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A in the Wrong Box. i A** recent Session, while the judge 8 0kd jury were eating their dinners, a ! young m&n from the 'coiyegr^ being * somewhat aiuaions to see manner i in which justfce was meted out, walk- < ed into the courtroom, and, as he after* ? ward expressed himself, 'took n sqah^j . at all the seats, and seem' there >vuefiw e nobody in the nicest one, with a rail in' all around it, thought he'd make sure < on it^'fore the fellers got back from djn- i - A ner.* * V In five minutes after the crowd en- i tered the room, tire Judge rapped the 1 desk with the butt-end of his jack- ' knife, and with a dignified frown,* cried : *Silonce,n the? Court!' i 'Silence'n the Court P repeated the < broad-shouldered constable, *leaning on the railing in front of his Honor, 1 who immediately resumed the ocenpa-'! tion of'picking his teoth with a pin. 'Sileuce'n the Court!' echoed in ; i squeaking tones a small Ved-headed! constable near the door; and the lat-i ter speaker immediately commenced \ elbowing the crowd, right and lett, to |< let them know that he was around! 'All ready ?' says the Judge* 'All ready 1' replied the Attorney. < 'Command the prisoner to stand, up!' i says the Judge, 'while the indictment is being read !' i The broad-shouldered constable now { walked up to the prisoner's box, dur-j ing the apparent jpouaenta/y absence;' of the sheriff, placed his bands on tlie i shoulder of the young man, and exclaimed? . ? Stand up 1' 'What fur ?' 6aid the astonished young farmer. 'To h<iur the charge read 1' exclaim- i ed the constable. 'Wall, I guess 1 kin hear what's go- i in' on, without stand in\ as well as the . rest on was the reply. j 'Stand up!'roared the Judge, in a burst of passion?lie had just hit his i tongue,while picking his teeth; 'youngi < man, stand up! or the.consequences he '1 upon your own head.' The victim came up on his feet as itun- j der the influence of a galvanic battery, and looking around the court room, and noticing that all eyes were upon! 1 him, with an expression about as anec- i. tionnte as that of a rabid man toward < a bowl of water, he hung his head in t confusion ami inortiiicatioii, and was I nearly deaf to the words of tho indict- s ment hut he heard enough of the long, I complicated, tangled, sentences, toil learn that he was charged with steal- c ing, or embezzling, or cheating, or pil-' c fering some honse or somebody, and | c he couldn't tell exactly which. j $ "What does he say to the charge ? Guilty or not guilty inquired the Judge, peeping over his spectacles, ] with a look cold enough to freeze a ( man's blood. Guilty or not guilty ?" i , The young man ventured to look up,! ; in hopes to find a sympathising eye, j, but all were cold and unfriendly, and j lie again gazed on the saw-dusted floor,; ^ and trembled with confusion. ! f, "Guilty or not guilty again vo- T ciferated the Judge, in a tone thati, : 'I 1'ini.iiij UUIIWCU lllipiiUCIICO UJ JJl'OCOCd i g with the case. The tfrotrtl-shouldercd constable, being; rather a humane man, now step- J ped up to the prisoner and exclaimed : i 1 "You had better say not guilty, you i don't stand no chance this term, that's \ sure ! and it you say not guilty, and ( wish, at any future state ot the case, e to change your pica toguilt^, yon cau \ do it without any injury to yourself!? 1 Therefore, I advise you to say not b guilty, and stick to it, as long as there's 1 Any change!' i Jonathan's feeling; had l>cen simmering so^fe time, hut now they fairly boiled over ; and1, with a look <jf inno- s cent but determined resolution, he > swung his arms about his head and s exclaimed: e "What in all natur are you fellers a <] tryin' to dow ? I. haint been steulin' \ liotliin' I haint, sure." 1 Just at thia moiripnt. fi-nnfr rirt/ir * opened, and the sheriff with the gen- I nine prisoner walked into the room, a and proceeded at once to tho box.. The Conrt saw in moment it? mistake, and tried to choke down its ef- .a feet with o frown?but. it. was no go J y Tl lecrowd burst forth Into a hoarse!" laugh that fairly made the windows1 c rattle, and the voiing man left the ^ room, exclaiming, as he passed at the door: 4T knpwed all the time I hadn't stole s nothin' (" t ' ?