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I would send anausw cr to you, ^ Iflcodld And ontrlhat would dol Bend your steps in this direction Attd Judgo from personal inspection. Naturo litis made tho place inviti nor, If Nature's works yoo take deligWtn; Then corae and see this placo of ours * Where she displays superior powers. The gOntle rising pleasant bill*. The Kivcr aud transparent rills, Hore the visitor may sco The glorieus works of Deity, This pleasant mountain, neat resort, Where every man of good report May tiiul sufficient to supply All that wiHTenst and. pleaso the %e. And bouses of accommodation Suited to all of every station. And institutions hero abound AVliero useful knowledge may bo found? iicre arc fottfr churchy where each crc&l Is protestaifiLnnd alrmay^read .* And tvorsbipus the mind Wrects, Tliis prwlousn^nt the law protects. \jXJome then and see this famed retreat ^^VVbero met) of all inscriptions Where nil may suit their varied taster^ <4 And will hot wish to leavoin haste; Here inauy. cotp forte are enjoyed And mental appcti ties are cloyed, Tlie scenery around is fine If to enjoy it you incline, Come and partake in all wo have, And ull your scruples you will waive, Come and surely you may find Enough UkACcnpy the mind, In town nuu country all around Abuudant comforts may bo found. * The man who can bo pleased at all ? Will not regret ho made the call. Iiero ail amusements may bo found Accomodations hero abound For every one both great and small Come then, friends, and make a call. If Nature's works have charms for you llete aro her wlrtcs, conio tako^ view. If candiJ, it will be confessed That Nature hero has done her host? Aud some men here have douo their part And we can show aomo works of art, Search our country all around A fairor region is not found Here may all be well supplied Aud Greenville will for all provide, Here, in a pleasant fair retreat, Where all of varied Pistes may meet? Men of learning here may come, And make our town a pleasant home. " ?. Come on then, friends, aud set ye <jwvn And pass one summer ih our town. IMPARTIALITY. Greenville, June 28,'1855^ t , ||>' l? ., 1 l_! g _ Children have Lungs. This fact is eitlior not known to parents or very 1 ittlc regarded. The first tiling a baby wants is fresh air and a plenty of it. From the uijpment a child is born, it should havo air and light; and neither bo shut up in a dark room, nor have its head covered up in a blanket. The other morning, making my first call on a lady after her confinement, I saw a heap of blankets lying in a rocking chair, beside the bod, but there was no baby in sight. Whon I inquired for the l.o.vly arrivod, the nurse came, and after taking off fold after fold, there at last was the poor little half emothercd baby, gasping for breath.? Mother and nurse got a lecture that time. Returning in an omnibus, a pretty woman got in, with her babe completely enveloped in its blanket. Per baps it was none of my business ; but 1 think it was. The babe had us good a right to brcatho and to have tho purest air to be had as anybody; and as there was nobody olse to toko its part, I did. 'Madam,'said I, 'you arfe smothering that child.' She smiled, and shook her head? - she did not beliove a word of. it. ' breathe its own breath over and over again and no air is fit to breathe but onco. I am a phyhiemti, and Cau't Jot yoii uicdvo }oiii child sick.' She uncovered the baby's liead, it i took along breath, atid, if it had been old enough to talk, and been up in hs manners, it undoubtedly would have said, 'thank yon, doctor.' ? ?1 '*Did yoh know that they hang .Tews and jackataes up together in Portland?" jbMW a cunning Yankee to an Israelite. I I'll/kit it id loitil tKnt f TTVH uuiv ^ VU KIIU 1 are not there," reftTrncr? the .few. A Now Y grk gditor* finding a cabbago-aeod in a letter from a brother quill, wanted to know whether his cor-' respond oat had ft* habit of scratching his head while writing? It was said of a man who married a richer but nglj woman, that "be took , her by weight, and paid nothing for the workmanship." * i.