University of South Carolina Libraries
; v W T * | ** ; , <? , ^-jah ,* ilii ' '.' ' h letter wkicb ha? beauJ^iScd?to Mayor "Wood by tjio Consulate of the United States tC enstown, "I We had in tit* pacific prints notice of Ut? Po$te onfalor, and the description of tho fu^^'|o?ds;?5kor, biit'nothijg^3 thus ?fseriousattention. ft Vtrikesme tliHtaneffoTAuai stogvoould be put to tugjpnijim $y8t?g| if Gong^MhshoukUn its contemplated Wr re qnlre emigrants and passengers to prbeuro a certificate from the nearest qonsuf to- tbeir European residence, of their not being pnu.pere or convicts, but ?Mo-budied respectable , ? persons, capable of Ainppttiiur tbem&elVtoss* This could bo notffrnulished feth littlo tro!? ble and etypense to two emigrant by anbmff aion to examination by the consul. twkning lhouqiit3.'iWpH|- SW.CCt at tWllight ifourto gazeuppjfflHFi^y in all its grnndeu?-?to watcli iteeVer yarving hues; x : and the bright stars, as one^nby ono they peep from out tho azure vault of heaveu, they seem to say to weary ones of earth?be patient, all will yet bo well. Theu tho fair moon, witlfclight subducd and swoct in majesty, appears. <*> ! thorn's a hallowing influenoe steals o'er the soul as thus we gaze upon these messengers of light and lovo that , purifies the heart, subdues the harsher feelings of the ftoul; and lain we wish there . . *" were no sorrowing hoarts on earth; and then -a tho thoughts will upward turn to dwell upon more glorious scenes; for these samo orbs nil seem to say, "Th6re is-a home above?a bright eternal, home of rost?of hnppines aud love!" fll *- i Will of tub Latk Cz.viu?A holograph will?or, to follow the endorsement, the last wishes,?of tho late Emperor Nicholas, written in 1844, has been published at St. . Petersburg. The first clause is a kind of adv dress to his family. After enumerating the various kinds* of property belonging to tho Empress, his wife, tho Etnperor expresses a wish that her tyajesty shall retain for her life tho use of her apartments in the different palaces, and the cause concludes as follows: uth. 1- .... t k- ?1. auu nmui x. uci|u<;<nii iu my wiiiidrcn is to love and honor their mother; to do everything to promoto her tranquility ; to anticipate all hor wishes, and to endeavor to render her old age happy bv their devoted attentions. Never nius? they undertake anythingof importance without first asking her advice and demand itig lier maternal benediction Uk#Ritte^ Tragedies.?How many unwritten tragedies occur in a great city ? How Iiuany incidents of real life beggar in sad pathos all that is seen upon tho stage ? This -reflection was suggested by our seeing, an interesting boy begging his father to forsako evil courses and return Jto his darkened home, or at least to provide for his' needy wife and suffering children. Not one who saw that boy crying in bitterness and shame, or who belield his sister, n sweet iitrl tie, girl, hunt her father to luro him home, but felt there were mournful passages of human life, sad instances of banetul passion wrecks of generous hearts and higfy professional char actor yet unwritten.?Cincinnati Columbian. There is no newspaper editor or publisher :iin tho'world who will not fully endorse tji? - correctness of the following scrap which we t' find floating the rounds of the press: "You may insert a thousand excellent ^things in a newspaper, and never hear a word of approbation or remark from the readers, v "but j?st let a paragraph slip in (by accident . or indifference) of one or two lines that is . not in good taste, and you may bo suro of ; hearing about that to your heart's content. I Wlio would have tiiouoht it ??That the anti-Americans, after being so bon ified at the idoa, of tho formation by nativo citizens . - .of Becrot political associations in our country under the name of "Know-Nothings," and after