University of South Carolina Libraries
that and moat of tCem ?xbtbtt too mu?h re* Vwuujus axti?!'fcashsiba Js addressing thcbW^citUe**. We rejoice to hea? that there is such ? people in America. Let them retain their tactumitv by ell means. The greet end crying evil of the times is the excess of gab. Every man fancies an orator, and Slinks himself bom for the express purpoeecf edifying his fellowmen, either from the rostrum, the bar or the pulpit. Surety thp Bui ietin has not been perforated and mangled as others have been by the immens* boring machines which may be found in various parts of the country, or ic wouid not be. anxious to endow iU rhiladelphians with the gift of tongues. Let them abide in peso* Happy, excellent people, who have no desire to shine in public assemblies, bat are content to mind their own business ! Corrupt not, oh Bulletin, their primitivo simplicity. Visit not the only quiet spot in the United States with the confusion of Babel. Richmond Despatch. Summary. Thomas F. Meagre, Esq., was married on Wednesday by Archbishop Hughes, at the Episcopal residence, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Townsond, Esq., of Orange County. The New York Times gives the fallowing froiMiD concerning the ronrrmpo : "About ft year since, a distinguished Hibernian formed the acquaintance of a celebrated belle Mis E??T?d, daughter of a wealthy Fifth Avenue merchant. Four days af tor the first introduction the swain proposed and was accepted? by the lady only. The parents, alas! were obdurate. The father d^clftrod his reasons for disapproving of the match were of a serious nature, and based oh some unpleasant antecedents in the life of the candidate for his daughter's hand.? Stolen interviews resulted, and finding eventually that the young lady was determined to stick to her lover, the cruel father made Lis will, and disinherited his daughter. So it seems that two hundred and fifty-thousaud dollars is not forthcoming. Spurs hot Your Dasrijfr.?Dean, in lint "Ottoman Krnpiro," says the doctrinoa ??f Ldami?m teach that no man may be above hi* destiny; that every one may learn a vocation whereby he may earn his bread if predestined to do so. A curious list is given in lbe occupations of patrisirehs.caHpn* sultans, which commence with the first in AO. hUfd the ground: Noah was a carpenter A*>r? * *> a wearer ; lfatid made coat* of mail So..?iion made banket* of the date tree; the Caliph Omar manufactured skin* ; Olhniaa sold ea.iL*8 ; Ali, the cousin of tile Prophet, hired him*, so a master a salary. The Ottoman soverMfu hid not think it beneath them to submit to thir law id imitation of so many emieut examples.: Thus M hammed It, sold flowers; Soli man the Qreat made slippers; A oh met I made ebony ease and boxes ; Aekmet Unexcelled in writing, and in emUasoning the canonical books; Selim II, |Muted muslin*. tjegjw.ii11!tsaamammemeammmmmrn (Irrravillc Price* Current. rt)aaactko wxkklt ron tiib kktbrpkisk, jBY BRADY St G33DLETT, MERCHANTS. Uaics?(viu.a November 20. 1856. BAGGING, Gunny, per yard, ? 20 Dundee, o 18 BACON ... .llama, per U>., a 15 > Shoulders, a 14 STdes, a 18 Hog round, 12^ BUTTER.. .Goshen, per lb. none. Country, por lb. 15 a COFFEE.. .Rio, per lb. 15* Java, per lb. 18 a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 0^- a 10 ...i l a . is i?iicvviii^, ^n;r ju* av u i %j Osnaburgs, per yd. 11 a 12$ FLOUR .... Country, per bbl, $6 a $7 Country, per sack, 3 a 3$ GRAIN Corn, per bushel, a 60 Wheat, per bushel, $125 Oats, per bushel, a 30 IRON.. .Swedes, per lb. 6$ o 7 English, per lb. a 5$ LARD per lb. a 15 MOLASSES, W. I. per gal. a 60 N.O., per.g&l. a 70 SYRUP...." - per gal. ? 