University of South Carolina Libraries
tn JYeto X ark-?Adjournment, After the transaction of mtfch inisccllaue ous business, the Convention proceeded to the consideration of the report on the mode and manner of making nominations ip goneral convention, which report was unanimously adopted, Sfce^lan directs the appointment of two at large from the State by the State CouncnT and one from each Congressional district by the subordinate counResolutions denunciatory of the Pierce adininistraii on were offered by Mf,;Scjuires, of New York, and adopted?nmtiw dtestntienH. Highly complimentary resolutions to the energy, efficiency and success of the Barker administration were unanimously adopted. The next session is to be held in the city of New^York, on the first Tuesday in June next?* ? Illinois, Ohio, and Iowa, in the person of ita leading delegates, were present during the * session, and participated in the deliberations. TP Atsevon P. M. the Convention adjourned sine die, the members all elate with the favorable prospects ahead, and bound to each other in the strongest ties of fraternal concord-and fellowship. In a day or two you ? llll lluilll|.!|,l'.l 1,11.1)11.1 HI, I'I cilw t B; BwMir, of?(?Uicky, '* Prudent of jfatiooa) Convention.. C. D. Dksiiler, of New Jerwy, corresponding Secretary. James J5, Stephens, of-.Maryland, recording Secretary. afternoon session. p. JTfcs yomiKAting Convention?Pier of $ Ad'ministration Denounced?Cnmpl'mentaty Resolves Adapted?The Jfext Session vrui doubtless Have the Secretary's report. Defeat of Santa Anna.?New Orleans, June 18.?A lettorfrora the city of Mexico, dated the 5th, states that Santa Anna had encountered the insurgents at Aria, on the 29th, and been compelled to fall back on Morelia. The Cholera.'?Nnc Orleans, June 18. ?The deaths from cholera last week were but 76, and the disease is considered at an end. Punch and Fanny Ford. What is the height of a woman's ambition? > Diamonds.?Punch. Sagacious Punch! Do you know the reason. It is because tho more 'Diamonds' a woman owns the more jtrecioiis she becomes * in the eye9 of your discriminating sex. What pair of male eyes ever saw 'crow's foot,' grey nair, or wrinkle, in company with a gctuunc , diamond f Don't you go down on your marrow-bones and swear that the owner is a.Vcnns, a Juno, a sylph, a fairy, an angel ? Would you stop to Iook (connubially) at the most bewitcbiug woman on earth, whose oni? ft \x/?n Ijj uinuivuvio nciy ?H tyraT? CII, It IP no grent marvel, Mr.. Punch. Tho race of men is about extinct. Now and then you will meet with a specimen : hut I'm sorry to inform you that the most of them are nothing but coat tails, walking behind a mouat ache, destitute of sufficient energy to earn their own cigars and Macassar,' preferring to <langle at the heels of a diamond wife, and meekly receive their allowance, as her mama's prudence and her own inclinations may suggest. it is out of my power to express to you the veneration I feel for such a dignified donkey, Mr. Punch. If I owned him, I imagine * 1 should slip my bridal (bridle.) ?*? Characteristic Anecdote.?During the last session of Congress, a man well known as deeply interested in the mail steamer bill, then before the house, approached Mr. Ben. ten, while he was walking in Pennsylvania Avenue, and said: "Good morning, Mr. I Benton." The salute was returned. 441 see t he mail stoamer bill is up to-day." "Yes, sir." "Beutou couldn't you be prevailed up| on to go for the employment of more steamers by the government!" "Yes, sir, on one condition." The follow smiled, as ifhe was going to get a "Roland" of a suggestion for j his 4<)liver" of a bribe. "Aye, on one con I union?inai uiey couiu oe usea to transport I *ucli rascals as you are to some distant penal COl?ny r I A.Double FiiNBRAi,.