University of South Carolina Libraries
"I, ' 1 ' [From The Buffalo jpoitiocracy] . An Elephant's paternal Feeling and Wnttjp sw^fou drawn by, peroral ol?v ^nhanti was passing our office yesterday the following story was told, which we vouch for as true: ~*?r, * JLast season a raenmjorie visited tho village T>f Johnstown, llerkimor county.? When tiro calvacado left town it passed over a bridge which the road crossed leaving two I elephants to bring;_Up the roar. These were driven to the bridge, but wU lctftty i n own sa-1 " ^#vn/niv rtf tKn vnnn f Knir wrfnonr) nvnttQ 1 The water of the creek, which, flows througha gorge in the Blato formation, presenting at that point banks of precipitious. character and thirty feet liieffh, was low ntid by taking Across acorn held, a ford could be reached. But the proprietor of the*feorn field refused to allow his property to be so used, except on tho payment of an exorbitant sum, and this the agent of tho rftenagerie refused <to submit to. Accordingly the elephants were again driven to the bridgo, and again they refused to attempt the crossing. They would try tho structure with their great feet feel cautiously along the plank with their firoboscal fingers but each time would recoil rem. making tho dangerous experiment. At last, howovcr, goaded by the sharp, iron instrument of thoTccepcr, and accustom*ed to obedionce, they rushed on, with a scream, half of agony, half of anger. The result showed tho: prudent presience of the ipoor animals to have been correct; thoT?ridge< brdkh, and went crashing to the bottom of, the gorge, parrying with it both flic mon- j strou% beasts. On,? oflhern struck upon its tusks and shoulder, brenkiiYg tho former, and ; very badly injuring the latter; .the other was strangely enough, unhurt. Now was shown the most singular and remarkable conduct on tbepart of the brute which had escaped. Its comrade lay there, an extempore bed being provided for its comfort, while 110 temptation, 110 force, no stvantagem was sufficient to euduce the other ^to leave, and proceed avith tho main portion of the caravan, which Jin ally weut on, leaviug the woundou beast and its Companion under the chargo of their "Neper. , Day after day the suffering creatures lay there, rapidly falling, and unable to move. At the eud of three weeks, the water in the creek commenced rising, and there was danger it would overflow and drown the disabled elephant. Tho keeper desired, therefore to get up and make it walk as far as u barn near by, where it would be out of danger and could be better cared for. liut it would not stir. lie coaxed, wheddled and j acoldcd, but all to no purpose. At last, enraged, ho seized a pitchfork and was about iplungipg it into tho poor thing's flesh, when the companion wrenched the fork from his ^and, broke it in fragments and flung the pieces from it; then with eyes glaring and -every evidence of rage in its manner,'it stood over its defenceless and wounded friend as if daring tho keeper to approach, which tho man was not eo green as to do again, with cruel purpose. , Thus the injured animal lay there until it died. When satisfied that it could no longer b? of service, tho other quietly followed ^Jhe keeper aww from the spot, and shpwed *? deettb to return; If this was not roason ,in? mmgieti wun an anecuon some men .anight pattern after, wo should like to know -what to call it. The Seven Ancient Wonder3. 1. The brass Colosus of Rhodes one hundred and twenty-one feet high, built by Cyrus, A. D. 288, was twenty years in making. It stood across, the harbor of Rhodes sixty-six years, and it was then thrown by an earthquake. It was bought by a Jew .from the Saracens, who loaded nine hundred cameta with the brass. 2. The Pyramids of . Egypt. The largest of the Pyramids is four hundred and eighty-one feet high, and six hundred and ninetythree feet on the sides: its base covered eleven acres. The stones are about thirty feet j in length, and tlio layers are two hundred and eight; three hundred and sixty thousand mop were employed in its erection, which occupied them thirty years. It has now stood at least three thousand years. 