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-I* - '***$#. : TOie'j's atamans, ; For the Southern enterprise. . LINES Vfritten on hearing of the Death of my sister. BY a V7. H ! I iS&vfc-x, i i "V Art thou hsppy now, my tat err i Dwellest thou in realm* of light? Wearcst thou a crown of glory, I < ^ . Ami a iobc of spotless white f ' 1 Docs the Saviour smile upon tlicc? Pwellest thou around Ilia throne, j Where joy and ponce abideth, And sorrow is unknown? OW r? - - i Joincst thou the happy angels, Whoa they strike their harps and sing A song of endless praises, To Heaven's otcrnul King? Thou 6aidst in thy last moments: "I can stem the swelling tide?" ( * Oh! we trust Death gained no triumph, When he claimed thee for a bride. Wo trust that thou art happy ; But our hearts nre filled with gloom, That death^a* thus bereft its, And borne thee to the tomb. But we hope again to greet, thee, ,j . When from thoshore of Time, Our spirit, freed, departcth, To dwell'nn heavenly clime. 1 There, sister, may we meet thee. And "know as we arc known," 7 Meet* never to l>c parted, Around our Father's throne. Orfcni'illr, S. C., Jpri\ 1S55. *wHMnts ait Cimratimi: ? - - From "Throe Hour.4 School a Day. Education. Repugnance to -School.? There is almost unfveival j'tyi/ynaiice tone/tool. Its chief attraction is the play it gives ! their 9o<Jial nature out uf doors.?; Whatever day occurs on which '.'school doos/r-not keep," is regarded as the I choicest on tlio calendar, mid hailed with a delight as unmixed as it is unbounded. On the contrary, was their school work kept within the limits c?f what might, be termed their school power For the day, wero they to lie j kept wide awake and at work as briskly as so many hoes every moment while ! in school (and so 'they could and would work, if their energies were fresh, and there was a prospect ahead for rest and play, and if the teacher, too were active, and alive, and energetic, andj playful in spiritj as then he might bc)j ?if these things were true, the children ; would regard the school as one of tin ir j chief est delights. They would attend; with alacrity and regularity?ay for the love of it, u& variety and relaxation. < Tiie Secret of Successful Study.? , Adopt the plan hero proposed?three . hours a day, with two luloeiwninutc , recesses taken out of it?one at the , end of the first hour, and one at the!; end of the next, three-quarters of an ( hour, to ventilate the room and the! Inrtgs of the scholars, and teachers, and I to give the circulation impetus'for tin ' next hour of motionless work?I say. t adopt this policy, and the children will j rush with delight to the school?ay, i ^ with the same inexpressible joy with1 a?uch they now rush from L1 Audi .pBat an advantage we thus secure!?( The very vitality of education! l^or 1; that intellectual labor alone ichi dt /.v1.' 0V>7 //? / /?>)//- J// /,/?/> .. ./ 7. i/wvt?viAVf y M./IW ?" v/ / UHW^ #>t / t if'jtil j to the mind'?a!one odd * to *tore#\\ of mcrtioeu. It is only when the mind , atfts voluntarily, that it posses*-1* en -r- * gy. Every body knows tl i<. J I!.- , own experience, not hooks, is every!, one's teacher for this, f'nlexs the!, tnind so act, how can it strike out new or bold paths of thought ami invesfiga- j tion, and preservhigly follow them?? And in gaining a knowledge of facts, j as in spelling, reading, geography, his- , tory, etc., the same law prevails.? j Their acquisition depends oti^jnemory. . Attention is tho secret of rfiemory.? |, Interest is the secret of attention. In * 1 crest is impulse; and impulses arc voluntary, or individual. School and Labor.?Ts it not of thej ?rst importance that, growing with' wio growlli of the child and youth should bo incorporated in the mind the ! idea that he or she is responsible for.J something for his or her own immediate welfare, and for the immediate; welfare of others ? Three hours school : a day furnishes precisely the onportq11% tor