University of South Carolina Libraries
iMk* invigorated, K?5>(wt soul will he in health and prosperity, " W hoeo is wise and will observe these things^ even they shall un* derstftnd the loving kindness of the *xonif iT^ ' A colored servant sweeping $ut a " 'hotel boarddr's room fonnd a sixpence, . which he carried to its owner. "Yon ^ tnay' keep it for your honesty," said '' no. Shortly after, ho lost his gold penell case, and inquired of the servant if. he had seen it. Yes, sir, said the . darkey. "And what did do with it I" tij IrAntt nm n\t* M ? ?^ V ? mw|# uu* IV* Ul^ UVIIOTIfjr^ oaiu VIM* key, with entire simplicity. * r Bom of our contemporaries are - -discussing the qnestion, which is the safest seat in cose of railroad collis lion. We should choose one about a hundred yards from the railroad. . "Say, CaesAR Augustus, why am your legs like an organ grinder's !" Don't know - . Mr. .Sugarloaft, why is dey f "Caus dey carry a monkey about de streets." A brick jgrased the head of Mr. 8ugarloaf, just as his ears disappeared round tbe corner. MARRIED?On the 27lh Doc., by Rcr. A. B. McGilvkry, Mr. Colbert Barret, of Pickens District, to MUs Mary Lrnuardt, bf Oreenvilie'DistricL MARRIED?By the same at the same time, Mr. Jesses French, to Mrs. Jane Smith, all of Greenville. CANDIDATE FOR CLERK? ** ' jtrL. it. Shumate, Esq., is before the people of Greenville District, as a . Candidate for CLERK, and will be support* ed by - Manv Friends. Jan. 3. 84 td or We are authorized to announce Wtil I A* IVcDniliel a* a Candidate for Clerk nt the ensuing election. Fob. 2. td. If^We are antliorl/cd to an? nounce Vf. F. PR IKCE, as a candidate fw Sheriff at the ensuing election for that office. Sept. 8. 17 te tar We arc authorixod to announce \VM. RAYNE a candidate for Sheriff at the ensuing Election. trWe are authorized to nnneunce Cot DAVID 110KE as a candidate for ho riff of Greenville District nt tlio ensuing Electios tr We have been authorized to announce apt. A* Y. Owing* a candidate forShoriff at the next election. Oct. 27?td. f PUBLIC SCHOOL" JF. P. SHAW propoees to- open a J,? 1 MA LP' SCHOOL in Greenville on the *ec*>n?f Monday of January, iu?t. Tuition^and place * of holding school -will f>e seasonably given. The public patronage is reepcof fully solicited. REFERENCES.?Rev. f\ a Gaiiaak?, Maj. a A. Townks, T. C. Gowkb, E>q., CoL W. IL \?a?psoli, J. A. David, Esq., 1L T. Serrn, Esq. The following certificate is nlso aubmittd: * bowdoiv coi.i.eof, 1 Brunswick, Maine, Doe. 7, 1865. j Mr. J. P. Shaw is a graduate of this College.? Ha amtained while here a high runic na a scholar and an unexceptionable character in every respect. lie has had much experience in teaching, and hoa been very successful, and is cheei fully recommended as a person highly uualrfied to be etaployad aa an iostrnctor of youth. LEONARD WOODS, D. D.t Pres. PARKER CLEAVELAND, L.LD. n*' .. TUOa d UPIIAM, D. D. January a. " 84 4 : iUVENILESCHOOl. ISItlLOUISAT. BUHIVHAJ* L "1XTILL open a School for the Instruction of V Tr > CHILDREN on Monday next* (7-th January.) or as soon thereafter as the list of pupils will jdstffe Apply at the 8d door above M. B. Earle A Co.'s Drug Store, Greenville. Joawnry a. * U ^ tf AUCT1^SALE~ OF FURNITURE. A DOT OF FURNITURE; eon^^^^ frslsting of TABLED CHAIRS, one good BEDSTEAD, Wash-Stands, da. will h? sola at publis auction on SATURDAY NEXT, the 4th iustant, at the late veeUenee af Mr. W. II. Ewsask, near Dr. Tuams'a 1* m> commrnco hi iu o ciook, a. bl * htti:rms cash. January 9. 