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Statfrtstitjg JHistfllnmj. ^ ' II) & Se-bei) Sistefs. AS lUIHlt LKtlEND. /Sf ' ^1, 1 ? Tuk locality will eh was tho scene of the following tragedy is the little village of lkd- ; Ivbrtnlon, situated within a few mile* of Ker*y Itoad Ireland. The scenery m'oiind Ik of tho wildest and most striking description. Frowning rugged dill's, rising ntVrnptly out of the water to tiio height of over v>>o j hundred feet, and perforated with numerous j caves, ijita which the ocean rushes with fear-! fill ftiry in winter ; for it is a, 'stormy coast, 1 MM rarely docs a month pass without ho-1 holding some dead, putrefied body washed j hshoro ; while inland a barren, uncultivated! plain, consisting mostly *>f bog, stretches! Hwqy to nearly the foOtufthe Rack-*, which, ioottling In the distance, seem to rear their giant ittnMM even to tlm sky, and form, as it: were, im impenetrable barjeior, between the nbitt and the interior. On tho brink of one R Ot' those precipices we have mfeutiuuod, there | stands the ruins of a castle, seemingly ofj great antiquity. ' Nothing now remains butj the-basonaent story, aud lliut seems as if it Would he able to withstand the war of winds and waves for bundcrds of years longor. According to tlio legend, the castle was inhabited by a gallant cheiftain at tho period of the incursions of the Danes, and who was . tho father of seven blooming daughters. ITo i *was himself a great warrior, animated witn the greatest hatred against thoOstmen, who, at that period was laying evory part of Erili waste. His sword never rested in its sheath; ??ud day and night his galleys cruised about tlhe coast on tho watch for any piratical marauder who might turn his prow thither.? <One day a sail was observed 011 the horizon; tit came nearer aud nearer, and the pirate 1. atamlard was distinguished waving from its ,masthead. I in mediately surrounded by the j r limb ships, it was captured after a desperate 1 resistance. Those that remaiuod of the crew were slaughtered and thrown into tho sea, nvith the exception of tho captain and his six ^brothers, who wore rcscrvcr for a more painful death. Convoyed to the fortress, their wounds were dressed, and they wore allowed the five ratigo ,<A the castle. Here, gradually, a love aprung between tlieui and the seven bish maidens, who yielded to their ardent protestations, nnd agreed to fly with ttiem io Den-; mark. Everything was arranged for the j voyage, and a fourth! stormy night in winter, was chosen for the attempt. Not a single star shone in the sky, the cold blast came | sweeping Froi.- tho ocean, the rc?u fell in torrent*, nntl tlic waters roaryd and raged with terrific violence ami.I the rocky caverns.? Escaping down the battlcmeul by a rope ladder, they discovered- to their horror that <m reaching tho ground they wero surronn-1 ?lod by armed men. Not a word was utter-j ?d, but they well knew into whose hands I they had fallen. Conducted again in with the fortress, they : found themselves face to face with tlieir injured fullier. One deadly glance of hatred lie cast on the prisoners, and, muttering some few worths to ono of his attendants, ho point<sl towards the daughters. The man, on receiving the Command, recoiled a few paces, i transfixed with horror ; and then ho advan-j ced nearer, and seeinod as if rcmonstating with him. Hut tho parent's face assumed an absolutely domoniac expression; and *. more porcmptorily repeating his ordcrMhe stalked out of the room. .And now commenced a fearful scene. The lovers were torn from each other's arms, and the women t I . r* "o * wore orougnt lonu again, 1 no storm lia<J grown more violent, and iho spray was dash-' ing far over the clilT; whilst the vivid Hashes of lightning afforded a horrible illumination of the droarv scene. Proceeding along the brink of the precipice, llioy at length came to a chasm which resembled somewhat the ?rater of a volcano, as it was completely closed, with tlio exception of tho opening nt the top, and one small aperturo below, through which the sea rushed with fearful violence. Tho rolling of the waters sounded fearfully on tho car of thoso around, and now at length the sisters divined their fate. One hy one they wcro hurled into tho boiling flood ; one wild shriek?tho billows closed again? > and all was over. What the fate of their lovers was, the legend savs not, Tho old castle has crumblod into ruins ; the chieftain sleeps in an unknown grave ; his very name forgotton ; but still the sad ending of tho maidens is remembered, and even unto this day the cavern is denominated tho "Cave of ithe Seven Sisters." ooO Il3^oU)eir. -?. 