this. Jt fii.iides the ! . or j girl to do something in the wny^^H manual labor e^vry day, which .dnipfl lie of value to the family. Leahxino a Trade.?If yon have no M occupation for the bov, he can go in : 1 the afternoon beV-arning a trade, i and you can allow him to have his own earmpgs, and lot him expend them, 1 under the eye of hi* parents, for a li-. i brary of his own, musical instruments, | musical instruction, etc. Let the boy be hardening hfe Vriuacles and teaming a trade at the -sinnc tiu^c. It is not j possible to estimate the value of that [ trade to hia body and to his manhood, i Does he become a preacher 1 .Neither j the congregation, nor prcsl>yter{ef>, nor synods, nor general ngsointifteft, dictatej to Ins soul w hat it shall beli^vl or not believe- -what it shall utter or not nt-Ijer. He can snap his fingers in their * > " : ,* n V ~s > ,'ML k&m ,1 , ?y?? hccs, and go on his way rojoicing? wHk has a TBADp i?\ A lawyer?made si inch by a machine system and a sheepkin?ho can cinit with honor and go t] o liis trade, when he fmde nature did v lot design him for the profession "of e ivhieh he has the honor to be ari/tcui- r >er," instead of draggiilg out irirtTalifc t >f dishonor for tbo sake of bread, asj$o u nany do! ij A Most Important Spgoktion.?It is the dost iu}', as it ever will be, of the 0 large majority of thoeo who till our ] public sehodls, to earn their living by ,, manual labor. The system has been,} j and now is, to press school attendance, I j and "Jinifih the education of the child ; ?as this steam process is so aptly i A terilncd?r.r.i OKK the period at which !, J j.1 / . . 7 . . : ^ r ii< wsunmuj oj a rruac, or entering I on the practical vocation of Ifis com- J menccJ. Instead of that, scrrool at-' tendance, where practicable and it; ought to bo made so, in all eases? | should be continued to 21 years of age. I On the plan now pursued, this can not be. --<L - .f? 111 - - 1 1 1. J " cam _ | How Widder "Wcstbrcok "took tho Sheriff." I ?? A - r BY JOHNSON J. IIOOPEK, ESQ. Somh years since, professional business tjnvw me into the company, for a long day's ride thro' a dreary pinei woods country in an eastern county, j with Mr. Stubbs, its Sheriff By tfiej middle,of the afternoon, we had ex-! Uausted, as subjects of conversation the particular attachment ease, which brought us' together, the political condition of the country, the prospects of the growing crop, and several matters of personal history. In fact, wo had run out w hen suddenly Mr. Stubbs' eye flushed, and a smile flittered across his Hps as he remarked? "1 haven't told you, 'Sqpiire, I bel!ni-A I.A." T 1- ! uv> .1 i u niiiiLu Mirvin rue i first process," (the fslieriif was not a J. learned man, and occasionally did mis- | place the accent.) "that overcome into; 1 my hands/' j.l "Xo, lei's have it," 1 replied turning s half round in the saddle ; "it cost you ! some money, did it?vonr mistake?" !<; " Ah," ho ejaculated with a sigh, "it t cost a heap?a heap /" I This was said with iho air of much / suffering, and J told him, if it awaken-! cd painful emotions, he must not think i of opening the old wound, merely for \ my entertainment. - * J t "It's all over now,/ he said, "and I ii don't mind tell in' it." L don't know ) a how it was but just r.t this moment, 1 s caught sight of a shady fold of crape a wound his hat and I could not iociaiting it with the sign, the lugnbri-j uis oxpiv cion and the "snrvin of I lie a irst process." Aiiet that, we shall j L conntl.!.,. - 1 ?' w , . . S.VI IV. Hiiiij; J.'I v.^villi I). I It ^[i>Stubbs proceeded: Jul ' I was loctt'u the first sheriff of the! J' onnty, and at that lime, there weren't <1 nore'n tluve or four hundred voters in, V t. To be snro. JLwas right proud?it tl vas rich an honor like." "This is your second term, then." i "Yea. J had to miss one term of ji arvieo, un account of the law; but v lien 1 was dohitv (deputy,) under, t! stokes, and when his time runout, last b August was two years ag?