University of South Carolina Libraries
i ??r~J Meeting of the Baptist State Convention The 35th Annul meeting.of the Baptist Convention of South <?*rp$na has just been asld n this placfc, af"toe same time the Board of,-Trustee* of. the Fur man Univerei-' ty held its nnnhnl meeting. The Convention nsaembledion Saturday at 11 o'ctoek in the Baptist, Owttrch, when tiio introductory fceriuOn^pl preached by Bev. R. Furmnn. Rafter the sermoquhe Convention was organBaed by thSfelectlon of officers Rcv.< Jus. C. 'urnmn being chosen President?Rev. J. Hb. Landrum, Vice President, and Rev. J.J. BprSntly, Sec'ry. As each Church nccordpg to principles of the Baptist DeTmnmnllnrt J ?? 1 uo|niiiu?uv in us ' jjwr>i lint, the "Convention w not a legislative ly but a voluntary organisation, having its only objects the promotion of MissionBible Publication and Educational interi. Its proceedings, therefore relate enI tirely to sucli objects. On Sunday the the usual Missionary Sermon was preached I by Kev. Jos. C. Furman in the morning; jjfn the afternoon the Rov. Mr. Dayton CorJ|jT*pohding Secretary of the Southern Baptist Bible Board, established at Nashville, ^preached, and at night tho Rov. Mr Kenf drick of Charleston, to large and attentive congregations. On Monday the Committee resumed its sidings. Reports of an interesting character were read from the different boards of the CotSV^r.tion, and in the morning Rev. Mr. Tusffti, Corresponding Secretary of the Southern Baptist Publication Society, addressed the Convention on the objects and claims of tho Society. At night a mass meeting was held, at which addresses were delievered by Rev. Mr. Dayton and Rev. Mr. Whilden, agent of tho Foreign Mission Board, and formerly Missionary to China, the Convention appointed Del legates to attend a general Convention of tho Baptist Denofautalion of tho South, to bo held in AugrtSta in May of next year, to take, into consideration the expediency of establishing * general Theological Seminary for the South and West On Monday morning lite Convention after a short session adjourned to meet in July of next year at Greenvill.? The board of Trustees also closed its session on Monday July 24th.?New Berry Mir tor.' The Market Value of Gold and Silver A late number of Hunt's " Merchant's Magazine" has an able article on the relative market value of gold and silver, considered with reference to the discovery of the California gold mines, and thogieat amount of the precious metal which has been shipped from them. It is a fact that every large quantity of the precious metals which has been added to the purrencv of the different nations from time to time has reduced their market valuo; and it is very evident that the mines of California will have the effect 1o lessen the market valuo of gold throughout the world. This tvritcr estimates that' the Crlifornia mines, together with those of Brazil and Spauisli America and Russia, will produce ut least seventy millions of dollars this current year, and that, according to the market valuo of silver and gold, the former is bring incr a premium of two nr.d three ner cent. and is growing more scarce, while the latter is all the while growing more plenty, and its market value, in proportion to ita increase, becoming proportionally less. Gold nnd silver, like otherjgpm modi ties, hnvo a market value aside frdgPthat affixed by the mint; and where the iHhrket value is higher than its legal value they will become scarco. This writer recommends that Government affix no legal price to coins,; for the reason that the market price will always be in accordance with its real value. The gold mines of the Old and New World produce about one hundred per