1 -^0^ Hkimmko at tho troubles and diflicultics ^ df one's lot is a common fault of humanity. JEvery day wo hoar individuals, surrounded 1 Villi comforts, and abundant sources from ; wmvxi I1IIIJ UU unvvvil, IOIII jll.lUllllg iuai they .tic unfortunately situated anil j pointing to .others of larger moans as the ol>- j Joet of thoir envy. The euro for this state of; mind is easy of attainment, and the mode! may be illustrated by what actually occur-J fodto afriond of ours tUo othor day. B? ' bad got into what be esteemed "a" j>oek of trouble-" Two notes hail fallen due, and: B?know not where to got tlio hardQu$h, money being tho chief articlo in demand in (he market. In B?'h imagination never was man so unfortunate. Although ho had a comfortable house of his own and numerous (relatives and friends, in whoso society ho j could find puro enjoyment?ho could not, I just at that time pay two small notes and he , , was the most unfortunate man in the wufld 0 on the day before tho notes foil duo, 15, in no ^ 'Very Comfortablestate of mind, in fact, with TUUsing* soinewhnk tinged with despair, was , strolling through tho lower section of tho city. ? It was a fino <jay, ami the#doors of many dwellings 6tobd opener ajar. As ho reached a row of rthofiibTe, duty, rickoty Chanties, about which tint pigs and the children wore playing in beautiful succession of squeak and wallow,^ attention was nttrac.. , * ted to one liovel the door of which stood open, expoing tlio wretched hrterior. A Sturdy shoemaker was seated oil I1I4 bcucli working away with hawlifer and lapstone, whistling in luno with the boating of the for-1 iner UhjL B?? paused, survoyod and lnused. There was no carpet on tlic floor of the! room ; in one corner was a straw *be<l. lioplj from falling to picoe?d>y a rofxr tied round., it. A broken table three chain* and iomel dirty dishes, completed the furniture. Three i children, the oldest not more than eight.! year* of age, were playing upon the floor,"I apparently very happy." in tlioir I'ags.-aiyl dirt. B?atOotytt the door, gating and Uukksvili-k. March 'jo 1K55. BAGGING, Gunny, per yard, 10 a 18 Dundee, 18 a 10 BACON" limns, per lb., 8 a 10 Shoulders, 0 ? 8 Sides, 8 a lo Hog round, 8 BUTTER.. .Goshen, per 11>. none. Country, per lb. 15 COFFEK.. .Rio, per lb. 14 Java, per lb. 18 a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 0| a 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 ? 15 Osnaburgs, per yd. 1 I <i 12? FLOUR ....Country, per bid. 87 .J a 88 Country, per suck, *3.j a 84 GRAIN Corn, per bushel, 78 a 85 Wheat, per bushel, ? 11 IRON Swedes, per lb. G.J a 7 English, per lb. 5 a 5^ LARD per lb. 10 a 11 MOLASSES, Cuba, per gal. 33 a 37.? N. <)., jK'r. gal. 40 SYRUP 44 " per gal. i>0 a 02^OILS Lamp, [>orgal. 814 a %2| Train, per gal. 87^ a 81^ Linseed, * 81^ RICE per lb. 7 a 8 KOl'K per lb. 12$ a 20 SUGARS. ..N. Orleans, per lb. 7 a 1) Porto Rico, per lb, 0 u 10 ]/>af, per lb. # 12 JCrushed, per lb, * . 12^ Refined, per lb. 10 a 12^ SALT per bushel, 81 Salt, per sack, a 2 37 SOAP Colirate.palo, 12.1 a 15 Yeliow, t?<jr lb. 8 a 10 8IIOT mt lb. i - 12* Shut, por bag, a *'2 J 'Attention Butler Guards! YOK WII.L ATrKN!) A MKKTINQ of your C/ut|>a, at MoH' vV tnIL <>n Saturday evening, tho 2 It 1? inst, at. 8 oYIifcjk, i>. in. A full ntt.inlanoo i* requested, an the Company will be divided Into K?juiwl-< for <1rill, Ac. Uy order of W. 1\ M< Uftfl. *'??. and 1VWr. tab it * <i musing, apparently lost to evfcry sauso of! propriety, and forgetful of the world outside. | I >irocliy the shoemaker locked up ami wooing a stranger thus A/tuding ,asked him if lie 1 would stop inside. Without replying. 