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b ?mi?itMAiL. irosifirr. For the Southern Enterprise. LINES Written on the Death of Stephen H. Blackburn.! to the sound of tin* tolling hell! What mournful tidings does it toll? Blighted hopes and fond hearts crushed, A mortal's voice forever hushed. A blooming youth has passed away, Afl nncu tlm frntfilo nf M-tv ? , y - - And soon the grave will close upon A parent's hope?a well loved son. Yes, dcntli lins snatched, with ruthless liand, A well known form from oufrour hand, And borne him from the shore of time, To dwell in nn eternal clime. Thus mortals swiftly pass awnv; For man is born hut to decay, And soon the messenger will come, To bear us to our final home. Then let us live that so we may, "When death shall summon v* away. Leave this vain world without a sijdi. And soar to mansions in tho sky. (J. W. It. Orrenvillr, S. C. Afnrch 22, Iffoo. lETUM D, Not Bad.?.V correspondent of the Cincinnati Times, from Burlington, Vt. relates the following: "I am reminded?speaking of cheese?of a little anecdote the stage-' driver told me yesterday. We were passing an old farm-house with an untidy yard, and dilapidated out buildings, when he said? "A Boston man g<jt off a pretty cute, speech to the owner of that place, t'other 'day." "What was it?" 1 asked. "Why, he called at the house to buy cheese, but when he came to look at the lot, he concluded he did'nt want 'em they were so full of skippers.'? fto he made an excuse, and was going away, when the farmer said to him? "Look here, mister, how can 1 get my cheese down to Boston the cheapest ?" The gentleman looked at the stuff a moment and saw the squirming, and said. "Well, I don't know ; let. 'em be a day or two, and you can if rice <m riyht down It seems to me the answer was somewhat "pertinent to the occasion." \ { r.* vrr ?.* I I i v ?* *A\ l?v > . get. married ?' said a young lady, the other day, to a bachelor friend. lI have been trying for the last ten years to lind some one who won Id be silly enough to have ine was the reply. '1 guess you havn't been up our way,' was the insinuating rejoinder. ? ? Artlkss Caxdok.?A gentleman inquired of a carpenter's hoy ; "My lad, when will this job your master has now on hand be completed?" 'I can't tell, sir," said the honest boy artlessly, 'it's a day jahy and it will depend ujton how soon the old matt has another order.' A reverend sportsman was <>nco boasting of his infallible skill in finding a hare. '*It'," said a Quaker whoi was present, "I wore a bare, I would take nty seat in a place where I should be sure of not being disturbed bv thee, from the first day of January to the. last , day of December." "Why, where would you go ?" "Into the study." t a t , ? 1... 1 jl x. itgk. n ifiK "lire U | ' j'"i ! I it | ?ll'l i ^ quakeress fiii?I said she looked so charming lie couldn't help 'riving her a kiss. ''Friend/' .-aid -he, thee''must not do it!" "Oh, by heaven I will replied the barrister. "Well Friend,: as thou hast sworn, thee may do it. j but thee must not make a practice of it. Sl'EAKINO ( ?IIA M MATICA I.I.Y. 'Sal,' | exclaimed Fbenezcr to his dearly beloved, when he arrived in (iotham with his bride, oil a wedding tour, 'Sal, get on ycr Sunday-go-to-ineetin' dressing and things, and let's take a perpendicular promenade round the prejuncts of the principality.' 'VVell. Zob," replied the lair one, I'll do itmad ffothing shorter, I hit can't you say your say without talking grammer and" college edification ? If you want me to take a slather round, and take atrotwitli yon, why in lilted Jerewsalem, don't yon say so ?' A sAii.on about to sail for India, a citizen asks him where his father died? 'In shipwreck.' 'And where did vonr grandfather die V _ %\ 'As he wms tisli'mor .1 and lie with his campanions perished/ 'And vour groat grandfather C 'lie also porished trom shipwreck.' 'Then if I were you, I \\<>uhl never go to sea.' 'I'rav, rny philosopher, where did yonr father die if' 'M ".ther, grandfather and greatgrandfather died in l?ed/ 'Then if I were you i woulc never go to bed.' "One swallow docs not make a summer," but a panther of>on makes a spring. .V , t -4 ?. _ it, MltsSSLltAinEllTTS. How to Ruin a Son. 1. Sot him the example in the use of j intoxicating drink. 