University of South Carolina Libraries
?W6<t PMrtooi TflBktxes or barrel* for stowing will bo , yWlT to the quantity yon wish ] A to ism b??i i? tie case orcr two feet in j Gather n sufficient quantity of sand orfiae < rose) dust W have it thoroughly screened , and dried. Tut a thin layer of saud upoo | the bottom of the box, and lay in a course , of potatoes from 8 to 12 inches thick, then i pour in more an mi until it fills nil the inter- f slices between tho potatoes to the bottom.? , AVhcn this is done, next fill up the box with ] potatoes, and then again pour on sand to fip , up as before and fasten on a cover to keep , out tnice if necessary. If several boxes are x used they may he piled on the top of each ( other, and in this case always with sticks to , leave a apace between of one or two inches to allow a free circulation of the air. In order to complete success in keeping, it I is MhpMwsb!* that the boxes be stored in n 1 dry room where a pretty uniform tempera- < tare can bo maintained, the safest range be- i ing between 60 degrees io 80 degrees Fah. < A wider range, if not of too long duration, I may not do much harm. Potatoes put up ? in this manner will uoi be subject to loose i of over 5 to 10 per cent. < Sweet potatoes fur wiuter use can be preserved in much the same way, and will keep suitable for cooking all winter, with hut a , slight deterioration of quality. To keep them from the atmosphere, dry and of an equal , moderate tem|?oraturo ; are the groat requis i ilea to complete success.? Ohio Cultivator. y A Strong Story. < A wild friend of ours, (Selma Tom,) told us 1 the other day the following tough story : i * Tom says he got acquainted with a very ? e wnpaniunable fellow from one of the monntn> counties, who happened to bo in Selina t on business. This was in August last, < Mountain Sprout was a member of the t church, but a long war from homo, and .< ?- - ?1? a ? - IIUIVI IVHVPI <tn.? UU" J fore, he "I'Hik on ns much ns lie could wng 4 with"?Tom aiding and abetting. In due \ time Sprout went home, but rumors of hi* , flotation* followed him, and the church , brought him 'To taw" for diunkennc*.*. Sprout,on trial, admitted that he had, while in Selma, got a little "foxy," but then ( he told lii*broth:eu the "big lumps of ice, they had at the bar were so very iuviting, he ' couldn't help diinking." Thereupon an old brother got up and said , that for hi* part, if the vonng brother had . only got drunk under the circumstances of t>eiug away from home and falling into had company, he should liavo been in favor of 1 forgiving him, on bis making proper acknowledgment*. "Ilut, brethren, ho wound j up, "this matter is tvorsc than drinking. It'* downright lying ! Did you hear what broth- . er Sprout said about ice, and in August f 1 I'm for jerking him out for lying. And out he went.?Montgomery (yl/a.) Mail. 1 A Blessing to the Country. A l?dv, now on a visit to Paris, Tenn., 1j?* written to a friend here some particulars ' *4 a remarkable and moat exemplary matron of that vicinity, which particulars have been ' committed to u* as worthy of a place in our column-. The matron in question is a Mrs. ] D , now eighty-seven years old. She had 21 living children, and prayed to the ] good Lord to give her one more to make the round and good I v number of t wo dozen. .i. .... i--*i ; 1 * ? vimuvi iuc.