\ .v . - * :% . -V. x. Hi: leaded my vers. Tired of the east Mississippi and Rioted vitf* that. singular, mama of which 8umo uyjn am possessed, to followLseveral humtfAdmiles a two^pvhceled esfcart v yoke ottdlfHR i n quest old roam l^po, tliHV had dp.tmtninod lmnn liihrrAfmfr one to Alabama, tho-other toTfexus. ^5f oonrfee the meeting was an affecting one, invested with all the solemnity of an eternal severance. '*W"o shall- call them Dick and Obediah, - merely for th* sake-of distinction, and not desiring to make public their real names. After some random conversation Dick pulled out his knitc, openod it, and commenced industriously whittling, preliminary to a suggestion of umuaual gravity. It was a lartfb, rotnuff vcherobla log upon which they were HKHHfc-Dick nt one end and Obediah at tlio .ptlier?-"in juxtaposition,'^ as Gov. Footo would say. Obediah noticed the gestieuLtory movement^ and pricked lib* ears for the ingress of something pathetic* At last,- Dick after reducing the tinfber to'a little hillock ol"chips, remarked to Obedinh that ho had something-of very delicate nature to talk about. "Go a head 1" said Obed \vith au encouraging earnestness. ; And thus Dick commenced: "Von know Ob, that mo and niy wjfe hcv got to gittin' doin* very badly. Sal somo how or other, kinder slants from me of lato doys. And I thought, aa I was gwiue to Texas and you to Vallaham, that I would offer to swap you my tiiLCC for yours?but see hero, Ob. I won't give boot 1" After a patise, in which many a thought passed rapidly through the mind of Obcdiah, he answered: "Well, Jltck, 1 don't know but what I'll <lo it. I3ut you see, no\^ my Pol is purtier than your Hal; and you know she is a y linger crittor by 12 long years. ]Srow, Dick, old fellow, how would you like to trado a yung and likolv mare for an old broken-winded and homely one, and git i id boot 2." The argument was ft clincher ; and Dick tho reluctant to acknowledge it, manifestly felt its three. After inneh f-rthcr parleying, it, was agreed between flto faithless Benedicts that Dick should tako Obediah;s wife ami Obedinh Dick's, upon tlieic conditions : that the former should giyo the latter, in the way of boot,, a cow aiui calf, two goats, an old shot gifU and an ox bell! The treaty of exchange was ratified accordingly and Shi w.nt to "Yalla bam and Pol to "Texas." "Tho resrvApfivn />!*alr)i*n?% /\4* |/wv? * v vii vi iuu mv; muiiii'i n remained with their respective fathers, and thus were favored .with that peculiar relation, step mother, by pro-cess of swapping. We assure our realenAhat tlio statement is substantially true, the incidents having actually occurred as above related. It may l>e, however, that so far as the wives arc concerned, the swap was more formal than actual; that, in brief,' (lie cow, ci*lf, goats, shot gun, and ox bell were a dead loos on the part of Dick, and but fair tribute to mercenary Ob<*diah. The parties were both suliscribers to tho Lastcrn Cliirion, and we are nnfeigncdly astonished that they did not imbibe from these columjis,whatever may have been the defects of early education, a purer morality, and a more manly estimate of "Heaven's first be&t gift, to man?ra wife."