University of South Carolina Libraries
* . Suferesting IRifittllong. - Effects of the Passions. EvKRf one knows the influence of the depressing passions on the human frame. A beaten army has always moro sick (exclusiveIv of tlm \VOUn(St><n tWn fl vi( <Ari(tnc nnn and- in civil life,the effect of losses and disap, poititmentr in destroying the digestion, and waistinjj the strongest constitution are but too familiar to tho commonest observer.? But the pietucre has a brighter side. Hope and success are finer tonics than any to be found iu apothecaries' shops, and oven fear may boast its cures. A German pliysiVish, so runs tho tale, succeeded in curing an 'epidemic convulsion among the children of a poor-house by the foar of a red hot poker. The fits had spread by sympathy and imitation ; an this great physician, mistrusting the ordinary remedies in so grave a case, heated Qiis instrument, and threatened to burn the first who should fall into,a fit. The convulsions did not return. A celebrated scholar was attacked with fe ver at a small country inn. lie was visited by two physicians; and one of them supposiug from the poverty of his appearance, that he would not understand a foreign language, said to the other, 'Let's try an experiment oi* the poor fellow.* As soon as they were gone, the patient got out ofbed, hurried on his clothes, scampered oft as fast as he could, and was cured of his fever by his fright. In England, quite recently, a girl being attacked with a typhus fovor, was sent to the Lospital. A week afterwards her brother was seized with tho same disease, and was sent to tho same place and was sent to the same institution. The nurses were helping him up the stairs at the hospital. On the way, he was mot by some persons who were descending with a coffin on their slioniders. Tho sick man inquired whoso body they wore removing, when one of the hearers inadvertently mentioned the girl's name. It was his sister. The brother, liorrow-struck, sprung from his conductors |dashed down stairs, out of the hospital gate, and never topped running until he had reached home ?a distance of twelve miles ! He flung himself on the bed immediately, fell into a sound sloep, and awoko next morning entirely cured of his illness. Addition to tiik Camtol.?The work is jprqgrcssing steadily, and by the sessions of the next Congress, providod material shall arrive fast enough to keep the hundreds of workmen employer! during the recent recess, the wings will be ready for the occupancy of the two branches of legislators at that time. There us comparatively very littlo bricklaying foroe now required ; the preparation and the Retting of the marble comprise the f;reater part of the business to bo performed, n this department,Messrs. Provost and Winter, contractors, employ two hundred journeymen, seventy-seven of whom are engaged in carving the window-heads, door-jambs, and capitals of the columns and pilasters.? They who adntire such arts should visit the Capitol premises and tho elegant cuttings m tlioso objects, which are adorned with representations of tho corn and the grape, typical of prosperity and plenty. Besides, there are ninety-five laborers. The carpenters, blacksmiths, and other mechanics, are preparing their respective parts of the building ; and we feel warranted in making tho assertion, from a review of their operations, that they will not bo chargeable with delay in tho furtherance of the great work. Workmen are now engaged in erecting the pillars and pilasters for the grand staircase in the vestibules on the cast side of tho wings. "When finished, the peoplo of the country may justly be proud of their National Capitol. [ Washington Sentinel. Lieutenant Bon a i> arte.?It is stated that letters havo been received in Baltimore by the last steamer from Lieut. Bonaparte, of the French cavalry, dated late in Febuary, in camp, before Scbastopol, in which he states thtffbe is in fine health and good spirits, the wl^fe- impro#ng, and preparations are malrin^ror an early aud vigorous opening of tho campaign. ' "wmemsal.' MARRIED?Cn the morning of the 1st inst'by Rev. John Green, Mr. R. B. Woon, of Spartanburg District, and Miss Caroline James, of Greenville District. DIED.?In this placertm the evening of ^30di March 18S5,Sarah W. Carr, daugh ter of Lgwis and Emma C. Carr aged four vaam iOfA tviAnl lto An/1 air /lore / ? ""* ?