University of South Carolina Libraries
* ' ' * SMemiting ftlisttllomj. | ?*>? " ??.-i. - 6lc0T) ii> 9 g f,o<r the CWOlren. I.-??OOINO BWIMMtNO. ' - "Come, let'* gtf swimming; it's horrid hot," said J a me* June* to Henry Arnold, as the little bovs came to a iano that led to the we ter. "I want to," answered Henry ' Want to ! well, then, what'a u> hinder ? . Come.",' There was an undecided look on Henry'# face for a moment, and then he said quickly. "Yes I'll god* And away they skipped to a little point of land which run into the river, where the boys usually went swimming. Two or throe hovs were already there, the black heads bobtung up out of the water, and their arms ( tooviyg to and fro like great tins. Jaine* and Henry l?egan to undress; and James was just ready to make Ids plunge frhen Henry buttoned up again. "Coino, what does that mean I" shouted James. "Not going in." Henry answered. 1 "Why not! aro you afraid because Bill Parsons was drown-d here ??coward !" cried j 1 J amoa. "I'm not afraid of^drowning, cither, said j IJenry, reddening with sudden anger, for! boys hate to be called cowards. "Then why don't you go in. I should like ' to know!" adced his companion, in no very ' pleasant tones. "I'm not going in because iny mother tohl me not to without her leave," an- j 1 It * I 1 iworwi uenry. i j "Just thought of it ?" asked James, with a J sneer "No, I have not just thought of it, but I did not think of it enough when I agreed to e-omo with vou ; now 1 do, am I'm not go?..* i?n ' ; 'Why your mother will never know it," crisd all the boy* together; 'she'll never he wiser.' "Bwt I shall know that I have disobeycuM her," .answered Henry, *:?ml I'm not going! to do a Aklng which make* me feel mean? > *o 1'in off."' "Tied to thirt mother's apron-strings," yellw?d the boy*. ( "Glad I gut a mother's apron strings to , kotielte," skeKted back llenry, from the top of the bill.; "tkey are the bit-it strings in i the world?the pwlstv ami the prison never ' jjetsueh boys and au?l he marched brave- ' ly and joyfully homo, a bettor and a stron- ' g^uKn*, ry There are two eapit.-tl points ill'' Henry's condnot which I waul you to notice. One lis'he tkfKpht time tnouyk before Jiand to obey. You tuay-aav bo ought not t > have ^pnaentcd ?C?31. !l know it; but the fact is,; we ore ?U weak and liable to be tempted , ] and'it is ouly by resi^uiee to tempt ition ! lhat grow strong. Tiiitrk in time and act sfcetjrMngly, boys. The other good [ thing, 1* Henry wasjiot afraid of the ridicule i <>f bis companion*. (Knowing thai, be was above being iloHghed at. lEbatSa a strong | point in character. Kc^p te'it. Kever let 11 anybody rididik* you out of the .right and j true war.*. Tub etntiiulakr at IVootiieA.?Most! distressing details have been.received of the j earthquake that destroyed one-tie.ixl of the j flourishing city of Brouoso on the 2fith ulti- i I mo. The panic caused by 4bo<destruction ot"! | the stono buildings is indescribable. The pop-j nlation of Hrotivn riisli?d .out into die tit-Ms ! terror-stricken. The wounded w<?rc ilug out I of the ruins as rapidly as possible, and con-1 I . 1 Tl._ . . ,!.... I vu ivlii|K/rJiri iKt' inn u?y : j five hundred WouIkied persons were recover- j ed. It was under the khan*. baths, and mosques, which are nil of stone, that tiic most ' serious casualties occurred. The bilk spin- j iling factories, belonging to European* and ' natives, have more or leas su tiered. In Mr. DzeznirH'g establishment upwards of seventy poor young girls were killed. Uroussa is celebrated fur its thermal springs, and it is a most extraordinary phenomen that two of tlvcnprkigs have disappeared, .whilst that cnjled Caplidza was turned ,ojii of its bed, and the water now runs in the j opposite direction. During the earthquake j a large rock was observed to detach itself, front Olympus, aivi roll down like a tremen- J dous avnhtnch, enrryitt^ in its descent tree>, bushes and atoms, until it arrived at the but- | torn of the ratine on the other fidfr of the city. The number of killed is set d'?wn ut live hundred, with twice as many wounded, and two hundred and fifty mosques have' been destroyed. __ ** ( Tux citizens of Memphis Tenn., have or- ( ganized a vigilance committee to punish j1 thie*">, b:i!girt!s and robbers, who infest the vicinity to such adegrco that there is no se- j curity fur life or property. A Memphis paK !