?Misfi/sdjppi Clarion. ? , Serenading a Young Lady. In my young days, says tlie editor of an exchange paper, I was extrava/ i m i gunny i?nn c?i unending parties, ana | was somowh&t celebrated for playing i tho lleulo; hence, it was generally ox-1 pectcd, when an invitation was extended, that my llute would accompany uic. / . I visited ft epl?n<lid party one evening, and \\ a. called uj>on to favor the company with a time on tho ffuto. I, of course, immediately complied with the request. Tho company appeared to be delighted, In:t more particdnrly so was a young lady, who raised her hands, and exclaimed that it was beautiful, & c. I of eon re a, was-highly flattered, and immediately formed a reso'lntiou to serenade tho young lady on tho following night* 1'rev ion# to leaving the party, f mado inquiry respecting bor residence,I started the next night, in company with several young friends, and arrived at tho ladyS residence, but made a most glorious, mistake by getting, under the, window of an old Quaker. "Now, lri},8,w said I, "behold the sentimentality of this voum? ladv the moment I strike up the Lhqt Iloso of Summer." X struck up, but the window remained ckwcd. The boys smilefl. ^Obsaid, I "that's nothing; it would1 not be in good tasto to m>en the window on the first air." VI next struck up bh "QUI ltobin " . . #i* . Gray .'^StUl the" 4riD^o^^(Uk?3 ^ 1)OJB," ea&, fvaati 1 aaust come." I struck up again-? , "My lasgi^iko the" 1-orl, rjfcro8*yj|j| i ,K> demonstration. * j "lloy?j"%id I, li8iio'? a humbug.? j syrcct sr.d1; it'^at Jfeix britijj hfcr we V)|ll gjvG hef g Wq struck up, andaa wh. finished . tlio Inst li^c, the wincQ^r was'raised. "That's the tidtet, boys," safd-.l, "X knr.w wo could fetch her." ' ( But instead of tlio beautiful young lady it turned oat, to be the old Qua kcr, iu liia hight-caj>, and dressing; !1 gown. v ''Friend," paid key wan sinking of thy sweet home?and if I* r connect ( right, tbu^Htuid there-was 110 place like liome;?why don't thee go to tliy fifemc? Thee is not wanted nero?thoc'norany of thy party. Farewell!" Wm \ "Woatmd our hats went home! * . ^ 1 John Randolph Outdone. , Of the manyairtusing artccdfftea.of this eccentric man of Roanoke, wo do not believe the following waft ever in print: lie was travelling: through a part of Virginia in" which no was tin acquainted ; in the mean time ho stopped during the night at. an inn near tlio forks ot^tlio road. Tlie innkeeper was a fine gentlejnan, and no. doubt one of the tirst families in the old dominion.? Knowing who his distinguished guc*t was, heendeavored during the Evening to draw him iuto conversation but failed in all his efforts. But in the morning, when Mr. Randolph was ready to start, ho called for liis hill, which, 011 MV/U1^ JUV.7VIHCU niu> IHUM. J.I1U 1QUU* lord, still nuxiuns to nave some con ver.sftt.ion with Imp, began as follows. 'Widely way aro }'ou travelling;, Air. Randolph 2' Sir 1'sartd jSTr. Randolph, with li look of displeasure. 'I asked,' said tlio landlord, 'which way arc you travelling?' 'Have I paid my bill V 'Yes.' . '' 'Ho I owe you anything more?'. 'No.' 'Well, I'm going just where I please ?da you understand ?' 'Yes.' The laudlord l>y this time <?ot somowhat excited, and Mr. Randolph drove . off." Rut-to the landlord's surprise, in a few minutes, theservent came to inquire for his master, which of the forks ural History, Needlework, tlio Latest Fash- 1 ions, Ai tielci of Dress, &c. All for <1,25 a 1 year, in clubs of four subscribers. , r, T1CUMSONE COPY. for one year, ( fe'2,00; TWO COPIES, for ouo year, <3,00; ' fHHEE COPIES, for ono year, *4,00; FOUR COPIES, for ono year, <5,00. I ? f3T All additional suKseribera beyond four i?t tlio sninc rate ; tlial is, <1,25 per annum. ' OCiT Whero Twelve Subscribers and <15 nro sent, tlio gettor up of tlio club -will bo co- ' titled to an additional copy of the magazine. Lady's