University of South Carolina Libraries
while still fiVittCBt btft h+MH this morning la the mAgSgSfliere wSR perfect fusil ad e from from ? s?ow of Irish houses ontftooornhElnf Eleventh and Mara streets, cm Mi naming Americans, several of whom were bedJjr wortftimW The whole row, known at> Quran's Kowfwas iiUod with Irish.*!! armed. A crowd of Anieroins as4 wmlm; and failing to dislodge them, fired 6n?of the houses and sent for reinforcements, Which acon arrived with muskets and a cannon. Stoeial Irishmen in the burning , - building weroahot and others captured. Re pocttLwete heard in the burning bindings, sltem*?* was made to w^s^the fire, hnd two or three blocks weiMHBfi down, k Several other fi*es also occurrflflpflUght. lb<?0n leaving-the Eighth Ward, the lnfuri^pited mob marched to the Times office, which p was only saved from demolition by the ef| forts of Mr. Prentice and others of the Amei rican jparty. This morning there were rumors of more disturbance, and large crowds were assemkUJ .v. ? - - - * - urea iu Ul? sirwili A DO UI 1 i O'ClOClC A tHOb started to the levee and attacked a row of Irish houses, whence it wr*s reported shots were fired this mqping. The crowd, however(*iimro restrained, and every effort is being made to restore peace. Thbeb o'clock, P. M. It is rumored that two or three have been killed to-day. - . Fiv* o'clock, P. M. Another outbreak is feared to-night, in consequence of a large quantity of gunpowder having been found m possession of the Irish in the Eighth Ward. Large numbers of Irish are leaving the city. The mob finally dispersed last night, aftoi|. burning the sign board of the Times office. There has been no issue of the Times this morning. The accounts from the scene .of riot ore roost horrible. There wero in all about twenty persona killed, besides a great many , badly wounded. Twelve buildings were burned, and several charred. Human bodies were taken from the ruins. 1 There is a large crowd at the Court House this morning, where the dead bodies are collected. FURTHER PARTICULARS. Lou is v ii.l, August 7,1854. We have not been able to procure many additional particulars in regatd to the commencement of the riot, &c. It was caused thus:? In the First ward, as two gentlemen were riding in a carriage, they were fired at from a house containing Gertn&ns or Irish. One gentleman was wounded, and the firing was repeated, when Edward Williams, watchman of the Second ward, Joseph Selvage and John Lattn, Americans, went to the scone of trouble, and tbey also were fired at. Latta , had bis leg badly shattered by a musket ball, and Selvage and Williams were also wounded. Exaggerated reports then spread to the lower part of the city jn regard to the affair, causing a large cr.owd to assemble, ? thirsting for revenge. They gathered ar round the houses from where the firing had commenced, took two Germans from it and beat them sb badly that tbeif recovery is considered very doubtful. The house was then completely sacked. The crowd then proceeded to the houses otv the corner of Shelbv and Mad!?r?n from whence Germans had been seen firing, riddling two groceries, a beer house and two houses, all owned and occupied by Germans, and injured several of their inmates. They then went to Jefferson street, where a parly , of gentlemen coming into the city had been fired upon from a large brewery, sacked the , houses around it, burned the brewery and ' beat a number of Gorraans whom they captured torribiy, and also shot an Irishman, who died this morning. In the street below an American was slightly injured by a shot, when the Irishman who firod it was captured, beaten and shot. ' Shots had been fired from all the houses which were