_ 1L.1 (I.. I jfwi nam uint urun 111 limit vi*y? mviiwjj mc t>a*i few wuokn, occasioned by incendiaries I hnve destroyed property to the unmount ot' $25,000 I V*?T" . I PAy.?Tbls word, in ordinary, litpgiiAgo is ( only used to signify the delivering over of moi.r ( ey/or other valuable*. in discharge of a dcl?L f liut in the original meaning, it seen* to have ( had apaitieular tyfetciKii U> the not or man- | n?r of blotting out the record of the debt. Thi* j wm done in timed not long paneed,nnd is some- ( timex done now,by drn win' aline,or mora com- , moniy two line* crossing each ether athwart the writingtho book : nnd from the uuatom, , \ it U often said by country people, when they have paid a debt, that tho book ia crossed. J but nt the time when very few were able to j read what was written, not only would it be j * thoughftih^mtwfactory to hare nothing mora than a written^reoeint entered in Uio book, < L^het thin d*?w?fiig a line aerowi the reoofflof the debt fr*s tunpoeed too alight a matter; : fed, therefore, the obliteration waejnade by , Pfrp?"g ^ *'P th^flnger ibijhk, and v smearing it. over the writing. TWfcbfotting | ^ .m of the record w*? what Vrsu particularly j I understood by the word payivj, and not simply the act of delivering the money : and Iience our local application of the word to oay is only an extension of the original tit rim ftNtnoriiKf nv#r of tliA hoftotn .fit ship or bout with pilch. When n new ix>Mt of pitch or tar is thus laid, the boat is ??id to bo paid over. brcrwTillc Prices Cnrrontj^ CORRECTED WKBKl.T FOIl TUB KXTKIM'litflK, BY ORADY & OOOOLETT, MERCHANTS. GfefcraYtixe. April 10 1833. BAGGING, Gunnv, per yard, 10 a 18 Pun dee, 13 a 16 BACON ... .Ilium, por lb., 10 a 12 Shoulders, 8 a 10 Sides, 10 a 11 Hop round, _ 10 BUTTER.. .Gosbon, per lb. Count/v, per j>' ^ f - 15 COFFEE.. .IFior-per lb. j 4 Java, per lb. 18 a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting. per yd. 0$ a 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 0*nal>urg?, per yd. 11 a 1M FI.OU ... Country, per bbl. a Country. p?*r wick, ;.'KAi.\ Uorn, per bushel. Wheat, per bushel, ? ' [RON Swedes, j>er Jb. 6J aWr * Euglish, per lb.* o a 5} LAUD per lb. 11 a 12* MOLASSES. Cubatyer gnl. 3^^ a- 37A St. iJJtper. gal. VC * ? lw "SYRUP... ^ j^Ver gal. 50 a 02A DILS Lfii?p,r per gal. fl.J- o $2* Tram, per gal. 87* a %1* Liuseed, $1} MCE...^.pcr lb. 7 a 8 ROPE..^T.pcr^b. 12} a 20 SUGARS...N. Orleans, per lb. 7 a 9 Porto Rico, per lb. 9 a 10 Loaf, per lb. , 12* Crushed, pot lb, j. 12** _ I^HPM, per lb'., Vt) a 12} SALT.....";.y#;r bushel, $1 Salt, per sack, -.a 2 37 SOAP.. 4^. Colgate,pain, 12} a 15 per lb. 8 a ' wlO shot. : :.7*|wvb. 12& bag, a $2$ NEW ADVERTISEMEBTS. NEW SPRING GOODS. rI^HE SUBSCRIBERS are just rccehing New A Sin.plica of STAPLE an?l FANCY GOODS, adapted to thjjtaeAKnn, nnil which they will sell i low to Cn*h and Prompt buyers; preferring that I ythcr* would not buy them. They consist in j part of A variety of Dress Goods, . ? Bonnets and Ribbons, \ [, Lndie't and blisses Shoes, Coatings, Vcstings and Pants Stutfs, ? (rent's Summer and Silk Hats, ' '} Table and Pocket Cutlery, -X. With a full assortment of GROCERIESand j CROCKER Y WARE, and other articles iiyour j line. CKHTKNDEN A TL'UfcEHl apr 20, 40 tf Take Notice. \I.L PERSONS indebted to the Subscribers by Note or Book Account, up to January ! 1853, are earnestly requested to call and make i payment, as thov urgently need the moncv due , them. * CRITTENDEN A* TOKNilR. apr 20. 49 tf Ylcdical Preparations. p ITU AT OF MAGNESIA, (Liquor Magnesia1 Citrats;) Gelatin, Cooper's, (prepared Turin-j glass for Jellies,) Vegetable Bitters Arrow Root. J genuine Bermuda, Brown's Essence of Jamaica | Ginger, Dr. Rodger*' Liverwort and Tar, to be ; told at the Drug Store of F. KKUTCIL ! npr 20. 49 It A Kcffro Girl for Sale. rI^O RL SOLD on Monday, 7th day of May JL next, nt Greenville Court House a likely Negro Girl, 10 years old, belonging to the Lstute of David Long, deceased. J^T" Terms made known on the dny of Sale. K. I). LONG, AHm r. i Apr 20. 