Hook and Homo Magazine, one 1 year for ifo?,oO. j?Sf* Specimen numbers sent to all who wish to subscribe or mako up clubs. ? T.S. A 11 1* 11 L'U it Co., 107 WALNUT ST., Philadelphia, Pa. . STATU OF fiOVTll CAHOMSA GftEENYlLLE DISTRICT < (. r 0 0 *P1?jIV&8. - ] lului W. (foody ) , vs. > Attachment. . Wm. M. JJntW. ) , WliKltftAR the Plaintiff did oil the K'.thdny < of Qffcoher, 1854, lilo bis deslaratfon { ii^ainst the dwrvbiiit, wli i,f*siiU. said) is ab- t wnt from npd without, the limit* of the fit ate, < aad has neither wife or Attorney now within the j Mimo iiiNin whom a cm<y of this declaration might be brved. ( It |s Uicmforn ordered, that the said dofondaut- ? do opticar and ideaa to tlio said declaration on ST before the nunetelnth day ?f October, which t will be intbc yea* <?f"?nir Lord ono thousand I i. lit trindrSd ami fifty-Rve, otherwise Hunt' and < nW'luto judgement %ul thon be given and awnr- t .led a^niiist uiin. ' ' t ir D. irOKR, ft. c. P. Clerk's Office, OreonviUe District, > October 17, 18.'; 1. J :JmTy ' I * * I % pf the road to take. Mr. Kandolph not being optof hearing difctnnee, lie spoke at tye top of his j voice, 'Mr. Itandoffih, yon don't *mvo! mc 00(0 cunt; jiist take whiehroad you please.* Working Girls. ' Happy girls! who cannot love thciu' with cheeks like the roue, bright eyes, and elastic stop, how cheerful they go to work. Our reputation for it, such girls will make excellent wives, Ulessed indeed will those men bgwliosocuro such- pri- ! zes. Contrast tlioso wlio do nothing , but sigh all day, and livedo follow flic. . f:ud.k..?rf; who never earn the broad they cat, or the slices they wear, who i arc languid and lazy from one week's .1 end to the other. Who hut a simpleton and a popinjay would prefer one of the latter, if hp, were looking for a companion. Give us the working J girls'. They are worth thoiy weight in gold. Yoi'r never see thorn mincing 1 along, or jump a dozen feet to steer clear of a spider or ily ; they have no 1 affectation, or silly airs about them.? 1 When they meet yon, they speak without putting ou a dozen silly airs, or | trying to show off to better ml vantage, and you feel as if you woro talking to 1 a human being, and not ton painted i or fallen angel, If girls knew how sadly they miss it. while they endeavor i to show off their ocJicatc hands and tin- ; soiled skins, and put on a thousand airs, they would give worlds for the J sitnation of the working Indies who arc so far nboOo them in intelligence, in honor, in everything, as the heavens alx>vo the cartn. Ue wise then, you 1 ~ <n<r\j niitMu nium Ul ^ vOS through life. Tarn over- a new leaf, J and Ixigiu, though late, to live ami act n9 human beings ;a? companions to immortnl fhcfi, and as pbytliinga^nnd ;J dolls. In uootlicr way con you tioliappy and subBcrvc tho designs of your 1 ox is to nee?.Pittafald Uultwi&t. Goon Advice.?Guard against vanity. Kever lot it be a question whether this, or that opinion should attract attention to vonr pet-son, Look only .1 tor the evidence?follow tho light? and be content with tho i nflection, that, yanhavo deserved, whether you havo i gaiped, or not, the approbation of your foHows. "Wisdom will eventually be 1 justified of all hor children. The tri- J umphs of vanity arc short?those x>f I truth evorlasting, ThomwcU on, J Truth. | v1 ' 'Dam & lio did yo ever catch com- ' ing out of niy mouth, Kate," said am , Irishman to nis Ixjttdl- half. ?; i A'You may aisy jsay tlyU," retorted 1 Catharine, "for they eomo out so fast <that baton himself couldn't catch 'cm." (ijl^AIerohants and o^w ixliont visiting the city . iM i,,|wtc<Uo caij, ^ oui>;:ns pvtaotmiiiy ^ Extensive Te wel^yjEsta'bli shmeut, CHARLES SMITH, WAT&H MAKER, ? tftURLY OPPOSITE ^ME'MAXSION 1IQUSE, Groonvillo/SvC. J rlM10?5!T>who are fond pt beautiful sights, can ' X now have an opportunity of floating their * eyes by thr> inspection Of one of the largest and 1 mow-aelcct Stocks, over before offered in the nip* } per 0#lltrv. Every artiste will lie duly warranted a ad sold on the moat reasonable Terms, ,, A few articles will he tacntioned; Gobi tTntohea If Carat Cue#a from (80,00 to (ICy.OO, Silver do. from $J10 to (tiAOO.