75 OILS Lamp, per gal. $1$ a $2$ Train, per gal. 87$ a $1$ Linseed, $1$ RICE, per lb. a 8$ HOPE..... .per lb. ' 15 a 20 SUGARS...BL Orleans, per lb. a 12 j Porto Rico, per lb. a 12$ '" ;Loa? per lb. 15 Crushed, per lb, 15 ReAsed, per lb. a 14 SALT. .. ,.. .per UAel. $1 Salt, per sack, a 2 50 SOAP.......Colgate,pale,prjb. 12* ? 16 Yellow, per )b. 6 a 10 SHOT......per lb. 12* Shot, per beg, * $2f TDK SUBSCRIBERS have now 1ft star* a good aupply a/ IXMJBLE PLY Ingrain Carpets, 1 wkUh were bought md? very ?dnnU?ou< mS eircumetanao ana will b? offered at ? man adtmm. EXTRA HEAVY RICH BRIGHT OOLORKD TURK I2Y RUGS at redueed prieeo. W. & HAffrTE A CO. V. 1 IMTIK *' A. BUOL '.j Ho?.U ? It Xfce Boom and -tflfe OR Spring street, third mum* eaet from JHjL th? Court Hooaa, i* now offered FOR SALE The Lot contain* about seven eight* of an acre, embracing a superior vegetable Garden. Hm yard ie well eat with choice fruit fereee, Rower*, Ac. . The Houee oontaina two room*, 20 by It with flre-plaeea Other building* on the prxifai* The location k convenient to a spring of aa pare wotar ae the uteuntoine afford, and, a* n NdHM k at oaee rAhdfron and convenl WINTER iiS5.- I THE PROPER SEASON BEING VOW COMB For tke Display of 'ffilSSSS SOC2S2, W. H. KOVEY V^.14 U 41 ? T -.11 ..1 /I 41-?? ?1 .ows a^ w ? ?uu VtuMtuiiu I dent of Mid vlaiting the village of Greenville, and dttiroui of inspeoting of J.AD0IESr ~ W?AR, HOUSEKEEPING AH? PLANT ATtQit G?O0*p that at that popular and FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT, to long and widely known at j)t Cables' Store,1 They may NOW find tneh a list of desirable Goods aa they would be gratified to look through before purchasing. UDXBS' CLOAKS, of Pelisse Cloth, Satin, Colored Silk andTweode. Several styles from $3 to $16. ' ?IDA? HtATOAM, of Palisseand Cloths, Opera Flannels, Merinoes, Ac., with trimmings to match, will be shown in considerable variety. 5353 S33STSF 0&S33 aro fuller than usual of Handsome, Useful, and 1 ORNAMENTAL FANCY ARTICLES. The various sizes of Euglish, Gentian and Italian Banjo, Violin and Guitar Strings, Fine Note and Letter Paper Envelope*, PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, Morocco Portefolio* and WORK BOXES, Ladies' *n<l Gout's Medicated CORK SOLES, Shoos, Slippers, Gaiters, Hosier/ and Gloves, always on hand, at the old place. Ho. 2, Cle&vel&nd's Buildings, Nearly opposite tho Mansion llouse. 125 MERINO UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, ASSORTED PRICES. Nor. 9. 2? tf A Hew Journal to bo Published at Andirson S. O ENTITLED Anderson Dollar Weekly. TIE undersigned proposes to publish in the town of Anderson, a Liteary, Political, and News Journal, to be styled, ANDERSON DOLLAR WEEKLY. He is aware, that he proposes entering upon an enterprise, beset witn dflicultice but he will endeavor to surmonnt these by securing a large subscription list, and engaging tho boat writers in tho district to contribute to its columns. Anderson sap and ought to support another Journal; and (feeling confident that the enterprise will meet with a hoarty ( support, I now present this prospectus to her peoi. -?. As a Liteatury A News Journal tho hollar *i">?t.Ylv will contain tho choicest selections of Liternturd, Latest Foreign, Do- } rnestie, and Coramerc."