University of South Carolina Libraries
?# " * . ' % .mi Siitrrrafinji ftMHIitittj; The Emperor of Ruscia. Xicrioi.As I'At-t.ovucii, Fmpcor of IJusWH.TtthV reported td he <Ten?"f, Vv:w tho'ninth ehild 4?tHhe" Emperor Fiud/hy his so<yVnd; t innrriiigB yvilh'Mai ia Feodorovmn, of Wur | t?mi)0rg,*t)d >v;wbo:ii on ihc 2oih of June,' 1700, at Gatsliina, near Jfcag^eU'rslmvg.?j Imperial historians call liiiu >ihe fifteenth-, sovereign of the Houso of itoiuauoff who Km ruled iu Russia. .'Oil tew call Ufm the' eighth sovereign of tho If'dstlen Gutoip dy- j Hasty, whufij if of German 'lucent. At (lie . thneofbis b'rtb? and for years afterwards, there wae " Irttle sign of Abe high destiny J which awaited him. Two elder brothers.j, Hie Grand Dhke Alexander nlld |bo Grand! l'uko Constantino, were immediately bc-| twecn him. and the Throne;funl .prospective-1 ly were their issue, which mrgliGcut him otlj from it forever, lie was fair years old when ? his father 1'nnl .ascended the tbrqne, fie,I with his younger brother Michael, received j his education under the immediate supcrin-' tcndonce of his mother. The. first event ofi his youth, which stamped itself with terror on his Inemory; was the murder of his father : r?ni. On the fearful night when that tragedy j occurred, m mother caught up the two | young princes ij? her arms, and amid the, flash of weapons and the confused voices of alarm in the palace, she*rati through * llto ] corridors loading to the apartments of tire Km'rteror, whore she was stq >1?1 and forced *b/iCK by otio of the conspirators, la the meantime, tho Kmporor was strangled with iv scarf by the hand of assassins, and .\lexitndcr I. was'proclaimed KinpcVor the ensuing day, Tho first yours of the reign of( Alexander were so full of stilling events, that the private history of his younger ,b?bth crs Nicholas nnd Michael remains in a measure "unrecorded. Their education vfns eventually intrusted to tutors, both native aud foreign, who instrueted them in tho sciences nud iu the French and German languages.? In the acquisition of modern languages Nicholas exhibited sonic adroitness, whilst he was passionately fond of music, and even c<?m.posed, it is said, several parade marches. | Ai'i'uc^Tioxs for Varpoms.'?Tlic liability of tho Executive to imposition l?y the , friends of applicants for pardons, lias induced : Gov. l'ollo-jk to adopt, certain rules in rcla, tion to Mjip.'icatioii^ ofiliis character. llorci after satisfactory evidence will be required 1 that at least fivo days previous notice of in; tended applications for pardons given to the ; histriet Attorney of the city or county in j which the conviction took place, and that at least ten days previous notice of the same , was given in a newspaper pnlHistu'd where [ the .conviction took place. Tho rules will Ihj rigidly adhered, .to, unless peculiar eirJ cumstauccs should justfy their" suspension, and are excellent ones. 1^ ' ..... vv. ? The I'knxsm.vavia St nu.vv d.iqot i; Law. ?The law prohibiting the sale of liouor on Salili'itli .In* ,tV . : ? Hio demeanor of .Nicholas is said to have been cold ami reserved in his youth 4o those around hiin, even to his mother when ho } had first passed the hounds of childhood, and he began to understand his real position in tlio imperial palace. Ho early manifested a love of martial studies, particularly the oVjjiiary routines of -field-music discipline.? The youth of Nicholas was what iniy he snid to he moral. Tii the gallant*Court of his brother the Tanporor Alexander, he np^ pears to have kept himself marvellously free i'roiu intrigues, and to have concentrated all his pleasures; on military exercises and r mmrseinenU. In 1814 Nicholas left the \ - Court of his brothor tor a tour abroad. lie I visited Frartce, Germany,, and villi vious other countries, and returned home * early in 1817. Oh tlio 13tli of July, 1817 being then $ hnrdly twenty-one years of ago, he married * Maria Charlotte, eldest daughter of tho latfc king of Prussia. The bride was about two years younger than the bridegroom. The marriage was solemnized at St. Petersburgh, and tho bride, in accordance with Russian 1h*v, although she came of a Protestant fiun' ily, adopted the Greek religion, and with it * tlie Chyjstiatr names of. Alexander Fcod ?ro^ W?. The mar: i ig) Li is said to have been ' OVife of lord on both sides, although there * was iloiib tie s poll I 1 e..! cyp^'">4icv mingled with it. There was a great similarity be tw'ecn them-not only in the mnjMy (.figure, but