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' r aa 'i *p " *"-' "** ~^* GIVE HE THE HAND! Qtrt m? the hand that in warm, kind aud ready; Give me the hand thatia calm, true and steady ; GiTO mo the hand that will "never dheeivo my; Give nie the grasp that I avo may believe thee, i "a Soft la the palm of the delicate woman > Hard is the hand of the rough, sturdy yeoman ; Soft palm or hard hand, it matters not never; i Qiy.c me thograsp that is friendly forever. Give mo the ban 1 that is true as n brother; {?ivc me the hand that has harmed not another; Give me the hand that has never forcswOro it; Give me the hand that 1 nve may ml ore it; lively the palm of the fair, bluo-veined maiden: Ugly the hand of the workman o'ortadon; Lovely or u^lv.ifc matter* not never ; j- (jive me tlicgraap thai is friendly forever. Give n* the grasp that ia honest and hearty ; ! Frde as the hree/.e, and unshackled hv party; j Lot friendship give metlie grasp that becomes her; Close as the twine of the vines in the summer. Give tuo the hand that is .true as a brother; v Give me the hand that liaawronged not another, j Soft palm or hard hand, it mutters not?never; ! Give me tho grasp that is friendly kokbyek ! i The Truo Wife. Sjie is no trite wife who sustains not Iter husband in the day of calamnity, who is not, when tho world's great frown makes the heart chill with anguish, his guardian angel, growing brighter and more beautiful as misfortunes crowd along liis path. Then is the time for trial of her gentleness, I then is the time fot testing whether I the sweetness of her temper beams only with a transient light, or like the steady glory of the morning star, shines US' brightly under the clouds. Has she .then smiles just as charming? Does sue try, oy nappy little inventions, to lift from his sensitive spirit the burden of thought ? There are wives-r-nay, there arc beings who, when dark hours come, fall to repining and upbraiding?thus adding to outside anxiety the harrowing scenes of domestic strife?as if all the > blame in the world would make one hair white or black, or change the de- j creegone forth. Such know not that! our darkness is heaven 's light ; our tri-1 als are hut steps in a golden ladder, by ! which, if we rightly ascend, we may I at last gain that eternal light, and bathe 1 forever in its fulness and beauty. "Is that all ?'* and the gentle face oft the wife beamed with joy. Jler husband hail been on the verge of distrac-} tion?all his earthly possessions were I gone, and he feared the result of her ' knowledge, she had been so tenderly ! <?ared for all her life!" But, savs Ir-j Aung's beautiful story, "a friend advised him to give not sleep to his eyes ?K>r slumber to his eyelids until he had unfolded to her 'JA his hapless case. "And that was Tier answer, with flfce 1 r ' ' nirtuc ui ml ailgei in llldf Clll I I Retired by your sadness it was worse.? Let these beautiful things be taken? rill fins splendor let it go ; I care not for it?1 onl}'care for my husband's ; 'A ve and confidence. You shall forget in. my affection that you were ever , in prosperity?only still love me, and j I will aid you to boar these little rev-j ?jrses with cheerfulness." 