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?V rjl' \ N / ? \? * interesting Hlisrellnmj, Jhe Celiic ft# c e 8 be# ci ed, /Mr. Donald McLbon, an honest Scotch- 1 tunn, it) a letter to one of tlte morning papers, i ^ describes the Highlanders of Scotland as har- ] thy no sympathy whatever with the oligarchy ( in the .war with Russia, and entirely oppos- I *d to enlisttoent in the Lhitish army, lie t H: < "This is the predominant feelings all over c the highlands of Scotland. I know it; I c have travelled often and much among them; they know that for the last thirty-six years j a ram of the Cheviot breed, a Dunlope, and \ an Argyle bull were considered worth at ? least three hundred Celts; they know, by c lotig experience, how low they are in the eyes | of the aristocracy until they arc required to t fiirht for them, and that however inuch nraise I may U> bestowed on their brawny legs, Rin { ' ?\ved arms, and achievements in the battlefield, and that however many prayers Eng- i li?h bishops make for them, when the fight- f ing is over, the survivors have to return to s former position, in all likelihood find the s dwellings where they wore born and reared f burnt to the ground during their absence, t and have to find out their aged parents, r brothers and sisters among the wilds of Can- r ?dn, and find themselves worn out, uncarcd f for, unpitied, and unnoticed by bishops, Queen or country, however ungodly they are f dealt with. Ah! England, short-sighted \ England ! the sins of your aristocracy have 1 found you out at last; your long nurtured r enmity towards tho Scottish and Irish Celts i for their undying loyalty and love to their .? legitimate sovereigns will find its level, and t, will recoil upon your guiity head. To whom will you look now for ail in distress? Not ( to Heaven?you aro too well known there ? t Heaven denounces robbers, oppressors and ' murderers. Not to the hills and valleys of ! Caledonia, nor to green Erin, who have hitli- i erto supplied yon, and gained for you the lau- < relsyou are yet wearing. You have robbed i them, starved them to death, and banished t , them, starved them bv thousands from vonr 1 shores. To whom, then ? To German mer- : ' ccnnrie* and poltroons. I In 1747, the first year after England's j bloody murder and massacre of Scottish I Highlanders at the battle of Culloden, the < highlands alone could raise an army of fifty- I three thousand able-bodied young men. An army of this nuinlxjr of highlanders would i be worth all the army the German States ( could muster. Whorehare they now? 1 < challenge the Queen and her aristocracy to raise two thousand of such men in the whole highlands of Scotland, and God knows that the nation has far too many German hungry devils to keep up already, without saddling forty thousand more upon thorn. Sally St. Clair. Tiik fate of this beautiful Creole a girl WHO lamentable. Sire loved Sergent Jasper, who once in the bloody conflict of tho South fgfr .' saved her life. At the lime' when sho saw a separation from hiin was in prospect, her feelings were intense. To sever her long jetty rinlcta, fcays a writer of the tales of Marion, to dross in made attire, to enrol her fortunes in the wars;a resolution no sooner conceived than taken. On the night before the fatal battle, she was seen bending over his couch like a good and gentle spirit, as if listening to his dreams. A fierce conflict ?rmucd?the lovers fought side by sidem the thickest of the fight; but endeavoring to turn away a lance aimed at the heart of Jasper. , tire poor girl received it in her own and fell j bleeding at his feet. Her rvx was discover- j ed after the battle and there was no dry eye i in the corps when Sally St. Clair, was laid i in her grave, near the river Santee, in n j green shady nook that looked as if it had j baen stolen out of Paradise. The love of ?.. a. : a. H. a.. puvii i\ iia.uui'ii is un itmrrvu as uw nugui *yiiic greatest prize that h man could ever win, and what, in these days, wc fear is seldom known.?