40 til THE Cm HE AT DISCOVERY. KROLLERION! FOR CURLING TIIE IIAIR! I7*OR many years it has been the object of deepest study w ith chemist* and others, to prod life a fluid, that, applied to the hair, would | cause it to wave and curl equal in beauty to the uatural curl. TIIE KROLLERION Is the only article ever offered to the world that I will effect this most desirable object. Hut three I or four applications arc necessary to curl it as much as may be desired, and for any length of j time. From the many testimonials of those who have used it, the subscriber does not hesitate to , warrant the h'rolleriov to give satisfaction, and ! prove as recommended in all cases. t2F" The receipt for making, with full dircc- i lions for use, will be sent on the receipt of one ; dollar, post paid. The ingredients will not cost , ovur 12 cents. Direct to II. A. rithKMU> Warren, Trumbull Co., Ohio, npr 20. 4'.l in3 Hoc A Co1* I'ntcnt (irvuiid Hawk, I'M IE Subscribers manufacture, from tlie . bot pmt Steel, CIRCULAR SAWS, [Vein two inches to eighty inches in diamc* ter, 'J'lieir Saws are hardened and temper- [ id, And are ground and iluiftbed by mnchmo I ry designed expressly A?r the purpose., much 1 iuporior to tjioscground in tho usual man-) jer, wRliev are strengthened and stiffened ' t>y increasing them in tJiicknpss regularly mtm the cutting edge to the centre, consequently do not t>eco|no heated or buckled, md producing a great saving in timber. They at*# tp.-innfactui e Oast Steel Mill, Pit < md Cross Cut Saws, and llillet Webs, of sumrior quality, all of which they have for sale, >r they may be obtained of the principal Hardware Merchants throughout tho United states and Canada. R. HOE <fc Co., ! # 20 and 31 Cold Street. /dflTPubUfchera of newspapers who will nsert IhU Advertisement Uiree times, whh :hh gpte, and forward u* a paper containing ihettune, will bs paid in printing material*, t>y purchasing fc>ip- times the amount of their t>ill for the aavorti*em?-nt. York, ?f * %r w k k ***** l, iiawmuwwmtuum xjm tmtm 11 r?i 11 ww? . TIIE REGULAR MEET'"??* of Mountain Lodos, ho. y5/CV>^''rJ I 3, 1. O. O. F., are held on *?Friday evening* at 7 o'clock in their Hall. W. F. McBKE, Bccr'tary. Greenville, Jan 12 35 | SONS Or TFiTIPERAlfCE. ?0kkknvim.r Division, No. 19. is of T., l?ol?l their meetings weekly, at the Division Room, Saturday evoninqs. C. M. McJV.NKLN'S, Jt. A'. January 12 85 f ^V7"Oil are requested to meet, at the Division JL Room of the Sons of Temperance until further orders. ^lee^^j?F^da^JCveiiiiigs. January 12. S5 tf jyWc are auHiori'/cd to anpi on nee W. P. PRISCE, a? a eandi.lnte for Sher iff nt-^he ensuiujj election for that olfiee. Sept. 8. 17 te v-C?T\Vc are authorized to announce Mm A. iQrDnuiel aa u Candidate- for Ch rU at itUo ciwui'm vrlps.tion^ Fob. 2. t?l. Wc h:A^K^,n~nTthoi-iz<%'l to announce A.VIpHbwiMBH a candidate forShcr,at llu iwRTelcction. Oct. 27?l?l. W HARRISONS HOTEL, ??? BY 1). THOMPSON* SIM*. Corner of JQjULUichnrdson and Lnttrel-streets, Columbia, S. G. Omnibus Fare 25 cents. jaiL 12 tf BOUNfY LAN 0. lGtr ACRES ALL who hfltf served 11 dnvs, in any A War of tht^Jfeptcd States, since 1790. ^ WarrwRts obtained, and highest cash prices paid for them, by 43^J. KLFlHtl), Attorney at l.nw, Mh *9Tf* ' Greenville, ft. C. ^CABINET-MAKER'S S?-?I!?PfES& At Greenville C. II. 1UIE SUBSCRIBER returns his thanks for the very l.bcral patronage heretofore bestowed uponhim, ami solicits a continuance of the same. Ilaving in his "cfnjdOv good and experienced Workmen fuels cohtitfispt of giving satisfaction. lie has on haiidTO quantity of both line and plain finished FuruitAreoffering for sale at prices to suit t he-tunes. *' gWilepilb-ing done at moderate charges. All orders attended to with dispatch. % s. M. MI-IIPIIY. npr 3 \ 43 3m. Tho Stato if South Carolina, GKEEXV1LLK DISTRICT. It EQVITY. A. Tl. MeDavid, et. al.. vs. Mrs. Susannah Mel>avid, et. al.?Bill for Partition of Real Mutate, Youxo tt I'lkord. Complainant's Solicitor, fi* njtpeurftig to my satisfaction, that William jl J. iUcJJavid, a till John ij. Graham nn<l Nancy K Graham his wife, who are defendants to the nhovc Hill of Complaint, reside without the limits of