2. Lot him have his own way?the 'largest liberty,' so fascinating to the j imagination of4 Young America.' 3. Allow him the free use of money,) without" any restraining sense of responsibility to parent or guardian. A. Sutler him to wander where he pleases on the Sabbath, and to spend Iiis evenings away from homo. 5. (rive him the freest access to wicked companions, who make mock of all i authority. C. Furnish him with no high aim in | life and no steady employment. lt| might hinder the development of his, genius. Pursue all. or any of these ways, and j you will experience a most marvellous! deliverance if vou have not to mourn j over a debased "and ruined child. Thousands of parents have practi-[ eally adopted these rules in the man-j agemcut of their children, and the re-1 suits have been exact ly what one might, j anticipate?-'their grey hairs have been ! brought down with sorrow to the! grave.' T* Economy in Wives. A vouxo married woman, who has I not had the opportunity of profitingj by the advice and example of a good mother will lind some ditlieultv at first in spending her money to the best advantage, for there is really an art in spending money, (though it is getting! rid of it.) Some women will keep house respectably and plentifully onethird less money than will be required by others and without meanness or illiberal dealing. lint to do this, judgement forethought and experience arc necessary. One woman will be able to tell bow much her housekeeping! costs to a shilling while another cannot! guess within ten. The former has' 1 method, rule, regularity and a certain! sum assigned to her; with the latter I it, b all haphazard?it. comes and it goes she neither knows how nor cares.' And this is almost sure to be the case if the money is doled out by her husband in a few shillings at a time.?lutnner! (1* I*l<inUr. Tin: Washington correspondent of the New York Tint?* is perfectly .-liocked. it .-.coins, at the low necked dros-es ufonr city belles when they' are supposed to he in full costume, if 1 was a husband or father, or both, 1 might so far sympathise with the scribe' of the i as to enter a feeble protest against prevailing modes; but being only an unaccompanied stray waif I in this wicked, weary world, 1 am wil: ling to admit?sinner a< i am {?a pen-; I chant for dresses cut short at both i ends, llesidcs, the fashion is always 'accompanied with the tender and holy associations of infancy. As the conn-! tryimin said when a>kod, after leaving, one of the IVe-idontal looves. if lie had overseen such a sight before? k'Xo,vj was the emphatic reply, "'tint ttun'fi I\ lf\r.S> ,r. ?Co/'i'i n>:c J\'Hst/f t<"/I/!'>). Wi v docs a bow-legged man remind ; u of a holiday at the South? We give it up as probably you do. ; 1 localise (you see* the kiu'c grows out. <<?> 4 An Irishman who was overpaid, si no about a year ago l?y one of the Indiana hanks, a few days ago called at t!m hank on his return fro in "out \Ve>t,'' and returned the indentical ?loo, which he had kept sewed up in his pantaloons for a whole year. How does it happen that when you -layout late, upon your retiring as rjuietly as possible, every door creaks ten times as much as usual, and the stair.-, go olf a - parks of artillery And lastly, why is it that you don't show your good feeling tor us by get.-' ting ussome new subscribers. A dahiino and fashionable widow, threatens to .-rie some gentleman for a breach of promise, merely to let it be known that she is in the market. ... T / * fP i i im.m V I KKJSiTY. I O JOOK Ut the stitehes in a Toady-made" coat. 'i'o analyze an cutinif house pudding. To ask your tailor or shoemaker j when ho will send homo your coat or hoots. To ask a man it' ho belongs to the Know Nothings. A Goon Pin*.?One of the wittiest bijous in the way of punning was perpetrated a few nights ago, l?v a gentleman of Portsmouth, at the hadies', Fair. A lady wished a scat. A portly handsome gentleman brought one immediately and seated the lad^y. "(>h, you are a jewel 1" said she. "Oh, no," replied he, "I am a jew-l oiler, I have just set a jewel." I.ohknzo how once said of a grasping avaricious farmer, that if lie had the whole 1 world inclosed in a single field he would not1 he contented without a patch of ground on 11 lie outside for potatoc?. 