denouncing the precedent as dangcrJK ous to the permanency of our republicanism, IB should at the same time bo active members . j| of a secret political society known as Sag NichU?originated by naturalized Gorman infidels and abolitionists, the most trouble. some class of foreigners that infest and dis tract tlio land that gavo them a homo, food, raiment and protection. Bat' such is the H fact This foreign society is being sustained and propagated throughout tho couutry by corrupt and unscrupulous politicians, who aro enemies of the American party, and are I denouncing it principally on account of its organization and its movements being secret Verily tho opposition to tire American par ty is as unscrupulous and hypocritical as it H is bitter and vindictive.?Trm American, Pulaski. Lihkbia.?The Presidential election in1 T'hoHa was hare Irthcn place on the 1st Instant President Roberta had declined a I re election. Edward J. Itoye and Stephen A. Benson were the opposii^pj^i^iatcs. tuoye, some ten years ago, wnl ft' barber at Torre Haute, Ind.. and to Liberia bocame a successful merchant at Mon-! rovia. lie .baa been a member and speakor ~<rf tho House of Representatives fif that Rc> public; was a candidate two years ago for ? the Presidency again$?. Provident Roberts, and is uow editiog an<$publishing a paper in that country, lie is said to bo a pure1 9 African, ffihson, emigrated to Liberia, when , a child. Ho is the prim^pal merchant at liassft Cdve; ban filled d^Mffico of Judge of one of tho hi^heAt colifts of Liberia, and is now vice president of tl0 Republic, llo ' is represented mra man of talent, and of great popularity. . - is?> djy ' I What $piiutualihjw has wink.?Tho New York I)AiJy New* say7f "lU (Spiritualism) track is marked by Its worksy and they are evil. It has lUled madhouses ; )> has impelled to. suicide atul Co child nmtdor ; ithaa.wea^hed licoi4?ous?m>? I and adultery ; find it bis jwtsoneslthe Imp^pincai of many ? fiupily in the Wl," 1 I ^ HHfci Ii?i|.' i;mi-i "I .iiiiwriil^i^" Jrecuville Prices j^jrrem^. COKBKOTKD WSEltLY FOR TB* BY GRA8Y 8i BOQDLETT, MERCHANTS. ?^ . ' "j*??"??* OuftHriLLt Jmmo 7. 1855. BAGGING, Gunny, per yard, .10 a 18 IDuudeo, 13 a 10 N ... JIauis, per lb., 11 a 12i l Shoulders, a 10 Sidos, 11 a 12} I lor ronmT 10 Hi fill.. .Goshen, per lb. none. Country, per lb. IS d ' COFFEE .. .Bio, per lb. 14 Java*-per lb.' 18 a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. Oi a 10 P Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 10 a 12| OR ....Couutry, perbbl. $9 a $10 Country, per sack, $4^ a $5 GRAIN.., . .Coi;n, per bushel. a 100 Wheat, per bushel, $150 IRON.......Swedes, per lb. Oi o 7 English, per lb. 5 o 5i r.ARn ?. m ?? i MA V? w. ?|A/I **/ 11 U l MOLASSES, Cuba, per gal. a 37* N.O., per. gal. a 60 SYRUP.,.." " per gal. a 02J OILS.. Lamp, per gal.. $1$ a #2| Train, per gal. 87*o |1* Linseed} ?1* RICE.. per lb. a 8* ROPE per lb. 12* a 20 SUGABS. . .N. Orleans, per lb. 7 a 9 Porto Rico, peril). 9 a 10 Loaf, per ll>. 12*. Crushed, per lb, 12* Refined, per 11). 10 o 12* SALT per bushel, $1 Salt, per sack, a 2 35 SOAP Colgate,pale, 12* o 15 Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 SnOT..... .per lb. 12* Shot, per bag, a $2 J BFWe arc militarized to announce Col. DAVID HOKE <u n candidate for Sheriff of Greenville District ntth c ensuing Election. 0TWc arc authorized to announce WM. BAYNE a candidate for Sheriff at the ensuing Election. BTWe arc authorized to announce W: F. PRINCE, as a candidate for Sher iff nf flirt nnotiln/v am ? ?- -?V WVVWVIt IUI unit Ullltl". Sept. 8. 