cent more than the silver mines at the present lime; and if this difference continues, a great change will take place in the relative value of the two metals. We perceive that silver .brings a premium in our city of five per cent, and that great, inconvenience is felt by many of our business men in consequence. In England, Holland, the German States, France and Havana, the demand for silver is very great Many causes have contributed to this, aside from the great supplies of gold that have come to us, prominent among which, we believe, the foolish habit of presenting every successful sea captain, and every retiring office-holder, with a sot of silver plate, has contributed in no small degree. Ferh^k the value affixed by Congress will require* change in a few years; but the market value of the whole world will be the teat then as it is noii. The legal value of coins cannot differ long at any one tiino from the market value. xne Jtenson w iiy. Wk proscribe no man and his religion because he may be of tl^s or thai faith, provided his allegiance is alt due to America, and not to any "tfcthporisl prince, power, or potentate" on earth. It in such as hold to a "higher law" that we would exclude from plaeee of honor, profit, or trust, and we opine K&al tbii fQpfc faithfully carried out would exdudo many a native American, who was to lha "manofTOrn," but who, recreant to his High behests, has departed from the faith jrnd spirit of true American liberty, as it was in the "purer days of the Republic." Bup pose it should take us back a centurv ; it would be well for us, perhaps, that such had ^Jbeen the case before this. Our growth has been too rapid, like the evil weeds which grow up simultaneously with the good fruit, and choke its proper development and maturity. An enofnions aud excessive growth in Jfpffflpopulation has fastoned its constantly increasing;, strength upon us, until we bayjtuust ground* for * serious apprehen sions. If it. is snti-ienubiican to oppose any system wMch teoAgR eaeourage principles and long cherished sentime^s adverse to the yery nature and, design 4$&ur institutions, vthen we confess that wc^ppow Nothing." raw JMjJjiH'WI'Mf' .i.WJ J1 ' J1""1" ?* * ' infill? any fdMOnaWt. and' ttftuest tnao pre- 1 , *o|?fto.-?ny that such clerfients are jdnily " farming upon our ifcores ? If any l^ffer ' * mode proposed, than a modification of the present naturalizatiSh laws to suit the emergency, let him speak, or forever hereafter hold his peace. Any {political, religious, 1 or moral system, or enterprise, opposed to the spirit aei letter of American laws, or inter- 1 ests, should be controlled by Americans, and that speedily, while yet it may?before the stern necessity is forced upon us, from which thero may be no escape. ] NEWS .FROM"" PLAINS. ' Operations Against tlie Indians. ' The Independence (Mo.) Messenger has | later dates from New Mexico: C >1. Fauntleroy Iras had three or four ren- < contres with tlio Indians, whenever they 1 have been overtaken. Nearly fifty Indians 1 were killed, quite a number wounded, and a fow children taken prisoners, besides many 1 animals, arms, &c., captured. The success 1 of the troops has been so great as to induce tho Chief Blanco, a Ute, to ask for peace; i but none as yet has been granted, and they < are still following them up. Part of ihe command nre directing thoir force towards the Santa Fe road, and will scour the Cima- 1 ron counry, while the other part will go to 1 the Batoon mountains. Our troops, in their i late skirmishes, have lost two men killed and one wounded. While on the trail, Colonel Fauntleroy came upon the Indians in tho night in tho midst of a scalp-dance. The troops are expected daily to relieve those at f Fort Union, v/ho are to scour the Red river country. 