University of South Carolina Libraries
1^?'' 1?a7 7\' "v ? -- ^y. " X _ * jr% . 4C* ' "YwttK&y morning. tW Proftideot of th< Sotnb Ckrolina Colfege nnnouowd to tfc< * ?- .L. UU^iu- l.A>n_ 1 . um wv wnvwiu* ?vuvn? miu nppnini nnKtv girkn by the Faculty to the gradua l3E$i 0. W. Boyd, or Orange bw; 2. W. B. Trenbolm, of Charleston. JftrU ?D. Q. Mackintosh, o Darlington ; 2. 9. E. Maya, of Anderson; g M. C. Connor, of Ornate burg 4.C. A. Fish or, of Camden ; 5. E. H. Walker, of Bantu tort; 0. W. Kennedy, of Kershaw; 7. L. T Smith, of Sumter; 8. A. C. Elder, of Fairfield; 9. B. F. Whitner, of Anderson; 10. B 8. Burnett, of Charleston ; 11 F. W. Barker of Charleston; 12. k W. Dick, of Sumter; 18?P. H. Adams of Edgefield ; 14. T. M McCutcheon, of Williamsburg. Of these, the ten first only will speak at tbeCo xnraencement, according to the new law pass ad by the Board of Trustees. Tin graduating class has 65 members, and hat distinguished itself, as we understand, by i high degree of talent and great application aothat the honors and appointmonta hnv? additional weight. .We cordially wish success to every one of the class, and that all oi thnn may do honor to their families, to Ai ma Mater, and to the Slate, which has lib furnished them with*, superior educa iwsQ. ' 0 ' ?.? 1? t3TCij;rju rjtvvs mum Kansas. W* haTe accounts from Independence lo 4?ff. dated St. Louis, Nov. 30th, 1855, *tnt ing that three armed free States men liad at tempted to drive Mr. Colkman, a pro-slave ?y settler, frt>m his claim near Hickory Point Irff. Colkuas killed one of his aMailant when a mob gathered to drive him and oth er settlers off, add then burnod down th.ii houses.' * The ringleader in this affair wasar Marshal Jonks, and taken to Le compton. Governor Shannon has called ou the militia.. Many citizens from Indepcn dence, Weston and St. Josephs, have gon< to offer their services to the Governor to re store order. Tire people of Lawrence arc ii arms, and have five pieces of artillery. / number of houses have been burnt in Doug lass county, and several families driven t< Missouri for refuge. . The law and people o the Territory are rallying in largo number fo assist the Sheriff in the execution of tlit laws. 6ixteeh house* were burnod at Hick ory Point, and several of its citizens wen missing.- ^ Governor Shannon's recent courso hat S. / % * % A ? _ A *. excited grew, aisgim anu asioimnineiH n Kansas, arriong the free soiler*. A petitioi it in circulation prating the President to re move him immediately. A cull has been is sued[ V?y more than a hundred prorainen stpiatierA for a law and order meeting, to as aend'le iu Leavenworth city, next Friday. *" Carolina Timet. BtATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Exrcmra darabtmsitt, Columbia, ' December 3rd, 1855. TthrrfW, it is .the duty of ever* people to at knowledge their dependence on Almighty Go*1 to exprees their gratitude for Hie merries, an devoutly implore Hie blowings for the future. IJow, therefore, I, Jamas II. Adams, Govorno ef the State of Boutli Carolina, do in conformit with the established utrages of tliia State, appoin the Slat day of Deeemlter, to he observed as day of Thanksgiving, Itumilitntioa and Frayerand invite, and exhort onr citirena of all denom! nations, to assemble at their respective places c worship, to offer up their devotions to Almigbt God, the giver of all good. Given tinder my hand, and the real of th State, in Columbia, this 3rd day of Deeerr !