<L't ?nw iiiu ratseu louncen orpnnii children. Slie litis educated thirty children | hor own and a portion of the orphans? and for many years sent nineteen to school < in I'aris, and their dinners with thein. She says that none of thnseahe has reared and ed- ] ucated ever disgraced her or themselves. The girls have all married well, and are rich. The hoy* have all done well?one of her or- t ph-tu protege lias been in Congress, several other* in the State Legislature; there are ( sundry Colonels, dec., among them and all are highly respectable.?hulianopoli* Journal. j A STiLt. pool soon becomes stagnant. A j m'achiue without motion becomes rusty. ^ And man?great, glorious, majestic in his creation?without action, still, lifeless, dead, ^ become* an icy weight?a common nuis- ^ nnec?wliom every body feels disposed to kick out of tbo way. We live in stirring times. It becomes every man to do some- j. thing?to exert himself for the common j weal?to l>e zealous, active and push ahead. ^ What better are you than a man of snow, which the children laugh at and pelt till it > is knocked over and lost, while, you fold your arms, tie your feet, and sit still day after day, gazing with a vacant stare above g and around you! Arouse, or the worms will soon begin to feed on your carcass.. g I. Melancholy Occurrence.?About fivo miles from Paris, on the Winchester road, ? lived two broths)*, Henry and Rodolph Stolmechanics, r?ho had & v-fg.o wo- E | man hired to cook and ' eep house for them. Shortly after eating dinner on Monday, Oth r 9i? ?j ? iiuivaulf uio iwu U1911 HEH1 MTOVIlAfl Wei*6 861* J led with violent sickness, vomiting, purging, end intense abdominal pains. A suspicion w of poison arose in the winds of the men, and ei Dr. Rav of Paris, woe seut for. He soon v< found that they were poisened by cooking ? their dinners in a copper bottomed stew ketle, In which the remnants of-their breakfast lad stood till dinner. Rodolph died the lent morning, after great suffering. Henry ind the woman are in a fair way to recover, f til housekeepers should forthwith dispense J rith all Conner vessel* in nrenariny thrir fnnH. H [Parit (Ay-)"CitUeru ^ I Jvtrt Kkuukk. "I am glad," said a i< missionary to an Indian chief, "that Pj Bn do not drink whiskey; but it grievs a Be to find that your people use so m weh of it." "Ah 1 yea," said the red Jj But, and he fixed an impressive eye jj[ Bon the preacherrwhich ooinmunica4Hlhe reproof before he uttered it, jflHf Indjonguae a great deal of wliis- c Kwro do Dot make it!" it B ^ in # . * APPLICABLE TO THE TlMEB. Two foOtle* mm stoo<] cniulitlntea for n certain office in the city of Not York, wltQin. we ibnll name Mlv. t) anal V, T. Tli??? i .... ? vww .... . m. *uw n?io iivh iiu* ihi? nosed to each other. By aottae artifice hfr. b. gained his election. When bfe was reluming home much elated with success, he rattan acquaintance. uWell,neaid t)., "I lave got the election. L. was no match for rae. I'll tell you how I fluing him. If :hcre happened any Dutch rctera, I could alk Dutcn with thein, nod there I had the ulvantage of him. If there were says Frenchmen, I could talk French with them ind there 1 had the advantage of hiin. But u to L., he was a clever, honest, sensible lit ,Ie fellow.