1 * * * * +- .. "constitution OF THE BUTLER GUARDS. ltULE I. ! This Company shall be known and desig- J natcd by the name of the "ButlkH Guakds." ( RULE II. , The officers of this Company shall be Cap- t tain, 3 Lieutenants, 4 Sergeants, 4 Corporals, Surgeon, Secretary and Treasurer. The Commissioned < Mlieers and Surgeon shall be elected by the company, by a majority of the votes given, necessary to a choice. The f Non-Coin missioned Officers to bo appointed : by the Captain, and continued by a majority of the Company. RULE III. |" The highest in rank of those Officers pic- it sent, shall preside at all meetings of the j i Company, and nominate all Committees. ! t KI LE IV. j I U.MKOItM.? [ ] RULE V. I,' The Commanding (ffiicer shall keep a book. ? in which he shall note down the amount of | all monies drawn from the Regimental Trea- i surv, and all orders drawn on the Secretary, j < and for neglect of such duties shall be lined i as prescribed in Rule 20. I RULE VI. ItKCOUUS, 1'ixANCE, AMI DITIKS OK 8ECRE- j r a it v v v it tiii.* v ii i.:i? The duties of Secretary mul Treasurer! shall he performed by one person appointed t by the Captain. Jlc shall be exempt from 11 monthly dues, all Company, Battalion and ?. Kegimcntal parades, except in cases of alaun.. lie shall be present at all Company meetings and funerals. As Secretary he shall keep a true record of all proceedings of the Company, a tine list of all members present at each meeting, and note the absentees; keep 1 a correct list of all members admitted and expelled, and the date thereof. lie shall give due notice in one of the papers of all meetings, and prepare the room for the i same. < >n the nomination of any Commit-1 i tee by the Presiding Oflicer, be shall inform , I the Chairman of the same, in writing ex-; a pressing the nature of the appointments, ?fcc.,1 Are. lie shall also conduct the correspon- l deuce of the Company, and upon the re>ig-' nation or expulsion of any member, it shall' ? he his duty forthwith to report him to the i Captain of the Beat in which he may reside. As Treasurer, ho shall have charge of the funds of the Company, hut shall pay out iio j portion thereof, except upon the written order of the Commanding < Mlieer. He shall | keep a regular account with each member, and a Cash Book, which must exhibit a true! | statement ?<t" the finances of the Company.' He shall prepare and present to the Com- j maudiug Olliccr all returns of the strength j and equipments of the Company that shall ' be required. lie shall keep a book in which lie shall record all wiiltcu orders, received ; or issued by the Commanding < Mlieer of the I Company; and for neglect of any of the I foregoing duties, he vhall he fined as is specified in Uule '20. i KIT.K VII. IM'TIKS OK OIII'KK I.Y. < The Orderly Sergeant shall keep a Iloll ' Book, in which lie shall note all absentees from parades, lie shall also keep a hook , in which he shall record all orders issued by the Commanding Oflicer for Court .Martial, } ami in which he shall furnish the Secretary ( with a list of the names of those fined at j , Company Couit Mai tial, and the amount of ( each tine. lie shall also cause defaulters to! j he summoned, and furnished the Court with , evidence of their defaults. And for the neg- ' led or omission of an v one of such duties, ho i shall he fined as i- specified in Hu!c '20. llULK VIII. ;i ADMISSIONS'. ' S Any Person wishing to become u mf in-' bcr of the Company shall signify such wish , by letter mid rested to the olHccrs and members of the "1 hitler (!nurds," which letter ' | shall bo referred to the < Vininittee on Ad- j , mis-ion, who shall report as directed in Pule | Id, when, after the reading of the applicant's ' hitter, the Company shall go into an election for the candidate, and three-fourths of tinmemhers present voting for his admission, j the ! 