17 to iyWo arc authorized to announce Wan A* JVIcDmiicl as n Candidate fur Clerk at the ensuing election. Feb. 2. td. ir We have been authorized to announce Capt. A. Y. Owing!) a candidate for Sheriff at the next election. Oct. 27?td. . ITEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LADIES' FAIR. yTJJjS ypmbors of th? EBENEZER SEWING 'SOOTE'IY will hold a FAIR, on Friday evening, 29th.of June next, at Lester's Factory, 12 miles j from Grecuville C. IL The tables will contaiu j | ft vnriety of substantial and fancy articles, to-! ' gether With Confection arics and ICG CREAMS. Als<va good substantial supper of Roost Figs, Turkftjr*, Hams, Cliickenj Salad, Ac. UTA11 who foe) disposed to eucourago the efforts of this benevolent Society, are requested to bo present. Those w ho eomo from a-distance may find accommodation for thoir horses for a small sum, payable to theSociety. vcarTho tirecnvillo Fund buvc kindly promised to attend. Doors opened at enrly caudlelight, ami no' boo.NER. Wfy Admittance 20 cents. Cliildron half-price. jnno 8 8 td fjOMt f Lost ! A FEW days since, somewhere between the residence of Prof. Ed words, and the New Court House, a barge Gold Desk Pen, encased iu a small dark brown morocco case, with Kl>ony Handle. The finder will bo rewarded by leaving it at this office, june 8 4 St. Notice. I LOUISA F. BENSON, wife of Periux Bb*a son, who is by trade a Coach-Maker nnd a resident' of the town of Greenville, Greenville District, S. C., hereby give notice as required by law, that I will exercise the trade and business of a Milliner and Mantua-Maker after 0110 month fram this date, as a Bole Trader. L. F. BENSON, jane 8 4 ltn ~? Notice. ALL PERSONS owing debts to the firm of P. N. Powers A Co., which by agreement arc payable in luinber, are notified to deliver the lumber in payment of the same by tho 1st day of July noxts or cash payments will be required in every instance. J. J. HOVEY, by W. IL IIOVEY, At'ty. june 8 4 St. Bnttallion Orders. Order No. ?:1 THE BATTALIONS of the 8(1 Regiment nro ordered to parade on the following days:? The 1st Battalion, on Tuesday, 19th inst: The '2d Battalion, on Thursday, 21st. inst. The commissioned and non-Commissioned Officers will asi i.i~ ,i ? r\..ui ?i wii iiiu uujo i'i iur rmu iinu inj Btrnction. Lieut. Col. McCullotigh and Major | Crittenden, will extend this order in their rcspecj tivo Battalion^ By order of Cou T. R. ROWLAND. T. L. IPoonsinc., Adjutant juno 8 4 td Notice. A hfj persona indebted to PHILIP N". PQ1V xV RRM, deceased, (individually,) arc notified to rmv^e irnmodialc payment; and tlioso having demands agaiust the aaid deceased, to .present them for payment to the subscriber. % C. J. KLFOHD, Adin'r. may 11 52 tf l. tTlevin, Auctioneer and Cbmmiuion Merchant, (soDifcwaaitin^a. <&, . REFKUCENCEHT JonJf A. CsswroRD, Pretidmt OomDttrcial Pant, Jons Cau>wbu, Prroident Sonth OitroiUtp lion. j,Jouy K i'lte ro.v, Joins ^BSsbucia k Co., ifcxar Mmskoan, Hon. Cofi-oc*, Charleston. ?- Q ' tnsyU ?' Will Pcrform at Greenville on MOND0T 1 Sth inst. rFni8 establishment Iim boon thoroughly refitX tod, at nn immense cxponso the l'ronrio tors, since their last, travelling tour. They have Krocurod a now and extensive addition of ASfIA18, young, freshly eaged, and posse wing all the characteristics and habits of their nalivo state. iV | Equestrian Director . . Mr. W. B. CARROLL. Muster of the King DR. WOGILSTON. r Clowns II. HOUGII A J. W. WAKl^ Amongst the moat conspicuous fontunes of this Superb Exhibition, are thofollowing: A now and magnificently dressed entree entitled uL "The CriiNadcw," Led by Mr. W. B. Carroll and Mad. Carroll.? The celebrated Equestrian LA PETITE MARIA, only 8 years old, Will appear in her Grand Principal Act entitled "Nymph oktiik Floating Veil." a, MR. J.' W. WARD will appear on tKrr Flying Cords, acknowledged to ho tho best in tho world. .A t.> >? ? 1-.ios1.