-*?.i ? t i Tiik best investment of money is in ] the bank of Fgith and Love. This n bank lias been so long closed that peo t pie are despairing of even seeing it c opened again. Some think that the r Odd Fellows, from their stringent or t (fflnivntiAti OVA oervoUlo Kiwuuiviviif HIV v.?pai/)C "I upcillllj} II-, Don't see why they shouldn't keep their own money. Other* look to the *' Hank of Earth being shortly to be 1 opened, with A large ploughshare for u v device painted over tne door. Said to ' 4>e thqjipst Bank yet?Mes-rs. Home- . stead nd Gmfideiice treasurer and sec- ( n*. retaif. Qu^sr thiols about to hap- a " 1 # ? A Good Onk.?SiUin^ ou a piazza ?f the Cataract was a ypung fopisb lookng gentleman, las garments highlvj cented mingled with odor of inusk ind cologpe. A ^pin-face odd-lookine: nan, after passing the dan ay several imtw with a look of aversion, that irewgenernl notice, sudd onl y stepped, ukT in a confidential tofae said : "Stranger, J know take that icent out of your clothes : yon." "What do yoii mean, sir ?" said the exquisite, fired with indignation, starts >ng from his chair. "Oh, get mfcd now; swear, pitch round, fight just because a man wants to do you a kindness 1" coolly replied the stranger. "But I tell you 1 do know what'll take out that smell; plipw! Vou just bury them clothes ; bury 'em a day^ or two. Uncle Josh got foul oi a skunk anA he"? At this in6taut there went up from the crowd a simultaneous roar of merriment, and the dandy very sensibly "cleared the coon," and vanished up stairs. "We pick up a character on the railroad, now and then. We did so the L>th?r liurllfr Amoncr flin rrfU!tlnmo-n p ?? "ft ?-W who occupied the "corner scut," was a 3ueer chap, in company with a brany-tlask he turned everything to account, and got up moro merriment in live minutes, than all the sober passengers could have effected in a whole day. . 1 "Take a snifter,old top?' This was to an old gentleman in very elegant suit of broadcloth. "No, sir, I never drink," was the prompt and angry reply. "Possibly! well, all i can say is, appearances are very deceptive/' This was laugh No. 1. ' Presently along came the conductor? "Sorry the engine is broke, gentlemen, hut the -detention will not be long. In fifteen minutes we will bo as good us new," said that functionary. "Don't hurry on my account," said brandy -flask. "Although T expect 30111 pany at the depot, I know they will wait." iilVI,., *1 JM n IIV ill V UIV) , Bll I "Two baulky horses and a mule!" . ?? ? i?I ? "Mr. Skeksics, you say you were icld to*bail for staving a hole into Mr. I acock's row-boat. Does the court unlerstand that a lawsuit grew out of the roll is ion ?" "No, your Honor. By jeing held to bail, I mean to be underito(Hi that Mr. Jacock's tied me to the joat and made me dip the water out of icr." "No levity, Mr. Sniithers. Crier, rail the next witness. Sniggle in jourt ?M In the midst of which Smithing takes a seat and looks inquiringly it the stovepipe. 1 111 "La vk!" said Mrs, Partington "here 've been sutfering the bigamies of tcath for three mortal weeks. First 1 vns seized with a bleeding phrenology n the left atmosphere of the brain, vhieh was succeeded by a stoppage ot lie left ventelator of the heart. This jayc me an information in the borax, ind now I'm sick with the chloroform norbus. Tliere is no blessing like that >f health, particularly when you arc iek!" oliildisli simplicity.?A little girl tad a beautiful head of hair, which ning in "clustering curl*" down her leek. One hot summer's day she vent up stairs, and cut off her curls.? Joining down she met her mother who sxclaimed with surprise "Wliy, Mary ! vliat have you been doing to your miri'" To which she responded that ho had cut it off, and laid it 111 her box; >ut she intended to put it on to-mor- ( ow, as Aunt Nancy did. "Now, while I think on it, I didn't teal them heggs at nil," said a thief, vho had been caught in the act of tcaling eggs. "Didn't steal 'em V jacu luted the theif-catclier. "No?Ij lidn't steal 'em." "Why I saw you j vitJi my own eyes, and I can bring a lalf dozen witnesses who will swear hey saw you steal 'em. 