3. The Aqueducts of Home, invented by - Alipus Claudius, the censor. 4. Labyrinth of Pqnlmeticus, on the banks of the Nile, containing within one continued wall, one thousand and nine houses, and 12 royal palaces, all covered with marble, and having only one entrance. The building was said to contain three thousand chambers and a hall built of Marble, adorned with .statues of tho gods. 5.- The Pharos of Alexandria, built by order of Ptolemy Philadelphia, in tho year 282 13. C* It was orccted as a light-house, and contained magnificent galleries of marble^? a large lanteru at the top, tho light of which was seen nearly a hundred miles off; mirrors of enormous sizes were fixed round the galleries, reflecting every thing on the ?ea. A common tower is now erected in its place. 6. The Wall of Dabylon, built by order of \ .Semirainis, or Nebuchadnezzar, and fini hed; in one year, by two thousand men. 54{ey j were seventy-live feet thick, and threo hunu-. red feet high, with otto hundred brazen gates. 7. The Temple of Diana, at Ephcsus, completed in the reign ofServius, the sixth King of Rome. It whs four hundred broad* ''and supported by two hundred and twenty-six marble pillars. It was two hundred years in building. mm > , ~ Jbf . , r A St. Louis paper tells a story of a die. cor.solate widower, who, on seeing tho remains ol his late wife lowered into the grave, exclaimed with team in his eye*?'Well, I've lost cows, hut I never had anything to cut me up like this.' Chatham street Shopkeeper?'Vat you buy ? Vat you bay ? Latest fashion of ; pants and coats, all of do newest materials, and weary shea p. Von't you valk eno, my dear, and try on a satin rest, only two tol(nrs?sbtay, you shall have it for von tolJar.' ** ' * * mL 3'" *J ?wp ? >: ** ^ ' -v, - k ipr. , * vja.>* * . v.#v';"-- ^ 'Huto ^Tk ,H_ ** _ * Vt ." * ????immmmmrnmma SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE. s. Oc Friday Morning, <THue 8) iSwwi AUKNTS. . ??& E. W, CARR, N*. W. cor. of Walnutand Third-at, Philadelphia, ia ouAviithori/cd Agent. W. W. WALKER, Columbia, S. C. A. M. PEDEN, Fairview P. O., Greenville Dial WM. C. BAILEY, Pleasant Grove, Greenville. We understand thnt tho Clue Ridge Rail Road will soon be completed to Pendleton. LADIES1 FAIR. We would cnll attontion to the notice ol the Fair to be givon by the ladies at Lestor's Factory on tho 29t,h inst., Tho beuevolcnt labors of this Society should be encouraged, and wo trust that many from our village will attend it. t ?* ?? THE FARMER AND PLANTER. * This sterling agricultural journal for July, has arrived. It sustains no' only its former reputation as a first class paper, bCit increases in attraction." George Seabornk, Pendleton S. C.,?$1 p'or annum in advanco. THE LADY'S BOOK. * Godev, with his accustomed promptness, has furnished us .with the July number of his invaluable Lady's Book. It is a-great pity we aienot situated like many of Godey's more fortunate cotempornries, who liaVc better-halves to share with them the beauties of his Book. For the present, in order tc i uuvv uur iiumuur uioro uigmy npprecinieu , than our limited tasto is nblo to afford, we I are compelled ',o lend it to some fair friend, who we feel confident will read it with as much pleasure as if it wero her own. % ? ELECTION IN WASHIN3T0N. By a telngraphic despatch to the Columbia papers we learn that Sam, not at all daunted by his defeat in Virginia", hassprcad himself again, and secured a'complete triumph over the foreigr.