-?We copy the folI lowing from the New Orleans Dilta of the 1 427th ultimo: "We yesterday witnessed a I very solemn and inipresaivo scene in the secI onq district, not leas a spectacle thnn a double I Mineral, which took place under the followI ing circumstances : Salvador Vinson, a wellI known citizen, belonging to the Portuguese I Society, was taken sick day before yesterday, I and, it is said, had previously willed a large I portion* of his property to B. Paradeda, I a .dear friend of his. Being about to die, he I sent for the latter, who on entering his sick I rqonhJ[fls suddenly attacked with choleroa, and hild to be conveyed'home. Both died 1 abouitho same lime, and togoth I dr yesterday by the l^rtugueselrfgtoty who I attended the funeral ill a body. Such is life. Standing Before Ghurch Boors. A meeting of young ladies was held in New York Thursday, and resolutions adopted I gUHng on Mayor Wood to prevent young 1 men from standing at-the chprcl. doors and | Mairing at them Ae they come out after ser| vice. 0 ^ J A Yankee who went over to the mother v country some time ago, was asked on return* 2 ing how he liked JdreatAJritian. 'Well,'lies 2 said. 'England is a very nice oountry, ex2 ceeditfefertilfl, well eultivatyd, very popu iour, and very wftftUhy; but," continu.'.l tho I Yankeo, 'I ncvor hk to take ft morning walk jjk after breakfast; because tffiwoanty isso ?mall I tbarl WHS afraid of walking off the odge." ! The EUnperOr Alexander is shorjjy to be, I crowned King of J'ohind, and in anticipation 1 I of the event, great preparation* are making I in that country. It ie to take plaoe during I the present month of June I ju. m DIED?In Greenville,, on the 13 th hwt, Makr Efctxw Acouejx s, infant daughter of John W. and LounaW. Uhao*, *gad two year* nino month* and twenty-two days. i ' H , * Fond heart* are aad?oh ! lot them bo, ' 'When infant aoult take wing, " My eoul is aad whene'er I see, - x e>,. A leaflet fall in spring. ; But sweet the thought of her so fair, From whom tfa hearts are riven, .. Is taken by the angels, where Shell bloom again,?in heaven. Wiixiaji. (wrccnville Prices Current. . , , , X., . . CORRECTED WEEKLY FOR TUB ENTERPRISE, BY GRADY & 800DLETJ, MERCHANTS. Qiucbnvillk. June 21, 1856. BAGGING, Gunny, per yard, 10 o. 18 Dundee, 13 a 16 BACON ... .Hams, per lb., 11 o 12^ Shoulders, a 10 Sides, 11 a 12* ' Hog round, 10 11 ? BUTTER.. .Goshen, per lb. none. Country, per lb. 15 a COFFEE.. .Rio, per lb. 14 Java, per lb. 18 a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 6* a 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 16 Osnaburgs, per yd. 11 a 12* FLOtJ?....Country, perbbl. $9 a $10 j Country, per sack, $4$ a $5 GRAIN Corn, per bushoi, a 100 Wheat, per bushel. $150 IRON .Swedes, per lb. 6* a 7 English, per lb. ft a ft* LARD per lb. 11 a 12 MOLASSES, Cuba, per gal. a 37* N. O., per. gal. o 50 SYRUP...." u per gal. o 02* OILS.......Lamp, per gal. $1* a $2* Train, per gal. 87* a - $1* Linseed, $1* RICE .per lb. a 8* ROPE per lb. 12* a 20 SUGARS...N. Orleans,per lb. 7 a 0 Porto liico, per lb. 9 a 10 Loaf, per lb. 12* * Crushed, per lb, 12* Refined, per lb. 10 a 12* SALT per bushel, If Salt, per sack, a 2 3ft SOAP Colgate,pale, 12* a 1ft Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 SHOT..... .per lb. 12* v8hot, per bng, a |2 J rrwe are authorized to an-1 nouncc W. F. PRINCE^ as a candidate for Sher iff at the ensuing election for that office. Sept 8. 17 to y 'Wo are authorized to announce Wni A. RKcDauicl aa u Candiduto for Clerk at the ensuing election. Feb. 2. td. "?:?y v~~~ "We lmvo been authorized to announce A V . t?Ol.m vu|f?? a.. v?? iib?9 m vuiiummtr iutoiktiff at tho next election. Oct. 27?td. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I. O. O. F. TIIG MEMBERS of Mountain Lodge, No 15, L O. O. F., ore earnestly requested to attend on Friday evening the 22d inst. Buieiness of importance will l>e brought before the Lodge. _ By order of the Noble Grand. ju 22-lt * W. 1*. McBEE, 8ec,ty. a <S>iP OTB&bW. THE BUTLER GUARDS will give their First BALL on the evening of the Fourth of July, at the Mansion House. Tickets can be obtained at S. Swandale'a, and from any of tho Junior Managers. MANAGERS.. senior. junior. Gen. Waudy Thompson, Capt. II. L. Tiiruston, " Jas. W. Harrison, Lieut. A. D. Hoke, Col. T. R. Rowland, 44 T. C. Coxr, 44 E. P. JOnra, Serg*L w. g. Long, " E. 8. Ervink, r 44 A. Isaac*, I A, Col. MoCiru.ouoH, Oorpl. V. M. Borokss, Maj. B. F. Ferry, 44 R. C. Poluam, 44 W. K. Easlky, Pri. CL T. Hammond. Greenville, June 22. 0 2 LADIES' FAIR. THE Members of th? EBENEZER SEWING SOCIETY will hold a FAIR, on Friday evening. 29th of June next, at Lester's Factory, 12 miles from Greenville C. II. Tho tables will contain a variety of substantial and fancy articles, together with CAKEH, Confectionaries and ICE CREAMS. Also, a good substantial supper of Roast Pigs, Turkeys, Hams, Chicken Salad, ?c. anvii who feel disposed to enconrago the ef-1 forte of this benevolent. Society, are requested I tob t .csent Those who come from a distance may find accommodation for their horses for a small sum,-payable to the Society. ttSTTho Greenville Band have kindly promised to attend. Doors opened at early candlelight, and NO SOONKR. nr Admittance 20cents. Children half-price, june 8 ^ , 8 td '"Tosir* asurariTsir Watchmaker and Jeweler, NEXT DOOR TO M. B. EARLE & CO., fiBL j-y. IS prepared to do work in the fi iLJltjfil,,e,t *v**snt>er on Watches, ?lock*, ^?a-'cwelry and Musical Instruments reasonable prices. He hopes, IMhri his long experience at tIn? httsineea, In tlio Wat factories of Europe, to receive a share of public patronage. Call and see him. ^Greenville, June 92. 6 tf DR. MliANE'S ~ Celebrated Liver Fills, THE most certain remedy for Biliious Fevers and all biliious oomplaints. Also, in cases of Fever and Ague, these Pilie, when taken with nninine, are productive of the most happy rceuhfci ice call thousands to witness, who have fenced th< ir benefWal effects. ! 1>?. M< UNK'sCri.EinuTi? VwuMrcw^^mHH eat worm destroyer of the age. To bflfli at I the Drug Store of E. KBOW fm\$r ? "w ?t ' Jh 0 J ? 1 Ki ' By thii l^^iUcment, n["MIAT I keep constant^ on hand a good sup? X *>ly of vnriotirwntla of Buimsuit, Crackers, Pickles,. Picalillies, CajidleS, Soaps, Coru Stareh, Ripe, Flour, Ground Coffee, (an excellent article,} Pgunay^Rnislne. Almond?, tuid lots of Cnhdtos, <te. Aotnnny oilier tilings too numerous to ineuliuu. Also, a large loi, of Toys, Fanoy Goods, and ony quantity* of Notions, at thfe Avcnu* Street CoufeetiooMy. P. S. SMITH, ju 15. '5 2t < m. ? *r ? ? ,. . AUMb aoo OltJiilU WHICH is made at the AVENUE 8TREET CONFECTIONAKY, is allowed to be an excellent article?A Xo. 1. (/nil and try Uj^tluu test its quality. SODA WATER and LEMONADE always on hand. P. S. S.M1TTE ju 15. 5 2t ' Mattress Making, &c. THE subscriber ipforums tbo public that ho , hab opened a. Bhop ia tbo second story of J, if. Poole A CoCVLivory Stable, whero h? intends carrying on, The busincs of MATTRE8S MAKER una BOLSTERER. Mattresses constantly on hand nnd inndo to order, nnd repairing done at tho shortest notice. Ho nlso engages to lay Carpets,.hang Window Bh.ideaj^ofa Tie respectfully solicits u share of public patronage. JOHN E- Fit AN KM ju 15. 