1 Four companies aro to be stationed at the new post office on tho Bonito, in the heart i of the Mescallero country. Tho mail party had no interruption. Water and grass in abundance. At Alborqucrqne, Rov. Mr. Tolhurst, a missionary, was ordained ; tho services performed by Revs. Read, Gorman and Shaw. It is said that tho largest" congregation of Americans was assembled on that occasion ' that ever did on any in that country. The Salt Lake mail that went out on the first of 1 April has not been heard from, notwithstand- ' ing the numerous reports which have been ; in circulation. Mr. McGraw, tho contractor on that route, has just returned from a trip as far as the Blue, at which point ho met with j Lieutenant Heath, who had later news from Fort Laramie than any other source, and he had not heard of those Indian depacdalions upon trains, of which so much has been said of late. All was quiet at Furt Laramie. We give but little credit to those reports which h .vo been in circulation for tho last week. Ornamental Siiadr Tueks. ? William M. Singleton, esq., of Winchester, Va., communicates tho following to tho Coinmisioner of Patents: Of all the ornnmontnl nr<->r\n?*a?tw,l . nraong us, cither foreign or native, there is none, in my judgment, more desirable than the tAmarind. Its growth is rapid, its form symmetrical, its foilage beautifully delicate, nnd it is altogether highly ornamental ; besides, it is perfectly free from blight, as well as from tho depredations of insects. If coltivnted on our western nrnires, it would doubtless form a valunblencquisition. From tho growth of somo t(imarind seeds 1 which I obtained some eight years since, I havo a tree standing in my yard eighteen inches in circumference. TTio past season it ? perfected its fruit, which in quality, was < equally as good as that imported. The seed may bo sown into drills about four iuches apart, nnd covered from two to three inches deep with li^ht rich soil. They may be sown either in the fall or spring. If in the -latter, thoy should be exposed to the weath er during the winter previous, in order that , their hulls or coverings may be acted upon i by tho forest. When grown to a height of ] threo or four feot, the young trees may be transplanted in the sites where they are permanently to remain. New Orleans, July 21. The yellow fever is increasing in this citv. , although mo6t ot the cases aio of a mild type. The number of deaths reported in i hospital during the week was 03. I It is proposed to dig a tunnel for a rail road track under the Niagara river, at Black Rock, near Buffalo. Its length will bo 2,400 feet,descent of grade on each sido 75 feet per mile, cost $300,000* Tho river is 20 i feet deep at the proposed locality, and its , i?i ?i.i i: ? UUM Ul Will IIIUCSIUI1U. mvmeneal, MARRTKD?On Tuesday evening lust nt the Epf*eof>n[ Church, by Rev. T. 8. Akthitr, Mr. En- ' ?riH i. Feit* nflWsM, 8. 0.. to Mis* f.izzir. Biflw iiam, of Greenville. % We cannot better express the sentiments of our heart, than wishing to our friend Fbitz, the unalloyed enjoyment of "that only boon which has survived the fall," the pleasure* of domestic bliss?a beautiful and good wife. DIED?Departed this life on the Slstof May lash of Tvohoid fever, in \Villi?nw?/ifi ??