University of South Carolina Libraries
Jt Under tl<e for^jglfcjrcoptioa the Gnlveson (fOttfmUrat*! dFWi' 28th ult^ contains ?5W> jnst and thrcible observation*, rhich we append. The editor speak* bo!Jf and truly. v Among the many singular circumstances, lereloped by the present condition of parties n the Union, none has ever oec&sinnAd Boor* astonishment and sincero regret than Bhe vindictive hatred and diabolical (visions Brhich have been excited by the simple affirBastion ofthe American party, that our citiBens, in all tho relations which citizens susHkain to their government, are more reliable, Bnoro intelligent, more patriotic and more Biatioual than the mass of foreigners who Band upon Cur shores, and whose country, ^korae, friends prejudiced education and symHkathies have been, and still are, with the soil Bhal gave them birth. We say that what rnCet astonished us is, that we should lave been met just here upon the very ?wt ?T.~ ?-J- ? a good woman pleases the heart. The one is a jewel?the other a treasure. Hurry is the mark of a weak mind ?despatch of a strong one. No two things differ more. Qreenville Prices Current. CORRKCTKD WKKKLY FOR TIIK ENTERPRISE, BY QRADY & GOODLETT, MERCHANTS. Gskcnyillk October 18, 1865. BAGGING, Gunny, per yard, 1(1 a 18 Dundee, 13 a, 10 BACON .., .Hams, per lb., a IS Shoulders, a 13 Sides, a 10 Hog round, 12$ BUTTER.. .Goshen, per lb. none. Country, per lb. 15 o uorrss.. .P.ic, per !b. l! Java, per lb. 18 a 20 J)OME8TIC5? Shirting, per yd. 0$ a 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 OsnJtburgs, peryd. 11 a 12$ FLOUB.... Country, pe?bbl. $5 a 86 Country, per sack, a B3 GRAIN.....Cora, per bushel. a AO ; Wheat, per bushel, $160 Oats, per bushel, 25 a 30 IBON.......Swedes, per lb. 6$ a 1 t - ^ English, per lb. 5 a 5$ r.ARD. per lb*,#, ? 12$ MOLASSES, W. I. per gal. a 50 ' u A 1 _ an .. ja. V., pw. gn?. " MV 8YBUP...." 14 per gal. & 75 OILS...,.. .Lamp, per gal. #U a $2* 5 Trapper gal. 87* a $1| RICE. ,p*4b. * a 0 ROPK..... .per !b... 12| a 20 SUGAR*.. .N. lb. a 12* . Porto Rwo, per lb. a 12$ SXJ*,' P lb. ? 15 SALT......jet bnehet, *1 fJmP* 33* a d 50 WAP - ;"lc^r'b ^: te rf. , WliV'UUVlUt MUM MIV IM1IO IlimiO UjlUU UI19 Question between Americans Ikemxclve*.? hut foreigners, or at least tfie groat muss of wiem, should have been found arrayed gainst the American party ; that their feelKgs and prejudices should l?avo pverpowerfd their better impulses and cahnor judgements, is not strange. I Tms, perhnps, was the only difficulty Jwhioh the American party at first apprehended. But certainly it could not have been dbrsseentbat the principal opposition was to dome from Americans themselves, and the aeroest opposition, the most- unrelenting haJlred, the lowest abuse, Iho most unblushing falsehood, the vilest Calumny, and the basest itreaohery, were to bo encountered among *4nen who share with us this glorious Union j)u a birthright. And yet, we deeply lament that such is the case; that Aineircans have jfar outstripped foreigners in the effort to cast -odium upon their country They have not diesitatea fo use every means to subserve tbis purpose?the pulpit and the firoside have been alike invaded; they have torn open with a ruthless hand, the bleeding heart of the country, unfurled upon its sacred soil tbo flags of foreign potentates, and attempted, by every means within their power, to extinguish that spirit of nationality which pervades the universe, and which owes its existence to the highest, purest and best impulses of human nature. All this and more have they done. Theie can be no crime committed, no outrage perpetrated, no law