>i?r, '.n the' year of our Lord, one Thoumn eight hundred *n?l fifty-five, and the en entjr-nlnth year of American I??d?pcr d^nce. % J.' LI. J. PiV-reiuox, Secretary of State. ??L- -J? ' I 11J fireenrille Pritc* Current. CORRECTED VRCKLY TO It THE ESTKflPKISI tY SHADY It 800DLETT, MERCHANTS. UutsriLU, December (J 1855. BAGGING, Gunny, per yard, a 20 'Jjjfc Dondee, a 18 BACOiJ ' -Hama, per lb., * a 15 ,, - fcJijou'dert, a 14 iw 7- fcnJea, 16 Ilotfi-ound, 12^ GTTEfc ^ jUoaheu, per lb. none. Couairy, per lb. 15a OFFEB.. JUo, mt lb. l?i Java, per lb. -1? ? ?<> OlflOBTICR, Shirting. per yd. ? 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 ' ? f AUR fVinntra lur kht OA a 17 E Country, per Musk, $ a WMJZf .Cora, per l.urhei. a 50 Wheat, perbushei, #1*1 . OeU, per huuUel, a 3< tfw?de*, per lb. 0t a t English, per lb. ? 5^ XAIiJ),.... .per lb. a 15 &OLASSES, W. I. per gal. ? 00 N. O., per. gal. a te jBYRUP...." 44 pergaL ? 70 t>IL9. Lamp, per gal. $11 ? $2, Tram,pergaL 0?J ? $i, ? Lineeed, $1; tCE...... far H>. a 8^ ?OPK .per lb 15 ? '20 9UOABH.#.H. Orleans, per lb. ? 1$ A ^ Porto Rieo, per lb. ? 1$ M per lb. 15 Crashed, par lb, 10 Befined, per lb. a 14 JAU'...??,?er bushel* ; $1 ^^^per^ack, ^ ^ a 2 5 Oet W~4A B . I v ^ . I '"* *t ? *" ' '.'* y~ X # parAKTED ti* 1*. oo-Friday, 9th Noron^ . s b?r, *1 tt o'clock, U . Morion County, JEut - Florid*, Mr*. M Arm ft. E Eanunsnf wife of % - Mr. Adam Ekokubwcr, and daughter of Dr. ; John and Mi*. Am* H. Sclutab, ag?d 81 year* ? ana mwavu*. one ma never WWH>? Mrself to nay church, but savd'often tHis lliet she in- 1 f tended doing. The dea& ofa loved Sister the winter previous, bud ro*<fo 4 deep impression on her mind, end, sho observed, had "deprived life of ] its former goMen hoe." If deeds of daily kindness?parental reverence, anxious wish to soothe all pain, was an enblem of pure spirit i within she surely possessed it Her unerring and affectionate disposition endeared her to all around 1 her?while her unprofeseed Christianity would serve as a model to many wearing that name. She never gave herself to sleep without thanking- ' her kind Father for Ilis care and often a prayer. 1 of thanksgiving and praise waa on her lipa?and a v earning for a purer spirit tO bless his name. ^ In her last moments she sank into a quiet slumber { and we hope awoke in a brighter aud happier ? home. She left an infant son to whom she gave birth a few hours before. c Oh ! Mattie and oan it be That we shall see thee no more,' But may our happy meeting be. .. -7, >'v. 1 On CansaVs bright and peaceful shore, e And oft when guardian angels earns To nootho at eve's communing hour, c We will hear thy sweet voioe say, come! To join in praiso by his holy choir. r? Yea. 'tie iwwt to think they como When MO thoughts o'er-burden the soul, <] To whisper of a brighter, hnppier home, , Where Joy h endless forever roil. J O'eflook our grief, kind Father, For the loss of our sweet loved one. But give us faith, and patience Father Till yon hid us come noma. ] Q. 6. BOWER, iHnanfartnrer and Dealer ia FURNITURE of every description, S2D CHAIRS of every style. FISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CA6E8, Ojpotite the Congaeee Haute, Dee. 7. COLUMBIA, 8. C 1 7 ; S. ^(DWHSlgH? <fc (DO. DEAI.SRS IV - flclifjious, HTweHapeoiis School f - 129 Blckardiaa Street, * COLUMBIA, 8. C. ^ a. tovksenu] 80?Vy (V n. aaowsr. ] 8 Slrnyed J ON the 25th Nov. 1855, two tuaro \ ] iflflh mules, one a light sorrel and tlio oth- t , aUQL er a dark mouse