8tfll love Iter! she a man must rev- j crenoft, yea, and liken her to the very [ angels, for such a woman is a revcla-' tion from Heaven. Mahommodans. Pekitaj's no class of men have been; more wisely considered inaccessible toj the influence of the gospel than the! followers ofMahomined and it would i seem in the light of their past history I and degradation, almost impossible to! reach thorn by appliances as have proved effectual to the conversion of' thousands of benighted Pagans ; yet it is certain that encouraging movements i arc minting even among them, aw! that' some are seeking alter the New Testar ment,heading it with interest, and go I iug so far as to declare their faith in ! Christ as the onl y and all sufficient i Saviour from sin ; few indeed have ; dared vet to come out boldly on the. side of truth but these few are scattered over the country, and may prove j the germs of an awakening airfong theirj , brethren are extensive, are long, asi that existing among the Armenians in j their midst. Let the laws repealed, making it death for any Mahoinme: dan to change his religion?and the present prospect of such repeal is fair i ?and let the Christian Scriptures Ikj < freely circulated among them, and the i blessed influences of Christianity he j seen with increasing clearness in those professing the faith of the gospel, and it may safely he anticipated that not. i j many years will pass away before theji fe*ipel will have free course, and he glo-iflod in all those countries that < havoffitherfo submitted to the sway of the fidtA prophet .4 Indeed such is thej character ?*'thtrM?homiiiedan8, as (lis- , closed by the?' treatment of Protestant1 j ''Christians in d-tjnctiun from Catho- \ < 4ca aud other idoi^roUi4 sects# that it may be expected w.,,l|evev true j-oligion shall find a phvcev^Gro 1 . among them, it will wien an frfesistf^ < hlc influence over the gT*?t bodv of * the Faithful.? I" ; j - . 2* ** *, ' uv*> Jg-.C. > St- L.J?LAL - Kissing. A- sFKioyti.v, American,cqrrespondeurift Paris fluid describee thejage ol kissing in "La Beil? Kranceirv^ "The almost universal custom of kissing in Paris seems at first very singular to a stranger coming from a country whore the proprieties of life rarely permit you to take a lady's h;uuf?much less to salute her, Tn France, to kiss a lady with whom you arc not at all intimate, on meeting lief, is very common; especially is this the case it she be a married laav. Not only the members of tiro family, but all guests, expect iuvnriably to salute the lady, ot the house* oh coining down in the morning. Hut though the modesl American may, perhaps, escape the ceremony on ordinary occasions, yet on New Year's day it is imperative.? On that morning I came down to mj coffee about nine o'clock. I sat down quietly, bidding madam bon jour, as or ordinary occasions. But I was not tc ' oft SO Pncilr Ti? <1 flinr wv. v.^7*Y JU4 (% IVvn I IV.-II ir she was at my elbow, with 'Mons. li. I am very angry with you.' I expres sed, of course, a regret and ignorance of having given her offence. "Ah," said she, 'you know very well the reason. It is because you did not embrace me when you came down this morning.'! "Madam was a lady of perhaps oi twenty-eight, with jet black, glossy hair, large lustrous black eyes, and a clear, fair complexion. She was very beautiful ; had she been plain, I should have felt less embarrassed. She waited as though expecting me to atone for mv neglect; but how could 1 before the whole, table 1 sat all this time treniblinsr in mv seat,. At lomrth Ar.-wlnm said : "Mons. 1>. embrasismoi.' The worst had come. I arose trcmbingly, put ni}' white bloodless lips, all greasy with butter and wet with coffee (for in my embarrassment I had drooped my napkin) to those of madam. This was my first French kiss." PianiMcxr Rksponsk.?The Teloda (Ohio) Blade, tells the following :? Some funny things will happen in meet ing. A few evenings since, a widow, who was known by the entire congregation to be greatly in want of a husband, was praying with great fervency. 'Oh ! Thou knowest what is the desire of my heart !' she exclaimed.? 