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A corrti^^P^t o? the New York how much of jtfauaure ani^ profit may 1 ' tfc derived frojij. the judicious cultiva- j tion of a yard 90 by 40 feet 13tow ' many of obr city readers might, by 1 proper exertions, realize the happy lot ' of the writer: 1 Reader did yon ever olant a vino Y ( V Twb years ago I planted four Isbelias, and now they are loaded with a rich profusion of fruit, and prosont a pleas- 1 ins and most gratifying appearauco ; \ splendid bhnones which will weigh j nearly one pound, now hanging upon t the vines, already in purple hughes, 4 which almost tempt all beholders to ft female themselvos with this desirable/ ffv^t, even before it has fully attained its perfect sugared sweetness. ( ) These vines nro tho admiration of all who have seen 'them, and simply Jjrove that the occupant of every house fit our city, if he had the disposition, j fmght grow more of this delightful *fHtit than his family could consume. i I plaipcd these vines at an expense of $1,25, and arose an hour earlier in ttfc morning when they required attention. On wash days tho soapsuds 1 Were saved and applied to their roots. Last fallAwo barrels of blood were oh- ( taincd from the butcher, a trench dug % 4.1- - 11. .1 .1 J !? 1 ? *ruuuu lira i wts, ura urauu miui Cfl III and covered up, which has l?ecn rich food for them ever since. Ndw for j the result: Last year I gathered over 30 pounds of grapC9, equal to Under- ( hill s, worth to rav family 18d. per pound; $5,63*. From a careful estimatc by counting tho bunches of tne 1 present croo. it will amount to ovnr 300 lbs ;'at last year's prices, worth $56 1 26-100. My yard is 20 feet by 40 1 feet; besides these vines, it contains 4 Apricot trees, peach, dwarf pears, Law- ' ton blackberries, and the usual varie- { ties of flowers, rose bushes, <fcc. Who would not be willing to be called an } enthusiast, as I have been for devoting j my mornings before breakfast in culti- , rating these fruits. Who can show so nrhalf a yard in onr city better cultivated. AncJ who. after reading those statistics will not go and plant a vine? , Ax A mat ecu. j Some writer has beautifully remark- 5 ed, "The propensity of mankind to admire and applaud a generous action, !" or a noble sacrifice ot soil'for another's good, evinces conclusively that all is ' not evil with us; that thore are yet some redeeming qualities in human .J1 nature, which, howevor much they ?' may slumber, do not entirely die afvay:"" Some profess the idea of a total and utter depravity of the lminan j heart; bdf bad as We are, it is pleas- t; nut to believe that there lingers vet upon the earth a smalt portion of that pure spirit which made Eden blessed, < and which still vivifies and gladdens ii the path of the pilgrim. There is a spirit of intellectual and moral beauty which adds to every , other charm, and which outlives them . nil. "Smiles from reason flow," and the strongest, purest, deepest affection n need not rest upon ignoranco. The 1 heart and mind should expand togeth- 1 i-yr., They have no adverse claims.? The strongest feelings are restrained and guiocd, not destroyed, by the strongest powors of the intellect. Ax old soldier, named Ita3cz, adverti- rn sea in the French papers that, "for a a consideration," ho will make pilgrima- t ges for the benefit of those who have ? not time, strength, or inclination, to i, 'porfbriu those pious acts for them- ? selves." This going on pilgrimage by f< proxy, or hired sulwtitnte, is one of r the many Popish modes of purchasing merit without money. Tins crocs be yohd tho old Yankee farmer, who ' made it a rule always to go to church on Snuday, or else send a hand. Hrlp onb Anotiikk.?