University of South Carolina Libraries
- ?r -' ' ^ " . * . * .S*T iuviil?e p c I? t n {!. I J .V lViv.iy. Jb Wilt?uru, to illustrate the pe ? * eulji^tjSidifulneasd^some of the early Ken- i b ' tncJ^jPcufrgv, says in his lecture : * "Aii incident related by travel I White; 1 ? liUhsclf ft uian of notV, will Hlfctrate tliis.? [a It happened at one time that a meeting war, , ? ? <lty>?i|!ted in , fn old Simon Kenton's , f OoUity. ) A preacher named Axley, futuC- i * luivly called Jemmy Axlov, by -hi* friends, # hnd was very popular, was expected. -But , * J" when ke catim he brought another with him, j who fpoke fim. This disappointed tbepco* j pie* nud there was a good deal of noise and , confusion,'Mild great inattention fen the part ( of the auoierfCe. It is custoinnnytfrhen two , I ministers are present for both toTmoVess the i meeting, if one drives in a nail' dfcrtruih. the fl dother clenches it. When Axley arose; all j AVAA Atlll 01'Xil'vlwvltf TSMia tr\ l?efAM m~TJAc nils," said ho, looking round with is a keen observant glance, "it is perhaps n { *%ainfu1, but^lways necessary duty of your f minister to reprove Sin, wherever found, and bo assured I shall not shrink from it on this ' occasion. he, "thfet snndy-head cd man. Standing by the that wont out * while the brother via speaking, staid as long j as ho wished, got his boots covorcd with | mud, enrao in and made such a rt'oise clcau j ing them as to disturb everybody,' and pre voijt their hearing scarcely a word,* that man y thinks I moan Tiim. And well he might l^ink so, for it was a disgrac^to Kentucky , to say ho was raia|d here-and luuj A) more j manners.* Nouymftfiiond, I aflPlse you to go hqmc, andJ^^B how to behave when n j ou como to twWoti8e of prayer^ Jiul t j. don't ),w;in hi?>. v .'IK at IWUe girl aboutAHe middle of the c f floor, with flowers inside ner bonnet, thai was* t giggling, And laughflK^p0 chattering all t * the time the brotliefros speaking, thinks I s It tnoun liAr "A ul>n nn?li? I >? > -- * "?? "?d"V 1 '? ?* OVIIJT ^ fi)r her prfrents, wbirnavo raised ft girl to ? fifteen, without her learning how to bebav^jt modestly ?h<J properly, and they are to be' t?ilied. Little girl, before you coiuc again, earn to be quiet and reverend in the house ofOoJ, and respcctful/io the minister hp has . eeiiL " Bat I don't meanJi or. Aud now that man on the bench, toward tlio corner, that's looking op as bright and + wide awake, as if he had never been asleep in c $ * his life, aud never expected to 1>e, but who was j nodding aud bowing all through the preaching and snoringao as to disturb all around 8 him?ho thiuk* 1 mean him. And indeed j * - ho well may. My friend, the houno of God . is not intended for a sleeping room. When, you want to take a nap, go home nnd go to bed and- take it regularly; but you come 1 hero for another purpose* "But I don't tnf<fn himJl . ^ And tlrus he wont on, fixing his darK; J piercing eye on each offender, singling him out in such a nuvn^r that ho could not be mistaken, till lud^Hkncnrly gone through with all who ha^m^e any disturbance, en 1 ding each removal with, But I don't mean j Ana,lor Iter. Whito meanwhile, was sitting J Aon a Vouch in ffdk of Axley, enjoying the 1 %n aMjufiogly, laughing, rubbing his hands, 1 .1.-,-?R i --- i ciiv;? i*i? iiivrtviiuii vt iiuu umro vijj oroualy and profusely than before, as each ( nonoffender was brought, til} the aisle be- 1 * fore him was a puddle. V. "Now," said Axloy d-n'ving hiinsolf up, ' W** *?d with a severe look, "I calculate you want * 4 to know who I mean"I mean/' pointing i directly to Whito? '/ ?&?