University of South Carolina Libraries
illiaid Vo be liuA atale of (locay. Taganrog Jias 2? vesnclsjpf a ljfrger description, had fl8i,ior the copat pgyigatioa^ The harbor is onl* accessible for va%e^* inconsiderable Il_ataiL kia- SS v < > wmmw XI nim unCV WUIV lim uuiiraivr luei' ander died, on the lot of December, 1825. * Siropheropol, against whiefi General Pe lissier's movements appear to be directed, is c&pitaKof the Crimea. It counts 14,000 inhabitants, of which from 6,000 to-0,000 are Tartan. The town is situated on the base of the Taurian mountain chian.. It is described as well built, and presenting, with the villas surrounding it, a beautiful espect. It CQQtquu six churches, amongst which the Cathedral is remarkabfe for being built in gfcod iMtaciual taste. The towlv Jias also, a Russian College, for other schools and sevraWactories. It is central, and consequent lyinnost important point in regard to the trade for the production^ of the Crimea. Its acquisition by the allies .. onld prove, there Wforej a great advantage, as if would make it possible to thus draw supplies from the resources of the country, which they have hitherto been unable to effect. General Pelissier has told his poldiers that they would receive for this march upon Simpheropol only four days' provisons, as on the fifth they must be in the towi^ But as ret, he has not boon able to cross the 'fchernaya.? Philadelphia American# The Rochester Union is accountable for the following: MA farmer of Western New York married, for #a second wife, a lady whose personal charms and domestic virtues were in quite an unequal proportion.? Among other freaks, she had, whenever crossed in any of her little conceits, a decided penchant for suicide?at least, she often hint ed at this as a long contemplated remedy for it he oft-recurring ills of married life. * Taking ^offence, on a time, at some supposed indignitty, she donned her very best rig, and seeking a convenient place for the experiment, slippedJier neck into a noose arranged conveniently for the purpose, and, thus suspended A * 1 - * II111 <1111IIIII' Iimr A3 uxpocioa, iier llusband soon made his appearance near the terrible scene, and was neither long or ceremonious in relieving his beloved troYn great peril. She was not so far gone, how* * ever, as to be speechless, and exclaimed, rather spitefully : 'Steph?ikStephen! don't muss my ruffles so, for there will be a great many in to see mo to-morrow. W' r Telegraphic. When it was first reported that Professor Morse had succeeded in conveying intellif gence between Baltimore and Washington, through the wires of the Magnetic Telegraph one old aavan who had been a school master, and a member of the Legislature, gave it as hit opinion that the report was "a humbug." In fact from his knowledgo of 'astronomy,' he said Jie knew the thing could not be done 1 Shortly after, O'Reilly s men were seen setting the poles directly by the old man's dwelling. One day he joined the -crowd who were witnessing the operation of stretching the wire. Upon being asked what he thought of the matter <Ae?,he hesitavted a moment?assuming an air of importance?and then replied : "Well, gentlemen, while in the Legislature, I gave tne subject considerable attention, and after much investigation and reflection, I have come to the MiuiliisiAn 14- *ma?