'A ni-a-n !' responded a brother, in a broad accent. It was wicked, but we are quite sure that several grave members smiled on the occasion. ? Laura was disconsolate. Henry had long flirted, hut never popp'd the question. ITonrv went Ins way.? Poor Laura's aunt, for consolation, brought her a love of a spaniel pup.? "My dear," says the aunt, "the puppy can do every thing hut speak." "Why ?. in ' * ? - ? ' ilgUlll/.C me { S11VS J.51)1151, "tllSlt'S Tile only fault I found with tlie other,"? Whether Henry ever heard the latter remark, report saith not. ^<z>^ A boy is very niiscellonous in his habits. Wo emptied Master Smith's pockets the other day, and found the contents to consist of the following articles: Sixteen marbles?one top, an oyster shell, two pieces of brick, one dough nut?a piece of curry comb?s\ paint brush?three wax ends, a handful of corks, a chisel, two knives, both broken, a skate strap, three buckles, and a dog-oared primmer. - ? ? ? .Axexchange mentions hearing an address from one of "the strong-minded," and says:?"She made.some good hints, but not. a very strong case, and tipped over all her arguments fur woman's independence oftlie other sex, bv passing a man's hat to take up the collection." Tub marriage of Miss Catharine Jones appears in the New York papers, and appended to it is the information, that "the lovely bride was mie of r ! -: * -i 1 *? ? i> * ' *? ijves mo usi, uangiuers." j>ut i?>r im.s it might he supposed she was one of old Mrs. Jones daughters. A urNT from Kossuth says,?<-Iu attacking the Russian Ikjat, you will find no weapon efficient unless you alsO employ a Pok?.M Pretty broad hint, that ?wonder if the bull and the tiger-cat will take it ? SrnctiK is s?> scarce in Schnoctady, that a man was arrested on suspicion [>f l>eing a bank robber, because he had three shillings and sixpence in his pocket. "Osk hundred able bodied lawyers \re wanted in Minnesaotu to break prairie land, split rails arid cord wood. K as tern and southern papers please ?Vy" "Dfck SoMKOpc has swhl that the letter vf. anters into the composition ot' wdhian, in all the relations *f wife, widow, wir?in and wixin. He ought to be horse1 whipped for his insolence. If a man ends yon a liar, and a thief! ind a SXSomurrel, tell him you have not} i sufficient confiitenec hi him to believe | t. r .ar . m -'J i - m ' ' * r. . *. It .. .-1. jAi^JUUJ igtraiftiKts^s (DTO. A Second Ulysses. An old mfch of very acute phrsiog. nomy, answering to the name Of Jacob ,! Will not, wab brought before the police , | court in Philadelphia. His clothes , | luoke^ as if they might have been , ( bought second hand in his youthful i prime, for they had suffered more from the rubs of the world than the propri- j ; etor himself. .* t- A > 44 \V hot business ? I'm a traveller." "A vagabond, perhaps ?"? [ "You are not far wrong?travellers . and vagabonds ore much the same lthing. The difference is, that the lat51 tcr travel without mo/iey, and the foi*-1 5: mer without brains." I 4kWhere lmvo you travelled 2" 44All over tho continent." "For what purpose!" ,1 t4( )bservation." j {i 44What have you observed ?" , "A little to commend, much to con 5 sure, una very inueii to laugh at." "Umph ? and what do you commend f* ( "A handsome woman that stays atj home, an eloquent preacher that will preach a short sermon, a good writer that will not write too much, and a fool who has sense enough to hold bis tongue." "What do you censure?" "A man who marries a girl for her tine dancing, ji working man who bo| lieves in the sympathies of professional' i gentlemen, a youth who studies law or I medicine while he has the use of his hands, and people who elect a drunk-1 rrd of a blockhead to office?" j "What do you laugh at?" "I laugh at a man who expects his position to commend that respect which his personal