*vf?????????m If Wc arc authorized to an* nounc* W. F. PllINCK, m a candidate for Sheriff at the ensuing election for that office. Sept. 8. 17 ta arc authorised to announce Will A* 1*1 CDaniel as aCandidate for Clerk at tha ensuing election. Feb. 2. td. 1ST We have been authorised to announce Cnpt. A* V. Owing* a candidate forKhifr. at tho next election. Oct. 27?td. k The State of South Carolina* GREENVILLE DISTRICT. , IW EQUITY. ^ llendriek T Arnold vs. James McCullougTi, et. al. ?Alill for partition of Heal Katnte, Ac., " 4 Ei.roRn, Complainant's Solicitor. TT appearing to my satisfaction, that. Lewis A Arnold, one of tha defendants to the ahoVe Maf Complaint, reside* without the limits of State. It is, thereto^ ordered that the said Lewis Arnold do appear ami. DliU. answer or domnr to the aaid Bill of CoigplMoVtoithin three months from tliin dot*, or his cttwntto the tame twill ho talon pro conf?im. i , , ^ a. -ro\#th a *. o . ik Commi?Bionff ? OlHto, Grc^tivilio, 8. C.. April fcth, IttOS*. 1WB1 ?ni * C*" *?T? k" ' ' " - V* * - ' **+ Crcen ville Price* Current. " 1 4 ' " f " CORRECTED WEEKLY KOU THE KNTERPHI8K, &Y JOHN W. 8RADY, MERCHANT. Greenville. April 5 1855. HAfJ(tIN(J. (iiinnv nor vnrrl 111 n Ifi ?:?: ' J i r~' J ' w Dundee, 13 a 16 BACON ... .Ilnms, per lb., 8 a . 10 Shoulders, 0 a '8 Sides, 8 a 10 llog round, 8 BUTTER.. .Goshen, per lb. none. Country, per lb. 15 COFFEE.. .Rio, per lb. 14 Java, per lb. 18 a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 6 J- a 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 Osnnburgs, peryd. 11 a 12}f FLOUR .... Couutry, per bbl. $7-} a $8 Country, j>er sack, $3} a $4 GRAIN Corn, par bushel, 78 a 85 Wheat, per bushel, $ 1} IRON Swedes, per lb. 0} a 7 English, per lb. 5 a 5} LARD per lb. a MOLASSES, Cuba, per gal^^^H^a 3 7} N. O., per. gnl.^^^i^^ 40 SYRUP...." " per gal. 50 a C2? OILS Lamp, per gal. $1$ a $2} Train, per gal. 87? a $1^ ' Linseed, * fcl| RICE. per lb. 7 a 8 ROPE per lb. 12}- a 20 SUGARS.?.N. Orleans, per lb. 7 a 0 Porto Rico, per lb. 9 a 10 Loaf, per lb. 12.} Crushed, per lb, 12} Refined, per lb. 10 a 12} SALT, per bushel, *1 Salt, per sack, a 2 37 SOAP Colgate,pale, 12? a 15 Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 SHOT per lb. 12} Shot, per bag, a $2 J 1MB MM 1 -l L I I, Jill .1*1 1 -TT. rrA NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Celebration! TIIE Suction ok Caokts, in Greenville, will hold n public celebration on next Thursday "evcuing. Aadresses will bo delivered to them by several gentlemen. Notice will bo given next week, at what plnco the speochos will he delivered. or Parents and tho citizens generally are invited to attend. J. C. BAILEY, Secretary. apr 6, 47 it Stoves! Stoves!! rrMIE SUBSCRIBERS offers to tho public a A. largo variety of Stoves, viz: Tho Challenge and Leviatlian Cooking Stoves, and various others. Air Tight Cooking Stoves, OP VARIOUS KINDS. PREMIUM COOKING STOVES, I Large and small Ovens, AIR TIGHT PREMIUM j Cooking Stoves. PARLOR COOKING STOVES. Parlor*, Box Stoves, Hull Stoves, for Churches, Stores, Ac., together with a full assortment ol plain and Japanned Tin Ware, TIN, COPPER, LEAD A SHEET IRON WARE, MATALLIC ROOFING Done in the most approved manner, with dis- j patch. The Trade supplied with TIN WARE, at wholesale, upon the lowest terms. I). G. WESTFIELD, ACO. GreenriUe, 8. C. apr f>, 47 tf Dancing School. "IXTILLIAM ADAMS, grateful for patronage j T V heretofore confercd on him, would respcctfully inform the Indies and Gentlemen of j Greenvuleand vicinity, that his SCHOOL is now i open for tho reception of scholars, at McBee's Ilall, and will commence on Saturday, the 14th inst Hours of Tuition to suit the convenience of patrons. Persons anxious of acquiring this