> * ?A.U whviuoivii ?nav i? U1C?JT MIOWQI Y 131 J VTt'll lUr small packages, but will never do for large bundles? never tw?Knickeibocker. * : ' * Mkams of Livino.?The following excellent hints for the times we find in the Boston Couritr. Corn is cheaper and more nutritions than wheat, and with proper care in the cooking, may be made equally palatable, even for a permanent article of food. Yet it is a fact that it is more used by the wealthy than by those who need to economise.? There are other expenditures, suoh as tea, coffee and tobacco, which cost many poor families more than their flour and meat.? But those articles are regarded as necessary luxuries. It is easy, if the secrot were known, and cheap, too, to keep those bodies of onrs alive, and in health. Orauixo L?ttxas,?Postmaster General Campbell was applied to recently by the Postmaster at Yorlc, Pennsylvania, to know whether a loiter cvitUibiug, r?s was od, counterfeit money, could be opened by the police authorities, in order that the mon ey contained therein might be identified as the same as that passed % the prisoner, and thai thus further evidence might be furnished to aid in his conwclion and punishment The Postmaster Genera! replied, emphatically, that it could not, that he had no right, nor any officer under him, to open any loiter until it reached the Dead-Letter Office; and that this principle must bo always acted up. i? .1 ... .1 l ?t ?i_- n. on Dy (UUH iu Wl? uuijiiujruioui VI Ui? i/Opartmedt. - jgpi i ~ Prices in Kawsa8.?Printers' wages are $10 per week, or 30 cenU per thousand, ami; carpenters $2 per day; masons $2; lower class of laborer* $1 23 to $1 60.?Board, $S to $5 per week. Tua DxyrsAEKCK.?Glasses reflect with f out talking, lasses talk without reflecting.? , That's the difference between lasses and glasses. The difference between a carriage horse and a carriage wheel Is this :~^Onc goes hm| when tired, .and the other don\ I si % BUTTER.. .Ooshen, per lb. none. K- ^"-ntry, ner ?b. 15 ? COB9FEK.. .Uio, per lb. 14 . ^ Java, Mr lb. 18 .^O 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 6? ? 10 [ ' " Sheeting, per vd. 10 a 15 Osnaburgs, per yd. 11 a 12^ FLOUR?... Country, per bm. a $8 . Country^ per sack, a $4. GRAIN..Corn, per bush<1. a 00 NEW.. .T. Wheat, perbuehel, $125 IRON Swedesj.^sr lb.. - 6$ a 7 English, pe/lb. ^ 5 a LARD. per lb. ' 11 a 12 MOLASSES, Cuba, per gal. a 371 N. O., per.gptt. a 50 SYRUP....u 44 pee gal. a 62$ OILS .Lamp, per gal. $1$ ? $2$ Train, per gal. 87$ ajF|l$ Lin&eed, tl| RICE per lb. a 8$ ROPE per lb. - 12$ a 20 SUGARS.. .N. Orleans, per lb. 7 a 0 Porto Rico, per lb. 9 a 10 J9 Loaf, per lb. ** 12$ Crushed, per lb, 12$ Refined, per lb. 10 a 12$ SALT....... .per bushel, $1 Salt, por sack, a 2 35 SOAP. Colgate,pale, 12$ a 15 Yellow, per lb. 8 o 10 SHOT :per lb. 12$ Shot, per bag, a |2f CTWe are authorized to announce W. F. PRINCE, as a candidate for Sher iff at the ensuing election for that office. Sept 8. 17 te iTWe arc authorized announce Wm A. Mc Daniel as a Candidate for Clerk at the ensuing election. F'eb. 2. td. . ir We hare been authorized to announce Capt. A. Y- Owing* a candidate for Sheriff at the next eleotion. rw oi? 0TWe are authorized to announce Col. DAVID HOKE as a candidate for Shoriff of Greenville Diatriot at the ensiling Election. HP We are authorized to announce WM. BAYNE a candidate for Sheriff at theenauing Election. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. iFoiEjawai ?IF DWILW. Tin? niTTT vt) nmonu ?111 ?*?-*?- ?* UVUUiAJ WUI ^ITO UlClf JT jm BALL on the evening of the Fourth of July, at the Mansion House. Tickets can be obtained at S. Swandale's, and from any of the Junior Managers. MANAGERS. b km Oil. junior. Gen. Waddy Thompson, Capt. IL L Thruston, " Jan. W. Harrison, Lieut. A. D. Hoke, Col. T. R. rowland) " T. C. Coxe, " E. P. Jones, 8erg't W. G. Lono, " K 8. Bryinb, " A. Isaacs, Lt Col. McCollouod, Cor pi. V. M. Burgess, Maj. B. F. Pkrhy, " R. C. Pclliam, " W. K. Eaaley, Pri. C. T. Hammond. Greonvillo, JunatA2. .6 2 LADIES' FAIR. THE Members of th? EBENEZER SEWING SOCIETY will hold a FAIR, on