qualifications do not merit." "Oh, I porcoive you are an utterer of pithy sentences ; now, I am about to utter one that will surprise you." "A pithy sentence troin your honor would indeed he a matter cf astonishj ment." j "My sentence is, that you discontin, lie travelling for the space of thirty days, while you rest and recruit yourself at Moyamensing," (the county prison.) This retort was a poser, and Mr. j Wilmot submitted to the "vagrant act," 1 ami retired from the hall of justice in j company with the sheriff, without uttering a word. "What's the name o' that ar' creeper ?" said Solomon Towlocks, to the showman, as he stood hv the box en-j closing"tiie big snake," with his cons-: I in Tuhitha Ann leaning on his arm.' i like the prop of a clothes lino. "That j ar'animal is known to the scientilic world as the Anaconda." "The Anna! Conday ! Well, there," said Solomon, j i Tab, that's the fust time [ ever know'd j a brute beast to have a Cbris'n name." | So saying, he walked to see the mon; keys poked tip. "Fit ax k," said an affectionate lady' the other day to a promising Young! j America, "if you don't stop smoking j and reading so much, you will get sol I after a while that you won't care any-| . thing at all ahout work." "Mother," j replied hopeful, leisurely removing, i a very long cigar, and turning another i leaf of Baniuhi, "I've got so now." ! i An Irishman, on being tohl to grease j the wagon, returned in about an hour i 1 afterwards and said?"Tvegraiz'd ev-| i cry part ov the wagon, inside and out, | yer iioncr, but, by the blue hair o' Mo-; , ses' wig, 1 can't get at the sticks the j I wheels ban" on, sure." tmt Mr. .Tknkiks is about to get married. , lie says, that to live single is not on-, ly fiingul-ar, but "agin natur, law, | gospel, eoninion-scnse, and?fun gene- J ! rally." Jenkins is about right. ? ?< i ' 4Vkn do you tiiik the world will come to an end?' asked a German. 4Oh; probably in about three months,' I answered the jokor. . _ , 'IJo, veil, I no care for dat"f evohum-' | o(! linns, with a smile of satisfaction \1 VI pe going to Putfalo dis spring.' "Wouldn't you call this tho calf of . ' a leg f" asked l>oh, pointing to one of his nother litubs, somewhat resembling; barber-poles. "No," replied Jim, "I! should rather say, it was the leg of a> 1 calf 1" Exit Bob, in a hurry. No boom i.EFr.?A pleasant atory is related in a 4,Down East" paper, of a certain wortliy deacon who wait.applied to bv a person for admission to the fold. The deacon, who was somewhat. I doubtful in regard to the piety and : probrity of the applicant, replied, after some hesitation, 44 My dear sir, T am really sorry, but ovr church it chocii/viir " /; ~ "" #; a urn i mbtic of lovb. t(\ . M, 4 Co iipli.iucntA fftakc 1 THush, 9 liloshes " 1 Tender look, 4 Tender looks " t/'Smitten," 1 44&jnitton," " 1 Moonlight walk ; 5 walks, >" 1 Proposal, i 2 Proposals (1 to Pa.) 1 Wedding.1 &fil" A." 4 ''$*& M. mi nil , - ' * ^j r -'T " - FOR THE TOWN sobtIrnI ! wgwl : ! AN UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS AND ENC 2 V in establishing ft Paper in every respect cq? to the dissemination of Uterarv, Religious, Sclent vocntiiig the groat principles of EQUAL RltlllTS of our people. So far wo have given entire satisfi number in our list of friends ami subscrioera persi WORKING-MEN A Have found in its columns something Instructive was wfamm AS lluve likewise found that it hns afTorded the latee '<?i 'M Ji fiSffl Mu-Si ^ ' 01 SJV of tlie Enterprise is to afford a reading adapted tc tmmWMM&M Loeal and District News, Sketches of Character, 1 cedotes. Choice Origiuul and Selected Poetry and m EXCELLENT CORPS who hnVc consented to contribute regtdnrly to otii ho found in our State. Our circulation amounts b lust without a single subscriber. The paper stand Single* Subscribers, ? 