-Catholic'-administration party in Washington city. Sam may be beaten but never vanquished ! "PLACE NONf BUT AMERICANS QN GUARD." Men are frequently met with who not only refuse to listen to argument but deny every fact adduced., The aborts quotation wuicn js sain 10 iiavo ueen me language of Wellington in oocofhis orders, has boon recently denied by Professor Starks, the celebrated Biographer?that he he never mot with any such expression in anyofCicneral Washington's orders. It is a very easy thing to deny one's belief, I nt. ho w"ho docs not believe incontcstiblc pioof, tho document itself, must be "given to his idols." In 1841, tho lato General II. A. S.Dearborn, of Roxbury, transmitted to General Peter S. Smith, of Philadelphia, a copy of a manuscript in his possession relating to this matter, and the same was published in the JDaily Eayle, General Smith's paper.? It reads as fallows, and is no doubt correct, that such an order was promulgated by Washington while at Cambridge. Cambridge IIead Quakers-, ) July 17th,, 1775. J Gf.xerai. Oi.neu.?The General has groat reason to l>o disploased with tho negligence and inattention of the guard who have been placed as sentinels on the outposts^?men whose characters lie is not acquainted with. He therefore orders that for the futuro none but Natives of this Country be placed on guard as sentinels on the outposts. This order to bo considered a^anding ono, and the officers to pay obedience to it on their part. (Signed) POX, Adjt. of the Day. Countersigned Exeter, ) Pay-roll, Dorchester, f More Excitement in Kansas. A letter from Kansas to the St. Louis Republican says, the excitement consequent upon the murder of Malcolm Clark lias died away, and another has grown up m its stead. It appears that Mr. Kir by, of Jackson eounty, Mo., caruo over and located a olaiin on Marie do Seine, the south branch of the OsnrTA riior nn/1 ?M v>f UIJVI tn/iijr, V. ?? v;il VJ VJL lilliny IIJ1JC8 from Lawrence. When he had finished his cabin tlsrco men came to him and ordered hirn off, saying that no Missourian9 should settle in tliM' neighborhood. A* ho was alone and had nothing but a rifle, while they had double barrelled gtf.ns, the thought "discretion the better part of vnlo*," and left. He went to frtekson county and got soino twenty of his friends to aceompntry him and returned ;-but upon their arrival thoy found the .cabin filled and surrounded by about fifty armed men. Thinking it not prudent to attack so largo a party they returned to Missouri awbspread tbo news through the bonier counties. McjUngs were held at Weston, Liberty'and Independence, and it was resolved that Mr. Kirby should bo protected in his right, and that a foreo should be raised to nlaco and defend him in the possession of his claim. J m * & m - M ^v* ' > 6om?pofldei)ce of fte MTTEEl FROM OOhXn&lM^ p Columhia, S; C.# JuUO 6, 1^5. W. P. Prick, Edit >k of TTIE ExTCftpafiM^E,. Dear Sir:?llicro being no news St itn^portan^eAt coratnumeato at present \f? have concluded to^dopart from onr usuaflfcbutiu& and enter upon tbe discussion of ^uqject peculiarly interest^ at this timefjgfen a Roman Cathdixc ?sstrictly guidfH Jfy th< lava of WChnrrk nr.* yet t; g frite&? publican, ami a good citizen 9 is ihaflluerv upon which we offer a few remaflB. And notwithstanding Jhe "holy horror'^with which some of your readers nray doubtless t view the agitation of such a question?yet we ask them not to be alarmed or j^ouakh r us a persecutor of their fellow-citizens gf the ' Romish Church. No harm can ever be dono by calm and dispassionate discussion* of Any subicet. Wo will io this article attempt to prove that the oath of alleginnco taken by*Tfor1 eigncr of "the Romish Catholic faith.upon bis becoming a citizen of the United StnV* is. not binding upon him according t& tlip teachings of his own Church. ThisOway be news to many but it is true. Let us refer to "authorities." Pope Urban II?-who lived A. D. 1080?says: "SiitwK l&lf l>^ ' no authority constrained* to pay mo feoltywhich they have sworn toh Christian Prtjjce who oppose!^ God and liissaints." Py the term Christian is here meant Wo-. tcstant,lu contradistinction to Roman Calhhlic And if-a Catholic is absolved'from the fealty lie hath sworn to a Christian Prince, wojjdd ho not also be free from that he hath swom to a Christian Republic? Of course accordinjfto the Catholic doctrine every Protestant i??