this State. It is, therefore, ordered that the said absent defendants do appear and plead, answer or demur to the said Dill of Complaint, within throe months from this date, or their consent to the same will he taken pro confesAo. S. A. TOWNS, c. r_ c. n. Commissioner's OlKee, Greenville, S. C., April ?th, 1865. npr fi, 3m Tho State of South Carolina, 0 BEEN VI LIE I) I STRICT. I* EQUITY. A. It. SIcDnvid, et. nl? vs. Mrs. Susannah MeDavid, ot. al.?Hill for Speoitio performances, Ae., YoungA Ki.foro, Complainant's Solicitor. TT appearing to satisfaction, that William JL J. McDnvid, and John H. Grnhain and Nancy L. Graham his wife, who are defendants to the above Hill of Complaint, reside without the lim its of this State. It is, therefore, ordered tlint the 6aid absent defendants do appear and plead, an ver or demur to the said Hill of Complaint, within three months from this date, or their consent to the saine will he taken pro ronfrttso. S. A. TOIVXI'S, c. r? o, r>. Commissioner's Office, Greenville, S. C., April 6tli, 1855. npr C, 3ni Tho State of South Carolina. GKEENVILLE DISTRICT. EQUITY. HendriekT Arnold vs. dames McCTullough, eh al. ?llill for partition of Ileal Estate, Ac., Young A KLronn, Complainant's Solicitor. IT appearing to my satisfaction, thnt Lewis . Arnold, one of the defendants to the above Hill of Complaint, resides without the limits of this State, it is, therefore, ordered that the said l-ewis Arnold do optionr and plead, answer or demur to tho said Hill of Complaint, within throe months from this date, or his consent to the name will be taken pro confcMo. S. A. TOWN ICS, r. r. o. r>. Commissioner's Office, Greenville, S. C., April 6th, 1865. npr 6, * 3m Slnl?* of* South ''jiroliiin. GRKF.N VILI.i: DISTRICT. Sheriff's Salc3. BY virtue of sundry W rits of Fieri Piicias to me directed, will be ?old before the Court House Door, in tho usual hours of sale, on lltf Jirtt Monday in May asst. 3 Negroes, KEI1ECCA, a Negro Woman about 21 or 22 year* of age, ami her two children,. Lncv and Velt-t. Levied on as tho property of Jno. Towusend at the suit of Ji. D. Garrison and oth* era All of W. W. Smith'* interest in 100 Acres of Land, adjoining lands of Jus Londernian, West and others ; at tho suit of Oower, Cov <fc Gowcr. 40 Acre# of Land, more or loss, adjoining lands of L. Hrook. Mrs, IiUe and oilier?; as tins property of J, II. Uoloowho, at 1)k' suit of Joel Charles, and also, all of J. II, Holeombe's Interest In 150 Acres of Land ad joining lauds of E. Hawkins, Joseph Bartou und others, at tho auit of Joel Chart as. 1 Ilouae and Lot containing al>out half an acre, adjoining ioU of Thoa. Harrison and W. L Scruggs; na the property of Jana~ 8 ton or, at the suit of Roberts d Pickle, (for the use of anothvr,) and others. 1 Sorrel Horse 5 as tba property of J. M. Porri* at the sujt of Koln;rta <fe Pickle. 1 Mors-', as the property of W. B. Sraith, at tho suit, of J, W. Tucker, Assignee. Conditions Cash W. A. McTUXIEU ?v G. D. Sheriff's Office, April 13, 1855. apr 13, 48 td BOOK ANT> JOB PRINTING neatly lone at the ' Pnt.-rprja" O'L.ts" u-ul?ui jti jj i. . ?ij. p a;. j h i. ? eauamami? * ladies: SSSia SS5-j?Sii33 Si? I O 11 T1 T "VT / < y-1 /-X V~Y T"*v .'i IQr It L IN U Vr U Id JLJc) HAS AltBIVKD AT W. H. HOVEY'S, I You will plciric cnll early and rxai)iiuc, and iuuRv your selections of ^mntttor Ktvlo? of I>ress <j>oods, llouiK'ts A- IKiabroideriuK? and Housekeeping Article. DRESSES of Elegant Tissues entirely now fabric call ('rape.* DrPcrl*, destined to take J tho precedence of every other Silk gooda tbiI season for evening d losses u fowpeic.w received. White an 1 in colors. All tin- color* of plain fine I Tissue* and Barege, plain Wbih and plain Black, I do. do.,Colored, White and Black Ki/fbroideredSilk 1 Grenadines. A good assortment in price and pal[tern of Colored and Black Printed Satin Striped , : MiJ fi/nru'Ulliire<!e*, from 26 to 87) ets. sotno veay rich. Grey Colored worsted DrSJeyr for | Hi-ling and Traveling Dressss tlm^be-t good* J imaginable for those purposes, it will neither ' crush nor crease, and is ft very strong lij.h? tna terial, These goods (together with colored Mu*( litis and Lawn.