attacked. Tho crowd now talked of sacking the ' Catholic church, where it was rumored fire- < arms had been secreted ; but Mayor Barbee 1 | and others pleaded with them not to do so, < and prevailed upon them to leave it alone. The disturbances were now supposed to be over, as the crowd had marched to an engine house iu the Fifth ward with their cannon, and were begining to disperse; but after awhile it was Teamed that while the trouble had been going on in the upper part of the city, several persons had been fired on in the lower part of Main street, and that at about four o'clock in the afternoon, two Americans had been j>hot at from an Irish house on the corner of Main and Chapel streets, and ihia without the slightest provo- ; cation being given on their part, as far as could be learned ; and this started the disturbance afresh. The Irishman who shot Rhodes was then taken, and immediately hung, bat was cut down before lifo became < extinct Thirty or more shots were firod from tho Irish house on the comer of Main and Chap- , streets, and it is impossible to ascertain }be number that were wounded. Tbs InMllM nf til* rnor r\f Trt?K knmoa I by ? men named Quinn, fired on a party who yore going by, when they turned ppon ftitk, itwlantn burned their houses, end kifipdiseveral, all of whom were*>?*. % Some of the Irmhmcn in the&o booses ; w?s burned to death, A woman and Quinn one among those wise were killed. Eight j to ten tfovsos ware destroyed, and the num- ' her burned to death and killed is said to be 1 froijij fifteen to twenty. To-day the excitement was very crest, , and warlike movements were observed, but < the erowd fiiudlt jPspersed, and it is hoped Q that pedM^naaat loot beea obtained. A large c*tra notice /oroe has been put on duty, and the Mayer hoe issued the usual^ I ^ Mrifeek to bo pcoeeohle, > "jr 1 y Thekeye of tb? Roman X?atholi#pfc4hedral have beep placed in the hands of (he Mayor by Bufcrn Spaulding. ^ W Th^ftja la now qnil| and it is Hgpght there .yillpe no more disturbahoeCrflns figUtlBj^fts all at a distance from the polls. No tanpecan bo assigned for the Assaults.? The riol originated, in the first place, with a few drunken men. .a*. , TUB MILITARY tTNDBHSTOMa Louisville, August 7, 1853. Two cdihpan?? of armed volunteers are now marching to the Eighth ward. It is feared there is going to be more disturbance. LATEST DESPATCH. . Louisville, Aug. 7, 11:80 P. M. Everything is now quiet in this city. The military are out, but at present there appears no need of their services. AujftBT 8, 1855. This morning the Journal states the recent violence was altogether disconnected with the election, and was certainly premeditated. It is also informed that the Catholic Irish itt the vicinity of Quinn't bouse, in the Eighth Ward, contemplated an attack upon tne American procession last Saturday night, but were deterred by the immense number composing it. Two Irish women residing in the vicinity admit that they knew this. Tho Times denounces Mr. Prentice for his speech in behalf of their property. HVMEWEM.. MARRIED?On Thursday evening tho 9th inst, by Rev. R. Furmax, Capt, W. B. Dob v. of ^geflnld District* to Miss Martha J. Rutlvogb, Jaiwlitcf nf P S Uiirf?iu?? ?' 4,-:?IM ? 0 ^ ui uuo village. Greenville Prices Current. CORRECTED WEEKLY FOR THE ENTERPRISE, BY BRADY & BOODLETT, MERCHANTS. Gukknvii.t.r August 19. 1855. BAOQING, Gunny, per yard, 16 a 18 Dundee, 13 a . 16 B-ApON ... .Hams, per lb., a 12$ Shoulders, a 11 Sides, a \2$ Hog round, 10 ll|> BUTTER.. .Goshen, per lb. none. Country, per lb. 15 a , COFFEE.. .Rio, per lb. 14 Java, per lb. 18 a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 6^ a 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 ( Osnaburgs, per yd. 11 a 12^ FLOUR.... Country, per bbl. $5 a #6 Country, per sack, a $4$ GRATN Corn, per bushci. 