Friday evening, 29th of Juno next, at Lester's Factory, 12 miles from Greenville C. H. The tables will contain a variety of substantial and fancy articles, together with CAKES) Confectioneries and ICE CREAMS, Also, a good substantial suppor of Roast Pigs, Turkeys Hams, Chicken Salad, Ac. tw All who feel disposed to encourage the efforts of this benevolent Society, are requested to be present Those who coine froiq a distance may find accommodation for their horses for a small sum, payable to the Society. t#~IT?e Greenville Band have kindly promised to attend. Doors opened at early candlelight, and no soonkr. fgrAdmittanee 20 cents. Children half-price. june 8 3 td Preparatory Military School, wtamiKwaiMus, a. <&> THE Exercises of this Institution will be resumed on Monday the Secqnd day of July. i'upus are required to report promptly, and to this end Parent* and Guardians are earnestly solicited to send their sons and wards at, or as near as possihlo, the begining of Uie session.? Each pnpil is required to uniform himself, and must car? every article of clothing marked.? Those from other Districtsmill board in certain families of the town, nnder the immediate super* vision of the principals. jjt T?:rvs.?For each Session of five months, (26 In advance, or $80 at the end of Session. . rr Iloard, including wnshinf^ fuel and light*, $10 per month, in advance, or promptly paid at the end of the month. A COWARD. M. JENKINS. Kefkrkxcka.?Gen. James .Tones Graniteville, 8. C; Gen* IX F. Jamieson, Orangeburg, 0. II., Ml C.; Ex-Gov, J. 1L Means Buckliead, 8. C. ; Gen. Daniel Wallace, JonesviHe, Union, 8. C.; Col. J. D. Wilson,,f8oeiety Ilill, Darlington, 8 CL; Gen. R. G. M. Dnnovant, Ninet$8ix Depot, Abbeville, 8 C. jnnef'JO 7 2t $500 Reward ! THE DLARHOBA KILLER, tested in over 10,000 Cases of Asiatic Cholera and Bowel Complaints, baa never yet failed, when tried in timet instantly to relieve and speedily to effect a Permsment dura PRICE 6", CENTS A BOTTLE. ry Be particular to see that it is prepared bv BENNETT A BEF.RH, Richmond, as none other i* Genuine. or Bold by DrUfcgisU and Country Merchants j everywhere, and in GreenrilU ^ ^ iune 29 t . 4P . VK ^ m most bd^tftil I yt rAXo %a' uuon offerw fcd tfiflbftotioB-arthe GreXvllle Ladles', U?*J they r%SY see them in great variety?th? ?ono-l man Puft Leaf, comraonmpaper, Whit*, Black j and <1at colored, hanalomo Mourning Fens, WWta Ivory. Red I rely, Satin Wood, Spanish yflKsnmlole Woo&jUm Very fine white 811 k J Bridai Fans, ranging m pMeo from 6 eta.'to $3,50. There is as usual the same attractive STO0K of rich Drc?o ' iOOao, piuiH BluCa Silk, watered Black do.. Floronoesjiml Marcelline*, Bar ego and Tissues, Chally and Grenadinra, Kid ana Silk, Gloves, Silk Illusion, Wash Blonde, JIandker- 4 chief Extracts, Fine Toilet Soaps, French Broid? crjCotton, Linen and Cotton Floss, Bate's Needles. Which, with many other desirable GOODS Are now offering at W. IL HOV*Y ju 29. 7 8w Cabinet Making. 833&S933 23 3&&2Q * , T) ESPECT FULLY informs tlio citizens of GrocnXV Ville that ho is nrenarml to m?W? TTTTPVf TURK: such rw Bedsteads, Sideboard*, Bureau*, i < Fotdihg-leaf Tabic*, Centre Table*, Wardrobes, Ac., Ac., apd hope* to receive a liberal patron-' ' age. Ljplhnav be found at the Work-Shora near the eorn?m?f Mot* and Boncoinbe Streets, in the rear of P. Caublk's Blaclt*inith Shop. I Greenville, June 29 7 tf HEAD QUARTERS Order No. 3* COLUimiA. .Tnne 26, 1866. THE following Regiments will parade for Review nnd Drill at such time* and places a* heroin directed. The loth Regiment of Infantry will parade at Richardson's on Wednesday the 1st of August, Tho7th Regiment of Infantry will parade at the Old Wells, on Saturday the 4th