'residing < Mlieer shall declare him duly < elected. i t KI LE IX. ' i i, INITIATION OK MKMIIKKS. On the election of a member, the Secreta- ( ry shall immediately inform him of his election. and furnish him with a copy of the > Utiles of the Company ; and upon hi* pay-j ing the sum of one dollar, and subscribing! bis name to the Ky-Laws, and being uni-j formed and c<|uiped within thirty days from the period of his election, he shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Company; otherwise his election shall he deemed void.? 1 The Secretary for neglecting to comply with , tliis Kuic Shaii be tilled as is specibed in j Kuld 29. KULE X. The Annual meeting of the Company shall he held on the night of the 22d Feb-1 'ii ..i...ii i ? r.i -l I i<?11JV J line nii?iii im; h iiitttruiJLJ ui wiC Company on the first Tuesday night of each nionlli. At the hour appointed the roll shall ( he called, and a <piornm of the Company be- { , ing present, they shall proceed to business. ! s ' RL'I.K XI. !< OHl>i;n OK UU8INF.S*. i t Minutes of last meeting road and disposed '( of. Defaulters at meetings called upon fori' their excuses* Members called upon fori their arrears, and arrear list read. Deferred j8 business, Reports of Committees. Com-j muuications, etc., shall be submitted and acted upon. New buisiness may then be in- . trod need. Any member wishing to submit or discuss any motion, resolutions or other' matter," shall address the Chair, (standing,) and shall not bo interrupted unless out of order. He shall have the privilege of speaking twice on the same subject, but not oftener, without the consent of the 1'residing Oftie,er. Any member violating this llule shall be lined as is specified in llule 29. 1 ! 4 RULE XII. EXTRA MEETINGS. fl'l. _ n -1 /\ Art ? ?i n ? iuc vyoniiiianuing v/inccr snail call extra] r.ectiugs of the Company upon the written I i equest of any five members, or at sucli J ,imes as ho may think the interest of the t 'ompany require it; and for neglecting or 1 efusing to comply with this Rule, shall be 1 ined as is specified in Rule 20. 1 RULE xin. APPOINTMENT OK COMMITTERS. At the annual meeting of tho Company, lie Presiding Officer shall appoint the fol- 1 owing Committees, of three each, to serve ? or one year, (to wit:) A Coinmitteo on t \pplication for Membership, whose duty it 1 hall be to consider the fitness of all appli* i ants for admission, and report thereon to he meeting or parade next succeeding the efercneo to such Committee, unless further ime bo granted ; also, a Committeo on Kinance, whose duty it shall be to examine ill demands presented against tho Cotnpaiv, and rejHirt thereon at the next meeting >t the Company, lie shall also appoint a special Committeo at the monthly meeting . acceding the annual meeting, whose duty | t shall ho to examine the books of tho Treasurer, and report thereon at the annual mectng, and, in conjunction with the Treasurer, av before the same meeting a full statement ' >f the financial affairs of tho Company. RI LE XIV. I.KAV1NO UOOM WITHOUT PERMI8IIOK. Any member leaving tho room without ho permission of the Presiding Officers, , lining a meeting, shall be fined as is specified iu Rule 29. RULE XV. VOTING. All questions shall be determined by >a]lot; or ayes and nays, if required by five nembcrs. RULE XVL AUSRNCE OF QUORUM. In case of the members failing to attend a | meeting in sufficient numbers to form it quo uin, the officer present shrill cause the roito t?c called, ami tlie Secretary shall report the ibsentees to the next meeting. The quorum to consider any proposed al-| eration or amendment of the Constitution j diall be thirty, (00.) The quorum to trail- , met ordinary Company business shall be tliir- j teen, (1 3.) RULE XVII. l'ahadks. The Company shall parade four times in ?nch year, (to wit:) on the twenty-second of j lobruary, on the first Saturday in May fourth ?f July on the first Saturday in October. I Maul tors at those parades shall be returned 1 .o a Regimental Court Martial, as required jy the State Militia Laws. The Company diall havo extra parades and <1 rills at such time and place as the Commanding Officer may designate. RULE XV111. 1>a hades and 111(1 m.s. The members shall hold themselves in | readiness to appear at extra parades and 1 hills, when ordered by the Commanding j < >tli?