-nt ? iuv;i|'ui UVI ujr iuuunmu vaUUVJii^, in whieh this eOmplishod artist lias won a reputation second to none. . LA PETITE MAlllA will also enter tli<v?ft#n with a full grown Hunting Leopard, verifying tlio Prophecy that tlin "lion and the lamb shall ! lie down together, and a little child shall lead them." Mr. W. B. CARROLL ?' !? great Two and Four llorse Act, carrying Jlllo Carroll in various thrilling scenes. ^ With Dr. WOOIST0N, as Master of the Ring, and HO0OH and WARD, n* Clowns, the audifoco will bo entertained with plonty of rich sayngs Without vulgarity. Tlio perfarmanaev will bo accompanied by tho American Brass Band, led by Hknky Stunuackkr, lato of the Orchestra, at tlio Academy of musie, I New York. LJsr. Admission to tlic entire doublo exhibition J 50 cents. Children and servants half price. Performance'to commoncc at 2 and 7 o'clock, P.M. Doors open half un hour previously. E. SMITH, Agent June 8 4 2t AV IHfUE-ST It EET~ G0K?1(HFX0XA&Y, 1 WIICUK MAY BE FOUND Af.L KINDS CV CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, TOYS AND FANCY At L o to P rices fa r Cash. A lEx&BDBSSS* ?Mi'D?S5f8 NEATLY titled up, and private to them (excepting when accompanied by gentlemen,) where can he obtained, at all honrs of the day and evening, ICE CREAM, LEMONADE, SODA WATER, Cakes, Camlits, &c, ARBORS neatly arranged for Gentlemen. ?$}" Every effort shall bo made to give satisfaction. P. ST SMITH, Jul. tf Greenville, S. C. Bacon. r\ /~\ /\ T Tr?i i>pr\n? n *mv i ^ I II || I MCVIVCU Ovl'v/ on Consignment, for Safe for Cash at 11 cents, l.y CHITTENDEN A TURNER, jit 1. 8 3t Notice. rI~MlE Notes and Accounts of W. U. HAWX KINS niul W. U CRAWFORD have been ploecij in my linnds for collection. Those indebted are requested to make immediate payment. S. 1). GOODLETT, * Attorney at Law. may 25. 2 6t The Ladies' Store IS constantly rocoiving Ti?l<litions to the Stock of Block and colored Silks, Pinin, Bareges, Tissues, Crapes de Paris, Sowing Silk, Grenadines, and Fine I>resa Goods generally. Several hundred yards Black and colored Sdk warp JChully 62$ eta. up. Buttons of Pearl, Bone, Silk, Lace and Linen, <te., Gimps, Fringes and Braids. A large and tasteful selection of English and the very best American Calicoes, neat patrons and fast colors, 10 to 12$ eta A few light colored Dresses of the most elegant French Organdie, Black and second mourning Lawns mal Muslins, Dresses of neat small pattern Lawns Lilac, Green, Blue, Ac. Ac. White, Black and colored 8ilk Glove*. Kid and Lisle do., Long and shork Black French Sewing Silk, Pio Nio Mitts, 80 eta to $1,75. " Ladies' and Misses Cotton and Silk Hosiery. Undcrsleere. Cnderlinlf. Lawn n?d Swiss Collars, Swiss and Jaconet. Edgings and Flosinciugs, Bonnets, Ribbons, Tabs and Wreaths, Bombazines, Alapocas, Serges. Crapes, Florences, Ac. I .tibia's and Harrison's Perfumery for the Handkerchief, C-ologno on draught in any quantity. Crochet. Cottot, Croehct Needles in wood und crilt eftHos, Cornelian Rings iMbttoes. Paper Weights, Paper Knives, Fancy Envelopes and note Ijnpcr, and other attractive show cose nr ueiea. C4en<'? Department. Ther? is yet a side reserved for the Gentlemen, where they may fin<l fine an<l fashionable Spring IInt.% Summer Ready-Made Clothing, desirable styles of Tweeds, Tweed Cassimeros nu<l Cnshmereta, White and Fancy Marseilcs Voslings, Slate, thrown, Cheeked and Striped Linen Drills' and Coatings, fine Boot*, fancy patent leather Shoes, Striped nnd White Cotton and Bilk half Iloes, Gloved, Suspenders, Ac. Ac. p W . IL IIOVEY. may 18. 68 tf The Undersigned H.W ! : JUST RECEIVED and have for sale liakar's Broma or Cocoa, Chocolate,Cooper's Gellatine. Frenah da>, Arrow Hoot, assorted kinds, llenkcl's Farina, Flavoring Extracts, Lemon, I'esch, Ah., Bay Water, Oongros* Water, SaL ad Gil, French Blacking, Leather I'resorratlve, Perfumery, Colognes, l.ubinVF.xtnipG, lie., Ae. M. E FAULK A CO. M*y 18- 1 V ' /. Im"' B*.. L-Afft . -yS\ ' ; ** mjttt TIIy in their 11 nil. * AY.*?. ^#8$? fbQmarp #tlr??nville, Jan. 12 .80 I jAw SO^IS OFTOjSBttAJrrK. ?