- Atso, Geld ami i 'iftujftn Afntli' fi ail flfef fonc Kttpefa, niul \ a quantity second hand Watches, among which , are- genuine Tobias Ekvku*. A vornr extensive , and choice assortment of GOLD lilfcGS and La- i dies BROOCHES, plain and set with Diamonds, Rubies, To aria, Turquoise, Garnets, Clusters, Cora), Opal, Cameo, Lara and Mosaic, $0., ?fcc. Also, a splendid selection of fine Gold Earrings, Elain.and with acts, Extromely fashionable and eavvjo Fob, Vest, Cetolaino nyd Guard Chains. A large and fanciful selection of Gold Boals and Kings, some of which Contain Lockot^ Vinacrrotf?? PdtinilH nntl TnntiifiinL'ff. MAki i^ft.' Onlft Fob Buckles and Sleeve Buttons, of a superior quality. Gold rackets and Ma^rllions of nil sizes and Representations. A variety of Qold Guff Fins, liraeelct.'s Indies' Neck Chains, and n large assortment of fancy Bosom Studs and Breastpins for Gentlemen, Aslo Masonic, Odd-Fellows and Temperance Pius. Gold Pens. GOLD ann Silver Ex teuton Cases, some of them Mammoth size. Also a Are selection of Hair Work, Consisting "of Brooches, Bracolcts, .Earrings, Chains, ITeftd Dresses, Hearts, Crosses and Neck Chains, finished with tasteful fine Gold Mountings. A nitmbcr of Fine Silver Cups, Chaste and plain, together with a great variety of* heavily i'lateil English Wares. Doublo and J<inglo Barrelled Guns, Tlifles and Pistols, and lie vol vers of the most Celebrated makes. . A A few more of extra Ahc Doable Eluded V rench Razors left, and a few Bo.\cs of the well known Mngio Razor Strop Paste. In short Ids Jewelry Store is. replete in it* variety of handsome and attractive FANCY GOODS generally, inasmuch as tp entirely preclude the mention.of a vast ileal that is Beautiful, Useful and Ornamental. nih 23, -45 tf . The Tcnipentncc Standard. rpHH UNDEltsroNED wpuld respectfully onJ_ nounce to the friends of Tomperarieo generally that they fntei\.d to commence the publication of a Temperance Paper, about tho l/Uh of Juno ncxtj provided a .untie iont number of Subscribers Clin no obtained to warrant the undertaking.' If will lio urint.ul 'ttium atilwfnrtfinl rtnniti* r*f Imperial sixo, and will contain 24 columns of matter. ,lt will ho denominated the'^>uth Carolina Temperance Standard," and will bo published every two weeks, at the |lrfcc of Ono Dollar nor annum. As soon as fifteen hundred suJ>scrioorB arft obtained, vfc will publish It weekly at the #aiue price. Our'sole object is to advocate the cnuse ofTcmi>ernnec; and particularly the Legislative Prolibition of the Traffic in Intoxicating Drinks; and to prepare the masses of the people of our State, for t'ui enactment of such a Law, by conducing them of its expediency mid necessity. Wo wilt endeavor to make it a welcome vrsb tor in every familv. Nothing will be admitted into ihs columns of u worthless and immoral tendency. ' A strict neutrality will ho maintained on all subjects of a ladifcieul and religious soctarinn character. No aui>.*eript1on will he received for less than on year, and in every case the order must be accompanied by t?