disira- I hie accomplishment are requested to call at the Mansion House, where a sunscription list is left, and .enter their names. apr 0, 47 if Unseed Oil and Uinip Oil. AFRESH supply of LINSEED GIL boiled and raw; also a superior article of LAMP < OIL to be sold at tho Drug Store of E. KRUTCK. apr 6 47 It The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. A. It. McDavid, ct al.. va. Mrs. Susannah MoDavid, et. al.?Dill for ^Partition of Heal Estate, Young A Elforo, Complainant's Solicitor, IT appearing to my satisfaction, that William T, McDavid, ami John B. Graham and Nancy L Graham his wife, who arc defendants to the | above Dill of Complaint, reside without the limits of this Stato. It is, therefore, ordered that tho said absent defendants do appear and plead, answer or demur to the said Dill of Complaint, within three months from this dato, or their consent to tho sams will bo taken pro conftMo. S. A. TOWNS, o. K.G. r?. Commissioner's Office, Greenville, S. C., April Cth, 1855. apr 6, ?m The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY.) A. R. y David, et al., vs. Mrs. Susannah MeI)?vid, ci al.?Bill for Specific performances, ?(>., Young A Klforu, Complainant's Solicitor. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that William J. SlcDavid, and John D. Graham and Nancy L. Graham his wife, who are defendants to the above Bill of Complaint, reside without the limits of this State. It is, therefore, ordered that, the ] said absent defendants do appear and plead, answer or demur to the said Bill of Complaint, within three months from this date, or their consent to the same will be taken pro roof run. a A. TOWN KM, c.' r, o, n. Commissioner^ Office, Grecn\ille, S. C.? April 5th, 1855, apr 6, Bin LAST NOTICE, ALL PERSONS indebted to O. A. Pinxu, on account previous to March last, are ear-' n catty requested to eaH on W. K. Kaslky and settle the same, us further indulgence cannot he allowed. J. K BETIM, Assignee. January 5. 31 tf U 1',-r " ' ^ Groat Reduction in Prices. W. H. HOVEY, IS now offering his Stock of Printed D'Lninos, Dark Calicoes and Winter Drees Goods generally, nt reduced prices, to make room for his Spring Goods. A ...... i I ! V 1 . _ ' . ? " ? iv ?? / nniMuyr.uoio pari oi nis aiock 01 jnrauy- . Made Clothing, Consisting of Dress, Frock and I Over Coats, together Winter styles of Pants and Vest^ n|id materials for making tliom up, will be sold extremely low, as the season for exposing Suunuer goods is fast approaching. An excellent article of Black Broadcloth Velvet cellared Coat- for $8,00?Fashionable Style. The First Week in April, WILL ho displayed one of the largest and most ( select and handsome Stock of SPRING and SUM- j MLR GOODS ever offered in Greenville, eon- , sisting in part of, Street, Evening and Travelling J Dress Good#, of the newest and most desirable material and Style. Ribbons, Gloves, Trimmings, Laces, Muslins, Swiss, .Inconet, Lawn and Nainsook Embroideries, Edgings, Inserting* and Kloun- I eings. Silk and Cotton Hosiery. Work Boxes. I Fancy articles, and nil the little requisites and i nicities usuallv found in a well conducted DRY | GOODS LADIES' STORE. ! mil 23, 43 tf Booktf and Stationery. rpIlE Subscribers are receiving n large and va-1 1 ried assortment of the ubove Articles, which * they offer at low prioes. A LARGE VARIETY OF CLASSICAL WORKS. An Extensive Stock of Miscellaneous Works, i SCJIOOL BOOKS, Slates, Pons, Pencils, Draw- J ing Books, Water Colors, Dissected Games J Ac., Ac. Blank Books, hound, half-hound, and in paper. j Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper, by the ream j or less. Spy Glasses, Pocket Compnanes, Magnifiers, Ac. j With a varied assortment of other articles, to t wliieli they invite the attention of the public. G. li ELFOKD A CG. mar. 2, 42 tf Como this way good Folks. T HAVE just received a gooil supply of Groeeries, Hardware and other articles, such n# ('ofltHL Sllirnr mill Miilamnc Cuildk'8, Soap ftlul Starch, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cloven and Mnce, Snutf, Tobacco and