[Cin. Com. I Age of Oysters. A London oyatcrman can tell the age* of his tlock to a uiecty The age of an oyster ] is not to bo found out by looking into Um mouth. It bears its back. Everybody who j has handled an oystershell must have observed that it seemed as if composed of successive * . layers or platoa overlapping each other These aro technically termed "shoots," ar.d each of them makes a year's growth ; so that by counting them, wo can determine at j * 4 n glance the year when the creature chiiio i into the world. Up to the time of its maturity, the shoots are regular and successive; but after that tiino they become irregular and aro piled ono over the other, so that the shell becomes moro and more thickened and bulky Judging from the great thickness to which some oysters ? shells hare attained, this mollusc is capable if l*fl to its natural changes unmolested, of y attaining a patriarchical longevity. . U..A....M./. a "\f_ r it x mr. v'icom, 01 i/Mveu, , Mmi., who pretends to linvo a peep into the future, says that Sebnstopol will not ho Uken ?the entire mass of human assail.' nta will he driven hack l>y fate, and as many perish at homo and abroad as have assailed.? B France is fixed at a futerum?the leverage is' iho conitolUJaiion of the Greek and Catholic . Ifeiarohiea to destroy Protestantism and Republicaniain^hroughoiitthe world, and England is tlio first to be destroyed. Rut two WW ifovernwente?the imperial autocratic and the empire republic?-will bo recognized by the conllictiug power?Russia at theextrem' ,M, Ry cf (fcc lever, The United States and Russia will be in the closest amity. At tho dictation of Russia, the HiitUh provinces will he annexed to the European Republic. Russia wilj give her American puaioiwiouft to xn, /JJagland and her allies wilL^r%il us, ? v' but aided by Russia wo w illV^T1 thowua.?* ^ A ftcfr whiqh we shall oyiwmjr.enMi g*. empire RepobKc, hkvip^y * - *> "Vv twraespitol, one'. ?!*%. - \v 1 " 1 III. I1 1 A Rich Letter. The following Piec# of " (bmpoaition" may be "backed" against anything wr produced. It was written half h century ago by Sir ! 3oyle Roche, a member of the Irish Parlianent, in the "Troublesome Titues of'Ninety j iight,' when a handful of men, from the Jounty of Wexford, struck terror Into the learts of many a gallant son of Mare, as well is the writer himself. The letter was ad- ! tressed to a friend in London ; and it is old , mongli to l?e new to nine in ton of the road-' ;rs of the "Drawer." "Mr I)bar Sir.?Raving now a little )caco and quietness, I sit down to inform rou of the dreadful bustle and confusion wo ire all in from the blood thristy rebels, most I >f whom are (thank God !) killed and disHirecd. We ure in a mess ; can get nothing o cat, nor any wine to drink except whistey ; and when we sit down to dinner we ire obliged to keep both hands armed. "I Concluded from the beginning that this Tonld be tbo end of it, and I see I was right; or it is not half over yet. At present are inch goings on, that everything is atastanditiil. I should have answered vour letter n ortnight ago; but I did not receive it until bis morning. Indeed, scarcely, a mail arivcs safe without being robbed. No longer igo than yesterday, the coach with the mails rom Dublin was robbed near this town.? ["he bags had been judiciously left behind, or fear of accident; and by good luck there vas nobody m it but two outside passengers, md nothing for the thieves to take. Last fhursday notice was given that a gang of ebels was advancing here under the French 'tandard, but they had no colors, nor any I rums except bagpipes. "Immediately every man in the place, including women and children, run out to meet hem. Wc soon found our force too little, #o were too near to think of retreating.? Death was in every face, but to it wo wont, *n<i by tlio time half our little party wns killldt wo began to be all alive again. Fortunately , the rebels lmd no guns, except pistols and pikes, and as >yc had plenty of multisets and ammunition, we put them all to the jword. Not a soul escaped, except soin j that were drowned in an adjacent bog and in a very short time nothing wtjsto be