** "Yea, sir," replied his gentlenan, "and there he had the advantage of four ' | ^ Tiik Pax.?In the hand that knows how o use it, it is the most powerful weapon cnown?as the tongue of the absent, how sheering I When the golden tints of virtue juids it how beautiful I When self resj>ect jives it new vigor, how pleasing 1 W ben ?onor directs it now respected! When wit iharpens it how fatal! When scurrility iviehls it how contemptible ! wTi* the weapm of the soul !n DIK1>?On tho 15th, inst, nt her residence .enr Greenville, &. C., Mrs. Aonkk Stkxhocsk, vi c of Mr Riciiaud Stkmioi hk, in the fifty-ninth fear of lier age. Mrs. Strxiiousk wns a native of Berwickshire. icotlaud. Iu 1851, she, with hor husband and smily emigrated to South Carolina, and settled a the neighborhood where eho continued to relido until tho period of her death. Having connected herself at an early age with he Presbyterian Clinch of Scotland, as ulso, on mming hither, with the Presbyterian Church of his place, she remained throughout, a faithful consistent and pious member. Deriving through ter whole life, her principles of action and her ionsolntion from the religion of the Redeemer.? [u tho midst of her family, surrounded by those irhom she held most dear, and by whom in turrf, ivns reciprocated the most tender care and sym>athy. she eainly resigned herself to the amis if her Saviour, retaining her conscious faculties inimparcd to the latest moment, without a strug. ;le. peaceably and sweetly fell aslcap. Generous tnd warm-hearted?on her tongue ever dwelt he law of kindness. She was greatly beloved ?y all who knew her, and especially endeared to ler own family, who kuew hor host Sinking apidly under her disease, her departure was nore sodden than others could have expected, >ut f'RVO no snrnrise to Imf wnilin.r o r r> -f *"" ? sill her precious memory be embalmed in the icnrts of husband and children, to whom it is he only consolation, that their unutterable and rrcparable loss is her eternal gain, pT Greenville and Charleston papers will [dense copy. ftrccnville Prices Current. CORRECTED WIEKLT FOR THE KNTEltPHISK, BY BRADY & Q000LETT, MERCHANTS. aaKR!?viLi.r, November 22. 1858. [JAGGJNQ, Gunny, per yard, a 20 Ihindee, a 18 HACON ... .Ilnms, j)er lb., a 15Shoulders, n 14 Sides, u 10 Hog round, 12 ^ UUTTElt.. .Goshen, per lb. none. Country, per lb. Jo a JOFKEK.. .Itio, jwr lb. . 15^ Java, j?er lb. J8 a 20 XIMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 0J- fl 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a J 5 Osnaburgs, peryd. 11 a 12* ' LOUIt.... Countrv. tM?r l.hl Art ? At - J' 1 ?? - ' Country, per Back, 3 a 3} iltAIX Corn, per busboi. a 50 Wheat, per bushel, $123 OaU, per bushel, a 30 ROX Swedes, per lb. a 7 English, per lb. a 5\ <AU1) per lb. a 15 (CLASSES, W. I. per gal. a 00 N. (_)., per. gnl. a 70 IYRUP....M u per gal. a 75 >ILS Lamp, per gal. $]? a $2^ Train, per gnl. 87$ a $l | Linseed, 1 'ICE. per lb. a 8? LOl'E per lb. 15 o 20 >U<iARS...N. Orleans,per lb. a 12* Porto ltico, per lb. a 12^ l>oaf, per lb. 15 Crushed, pel lb, 15 Refined, per lb. a 14 ALT per bushel, $1 Salt, per sack, a 2 50 OAP. Colgate,pale, 12^ a 15 Yellow, per ib. 8 a 10 IIOT per lb. 12^ Shot, per bag, a $2| -r. ? 1~1> ' i' ??????ly Carpets. rHE SUBSCRIBERS hare now in store a good supply of DOUBLE PLY Ingrain Carpets, hleh were bought under verr advantageous reumstanees ana will he offeree at a small adsnce. EXTRA HEAVY RICH BRIGHT OOLRKD TURKEY RUGS at redoced prices. W. AJIASTIE A CO. W. K. HASTIK. A. ISAACS. Nov. 16 *7 3t The House and Lot iflY ON Bpring street, third square east from f HL the Court House, is now offered FOR \LK The Lot contain* about seven eight* of i aero, embracing a superior vegetable Garden, he vard is well set with choic? fruit treee^ flowa, Ac. The Houa* oontainn two rooms, 20 by i *, with flre-plaees. Other buildings on the i remises, The location is convenient to a spring ' as pure water as the mountains a(for?l, and, as residence, is at ones retired from and eonreniit to all the principal business parts of town. ? 