of August, The 2d Regiment of Cavalry will parade at Mt. Vernon on Tuesday the 7th of August, The 9th Regiment of Infantry will parade at Lowe's on Thursday the 9th of August ThoDth Regiment of Infantry will parade at Morrow'BOld Field, on Saturday 11th of August The 6th Regiment of Infantry will parade at Lomax's on Wednesday the 16th of August The 4th Regiment of Infantry will parade at Havme's, on Saturday the 18th of August The 42d Regiment of Infantry will parado at , Minton's, on Tuesday the 21*tof August. The 2d Regiment of Infantry will parade at Hall's on Thursday the 23d of August , The 5th Regiment of .Infantry will parade at Hunter's on Saturday tho 26th of August The 1st Regiment of Cavalry will parade at Smith's Store/on Tuesday the 28th of August , The 3d Regiment of Infantry will parade at Toney's Old Store, on Thursday the 80th of August The 1st Regiment of Infantry will parade at ms uw?t By vii k'ubui uaj vnu lOV VI IJVJ?tVlUlil'l. The Officers and non-commissioned Officers will assemble on the day previous to the review of their respective Regiments, for drill and instruction. The Major Oeneral of the Division and the Brigadiers General of the Brigade, will, with their respective staffs attend the Reviews. Generals of Brigade arc charged with the extension of this oracr. Volunteer companies will be minutely inspected, and the Books of Beat companies examined. The Aids-de-Camp to the Cotumander-in-Chief will attend the Reviews. By order of the Commnnder-in-Chief. R. G. M. DUNOVANT, Adjutant and Inspector General. june 20 1 It Prospectus ol' the SEVENTH -VOLUMN OF TIIK ALL Tost Masters are authorized to act as Agents; commission guarrantend to be more liberal than given by other publications, and specimen copies sent free to any parties. Agents wanted in all sections of the country. PRICE OE THE DUTCHMAN ! 1 copy $2 per year S copies 5 " 5 d T ? 10 u 12 M 15 15 M Subscriptions received for 3, 6 or 9 months, at the same rate. Under the new postage law, tho postage on tho Dutchman is only thirteen cents a year to any part of the State of New York.; out of the State, and to any part of the Union, only twenty six cents a year:?iu both cases to be paid quarterly or annually in advance. These prices will show that the Dutchman is the cheapest paper in the world. All orders must be addressed to EDWIN WKSTON, <fe Co., No. 21 Ann-street, New York. JOSN Watchmaker and Jeweler, NEXT DOOR TO M. B. EARLE 8c CO., fi&L IS prepared to do work in the fine,t lnonner on Watches, Clock*, (?*" JIB Jewelry and Musical Instruments iJsBbnt reasonable prices. Ho hopes, from his long experience at tho business, in the best factories of Europe, to recei vo a share of public patronage. Call and see him. Greenville, Juno 22. 6 tf Mattress Making, Ac. r|^TIE subscriber informs tho public that ho X has opened A Shop in tlio aeoond story of J. P. PooiJi dt Co.'s Livory Stable, where ho intends carrying on tho hnsines of MATTRESS MAKER and BOL9TERKR. Mattresses con- < stantly on hand and mado to order, and repairing done at the shortest notioe. lie mlso enga ( gee to lay Carpets, hang Windaitg Shades, Ac. lie respeetfnlly solicits a share of public patronage. JOHN E PRANKK. jn 10. 0 tf | Notice. | I LOUISA P. BENSON, wife of Paaais Bk?q sow, who is by trade a Ooaeh-Maksr and a , resident, of the town of Greenville, Greenville i District. B. C., hereby give notioe as required by i law, that I will exercise the trade and business , of a Milliner and Mantua-Maker after one noalh from this date, aa a Sole Trafter. I* F. BENSON Jwue 8 i lm a ' WpW* K-ipr -v r f. . " * v ' k * $ pmsasBss^Bs^ssmf^ in their HnlL \Y. IV MoBE^ Secretary, rngmrin^ i* ^ , i SKTi^ OF TBMMgflESBlBi. KB?OwotMviLi* di*i*iok, yJWT & of T., hold their meetings wwof,"^ th# T>i? T?W?Room, ^ Saturdav/Venings. * Jt C.U. i&JtRffiMf a & January 12? 