heard but silence. Their uniforms were all different colors, but mostly green. After the action, we went to rummage a sort of camp, which they have left behind thein. All we found was a few pikes without heads, a parcel of empty bottles full of water, and a bundle of French commissions filled with Irish names. Troops are now stationed all round the country, which exactly squares with my I have only time to add, that I am in great haste. "P S.?If you do not receive this, of course it must have miscarried, therefore I beg you will write to let me know !" i >-? The Tooth Business. Some men thrive on the infirmities of others, as is surr crested bv the sleek and rn. ' co ? ~J "" " t* luud appearance of some doctors and dentists The fact is otherwise indicated, by tho statistics of the tooth man manufacturing business in the city, where there are a number of in dividuals or associations extensively engaged in it. At one place in Broadway, New York, there may occasionally be seen large rocks of quartz, which, after being ground, form a principal ingredient in life composition of which artificial teeth aro made. The mixture, in a plastic state, is put in brass moulds previously prepared with suitable coloring matter, (tlesh color, light yellow, dec., to imitate reality, when tho teeth aro burnt, to harden them and fix the colors One concern engaged in this business employs thirty men, and turns out three thousand teeth per day, to be fudd to dentists, and afterwards attached to gold plates, Arc. According to all accounts, the baited States a fiords the beat market for this commodity, while in potato-catiug Ireland the tootli business would receive but a moderate support. When Madame Tag]ioni quitted St. Petersburg she left a pair of slippers at the hotel. The landlord soon made his good fortune known, and 50, 100, and even 200 roubles (.?20) were freely ottered for the forgotten slippers. The landlord, howdver, finding the public enthusiasm increase as he raised his demands, peremptorily refused to part with the slippers under 1000 roubles (?100.) This sum being rather more than anv iiuli vidnal appeared willing to give, thirty-five persons clubbed together and purchased the slippers. They then wanted to know what to do with them. After many suggestions, none of which gave general satisfaction, it was proposed by one of the speculators, more enthusiastic and original than l)ia fellows, that they should eat them ! The landlord of the hotel pronounced the idea to be excellent and proposed to make a fiicmsee of thein, of thcin, which was accordingly don??, and thirty-six enthusiasts, with the lecturer as their guest, did actually eat Taglioni's clippers, and washed them down in buinpera of champagne, in whtoh they drunk to the health of the charming danseuse. Incrkasimo tiik Size or Flowers.?A horticulturnlist oftho suburbs of Versailles in studying the physiology of the vegetable kingdom, conceived the idea that the smallness of certain plants?the violet, for example? was owing to an atmospheric pressure too great for their delicate organs. Having fixed this idea in his mind, the florist conceived the idea of putting his theory into practice. Providing himself with a small balloon, rendered sufficiently tight to prevent the escHpo of stny gas, lie launched it into iko air, having attached to it a silken cord twelve hundred metre* lopg. Instead of a car, the ballon sustained a flower pot of Parma violets. This experimopy lyw Wn going one about two month* the ino*t wonderful result*, in the shape of violets large as Hcngal rose*. It i? expected that the above experiment may be turned to some account. ?.'> / . .