>, T was elect- y *<i again. 3int. that ain't tellin' how I !i r.?t ruinated hv that writ. Now it's I I easoiiable lo suppose, that the first of ti i thing ain't as easy to know as the s< niddleor the last. So when the law-j i ev down at town made out the first b japcr and put. it in my hands, I was i>t as bad 'unplaced as ever you see." d "What sort of a writ was it j" "Nothing* but the common sort (ca~! v >a res. J know cm now, like a l>ook. i F.f 1 had only knowedVmthen"?here} mother deep drawn sigh supplied the! place of words. j b "1 took the ulaugy thing homo, ami 3 T called in Ilili Stokes (which was Sheriff hisaolf, after that;) and old S<piire l Lumpkin to counsel tnc on it. We s read it over three or four times. It or-' e lored mo to take the body of Hannah /, IVeethroolc, et to he found in my county, and her fiafoly t<> Xve/>, so that I . 'should have her to answer Ik-fore the i Judge at the next (lirenit, for a debt t she* owed; and more'n thalyit said I j \^as to do it without delay?and it then \ S |jak on tojire months tell Court!- ji fimtwas I to do with her aU that , and no sigp of a jail in thecoun- c i "Well, it was a hard looking case, 11 but that was simply a form, and the 11 Au it?night have been setved by leay-l ng ?\ copy with tJio lady." ic "Oh, 1 kn6w that mitrhtv well no>o. 1 but Widn't know it them Besides, at I the bottpm o'f the paper \vtfe "No j Rail" and I know now that thorn words mean no bull required; but I thought then it meant that of alio "was [ to otter the best security in tho State, t f want't to take it. An<l it was the '] consideration, that, Stokes and Tiuftip- t kin tioth put r.j?on it; and the ofcV 4Sqtiiro went bo far as to say,ef he waa ^ sheriff, he'd take that woman and ear- c ry her honui and lock her tip in the j room with hissed' and his wife every ( uijrhr ol'hte,OTitell CV?uij^aine around." J** . * - w -S~ 1 * ' . ? 1*5*/ /*? * . - ** - * #*/. . ; . ' ^ . .... ,__^ . . V uThat w$pd Lave made it pretty afe.". i "Yew," said Stubbs; "but I knowed J liat wouldn't suit me, for my wile (that /as then) WAa high-tempered, andnevr could bear strango people in' the ooiu. But however, after counselling : jii. ? > r I OVVUCS l<-> gV WJUI IIIC, JUKI J. went p to tile widow, and told her my Lus11 ess. JShe was mighty had scoured t first,but when she got over that, she ; * ear ed and pitched. 1 should ^ist agin | utaijd resigned,bnt Stokes quieted her i >y savin,' we could put her in jail, but i she behaved Jur$?lf w e'd only take icr down to my house and lefherstav | ell Court. Then she turned irito cry ! n' and beggin' ine to take her nigger voman and keep her as scurity for the j lebt, which it was only something ivor a hundred dollars, nndMic nigger vrs likely, Hut I looked in my pa-' ier, and road out to her?"totaki: Tin. j ;oDV OF II ANN*Alt WeSTJIROOK '. !' "She said she'd go, and slie had her >ld roan horse saddled up, and while ^ iitokos and me was a talkiu' and not , lOtiein,' she mounted liini and started i >tf in a lively canter on theGeogia end 1 ?f the trail. We mounted and gallop<1 after her, and she hafln't got a half ' uile, before we had her. Then she \ iried anf? bogged again, but we put a ] )!ow lino around her waist, anH held i he oend, and after lcttin' her gi^osomo 1 lirectioii6 to her nigger we took her ( lown to my house. My wife treated i ier mighty civil, and every day or two ve'd lot lier go up home and look after j ier censarns. So time rolled on toll ibont a month before Court and one lay Stokes rid up to the gate in a pow:rful hurry, and called me out." "You've played thunder," said he. j 4<1 low'{" says I. "Why takiu' of Miss Westbrooks.? | all wrong, and she's sent word down I o the very la\vVerr that put out that j Arii again&t her, and's got two against rou; one t$|mnkc you turn her loose, j md 'totherro make you pay twenty housaud dollars for takiu' her!" "I shan't