'Well, I can >ring two dozen witnesses that didn't ee me steal'cm." "Mr. Coleridge," said a lady to the uitlior of "Christabel," one day, "do 'bn believe in ghosts V' "No madam, i have seen too many >f them., was the reply.?Fraservs Magazine. ?? An old lady told us recently that Jio thought something awful must! ventually happen?tliero had been so nnny weddings the past winter. The ady was serious in her forebodings, u^U wo shouldn't wonder if u8omehmg" rather squally did follow the ivents nljove referred to. Queer prognostication about theso ar times. Aiut! here i Thb Louisville Democrat says it is eported that one of the Hardin couny jury, which acquitted Matt. Ward, iraa recently, bitten by a anake, and J hat the snake died. fc-How is your son to day, inquired, me merchant of another. Very ill, aid he, would not give ten cents for lit chance fof life. u * jfc v . ** . Iflk l* * > '*/ y * y ." . f vy The Mnina Giantess. Hkb name is. Silvia Hardy. She is a native of Franklin county, Maine, is seven feet six inches in height, is rather lean than fleshy, yet weigiis three hundred and thirty pounds, is nearly thirty years of age, and is still growing. S! naa heretofore maintained herself cL 3fly by service in the capacity of a nurse, having the reputation of being a most excellent ore; but, for a few ] months pa6t, her health has not been | good enough for her to pursue this vocation. Jjfer mother is said to have been below medium size, and her lather not above it. She was a twin; and both weighed but three and a half rounds. Tier mate did not live. She lias always been an unsually small eat. er and accustomed to labor. Her figure is not erect. Her complexion is fair, her eyes blue, and the very modest and mild expression of her countenance is said to be a true index to her character. She has always shrunk from the presence of strangers, and it is believed could not now be induced to appear in public, but for the poverty timt compels her to overcome her extreme sensitiveness. "YVe are assured that she never, as nurse, takes an infant in her arms, but always holds it in her hand. Placing the head upon the end of her fingers, its feet extend toward the wrist, and with the thumb und little finger elevated, she forms an admirable cradle ; the length of her hand being equal to the whole length of an infant. !5he is unable to pass ordinary doors without stooping a good deal, and it is said that for Convenience* film TJAtmllv mite her thimble nnH other little articles upon the casing over the door, instead of upon any lower object, as a table or desk.? White slio was passing through the kitchen of a farm bouse one day with a large pan of milk in each hand, her hair caught upon a hook which projected two or three inches from the soiling, and held her fast. She could neither stoop to set the pans down nor raise her hands to diseugago her hair, i and was compellod thus to remain until her cries brought others to her assistance.?Portland Aryus. Try again, Mr.'ll do to travel! A western "poet" gets offthe follow! ing, explanatory of a steamboat explosion : "The engine groaned. The wheels did creak, The steam did whistle And the boiler did leak. The boiler was examined. They found it was rusted, Aud all on a sudden The old thing busted." There is a maiden'lady in Connecticut who is so exactly nice in her notions of female modesty, that she turned oft* her washwoman because she put her clothes in the same tub with those of a y oung man! "Wuat did you hang that cat for. Isaac ?" asked the school teacher. The boy looked up, and gravely answered, 4Flor mew-tiny, inarm. He 'had fifty marks immediately put down to his name. A few days ago, says the Toledo Blades a smart little fellow of about seven summers, went