^wprT. i lit who spends *11 he gets, is on the high roads to povsrty. & Wff V * \ . ' ; L , i Sen sidle Talk.?Theiw i* nothing mad* j in this world by gettiilff "the ill will of folk*," and we ree with the Knickerbocker when | it says: ; "'fhe mail who don't care a d?n for any body, aould not be surprised if nobody Mcares a cent" (or hiin. If you don't want the brand of the incendiary applied to your outhouses, don't kindle the nre of resentment in the bosoin of your neighbor*. \Ve care not how poor a man inav be, lie can get a match; nor how ignorant, he knows how to light it" Important to Editors and Newspaper Publishers.?Judge Oakly ruled in the Fuller libel case, which has just beon tried in the Supreme Court of New York, that if n paper making statements derogatory and damaging a innn's reputation should merely say that there is a minor abroad to the effect spoken of, the paper would be exonerated in tho event of legal proceedings being taken against it, if it could be shown that there was such a rumor, although that rumor whs false. This ruling was founded in justice and common sense both. We shall stick t> the "rumor abroad" expression. A young man now-u-days has to be exceedingly circumspect about marry-! iug. In nine cases out of ten, ho will1 very likely get one-fourth flesh, the balance coffee bags, cotton, whalebone and corset-boards. TiiEinan who drives a good bargain is desirous of trading it on for a good ?"gf*reenvillc Prices Current. corrected weekly for the enterprise, BY JOHN W. GRADY, MERCHANT. Greenville. March 16, 1866. BAGGING, Gunny, per yard, 10 a 18 Dundee, 13 u 1G BACON ... .Hams, per lb., 8 a 10 Rlioillilnn fin R Sides, 8 o 10 llog round, 8 BUTTER .. .Goshen, per lb. none. Country, per lb. 15 COFFEE.. .Rio, per lb. 14 Java, per lb. 18 a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per vd. 0^ a 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 Oanaburgs, per yd. 11 a 12 J FLOUR .... Country, per bbl. $7-| a $8 Country, per sack, $3$ a $4 GRAIN Corn, jkt bUshel, 78 a 85 Wheat, per bushel, %1^ IRON Swedes, per lb. 6^ a 7 English, per lb. 5 a 5.J LARD per lb. 10 a 11 MOLASSES, Cuba, per gal. 33 a 37 J N. O., per. gal. 40 SYRUP " " per gal. 50 a 62? OILS Lamp, per gal. a $2& Train, per gal. 87^ a $1^ Linseed, RICE per lb. 7 a 8 ROPE per lb. 12J a 20 SUGARS. ..N. Orleans, per lb. 7 a 9 Porto Rico, per lb. 9 a 10 Loaf, per lb. 12^ Crushed, pei lb, 12? Refined, per lb. 10 a 12 J ISALT .per bushel, $1 Salt, per sack, a 2 37 SOAP Colgate, 12J a 15 Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 SHOT per lb. 12? Shot, per bag, a $2 J MARRIED?In Greenville, S. C., on the 22d February, by the Rev. Whitefoord Smith, Mr. W. A. McIIfoH, formerly of Marietta, Ga., to Miss Matt C. Ferrer, of Morganton, N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N E W Y O It K ADVERTISEMENT. SAMUEL W. BENEDICT, No. 5 Wall-street, New-York, Cf-fc HAS a splendid assortment ol /rra?G0L0 AND SILVER Watches, Xst 2? JEWELRY <Ie SILVER-WARE, j jf-wliich. iii consequence of the hard > times, lie will sell at unusually low prices, and | all articles will be wnrrnnted perfect or no sale, i ty Merchants and others about visiting the city | are requested to cull, und ORDERS punctually uttouded to. March U. 43 (if SULLIVAN & MOORE, PUNCTUALLY AND PROMPTLY ATTENO TO ALL CALL* IS TIIK LINE OK Til KIR PROFESSION. RkaioKnck : Wart hen, Greenville District. Post-Offics: Dunklin, " J. M. 8ULUVAN.'] [D. I>. MOORK. March . 43 *G| Hand Lamps, OK Glaw and Britlain Metal; Best Burning Fluid, a fresh supply. To ho sold at & reduced price, at the Drug Store of E. KRUTCH. Mar. 9. 43 It Found. ON the 3d of March, a Gold Chain, intended for a child's necklace. The owner can 1 have it by calling at this office, proving it. and paving for this advertisement. March 0. 43 ' I J _ Notice. ALL person* indebted to the estate of JABE2 GlLRliATH, deceased are notified to make immediate payment, and Lboee having deraandi 1 against the said Relate, to present them, proper ly attested, to the subscriber*, at tite offioo of C J. Elford. P. E. DUNCAN, ) C. J. E1jFOIU>, ] *rsMarch Ow 43 A lirwr^r authorised to announce Wm A. IffcDanlnl as a Candidate for Clerk al the ensuing election. Fch. 2. td. ?r? anthorixnd to an. nouoce W. f, PRkNCE, its a candidate fer Bher iff at the ensuing election for that office. ; -Sff te |y We hare keen authorised to announci Copt. A. V- Owlhfl a candidate fotSher iff at the ne*t elOrttao. O Ott ^3 N** THE REGULAR MEETif!