Sugars, Bali lion, Sard in 68 and Crackers, Yoaet Powder, Soda, and Mustard, Walnut and Tomatto Catsup, Capers ntid Pepper Sauce, Preserves, Pickles, Brandy and Pie Fruits, Latnon Syrup Castor and Sweet Oil, Corn, Wheat and Potatoes, Hardware of all kinds, and many other articles loo tedious to mention. Also, a good many of niv last, year's nottisnad accounts, interest off for cash, and some ready for shaving. You who are acquainted witl? them, call atul see them. W. II. IIKNNOX. mh 23, 45 2t British Periodicals. K A IIL Y CO PI ES S EC UP HI). LOENAUB SCOT1' ?t CO., New-York, continue to rc-puhlishtho follow British Periodica)#, vis: I. The London Qaukteui.y (Conservative) *2. The Edinburgh Review (Whig,) 3. The N. British Review (Free Church) 4. The Westminister Review (Liberal) 5. Blackwood's Ed. Magazine (Tory.) rI^IIE present critical state of European afX fairs will rendor these publications unusually interestfngduring the forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle ground between the hastily written news-items, crude speculations and Hying rumors of tho daily journal, and the ponderous Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the great political events of the time shall have passed away. It is to these Periodical* that readers must look for the only really intelligible and reliable history of current events, and as such, in addition to their well-established literary, scientific, ami, theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. Arrangements are now permanently mado for the receipt of F.aki.y Siif.kts from the British Publishers l?y which we arc enabled to [>laco Am. oi ii Reprints in the hands of subscribers, about as soon as they can be furnished with the foreign copies. Although this involves a very large outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish the Periodicals at the same low rates as heretofore, viz :? Per ami. For any one of the four Reviews $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews 7 00 For all four of the Reviews. 8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine 3 00 For Blackwood and 3 Reviews 9 00 For Blackwood the f Reviews 10 00 Pay mm Ik to be made in all eaten in advance. Money current in the State where issued will be recieved at jwr. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-Hve per cent, from the above prices will l>e allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will bescnt to one address for #9 ; four copies of the four Reviews ami Blackwood for #30; and so on. POSTAGE. Til all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered through I Agents, FREE C>F 1HJSTAGE. When sent by mail, the Rootage to any part of tlie United States will l>o but Twenty-jive cents a year for 1 Hack wood, and but Fourteen cents . a year for each of the Reviews. Remittances and communications should always l>e addressed, post-paid, to the Rub Ushers, . . , . LEONARD SCOTT A CO., 54 cioi.u stkekt, New York. N. 11.?L. 8. A Co. have recently published, and have now for Rale, the "FAJtMEKS; i GUIDE," by Henry Stephens, of Edinburgh,' and, tho late I'rof. Norton, of Yale College, New Haven, complete in 2 vols., royal octAvo, containing 1600 pages., 14 steel and 600 wood engravings. J'riee, in muslin binding, 0. jt^"Tliis work is not tho old "Rook of the Farm," lately Pfeiuscitated and thrown \ upon the market. BOOK AND job PJUNTINO ncatir <h>n? *t j tlie " Enterprise uHtte-* 1 * #V r *% w. .->***?. 0 ??? ?jii n?m?m? ! ' > i irnwi ? ^8 &8 ^8 ^8 hrw^'V Tn?' REGULAR MKF.TjFf ini^? of Mountain Lohoi:, No. 16, 1. O. O. F., nro held on ^^-**5 Fridny evenings ut 7 o'clock in their Hall. W. 1\ McBKK, JScrreturi/. Greenville, Jnu. 12 06 f a. " sons o f t is mi?frmce. <x|^?Giikknviu-V Division, No. ltf, H. of T., 'EZr^hold their meetings weekly. ut the l>i vision llooin,(in MoBec's llul!)Saturday evening#. J. II. GOWKLt, A. It. S. January 12 35 f YOU arc requested to meet at the Division j Kuoui of the Sons of Temperance until further orders. Meeting?Friday Evening*. j By order of \V. I\ 1'mick, W.