serve 'cm," says I. "Makes no odds. They're done ap)ointcd a kurincr (coroner,) and he 11 )d up to morrow, soon as Miss Wostirooks lias had a chance to swear to omethin.' You'll better lookout!" "Well," s:r.s I, ''I reckon they've ;ot you too. You was along, and hope 0 (Id it." ' Oh, yes," says lie, "hui tliefrxi- got n<\ for a witness J" * V "I said no more, hiis walked wxht nto tlie house, and thanij. touaw the vidder lookin' mighty ]uPtocyLHind 1 old her she wns free to geyl asked icr pardon and shouldn't charge her ny hoard and i hoped she'd conn* and eo my* old (Ionian, and so on, and so ?rth." "She wont I suppose." "Shedid, and the kurrincr come; id ho showed uio how to serve a writ V cvpU' I -hall never forget it. She j jok ine into Court, and there warn't othin'done with it, the first time.? i lefore the next Court, my old woman ied, and that vpsurae<]every thing.? j riiat with her dyiif and the suit, 1 ' 1 ought I would go crazy, to bo sure.' "Jhit yon did'nt?" j: "No, 1 bore it as wclf^s Icould, and ( ist before Court coin03 along the law- j or?Jenkins?and says he to ino," I j link you and .my client Miss West- j rooks, could comnrise that case. of! on was to talk together about it.' I J ardly waited tor hiiu to leave, belbrc jumped on my horse and rode up to j lie \Y idders. WiddGr says I. kin we ' ettle that case ?" ' IShe sorter laughed and said may f* 'I'll give you a hundred dollars to Irup it, says J." "She frowned mightily, and said that | candt the way she wanted to 6Ctllo t." "I'll give you two, said I." "She frowned worse than before, and i aid that, warirt the way she wanted to ottl j; it." Directly sonicthin'come right into ny mind. J seemed to see plain. 3 tudied and considered. Then I clear-j id my throat. Viddrr, my# 7, will, ton have me/" ?he T tnf/l /" "I gavo that rascal Jenkins, fiftyr lollars for his share, and the widder ook me for hers. I had kept a onlawful irisoner for nigh four month#, hut, squire, r!?o had mo under arcat, for njghty nigh fiven year*!" I ennui red if ho had been at last' iompellcd to separate from her. He limply pointed to the crape on his hat md the same strange smile flittered ibput liis mouth, lie only added? 'd jtidge she got^^^ttle more than An old Dutchman, who had recenty joined the temperance society, was aken siek^aiul sent for the doctor to >rcscribe for him, who ordered him to ake an ounce of brandy per day.?? Phe old chap overhauled iiis urithmeic, arid fouud in the table of apoffce- ' Sirica' weight, ueight draehm#makc'an mnce." 4 Aline ?," says the Dutchnan, 4<dat ish de demperancc for ttio. [ didn't get but six drams before, and ' vwvr 1 gets uigltt," * 4?.^% 4 'I III ?LU?J LI -1 TO? Mf 1&? 1K38 Book and Job Printing vIX^^Bnk sflMkr ???*. MPTAIU.: PREPAKED TCTWtfjMK iircuwmjSatalogues, h.oWway-1! B?t^^g||teKETS, PROGRAMMES, 8tC. |< ' "hH^H^WITU PRSfATCII. Jhina. Satin Enamel, Satin Surface and j Tlain and Colored Cards, A the ?t[cst Eqbo^ijbic'Je'riDS. <&UWi3 ^7i3 A Extensive Jewelry Establishment. CHARLES SMITH, WATCH MAKER, NEARLY OITOSITSTIIB MANSION IIOVSE, , Gfteawillo, S. C. i I^^WTtSE who itrojjfcnd of bountiful sights, enn ! &JL now linve (Hi o]?j>ortunily of feasting tjiai^ | ;yos by the inspection of one of the largestTtafcj no-t nolcet StooW, over bofor ofVeroAjuithc twf I' per country. Every article will be/W!y$frarrnot- i >d ami sold on the most reasonable A few lirticles will ho luontioncd.-SBBoiu I Watches, 18 Carat. Cares from $a<5,no to JH^MU 0 diver do. from |10 to ?(15,00. Aij?o, (Mid auu silver London Mad* Hail Jtorx.1 'Ji nr A'refKrn, and * quantity second hand W.