86. t ?Z3? 'V* ^,e==!6?a#?^3.. "VTOU are requested to meet at the Division A Room of the Sons of Temperance until further orders. Meeting?Friday Evenings. By order of W. P. Pbiok, W.\ P.-. ' January 12. " .85 "* it ? p, ..Tt. . Notice. A LL PERSONS owing debts to the firm of xA P. N. Powers <fc Co., which ha agreement at-e payable in lumber, are notified ?o deliver the InmtMfr in payment of the same by the let dav of July next, or cash payments will be required in everytpfcstoucc. J. J. IIOVKY, by W. IL IIOVEY-At'ty. ^ junc 8 4* St. ^ v AV EET 'tfOWVIOflOVA&Y^. VUCU MAT BK POUND ALL KINDS OF CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT8, TOYS AND FANCY At Low Prices for Cash. AS. SAIti??S5f9 NEATLY fitted up, and privnte to them (excepting when accompanied by gentlemen,) where can be obi ui ued, at all hours of tho day and evening, IC8 CREAM, LEMONADE, SODA WATER, 'Cakes, Candies, &c, XrBORS neatly arranged for Gentlemen, {y Every effort shall be made to givo satisfaction. P. 8. SMITH, ja 1. tf Greenville, S. C. _____ a At J n z 1 V a auouuucei tuiu vumuusnoa mercnant, ocpiLTc/Hiiiaa^v s? REFERCKKCMA * John a- Chawtow*, Prttidmt Commercial Bank, Joiix Caldwell, PrctvUnt South Carolina Railroad Company, Hon. J ohm 8. Pkeston, John Bryck, Columbia. Mordwta ?t Co., IlExnr Missroox, Tlon. W. F. Coloock, Charleston. may 25. 2 tf DR. M'LANE^S Celebrated Liver Fills, TUB most certain remedy for Billious Fevers and all billious complaints. Also, in cases of Ferer and Ague, these Pills, when taken with quinine, are prod uctivo of the most happy results. Wo call thousands to witness, who have experienced their beneficial effects. Da. McLame's Cklkdratkd Vkrmiki'oe, the greatest worm destroyer of the ago. To be sold at the Drug Stone of K. KRUTCII. ju 15. 5 tS DRUG DTOB.B AJ4B) APOjIMGAKY/ ^ GREENVILLE, 8. C. DEALER IN Drugs, medicines, surgical, instrumonts, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes, Putty, Tobacco, Segnrs, Spirit Gas, Oils, Candles, Soaps, Spices, Brushes, loilet Articles, Combs, Perfumer}', etc. Fresh and pure Drugs warranted and sold at low prices. May 4. CI tf Executors' Sale Of Valuable Town Lots, Farm, &o. BY virtue of authority given to us for that purpose, under the lost -will nnd testament of Jabes Gilrcath, deceased, we will sell at public auction, at the Court House, Greenville, 8. C., on Saleday in July next, the following REAL ESTATE, vis: The LOT situated at the corner of Main and Washington streets, Greenville 8. C, being fiftynine and one half feet in width, by two hundred and twenty feet in depth. On this Lot are two fine STORE IIOUSFX on Main Street, ut the most central business point in the town. Also, a handsome and comfortable Dwelling on Washington-street, containing seven rooms, pantrys, Ac., large wooden and brick Kitchens, servants' Houses, 8moke House, Ac., Ac. This property will produce a yearly rent of about $700. ALSO, One LOT at the corner of Laurens and Washington streets, being one hundred feet on Wash ington street, and one hundred and twenty feet on lAurens-street. On this Lot is a large Livery Stable, Carriage Houses, do. ALSO, One Lot at the corner of Laurens and Coffee streets, being one hundred feet on Coffee-street and one hundred and twenty feet on Laurensstreet On this Lot is a neat and comfortable Dwelling and necessary Out buildinga ALSO, One LOT at the corner of Coffee and Richardson-strecta, being one hundred feet on Coffeestreet and one hundred npd twenty feet on Richardson street A fine location for n residence or for business. ALSO, unc hi 11 u' corner 