6 tf Lost! Lost! A FEW days since, somewhere between the residence of Prof. Edwards, and tho New Court House, a Large Gold Desk Pen, encased in a small dark brown moroeoo case, with Ebony Jfandle. The finder will bo rewarded by leaving 11 at-this office, june 8 4 3t ' Notice. I LOUISA F. BENSON, wife of pKnnrs Bkn ^ son, who is by trade a Coftch-Mnkcr nnd a resident, of the town of Greenville, Greenville District, N. <?., hereby give notice as required by | law, that 1 will exorene tho trade and business | of n Milliner and Mautua-Makcr after one month I from this date, ns a Sole Ti nder. L. F. lifiKSON. june 8 4 lin Notice. ALL PERSONS- owing debts to tlic firm of P. N. Powers A Co., which by agreement are payable in lumber, are notified to deliver the lumt?cr"in payment, of the same by tho 1st. dnv of July next, or cash payments will lie required in ?very instance. J. J. HOT KY, by W. IL HOVEY, Ally, june 8 4 8t. , 6.DH7XCmOVA-RTy wiiklk may be koi:xi> a li. kinds ok CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, TOYS AND FANCY At Low Prices for Cash. JA &A&D3X38S' S^JIi??SSB NEATLY fitted lip, and private to tlicm (excepting when accompanied by gentlemen,) where can be obtained, at all hour* of the day and evening, ICE CREAM^EMONADIi, SODA WATER, Cnkex, Candies, &c, ARBORS nently arranged for Gentlemen. XW Every effort shall be made to give satisfaction. . P. S. SMITH, jn l. tf Greenville, 8. C. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, "ltEFERCENCfe John A. Crawkorp, PrcaUlcnt Commercial Jlank, Joiin* Caldwell, President South Carolina Hailrood Company, Hon. Jonfr 8. PiuwroK, John Biiyce, Columbia. Morphcia A Co., IIenry Missho^n, Hon. W. F. Colcock, Charleston. inny 2ft. 2 tf The Ladies' Store IS constantly receiving addition* to the Stock of ltlack and colored Silks, Plain, bareges, Tissues, Crapes do Paris, Sewing Silk, Grenadines, and Fine Dress Goods generally. Several hundred yards Black and colored Silk warp ]Clinlly 62} eta. up. Buttons of Pearl, Bone, Silk, I ace and linen, Ac., Gimps, Fringes and Braids. A large and tasteful selection of l-'.nglisli and the very bed. American Calicoes, neat patrons and fn*t colors. 10 to 12} cts. A few light oolored Dresses of the most elegant French Organdie, Black and second mourning Lawns and Muslins, Dresses of neat small puUorn Lawns, Liluc, Green, Blue, Ac. Ac. White, Black and colored Silk Gloves, Kid and Lisle do., Long and short Black French Sewing Silk, Pic Nio Mitts, 50 cts. to $1,75. Ladies' and Misses Cotton a nd Silk Hosiery*. ? y Undoraleeves, Undcrhalf, J,nwn and Swiss ColInns Swiss and Jaconet Killing* and Flouncing#, Bonnets, Ribbons, Tabs and Wreaths, lknnbnxinca, Atipncw, Serge.#, Crapes, Florences, Ac. Labin's and Harrison's Perfumery for the Handkerchief, Cologne on drnnglit in any quantity. Crochet Cottot, Crochet Needles in wood aiid \ Efilt cases, Cornelian Ring#, Mot toes, Paper i Weights, Paper Knives, Fancy Envelopes and note Paper, and othor attrftciivc show ease article*. Uciit'* Department. There is yet n side reserved for the Gentlemen, where they may find fine and fashionable Spring lints, Summer Ucady-Mnde Clothing, desirable style* of Tu .vds, Tweed Cimitnoi?i> nud Cnsbiut rctsi White and Fancy Mnrscilcs Yestings, Slate, Brown, Cheeked nod Striped Linen Drills and Coatings, fine Boots, fancy patent leather Shoes,Striped and White Cotton and Silk hulfl Hoes, Gloves, Suspender*, &e. Ac. W. II. 1I0YKY. may 18. r>3 tf The XJndershmod HK^VE JUST RECEIVED rt?d have for sale Baker's Broma or Cocon, Chocolate,Cooped Gellatine, French do., Avrokr Root, MtorttsI kinds, Ifcnkcl'n Fnriftn, Flavoring Extracts, I/cinon, Peach, Ac., liny Water, Congress Water, Halad Oil, French Blacking. Leather Preservative, Perfumery, Colognes, Labia's Extracts, Ac., <ko. M. B, EARLE- $ CO. May 1?. 1 , * 4 Baron. oa a a Ibb prime BACON Inst ree?jg<l e J* "" "" / on Consignment, for Hal? for Owi at 11 cento, hy CRlTTENI>RN<*^JtN*R/ 8irW> are anth^uBp^aaKAVID HOKE for n villa District at th<HewHng'ttee4l fcr^S5Bdfe?, ?D8?N WJI. HAYN K a candidate at thcemtiog Election. , , 5 * > ' > V t ^2 'gjk "V Wu Tilj: iiEGrLA^K,,;^^T~ in theirIlnjl. W.R MS&$OnTttoiy, Greenville. Jan. 13 /^V I jrtg^-i SOUS OP SSfflPEIl A !fCF. '|8 ??