color. They are of , common aiz*. one of them was raised in Greenville Dist.S.C. Ibonght tliem of Thoe. Ualbert and ' Mr. Austin, of said Diet I think they animating w their way for that place. Any person stopping i t said niulwill be paid for their trouble, and will . confer a great favor upon me. Iaviv ist ait ivna Any editor in bigafitld or Greenville |, Dist, by giving two or three insertion* to the above, will be promptly paid by sending account* to Greenland, P. O. Barnwell, District, &.C. ' " i HTWe are authorized to ani nounee W. F. PRINCE, as a candidate for Sher? I, iff at the ensuing election for that office, i Sept 8. 17 to r or we are authorized to uu- j y nounee Cob DAVID IIOKE a* a candidate for I Sheriff of Greenville District at the ensuing Elrca _ jTWo are authorize*! to announce Wnt ' A* McDaniel as a Candidate for Clerk at >f th* ensuing election. Feb. t: td. legislative Reports. 0 Tho subscribers will issue cverjr morning dur'' ing tho session of the South Carolina Legislature, ^ full roporta of the proceedings of both branches, r* iueluding Speeches and Debates, and at the eloae ?* of the seaaion pat up, in a neat quarto form, the entire matter, printed on first quality paper and neatly bonnd, for $5 per eopy. As our reports aro intended to be complete, Air patrons may expect to learn more of tho bus" iness of tbe Legislature than has heretoforo been '? reported. The "Timet" will be supplied daily for $1.00 during the session and directed through the Post Office U any point First class Stenographic Reporters are engaged, and no expense or labor will be avoided that may be necessary to our complete success. Our friends will please forward their orders. | E. II. 0UTTOM A (JO. "THE EXAMINER." I o ' THE FIRST nrvnBEROFTtolS NEW JOURNAL, WILL BE ISSUED EARI.Y IX DECEMBER NEXT. o Tin Pi ?LH!!r.H would request those who eontemplate subscribing, to forward their names , without delay, e Tames-?Two Dollars rca axnum; one year's j payment rsvjoired on the rseieptof the first nun bar. Address n? at Cvlumbia. \ wit a johxston. Nor. S? if. Shaying and Haii'-Dmaing. [ BrRRIDOB, the Barter, has re AlRQturnod to Greenville, and taken up his j?9l Headquarters newt deer to G. W. Itoelv OHf* Oo's Tailoring estatdishment, in tiaat " BsteJk Rangs, and is prepared to axe ^j^^eute every thing iahkliae with the finest i UJWWUM. U?1lll<ni?n dsn n*T? vnmr nuir rin I nflDer A*r?d at any time > jrJJP'inrI njj tha ?U jr or antn*. HVi*vi?g donQPybj th? aiMth m mMMW Urma Qre?a?ilU, Mirth 10. 44 iS 0 ' IagnOaUhrpeta, , ?TOMITIUO. * ?. o- oioni. i. aoaoo. ' Nor. 10 ft * 1 L'| lirt ' i*-[) jir l" r Hj I: WINTER" 1855. ' I ram proper season being now gome] For tbe DUplay off M*?&& BAfMOKl aeot. Jt? Motto will be "Opttl'to MIl'Tarties and Controlled by None." Siu'srid-Style of th e* Weekly, will be 2* by 34, printed With.New and Elegaut Brevier add Long Primer type, comprising TWENTY-EIGHT COLUMNS of matter.? We will carefully exclude Patent:Medicine Ad-' vcrtisemenU. Wo hare accurcd the services of J. V. I MOORE, Esq., as Editor, whose experience and talent as a writer, is well known to the people of our District, \ Tutus.?In order to place n paper within the reach of every man in the District, we will isene the DOLLAR WEEKLY at ONE DOLLAR per annum, pavalde in advance, or within three months. Tliefirvt numoer will be issued between this and the first of January next. All who wish an Independent Paper, conducted on Independent Principles, win Send in their names at once. tw Post Masters a lio will rboeivo and for- j want subscriptions will receive a copy of the DOLLAR WEEKLY without charge. All Letters and Communications to be ad-' dressed to the undersigned. J. T. UERSIIMAX. A uidant Editor and PublUStr. Nov. 0 20 | A cabdT~ HAVING associated Col. Robert P. Goodurrr with myself in the mercantile business, the said bnsineas will bo carried on nndcr the name and style of GRADY A GOODLETIV at my old stand on the south west corner of the public square. 