^Uri:envillK IhviUMjt^o. 19, ft of T.^ /SJOC^hold their nicertuga weekly, nt tho 1Hvision Room, Saturday ovouiug*. Jib* O. M McJUNKlXS, It. 8. Jnim?T 12 35 | f- r~rn\Z ' j '' I" , * YOU fU'o requested to n>cot at tko Pi vision Room of tho Sons of Teibnerano* until , further orders. Mooting?Friday 'Evening* By order of W. P. Pbicic, W.'\ P.*. January 12. 85 tf DRtrc* DTor.s AMD} APBTKjEC;ARV SHOP, GREENVILLE, 8. C. <3PE3? i DEALER IN l^l&uas, medicine, mtrqtoaI* rfSTitu-i -A-V ments, faint*, 1 >yo Stuffs, Varnishes, Putty, Tobaoco, Solars, Spirit Gat*, Oil*, Candles, Soaps, Spiers, !:; u?li. Toilet Article*, Combs, Perfumery, otc^j Vr*sh nnd pure Ejrugs warranted and sold at low prices^ j J May 4.^^ 61. ^ * tf * HEW SPRING GOODS. r|^ilB jlUBSCRIBEllH ore juat recelTing New X 8yp|?llf? of STTAl'LE ana FANCY GOODS, adapted t<? the season, and which they will sell low to Ctuh and Prompt buyers; preferring that other* wop Id not buy them. They consist in part of A variety of Dress Goods, t&iT\ Bonnets and Ribbons, Ladle's and Misses Shoes, Coatings, Vesting* and Pants iStuifs, I Gent's Summer and Silk llats, Table and Pocket Cutlery, With a full assortment of (JROCER7KS and CROCKERY WARE, and other nrticles in our lino. CRITTENDEN & TURNER, apr 90j; 49 tf Take ifoticc. ALL PERSONS indebted to (lie Subscribers by Note or Book Account, up to Janunrv ! 1853, riroHarnostly requested to call and inakopayment, as thoy urgently noe?l the money duo them. CHITTENDEN it TUKN&lk opr. 20. 49 tf HARRISON'S HOTELT BY D. THOMPSON SIMS, Comer of 1 .By^i<hurdron and T.aurol-atrents, Colundiia, S. tV^Omnibus Fare 25 cents, jan. 12 tf | To the Public. ASHEVILLE HOTEL. ! ?TI1K subscriber, having; taken charge of this llotcl, in the west eijd of Main st reet, in rille, N. t\, lately occupied by John kr'F renamed to accommodate hi* old friends and the mtblid^onerally, with everything necessary tudheir comfort during their stay with him. lie hopfea from his long experience in the business, to be able- to give satisfaction to all. mm wAiaiMa shall he furnished with the best tlie country affords. PEKMA KENT and TF.M POlt AHY Boarders can be accommodated upon reasonable terms, lie respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. JOHN McBItlDK. May 11. 52 tf Eicciilor#' Sale ; Of Valuable Town Lots, Farm, &o. BY virtue of authority given to us for that purpose, under the lost will and testament, of 1 Jabez Uilreath, deceased, wo will sell at ]?ublic auction, at the Court llouse, Greenville, S. C.,on Sale-lay in July next, the following KKAL ES TATE, viz: The LOT situated net the corner of Main nnd Washington streets, Greenville 8. 0, being flft yninc and one half feel in width, by two hundred and twenty feet in depth. On this Lot are two fine STORE HOUSES on Main Street, at the most central business point in the town. Also, n handsome and comfortable Dwelling on lKnsliington-stroot, containing seven rooms, pan try a, Ac., large wooden nnd brick Kitchens, servants' Houses, Smoke House, Ax*., Ac. This property will produce a yearly rent of about $700. Atxn, One LOT at the corner of Laurens and Wash- i ington streets, being one hundred feet on Wash ington street and one hundred and twenty feet on Laurens street. On this I?otis n large I/ivery- I Stable, Carriage Houses Ac. at^O, Ono Lot at the corner of Laurens and Coffee* streets, Wing one hundred feet on Coffee-street ^ and one hundred and twenty feet on Lnttrens' street. On this Lot. is n neat and comfortable Dwelling and necessary Out buildings. also, One LOT at. tho corner of Coflfco and Richard- son-streets, being one hundred feet on Coffee streot and one hiuulred and twenty feet on ltich- J j ardson street- A finWocatiou for a residence or for business. Aiao, h One Lot nt the corner of Richardson nml Wash- * ington streets, b"ing one hundred and twenty ' feet on Richardson street and one hundred feet * on Washington'str.