violated, no nortion of the social coinnact l?m ken; in sho(^ there in nothing that is mean, base, despicable and monstrous, of which these Americans have not accused their countrymen, and there is notliing good, virtuous, high-minded or honorable, which they are willing to accord them. If the American party be what the nnti-American party nay it is, what position sliouM our country oocunyin the eyea of the civilised world I A magistrate in the island of Ceylon tmpannel^d a jury of Mussulmans on a man wuo &Ag found downed, and they returned tli.e following laconic, impressive verdict?:"His time was come P A pliricnd pheeling phunnily phigurative, phurnishes the phbllowing, "4ty 4tunate testers 4tuitously 4titying 4lorn 4tres808, 4cibly 4babe 4ty 4midi able 4eigners 4ming 4aging 4ces." Tkrhk are riches in a reciprocated affection, there is wealth in a superior and cultivate! intellect, which cannot be estimated or transferred, and the posse aorof either lias a jewel that the man of gold can never purchase. It was a pertinent and forcible saying of the Emperor Napoleon that a "handsome woman pleases the eye, but ... " . '7 ' prw? are aattoertaed tU? ?* nouncfl W. p. PRINCE; u a candidate lor Sher iff at the nsuing election for that offlae. Sopt 8. 17 to T ? t5J~Wo are authorise*! to announce TV Ml A. HKfOanlel as a Candidate for Clark at tl,. ' ' - lf.U > - VIWHVU. J wo. A. W. w\ hare l>?ea authorized to anaouu?? I Capt. A. T. Owiags a candidate forBheriff at tho next election. Oct St?t<l. ' {f"We are authorized to announce Col. DAVID HOKE m a candidate for Sheriff of Greenville District at tlie ensuing Election Qf* We are authorized to announce W.H, BAYNE a candidate for Sheriff at the ensuing Election. ~ J- llll I f HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . Notice. MY friends rarff expect to be supplied with some fine OYSTER^ as well as many other good things, during Court week, and throughout the season. 80 don't fail to call and LUNCH at the AVENUE STREET CONFECTIONARY. He will also have on hand a fine lot of best West India FRUIT, CONFECTIONARY, Ac. P. 8. SMITH. Oct. 10 23 tt Lost. , BETWEEN the village of Greenville and the 1 old race course, an Odd Fellow'. I PIN. The finder will be regarded, by leaving it at this office. Oct. 19 23 tf. Use the Magic Impression Paper For Writing Without Pen or Ink. COPYING LEAVES, PLANTS, FLOWERS, Picture*, Patterns from Embroidery, marking Linen indellibly, nnd manifold writing.? This article is absolutely the beat pocket Inkstand in the known world, for a small quantity folded and placed in the pocket constituting a travelling inkstand which cannot be broken.? No pen is needed, for any stick sharpened to a point, writes equally with tho best gold pen in the universe. For drawing it is indispensable. It is indeed tho whole artofdra wing and painting ?taught in one lesson. Any leaf plant or flower can be transferred to the pages of the album, with a minute and distinct resemblance of nature. With equal facility pictures and embroidery patterns can be taken, and have received the highest eulogiums form the fair sex, and indeed a more tasteful present for a lady could not be produced. This magic pa|?cr will also mark linen, or other ovticles so as to be perfectly indelible. All tha washing in tho world fails to bring it out Any child can use it with perfect case. With tliia MngiefPap' r, likewise, one or four copies of every letter written can bo secured without any additional labor whatever, making it the cheapest and most convenient article extant. It is used to great advantage by reporters of the public press, Telegraphic operators, and a host of others. Each package contains four different colors?Black,Blue, Green and Rod?with full and printed instructions, for all to use, and will last sufficiently long to obtain five hundred distinct impressions. It is put up in beautifully enamelled colored envelopes, with a truthful likeness of tho Proprietor attached. 