84 i | V , I ' ; To Rest ihl] toe large and commodious Dwelling jkjjlhousk at the oorner of Main and Unn eombe atresia, recently occupied by Dr. w. r, jem Apply to the aobeenber. a a. w. parkins. v January 8, 84 tf T OOK AT THIS.?-jh the Cl*rk'? Office of Mid L JLj dlsmai County Qmni, JYovsmksr 17ik, 1854. |f \ jam* r. Snmoaa, Deputy Clerk for p. S. Wood . ) ward. Clerk of the court of the Oonnty aforeI aaid, 4o hereby A#ftKV that Nolsoq Patterson la registered In the Clerk's Office of Middlesex eOanfty court, aa follows, towlt Morn free, aged twentmejfsi) Teara. Sfeet s-4 inches in kelghs bjadi, with 4 war on the right arm near the elbow, andjppWthe 16th day ofSagtember. iifiy hind nw^hual <rfj?c* Ko* ember, injJ* year I* 'p. & woodwaS, crk. nelson ?(<j1 1 - ' ' ' - Qreenvlllc rtlcM CvrrcBt^ ? ' : .< i ? corrects? vibklv vcr tu?j*p?pri3k, BY BRADY k G00BLETT, Mjl PO*. ? t .->? i. . " DRMntfUA I><$OCtftln^PS5BAGGING, Gttnpy, per yard, Dundee, , '4 3 BAOON ... .Hums, per lb., 15 Shoulders, 40R 14 Bides, a -18 Peg round, >; 12$ BUTTER.. .Goshen, per lb. uouc. country, per lb. lfl ? COFFEE.. .Rio, per Id. x 16$ Java, per lb. 18 a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 0^ a 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 Osnaburga, per yd. 11 a 12$ FLOUR.... Country, per bbl. $fl o 87 Country, per sack, 3 a 8$ GRAIN Corn, per bushel. o 60 Wheat, per bushel, $125 130 Oats, per bushel, a 30 IRON.......Swedes, per lb. 6$ a 7 English, per lb. a 6$ LARD per lb. a 16 MOLASSES, W. I. per gal. none. N. O., .0 76 SYRUP...." M per g?L none. OILS Lamp, per gal. $1$ a $24 Train, per gal. 87^ o $1 \ Linseed, $1$ RICE. per lb. o 8$ ROPE per lb. 16 a 20 | QltnAUU XT /~?_1 it- - I uvuniiq.,,11, vncHu*, per iu. a Porto Rico, per lb. a 12^ J/oaf, per lb. 16 Crushed, per lb, 16 Refined, per lb. a 14 SALT per bushel, tl Salt, per sack, a 2 60 SOAP Colgate,pale, 12^ a 16 1 Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 SHOT per lb. / 12^ Shot, per bag, a $2 j Life and Property lusnred. LIFE AND FIRE iNSURANCE! THE ASHEVILLE jRIntaal 3nsnranre Cnmpntitj Insures Houses, Stores and othar Prop rty AGAINST FIRE: And the Lives of White Persons and Slaves, between the age* of 10 and 60 years ON audi terms as to render it n most safe and desirable investment. Full details, with the Constitution and By-Laws of tlie Company, will be furnished on application to any of the Officers of the Company. JOSEPH R. OSBORNE, Pres't. Wm. W. McDOWELIj, VicfPret. J as. B. Rankin, Hecretarf it Treasurer. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Dec. 27-tf. GREENVILLE, S. C. MESSRS. GRADY & GOODLETT HAVE REMOVED INTO THEIR NEW STORE Opposite their Old Stand, Where thev will continue to sell to their customers and friends DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Ao., at prices AS LOW as can be had;' Dee. 27. 38 tf Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the subscribers by Note or Book Account are requested to pay up immediately. pf We need money and must have it. W. P. TURPIN, M. D. W. R. JONES, M. D. dee. n 84 8t ? Wanted to Hire. A NEGRO GIRL, worth about three dollars per month. Apply to A. B., at this offiee. Town Ordinance* STREET AND PUBLIC LAMPS. BE(IT ORDAINED, Thntfroin and after the ratification of this Ordinance it shall ho.unlawful for any person or persons, not employed by the Town Council, for such purpose, to light or extinguish any street or pub'ie Lamp or Lamps, and any white person who shall light or extinguish any such Lamp or Lamps shall forfeit and pay for each and every offence a sum not exceeding tpn dollars, nor less tjiau five. Any slave or free person of color who may transgress against this Ordinance shall be committed to the Guard Houses and ordered by the Intendant to receive such corporal punishment as he may direct, unless the owner or such slave, or Guardian of such free person of color, shall pay the fine hereinbefore prescribed. Any person, free or slave, who shall break or injure any of the Lamp or Lamps, or Lamp-posts, shall be fined not exceeding twenty-five dollars, or receive such corporal punishment as the Intendant may direot, unless the owner of such slave or Guardian of such free person of color, -i.