-et. Thin Lot is immediately opposite the Presbyterian Church, and i" a heaatiful lunation for a residence. ' aij*O, One TRACT OF LAND, oontainirtg twelve ' acrer, more or less, on the old $|>:irtnnbiirg road, at the onper end of town, adjoining lands of Mcliee, Elh?rd, Duncan, Phillips, and public graveyard, On this Tract is a good Tan Yard, site a pretty building site, and one of the finest springs J in the Statu. also, " One TRACT OF LAND, containing one hundred and eighty-three acres, more of less, on the " Spartanburg road, abouM wo miles from the town ? 01 Orccnville, S, C, adjoining lands of Ituist, Oreei, Hammond, (J drouth, ct nl, ; watered by a fork of Richland Creek, *aliout one half being c well wooded land ; a pretty building site on tho T a>artanhnrg road. The Tract is a very desira o one, and would inuko a first rate farm which, from it* proximity to town, would bo very deep 1 ruble aua valuable. ^ Turn?A credit of one and two yeans inoqual annua! installments, with interest fro in date: pnn hrt?< rs to giv? bonds with t '.vo securities ami mortgage* of the premises, to^eoure the payment of tho purohaae money. p. e. ditncan, j C. <J. ELFORD, * - KxocuU** , j, May 11. 52 td J, mX AND JOB 1'UINTIKO neatly done at ( be "Enterprise Oflifl*" J V ' ? - ? . f - - * - i I'll i ii.ii in in i mm REED AGOODLotI, Ain-'OiiDTOi me ;fo\w9 ?rcc?$;Sc, g. .\c JtS0TOffKvQ neytilaOfto F. F. BbattiB it Co. i! J. I\ IlEr.U.J " l^ r [3. D. OOODI.KTT. January 85 tf Thompson & Easley, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE C. II., S. C. J'me.88. 1801. 6 g I DRS^SUXtlVAS & MOORE, punctually ano promptly attend to all CALLS IN THE LINE OK T1IKIK PROFESSION. I> bkdkxce: Worthrtiy (frecnvilla JHttrict. : Dunklin, " ." I I. M. SULIWAN.] [D. D. MOORE. March 9. 48 *6| JOSEPM ooo^m, Watch Maker and Jeweller, UNDER STERN'S IIOTEL, KEEPS always on liawl (Jold and Silvcr Watcho^ and JEWELRY of ov- ' i-ry doacriiif ioif. Fancy Ootxls and Perfumery. Clocks, Watches nn;f Jewelry repaired in the < best manner. < dee. 20! 33 ly BOUNTY LAND. ; 100 ACRES TO ALL who have served 14 da}*i\ in any War,of the United States, sinco 1790. Warrant* ftblained, and highest yiibh prices pAid for them, by0. J. ELF0RI>, Attorney nt T.*w, Mh 10. 44-tf Greenville, 8. C. Warrants! Warrants! i VT. E- 3A0L3T, ATTORNEY AT LAW, is prepared with nil necessary instructions to procure Bounty ] Land Warrants under the Into net, of Congress, granting 100 acres to all who may have served in any of the wars. Immediate attention given to i any business of the kind entrusted to his care. March 10. 44 tf BOUNTY LAND CLAIMS. 1M1E undersigned is prepared to obtain Bounty Land W a boasts for those entitled to them under the late act passed by Congress, March 3d, 18.r>5. Prompt and immediate attention will bo given to the prosecution of all sueli Claims. Ofliec next door to F. F. Beattik A Co. 8. D. OOODLETT. Greenville, S. C., March 10. 41 8 I Shaving and Hair-Drossing. BTJRKIDGL, th? Barber, has returned to Greenville, ami takpn up his iTjisiri Headquarters next door to C. W. Iicklk Co's Tailoring establishment, in BeatAjii?lfStiea Brick-Range, and is prepared-to exeonto every thing in his lino with the finest LtW-Jtou'ck Gentlemen can have their liaireut f>f&or ehamPHO?^?or faces shaved at niiy time jHgflSf.duriiig the day or evening. Shaving done C55^/hy tlio month on reasonable terms. Greenville, March 10. 