*n opposer "of God and his Saints,"-and (no expression, as tluis used,-caif bo applied to our people as well as to tliosp of any other 1 "Protestant" country. In the Pope's Canon law, wo find "an oath^ I contrary to the utility of the Church is not to 1 1 ho obsorvoil." Comment upon this is unnecessary* It leaches perjury, and inculcates that wlucu if carried -out would' destroy all law, morality, and in a word, institutional democjptro i government. In a decree of Gregory IX*, we see it Btated that "the fealty which suljects have to a-Christian King, wlio opuses God and, his Saints?(i. e. the Koman Catholics) they are not bound by any authority to perform*" This is a fit comparison to tho first extract. In Baconiou's Annals wo find the followhig language. "There can bo no doubt that *hc political jpower is subject to tliic ecclesiastical." " i$o\\ to cap the climax, jrcndpvliat is , taincd in the Bull of Pope Rixtus V. against Henry, King of Navarre. "The authority givin by St. Peter and hie j successors, by the immense powers of the I Eternal King excels tho powers of earthly j Kings and Princes * * * * * We do absolve and set free all persons as well as jointly as'severally from any such oath and j from all allegiance whatever in regard to' domain, fealty and obcflience." Thus we claim to have shown by reference a _ a 1 1? . CI w tf T? ^ tar tho poll? to ahowhi* ticket, Ail who re- J fuao to exhibit their ballots aro to bo sot down na Know, Nothings and forthwith marked 1 (i lU'subjeUa for incentive vinycance / i i $A Monr:i, Cbity??TATbcrp has nov?r , boert a conviction for murder, nor ft peraon v hanged, within the limit? of llnodolph coun- u try, N. C.t although it ift ope of the oldest com?fU*-?o * -7/ * ^ W? '?* r* . "? <ric k 'ihv VlL.. * I iv me wonts 01 reauipg itoman uauiolics, two I facts: 3 at. That oaths of allegiance arc not binding upon Members of the Catholic Church ? and that therefore foreign Roman Catholics who have become, by naturalization, citizens of these United State? arc not bound by their oaths to observe the laws thereof. 2d. That thq authority of the Pope is high above that of civil rulers. Aro not these facts significant t We qom j mend them to the perusal of all; especially, to those Editors of the present day who jjplight in extolling tho republican principles of Roman (Catholicism, and whoso pleasure it is to wage war, side by side with Jesuits, against their own American brethren. God save Republicanism and Protestautisip from such a combination of Protestant Editors and Popish Priest*. BAYARD. ? <?> . * j For th* Southern Enterprise. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. At a regular communication of Recovery Lodge, No. 31, A.*. F.\ M.\, held llio-itu j inst., tho following Preamble and Resolutions were adopted: * Whereas, it hath pleased the Great Ar-1 chitoct of the Universe to call from our midst i our late Brother. Cant. MA9BENA TAY LOR; it is proper and becoming in tho members of litis Lodge to givOHomo expression of their fooling*' at this afflicting dispensation of an All-wise Providence. Our late Brother had endeared himself to us by the possession and practice of those noble qualities and principles which adorn, in a high degree, the.character of a man and a Mason, And wo hope and trust that the still higher virtues of a Christian crowned his closing days, 'and have admitted hiin to tho blissful Lodge above not mado withWids. It adds to our grief that our late Brother has bceq summoned away at an age when manhood ia in tho prido and vigor of its strength. But whilst wc griorc tor our friend and Brother, jt become* u* to bow beneath the afflicting '.wv- Vv ***?' ' } " of thbli^ais^ Brother,Tnlasaena TOfTor, wlipae memofyjjH they will long cherish with brotherly affeo- ' fon. | RrxolveJ, That a blank page in our Mia- , ute Book jb? inscribed to hit,memory. < ^Resolved. That these ppaccedings be pub- < Ksficd in tho papers, of tjiis town, and a copy 1 furnished to the family of tho deceased, to ( whom we tender our liveliest sympathcis in j they* sad heuoavcmcnt. I KSi)(. P. TIJRPXN, Secretary. ?