1 Each and every paekage warranted. Price $2 a dozen or fire for $1. Single packages 25 cents. Address, post paid, N. HUBBELL. 167 Broadway, New York. OPIN IONS OF THE PRESS. IIcbtikll's Maoic Imtrkssiov Papkr.?We refer our readers to the advertisement in another column, setting forth the merits of this pleasing nnd ingenious invention. The cheapness should induce all to give it a trial.? Philadelphia Merchant. It is unsurpassed for neatness and utility and should meet with the sale it richly deserves.? Tribune. Just what the public has long desired, and re- j eominenili itielf /> ????? ?1 * ... -.... j ukutiuudi oi utDte and refinement.?Journal and Courier. Oct 24. 23. 3m. For Sale. rrMIE Subscriber will sell at private sale X his House and lot, on the Pendleton H'lll road, about } mile from the Court House, and near the Kail Road Depot, and situated on a high and elevated lot, having a fine view of the mountains. The house is a new frame building, recently completed, containing seven fine rooms Out buildings have been erected on the lot The lot contains about one and one-thirteenth acres of land, and is all enclosed with a new plank fence. Any person desirous of purchasing a comfortable residence will do wi ll to call on the subscriber. R. W. GODDARD. Greenville, Oct 12. 22 If. The State of South Carolina* GREENVILLE DISTRICT. By Robert McKay Esq., Ordinary of said District. WHEREAS, Caxxox has filed a Petition in my Office, praying that Letters of 1 Administration cum teetamento anturo on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Ucxar Caxxox, late of the District aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to him. i Arse are. therefore, *o eite and admonish ail I and singular the kindred and creditors of the ! said deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Ordinary for said District to be holden at Greenville Court House, on the Twentieth day of October, iust, to shew cause, if any, why theaaid Administration should not be granted. ROUT. MoKAY, 0.0. a. Ordinary's Office, Oct, 8th, 22-2. The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. By Robert McKay, Esq., Ordinary of said District. WHEREAS, J. P* IIinoocsK has filed a Petition in my Offiot praying that Letters of Administration on all and Jngular the goods and abaltala, right* and credits of JrarvtAii PnAunliUoftne Distrist aforesaid, dacaascd I should b? granted to Mm. Them art, ihettfort, to oita and admonish all and singular tha kindrod and areditora of the aid deaoaaad to ba and appear in the Court of Ordinary for aaid District to ba holden at Graen* ilia Court llonaa, on tba Thirteenth day of October inst, to aha* eanaa, if any, why tha aaid Adminiatration ahontd a at bapuM. RODTP fieKAY, o. o. ?. J Ordinary's Ottsa, 4th, Oat, 1865. tl-2 k^v 'ii Mmrt Receive*,^ . Awmt,WT,ta" ; ' *' * _ 1 H .?'w j. ,s i j' i. ujnniwai WAR IJf 01 PKoetAMmoN m FELLOW-CITIZENS, CO UN Hear me lo /\ IN U B S SILENT T Hi HAVING directed my yinpnthotio goso to I kinds of Merchandise of consumption, and 3 Uaughtor" human nature revolted within ma v no Pbyaioian there t Is there none to sound I tains, to rooso you from your Dormant Slumber with the palenoss of eternal grief stampod on y< <hoo pinches. Credit is the r IT you think you can buy at any ere lit house a