>'? ? Texn*. Mim.Fiaxcu Rusakll, eldest daughter of Mr. Jons Uisskii, formerly of Grecnvill District. a a Although not i? member of any Church, her walk was marked with the utmost propriety, and before she breathed her lash ?hc expressed a firm hope of a blessed immortality boyond the grare. She has left a largo circle of relations and friends to mourn her death, but they should be comforted with the reflection that their loss is her eternal gain. J "Blessed are they who di* in the Lord." I jJt DIED?On the 31st inst. of whoopingcough, * ! iCattotiMA ^OONS, daughter of F, R Martin, aged 11 weeks and two days, j J . $ j4-: BbmYillc Ftice? Cngp^| J^Rtf CTKD WKJiKUr FOB THE KI^aMUgR, li Bl^RADY ? eyLSff, MIRC^Tsf J .QUek^tilLk, July 26. 1809. BAGGING, Gunny, per yard, ra ' a 18 \ ^#?\Dundee, 13 a 18 3 AGON .ffijgfri'S per lb., a 12 J Snouldera, * a 11 Sides, a 12* 1 Hug rOUui3|, 1Q H* DUTTER.. .Goshen, per lb. none. i Country, per lb. 15 a y i JOFFEE.. .Rio, per lb. m 14. j Java, per lb. 18 a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 6$ ^ 10 ' Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 Osnaburgs, per yd. 11 a 12* l* LOU R.... Country, p^r bbl. $6 a $7 Countrv. nnp ??ft n ?il ! 3RAIN Com, per bushel. 75 a 80 ( STENV Wheat, per bushel, $100 . [RON Swedes, per lb. 6^ o 7 | English, per lb. 6 o 5^ , LiARD per lb. 11 a 12 SIOLASSES, Cuba, per gal. a 37^ N.O., per. gal. a 50 . 3YRUJP 44 w per gal. a 62$ [>ILS. Lamp, per gal. $1$ a $2$* Train, per gal. 87$ a ?$1 ^ Linseed, $1$ RICE per lb. a 9 ROPE per lb. 12$ a 20 3UGARS.,.N. Orleans,per lb. 7 a 9 '< Porto Rico, per lb. 9 a 10 i Loaf, per lb. 12$ Priitliwl nn* IK loll. Refined,' per lb. 10 a is} 3ALT per bushel, $1 J Salt, per sack, a 2 35 SOAP Colgate,pale, 12^ a 15 Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 3II0T per lb. 12* Shot, per bag, a $2 J HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tfl TTTF YOUNG 'LADIES. rII08ESWISS AND JACONET EDGINGS and INSEltTINGS, FLOUCINGS, KID SUPI'KRS, GAITERS and GLOVES that jou v?re u> kindly waiting for will b<s open in the early wirt of the next week at THE LADIES7 STORE. And additions will bo made continually during die whole month of August to the stock of SMALL WARES, MMJY JJUNCblB, G EMBROIDERIES, OF AND MOURNING GOODS. a complete and tasteful assortment of DRY GOODS generally; always shown wrrn pleasure at W. H. HOVEY'S. jnly 27 11 tf Dissolution of" Partnership. TIIE Psrtnorship herctoforo existing under the 1 Finn of CRITTENDEN A TURNER is this lay dissolved by mutual consent The Notes and A - ?- A ..1 .1.-1 1- a n-in ? nvwuiiwt uuu uo (u o an uic uanus uio. Jen, to whom early payment ia requested, as the old business must be closed up. Air. C. may always be found at the old stand for the purpose of making settlements. 8. 8. CRITTENDEN. W. 8. TURNER. Notice. The Subserilter having bought the entire stock of Crittenden A Turner, will continue the business as heretofore at the old stand, and solicits the continued patrouage of his friends and the public. W. 8. TURNER. July 27 11 6m rtgenQ egttgo SjBS Omcx Gex.'l Sur.'r O. A C. R. R. ) Hklkna, July 24, 1865. f rHE following Schedule for Passenger Trains will go into operation on Monday next; 20th Instant, via: Up. Leave Columbia 9 00 A. M. " Frost's Mill 9 30 " Littleton 10 05 " , Allston l0 45 " Hope's 11 00 " Pomaria 11 10 " Prosperity 11 46 " Newberry 12 13 " Helena 12 24 II ? o a A niifriBucvv u Nnluda 1 10 R M. " Chappcll's 1 23 " Ninety-Six 2 00 " New Market 2 26 M Greenwood 2 66 " Cokesbury 3 30 Arrive at Abbeville 4 16 Leave Barmore's 8 50 " Donald's 4 00 " lloneypath 4 28 " Helton 6 05 Arrive at Anderson 6 00 Leave Williamston 6 40 '* Golden Grove 6 28 Arrive at Greenville 7 00 Down. Leave Grocnville 6 30 A.M. " Golden Grove 6 08 " Williamston 8 38 " Anderson 6 20 " Helton 7 06 " Honeapath 7 68 " Donalds 8 25 ,r Barmore's g 40 " Abbeville 8 00 " Cokeebury 9 00 " Greenwood 9 86 " New Market 9 60 " Ninety-Six 10 16 " Chappell's m 10 68 Saluda T. O. 1106 " Silver-Street 11 88 " Helena 11 66 " Newberry It 15 P. M. " Prosperity It 40 " Pomaria 1 10 " Hope's 1 22 " Alleton I 47 : Littleton 2 25 a E, K RA WORTH, Oen.1 Sop'nt. inly 27 11 it T - #. ' JH WK : ; . v t ! -Mil flTWe pre Miiiwrliii* to tn* nouoJTW. IT PRINCE, as ft candidate for iff at th? spaaing election for th?t office. Sept. 8. ^ 17 ? pT1^'^ author!zid to nj^touace W* A* MelNtmftel paCandflPPSk Clerk *lt the nOting election. Feb.2. td. iff-WhtVe been authorised to knnounce Copt* A. Y. Owittft ft candidate for Sheriff at the ftext election*. ' - Oct. 27?td." ' or* ?ore aothorlzed to an* nonnoeCoL DAVID IIOKE a* a candidate for ShefyAfipreenTillc District at the ensning ElecEfWe are authorized to on* ounce WM, BAYNE a candidate for Sheriff at the ensuing Election. iaSe Reward ! THE DIAKH(EA KILLER, tested in over 10, D00 Cases of Asiatic Cholera and Bowel Complaints, has never yet failed, when tried in time, instantly to relieve and speedily to effect a Permanent Curo. PRICE 50, CENTS A BOTTLE. or Be particular to see that it is prepared by BENNETT A BEERS, RicnxoNO, as nono other is Genuine. jftW Bold by Druggists and Country Merohanta svery where, and in Greenville by JL B. KARLK ?fc CO. juuv *. u | itVI) Regimental Orders. ORDER NO.? :] 1">HE 8d REGIMENT in hereby ordered to pa. radc at Toner's on the 30th August at 11 o'clock A. M.. for Drill an Review. The Commissioned and Non-commissioned OiRccrs will assemble on the day proceeding for drill and instruction. By order of Col. T. R. Rowland. T. L. WOOLS1DE, AdjuUnt. juiy 20 io ; n Taxes Due 1859, Payable in 1834, and Unpaid. ALL those indebted as above are hereby notified that I have left their accounts with 8. A. TOWNES, Esq., Cor collection,' with instructions to sue, without discrimination of persons, on all accounts not settled before Sale-day iu August next, the 18thJuly, 1855. W. R. BERRY, Ad'r. July 20 10 2t Notice. *j| I ROSALIA FRANKS, wife of John E. Franks, hereby give notice of my intention, after the expiration ol the legal term from this time, of becoming a sold trader as a mattrass maker. ROSALIA FRANKS. Greenville, July 20, 1855. 10 4t rri.? ID..WT_IJ.y tJ aui; m" iiriuMi wuiii'ntitf, THE TREASURER will Attend at the University on Mondrfy at>d Irticudny, the 30th and Slstinst., for the paitjMSO of receiving the SECOND SEMI-ANNUAL PAYMENT of Tuition Money for 18S&. > g By the law* of the University, no Student can l>e entered for the remainder of the session without the Treasurer!* certificate of payment. C. J. KLFORD Treasurer. July 20 lO 2t The Wool Cards AT McBEEB MILES, below Greenville Court House, have just been fitted up in the beat manner for making ROLES, july 20 . 10 2t I^inseed Oil, RAW AND BOILED, to l>o sold at a very low price, to evacuate leaking barrels at the Drug Store of E. KltUTCII. July 20 .10 It. - SoticeT^ HAVING sold my ENTIRE STOCK to Mr. Alexander Greenfield, who will continue the Business at the same stand, and as I shall only remain here u short time, to give my debtors a chance to PAY UP and SAVE COST, I dopes lively assert thnt all indebted to me, by Note or Book Aecouut, up to this date, who do not come up immediately and make payment, that their Accounts and Notes m-ill 1m. sued, as I mm compelled to make payment, and I must be paid. W. II. HENNON. July 20 10 2t Notice. THE Subscriber having purchased the STOCK OF OROCERIVS*, Ac.. from Mr. W. II. Hen son, respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he will continue the. Business at the same Stand, and will always keep on hand a good supply of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS generally, which he will dispose of at very low price# for CASH. ALEXANDER GREENFIELD. July 20 10 tf bum mm IS