^ ^6Wt Also the Reports of the Aets of the Legislate and of Congress. In Polities the Dollar Weekl/ will be Independent. Its Motto will be "Open (.-> Parties and Controlled by None." Hire a^d 3tylo of the Weekly, will be 24 by 84, printed V'th New and Elegant Brevier add Long Primer type, cumpris mg inr.ailT,lum LMJLU.MINH Of ratviw.-""! We will sarefully exclude Patent Medicine aJ vortiscmentA. fg" We have secured the services of J. V. MOORE, Esq.. aa Editor, whose oxj>erienoe and talent aa a writer, is well known to the people of ' our District, 1 Thrma.?In order to place a paper within the reach of every man in the District; we will issue the DOLLAR WEEKLY at ONE DOLLAR per annum, payable in advance, or within three months. The first nuinoer will be inued between this and the first of January next. All who wish < an Independent Paper, conducted on Indepen- < dent Principles, will send in their names st once. rar J'ait Masters who will receive and for-1 ' ward subscriptions will receive a copy of the < DDLLAK WEEKLY without charge. All Letters aud Communications to be addressed to the undersigned. J. T. IIERSIIMAN. Aui*tant Editor and I'abiUhtr. : Nov. 0 20 t ! ' THE EXAMINER.'' THE FIRST NVMBEI OF THIS NEW JOURNAL, WILL BE laSCKI) EARLY IN DKOBMMtR NEXT. I Tur. Publisher would request those" wtoo contemplate subacribing, to forward their names without delay. TaaMS?Two Douau rxa annum; one year's payment required on the reeiept of tho first nura , bar. i Address irte at Columbia. i WM. B. JOHNSTON. 1 Nov, 9 tfc \ Legislative Reports. The subscribers will ioaue every morning dnr- ' log the oeaoion of the South Carolina Legislature, , full report* of the proeeodings of both branches, including Speeches and Debates, and at the close of the session pnt up, in a neat qaarto form, the entire matter, printed on first quality paper and neatly hound, for $5 per copy As oar reports are intended to be complete, , onr patrons may expect to learn more of the bus- i is ess of the Legislature than has heretofore been < reported. The "J\nue" will be supplied daily for 91.00 during the session and directed through the Post Office U any point. Pirst class Htenographio Reporters are engaged, and so expense or labor will be avoided that may be necessary to oar complete success Our friend* will pleaee forward tbeir orders. ( E. H. Binro* ACo. f tff*We are authorise* to a a- j nounc? W. F. PRINCE, ea s candidate for Shotiff a* the ensuing oloetion for that office. Sept 8. 17 to ( U"W? are astfeorlxed to announce OoL I>AVID HOKE as a candidate for * Sheriff of OreeaTille Diatriet at the ensuing Ejection , , .J% ? T? 1 - ?? tarwe are authoriaed to aaaovaoo Wa A. lieBuhl aa a Candidate foe Clerk at i the eneuiag tTcetioo. Feb. I ti, I WAR IN G1 FIVEJ-HUNDB PROCLAMATION B1 FELLOW-CITIZENS, OOtTK Hear me to AND BE 8ILENT THi HAVISO dlreotod ray ayrapathctio gaze to t kind* of MerebnndiM of consumption, and y daughter"* bnnian natnra revolted within mo w 'a no Phyaieian there? la there none to sotyid h aina, to rotiaa you from your Dormant Slumber I vith the paleneaa of eternal grief atamped on y? hoe pinchee. CREDIT IS THE R If yon think yon can bny at any ere lit hone at AYOUNC MAN, of steady L ibits, desire# ft situation as Clerk in some L?ry Good or Grocery Store in Greenville, lie lift# Jiad r*onuderablc experience. Any one desiring ft CJerk will please apply to the Editor of the Enterprise who will give the necessary recommendations, ic. November '2. 