University of South Carolina Libraries
r Sag,lK(DTPlBID TOISTOY. From the Chester Standard. HOPE. 1?Y MRS. T. D. OWIX. > . . * "1 nr.rji .1 .Mr. HI CAN AUTHORS. n?l the cream of the domestic and foreign * I icws: tho whole well spiced with wit ana tumor. Kaeh paper is HK AUT1 VCLI.Y II.LL'STUATKI) litli numerous accurate engravings, bv emaent artists, of notable objects, current events 11 all parts of the world, and of men and limner, altogether making a paper entirely ^ rginal in its design, in this country. Its ages contain views of every populous city in lie known world, of all buildings of note in he eastern or western hemisphere, of all the ^ rincipal ships and steamers of the navy an?t icrchant service, with fine and acciutfto # ortraits of every noted character in^ie forlfi, both male and female, Sketches of eautiful scenery, taken from life, will r* e given, with numerous specimens froix the> irus of the air, and the fish of the sea. Ia "* * printed on fine white paper, with new outS ? ' ?<pitiful type, presenting iu its mechanical xecution an elegnu-specinien of art. Theizo of the paper is .fifteen hundred aan sixty lur square inches, giving a great aintint of ending maiter and illustrations?a man- m loth weekly paper ofsixtecu octavo pages.. hicli six month will make a volume of 416 ages, with about one thousand splendid en- 4 ravings. , . 'BUMS : ? IXVAKIAWLY IN ADVANCE. 1 subscriber, one year . - . 4 subscribers," ?4 " ? io ono copy of Tuk Flag or oi k Uxiow # ml one copy of (Ji.k^on's Pictowal, v lion iken together by one person, for one year, jr lit 00. ? The plotoriai. I>ra\hxq lioOM CoMnion may l>e obtained at any of the juridical depots throughout the country, nnd ef^ ewsmen, at nix cents per single copy. * A Published every Saturday by ^ V. OLEASOK. ^ for. of Trtmonl am* Br*mftl4 8f?.% Bmhm \iii\i.MIII.I .1111 UA AIh <tc Voted fXclllWVf'' ft ly to the Improvement of Southern Agri ulturi', Stoek Breeding, Poultry, Dees, Heneral ^ "arm Economy, Ac., Ac. Illustrated with nu- (S Herons Elegant Engrnvings. OXK DOLL A11 A YEAH IX AD YAXC'E Daniki. Lkk, M. 1>? A ]). I(n>MONiy Editors. lite 'J'tcelft/i IWiwif, (Jrcatly Improved, e<.nitmenced January, 18.14. Thk CiXTiVAmn, if a large netavo of Thirty-two ago*. forming u volume of 884 pages in the year. ? t contains a much greater amount of reading \ natter than any similar puhlieation in the South ?embracing in addition to the current ogricultu- 4 nl topics of the day, valuable original eontribuions from many of I lie most intelligent and prorient Planters, Imrmers and Horticulturists in evry section <?f the South and South-west. Terms. >no Copy, one year, ; Six Copies, on^ year, $.1 "vveiitv live, " " $20; One Hundred" ' $78. TiikCash Svstkm will he rigidly adhered to, nd iti no instance will the paper t.e sent unless Q he money accompanies the order. The Dills of 11 specie-paying flanks received at par. All loncy remitted by mail, postage-paid, will bo t the risk of the Publisher. Address, WILLIAM S. JONES, Augusta, Ha. ^ rt*}" Persons who will act as Agents, and obtain uhacrihers, will be furnished with the paper at luh price*. May 26, 1884. f t !? , ?5 i:&A8 o: Si ? Drawing-Koom Companion. A Error J of the beautiful and urrful in Art. 1"Mte object of the pajKr i* to present, in . the most elegant and available form, a ? ioekly literary melange of notable t^pmts of be day. Its colttnms ar? devotedTo origin- Of 1 tales, sketches and poems, bv the 152 Spruce-street, Philadelphia.Juno 15,1854. fi tr The Temperance Standard. I^lIK VNDKKSIGNFD would respectfully an. iiouqcc to the friends of Temperance gencrnly that thov intend to commence the publication ?f a Temperance Paper, about the 16tu of June *9xt, provided n sufficient number of Subscribers an r>e obtained to warrant tbe undertaking. It will be printed upon substantial paper of [mperiul size, and will coutnin 2-1 columns of natter. It will be denominated the "South Cordino Tcinpernuoe Standard," and will, be pubit-bed ev.