also of mind and character. At the titpe of hi* marriage, X'iehulas held the military rank of Head-Inspector of Engineers ^ in the service of his brother, the. Emperor, , " bul he was not admitted to the Council table when political anil diplomatic otte-tions b wero discussed, and his sphere of operation was confined to mere garrison service.? ? Nicholas Mb his subordinate position, and lived with his wifp retired from the Court, a domestic man, deriving his happiness in perf formiug the part of a husband and -father in such a manner that the example of himself; thud wire Wei bo on cited as a model of domes- j lie bliss. His oldest son, Alexander Xieo-( Jnfwitch, was born one year after his in vr- ; ? ruwe. In 1819 followed tlie birth, of his: iflCond child, tliBOrand Duchess Maria; in r I&22 that of the Grand Duchess < >gla. Alexander died December l*t. 182.3. The W -news arrived at tho Winter I'.ilace, where -.the imperial family were assembled in the ichapcl to render thanks for the messages received the previous day, announcing the con' * -t .i_ - r> I. , w0i*3m*;iii7O ui tuts VAiir. it WJW i^lCIIOIHS who roccived the fata! news, lie only of the three brothers then'being resident irv Si. IV ; ^ terhburg. It was supposed by tl?o Kussiau ^ people that tho Grand Duke Constaniine, | W il^jiext brother in age to Alexander (the j . Jww having died without any .direct heir) j* -afould HUOocod to the liirono. Dul (Jonsliin^ tiuO. had some years previously r?*igu<*d his fhkim in favor of Nicholas, the fact being unit' Jy known to the Pmpress mother. H> Jloforo the news of Alexander's death was fruited in. the streets of St. Petersburg, * Nicholas obtained a brief interview with the . fcmprestt Motlrer. What was>?d at the inter view is not known, linmcffiately afterwards, I Viobolaa repaired to the Senate Palace to i ^ take tho oath of aHegianeo to his brother (Viti-thoi!iiu? *1*1?A rVinnfil r... ! ? ? "?"1"'^' "J1 k Appealing 1?? nealed packets deposited by Alexander with the Senate to bo opened at-1 ter hi* death. Tho packet* was found to bo . tip; rosiga'.uioit <ft ConstAiitine addressed to ' v Ak'xiinder, a ietter ot' Alexander assenting tWbvet%lfhdr a decree which gave the throne % tOk.Nichbl.w, ^iJcholae w;ts? then iimted to a scat At the i State (Jottuci), hut he answered he had no ** fight to ait there at he was tpit a member of tlreVonneil, but ho was ready to rociove any communication which they might have lo make at his winter palace.' Tfl? the pahtce *Jhe Council immediately repaired, and were JWo take tlie oath of allogianoe to biro, when P^lio refused U> receive it until his older brother lafciciguilicd Ur him his determination lo--i . . . . ? resign. After a laps* of .fourteen dftys, thir?1 -ing which nil the official Uctf of UAverinneht i wwu |K?!lonned in rlifi name'of tlwi.Emperor ' C'uiiHtantiife. Nieho!'^.received (lie hews . ft hid bratfior'a refusal of tlje throne, arid bfi ! tho 2 1th of December, 18'23, hofbrmcly o^* j copied the g ncimnent. - He ttxed hdtvcvaivf iVeembev 1st, the day*bn vvhiwh Alexander died, lis the commencement of hi# reign. A jeonspirauy was the Cost greeting which Nicholas received at the very moment he seated ' J.'wi ;ho throne ?;yft tha fcsitmur-i ik-hw, dating and enfirgy wit!* which ito-I met and (juclled <il, shadowed forth the determined character which he Inn since ox-; hihited. We tired not repent the dW;\ifa-~-'? I |>ortion of the army revolted and refused ijl- j legiaiieo. Nicholas used rrtihi tneasurc* ul; liint, hut when tliev were Tmtod to he of no a-"* vail,a few <du>ta ofiuacnimon did the rest,.mid 1 throwing down their arms thu rebellious who had survived the, lire, hogged tor mercy. Some of t he loaders wore hung, Riaiicsent to Siberia, while the punishment'ofn few werfeof a higher character. From that day forward, Nicholas. Cxar of Russia, has been firmly seated on his throne. How he has covemed?'how he ha* imiirnr.' ed on the absolute sovereignty of his' predecessors, until now morotban over, nil its pfroplo arc hut 0110 mighty-piece of hunmfn mnchinery. moved nVul controlled by hi* will alone, we need not bore relate. Neither Is it necessary fbr us to-enter inlo the events of hi* rvigu, and the onuses of tins present wnr4 in the midst of tlio blaze of which, if reports are true, he who lighted the tiro expires. Those are all well known to our renders, imd we have neither the time nor space, in the hurry of this' brief sketch to give them. In personal appearance, Nicholas is said to have been the handsomest man in Europe, i tall, commanding, with a perfect outline of form?physically a fitting monument' to ' inake the history of the present ago. A | broad chest, a face in which severity and conj scibusness of majesty" wore the predominant | characteristics, a mouth regularly chiselled, ! sometimes beaming mildly but never smiling, eyes which glared terribty in angor, but were calm and mild when the soul was unralflcd | ?such \v;*s the physical man Nicholas of | Russia. 