25-tf Special Notice. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, either by Note or Account, up to 1st of January last, are coquetted to make payment, as longer indulgence cannot be given, july 6. 8 9w J. W. GRADY. Notice. IS hereby given that application will be made at the next session or onr State Legislature to grant a charter for a road leading from Greenville Court-llouse to Paris Mountain by the nearest and most practicable route, September 1. 17 3m For Sale. H r|"MIE Subscriber will sell at private sale X his llouse and lot, on the Pendleton HjSii road, about } mile from tho Court Ilouse^JJ^ near the Rail Road Depot, and sitnatod onj^ high snd elevated lot, having a fine view of th9 moun_ tains. The house is a new frame Ettflda?~ r#_ sently completed, containing seven fiue rooms. Out buildings have been erected on the lot. *ITie lot contains about one and one-tliirteentli aer?s >f land, and is all eneloacd with a new plank Pence. Any person desirous of purchasing a comfortable residence will do well to call 011 the sul>acril>er. ^ It W. GODDARD. Greenville, Oct. 12. 22 tf. Look out for your Pocket. WS. TURNER is now receiving one of the largest STOCK of GOODS ever Brought x> Greenville, call an?l see him opposite the Manlion llouse. You cannot fail to spend your >hang?. Oct 5 21 tf. 1 ?n?ly, Candy. A FIN Riot of all kinds of CANDIES last received at W. a TURNERS. Oet. 6 21 tf. Reward ? THE DT.VRWEA KILLER, tested in over 10, >00 Cases of Asiatic Cholera and Bowel Comdainta, has never yet failed, when tried in time, nstanUy to relieve and speedily to effect a Permanent Cure. PRICE 50, CENTS A BOTTLE rtTBe particular to see that it is prepared hy 3EXNETT A IJEEKS, Rkwkoxd, as none other is 3euuine. |y Sold l>y Druggists and Country Merchants >verywhere, and ia Greenville by M. & KARLE A CO. jane It 1 Sm IfWe are nrtktrftatd te m? tonnoe WM. BA YNE a eaadidat* for Sheriff a* Jks ensuing JReefltt. j|L iraeumbor, for besides selling for CASH ONLY, We offer the whc Thus onormoui Advantages are now offered, the The Stock consists in part of the largest and ra Ready and well OF ALL QUALITIES, FAS I Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, And a whulo Gang of Rigmarole; the want of tint reding them in Single Pile. Enough to say the S rel of Whiskoy, and under present circumstances astonish the Natives and Know Nothings. [J* In BKATTI1TS Old Stand, between R. LONG? jyDONT FORGE twr. S. Country Merchants wishing to purcl money, by calling at the above direction. Oct 6. 21 WILLIAMS A PLASTER, Wholesale Sl Retail Grocers AND BUYERS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, tiirccnvllle, S. C., HAVE just received, and will continue to keep on hand a good supply of Coffee, Sugar. Molasses, Rice. Salt, Bacon, Lard, Floor, Meal, Rails, and Many other Articles pertaining to a Grocery Establishment, to which wo invite public attention. We arc trading in Articles that require large Casli Investment nnd admit of but short profile, and wo find, by experience, that it is impossible to do business on a limited credit. We shall, therefore, discard books, and in future, without distinction or exception, require the CASH on delivery ofGooda We are also BUYING PRODUCE of every description, and will pay the highest market prices, either in Cssh or Goods. at the nleasurc of the seller. JACOB S?. FKABTRR. LKOXARD WILLIAMS. Nov. 2. 