>o money. We hope all persons feeling an interest in the success ot this enterprise, will exert thorn**] ves in getting juibseription*, hnd as soon thereafter as convenient send us their lists. Post masters ure ro*iHc*to<l to net as Agents. - ; All ooxyuunic-atioha intended fur tlio paper must bo post pnid, and addressed to the '*s>outli CarolinaTemperance StandnrtJ," Lexington C. II., ^ C VK. OAUGIIMAX, ) J. R. RRKAUI1 ) 1'IiUTORS it pROraiETOUS. S. OULEV, ) rr H. Artlmr's Home IHa^aJ_ ? zine for 1855. Four copies ay car for >5. . ; .1 ARTHUR'S 1IOMi: MAGAZINE (luring Llic year 1855, will contain botwocn 800 j and 1000 double column octavo phges of ' carefully edited reading matter. It will, in j addition, bo largely illustrated in the best ' itylo of art, w ith plcgant ateol and colored Engravings, and by several hundred line 1 wood Engravings of cities, scenery, rcmarka- ( Mo lil'im Mini nbinrU in !v<ion(<n Art rn wlHi^Ait^ fft? * mdBiBFfrihrf^tra in fllADlvf - jSBS ;2S> ... i ay Ti^rfSoWtl lyw wfl ^wWtei Ld producing a great Bfivrtig in timber.' They afeo tnotiufactyre Oust Steel Mill, Pit ind Cros^Oot Saws, and Billet Webs, of b\x)>nor V^v^lity, Ml of <Jtey hn?c for sale. >r UUfcy may boobtainei of tho principal Hardware Merchants Ulroughotlt tho United states and Canada. .;v B.HOE&C^, ' * ?9 a'bd 81 Gokl Street. /'iTPu Wishers of nowspapers^Nrho will Insert this advertisement tlireo times, with thiamote, and Forward us a paper containing the same, will be paid in printing materials, l>v purchasing four times the amount of their bill for the advertisement. New York, if She ladies' Wreath. " 7AND FAULOtt ANNUAL. Tire publishers tender their grateful acknowledgments for the jiboraily with which they ba.vo been sustained, and aro encouraged to renewed efforts. In j* few mouths the publi<^ltion of Full length Portraits of some of the Most Celebrated Musical Personages will be commenced. Tho following are now in the hands of an eminent artist, to be engraved, viz., Jenny Liud, Anna Thillon, II. Son tag, Catharine Hayes, Albotil, and Mrs. K. G. Dostwiclc. If these should meet with favor* although very expensive, they followed by others of a similar character? tho publishers aro determined that tho Wreath and Annual shall continue to be tho Host of tho Dollar Magaziucs. Tho Literarv Matter will bo entirely ori ginal; from tho ablest and purest writers in the country. Every thing of an immoral or irreligious cliaract^will bo carefully excluded. AVeintend to present tljo public with a work which shall blend entertainment with instruction, and not ouly captivate the taste, hut also elevate tho thoughts and improve tho heart?in short, to make tho "SV reath and Annual "a welcome visitor in every family." The Literary Department will be ably sustained. _' All who are interested in a pure Family Literature, and aro willing to assist in fostering the best native talent, aro invited to become subscribers pud aid in its circulation. Each number will contain a fine steel En graving, and a Thirty-two Largo Octavo Pages, printed' on fine paper. Tho May number will have an attractive Title-page, making iu all Twenty five Embellishments, and a voluino of Four Hundred and Thirtyfour page*! Notwithstanding tho increased cost of tho work by tho advance in tho price of paper and priuting, we shall continue to furnish tho work at the fallowing exceeding low price: Ono Dollar a Year, in Advapce; Four Copies, one y cur, $3,00; Seven ^Copies, $o,00 ; Teu Copies $7,00; Fifteen Copies, $10,00. Money may bo sent by mail, at the risk of tho publishers, if inclosed in tho presence of a postmaster, whoso certificate will bo taken as evidence. Postage-stamps may bo sent in place of change. All communications in any way connected with the Wreath and Anhunl must be directed, post-paid, to BUUDICK & SCOVIL. No 8, Spruce Str^t, New York. DOCTOR, YOURSELF. The Pocket iEsculapins; OK, KVKKY ONE niB OWN PIIYBICfAK. &/JMIK