-ry two weeks, at the'price o fl)ne I)olnr pur annum. As soon as fifteen hundred subicribors are obtained, wc will publish it weekly it'the same price. t?tir sole object is to advocate the cause of Temuranee; and partictflnrly the Legislative l'rolihittott of the Traffic in Intoxicating Drinks; md to prepare tbe masses of tbe people of our state, for the ennetment of such a Law, by connncing tliem of its expediency and necessity. We will endeavor to make it n welcome visior in every family. Nothing will be admitted iilo its columns of a worthless and immoral tcnb-ney. A strict neutrality will be maintained on sM subjects of Apolitical and religion* wectnrinn ch*f? inter. No subscription will br fe<l for less than on yenr, and in every ease the order must be accompanied by the nionev. W e hope all persons feeling an interest in tho success ot this enterprise, will exert themselves iu ti jetting subscript ions, and as soon thereafter na convenient send us tlu-ir lists. Post masters are requested to act as Agents. All communications intended for the paper must be po.?t paid, and addressed to the "SoiilU L'aroliiiii Teinpcranee Standard," Lexington V. 11., 4. C. S. F, CAPO UMAX. ) ? J. H. JlRKAltK, > Euitous A IVrricTsiir, S. CORLEY, ) ?. The Southern Cultivator, i m_,i no PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENT. DOCTOR YOUR8ELF. Fhe Pocket ^sculapius; OK, ?%KRY ONE 1118 OWN PHTSICIA*. ' rpiIF. FIFTIKT1I FDlTlOff, with Oft# J J. . llundred Engr- ring*, showing Di?JFr eases and Mnlformfn.ons of the Hainan K ml iSystein in every shape and form. To viiitb INWi-d a Treatise on the Diieuc* of Females, being of the highest impor?nee to married people, or those Contemplating nnrringe. Uy Wilijav Youno, M. Dl a no father he ashamed to present a copy of lie ACSCULAPIL'S to his child. It may sartf litn from an enrlv grave. Let no young man or vuninQ enter into I he secret obligations of mar ingo without reeling the POCk KT ACSCULA"iI <S. Let no one suffering from u !?Hektiw?? ongl.,' Pain in the side, restless nights, nervoifrf eelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensnions, and given up their physician, he another" nonieut without, consulting the ACS C V LAP I Utf invo those married.. or those about to he marrr* d any impediment, rend this truly nseful book/, is it mis decn tho means of saving thousands of infortunnte creatures from the very jaws of death.- 4 {^T"Any iiorton sending fScenty-fuvr tip dosed in a letter, will receive one copy of thie vork by mail, or tire copies sent for one Dollar/. Yddress, (post-pnid) Dr. Wit YOUNG, Iii all tho principal Cities and Towns, 11 hose works will be delivered through I' igints, FUEK OF l'OfcTAGK. When sent j" y.mail, the lWage to any part of the I'ni- j' ixl States will be but Twenty-jive cctilt a J1 ear for lilackwood, and but Fourteen emit . year for each of the Rex iewa. Kemittances and communications should n I ways be addressed, post-paid, to the Rub e liter#, ?' LYJ >X A R D SCOTT A- CO., f< M r.oi.n 8THBET, New York. 11.?L. S. A Co. have recently Publish- J V <1, and have now for sale, tho "FARMERS ll'IljK," by Henry Stephens, of Edinburgh, j ^ nd, tffe late I'rof. Norton, of Yale College,' few Haven, complete in 2 vols., royal oela- J 0, containing 1G00 pages, 14 steel and 000] rpod cugraving*. I'ricc, in muslin binding, j fl. JZ4T'\'his work is not tho old "ltook f the Kami," lately rcsuseitntod ami thrown I pon.Utc market, j fi |N Town and District Government fiTtmilant.