1 hereby take occasion to return my thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on me, and solicit a continuance of the tame for the new firm above referred to, feeling confident that we will be able fo give satisfaction to all who may favor us with a call. It is with reluctance that -1 must truly say that necessity constrains me, to notify those who are indebted to me either by note or d>ook account previous to 1st of Januarv, -1855, to call and pay up. JOflN IK. QRADY,.* January 28, 1855. ^ aO-PAP.TiTBRBBIP. qnilE undersigned having formed a eopartnerX ship under the uaine and style of GltADY A GOODLETT, and taken the stoek of Goods wffrgs and Store of John W. Grady, will continue the business. We hepe/&^Ml JFMEL by prompt ettfnt.icw sc-ipeHt -iSSSSL ooutiuuance.uf the liberal patroopge heretofore given the business. Our stock is very complete now, and preparations are making to enlarge it soon. Give us a call. JOHN W. GRADY, ROUT. P. GOODLETT. January.23,1855. "The Open Bible." AOBNTS WANTED to sell a new work, entitled "Paganism^ Pepery and Christianity, or win uivwiiiki 01 fen U|wn 1JIUM-, m mown in the History of Christianity, (rora the time of our Savior to the prcson t day, by Vincint W. Miller. With a view of the latest developments of Rome's Hostilities to the Bible, ae exhibited in various porta of the world, and an expose of the absurdities of the iuunaeulete conception, and the idolatrous veneration" of thU Virgin Mary, by Rev. J. P. Berg, D. D., author of "Thi Jesuits," "Church and State," dra, drc. The author of the work; Dr. Berg, is acknowledged to be tho most able writer on Romanism in the country ; those Sho have read his discussions with Archbishop nghea, will need no more aseuraaoe of this fact. If Agents will find Mill the most saleable tkook published: R is a large ltmo. volume, of fsurhoadred and thirty pegse, illustrated with aaasereus sngraviaga. bearUfoUy and substantially bouad^Sd aslTsi 91 15 per copy. npeeimea eopiee teat by rau, pea* paid, to aay part af ths Uafted Staftea, on reasiptof thaebaos air " * 41 Keith fourth street, riiladelphia. ?? nwx n wi?K WIHimiHW WVW) W. H. HOVEY Would My to tho>^ lAdia* and OantietRe'n V*sideutof And visiting the Village of Greenville, and desirous of inapeoting articles of LADOKS' & Qi^TS" WEAK, HOUSEKEEPING >, \m PLANTATION SOOBf, ' that *t that popular and FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT, so long and widely known :o$ , J1)C Slovt* they may NQW find a a oh a list of desirable }oods aa they would be gratified to look through" , >efore purchasing. " r umw GLOm " >f Pelisse Clotli, Satin. Colored Silk and Tweed*. ' Several styles from (In to $15. jDM?A3t'flti2PtrhlL'sj >f Pelisse and Cloths Opora Flannels, Morinoe*,*' to., with trimming* to match, will be shown in ionSiderableVarietvv trass 8359"? ?