\, 1\\ January 12. 35 tf i REED & GOODLETT, * 5 M )(?, <nrcrnvillc, S. C. JtSrOfflco next door to F. F. Heattik A Co. J. 1*. KBF.D.] [s. I). tiOODI.KTT. January 12 85 tf HO'l'lC.llSe HAVING sold to J. B. SIIKBMAN our interest in the Tinning Business and Store at this place we would soy to all indebted to us that we need the money they owe lis, and that it must, he paid by the first of January next, and so mistake, for our Books must be closed. GREENVILLE MANUFACTURING CO. liv J. B. SlIKKMAN, Ajr't. Nov. 24. *28 tf N E W-Y <? U lv A I) V K RT IS E M K N T. SAMUEL W. BENEDICT, No. 5 M'all-slrcot, New-York, C?i?L HAS a splendid assortment ofj /a'T^QgOLO AND SILVER Wutchc*, IKWI'd-BY A Sll.VKR-WAKK, \ which. in eonsequcnce of the hard times, he will sell at unusually low prices, and all nrtielea will be warranted perfect, or no sale. Merchants and others about visiting the city Itrv re?,oetucu lo enil, Mn<l UKDKKS punctually attended to. March 0. 4.') ftf DBS. SULLIVAN & MOORE, PUNCTUALLY ANO PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL CALLS LX TIIK LIXEOKTIIEIU PROFESSION. Uksiokxce: Wartfu n, (frcenrille District. Pokt-OkkIck : J) unit ill, " " T. M. SULLIVAN.] [U D. MOURE. Marcli 0. 43 *f.| BOUNTY LAND CLAIMS. r|"MlE undersigned is prepared to obtain Itorx- j Jl. tv Land Warrants for those entitled to j them under the lute net passed by Congress, I March 3d, 1855. 1'rompt and immediate at ten- I tion will be given to the prosecution of all such j Claims. OlHco next door to K. K Heattik ?fc Co. ; S. 1). GOODLKTT. ! Greenville, S. C., March 10. 11 8 | ???PiEj-l., Watch .llakcr and Jeweller, ! under stern's hotel, I/" ELI'S always on hand 4aol<l ami Sil-IV. ver Watclu;*, and JEWELRY of every description. Fnnev Goods and Perfumery. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired in the best maimer. dec. 29, S3 iy A. HANSMAN, HOUSE, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL ANO DECORATIVE mm 9 rapkr-rasokit, oilukr, (1 LAZIER A flMIOLSTERKR. (iitKKXvilli:, s. c. fjfOrders left nl this Office at tended to. ?24 28 (Jin j Warrants! Warrants! K. SAOiST, VTTORNKY AT LAW, is prepared with nil . necessary instructions to procure Rounty Land Warrants un<lcr the lute net- of Congress, granting 160 acres to nil who limy have served in any of the wars. Immediate attention.given to any business of the kind entrusted to his care. March 10. 41 If BOUNTY LAND. lfiO ACRES rpo ALL who have nerved I I days, in any L War of the United States,, since 170? . WnrrniitN obtaiiietl, niul highest ensh prices paid for them, by C. J. LL1-ORI), Attorney at Law, Mh 10. 44-tf Oreenville, S. C. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters. J l ST RECEIVF.l >, two cases of Men's thick 1 "egged Roots, assorted si/.es, st rong and well made. 1 case Roys' 1'egged Roots. An Excellent Assortment of ^^MgLndies' (1'atont Leather foxed) i ^^^^Bl'rnnellc Gaiters. Rl'k A Col-*^?^? ored Prunelle and Laryntine Silk Gaiters, with fancy heels (quite new,) Ladies' Calf and Goatskin, Morocco and Sealskin Rootees, Walking Shoes and Slippers. White Kid Slippers and Gaiters. Children's Shoe*. IJoy'snnd Misses' Rlaek and Fancy colored Shoes of almost evcrv sine and description. Indies', Gent's and Misses' India Rubber Randalls and cioso Over Shoes, at WM. II. IIOVKYX Mh let. 44 tf Shaving and Hair-Dressing. III?It RIDGE, (lie llarlMT, Imn rcf turned to Oreenville, mid taken up liit* Headquarter* next door to ('. W. I'k ki.k <fc Co'* Tailoring establishment, in lieat tie* llriek Range, and is prepared to oxeeute every tiling in hisline with the tine*t touch. (fentlemen can have their hnir cut or shampooed, or faces shaved at any time during thudny or evening. S)?aving done by the month on ron*onal>l? term*. (Ireenville, March 16, 44 tf A Chance to make Money. PROFITABLE AND HONORABLE EMPLOYMENT!! 