1,5ft, per annum, in adv it will he seen that we can furnish the paper ut t HOY iM ? m and it shall be tlie boat Dollar Paper in South Cai paper pnhlielud at the came prioc in 1 lie South. Sul>Hcviptioii8, Advertisements and t'otninunief VI m ECTiapMss I Book and Job Printing OESTA8ll$HMENT.O I HAVING A PINE SELECTION' OK W2 ARE PREPARED TO DO WORK CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES, HAND-BILLS, WAY-' BILLS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, &C. PRINTED WITH DESPATCH. China, Satin Enamel. Satin and I Plain and Colored Cards, Dpoi) 1i)C fjiboi-qblc lei'tys. Gtirasi \u?? A cyATf.jT. The Ladies' Wreath. AND 1'AlvLOK ANNUAL, Tlu* publishers tender their grateful acknowledgment* fur the liberally with which they have boon unstained, and are encouraged to renewed efforts. In a few months the publication of Full-length Portrait* of, some of the Must Celebrated Musical I'vwon-i ages will be commenced, Tho following are! now in the hands of an eminent artist, to be' engraved, viz., Jenny Lind, Anna Thillon, II.: Sou tag, Catharine 1 laves, Alboni, uud Mrs. K. G. Dostwiek. If these should meet with ! favor, altliougli very expensive, they will be' followed by others of a similar character?asj the publishers are determined that th*; Wreath and Annual shall continue to be the1 llest of the Dollar Magazines. The "Literary Matter will he entirely ori- : ginal;from Iho ablest and purest writers in n.<? P -* uiu nuiuu). r.vcry uiing 01 an immoral en irreligious char actor will be carefully eVelttdoil. We intend to present the public with a work which shall blend entertainment with instruction, anil not only captivate tho taste, but also elevate the thoughts and improve the heart?in short, # to make tho Wreath and Annual "a welcome visitor in every fain ily.n The Literary L>epartwiont will be ably sustained. All who are interested in a puro Family Literature, and aro willing to assist in fostering the best native talent, are invited to bocome subscribers and aid in its circulation. Each number will contain a tide steel En graving, and a. Thirty-tvtro Large Octavo i'nges, printed on line paper. Tho May number will hare an attractivo Title-page, making in all Twenty five Embellishments, J aud a volume of Four Hundred and Thirty-1 four pages! Notwithstanding the increased cost of th* work by tho advance in the pi ice of uahen and printing, we shall continimte furnish tlioi woik at the following exceeding low price: One Dollar a Year, in Advance; Four Copies, ouo year, $3,00; 8evon Copies, $o,00 ;, Ton Copies $7,00; Fifteen Copies, $10,00. Money may l>o sent by mail, ut the risk of' tike publisher*, if inclosed fn the presehco of i a post in as tor, whose certificate will be taken | as evidence. o lo-'fugc-atAinps may be sent In placool change. j All communications in any way connected I with the Wrouth and Annual mnr-t l>? direct- j ed, post-paid; to - 1 N*o H, rfprnca Sjroet, *ew York. j BOOK JHf? JV>ff PJMJWIN^ aestiy 4en? nlf tin " Wrfrrj?rie? Offis** M tt-rn - ^. y '!py\[p[^(j^ AND COUNTRY. NTEEFB1SE. 1 9ttL -" .p% . V JP \ 4f 'OURAOKMRNT IIAft BUOT OURKFFORTS tol to " the times in w lueh we live," and devoted jtir, and STows Intelligence, at the same time adl, and the Moral and intellectual Advancement ' iction, ntnl we aro happy to announce that we 1 >us of nil classes of amvly. iND MECHANICS and Elevating them in tlicir different vocations. iS MMCTMimm1 it Foreign niril fflBtnestltf Intelligence. But the i > the capacity and wants of every member of m epm&JU Historical Events, Congressional Proceedings, AnMiftoellnnv. Wc have