11? did enter, after looking around upon what he considered mi apartment of wretchedness; he impiired of the shoemaker how lie could i whistle in such a scene, y What- else should | I do i" iuquired the honest follow. "I know my lot, and I'm trying to make it as comfortable as possible. riiis looks liko a very miserable placo to n gentleman of your cloth and if you had to tako euro of ibroe motherloss children, and get bread for four by. this kind of work, in these hard times you might know something more of trouble. I do it, and yot 1 can afford to whistle and work. K soon took his departuro and his reflections on his homeward walk wore such that he not only bocnmc a wiser man, hut among his acquaintances lie has become quite a lecturer on the power of contrast in bringing about contentment of mind.? Whether he paid tho nolo, or not we cannot say, but ho has worn a cheorful face over since.? Philadelphia American. A San Francisco editor, 1<\ 0. Kwi::i, re contly prepared a fictitious sketch dv^ovibing the sensation of a dying may. 1 le, as die best mode of overcoming all difficulties, involved in such relations, made his hero describe his death from the spiritual world. Tho author was recently surprised to find that Judge lvjruondit, of X. V., had used his fictitious narrative as the production of a veritable spirit, and the Judge wrote to the author to ncquaiiit?hiin with tho fact that he had several spiritual interviews with this defunct "hero,"|who never had any existence except in Mr. Ewer's brain. Mr. Ewer's letter is rather an amusing proof of the exceeding credulity of the Judge, and the ludicrous absurdities in which the professed spiritualists : i ii.' i i * i ? ? ?* nivuivtj wiemseives, uy raxing leave 01 eoinmon sense, and ignoring tlie well established moral ami physical laws ot'tho universe. Ax English officer, now a prisoner in Sovnslopol, had a letter sent him from a young huly in England, to the effect that she "hoped when he took Menscliikoff, prisoner, that he would send her a button from his coat, fbr her to keep as a relic." The letter was forwarded by a Hag of truce into Sobastopol, w ith other loiters for prisoners now in the enemy's hands. This letter fell into Menschikousbwn hands, of course, to be read ere delivered. On coining to the above passage, he immediately cut a button from his coat, and sent it out under flag of truce, to be conveyed to the lady, "with a remark to 'the following effect: "That lie had 110 idea of yet being taken prisoner; but rather than to disappoint a young lady of so simple a request, Jio would fulfill hor wish himself before that time arrived." Tiie St. Charles Theatre, in tho Bowery, New York, has been sold at auction. ExAlderman Francis was tho principle purchaser. Tho scenery, wardrobe and other appurtenances were knocked down for the pitiful sum of *300. The edifice is now to be converted into stores. tfni'ccuvillc 1'riccN Current. cokuectkd wekki.v folt the enter l'kise, BY JOHN W. GRADY. MPRP.HANT. * Ulrtr':1 . cir**.* . I.IH 'nv !.?.?? *. NRWfc ADVERTISEMENTS. Groat> Reduction in Prices. W. H. HOVEY, .J I IS now ollfi-riiig hi* Stuck of I'ri^tvd JVItninc*, j JL l)ark CalioooAmid Winter Uri'sf (Jixxla urnlljr, at reduced i'viyo*, to make room for hi* . Sjirin^ iSood:>, " ? A v. rv ..*.4 ,.f i.:, ..r /.v .. 1. vi j - ---. | "" - " ! Ma Ut C?othint/, ponsistlwg of l>t-c '*, Frock ami I I Over. Gnats, Ligntlier Winter nt ?>f I'u.iV". fiuvl ' ! Yeats, and Minteiinl+for making them ?t|?, will hei (.Hold extremely b>vy. ?? tho season fur ex posing { [Mutiitner'lttoiu U fdiM^appiooching. - - : An ptEucll^iA article of l>lu<-k l'roadelotb Vei-> Vet collared Coat- fbr ?Fashionable Style. ; Th? Eir?t Week in April, lii* displayed one of the largest and niixt' fa BeliTt aiul linmlmme Stock of Sl'it IN'! and SI" M- I MKR (IOOIM ever offered in (J recti vi lie, con-1 uniting in part of, Street, Evening and Travelling ? I>ross Gooda, Of the novve-t and moat desirable material and stylo. Ribbons, Gloves, Trimmings, i J .area, Muslins, Sivi**, Jaconet, fjiwn and Nnin- 1 ' sook Kmbroii^ricA. Edgings, Inner!inland l'lonn- '1 rings. Silk and Cot-ton lUwicrv. Work Iloxe*. ni [Valley article.-', bud all the little reipii.-<it :.* ami [ nioittes t'tgutdlv found in a well conducted 1)RY i Out >1 ?S LAU1 liS' STO11E. ? lull 23,- 45 tf ot Extensive Jewolry Establbhmeat. sV CHARLES SMITH, WATCH MAKER, NEARLY orPOdlTETHE MANSION HOl sr., Oroonvillo, S. C. r|"Ml()SE-who arc fond of beautiful sight.