1 besides his eldest sou Alexander t and the two daughters wo bare mentioned, I he leaves another son, the Grand Duke Con-| stautine.?JY. lr. Courier. Anucdotbok Col. OnocKKT,?^Onee upon a time, during a debate in the United j States house of representatives, on a bill for increasing the number of hospitals, one of the western members arose and observed : i Mr. Speaker?My opinion is that the generality of mankind in general nro disjxwed to take disadvantage bfthe ginerality of man J kind in giucrnl. "Sit down, fit down," whispered ihc ('<* lonel, who sat near his, "you are coming out , of tin? hole you went in at ." Six niicuiKKS ov Guimk,-?Who steals a million is only a financier. WJio steals a half a million is only a defaulter. ! Who steals a quarlor of a million is a s\\ iudlef. , \\'bo steals a hundred thousand is a ; rogue. ' Who steals fifty thousand is a knave. | Hut lie who st'.-als a htindred or two is a ? COI1 ml I-**!1 o!" ll?r? iln/moul d?w? -..w . ^,9vi/.?.i miu I'uccb on the first of April. Under this law any tavern keejKir, Wr house keeper, tippling sh >p keeper or any eating house, who sells; or knowingly permits any spirituous or Milt liquor, wine or cider, to be drank 011 Ids premises, can be fined fifty dollars? one half to the informer and the other half to the overseers of the poor. The^ violator may also, in additiou to the above penally, Ui prasonted for a inisdemoanor, be lined not . japs than $10 nor more than $100, and be. ttnprisoned from ten to sixty days. " i o i ?Al.'obol was first invented and . used to stain the checks of the Indies of Arabia, nine iitiodied Hti'i tidy }V?I3 ;igo. . Nov, a-dayx, it performs the *muc otficc for geitllviuei^s noses. ' 1 1 " l"--!1",* ri/\n-\A fV?i ft 1 uuuiu biiiiJ iir tVJT (jl?UU f" HAYK j\wt received a good supply ??f (Irooe1 rii"*, JlaiJwftPO'and other ai'tielcn, such n* ! 4.'ntfe?\ 8ii',w and Molasses Candles, Soup and ftdfch, * # I'oppor, Spice, (linger, CluVcn and Mneo, Kuntr, Tolmeeo aw<l Se<{nrs, | Salman, Sardine* and < 'racket*. Venat i'owdor, Sodar, SalamtH* and Mustard, Walnut and Tomntto CupeF* and I'imply Sauce, 1'iKwcrves, Pickles Brandy and I'ic l-'ruiti", l.cttfhrf Hyrtip Castor an<f Sweet Oil, C.rfru, Wheat ami Potatoes Hardware of all kinds, and many other articles top tedious to mention. "Alan, a good many of niy Mat year's notes and account*, interest otf for o;v*h. and Bomc tciul V| for shaving.' You who are with | thoin, civil amhairb thorn. W?IL UK.^>\. luh 23, 4.1 v 2t A I>e?h BURNfNO Fluid lOid/Larpp*, Hpr*. Raisins and Candy, n 'froeh aupidt.t/i ho sold at the Jimvc Store of ; K KUL'TCm mil 2;?, 1 " \S li * , * * .A;. J,,;/V' Urd&ville Pl'icpj' ri?riH'iit. f UOUKKCTKI) WJyCKLV I'Ojt ,T?IK EXTKIUtlttUK, 1 tv IOHN W: r.ttinv uerpuint ? r""" "f I I?W?VII1IW I 4 _ . . OHUKiViur. Mure It *J(> ltUft. I &AC?(UXpKfi7:miyf per yard, 10 a IS ~ ?>\jpdeiV 13 rt .18 ' rjAC<>N-.':. .Olniiw, j?0f lb., .8 a 10 ^ . ' Sltyiijder*, 9 a 8 Sides, ti a 10 V . , ll.^rotr.ul, 8 ^UTl'KK .. .(Jm i- H>. none. |4 S .. Counti'V, per lb. 1 .*"? i OOF KICK. ,'.Ki.v, per lb. 1 1 ! Java, per lb. - . 18 n 20 DOMKRTLCK. SMiirtiiitf. per.yd. C{ a 10 j Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 ; Osuabtirjp, per yd. 1 1 a 12 A - f; FL04JL1.1..0ou?ilry, jM>rl?bl. *7j a ^? j ?'!. C/miMtry.' per .sack, a *4 ] nRAXV,.. ." Clu'rif, pcf. btfthel, 78 a 85 i "Wheat, pec I>;i. In 1, $i, | ; IllON, Swedes, per ll>. a 7- j * English, per lb. a .*>4 i * L.>1U>... ...perfb."., ,, 10 n l i' jJI M?Ol.ASSJ^j, (^uba, per ;);) a :i 7 A - N. <>., per. jpd. 40 : J H> per jral. 50 a > -A!,, Oll.>v.. . .. .finnp, per t?al. * 1.4 ? 8- \ j t" Train, per gal. . 87.V a 81 ^ I Linseed, * It'll ?K t - - i? -r- ' " " 1 ID >PK..... .&>r lb. 12) o 20 I SLUAKS.. .N. Orleans, por lb. 7 a t> 1 Porto Kico. jht lb.* 0 u 1U 1 Loaf, per lb. 1 _ J tVtuhcd, pel lb, 1 .1 i lb-lined, per lb. 10 ? 12) | SALT.......per bushel, fcl ! Salt, per sack, n 2 .'17 j SOA1*. Colgate,pale, pr.1^.,1 2.) ? 