25 tf. Tlie in mil in o tli mexlcan Wheat. NOW is the time to plant this fine valuable and prolific Wheat It was raised on the farm of Mr. TIIOMAS T. PATTON, of Buncombe county N. C., and may be found at the stores of Measra Gradt a GooDLrrr and Messrs. Gowxa a David, Greenville, S. C., Nov. 2. 25 tf. Dissolution. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing betweeu the Subscribers is now dissolved. D. O. WB3T FIELD. J. WESTFIELD. ?TThtf Notes and Accounts of the said contern are tit tl'O hands of the subscriber, and if not settled before Court will be put in suit. D. G. WESTFIELD. aug 24. 15 tf SITUATION WANTED. KEENViLfcEl "T !ED KILLED! t 1 ' THE PRESIDENT. = fRYMEN AND FARMERS, 1 r my Cause, 1 M YOU MAlY.HEAR. ,ao imposition of ITUHI TARIFF levied on ell onr Inuocontly submitting like "I<amb* led to the hen I asked myself, "I? there no ttalin in OilUdf" g. lis voico liko s Trumpet orur the eternal Moun- < I Why, why will you grope about in darkness, P >nr pale brow? Ah, let me point out where the * OOT OF ALL EVIL. n I cheap m I sell, thoa nro you green, green ma''" :.i lie Stock at Cost like of wltieh youjwill not here in e "Coon'e eg*' xrr? ost complrte assortment of ' w made Clothing HONS, SIZES AND PRICES. Hats. Caps and Grocories, f e end space only prevent* from Marching and Paitook is complete, from a Brass Tliitnble to a barinredisposeu ntsuvh astonishing low prices, as to ; A word to the wis# is sufficient. . g L. CARR, Agent. jc 0 R KEN VILLK, S. C. ' 1 1 and P. N*. POWERS' Store. T THE PLACE. JFT |s iaee, to soil ngoin, may depend on doubling their g I tf ^ r KIEW ?TOOK ?I? " i. FALL and WINTER; 35) 3j) 35) 1 Watch Maker and Jeweller, ( UNDER STERN'S HOTEL, KEEPS always on band Oold and Silver WntcllCft, and JEWELRY of ? j try description. Fi\ncv Goods and Perfumery. | Clocks, >Vntclies and Jc yolrv repaired in tbe 1 | best manner. I dec. 29. S3 ly T REED A OOODLETT, " AVimi&ttiraS M R.AW, " Greenville, ?. . jarOffice next door to F. F. Bkattik A Co. J. P. REKD.J [?. D. OOODLCTT. | January 12 85 tf Thompson & Easley, ATTORNEY8 AT LAW, j, GREENVILLE C. II., 8. C. r, mine 20, 10o4, 6 8 BBS. SVLLIVAW * MOOES, c PUNCTUALLY AND PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL OALL8 IN TIIE LINKOKTHRIR I'KOFKRSION. Rismoemct: Warthtn, OreenrilU District. Po?t-Ornc*: Dunklin, " J. M. SULLIVAN.] [IX D. MOORE March ft, tf 1 JfWd hn*<> hccifc MithoriMd to ?nnonnq* fa CjWt. A. IT. Owliag* a candidct-c for Sheriff *t the i>?it et/rtf?w Oet IY?W. ? AT THK 8T0RE OP WILLIAM 8. TURNER, (FORMERLY CRITTENDEN & TURNER,) ^ Opposite the mansion Home. WHKRE he has received nnd is prepared to * offer his friends And the public one of the liFST selected stock of GOODS, which h?s been select* with great cars and attention, and one of the most desirable for purchasers ercf offered IN THIS MARKET. It consist* of BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF AMERICAN A FRENCH A large Assortment of American and Scotch Ginghams, A LARGE LOT OF a Foreign and Domestic LONG CLOTHS & SHEETINGS, Cotton and Linen Handkerchief it, oosp&snr AH? mmrs&j PERFUMERY, HAIR BRUSHES, A'oierti * tof JLsiiics' and 6<i|tletiiei)'s Ibe^r, " A large lot of Children's Shoes. MEN'S, BOY'S ANI> JS^T CHILDREN'S \ Hats and Cdir?. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF j iTJYfeIT3 AVSJID v ?iKDirsoaQa?,; CONSISTING OF Coats, Pants, Ytadts, Undershirts, &c* C - o lie n'so invites attention to the larje addition *i lie has inado to liis stock of ' <JKUUK.fc.RY, which he it offering at excellent bargains. Call aud See fur Yourselves 1 WM. S. TURNER. q opt 27. 20 tf 1 t! fjndie'M Handkerchief. i A FINE lot of LADIES LINEN IIANDKER- CHIEFS, Assorted, ju^t received at W. 8. TURNERS. | Oct. 5 21 tf. n I<o?k 1 BETWEEN the village of C.reenville And the old race course, an Odd FellOW'i KUKASTPIN. The finder will be rowarded; by leaving * it at this office. Oct. 10 23 tf. n "ui <c *-> Stoves! Stoves!! pUK SUB3CIUBBRS offers totbe pobflo a, L large variety ofStoves, vir.: The Cballenga id Leviathan'Cooking Store*, and various Jeers. lis Tight&afcittg Stoves, QAtfte* OF VARIOUS KINTja BEMTUK COOKING STOVES, Large and email Ovens, ilfi TIGHT PREMIUM Cooking Stoves. PARLOR COOKING STOVES. Parlor*, Box Stove*, Hall Store*, for Churches, :oros, Ac., together with a full as*ortnae?t of lain end Japanned Tin Ware, IX, COPPER, LEAD A SHEET IRON WARE, MATAUIC ROOFING one in the most approved manner, with disttch. HT The Trade supplied with TTX WARE, > wholesale, upon the lowest term*. D. Q. WESTFIELD, A CO. Orrmvillt, 8. C. apr 8, 47 tf NEW-YORK ADVERTlSEMJtXT. J rent Reduction in Prices. JEM inaGoM Hunting P'nt. Lever Watchea #75^60 Det'd. M ' 46-86 ? " Open Face " " " 86-46 j Lepine* " 28-82 j liver Hunting Patent I/ever Walehs# 82-38 ! Det'd. " " 18-22 lold Vc**. Neelt and Fob CHAINS .adies' Chatelaine Chains Jrcast Pins, Ear Ring*, Cuff Pins, Bracelets lold Pens and Pencil* itnds, Sleeve Buttons, Collar Buttons And every article in the Jewelry line, of the lest quality and workmanship, a?JL? ir_:? ? " a ? ? upwil^ nilllVB| V/UJ-'P, tapkin ltiug*, ladles, Ac. Ac. Also a now article of Sleeve Button* and Colsr Buttons, our own pattern. Anv of tlie above article* inaybe ordered and rill b? sent by Express at our risk, and if thsy 0 not give satisfaction mar be returned. SAMUEL W. BENEDICT, 6 Wall street, New York. August t 12 2 m LAST NOTICE. ^ I.L PERSONS indebted to O. A. Pickle, on 1 a. account previous to March last, arc earestly requested to call on W. K. Haslet and ettle the same, as further indulgence cannot bs llowed. J. B. BKTT3, Assignee. January J. 84 tf BOUNTY LAND. 160 ACRES jX) ALL who have served 14 days, la any War of the United States, sine* 1790. Warrants obtained, nd highest cash prices paid for them, by C. J. ELFOUD, Attorney at Law, Mh 10. 44-tf (> reenville, 8. C. Warrants! Warrants! W. E. BABiS Y, A TTORNEY AT LAW, is prepared With all cl necessary instructions to procure Bounty 'jfnd Warrants under the late act of Congress, renting 160 acres to all who tnav have served in ,ny of the wars. Immediate attention given to >nv business of the kind eutrustcd to his care. March 10. 44 I (TATE OF SOUTH riBAiix* I GREENVILLE DISTRICT. jm (SK&aa&otfttf JPIWX^. Vulker <fc IrVine, V Declaration in Ausnmsit. ?'