^?S3 ire fuller than usual of 'Handsome, Useful, and ORNAMKNTA h FA NCY' ARTICLES. < rhe various sixes of English, German and Italian Banjo, Violin and Guitar Strings, Fine Note and Letter Paper Envelopes, PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, Moroeco Portfolios and WORK BOXES, Ladies' and Oent*b Medicated CORK SOL KB, Shoes, Slippers, Gaiters, Hosiery and Gloves, always on hand, at the old place, Ho. 2. Cleaveland'e Buildings, Nearly opposite the Mansion House. 126 MERINO UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, ASSORTED PRICES. Nov. 9. 26 tf A Sfow Journal to bo Published at Anderson S. O KKTITLKD Anderson Dollar Weekly. THE undersigned proposes to publish in the town of Auderson, a Liteary, Political, and News Journal, to be styled, ANDERSON DOLLAR WRKKLY. He is nwsrp, that be proposes entering upon an enterprise, beset with dfticultie* but he will endeavor to surmount these by securing a large subscription list, and engaging the best writers in the district to contribute Vo its columns. Anderson cA and ought to support another Journal; and Piling confident that the enterprise will meet with a hearty support, 1 now present this prospectus to her people, As n Liteatury A News Journal the Dollar Weekly will contain the choicest selections of Litcraturo, and tiie Latest Foreign, Domestic, and Commercial News. Also the Reports of the Acts of tho Legislature and of Congress. In Politics the Dollar Weekly will bf lmlepen 0 '. V - o> * V * V ' fc ll o , *? .? .... ?g?rggggrni j.J, ... , WAR IN GR FIVE n&NDRl PROCLAMATION BT FELDOW-CrnZENS, COUNT Hear ipe fox AND BE SILENT THA HAVLNQ directed my sympathetic gnxe to Ut kinds of Merchandise of consumption, And to <1 aughter" humnn nature revolted within me wli Is no Physician there! Is there none to sound hit tains, to rouse you from your Dorm.snt Slumber f arith the paleness of etsrual grief stain pod on you 4wt pinches. ' CREDIT IS THE RC If you think you cAn buy at any ore-lit house as Cucumber, for besides selling for CASil OJNLY, We offer the who! Thus enormous advantages ere now offered, the li Tl. u? .irf. -? -t -Vj. 1. * --> VVilSMM IU porv Vi WIU IKI ?UU IUUI Ready and well OF A+b, QUALITIES, FASH Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, I And a whole Gang of Rigmarole; the want of time fading thein in Single File. Enough to aay the St< rel of WhUkey, aftd Under present circumstances a aatouisb tho Native* and Know Nothings. fW A ] In BEATTItTS Old Stand, between R. LONGS i O" DON'T FORGET |ST*P. S. Conntry Morehante wishing to purclu monev, by oalling at the above direction. Oct 6. 21 . WILLIA9IK dc FEASTEB, Wholesale 6c Retail Grocers AND BUVERS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, Orcenvllle, B. C., HAVE just received, and will aontinue to keep on hand a good supply of Coffee, Sugar. Molasses, Rice. Salt, Ba* con, Lard, Flour, Meal, Hails, and Many other Article* pertaining to a Grocery Establishment. to whicn we invite public at tention. We aro trading in Article* that require large 1 Ctuh Investment and'ad twit ofbut short profits, and we find, by ex^Sirience. that, it- is impossible to do business on a limited credit.-' Wc shall, therefore, discard books; and in future, without distinction or exception, require the CASH ou delivery of Goods. We are also BUYING PRODUCE of every description, and will pay the highest market price*, either in Cash or Coods, at the pleasure of the seller. jacob x. r*astan. lkoxard wau-un. Nov. 2. 