*or, for the neglect of which they shall ined as specified in Rule '29. RULE XIX ft'nehai-s. i Upon the information of thedeath of any member, the Commanding Officer shall or- ' ler the Company to parade, and bury him >vith military honors. It shall be the duty ] f each member at funeral parades to furnish ] iimsclf with a piece of black crape, to be lorn on the leftnrm. Any member refusing . >r omitting to comply with this Rule shall j >c fined as is specified in Rule 29. The Com- j manding Officer refusing or neglecting to omply with this Rule shall be fined us is j pecirted in Rule 29. RULE XX. accounts. All demands against the company shall l>c presented and read tit a regular monthly meeting, and referred to the Committee on Kinanec, as specified in Rule 13. RULE XXL duties ok committees. Each Chairman, or acting Chairman, of a Committee, shall report in writing at such iino as he may be required. A Chairman K'uici.iiiij' sui'ii uuiy, ur wiy meiiiuer 01 a Joinmittce refusing or neglecting to serve j hereon, shall be lined as is specified in llule ( 21). hulk xxii. I DL'TIES OK 8KROEANT. The Company shall be divided into four .(luads, with a Sergeant and Corporal attach- j :d to each; it shall lm the duty of each Serjeant to have a I toll of his squad, and suinnon them when ordered to do so by an otli- j cr, anu niaKO a return to such officer on or X'foro the clay for which he has summoned lis sqad to appear ; and for each and every mission ofsticli duty, the Sergeant shall be: . ined as specitied in Rule 20. 11ULE XXIII. COl'KT MARTIAL. I The Commanding Oflicer shall have full, [tower and authority to order Company Jourt Martial, which shall consist of at least liree Commissioned Officers, and whichI .hall convene at such time and place as the' Commanding Officer may designate, for the ' rial of defaulters at extra parades, and all >ther violations of the Militia Laws not othsrwise provided for in these Rules. Officers not complying with this Rule hall be fmcd as is specified in Rule 29. KULE XXIV MEMIIER9 IN ARRKARH. Any member neglecting to pay his monthly lues until they amount to three^lobars, or lis fines untH they amount to ten dollars, thAll receive immediate notice of the same in vriliiig, from the Secretary, and if the arrears ire not paid previous to the next regular meeting, he shall bo sued for the same, and jxpelled from the Company. Secretary neglecting to comply with tl'iis Rule shall be lined as is specified in Rule 29. 0 RULE XXV. EXPULSION OF MEMBERS. No member sliall be expelled (except as ( n Rule 24,) until specific charges have been >rclerrcd against him, and thirty days noice is given to the accused, that he may pre)are his defence if so disposed, nor then, uncss two-thirds of the Company present vote or his expulsion. For neglecting or refusing to make return to Officer?Rule 22, 50 Musicians and Privates? For deficiency in dress and equipments, as adopted in Rule 4, each article, 25 Xon-Com missioned Officers, Musicians and Privates? For absence at parades, each, Rule 18, 2,00 For absence at drills, each. Rule 18, 25 For arms reported out of order, each, 25 ; Secretary and Treasurer? For neglect or omission of any duty, as prescribed in Rule, 0, 5,001 For neglect or omission of any duty, as prescribed in Rule 0, 50 j For neglect or omission of any duty, as prescribed in Rule 24, 50' For neglect or omission of any duty, as prescribed in Rule 27, 50 Mkmiieus? For absence at Company meetings at. the Roll call, 25 , For violation of Rule 11, each case, 25 For refusing or omitting crapo at funerals, as specified in Rule 19, 50 For violation of Rule 14, 50 Chairman of Committees? For omission of duty as is specified in Rule 21, 50 Mkmiieks ok Committees? For omission of duty, as is specified in Rule 21, 50 RULE XXX. It shall be the duty of the 3rd Lieutenant to appear at eveiy parade with a blank book and accompany the commanding ofiiccr upon inspection of the company, and note down any defiency of the Uniform and accoutrements of the members as ordered, and shall report the same at the next regular meeting, when the member or members shall be called on for his or their excuse, which shall be forthwith submitted to the company and a majority of the members present shall either; confirm or excuse the fine. RULE XXXL Al.TKU ATION8 AND AMENDMENTS. The foregoing Rules, or any part of them, shall not be altered, repealed, amended, or modified, unless a motion to that effect be made in writing, seconded at one meeting, and agreed to at the next, by two-thirds of the Company present. V ? ? The pajrers havo discovered some grass in the "path of rccitude." Guo&i that path must be sadly overgrown with grass?it is so little travelled now-a-days. Gnu* ! don't accept the hand oj^any man who tells you that he is going to marry ami settle. Make him settle first, and miyry af terwards, ' H * ' ~*s' ' * * ' ? I ,MIL" " _l.l.. riIILAt}fili*IIIA ADVERTISEMENT. t-v r\ > r i * r> /-? r rV lUUKSttLr. rhe Pocket S sculap?i UB ji OH, EVKRY OKE JTX8 OWN rilYSICIA^.