<*?? tkfjffoastj/fiir- ' *. * ty, filthy tobacco cheuxrr. Look dt the fit- 1 thy broton puddle before him,; a toad. 1 % wouldn't hop in it, add to think of the sis^fc/crr' dresses having to go through it /" * White was thunderstruck. He nover ! again was known to chew tobacco it meet- 1 , .. ? -v? i Religion in Everything. i Tukkr is a religion in everything around 1 via; a palm and hoTv religion in the unbreath- ' v 7*1 iia 1 . i ? t ii 1 _ . i mg uungs 01 nature, wnicn man wouia ao la imitate. It is a meek and blessed influonce, k stealing, as it were, unaware upon the heart Wk. It conies?it has no terror, no bloom in its < v approaches. Ithaa not to rouse up tl#pasWp . sions; it is untrammelled, unlcd byJke creeds > ami unshndowed by the superstitions of loan. It is frcsh;fiotn the hands of the Au I thor, and glowing from the immediate presence of the Gjreat Spirit hich pervades and " quiekena it. jtftffcinwtit ten on the arched sky. 1 H look! out from every* star. It is among the hills and valleys of the earth ; where the j ' 0 shrubless mountain-top pierces the tjun at- * ,* mospliere of eternal wintor, or w here the WA. mighty forest fluctuates before the strong . winds with its dark waves of green foilage. 1 It is spread out like a legible language upon < the broad face pf the unsleeping ooenn. It i is the poetry oflleavon. It is this ihat up- I I lifts the spirit within us, until it is tall enough ' t to overlook the shadows of our place of pro- j bation ; which breaks link after- link, the 1 _ ?1 i \ ? - H L.' L I caUiU mzx I-O iSw"1-*1* y -f win wu 14*11 i * opens to imagination ?< world of spiritual js ^ beauty and holiness.*? Whitticr. ^ Blind People. [ X % :fttanely, tlio organist :m.l inany hiind musicians, have Wen of llieirl, time ; and a school - ni*w tres* iljy&)?land coulfii iM^niidMfi^Bpi^^sovv, thread. / her o^ neoofwIWv blind inan in iJcrbyKnglanjJ, lias L, ^ waa aJimStf ffiy?gh The Px?)ont Russian Emrercr. Is- a ro :otit tccturcon Hus.Ma, bv Hov. Dr. * 3aird>tl)o*fecUtr<>r stated thatpresent cm)cror i$ thjitysivon J chRns of jig.', and ii?>t jmlpuip tall a? lii* father, but .somevvliat iUmter> . Ho ia said to be of a naturally mn 1 :?Ij!o (!isj)ositi'?n, and poss.-s*. a good talent1', ilUiopgn ppt us timet i energy, as 1 k- peaks English perfectly. 1 >r. Ribd eonlidors Hhji as welt ffliK'd i:i Uiesch'Tiee gpvei ntnent us any man in titteria. Notwithstanding his amiability and benevolence \ 1 )Ucbnrnetor, He is a man of a great (lbr 1 of pirit, and Has .the inflation of being the < iglit sort of a man t^|Rtiiiuo thy worlc ot lis father. THto lecturer added, however, hat in bis opinion it makes no difference vhois Czar of Russia, that country lui4p> lestiuy-to accomplish \vlricU?caanot be mat?d ially atfoctcd by her rulers. Dr. Daird gavcl t as his impression that Alexander is favor-' < iblo to peace, nud that hclbro-^ix months: )ca?u^fould be restored, but tho allies must i lot demand too much, llussia will not cou-' ont to make peato on condition of abandon- I rig the Crimea Mftl withdrawing her floQt i rout the black sea. vkkv Mvstkhioi s.? Was it. Jiaker ? -h V day or two since an individual callod at^J >lir oilice, ami Mated thai lie had nnesttt^i taker, the man who killed Bill l'oolo, jflHj >ad liini even theu at a place, near CwTO^pTy icavily ironed, and under strict sufvAiUflre, P irtending to carry him to Wow YorflB^Kbn-'L >9 possible, lie gave us the inaj^^^H^as ] in item of hews. Wo were, >osdd to look upon the matter ns^Rthgr ? >Oftx, or else tho individual in question was ' >ut of his miiid. But subsequent events give in air of probability of his statement. That ' nine evening a inan was placed on board one >f our steamers, so heavily ironed that he ' lould not inovo a muscle, and in this copdi-. ion was conveyed up tho* river. The qties- > ion now is, "Wiw it Baker?" We shall very 0011 probably receive a solution of the inysery by way of New York.?N. O. Delta iltt i- l |^M ? Another Daiuko Rokuenino by C111.0ioform.?Mr. Jacob Fees v.w robbed, on he night of tho 3d instant, at his residonco n Davics county# Iowa, of eight hundred dolors in gold twenty dollar pieces. It seems hat the window was raisod, and small rolls >f pnjrcr saturated with chloroform or opi1 in thrown into the room, by which the , louse was filled with / smoke, - and a deep r leop came over all the inmates. The money vjis deposited between tho straw and feather " >ed, on which and Mrs. Fees were sleep- ' ng. Linen clothes, wet with chloroform, vere plflpel over tho faces of tbo old lady md gentleman, and thu>Jihey were kept 1111ionscious while the monoy was taken from u^ftrfhett#. There were at tho time five flHtttin the house, and all slept till an un HVRntc hour the next morning. !?