-Uchi'*, niuonpbrhioh ?re pen novo TontA* Lrverh. A very ovtra|$re i ind ehoioeassortment of GOI.r> KINt?S TX-1 Rubies, Pearls, Turquoise, Garnets, ClfflWrs, 1 L', Ops), I tuneo, Lnva and Mosaic, Ac., Ac. Also, u splendid selection of tine Gold Earrings, idnin and with sets, Extremely fashionable and | aeavv. Vest. .Octelnino and Guard Chains. A iargc and fanciful selection of Gold Seals and Rings, some of which contain Lockets, Yinagrettes, Pencils nnd Toothpicks, Ac. Ao. Gold Fob Buckles and Sleeve Buttons of a superior inutility. Gold Lockets uud Ma del lions of all si Ac and Representation*. A variety of Gold Guff Bins, Bracelets, Ladies' A'eek Chains, and n large assortment of fancy Bosom Studs and Breastpins for Gentlemen, Aslo Masonic, Odd-Fellows and Temperance 11ns. Gold P0113. G< )Lt> aim Silver Extension Cases, some of tlicm Mammoth size. Also n tino selection of Hair Work, Consisting of Brooches, Bracelets, Earrings,: Chains, Head presses, Hearts, Crosses and Neck Chains,finished with taCefyil line Gold Mountings. A nunthcr of Fine Silver Cups, Chaste and plain, together with n groat variety of heavily I'lated English Wares. Double and Single Barreled Guns, Bides and Fid oh, nnd Revolvers of the most Celebrated makes. A few more ofextra fine Double Bladed French Razors left, and a few Boxes of tlio well known Magic Razor Strop Paste. In short his Jewelry ?tor? is replete in its variety of handsome and attractive FANCY GOODS generally, inasmuch as to entirely preclude the mention of a vast deal that is Beautiful, Useful and Ornamental. >nh 23, 46 tf The Temperance Niciaatianl. r IMIK UNDERSIGNED would respectfully an-1 l. nounee to tie* friends of Temperance general Iv lllilt thev intend to COmtil.-lwo the Oiihlhmrion I of a Temperance I'nper, nlwuttlie lSlh of June iir\t, provided a sulUeicnt number of Subscribers can lie obtained to warrant t!v.e undertaking. h wii! be printed upon substantial paper of Imperial size, and will contain 21 oo.nninR of matter. It w ill bo denominated the " South (hirolina Temperance Standard," and will l?c published every two week*. at the price of One Dollar peranuu 111. As soon as fifteen hundred aubacriliorsare obtained, wo will publish it weekly at the same price. Our solo object is to advocate tlio cause ofTotnperance; and particularly the Legislative !Toitihitiou of the Tratlie iu Intoxicating J>rinks; | and to prepare tho masse* of tho people of our >tnte, for tlio enactment of such u Law, l>v-convincing of it* expediency anil necessity. We will endeavor to make it a welcome visitor in every family. Nothing will be admitted into iU columns of a woi thb .su cud immoral tendency. A strict, neutrality will be maintained on all subjects of a political and rdigimu sectarian char- i actor. No sul?scription will bo received for loss J than on year, and 111 cvciy easo the order imnst lie accompanied by thestioucy. We hope all persons feeling no interest in tfio success of this enterprise, will exert themselves in (totting subscriptions, and as coon thereafter as convenient send us their lists, l'ost masters are reipnstod to a?t a* Agents. .VII communications intended for the paper must be post paid, and addressed to the 'T*outh Carolina Temperance Standard," I.oxingtou C. 1!.,! s. CL S. R r Al*(; KM AN, ) J. H. BltEAItR > Editors*t Proprietors. H. COBLE Y, ) THE WEEKLY KEEALD. Tho Best General Newspaper in the World. rIMIE Nkw York Weekly IIkr.u.d is publishI. ed every Saturday morning. Its contents embraeo nil the news of tho great. events of the day, reports of meetings, of thoStite K'giilittiK, and of 'Congress; important public documents; European ami corTo?poiuleuc.e; financial ' ami commercial information, arid editorials ofj general Into.-est, that have appeared in tho N'irw i York JJaily Heram*. It is neatly printed, in clear typo, on a large IouImj quarto sheet of forty-eight columns?a book?a directory in iUelf?nnd tonns <y?> of the heat and most va!noble woekly newspnprrs in the j world. TV greatest core la token to obtain the latest and most reliable iutoligence of important ' movement* in >nll parts of the world. No ex-1 pense is spared for this purpose, The subscription price U throe dollars per an-1 num. pavuhle in advance, or sixpence per single | isit'tj. r.