-Sir Walter Scott wrote:?"The raco of mankind i would perish dfd thoy cease to aid ^(pach otnor. From tho time that the / "/mother binds tho child's head, till the *, . moment that some kind assistant wipes <1 Sft^tho death damp from the brow of the V dying, we eannot exist without muiiuii ] help. All therefore, that need aid, < have a right to ask it of their fellow * mortals ; and no one, who has it in his power to grant, can refuse without incurring guilt." Teuth and Falskuood, travelling one warm day met at a river, "and b<jth WAnt fcn hat ho at the a&rnn t?1a/?a itnlai.. hoO&, coming <$r*i out of tho water tooK his companion's clothes loft his own vile raiments, and then vflht on hit way.-?Truth, coining ont of the water, sought in vain for Ttis own prow er dress, disdaining to wear the garn . ot Falsehood. & Trut h started, all naked, in pursuit of tho theif, but not being so swift of foot, has. ji^vcr overtakon the frgitire. Ever since be has been known as the "Naked Truth? ? ?" ? j Tnaaa.aio a reciprocated wc^th in a superior ^SpC,;. -. -' ..;.. i,.,. ,, ; Ca83 vs Atciiisok.?-The Detroit tree frets ^ the home orgati otU-en. Caen says:?"Atchiaaiv left the detnoc ratio party A3 long ago as last winter, ind joined the Know Nothings. His trorder league- is a Know Nothing lodge ivhicb, by fraud and violence, has carried slavery into Kansas." Is this the roice of Gen. Cass f If so, where is the >ld General driving to now? Tub Hposiers on the Wabash turn heir "agy shakes" to Rome account; hoy climb into the top of a "shell bark" ust as the chill comes on, am} by the irae the "porsonal earthquake" leaves hem, there's not a hickory nut left on he tree. ?8???mmmmm??mm????? mmmm??f?? ftreciiville Prices Current. lOUIlKlCTRD WEEKLY FOTl THE R.NTERPRI8K, ffY flRADY & 8Q00LETT, MERCHANTS. CJrkkxvillk, October 11. 1855. 3AGGJNG, Gunny, per yard, 10 a 18 Dundee, 13 a 16 IJACON ... .limns, per lb., a 51 Shouldora, a 13 Sides, a 16 II og round, 12$ BUTTER.. .Goshen, per lb. none. Country, per lb. 15 a 30FFEE.. .Uio, per lb. 14 Java, per ll>. 18 a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 0$ a 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 Osnnburgs, per yd. 11 a 12$ ?LOUR .... Country, per bid. $5 a $0 f ro wan /* O rvU4%^f |ev? 3RAIN Corn, per buHheb a 40 r Wheat, per bushel, #100 Oats, per bushel, 25 a 30 HON Swedes, per 11*. 6$ a 7 English, per lb. 5 a 5$ jARD per lb. a 12 Jl MOLASSES, W. I. per gal. a 60 N. O., per. gal. a 00 >YRUP " " per gal. a 75 31L5 Lump, per gal. $1.4 a #2$ Train, per gal. 87$ a #1$ Linseed, 1* tICE per lb. a 9 10PE..... .per lb. 12$ a 20 5UGA1W.. .N. Orleans, per lb. a 12$ 11. vol JL wiw lViUZ, |?l*I IU. u JL Loaf, per lb. 3 5 Crushed, pei lb. 15 Refined, per lb. a 14 >ALT. * per bushel, $1 Halt, per sack, a 2 50 K)A I*, ?.?.. .Colgate.pale, 12^ a 15 Yellow, per ib. 8 a 10 1IIOX per lb. 12^ Shot, per bug, a $2 J trwe arc authorized to anounce W. F. PRINCE, as a candidate for Slier Of at the ensuing election for that office. Sept. 8. 17 to are authorized to nnnnunee IVni II. IV?;I>tt?fct as a Candidate for Clerk at he ensuing election. Feb. 2. td. tw We have been authorized to announce I ^?pt. A. Y. Oivingx a candidate forShecT at the rtoxt electldft. Oct. 27?td. prf*lYe are authorized to anounce QoL DAVID 1IOKK an a candidate for iheritY of Greenville District at the ensuing Elecinn. , tlTWc arc authorized to anlounee WM, BAYXK a candidate for Sheriff at he ensuing Election. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Sale. 1"MIF, Subscriber will sell at private sale hMv . his House and lot, on the PendletonjjiiL oad, about | mile froai the Court House, and ear tho Rail Road Depot, and situated on a high nd elevated lot, having a fine view of the mounains. 'Hie house is a new frame building, reeutly completed, containing seven fine rooms. >ut buildings have been erected on the lot. The it contains about. one arid one-thirteenth acres f land, and is all enclosed with n new plank mce. Any person desirous of purchasing a comfortable evidence will do well to call on the subscritier. it W. GODDARD. Greenville, Oct. 12. 22 If. The State of South Carolina* GREENVILLE DISTRICT. 3y Robert McKay Esq., Ordinary of said District. IXTIIEUEAS*, Jcxmc Caxxon has filed a Pcti? V tion in my Office, praying that letters of administration rum teMamente annrjeo on nil and ingular the goods and chattel*, rights and ered:* of IIenhv Oann-ox, late of the District aforesaid, Iceeased, should he grunted to him. Three are. therefore, to cits and admonish all ed singular the" kindred and creditor* ?? the aid deceased, to be and appear in the Court of >rdinnry for said District, U. Iks hoi den at Orcenille Court House, on the Twentieth day of letoher, inst, to shear cause, if any, why the said tduiinwtration should not !>.' granted. ROBT. MCKAY, 0.0. ?. . Ordinary's Office, Oct., 8th, 22-2. Tho State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. By Robert McKay, Esq., Ordinary of said District. WHEREAS, t. P-Hiluiovak has filed a Petition in my Office, praying that Letters of tdministration on oil and singular ths goods md chattels, rights and credits of .Ikucmuh ' lot# of the District aforesaid, deceased liould be granted to bim. These are, therefor*, to cite and admonish all u?d singular the kindred and creditors of the aid deceased to be and appear in th% Court of Jrdinary far said IHstriet to beholden at GreenrUlo Court House, on the Thirteenth day'of October h??f. to shew cause, if any, why the said Idministration should not b? granted. ROBT MCKAY, fro. n. Ordinary's Office, 4th. Oct., 186S. ^2f-2 A FINE lot of T?\>8?ea Just merited af W. H. TUP.Ni.RB. Och 6 *1 ' Mkt r> yr- > ' ^ik* PROCtlMATIO? B1 FELLOW-CraZEiVS, COUIC itear me 10 AND BE 8 I LENT TIL ? ??.? HAVING directed my sympathetic g 1*7.0 to 1 kind* of Merchandise of consumption, and * Slaughter'' tinman nature revolted -within nia ? la no Physician there f Is there none to sound I tains, to r<r.?c you front your Dormant Slumber with the paleness of eternal grief stumped on y< shoe pinches. ... CREDIT IS THE If If roto think VcraVyn buy at any credit lionso n Cucumber, for besides sol ling for CASH ONLY, We offer the wh( Tlius onormoiis advantages arc now offered, the ' mi VKMEC The Stock consists in part of the largest and in Ready and well OF ALL QUALITIES, FASI Dry Goods, Boots, Shoos, And a whole Gang of Rigmarole; the wout of"tim rading them in Single File. Enough to say the S rel of Whisker, and under present circumstances astonish the Natives and Know Nothing". ?~W . In BEATTIET3 Old Stand, between R. I.ONGS J^rDON'T FORGE cr r. s. Conniry aferchaut* w isiiing to purcl mouov, by calling at the above direction. Oct 5. " 21 mew nroox OF ??' ?? ? '"*<! iiiu DiiruiT, nns rc/jH*^turned to Oroenville, and taken up bin Headquarter* next <loor to C. W. I'irxi.s j Q>5Jhf A C<?'