60 a 65 ' NEW Wheat, per bushel, $100 Oats, per bushel; 25 a 30 1 IRON Swedes, per lb. 6 J a 7 English, per lb. 5 a 5^ LARD per lb. 11 a 12 MOLASSES, Cuba, per gal. a 37$ # N. O., per. gal. a 60 SYRUP....u u per gal. a 62^ OILS Lamp, per jral. $14 a $21 Train, per gal. 87^ ? $1^ Linseed, #1^ RICE. per lb. a 0 ROPE......per lb. 12$ a 20 SUGARS.. .N. Orleans, per lb. 7 a 0 Porto Rico, per lb. 0 a 10 Loaf, per lb. 12^ Crushed, per lb, 12? Refined, per lb. 10 a 12^ SALT per bushel, tl Salt, per sack, a 2 35 SOAP Colgate,pale, 12 J a 15 Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 ( SHOT per lb. 12? ' Shot, per bag, a $2 J U- i i ' ,i i ? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sons of Temperance. r[E MEMBERS of Grocnville Division, Xo19, 8. of T., are earnestly requested to attend a regular meeting of their Division on next Saturday Evening, the 18th inet.., at half past sight o'clock, as butintu of inUreat and ititpor'ance to each member will be brought forward Tor for consideration. By order of the Division. 0 M. MoJUNKlN, R. a nug 17. 13 ^ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. TOWN OF GREENVILLE. Tax Ordinance. An Ordinance to raise Supplies for the Year BE IT ORDAINED by tho Intendant nnd War- ' dens of the Town of Greenville in Council ' assembled, and by the authority of the name.? 1 That a Tax to cover the period from the 28th ' August, 1865, to 28th August, 1866, for the sums and in the manner hereinafter mentioned, shall be raised and paid in the pnblie treasury for the nse and service thereof. Sccotom 1. That is to say, ten cents on every 1 hundred dollars of the assessed value of Real Estate lying in tho said Town. Saa 2. And be it further ordained. That TWnty-fee Cents per head shall be paid on all Slaves between tho age of sixteen and fifty < yeaVa Bw. 8. And bo it f urther ordained. That Thvee Dollars shall be paid on each and every four- . wheeled Pleasure Carriage drawn by two or more horees; Tjaro Dollars on each one-horse Carriage, Baroifwi, Gig, Bill key or Boggy, kept for pleasure and not for hire; Ten Dollars on each four-horse Omnibus or Haok ; Five Dollars on each Hack or Carriago drawn by two horses, and run for eouvoyance of passengers or hire; Three Dollars on oach Bnggy run for hire; Five Dollars on eaah four horse Wagon, Threa Dol- i larson each two horse Draw or Waggon, and < Two Dollars on eash ons horss Wngcn or Dray, run for hire. Hw, 4, Am) bp It furtfcp? ordained. That if any . person or persona aha)) lk)l, naffleot or refuse to make a return on oath to u? Clerk of the Coun oil of all of hig her or their Taxable Property,and to pay the ta* thereon to said Clerk is hereby required to issue execution therefore immediately on sdeh default 8x0, 5. And be Tttrther ordained, TJiat if any person of persons shall run for hire any vehicle herein mentioned, without Ifrst paying tax therefor, every euch person shall pay for each day he so ojfeam the annual tax to which such vehicle is subktet by this ordinance. < A. B. CROOK, Iqtendant 1 ' Jom? W, ftroam, Clerk. ogiot 13 at a "tarw. are authorised'' to'"'^H^vo W m A. ffllcDaaiel asaCandidabfJbr Clerk at the ensuing election. Feb. 8. id. ygT We here been authorized to announce Capt A* Y. Owlnga a candidate forSheriff at the next election. Oct 2t?td. BTWe are authorized to aunounoe CoL DAVID HOKE as a candidate *r Sheriff of Grecnrille District at the ensuing Election. IfTWc are autliotfzed to an* nounoe WM, BAYNE a candidate tor Sheriff at the ensuing Election. $ 100 Reward ! THE nTARIIfPA frTT.T.VD . 