Cucumber, for besides selling for CASH ONLY, We offer the wh< Thus enormous advantages are now offered, the The Stock consists in part of the largest and m Ready and well OF ALL QUALITIES, FAS J Dry Goods, Boots, Shoos, And a whole Gang of Kigmarols; the want of tim rnding theru in Single File. Enough to say the H rel of Whiskey, and under present cireuin-riatico* astonish the Natives nnd Know Nothings. tiT In BEATHEft Old Stand, between li. LONGe JtirDON'T FORGE fB*P. S. Country Merchants wishing to pure! money, by calliug at the al>ove direction. Oct 6. 21 MEW STOOK. ?F FALL and WINTER ? ? Sa AT TIIK STORE OF WILLIAM 8. TURNER, (FORMERLY CRITTENDEN & TURNER,) v|f|rvnir me lUHumon uomr. WHERE ho hfu received and is prepared to offer his friends and the public one of the BEST selected stock of GOODS, which has been selected with groat care and attention, and one of the most desirable for purchasers ever ofTcred IN THIS MARKET. It cou*ists of BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF AMERICAN A FRENCH A large assortment of American and Scotch Ginghams, 1 " A LAKOK LOT OF Porclgn and Domestic LONG CLOTHS & SHEETINGS, Cotton and Linen Handkerchiefs, lEIDSBIBIEY AHUD (BILBYISS, PERFUMERY, HAIR BRUSHES, &C9. WORTH m nmm, ?olr JL^dies' ty)d fientaeii) 3 AOcqir, A larye lot of Children's Shoes. MEN'S, BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S Hats and Caps. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF WaSTiPJaJR. ?ILOTTGUaKKgu CONSISTING OF ' Coats, Pants, Yosts, Undershirts, ?&c* He also invite* Attention to the large addition he hoe made to hie stock of CROCKERY, which he it offering at excellent bargaint. Call and See lor Yourselves ! WM. S. TURNER. aept 27. 20 tf $0OO Reward ! THE DIARIKEA fclLLER, tested in over 10, 000 Case* of Asiatic Cholera and Bowel Complaints, has never yet failed, when tried in tiinc, instantly to relieve and spcodily to effect a lVrinumcnt Cure. PRICE R0, CENTS A BOTTLE. ?r Be particular to see that, it is prepared by BENNETT a BEERS, Richmond, a? none other is G outline. f9*8oldbj Druggists andConntry Merchants everywhere, and in Greenville by M. B. KAULE A CO. juu? 29 7 Sin j Shaving and Hair-Dreasing. UV RHIDGE, the Barber, has re A|^Qturned to Greenville, and taken up his Headquarters next door to C. W. IVkli PA V T A ilaMnrr Adishliahmont '? 8lie# Brick Range, and is prepared to ox* cute every tiling in hislino with the tines touch. Gentlemen can have their hair ca' or shampooed, or fade* shared at any tint* daring tne day or evening. Sharing done by the month on rvasonable terms. Ureenvill*, March 10, 44 if A launch CAN tie served np at any hour of the day by giving a fswrainutcs notice, for 25 ct?. at AVENUE gTTREET CONFECTIONERY. Aug 94 If if. Lo?k out for your Pocket. Wfl. TURNER ia now receiving one of the largest STOCK of GOODS ever Brought to Greenville, call and see him opposite the Man- | sion House, You cannot fail to spend your ehange, Oct ft . 11 tf. .O' - IsUdfteHi iMtikmhtefliJi A FINE lot of LAMER LINEN HANDKKR? Oet. 5 91 3TCV tf. ffiBNVILLE! ?D KILLED!! r THfi PRMDSNT. TRYHEN AND FARMERS, r my Cause* (VT YOU MAY HEAR. the imposition of HIGH TARIFF levisd on nil rour innocently submitting like "Lamb* led to tlie 'hen I asked myself, "la tliero no Balm in Giliadf" tits yoico like a Trumpet over the eternal Montif Why. why will you grope about in darkness, our pair browf Ah, lot oio poiut out where the OOT OF ALL EVIL. a ciuap as 1 sell, then nre you green, greeu as a )le Stock at Cost likoof which you vmIi not hare in a "Coon's ago." oet complete assortment of made Clothing, JJOXS, SIZES AND PRICES. Hats, Caps