1>? sold on In December next, if not v isposed of before. - Call and see. For portion- ja reapply to W.LltA. SCRUGGS. . Not. 1? 17 tf. 1 (9* We hare been authorised to anuonnee apt. A. Y. Ow lMft a candidate for Slier- ' r at the next eleotioa. Oct. 17?td. I - ** * WINTER 1855. THE PROPER SEASON 11EI.NO XO'-V COlfE . 4?r (be Vliplii; of whwrmi Hpaiss mmn, W. H.HOVEY Would say to thoso Ladies and Geutleinen resident of and visiting the village of Green* Me, and desirous of inspecting articles of ^ LADIE* & CMtwre' WEAR, HOUSEKEEPING AKi PLANTATION GQQQS*-that At that popular ? ml FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT, ao long and widely known as Op Ctulics' Store, j They may NOW flail such a list of desirable Goods as tliey would be gratified to look through beforo purchasing. umw CLOAKS, of Pelisse Cloth, Satin, Qolorcd Silk and Tweeds. Several styles from $3 to $U>. -,! <Et.?AK JflATiXAlS, of Pelisse and Cloths, Opera Flannels, Merinoof, die., with trimmings to match, will be shown in considerable variety. , . "f 3353 S?4&53B are fuller than usual of Handsome. Useful, and ORNAMENTAL FANCY ARTICLES. . The various sixes of English, German and Italian Banjo, Violin and Guitar Strings, Fine Note and Letter Paper Envelopes, PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, Morocco Portefolioa and WORK llOXES, Ladies' and Gent's Medicated CORK SOLES, Shoes, Slippers, Gaiters, Hosiery and Gloves, always on hand, at the old place, Ho. 2. Clenveland's Buildings, Nearly opposite tho Mansion House. 125 MERINO UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWEES, ASSORTED PRICES. Nov* 9. 20 tf ' A New Journal to be Published at Anderson 8. O. KNTITLKD Anderson Dollar Weekly. r|MlE undersigned proposes to publish in the X town of Anderson, a Litenrv. Political, and News Journal, to bo styled, ANDERSON | DOLLAR WEEKLY. He is aware, that he I proposes entering upon an enterprise, beset' wilii dHicultics but lie will endeavor to surmount I these by securing a large subscription list, and engaging tho best writers in tho district to con- . tribute to it* columns. Anderson can and ought ] to support another Journal; and feeling couth , dent Unit tho enterprise will meet with a hearty supjiort, I now present this prospectus to her Kople, As a Litcatury tc News Journal the illnr Weekly will contain the choicest selections of Literature, and the Latest Foreign, Do- i mcstic, and Commercial News. Also the Reports of the Acts of the Legislature and- of Congress. In Polities tho Dollar Weekly will be Independent. Its Motto will bo "Open to all Parties aua Controlled by None." Sixe and Stylo of the Weekly, will be 24 by ?4, printed with New and Elegant Drevicr odd Long Primer type, comprising TWESTYEIUIIT COLUMNS of matter.? We will carefully cxcludo Patent Medicine A^d vertiaements. ET. We have secured the services of J. V. I AlUUKK, iu?q., as Kditor. wlioso experience and j talent as a writer, is well known to the people of > our District, . I $jj* ' i Terms.?Li order to place a paper within the ; reach of ctery man in the District, wo will issue : the DOLLAR WKKKLY at o.NK DOLLAR per ! annum, payable in advance, or within three j months. Tlio first iiumocr will ho issued between I this and the first of January next. All who wish an Independent l'nncr, conducted on lndepen-' dent Principles, will Send in their names at once. ?T l'oet Masters who will receive and for- ' ward subscriptions will reeeivo a copy of the DOLLAR WKKKLY without ehargo. . pr. All I.etters ami Communications to he ad- I dressed to the undersigned. J. T. 