1? VWJVCU 111 over iuf 000 Clscs of Asiatio Cholera and Bowel Complaints, has never yet failed, when tried in time, instantly to relievo and speedily to effect a Permament Cure, PRIGK 60, C EN THJk BOTTLE. tlTHc particular to see tipple prepared by BENN^JT A BEERS, Ruuv<Sfc as nono other is Genuine. pT Sold by Druggists and Country Merchnuts everywhere, and in Greenville by M. B. KARLE A CO. June 29 t- 8m NEW-YORK ADVERTISEMENT. Great Reduction in Prices. Fine Gold Hunting P'nt. Lever Watches $75-150 " M " DctM. " " 45-85 *' . " Open Face " " " 35-45 " " Lepines " 28-32 Silver Hunting Patent Lever Watches 32-88 " " Det\L " 11 18?22 Gold Vest, Neck and Fob CHAINS Ladies' Chatelaine Chains Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Cuff Tins, Bracelets Gold Pens and Pencils Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Collar Buttons j And every article in the Jewelry lino, of the Best quality and workmanship. I Silver Spoons, Knives, Cups, Napkin Rings, Ladles, Ac. Ac. Also a new article of Sleeve Buttons and Collar Buttons, our own pattern. Anv of the above articles may bo ordered and will uc sent by Express at our risk, and if they to not give satisfaction may be returned. SAMUEL W. BENEDICT, 6 Wall strcot, New York. 'August 2 12 2 m TO THE YOUNG LADIES. I II08E SWISS AND JACONET EDGINGS and INSERTINGS, FLOUCINGS, KID SLIP PERS. GAITERS and GLOVES that you were to kindly waiting for will bo opcu iu the early kni t of tno next week nt THE LADIES' STORE. Aid additions will bo made continually during tip wliolo month of August to the stock of \ SMALL* WARES, I MMJY iraOMtt, \ EMBROIDERIES, \ OK AND I0TJRNIN6 6001)8. A XIMPLETE AND TASTEFUL ASSORTMENT OF EWTI\^t Y COODS GElERALLY; ALWAYS SHOWN A WITH PLEASURE AT tf. H. HOVEY'S. juljr 2| 11 tf Ghicerios for Cash Only. E wilfrom this day, tell for CA811 ON LY, S? A, Coffee, Salt, Molasses and Rnron, n ood stool of which will always be found on ' and, che.A GRADY A GOODLKTT. August 12 lin Dis?oinion of Partnership. 11E PartAfthip heretofore existing under the Firm ofVa lTKNDEN A TURNER U this day dissolved*^' mutual consent. The Notes and Accounts ducli arc in the hands of S. S. Crittenden, to whoumirly payment is requested, as the old business nfct be closed un. Mr. C. may always bo foundm the old stand for the purpose of making settlen&U. a a CRITTENDEN. W. a TURNER. Tho SubseribAiaving bought the entire stock of Crittenden A&irncr, will continue the business as heretoforLt the old stand, and solicits the continued -peonage of his friends and ths public. I w. a TURNER. ( july 27 A 11 6m < SaVf Salt!! 1 K/A SACKS Salt j\ received and for sale, for J 17 Casu, by \ w. a TURNER, aug 17. % 13 tf J ^olflmCollbc. ! A AAA LBS. Cofft just received and for ' 4"! f vJ \ / Hole, for Ajij by 1 \ \V. a TURNER. 1 ?ug?7. S tf_ t SugarAugar. 1 BROWN A CRUSHElVuuAR just received and for Sale, Low f<anAWt, by. v | W. a TURNER. . *"g I tf ( A<iaiiaantiit<ttni?dlc?. 1 !)AA CANDLR\L received and for I 'J\ 7\J Sale, for Cjuii, I 1W. H. TURNER f nuglT 11 11 Indigo & Adder. INDIGO, MADDER. HTJtoi and SALTS; (( jnat receive*! and for Hulom, I *. TURNER. ? ang 17. fo. tf i Notice. V k I ROSALIA. FRANKS, wife oYhn R Franka, hereby give notice of mjr '"mien, aft <4 the expiration Of the legal term fro|?hU time, of becomiitf a aold trailer aa a mat?L maker. 9 ROSALIV-RANKS. Often ville, Jfy to, 186#. I 44 J** , THE SECULAR HEfTj I of MoOXTAIN I'ODoJMfo. CUUnKK^lS, I. 0. O, F., ar? hero on Friday evenings at 7 o'eloek in tKaHBall. flfr order of the N. (i. W. S. TURNER, Secretory. '' Gwwrille, July 18,^.