HOW DISPLAYING FOR SALE 525 Fancy Assorted Fans. rJ"MH8 is one of the largest and most .beautiful JL selections of FANS ever before offered for the inspection of the Greenville Ladies. Here they may see them in great variety?tho common Palm Leaf, common paper, White, Black and Gay colored, handsome Mourning Fans, White Ivory, Red Ivory, Satin Wood, Spanish Fans, Sandale Wood, and very fine white Silk Bridal Fans, ranging in price from 5 eta. to $3,60. There is as usual the same attractive STOCK . of rich Dress Goods, plain Black Bilk, watered Black do.. Florences and Marcellines, Barege and Tissues, Chsllr and Grenadines, Kid and Bilk Gloves, Bilk Illusion, Wash Blonde, Handkerchief Extracts, Fine Toilet Soaps, French Broidery Cotton, Linen and Cotton rlosa, Bate's Needles. Which, with many other desirable GOODS are now offering at W. II. IIOVEY'. Ih 20. *1 To the Public. ASHEVILLE HOTEL. 8h THE subscriber, having taken charge of Lthii Hotel, In the west end of Main street, in Seville, N. d, lately oecupicd by Joiim Rrrnoi.i**, is prepared to accommodate his old friends and the public generally, with everything necessary to toeir comfort during their stay with him. He hopes from his long experience in tjie business, to be able to give satisfaction to all. urn# shall be furnished with the best the country affords. PERMANENT and TEMPORARY Boardera ean be accommodated upon reasonable terms. He respectfully solicits a share of public patron ag-. * JOHN McBRlM^; May 11. ^HAB|(8p* HOTEL, g* BY D. fik>Sp80N SIMS, Comer of BflLRichsrdsotr aivd Xcurel-stroeta. Columbia, Omnibus Para cents J*n Ik tf ; v~. w N '' * * > _?c * r *. . ? ^9 ^9 $? UlTrfT'll <rHK KEOULAn MEET' &? fir vjNt'OK*10^ Moesj^MLouor, No. ^uL^M^^JiS, I.O. O. r^P field on Friday et<nia0?t 7 o'clock fn their H?1L By order of titer ' SV. a TUKNMU'Wrrrrtory. QreottviUe, Jnlyja, ^ | A, 80NS?FTEMPEBA!*CE, fignp^i!?Gwcr.xTii.ij; Divmios, No. 19, 8,|gi T.f \Tr bold tlieir meetings weekly, nt -tl?^T>ivision Room, Saturday evening*. C. M. McJUNKlNS, Ji. H. January 12 35 f YOU arc requested to meet at ihe D!??tiuu Room of the Sons of Temperance until farther order*. Meeting?Friday Evening*. By order of W. P. Paicr, W.\ P. *. January 12. 35 ^ tf HEED & GOODLETT, AW w^jsutsriars-s AW a.w, Oreenville, . tWOffice next door to F.-F. I>eattie A* Co. J. P. KKKD.j [8. D. OOOPLKTT. January 1*2 3ft tf Thompspn A Easley, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE C. II., S. C. Juno 23, 1854. * 8 3 DBS. SULLIVAN & MOORE PUNCTUALLY ANO PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL CALLS IN THE LINK OF Til KIR PROFESSION. Residence: Warthen, Greenville IHttriei. PoaT-OmcE: Dunklin, " IP" J. M. SULLIVAN.] [D. D. MOORE. March 9. 43 *0| Pure Scotch Ale, A FINE article at 28 cent* per Bottle, Ginger Preserves (Superior.) Brandy Peaches, , Fresh do, Salmon, Lobsters, TotnUocs, and Sardines, all trcsh and fine, as well as Cheap! Cheap! at tho Avenue street Confectionary. July 6, 8 tf P. a SMITH. loSSra j Watch ITKakcr and Jeweller,! UNDER STERN'S HOTEL, KEEPS always on hand Gold ntid Silver Watches, and JEWELRY of every description. Fancy Goods and Perfumery. Clocks, \Vatche6 And Jewelry repaired in the best manner. dee. 29, 33 ly BOUNTY LAND. 160 ACRES rTX> ALL who have served 14 dars. in anr L War of the United States, since 17V0. Warrants obtained, and highest oasli prices paid for them, by c. J. ELFORi), Attorney at Law, llh 10. 44-If Greenville, S. C. Warrants! Wajrants! V7. s/sABLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, is prepared*with all necessary instructions to procuro Bounty Land Warrants under the late act of Congress, granting 10O acres to vk? ?u>yJiKT? served iu any of the wars. Immediate attention given to anv business of the kind entrusted to his care. March 16. 