and Groceries, e and space only prevents from Marching ami PoItock is complete, from a Brass Tfiimble to a barlaro disposed at such astonishing low prices, ns to A word to the wise is sufficient* L., Agent. GREENVILLE, S. C. \ an.l P. X. POWERS' Store. T THE PLACE. liase, to sell agcin, may depend on doubling their I tf teh, .THE REGULAR MKETings of Mountain Lodge, No. 16, ' O. O. F., arc held on Friday evenings nt 8 o'clock in their llall. By order of the N. O. W. S. TURNER, Secretary. Greenville, July 13, 9 YOU arc requested to meet at the Division Room of tho Sons of Temperance until further orders. Meeting?Friday Evening*. By order of W. P. Pairs, W.\ P.-. Jauuarv 12. ss 4 HEED & GOODLETT, /Afa,ip?jawrj8^7s /j\?ss Greenville, N. C. ASrOffico next door to F. F. Bkattik az co. J. P. KEKU.] [s. D. OOODLETT. January 12 85 tf Thompson & Easley, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE C. H., S. C. . June 28, 1834. . 6 , .. g DESV SULLIVAN & MOORET PUNCTUALLY AND PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL, CALLS IN TIIK LINKOPTIIHIU PROFESSION. Rkstokxck: Warthrn, Greenville Dietriel. , P.Xvr-OvrioE: Dunklin, M " ij. XL SVtUVAN.] [D. D. MOORE March 9. 43 "6| Dissolution. nnilE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing j X. between the Subscribers is now dissolved, j 1). G. WBSTF1ELD. J. WESTFIELU. n?e Notes and Accounts of the said con- J eern are in the hands of the subscriber, nud if i not settled before Court will be put in suit. I). G. WESTFIKLI). I ug 24. 15 tf BookM un<l .Stationery. THE Subscribers are receiving a large and v?- j L ried assortment of the above Articles, which j they offer at low prices. A LAR3E VARIETY OF CLASSICAL WORKS. An Extensive Stock ot Miscellaneous Works. SCHOOL BOOKS, Slates, Pens, Pencils, Draw ing Hooka, Wliter Colors, Dissected Games itc., Ac. Blank Books, bound, half-bound, and in paper. Foolscap, IiCtter nn<l Note Paper, by the ream or loss. 8pv Glasses, Pocket Compasses, Magnifiers, Ac. With i varied assortment of other articles, to which thev invite the attention of the public. 0. E. ELFORD A CO. mar. _?, 42 if j Special Notice. VLL persons indebted to the subscriber, cither by Note or Account, up to 1st of January j Inst, are requested to make payment, us longer 1 indulgence cannot be given. I jnly A. S Ow .1. IV. G R ADV. Notice. IS hereby given that application will be made at the next session of our State Legislature to grant a charter for n road leading from . Greenville Oourt-llouse to Pari# Mountain l5y the nearest and most practicable route, September 1. 17 3ra "The Open Bible." VGENTS W-ffNTKD to aell a new work, entitled "Paganism, Popery and Christianity, or the blessings of an Open Bible," as shown la the History of Christianity, from the time of our Savior to the present day, by Viucint W. Miller. With a view of tlio latest development* of Home's Hostilities to the Bible, as exhibited in various parts of the world, and an expose of the absurdities of the innnaculato conception, and the idolatrous vcncratiou of the Virgin Mary, by Rev. J. F. Berg, P. P., author of "The Jesuit*," "Church and State," Ac., Ac. The author of the work. Dr. Berg, is acknowledged to be the most aids writer on Romanism in tlio country ; those who have read his discussions with Archbishop llughes, will need no more assurauce of this fact. Agents will find this the most saleable (xx>K pubiMDM: it ia a large l'imo. Volume, or four hundred and thirty pages, Illustrated with uumerons engrnrintbs WautifWlv and Aubktaatiallv bound and aoid at $1 S5 per copy. Specimen copies sent by mall, poat paid, lo any part of the United State*,* on receipt of the above prioe. Send for a copy, and ju<lgr for yonreelvea. Addreaa J. IK. BRAI>LET. Publisher, 49 North Fourth etree"* Philadelphia. CaaOy, Canty. FIKBlotuf all kiada of CAKDTBS Jnat reA oeirvd at W. ? TURNERS Oct. t tl * J yU jK fk f ^>vJO!RK97^?TT' ". r' ^9%? * * * .5^^'' *>?, .' J': %. c} $$ ? ' ' 1 ? '' vj * ^g-??