already engaged ut UUKKtSrUWlitMTS, paper, making it one of the beet Newspapers to it near six hundred, wliieh commenced in May Is alone upon its merits. anee. Clubs of ten nt $1,00 eaeh. l?y Clubbing be exceeding low price of yuLim^ r ;\ olinn, and affording more rending tlinn other j it ions, will meet attention by being addressed 1.I.I AM 1\ I'KlCE.Box No. 60, Greenville, S. C. ] Mechanics, Manufacturers, and INVENTORS. \now volume of the SCIKNTIFIO AMl'lKIA X commences about the middle of Sep- j tember in each year. It is a journal of Scienti-1 fii1, Mc- bnnioal; and other improvements; the I advocate of industry in all its various branches. I It is published weekly in a form suitable for binding, and constitutes at the end of each year, i a splendid volunTe of 400 pages, with n copious j index, and from five to six hundred original en- i grnvings, together with n great amount of practical information concerning the progress of in veil- j th?n and discovery throughout the world. The Scientific American is the most widely circulated and popular journal of the kind now ; published. Its Kditors, Contributors, ami Cor-j resjHMidenU are among the ablest practical Scientific men i?i the world. The Patent Claims are rinblUbed ?,wHi'"bhiI. are invaluable to Inventors nnd l'atentcca Wc |)nrtimilArlr warn tlio public ugninst pay i Ing money to travelling agent*, as we nro not 111 ! the habit of furnishing certificates of agency to any one. *kjL litters slmrtld be directed, (post paid) to ML'NX ?t CO., 1'28 Fulton street, N. V. j Terms One copy, for one vear, ?'2; One copy, for six months, V1; Five copies, for six months, ? t; Ten | copies, for six mouths, ?8; Ten Copiys, for twelve months, ?l<>; Fifteen copies, for twelve months, ?22 ; Twenty copies, for twelve months, ?"28. Groat Economy in Time & Labor.! tn&MMSSMkSBPS PREMIUM OHURN. rI"MIK respectfully inform* hie 1 friends and the public generally that he has purchased the right to Manufacture the above < 'burn, mi l is now prepared to execute nil orders for the tsune. its simplicity is aneli as to be understood by every intelligent child, and its con -t ruction is on truly nn<l ntHotljr philosophical1 principles, and produce?tho desired result in an almost iiktoiJiI?lc short time. Tlio superior qualities of thin Cliurn are as follows; l<Ti>t, the V|i<ick and easy process of making butter when ritting in a chair. Secondly, I it overcoming the dilHeulty which produces n swelling to overflow; and. Thirdly, the gathering process, in separating the butter from the milk, and preparing for suiting. IVrsons wishing a Churn onu find (loan at the subscriber's workshop, m ar the corner of Main and huifeomM streets. J. 11. MlilUUl.k Greenville, June 9, 4 tf l>o<lge'M literary iTfu^cBsm. rpiIE NINTH VOLUME of the Museum onm.1. meneed Saturday, Jauo 6th, J854, which far execln?sill preceding volumes of this widely circulated and independent Literary and Family Journal, l?oth in typographical appearance and in the value of it* origino! contents. The Museum claims to stand second to no litermy journal in the United States, boosting a corps of Gifted Contributors whose mime* arc ClU-oiied in the JUt of the most of AtMM iean Authors, and whose ctfnsioneltnve long grncedthe pages of this paper. This is the Sevonth Year of the Museum's existence, and its prosperity haxheen one of such a Hire and substantial character, as to warrant the great and constant outlay inado by the Fro ( rietor, in order to secure and increase for it a ifiitfant reputation. The Editorial I'apartment is conducted by Osman V,. lh)i>u? and J. W. Matebox# TEKMS invariably iu advance: Ouocopy, one year, ?2.f>o ; One Vplupte, 9 LOO. Foft'r eoplcB, one roar, fthOO. And all al*>ve four copies tit the same rate. SitTglo oo]?ic? to be had at all the lVriodicai stores in the ejviliaod world. \ We will send one copy 4n<h, of the Muser.m ...i C-)...' f Il- I- - M1M W'" J n I?u j'B 4*W*| inr one vcnr, lO Moll ?til>?