> IIako Crowing.?TIic Knickerbocker \ las a good story ofashangl^i 000k. Agon-' j leman whaowued a considorable variety of , airds, noOTed one inorningthat tho voice of 1 iis big Shanghai suddenly ceased, whilst 1 ;ho small fry continued to salute the dawn 1 aiost lustily. On going out to ascertaiu the ' jause, ho found that his ladder-legged rooslerhad dislocated both-his understanding Jy the voilenceof his exertions. II? sot his legs, successfully, but tho next time he crowed, the same catastrophe occurred. Thftgdiffculty was repeated so often, that the flPfta!enr gave up in despair, declaring that it was 1 rathor too mueh for the music, "/o set him wcry time he crowed P Tho late Bishop Chase, of III., had a .1:.1:1.~ _?:? r\??1 r jhuiij^ vu impu9iug urvun itnu JjHUU names upon children, which he evinced upon one occasion, when a child was brought to him to baptize. 'Name the child,' said the bishop. 'Marcus Fullus 'Cicero,' 'Tut, tut, with your heathen nonsenso; Peter, I baptize thee," and the child was Peter theuceforth and forever. Bkautiful Thought.?Mrs. Child, in one of her late pleasant fictions, has this truly poetic sentiment:?"Two souls that arc sufficient to each others sentiments, affections, passions, thoughts?all bleuded in love's narmour?arc earth's most perfect medium. Through them tho angels coino continually, on missions of love to all the lower forms of "cation. It is the halo of those heavenly visitors that veils the earth to such a golden glory, and every little flower smile its blessing upon lovers." Two boys, "once upon a time," about knee-high to a grasshopper, coming over the Cost annul la bridge witli berries, discoursed ta follows : "I say, Bill, what arc yqu going Lo do w ith your money when y6p sell out?" 'I'm going io buy cigars, I i?T-?smokes! mdsmokcra goes with tire gala?they does, Kt are you going to do with vour's ?" . m ffioing to buy snuff, of course?Cranny >ays n^bdy goes after the gals till they're Kto snuff; so I'm going to take the old fcian's advice and shiue with tho gals 1" f I 'Ui.akt a tree?train a vine?deposit a i Bsr seed and nurture it* hloiaom?paint < ence?slick un the yard?41* the side ?erect a tool-house?prune tho orchard. r-fmako a lien-coop?in enori, give need to Hfalnas aiul to the little thiiuM that con- < riituto the grand aggregate or health and public beauty." Anniversary. rflE ANMYKRSART ORATION of the At>EI> 1'HIAN SOCIETY will bedelivercd at the RAptiM t luuvli, I>n Tuesday ^'fty 1 nt 11 o'clock, by Mr. Johx (J. Wuxuma, a member jf (he Soeiett. Tim puldftM'e respectfully invited to attend. Tli |?ro?e*3on will form-at vhn Ihdvcreitv, nt ' the ringing of IhaUdJ ua<Wu<ivo at 10 o'clock, preeiwTy, under" the direction of H?e Mnr#hnl. r i(,niorn^r4hcTiibeN are fovftod to join the propeseion. i fuHfc.ttMrvr.Tox HICKH, ) . .fHBKk r\VKi.R y Cotu'tee. j^PT"S:? ? %fr * r ? / = .:r - ] m - u " 'a^u-. ;OJUUMPTli^> WHKM.Y I-OR TICK KNTRKPB1SE, B^Gl&bY & QOOHETT;MERCHANTS. I . ' ^ UKRiawMiny ;> j.s 13 AOGJflH^Bfeby. pa10 a 18 ' ] ] >G ^KpM^ii'hMs, d<> ^r^pSI'lcs. s i PFli<*gtpiin<i? ^Suno IIL'JTmF.. /io>1IOM, ]i?t 11 Oounlty. |" v15-| Java, per II>fl^U *'^i Sh^eti n <r,per O.-anibiii^s, }>e\ > <!. i 1 y ? vNH LOL'li%...Conutry, perbbl. ft8 a Country, per sack, *4 a $4} 1 jpIIAIN' Corn, per buslie^ 83 a 00 - Wlieat, per burbot,' $1^ [HON.......Swedes, per lb. C| 7 Hngiittlif^er lb. 5 ? 5.V LA lip per lb. H a 12Sl< >LASSES, Cuba, per 04 a 37^N <>., per. gib 4f. <tfr60 SYRUP " " perP% 50 Ui.S. L:\1np, portal. 1A a ^-^T' ^ Train, per gal. 87$ ? *) J ! H^Pl-Liiisecu, $li HOWS por lb. 12J- a 20 BflnS.. .N. Orleans, ner lb. 7 a 0 E Porto Rico, per lb. 0 a 10' Ixiat', peril). 12^1 Crushed, per lb, 12^ j Refined-, per lb. 10 a 12.J | per bufdiel, *1 ; Salt, per sack, *o 2 37 j SOAP Colgntc,pale,pr.lbi 12.1 a 1 .j j Yellow, per lb. 6 a 10 j 3 HOT per lb. 12 .J j Shot, per bag, u $2J HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DIVETO- STOHS km APOTHECARY 6H;QP9 GREENVILLE, S. C. k:? 