<lR*ixx-itr.vI>iv*iov, X.x 19, S. of T., : hold thou meetings weekly, at th > Division Ttooui, Saturday evening*. C. M. Mo] UN KINS, R. 6). Jnnnory 12 85 f ?Z3? <13* E5->" TBT1? YOU are requested to meet ut tlio DKUion Room of the Rous of Temnfcrnnco until further orders. Mooting?Friday Evenings. By order of W. P. Price, \Y.\ IV. January 12. 85 tf DRTJO- B70RB AN? 'APOTHECARY mm, GREENVILLE, S. C. ?3* MLIlTLJTTinMj DEALER IN bTVlUGy, MEDICINES^ HUUGICAL, INPTRUJL/ menu, Paints, Dye Stutf*, Varnishes, l'ntty, Tobacco, Scpnrs^Siiirit GrtP. Oils, Cuiidles, Soups, Spiers, Brushes, Toilet Articles Combs, Perfumery, et<5v Fresh nnd pure Drugs warranted ftud sold at low price** May 4. 51 tf NEW SPRING GOOES. rpHE Sl.'BflrRIBEBS are just receiving Now A Supplies of STAPLE an3 FANCY GOODS, silnptea to the season, and which they will sell low to Cash and Pro.npt I my or?; preferring that other* would not buy them, fluty consist in port of A variety of Drew Goods, ?*3^ Bonnets and Ribbons, Lftdic'n and Misses Shoes, Coatings, Vesting* and Pants Stalls, Gent's Rammer and Silk llats, Table and Pookct Cutlery, With a fall assortment, of (IROCF.flTES and CROCKER Y WARE', and other articles in our line. . CKIT1T.NDKX & TIJRNEU. ppr 20, 4V -tf Take rVolaeeALT. PERSONS indebted to the Subscribers by Note or Book Account, up to January 185&, are earnestly requested to eali and make payment, us they urgently need the money due the in. ClHTTHXpLN A TUB NEIL apr 20. ' 49 tf TuRlilSoW iiotel7 Atj*. BY 1). THOMPSON SI.US, Corner of jSiljyRiehardson and Laurel-streets, Columbia, S. C. Omnibus Fare 23 cents, jan. 12 tf To the Public. ASHEVILLE HOTEL. THE aulicoriher, having taken charge of j^thiadioLl, intlift west end <>f Main street, in irville, N. C., lately occupied bv John Ukyjjot.ns, is \ repared to nceommodato bis old friends and the public generally, with everything neoce sury 10 uicir eouuori u ring tucir stay with lurn. lie hopes from his long experience in tlie business, to be able to give sot; fuel ion to all. 71LU WAESffiT* shall be furnished with the beet the country nfforda. PERMANENT nnd TEMPORARY Boarder* can be accommodated upon reasonable terms. Ilo respectfully solicits n share of public patronage. " JOHN MoBUIDE. May 11. S2 tf Kxecutors' Of Valuable Town Lots, Farm, &c. BY virtue of authority given to us for that lKirjiose, under the last will and testament of Jaber. CI lire nth, deceased, wo will sell at public auction, at the Court House, Greenville, S. C\, on HnleJjiy in July next, the following REAL. ESTATE, viz: T1 e LOT situated at thtT corner of Main and Washington streets, Greenville S. O, being fiftynine and one half feet in width, by two hundred and twenty feet in depth. On this ls?t arc two tine STORE HOUSES on Main Street, r.t the j most central business point in the town> Al?o, a handsome and comfortable Dwelling on lFnshington-stroet, containing seven rooms, panlrys, Ac., large wooden nnd brick Kitchens, servants' Houses, Smoke House, Ac., ?fcc. This property will produce a yearly rent of about $700. AI.80, One LOT at the corner of Laurens and Washington streets, being one hundred feet on Wash ington street and one hundred nnd twenty feat on Lniirons-strect, On this I.ot is a largo Livery Stable, Carriage Houses, Ac. ALSO, One Lot at the corner of Enurena and Coffee streets, being one hundred feet on Coffee-street and one hundred and twenty feet on I .a tir ensstreet. On this lx>t is a neat and comfortable Dwelling and necessary Outbuildings. ALSO, One LOT at the corner of Coffee and Richardsoil-Streets, being^nne hundred feet an Coffeebtrcet and one huWIred ami twenty feet on Richardson street. A tine locution for a residence or for busiuess. + ALSO, One Lot at tlie corner of Richardson and Wash| ington-strecta, being one hundred and twenty j I feet on Richardson street nn.l one hundred fee* I ?