* * ?.< ? Death of Mr. Willis, of Barnwel^ Dis- ' trict, South Carolina. "The CineinnatiHtfazc/ft? has some further . particulars rclaifv#to Mcg^Yjp-u*. of Bhtt* . woll District; whose (foaujTwo ipticed in our ! last. It says: ^ ^ 1 "Ovej ? year since, Mrv ^Elijah "Willis, of Winston, fcarnwell District,^. C., came to . this "city and exeShtcd in the office of Jolifer <fc Giichell, a will, bequeathing to his wife^' and ber heirs, assignee, all his property, ' real and personal, to the' valuo of $150,000 | confflsting of Two>plnntations well stocked, and from forty fe fifty1 negroes. Ilis wife, 1 Mary Ann Tufrner, and children, ?ix in nurn- " lair, arc mulattoes, and were lield by Willis j asslavca* Mr: Willis agreed with A.* II. Kdw.-trd Ilarwiiod, and John Jolififc, wnojrn *!$$ made his. executors, that they should be manumitted, and that the executors mijfht dispose of the remainder of his slaves at his death as thoy deemed host.? Mr.-Wjllis returned to his plantation. "On.'Tuesdayonorning.he arrived from' the South on thfe Jacob Strnder, with his wife, her mother, and six children. After securing iWnck to convey the family Up to tho Dumas llouso> Mr. Willis with a daughter held by each" hand, approached tho carriage, and was in tho act of stepping in, when he wa|||cized with a palpitation of the heart, to which be.was subject, and falling backward, expired in alfcnit five minutes.. Mr. Willis was about sixty years cr age, a very respectable old gentleman, and has been mar ried to Mary Ann nbout'thirteen years, and always manifested towards her and the children a warm affection. "lie left home about fionr weeks ago to come to this State, free htft, fahiily from slavery and provide will! comfortable finises on freesqil. Having dono this,"it was his intention to return to South Carolina, settle jgp his affairs, and livo the remainder of his 'life free from all care and anxiety. If the Kvill is sustained, it is supposed each of theslaves will obtain #25,000 or 130,000." A 'Whig Concern?ov Courbk.?The Know Nothings of Mississippi havo made the foBowings nominations: \ TKor Govenior, Gen..& D. Fontaine, of I'on to toe County. ForSecretary of Stato, ^V. G.lJorne, of Clarke County. For Audi-. tor. L. Swnnn. of Hinds counfv. For - - - - , Treasurer, Col Stith, of Marshall cotintv.? j For judge High Court, C. P. Smith,of \Vilk- | i?9on. For Clerk Chancory Court, J. C. Caipenter, of city of Jackson. D. B. Nabors for Congress, in tho Holly Springs district, ( I Lock E. Houston for Congress, in the Aber- , doen district. W. A. knte. for'Congress, in j the Vickhburg district. Hiram Cassidy for , Cohgrcss, in tho Natchez district. , If this be true, says the Vicksbnrg Whiff, j tho Democrats have tho lion'* share, audit ' cannot bo said that Know-Nothingism is a j Whig trick, for Gen. Fontaine is a State e Iligbw Democrat, of the QuiUnan and Mis- , sipian school ; Swnnn is a Union Democrat; Mr. Carpenter is also a Union Democrat, leaving Col. Stith.aud llorno the only Whigs on the state ticket. Judgo Smith is also a Democrat; so also nrar Nabors, Houston and Cassidy. Mr. Cassidy was the Democratic ( leader and Speaker of the^pst House of Hop- j I resentatives. ( Be it Known* Tni: American Democratic Party does not > that cognisance of any man's religious opin- ' ions, as between his Creator and lied corner, t and can do honor to foreigners?as Mont- | gomery, Dc La Favctto, Carroll?as they can | [ and do rate dishonorably, Americans and j Protestants, who like Arnold, would saeri- | fico republicanism to monarchical principles and despotism. ? ] .The war waged by the American Domo- { eratic party, is not against such men as Lu- ( ther and Do Kalb. To quote such oharac \ i tors ns these for