9 " DEALER IN r Drugs, medicines, surgical, ixstruincnt*. Paints, Dyo Stuffn, YwnitKM, Paltr, tobacco, Kcgara, Spirit Gas, Oils, Candler, Sonpr, ?j?fooe, llrtifihcs, Toilet Article*, coniha, l'erfiinory, ctc.~ Fresh anil pure Drugs warranted ind sold at low prices. May A. ' CI tf rhc State or South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Iti tlic Court of Ordinary. , .. fiV parte Sidney Butler, Administratrix of William Butler, ?loeeasod.?Petition for Final Settlement. IT appearing to my satisfaction tUat certain m?t of Lin to the Intestate, whose names arts unknown to inc, reside without the limits of thia ffate; Jt,is therefore, ordered, that all njul singular the next of kin of the sni<l William Butler, dejcased, late Planter of Greonville District, who sre entitled to a distributive share of his personal estate, do appear at my Office on or Before i the 8rd day of August next, and* object "to the fi- j itnl settlement of his said personal estate, or their ! sonscnt to the sanio will he entered of record. ROBERT McK AT, O. O. D. 1 Ordinary's Office, April 20, 1855, May 4. 51 3m Positively the lsa?t Notice. ALT. thoso iudebted to the Subscriber, who j fail to call and settle with him hy the 1st I day of June, will fiud their notes and accounts in the hands of W. K. Easier, Esq. for collection, j tw This is a dual notice to all that it may I concern. W. W. SM1T1I. May 4, 51 tf __ c ' | NEW SPRING GOODS. nPlIK SUBSCRIBERS arc just receiving New I_ Supplies of STAPLE ami FANCY GOODS, adapted to the season, and which they will sell low to Oath and Prompt buyers;" prcfciving that other? would not buy them. Tliey consist in part of # A variety of Dress Goods, . Bonnets and Ribbons, 1-ndieV and Misses Shoes, Coatings, Vesting# and Pnnts Stuffs, Gent's Sumnier and Silk llatc, Table and Pocket Cutlery, With a full assortment of GROCERIES nnd CROCKER Y WAR K, nnd other articles in our lino. CHITTENDEN <t TURNER, apr 20, 40 tf A Negro Ciirl lor Sale. r|"V) BE SOLD on Monday, 1th day of May j L next, at Greenville Court House a likely Negro Girl, 10 years old, belonging to the Estate of David Long, deceased. t3y~TKRM.s made known on thodav of Sale. R. D. LONG, Adm'r. apr 20. 49 td The State of South Carolina, CICTNVIIXK DISTRICT. I* C^l'lTf. A. R. McDovid, et. nl.. T*- Mm Hnsannah Mo-' D*rii], ei nl.?Hill for Partition nflloal bUte, VoVryrt <<-*n: fVimjtlal^Mit'n Solicitor. IT anpearintr to my satisfaction, that William J. M<4kvid, and .John K. Graham aiul Nancy I j. Graham hi* wife, who arc defendants to the above Hill of Complaint, reside wlthotit the limits of this State. It is, therefore, oj^ercd that tlie mid absent defendants do appear and plead, answer or demur to the said 1MB of Comjdaipt, within throe months from thia date, or tlunr eonscut to the same will be tukun pro cqnfe***. a A. TOWNS, (\ K b. o. Commissioner's Office, (jlreonVille, 9. p., April Cth, 1855. apr 0, Km Tho State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IH EQUITY. A. U. McDavid, ot. nl., v?. Mr*. Susannah Me"David, et. nl,?Hill fgf Specific Mtfami^ae^. $e., A Kl/okd, CoinplaiiinnV%J$oHoiig# TT appeftrin^ to my satisfoetion.jHK. fffHlnnv JL J. Joiiu u. l* Grahammiis wife, who are <lcfrixittHHnjE5j bova Bill fC&niplHMC reaido n ftlioot ifvMji.i it* of thia tftatv. Jt if.'n> are fore, ord>*?e<>thij*tlte M?itl abcent <l. f<-minitte <k> ?uu><-nr nmf j ! ?. iwor or demur the ania Hill of tvMUitt, within three mrmtha from, thia date, or their ann?ont to the tame w ill bo taken pro roo/cuo, -pA A. TuW&ES, ' . a. fc, a. , UnroiiwionerVQffiaa, Greenville, 8. Q, A^ri! VAj IMA. JUL* aj?r rt, . * 3 m * M , ?- ? . : ~ ^ * - ' * *- b >: ' v-r.^ >*- -\ ?! ! ti i k m i:i;r(Mjl y_Jx!r,9*tL i*M? -MoUXTArc 1X>Ih.:K, >vO. ViS^T^ ' ^'3 ' 'V!- ?f R. tt^' held oil vwCtfV KriilnV i-vcning* At 7 o'clock j in their 1 tail. W. i'i ilcbMv&rcrAfary. j ureenviUo, Jari jj 85 | fio?n?F ?UnKKSmiAV DlWSIoX. Ifo. hi. Si. of T.. ' /*' Jluild tlio|^iii^tiugi#wkry. tit tin- I>ivision llooin, Saturday oVrhingp. Ct M. MrJlNKk.NS, It. S. tanir^ 12 3d f <=c ?