FIFTIETH EDITION, with One Hundred ikigravinge, allowing Diseases And Malformations of the Human System in every shape uiul form. To which is a&?ed a* Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance to inarriad people, or those contemplating marriage, 11 j William Yoltco, if. D. Let no father he anhiunod to present a copy of the vKKOULAP'njS to his child. It, may save liim from an-early grave. Lot ho young man or troinaA enter into the secret obligations of ioar ringo without reading the PQUtiE'l*sE&CULA'-1 VLlfS, ^.t t no one suffering from a haekuiod sough, Tain in the side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up their physician, he another nonient without consulting too sKSCULA PJUH llavo those married, or those about to bo marrisd any impediment, read this truly useful hook, ?s it has deenthe moans of saving thousands of bufortiniatb creatures from the wry jaws of deatli. 1ST A?y person sending 7^cnity-ftte Cent* en:loeed in a li tter, will receive one copy of th'i work l?y mail, or tjve copies sent for one Dellnat Addrcns, (post-pnid) Pit. WM. YOUNG, 152 Sprucc-street, Philadelphia. Jin? U>,18f>l. 5 fy BftrCtoH NEW-YORK TYFE-FOU^DHY, ea twblished in 1813,^bns now oh hand, ready '<rr itmnrdnitf deliver u. in fonts to suit nurehascri. KtO.OA U*? ROXf.YN TYPK ofnew cot, 60,ix)d ? VANHY i Y P.K, 1iv,<xh) " fcOJUlTSs of vacioua styles, 6,o00" GK1LMANB. 6JX><> " ORN'\MKiiT3in grcr.t variety, 6,000 " BORDERS, 10,000 fet tliHASri AND TYPE METAL RULES, nul nil the uoveltioa ill the business. AH the above Typos are ?nat by Bteniapower, >ftJ?o now composition of nictal i>"qt?liar to thin hundry, and WHiCH 1$CJEUTAINLYSUPERh DR t.> nnv ever ueed hi fore iu and port of the world, Tho unoqunlltsd rapidity in the pioeeca >f ooftting, cnnblo^jDo to sell thoafc rnoro durable :ypea at the prices of ordinary typen, either ou tredifc or for on eh. Prosse^ Wood, Types and all other Printing Mn.eriahr,ovcoj?t Paper ?pd Arils, (which have nofix ;d quality or price, famished nt manufacturer's wife*. Hie latest ftpaoiracn Book of the Foundry ia Vccly'gWen to all printing offiece, on th? receipt >f fifty cents to propay the |K>itagc. rrintors of nowapapors who choose to publish liis Advertisement, in> ludiug this nolo,three limes Hifore the firat day of July, 1866. nnd forward tsu >ocof the papers, will be allowed thoir bills afrthe iu.e nf pjirchoaing five times tfee Amount of mv ufcnufActtiroc. y?w-Y??k, P?b. 13,1863. ' "t AiMr.-F*, OFA)HOPBniXR * 18 CHAMUKaS-ST. New-York. ?| ? *ji>;ir # < . ^&j%jjSHtoS^^BaS5S5|ZS3^5||^^35BBS|5|BSjy>yB^*i?-?*v v i ii.ft j-ii*rtym,Afff.s^y[i>i*Mt. or fotfr application* are ncCe^ury It ?> tpueh as may bo dceii^,:/ut^for?iy^eSMror , A->" liinO. Front ttie many t cstinioftitMuy {n iajoWwlwr luivc used it, tho ?ub*rrib?> does not hentete to wffrraut thc Kfaflcricn to epvi t&tiifaotion, and prove as rcconmlendoU ip. *11 onfea The receipt for faakinjsTyith-full directions for will be sent. on the receipt of ono dollar, post p?Hl.3tf|h*||iigi < diont? >s i 1? not <o*t over 12 cents. DlWCfo ^ If. A. E^fitfMONT, Warren, Trumbnll Co., Ohio.- ^ ftpr 20, . 49 mS" ^ ; > British Periodicals ! Gift - EARL# 60PIES SECURED. .