'PHK Subscriber i* desirous of having an agent I in each county and town of the Union. A capital of from & to ^lOonly will ho required and anything like an eflioicnt, energetic man enn make from three to five dollars per day ;?indeed i some of the Agent* now employed arc realizing J swiec that sum. Every information will be given bv aditreMtng (post paid.) WM. A. KINSI.F.K, Bex 1218, Philadelphia, I'a., 1'oat Otfice. tnj* 43 45 lit i i (in I"./ I." i il II ' mmtfi Extensive .Jewelry Establishment. CHARLES SMITH, WATCH MAKER, , NEARLY OPPOSITE Tilt: MANSION* HOUSE,, Groonvillo, S. C. i r 1MTOSK who are fotiij oT beautiful sights, fan . j 1 now have nn opportunity <>t* feasting lliOir j j eves, by the inspection of one of the largest atul I most select Sfooke, ever before offered in the up-1 ' per country. Every article will be duly warrant- 1 i ed and sold on the most reasonable Term#. A few articles will l>? mentioned. Hold ' j M'fttchi't 18 Carat Casts from $30,00 t<> fcl.Vi.OO, i Silver do. from fclO to $t>.r?,00. Awr Cold and : Silver London Made Hail Hand rl*iine and I a quantity second bund Watches, among which | i ar? genuine Tobias Lkvkk*. A very extensive i I and choice assortment of GOLD ltt NHS and I .a- ! I dies BROOCHES, plain mid set with Diamonds, j | Rubies, Pearls, Turnuujae,. Car nets. Clusters, j | Coral, Opal, Carueo, Lava and Mosaic, Ac., Ac. I j Also, a splendid selection of tine Cold Earring*. | plain and with sets. Extremely fushiontlblo nnd j heavy. Fob, Vest, Cetclaine and Cuard Chains. < A large and fanciful selection of Co!d Seals and ! Rings, some of which contain Lockets, Vinn grottos. Pencils nnd Toothpicks, Ac. Ac. Cold Fob Buckles and Sleeve Biiftous of a superior fluidity. Cold Lockets and Mndellions of nil I sues nnd Representation*. A variety of Cold | Cuff Pins, Bracelets, Ladies' Neck Chains, and a large assort men t of fancy Bosom Studs nnd ! Breastpins for Gentlemen, Aslu Masonic, Odd-Fcllows nml Temperance Pins. Gold Pens. j GOT j) an n-Silver Extension Cases, some of thorn j Mmnnioth size. Also a tine selection of Hair Work, | Consisting of Brooches, Bracelets, Earrings, I Chains, Head Dresses, Hearts, Crosses and Neck Chains, finished .with tasteful tine Cold Mountings. , A number oi Fine Silver Cups, Chaste mid j plain, together with a great variety of heavily j Tinted English Wares. Double ami Single Barrelled Guns, Rifles and | I'idols, und Uo vol vers of tin- most Celebrated t makes. A few nmrc of extra filie Double Rlmled French j Razors left, uml a few Boxes of the well known ! Magic Razor Strop Baste. In short his Jewelry Store is replete in its I ' variety of handsome anil attractive FANCY j GOODB generally, inasmuch as to entirely pre- j elude tliu mention of a vast ileal that is Bountiful, I Useful and Ornamental. Mill 23, 45 tf | STATU OF SOUTH CAKOU1XA. C. It BEX VILJ.K DISTR1CT. xzt HI John \V. Grady 1 vs. v Attachment. Win. M. Butler. ) \\,T II UREAS, the Plaintiff did on the 15th day t t of October, 1854, tile his declaration against the defendant, who, (as it is said) is absent from and without the limits of the State, ami has neither wife or attorney now within the ! same upon whom a copy of this declaration J might he served. It is therefore ordered, that the said defendant ! do appear and plead to the said declaration on |' or before the nineteenth day of October, which J will he in the year of our Lord one thousand j eight hundred and tiftv-tive, otherwise final and j absolute judgement will then be given and awarded against him. D. 1IOKK, C. C. l\ Clerk's Office, Greenville District, ) October 17, 1854, \ Smly GREENVILLE HOTEL. THE subscriber having taken charge of . Milt this House, so lately kept tv Joiix M< Rkii.k, ! ami onee so well known as the h'rnlwkfi <( Turn- j r**>:r In>i, respectfully informs his old friends and the travelling public that, lie is now prepared to i entertain and accommodate them in becoming ! style, and hopes by proper management to secure I their encouragement. Every attention will be ; given to render the stay of strangers and travellers as pleasant and agreeable as possible. -???? To Drover*. Having a tine Stable, excellent lots, an abundance of provemler, and careful ostlers, lie is enabled to aeeoniniodate Drovers ! in the best manner. Also, constantly on hand, Horses, Hacks, Carriages and Buggies, to hire,5lE=3S; j upon the. must reasonable terms. I*. S. Ill TLEDGE. jan. 12, 35 tf i A CARD. _T AVI NO associated Cid. R.uii iit I*. Goor- . 