^ 9 | Agloxs (gMfeEUPEBANCJB. nr-Kxv i uImJKbio*, No. 19, & of T.t Vl^^nold their niemnge Weekly, at the Division Boom. Saturday evenings a M. MoJUNKINR, B. 8. Jtfmiary 12 S3 # f I ^^ i'i . \rv- <#r-m?Z2m TCo Y|B OU *ra rcqw-.U.i u. meet Ht tl>? Division Boom of tho Sons of Tethiiamuce until further orders. Meeting?Friday Evenings. By order of W. P. Prick, W.\ P.*. January 12. 85 tf RKED A OOODLETT, " AWWcsasyraTys AW MW, Greenville, 8. C. co next door to F. F. Beattik <fcCo. J. P. REBD.] [a. D. GOOD LETT. January 12 85 tf " 1 *'? ' Thompson & Easloy, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE C..1L, S. C. JnM ?3. 1854. 6 ? DBS. SULLIVAN & MOORE. PUNCTUALLY AND PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL CALLS IN THE LINEOFTHKItt PROFESSION. Residence: War thru, Greenville Diet rid. PoRT-OmcK: Dunklin, " " J. M..SULLIVAN".] [D. D. MOORE. March 9. 43 *61 Pure Scotch Ale, A FINE article at 25 cent* per Bottle, Ginger Presorvca (Superior.) Brandy Peaches, I Fresh do, Salmon, Lobster Tomatoes, and Snr-1 j dines, all fresh aiul fine, as well as Cheap! CheapI at the Avenue street Confectionary, july 8, 8 tf P. a SMITH. HARRISON'S HOTEL," ? BY IX THOMPSON SIMS^ Corner of Richardson and Laurel-streets, Columbia, Omnibus Fare 26cents, jnn. 12 tf Cabinet Making. Z33iSS53 33Q&M5 RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Greenville tliat he is prepared to make FURNIturi f: such as Bedsteads, Sideboards, Bureaus, ^HHkleaf Tables, Centre Tables, Wardrobes, drc., Act, and hopes to receive a liberal patronnee. He may be found at the Work-Shops near the corner or Main and Buncombe Streets, in tho rear of P. Caubi.e's Blacksmith Shop. Greenville, June 29 7 tf bAMM' tWKR IB NOW DISPLAYING FOE SALE 525 Fancy Assorted Fans. THIS is one of the largest and most bonutifnl selections of FANS ever before offered for the inspection of the Greenville Ladies. Here they may see them in great variety?the common To^n Leaf, common paper, White, Block nnd Gay colored, handsome Mourning Fans, White Ivory, Red Ivory, Satin Wood, Spanish Fans. Unndole Wood, and vory fino white Silk Bridal Fans, ranging in price from 5 eta. to #8,60. There is as usual the same attractive STOCK of rich Dress Goods, plain Black 8ilk, watered Black do.. Florences and Mnrccllinea, Barege and Tissues, Challv and Grenadines, Kid nud Silk Gloves, Silk Illusion, Wash Blonde, Handkerchief Extracts, Fino Toilet Soaps, French Broidery Cotton, Linen and Cotton Floss, Bate's Needles. Which, with many other desirable GOODS arc now offering at W. n. IIOVEY'. ju 29. 7 8w Now is the Time! Subscribe for 1855! PETERSCN'S MAGAZINE, A Monthly Periodical of Literature, Art and Fashion, Peterson's Ladvs' National Magazine for 1855, will contain nine hundred pages of original double-colnrae Reading Matter, about thirty Steel Plates, und nearly three hundred Illustrations engraved on wood. Its Thrilling Original Stories Are from the best Authors, and written ex pressiy lor it. ftvery volume contains one or more of Mrs. Ann S. Stephens1 copyright Novels, the celebrated author of "Fashion and Famine." The Press and the Public pronounces it the most rcadible of the Magazines. it is strictly moral, aiyi eminently American, as its name implies. i Its Superb Mezzotints and other Steel Engraving* \ ' Are the best published anjpvhore; are ex- ; jcuted for it by the hist artists ; and, at the , jnd of each year, are alono worth the sub- < -cription. J Its Colored Fashion Plates t Are tlio only reliable ones published in \merica, and are magnificently colored dates. The Paris, London, Philadelphia , md Now York Fashions, are described at engtb, each month. Its departments for few Receipts, Crotchet Work, Embroidery, " letting, Horticulture, and Female Eques nanism, are uiway? weli f?iiv>l, profascw 51 ustratcd, and rich with the latest novelties. ?4T it is the best Ladies' Magazine in the vorld 1 Try it for one year ! f TEltMS?Always in advance. )r.e copy, one year, $2,00 t Three copies, for one year, 5,00 n 'ive copies, for one year, 7,00 ,, Sight copies, for one year, 1 0,00 j, Sixteen copies, for one year, 20,00 v PKEMIUM8 FOR CLUBS. 