up to a fruitstand, and rising on tiptoo peeped over at the fruit, remarking, as lie extended a dime, "I think I'll buy a few apples to take home to the children." A gat. has sent us tko following i morceau:? ' This lok of hare I once did ware, lint now I trust it to your ear ; And if we no more eacli otlior see. Then look at this,and think ou nice." A chap from the country who visited Newport011 a 4th of July, entered one of the hotels and sat down to dinner. Upon the bill of faro being hanI ded to him by the waiter, he remarked that be didn't care 'bout readin' now, lio'd wait till after dinner." "Mr. Showman," said a green-horn at a menagerie, "Can the leopard change his Apots?" "Yes sir," was the reply, when he gets tired of one spot ho can easily go to another." Editor's Opinion.?An editor observes that "it is a solemn tiling to be married," to which another responds that "it is a great ileal more solemn not to i be r A merchant being hurried called upon a waggish neighbor tho other day, nnd Hiking if he had n apare clerk to lend him, was re ferrod to a very thin young gentiem.,n with a pen behind his ours, as being the sparest he had. Presi'^knt of Western bdfftc nuhet up to hk? f iemf-ft-^Cbarley, ct\W% you give me ifcango for a dollar I I wo the Bank Superintendent is in tQWQwMpl J want sotue specie in the vrtbit to make a Sow. -I, ( II ftn , SMthcra quarterly He view. PERSONS having ImsineM relations with the "S.ii tkkkn Qtaktkrlv Baview, Wt? for the sddrws their c<>ii,ir,nnlt?iions to the publish? > (MMR < 3 * ' *" r% \ * FOB, THE TOWN FOE : AN UNPRFX7.BDENTED BUCCKSS AND EN< in ?*tnbli?hlng a faper in ever^r rospoct ?} to the dleeemination of Ijitcrorj'^Reiigioue, Bcicn vovimng me great principles 01 r*iv al> juuitli of our people. So far ure havo given entire sntisi number in our list of'friends and subsoribers pen WORKING-MEN > Have found in its columns something Instruct ! < to mmlotam1 n Ilavo likewise found tlmt it has afforded the late of the Enterprise is to afford a reading adapted t ^ Local and District News, Sketches of Character, ecdotes, Choice Original aud Selected Poetry and AM EXCELLENT CORPS who have consented to contribute regularly to on he found in ourStnte. Our circulation amounts I last without a single subscriber. The paper stan turns % v* Single Suliscrihera, $l,5f>, per annum, in adi it will be seen that we can furnish the paper ut 1 / . , mm ?i! and it shall )>e the best Dollar Paper in South Ca paper published at five same price in the South. Subscriptions, Advertisements aud Communic toi mmmm& Book and Job Printing <^ESTABMSHMEN.T/?> HAVING A FINE SELECTION OF WE ARE TREPARXD TO DO WORK CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES, HAND-BILLS, WAYBILLS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, &C. raiNTKD WITH DESPATCH.China, Satin Enamel, Satin Surface and Plain and Colored Cards, iiporj ihc 3>Tost fqbo^blc JCHTIS. (QXWUi WS A ?AlCnJXi watc^ JOHN J. BENEDICT ^ WOULD respectfully Inform lain j^Mjwolil frienil* that he lias rctiirnod Jv 3H&',0,n -*'ew York, bringing with laini A STOCK OF JF.WELRY, which lie is offering for sale CIIEAl', at thestore of Charles Merrick. It comprises WATCHES? BRACELETS, GOLD PENCILS, RINGS, Ilonsks am examination of flic same, and assures litem Uift they will be found of tJio ix^t material. Au^mt 2& 15 . tf Mechanics, Manufacturers, and INVENTORS. Anew volume of the SCIENTIFIC AMFT1IAN' commence? about the middle of September in each year. It in n journal of Scientific, Mechanical, and other improvements; the advocate of industry in nil its various branches. It is published weekly in n form suitable for binding, and constitutes at the end of each year, a splendid volume of 400 pages, whh n copious index, and from five to six hundred original engravings, together with a great amount of practical information concerning the progress of invention and discovery throughout the world. The Bcientifio American is the most, widelycirculated and popular journal of the kind now published. Its Eoitors. Contributors, and Correspondents are among the ablest practical scientific men in the worlJ. The Patent Claims are published weekly,"and are iuvalunhlc to Inventors and Patentees. w? ?i.