1.1.1. i.r.rr with myself in tlio inereantile kusi- i ] noss, the said business will he carried on under ; the name and style of GRADY A- GIMtDI.E'lT, 1 at my old stand on the south west corner of the j I publicsiptare. 1 hereby take oeea.-ion to return ! j my I hank* for the libera] patroiiugt heretofore I bestowed on me, and solicit, a continuance .v I the same for the new firm above referred to, j I feeling confident that we will be able fo give I ! satisfaction to all who may favor us with a will. ! | It is with reluctance that I must truly say that 1 necessity constrains tne, to notify those who arc ! indebted to me either by note or book account | previous to 1st of January, !C5.rtt cull and nav ! up. \lu)IN W. GRADY, * January ill!, 1S.S5. C0-?A?.T2T3?XH I?. ' rI"MIK undersigned having formed a copartner! 1 ship under the name and style of GRADY j ?k tlOODLI'Tf, and taken the stock of Goods j Store of John W. (imnv, will i 22*7.continue the business. We hope/^ ~ Y?. by prompt attentions I continuance of the liberal pat ronage lierelotore ! ! given the business. Our stock is very romp) t.e j ' now, and preparations are making to enlarge it \ I soon. Give us a call. JOHN W. GRADY, itoivr. r. goodlktt. ! January.23, 18.15. | Maul iiPBiHiJ B.EP.UTOB, I MAIN-STREET, GREENVILLE, S. C. IN Dltl'GS, MKDIt'l XLS, SURG I eal Instruments, I'aiuts, Dye-Stuffs, Ynr, nishes, Drug Glassware, Putty, Tobneeo, Segars, , Spirit Gas, Oils, Candles, Soaps, Spices, Brushes, ! Toilet Articles, Combo, l\ rfunicry, ete. fresh ooO fitfc are warranted and sold n? low prices. MT'Or- } ilers from Merchant* ?nd I'hvfticiunH respectfully j KolicitnLjSI IVcson* sending for Mcliehie* at j litis Store nni} reW on having them compounded , with neatness, aei'tirncy and despatch. (^Feln nary 1. KB tf Notice. VLL nri-son* indebted to (Jw e?tnte of .1 AI1K7. (ilLRKAYII, ili'Ci'nwil nro notified to make (immediate payment, nml those having demand* f Hguinat. the Mti-I Estate, to present them, proper 1y attested, to the #ttl?scril?ers, at the office oft'. J. Ktmrd. |?. E. Dl NTAsN. | . . C. J. KJ.l'OIJJ>, J ,Ar'March P. *<i o 2- ? ^ a ~ li'ii liiai'imimiisi ~ I Book and Job Printing 1 <?Nt$:TA!8lLlSH.MEHT^ 1 HAVING A FINK SELECTION OF Wl 1 WE ARE PREPARED TO DO WORK ClRCUL^ftS, CATALOGUES, HANO'BILLSi WAY- i BILLS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES,. &C, PlilNTBD* WITH' DESPATCH.C 'Sf\ ^3 i China. Satii? Enamel, Satin Sturfaoe and Plain and Colored CAlda< i>po\) ihe HJost fqfroYgbte JeYlns, M ?ifvyia ws A\ HKIt I AS N V. W - YcUK TYPE-FOU N DRV. m tflMislioil in IH1H, Ibiih now on band, road^ for immediate delivery, in font* t'onviit ptlrcliaaorv 100,00 )U ROMAN TYPE of new cut,. ftn.MoO " FANCY TYPE. |o,000 " SCRlllVi of varioni, fctvU-a, o.tHM) " GERMANS, 6,ouo " OKN AMIIN'IS in great Vtrioff, BORDERS, 30,OHO foc| BRASS AND TYPE METAL MIL?* mill nil the novelties in the bueihe*c. AH the ubovc Typea nre by Btenm power, of the new composition of mctnl peculiar to thiafoundry, nud WHICH ISCKUTAlNLYSUPEKI tuc to nnv over need before in and part of th? world. The unequalled rapidity ill the procasc of easting, enables me to sell these more .lurabU types nt tins prices of ordinary types,- either or credit or for cash. Presses, Wood, Types nnd nil other Printing Matorinls.cxeept Paper and Cards, (which have no fixed quality or price, furnished nt manufacturer's1 priors. The latest Ppecinien Book of the Foundry *r freelv given to nil printing offices, on the receipt of fifty cents to prepay the postage;. Printers of newspupors who ohooSc to' publish* this advertisement, including this note,three times before the first day of July, 18.'