* I LOF.XABD SCOTT & CO., Now-York, continue to republish the follow British Periodicals, viz: 1. The London Qacrterly (Consery^tiv^) 2. The Ed^horoh Review (Whig,) f S. The KVBuiusIi Review (Free ChurebJ4. The Wesiminister Review (Literal)*' t 5. Place wood's Ed. Magazine (Torysjp THE present critical stato of European affairs will redder these publications unusually interestfng during the forthcoming- e, year. They will occupy a middle ground between tho hastily written news-items* crude speculations and flying minora of tho daily Journal, and tho ponderous Totno of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the gleat political events of the timo shall have passed away. It I is to the so Periodicals that rendoremust look I for the only really intelligible rtnd reliable history of current event a, and as such, in addition to thoir well-established literary, scicn: tific, and, theological .character, we urge ^ them upon the consideration-of the reading ^ public. Arrangements .aro now permanently raado for tho receipt of Early Sheets from the British Publisher* by which wo are enabled to placo Ali. oca Reprints in tho hands of i subscribers, about as soon as they can be furnished with tho foreign copies. Although this involves a very large outlay on our part, > wo shall continuo to furnish the I'eriomcaU at the same low rates as heretofore, viz :? Perjmn. For any one of the four Reviews $3 OO For any two of .the four Reviews . 5 00 For any three of the four RcvWWs 7 00 For all four of the Reviews. 8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine . 3 00 For Blackwood and 3 Reviews 9 00 For Blackwood Jc the 4 Reviews 10 00 Payments to be cases in advance. Money current in the State where issued will be redcvecl a I par. nr TTTiwnrA uxi u 13H1.XI v7. A -discount of twenty-five per cent from tho above prices will bo Allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of tlio above Works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will bicscnt to one address for $9 ; four copies of tho four Reviews and Blackwood for $30; and so od. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered througk Agents, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent by mail, the Postage to any ]>art of the United States will bo but Twenty-Jive cents a year for Blackwood, and but Fourteen cents a year for each of tho Reviews. Remittances aud communications should always be addressed, poet-paid, to the Pub- ' Ushers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., . 54 oold stkekt, New York. N. B.?L. S. <Sc Co. have recently publish e<J, ami have now for sale, tho "FAltMEIiS GU1UE," bylionry Stephens, oCEdinburgh, and, the late Prof. Norton, of Yale College, New Haven, complete in 2 vole.,royal octavo, coutaiuing 1C00 pages, 14 steel and GOO wood engravings. Price, in muslin bindings .$0. jf^rThis work is hot tho old "Book of the Farm," lately resuscitated and thrown, upon the market. THE^WEEKLY^BnRRALnT The Best General Newspaper in the World. THE Nkw Yi'HK Wkkklt Hkualo is publish* ed every Haturday morning. Its contents embrace all tho new# of tlio great events of the day, reports of meetings, of the Slate Legislature,, ami of Congress ; importsijt public documents; European and l?om4 correspondence: financial and commercial information, and editorials of general interest, that have appeared in tlis Kuw I You Dah.t Herald. It. ia neatly printed, in clear type, on a largo dotiho quarto sheet of forty-eight columns?a booh?n directory in itself?and forms one of tho best and rngst valuable weekly newspapers in tho world. The greatest care is taken to obtain the. liuvst ami uioet inhabit) iuteligence of important _ movements in all pavta of the world. No expense is snared for this purpose. Tlio subscription price is thrco dollars per an-, num, payable in advance, or sixpence per single copy. Editors of newspapers throughout the country are particularly requested to act. as ag.*nb>. Tliey will recfeve twenty-flvc per cent commission on all cssli sulmoriptions. Any persolh obtaining five or mora subscribers will ho allowed.the sonic commission. TBtlMS OF CI.IBS. copy 01 >y f.kkly iiuralp, l year $8 (XV Fiva ooi>mo do." do. 11 25" ToW. 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