*, can SI JL now have an opportunity of feasting their i j eyes by the inspection of one of the largest and | di | niont selectStocks, ever before offered in the up- | j per country. Every article will be duly wnrrautI cd and sold on tlic nio*t, reasonable Tenon. A few articles will be mentioned. Cold Wnlebe*, 13 Carat Casts from *3?i,u0 to SlottyKi, Silver do. from $1<) to Si05,0i>. Ai.'O. Gold anil Silver Aon./ou .1 fi/7* liiiit lioatl iji, and a quantity second hand Wati-lie.*, among which are genuine Tobias A very extensive ^ and ehoiee assoi tuuilit-of l!<?l.l> RINGS and Ladies 11K< ><K'UES, plain and set with l)inmoiid*, j Rubies, I'cnrla, 'Lurquoi-o, Garnet.*, Cluster*, i Coral, Oput, Cameo, Lava and Mosaic, iVc., itc. I : Also, a splendid si lection of line Gold Earrings, j" jiiiiin ami wuii dels, r.JCt remciy lasliioiial.Ie uu.l licnvv. Fol>, V. st. Cetolaine and Guard Chains. 11 A in iff.' aint fanciful selection of Hold Seals and " Ring's, some of which contain Ix>cket.-s Vinngrcttes, Pencils and Toothpicks, Ac. Ac. (Sold Fat Buckles and Sleeve Buttons of a superior quality. Uohl Lockets and Madcllions of all ri sizes and Representations. A variety of Cold ] Cuff 1'ins, Bracelets, Ladies' Neek Chains, and a 11 la rife assort incut of fancy Bosom Studs and Breastpins for Cent L-iocd, Aslo Masonic, Odd Fellows and Temperance Pins. ? Gold Pons. (SOLD aim Silver K\iension Cases, some of them Mammoth si/.c. Alsi u Sine selection of o Hair "Work, Consisting of Brooches, Bracelets, Karri ng?. Chains, Head IIrcsses, Hearts, Crosses and Neck ('liains, finished with tasteful line Gold Mountings, \t A tiuniL'er of Fine Silver Cups, Chaste and plain, together with a great variety of heavily 1'luted Knglish Wares, ~ ]) an 1 Single Barrelled Guns, Rifles ninl Pistol--, and Revolvers ef the most Celehrate.l p makes. A few more ofo\tra iiiieBouLlo Bladed French Razors left, and a few Boxes of the well known 1 .Magic Razor Strop Pnste. J In short his Jewelry Store is replete in its | variety of handsome and attractive FANCY GOODS generally, inasmuch as to entirely preclude the mention of a vast deal that is Beautiful. Useful niul Oriinmcntiil. lull 2:1, -15 if A Fresli Supply. 11 BUIlNING Fluid awl Lamps, Ultra, lluisins ) and Cundy, u fresh supply, to he Fold nt. the j Drug Store of II lvUUTCJI. nth 2d, !/> 2t I'niuts. CHlltOMK Green, Fnris nnd French Given, ^ J ground in oil and dry. Chronic Yellow, niul nil kinds of Paints, llritshci* of every do*-.. i cription. Kxtracta of Logwood and Dve Stulfs J of overv kind, to lie sold cheap at the New Drug , Store of II KHUTCH, mil 28, 15 2t | Coino tlii3 way good Folks. I1IAVT. ju>t received a good supply ??f (Jrooo-1 . riov, Hardware and other article;--, eueh as ! I( utlcc. Sugar and Molasses, Camlle?, Soap ami Starch, Pepper, Spice, (dinger, Cloves ninl Mace, SnulF, Tobiifcn ami Segars, Salmon, Sardines and I'meters, j Yeast I'owder, Soda, Snlnrutus and Mustard, Walnut and Toinatlo Catsup, Capers and Popper Snuee, Pre.s.-rves, Tickles, Brandy and Tic Fruits, l.eiiiou Svrup Castor and Sweet Oil, Corn, Wheat and Potatoes, Hardware of all kinds, and many other urti- 1 cdes too tedious to mention. 5 Ai>m>, n good many of my last, year's notes and t accounts, interest olY for cash, and sonic ready L for shaving. You who arc acquainted with them, call ami see tliein. W. II. llKNNON*. inli '28, ,15 'it. A Chance to make Money. PROFITABLE AND HONORABLE EMPLOYMENT !! j rriIK Subscriber is desirous of having an agent 'c I in each county and town of the Union. A n capital of t'rom o to ?10only will l>?: required and j h anything like an efficient, energetic liinti can 1 make from three to five dollars per day ;?indeed j | sonic of the Agents now employed are realizing | iwico nun sum. r.very imormniton will uc "ivcu l?y addressing (|H>st WWf. A. KIN'SI.KK, Box i'i'jH, riiiift'li'lphiii, l'a., 1'imI Olliec, t: nth 23 -* 15 ?t. * BOUNTY LAND. 160 ACRliS rpo ALT. who have served 1 I days, in nny ] .4- Wnr of the United States, since 1700. j U'nnnnli ohlniuctl, ti Aud highest eaah price* paid for them, hy ii C. J. WOIib, Attorney nt Law, n Mli 16. -1 l-tf Greenville, ft O. Warrants! Warrants! "77. ?. SAOI#S?, VTTOHNKY AT LAW, j* prepared with nil necessary instructions to procure Bounty t i Land Warrants untier the 1 Ate net of Congress, ' > j granting 160 acres to nil who may have nerved in ( i nny of tho wars, limned into attention given to . | any business of the kind entrusted to his earc. ' Xlnreh 16. jjju - If j J lit ^hnkro Leon authorised to announce ^ ! A. V. Owing* n candidate forHh.'f- I i jl^P the next oleetimi. TM.. 27?t?l. 5% THE liK(Jl'I?A!i MEET- ' rM of Moi:xt.