# PV<y**fc ??K8 *?f Mou.ntau* Lokuje, No. U I. G. O. K., are hold ou Frida v evening* at 7 o'cloek ia their Hall. W. l\ MeBEE, decretory. Greenville, Jan 12 3A | 111^^ SONSHOFT^PIeiuSCE. rjr?^?G'tKK.yVILLr Divtstox. No. ly, S. of T., hold their meeting* weekly, at tlio I)ivision Uoom.fin MeUee'e Hall) Saturday evening*. J. H. UOWKU, A. It. &. January 12 o.r> f YOU nre roquoated to meet. at the Division Room of the Son* of Temperance until further order*. Meeting?Friday Evening*. j By order of W. P. Price, W.\~P.\ January 12. 35 tf HEED & GOODLETT, AW'tfcDrRSfffsws jsws rrn/i\w9 .1 Greenville, 8. C. ?3P~OfTu:e next ?kx>r to F. F. RitATriiL it Co. J. P. HKKD.] [s. D. COOULRTT. January 12 35 tf Thompson & Easloy, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE C. H., S. C. June 23, 18G4. 6 8 JOSEPH OOOPm, Watch Maker and Jeweller, UN DPR STEKN'3 HOTEL, KEEPS always on hand ?ol?l nnd Silver Wutchcs, and JEWELRY of every description. Fancy Hoods and Perfumery. Clocks, Watches nud Jewelry repaired in the best manner. dec. 29. 83 ly A. HANSMAN, HOUSE, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL ANO DECORATIVE fal'lk-iia no br, gilder, glazier a updo l*t ekes. m?r*n\Tirri r it n /t OUlLivA V Uilit, Ks. {^y^Ordcrs left nt this Office attended to. N24 2b 6m HARRISON'S HOTEL" BY 1>. THOMPSON' SIMS, Corner of jBtjij^Riohnrdson and Laurel-street*, Columbia, S. C. Omnibus Faro '25 cents, jan. 12 tf LAST NOTICE. ALL PERSONS indebted to O. A. Pickle, on account previous to March last, arc earnestly requested to call on \V. K. Easi.kv nnd settle the same, as further indulgence ennnot be allowed. J. R. BETTS, Assignee. January ft. 34 tf M U1^VLJB * ?2 i TTAVIXO sold to J. B. SHERMAN our inter 11 est in the Tinning Business and Store nt this place we would say to all indebted to us that we need the money thev owe us, ami that it must be paid bv the first of January next, and so mistake, for our Books must lie closed. GREENVILLE MANUFACTURING CO. By J. B. Siii.itman, Ae't Nov. 24. 28 tf Call and Settle. 1MIE Accounts of IRA C. WILLIAMS have bceu placed in my hands for collection. Those indebted are hereby notified to make inv mediate settlement either dv cash or note. S. D. GOODLETT, Attorney, feh 15 40 St A Popular Club. ^rV.IE two best $15 Mngnrines in the Union? JL Godey's Lady's Book and Harper's Mnga sine, will he sent one year on receipt of $1.50. Address, L A GODEY. 113 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Fell. 23. 41 1 The Furman University. IN CONSEQUENCE of the circulation of a ru mor that BOARDING could obtain c< for the Students of this Institution upon reasons hie terms, it is deemed proper to give notice tha Boarding and Lodging (exclusive of light?an< washing) can he obtained for a large number o Students at $11 per month. For lights an< washing, $1 00 encK is charged. Apply to eithe of the Faculty or to the undersigned. C. J- EL FOR lA, Treasurer, feb 15 40 3t Books and Stationery. THE Subscribers arc receiving a large and va ried assortment of the above Articles, whirl they offer at low prices. A LARGE VARIETY OF CLASSICAL WORKS. An Extensive Stock of Miscellaneous Works SCHOOL BOOKS, Slates, Pons, Pencils, Draw ; r? . _ i r*. 1?. -J n IiiIT 1)OUK\ II Birr V/Ujum. isdsccivu u.mici Ac., Ac. Thank Books, hound, half-bound, and in paper. Foolscap, Letter and Note I'liper, bv the rean or less. Spy Glasses, Pocket Compasses, Magnifiers, Ac With a varied assortment of other articles, t< which they invite the attention of the public. G. e. klford A co. mar. 2, 42 If raosjlpm 3. SF. TITOS, MAIN-STREET, GREENVILLE, S. C. Dealer in drugs, medicines, suroi cal Instruments, Faints, Dyc-Stntfa, Var nishea, Drug Glassware, Putty, Tobacco, Segais Spirit Gas, Oils, Candles, Soaps, Spices, Brushes Toilet Articles, Outnbs, Perfumery, etc. : Itetb gpO frilre fi'rucjs, > are warranted and aold at low prices. ?37""^)r i ders from Merchants and Physicians rcspcetfulb solicited. JP .['ersona sending for Medicines ii , this Storo may rely on having them coinpounde< with neatness, ae.cnracy and despatch. February 2. 