- L :?i Biiau pnjr uic nut- uciciiiucivi u pi vovm/vu. No person shall hitch any horse, mnle or oxen, to any of the Public Lamp under a penalty of five dollars. It shall he the duty of the Town Marshals to enforce this Ordinance and one half of all fines aoeniing from violations of this Ordinance shall go to the person informing of the same. Done and ratified in Council, thia 24th day of Deeerober, , H. LEE TIIRU8T0N, Jntondant. 'tit, P. raiOX, cirrk or t ounrii, Dee. n. 83 2 Stoves! Stoves!! TnE SUBSCRIBERS offers to the v?hlia s large variety of Atovea^ via: The Challenge and Levialhan Cooking Stoves, and various others. Air Tight Cookiiyr Stoves, t)p various kthSs. PREMIUM COOKING STOVES, Large and small Ovens, AIR TIGHT PREMIUM Cooking: Stores. PABLOR COOKING STOVES. . Parlors, Boy Stoves, IIsU Stoves, for Churches, Stores, Ae? together with * full assortment of plain and Japanned Tin Ware, TIN, COPPER, LEAD A SHEET IRON WARE, MATAUJC ROOFING Done in the ,moitapproved mttner, with dist!w^&l?.TI> waj:k> ' ^ -"W ^ , COLOMBIA ADVKRT!SIME3T8w Q? 8. BOWER, Maaafactarer mad Dealer la FUliTflTURE of every description,, ZiSSfil CfiATRB of every style. F!8*'S CELEBRKTE8 METAL1C BURIAL CASES, Opposite the Congaeee Route, Deo?. COLUMBIA, B. C. ijr 8. &(DD. ,/ dkalkbs ik ' Religious, Mtecettweous wd Sebbol. 198 Rlehardsoa Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. #. townskxo.] SO-ly . [r. n. imowxi Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, (3C&3.WS&II33&9J3. ?. RFTKRCENCFS. John A. Oravtvoro, Preridettt Commercial Sank, John Caidwkll, President South Carolina Rail road Company, Hon. John & Prbotok, John* Brvce, Columbia. Morukcia A Co., Uknrt Mirsroon, Hon. W. F. Coloock, Charleston. mav 25. 2 tf THE 1TEW ERA, It Published every Friday Evming in COLUMBIA, S. C. BY JAKES A. CURTIS. Terms : $2 per annate, !u Advance. Doo7. SI tf "^WINTER 185 THE PROPER SEASON BEING NOW COME For the Display of wmm dihm W. H. HOVEY ould say to those Ladies and Gentlemen resident of and visiting tho village of Greenville, and desirous of inspecting articles of LAPSES' & ?EMTS' WEAR, HOUSEKEEPING km plantation mom, that lit that popular and FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT, so long aud widely known as (Tl)e Cn?)ifs' Sioxe, Tliey may NO W find Mich a list of deslrnhlo Goods as they would bo gratified to look through before purchasing. LAMBS' CLOAKS, of Pelisse Cloth, Satin, Colored Silk andTweods. Several style?*fron\ $3 to $15. G31DAS MATOA3.3, of Pelttee and Cloths, Opera Flannels, Merinoes, Ac., with trimmings to match, will be shown in considerable variety. an*? on >*?? ? a nmM are fuller than usual of Handsome, Useful, and ORXAME NT AL FANCY ARTICLES. The various sizes of English, German and Italian Banjo, Violin and Guitar Strings, Fine Note and Letter Paper Envelopes, PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, Morocco Portcfolios and WORK BOXES, Ladies' and (Tent's Medicated CORK HOLES, Shoes, Slippers, Goiters, Hosiery and Gloves, always on hand, at the old place, Ho. 2. Cleaveland's Buildings, Nearly opposite the Mansion House. 