01 mcnaitieon nn<i w nxuington-streets, being ono hundred and twenty feet on Richardson street and one hundred feet on Washington street. This Tx>t is immediately opposite tho Presbyterian Church, and is a beautiful location for a residence. ALSO, One TRACT OF LAND, containing twelve acres, more or less, on the old Spartanburg road, at the ujiperend of town, adjoining lands of McBee, LI ford, Duncan, Phillips, and public graveyard. On this Tract is a good Tan Yard, site a pretty building site, and ono of the finest springs in the State. ALSO, One TRACT OF LAND, containing one hundred and eighty-three acres, more or less, on the Spartanburg road, about two miles from the town oi Greenville, S. 0., adjoining lands of Buist, Grcea, Hammond, Gilre.ath, et al, ; watered by s fork of Riohland Creek, about, one-half being well wooded land; a pretty building site on the Spartanburg road. The Tract is a very desira bie one, ana would make a first rate farm which, rrom its proximity to town, would be very desirable ana valuable. Tkrms?-A credit of one and two year*, in equal annual installments, with interest from date: purchasers to give bonds with two securities and mortgage* of the |>remiae*, to secure the payment of the purchase money. P. E. DUNCAN, 0. 4. KLFORD, , Executors. May 11. VI td T 9" K; . ' -v j - ? : .. a ' / " nwn 4 flOODLETT. ATP^JaSSlSTffS <&?* Oreenvillc,^. C. .rrOfflwuKwUJoor to F. F. ACo j'Thompson B ATTORNEYS W LAWj GREENVILLE C. H., S. C. June 28, 1864. 6 m g r iDRSr 8VIJJVAV * xooafc, PUNClufciJf AND PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL CALLS miULINB oS^*0*t PltOKK^ION. T> kuiDknce : Warlfvn, brwtfife- District. lXWwtf-OrrA: " J. M. SULLIVAN. V* *fl>. D. MOORE. March V. -$ 43 *6| I JOSEPH OOOIPER, Watch Maker and Jeweller, UNDER SHOUTS HOTEL, KEEL'S always on hand Gold and Silver Watches, and JEWELRY of ev< ery description. Fancy Goods and Perfumery. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired in the best manner. dec. 29. 23 i BOUNTY LAND.* r 160 ACRES rI^O ATX who Have served 14 days, in any x War of the U nitod Stated, sine? 17PO. Warrants obtained, and highest cosh prices paid for them, l>y C. J. KLFORl), Attorney at Law, Mh 16. 44-tf Greenville, S. C. Warrants! Warrants! VT. K. SABIST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, is prepared with all necessary instructions to proenre Bounty I Land Warrants under the late act of Congress, granting 160 acres to all who may have nerved in any of the wars. Immediate attention given to anv business of the kind entrusted to his care, ifnrch 10. , 44 tf NEW SPBING GOODS rl"MIE SUBSCRIBERS arc just receiving New X Supplies of STAPLE and FANCY GOODS adapted to the season, and which they will sell low to Cath and Prompt buyers;.preferring thai other* would not buy them. Tney consist in part of A variety of Dress Goods, fTjft Bonnets and Ribbons, Lndie's and Mimm RlinM Coatings, Vesting* nnd Pants fftutfs, Gent's Summer and Silk Hats, Table and Pocket Cutlery, With a full assortment of GROCERIES and CROCKERY WARE and other articles in our line. CRITTENDEN A TURNER, apr 20, 49 tf Take Notice. ALL-PERSONS indebted to the Subscribers by Note or Book Account, up to January 1859, are earnestly requested to cull and make payment, as they urgently need the money due them. CRITTENDEN & TORNER. apr 20. 49 tf GREENVILLE HOTEL. ^TlIE subscriber baying taken charge o this House, so lately kept by Jonx McBrwe nee so wall known as the KAitiiiky It 71sn enter Inn, rospectfully inform# his old friends anc the travelling public that he is now prepared tr entertain and accommodate them in becoming style, and hopes by proper management to seeim | their encouragement. Every attention will b( I given to render the stay of strangers nnd travel ( lers as pleasant nnd agreeable as possible. To Drovers. Having a fine Stable, excellent lots, i ftr?