15 j Veliow, per lb- b u 10 j | SHOT .per lb. 12 ) | Shot, per bag, ? ^2J j ? Sundries. 1 r'?b'UNl.\rs FLUID and LAMPS, > l*nint?: Chrome ( recti, 1'nrin and French f.roen, in oil tind dry, ('hrrimo Veliow. Jlve-Stiitf* 'of every kind?l/o.uwvnl, (extract lllld elii|i|?ed.) !(e<fwOod, I u?liyj??, etc. clc; i J .rushes of every description, : Lemon Syrup, best iputlitv, Toilet Article*. a very laivje stock, tjjjTo be sold ut the Drill? Store of k. KitrrciT. ruh HO, 4ft It. Groat Reduction in Prices. W. H. HOVEY, ofTi'riui; hi* Stock of Printed p'Lninos, I | Dark Calicoes and Winter Itress t.'ootl* jjeiij erally, at reduced price*, to make room for his j I Spring (ioods. I ^ ES A very considerable part of his stoek of /??w^y- i J/rfi/e ('fnth I mi/, Coiudstiiu; of Press, _ Frock and Over Pouts, to ?<;thor Winter styles of Ihint.. and ' Vests, and matM'ials for ntakiin* them n;>, will I < koIiI extremely low, us tin* reason for cxposiir; i Summer jiooiis it. fast- n.|-1>> i>achim% Aii excellent article hi" Black 1 tr<>?>1 >*1 <>t 11 Yd- ! vet collared C'liit for iii.oy?I'linliininilik' St vie. J The Fir3t Week in April, WILL Vie <L?|>! avert one of (lio largest ami most ! Select anil liamLiene Stock ofSl'IIIXd amlSL'M- j Mill GOOlJS ever ofi'i'ivil in Greenville, run-1 sitting in | iW'l of, Street, uvenintr ami Travelling; j lire#* t !hhIs, of tin.' iu",r< -t ami most. !imI! Itt:il 'li'll mill style. liiillums, G loVCA, Trimming*. ' L-i- i'S M?isiiii?, Swiss, ..'ninjiit, I.awn an-l .Nnin- ! fi-i'i iitii'iroik'.-ii-s, Jv';.;iii'.?s, Insert ill-', and Kloun j rings. Silk .in'I IV,ton nasi cry. Work Boxes, l'hney articles, it nil Hid litt'ij r<M,ui<ite* n:nl j nii ilii # ttsiiallv fomi'I in ii well 1 >tIV j (iOoJ)S 1.AIMIlS' SlOK!'. mli 'je, n t r , Extensive Jewelry Eitabliihmeiit. < CHARLES SMITH, WATCH MAKER, iSKAKLY oT'POsrniTim .mansion UOI.SI; Groonvillo, S. C. r3"M!OBK win) nro fmol of beautiful sights, can i & now lm\ i? an opportunity of fensting tln-ir ieyes l.y ill,- inspection of oije of the Inrgi'.?t and most si-lr- t Stocks, i-vci: Before offered in tin- up i per country. livery nrliclc will he duly warrant1 oil anil soli! on (Jn? most reasonable Torino. | A few article# .will tin * mentioned. Gold j Watches, 1 * Gusts front s;>:l,i>U to SI.10,110. | ! Silver i!o. from SlA to jM>1.on. (iolil ami Silver J.oh luii .1 /( </ IInil Ilna.l Time /{riper*, ami a ipnntit v srcoiul hand Watches, among which 1 nro (reunite.' Ton?\s I.rvin:*. A- ycrv extensive ami oli-dcuits,ortlin-tit.of GOLD IllN'OS nipi La(lii'fi Hill )(>( I!lis, plain ami act with Diamonds, j Unities, Pearls, TnriittoLse, Onrnels, I'luetvr#, t tJorijt, Opal, Cameo, I.avn ami" Mosaic, Ay., Also, a sphnoLd selectimi of tine <!oM Purring#, plrtin ami with sets Kxtremely fashionable nn?l heavy. Fob, Vest, (.'ctclAine ninl Guard Chain*. , A large ami fanciful selection of GoM Seal* and j Hings, Aoinc of which contain I?ooket-*, Yinnyrctti'#. Pencils and Toothpicks, Ac. ,Vc. Gold . Fat Buckle* ami Slccvo Button# of a superior i ipiiility. (Jold Lockets ami Mailcllions of all i sixes ninl llcprcsciitatioiis. A varp-tv of Gohlj ! t'ntf Pins, Bracelet#, Ladies' Neck Chaiiis, ami a I , large assortnnnit of fancy Bosom Stinls ami ; 1 Brenstnitls fbrGailllcinen. A?lu Miisiiiii.i i i.l.l v..I. K?Wa ami Toinjv-riiiifo I'ins. Gold Pons. ' (ff)J.r> aim Silver lixlenstoti Cases. pome of thcin Mammoth *140. * Also a jiiu- selection of . Hair Work,Coiipi-tiif' of Itroimliev Urneolot *. l-lnrrintx*, <twins, Head Ttresses, Mpiii'I.s crosses and .n?>ck Chains, fiiii-"h"-4 with tasteful lino Gold Mounting*. ) A* number of Fine Silver * ClmMn and plain. together with a great variety of heavily l'latcd Knglish Warn*. Dutllde ami JSingfo lhinvlhsl Gun*, Rifle* ami i 1'Mols, and Revolvers of the most Celebrated { 1 makes. A few mope of extra fliieT>mihh? lllnded French | IJa/.oi-s left, nod a few Jloxes of tiro well known j I Magic Razor Strop I'a* to.. .In short*his Jcwtdry Store is replete in it*' variety of handsome nhd a*tractive FANCY j I GOOlM grtneraUy, innsnweh as to entirely pre- , clndc the mention of a vast deal that U Jhiuutifnl, j Use fill ?mH>raarneufid. nih 15 tf -v. - BOUNTY LAND. 100 AORBS Who4 ha\'e served 14 iliu'r, in any p-JL NV?, of tlife* tJuiNnt Stare*, amor 17!'rt. uri Wurt-nulK obtained, : sml highest c??h prl*m p*id fyt tlu-m, bv C. J. FlJftAlU), Attorney at haw, Mil 16. 11-tf ^ , Greenville, S. C.i ^ *- ?*- J autUprweil to announce Win ; A. ^Icl>jtni? I as a Candidate for (.Urk at i the vayuiojj>lcvtion, Feb. 2. 