* Tailoring establishment, In Brat tics Brick Range, and is prepared to oxe x^jjfouto ovcrv thing in his line with the fines' (JD?V touch, Gentlemen can have their hair cu ^ya^wSor shampooed, or faces shaved at any time Vjjjjf daring the day or evening. Shaving done ^55uJ#t>y the month on reanonarde terms. Greenville, March 10, 44 tf A. Lunch CAN I>? served up at any honr of the day by giving a few mlnntea notiee, for 2fl ate. at AVENUE STREET CONFECTIONERY. Aug 34 1.5 tf. Look out for your Pocket. WR, TURNER is now receiving one of the largest STOCK of GOODS ever Brought to Greenville, call and see him opposite tho Man Ion Ilonse. You cannot fail to spend your change. . & ' '' '? oh. fi 21 ir. liaidte'. HandlXrchlelh. A PINE lot of KADI Eft KIN EN JlANDKfcKCHIEPA, aborted, jn>A retired at. * AWfefi. TuRNEKS Oct.' JI " tf. u?''-.* 'V i y. " ; # T + jHgk I FALL and WINTER ????@<> AT THE STORE OK WILLIAM S. TURNER, (FORMERLY CRITTENDEN & TURNER,) Opposite the TVInuaioii House. WltEUE he has received and is prepared to offer his friends and the public one of the BEST selected stoclc of GOOI>S? which has been selected with grout enro and attention, and one of the most desirable for purchasers ever offered IK THIS MARKET. It consists of BEAUTIFUL 8TVLE8 OF AMERtCAN A FRENCH A large assortment of American and Scotch Ginghams, A LAHOE lOT OF . Foreign and Domestic LONG CLOTHS & SHEETINGS, Cotton and Linen Handkerchiefs, ^ffilDSinE^Y AND (BlDTTfiS, PERFUMERY, HAIR BRUSHES, (S(?)3SIi3S9 WO ATI I oi mm?, Mm ?olr JqOic?' mO Senllehicii's iUeqr, A large lot of Children's Shoes. MEN'S, BOY'S AND 388T CHILDREN'S Hals and Caps* A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF a'ATTJIi ASSTID WZCStflPiaa ? il ? t la a COX9KT1XO OF Coats, Pants, Vests, Undershirts, dpc. lie n!so invites attention to the largo addition ho has made to his stock of CROCKERY, which he is offering at excellent bargains. Call and See for Yourselves t WM. S. TURNER. 8?pt 27. 20 tf |900 Reward ! THR 1)1 A HIKE A KILLBfl, tested in over 10, 000 C*oe? of Asiatic Cholera nnd Bowel Complaints, 1ms never yet- failed, when tried in time, instantly to relieve and speedily to effect n Permanent Cure. PRICE 50, CENTS A BOTTLE. or Be particular to see that it is prepared by BENNETT & BEERS, Richmond, as none other is Genuine. far Sold by Drug^ieta and Country Merchants everywhere, and in OreenTillo'by M. B. 12AIILE A CO. June 29 7 8ni biiavmg and Kttu-Dreoshig-. nvrn Dii\nn * w? ?- t _ *&*> 'MsW r.'.J. . " 'V * Me5B5Syfcv^Htt955BB5B9Se5SH5^! tEENVILIiW IED KILLED ! 13 t Till PRESIDENT. tRYMEX AND FARMERS, r my Cause, fcT YOU MAY HEAR. Lho imposition of lllGll TARIFF levied on nil four innocently submitting like "Lambs led to the 'hen T asked myself, "Is there no Tbvlni lit Utliad?" lis Voice like a Trumpet over the eternal MonnI Why, why will von grope about in darkness, ?ur pafo brotv f All, let mc point out where the OOT OF ALL EVIL. * elicnp its I sell, then *ro yon green, green as a >le Stock at Cost. like of which yon will not have in a "Coon's age." est complete assortment of Made Clothing, HONS, SIZES AND PRICES. Hats, Caps and Groceries, c an?l space only prevents from Marching and Talock incomplete, from a BrassThimble to a barftrwdisposed at such astonishing low price*, as to \ word to the wise is sufficient. L. CARR, Agent. GREENVILLE, & C. ? and P. X. POWERS' Store. T THE PLACE. ?ase, to sell agein, may depend on doubling their tf ^5 ^5 ^8 - TI1F. REGULAR MF.ETV ings of Moufrram Lowje, No. C iif tfl- I. O. O. F., are held on Friday evenings at 8 o'clock in their Ilall. JBy order <?f the N. G. \V. S. TURNER, Storetarp. I Greenville, July 18, 0 | MZZm OKT YOU nre requested to meet nt the Division Room or the Sons of Temperance until further order*. Meeting?Fri<lny Evening*. By order of W, P. Peice, W. . P. \ January 1*2. 