\ an abundance of provender, nnd careful ostlers, lie is enalAed to accommodate Drovere in the best manner. Also, constantly on hand, Horses, interns carriages ana Jiuggies, to hire,SPSS^W* upon the most reasonable terms. P. a RUTLEDGE. jan. 12, 35 tf la^tnoticeT" ALL PERSONS indebted to O. A. Picki.k, or account previous to March lost, are car nestly requested to call on W. K. Easlky one settle the same, as further indulgence cannot b< allowed. J. B. RETTS, Assignee. January 5. 34 tf cabinet-maker's ~*?bri ilvJi Sf3BBBHE| At firecnrille C. n. TIIE SUBSCRIBER returns his thanks for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon hini, and solicits a continuance of the same. Having in his employ good and experienced Workmen feels confident of giving satisfaction. He has on hand a qnantity of both fine and plain finished Furniture offering for sale at prices to suit the times. (^"Repairing done at moderate charges. All orders attended to with dispatch. S. M. MURPIIY. spr 8 48 8m. Shaving and Hair-Drossing. BIIRRIDGE, the Barber, has rc/s^tQturned to Or*cnville, and taken np hie Headquarters next door to C. W, Pi QJaWA Co 'a Tailoring establishment, in BeatAMMrUies Rriok Range, and is prepared to exe SV?*JVcute every thiug in bis line with the finesl touch. Gentlemen can have their hair cut or shampooed, or faces shaved at any time during tne day or evening. Shaving don* by the month on reasonable terms. Greenville, Mareli 16, 44 if To the Public. A8HEVILLE HOTEL. STIIK subscriber, having taken charge of this Hotel, in the west end of Main street, in rillc, N. O., lately occupied by John RkvNOLna, it prepared to acconmfodate hit old friends and the public generally, withevery thine? necessary to tneir comfort during their ttav with him. Hehopes from his long experience in the business, to be able to give satisfaction to all. aiass WAlBikas shall be furnished with the best the eonntry affords PERMANENT and TEMPORARY Board ers can be accommodated upon reasonable terms He respectfully solicits a share of public Wtroa age. JOHN McBRlD^b.^ May 11. 52 . if BOOK AND JOH PRINTING neatly done at the "Enterprise Office."* ' * * W>. " t in ww rf'?Z ,'f T^r SV' ' k .# J^w ? . .'.**? H?&fc?, > J ^.."f';j? Bo<KndTo^^i\ting I #EtY%|USHmHITi^ * ' i . $iTijfCJ A JINK SKLKCT%J qf Fr s^mmwsi^.. BH WB AM PSLEFAHED TO DO WO**. ,. .; , aao a^sjassaaA strf&s. CIRCULARS, CATALO0UE3, HAND-BiLL8, WAYBILLS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, SC. I'KINTKI) WITli D?8PATck: China, Satin Enamel, SsTtin Surface and Plain and Colored Cards; 3Jpon the Most Esbohibie Ieirh)s.. j (Buwaa TPO A\ cgAgj^i ^ II Rtnxroo I fi^/mAa I I i^vw ? vo MW WO i Tiie stfhscRiBF.ns offers to U>o pnMic" ? largo variety of Stoves, via: *lne Challenge and Leviathan 'Cooking Stover, and variotu '. others. Air Tight Cooking Stoves; i ,i of various kmn&v PREMIUM COOKING STOVES; "P- J*1?* small Oven ,<?, AIR TIGHT Cooking Stoves. EAULOlt COOKING STOVES. W tb Box Stoves, Hall Stoves, for Churches^ ' Stores, Ac., together with a full assortment of plain and Japanned Tiu "Ware, tin, copper, lead a sheet IRON WARE, [ MATALLIC ROOFING . Done in the most approved manner, with diin patch. A > 53?"" Tho Trade supplied with TIN WARE; |; at wholesale, upon the lowest terms. d. g. westmeld, aco. Greenville, S. C. npr 6, 41 v tf : Rooks and Stationery. THE SuWriben ore receiving a largo and vai ricd assortment of the above Articles, which , they offer'at low prices. I A LARGE VARIETY OF CLASSICAL WORKS'. An Extensive Stock of Miscellaneous Works. SCHOOL