1 C To every person getting up a clnb, our f? Oift-Book of Art for 1065," with 50 Steel t ngravings will be giren, or a volume of the " jagnzine for 1854. For a club of sixteen, e n antra copy of the magazine for 1865 will n ? sent in addition. u Address, post paii>, , CI1ARLKS J. PETERSON, ? 103 ChfatntmUrfeet, Phil. ^ /3T Sped roeus sot gratis, au 3, 13 tf ^ I BOUNTY LAND. jf ; 160 ACRES* rTH) AH/ who h?T? Mfr?d "14 daj% is any X ftr of (lie United State*, since It90. Warrant* obtained* And highest cosh prices paid for tlMn, by 0. J. ELFORU, Attorney at Low, Mil 16. 44-tf Urcenville, 8. Warrants! Warranto! <* r VT. ?. BAG^BY. A TTOItNEY AT LAW, is prepared witli all J\. necessary instruct ions to procure Bounty Land Warrants under the Jate act of Congre^ granting 160 acres to all who may hove served in any of the warn. Immediate attention given to any business of Uyj kind entrusted to his care. March 16. . 44 tf DSVCrd^STOMS AN? APOTHECARY SHOP, GREENVILLE, S; C. as* DEALER IN Drugs, medicines, surgical, instrumcnts, Paint*, Dye Stuff*. Varnishes, Potty, Tobacco, Scgara, Spirit Gas, Oils, Candles, Soa^s, Spices, Brushes, Toilet Article*, Combs, Periumory, etc. Fresh Add pure Drugs wnrranted and sold at low prices. May 4. 51 tf JOSEPH ?OOPER, Watch IVIakcr and Jeweller, UNDER ST KEN'S HOTEL, KEEPS al wavs on hand tiold nud Silver Waste hca, and JEWELRY of ?v- j cry description. Fancy Good* and Perfumery. | Clocks, Watch en ana Jewelry repaired in the best manner, dee. 29, S3 DR. M'LANE'S Celebrated Liver Fills, r|MlE most certain remedy for Billions Fevcra X and all billious complaints. Also, in cases of Fever and Ague, these Pills, when taken with quinine, arc productive of the most happy results. We call thousands to witness, who have experienced their beneficial effects. Da. McLame'sCclgrratko Vrrmifvc.e, the greatest worm destroyer of the age. To be sold at the Drug Store of E. KRUTCIL ju 15. 5 at L. T. LEVIN, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, <rar?T\Tr_Vrrrw.-rvr?v? ?* Ji/< VJ rtl\Jj3<lv'?\y So ItEmtcENcraT John A. CRAwronn, President Commercial Bank, John Caldwell, President South Carolina Railroad Company, IIou. John S. Preston, John Hryct, Columbia. Mokdecia ?fe Co., TIen*t Missroon, Hon. W. F. Coloock, Charleston. inay 25. 3 tf Special rVoticc. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, either by Note or Account, up to 1st of January last, are requested to make payment, as longer indulgence cannot be given, july 6. 8 9w J. W. GRADY. Mattress Making, &c. THE subscriber informs the public that he has opened his Shop one door above 1'. .N. Powers A Co's dry good Store, whore he intends carrying on the busines of MATTRESS MAKER and BOL3TERER. Mattresses constantly on hand and made to order, and repairing done at the shortest notice, lie also cngafes to lay Carpets, hang Window Shades, Ac. le respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. JOHN E FRANKS, ju 15. 5 tf lVatScA V I HEREBY forwarn all persons against trading for ? Note given by me to John Bargees for twenty-five dollars, as the property for which it was given, proved unsound, and I do not intend to pav said note unless compelled by '.aw. J. H. PIKE. Greenville, July 20, 1853. 11 4t A CARD. HAVING associated Col. Rohkut P. Goodi.rtt with myself in the mercantile business, the. said business will be carried on under the name and style of GRADY A GOODI,ETT, at my old stand on the south west corner of the public square. 