125 MERINO UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, A880RTED PRICES. Nov. 9. 26 tf ~Mlis REDFERN, From Charleston, PROPOSES to open, on the 1st Monday in January, next, in the basement story of Uie Presbyterian Church, a FEMALE SCHOOL, in which all iLe branches of an English Education will be taught. Terms will vary from $3 to $8, according to the branches taught. Good references can be given. Apply at tbo residence o? O. B. Dyer. Dec. 20 32 4 HAIRJMffiK. MR. and MRS. Is. OLSO* WOULD ree|K?etfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Greenville, and transient visitors of this place, thnt tliey hove removed from thei/former place of living'(opposite the Mansion House,) to their farm in tnc country. A great variety of Handsome Specimens of their may be found at the Watch and Jewelry Store of MR. CHARLES SMITH, who will bo pleased to receive orders for nH work in their line. Mr. Snrrn is in frequent communieation with theiu, and customers may depend on having their work hromptly executed and delivered. Deo. 14. . 81 8m Hooks and Stationery. THE Subscribers are r? calving a large and varied wactftment of me above Articles, which they offer at law price... A LARflE VARIETY OF CLASSICAL WORKS. An Eltiiaiivs Htosk of Miici>llaiuinu> WnrlrL BC1JOOL BOOKS, Slate*. Poo*, Pencil*, Draw. iqg Rook*, Water Color*, IHaaected Game* *<!., Al'. Blank Book*. bound, half-bound, and in paper. Foolscap, Latter end Kote Paper, by tlie. ream or Icm. Spy Olaaaoa, Pocket CotnpM*es, Magnifier*, <fce. With a varied assortment of other article*, to which they invite the attention of the public. Q. E. KLPORD A CO. mar. f. 42 tf Mattross Making, Ac. f|M!B tmloerlber inform* the public thai ha 1. haa opened hia Shop on* door above P. N Powaaa Ac Co'b dry good Store, where he In tend# carrying on the buatnea of MATrjtBSS MAKER and BOt/iTEREtt. MattreMee eon etaatly on band and made to order, amd repair ing done at the abort** notice. Ue alao eagaKttr lay Carpet*, hanfe Window Kbadea, i?. respectfully aolieit* a ahara of ptthlle patronage. K fra^kf MA ft ? mm t 9 / -*! ? * . .V J I., m .1* riku i i'itf ! < -iiii WILLUnS * FEAfiTER, Wh?lcMlc Sc Retail ferocers AND RUYEA8 OF COUNTRY PAOOUCE, Oree?rl(ft?t 8. C., TTAVE just received, end will continue to 11 keep ou hand a good supply of Coffee, Ba^tur, Moiiuet, Bioe. Salt, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Heal, BTaiU, and Many oth?r Article* pertaining to a OroeVrjr Kstabliebiuefct, to wliioli we invite public attention. We are trading in Article# that require large Cash Investment and admit of but short profile, and wo find, by experience, that it it impossible to do business on a limited credit. We shall, therefore discard book* and fn future, without distinction or exception require the CASH ou delivery of floods. We are libo HUYTNG PRODUCE of every description, and will pay the highest market prices, either in Cash or Goods, at the pleasure of the seller. MOtlS, FX ASTKH. LEONARD WILU AUH. Nov. 2. 26 tf. The Mnrnmctlt Mexican Wheat. 1VT0W is the time to plant this tine valuable it and prolific Wbcat. It was raised oa tlio fanh of Mr. THOMAS T. PATTOX, of lluncotnlm oounty N. C., and may bo fonnd at ilie stores of Messrs Graot a Goodlktt and Messrs. (Jowkh a Davu>, Greenville, S. C, Nov. 2. 25 tf. Disftolution. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the Subscribers is now dissolved. I). O. W V>iTFI ELD. J. WESTFIKLD. ?m?o Notee iind Accounts of the ??id oon- ' corn lire in the hands of the subscriber, and if uot settled before Court will bo nut in suit. 1>. O. WIBTPIKLI). nug 24. 