-' ?% rPIIK FI1TIETH EDITION, with On? ' I .I- Hundred Engravings, showing l)isJFr cases and MalformaCrphs of the iftinian ' Ell System in every sbepo and form, To'' ijy which is added a TV?li? o;? the Diseases of Females, being of the'highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage lly Wmj.ixm V?t'sii, M. D. t * > Let no father be ashamed to present a eopv of the si'SOL'LA 1'IC'P to his child. If, may save liiin from an early grave. no young nian -or ' woman enter into the secret obligations of tnhr riage without reading the POQKE7* jE&CUXA- . P1U8. no one Buttering from a haekni 1 cough, Pnui in the side, restless nights, ncrvon* feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up their physician, he another moment without consulting tfio jESCULAPJUS ' Have those married, or those about to he marri ~ ed any impediment, road this truly useful hook, as it has dcen the means of saving thousands of unfortunate* creatures from the very jaws of death. t3S~Any person sending Ttrm/y-J''ii'C Cefi/* en closed in a letter, will reeeivo one copy of this work by mail, or five copies sent for one Dollar. Address, (post-paid) I Mi. \YM. YOUNG, 15i Spruce-street, l'liiladelpliia. Juno 15,18."4. 5 fy Tlic Temperance Standard. rpiIE UNDERSlflNED would respectfully nnJL nouneo to the friends of Temperance generally that they intend to commence the publication of a Temperance Paper, about the 15th of June next, provided a sufficient number of Subscribers can he obtained to warrant the undertaking. It will be printed upon substantial paper of Imperial si/.e( and will contain 24 columns of matter. It will be denominated the "South Carolina Tomnernrico Sfnmlneil " nml will !> r>oV> lished every two weeks, nt tho price of Olio Dollar nor uniiutn. As soon as fifteen hundred subscriucra arc obtained, wo will publish it weekly nt. flic entne price. Our sole object is to advocate the onuse of Temperance; and particularly (lie Legislative Proliibition of the Tratlic in Intoxicating Drinks; and to prepare the masses of the people of our State, for the enactment of su< h a Law, l>y convincing them of its expediency and necessity. Wo will endeavor to make it a welcome visitor in every family. Nothing will be admitted into its columns of a worthless and immoral tendency. A strict neutrality will be maintained on all subjects of a political and religious sectarian character. No subscription will be received for less than on year, and hi every ease the order must be accompanied bv the money. We ho pe all persons feeling an interest in the success of this enterprise, will exert themselves in getting subscrijitions, and as soon thereafter as convenient send us their licts. Lost masters are requested to act as Agents. All communications intended for the paper must be port paid, and nddres?fr,\ to the "South Temperance Standard, ''NvxVv^'on II., S. 0. S. E. CAT.v'UMAN, ) J. K. JillKARE, V Editors A Pitoriurtoks. S. COlt LEV, ) Tho Southern Cultivator, \ MONTHLY JOURNAL, devoted exclusively to the Improvement of Hcuthenb Agrfcultufc.Stock Hreeding, Poultry, Jtees, General Farm Economy, Ac., Ac. Illustrated with nutmerous Elegant Engravings. OXK DOL LA R A YEA R IX A J) VA XCEl. Daniei. Lee, M. D., A- 1). Redmond, Editors. 77\c Twelfth Volume, Greatly Improved, commenced January, 18/54. Tiie vYi.tivator, is a large octavo of Thirty-two pages, forming ft volume of 384 pages in the year, it contains ft much greater amount of reading matter than any similar publication in the South ?embracing in addition to the current agricultural topics of the day, valuable original contributions from many of the most intelligent and yraclical Planters, Farmers and Horticulturists iu every section of the South and South-west. Terms. One Copy, one year, ?1 ; Six Copies, one year, $5 Twenty "five, " " $'20; One Hundred" " ?75. TiikCasii Svstem w ill he rigidly adhered to, and in no instance will thopnpcrbc sent unless the money necomjmnies the order. The Hills of all spocie-paving Hanks received nt par. All money remitted by