88 tf DeBow's Review. A DARTED primarily to the Southern am J\. Western Stntes-of tho Union. Incladinj etatiatica of Foreign and Domestic Industry six ( Enterprise. Published Monthly in New Orleans at $6 per annum in advance. A few complete acta of the work, thirty vol $ umea bound handsomely (800 to 080 pavroa,) ? , for aala at the office, New Orleans, rfouverabl. in any of the large cftiea or towns. Publication office. Merchants' Exchange, (ore poet offieA) New-Orjrene Postage two rente pa number if -pre-paid quarterly $J21~lft V TI - . - - 1 "* I A n? TtTk I il UAAil. Having associated col. rohkht p. 0ooi> urrr with myself in the mercantile btui ness, the said business will be sarried ou uudei the name nnd stylo of GRADY A OOODLf-iTT lit mv old stand on the south went corner of thpublic square. 1 hereby iuke occasion to return my thanks for the libum) patronage heretofore bestowed on me, nnd solicit n continuance ol the same for the new tirip above referred to, feeling confident that we will be able fo give satisfaction to nil who may favor ns with a call It is with reluctance that I must truly say that j necessity- conetraitis me, to notify those \vf?o are indebted to me either by note or book account | previous to 1st of Jauuarv, 1865, to call and payup. "JOHN W. 1RADY, * : January US, 1855. OO-PARTNBRSSIP. I rf^IIE undersigned having formed e copnrlncr J A ship under the name and style of GRADY i A GOODI.ETT, and taken the stock of Good* ?u?d Store of John W. Ghaut, will I - continue ti>e business. Wc liope'WV^^j) I ^5^by prompt attentions to merit nflp cont.n innce of the liberal patronage heretofore | given the business. Our stock is veiy complete I now, and preparations are making to enlarge it soon. Give us a call. JOHN W. GRADY, nanT i> imiiiti 1,-Tr iiw/i' i. r> uvvi/i^rii A. Jnnuary.23, 185S. I GREENVILLEHOTEL TIIE subscriber having taken charge ol 111 this House, so lately kept by Jonv MoBmdk, and once so well known as the Kentucky <k Tcnn esaee Inn, respectfully inform! his old friends nnd the travelling public that he is now prepared tc entertain nnd accommodate them in becoming style, and hopes by proper management- to secure their encouragement. Every attention will be given to render the etay of strangers and travel Ilors as pleasant and agreeable as possible. To Drover*. I , Having a fine Stable, excellent lots /^?\ an abundance of provender, and cnrcfu ostlers, he is enabled to accommodate Drover in the best manner. Also, constantly on band, Horses, II neks, Carriages and Buggies, to hire, upon the most reasonable termed P. 3. BUTLEDGE jan. 12, 35 tf THE WEEKLY HERALD. The Best General Newspaper in the World. THE New York Weekly Herald is publish cd every Saturday morning. Its content embrace all tbe news of the great events of tli day, reports of meetings, of the State Legislature nnd of Congress; important public document! European nnd home correspondence; financia and commercial information, and editorials o general interest, that have appeared in the Xkv ! York Daily Herald. It is neatly printed, in clear type, on n lnrg. I doubo quarto sheet of forty-eight columns?i | book?a directory in itself?and forms one of th< | best and most valuable weekly newspapers in tin i world. The greatest care is taken to obtain th latest nnd most reliable intelligence of importan I movements in nil parts of the world. No ex penseis spared fof this purpose. . The subscription price is three dollars per nil mun, pnvnhle iu advance, or sixpence per singl [ copy, tditors of newspapers throughout tin country are particularly requested to act as i gents. Thoy will reoievo twenty-five pe cent commission on all cash subscription! Anv person obtaining five or more subscriber will be allowed the same commission. TERMS or CLUES. i For 1 copy of Weekly IIsivalu, 1 yoar (S 0 Fivo copies do. do. 112 . Ten do. do. 22 5 Fifteen do. do. 83 7 Twenty do, do. 45 (1 Twenty-fivo do. do. 66 6 Thirty do. do. 67 5 Thirty-five do. do. 76 7 Forty do. do. 00 0 Forty-five do. do. 101 2 Fifty do. do. 112 5 All letters to be addressed to James Gordo Bennett, proprietor and oditor of the