36 t B^D^Tqmdlett; ATPW'ORSffaiYfS MW, Greenville, 8. . | jtSPOffieo next door to F. F. Beattik & Co. J. i*. nKKD.] [?. d. oooi)lett. JanuatT IS 35 . * tf Thompson & Easley, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE C. II., S. C. .Tune 23, 1851. 6 ft DRS. SULLIVAN & MOORE, ~ PUNCTUALLY AND PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL CALLS IN TIIE LINK OF THEIR PROFESSION. Residence: War I/ten, Greenville District. P.?*T-OKncK*. Dunklin, " J. M. SULLIVAN.] [D. D. MOORE IIarch 9. 43 ?C| DhMoiulion. rCOPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing J. between tlio Subscribers is now dissolved. D. a. \VB5TK1ELI>. J. W ESTF1 IiLD. Notes and Accounts of the snid concorn are in the hands of (.ho sulwwriber, and if not settled before Court will be put in suit D. O. wfiST^IELD. nug 24. lfi tf Hooks and Stationery. rriIE Subscribers are receiring a large and va1 ried assortment of tlic nljove Articles, which they offer at low price*. A LAS3E VARIETY OF CLASSICAL WOftKS, An Extensive Stock of Miscellaneous 1 Fork a. SCHOOL BOOKS, Slates, Pens, Pencils, Drawlug Books, Water Colors, Dissected Games Ac., Ac. Blank liooks, bound, half-b<Jnn<l, and In paper. Foolscap, letter and Note I'apor, by the renin or less. Spy Glasses, Pocket C&mpnsses, Magnifiers, Aci With a varied assortment of other articles, to which the}* invite tlie attention of the public. 0/ K. KLFORD A CO, mar. 2, 42 tf special Notice. ALL persona indebted to the subscriber, either by Note or Account, up to 1st of January last, are requested to make payment, as longer indulgence cannot be given. July 6. 8 9w J. W. GRADY. Notice. IS hereby given that application will be made at the next session of our State Legislature to grant n ro-charter for a road learning from Greenville Conrt-IIonse to Paris Mountain t>y the nanimut. nn/1 tnnfil ?.rooFionKln September 1. 17 8m r ''The Open Bibie.'' AGENTS WANTED to sel! n new work, entitled "Paganism, l'opery and Christianity, or the bleedings of on Open Bible," ok Bhown in the History oi Chruflnuity, from tho time of our Savior to tne present dnv, by Vincint W. Miller. Willi a viow of the Intost* developments of Rome's Hostilities to the liible, as exhibited in various parts of the world, And an expose of the absurdities of the immaculate conception, and the idolatrous veneration of the Virgin Mary, by Rev. J. F. Berg, D. author of "The Jesuits," "Church and State," dre., Ac. The author of the work, Dr. Berg, la acknowledged to be tho most able writer on Romanism in tne country ; those who have road Ids discussions with Archbishop Hughe*, will need no more assurance Of this fart. |pT Agents will find this the roost saleable iiooic published: it is a large 12ino. volume, of fonr hundred and thirty pages, illustrated with numerous engravings, WsutifuHy and Hubstantiallv bonnd, and solu at $1 25 per copy. Apeeimen copies sdRt by mail, postpaid, to any part of the United States, on receipt of the above price. Send for a copy, and judge for yourselves. Address J. \V. BRADLEY, Publisher, 49 North Fourth street, Philadelphia. ?? i ?s* ? i . w "'dy* '"* *"* Caitdy, Canity* A UN* lot of all kinds of CANDIES just 1* J\ eeived st 1.2 