^ni?cr, for ?t. <"??).' ,A1*' tfu> Museum Mid tl?o X. Krtgl/krwi Cultivator, for ono year, fi?r $3.00. Pcr?oB? w ifchun*lh<' direction of thyir chiuarpil rho ufn:! tiWrin 110 of'the Py*t Offiov to tvhion tllov ? a^lif sent, ?h <?U a* of tlioftc to which <!??> them Beat. J All Icttfin v.hi.U-Vi-r, re?|M i Im" ll?n hiidue;K mannxciiieHtor eJitot;i?l del nrtuiont, to l*> n?lflf-tisaed to^^ ^POTAN li JMUM.K, V N<x 12 School *troot, lh.?ton, Muck. Hanthflrn <*iu?.t?rly R?vl?w 1 yCIJSDJjg bustnm ralniiom* tvflfi X th" <?V>o'fiiww tjiTAm'ruf.v ftrvirw, will for $f?e oddrrM tT^jf *'?ftttttniflatio?? tvthr puhii?h< r {f^Qhni')*Ktofi, s. J if c f; # # I V5-' r V' JL* ?/ s * . ?rf yr?i-,.- ?! i i v-iifliAr ,PHILADELPHIA ADVEKTISEMET^f. lXX^TOK YQl'ltSKLF. Tike Pockot JEsculapius; OR, EVBMV ON8- 1116 OWN frBVSlUIAR. > ?% - T[FTI%TH *KDITR>N, with tW ml I Ea^ffiYihj/ps sho\YU)t? tHi?* mT cnaee fead M?Hbinmttou8 of the Hum mi ; ft ml System ill ovi?ry ahn'pe . und form. To W whirh i* added a TroafW on the DWaae* <>f Females, being of the highest import tnuro to married people, pr contemplating Jtv rtiniui V.irw.'Jl. ]). lx-t 110 father J>? admin-d t?ri>rr?eut a copy of the jSPSCVJuAJ'Jl'B to hi? child. )t nitty tnvu him from an early grave. no young man or woman enter iuto the ?ecret obligations of innr ringe without reading tlio POCKK'f A&CULA* PI US. Let 110 one anffering from a hackuiod cough, l'uin in tho aide, nestles# nights, nervous feeling#, end the whole train of Uyspeptio ?enuut.iyns, am) given up their phvsiclnn, he Another moment without consulting t\\e jK&CU LAP lift, Hare those married, or those about to lie married s.ny i??podimont. rend this truly us< ful hook, nail has deen the means of saving thousand* of ! unfortunate creatures from the vorv inu-BofJlonih pcreon sending Con ft on | closed in a letter, wjll'rcceivo oW copy of this | work by mail, or Ave copies font for <nio l>o))ur. i Adili'&a, (post-paid) 1>h. AYM. YbH'NG, 152 Spruce-street, l'hilndolphia. Juno 15,1854. 6 fy SOUTH CAROLINA TMPERANCE STANDARDT The undersigned would respectfully nn nounoo to the friends of Temperance gem-rally that th?-y intend to commence the publication of n Temjiernnee Paper, about the 15th o? Juno next, j?rovided n sufficient number of Subscribcra con tie obtained to warrant the undertaking. It will l?e printed upon substantial nnpor of j Imperial size, and will contain 24 columns of I mutter. It will be. denominated the 'South Corj olinn Temperance Standard," and will be pub| lislied every two weeks, at the price of One Dol| lar per annum. As soon n* fifteen hundred kuI>i seriuer* are obtained, wc will publish it weekly j ut the same price. Our sole object is to advocate the cause ofTemnernncc; and particularly the legislative ProI hibition of the Traffic in Intoxicating Drinks; and to prepare tlie masses of the people of out* I State, for tne enaetmcnt of such a - Law, bv <fpni vineiug them of its expediency and necessity. Wc will endeavor to make it a welcome vieij tor in every family. Nothing will bo admitted j into ita columns oi" a worthless ami immoral tendency.' A striot neutrality will bo nuiintiilned on I of ii political hnd religions wclvrinn char| Actor. No subscription will be received for lea* thnn on yrar, and in every ease the order must | be accompanied by the mono-, i We hope all person* feeling nn interest in the success pi this enterprise, w ill xcrt theiivcelvos in jjfettiupt subscription*. nu?l us soon thereafter as ! convenient Bend us their list?. JVM master* are requested to act n* Agent*. I * A.11 communication* intended for the paper , muni be post paid, nml addressed to the "South Carolina Temperance Standard," Lexington C. II.. S. Gi t 8. K. CATJCIIMAX, ) 1. It. HWKARE, > Entrails' & Ptmrimnons. & COHI.KY, ) The Southern Cultivator, V MONTHLY J01"UN Ah, devoted exehiMiely to the Improvement of gout hern Agriculture, Slock Mreeding, Poultry, Mccs. (,en?