~?Dr. A. It. Choor. ' p M'urJ' iia.?1). (? W*>nYirt.ty J. W. Stoic R*, Esq., {, 1. H. WD.UAMs, Jnnw MoPstwwov. Ctrrk trf the I'mwdl-^lnuN W. Stokks. E?q. 11 SXrrif1.?W. A. McDaxutl, Esq. Cirri- of th>- (Vr/.?David Hour, Esq. I'mtrf of Ordinary.?Roh't. McKay. Esq. 4 t'niHuii$?i?n'r in Kuult;/.?Msj. ft. A. Townrs ? -- nvriary, scion- j itic, and, theological character, we urge hem upon the consideration of the reading ( ?ul?lie. ! 1 Arrangement* are now permanently made ? >r the reeoipt of Early Siierts from the t Jritish Publishers by which we are enabled ? o place Ai.l oir Reprints in the bauds of! " ubseribcra, about as soon as they can be fur-i11 lished with the foreign copies. Although' his involves a very large outlay on our pari, gl re shall continue to furnish the Periodicals [ c ,t the same low rates as heretofore, viz :?! ~ Per ann. . 'or any one of the four Reviews #3 00 'or any two of the four Reviews 6 00 ^ 'or any three of the four Reviews 7 00 'or all four of the Reviews. 8 00' 'or Blackwood's Magazine . 3 00;v 'or 1 Hack wood and 3 Reviews 9 00 j 'or Blackwood Jb the 4 Reviews 10 00 11 ?aynunls to br made in all cases in advance, jlfoney current in the Stale where issued " will be rccicvid at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from v he above prices w ill be allowed to Clubs ii rdering four or more copies of any one or ii aore of the above works. Thus: Four cop- n es of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be- o ent to one address for #9 ; four copies of the p nir Reviews and Pdackwood for #30; and tl o on. ' tl POSTAGE. p lUtorh'nl Events, ^ongrewioniilProwc^inp, An- ; J lUccllany. We have already engaged OF CORRESPONDENTS, paper, making it one of the best Newspapers to ! 1 uunr nix Itumlrsd, wlilc-li commenced in May! i alone upon its merits. VtiHKUt*,. j; nee. Clulw of ten at $1,00 each. Uy Clubbing I ^ e (\evwliutt low price of . . v \ nlina, und affording more reading than other , . 1 lion*. w ill meet ntt> n'ion l>v being addressed i .Id AM I*. PHlCK,IJox No. bo, Greenville, S. C. j British Periodicals. ! J KAliLY COY IKS SECVRKD. !' I.OKNAlII) SCOTT <t CO., New-York, continue ( to re-puhlisli the follow British Periodicals, via: ' 1. Tub London Qaurtkbly (Conservative)1 2. The Edinburgh Review (Whig,) J. Tun N.British Review (Free Church) j L The Westminister Review (Liberal) 5. Blackwood's Ed. Magazine (Tory.) r I'M IF. present critical state of European ?f- 1 JL fairs w ill render these publications un- ;' tsunlly interesting during tne forthcoming rear. They will occupy a middle groundj tetweeii the hastily written news-items.1 5 rude speculations and flying rumors of the' Intlv .Journal, and the jmiidcrous Tome of he future historian, written after the living 1 n teres t and excitement of the great political 1 vents of the time shall have passed away. It s to these Periodicals that readers must look r or the only really intelligible and reliable; t listory of current events, and as such, in ad- 1 lit ion to tlieir iv<ill.i?tnkl!