15 tf For Sale. r I'MIE Subscriber will sell nt private sale f^Jry^ JL his House and lot, on the Pendleton | road, about f mile from the Court llouee ,mij near the ltuil Korul Depot, and situated on R high nnd elevntcd lot, having a fine view of the mountains. The house is a new frame building, recently oompleted, containing seven fine rooms. Out buildings have been created 011 the lot. The lot contains about one ami one-thirteenth acres I of land, nnd is all enclosed with a new plank 1 fenoe. Any person desirous of purchasing a comfortable residence will do'well to call on tho snt>scriher. | it. W. OODDARl). 1 Grecaville, Oct. 13. 23 tf. ^77jjj^'~" YOT' are requested to meet at the Division Room of the Sons of Temperance until further order*. Meeting?Kridnv Evenings. Ily order of W. P. Prick, W.\"P.\ tiununry 12. SS I Candy, Candy. AFINElotof all kinds of CANDIES just received at W. a TURNERS. Oct. 6 21 tf. SIrayed ON the 25th Nov. 1855, two mare Mfctih mules, one n light sorrel and the othani iii cr a dark mouse color. They aro of common sire, one of them was raised in Grccuvillc Diet a C. 1 bought, them ofThoe. Ilnlbert and Mr. Austin, of said 1 list, 1 think they areamaking their way for that [dace. Any person stopping said mules will be paid for their trouble, ana will confer a great favor upon me. y' JAMES STALL1XGS. ear a*}* editor in Edgefield or Greenville Disk, by giving two or three insertions to the above, will be promptly paid by sending account# to Greenland, P. O. Barnwell, District, a C. Cook out lor your Pocket. Wa TURNER is now receiving one of the largest STOCK of GOODS ever Brought to Grceuville, call aud see him opposite the Man sion House. You cannot fail to spend your change. Oct 5 21 tf. lom(. BETWEEN tlio village of Greenville and the old race course, an Odd Fellow's BREASTPIN. The finder will be reworded, by leaving it at this office. Oct 10 28 tf. oooPErit, Watch Iflnker and Jeweller, UNDER STERN'S HOTEL, KEEPS always on hand Gold aud Silver Watfhei, and JEWELRY of every description. Fancy Goods and Perfumery. . /Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired in the best maimer. dec. 29,. 83 ly Thompson & Easley, i ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE C. 11., S. C. June 23, 1834. . ft ? DBS. SULLIVAN & MOORE PUNCTUALLY AND PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL CALLS IN TIIE LINKOFTHELR PROFESSION. RmiokMck: Warth*n, Qremvilte Dittriet. Post-Okkick : Dunklin, " " J. M. SULLIVAN.] [D. D. MOORE March 9. 43 *fl| "The 4-<?o<l Time Coming," BY T. a. AHTIIL'R. r|MIOSE who wish to hear something of that ( JL long-expected day, should read this l>ook. It is having an immense sale; 6000 copies hav ing been ordered in advance of publication We send a copy by mail, postpaid on receipt of the price, $ 1. J. W.-RRADLEY, Publisher, . 48 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. tr N. R. Agents wanted to eell this and other popular books in all parts oftho United States. Send fov our List and terms to Agents, dec. 20 32 or ISvksv reader will please notice the advertisement headed 'To Persons out of emuloyment," and send for a full descriptive Catalogue of all our Illustrated Works. To the uninitiated in the great art of selling books, we would say that, wa present a scheme # i_: : i t-t - # A At II>I lor inuiivj innKinK wuii'ii i> mrucnop nmn Hlivne | gold mincapf California and Australia. Any person wishing to embark in the enter prise, will risk Ultle by tending to the Publisher ?25, for which lie will receive temple copies of the various works, (at wholesale prions) carefully boxed. Incurs!, and