1. ( iijii r^s. ' *c<- ?i Ww?.?m \ * ^ Tlllt Ui-XU IAU. MKKT- ; i >^> <>i' M<M .\T.\iN Ij'IMiK, NV. J) 1 \ I. Or O. F.', ntv lieM 0" , -.?~ *" l"r1.1ii v ? vi 1 ? * at 1 ifcfcjH. n tliAh- Ifnl). \,". i\ JJrHHK, &c.~r> tury. , Uu-onviUv. I'im '. 1 a:> | T 3KTI J'BIIIAI ?' >*.? I"?VII.U>-I >:vis^?, .Sik. In. s. i|? x. 1 ' hold tiieirjiiiH'tiu;:* wvnKljf, at . tlio l.)i-j : Won IlO"IU,(?li MelWvV ]lnfj)Si?1lU'il;IV cv. ltiu^. ; J. II. WtttM&t, '.\ -Vt K ! InnxrarvH? - -. - &$ - + ' ?. ^ > ; _ ^ ^.{ vr <?::.? <a ? r^o - ^ . ?V ; ' "' ^l'* / V"OU or.*'lvinflo 1 t > wot. at i)i ? I>iyi- >/?:?. or' t!i Sin* ->t' 'lViiif?vi';inci> until,' trthir <>i-.|er?. ivVi-uiiKj*. -Y Jly or.lor of VY. 1*. l'suv, V*'.-. IV." j' -.Tiiiiinirv 12. :;.*? if . i i M * Boots, S'lor-s ar.i Outers. ft VT itMCMIVKV, t\V'o e:i.e? M-u".* 'thick ?u I'? llooM, ?V'.or, yroi,'^ ;inn U'l'll j " mule. 1 ew lkn> IVftj-d l? >ot<. ~ A a Excellent A wort me nt of * ' >4wil.n Hjk' i Wii+'H 1'1-11%,'Ho (outer*. ^il'ts it , n-.-.l IJimiiic'.Io ninl 1.tir-ittioe Silk 0i?l1 -r<, w llli tiui.v heels (?juit. n?-\\k,) Cnlf mi l <!onr- | kin", Xluivini mat Sf^ljlun I *?? >! < ', N\'i?11, i nir ; ?hoca nti?l Slij.jtoi'.-*. White KM Slippers nn.l "Suiters. ' ? CltiSrir^iiN Xliors. ?i Hoy'sninl Miafcm.' Illn.k nn.l louicy entoivJ -lines of utmost every si/.e ami lcM,ri|>t.ioii. ' Iji IU'*'. (leut's/ni-l Mi<* pj?i iMi.i Jln'.iliei' SnnInlls hli'l QVer Shoe*,' ; ( \\fM. n. jiovky*^ 1 Mi? in.. it . tt n k w-Y u ii k aii v i: ut i a m \: xt. S AMU EL W. BETTEDIOI, Wo. > Witll-Nlret'I, Reiv-I'drii, $v*X. HAS :i sploluliJ assortment of t /rV^'G3LD A1" 0 SSLVEK Wuli ?t??s.' , X 33* H.WKl-tlY StI.VKl.t-WAUK, i wlii.-ti. in ocitis-ipi.n-c of tin* IniiM turn's. In. will sell nt unusually lux j.ri?s, ami ' nil article* will l?> warranted perfect or no Halo. . 5f/"*Mefeliaiits .'iu<l oil.-is about vi.itimj tlie city nri' roijuoste I to call, nii> 1 OlIllKlli jvuietiiall v , llttlMl.l-lI to. \?.,....i. <> v.. - . i t ;,r i Boo!** air! SSrttionory. rpiUi SulrjorilxTs :?r?* ri I*:1: viair a laivo n??l vn- , 1 rii'il assortmailt of tlio above Articles, which llii<)' otter nt low prices. A'LARGE VARIETY OF CLASSICAL WORKS. An Kxti'iisivf Stock of M i*"cl],an eons^ Works. SCHOOL lit)OKS, Slates, LMis, lVncils, Drawing iiookts Witter I'olniv, !)i wctdl Umiu's ill', blank J>ooks, lio'iiol, half-Loon'l, ni;<! in paper. Foolscap, Jester nn?! NoloA'apr:-, 1>y the rutin or rmh. I. Sj.v Classes, I'oekct (,'o!ii|ia ->fv!, Magnifiers, Ac. J Willi i vnriisl assort m oil ofother art icier, to ; which ill v invite tlic attention of the public. C.. K FLF01<!) A tX>. mar. 2, 4*2 if I DUS. SULLIVAN & KOOilE, PUNCTUALLY AND PROMPTLY AiTEt\D TO ALL calls, in ia:: j.txiior niKin nr.>rKK ion. j S ) f.<-iis:svk: ll'rt?-f/? a, </rr?ii?r.'kV li'mfr'rct, Jl\i i'o-r-t ?;t:< i: : /Htfc'iit, " * I. M. sn.LIVA.N.] ID. 1>. MOOltn Man !i l:> . 4,il BOUNTY LAND CLAIMS. ; rI"*1 III nti?li?r:"-i^t:v'il is I I- paioilto ol lain l5-n >J TV l..tNI> W illi: ?.NV> tot |h"i?e entitle?! to | Uu'tn i niJor t'ic Into act ( .- soil by ('outness, I n... i. i > - " ..HI'11 i r.?<>. i r'>:-ip\ mi.i ilMliHti'Ale n!teil-f Iii>:5 w ;I! it *-?? i'i t !i |ii'o? I '.iluMi i'I ni! si., !i . l'lni;u. lu'.f ilii.irln 1'. lljiArm:('??. i s. mvr, iij-.rr. i Cjreeni III*-. M:ii ? l> 1". -i-l s> Wafch vSa'icT assd JTo?v!K*r} ST!:::.N*S UOTF!., KKKPA uIu iVf ?>n liftit'l t^.IVi\r Wat'. Ijus, j.i 1 .!F.\V'Ki#U Y ofov-i cry ?lif*ci'i)>lion. Fmiey ti?m.i? a.i 1 IVrfmorry. t i Flocks, W atches ii'.p' .Jewelry repairo-l i.i the | liPSt ltl.ltltiCl\ il.-C. "J'.t, ?,?. l y A. HANS,MAN, K3U3E, SiGK, QftiNAMEiSTAl A.'-D DSCDRATiVE . Kt ** TV Si I'.U'KR-'iANrjKi:,, ai.x v.v.n jt i lam :j-it hup. I OllSRN YII.I.K, S. *>r li r:-- left at t!i!i? Otllce alt e::?lcil t'?. K'Jr -Jci Gm ! WCS'CBaci^ E Co n'AVJNtJ Milil t.. ?. is. SIIKU\t?.X .nr inter-} . * in the 'I inning iiii'ines* rtnl Stm-n lit I tliU jiinec. u c wnw'-l Miy t<> nil itiiKliie*! t > us 1 that we tii lyoney tliev ?i$'e us, nr 1 that i it must 1> [ iii.1 K\ the first hi .f.itiitnj'y next, and ' mi Uustakk, for n:ir*!hiiik.i iniist !.? ehi-vd. <jIlKKX\ II,LI* ilAM FA(Tl LINO CO. i ily .1. 15. Siit.UM.\.\ A\;'l? j Nov. -t. US if Spavin?: and Hiir-^rcssincr. > ? i DIJSIRID??, t BarfMM*, )\v r- , c*tfy irno<l to (JrC'-iiville, wiiii ttik?'ii 't)? his t ll.'mlij'iart.'is iic.vt <l.u?r to (' ? \V. Ticki.*: i ^5WrV Co'i Xi"',-,P! IT Ii.noiit, in lt<>ut?| i "P Vic* llriok tt nnf. in:*! i" ]?"v]r'.'v3 to ?. >!