^li?.1 l!i? ? c I mm i Dl llAOF.MpCT HAS BLEST Ol"It KFFOTlTS t nl to "the timo? in which we live," and devoted r lie, and New* IntwlKeew-n, ut the same time ud- ' nnd the Moral nnd luU-llecttinl Advancement * etioji, nnd wo arc hn)>j?y to nnnounco tliat we 11 ns of all el nates of society. > ND MECHANICS . - ... . ^ and Elevating them in their different vocation*. m MWGmnmiwt l Foreign nnd Domestic Intelligence. But the ? I I the capacity and wants of every member of < ,Y ?BmJL !: \ V / WmS- " AND COUNTRY. i . ? ' #"' '' " Encli number will contain a fine steel En 8 graving, ami a Thirty-t\fo Largo Octavo Pages, printed on line pnper. The May number will have an aftrnetive Title-page. I ti making in all Twenty five Emlwdlidimcnt.s. j ami a volume of Four Hundred and Thirty-: 1' lour pago* I - * ' V Notwithstanding the increased coat of the ! y work by the advance in the price of paper, a and printing, we shall continue to furnish the j work at the following exceeding low price : i a One I'ollar a Year, in Advance; Konr Cop-' li ies, one year, *8,00; Seven Copies. ? >,00; Ten Copies %7,00 ; Fifteen Copies, $10,00. ' Money may l?o rent l?v mail, at the risk of the pubfidiers. if inclosed in the presence of e a porlinastcr, whose certificate will he taken ( as evidence. ' a l'(V,tage-sf#mps may be sent in place ol > change. ! ? All communication* in any wayx>onneeted y with the WrCath and Annual must l>e direct- %' edf post-paid. t?1* MLr r.ufiurrjK setr\ il. ; jn No 8, tfpruee Street, New Yoik. dfc ' 0.3- ?-?i 4 LA8T NOTICE. Aid. PKKSOX8 indent ?d to ft. A. lVrwi.r; on Nccounfprrviwn*#b March last, arc ear-1 I m-stly .to rail ??# W. K. Kaslkt and I ?rttUth> same, as further iftdulgonoo^rnnuot l>r | allowed. ' J, H. Ill; 1*1^, Awl^nof. Ifliniarv tit tf iliey have. been sustained, and arc encour-'t aged to renewed efforts, in a few inopths j j the publication of Full-length Portraits of: some of the Most Celebrated Musical Person-j f< ' nges will be commenced. The following arc 1 : now in the hands of an eminent artist, to l?ej I engraved, viz., Jenny bind, Anna Tliillon, II. j s Son tag, Catharine llr.ycs, Alboui, and Mrs. j ti j E. G. Uostwiek. If these should meet with ' t i favor, although very expensive, they will be v , followed by others of a similar character?as a I the publishers arc determined that the' I Wreath and Annual shall continue to be the. I Post of the 1 foliar Magazines. I f ; The Literary Matter will be entirely ori-1 I ginal; from the ablest and purest writers in i 1 the country. Every thing of an immoral or! ! Irreligious character will be carefully exeliul- j I ed. We intend to present the public with a 1' work which shall blend entcrtaiiimeut with J instruction, and not only captivate the taste,! but also elevate the thoughts and improve the heart?in short, to make the Wreath I and Animal ''a welcome visitor in every fain* j , ily." ti The Literary I>epartment will be ably sua- 1 taine.l. \ \" All who arc interested in a pnre Family j !' Literature, and arc willing to assist in foster-1 11 ing the best native, talent, are invited to be- j * riling uiul uiil In lie rur/mloti-.ri | THE WMMXi Local and District News, Sketches of Character, II , ecdotos, Choice Original nn<l Selected l'oetry and > AM EXCELLENT CORPS I j who have consented to eontriomc regularly to our 1 l>? found in our state. Our circulation amount* to Inst without a single euliserilxir. The pa jaw standi TtVAt-. \w i Single Subscribers, $1,60, per anijuni, in advn I it will l?? seen that wc can furnish the paper at th | mm m and it shall he the host Dollar Paper in South Can I paper published at the sonic price in the South. Subscriptions, Advertisements and Communion! Wll i aamsi" Book and Job Printing ! <o^STABLISHMENT./o?. ; 11A VINO A KINK SKLKCTION OF ; ! WE AUE PREPARED TO DO WORK I as3 ai.