*, from 10 et*. yard to 37). tint-, French Printed Jacoivt*, Check Muslins, Potted j Swisse*, Jaconets, American and German Cing: bnnt*,) present an assortment not usually suri passed in n Cite Retail l'stahli-lnnent. New Style oT r?tr<t wide Cambric Mttdins, iinitntion Satin surface, vcrv pretty for children's , wear, called Brilliant?*, Linen Lustres, Barege ! P'Laines, plain Lining Silk*. Florence*, Serge*, I j Mnrcelline*; Black Engli-h Crape, colored and j Black Italian Crapes and Crape U-ses, colored j Fancy Polka dotted Lace Vei)< handsome Km- ; ; broiJcrcd Silk inive Veil*, and Rbuk wide Bor : dered Mourning Love Veils; French nod Irish; | Embroidered Collars, Chimi-clt* ard Sleeve*, fin itntion ITonitcn I.r.ce Collars at 8L75. j An immense quantity of Subs Nainsook and i | Jaconet Inserting*, Edgings, Flotiiicinffs.nnd white ; i good* generally. All widtlir of Black bilk- from 1 j 50 eta. to $2,12.1. Kid and bilk (Move.*, bilk ftnd ' j Cotton Hosiery, Embroidery ('ettou, L'^iu r.n<l j j voiion riosscs uineK vrape vollar?, ltlbiionn, , Flounce?, <ke. IIonsoKccitiu; Goods. .? ; 2| and 2\ y:*r<l \vi?lo li?avy Bleached Tlioi l I ings, and Unhlonehed, ilo., Lonilun Cambric, and j j the ol?l Now York Mill* yard wide I .on;; Cloth*. j | good, wide and fine lone Clothes for 10, l*ij. 15, 10, | and 18$ etc., Brown and BlenrhM Linen Damask, Tabling Din per 1J y arils wide, clienp Cotton do.. Tickings, Towellings, Bird Kyc Diaper, Holland'Slate Linen*, do. Twill Tape?, l.ineii Tapes. F.nte'* Needles, English l'in*, Crnti'liet Cotton*. Crotchet Noodles, and lots of useful mid desirable j ' things, at the I.A1 >1LS ST( ?UF. nprlS, 43 tf REED & OOODLETT, jms-v o assr: artta. \? < . -\w9 ; <4rccnviSTo, w. v. ?5?"Ofliec next d?.?or to F. F. Bsaitie &Co. j J. P. HECD.j [s. P. OOODt.r.TT, j January 12 85 tf Tiiompson & Easloy, i ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE C. II., S. C. June 28, 1351. t? ? Datiriii^ School. YITIl.MAM ADAMS, gmtvful for patronage heretofore eonfer?d on liim, would re*, psctfullv inform the Ladies mid Gentlemen of j Greenville nnd vicinity, that liieSCUOOL i* now j open for the reception of scholar*, nt Me Hoe'* j llall, and will eommotiee on Saturday, tho 11th j inst. Honrs of Tuiuou to suit the convenience j of patron*. ur i 'er*ons anxious of acquiring this disira Me accomplishment arc requested to call at the i Mansion House, where a subscription list is left. | and enter their nanus. apr rt, 17 tf THfc. ? ?' ES" BI ? ^ ?! HAVING sold to J. B. SSTIERMAX our interest in tho Tinning Business and Store at this place we would say to all indebted to u* that we need the nionov thev owe u*. nn<l thai j it must he paid by the first, of January next, and > no mistaki", for our Books must he rinsed. G RE10N VILLI' MAN I FACTE RING CO. Jlv J. B. Sum max, Ag't. Nov. 21. *28 tf I "ii W-V OHK AD V L UtTsJE M E N t. I SAMUEL W. BEITEDICT, IVo. 3 WalNstrct'l, XcwVnrk, rjTtL HAS n splendid assortment of GOLD AND SILVER Watches, \ JS JEWELRY iWblI.VER-\YA1!K, jgBfc' wliieli. in conscience of t!??- hard time*, lie will -ell at unusually low prices, and i all article* w ill be warranted perfect or no sale. jyMcrehftiit* and other* about visiting the city ] are requested to call, mid ORDERS punctually attended to. March It. 43 f.f I suiiiuvArj <z muuiiJS, ' PUNCTUALLY AND PSO.VIPTLy ATTEND 10 ALL j C ALLS IX THF. MX K OFTIIKIR I'UOI KSSIOX. j ~| > ksii?bnck : ILVrrM'ii, (Yr^nrillc l'i*triet. IV r ST-OtHCEt I Mm Win, " " J. M. SULLIVAN'.] [f>. T>. MOullTv : ! March ft 43 V.J ! | BOUNTY LAND CLAIMS. rpillinniIoriiiziied ia prepared to obtain Ibuxi 1 ty Land Waubants for th"?o entitled to j , them under the Into net parsed 1>y Congrcs*, j ! March 3d. 1355. Prompt and immediate nften! tion xvill he given to the prosecution r.f all Mich | [ Clniins. Ollieo next rloor to F. F. Bi atiikA t o. i S. I). OOOlM.IlTT. j Greenville, S. Mnr.h lib 41 8 ? \ i. Watch linker ami Jeweller, rxDLit sti:i:n\s hotel, i T/~ LLPS nlwaya on hand C.olUl ntfd hilj XV. vcr Wntclacs ?itl .MAVI.LL V pf cy | cry description. Foncv Gond:> and iVifnnn ry. Clocke, Watches aud Jewelry repaired iu th? ' be*t mnnnor. dec. 29, . 