*? ta r* are ivmwsfvil to moot nt th>* A>ivision H* 1100m of tl?o Sons of TVmiu-rmicc until TOirthcr i>nlor.?. Meeting?A'ridny Evenings. Ry qr?L>r of W. J?. ruin; \) .\ 1*.-. - Jttm.nW 12. "T> tf fg'Wc itr? mitliori/od to 11H-! nounoc \V. P, I'UrKCK, as 11 candidate for Slier j ill' nt tlio ensuing election for that olhee. Sept. 8. 17 to arc million/A il to iinnounce 11' 111 A. ns u Candidate for Clerk nt. the cu-ming elfeoHon. Feb. 2. til. Hr. ,\V? have been authorized to aimouncc C'npt. A. A. Oivinitf# a candidate foi-Shor at. t ho iie^trfilttctiou. Oyt. 27?td. CABINET-MAKER'S 3? ?H?P ?5B6 Ht. txrccnville C. II. rr-lIE Sl'RSCRJliER returns his thanks for the L very liberal natrounge heretofore ln-stowod upon Jinn, and solieila n continuance of the sain . Having In his citiploy good and .experienced Workmen fbclst confident of giving satisfaction. Ho has on band a qnnntity of liotli tine mul plain finished FurnitureoH'eriug for rale at -prices to suit tlio times. ?27**Repairing done at moderate charges. All orders attended to with dispatch. S. M. MCll 1*11Y. npr 3 18 . 3m. HApiSOffS HOTEL, BY 1>. THOMPSON SIMS, Corner of 4(tiik.R'0hards?>n and Laurel-streets, Columbih, J S. ( '. Omnibus Fare 25 cents. j BOUNTY LAND. ICO ACRES r |"V*> ALL who have served I t darn, in any L. Wur of flic United States, since 17!>th* ohtnincd, and highest cnsli prices iwid for theni, hy ('. J. ELFOHD, Attorney nt Law, Mb 10. 44-tf Orcenville, S. f*. State oT 8011th Carolina. JjfcMtl l'.NVILLl-: DISTRICT. ? JM" Sheriff's Sales. 1>J yirttto of miwpry Writs of Fieri Facias to )Mcdireetcd, will bo sold before (ho Court Ilons^^our, u^ip usual hours of enle, on tlw 3 KogWS^aKHl'OCA, a Negro Woman nbont, 21 or 22 yours of ago, and her twoohildren, Lucy and Ye let. Levied on as the property of Jno. Townsend at-the suit of It. D. Onnisvn and others All of W. IV. Smith's intere t in 100 Aore.s of Land, adjoining lands of .las Lenderinnn, West nnd others; nt the suit of (lower, Cox ?fc (lower. 40 Acres of Laud, more or less, adjoining lands of J*. llrock, Mrs. Rico and others; ns the property of J. U. Ifolconibe, nt the suit of Joel Charles, and also, all of .1. II. llolcomho's interest in 130 Acres of Land udjoiiiing lauds of E. Hawkins, Joseph llai'ton and others, at the suit of Joel Charles. 1 Hou.te and Lot containing nbont half an norc, i adjoining tots of Tho?. Harrison and W. L Scruggs; as the property of Juno Stoner, nt the j suit of Roberta <v Fickle, (for the use of atiother.) and others. 1 Sorrel Horse; as the property of J. M. Harris, at the suit of Roberts it Fickle. 1 Horse; ns thd*pmj>crty of W. 11. Smith, at the suit of J. W. Tucker, Assignee. Conditions Cash. W. A. m. DANIEL, S. Cr. 1>. SherilFs Olbee, April 13, 1H5S. apr 13, 43 Ul i ^ i lIo<> A t'o's I'ati'ut Ground Saws. FIAJIE Suhsctibers manufacture, from the I A best Cast Steel, CHH.Tf.AIt SAWS, i frcnt two inches to eighty inches in iliatnej ter. Their Saws are hardened nnd toinpor) ed, and are ground and finished by machine j ry designed expressly for the purpose, much superior to those ground in the usual manI ner, as tlrey are strengthened and stiticriod j by increasing them in thickness regularly I from the cuttimr edfe to the centre, cense | quently tlo not become heated or buckledt and producing a groat saviug in timber. They also manufacture Cast Steel Mill, Pit and Cross Cut Saws, and liillet Webs, of suI pcrior quality, all of which they have for sale, or they may l>o obtained of the principal Hardware Merchants throughout the United States and Canada. n. IIOE A Co., 20 and 3.1 Gold Street. JtiSF'Publishors of newspapers who will insert this advertisement three times, with this note, and forward us a j?aj;?er containing the same, will be raid if. pnntrng materials, l>v purchasing foyr times the amount of their bill for the advertisement. New York, tf Take Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Subscribers by Note or Book Account, up to January 1865, arc earnestly requested to call and make payment, as they urgently need the mono? duo tlw.m CltKLTtiNDBH ?fc fliRNfcR. *|?r 20. ' The State 'cTFSouth Carolina." GREENVILLE DJSTRICT. IN EQUITY. ifandi-wk T Arnold V?. J Anton MeQttWongb, et. ftl. for partition of R?h1 ly?t(kn% <ki\, Yomm * Iv.ilfnm, ('on)p1f\i?ftu<'n Sofiritor. ^ TT Appearing to nfy gatinfaetion, (lint l-ttri* r 1 \nml !, i.ii" of tli .1. fcmtftifi* t<? th- aIwvo BBM of OniiiplHinl, rcsiili s OaUtout the limit* <1? " tHAtolnte. Il in, tnoreforo, mtrfrwl that th? Ai-n^l do appear ?od plead, answer or deinnf t? t^^ mid Kiliof t!