25 tf. The nnmmoth TOexiran Wheat. NOW is tlio time to plant tliis fine valuable . and prolific Wheat. It was raised on the farm -of Mr. THOMAS T. PATTON, of Buncombe county N.' C., 'and may be found at the store* of Atebsr* Gradt a Goooi'.itifr and Messrs. Gowk a David, Greenville, S. C., Nov. 2. 25 tf. Dissolution. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the Subscribers is now dissolved. IX G. WEST KIEL IX . J. WESTFIKLIX |y-The Notes and Accounts of the said concern are in the hands of the subscriber, nnd if not settled before Court will be nut in suit. D. G. WKSTFIEIJX aug 24. .1ft - tf SITUATION WANTED?' AYOUNC MAN, of steady habits,. desires a situation as Clerk in somfc Dry Good or Gnoeerv Store in Greenville, lis has had con-s{derab1e experience. Anv one desiring a Clerk will please apply to the Dlitor of the Enterprise who will give the necessary recommendations, Aft November 2. 25-tf * Special Notice. . ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, either by Note or Account, up to 1st of January last, are requested to make payment, as longer indnlgence cannot be given, jaly 6. 8 9w J. W. GRADY. Notice. IS hereby given that application will be made at the next session of our State Legislature to grant a charter for a road leading from Greenville Court-House to Paris Mountain by the nearest and most practicable route, .. September 1. 17 3m ' Fop Sale. r | *I1K Minaeriocr vrui ten ai privnie saie rajrs i X hi-House and lot, on the Pendleton aRiif roaii about | mile from tlie Court Ilouso^ anj ; n^hh the Bail R<iad Depot, aud situated on,* high | and elevated lot, having a fine vie w of the moun- | tnina, The lionwJ is a new frame building( re_ ; 'cCfithr completed, containing teven fine ruomi ' Out-fmildingi* have been erected on the lot. Hie lot eoutaina Ahoiri one and one-thirteenth acrca eUaud, and u all enclosed with a new plank fence. ! _* Anv persort deaironsof purchasing a comfortable -act^nea will rrcM to csl! OS the sal<eci*iwci:. It. W. GODDAKI). Greenville, Oct. 12. 22 tf. Look out fbr your Pocket. "VJ17" - R. TURNER ia now receiving one of the 2 * STOCK of QOOD6 ever Brought to (aroetvSi^ call and aee hiin opposite the Man-' sion House. Tou sannot fail to spend your change. ' Oct. ft 21 tf. CVm easier Ceaxl Z 4 FINE lot of all kinds of CANDLES just re Jx eeived at W. & TURNERS. Oct 0 21 it. Reward I " THE Dl ARIKEA KILLER, tested in over 10, 000 Ceeee of Asiatic Cholera end Bowel Complaint*, has nerer jet failed, when tried in time, instantly to relieve and speedily to effect a Permanent Cure PRICE 60, CENTS A BOTTLE. fW Be partienlar to see that it is prepared by BENNETT 4 BEERS, Richmond, aa none other is Gsantae. Sold by Druggicta end Country lferelyuits' sMif'whsn, and Itt Greenville by M. B. EARLE 4 CO Jfc?* 1 IflTW* ?N tiifcfl?l to mmmum W*. SATN1 a candidate far Sheriff at he?sshf flMha IIM* 4 "' ' ' . tf ' . - ; ' < CCfl V iliJiB ! ED KILLED It TUB PRESIDENT. BTMEN AND FARMERS, * mt Caasc, 1 J YOU M A.Y .HEAR. ? imposition of HIGH TARIFF Itritd on nil tir innocently submitting liko "Lainbs led to the en I asked myself, "Is there no Baliu in Oiliadf" a i roice like s Trumpet over the eternal MounWhy, why will you grope about in darkness, ir pale brow I Ah, let me point out where the ^ >0T OF ALL.EVIL. t cheap as I sell, then aro you green, green as a ^ 9 ^ Le Stock at Cost. ike of which youjwill not hare in a "Coon's age.' . tt complete assortment of ^ Made Clothlng9 IONS, SIZES AND PRICES. Cat*. Caps and Groceries, and space only prevents from Msrching and Pa>ck is comnletc, from a Brass Thimble to a barro disposed at snch astonishing low prices, as to word to the wise is sufficient. [j. CABR, Agent. < GREENVILLE, a C. ?nJ P. N POWERS' Store. * THE PLACE.a tee, to eel! sgcin, may depend on doubling tbeir ? 