directed, affording a very liberal per oentage to the Agent for his trouble. With these he will toon tenable to ascertain the moet saleable, and order nooordurgly. Address poet paid) ROBERT BRAttft, Publish", 181 William N?W York. t>ook ant> job pm:mvo wdtfy done>t JEj the i&qtMfriM Office,* 'jijg * f, mw STOCK Offj;' FALL and WINTER ^ ? ? |?s>" AT THE HTOKB OF WILLIAM 8. TURNER, (FORMERLY CRITTENDEN ft TURNER,) Oppwdle the mansion Home. \\T liKRK h, has revived anil in prej>nroil to f offer hi, friends and the public ooe of the 15J94T selected stock of OOOEfe, which hiui been selected with tjrent cure and attention, and on* of tlio most desirable for purchasers ever offered IN THIti MA RKET. It consists uf BKAUTIKUL STYLR8 Of AMKKIC AN * VRKNCU A htrgo assortment of American and Scotch Ginghams, A LAKUK LOT OF Foreign mtd Donicxtic LONG CLOTHS SHEETINGS, Cotton and Linen Handkerchiefs, mmuaiv&rai PERFUMERY, HAIR BRUSHES, tg DSims, worth _ ?y mm\% *** Folr Ivies' qi)0 fctdfliljlDCo's dDcqr, A large lot of Children''s Shoes. ? MEN'S, BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S ^ Hats and Caps* A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF ?IL? ITMOlUiBj, CONSISTING OF Coata, Pants, Vests, Umlersliirts, u:e* lie also invite* nttention to the large addition he liaa :r.:;dc to lu'n stock of CROCKERY, tchick he is offering at excellent bargains. Call and See for Yourselves ! WM. S. TURNER. ept 27. 20 tf Ladle'* Handkerchief*. A FINE lot of LA DIE'S LINEN H ANDKKKX. V. CHIEFS, assorted, just received at W. 8, TURNERS. * Oct. 5 21 tf. A CARD! HAVING associated Col. Robkist P. Good i.ktt with myself in the mercantile business, the said business will bo carried on under the name and style of GRADY A GOODLETT, at my old stand on the south west corner of the public square. 1 hereby take occasion to return my tliuuks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on me, and solicit a continuance of the same for the new firm above referred to, . feeling confident that we will be able fo give satisfaction to all who may favor us with a call. It is with reluctance that I must truly say that necessity constrains tiie, to notify those who arc indebted to me either by note or book account previous to 1st of January, 1855, to call and pinup. JOHN IE. GRADY, ' | January 20, 1855. flO-PAE.'PWSftRfTT? ^TMIE undersigned having formed a copartner X. ship under the name and stylo of GRADY ?fc GOOD LETT, and taken the stock of Goods ^feyOnd Store of Jou.n W. Guauy, \v ill^c\J:Y w continue the business. We by prompt attentions to merit I continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore | given the business. Our stock is very complete now, and preparations are making to enlnrge it soon. Give us a call. JOHN 11". GRADY, ROUT. 1?. GOODLKTT. January. 23, 1855. LAST NOTICE. ALL PERSONS indebted to O. A. Picki.k, o.i account previous to March lust, are ea ncstly requested to call on W. lv. Easi.kt a settle the same, as further indulgence cannot . allowed. J. B. BEITS, Assignee January 6. 34 .( Warrants! Warrants! V/ * >. ATTORNEY AT LAW, is prepared with all necessary instructions to procure Bounty Land Warrants under the late act of Congress, granting 1(10 seres to all s lio may have served in any of tho wars. Immediate attention given to nnv business of the kind entrusted to his care. March 1ft. 44 tf STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GKEENVJLLK DISTRICT. aasr <g?sas2i<E>!ar jpi&sg.&s*,, Walker di Irvine, 1 Declaration in Assuinsit. v*. > Damage $300.