<mi|lni?h w itlai ir throe month, frotn UKa flate, or hie eonncntto tlio nauio . v*U br taken itro nutfi mo. R A. fOWXKS. ' r. o. K Comnii.donrr'e OflW. Oreenvilh-, S. (1, Apt*! 5th, Ifc.W *pr ?>, . *\ ftSW1 W"- 1 v ' t, f * * . %.. > - II I I mn _ . I I I "' Ij.ilMESi sma a?^2,aai} as spring goods win Jt>ntW?rv A m XI.13 Ar.J3.lVX/JJ Ai J. h. m II plcfiw ? oli oitvly n?d ! i??o. nu?l nutiUo your Knlev- 1 liuHK ?f|HWui<!r StyU'tx of IJrcv? "fiiood*, rsoiKi^V A U^Uous, Cm- 1 broideries, aud liaomckot piit;- i Arlirlett. DlilVlX <if Tis-?ite?, entirely now fttl.>r.ic enlt Cray* DcPutU, destined to take the precedence of every other silk good* thi* tOaftuu for coping drcwee. u lew prices received, White add iireolnrs. All the oalora of plain tine n?-?ne? ntt.l Bare;;*, plstin'Whitennd plain Black, lo. d?l,Caloved, white and Slack JlniBroiderodSilk irciuidlncs. A good nwnrtuiphtift { rice nttd put"i em of l.'olorcd and Slack'.Printed bntiu tftriped and figured BittfA from 25 to 87 X ?>?.*. fiotuc J II.:.X- I\. I..--,.!- f.v.l /)? n? < ...! i tv i<a>t> *> aitjiants ior uiwp cannon io them under the late net passed by Congress, Mnreli Sd, 1835. Prompt ami immediate attention will be given to the proseeut ion of nil such Claims. Office next door to F. F. Hkattib <t Co. S. O. OOOPLKTT. Grconville, 8. C., Mareli 10. 4 1 8 Watch iWakci* and Jeweller, U.VDKIt STERN'S HOTEL, I/" EEPS nltvft\**-on hand Gold and SilIV vor WntclM'ft, and JEWELRY of caery description. Fancy Goods and Perfumery. Clocks, Wat dies and Jewelry repaired in the host, manner. deo. iO. ,33 ly Warrants! Warrants! W. E. 3ASL3T, VTTOPvXEY AT LAW, is prepared with nil necessary instruction# to procure Bounty Land Warrants ttnilcr the late art of Congress, granting 1 (10 acres to all who may have served in any of the wars. Immediate attention ftivon to auy business of the kind entrusted to Ida care. Mareli 10. <11 tf Shaving and Hair-Dressing. RUURIDfir, I lie Baiitor, hn*.iv' AjflfPVfcornrd to Greenville, and taken \ip his VJjg^llomlqnnrlcrs uotit door to C. W. IVki.tSJsOT#* '>'? TaibrJng o**h|isbmM,t. in Best^ plrfniies Brick Range, ami is prepared to oxeV^jfcfout# dtfery thing in his line with llt'o finest Jtom h. Gentlemen can have their hair cut /jiiefior shampooed, or fade# shaved at any tiioo atff during the day or dvening. Hhnvjnjj doyo V.--Uw'v H,M mourn on roMonnmc ignna. ,^H| ( rcoiiville, March 16, H- |jL^, A Chance to make Money. PROFIJABLE AND HONORABLE EMPLOVMENTrr rriTK Subscriber is desirous of having nn ogehi JL%in each roun^r Mini town of tin* Unf(&. A | cnpitpl of from 5 to $lo only will bo required nnd j anything like an oflW'/it, energetic innh eim i make from three to five dollars Jior tiny ;?indeed come of tho Agents now omplqye^ mv reAfcung I twice tint sum. Kvery infoj-mntitfiv will l?c giv-l en by n<ldressing-(poet paid.). >, WMA. KIXSMCBT Box 1438, fbiladolphia.TV, I'ost Office. j nth 3? -."V , 45 * 3t. _ . L_ ! Town and District Government Tnf*>uldnt. ?1 >r. A. B. ORoor. Hr<tr<Uii*.?D. (i Wt>TK;?