&afoBaasa etre&a. ' 'CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES, HAINO-BILLS, WAV-1J BILLS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, &C. j' I'KINTKD WITH DESPATCH. O-C) I: China. Satin Enamel, Satin Surface and < Plain and Colored Cards, < Upon 1bc IVfosl Eqbolrablc Jetty#.!1 j ~1 i ! The Ladies' Wreath. ! AND 1'AHLOU ANNUAL. I 1 The publishers tender their grateful no-1 * know lodgments for the liberally with which 11 AUUlflMll ? FOR ] VN UNPUECRDENTKD 0UTCBR8 AND KNO< in establishing a 1'nper in cver^ respect ?qu to tho dissemination of Literary, Religious, Seienti | vacating tlie great principle* of KQUAL KKili'lV5, | of our people. So far we have given entire sntisfa I iiumhcr in our list of friends and subscrioers pcreo WORKING-MEN A Have found in its columns something Instructive m mmam Have likewise found that it has afforded the luteal ! of tho Knterprisc into afford a reading adapted to : a m&kx FOB THE TOWN ;" . cnimimntwp ii mi in ii w Uiliiui III | !*reat red-hot haste, and <juifo intli^f-! mnt at an expression lined to her, ad-! Iresned him thu* :? "Alderman, Mrs. Snooks, in next' loor neighbor called me a thief; can't! [ make her prove- it ?" "Well," naitl the Alderman, after a, moment's deliberation,'"yon may, but [ think you had better not." Is Hartford, latolv, at the door of a* jiti/.on, a very little boy begged- |iito-i >usly for something to onf, and inn1 mournful tone of voice said, "hi* pa [ rents were dead; and Ins father! wouldn't get any work, and his mother ( rery sick, indeed." > en, . Haul lie, "l coined along, und I gomed along, till Ignt to deu hill vat stands on top of der blackout's diop, and den I looks 'round peliind my pack, and tor sthuff vas all running out niit tor hung holo. Tinks I, I'll sthop dat: and so I sthops tor cart, uid schotehes ter oxen niit a grabble itlione, and trove te pung hole in as tight ash never it vas a ligh-woodtiot, and gonied along again, till I got to where ter forks roads cross each >dcr niit ter meet in' house, and I looks) 'round peliind my pack agin, and <h* ?nssM sthuff vas all run'd over niit ter [iarrel agin. 'Oh tain you,' says I, I'll fix you now,' and I picks up a chunk iiuf hits ter pung hole niit all my! night, and ter ting ilew out niit a noise, ike a cannon, ana knocked me down! Sat of ter road mitmy pack, and scart er cart, and it runned away niit der itheers, and turned 'cm all over raiti saclioder, and proke everything all in pieces, and I'm gonied home niit my-i lelf, put tor scart isli running to ter' aivfiil." ? Tin? A lmtouty Doli.ak.?A black nan once went to Portland, and attei?-; led church. lie went into a good pew, | ind the next neighbor asked the man ivlio owned it why he put a nigger inhis pew 1 ''Why, sir, he's a Ilayfinn." "Can't help that?lies black." "Why, sir lie's a correspondent of iipne." "Can't help that?lie's black." "He's worth a million of dollars." "Introduce me." Siiukwo Aoyick.?Arffteruinn ttinns luuiiir on 11/wl n " Charley stood a moment, the struggle was evidently a hard one, but the temptation was too strong ; a circumstance known, perhaps, to many older than lie; he gave up his principles to secure a personal end. The next dav%t dinner his grandpa mentioned his ' conversation..1 "You were a 'Loco' last night, at ami-ate !*' "Oh, it was thnl\ then I" responded the child ; as ready with an excuse as any other politician. aIETx. A had occasion to send his hired man?who by-the-way was a jolly Dutchman-?to a neighboring town tor a barrel of molasses. The weather being warm, ami road rough, iind the driver, moreover, driving rather fast, the molasses took a notion to 'work,'" us it i6 generally called. lint we will let him tell his story in his tiwn words. ii\r .11 11 11 ' T "Yes, nia'am," and away he goes to bring the samples, chuckling at the idea that his zeal was to be successful at last. "Thore's nothing," muttered ho, "like hanging on, an v how I" The