--I WM. II. HOMY rnow prepared to offer tho totWUwl couutrjr trade a choice and very large StocK of saAsouAauta ?DO?$.^. to which constant a<J?lltioiiurc being maifflpwn goods personally selected byniniaelf iu Net^Tork City during the month of August. The supply of C3t03es' la very oomplctennd attractive, being atone*. LARGEST AND MOST VARIED iu Grenvillc, including almost all kinds of DRESS GOODS for the season. Lawns, Swisses and Jaconets, Challv Bnrctrc and Tumm of Pifttir otvloa <* go ther with Luces, Ribbons, Gloves Embroideries, Hosiery, Perfume** ana FANCY AlmeiBS. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Cloth Frock Coats, Black Satin Testa, Col'J Marseilles Vests, Black CaSstmere Pants, Gloves, ^ Hose. 3uspnMerp,Stoeks,Cra"rnt?, Collars, Slate, Buff ana Wh't ColW. Lines Suits. i&mmki u&x Hifs, Brown French Fur Hats, KNOW NOTHING White and Black Hats. calf BOOTS and SHOES. QCEEX OF THE VALLEY Virginia Cliewing Tobacco. New-York Soda an?l Butter Crjckers, Bvnsa Porter in Pints, Finest Hyson Tea, Black Oolong Tea, llaisius, Citron, Flavoring Extracts, Spices, Maddor, Spitnisii Indigo, Fine elieap Segnrs and verv FINE CUT TOBACCO. TO FARMERS AND GARDENERS. Hare just received from Lnuurctli n package u> Large White Globo and Large Flat. Dutch TURN1P3EKI). aug 24. 17 if 8TATJE"0P~80ii THC AR OLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. jest C. J. KfJonn <fc J. B Shkkmax, Executors of B. Dunham, deceased, vs. Roara Lovuland.?Bill for Account, Ac. B. 1". Pkrt.v, Complainants'Solicitor. BY order of the Court, in this case, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidor, on Sale day no.\t, the 1st October, 18.15, all that lot in the Town of Pickens Court House, No. Fortjrthroe, (43) ns by a plan of the said Town, reference thereunto being had, will more fully appear. TmMsor Sai.r. Credit of one, t wo and three years, in eaual, annual and successive installments, bona to bear interest from day of Sale.? Pcruhaser to give bond with two good suritics, and a Mortgage of the premises to secure tbc purchase money. S. A. TOW NFS, c. e. c. D. September 7, 185.1. 17 Id STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. greenville district, ffitv (??>mm?i?5 sj3iiaA\?. Walker A Irvine, ) Declaration in Assuuisit. I ' rs. V Damage #300.00. John McBride. ) B. F. Pkrht, PlITs Att'y. WHEREAS the PlaintifT did on the 10th day of August, 1855, file his declaration against the dcleudant, who is absent front, and without the limits of the State, and has neither wife nor attorney, known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said declaration might bo served. It is ordered that the said defendant do nn * w>?w nimn ^iraet, riiuaaeipiuK, Fenu. By order of tho Dircatorn, EZRA IX HARTW1XU Pr?dcnt f?FO. FA1HCHHP, Sfcittirv, "g"?* IS tf * ydvi ? pear and plead to the said declaration, on or before the 11th day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hnudreu and fifty* six, otherwise timil and absolute judgement will be given and awarded against him. D. HOICK, C. C. P. Clerks Office, Greenville C. II. 1 August 10 1855. ) 3m lv A CARD. HAVING associated Col. Robkkt P. Goouuctt with myself in the mercantile business, the said business will lie carried on under the nnnie and stylo of GRADY <fc GOODLKTT, at hiy old stand on the south west corner of the public square. 