W. S. TURNERS. * dot. & * ii a If -# 0* * tS now] to otter country , tr*(l? a olioifr and wrf^^Kitutk of t to which constant additions ?re bein<? tu/yje from goods personally selected by himself in New-York City during the juontli of August The sufpJr of ca03 s mam Is rery (ouipict?Ai?u aUtftdive, beinj* atone* th? LARGEST AND MOST VARIED in Granville, including almost nil hinds of DRESS GOODS fdrthe season. Lawns, Swisses nivT Jaconets, , Chally Barege and Tissues of many stylos, together with Lae'es. Ribbons Gloves, Embroideries Hosiery, I'orfumcrV and | FANCY AliTICLBS. GENT'S FURNISHING GOOSSCloth Frock Conts, Black SalirfWcsts ColM Marseilles Yeats Black Casslmdre Psnts, Gloves J Hose, HusnuMersStocks,Cravats,Collar?, I Slate, Butf aiul Wh't. Col'd. Linea Suits. iismro&x m&K m'i%\ Brown French Fur lints KNOW NOTHING White and muck lints. CALF BOOTS AND SHOES. Charitable net worthy of th<jir name, to give Medical Advice Oralis, to all pdrson:; thus afflicted, (Male or Female,) who ftpply ! >' lotter, with a description of their condition, (aye, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty and suffering, to Furnish Medicine free of (''harge, The tfow nrd Asmciation isn benevolent Inslitutioti, established by a siH-cjol endowment, for the relief of thesiek and qMraaMd, afflicted with "Virulent and Kpidentic Disease#," and its funds can be uwd for no other purpose. It haa now a surplus of means, whioh thg Directors have Voted to advertise tho above mitlce. It is needless to add that tho Association cominnnda the highest Medical skill of the ago, nnd will furnieh the moat approved modern treatment. Vaiuable nd vice also given to sick Ond norvrfna females, afflicted wj'h Womb Complaint, Leueorrhooa, Ac. |3P AdJr??*, (post-paid,) l>r. George R. C?K bouti. Consulting Surgeon, I Inward Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, l'cun. By order of the fhrectom, EZRA n. IlAftTWFJ.L, President. t GEO. FAIRCIHLIX Secretary. ! aug 24. If tf QCF.ES OF THE YALLEY Virginia Chov/ing Tobacco. New-York 8oda nnd Butter Crjeker*, Bvohs Porter in Pints*. Finest Jlveon Ten, Black Oolong Ten, Rnisius, Citron, Flavoring Extracts, Spices, Madder, Spanish Indigo, Fine cheap Stgara nnd \erv FINE CUT TOBACCO, TO FARMERS AND GARDENERS. Have just received from Lnudreth fi package of Large W hite Globe and Large lint l>utcli TURNIP SEEP. nug 2i. 17 tf NTATii oplioCTH CAROLINA! GREENVILLE DWTUICT. H:csr xKQ&uws* 0. f. Eu?m> A J. 11 SiiEr.xlAT, Executor* of B. ])l'x:iam, deceased, vs. Boo nit Lovkland.?Bill for Account, Ac! B. Jf. Picnnv, Complainants' Solicitor. BY ofderof the Court, in this case, I will soil nt public outcry to the highest hidor, on Sale day next, tlic 1st October, 1855, nil that lot in the Town of Pickens Court House, No. Fortythree, (48) as hy it plan of the said Town, reference thereunto oping had, will more fully appear. T.itMsor Sat.c. Credit of one, two and three yenrs, in canal, annual and successive installments. bond to bear interest from day of Sale.-? Pcrchnsor to give bond with two good suritier, and n Mortgage of the premises to secure the purelmse money. S. A. TUWXES, c. e. a. n. September 7, 1855. 