33 ' ly Warrants! Warrants! V7. S. 3AQi3T, ATToLXEY AT LAW* i? prepared with all | naccasary ifutructiona to procure Bounty j Land Warrants under tha- lata act of Corigreais granting 160 acres to all who n(Jsy have served in j . any of tha wara. Immediate attention given to I any hnsineaa of tho kind entrusted to hi* euro. March 16. ' tf I Street Ta:i. I \ LL parK6i? liable to pay Street Tax are re} xTkonircd to pay the tntm-i to ?hn $n been her on or before M^nuay morning. 13d int., or Kiaet him at the C. II. on that day prepared with the proper utensil* to work 12 days upon th j ?tr-eu. By ordar of t!?o ConDoll 12.50 :? rc<I?ilra of all J* r. one liahly to Street Ta*?. J T. McLVNTEL 7Sv~. r -a-'nAV ' apr 13 4' 'Jt. PcMA i i h iijjiiii 2l i '_'i *"?* * " -? Stoves! Stoves!! rI MtK SL'I><C1UB1*11S oli'crs totlu' )>iib]i<? 11 , JL large variety af Stove*, viz: The Challenge mid l-u\intliiiu Cooking ami various J other*. Ait-Tight Cooking Stoves, W VARIOLA KIM is. PREMIUM COOKING STOVES, I Jjivfjf and *n\tdl Ovum, .4 III TIG ITT P It KM I U M i Cooking Stoves. 1WULOU COO KINO stoves. Parlor* But Stoves, ITr.ll Stove* for Churches, I Stores, Ac., t.vgcther with a full assortment ol flniiiniRt Japanned Tiu Ware, I TIN, COPPFR, I.LAD ,t SIIKKT IRC^N WAtlF, : MAT ALL IC ROOFING Done in the most approved iuannev, with <3h1 JThe Trido supplied with TIN WAllT!, at wholesale, op.>11 tin lowest term*. i). a. WKVTFir.LO, a no. (JrxnvWc, 8. C. j npr >">. -IT ' f flooks and stationery. 1 'PUT! Subscriber* are receiving n Inr^r<? anil vn; 1 riinl assortment of the above Articles, which ! tlicv offer nl lo>v prior.. ALAHGE VARIETY OF CLASSICAL W)R*S. i An L\tensive Stock of Miscellaneous Works. ' SCHOOL BOOKS, Sin to*. IVns IViii-iV T?rav- ( ing Books, Water Colors Directed flames , Ac., Are. Blnnk Books, holt ml, half-bound, and in paper. j Foolscap, L<>it?r ami Note I'upor, b* the renni or less. Spv Glioses, Pocket Compasacs, Magnifier". Ac. I With .i i aricl assortment of other nrt.ieks to i which tliev invite the attention of tlje public. U. K. LLT'Oiil .) Ai CO. mar. 2. #ti tf j GKEENVHJLE HOTEir Till! subscriber having taken charge of Jtiilktliis House, so lately kept liv .loiiv M? Bnmr, ; ami once so well known as the Kentucky ,{ 'I' dn- i t-.wr Aid, respectfully informs liis olil friends and j tlii- travelling public that he i- now prepared to ( viiterta'.i and accommodate tliem in becoming style, and Hopes by proper tnnnag. metit to secure J their encouragement. Every attention w ill be given to render the stay of strangers and travellem us pleasant and agreeable as possible. To Drover*. *\ . Having a fine Stable, excellent lot*. ; an abundance of provender, and careful | ostlers, lie is enabled to accommodate Drovers. [ in the best manner. Also, constantly on hand, 1 Torre*, eiryg. Hacks. Carriages nnd Boogie*. to lore, upon the most reasonable terms. I', a BLTLLDGB Jan. 12. 55 tf | A CARP. UAVIXO associated <>.]. UonrnT P. G..ot>- ! ixti with my a. h" in the mercantile l.usi- ! ness, the said business will be carried on under the name and style of OltADY A- GOODLKTT, at mv old stand on the south west corner of the pujidic square, i hereby take occasion to return iny thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on me, and solicit ?i continuance of the same for the new linn above referred to, feeling confident that wo will be ni.le fo give satisfaction to all who may favor us with a call, i It is with reluctance that I inust truly sav that ii<>cc?.iitv constrain" in?', to notiiy those wlio are imlft'tiil to mo either l?y note or hook account 1 previous to 1st of Jnmiarv, 18C5, to cull ami imv up. 'JOHN W. GliADY, ' January 28, 1SJ5. CC-PARTlTaRSHIP. r|MlF. undersigned having formed a copartner- ' L ship under the name and style of (JltADY 1 ?V (I'llOltfiKIT, and taken the stock of Goods and Store of John W. Graoy, will. ) continue the Lu-inoss. We liopeff^^s^* prompt attentions to merit i continuance of the lihernl pa trounce heretofore ; givon the business. Our stoek is very complete 1 now', a -d preparations are tonkin" to enlarge it | soon. Give us a call. j JOHN W. ORAT>Y, noirr. r. cuonurrr, : January.23, 1 833. Mr ?ir. Dll -1 T"1? r n ^ mm a akOn m ? W m mm a MAIN-STREET, GREEM/1UE, S. C. IN' DRUGS, MMDIflNKS, Sl'ROIe?l Instrument*, Ihiit.t*, J tye-StntlV, Vnr- ! nirhes. Drug Glassware, l'utt \, Tohneeo, Segars, Spirit tins. Oils, Gaudies, Soups, Spice*, Brushes, , Toil. t Articles,, 1'* rfuntery, etc. iIivt(sT? wd Sure ;1Jrills', are warranted and ?