1IKRSHMAN. Assistant Editor and Publisher. Nov. 9 2? t ??PWi? t?7Aimrri> ?? t - T - - rin - - *" ' ^ rilL O THE FIRST xrafBLROFTHH NEW JOURNAL, will ub lescsn early is* oecemdek xkxT. Tiik Publisher would request those who con-' template subscribing, to forward tlicir names without delay. Term*?Two Dollars per axxlm; one year's payment required on the recieptof the first num bar. Address me at Colnmbia. H 1 V1L It. JOHNSTON. * 1 Nov, H tC J Lcglilative Reports. Tl?e subscribers will isjue every morning dur^ v ng the session of the South Carolina Legfslaturs, j ull report* of the proceedings of both branches, neluding Speeches and Debate*, and at the close >f the session pnt up, in a neat quarto form, the intire matter, printed on first quality pa}>or and leatly bound, for #5 per copy. As our reports aro intended to be complete, ! f >ur natron* m.v ?viuu>t *' 1? ' r ?J w..j?wv 1VUI II muro Ul VIIU DUB* ? ncs* of tho Legislature thnn hits heretofore boon < cported. The "Timet" will be supplied daily for $1.00 luring the eeeeion end directed through the Poet Xflce to any point First class Stenographic Reporter* are engaged, and no expense or labor will be avoided that nay be neeeasary to oar complete success. Our riends will please forward their order*. K. H. Baiirox ACo. | tlTWc are authorised lo aulounee W. F. PRINCE, as a eandidate for Sher* if at the ensuing election for that office. Kept 8. 17 te ( jfW? are nntkvrlscd to aa? iounce Col. DAVID IIOKE aa a eandidate for * sheriff of Oraenville District at the ensuing Eleeion UTWe are authorized to announce Wat It IHcDaMtel a* a Candidate for Uok at i ho ensuing election. Feb. 2. td. 1 ? ww. i i i mm i JI? ,!.[ . I i ,i M WAR IN GR] ^ FIVE 1HJXDRK PROGLUIATIOX BT tmr r ^*Tr??rr?r? .Tr* j?r.L.L.un-uiiL^iiiX?, <JUUxYiJ Ilear me for AND BE SILENT THA HAVING dir?>ctoJ iuy sympathetic gnio to Uu kinds of Merchandise of consumption, ami you slaughter" huinun nature revolted within me who Is no Physician there! Is there none to sound his tains, to rouse you from your Dor 11 tnt Slumber f with the pnlfiioss of eternal grief stainpcl 011 youi shoe pinches. CREDIT IS THE RO If you think you buy at any ore lit house as c Cucumber, for besides soiling for CASH ONLY, We offer the whol Thus enormous advantages arc now offered, the li nBL-mnc.m: _r**r HL x The Stock consists in part of the largest and mosl Ready and well i OF ALL QUALITIES, FAS HI Dry Goods, Boots, Shoos, H And a whole Gang <>f Rigmarole; the want of time i roding the*n in Single File. Enough to say the 9to rel of Whiskey, and under present circumstances ui astonish the Natives and Know Nothing*. C3T" A 1 In BEATTIE'S Old Stand, between R. LONGS a *2rD0N T FORGET pgf"P. 9. Country Merchants wishing to purchru money, by calliug at the above direction. Ocf 5. 21 WILLIAM8 A FEA8TER, Wholesale & Retail Wroeers * AND BUYERS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, Oreeuvlllc, 8. C., HAVE just received, and will continue to keep on hand a good supply of Coffee, Sugar. Molasses, Bice. Salt, Bacon, L&rd, Floor, Meal, Nails, and Many other Articlos pertaining to a Grocery Es tamisiinient, to winch wo invito public attention, We are trading in Articles that require largo Cash In vestment and udmit of but short profile, and we find, by experience, that it is impossible to do business on a limited credit Wo shall, therefore, discard books, and in future, without j distinction or exception, require tbo CASH on ' delivery of Goods. ic Wo arc also BUYING PRODUCE of every de- \1 scripiion, and will pay the highest market prices, either in Cash or Goods, nt the pleasure of the seller. JACOHN. KEASTEU. LEONARD WILLIAMS. Nov. %, 25 tf. j j The Mammoth Mexican Wheal. "VTOW is the time to plant this tine valuable '11 and prolific Wheat It was raised on the I farm of Mr. T1IOMAS T. I'ATfON", of Buncombe county N. C., and may be found nt the stores of Messrs Grady a (loom.Err and Messrs. Gowku a David, Greenville, S. C., Nov. 2. 