tin kitchens were brought, and tin pans were next inquired lor. The pans were brought, and other articles enumerated, to seven different kinds, until a goodly portion of tho pedlar's ware had l>cen transferred to the house. "Is there anything more you want, ma'am. "Oh no?I don't want urn* of these : I only asked yon if you had them." The pedlar was fairly "sold," and for a moment felt like getting angry, but the idea rather tickled him, ana he commenced returning his wares to the cart, without uttering a word. He has never called at that house since. Nic-Namos. In the time of "Tip and Ty," policies ran high, like the measles, or any other infectious disease, through whole families ami alltbok aides, front prattling two-year-olds, to octogenarian grandmothers. Charley, like his father, was a strong Whig ; and although very fond of his grandfather, with whom they lived, resisted all inducements to agree with him in politics. lie was particularly happy when allowed to sleep with the old people, and it was only granted as a special favor. One night they heard liirn pattering into their bed room but said nothing, and he soon called out: "(Jran'pa ! don't you hear little feet a coming "Co back! you're a Whig. We can't have any Whigs here," was the reply. " I get her hands from the dough in which ' tlrey were busy, to answer the cb]|.? When she reached the door there stood the everlasting pedlar. "Any tin ware to-day, ma'am V9 "Have yon any tin kitchens t" Bluffing a Pedlar. Ik there is really a difficult point to ! c managed, and acutenesa is reqnir-; 1 to effect it, commend mc to woman's > it for tho purpose. Now there was a certain tin-ware |' edlar travelling tlie city to dispose of I otion-. to such as were willing to har-j1 uin. lie was a iiersevcring trader;* r?d never suffered uinwelf to l>o ldnF-; id with a short answer. At one house ' i particular, he received continued! < idmffs and juwitrances that nothing; as wanted ; they never Ixjnght any- 1 ?ing in that way. ertljeless, he iad? his Culls steadily, with each reg-i lar round, until Jio brcamo a npgular J est, and in reply to. the information < int it was useless to call, he made < nown his purpose to call just aft off en i s he pleased. i One hitter cold day the door l?ell < ing, and the g<KKl lady hastened to'* mmmtjmio lx<KJ<)\ ''iam'"" A Mistake All Around. Thk 4liazarre' tells the following! ood story: A person, who wore n nit <>t homespun clothes, stepped into house in this city, on some business, * here several hulks and gentlemen rei'o assembled in an inner runn.-? i )ne of the coin put iv remarked, (in ai, )\y tone, though suftieientlv loud to be 1 vcrheard by the stranger)tlmt a coun- \ ynnm was waiting, and agreed to 14 Hu o fidinc fun. The following table- j ilk en. ued : I, kYdn're? from the country, I suppose?'?< 4 Yes, Fin from the country.' I, 4Well, sir, what do you think of the) i ty V . 4 [ i 4It's got a darned sight o'houses. in' 5 4I expect there are a great many la-11 ies where you came from V \ 4 Wall, yes, a powerful sight, jest for | !1 the world like them there,' (point- | ig to the ladies.) < 4And you are quite a beau -among ' lem, no doubt.?' * < 4Wall, I 'scort 'em to ineetin' and i DOUt.' j j 4ATavbo the gentlemen will take a '. lass of wine," said one of the coin pa- i Y- , 1 4 Wall, don't care if I <lo.' j 4l>ut you must drink a toast.' ' j 4I eats toast what Aunt Debbj', , lakes, but as to drinkin' it, I never' ( ied tlie like.' L 40, von must drink their health?' i( tWi> all mv heart.' * ! j 4Lnd1oft and gentlemen, permit mo1 > wish you health and happiness, with , rery other blessing this earth can af-| i ad, and