\n \!. u jl.i tit. l.iii 'I'll... I J?. . I " ....... .."V .J opposite the Presbyterian Church, Aixl is a beautiful location for a residence. ALSO, 'One TRACT OK LAND, containing twelve acres, more or less, on UieoM Spartanburg rond, nt tln? nnper end of town, adjoining lands of Melieo. 111 lord, Duncan, Phillip*-, nnd ]>ul>lic graveyard. On this Tract is a good Tan Yard, site a pr<*?ty building site, and one of the finest springs 111,1b >< State. ^ A I.SfO, One TRACT OF LAND, containing one hnn? dred and eighty-three acres, more or Teas, on the j Spartanburg road, about two mite* from the town of Greenville, H, C., adjoining lauds of Buiat, (ireea, Jltttmtiond, Gilrrnth, el wl, ; watered by a fork of Kiehland Creek, about on<-half being well wooded land ; a pro'ty building site on the ; Spartanburg ioad. lite Tract In a very dc?ira | hie one, and would make a first rate farm which, frotn it* proximity to town, wonld be very desirable ana valuable. credit of one and two yearn, in c<|Qnl | adnnal installments, with interest from date; purchasers to give bonds with two securit ies and ; mortgage* of the premise*, to secure the payment of the purchase money. ' * ?3k p. f- httkcax, C. ?. KLKOKD, V ''' ' '1 Executors. - Hay 11. M * td ??' * T>OOK AND JOB PRINTING neatly done at 4 13 the ,7Fotei^rfse Office." I % m . ' iircAulle, &. Qjj?u 'JSTOtlico nexutu^^to F. F. ]k:AirljjjPMMSu? . y. r. Htty.] * * ^ [h. d. oooulett. January IV! 35 ' it Thompson & Easley, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, gueknv1lle c. ii., ?. c. 1854. 6' g DjaS^ULLiVAH & MOORE, B|nctualiy and promptly attend to all CALL8 IN THE LINE OFTIIKIK PROFESSION. RvtoExcK: Wart,fan, GhrtcnvilU District. l'.tKt-OiTiCE: Dunklin, " J. M. SULLiVAX.] [D. 1). MOOPwE. March 9. .43 6| Watch Tinker anil Jeweller, UNDER STERN'S HOTEL, KLEI'S nlwavs on hand Got<l and Silver tVa(i'lics. and JEWELRY of every description. Fancy Oooda and Perfumery. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry reoairafl in the best limn nor. dec, 29, 33 f ly "bounty latf d. " 160 ACRES r|",0 ATX wlio hnv? served 14 days, in any A W'nr of the United Ptatcs, since 1790. Wnrraut* obtained, and highest cssli pvioetf paid for them, Ly C. J. ELFoRI), Attorney at Law, Mil lft. <11?IX Greenville, S. C. Warrants! Warrants! VT. E. EACBEY, VTrORXKY AT LAW, is prepared with all necessary iustriietioits to procure ITount-y Land IVniTiintu umlcr the late act. of Congress, granting 100 acres to oil who may have served in any of the wars. Immediate attention given to any business of the kind entrusted to his care. March 1ft. 41 tf BOUNTY LAND CLAIMS. r|"MlE undersigned is prepared to obtain BorxJL rv Land Warrant* for those entitled to them under the late net passed by Congress, March ftd, 1865. frompt and immediate attcntion will be given to'. he prosecution of all such Claims. Olliee ue.'.t door to F. F. IIkatwk A Co. a 1>. GOOLLETT. Greenville, S. C., March 1ft. 44 8 Shaving and Hair-Dressing. BI UIIIDUE, the Barber, has re^SpffiHturried to Greenville, and taken tip his Headquarters next door to C. W. Fickle {mUM Co 'a Tailoring establishment, in Beutf f?*$Oties Brick Range, and is prepared to exeV^tfuW ov^y thing in hialinc with the finest C/?3lfftoucli. (lentlemon can have their hair cut A*B*^Sor shampooed, or faces shaved at any time p during the day or evening, Shaving done vjJSsy by the month oil reasonable terms. Greenville, Match 1C, 4t tf Tho State of South Carolina. GREEN V1LEE 1USTUICT. I.N EtJI'ITV. IlendrickT Arnold vs. James McCullongh, eL nl. ?Bill for partition of Real l'isifttc, Ac., Young A Elfoud, Complainant's Solicitor. IT appearing to my sal isfaetion, tliht Lewis Arnold, one of the defendants to the ubove Bill of Qomplnint, resides without t.he limits of this State, It it, therefore, ordered that