25 tf. Dissolution. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing j between tiro Subscribers Is now dissolved, j 1>. O. WKSTFIELD. J. WKSTPIKLD. , |39~T1io Notes nnd Accounts of the said eon- i cern are in tlie hands of the subscriber, and if j not settled before Court will be put in suit IX 0. WKSTFIEUX nug 24. 15 tf SITUATION WANTED. VYOI'N'C MAX, of steady habits, desires ni situation as Clerk in some Dry Good or i Groecrv Store in Greenville, lie has had con- I' sideruble experience. Anyone desiring ft Clerk will please apply to the Editor of the Enterprise who will give the necessary recommendations, j Ac. ' November '2. 25?tf ^ Special Notice. VLI. porsHns indebted to the subscriber, either ^ by Xote or Account, up to 1st of Januury last, arc requested to make payment., as longer i indulgence cannot be given. 1 July 0. K 9w J. W. GRADY. Notice. 1 ES hereby given that application will be made at tho next session of our State Legislature to grant a charter for a road leading from Greenville Court-lloueo to 1'aris Mountain by the nearest and most practicable route, September 1. 17 8m For .Sale. r|MIK Subscriber will sell nt private sale u JL lii-? House and lot, on the Pendleton fciiji road, about J mil.* from the Court House, nmj near the Kail Road Ihjpot, and situated on 'A j, j^|, and elevated lot, having St lino view of the n,UUll. tnina. The house is a new frame building, re- 1 evntly completed, containing seven fine rooms. J Gut buildings have been erected on the Jot The I 1* lot contains about one and one-thirteenth acres it >f land, and is all enclosed witli a new plank ' fencf. Any person desirous'of purchasing ft comfortable residenco will do well to cull on the subscriber. ? K. W. GOT>PAP D. 1 Greenville, Oct. 12. '22 tf j Cook out for your Pocket. I J W8. TURNER is now receiving one of the ' cl e largest STOOIC of GOODS ever Drought x> Greenville, call and sue him opposite the Man- " (ion House. You cannot fail to spend your ;h?nge. Oct & 21 if. Candy, Candy. A FINE lot of all kinds of CANDIES just received at W. S. TURNERS. * Oct fi 21 tf. |?100 Reward ! TIIR DIAHH<E\ KILLER, tented in over 10, ~ >00 Cwci of Aaiatie Cholera and Bowel Com>laiuta, haa never yet failed, when tried in time, netantly to relieve and apeedily to effect a Permanent Cure. PRICE 60, CENTS A BOTTLE. fjTB? particular to ?e? that it ia prepared by _ 1KNNETTA BEERS, Rhumono, aa none other ia ieuuino. PI tr Sold by Dru^iata and Country Morelianta I ( iverywhere, and in Greenvillo by M. a EAItLR A CO. 1 June M * 7 .? Kin J. (TWO Rre Ratliirlard H ton- _ mnnee WM, BAYNE a candidate to* fl&etiff at | be onaning Lleotiou. I i i' 'ii u i .ifTymag BEN VILLE! :D KILLED.]