1 NEW ????!? ?F 1 FALL and WINTER ; AT THE STOKE OF WILLIAM S. TURNER, (FORMERLY CRITTENDEN & TURNER,) , Opposite the Maunion House. , WHERE be bns received and in prepared to ' offer bis friends and the public one of the REST selected stock of GOORfck which 1ms lu?en selected with great care anJ attention, and one of the most desirable for purchasers ever offered IN THIS MA RKKT. It consists of UBALTIFCL STYLES OF AMERICAN 4 FRENCH A largo assortment of American and Scotch Ginghams, A LARGE LOT OF ' Foreign and Domestic LONG CLOTHS & SHEETINGS, Cotton and Linen Handkerchiefs, MOSOIBlf AITO 1&LDTOS, PERFUMERY, HAIR BRUSHES, tot JqOies' 9i)0 Gii)ilcii)cn's iOcq), , A large lot of Children's Shoes; 4KK* MEN'S, BOY'S AND I M" CHILDREN'S fit Hut? and Caps* A AVELL SELECTED STOCK OF ?ILOTTQaaKl^ CONSISTING OF I CoatsJ Pants, Vests, Undershirts, &c* | He also invito# attention to the far^e addition he has made to liis stock of C R O C KERY, which he is offering at excellent bargains. Call and See for Yourselves ! WM, S. TURNER. sept 27. 20 tf Lndic'N Handkerchief!*. A FIXE lot of LADIE'S LINEN IIANDKER- | CHIEFS, assorted, just received at W. & TURNERS. Oct. 5 , 21 tf. EiO*t. BETWEEN th* village of Greenville and the old race course, nn Odd Fellow's BREASTFIN. The finder will bo rownnled, by leaving it at this office. Oct. 19 28 tf. Watch Tlaker and .Jeweller, UNDER STERN'S HOTEL, I 7 TLMXl -1 1 J - ? ma ura o iiiwjivu uii iiniiu WIU UIIU VII* { IV ver Watches, and JEWELRY of evcry description. Fnncv Goods mx\ lVrfumery, i Clocks, Watches ana Jewelry repaired in the best manner. dec. 29, 83 ly REED ft GOODLBTT, ILAW, Greenville, C. jtyOffice noxi door to F. F. Bsattie ft Co. j. p. rkkd.] [?. d. cooductt. January 12 85 Cf _ . Thompson & Easley, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE C. II* 8. C. Jane 23, 1854. ? g DBS. SULLIVAIf ft MOORE, PUNCTUALIV AND PftOMFTU ATTEND TO All casks in thk line of their profession. Tsmmcrcs: Worth**, OromoUU Diiiri*. XV p.*t-0*rt??: Dimkliti, H J. U. SULLIVAN.] flX D. MOORE March 9. 41 *<| o a> i? 11 Book and job Atirnwo >Ntir dc*? ? , th? "Enwrprlos 0*#*" L_J v J ~y -. ^sUtftfcL *g Stoves! Stoves!! ,?-.' rtffi SUBrvCRlBlIRS odcM toib* paWU * large variety of^rti, w: The Cnallaag* nd Levlatbau Coolcioz StorU. end raritui then. Sir Tight Cooking Store?, VARIOUS KINDS, SE5HIU5? OOOK?S? sTCYSS, Large and email Oven*, AIR TIGHT PREMIUM Cooking Store*. PARLQR COOKING S'TO^kB. Pnrlom, Box Store*, 11*11 Store*, fee CkUrelm, tores, Ac., together with a full -u*ortm?iil of lain and Jopnnned Tin W'nre, ' IN*, COPPER, LEAD A SHEET IRON WAR*M A T A LLIC ROOFING k?no iu the most approved manner, vritlediaatoh. HT The Trad* supplied with TIN WARS, t wholesale, upon the lowest term*. D. G. WfiSTFIELD, ACO. (Jmnvillt, 8. d apr 6, *47 tf new-York ad veutiskment. " ?! Brest Reduction in Prieeie IneGold Hunting Knt. Lever batches fttF Det'd. " 40-84 : " Open Face " M " '? " " Lepinoa 28-82 lilver Hunting Patent Lever Wntchss 82-38 Defd. " " 18-22' Jold Vest, Neck and Fob CHAINS ^nilies' Chatelaine Chains JreAst Pius, Ear Rings, Cuff Pins, Bracelets *old Pens and Pencils * * tuda, Sleeve Buttous, Collar Bifttoaia And every article In the Jeweiry line, of do lest quality and workmanship, lilver Spoons, Knives, Cups, fnpkin