*. V Damage #8f>6iOG1 John iMtride. J B. F. Pawif, PltFs Att'v. I17*itKRKAS the Plaintiff did on the 10th day TT of August, 185.5, file Ills dcclnrntion ?ninat the defendant, who is absent from, and ,-ithout the limits of the State, and lib* neither rife nor attorney, known within- tin! same, uj ><>n horn a copy of the snid 'declaration might be urvedi It is ordered that the said defendant do apear and plead to the said declaration, on or efore the 11th day of August, in the year of ur Lord, one thousand eight huudren and fiftyix, otherwise final and absolute judgement w ill e given and awarded against, him. D. HOKE, C. C. P. Clerks Office, Green villi* C. H. ) August 10 1855. f Sim ly Books and Stationery. rllK Subscribers arc receiving a large and varied assortment of the above Articles, w hich ley offer at low price?. V LARGE VARIETY OF CLASSICAL WORKS. An Extensive Stock of Miscellaneous Works. CHOOL BOOKS, Slates, Pens, Pencils, Drawing Books, Water Colors, Dissected Games Ac., Ac. lank Books, bound, half-bound, and in paper, uolocan, Letter and Note Paper, by the reattl or less. Sj?T (Basses, Pocket CtflTfpaifre!<;M*g?ifien? Ac. With's varied assortment of other articles, to hich'thtjy invite tfte attention of the public. O. K. ECPORD A CO.mar. 2, 42 tf DP.Ua STOPS /VHP) APOTHECARY f HOP, GREENVILLE, S. C. *32. SIL. laUTTCMMj DEALER IN. )RUOft. MEDICINES, SURGICAL, TNSTRU mcnts, Paints, 1)3-0 Stuffs, Varnishes, rutty. obacoo, Segnra, Spirit (?aa, Oils, Candle*, Soap*, I piece, Brushes, Toilet Articles, Com Us, I'erfUlery, etc. Fresh and pure Drugs warranted, ad sold at low prices. . I May 4. 51 tf ! L. T, LEVIN, Auctioneer and Cbnmriseioa Merchant, <0. REKKKCKN CE8. Joum A. Crawkoso, Prtt'uUnl Commercial Bank, mix Caldwkix, Prceul-nt Ronlh Carolina flailtad Comnany, Hon. John 8. Preston, John ryce, Columbia. Moantccra A Co., Rfeur Mnsao^N, lion. W. F. ouxtcx, Charleston. may '25. 2 tf L7"OU ?pc rcrjncatM tb meet at the IXrieion L Room of the 8ooa at Tsmptmnw until rttef oaders. Meeting?Friday EYcntav. Myovaaf ?f W. P. Pair* W. p.'. j Jaouaiy 1%, ss * t f I 11 - ,-,?u - w "1 Maw to the Time! ttfworib* PETEBSCNT* MAGAZINE, it Monthly Periodical of Literature, Ari and Faehum, TOKTCMON'S LADTS' National MACAU** X fci isc-t, will certain nics hundred ts- * ges of original doable-cola me Beading Matter, about thirty Ptee! Plates, and nwiy three huiulred Illustrations engraved Ott wood. _ 119 Thrilling Original SiorUt Are from the best authors, and written expi essly lor it. Every volume contains on* or more of Mr?. Ann S. Steyheas' copyright Novel*, the celebrated author of "Fashion and Famine.'* The Press and lire Public pronounces it the most readable of tbe Mijf* azines. It is strictly moral, and eminently American, as its name implies. lit Superb Afezzoltnlt and olker SUel Jfw gravingt Are the best published anywhere ; ere executed for it by the At at artists ; and, at the end of each year, are alone worth the subscription. lit Colored Fashion PUkiei Are tbo only reliable ones published id America, and are magnificently colored plate*. The Paris, Ixmdon, Philadelphia and New York Fashions, are described at length, each month. Its departments for j New Receipts, Crotchet Work, Embroidery, | Netting, Horticulture, and Female Eques trianisin, are always well filled, profusely illustrated, and rich with the latest novi rules. t fT It is the l>est Indies' Magwzfa* ht tfto world I Try fc for ofro ytftr 1% TERMS?Always fa advance. One copy, one year, $2,00 Three