totTie ub*e.j,il*er1 eiilwa I Mm. bj Note I>r Account, up to 1st of Jaau ! In*t, *r? ro^nculod to make as long . j indulgence canned be given. ' July fl. 8 t? 3. W.