-iid Farm Economy. Ac., Ac. Illustrated with numerous Elegant Engravings. nyK 1)01.1. AH A YKA 7,V A /> T\l AVA". Daxiku Lsk, Si. J)., A 1>. JtKiuioMs Editors. / -. 'J In' 'ISrr'ifth IW*o/<r, Orvatty fn>j/rornl, eoiewien^nt" January, 1854. ) Tiik CvtTrvATo*, ii a large octavo of Tliirly-t u ? pages, formingo v olunte of 584 pngi.-- in the year. It contains a luttcb greater nmount of reading matter than any similar publientioii in the Soi.tb ?embracing In addition to the current ngrictiltn-. I ral topic* of the day, valuable original contribution* from uumv of tlie most itttfUiymt und yrattimI. Planters, Farmer* and Horticulturist!. in ?ti erv section of the South and South-west. Term*. One Copy, one year, $1; Six Copies, one year. ?5 Twenty live, " " $2t?; One Hundred" '* $75. TukCvmi Sv.-vkm will be rigidly a<lliere<l to, and in no instance will the paper be sent tinier* the money accompanies the order. The Hills ?cf all specie-paying lianks received at pur. AH money remitted by mail, postage-paid, will be at tlie risk of the I'id>\i?b..? a.1.1. WILLIAM S. JOMM, Augusts, (in. Person* who will act a* Agent*, untl obtain ! subscriber*, will be furnished with the paper at club price*. Slay 16, l><"-I. f f. 2>av?i,ae(fi)maaa. Drawin^'Rooiii (Oinpanioii. A Record of the beautiful tnnlu*rful hi rirt. -< r|^he object of the paper in to present, in 1 the most elegant and available Conn, * weekly literary melange of notable events of the day. Its columns are devoted lo original tales, skctelics and poems, by the HJifiT AMERICAN AUTHORS. 1 and the cream of the domestic and foreign ! news ; the whole well spiced with wit and humor. Each paper is HKAUTlfl'LLY I I.I.L'ftTIt ATKl) 1 with numerous accurate engravings, by em* I inent artists, of notable objects, current events j in all parts of the world, and of men and I manner, altogether making a pupcr entirely orgittal in its design, in this country. Ita pages contain views of every populous city in the known world, of all buildings of note in the eastern or western henii-plicre, ?>f all the principal ships and steamers of the navy and juerehuut service, with tine and accurate portraits of every noted ehmneter in' tlw | world, both male and female, SUeteke* of beautiful sccpcry, taken from life, will also l>e given, with numerous speciirtrn* from the birds of the air, Mid the fi-,h of the sea. It v.. w.i i.nt wiuic paper, wjtli new ami uoepitiful typo, presenting in it* mechanical execution an elegnn-Kpocmien of Art. Tim sizo of the paper in fifteenhundred nun sixty \ four itquuie inches, giving a great am unit of j rending matter ami illustrations-?a man's moth weekly paper ofnixteen octavo page*. I ISueh six inonlli will mukea volume of -tin pagea, with about one thousand *plciidid'enI graving*. , v j Tenna t-Ep^VADJABLY IN ADVANCE. 1 1 auLffcriber, oitfc year 43 00 A 4 subscribers,4* 4X 44 & 1000 10 44 44 44 ' A0OO : One copy <>T Tmk <>;. >i u t.;K'u*ir^ ; and one eoby of (Ji.K.\wy*'r( PicTOftl al, whon | tpkeu toother by 0*0 person, for one year, The IWuial 1>?awii*o Doom C'y*WMfy bo obtained at any of4*6 periodical depots throughout the eounffWaml of iwffsmen, at six cent* por single copy* f Published every Saturday by *^|V1 tor. of 7'rt mobl tint! jf*W .^r., m r