copies, for one year, 5,00 Five copies, for orte year, 7,0? Eight copies, for one year,- 10,00 Sixteen copies, for one vea*1, 20,00 TREMIUMS FOR CLUBS. To every person getting up a chrb, our '"Gift-Book of Art for T055," with 50 Stool engravings will be given, or a Volume of the magazine for 1854. For a'club of sixteen, an axtra copy of the magazine for 1856 will be sent in addition. Address, post paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 102 Chestnut Street, Phlt set gratis. nu flt. 12 tf tikeItioFel , xmmuMi mvmm. | NO ir IS TIIE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. -ymcollMJ CP rne CCUfclM, THE Terms of the COURIER for a .Ingle y&ir are two dollars per arrftuin; but, in ord'eFto continue its iinmertse circulution, the Publisher* still propose to Club* or Companies the following t>Trt\s, TUB BEST EVER OFFEREES PaVAULE ISVARIAR! \4 IN iDVArfCt. Two Copies one year, or 1 Copy 2 years, $ 9. Four 44 " .... a Eioiit 44 44 (and one for the Agent!) 10 Thirteen 44 44 44 44 If Twenty 44 44 44 44 20 Ovbii Twkntt Cones, tiik samh rats* AH TUB LAST, Members of old-Clubs (not tn arrears) i nre perfectly elfgilihe io the offers to new ones, where they renewed in Clubs, and poy in full directly to'the oftvoe, either person*] fy or by wmrfyarlH not to an agent or third j>erson.PostmnMbf* or others sending for Clubs, would confl-r a fnvor by having them sent to one address wheii'they can do so convenient* 'yCLUBBING WITH MAGAZINES. tWThe Courier, and either Graham, Gpdey, or Harper's Magazines, one vemr, for Four Dollars. The Courier and Peterson's Ladies' National M*ffsnn- ? Magazine, or Scientific American, for THrt* Dvltitrt. Letter* containing remittances mnj bar registered in nny Post Office iu tlie United* States; in wliicli case only money forward*? to us at our risk. ANDREW MWfAKH^/ No 141 CflESTNL'T St. PeitAOifCPHIA TS. Arthur's WWtfW' Mmgm4 zine tor 1865'. Four copiesT ay ear for *&. .. u ARTHUR'S IIOME MVVOAZINE during the year 1855, will' contain between 800 and 1000 double cohiiitii octavo page* of carefully edited reading matter. It wjll, m addition, be largely illustrated in the beat style <'tjprt', with elCghnt steel and colored Engravings, and by several hundred fin* wood Engravings of cities, scenery, remark*' ble places, ami objects in Science, Art* Na*" urn! Hitlnrv Vnwllott'"'!' ?l? T ?* ?--m T, wuiv" vi mo liftlOBl JF1Q* ions, Articles of Dress, &c. All for $1,26 * vear, in clubs of four subscribers. TERMS:?ONE COPY, for one jeer, $2.00; TWO COPIES, for one year, $3 00; THREE COPIES, for one veer, $4,00 ; FOUR COPIES, for one year, $6,00. g3T All additional subscribers, (beyond? four at the same rate ; tbat is, $r,25 per a?num. OCT" Where Twelve Subscribers and $16 are sent, the seller up of the club will be entitled to an additional copy of the magazine? Lady's Hook and Home Magazine, one year for $8,50. ?JTSpecimen numbers seat to all' who wish to subscribe or make up cftrbe, T.S; ARTHUR AO, 107 WALNUT ST., Philadelphia, Pa. Mattress Making; Ac. * T1IE subscriber informs Uis public tbat Is has opened his Shop one door above-R. X Powers A Go's dry good Store, wMvre Mm m tends carrying on the Inwnes of MATTRKM MAKER and BOLSTER Eft. Mattraasaa ?oastantly on hand and madfc to ordfcn and iipdr ing done at the shortest notice. Ha afao engages to lay CnfpetK Kang Window 8hade* 6a. fi. >i5. ? tr