<mor? 01 newspapers throughout the country nre pnrt^rulurly requwted to not ns ngcnts. They will rwiovtJ twenty-live per cent commission on nil cn?l? subscription*. Any person obtaining five or irv?ro subscriber.will in: a 11 owed the aitinc commission. TERM* OF ci.UHJI. For 1 copy of WttRtT 11 erai.ti, 1 yenr $3 00 Five copies <lo. do. 11 a5 Ten do. . do. 42 50 Htftceit * do. *do. 83 75 Twenty \*> do, do. 15 00 I'wvnl *livc do. do. 50 50 .Thirty tb'wtf; do. do. 'A 07 60 Thii !y*flv< d?- do. 7H 7 Pocfy , do. 4k do. t?0 oo Fofty-five ' do. ' do. 101 25 WSr.' *'?* " do do. 112 60 All'letter* to l.o Addressed to James Unrdon Bennett, proprietor i?nd editor of the Nkw Yor* IIkkai.d, New York eity. U?niitf*nees ?0?t be In fund* current in tlibNMy. %. ? Advertisement* irt?ert?>4'U> trie Wtntu llett | i.i? for thirty cent*per line. ^ Id f< b. .V * 1 * . * . RV> .. .J*k? # 4 5 , The Ladies'Wreath. AND FAKLOR ANNUAL. The publishers tender their grnteful acknowledgments for tho liberally \vith which hey have been sustained, fpiif are cncourjc;o4Jtprenewed efforts. ' lu a few months ue publication of Full-length Portraifa of ioino of thy Most C<ift>rntcd .Mnsical-PcrsOnjgi;5 wiii be commenced, The following nre uo\v in tho hands of an eminent artist. To be engraved, viz., Jenny Liud, Anna Thillon, II. Shmtacr, Catharine ^^voe.'Alboni, ami Mrs. 10. G. Bostwick. II^Pm! should meet with favor, although very expense, they will be followed by others of a similar character?a* d|o publishers aae determined that the Wreath and Aiitnjal shall continuo t.o bo the Best of the "Dollar Magazines. The Literary Matter will be entirely original ; from the ablest and purest writers in the country. Every thing of ati inuuoral or irreligious character will bo carefully 'fWWudwl. Wc intend to present the public with a work which shall blend entertainment with instruction, and not only captivate the taste, but also elevate the thoughts and improve the heart?in short, to lnako the Wreath and Annual "a wclcoino visitor in every family" |CThe Literary Department will be ably sus1 who are interested in a pure Family LiCosaturc, and i^e willing to assist in fostering#*8 bent native talent, are invited to beI?pre!j|d8pti6ers and aid in its circulation. PT*?? mrrnber will contain a rtno steel. En gftiving, and a Thirty-two Large Octavo Cages, printed on fine paper. The May nutulter will havo an attractive Title-page, ranking in all Twenty five Embellishments, and a volume of Four Hundred and Thirtyfour pages! Notwithstanding the increased cost of the work by the advance in the pritfc of paper and printing, we shall continue to furnish the work at the following exceeding low price.: Ono Dollar a Year, in Advance:- Four Con ies, one year, $8,00; Seven Copies. $5,00 ; j Ton Copies $7,00; Fifteen Coj>ies, $10,00. [ Money may be sent by mail, at the risk of j (he publishers, if inclosed in the presence of. a postmaster, >vhoso certificate will be taken as evidence. Postagc-sttunpa may be sent in plnce of \ change. All communications in any way connected [ witli the Wreath and Annual must be directed, post-paid, to BUliMCK <fc BOOVIL. No 8, Spruce Street, New Yoik. British Periodicals^. E .1 R J.y COP IE S S E C V It E1). LOENAKD SCOTT & CO., N.w-Y%rk, <$u|jauo. toTc-publbli the follow Bntinli l'orio-1 1. The London QAiimtJki.Y (Ooiittfrvntijjf) 2. Thk Edinburgh Rkview (Whl^ 3. The N. Buiti.sii Review (Freo Church)! I. The Westminister Review (Liberal) \ 5. Blackwood's En. Mao\zi.vfr(Toty.) ry\m: present critical state of European af- i liiirs will icintor tlwu... t\nl>ll?