- ?v>: ? -?A .. V !>? uvumi nam Mil) |M,I>I1U U^IHIISV JinV" j hi# money to travelling ngcnts, ns we are not In the liahit of furnishing certificate* of agency to any one. Letters should he directed, (post paid) to MUKX A CO., 128 Fulton street, N. Y. TeruiK. One copy, for one year, $2; Ono copy, for six months, $1; Five conies, for six months. f 4; Ten copies, for six months, $8; Ten copies, for twelve ir.or.ih;, $15; Fiftce.i copies, for twelve mouths, $22 ; Twenty copies, for twelve months, $28. Town and District Government Int?n/laut.~I)r. A. R (iKne* Wardent.?l>. (S Wkstfirlo, J. W. STOKR*,E*q., H. H. WlLMAMrt, JOHN Mol'l|f.n?oy. Cleric of the Council.' jmm W, Stork*, Ksq. Sheriff.?\V. A. MoD JSt, E*q. Clerk of the Court.?TCmn Hokp, V>q. Court of Ordinary.?I* M. MoBkk, Eaq. ComwiMioner in Jklyuity.?Mnj. 8. A. Towxer Cabinet Making. JBaSSfesj 8J9&&53 T)ESPECmJLLY inform*the citironsofOiven-1 JL *> ville that bo is prepared to mnkc FL'Ii.N I ! TURE: moIi a* Bedstead*, Sideboard*, Bureau*, j Table*, <\>ntra Table*. Wardrobe^ Ac., Ac., arid hope* t o receive n liberal patronthe corner of lininoilfl Hunm i,b<> Street*, in the rear ofShop. "OfMTK AN1> JOB PRINTIBTO neatly dano at ^ 'MJk ?T. ? *. /ft*.. : |i| , I 'mi AND COUNTRY. < Ml impsE. ~nw ?B9 7WKW f i it i - aLrno?\jP'*j*m foURAGEMEKT IIAS BLEST OUR EFFORTS nal Jo "the times in which we live," and devoted tific, nnd News Intelligence, nt the some time adS, and the Moral and Intellectual Advancement ruction, nod wc ore lmp|>y to announco that we ons of all classes of society. \ND MECHANICS s nnd Elovating them in their different vocation). Sffi ist Foreign nnd Domestic Intelligence. But the o tlw> capacity nnd wants of every member yf f dWOfcff'Jf W' la dl Historical Events, Congressional IVoeeedings, AnMiscellany. Wo have already engaged OF CORRESPONDENTS, r paper, making it one of the best Newspapers to to near six hundred, which commenced in May ds alone upon its merits. S ance. Clubs of ten at f 1.00 each. Bv ClnhLSne the exceeding low price of DEL ELM, poliua, ami affording more reading than other ations, will meet attention by being addressed 1LL1AM P. PRlCE,B?x No. CO, Greenville, 8. C. PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENT . DOCTOR YOURSELF. The Pocket .ffisculapius; Oil, EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. &rpiIF. FlhTPTK EDITION, with One X Hundred Engravings, showing Diseases and Mnlforinntions of the lluman Bystoni in every ehnpe nnd form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, Wing of the highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. By Wiluam Yon no, M. P. Let no father he ashamed to present a copy of the jRSCUJiAI'IlJS to his child. It may save him from an early grave. Lot no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations of nmrj riagc without reading the l*OCKh"j'sESCULAI'lVS. Let no one suffering from a hack tiled cough. Pain in the side, rest less nights, nervous feelings "id the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up their physician, ho another moment without consulting the si?SGUIjA 1 *1W; llavo those married, or those about to he married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has deen the meana of saving thousands of unfortunate creatures froin the very jaws of death. t*3?'Any person fondino 7Wutu-Mw /'?>/? ? . closed in a letter, will receive one copy of this work by mail, or five copies sent for one 1 oiler. Address, (post-paid) Du. WM. YOUNt r, 162 Spraco-stroet, Philadelphia. June 15,185-1. 