prnmnU r*f < w vi ??nv mju n iit^l J tho American I>emocratic party is opposed < to, is either tho result of iguoranco, or iqten- j tion to humbug tho credulous by a gross | logical fraud, fhoeo editors who are at the } head of tho Sag ^'ichts Doraooracy, political- ( ly consort with men who hold the anti-re- \ j publican doctrines laid down .by Prownson, t I and other exponents Political iComanistrr, j can have no just claims to companionship I with Montgomery, Carroll, Lafayetto and ( I Do Kalb, whose whole lives, no Jess than j their revolutionary services, made each' ono ( tho antipode of the Protestant American j traitor, Arnold, and tho "cow. boys" general- , ly, all over the continent:-?Nashville Oa- j ZCttfi. j ax Inkamocb Olttuaok Contempi.atkd. * ?l'he corrupt Pierco and FornCjr adminis- { J rat ion leaders in Wa^hingt^n, in order to ( control tho rotes of tho clerks and others in { tho employ of |he General Government, have ( decided to "rcaUCJtt" nvorv vr?i*r m ' " 1! ILJ , I K J-!LL-U g A CfltlOUO Pat*** Yw th# WATCI House.?The Chicago Journal of the fc6t KfrL,the following account of ono < Mfeflbly Vathere" getting on a spree, an BHrrato the vfcfch house, in Chicago, laj night. It appear* *$jli tlie Fathj Oonfessort^jp nafegbove testation, dp ?omet itries nQ froapwheir assumed virtuoim purity, as well as other people :?TnVftei Cavanaugh lost evening wrapped ry of his soiled robe about hwn, laB 1 reams in the sawduat of the sEpOta* 1 runk, very nnmaufEand eert?k?h^K^"' pri \-jtly drunk, lie made a the Matteaon House about 1 l o chB|ilj aianding a room, and after beingnBgi from that hotel, he took a zigzag couBjg the Tremont, whfro he made himself ous and noisy-; and having tasked bearanco of the clerks to the Utmost, hfll taken in charge by offi<$ffe &oyes and^B vin, who offered to accompany him to ffl place in the city. He was still disorder! m< 1 Ugly, and was finally locked up, am paid $10 and costs, or $13,50 for h'8 spre< The punishment and exposure will prov mlutary. . ????.Greeley Rejoicino oyer. run Result i ViHjQIMA.?As anticipated, the Abolitionist of the North aro manifesting tlie profoundes lelight at the defeat of the American part in Virginia. Whv is that? Whv shout Lhe enemies of the South rejoice over in success of Mr. Wise and the prostration of th Know-Nothings? Is there a reason furtliei exultation! If so what is it? Oan% h because they coqjuder the result in Virgin? as a triumph fortne South ? No sane ma will so aflirm. What is it then ? Is it nc because they regard the overthrow of th Ivnow-Notliings as a substantial victory fo themselves?for the foes of tho Constitution the Union and the'Southf Such undouhl eilly is the reason of their rejoicing, and th only reason. Thus is all Abolitionism i ecstacios because tfio Know-Nothings ar beat and Wise is elected. And yet, tho En quirer of yesterday proclaims in jubilar tones that "patriots in all portions of th country are rejoiciMrover tho result iu Vii ginia"! Wo ask, uoes our neighbor cousic or Grecly a 4,patriot"l If not, will ho hav tho goodness to tell us why Greeley, " th groat arch enemy of tho South, is rejoicip over the result in Virginia'*??Richmon Wkig- * ,?, _ Dbbperate Battle Bbtwekx the Arab and Pkhsians.?Wo have bocn putin session of sho following particulars, says th Calcutta Morning Clironiele, regarding desperate battlo botween tho Arabs and Pci siAns at Bunder Abbasj and the rc-^ukin, of that place by the Persinns. About tli beginning of last month a Persian fore* consisting of 15,000 horsemen, with six gun ind two mortars arrived beforo Bunder Al bas, when they commenced shelling th place, which lasted for two days-and night* on the third day the trarrison. consisting c - w ' o only 17000 incn, met the Porsians aftn gates, and a hand to hand engagement will swords took placo, which lasted for seven hours: but being overpowered by number die remnant of tho Arab foreo took to tlioi boats, and made for tbe man-of-war-belong ing to the Imaum of Muscat; tho Aral lostiu killed and wounded about l,4t>0 mer whilst the Persians dost about 4,00. Th \rab9 were commanded by Synd Twcntj ?ldost son of the Imaum. The young mai ,vas so mortified with tho defeat, that he rt 'used to return to-Muscat, though repeated 1 rrged to do so bylris Xaflatt. Ike is detoi nincd to hazard another battle-$eforo final y giving up Bundor Abb?