Rings, Ladles, Ac. Ac. Also a new article of SlecVe "Buttons and Collar Buttons, our own pattern. Anv of the above articles may be ordered and' will be sent by Express nt our risk, and if they lo uot give satisfaction mnv be returned. SAMUEL W. BENEDICT, 6 Wall street, New York.. .. August 2 12 2m-LAST NOTICE. *: ALL PKUSONK indebted to O. A. Pictfut, on account previous to March Inst, are earlestly requested to call on W. K. Easlxt and* vottle the name, as further indulgence cannot be dlovred. ... J. B. BETTS, Assignee.January 8. 34 ') tf BOUNTY LAN?r too acres "P^O AM-tvho btrre (*7*Ved f-f dkya, in any JL Wnr of the United State*, ainc& 1*790. ( Warrants ol> tallied, *nd highest cash prices paid for tbCiti, by C. 3. ELFOUn, Attorney at Law, Mh 16. 44-tf Greenville, 8. C. ^ Warrants! Warrants! vr. s. aAttjaT, : VTTORNEV AT LAW, is prepared with all' ... jtbecssary instmctions to prodtWe Bounty i.onu warrants'muter the late act or Congress, granting 160 acres tor'all who may have served in' ivny of the wars. Immediate attention given to' any business of tfte Vrruxf entrusted to hia care, March I'd. 44 tf STATE OF SOUTH CABOltliAv * GREENVILLE DISTRICT. . ' " nasr <m>m m rosy Walker A Irvine, i Declaration in Asaumsit. r*. > Damage fUOO.OO. ' John Mcllride. f B. V. I'ksrt, PlflTa Att'y/ . VXrHKUEAS fhc l'hiintiff did on. the lOtli day ? of August, 18M>, (iTe his declaration against the defendant, w ho is absent from, and" without the limits of the State, and has* neither wife nor attornev, known within the sarife,. upon* whom u copy of the suid declaration might b* served. , , . It is ordered that the said defendant do apEcnr and plead to the said declaration, o'lf oV 1 efore the lltli day of August, in the year o# " our Lord, one thousand eighthtmdren and fiftysix, otherwise final ami absolute judgement will he given and awarded 'against him. ' D. llOKE, C. C. P. Clerks Office, GrdertSrille C. II. I August 10 1863. ) 8:n ly Books and Stationery. TIIE Subscribers are reeeiviu* a lawre and ? - 1 ried assortment of the above Article*, wbieV they offer at low price*. . A LARGE VARIETY OF CLASSICAL WORtS. An Extensive Stock of Miscellaneous Works. SCHOOL BOOKS, Slate*, Pen*; FeWCtl^ Drawing liooke, Wnter CcAora, DfcsevtW Gamti Ac., Ac. Blank Hooka, bound, half-lxmnd, and in papar. Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper, by. the rem** or less. . Spv Qhumt, Pocket Compasses, Magfiiffcr*, AV. With a varied assortment of other articles, to ' "" " which they invite the attention of the public. O. E. ELFOI1D A OO. mar. 2, 42 tf Datro- ?TORS km APOTHECARY $m*, catggmm, s o, 13a ft.nLU'JTCStf DEALER IN.. Drugs, medicines, surgical iNKlttlmenta, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes; iMlty, Tobacco, Scgars, Spirit Gas, Oils, Candles,- Soap*, Spices, Brushes, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, eta Fresh and pure Dftkfa warranted and sold at low prices. , May 4. 51' ' > tf ITT turiv M.J. X . XJXU V 111 , Auctioneer and Commission Nerohatft^ (0. HKFKRCENCKB. Joint A. Oa.twroap, Prendmt Com met*(dfimal, Jon* Caldwell, Prrmdrnt South Cmroiimu Rmiroad Cmnptmy, lion. Jou.f 8. Furrow, JrWU Haver, Odnntbia. MoanariA A Co., II?y*r Mimko 9, Hod. "Vf. I*. Couxw*, Charleston. may 15. t tf' ' ' 1 1 " 1 - > t C3? rSKNe? YOU ara raoneeted to m?tt mf tfca WtWdT Room of tha Sons of Trtkftrwt?? tttil farther order*. Meeting?FrMar ?y order of W P. Pica, W. /F.v nary 11. t$ t m> . -? r i r'tasal i -- .