<>?;..... ..... ~ ? IIV?JV | 'U VIIV .UIUJI3 IIIIusually interesting during the forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle ground between the hastily written ncws-iteme, crude speculations and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the ponderous Tome of theJhiture historian, written after tho living interest and excitement of tho great political events of the time shall have passed awav. It is to tho.e Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelligible and reliable history of current events, und as such, in addition to their well-established literary, scientific, and, theological character, wo urge them upon the consideration of (he reading public. Arrangements arc now permanently made: for the receipt of Early Shkkts from the1 British Publishers by which we are enabled! to place All ot'it Uei'rintb in the hands of! subscribers, about as soon as they can be furnished with the foreign copies. Although this involves a very large outlay on our part, i we shall continue to furnish tho Periodicals , at tho same low rates as heretofore, viz :? ; Per min.; Tor any one of tho four Reviews $8 001 For any two of tho four Reviews G 00 , For any three of the four Reviews 7 00 ' For all four of the Rev iews. 8 00 1 For Blackwood's Magazine 3 06 1 -_.l .. t> ?i - -- i <>i jiiiUKHuvu aim o iwiews (JO For Blackwood the 4 Reviews 10 00, Paym nls to be made in all cases in advance. Money current in the State where issued trill be recitvrd at pur. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per ccut. from the abovp prices will be allowed to Clubs ordering fouf or more copies of any one or more of theabove works. Thus: Fourepp-j ies of Blackwood, or of ono,licview, w ilLhesent to one wlutOiv for ?0 , four copica c-itySj four Reviews and Blackwood for ana so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and 'l.>w||^y these works will l>u delivered tlrroujB Agents, FREE OF POSTAGE. When jkhP by mail, the Postage to any part of the IJnb tod States wM h? but Twenty-five cents ? year for UkMfcvood, and but Fourteen emA a year for ODch of the Reviews. 3 Remittance* and communications should always bo addressed, post-paid, to the Pub lishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., ft4 ootn stkkkt, New York. N. B.?S. <fc Co. havo recently published, and have "how for sale, the "FARMERS GUIDE/' by IStty fftopbens, of Edinburgh, and/tho lato Prof. .Norton, of Yale College, New Haven, complete in 2 vola^pyal octavo /?ftnt-frinin?# I ('.(>(1 num.. 1( ^^ ..^.1 nt\r\ . P '? * ' 'Wtu uw wood engravings. Pnoe, in muslin binding, *0. JfcjrTliif woHl is not ffco old "Hook of the Farm," lately f-emisci to ted 4h4 thrown^ upon the market, . m, UOOK AND JOB riHNTIN^iJMP dupwCt I * ill* " Pntcrjjgiae Office." ~w" ' ? >' V. . **: :* I PC I h?. <3MH* *? * I T ^krtliiirSHoni^^E*A.H ritfD for 1855. ^Tour copieSVfWr for I tsV ?" ARTHUR'fftlOtfEMAGAZlNE during the year 1855, will contain between 800 and 1000 d?uble colimnj oetavo^j^CH of crffefhlly edited wading fdatter. IV "uulj 1i? nddiliop, be hugely illustrated in tHe beat /* style, of ni t,t>vitn elegant -ateel and colored ^ Engravings,'vniid bv F'everal hundred nhe Vl wood Engravings ofcitjes, mrenery; rem ft rha *jui ble places, and objects in Science, Art. Nat- - 9 oral History, Needlework, the Latest Fash- 'J ions, Articles.of Dress, Arc. All for ? veaf, in clubs of four sohseribers.; TERMS:?ONE COPY, ffpr ono rcaf* 4>2,00'4 TWO COPIES, for one yean, $3,00; 9 ' THREE COPIES, for one year, $4;00; FOUR COPIES," for one year, ^00, Ail additional subscribers beyoitd' four at tire ^amc rate ; that is, tl.25Tier annum. ^ . Q3r "Where Twelve Subscribers and are sent, the getter up 6f tbo club will be^iltitlod to an additional-copy of the mwrtSme. Lady's Book and llome Mngazinc,- ouuJ year for $3,50. ** i* ?-2r Sped men numbers sent to all who wish to subscribe or make up clubs. . ^ T. S^UTHURfcig Co.. 107 WALJlpT ST., Philadelphia, Pa. PI 11 LAUELP11 >A ADVERTISEMENT. DOCTOR YOURSELF. The Pocket iEsculapius; OR, JF.VKRY ONE MIS OWN PHYSICIAN. ' &r I^jfe riFTII-Tl'llffatoTIONV with On? X Hundred Enguviiqgt, shovving Dis- . eases and M a I fo r m <1tSoiil '>f the flunutn System in every shnjjte aud form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases <>t seeing of the highost impor- ^ tnnco to married people, or those contemplating A By IftuN M. D. Let no fathur oo^shkmej to present a cony of 4 the jICSCULA PII.'R to his child. It mny eove ? him from an early gruve.