\in ImuuK. No. 1 \ > P. <' j'\ k^l on ,^(5 IViiluv ovoiiJii^m jit 7 Jclot'k ilicir IFdlr \V. I\ Mo It EH, Sorfstarif. UfNUViHtS <lill|. l'i Xfl n Q5J^ $1>Vs YKitil*K5t AlirCfE. I I ?(^k?:i:nv!h.i: ]>:vi*h?\, Nu. IU, S. of T., J t ii >iu i noir moot llKfs rt'ci'KlV, Bl'tlft' ! !ision Romania Mo Rev's llnll)SntunFav evening*. J. ll.'UOWKU, & January 1*2 85 * t ! Mb*"* r3kT<? l7v>I, ?* < r>' 1 to in-'i't. nt tlii1 IJimiii hi the Sons of Teniix'riiiicu rtulit I rl'ii!!' or?l?Mwlln^?Kriil?y livening*. i t r.v oi-iTt-r of \V. 1*. I'-iiict-; M.-.i'.v !' Jnuunrv 1 *2. :i.1 (f j ^ Boots, S'aocs and Goitora. flKl' URl'ICIVi'll), twn ease? of Moil's 1 !ii<-k a JV/god Roots, aborted si/.cs stvoiiff outl well tide. 1 cssi1 Jtovs' l'c^i'd liiinls. Aii Excellent Assortmont of ^tiM-adies'(Patent Leather fused) i iii-II?* (iiiitiTs. IM'k A- (' >1 - I nl I'ritai-llc and Iniivntinu silk (tailors, with " v lii'vls (i|iiitc now,) LinliiV Citlf and Oont.iii, Morocco and. Sealskin Rooters, Walking ?oo* nml Slipper*. White Ki<l Slippers and aitcra. I Children's Shoe*. i I toy'a ami Minos' Klaek ?u<l I'm icy colored ' lines of almost every size iwM (Inscription. Indies', Cent'* and Misses' India Rubber San- ' nils and close Over Shoes, at WM. II, 1IOVKYH t Mh lfl. 44 tf i A E WY<) It IC A I> Y K RT 1S K M K N T. SAMUEL W. BENEDICT, IN'?. 5 i\?'w-Vork, .? ?$. 1 i AS a .splendid assortment uf U3LD AMD SILVER Wntrliw, *\ ' l.WI.I.KY A SI LV lilt-W A UK , ,r?.\ j'> n liicli. in consequence of tin- lu.I'll , incs. Tic will sell at unusually low priced, and 11 article* will l>c warranted perfect or no sale. , ^'"Merchants inni others uhni.t visiting tlie oil y re requested to call, a:i<l OUDKUS puiictaally Headed to. March ?. IS 5(Siooks a aid Stationery. niin SulMorihcm nro reviving a lnri?e and vaL rin! assortment uf the aliovc Articles, which icy offer at low prices. a'large variety of classical works. An Extensive Slock of Miscellaneous Works. CJIOOL BOOKS, Slates, IVas, I'eneils, Draw ing hooks, water Colors, Dissected Games Ac., Acc. lank Hooks, hound, half-Lo.nid, mul in paper, oolscan, Lett or and Note i'lipcr, I?v tltu renin or 1?.h Spv Glasses, Docket, Compasses, Magnifiers, ?Lc. \Vii li ,i varied assortment ofother miiclcs, to hichthcy invito the attention oft Ito public. 0. K. ELFORD A CO. ' mar. '2, 4 2 t f ! ~DES. SULLIVAN & MOOHE, UNCTUALLY AND PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL CAI.LS IN iilK 1.1 NK<>Ki'HKill PROFESSION. 1^ isipkmi:: f/r> < urillc District. l\> I'oM-dmi i.: I'ntikii.nt " " . XI. .SULLIVAN.] [1>. I). MOOltl-L March 0. 1:1 *fi| Notice. , VI.L persons iiulohto<l to the e?> of JARKZ I till.KKATi I, deceased. arc not ilicd to make 1 unicdiatc j?ay:ncnt, ami those having demand* i gainst the said E-tnte, to present tlioi.i, proper y attested, to the *uhseribcP.?, at the ofliee oft'. | . Elford. 1*. R DUNCAN, ) ,, . C. J. ELFORD, \ ** March 9. 13 B ooop&ttj IValcli .TiSakor aia?l Jcwrllt r, UNDER STERN'S HOTEL, C/" El'.PS ahvavs on haml {.old ml SilIV vvv Malrltrs, ami JEWELRY of ovry description. Fancy Good* and Perfumery. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired iu the est manner, dec. 29, 33 ,1 y A. HANS MAN, 10USE, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL AND DECORATIVE d? fa- rfl" ac m*& <, l>AI*KR-IIAM(li:U, UILUKU, UI.A/.II'.U A ItFltoLSThKER. GKEKXVILLK, S. 0. 3V"Ordcra left at (his Oliiec attended to. S'2l 28 Gut BOUNTY LAND CLAIMS. 1MLK undersigned is prepared to obtain Borxrv La\i> Warrants for those entitled to hem tinder the late net passed l?y Congress, larch 3d, Prompt and iinnicdiate nitonion v ill be given to the prosecution of all such 'laims. Ullicc next door to F. R 1 L:\ rin: it Co. S. D. GOoUEETT. Greenville, S. O., March l?l. -14 8 MISS N. J. STONKR respectfully informs (lie eilixen* of Greenville that, she has vostwn<1 the business of Tailoring and Maiitaii making, .lul would bo pleaded to receive the patronage of ior old friends and former customers. Greenville, March 1(1. 