1 hereby take occasion to return my thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on me, and solicit a continuance of the same for the new firm above referred to, feeling confident that we will be able fo give satisfaction to all who may favor us with a call. It is with reluctance that I must truly say that necessity constrains me, to notify those who are indebted to me either by note or book account previous to Istof Jnminrv, 1855, to call and pav up. "JOHN IP. GRADY, ' January 28, 1855. CIO-PAP.TNEP.SHXP. rrMIE undersigned having formed a copartnerA shin under the namo and style of ORADY fc GOODLETT, and taken the stock of Goods and Store of John W. Ghaut, will 22*7.continue the business. We hopef?^^g SIC. bv nromut nltoiit!nn? (n !?....!? ontinunnee of the liberal patronage heretofore i pven the business. Our atock is very roinpletc t low, and preparations are making to enlargo it t toon. Give us a call. JOITN W. GRADY, ROUT. P. GOODLETT. Jnnnary.23, 1855., DOCTOR TOUR8ELP. Cho Pockot iEsculapius; OR, 15VKKY ONK 1118 OWN* PHYSICIAN. 5Q qpiIF. FIFTIETH EDITION, with One m 1. Hundred Engravings, showing Disss^. eases and Malforiuntions of the Human System in every shnpe ami form. To ! *** which is added a Treatise on the Diseases ' m-*m of Females, being of the highest inipor- 1 finee to married people, or those contemplating larriage. By William Youjio, M. D. , Lot no father be ashamed to present a copy of ( lie j&'SC'ULAJ'Jl/f} to his child. It may "save , im from an early grave. Let no young inan or ( roman enter into the secret obligations of mnr , inge without reading the POCKJtTjEBCULA- , Let no one suffering from a hacknied ough, Pain in the side, restless nights, nervous ?oltng*, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sen salens, and given up their physician, be another noment without consulting the sk'SOULAP.IUH lave thoae'nnfcrriod, or those about to be marri- ( d any impediment, read this truly useful book, it Kaa deen the means of saving thousands of 1 nfortunate creatures from the very j?w* of death, i HTAny person sending 7Wn/y*.r7?e Oent* en- | ( loeed in a fetter, will receive one copy of thia j wk by mail, or live copies sent for one Dolla>. ' td<lr?s.H, (post-paid) D*. WM. YOUNG, 152 Spnice-fttr^cti Philadelphia, jnly 6, 1855. 8 ly a . -V "" " w " ' """""BSB., cosfWHrtotfjjtr; { wntMK may tt rmw? aix ran or CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, T0Y8 ANO fANCf At Lota Pricea for Caak. & iCu^3?aiss? o^JVExosip TUiATLY fitted up, and private to thcta (er? eeDttog stjHtsaaccoinpHnied by gentlemen,) where ran'fco oRJlned, at all liuure of the d?y ul evening, ^ ^ ; ,; ICR CRKAM, LEMOXADF., SODA WATEh, Cakes, Candies, &c, :> ^ f ARBORS neatly arranged for Gentlemen. iSf" Every effort shall bo made to give satis faction. P. S. SMITH, jo 1. t? Gr?cnr?!}?.S, C. MlIIOTffi&PBLHSI Book and Job Printing <g^E?!ABL!$HMEltTV^? -? n A VINO A FIXE SELECTION OF QliflbllMWtkA, WE ARE PREPARED TO DO WORK aaa ffi^^?s0asa^?tfir&a, CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES,' HANB-IIUS, WAYBILLS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMESfWC. PRINTED WITH DESPATCH. China. Satin Enamel, Satin Surface and Plain and Colored Cards, i dipop fl)c IVFost rpboTpble Jelrhis. I (gmwai w?3 A\ Stoves! Stoves!! TIIE SUBSCRIBERS offer* to the public a large variety of Stove*, via? The Challenge ?a11 Leviathan Cooking Stover, nnd various others. Air Tight Cooking Stoves, OF VARIOUS KINoS. PREMIUM COOKING STOVES," Large and small Ovens ^ AIR TIGHT PREMIUM Cooking Stoves. PAULOR COOKING STOVES. Parlors, Box Stoves, Hall Stove*, for Churchee, St urea, Ac., together with a full assortment of plain and Japanned Tin Ware, TIN, COPPER, LEAD & SHEET IRON WARE, MAT ALL IC ROOFING Done in the most approved manner, with diepatch. 