1 hereby take occasion to return my thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on mo, and solicit a continuance ol the same 'for tlie new fi .'in above referred to, fueling confident that wo will be able fo giv* satisfaction to all who may favor us with a call. It is with rcl^itunce that I must truly sav that | necessity constrains me, to notify those who are | indebted to me either by note or hook nccoiint previous to 1st of January, 1 HAS, to cull and pav Hp. JOHN If. GRADY, ' ! January i8, 1855. ao-PAP.TrrsnsHi?. 1"MIK undersigned having formed a Copartnership under the name and style of GRADY A' GOODLKTT, and taken the Jtock of Goods and Store of Joi.n W. Grany, will , . j^T^eontiuue the business. We lio|>e?__; j- v_^t ^|j5[hy prompt attention* to merit " eontiiiuaiiee of tho liberal patronage heretofore given the business. Our stock M very complete now, and preparations arc making to enlarge it soon. Give us a call. JOHN If. GRADY, ROUT. P. GOODLKTT. ' January. 23, 1855. HOWARD ASSOCIATION 2'illiJK,AII^T!b)s>USiaAV, Iai?|?orlaiit Aiii&ouiicciiicila. rI"H) all person# afflicted with Sexual diseases, A such aa Spermntovrho ?, Seminal Weakness Impotence, Gonorrheon, Gleet, Kymphilis, the Vice of Onanism, or Self-abuse, Ac., Ac. Tho HOWAUD ASSOCIATION of TbiUdei nhia, in view of the awful dextraction of human life and health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deception# which are practised upon tho unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a Charitable act worthy of their" name, to giro Medical Advice Gratis, to atl persons thus afflicted, (Male or Formic,) who apply by letter, with a description of thi-ir condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty and suffering, to Furnish Medicine free of Charge. Tho Howard Association is a benovolentlCnxtitution, established l?y a speeiaf endowment-, for the relief of the sick and dixtlreaeed, afflicted with "Virulent and Kpidemic Disease#," and its funds can be used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise-the above notice. It is nendless to add that tho Association commands the highest kledical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment Valuable ad vice also given to nek and ncrvons f(mnlcs, afflicted with Womb C-oinplaint Leueorrhaea, Ac. ! UP" Address, (post-paid,) l>r. George R. Cal bono, Consulting Surgeon,' Howard Association, Stoves! Stoves!! p ' J fpHE 8UB8CH*KS often to the puWio m j Indies' Cha(<>laine Chains ? Breast Pins, Etr Rings, Cuff I'ina, Bracelets '' Gold Pens and Pencils Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Collar Buttons And every article in the Jewelry line, of the Scat quality aud V orkinnuship. Silver Spoons, Knives, Cups, Napkin Kings, 141 die", Ac. 4-fc. Also a new article of Sleeve Buttons and Cellar Button*, our own pattern, Anv of the alio re Jsgtietas may he ordered ar i will be sent l>y Kx prime at our "ri.-k, and if thjy do not give satisfaction may he returned. SAMUEL W. BENEDICT, . 6 "Wall street, New York. f . August 2 12 ?2 in " LAST NOTICE^ ALL PERSONS indebted to O. A. Pratt*, on account previous to March last, are ear , I neatly requested to call on W. K. Kmlky mot 1 settle tl>? tame, as further indulgence cannot bo allowed. J. B. LETTS, Assignee. January 5. a 84 tf BOUNTY LAND. 100 acres rpO ALL who liavo served 14 days, in any JL War of the United States, sinco 17SH>. Warmu)H obtained, -and highest cash prices paid for them, by C. J. KLFORP, Attorney at Law, Slh 16. 