New Yob Hf.ral?, New York city. Remittances must I made in funds current in this city. Advertisements inserted in the Weekly He alu for thirty cents per line. 16 feb. Furman University. * rT^lIE Treasurer will attend nt the Universii ' | JL from y o'clock, till 12 A. M., during tbo fir '"j week of the approaching term, for the purpose ^ I receiving the luition foes, which are required 1 i)e pnm semiannually in Advance. Students who Attend the University upon sohc nrdiips of others transfered, for the time to ther nre requested to produce written transfers of tl sumo. 1'ayirtonls of t uition money by persons owiii . bonds given for the establishment of the Uuive k sity, will he regarded in lieu of so much concu rent interest upon said bonds, and a certifies to that effect will be given. C. J. ELPOIU', Treasurer. January 12. 35 tf ! j Eating Saloon. OYSTERS, HAM. EGG AN! COFFEE. r|~MIE undersigned having opened their Palo< * JL for tlie coming season arc prepared to fu nish Oyster Suppers at the shortest notice. Tin are in receipt of Fresh Oysters, direct fro Charleston, twice during the week. Excelles Cigars, Oranges, Cocoa Nuts, etc.. on hand | Their Fnloon may be found in the cellar benca I the Saddlery of Mr. G. IIklumas, near the rive I Main-street. Open every night, except Sunda I ; WILSON COOK, JOHN BUCKNER. Feb. 9, 1855. 3? tf ! STATE OF SOUTH CAROLI.V/ GREENVILLE DISTRICT. u:cy <s?:aa3sxs>sj E>,G>:aliu3. John W. Grady I va. V Attachment Win. M. Hntlcr. ) TTTHERRAS, the Plaintiff did ou the 16th d* f l * of October, 1854, file hia declarntk t; against the defendant, who, (a* it i? t>*id) is a ^ | aont from and without tho limit* of the Stat 1 and hna neither wife or attorney now within tl I same upon whom a copy of thia doclaratu - j mi/ht lie aerved. It is therefore ordered, that the said defends: dof appear and plead to tho said declaration < of before the nineteenth day of Oetahor, whu 5 will be in the year of our Lord ono thoima: oigfct hundred and fifty-five, othorwiee final at ^ absolute judgement w ill then be given iiidawi dod against. 1dm. i). HOKE, a e. p. " ClorV* Ofifipe, GreenvHln District, / October Yl. 1854. f 8tnly c 15??* ***> JOIJ PRATING neatly dene "J l) the ""Pntorpr'eo Ofll#e>* ' -gg?*rf Give Us a Call! THE Bubseribers return their sincere thanks to their frietnls and eiiBtotUHfB, lor jbo lib- ^ era! patronage and influence hitherto gttandod to them, mid hope the saiub will bo coatiaoaA. i Their oajoftructft of MEHCH.VJvT T^iiomna OOODO, r though small, is well selected, an?i Af superior quality. Their stock consists of the lfhest Clot/is. t'assi meres, Fancy Silt: dad Satin Yestinys, Starts. Cravats, Packet Handkerchiefs, Gloves, tic.Also, choice PERFUMERIES and EXTRACTS, for Cakes, Jellies, <fco. All of whiiflh will be B^la j on good terms. Such articles as they have cui on hands, the eubMribers will be happy to order for their pntrofiB and aid them in making selvotions. They wouhi alto add that they have tha ' best workmen engaged in the Tailoring- IPcparlmcnt, j ana mat an worn will 0C executed promptly and [ wnrrnuted good. 11 'lite subscribers would ?H<y take tfiU opportu11 nity of requesting those indebted to'them to cull without delay, nud settle their dues. Thoir agent at Greenville, Mr. O. A. Pickt?, has iw leisure to call on debtors, and the subscriber* hope that all indebted will call on him and pa/ up asearlv as possible. C. W. PICKLE A Off. H RUCK'S NEW-YORK TYPE-FOUNDRY, as tablislied in 1813, hn-s now on hand, read/ for immediate delivery, in fonts to suit puroliasara 100,00 lbs ROSl AN TYPE of new out, 60,000 " FANCY TYPE, 10.000 " SCR I ITS of various styles 1 6,000 * GERMANS, 6,000 " ORNAMENTS in groat Variety, ; 6,000 " BORDERS, s 30,000 feet BRASS AND TYPE METAL RULES. > nnd all the novelties in tho business. | All the above Types are cost by eteara power, ' of the now composition of metnl peculiar to thia foundry, and WHICH IS CERTAINLY SUPERIOR to any ever u6od before in and part of the world. The unequalled rapidity in the process , of casting, enables me to sell these more durable 