> 7 i-vvrr tiling inim i;n- w ith tin* tiiiivt C.U'i, 'lotiili. I Ji-Hl (onion onn h i\ .ftli'-irlmiiM-iil ("Pffy v>r .-luim|'?Mi,wi, oc t >!i:ivaCimy tiim* 'i'lriuo 111 o <l:iy or cvrni io. Hiriviiij/ iImih* t?_v tlio month i'll ivasoiinl'V t'-riiH. Iiivi'iivillc, Mi:r?*li 111, 44 If Warrants! Warrants! 77. 25. 3.aJ3i37V - ! V'ITdII'v F.Y 4K T-A w || niV'l wilii nil iii'i'Ojrfurv iri*fMi''li"ii!< to prixoirc Itoiintv Lnn.l \\ iiiTiuiti muli'i* tlu- lntr in i of ('onjsrvMi, t;r.nilin^ liUi itcfi** to ull.wl?o iiihv linvf s.rwtl ill nnv of tlio iv.'iiv. Ininu'iliiitfi nitration yivcn to niiv husiiK'Sw of tin? kiiul ciitfii;*Ct'.l to his cnta Mnri'li Ilk it ' if-' VA Chance to make Money. PROFITABLE ANO HONORABLE EMPLOYMENT !! rpil K Snl vi-ilii'i1 is ili'oroiw of liiivhrr nn a^ei.t ' I in etich I'OUntt, nniL town ??t" tin- L'r.ion. A ' 1'iijiiliit of from o to >'10 vnly will ho r<?]<iiicl nn?i am thin* iiW<' an iift^'ti'iii," cuFrgt lio man tan I inikr from thvtn to tivo ?loilnri> per <Iav ;?iiiR.'i* 1 j wiiii.'of tlij .Vfmitji now Diniilia'.'il ur<*.iv:ili?iii!4 ; IwMfi' ih-it fini.. Kym'y i'lfonnution wii) Im> ?i v hi l.v inMroowing (jitist pal 1'hiS Ivliil.i'ii'ij'iiia. I'a^'l'iMt Olliix'. i uili ' . 43 . ?fc. *"**' ****** % j tS'i'tirtVi* i imtliofi/.i'.l (r? iiiiiimiiifi' Cft|M< A. V On i it|4*> a t airiiilntr f?n- Slior- j n. tl-.' i.jt \?. -!<.< turn. ?.M i-I?i'l. Executors' Salo. |( Wgme*. lloU'cliuli! anJ Ivkeboy Furniture; i J !m-irti. Sml.llvry, Harness, $au)|Ui!r?' aQti] 1 li^niess T<?>]/? an>i Fixtures, ! <$ 1 ther, Carriage, Wagon.*; Horses, etc., Are., 1 UK SOI.t), oa Tu\aj<liiy, thtr'afh A|U'il ! * T in-rt, lit it'lrccnvfltp, H. <!?? fonnwiii); [' wxiu rmjn-UTY., belonging to the ? -1 a to of (iiUcut)i, tUvcuaoA,; .' i 'fhrt'o ^Icki'Ous a'.iunl.i^ years of ag?, .n ^t>f?d hnrnr;?s inVc?*l* i W'AFIl, itt>out 2" joinn oFjijje, also a _ iwsI hariit f1' orisi;' ' fMj a!?o;;t 12 jSrafs of air?, in fie r :i;>|?roi!tiw?diip to lite carpenter*' inulc. * are jjyrjf likely ami valtwible. A Esir^e Variety *>t iiJVfWUOtU Jt KITCHES FUliXlTCltE. inif xif Ucslv ami He?l?lh?jr, ' fltnirs, TaMes, iioi^diiK1, Wnnlrohea .FVookepv, j > 1.1 ?.?> m-y, Capp<;tal ?Lc? , !' ^ selott assortment of Taluable Bocks. ' * Jlmlmme Family CAILiUAHii <>**<1 lhirur*s i?l Match Hordes, 4<t'nt rat? Twu-1ItTrsv Wagon i ml lius'io'**, SjoMU*?, Jlri-Jl'"". i l..!)V*e lis: of Farming nn<l Onrtleiiii?j? Tools, tr.vw-C'nUor. < orn-Sliellor, Ac. ?rv Fi ie Khllug MAHK, Milch | f&j ^, iloves. A?. yt^fr %" sj'inrttity of tir?l rate !?A(*<^N* -^vWiAt. j ni^es, -'liimhlviS ami Ihun*', hiine, Suit, C?W?;e, A- < . iUl tUc Slccli of Saddlery, i\A P.; idles, llaulfvits Ilarnvsts Li-nther, i hliilfi.i' and Harness Maker*' Mutc fu!s. Tool* and K:' Iures, Wliij-s. llniocs, Collars^ t J lYoo-i, Hack lea, Wehhisu*, Skins Thread, and . ' i ci-v oilier material iiecd in the Saddlery and ' tinnier.* line. Ti:i:m.?All r.nus under five dollar? Cash; over ( ( iluil amount, note, wi'll two soeifritiea, at "twelve ( iiontli-'i with interest from date. J*. It. IM'xcan, 1 , , c. j. LU'oun, f eontfo.*. I lull lli -11 lit I A CARD. . 11 H aviso associated. Col. llor.rr.T P.. Coon- ! i.kit with mtii'lf in Ilio mercantile husithe fai l liii.iiio^ will In- earrioil on umlcr . tho iiiiino uioi xtyio i?r (4u.\nv iv oootm.ktt, j lit mv oi l stand on tin' (until we.-t corner of the , |ir?!ili<- Mfiiar.i. I lifrehv fake occasion to relTiru , inv thanks for the lih-'rnl j>ntmilage heretofore bestowed on me, and solicit a efuitinnance of | the same tor the new tirm above referred to, | feeling confident that we will he nble fo give ! satisfaction to all who may favor us with a ealh.j It is with reluctance that I must truly say that , necessity constrains me, to notify those who arc indebted to iue cillu-r hy note or hook account previous to 1st of .Iniiuarv. 1850, to call and i?nv u|?. 'JOHN \v. oi'ady, ' Jaa iiirv 2-1, lS.lfk OO-?A?.TNsnsH:?. . r|MlK undersigned having formed n copartnerX jlii|t under thuiuttue and style of (SKAl)Y ; V GOfsDI.ITT, and taken the stock. of (iooth , and Store of Joiix W. (Ibaiiy, will ^jTJ^eontiiiitc the business. \\V J .-^Vc^by prompt attentions to nu-rit a UgfegfJC continuance of the liberal |?:ttround's heretofore! given '.if business. Our stock is very complete now. ami preparations aim milking to enlarge it i soon, Giv 113 a mil. .KM IV \Y. fill ADV. 1 llOllT. P. GOOD!.KIT. January.*-". 1 GRiiENVlLFJi HOTEL Till-! subscriber having taken charge of , c^/hi* House. So lately kept hy .l<>!!