44-t.f Greens illo, ft. C. Warrants! Warrants! VT. K. EA013Y, 4 TTOllNEY AT LAW, is prepared with all 2\_ necessary instructions to procure Bounty Land Warrants under the late act of Congress, grant ing 160 acres to ull who may have served in nnyVif the wars. Inuncdiute attention given to anv business of the ki:id entrusted to his oarc. Si arch 16. 44 tf DF.TJO- 8?OF. 13 km APOTHECARY SKSP* greenville, s. c. xcs jm.15s? DEALER IN Drugs, medicines, surgical tnstruntenlw Paints, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes, Pntfy, Tobacco, Segars, Spirit Gas, Oils, Candles, Soaps, Spices, Brushes, Toilet Articles, Coin Ira, Perfu-' raery, etc. E reals and pure Drugs warranted and sold at low prices. May 4. M tf jojkph ooorat* Watch .tinker and Jeweller, UNDER STERNA HOTEL, IS EKPS always on hand ttold nitd fillJTV vcr Wutchea, and JEWELRY of evcry description. Fancy Goods and Perfumery. Hocks, WafRn-s and Jewolry repaired in tha * best manner. r , dee. 29, 88 ly "* U T.-LEVINT Auctioneer and Con^misoion Merchant, ( jjtOlkiUSKapStAy S3u ?. " REFSRCENCFST Joirs A. Oswrosn, J'rri'uimt C<*nm*rciml Itanl. .ion* UAiwwixi, t retidcut Mouth Cntolin* JtmU. JW Commtntf Hon. Jon* 8. I'fujtoc*, Josh B**cr, Columbia. Mofvec i v <L Co., Uen?v MriWFO y TIoo. W Y Covoock. CW'Htcu ma;- Jfr ? tf Jk. large variety o*?lov^ rir.: The CMBttg* ' ' > M and Loviathan Cooking Stoves, and others. ' ,? Air Tight Cooking Stoves, K)V VAKIOUSKBvSs. > premium: cooking stoyEB, ^-3 Lavye and small Ovens, A IR TIG UT PREMIUM .ft Cooking Stoves. PA it LOR COOKING STOVES. Parlor*. Box Stovtt, for Churches, Stow*. do., together with a fall assortment of plain and Japanned Tin XVarc, . '!3 TIN, COPPER, LEAD A SUBET IRON WARE, MATALL1C ROOFING | Done in the u??>*t approved inaunrr, with disi patch. N I CTVTlie Trade supplied with TIN WARl^ rat whcdc&nlc, upon the lowest terms, f 1>. T3. WESTFIKLD, ACO. Oretnvillt, 8. C. I apr ft, 47 tf ~~ To lhr Public. " 1 I ASHEVILLE HOTEL. $f}?} THE Milmeriber, having; token charge of JPiiijLlu* Hotel, in the west end pf Main street, in Asboville, N. C., lately occupied bv Jons Rev xolm, is rret.nred to accommodate his old friends and the public generally, with everything necessary to tuoir comfort during their stay w ith him. He hopes from his long experience in the business, to be able to give sati-factiou to all. 151)? shall be furnished w ith the best the country affords. PERM ANLNT and TEMPORARY Boardera can be accommodated upon reasonable term*. He respectfully solicits a share of public patron-, ape. JOHN McBRlPE. May 11. 52 tf |!ri'Al-Kur JiOI TH CAROLINA G IlKKN VILLE tWSTBICT. 4| &'0.m:irAX>w a?;Lu&A&. i John WT Grady 1 vb. Attachment. . Win. M. Butler. J "V\7 IIEREAS, thePlaintitT did on tlic ICthdev Ti of October, 18M, file his declaration against the defendant m ho, (n> it is said) is absent from and withoVt the limits of the State, and has neither wife or attorney now within th< same upon whom a copy ?T this declaration might be served. ft is therefore ordered, that the said defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration ot. or before the nineteenth day of October, which will be in the year of our Lord one thouser. eight hundred and fifty-fi re, otherwise final ai.e. absolute judgement will then be given and uwa: - * 'Vv dud ogauist him. ' .1 / D. HOKE, C. C. P. X .? Clerk's Office, Greenville District, ) October 17, 18.14. ) 8mly ^TllVAORK AD\'ERTiSEA?NT. # Great Reduction in Prices; Fine Gold Hunting T'nt. Lever Watches $?S-]CO " M ** Det'd. 11 11 4 fci?Gt ' " Open Face " " " 3r'?45 " ' " Lcpines " 28->'2 Silver Hunting Patent Lever Watches 8?-38 ? " Det'd. ? " 18--- || Gold Vest, Neck and Fol) CHAINS