6 fy SOUTH CAROLINA TMPERANCE STANDARD. r?"MIK UNDERSIGNED would respectfully anJL nounce to the friends of Temperance gonertdlv that they intend to oommence the publication of a Temperance Paper, about the 16th of June next, provided a sufficient number of Subscribers can oe obtained to warrant the undertaking. It will l>e printed upon substantial paper of Imperial sire, and will contain 24 columns of ! matter. It will be denominated the "South Carolina Temperance Staudard," and will be pub' liehed every two weeks, at the price of One Dol lar per annum. As soon as fifteen hundred suU seribers are obtained, we will publish it weekly at the same price. Our sole object, is to advocate the cause of TomIierance; and juiHieulavly the Legislative I'rolibition of tho Traffic in Intoxicating Drinks; and to prepare the masses of the peoplo of our State, for tne enactment of sneh a Law, by convincing them of its expediency ami necessity. We will endeavor to make it a welcome visitor in every family. Nothing will be admitted into its columns of a worthless and immoral tendency. A strict neutrality will bo maintained on all subjects of apolitical and religious sectarian character. No subscription usill lie received for less than on year, oud in every ease tho order must ?* tiwin.-y. Wo lione nil person# feeling nn interest in the success of this enterprise, will exert themselves in gettitig subscriptions, and ?s soon tlierenfter n# convenient seu<l us their lists. Post masters are requested to net as Agents. All cominuniontjons intended for the paper must be post paid, and addressed to tlm "?*?uth Carolina Temperance Standard," Lexington C. II., S. C. a R CAUGIIMAN, ) J. R. RRKAltE, > Eonou A Proprietors. 8. OORLEY, ) Great Economy in Time & Labor. PREMIUM CHURN. respectfully informs his I friends and the public generally that he lots purchased the right to Manufacture the above Churn, and is now prepared to execute all orders for the snrno. Its simplicity is such as to be understood by every intelligent child, anil its construction is on truly and strictly philosophical principles, and produces the desired result in an almost incredible short time. The superior qualities of this Churn are as follows: First, tlie quick and ensv process of making butter when sitting In a chair. Secondly, In overcoming the difficulty which produces a swelling to overflow; ?nd, Thirdly, the gathering process, in separating the hotter from the milk, and preparing for salting. lVraons wishing a Churn can find them at the subscriber's work-shop, near the corner, of Main and llunenmhc streets. .1 u Vt/liuilt Greenville, June 9, 4 tf ^ 6 ',nVl' I'ven &uthc' i.'i il t<> AnnoaMe Cupt. A. Y. Ow ing * candidate for Slier-1 iff at ffM QeU eleeW Oat K-M. I f .* W< * ^feib -ft 1 The Southern Ct4tiv&$?r' \ MONTHLY JOURNAL,pil'iulH'ivi xY. ly to the Improvement or' Southern Agric alt pre, Stock Breeding, Poultry, Bom, G?n?r*l Farm Economy, Ac* Illustrated wjtb mu? meroas Elegant Engraving*. ,, ONE DOLLAR A YBAR IB JONgAyCS. dajrsl lss, m. i>n <fc i>. i^mok vkditor* The 7\celfth Volume, Greatly J-proved, cofHtneneed January, 18*4. The cuiitivato*, u* large octavo of Thirty-two pages, forming a volume of 884 page* in the year. | It contains a much greater amount, of reading matter than any similar publication in the South, ?-embracing in addition to the current agricultural tonics of tho day, valuable original contributions from many of the most intelligent nna practical Planters, Farmers and Horticulturists in every section of the South and South-urtst. Terms One Copy, one year, 81; Six Copies, one rear,flT> Twenty five, " " $20 One Hundred" " $78. The Cash System will he rigidly adhered to,, and in no instance will the paper l?e sent miles* the money accompanies the order. The Bills ?f all epeoie-pnyinc Banks received at par. All money remittedhy mail, postage-paid, will b? at the risk of the Publisher. Address, WILLIAM S. JONES, Augusta, 0a. Cy Persons who'will net as Agents, and obtains subscribers, will be furnished with tho paper at. club price*, May 26, 1864, , f 1 ?IIiSB<&S(S>&fs'S IPH^'iPaDZSa&ll. Drawing-Room Companion. A iiecordof the beautiful andueeful in Art. ''T^he object of the pnj?er is to present, in JL the moot elegant mid Available form, a weekly literary melange of notable events of the day. Its columns are devoted to origiual tales, sketches and