\ Mi'lhuiu-, I and once so wall known as the /.Vu/wcAy ?i* 'J'<hh- I '.<#* /?oi. i-'.-peetfully inform* his ohl friends ami ! tin*- tfivi l!in r%]>nt?lie that lie is now prepared to t entertain ami necoiiiiuodate litem in becoming ' sty! . ami hopes hy proper management to secure I lieir encouragement. livery attention will he, eii'ii to remi t- the fay of strangers ami trayyl- ! tors ha j>l asaut ami agreeable u4 possible. ' rj?' o E> i* o v ct'*. *\ . ? Having a line Stable, excellent lots, i y"t. { Is. :,u hbiindittice of provouder, ami careful j ostlers, he" is?enabled to accommodate Drovers j in tin bt't! manner.' A!-e. const i lit I v on hand. Homos .^-V"~sr. _> llaej-.s, Cnmr.r? itii.l 1 aggies, tu Illton the lll'lst t'eilMUttihlc terms. !'. *. llVTU-DGH j.tii. 12, "> *? if Eating Saloon. OYSTERS, MAM, EGG AND COFFEE. r I'M IK under : li.i\'in?5 .opened his Saloon 1. tor fli.- eomiji.g .isuiiii is fii'c|Kircil Co fnpnifli Oyster Suppers at the shortest notice. lie is i.i receipt of I'r.-h Oysters, direct. from ('ii'irK.-toii, twice .luring the wci'k. Kxcelh-nt < ( hung, a, Cocoa N 'iC-s etc., on hand.? Hi , Saloon may be found in tin- cellar beneath tl:i> S.uldlerv of Mr. tJ. Hki.I'Ma.v, near the l iver, .Main street. Open every night, except Sunday. , John nrcKNSii:.* i leti. >, H :to If i STA'k'Ii ?! KOUV1I ( AHOM.V* CliKKNVILM-: DISTIilCT. '( y<10MWir#I ??;?iiaLA:.l? '..fill W. (' 1 vs. V Attachment. Win. M. Hitler. ) " I \\T Mi'lKKAS, tli:' I'lnintiff did oh lTie li'.tli ff.ry t t of October, 1X51, file his doelanition against the defendant, wli>>, (us it is .<iii.|) is nl>s.-iit from mi 1 without the limits of tl.e Stnte, an-1 lias neiih r wife or iittornev now within the snni" upon whom n ?oj?v of this ilocinr.ition ! Illicit! he served. It i.- t.iieretoio ordered, that the said defendant j .In r.n 1 jih-ail to (h-1 saiil il?H'hirnti<>M on or hefi'iv the iiineteentli .lay of Octolior, \\ hh-lr will he in tlie year of our l.ord one thousand i right hundred and liftv-five, otherwise final ami nhiuilnte jii']o(.|iifMl will t'tuii he given and i de<l against him, T>. llOKF, C. < .!'. i Clerk's, flr-er.villo District, ) Oelrthcr 17. 1SS4, | Stint r Ti "IT T5 TT m s-J 5* ! WAIN-STREET, GREENVILLE, S. C. i \*:AI.KK IN i>i:i'<;s. mkdhmnks, ! / * l I in-trim touts, I'flifil*, iJvo-Ktnft'*- V?riii ?!to?, I (tin*-whit, I'nttjr, Tiilwi?c{{ -spirit (Jui1, Oil-', (.'iinillos. Son)*, 2Sjiipcn, Uru*Iiu.-v! "I <>il< < (.'omli#, IVrfinnofv, ylo. frc'slj o>)? ^?ilrc ar<* wan-anted am) s.ohl at low nrfiH1*. ?5V~<?|" tl.-r* fri>:n Mcr. h nr?-< Hint Ptn?ieiiin* soticlfifl. Jn I'or-on* netnlini; for M.*dicin*fe at ilti.t Nort' may relv on havit^ tliein common wi'li iicfttrti*, in ct.i iu y and <1ee|niteli. I'cltrnnt v "i. Tts tt' 1><)UK AMD I'ltlYIIM. neatly done . l 3 tlk* Od'.ue." ' - 'i, a- -w v 1 1 4 ?ri? ituiliori/cd t? km* iouitc'<* \V. Y Wjf N <'I-', if-* n ntixtiilnte fur Sli?rIf nt t lie .Vt'tinn for thut ottic*. Sept. 8. Is? * t? '* '" " " ' REED & SOdDLETT, .airaom&w, (ii'^ui iUc, / C2r*0jik c IM'V! <I<>oi to 1\ K. UK VIT/K AC CO. J. I'. KKKO.l ? [a. i>. coowf tm. J * lniiunrv 12 *" 83 tt Thompson & Easlcy, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, (JliKKNVILI.Ii V. 1J., S. C. Jttne 2", 1631. 0 6 UAlililSON'S IlOTEh Mfe nv 1). T'.i< y.'.vnx si MS, C'oriuit at tijilLU!* ?' ' <<n niuT 1 nnrvS-strvofu, Cofumlifii;. ? '.?<A 'X .'Minibus Hue 23 <?cnf*. jttll. 12 XC I )iH CI 'S Nl.W-Yt<liK TYl'K-KOUM)11Y, <*S J 1 m>1?-?T?< ?! iii I *!S, li;iv ot? fininl,' rcrfJy ??r iirmi' ifiiiff in fonts to suit punhnsora,. ' lon.rn 11m K0MA5 TYPE of new cut,M>,o<io FANCY TYl'K, ?' Ttrim 5,i?)U " (JliltM ANS, . >,(??) " OltNAMTNTS in great variety^' fi.tHtn. ? l'.( >KJ iFl.'S lrt,ooo fi til H E ASS AND TY PE RIETAL HULKS,. imJ.nU llio novelties in the businoag. , All t!to :il?ove Types are en*t liy st r*r*f ftoifpf,' >f the new composition miT melul je enHvr f>? tKia "onmlrv, uinl \\ lUt M fschkTaini/frswhphi^K1'i nit v ever twvil ! of ore ii i n'twf j>nrt> of tli* ivorM.. The rrivqinilleil iVipMity in the rtrtwsiM if rusting, enables mo to sellUieae more outalila ;vpc* :ii tie prices of wiluinrv tvpes, cither osr ' . .Hi r. .1. I'i Wood, Typos nixfiiM otbor Printing ifnlonals.oxeopt J'aji'-r ntnl Cat'd', (whiHihave nofix'1 <p v'ifv <>: i riL'<,,vf..l iiiVhi<l at * utunufaolum-'e 'l"h<- Iiitcrt Sji. t inion Ron* of tjn* Fonndfry ts riwlv given to 111] jointing otlieoti, on the yeeeipi" of fifty eer.t* to prejoty lit*1 