! ^ THE #RMTDB\T. RYMEN AND FARMERS, my vau8e9 T YOU MAY HEAR. ? ? inquisition of HKrll TARIFF levied on all ir innocently submitting like "Lambs led to the iii 1 neked myself, "Is there no Knlin in Giliadf" , voice like a Trumpet over the oteriinl MounWliv, w hy will you i?rope about in darkness, ; * pale brow f Ah, let ine point out where the OT OF ALL EVIL. ] !?oap a* I noil, than are you green, green as a 1 i o Stock at Cost. ksof which you will not have in a "Coon's ago." ? ? WL*~* snr? t, complete assortment of ( uncie uiottiin^r, OXSy SIZES AXD PRICES. | [ats, C vpB and Groceries, mid space only prevents from Marching and Pack is complete, - from u Brass Thimble to a bar- ' o disposed lit siicli astonishing low prices,- ?? Jo word to the wiso is sufficient, i. CAER, Agent. GREENVILLE, S. C. ml P. X. POWERS' Store, THE PLACE. JE9 ?e, to sell agein, may depend on doubling thoif " I !MEW ?T?OX ?If FALL and WINTER if?? BS3 AT T1IE STOItK OF WILLIAM S. TURNER, (FORMERLY CRITTENDEN & TURNER,) Oppo?i(t> (lie Mansion Honsc. WHERE he has received and is prepared to offer his friends and the public one of he BEST selected stock of GOODS, which has >e?ii selected with threat- enro and attention, and ?f (I... .?,i ?t-i - / - ..... uoirnoii' ior pureiinBors ever dforod IX THIS MARKET. It coiiRi?ts of Dr.AUTlFLLBTVI.K8 OF AMERICAN A- KKENCII A large Assortment of American and Scotch Ginghams, A LARUE LOT Of . Foreign aad Domestic LONG CLOTHS & SHEETINGS, Cotton and Linen Handkerchiefs, lEiosiojjry ?W?> PERFUMERY, HAIR BRUSHES, WORTH Of 3101, Eoi* JLqOieg' qqd GcqtfcftKq's 31Jjqr, A large, lot of Children's Shoes. MEN'S, BOY'S AND JWl CHILDREN'S Hats and Caps. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF ASST? WEsr?sa& glLOTIHflDSKa, COXSL8TING OK Joata, Pants, Vests, Undershirts, &c He also invites attention to the large addition ic has innde to his stock of CROCKERY, which he, is offering at excellent bargains. Call and See for Yourselves I WM. S. TURNER. sept 27. 20 tf Ladic's Haiidkcrcliielh. A FINK lot of INDIE'S LINEN HANDKERlY. CHIEFS, assorted, just received at ' W. 8. TURNERS. Oct. 5 tl tf. IsO?t. (YKTWEEX the village of Greenville und the I x old race course, an (Hid Fellow's BltKASTIX. The tinder will be rewarded, by leaving 1 at. this office. Oct 19 28 tf. MMUM ???tPEia, iVatch .'fiakrr and Jeweler,! UNDER STEEJUS 1I0TKL, \T EEPS always on hand (sold and 811[V ver WntclicK, and JEWELRY of ev?1 y description. Fancy Goods and IVrfnniery. i Clocks, Watches nn<f Jewelry repaired in the i est manner. dec. 21', 83 ly J i ixtjUIU OC UUUU1.1STT, I ZiYif wciDhLanjrar? ^ jr^/A wp ? Greenville, N. C. yOffice next door to F. F. Bkattik ACo. j J. P. I(KKI).] [H. D. OOODLKTT. I January 12 3d tf Thompson A Easley, Xr ATTORNEYS AT LAW, j GREENVILLE U. II., S. C. ? June 28. 1851. 8 8 ' DBS. SU&UVip & MOOBEv I' JNCTUALLY AND PROMPTLY ATTEND TC Alt] CAT.Lrt IN T1IK UNKOfMlKIU PltorKSSlON. > minsyck: IPnrfAen, Greratoillt I>i?triet. [V P.>nT-Ornr?;: Dunklin,. " M. SULLIVAN.l [D. 1>. MOORK h, ?? | 300K AND JOB riMNTlNU neatly <W at 3 tli? " EnlfrpPtM 1 i .. Stoves! Stoves!! | r#^ltK >iffrr% to (Ira (Hll.lW ft I rflHstr itt Vi*: The t bnlUng* i wtMl Levifttkitit Cm?* in;* SWfw, ?nd various Air Tight Cooking'Stoves, ~k yaRiot's kinTjs. PHEMITTM COOKUTO STOVES, , Large and email Alii T1UJIT 1' It EMI U M Cooking Stoves. PARLOR COpKlXO STOVES. Parlors, Box Stuvca, 11 nil Stoves, for Churelsea, Stores, Ac., together with a full twHrtiwiit Cff l>lniii and Japanned Tin Vnrc, . FIN, COPPER, LEAD * SHEET IKOfc TVAP.K, MATALUC R00MN6 Done in the most Approved manner, with Ju|>nteli. The Trade suppPird with 713r WARE, ?t wholesale, upon the lowest fern**, D. G. WKSTPIELD, ACf>. b'r rtnnfl*, 8. C. Apr rt, 47 %1 N i:\V-YORK A1 >V EKTISEMKNT, ~ Cerent Reduction in Prices. Fine Gold Hunting l''nt. Lexer Watches ft7S-'-150 J)et\L 4:>-HZ **& * " Open Fuee " " " 2.V-45 " " " I.opines " " Silver Hunting Patent Lever WMclies 32-30 Dct'd. " TB-92 Gold Vest, Xeck utid Fob CHAINS f ladies' Chatelaine