the said Lewis Arnold do appear and plead, answer or demur to the said Bill of Complaint, within throe months from this date, or his consentto the same will be token pro confetso. S. A. TOWNER r. e. c. d. Commissioner's Office, Greenville, 8. CI, April 5th, 1855. aj>r C, 8m The Stato of South Carolina, GKEEN VILEE DISTRICT. IN EQI1IT1. A. R. MeDavid, et, al., vs. Mrs. Susannah MeDavid, eL nl.?Bill for Specific performances, Ac., Young A Enronr>, Complainant's Solicitor. | T TfttiMenrintr to mv satisfaction, fhnt "NVilliutn ! .JL .T. MoDavid, and John 11. Graham nnd Noni>v ( Ij. Graham hi* wife, who niv defend an to to the above Bill of Complaint, reside without the limit* of this State. ]? is, therefore, ordered t hat the ani<l absent defendants do appear and plead, answer or demur to the said Bill of Complaint, within three months from this date, or their eonsent to the same will bo tak5n pro eonfesno. S. A. T0WNK8, r, k. o, I>. Commissioner's OAice, Greenville, & C\, April 5th, 1855. npr G, 3in The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IJV KQIJ1TV. A. R. MeDnvid, et. nl? vs. Mrs. Susannah McDnvid, et. nl.?Bill for Partition of Heal Estate, Yol'.n'o <t Ei.kord, Complainant's Solicitor. I T appearing to my satisfaction, that, William . J. MeDnvid, and .Tolin B. Graham and Naney L. Graham his wife, who ore defendants to the above Bill of Complaint, reside without the limits of this State. It is, therefore, ordered that, the said absent defendants do appear and plead, answer or demur to the sain B;ll of Complaint, within three month-' from this date, or their nonsent to the same will be till. en pro roi'fcsso. o A. FbWNS, o. k. e*. D. | Commissioner's Ofiico, Greenville, S. (1, April Ctii, 1S55. npr G, 8ni The Stale or South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In tlt? Court of Ordinary. Ex parte SMnev Butler, Administratrix of William Butler, deceased.? Petition for final Settle incut. IT appearing to my satisfaction that certain Itrxt of kin to the Intestate, whose names are unknown to me. reside without the limits of this Htnte: It is t herefore. ordered, that all au<! singular the next of kin of the said William Boiler, deceased, lot< Planter of GrefflSvlTTe District, olio are entitled to a distributive share of hie personal estate, do anpoar at my < tfflcc on or before the 3rd day of August next, and object to the final settlement of his said personal estate, or their consent to the same will he entered of record. ROBERT MoKAY. 0. G. D. Ordinary's Office, April 80, 18.55. May 4. 51 3tu IVotiff. A LI. person. Indebted to PHILIP N. POW .a V. RliK dooeaaed, (indivi.luail v,) aro notified to make immediate payment; anil those having demands against tbc said deceased, to present them for pnvment to tbc subscriber. 1 C; J. FXFORP, Adm'r. may 11 58 if ^ nw a wtrilf ? " 1 TO? BHflftFBXBS' . 'W Book and Job Printing-" "9 ^CTi?UttrtlE*T/? J| HAVING A FINK Si;LECilbN OF :M WB abb prepared to DO WORK 1 aas isykSJ??S5?a .?**&&, 1 CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES, HAND-BILLS, WAV- J BILLS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, &C. 1 PRINTED WITH DESPATCH. I . 1 China. Satin Enamel, Satin Surface and | Plain and Colored Cards, I ilpoi) the 7jJo$f Eobolrpble lefhjs. A tare A a^ iuii J Stoves! Stoves!! | rpHB SUBSCUIJiEUS offers to the publio X largo variety of Stoves, via: The Challenge ] and Leviathan Cooking Stores, and various >8 Air Tight Cooking Stoves, 1 OF VARIOUS KINDS. j PREMIUM COOTOTtfO KTOVPfi -M Larije and small Ovens, AIR TIG JIT PREMIUM Cooking Stoves. j PARLOR COOKING -STOVES. j Parlors, Box Stoves, Hall Stoves, for Churches, Stores, etc., together with a full Assortment of plain and Japanned Till Ware, . J TIX, COPPER, LEAD A SHEET IRON WARE, MAT A LUC ROOFING J Done in the most approved manner, with diai