<?id at low price*. ?'.y7"Drder* from Merchant* nnd I'hydeinn-j respectfully i solicited.. l'-w.-ow sending for Medicines at this Store may rely on having them compounded with neatness, nee.e.rt-ey and despatch. February 2. J"-t< tf Eating Saloon. OYSTERS, HAM, EG^ AND ! COFFEE. rpiIF undersigned having op, m-d his ftiloon 1 for the coming Season in prepared to fur- | nisli Oyster suppers at the. tthot test notice. II. is iu receipt of Freeh Oy&icre, direct from Charleston, twice during the week. Kvelleut Cigars, Oranges, Cocoa Nuts, etc., on hand.? 1 J lis Saloon may ho found intho eellav beneath the Saddlery of Mr. G. IIuldman, litest' the river, Main-street Oneu every ni^ht, < *? ept- JSundav. i JOHN lil CKNEH." i Feb. o, IS.>6. 8* ' tf STATE OF SOI Til f .lROLIVi. , GkEEN VILLI: HISTUUT. , , >/ , i r .At .v o < v VJ ? OJ aovi n~u VJ"> ?W.'J Toliu \V. (Ira^y } u. > Attachment. Win. M. ButJcr. j \VrIlE.tttAS. the Plaintiff did on (he Ktbday | VV of tretohor, ISM, til? lti?i declaration , against thf defendant, who, (its it is imid) i# ab? I neiit from and tin- limit" of the State, i mill ha# neither wife Or attorney now witliin the same upon whom a copy of this declaration 1 might he served. ' It i* therefore ordered. that the raid defendant do apponr and plead to the said declaration on ! or Woratbo ni'ilctec nth day of October, which , will be in the y?.er of our L?frd one thousand j eight hundred and tiflv-flve, othprwtsc final and absolute jodf/emcut \ ill then he gi vcu and awarded against him. TV 1IOKF-. r. C T. Clerk'a Office, fire' it die lH?tr t, ) Octohn* I7, lH?i. f 8n?ly 1 Extensive Jewelry Establishment. J CHARLES SMITH, WATCH MAKER, J NKAlU.Y olTOSlTKTIIE MAXSIOX HOUSE. g Grconvillo, S. C. rpiIOSF wlui fire fond of beautiful piiilitu, can .JL now bavc an opportunity of rtfiutfiiig thvir rye* by 'he inspection of one of the lnrwst and luo-t select Stock.*, r vcr before oft', red in the up per country. Kverv article 'a ill be- dt Iv warranted and sold on llio i?i??M rvnfnnnhlv 'iVruiK. A few nilicltp will I. m-nt ioitcd. Cold Watches 18 ( ;ims from $30.00 to ^ICO,06, silver ?li?. from ^ 1 to J{5,iiit. Ai>C. Cold nn?l silver l.'iynioit ,V.t/ Rail A'cttJ ??//>< hito'Tt, nrd . i 1. ..a - ? .. t-i-1. arc in'ruiino Tonns Lr^pB? \ very ext*)i?it? ?::nl elude,-a. ...v!and J.a lies BBOOCliilS, plain ami ?et tvitli l/intnor?(Vr Hnlii \ Pviiri , Ter-uioi.-e, Garnets r*,#f .fl Corn!, Opal. Onineo. Lava and a e <\ Also, 11 splendid selection of line Gold Fnrriiips, . -5SH jdnin and with sets Kxtr'-ntoly fashionable n: >1 uenvr. Fob, Vest, Cetciolne and Guard C'lutins A lur;io and fanciful selection of Go!- Seal* a/id vj Hinjfs, some of which contain Lockets Vi? .e tjrettoe. Pencils and Toothpick*, Ac. Ac. (P J Fob Buckles and Sleeve But to. is of a superior quality. Gold Lockets and Mnd-llio' r of ell sizes and Representations A variety .ot GGd Guff Pins, Bracelets, LndiNeck Ghnins, and s lar^e assortment of fancy Bosom Studs and Brcnstpias for Gentlemen, ApIo Mas-mic, Odd Fel- 41 low c and Temperance Pius. Gold Pjus, r\ c:i tv * ? Twi uty do, d>>, 4." <'"> Twenty-five do. da .'.it . >.? Thirty <io <i... ?,7 .?? Thirty -five do. lift. *,3 < 6 Forty .1?. do. V" ( > Forty-five do, d<>. 1?J J Fifty do. do. 11.'-it All letter* to ho addressed to .Tnnv"< (.? rd?u Bennett, proprietor and editor >' ;h<- Ni. ui k ITknvii>, Now ^ ork oit v. 11< t <%) '*?? ?. > mint le made in fund* current in tliisadvertiaonuut* inserted in tho W f.i-ki.t ITr.rno for thirty cents pev lino. IG f?-t\ Shaving and Hair-J>rc sting. Dl'RKIDUF. fhe 7mir--'*!> f,re'-,lVi'le. And taken fti> his * Headquarter:1 ne-\( door t<- C. \V. lhrKiv /?V Co's Teilovins''stiiMi hment, in Bent ^ft^ Brink I'nnj? , and i-< prepared to exr-,*?? 3^-g^outo i s'erv thing in his line u ith tho lines' W^jV rtoiioh. (iontlclun can have their half fit L;"^fttipoocd or fare? shoved at any" time during tnoday or evening. f'hoviog qor.e by tho. month on reasonable terms. Greenville, March 10. 