-u?, J. W. SToKt*,Ksq.H ?1. It. Vf IH.I Alia, jotlX Mcl'llKIISON. (Vsrk of th* YMmidl.?John W. Storks. Esq. fihrri(f.?W. A. MoDanikl, Eaq. dtrrk- of the Court,?Davit* IIokk, Esq. . f (Shirt of Orifinnry.?Ron't MrK \v. F*r i Coiooiifiowr >n JlpifVif.?Mn', 8 \. (Wxe*l a' . ii ' " { ..X... > !' J VVIVi.U '* ,/i,V1 " lltmng mill Traveling Drcfcaes, tlio^host goods' imaginable for those purposes, it will neither' crush uflf crease, nnd is n very strong light material. Theoe fcooda^tAgcthar with colored Mutt- ; line nnd lawns, from 10 yard to 37-J, tine ' French i'rinUil .Incoiicts, Cii^ilk'Mutlius Dotted j Mivliwff* Jaconets. Auineio'ftti nlnl (idnnnii uiiur- j hniuO present an assortment not annually aur-1 IKtiWti in ft fit v U ot nil Kutohlishniont. ! Now Style of yard wide Cnmhrie Muslins, im- j 1 itiitioii Satin surface, very pretty for chiUrim's i wear, called JJri/li'ihtnx, Linen Lustres, HffiBtJc J/Lniiien, plain lining Sill;?, Florences, Sc^pp, } Marcellirtca; Black English Crape, colored and j Black Italian Crapes and (>tt|w Liases, colored ! Kunoy Polka dotted Jjftdo Veil*, handsome Em- : broiucrcd Sill; Lnte Veil?, and Black w ide Bor- j dercd Mourning Love VeilaFrench and Irish Embroidered Collars, Chiinlsotts nnd Sk-cvcs, Imitation J'oniton lacc Collars at ?1.75. Aii imint'iiPc <|Unntilv of Swiss Nainsook nnd Jneuiict Inserting*, Edgings, Klouneings.r.i.d white goods generally. ^11 widths of Black .Silks from j fed ct?. to jfti.l'JL lvid and Si'k (Itovw, $nk and I Cotton Hosiery, Embroidery (.lotion, Linen nnd J Cotton Flosses, Black Crape Collars, Ribbons, ! Id ounce?, da llonsckcephte Coods. 2J nnd 2^ yard wide heavy Bletvchvd Sbcet- ' ings, nnd E iiblencbcd. do., I,ondon Cumbric, and j the old New York Mills yard wide Lone Cloths, good, wide nhd tine long clothes foriO, 12-J, 15, 10, i nnd ISf cts., Brown and Blcneh'd Linen Damask, I Tabling Diaper II yards wide, cheap Cotton do., 1 Tickings, Tow idling*, Bird Rye Dinner, Holland's | Slate Liucna, 6ie. Twill Tapes, Linen Tapes, | Bute's Needles, English I'ins, Crotchet Cottons, I Crotchet Noodles, and lota of useful and desirable j things, at the LADIES STORE. nprlS, 48 S tf I REED "& GOODLETT, Greenville, S. C. jf^"Office next door to F. F. Beattik A; Co. j. p. itfckd.] [a. ii. ooodlett. Tanuarv 12. 35 tf j Thompson & Easley, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE (' II.. S. C. June 23, 1854. 8 ? "NTWTO U K ADVKUTI9EMENT. SAMUEL vF. BENEDICT, A'o> 5 Wa!f-strc?J, How-York, HAS n splendid assortment of /ry^-^80LD AND SILVER WRleh?n, ."i?rt JEWELRY <V SILVERWARE, >>iJSL*wliii-Ti. in consequence of the hard times. ho will soil at untiaually low prices, and all articles will bo warranted perfect or no sale. Jj^'Merchnnt* and others about visiting the city are requested to call, and ORDERS punctually attended to. March 9. 43 M DBS. SULLIVAN & MOORE, PUNCTUALLY AND PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL CALLS IN TIIE LIN EOF Til RIK PROFESSION. RnswKxor: Warlhrn, (7r<rnril!e District. I' w-Ofhck: Dunklin, " " J. M. SULLIVAN.] [I). 1). MOORE. March 9. " " *(>J bounty land claims. j r JM1E niulorsij^ned is prepared to obtain Uorx Jl Stoves! Stoves!! J[ rpI!K SrDiiCRlRKIK oflew to the public a^ '9H X fafgc var|J^'vbs: The ('hilltop' Leviathan looting Slows, nn>l varitfua Air Tight Cooking Stojes, XI (>[ VAUK'I KINDS. FKEHIUM COOKING STOVES, B Lartje an<7 small Overt#* ** jgjS A / A' TIG ITT P J? KM I frj/ ? "k Cooking Stove 3. ^9 i?aru>u cooking sroy&ygfr ?| I 1'fit-lorn Bov Stoi M ll.-rll Slnvr* fur f"In-5B?" given mc uusiness. war stock is very complete > j now, ami preparations are making to enlarge it 5 soon. Give us n call. ^ JOHN W. GRADY, Jmt ROBT. 1*. GOOPUilT^lr I January. 2.1, 1855. *>rJTAT|P OF ?>I TIl CAROLIIVA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. * urcf cy oM&m'tf jpiLz&aik | Join. W. Grady ) ^ vs. . / Attachment. * * ' \Vm. M. Rntler. J \\* 1IKREA!*, the Plaintiff did i/u the lf>ihdsy V of Ofejobor, T85+, file his dec!irratiori ' against the demudaht, it ho, (as it is said) is ab- * sent from and without the limits of tin* State, . | and has neither wife or attorney now within tka j same upon w hom a copy of this dcelurnlicrt j might he served. It. is th-referrc ordered, that the snii] defendant I do appear and plead to the said declaration on 1 or before the nineteenth day of October, which I will bo in the year of our I.ord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, otherwise flnnt and ; absolute judgement will .then be given and nwar- A i dvd agninst him. -W D. 110KK, C. C. P. "I (Jerk's Ofiicc, Greenville District, ) Oetoher 17, 185-1. j 3mly LAST NOTICE. Vn< l'LKSONrt indebted to O. A. Picki-k, on account previous to March last, -are cm'* | uiufly rcqat's^d to eall on AY". K. K'^r.rr and J settle Uio comic, as further iudnlganco cannot ho j allowed. . > J. fi. -liLTiS, Assignee. January 3." 