advise yon to bear in mind i < nit we are often deceived by appear- j ices. You mistook mo. by my ilress, I * >r a country lioobv ; I from the same i inse, thought these men to be gentle- j leu ; the (Inception is mutual?I wish 1 on good evening.?Saturday Conner, j iyj cuiKwu uic murui cimmcror 01 11 is | er bwpttjtife; but character is not formed in the miCss; and the child, j inorever, is absent from the school at the very hours most favorable fur in or-j id improvement. It is in the privacy ; A' the family'-that the failings of the] fhild quickest betray themselves, and j the peculiarities of its character conge-! luently became most evident. It is 1 here also that the infant heart opens I tsolf readiest to the voice of affection. In reality, children who have noj ionics, in the hue genre of that word, areiy became good citizens. It is now j uhnfttcd, by all ])crson8 familiar with i he subject, that-not only the criminal, >ut even the vagabond portion of so iety, is chiefly bred in the dens of the' die, degraded and lawless. There is a commonwealth c?f vice hat perpetuates within the social fa ' iric, as foul maggots generate them-! elvcs in human subjects victims of the I modi an disease, bet a man be born n the family of a thief, and' the proba>ilitv is that he keeps company witli hieves, that lie g,ows up to he a thief iim?clf. ]>ut let him firpt see the' ighi-in a household where the exam-1 ?les he sees, and not thorcly the advice ic receives, is conductive ko virtue,! md ten to one he becomes an orderly j itizen merely from tha excellent absolutions which have surrounded hina, if. torn nothing else. "When a florist wishes to produce a lew variety of the dahlia, ho begins rith thq germ, and does not wait for he flower. Tho education of the; icartli is to man what the florist's skill : ; to the plant. As soon as .every child { an have a home, in the true senso of! hat word, prisons will be nearly, if; ot wholly useless, ami not. only will ails l>e comparatively unknown, but lie intellectual training received at chool will 110 longer be perverted to uscality and crime, as is occasionally! lie caso now. L?>k to the hearth first, | lie school next, and the prison last.?! fj; *) . 7 II" T r i- L.,.. I ' I truth be effectually as at the fire-aide. It is not at the school that men gcquire their habits of rectitude, but. at the mother's kuee, beneath the peaceful love of the parental hearth. For the teacher's task is principally to mfortn the imnd, while the mission of the homo is to improve the heart. Kverv honest teacher labors indeed U .UV ? 1 .1 1 - I * An ignorant people may be made the; dupea of demagogue*, or the slave* of, a military dictator, much easier than a 1. woll instructed one. A Nni>olcon, for} b example, is as impossible for America,: e< aa a Washington would be, perhaps, |u *#lr France. But the school is still not tho most p powerful engine in recuperating socle n ty. One may discipline*the intellect gi and inform the mind, but unless the ni Ijrinciples are cultivated also, only j ft valf the work is dono. In fact tho men-; it tal qualities are the agents of good and ' r< evil, exactly as a pure or impure mo- u tives preponderate in a man. - Thcjtl Mephistophites of Goothcr, conceded to ; n be the vary incarnation of wickedness, u is the idea of passionless intellect ctevo- j p ted to unmixed evil. 11! Th? Lucifer of Milton has generous !k Jualities aniid his depravity. The j a [ephistophiles is merely a cold sneer-1 ing fiend. nowhere can moral r: .. .? .v ....... .... v. vindictive punishment, tlimi a means ? for successfully leading the viciousj "back to virtue. Few who once enter) _ a