(10. John Mellride. ) H. K. Peiiky, PltTs Att'y. W HEREAS the Plaintiff did on the 10th day of August, 1H55, tile his declaration againsttho defendant, w ho is absent from, and without the limits of tho State, and has neither win- iiur inunu'v, kiiowm wmiiiii tfii? siime, upon whom a copy of the said declaration might be served. It is ordered that, the said defendant do aj>Eonr and plead to the snid declaration,* on or efore the 11th day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundron and fifty six, otherwise tinal and absolute judgement will las given and awarded against him. I). HOKK, c: c. p. Clerks Ofliee, Creenville C. 1L \ August 1U 1855. \ Sin lv situation Wanted. AYOl'NC MAX, of steady hnldts, desire/ .1 situation as Clerk in soine Dry Mood or Groeery Store in Creenville. lie 1ms had ecusiderable experience. Anyone desiring a Clerk will please apply to the Editor of the Enterprise who will give the necessary rocorimiemtatfon*. Ac. November t 25-tf REBD & QOODLETT, AS? MW, ?i C. / arOffioo novt door tt> F. K. HraWik A Co j. ft ttEKn.J \h. n: oooutrrr. J on vary 13 |0 tf Ml- lift iniiJ i ii nmmmmmmmmmfmd 1 | JKRTTO- ?TORS 1 ?*0 APOTHECARY SHOP# 1 OREEHVILLE, 8. a 1 3BOL Mimlj r^C3KXy "9 DKALEUIN, ffl T \RUflft. MEUICIKKS, BURGIOAU INSTRU- 3 ,1-r menta, relnt*, TW- Stuff*, Vnroirbee, Putty. Tobacco, Ho*?r*. On*, Oil*, Candle*, Heat*, \dB Hpioe*, Hrunhea, Toilet Article*, 13on?b% Pcrrvmerv, etc. Prech and pur* Drug* wimaUd and aold at lour price*. <E May 4. 51 tf SpeeSjii TVoticc. A ALT. portom indebted to tLe *ub*erib*r, eitfitf by Note or Account, up to let of January laat, arc requested to make payment, a* longer indulgence cannot be Riven, july 6. 8 9w J. W. ORiDT. | HOWARD ASS OCIATION * i?auiLc,iuii)iaj insula. Important An noun cement. rlX> nil persons Afflicted with Sexual diseases, I such as Spermatorrhoea, Seminal WfikntM, d| Impotence, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Kympliilia, the Vice of Onanism, or Self-ahum*, die., Ac. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia, in view of the awful dchtruction of human life and health, caused by Sexdal diseases, and the deceptions which arc practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases l>y Quacks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a Charitable net worthy of their name, to gitrs ' Medical Advice Gratis, to all persons thus afflict ed, (Male or female,) who apply by. letter, with n description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme jmverty and suffering, to Furnish Medicine free of Charge. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institution, established by a special endowment, for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted witli "Virulent and Kpidemic Diseases," and its funds can be used for no other ptir]>osc. It has now a snrpltiaof means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest Mcdienl skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. Valuable ad! vice also iriven to sick and nervous f'milo ?' flirted with Womb Complaint, Leucorrboeo, <bo. {^ST* Address, (|MMt-|?nl,) Dr. George H. C?ibona, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. \i South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, lVnn. Itv order oT the Directors, KZKA D. II ART WELL, President GEO. FAIKCHILD, Secretary, nug 24. 