mail, postage-paid, will be nt the risk of the Publisher. Address, WILLIAM S. JONES, Augusta, bn. HT.T ersons who will act ns Agents, and obtain subseribers, will be furnished with the paper nt club priees. May 26, 1854. f g <1 f,5M A-iO -MA! ?));.!.:< A/r, Draw iii^-Btoom Companion. A Record <>f the beautiful ami useful in Art. rr^ho object of the paper is to present, in A the most elegant and available form, a weekly literary melange of tmtable the day. Its columns are devoted to^gin- * al tales, sketches and poems, by tho BKST AMKU1CAX At TIIOII8. and tlie cream of the domestic and foreign news ; the whole well spiced with wit nnd kitfYtAf Vnol? t\fiv?/m? !o ........... r.IJV. 1.1 11ea ltikully ii.ll'stil atf.d with numerous accurate engravings, l>y eminent artists, of notable objects, current events in all parts of the world, and of men and manner, altogether making a paper entirely * orginal in its design, in this country. Its pages contain views of every populous city in* the know n world, of all buildings of note in 9 the eastern or westtxu-hemisphere, of all the principal ships and steamers of the navy and merchant service, with tine and accurate portraits of every noted character in tlio world, both male and female, sketches of beautiful scenery, taken from life, will s'.so . he given, with numerous specimens front the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea. It is printed on tine white paper, with new and vdrpitiful type, presenting in its mechanical < execution an clegan-spccimen of art. Tito size of the paper is fifteen hundred aan sixty, four sijmire inches, giving a great ainunt of reading matter and illustrations?a manmoth weekly paper ofsixteen octavo pages. Each six month w ill niuke a volume of 410 pages, with al>out one thousand splendid engravings. Term**?INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. 1 sidMiviber, one year $3 00 4 subscribers," " " 10 0Q 10 44 44 44 20 00 One copy of Tiik Flag ok oi h Union and one copy of Olkahom'h Pictorial, when taken together by one person, for oiio yenjp i for $4 00, '4* * The Pictorial Drawing Room ComI'nion may he obtained at any of the periodical depots throughout the country, and ef agrf newsmen, at six cents per single copy. Published every Satiirdhy by * F7DLEAS0N. * Cor.oj Trcmott rnd Hfrndtld KL-Lfc A A. VI. NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL. No member of this Company shall leave t unless he shall have given at least six iiontlis nolico in writing, of such intention, ,o the Commander thereof, nor then, unless ic has paid all his arrears, and returned his irins to the Company. RULE XXVII. DUTIES OF SECltETAItV. The Secretary shall keep a manuscript :opy of these Rules, for the signature, in A'hich she shall mark against any rule that may bo a^ucd or amended, the nature and Jate ^H^Bkernlion or amendment, which :opy I^JpWiAvc at all Company meetings. In failing to comply with this Rule he shall be fined as is specified in Rule 20. RULE XXVIII. CONTItim TIONS. The Commissioned Officers shall pay to the Treasurer, on the first Tuesday in each month, 50 The Sergeants shall pay to the Treasurer, oil the first Tuesday in each month, 25 The Corporals and privates, each, shall pay to the Treasurer, on the first Tuesday in each month, 20 RULE XXIX. FINES. CAPTAIN? For absence at parades, $10 00 For absence at drills, 50 For deficiency in dress and equipments, as adopted in Rule 4, each article, 100 For refusing or neglecting to call meetings when requested by five mem born, as in Rule 12, $,300 j For refusing or neglecting to order Funeral Parades, as in Rule 10, 3 00 For neglecting of duties as in Rule 5, 500 hi kptkvasts For absence at parados, 5,00 For absence at drills, 25 For deficiency in dross and equipments, as adopted in Rule 4, each article, 1,00 ; For neglecting or refusing to attend Court Martial as in Rule 25, 3,00 ; Dimeui.y Sergeant? For neglect or omission of each duty prescribed in Rule 7 1,00 i For neglecting to report members coining into the ranks after the Roll call, each 25 Sergeant*? * For deficiency in dress and equipments, as adopted in Rule 4, each article, 1,00 j i Coupon \ls? For deficiency in dress and equipments, as adopted in Rule 4 each article, For neglecting or refusing to make Roll of Kmiad?liiilo l11 fifi