poems, by the BK8T AMERICAN AVTMOB8. and,the cream of the domestic and foreign news ; the whole well spiced with wit aud humor. Each paper is BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED with numerous accurate engravings, by eminent artists, of notable objects, current events in rill parts of the world, and of men and manner, altogether making a paper entirely orginal in its design, in this country. Its pages contain views of every populous city in the known world, of all buildings of note in the eastern or western hemisphere, of all the principal ships and steamers of the navy and merchant service, with fine and accurato : jiortraits of every noted character in the | world, both male and female, Sketches of j beautiful scenery, taken from life, will aUo , be given, with numerous specimens from tho birds of the air, and the fish of the sen. It i Is niirvl.wt (>n tii.o ivliiln nnivw ....... 1 ? - ??? %% |"?j" ' ? ??IIU IIIKI beautiful type, presenting in its mechanical execution nu elegan-specimeu of art. The size of the paper is fifteenhundrcd aan sixty four square inches, giving a great nnunit of reading matter and illustrations?a manmuth weekly ; a per ofsixteen octavo pages. Each six month will make a volume of 416 pages, with about ouo thousand splendid engravings. V Thkms :?INVARIABLY IX ADVANCE. 1 subscriber, one year f.l 00 4 subscribers," u 44 10 00. 10 44. 44 44 20 00 t One copy of Tiif. Flag of ovn Union and one copy of Glkason's Pictorial, when taken together by one person, for one year, for ?4 00. The Pictorial Drawing Room Compnion may be obtained at any of the periodica! depots throughout the country, and of newsmen, at six cents per single copy. Published every Saturday bv F: GLKARON. i Cor. t>f Trrmont nnd Br*v. fi' /d St$.. Bottom. BOSTON A DV EltTlSEM EBKT. * # i A ^ ^ ^ *?- ? I wwrui 01 TUR OUKATK8T KVKIt OVVCItliD TO TUB WOKLfcJ fl^IlE subscribers having made lirrangeJL ments with publishers in Boston, NewYoik, and Philadelphia, have commenced their Great BOOK SALE'. which will 1 .<* continued until the stuck agreed upon has I been exhausted. This stock of hooks \vhen sold, will leave a large net profit; a portion of which the i proprietors will distribute, by directors who I shall be chosen by Shareholders, but said { Directors shall have no pecuniary interest j in the matter, (save and except being paid for their time and seavioes in distribution.) j $15,000 will be invested in*farm, in the i town of liroton, Mass. SaidTfirm is situ aj tod within one mile nnd a linlf of the Centre Depot; it comprises upwards of one hundred and twenty acres of land, fifty-fire of which are under the highest state of cultivation, an orchard and beautiful garden.? There is a magnificent mansion, in complete repair, together with barns, caning*? houses and other buildings attached, $15,000 A Faim in WeatboroVknown as the "Harrington Farm," consisting of one hundred acres of Land, twelve of which are woodland. The balance is well divided into mowing, pasturing and ti:!fg?? j>!? nty of' good fruit and a large s^rnu berry |>(d and cranberry meadow. Bnildihga in good repair. The fann-honse is oie ?f tie lest . n the road, r.nd is large nnd et moii*?.(. Th**whole establishment is one of the best farmsin which Worcester County is so fr.n>oir?_ # ?7,000scs in Cambridge, n fiiu' r<wlc P/J1a*-a *i? * .. .ivui iiiv vvm jjr, mv illM valued nt 5,000 Thc second at 4,500 One modern built throe story brick *? house, in complete repair, containing IB rooms, in Oneida street, Boston, 0,000 One hundred gold eagle*, 1,000 Two Land Lots in Melrose : ona contains 28,000 feet and upward*, 500 One do. 13,000 feet anil upwards, 300 Five Piano Fortes of Chickering's make worth $450 each, distributed seperately; 2,250 Twenty-fiv? ladies' gold watches, invoiced at $55 each, 1,375 One thousand gold pencils, $4 each, 4,000 Five huiidredfl>ngravings, Washington crossing th<jj]>elHware, $4 each, '2,000 One thousand engraving*?'UncleTom' and 'Little Eva,' 1' wh, 1,000 N. \V. WET IIKK BEE & CO, | ^ m4i .. % j, ?