41 tf A Chance to malce Money. PROFITABLE A\'0 H0NQRA8LE EMPIOYMCKT ! TIIL Subscriber u deMrrn* of hnvincr on ?ireu? in each emioty and town of the Union. A capital ofTrnro 5 to ?lAnnly tvill bo required or i anvtliiug !ih? ?" efficiWlt. enargcfic man m?V< tt-om three to live dollars pet- day ;?ind'rd be?meoJ'?ho* new employed are rcalizie^ tn ioo that sum. Frcry information will be g>v. on bv nddresting (port paid.) T*M. A. TCTVFTFF. Box TL ronlrl'". N.. F'?** OflRe* rr.h It"! 1. ,M tU Mr ??? > u+.'juiAs ami > vt \ nii s, r '.lirtJl Mammoth size. Also a fine Beleciion yl Hair Work, Consisting of Brooohos, Brneolels, Furring?, Chit ins, Hand l'ropsts, Hearts, Crosses and ISeok Chains, AuidicJ with tasteful lino Cohl Mounting*. A number of Fin? Silvor Cups, Clinslo nu?t plain, together with a great variety of heavily Plated English Wares, Double uinl Single Bar rolled Ours, Jliiles btuI Pistols, and llcvulvel'S of'the most Celebrated inahi *. A few more of xl*>ou!^b- 1,1 tided Prtm 1? Bo/or* left, ituil a few Boxes ol the well known ^ Mairie Uazorjffrop Paste. in pii"ft In*. "Jewelry Store ia replete in i?* \ irictv itf handsome and alt raeti v? FANCY GOC'ltS generally. inasi^jpdi its to entirely prelude the nienTion'of a ViiVt *deu) that is BuboU'vl, Caeftjl and Ornamental, " mli "z3, tf> t? Tlic Temperance Standard. f|MlK UNDERSlGXFD.would respectfully r>v3 nounec to the friends of'ft mpei one- gtji, rally that they intend l?t eommetteo the publication of o Tempet* n'e? I'npeiy about tin- 1 .'Ml of Jt ? e next, provided -i sufficient number of ^ulvcrib?.rs can ij^jd'taine<l to warrant tin undertaking. Jf weTfie'printed ui eti pubstunt ?;:J paper of Imperial sire, and will eontam i t ftniimii* of matter. It will he denominated tlu "South Ci olinn Temper:.uc* Standard," ami w?l! ' o lished every two weeks, ?t tic p.ieo ?.f Or* V)? ! lnr per annum. As soon as fifteen hr.r.dred subscribers are, \v? will publish u wcekiv at the miiip ju'ioe. Our sole object i4 tofidvocale the e.t'.-e ofT'tape ranee ; end particularly tin I.c-ohdnt jv? Prohibition of ilie Trail;? in Intovienting ; n'ttl to prepare the tmeses of the people el' our State, for the enactment of ruth a con?ineing them of its expediency ami net < ssiir. We will endeavor to make it c w<-le< mo \isitor in every family. Nolhing will he admitted into it- Coluir.'.. t>: worthless in.luteal u-n- ' ncter. Xo subscription w ill be received for Tots than on year, and in every ease the order mut be accompanied bv the money. We hope nil persons feeling an interest in the suceesn ot this enterprise, will exei I themselves in getting subscriptions, and as soon thereafter :.s eonvenient send us their lists. l'ost n'.flsto&ar j requested to net a* Audits. * All eoininunivntions intended for the paper must bo paid, and addressed to Jhc >t>U'fiS Carolina Temp* raneeSftnndnrd," Lexington (.VL., . &?RCAI;GITMAX,\> mM9&?xr J. It. 14UFAUL, > hniTons ?v Pr.>rj ' M-<?ld.Y.\. \ ' THE WEEKLY H?R?^, . The B; :1 Genoral^K^^^BJHBBr ' pin: N: 'A "l ; V r.ypfjfr.sftn is j d 'M 1 ed every Snturila^-'a^rnmt* Its c* embraee nil the news ofrtfcw jm ?t , vents ot the day, reports of meeting*, of tiiejjtafe 1 cislatur', ?nd of Congress; pul lie doot n.eiit-; TTiiroponn nttu honiclw^rtuSUra?leiiee : finaiicii. and eotnniercial infor?ft#jw?r^ and editoria's of general interest, that in the Nxvr York DAILY HKK \m>. V y*'. - . It is neatly printed,.hi cie^r -4yj e. ov h* !nrgo dotihe quarto sheet of forty-eight < ?a book?ft directory in is. If?runt <fth.* best nnil inost \ nit table v *-?-itly nc-wnfrup'rs in th world. The greatest care is taken toTpbtiiin t o latent nnd most reliable ii.Uligtnce of tnovenuuiU in all parts of the world. ./ pense is spared fortius purpose. * * The subscription price is Ihr. dollars per ar>num, pavable m advance, of si\potiee p. r -ingle copy. Editors of newspapers throughout tire country particularly requested to ret as gent*. They will recievo tw nty-firc p. r cent commission on nil cash subscription^. Any person obtaining five or more stilex-iibci* will be allow J the same commission, Tr.r.Ms or oil-ns. For 1 copy of Wpfm.t lint I year J" P?t l'ivc copies do. do. 'Al vt.s Ten do. do. < '2l f>0 Fifteen do. do. ;C. '. j