1' t3*pcs at tlie prices of ordinary types, oithor on t' credit or for cash. | Presses, Wood, Types and all other Printing Ma? f j tcrials.except Paper aqd Cards, (which have no flx| cd quality or price, furnished at tnanufactursr'a I1 prices. v _ ? The latest Specimen Book of ths Foundry ft' freely giveu to all printing offices, on the fooeiot of fifty cents to prepay the postage. Printers of newspapers who choose to puhlish this advertisement, including this note,throe time* before the first day of July, 1855, and forward ma one of the papers, will be allowed their bills at Lb* time of purchasing five times the amount of roy manufactures. New-York, Feb. 12, 185&. Address, * GEORGE BRUCF* ? 15 CflAMBERS-ST. New-York. I British Periodicals, rf KARLT COP IRS BBCURBD. b LOENARD SCOTT A CO.. New-York, eontlae* * ! to re-publi&li the follow British Periodicals, Ties Ii 1. The London'ivrnr.i.y (Conservative)' 0! 2. The Edinburgh Review (Whig,) t'3. The N. British Review (Free Uhufch) :* 4. The Westminister Review (Liberal) j 5. Blackwood's Ed. Magazine (Tor}*.) e | r | M1E present critical state of European af* B ; JL fairs will render these publications uAk* ] usually interesting during the forthcoming ^ year. They will occupy a middle ground g between the hastily written news-item* 1 crude speculations and tlying rumors of the daily Journal, and the ponderous Tome of 0 the future historian, written after the living 5 interest an l excitement of the great political 0 events of the time shall have passed away. It 6 is to these Periodicals fhat readers must look ^ f^r the only really intelligible and reliable () history of current events, and as such, in ad45 dition to tlieir well-established lilcrhry, scio*0 title, and, theological character, we urge 5 them upon the consideration of the reading n Public- ? , . ; lK Arrangements are now permanently mad# >t I for the receipt of Early Sheets from th? v British Publishers by which we are enabled R* to place All our Reprints in the hands of subscribers, about as soon as they can be furnished with tho foreign copies. Although this involves a very large outlay on our part, ty we shall continue to furnish tho Periodical* 8t at the samo low rates as heretofore, vis ? ^ Per ana. For any one of the four Reviews f3 OQ >1- For any two of the four Reviews ft && For any three of the four Reviows f OO For all four of the Reviews. 6' OV For Blackwood's Magazine 9 00 r For Blackwood and 3 Reviews 0 00 r For Blackwood J; the 4 Reviews 10 00 to Payments to be made in all casei in a J vane*. Money currml in the Sidle where is?u*d will be r^cUvd atjpar. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-rive per cent, from the above prices will be allowed to Clubs 3 ordering four or more copies of any one or ' more of the above works. Thus: Four cr?]?ies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will bar_ sent to one address for $9 ; four copies of lb# Jy four Reviews and Btaekwovd for $30; and m so on. P08TAGB. ~ Til ail the principal Cities and Town*, 1 these works will 1*j delivered through y* Agrnts, FREE UF POSTAGE. When *ont by mail, the Postage to any part of the Unitod States will be but Twenty five cent* m year for Blackwood, and but Fourteen cent* ~ ; a year for each of tlio Reviews. Remittances and communications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publibhers, LEONARD SCOTT <k CO, 54 gold btrket, New York. N. B.?L'. S. <fc Co. have recently published, and have now for sale, the "FARMERS ^ GUIDE," by Henry Stephens, of Edinburgh, b- and, the late Prof. Norton, of Yale College, , New Haven, complete in 2 vols, royal oct*? >0 vo. containing lffOQ pages, 14 stcafand m wood engravings. Price, in muatia bind'*1!?, nt jfriTThi* work is not the old * >ok >n of the Farm," lately retasoitatod and^ro*t th. upon the market. ld Town and Dirtrlot Government ir* Int?ndora.?Vr A B Cp/1*'. w ^ Wardens ? JX G VT. 8rocss,Bs^, H. It. William*, Jons *<p 11 ?*?* Cltrk of th? Covn^-Jouy ?*?*. St* W-W. \f*' T. at Coerl?/ frAarVj-K<? t va. l>a 1 Commit* ** I^xstv- h. A.Ts^p V? / ? V.y.v '