^pLet no young innn or woman cuter into the secret, oblignttons of, mar jfjww witliout rending the POCKE'f uESCULA*P/l 'S. Let no onu suffering from a hacknjMi <1 cougli, the-aide, rcBtless nights, nervous feelings, nnd the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up tlieir physician, he another* moment without consulting the Q IfLA 1*1 US * llnvC-those married, or those about to be married auy impediment, rend tliis truly useful book. ..s it ha? deen the means of saving thousands of unfortunate creatures frOui the wry jaws of death. Any person sending iWeiitif'/iw (Vnit en * closed in a letter, will receive one copy of this ** work by mail, or fivo copies sent for one Dollar. Address, (post-paid) I)r. \VM. Y0t?NG, 15*2 Spruce-street, rhiladclpbin. June 1 .*>,180-1. 6 fy 11*) RULE'S N?W-YORR TYPE-FOl HID BY, o*>_tablishcd in I8l!<, has now ou . hand, ready for ifntiujiate delivery, in fonts to suit piirchnaen-, 100,00 lbs ROMAN TYPKofnow cut, 60,000 ' FANCY TYRE, ** 10,000 " SCRIPTS of various styles, 6,000 " (GERMANS, 8,000 " ORNAMENTS in great Variety, 6.000 BOttDERfyir. " < 80,000feet BRASS AXI> jHpMlTAL RULE8. nnd all the novel tins in trrvSnlsincrs. All thy above Types nre cast by *to?m power, of the new composition of nwtnl peculiar to this foundry, and WHICH ISCERTAINLYSUPF.RIOU to anv ever used before m and part of the. world. The unequalled cupidity in thedpoccsr of easting, enables me t.o sell these more aurubls types nl the prices of ordinary types, cither on 9 credit or for cash. Presses, Wood, Types and all oilier 1'rintiugMaterinls,exeopt Paper nnd Cards, (which have no fixed quality or price, furnished at manufacturerrs prices. The latest. Specimen Book of the Foundry is freelv ^ivei^L) nil printing offices, on the receipt -- - -j *" jt" I ' v I"'J ,,,r ( v l*rintertj of nowt^nper* who chouM to publish thuadvertisement, including this note,three times before the first day of July, 1866, find forward m* one of the papers, will bo rtllou vdAheir bills at th<???r time of fiurcbcMng five times the amount of nur*^ mnniifuetnrm New-York, Feb. 12, 1855. Addrcu, GEORGE It RUCK 13 CIUMBER^ ST. New-York. JP?<0^OMS34tffc? Drawing-Room Companion. A Jircordof the heiutljul nttdvMj'ul in Art. finite object of the. paper is to present, 1 the most elegant and available form, a weck^' literary melange of notable events ? tho any. Its columns ate devoted to origin- . id tales. etvhca and poerps, by the / ^ RKST AMEHK'AS AUTHORS. and the cream of tho domestic and foreign news; tho whole w^ll spiced with wit and liutnor. Each paper is at: u"rit'i'i.LjriueMHMkn v.-?* witli numcroitft accuse engravings, r>y eminent artiste, of notable objects, current events in all parts of tho world, and of men and manner, altogether making a paper entirely ^ orgiual in its design, in tnis country. It? pages contain views of ever)* populous city in tho known world, of all buildings of note in tho eastern or western hemi;- phere, of all the principal ships and steamers of the navy and \ merchant strvirc uiili ?v, ...... .inn nrciirnte portraits of every noted chntnetcr in the | world, both maio una tern pie, bhtHohes of ~ beautiful scenery, taken from life, will also tu, with numerous specimens from the I f the air, and the of the sift. It Hcd on fine white paper, with new and I ul type, presenting in its mechanical t ^ Hon ati elegan-Mpeeinien of art. 'The I the panei' is fijton hundred aan sixty I uarc iucijfea, fcirtyK a tftent atmint of I i maHr^um fnustrrttions?a ihandiaciisix m1"'"' dntne oi 11 ii hubscribcr^^^^^j^H pnjto ~M One copy of The Flau o^.ora Union and erne copy of&t.K?son's l'lctorial, when j taken tog-jtlioi r^r oii.e ptoaon, for dferaaar. ^?cal fir^Uf % I 4hr. vf > Rn*t** MB7 * Md