h T!ie Trado supplied with TIN WAIU^ at wholesale, upon the lowest terms. D. G. WEST FIELD, AGO. Greenville, S. C. npr 0, 47 tf llookN mid stationery. rpilE Subscribers nre receiving a large and vnL ried assortment of the above Articles, which tlicy oiler at low prices. A LARGE VARIETY OF CLASSICAL WORKS. An Extensive Stock of Miscellaneous lfurks. SCHOOL BOOKS, Slates, Pons, Pencils, Drawing Books, Water Colors, LLveeled Games Ac., Ac. Blank Boolvs, bound, hnlf-bound, and in paper. Foolscap, letter and Note Paper, by the ream or less. Sp\ Glasses, Pocket Compasses, Magnifiers, Ac. With a varied assort ment of other articles, to which they invito tho attention of the public. G. E. ELFORD & CO. mar. 2, 42 tf GREENVILLE HOTEL. MTHE subscriber having taken charge of this House, so lately kept by .Toiin McBuidk, nn<l once so well known as tho Kentucky Jc Tcnn- , t.vtee Inn, respectfully informs his old friends and the travelling public that lie is now prepared to entertain and Accommodate theni in becoming style, and hopes by proper management to secure their encouragement. Every attention will be given to render the stay of strangers and travellers as pleasant and agreeable as possible. . ??>?-? ??To Rrovcri. Having a fine Stablo, excellent lota, / \ an abundance of provender, nud careful ostlers, he is cnublcd to uccommodatc Drovers in the best manner, Also, eonetantlv on hand. Horses /vjra? Hacks, Carriages and 1 biggies, to liirc,58^9EE upon tlie most reasonable terms. 1'. 8. RUTLEDGE jnn. 12, 85 tf A CARD. HAVING nssocintod Col. Robkkt r. GoodLEtr with myself in the mercantile business, the said business will be carried on tinder the name and stylo of GRADY <fc GOODIJ-TT. at my old stand on the south west corner of the public sou a re. I hereby tnke occftsion to return my thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on me, and solicit a eoutimiance of the same for the new firm above referred to, feeling confident that we will be able fo give satisfaction to all who may favor us with a call. ? It is with reluctance that 1 must truly say that necessity constrains me, to notify those who are indebted to mc either by note or book account previous to 1st of January, 1855, to call and pay up. JOHN W. GRADY, January 28, 1855. oo-partitsrbhip. r|^IIE undersigned having formed n copartner- I ship under tlm name and style of GRADY A GOODLETT, and tnken the stock of Goods ftlu^ Store of John W. Gh.\i?y, will , continue the business. We hope/Q^^J ,^c5a'>y prompt attentions to merit ? continunncc of the liberal patronage heretofore given the business. Onr stock is very complete now, and preparations are making to enlarge it soon. Give us a call. JOHN W. GRADY, i + ROIVT. 1?. GOODLETT. January. 28, 1855. LAST NOTICE. A 1,T_. PERSONS indebted to O A Pinn* nn jLm. account previon* to March last., are earnestly requested to call on W. lv. Easiky and settle the same, as further indulgence cannot bo allowed. it ' J. Ik BETTst, Assignee. January 5. HI tf C A BIN E T- MAK E R'8 At ?reeitville C. II. 1M1E SKIJSCKlBhli returns his thanks for Ike . vcry liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon him, and solicits n continuance of the same. Having in his employ good and experienced Workmen feels confident of giving satisfaction. Ho has on hand a quantity of bath fine and r plain finished Furnitureojjrn/igfor sale at prieea to suit the timely''' ^"Repairing done at moderate charges AJ1 orders attended to with dispatch. Tr ?. M. MUUlW. apr Jl 48 8? Town and District Government JntnndarU.?f>r. A. B. Croon. < tr. ' >iY Warden*.?L>. G J. IT. Sro* **,?*<}.,. ? H. R. jixhwa, Jon* McPrcksov. OUtrk of the Council.?.j<?iin. Stokes. J>q. Sheriff.?k A. JJcI>am*i., r?q. (. t i OUrk of the Court.? ]>avjd IIoki , E#q. , Court of Ordinary.?Rop'r. McKay, Kwr . ***> in Equity.?Ml| 8. A. Town'