^fne Persian! I'he Imaum is also said (o bo mustering urge force, which he will conmmnd in pei ion, so wo may shortly Expect to hmr c mother engagement. Romance and Rascality.?A year c Iwo sincooneof our most respectable clergj men was muhicted in tbe fine and costs fo uniting in marriage minora contrary to th statute?the parties themselves ueccivinj the clergyman when asked by him relativ to their age. Tho matter lingered long ii 5ur County and the Supreme Court#, until i iH ronf .vl /\am/>*'1 - -- -1 ? mi Luiuiunauiu uuiuricty. i 116 8AIH parties were before his honor the Mayor, 01 fucsday, tho wife making complaint of dc sertion against tho husbaud. It appear hat the gay Don Juan had formed an at Aehment for a "factory girl," which beinj eciprocatcd, lie neglected Ins first love fo die second. The first love and the lawful wife, not re iahing this foaturo of Mormon discipline an< with, appealed to the law, on hearing whicl Jie guilty parties made immcdiato prepars ions for their departure. They .were to< ate, however, fbr "the wagonthe eagle >yed police had ferreted out thoir whore ibouts, and immediately introduced (hem t< ho Mavor, who seut tho girl to her home uul held the erting hut not contrite husbani o bail for bis good behavior to all mankim n general and his wife in particular.?J*an '.atter (Pa.) Examiner. f~X? ?I Tuub.?The New York Evening Mirro >f Saturday says: do far as we can judg* ne nnow Nothing, or American party, i minently national in iU principles and it la purposes. In fact, our only hope for tin mlvation, who aro determined to "know n< S'orih, no South, no Kast, no West?noth ng but our country and our whole couutry.1 >ur Southern cotemporaries should learn l< Incriminate between their enemies and the! friends. The Know Nothings havo yet tf ight the battle of the tJnion against Aboli ionium, in all its forms And under all ib hampions. Mark tlmt. ~ *"Tom, what aro you laughing at?" said-i nothcr lo her son, who was rising greatnesi Uolf, as he sat shaking his sides. "Noth ng," roared Torn. "Nothing?" exclaim* he; "Thomas, my eon, I did not think yoi rere ho foolUU a* to laugh nt nothing Why, mother, I couldn't tjiink of unytlM^ o laugh ?o I langhod cause I duM not.1 - rrn gJSpSW _ j -W ? M .. - I" ***? ? ^ ? . I 1 d Advice oY 'Old Inhabitants. ; * I >fc 1. Pxtroniztivom own traders and me- I |L chanics. ThisflWoincf ftg y?fe would be done 1 I ; and is building up tWjjfcwn you live in. ? ^ 2. Pay your'^cbts.fiqthat oth<^ can pay vVll,Kl'* you^know, for stealing | t^^^HPPpAir child,-n Constantino Rcbool; J and then yourself to see: what . II SLy-y Keep all neat and clean about your & I gffiffliMjng; for cleanness you \now is the ^B^Swaid ofjtaplth jjtf cousin of *SaR* isAi; ?T 7. Avbidfeandal.fipthis is a pest to any/ W*r ? community. f 3. Bo nberajinji|rapoct to overy laudn- j v ble enterprise hSHLo good book says,'tlio1 0 liberal soul (fludMSK^do fat.' A. P. Ecnpt^jjjOur flqnor bottles, for y?u w yp. i have already forked over quito enough for. ' .v* '* N them. ' ^ * 10. Visit the sick, tlio widow, and the lt fatherless; for this is onc pnrtof thpreligion ^ V wliirli ?? S?IM onil niu)aHl<ut ' * V ; %' ^1 11. Keep your children ?n at night, for f 0 the evening air is bad foe them; and final- * ; e iy, r 12. Feed your mind as well as jtour body ;. t, 6 for that you know must'go into the scalp * last. y ?t A Mayor's Comalaint B?fex.?The OT*- j e lowing is n fair sample of some of the com- - * r plair.t* entered upon the famous complaint" * i, book of Mayor Wood, of New York; y "Dear Mr. Mayor,?Maria, who lives in>. e Catharine, near Front street, takes . so long : n to curl her hair in the evening', that her e bed-fellow (myself) is kept awako nearly all - % i- the night. I do not know whether she gets it up in the night to look at her'curls or not;., e but I do know that she deprives me of my ^ - sleep. If you will attend to this before warm I- weather sets in, I will be much obliged and e over thankfnl to you. Yours affectionately,., e . * "Louisa." if Tub Infant Esau "In Town."