41 tf i Tho State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE I>1 STRICT.. | IIV EiiriTl'. IlondriekT Arnold va. .Tunica McCiillotigh, et. ?I. 1 ?Rill for partition of Real Estate, &c., You no j ct Ei.vord, Qoiupluinant'a Solicitor. ' TT appearing to my satisfaction, that. Lewis _ Arnold, one of the defendants to the ?l>ove Itill of Complaint, resides without the limits of this State. It is, therefore, ordered that the said Lewis Arnold do appear and plead, answer or | demur to the said Rill of Complaint, within tliroo J months from this date, or his eonsentto tho same will he taken pro cAnf>**r>. k A. TOWNES, r. k. o. n. , Coinn.fesjotior'a Office, Greenville, 8. C'.t April Mh, lSe.i. apr 0, ttin The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. JOT EQUITY. A. II. MoDavid, et. nl., vs. Mrs. Susannah MeDavid, et. al.?Rill for Specific performances, .to., Yopjto Ji Kkfoius Complainant's Solicitor. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that William . .1. McRnvid, and John R. Graham and Nancy I.. Graham his wife, who are defendants to the iiuimu diii ?>i v-ompuinir, rosiue wnuoni. 1110 limits of tliis State. It is, therefore, ordered thot the snid olwent defendants do appear and plead, answer or demur to tho said Itill of Complaint, within three months from this date, or their consent to the sumo will he taken pro confeKso. K. A. TOWN EH, c. r. o, n. Commissioner's Office, Greenville, 8. G? April 1 ith, 1855. apr tt, Sin Tho State of South Carolina, , GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IX EQUITY. A. 11. Melhivid, et. nl.. vs. Mrs. Susannah Me- , David, d nl.?Jiill for Partition of Real Estate, Yot vo <t Ki.voun, Complainant's Solicitor. I'fl appearing to mv sutisfnefion, that. William J. Me David, and John B. Graham and Nancy , U Graham his wife, who are defendants to the . ? ihove BiH of-Complaint, reside without the Hints of this State. It is, therefore, ordered that the aid absent defendants do appear and plead, ?niwer or demur to tho said Bill of Complaint, , vithin three months from this date, or their conont to tho same will be taken pro roufcMo. H. A.TOWNH, r. k.O. o. Commissioner'sDdlee, Greenville, & C., April ith, 1S05. apr ft, 3m ' " Tlic Slate ol* South Carolina, ' GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In tlie Court of Ordinary. h'r part* Sidney Bulle.r, Administratrix of William Butler, deceased.?Petition for Final del ut'tm ni. j | IT appearing to my satisfaction thateorfain next of kin to tlie Intestate, whose names ore r inknown to me, reside without, the limits of this I Itate: It is therefore, ordered, thatnll andaingu or the next of kin ofth.i said William Butler, do- j leased, late Tlniitw of Gretnffflt District; who ^ ire entitled to a distributive share of his persoud estate, do appear at my Office on or before ho 3rd day of August next, and object to tliefi- J lal sotth^ient of his said personal estate, or their lonsent. |a the same will he entered of record. ROBERT lie KAY, O. G. I>. 0 Ordinary's Office, April 80, 1856. May 4. 61 8vn Notice. A 1.1. dohts to Roberta ?V Tickle, I. II. BeneCm. diet, deceased, ftumditt A Burns, and RutNfcoA Co., remaining nrtj-at^, on the 15th Juno evt, will be sued apon wlthatit respect of pcrr>r.e and without further police, 7 ffJL 3. KLFX>RP. may IV Ul i nil, i ll-u ' i' ii wiwr - ;l rm mmvwm Book and Job Printing <e^$!ABU.SHttEHT40 ? IIAVISU A ^CTTOX OF ^ WE ARB PREPARED TO DO WORK am &&g3>seaatf sttss.s. CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES,~ HAND-BIUS, WAYBILLS, BALI TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, bC. PRINTED WITfl DESPATCH. jl China. Satin Enamel, Satin SoPfaeA AhA Plain tod Colored Cards, Upon fye Dfogi r^bolrQblc Jelrb)?OSli^ w ws a Stoves! Stoves!! THE SUBSCUIBFJW uffera to-the pnUta M large variety ofStores, viz: The Challenge unl Leviathan Cooking Stoves, and various ithcrs. ' ^ "w 4 Air Tight Cooking Stoves* OF VAIUQUK uixiks. PREMIUM COOKING STOVES, Large and small Ovens, ? AIR TIGHT PREZLittt Cooking Stores. TARLOU COOKING STOVES. Forlorn, Box Stoves, I Tall Stove*, for Clin relic*,-, Stores. il'C.. toCetller <vith n full MSiirtmunt nt |>laiu ami JepannsiT Tin Ware, TIN, COPPER, LEAD A SI1EEXHV0N WARFV M AT ALL IC R?