83Y" The Triulo supplied with TIN WARE at wholesale, upon the lowest terma. D. G. WESTFIELD, A CO. Greenville, 8, C. apr 0, 47 if Books and Stationery. TIIE Subscribers nrc receiving a large an<f varied assortment of the above Articles, which they offer at low prices. A LARGE VARIETY OF CLASSICAL WORKS. An Extensive Stock of Miscellaneous Works. SCHOOL HOOKS, Slates, Pons, Pencils, Drawing Books, Water Colors, Dissected Games Ac., Ac. Blank Books, bound, half-bound, and in paper. Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper, by tha ream or less. Spy Glasses, Pocket Compasses, Magnifiers, Ac. With a varied assortment of other articles, to v.hieh they invite the attention of the publie. O. E. ELFORD A CO. mar. 2. 42 tf GREENVILLE HOTEL. THE subscriber having taken charge of iljikthis House, so lately kept by John McBktdb, ami once so well known as the A'entvclcy A Tnmrtitee Inn, respectfully informs his old frienda and the travelling public that he is now prepared to entertain nnd accommodate them in becoming style, and hopes by proper management to secura tlieir encouragement. Every attention will l>a , S;ivcn to render the stay of stranger* and travelers as pleasant and ngi^cabl^^^poaaible. To Drove r?. ^ Having a tine Stable, excellent lot* /Oa an abundance of provender, and earefal ostlers, he is enabled to accommodate Drovara in the best manner. Also, constantly on hand, Horses, rJBJRUL, Hacks, Carriages and Buggies, to hire,Jz5b=33&. upon the most reAsonahle terms. P. a RUTLEDGE. J""- ?0 tf Shaving and Hair-Dressing. R('RRID<*li, the Barber, has returned to Greenville, and taken up hi* Headquarters next door to C. W. Picki.b UnrjnwA Co V Tailoring establishment, in Beat^5flSQtie? Brick Range, and is prepaaed to txed<r!eat< every thing in his lino with the finest GpJOtouoli. Gentlemen enn have their hairctat Agf^or shampooed, or faces shaved at any tim* SPjgfefduring the day or evening. Shaving don* QjjJIy by the month on roasounhle terras. Greenville, Mnreh Itt, 44 tf LAS^NOT^c^ ALL PERSONS indebted to O. A. Pickuc, sa account previous to March last, ar* tmricstly requested to call on W. K. Easikt and (ettle the same, as further indulgence cannot b* allowed. J. B. BETTS, Assignee. January fi. 84 tf STATE OF SoifH^ROLWA GREENVILLE DISTRICT. JT7?W fEl'riVTCTTOIFrttVOT mrr rv n\im - v-y .. ?g m\y/^,| U 4MB4 lohn W. Grady 1 vs. > A1 tnr hmonL Win. M. Butler. J WHEREAS, the Plaintiff <lid on the 16th day ?.f October, 185d, file his deelatiUess against the defendant, who, (as it is said) is absent from and without the limits of the State, and has neither wife or attorney now within tha same upon whom a copy of this declaration might. he served. It is therefore ordered, that the said defendant io appear and plead to the said declaration on ir before the nineteenth day of Oetolmr, which will be in the vejtr of our Lord one thousand >ight hundred and fifty five, otherwise final and absolute judgement will then be given andawar* led against him. T>. 1I0KE, c. c. r Clerk's Office, Greenville District, 1 Oetoher 17, 1S?4. f Smly K Notice. THE Subscribe* baring purchased the STOCK OK OROCKltniS. Are.' from Mr. W H. Henaon, respectfully inform? his friends and the public generally, tliat he will contlnne the Business *t the same Stand, and will always keen on hand a good supply of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS generally, which he will dispose of at very AW prices for CASH. ALEX ANDER ORSENFIKLI* July 20 10 If A JfjBfcr.