44 tf DHYQBTOP.E ANDj APOTHECARY SHOP, GREENVILLE, 8. C. DEALER IN Drugs, medicines, surgical. instruments, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes, Putty, Tobacco, Segars, Spirit Gas, Oils, Candles, Sonns, Spices, 1: :shes. Toilet Articles, Combs, Perfumery, etc. Fresh and pure Drugs warranted and sold at low prices. M J n " ??j *. U1 ii I)R. M'LANE'S Celebrated Liver Pills, THE most certain remedy for Billious Fevers and nil billious complaints. Also, in cases of Fever and Ague, these Pills, when taken with quinine, are productive of the most linppy results. We call thousands to witness, who have experienced their beneficial effects. Dr. McLank's Cklkrratkd Verviifvc.k, the greatest worm destroyer of the age. To !>e sold at the Drug Store of E. K Kb'TCI I. ju IB. S 8t ETTTLEVINr Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, RKF K KCEN CES. John A. Crawforp, President Commercial Dank, John Caldwkll, President South Carolina lla'droad Company, Hon. John S. 1'rkston, John Br tor, Columbia. Mordm-ia A Co., Hknhy Missro n, lion. W. F. j Coloock, C'harlcstou. may 2&. 2 tf Cabinet Making. M3*>SS>!U SJ3&?1S RESPECTFULLY informs thecitixens ofOreen-| ville that he is prepared to make FUKNI- j TIJRE: such as Bedsteads. Sideboards. Bureaus. Folding-leaf Tables, Centre Tables, \Vnrdrobes, 1 Ac., Ac., end hopes to receive a liberal patronage, jieiiinv be found al the Work-Shops near ! the corner of Main And Jluncotnhc Street*, in the rear of P. Oavbi.k'a Blacksmith Shop. Greenville, June 29 7 if Special Notice. ALL persona indebted to the subscriber, either by Note or Account, up to lat of January laat, are requested to make payment, ae longer indulgence cannot he given. July 6. 8 llw J. W. GRADY. Mattress Making, Ac. 'I'njC subscriber informs the public that, he JL has opened bis Shop one door nbove P. N. Powers A Go's dry good Store, where he intends carrying on the homines of MATTRESS MAKhK an<l tfUiial KKKK. siaftresse* con-I stonily on hand and mode to order, and repairing done at the shortest notice. ,1fe also engaf?s to lay Carpet.-*, hang Window Shades, dre. le respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. JOHN E FRANKR j?? 1ft. f. 6 tf Notice. JT HfcRfcBY forworn all" persons against tradjgL' fngTorn Ifote givon by mo to John Bnrge** fftr twanty-flr* dollars^ as too property for which j it wa? grfren, proved unsound, nnd 1 do not intend to pat aoid note nn!e.?a*ofnpellod by law. I WPl.' Jf' l H riKt CreeaviMe.'-.tuly Jft, 185?>^. It it Jt' V*'- 'J* s'r^T' I I III 1 !!! > AT U^II-ITSEKT OOBVBflVKOMjIlY, T WHIM HAT iu um w 4 CONFECTION0JT, FRUITS, TOTS AN! FANSfcf goohm^ mmAt Low Price$ A. A IkftK>32SO? ftSkff/OWCf, ? NEATLY fitted tip, ma pm?# to them (? oeptiag whenaeoompanied V. gnffiasts,) cm be obtained, at all bwura c4 tb# day *! evening, ^ ICE CRKASf, LEXOKADK, SOPA WATER, Cakes, Oudieii, Ac, ARBORS neatly nrrangod for Gentlemen, ty Every effort shall be made to girt satisfaction. P. 8. SMITH, jn 1. tf Greenville. & C. Book and Job Printing ^fcVUBUgHMEHiVg HAVING A FINE SELECTION OF Sin MM .MA am m. m. mm .mm mm. MO WE ARE PREPARED TO DO WORK &3i ffi?