(^F I NQ Done in the most approved manner, with dispatch. ftg?" The Trade supplied ivitli TIN WARE, nt wholesale, upon the lowest terms. D. G. WESTFIELD, ACQ. (jtrcnvillt, 8. C. apr 0, 47 vtfi Hooks and Slationcrf. rTE Rnhseribers are receiving a large and varied assortment of the above Articles, whiclfc they offer at low prices. A. LARGE VARIETY OF CLASSICAL WORKSAn Extensive Stock of Miscellaneous Works? SCHOOL BOOKS, Slates, Puns, Pencils, Drawing Rooks, Wuter Colors, Dissected Games Ac., Ac. P.Iunk Rooks, bound, halPlKmndi and" in paper. Foplscnn, letter and Note Paper, by tlio ream1 or less. Spy Glasses, Pocket Compasses, Magnifiers, Ao.With a varied assortment ofotlier articles, to* which they invite the attention at the pnhlic. G. E. ELFORD A CO. mar. 2, 42 tf GREENVILLE HOTEL. mTIIE 6iibecriber having taken charge of this House, so lately Joiix Mi-Rkidk. and once so well known nsw^TAenlwkp <t 7V?im"*src 1(is, respectfully informs his old friends end' the travelling ptihlie that he is now prepared to entertain and accommodate them in becoming ityle. and ho|>es by proper management'toisoouro their encouragement. Every attention will be?iven to render the stay of srraagsr* and travellers as pleasant and agreeable as pownblo. To Drovcrx. Having a fine Stnbk', oxcellout lohv an abundance of provender, and careful istiers, no is enabled to accommodate Droversin the best manner. [Incks, Carriages nnd lJuggies, to hir<i3?S=l@L upon tlio moat reasonable term*. P. S. JUTTLEDGR jnn. 12, 85 ' tf A card! " ! HAVING associated Col. Robkrt P. Goon-i.nrr with myself in the mercantile business, the sahl business will be carried en under the name and style of GRADY A GOODLE71T,at my old stand on tho south west corner of the public square. I !k reby take Occasion to return" n?y thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on me, and solicit a continuance of tho same for the new firm aliove referred to, feeling confident that we will he able fo givo" satisfaction to all who may favor us with a calk It. ia with reluctance that I must truly say that necessity constrains me, to notify those who are indebted to ino either by note or book account previous to 1st of January, 1855, to call and pay up. "JOHN W. GRADY, January 23, 1855. 00-PARTN2R82X?f r I'M 111 undersigned having formed a dopartner1 ship under tho name and style of GUAPY" t GOODhKTT, and taken tho stock of Goods-, ^tore of John W. Ghaut, will v T^eontinuc the business. We bope/R^J^h j!n?^by prompt attentions to merit ojsBHK ontinuanee of the lilx-i-nl natm*nn<M ;iVon tlic business. Our stock is very complete iow, niul preparations are muking to enlarge it loon. Give lis a cull. JOHN W. GRADY? kobt. r. goodlkTE Jsnunrv.23, 1855. LAST NOTICE. A LL PEKSONS indebted to O. A. IV*Uk ft** l\. account previous to March Inst, nre car ? request oil to call on W. K. Kwitt and. ottlc the tunic, as further indulgence cannot ho illowed. J. IhRrriTS, Awlgtiooi January 6. at tf C A B i N EIrM A K ER'S ?! Wf At Greenville C, II. pHE SUBSCRIBER returns his tluinks for tho L Very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed pon mm, una aoiicit* a continuance of tf?o same, laving in bis employ Rood ond experienced' Workmen fcola confident of giving ?ntinfection. lie bns on baud a qnantity of ImiIIi tine And' lain finished Furniture offering for aalo at price* t> unit the time*, rtff Repairing done at moderate charge*. AIV rdora attended to with dispatch. k m murphy: prU id* M. Town and District Government JnttndtiiU.?l>r. a. B. Crook. Il'ardrwa??1>. (K iwvinstA, J. IF. STOXta.Eaq.,II. R. iMim .Ton* MuPUImu*. Clerk of Ike Council.?John. Stokek, Esq. l</nrijf.?, A. Mel)a vi rl, Kaq. Clerk of Ik' Court.?1)ami? Hear, K?q. Court of (hT'Unory.?Ron'* McKay, Kmt. C\mmn'3sioiur ft* JBfuHp?M?V tt, A- VWn m