17 td STATE OF SODTII CAROLINA. QUEENVILLE Dfe'ITUCT. a csr <f3?wtf:c o:i>7 SF,i.ia&Sd Walker ?fc Irvine, ) Declaration in As*um?it. vs. > Damage $300.00. John MaBride. J B. F. Punnv, PltFs Att'y. WllEREAR the Plaintiff did on the 10th day of August, LS55, tile his declaration ngainst the defendant, who is absent from, and without the limits of the State, and Iins neither wife nor attorney, known within the same, upon whom n copy of tho said declaration might he served. It is ordered that the said defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on or before tho 11th day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight bundrcn and tiftvsix, otherwise tinnl and absolute judgement will be given and awarded against him. P. HOKE, P. c. r. Clerks Ofliee, Greenville C. II. ) August 10 1855. f 3ni ly j A CARD. HAVING associated c?i. uoukkt r. GOODi.ktt with myself in the mercantile busincw, the aaid business will be earned on under the name and style of GRADY A GOODLIOT, at my old stand on the south west corner of the publicsquare. I hereby take occasion to return my thank* for the liberal patronage, heretofore bestowed on me, and solicit a continuance of the sitme for tho new firm above referred to, feeling confident "that we will be able fo give satisfaction to nil who mny favor us with a call. It. is with reluctance that I must truly aav that necessity constrains nie, to notify those who arc indebted to me either by note or book account previous to 1st. of January, 1*35, to enll and pav up. JOHN ir. GRADY, ' January 2*, lflSfl. aO-PA?.Tl"B~.OH:?. nnnE undersigned having formed a copnrlnerX ship under tho name and stylo of GU A1)Y A G001>LI"LTj and taken the stock of Goods niul Store of John \y. Grady, will " ZzTtZlcontinue the hufineas. \Vc hone JJl^^^by prompt attentions to merit " Vfrr^Ek-1*1 con tin ii an ee of the liberal patronage heretofore given the business. Our stock is very complete now, and preparations are making to enlarge it soon. Give us si call. JOHN W. GRADY, ROUT. 1*. GOODLETT. ( January.23, 1R55. HOWARD ASSOCIATION a'BiuitiUDasMHnna. Important Announcement. r|"V> all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases, X sneli as Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Impoteneo, Gonorrheen, Gleet, Syniphilia, tlie Vice of Onanism, of Self-abuse, Ac., Ac. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of rhiladclFiliia, in view of the awful destruction of human ifo and health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which are practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Consulting Hnvgeon, as a Cloves* Stov?g!i j rI"MIK SUHSCRIISflM* ?>*?? toth? ru\ licmn -3 1 lm-;;p Vrtj-;?'?v ?>fKf??YJ?N vir: The Clirl'et^pi * f ?9 ml Levfatlmn * Cwkiag .Stovve, ucd v*r?ou? JL. .? others % Air Tight Ccoking Stov<?, I i>F VAnioud KIM5& .% PREMIUM COOKING STOVES, Large and zmall Ovoru*, ^ A Ili TIGHT PREU/VJf ; Cooking: Stoves. PAllLOK COOKING STOVES. W | TarTur*, Tlox Steve*. Hall Stoves, for fltfirrh-?, a Store*. At., together wiih m full assortment vt plain ami Japanned Tl?i Ware, TIN, COPPER, I.KAD A SlIEKT IRON WAIlf. ,J MATALLIC ROOFING Doita in the most approved mahtier, with dir- ^ ' ^ ^SSTTlio Trade supplied wllli TIN WAKE, at Wholesale, upon the lowest term*. o. Wi>Ti ii:t.l), ?< ro. O frru t':.'/'", S. C. npr fl, 47 tf ? j To the iPithiic. ASHEVILLE HOTEL. E THE subscriber having taken olintye of this Hotel, in the west end of Mailt street, fn rillv, N. 0., TUtcly occupied by Jomt-IUhrxoloa, is prepared to accommodate hiaold friends and the public gcrtetally, with ctefything Mooes- V ^ ?ary to tneip comfort during their star with hiir. He hopes from liis long experience "in the business, to he able to give satisfaction to all. . ( shall be furnished with the l>est the country affords. PERMANENT and TEMPORARY Hoarders can be accommodate upon reasonable terms, lie respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. JOHN McftRlDEL 1-4 Mov 11. <52 tf s^AT^roip^oij^iFS'cAKoXiiriA i ORKKN VI ELK DISTRICT. 