^J5S0aaa stpirsjs. CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES, JAM-BILLS, WAYBILLS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, fcC. PRINTED WITH DK8PATCII. C_?f) 7;417 China. Satin Enamel, Satin Surface and Plain and Colored Cards, Upon ibc Mo3f fqborpblc Jcl*h)3. (SMWSal MJZ3 A qgAKifo Stoves! Stoves!! rpiIE SUBSCRIBERS offers to the )>ul>li? * JL large Tnrietv of Stoves, viz: The Challenge and Leviathan Cooking Stoves, and various others. Air Tight Cooking Stoves, OF VARIOUS KINDS. PREMIUM COOKING STOVES, large and small Ovens, AIR TIGHT PREMIUM Cooking Stoves. PAllLOtt COOKING STOVES. Parlors, Box Stoves, Hall Stoves, for Cbarchea, Stores, Ac., together with a full assortment of plain anil Japanned Tin Ware, TIX, CO PITCH, LEAD A SHEET IRON WARE, MATALLIC ROOFING Done in tlic most approved manner, vrith dispatch. J3f~ The Trade supplied with TIN WARI^ at wholesale, upon the lowest terms. 1>. G. WESTFIE1J), A CO. Grecnyille, 8. C. apr C, 47 tf Book* and Stationery. THE Suhscril>ers are receiving a large and varied assortment of the above Articles, which they offer at low prices. A LARGE VARIETY OF CLASSICAL WORKS. An Extensive Stock of Miscellaneous Works. SCHOOL BOOKS, Slates, l'cns. Pencils, Drawing Books, Water Colors, Dissected Games Ac., Ac. Blank Books, bound, linlf-bound, and in paper. Foolscap, Letter and Note 1'aper, by U>? ream or less. Spy Glasses, Pocket Compasses, Magnifiers, A?v With a varied assortment of other articles, to which they invite the attention of the public. G. E. EI.FORD A CO. mar. 2, 42 tf GREENVILLE HOTEL YSfA THE subscriber having taken charge of Mill! this House, so lately kept by John McBmde, and once so Well known as the ftentuckv A- Ttnn r**rr Inn, respectfully inform* his old friends and the travelling pnblic that he is now prepared to entertain and accommodate them in becoming style, and hopes by proner management to secure their encouragement. Every attention will ba given to render the stny of strangers and travel* lers ns pleasant and agreeable as possible. To Drover*. Having a fine Stable, excellent lota, /f*7\ on abundance of provender, and careful ostlers, he is enabled to accommodate Drovsrs in the best manner. Also, constantly on hand, Horses, Hacks, Carriages and Buggies, to hirc,laig=^iSi". upon the most reasonable terms. P. 8. RUTLEDGK jan. 12, ?5 tl Shaving and Hair-Dressing. R( KUID(;C, tlie Barber* has reAi^ff^turnetl to Greenville, and taken up his jSjSrileadqnni-ters next door to C. W. Pick i n V^LfA Co V Tailoring establishment, in Bcatf irWjties Brick Range, and ia prepared to. exeJpgjf cute everv thing in his line with the fineat C*5<ytoueh. Gentlemen can have their hair cut ZgW^xor shampooed, or facea shaved at any time Y^-Sfduring the day or evening. Shaving dona hv the month on reasonable terms, Greenville, March 16, 44 tf LAST NOT1~c^ 4 I,L PERSONS indebted to O. A. Picktn, on J\. account previous to March last, ore earnestly requested to cnll on \V. K. Kaslkt and settle the anme, as further indulgence cannot be allowed. J. B. BETTS, Assignee. January 5. 84 t e TATiT? F~ ?orT if ciij^uliA GREENVILLE DISTRICT. ??aaifiKDss John W. Grady ) vs. > Attachment. Wm. M. Rutlor. ) TitTHEREAS? the Plaintiff did ?tho 16th day \\ of October, 1854, file bis defloration against the defendant, whu, (as it ia said) is absent from and without the limits ><f the State, and has neither wife or attorney now within the same ii|>on whom a copy c4 this declaration might he served. Ft is therefore ordered, that the sab! defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration on or before the nineteenth day of October, whieh will be in the year of out lord one thousand eight hundred and fiftr-Sve, otherwise final and absolnte judgement wfll then he give* and awarded against him. V. UOKE. c. c. r. Clerk'R Ofiioe, Greenville District, 4 October 17. 18M. ( 8m ly ftfrticc. A LI. p^sons indebted to PHILIP X. POW KRK, deceased, (Individually,) are notified to make immediate payment; and those having demands ngninst^thc said deceased, to, present them fob payment to tho subscriber. -> C. J. Ft FOPt?. Ada.** .rfhyll flit ti