>5, find forward ins' one of the papers, will he nllow'cd'their bills at the' time of purchasing five times tlic amount of nay manufactures. New-York, Fob. l*i!, lfif>5. Address, (IISOIWJK BRUCF, 13 ClIAMBEKSST. New-York. Mechanics, Manufacturers, and' INVENTORS. \new volume of Hi., SCiKNtrFIC AMERI-s . AN commences about the middle of Sep temher in r:t< li year. It is a journal of ScientY' fie, Mechanical, and other improvements; th? advocate of industry in nil its various branches. It is published w eekly in a form suitable for binding, nnd constitutes nt the end of oneh year, a splendid volume of 400 pages, with a copious index, and from rive t'o six hundred original engravings, together with a great amount of practical information concerning the progress of invenlion and discovery throughout the world. The Scientific American is the ihoet widolycirculntcd and popular journal of the kind now published, lis Editors, Contributors, and Correspondents are among the ablest practical scientific men in the world. The Patent Claims are published weekly,rand' are invaluable to Inventors and Patentees. We particularly warn tha public against pay itig money to travelling agents, as we arc not in the habit of I'm n* liing certificates of ugoucy to' any one. Letters should bredirected, (postpaid) to ML'NN it CP., l'J8 Fulton street, N. Y^ Terms; On- copv, for one year, $2; Olio copy, fdr niic months, $1; five copies, for six months. ?4; Ten' copies, for six mouths, $S; Ten copies, for twelve* months, $15 ; Fifteen copies, for twelve months,. $22; Twenty copies, for twelve months, $28. THE WEEKLY HERALD. The Best Genefal Newspaper in the? World. rJA]IE Nr.w Youk Werner HrKAt.'n'is publish-* .L e<l every Saturday morning. Its contents embrace all the news of the great,events of the ony, reports of meetings, of the State Legislnturo,sml of Congress; important public documents; KuropcHti tinil home correspondence ; tinancinl itml commercial information, and editorials of general interest, that have appeared in the Kkw York Daily JIekam*. It is neatly printed, in clear type, on a largo don he r|iiHrt<> sheet of forty-eight colunun1?a' book?a directory in itself?and forms oue of the-best and most valuable weekly newspapers in tho world. The greatest Cfli'e i? taken to -obtain tile latest and most reliable intelligence of important movements in all parts of tlie world.- No ex penae is spared for this purpose. The subscription price is three dollars per annum, payable in advance, or sixpence per single copy, Editors of newspapers throughout tlie countrv are particularly requested to act as a*gents. They will rccieve t\\ enty-Hvo per cent commission on all cash subscriptions. Anv person obtaining five or more subscriber* will be allowed the sainc commission. TI.RMS OK CLt'BS. For 1 copy of Wklki y IIkralo, 1 war $8 CO Five copies do. do. 11 28 Ten do. do. 22 60 Fifteen do. ? do.- 83 78 Twenty do, do. 4ft 00 Twenty five. do. do. 6ft 60 ?* i -- -- imriv uo. do. 157 50' Thirty-five do. do. TB 76 Forty <lo. do. 90 00' Forty-five do. do. ltfil 25' Fifty do. do. 112 60' All letter* to l>c uddtV^scd to .Ionian Gordon Bennett, proprietor mid editor of tlieKirw Yomo 11 t:i: ai.i>. New York oil v. Keniilt Alices rt?o?fc bs mnde in funds eiirrent in thincifv. Advertisement* inserted in flic wpuki t Hirttj for thirty cents per line. 16 fcb. .EsttblJULg P(lXUVJi? OYSTERS, HAM. EGG ANCT COEFEF,. rPIIE iin'lorHjjiit'd hming opened his Saloon I for tli?> coining atutson ?? prepared to furiiir-li Oyster Suppers at the slYort-ewtt notice. Ha is in receipt of Fresh, direct from Charleston, twice during the week. Excellent Cigars, Oranges, 0?oona Nuts, .etc., on hand ?, Ilia Saloon nntv he found in the cellar beneath'the Saddlery of Mr. f?. Hcloman. near the river, Mniu-t-treet. Open every nii;ht, except Sunday.. Bl'CKKEU. Fob. 0, IKfto. at) tf Sundries. IVTRXINU I'l.l'in and KAMI'S. > I'nint*. ( hrome fircc-n, Pari* and French ' fJreen, in oil and dry, Chrome Yallow. ' Dve-St.uffs of every kind?Logwood, (rxiracfc | and chipped.) lied wood, Indigo, ete etc. j Hrtlshe* ? ! every description, I-onion Syrup, heat quality, I Toilet Articles, a very large ato-k. To he sold- /it the I'rug More of I K. Kill it II L it li S*?, <' S' *