15 tf Book and Job Printing m g*S<T Atllf KMEKT^S HAVING A FINK SELECTION OF WE ARE PREPARED TO DO WOH< CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES^ HAND-BILLS, WAY. BILLS, BALL TICKETS, PROG RAMM S, &C. PK1XTKD WITH DESPATCH. i CHINA, SATIN KKAU?f., SATIN* SCllVACK Altt* PLAIN AND COLORED CAIlDS, ! Dpoo \\)C West Eqborable Jeirlw.' I ws ^ | TO PERSONS OUT OF EMPLOtHENt. : The host Hook* for Agent*. j Send for a fere copies and try them among yovtf friend*. ROBERT SEARS publishes the following Pop-* uTiip llliHtratcd Works, and for the sale of which he desires an iictive Agent in every County of the United State*. A small capital of $20 or $26 on I}- is required. The most Kit, rant and Useful Volume of the Yeat. SKA US'"t;KUAT U'OKK ON RUSSIA, 1. Ju*t. published, tin Illustrated Description of the Russian Empire. Being a Physical and- Po-~ litieal History of its Governments and Provinces, Productions, Resources, Imperial Government',? | Commerce, Literature, EdueaVional Menus, Re I ligioti, People, Manners, Customs, Antiquities, J etc., etc., from t lie latest and most authentic j sources Finbel'ished with al>out 200 Kngrai rings and Maps of European and Asiatic Russia.-*j The whole complete in one large octavo volnme of about 7uO pages, elegantly and substantially bound. Retail price, $3. Persona wishing to act as agents, ntid do t' imftv . business, can send for a specimen volume,- arfd' a Subscription Rook (price of both $3.26, sent free of |K)6tago) and obtain from one to two hundred subscribers, to be delivered nt. a certain time t,o he agreed on,-say in thirty or forty days from th? j time of signing.- , ( 11. Also, a deeply intorcbting volume, entitled! "The Reioai'kable Adventures of Celebrated Per- " sons," embracing Romantic Incidents and Adveivturcs in the lives of Sovereigns, Statesmen, Generals, Princes, Wurriors, Travellers, Adventurers^ Voyager*, dr., eminent in the history of Kurone and America, including Sketches at oVer tnVf celebrated heroic characters. Beautifully tttami trated with numerous ecgravings. 1 vol. 40* pages, royal 12mo. clotli, gilt Price, $1.26. ill. AVw Fich trial Hixtor>j of China ami India. j ?comprising a description of those countries and | their inhabitants, embracing the UMtorcialEvent* I Government, lb-ligion, Education, language, lit* j eraturc, Arts, MAUufnetiires Productions, Com| merce, and Manners and Customs of the People, ! from the earliest period of authentic record to ! the present time. Illustrated with 200 engravings. S'M) pages large uctc:va Price j IV. JVVtc / 'ieUrial Fa>?i/y Instructor, or T>f' gosfc of General Knowledge?--Comprising a cmn, I plcte circle of useful and entertaining inforina| lion. Designed for Families, Schools and Libra' ries. AOO pp. octavo, Price $2.60. ,1 V. Piriartml History of the America?, A'rvofa' /ion.?A hook for every i'nmily in the L'nonl It ! contain* an account of the early history of the Country, Constitution of the UnHo<t States, a Ohroiiogi?utl Index, dre. Several hundred engravings. I'rice $'2.otk With a variety of ofher popul/tT Pi cl oriel Work*, of such u inornl and religious influence, that while g?>nd men may safely engage in their cireulution, they will confer aynhlic benefit, nod receive a fair rmnjttn*<Uioa for their In bo* Tn men of enterprise and tact, thia hneineaa , offers an oj>pnrt*initv for profitable employment seldom to be met with. Persons * foiling to engage in tlicir sale, will receive promptly by mail, a Circular containing i full part icidare, with "lhreotion* to persona dfa} posed to-act a* Agents," together with terms on which they vrjlH?e l\lrni*hrd,addretaing the nls acriber, poet paid. KOllKRT PKARH, Puplinher, TK1 William Street New Yrri. Sethi for on' Copy.?single copies of the alwve works will he caj^fully t ufoUmed in stout paper, ami forwarded at our risk ana exponas to anr Ihist office in the 1'idtfd h'tnten, on the receipt of ' the fetid) prices. dev. N *1 tl