?Madame Clofullia, the bearded lady, has again come <N to town* and her fulP length portrait is onco s more one of the - gratuitous* attractions of % A . . i- Itanium's Museum. At the present l^ne, o howover, she comes attended bv her hirsute a son, the "iufunt Esau," aaho is called in the r- bills. g This young man whose tender ago?not 2 e years?does not permit him to resign his pet?, (coats, has such a luxurianooof beard, tliat s not content witji covering the entire faco,. > with the exception of the nose and unner lin. o it settles all over his neck, hack, and arms, i; What is singular is that the beard is flaxen, if while the down of the other parts of the e child*Srpcrson is jet black. The growth on Ij the top of the head is long and of a light d brown color, and, saving the whiskers, tho 4 ), child is a prctyono, aHWbugh its beauty isr by no means of that sort which draws us by a single hair.?E. Y. Evening Post. b Too Good.?The Northampton Gazette 0 tells tho following: r? "A friend of ours glorias in a ray of eun1 shine?a little girigr attSfrright, lively little. * prattler, scarcely tpwe years old. She has re* Y cently lost a younger sister by death, and the "* remark so common on such occasions,- that l- ^ was too good for earth and God took J- her,' was made in her hearing. A fow days a since, her mother having occasion to rCprove her for some misdemeanor, told her she must bo good; she replied, 'if I am too good, mamma, God will t&ko mo away as he did little Katy." T u A Sell.?The City Marshal of Bangor, >i Maino, seeing a man drinking something o out of a bottle, offorcd him three dollars to tcdl gr him whero ho got it. The money was paid c over and pocketed, and the Marshal was n shown to tuo pump. Tho bottlo contained t water. e The Springfield Republican says the 1 know nothing who would not use tho word * Patriot, becauso it began with pat, has con* eluded to emigrate somewhere, because he \ has at length found oat that ^^ancrican was ? discovered by a cussed forcispaer. "Nirarod, can you tell yho was the first i- man "Adam Somel>ody. His father . i wasn't nobody, and he never had a mother, & i on account of the scarcity of wtfmen and the f pressure of tho times.'' 3 There are now published in Cmcinati 10. daily and 20 weekly' papers, If monthly ^ periodicals, and 3 quarterly inngizines; with. 3 over two hundred literary gentlemen attachi ed to them. j| PALI, IW FLOHA?b, reporleu . ^ ; J * Botr.o of our exchanges that Flour hna declined in New < )rlean? in the past two weeks ^ one dolltit and a half to two dollars per bar-, r remand the indications are that it will got i, down still farther. ?Sj?1 ^ * "PUT Nox*Pi T Amkbicanb oj* Qitakd." 9 The Cincinnati 27 m/#, in speaking of tho fj|Pi above C"' station, whicn hHI always been attributed to General Washington, says : n Tut none but Americana on gptrJ at 5 night; that is to say when peculia* danger threatens, trust none but Americans with the power indispensable to self praKfvat'Q"This order of General Washir.firUuHPfednted . July 7, 177a, at Cambridg?"?*8^nrter?% K0f reads thus: "For the ftiturgi P? wan hall ha appointed to tb^tMrtwi?onti,K!!4 at the outponts) who O hot a natiTe of this country." . Thus tho order was a standing * one, not special, which ifiakea the caso the - stranger. * 1 An oxpDricoeotl womrtrftwaertft, that 1 when men' brook their hearty it ift oil thc^juie qfljAon o lotttttir breaks off t one another bhmedift^ly a?d ^r^SpS ita plaoMProutm#, - * .. '