5*1 tf 4* TUf] UKEAT DISCOVERY. LL KRCLLERION! v mfp cuhu.xu Tin-: ir.\inr j IN >K lenny V :I it has been the object. ,.f C?? <l' ?'|?. -t with <-heiiii-ts nnd" Others, (o Ifcmluer a llui.l, tlnil, up [died to the hair, WouM canae it to W nve and can cqttultu beauty io the natural *ur1. TIIE tviK>Lif:jiiox; la the on)y article cF^i>?>fTor<vl fa (he w<>rjd that w iff effort this most deeirrtbToptyeet. But ^iirew fir four applications are ncresstiry ft> curl it nh much as inav to? desired, nnd[>fr.r any of time. From the tiwtuy togj "?????> 'wlfo j i have used it^ tho. mbsor.iTjff not hesitate to ! warrant \\i4' Kroll<vion trfjKvn satisfaction, and prove as rcyJonitOeiel "1 in .'Ml Oil St'Ok, . The Bo'ljAfor mijkiiffi with fun directions for use, wtH *T>o stmt oti the receipt ef mxV, Alollrfr, post paid. The ingredients Will not Copt, over 12 cents. Infract to II A. FKKKMONT. Walton. Trumbull Co., Ohio, npr 2<V ** -tH m5 lWX>K AMf> hilV PKINWO nojitlv done nt 1* tl?o 4,En(orjvri?c (MVhW #* < / % A# - . - t - ' * ? J Store*. ?l?\, together with n full assortment of -yfl j plain and Japanned Tin Wore, J TIN, COH'Kn, I.EAl) A* SHEET I it OX WAJlF* M A T A L U C ROOFING A Done in tin1 must approved manner, villi di?'"mT Tlie Trade suppllod with TIX WARF, at vrlliiL side, upon the lowest terms. i>. a v? esi fifed, .'.-co, I (Jrccncllle, S. C. npr 0, 47 If Books nnd MaBonery. rpiIK Subscribers are receiving i 1 urge and vaI riod assortment of the abov# At (idea, which they offer at low j A LAR3E VARIETY OF'CLASSICAL WORKS. An K>ti!ii?ive Stock of Mi^oellioHoii* Worlds. SCHOOL BOOKS Slates, Pel#! Ren oil?, Drawing Iiook*, Wuter ^rIovs, Dissected Games Ac., Ac. * . v . . . .fl Blank Books, hound, Iwlf-btrttnd, aud in liapcfl. Foolscap, Letter and Xote Ibiptfr, Iff ?h?^Pt*?un or less. Spy Glasses, Pocket. Compasses, Magnifiers, <te; With ,i varied assortmentof other articles, to A which they invito the attention of the public. G. E. LLFOltl) ?h GO. * H nffir#2, 42 t-f GftEEPlLLE UOTE&ife. -j Wtfo Till", subscriber having taken cliWpi? of . .mUL'his House, so lately kept by Joiij; ah Ititnn; uiid once so well known n the jienitteK <fr Sffeisensoc Inn, respectfully informs his, old friends and the travelling public that lie is now prepared to entertain ami accommodate thorn in becoming style, and hopes by proper management to secure their encouragement, livery attention will be given to render the stay of strangers and travellers as pleasant and agreeable as possible. ?-- - ? To Drover a* Having n fine Stable, excellent lots, < A-* ,m abundonoe of provender, and careful <>stlor(\ne is cnatiloil to accommodate Drovara in the beat manner. Also, constantly on band, llorecs, Hacks, Carriages and Buggies, to hire,S$^^^~ upon the most reasonable terms. <* P. S. 1H TL1 Df?K. jon. 12, 35 ?. r tf A CAES. HA VINO AFsoemtctl Col. Uobkut P. Gooi>I PTT U'illi tMvcolf ? ? 4l*o .1?. I new, the said business will be carried on under ?- , the name nnd style of GHATYY A GOODLETT, 'Jt at my ol<l stand "on the SQittk west center of the ! public sonnre. 1 hereby take occasion to return j my thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore I1 bestowed on Die, nnd solicit a continuance of the same for the new firm above referred to, feeling confident that wo will bo able fo give I satisfaction to nil who inay favor us with a call. I It is with reluctance that I must truly say that l necessity constrains mo, to notify those who arc 1 indebted to nic either by note or Look account I previous to 1st of Januarr, 185r>, to call nnd pay up. JOHN W. GitADY, * <% January 2J, 1855. O 0-?A?.TlT3lCcHIP. , ^"J^lIK undersigned having forn ed n eopartner1 ihip under the name and style of GRADY lit GOODJ^CTT, and taken the stock <>r Good# ^8 I and igtore of John \V. Grady, will , j continue the business. We l?opo/^^3^ by prompt attentions to merit aHwflfttrli 1 continuance of (be liberal pntrounge heretotore