4 1 2 j LAST NOTICE. I T.L PERSONS :?,1.1 .. I? v i account previous to Murcb lust, an; car- i lastly request oil t?> cull on W*. K. Kasi.kv and 1 cttlc the same, as further indulgence cannot. be llovvcil. j. it. nr/ns, Assignee. Januarys. tu tf .rm m ?rm ' ? : hCm I TAYl.Yp sold to J, 1?, SIIKK.M AN our interL.L o*t in the Tinning Business arul Store at his ]illi?e We would say to all indebted to us hat we need the money they owo us, and that t must be paid by the first. of January next, and o mistake, for our Books must, lie closed. GllEKN VU.LE MANTFACTU UINtl CO. By J. It. Bit kr mas, Ag't. Not. 24. VS tfjj I Shaving and Hair-Dressing. IIIJRRIDCR, the R;t rbor,. hM re'i-rnt^turni d to Greenville, and taken up his ^jgffllcndipuirters next door to O. W. I'k ki.k Csi's Tailoring establishment., in BentnrtB*Hties Brick Rinn?e, and is prepared to o\ejfejjjjlKeftte every tiling in his line, with the tincst JSItDWtoiich. tientlenieu ean have their hair ent npiJCj'ir shatnjHMXxl, or faces shaved at any lime during tlie day or evening. Sha\ in;' done ] USH^Iiy 4 In? month on reasonable t run(jrceu^Ue, March ?6. W t,f t .> 111 ?l". l'ji'l iwjtw fluw^p^? Executors' Salo. \*o.groe*. ilousultolil am! Kitchen Furniture, Bacon, KatUllurv, Ifivlien, Saddlers' ami Ilaiuo^i MjiVci'vs' Tools hii<1 Fixtures, Feather, tferijuoo, Wagon*,'Horses, ike., <fce. VY'fi t 11 li IVTt.l), <ni Tii">?1i?y, t'i Mil April ? t next, at (Jncnvillo, S. <} following T.ltSON.Vn I'UOl'KUTY, l?<-l<>r."i-;. to ?!?< K* *it ol JiJk'Z (iiliviuli, iU'cuhhisI: T lli'iM! Neju'oi's, IlU.U alio',it TA yearn of a^et a ?{oo<l linrin-M* linker; \\ .VMI, ntioul 'ilI yotihi of n?<*. iil<ui n ! ;oo<1 ii.ur.ffs maker; .1I.M, about I'.i yours of a_;o, I unlet* apprenticeship to tin; cni'|>t'iil>.'rit' trade. j hese Negroes are very lik -l v and valuable. A Vnvicty of lOVSEilOl.l) d- KriVllES' EUhxnuni', i kmsisiiit!* of, Roadstead* sitt.1 I?od?lin>?, | 'hair*, Table*, Rookeaso, Wardrobe* Crockery, I las*ware. Carpel'*, .(v. V select assortment of valuable Hooks. Handsome Family CAKIHACF. itii.l HnrniM* ml .Mat' It Horses, tint rati; Two Horse Wiu^on jol harness, Sa.lilies, Middles. ?Vv. Lnroe lot of Karmitu; C.nrdoniti;* Tools, >t raw-Cut tor, Corn-Slieller, .to, a\ ^ Fine Hiding MAR1C, Milch ra*pj,jw?t CllWS, I logs, (tn tF9 I \ large ipinntity of first rate T. ACON,-^ "*" *" ?ido*, Shoulders ami Hams; Lime, Sail, Colloe, Ac. All the Stock of Saddlery, 1 Iridic*, Hauliers, Harness, Leather, ;f!^?5CSad<llors' ami Harness Makers' Mnte inls, Tools and Fixture*, Whips, I lames, Collars, frees, Ruckles, Webbing, Skins, Thread, ami very other material lined ia tjio .Saddlery uu.l lames* line. Tkums?All sums under tivo dollars Cash ; over hat. amount, note, with two securities, ot twelve nouths, with interest from date. I\ F. DUNCAN, ) , ? C. J. KLFOUR, J l A.'vuUua. mh lit 44 St acaudt UAVINC associated ('.>1. R.uaarr 1'. Conn-! . i.s.rr with myself in the uiereniitih* bind-1 .ess, the said business will he carried on under : I he name and style of (1KAHY A GOORLKTT, ! at mv old stand on the south west corner of the) pnhhe s.puire. I hereby take oeeu ionto return J my thanks for the lilieral patronage heretofore' he.stowed on mo, ami solicit a eontiiiuaiice of. the same for the new linn ahove referred to, I feeling eoiitident that We will he aide fo give I satisfaction to all who may favor us with a call, I It is with reluctance that I must truly nay that | iiuvrnaiiY conMrilUls me, lo IIHllly lliose W ho lll'v indebted to me cither by nolo or book account previous to 1st of January. 1855, to call nn<l pav up. *JOlIX W. GRADY, * January 215, 1 A5o. '"I ^."3 A rf?*TrpfTTTS m .??.?. ? ? aa\ ?U m rl"MIF undersigned having formed a copartner* i ship under the name and style of GRADY it GOOD1.MTT, and taken the stock of Goods and Store of Joiin \V. (!uady, will . J the business. We liop< .Js i J^jfi5^hy prompt attentions to merit a' Coiiliiiuaiicc of the liberal patronage heretofore givcu the business. Our stock is very complete now, and preparations are making to cularge it soon. Give us a call. JOHN" W. GRADY, ltOli'T. 1\ GOODLKTT. January. 