3,w ?cs>22nia$>3sr jra^&s. John W. Grndy 1 vs. J- Attachment. ** ^ Wm. M. Butler. ) VTTHEKEAS, the Plaintiff diJ on the lCtlidsy * v T of October, 18M, file his declaration against tho defendant, who, (as it is said) is altsent from and without tlie limits of fhe Stale, and has neither wife or attorney now w ithin tLo some upon whom n copy of this declaration might be served. It is therefore ordered, that the said defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration on I.. ?' il ! a a' -1 ' ^ - ' " * ur iicivri' nit- iiuicTCVliin u?y OI UCtOUer, Wlncll will l>e in the ydkr of our Lord nnc thousand eight hundred i?nd fifty-five, otherwise final and absolute judgement will then be given nnd awarded against him. D. IIOKF, C. C. P. ? Clerk'* Office, Greenville District, 1 Oclelier 17, 1854, J 3tnly NEW-YOllK ADVfcfcTLSEMENT. ,.v Grcat Reduction in Price*./ Fine Gold Hunting Put. Lover "Watches $73-160. Dct'd. " 45-80 " Open Fnco " " - 85-46 " " " " Lopinos " 28-.'{'- v Silver Hunting Patent Lever Watches 82-8S . ? " Det\l. " * 18-22 Gold Vest, Neck nnd Fob CHAINS ' Ladies' Chatelaine Chains , " Breast I'ius, Far Kings, Cuflf Tins, Bracelets Gold Pens and Pencils Studs. Sleeve Buttons, Collar Buttons -< And every article in the Jewelry line, of tlio ^ .. Scst quality and workmanship, . .> ^ u pSilver Spoons, Knives, Clips, Napkin Kings, Ladies, Ac. Ac. Also ? Hew article of Sleeve Buttons and Co'-* lnr Buttons, our own pattern. Any of the above arnoies may he ordered so J will be sent by I'jrprcss Bt our risk, and If they s- . do not trirc satisfaction may bo returned. samtjel w. Benedict, m 6 Wall street, New York. August 2 12 2 iu LAST N O TI cli Z ~ AI.L PERSOWS indebted to (>. A^rirsir, tm .- > account previoust? March last, nro ear- ? ltcstly requested to call on W. K.'iMsuir and settle the same, ns further indulgence cannot ho ' M allowed. J. T>. BUTTS, Assign ee. January .1. 84 If BOUNTY LAND. lfiO ACRES . r|X) ALL "hp have wrvoJ 14 days, in nny JL War of tlie United States, since 1790, Wnrrnnh obtained, and highest easli prices paid for thefn, by C. J. KLFOUD, Attorney at Law, MU lfi. 44-tf Grocntilif, S. C. Warrants! Warrants1 VT. K.~BABLat*? > VTTOUNKY AT I.AW, it prepared with nil necessary instruction* to prdenre ltownty Land Warrant* under the Into net rff CVmgm*, granting 1UO were* to nil *vho mrtv have aerved-iu nny of the wars. Immediate attention given to any busines* of the hind entrusted to hia esre. March lfi. 44 If CP.jO BT0R3 ' AND; APOTHECARY SHOP, GREtrrnxS^s. c. ~ DEALER IN ~ * S * : DHUGfL MEDICINE. RJlUftCAT* INSTrXmejits Paint*,' Dy? Rtuffc, Varni?hea. Putty, Tobacco, St>n*r?, Sj>int Has, Oils, Candida, Fonp*. 8j?i(vs, Bruttboa, Toilet Articles, Condi*, l'erfun?etj\ c-fco. Fresh and ptnM I>ruga warranted ami Knld at los* pffotiii l.j .May 4. 51 t| sos&iFM ooo?m~ ' iVatch ftakor a??i Jeweller, FSDEn STEFAVhoTKX, * IT" rffjfayf on liami Gold an<t WIFIV yf4St Watches ?n?l .IFAYRLRFof tvcnf <W?crip(ioti. Fan-'v Goed* and Perfumery. "Clock*, WaUdvus ftinl Jewelry repaired in the , best m?nner.v dee. 29, 8a J.v L. T.L I:\in, Auctioneer tuid Commiuion Merchant, a. 03, ~RK?0$N0bC .Ion'* a. <*aAwroar, PretultfU ('nmmrrrlal F, .lohn. C-atnu klu Prtmdtmt &**tk Ctrro/iim A'jm'A rood Co-npnny< hon. .Hat* 8,<>% Jouh Burcn, Ojnmnla, Monu?m?<lO., Ur.wrt M&aa**?, Tlon. W. F, u .* CVaoneK, Charleston, ... * nrny 25. . " % ti mB'