postage. l>riiit<os,of o-s w'ho publish this :i'l\ I'l tirooiK'ut, iiK-ltuliugihisirnto.three timni before the first dny of .Inly, ti i??3 forwnrd ?? ' ono of tin- pjtpove, v. ill be iiiln* e?t ill oil* bills nt tli?' tiir.c- of |>uria|utsuig tb e tinius the amount of tujf tnaiiufnvt nrcs. XoW;York, Fob. 12, lK5JbAddress. gkorgf. nurcK l.s CHAMUKlfS-ST. Sow-Yoftf. Mechanics, Manufacturers, and INVENTORS. ... \nctv volume of tJu* SClKNTfFfC AMF.RI-^ A X rmnniiMtPPt: ? _ - - M i.i? niiuuir ox tpmU'i' in cat'li fosr, It is a journal of !4cienutic, Meihnnical, and other improvement*; the advocate of industry in all ite-viirum?liraiwhet it is |tiiIjlislictl woeLly. #in u form suitable for binding. aud.ou:i:4itutos n' the end of each.year*,, a splendid volume of 4ta> pages. with n copiewe ittMcr, and from live t<> .six hitmlrv<l .origtoil' ens ornijigs, Hjgctln -r-wrth a great Tlmmnit of Jjracii-. en* information concerning the progress of invention inal ilijSamvrv throughout the world. The Scieutitir American is the most widelycirculated and popular journal of the kind'now publi-hed. Its I'.ditors. t'.n'tri billowy and Correspondents ar * among t ho ablest priutii'Jul sciont itic limn in the world. The Patent t'lain.suiv publ'.diod tft?UyrrMl are invaluable t > Inventors and Patentees. "NYc jmrtieulariy warirthe pithfTo against pay iug money to mr.vlliiig agents, as d*c aro not in of Ann' hing ccrtiHcutcs of aguuoyto ativ one. Letter* should I ejdirerted, (post paid) to all'nn A ft., 128 Fulton street, n. yTvi'UtK. One cojiv. for one tear, ?2; One eopy, fpr six months, il; l-'ive copies, for six months. $4; Ten "eojdes, for six Months, *8; Ten copies,.for twelve months, >1">; fifteen eOpic?, for twolyo moiiHis, >'22 ; Twenty copies, for twelve months, $28. * THE WEEKLY HERALdTI^ The Bost General ITcwspaper in theWorld. r I'M l.E New Youk wuiklt is pitlilTsHX <-d every t-aMirday morning. Its- ynntentif emhraee all the news of the great events of the day, reports of meetings, of tin-State Legislature, and of foivji'esfe; important public document*;. European and lo.iue col respondetice ; tinnneial i and <->in!uerei;jl informal ion, and editorials of i general interest, that have appeared in tile new ! Youk l)\ir.v'llEa.\!.i?. it is neatly printed, in dear type; on a isrgw' ' doiihe quarto sheet of forty-eight columns?? l.ooU?a directory in itself?ami forms one of tHn II. t r.ud most valuable weekly news p?t petti in titer world. 'J lie greatest. <are is taken to obtain the , lj;l est and most rdutide inleWgyiiee ofduijairtnnt miioxeiuenls i:i all parts of the world. No expense'is spared for this purpose. The sul.seri; tioh price is three duller# per annum, paviil'le in ml. a nee, or r.i.xponcc per single* copy, rail tors of news nepers throughout tJier country are piu-t: !v nnptesfed to net. n* ? rents? They will rccievo twenty-five jh-i? ce.ut commission on till subscript ion*. Anv pen-on olitaiuini; five or more nihsnriberewill Itv allu\\\<l the same coiumi-siott,, T'.xm.-j <.; ei.r.ts. For 1 e<>py <?f Wm:ki.t lfni 1 year ?3 0<t Firu copies do. do. 11 i\ T?u do. do. 21 60 Fifteen do. do. S3 ',6 Twenty do, ?li>. 4&> t?f4? Tweiity-fivo do. do. flrt 5<r Thiity do. ,?lo. 6? SO Thirty five do. . do. 78 75 Forty do. d<?. (M? (at Forty fi\u do. do. It'll 26 Fifty it". <!o. H2 .#??? /Ill letters to he addressed to James (>< rdnn Bennett, | ro^i'iotor and editor of the N?:w Yotiic Now York city. l>imttnuees must be mndo oi fundi* current in this rite. Advertisements inserted ill the \Vi:tKLY JivHu.n for thirty cents per line, 1<1 f>b. Notice. VI.1. onsoii" indebted to the estate of IAJ1KZ * fijl.UKA'Ll 1. dec.'Aseil arc notifiedtoinnku immediate payment* and those having demands a^iiin,-! the said F.stafe, to present tlicin, proper Iv attested, to the subscribers, ht the office of (*. I Klford. t IV K. Ill'Nt'.\N, 1 ., , .!. KI.FOKL), ( ,*. March V.- -13 ,i ' VT v ^ raintt, / tHP.OMF. fiiUvll, Fori-1 and Trench Orccn, V Uroaipl in oil and dry. ('limine IWlow, iiti'l nil kinds of I'i-iirts. of oveiV ( i i|ithr?u. i f I.nif\v?u?l ?i'<l J>)v Sliilfii of < \ 'Tv kou), (ylioyokl i.f IU<- N?-w I'rojf Sw?rV of U KJilTCll. mll'Jt, -*3 ' " T 2t 'CA'IX DIH'iKf & A WD -TKVV.VXSVfc, M ISS N. -I. ST. >M I! Informs Ihn oifi'/fiH >>f . rf.'in iil?- l4Kit- she hit* ivnum< (1 flit* In.Miu s*of 'I iiiloi in-* iitii Maiitnii -unking, hikI wniild !?< |-It-it < 'l i<> n < < '*?< iU?* |>utrou?oe ?f lirr <>1.1 frifii'l* nii?l loitmi .iiMomi.t*. Cu- avilU M.otli !> . It 5