22, 1 H.'i'i. GREENVILLE HOTEL. T1IK subscriber having taken elwrtro of AlULthis House, so lately kept by John Mc]lnn?n and once so well known as the Kmtm-ky <fr Tcunrsirr Imi, respect fully informs his old friends and I he travelling public that he is now prepared to entertain and neeommodute them in becoming style, and hopes by proper management to secure llieir eiieoiirngi'iiient. Every attention will be given to render the stay of strangers and travellers as pleasant and agreeable as possible. - ? 'I'o Drovers. Having a fine Stable, excellent lots, an'abniidnnce of provemter, and careful ostlers, lie is enabled to accommodate Drovers in the best manner. Also, constantly on lmnd, Horses, C.sS~"5j<^ Hacks, Carriages and Huggies, to hire, | upon the most reasonable terms. I*. S. Rl'TLF.DGK. jnn. 12, :t5 tf Eating Saloon. OYSTERS, HAM, EGG AND COFFEE. ^IMIK undersigned having opened his Saloon I for the coming season is prepared to furnish Oyster Suppers at the shortest notiee. Ibis in receipt, of Fresh Oysters, direct from Charleston, during the week. Fxccllcnt Gigars, Oranges, Cocoa Nuts, etc., on hand.? Mis Saloon may be found in (he cellar beneath the Saddlery of Mr. C?. 11ki.ioian, near 'he l iver, Main-street Open every night, e\- > Sunday. JOHN JhVANKI!.* Feb. i?, 1 sr..'., :;y tf STATE OF SOUTH CA ItOS.l \ A. ORKKN VII.I.K DISTRICT. n. or ?) o & c tvc i)v r: A#.. John \V. Grady ) vs. > Attachment. Win. M. 1 tutlcr. ) \y llKUKAS, tin- l'laintilT did on the loth.lay ? V of October, 1851, tile his declaration against the defendant, who, (as it is snid) is absent from and without the limits of the State, and has neither wife or attorney now within the same upon whom a copy of this declaration might he served. It is therefore ordered, that the said defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration on or before the nineteenth day of October, which will he in tin- year of our Lord one thousand ei-'ht hundred nml fil'iv lit-.. ~ r. ? i ... . ...... ... V, ??IIVI n inr 1111.11 mill nhsolcitc judgement will then be given ihs?1 nwiiril<-<l against him. r>. iroKf; c. c. i\ Clerk's (llTieo, (Ireciivillc District, ) October 17, ISM. ) truly du uL "yr*o a ;, 3. E?.77 OS, 'JL'-.f MAIN-STREET, GREENVILLE, S. C. AF.AI.KU IN Dltrr.S, MKDIOINKS, Sl'UOI rL f cnl Instruments, Faints, Dye-Stuffs, Varnishes, Drug Oliuisvvnrr, Putty, Tobacco, Serars, Spirit tins, Oils, Candles, Soups, Spires, ltrushes, Toilet Articles, Combs, Perfumery, etc. ffcsl) furc "iilnigs, We warranted niul sold nt low nriccs. V" dcr* from Merchants and Physician* respectful! \ s?>lieiteil.?^n Persons rfeiuyrig for Medicines lit this Store niiiy rely on having thcin compounded with neatness, accuracy and despiteh. February jr Xd if BooK AND lol; l'lMNTlN'O neatly done ?t the " iuUrprit-e O i'c'' ' 1 niiMimuniiM iiliw?? tir Wo a'>ithori7.e?l to announce W an A. McU;iiii?'l as uCuiHlUtnlo tor Clerk at the ensuing t-leolion. i'lti. 1. HI. ..I r...... t^TWo ?tn? MHthorly.ed ? nnnoiiiifQ W. F. I'lllNt'li, ad a cniali'lato for Slierid' at the cunning fleet ion for thai oil.ft. Sept. K. 17 to ntTT'T'i .<" nonriT rnw V. VUUJ/llXlli, /AU'n'-i) &&?.?!?& J .-An' if.SVW, ^rcrsivilit', S. CA jterOllU-olio.Nliloor to l'\ I'. ?KAvr?K AiOo. J. I*. IlK.Kti.J fs. l>. UOobLfiTf. lantinry I'd f5 tf v Thompson & Eiusloy, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, C1KKKN V1L-LK 0. 11., S. C.V .Iuiio 23, 1851. tl v'8 HARRISON'S H0TEL~ sp*. 11Y 1). Tllc.MPSo.N SIMS, Comer of *?} I b " QKLUiolmrilsnn and Laurel street;*, Columbia, S. C. Omnibus l'nr? 'Jocents. jan. 12 tf i>!trCKS SKW YORK TVPF.-FOUN DRY, eaJ tablislu'd in 181:5, has now on hniul, rumly for iminnli'itr fleHri-rt/, in fonts to suit purchasers, 1?.m?,oo ll?s lioilAX TV PK of now cot, FANCY TYl'F, lii.ooi) " so ruts of various styles, < i CF.ltMANN, V>?H? " <>HN AAIKNTA in grVnt variety, 5,OUO " HCKDF.US. :$0,OOi) foot lilt ASS AND TYPF. 3F6TAL RULE* uud nil tin* novelties in tlio Imsineas. All the above Types are cast hv steam |>ow<**, of the new composition of metal peculiar to this foil ml vy, mul WIIRll IS CKllTA IN LY SUPERIOR to any over nsetl heforo hi ami part of thv world. The unequalled ra|>l?lity in the procewr of casting, cnnl.hs me to sell these more diirnlilu types at the prices of ordinary types, either on credit or for cash. Presses, Wood, Tyi tcsnml idl other Printing Materials, exeej a Piiper and ( 'nv<l>, (which have no fixed quality m; price, funiLhcd at iirtknnfniiturer'at prices. The latest Speeiiiien Pook of the Fonndrjr w freelv given to nil printingoffices, on the receipt of fifty cent s to prepay the post age.. Printers of newspapers who choose to publish this nd\crt isenient. including this note.throe times 1 .fore the first day of .Inly, 1855, ami forward nio one of the papers, will he allowed their hills at,the time of purchasing tivf times the nniount of uiy iiiiiniifaetiu'es. New-York. F.