Chains Breast Flhs, Ear Kings, Cuff Pin#, Bracelets Gold Pens and Pencils Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Collar Bnffoaa And every article in the Jjttoltjr filW, of tin Seat quality mid workmanship. Silver SjMMins, Knives, Cup*, Napkin Kings, Indies, Ac. Ao. Also a new nrtielc of Sleeve Buttons tfo# Col* Inr Butt mis, our own pattern. Anv of the above articles may he ordered and will in} sent by Express at our ri.k, and if U??y do not give satisfaction nmv he returned. SAM IT El" IV. BF.N Mf)l(*T, 5 IVall street, New Yntlr, August 2 12 2 m LAST NOTICE. ALL PERSON'S indebted to (). A. Pimm, on account previous to March last, sffe earnestly requested to call on W. K. Exatav .n^ settle the same, ns further indulgence en A not bo allowed. J. II. IJKTT4, Assignee. January 5. 31 tf BOUNTY LAND. 100 AOBES r|X) ALL who have scrvod II days* In any X War of the United states, since I71K?. WarmntH obtained* and highest cash prices paid for them, by C. J. KLFOlil), Attorney at Law, Mh 10. 44-tf Greenville, f*. C. Warrants! Warrants 1 VT. K. 3-&.BLS?, ATTOKXKY AT IAW, is prepared With a'l necessary instructions, to procure Itounty Land Warrants under fiiC late act of Congress, granting 100 acres to all who tnifv hare serv ed in any of the wars. Immediate attention ^(iten to anv business of the kind entrusted to his care. March lfi. 44 tf STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. as? jpuiUL Wrtlkef ?t Irvruc, J Declaration in Assumsit. ? *.; , . J Damage ?3011.00. John McBride. J B. F. I'Ocnr, PltTs Att'y. WITKILKAS the Plaintiff did on the 10th day of Angfost, 1855; file lue declaration ?gainst the defendant, who is absent from, and without the limits of the State, and has neither wife nor attorney, known within the same, upon , whom u copy of the said declaration might be served. It is ordered that the said defvftAmt do-ajEcnr and plead to the said declaration, on or efore the 11th day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundren arm fiftysix, otherwise final and absolute judgement will be given and awarded against him. D. IIOKE, a C. P. Clrfks Office, Greenville C. II. ) August 10 1855. f 8m fy IKook* and Stationery. THE Subscribers are receiving a lnrge and veried assortment of the above Aftwf?,w&ich thev offer at low prices. a 'large variety of classical worts. An Extensive Stock of Miscellaneous Works. SCHOOL BOOKS, Slntcs, Pens, Pencils, Growing" Books, Water Colors, Dissected Games Ac., Ac. Blank Books, Itoiind, WaTf-hound, and m paper; Foolscap, Letter and Mote Pupcr, by the ream or less. ?nv 1>?_I?* r* ?.? -<* - - ?|., *, * vtniiprtw^, -T8, &C* \S'ith ,\ varied nrsortmtmt of otlWr article*, t? which iWv invite the attention of the pOhlio. (>, & ELEtrttD & CO, mnr. 2. 42 _ tf _ ' DP.UO CTOF.S km APaiUCAKlf SHQPs GREENVILLE, 8, C, m&m DEALER IN.DRUC.H, MEDICINES, Rl'Rtfffc'AL, INSTRUmenu, Paints. Dye Stafliy Vnrnishe^ Putty,Tobacco, Seyar*, Siiirit (!?', Oils, Candle*, Ho*l>*, Spices, Iira?h*>?, Toilet Article*,- Comb*, Perftimerv, da Fr<|?b aluf pure' Drug* ?ar*M?t?<l %nd sold at lo\v pike*. May 4. 51 tf L. T. LlvVLV, Auctioneer and CommiMfeo* Jferoiuuit. oAHiwrncma^e s. o. ^itKFERCEN CES. Jons' A. C*AWKOwr?, Pmidmt E*nk\ ton* Caldttri.u, Pretidrnt South Onrolbia tt?Vroad Company, lion. Jon* S. Prnnox, Jamt SuYcit, Columbia. MomutPM A Co., IIkxrt Mwano!*, Hon. W. E SoLOOCk, Charleston, may 26. S If \TOC are reon. ate f to meet" at (be Phisfon '1 Room of tie Sons of Temperance satil HirlW imbw. Meeting- -FHdav rvKiipvBy order of W. l\ Puu r, IV. \ P. . January 12. 8Q %