BOOKS, Slates, Pens, Pencils, Draw ing Hooks, Water Colors, Dissected Game* Ac., Ac. Blank Books, bound, liAlf-bound, and in paper. i" Foolscap, Letter and Koto Paper, by the ream or' less. Spy (Basse* Pocket Compasses, Magnifiers, 4c. With a varied assortment Of other articles, to which they invite the attention of the public. G. K. ELFORD A CO. mar. 2, 42 t f The State of South Carolina*GREENVILLE DISTRICT. lit EQUITY. i UendrickT Arnold vs. James MeCullough, et. all ?Bill for partition of Ileal Estate, Ac., Young A Elford, Complainant's Solicitor. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that Lewi* Arnold, one of the defendants to the aboveBill of Complaint, resides without the limits of f this State. It is, therefore, ordered that the said" Lewis Arnold do appear and {>lead, answer on 1 demur to the said Bill of Complaint, within three | months from this date, or his eonscntto the same , will be tak$n pro confeMo. , S. A. TOWNES, c. k. o. d. , j Commissioner's Office, Greenville, S. C., April , 6th, 1855. apr 6, 3m The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. n? EOIIITV. I A. R. McDavid, et al., vs. Mrs. Susannah Me-* David, et al.?Bill for S|M?cific perform an oen,/ Ac., A Klvobd, Complainant's Solicitor." F* appearing to mv satisfaction, that William J. McDavid, and John B. Gmhsm and Nancy L. Graham his wife, who arc defendants to the above Bill of Complaint, reside without the limits of this State. It is, therefore, ordered that the ? * said absent defendants do appear and plead, answer or demur to the said Bill of Complaint, within three months from this date, or their con1 sent to the same will be takvn pro confeuo. S. A. TOWNKS, a e. o, n. . 1 Commissioner's Office, Greenville, 8. C., April' 5 5th, 1865. apr 0, Sin The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. A. R. McDavid, et nl.. vs. Mrs. Susannah McDavid, et aL?Bill for Partition of Real Estate,' A Elford, Complainant's Solicitor. XT appearing to mv satisfaction, that William' X. J. McDavid, and John B. Graham and Nancy. L. Graham his wife, who are defendants to the above Bill of Complaint, reside without the limits of this State. It is, thercforo, ordered that the said absent defendants do appear and plead, an: swer or demur to the said Bill of Complaint, within three months from this date, or their consent to the same will be taken pro ron/etto. S. A. TOWNS, o. *. o. ft Commissioner's Office, Greenville, 6. 6'., April 5th, 1855. apr 6, 8m The State or 8outl? Carolina,' GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In the Court of Ordinary!' ' Ex parte Sidney Sutler, Administratrix of Willism Batlr.r, aeoeAaed ? Petition for Fitutf fhttUnxent. * . ' TT appearing to my satisfaction that ecrtnjp. j" A next of kin to the "intestate, whdse names ore unknown to mo, reside without the limits of this ' State: It is therefore, ordered, that, nil and $i}n?u * ' lar the next of kin of the said William Butler, deceased, late Planter of Greenville lrtstriet, who are entitled to n distributive share of hid personal estate, do appear at my Office on oc before the 8rd day of August next* uwd object to the fi-, nal settlement of his said personal estate, or their consent to the same will be entered ef record. ROBERT MoKAY, 0. G. D.' Ordinary's Office, April 80, 1858. , May 4. 51 . , 8m Notice* ALL persons indebted to PHILIP N. POW ERS, deceased,(individually,) are notified to make immediate payment; ana those having demands against the said deceased, to present them for payment to the subscriber. C. ELKOR?, Adm'r. \ may 11 tf ir~HARRI80N'8 HOTEL, aa BV IX THOMPSON SIMS. Corner of JnulLRichardson and Laurel ..hreets, Columbia, ?. C OmniboN Fare 25 cents, jan 12 tf