-h. la lx.i.i A.l.lrc ciKoimn liin.'tT, 1 :i CflAMItKUS-ST. Xew-Yorfc. Moclianics, Manufacturon, and INVENTORS. Vnow volume of the SCIENTIFIC A3TEKf. AN coumiciicuB about tin* middle of September in enoli year. It is n journal of Hcientitie, Meehaniee.l, anil other improvements;, tin* nilvo.ente of iiiilnetry in nil iU vurioUu brHnctw,It in puHislu-il weekly iti a form suitable for l?in<7inir, and constitutes at. the end of encli year, it splendid \ idume of -luo pages, with a copious in.lex, mill from live to six huiulreil original engravings, together with a great amount of practical information concerning the progress of invention mill discovery throughout the world. The Scientific American is the most widolycircnlated ami popular journal of the kind now published. lis F.ditors, Font rihutor*, and Cor- * respondents are uniting tin- ablest practical scientific men i:i the world. The Patent Flnims are published weekly,Tamf a* c invaluable to Inventors aud 1'uloutecs. We particularly wain the public against pay ? , ing money to tra\idling agents, as wo arc not in the habit of furni liing certificates of agency to' nnv one. Letters should bejdireeled, (pix^t paid) to ML'NN A tit., 128 Fulton street, N. T' ( r<trm*. One copy, for one vear, *2; One copy,, for si* months* $1; Five copies, for six months. $>4; Ten eojfics, for six months, $8; Ten copies, for twelve I months, $13 ; Fifteen copies, for twelve months^, j $22 ; Twenty copies, for twelve months, $28. THE WEEKLY HERALD. The Best General Newspaper in the World. " rj",Ill) Youk Wr.i-ui.Y IIkhat.d is publiahI 1 i d every Saturday morning. Its contentsembrace all the news of the great events of thev j day, reports of meetings, of the State Legislature, j and ot Congress ; important, public doeument*r ' F.uropean mid lionie correspondence; financial I and commercial information, and editorials of I generai interest, that have appeared in the Nnw Youk DIII.v Hkiim.I*. | It is neatlv lirillteiF ill eleiiv li'iii. " to-" . , -J | i dotihe quarto sheet >.1' forty-eight columns?a i l??.<>k?u ilirci'lui v hi its?-lI"?and fiivnit one of the I host an.I most ^ ?\ tin 1>1 r weekly newspapers in tlio t world. The greatest care is taken to obtain tlio i In tost ami most rolinblo inteligonce of important! movements in all purls of tlie world.- ex-l pcnsc is snared for litis purpose. Tito .subscription price is three dollars per art1num. payable in advance, or sixpence per singlo eopv. laditors of newspapers throughout the country are particularly requested to act as agents. They will reeiovc twenty-five per o< nt on all cash subscription*. I Any person obtaining five or more subscriber* ! will lie allow, d the same commission.. TI.UVS oK Ct-fllS. I For 1 copy of Wk.kkly 11i:itai.i>, 1 year ?8 0<v | Five copies do. do. - 11 2.V i Ten do. do. 2*2 IWV j Fifteen do. do. 33 75 i Twenty ?lo, do. 45 n<t I Twent v-tivfi do. do. Rft 5<> j Thirty do. do. f>7 6<> Thirty-live do. do. 78 7&> Forty do. do. HO 00 Forty-live do. do. 101 25 Fifty do. do. 112 50 All letters to he addressed fo .Tames (iimltftt> lictinelt, proprietor an.1 editor of the A'kw Vrtiif Ur.nami. New York eitv. IUiwMmwi must lie mrdo in Aind's enrreiit in this city.. Advertisements inserted in the Wkkki.v IIkrai.ii for thirty cents per line. 1ft fcb. I Book ailfl .Tfih Prin finer <?^STABU$HMEN.T/g ? HA VPN ft A FINK SKLflPTTOX OK WE ARE PREPARED TO DO WORK | iiis ?JT?&3? ' CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES, HAfViD-BILLS, WAY| BILLS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, &C. PRINTED WIT PI DKSPATOll, C5o ';>43 ^ ( r> vSa i China. Satin Enamel, Satin Surface and | HOn and Colored Cards, ilpoi)1i>c Tchnjj.