jail comes out permanently reformed. | Tito majHrity, perhaps, are really j mado worse. For the last hundred i years philanthropy has exhausted eve-;-" ry resource to render prisons places of ^ reformation ; hut though a few criini-i51 lials, in that interval, have been res- M tored to society, the number has been ! J1 vastly exceeded, by that of the convicts) J" hopelessly depraved. There is, in truth, a something iV 1 " jtie very nature of a prison which,'*) d^diile it strikes terror, rouses the un-!M ge*of the victim against society. In- ^ caracration calls up whatever there is or the tiger in the heart. In short, to seek to make people better by immuring them in dungeons, is beginning at C1 the wrong end. Prisons restrain, but . rarely reform men. lt If our race is to he improved, we , must depend lefss on the prison and j more on tho school and the hearth.? j . In other words, we must rely less on (. fear as applied to the grown up crinii- 11 nal, tCnd more 011 the (affusion of iutel ' . ligenco and good morals amon? the as} yet unperverted young. . A great writer has well said, that {,it j1 is cheaper to build school-houses than ' . jails." Statistics show that in propor-1 ^ tion to the increase of education crime " diminishes. As a class, the men who cannot read are more brutal in their tastes than tho men who can. They drink more, are apt to get more fre- 1,1 quently into affrays, and are continual- H( ly offending tho laws. As a general rule, also, just in proportion as men are ' more highly educated, arc they hotter members of society. Where there j is one Professor Webster, there arc ? scores of Langfeldts and Springs. Everv commonwealth, therefore, should [ have good schools. Every wise states-1 V man will look to the school-house, not: only as a preventive of crime, but as a j(' mental gymnasium in which to train j " lib /.urti nntnn f 1/ . ifniv mill I.K.iiilohiiv I ? ? - ^ T The christian liath its ost rays, To him is given * - j ' Its truest light?moruliun Mnxe, [. Bespeaking liliss thro' endless rfhvs ; A home in ltenvou! v\r.' ' A ' I ? Jti<fy*wat/, 8. V. * T . . i D'UsL 11 Tho Prison, Tiio 'School, The * J - .v.< Hearth. At tlie foundation of every govern- j incut lie.three things, the prison, the 1 school, and the hearth. AYitlumt these, :i social order could not ho maintained' c for ft twelve month. In proportion, c also, as the people arc free does the in- 1 llnenc-e of the first decline, and that of the two last increase. Austria and r ltussia rule by tho terror of the dun- v geon. The United States is governed ( by tlic |XH)ple themselves, educated to I that end intellectually at the school,'is and morally at tho hearth. If cvo* J e the time should come when the world t will see a perfect government, tl^e u jprwon will dhmpjlfcar altogether, and j ouljf tlie school and tho fireside ro-' t! rnala. The prison is, indeed, tho rudest of r rail the agencies designed for the iin- tl provetaent of the human Vaec. in fact tl if ia niyi/*f wftllr rntlior on om/#U\A C. .? 2 Thbbk's a phantom in this of ours So fair, so bright; . ^ Ana it shodcth in our circling hours From its beauteous wings soft showers j Of golden light , Tis a phantom that we all pursue Most eogerly? Life's every vista gleaming through, ' Tis bright as star in ether blue, 1 Or angel's eye. < M f' > * ^ Its smile can almost stay, I trow I Tfie band of pain, Which pr esses hard the anguished brow, . ' . Bonding the hot lilood seething thro* .,. The tortured brain. Tis hope?bright sbndower forth of dreams; } What-e'er IfetMe, I With rsiplww firm it always glcniUs f ,p'cr lonely paths, witfcgohlen beams, , { Tlie soul to guide. ]