University of South Carolina Libraries
u , A Temperance Story. ' *? On* evening last week we took our place at the fupper table of a Cincinnati and Louisville packet.' Slipper and conversation had progressed some timo before wo were seated. " An animated discourse was going on 'twixt . , an old gentleman and an exceedingly sober fecod lady, not lew than 30 years old, on "the subject of tornperanee. "Oh T exclaimed she, with horror depioted on her lips. "I do despise the whiskey drinker !" The gentleman dropped his knife and fork, seized her hand, and, giving it a hearty shake, we thought tears were going to drop i-v 'from his twinkling eyes. "Madam, I respect your sentiments and ^ the heart that dictated them. I permit no { person to go beyond me in despising tho whiskey drinker. I have been disgusted on this very boat, and I say it now, before our worthy captain's face, what, I ask you can be 'more disgusting than to see well-dressed respectable, aye, viif-ous-looklng young men. whose mothers ere probably even now praying that the tender instruction by which their youth waA illuminated may bring forth previous'fruit in their maturity?I say, to see young men step up to the bar of tins J>oat, and, without the fear of observing eyes, or the condemnation of enlightened opinion, . -brazenly ask for old Bourbon or liye, or Mouongnheia whiskey, when in that bar there is the very bbst of Old Cognac brandy?" Mrs. Pestington's Defence for Ike. "llo's so full of life and animosity !" said Mra. Partington, in describing tho good - qualities of Ike to a neighbor who had come in to complain of him fur throwing stones at a favorite dog. "But there isn't any malice in him, and . wlien he fastened old Mr. Blaze in his own house so that he couldn't got out to drive the boys away from coasting in his field, it wasn't ugliness, through, Mr. Blaze said he'd never live till he died because ho did it.? 1 >enend on it, them boys isn't tln> worso for WHig a little mischievous, and murk it when you wi|l,** continued she, raising her finger gradually,-till' it stood perpendicular as a lightning rod, "the stillest boy isn't always the best?the still cow eats the swill?and some boys who have always hjid good inttuenzns, never profit by thein when they get so a* they can act out themselves. "For iny part I'd rather see a hoy or man show himslf right out at the beginning, than find him a boy constructor at last that I have been warming in my bosom to sting it."? The finger dropped to its wonted position, and the neighbor nodded, half convinced by her poilosophy, and went away thinking <jf a horsewhip as a remedy for troublesome hoys in li neighborhood. Hut thero is a j grain of truth in what she said. Likiuenant ctbniiual.?Congress has at i 'length passed a joint resolution conferring the title of Lieutenant (icqem! as a special honor upon Major General Scott. The distin guiehcd man is said to have been deeply affected when the intelligence was announced to him. On hearing the news the General dropj?ed his head for a moment, and tears were seen trickling a down his check. His reply was: "Let no man sny, hereafter, that his country is ungrateful to one who hasserved her faithfully. rf- ? Tlltt CoNSKljCKNCE OK NOT TaKIXO a NewskaI'Kk,?lit .Judge VTnn Hainm'sCourt at Cincinnati, a witness testified that prior to the decease of Ilenry Starr, esq., lie cmploved that gentleman to defend a suit brought against him in the Supreme Court < of Cincinnati?that lie resides twelve miles from the city?that hodocs not take a newspaper, and that when he inquired about his suit, some ten or twelve months afterwards, he learned that Mr. Starr was deceased, and that a judgment v*as rendered against him for about two h'uudred dollars. <?kn'. (jrAi)si)KX.?Tho liallimoro American any*: , A despatch, it is said, lias Wen relieved at Wellington, asserting that the recall of General Gadsden is requested by the , Mexican ^Bfemment, 011 the ground of his i interfering^ the internal dimensions of Mexico. * Don't believe i word of it. Mr. Samuel Milwke one of the oldest and most respectable citizens of Anderson, S. C., was thrown from his horse on Saturday last, ( about one mile from Anderson village, and 1 after being dragged some distance, received i injuries which speedily terminated#his exist- J ence. ' The price of frogs at Cincinnati is $3 a dozen. CPU. ' J otAuiiiiili?On ino oi'n iasis, by IUft. Alzsanher A. K?.n, Mr. w. T. SHUMATE and Muh J ASB ' HELEN, eldest dan&litcr of Cept. Javiea M. Lat ml kb, all of Greenville district, HTWe am authorized to announce Wfll A* McDanlel m It Candidate for Clerk at ~ tha ensuing election. Feb. 2. td. s H*We are authorized kto au, nouuee W. F. I'HINCE, a* a candidate for She* ill' At the ensuing election for thAt office. t ' Sept, 8. 17 te c CUT We bAVo been authorized to announoe ! \ C'Hpt. A. V. OwlllgK a candidate for Slier- i iff At the next election. ?et. t7?id. . ! MJ a Call and Settle. 1 H|MIR Account* of IllA C. WILLIAMS Havo X' been placed in ray hand* for collection. 7ho*?iJndct>ted are hereby nottiicd to make irtimedifct* aettlomeut either by caWtor llote. * 8. 1>. OOODIjm', Attorney. " f*b W 40 4 * 8t TiOOK ANl> JOB I'BISTlN'ti neatly done at J) tb* " ttaterpno* Ohoa." # ' ? A>" * 1 f SEm * * v; rnPrifr r\'?-? S3ISF W % * if 1' 4 t ' . "v?; . '< "* 1 I = ' ?" ) <*!== AreenvlUe Prleei Current. *-*? : ?* > ' *" CORRKCTKD WffCKLY FOR THC KNTRKI'RISS, 8Y JOHN W. QRAQY, MERCHANT. Greenville, February 15, 1865. BAGGING, Gunny, per yard* M ? 18 v Dundeo, 13 q 16 BACON ... .Ilnms, per lb^ 8 a 10 Shoulders, 6 a 8 Sides, . 8 a 10 J log round, " 8 BUTTER.. .Oqshen, per lb. none. Country, per lb. 15 COFFER.. .11 io, per lb. <14 Ja*n, 6er lb. 18 a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. ? 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 13 Osnaburgs, pcryd. 11 a 12^ FLOUR....Country, perbbl. a $8 Country, per sack, $3$ a $4 nrtATV n~_.. ?- l - * VAIIU, I'?r UUMIOt, to a BU Wheat, por bushel, $1$ IRON.......Swcdea, per lb. 6$ a 7 English, per lb. 5 a 5$ L^RD per lb. 10 a 11 MOLASSES, Cuba, per gal. 38 a 87$ N. 0., per. gal? 40 SYRUP....* ,l per-gab 50 a 02$ OILS Lamp, per gal. 81$ a $2$ Train, per gal. 87$ a 81$ Linseed, *1$ RICE per lb. 7 a 8 ROPE per lb. 12$ a 20 SUGARS. ..N. Orleans, per lb. 7 a 9 Porto Rico, per lb: 0 a 10 * Loaf, per lb. ? ' 12$ Crushed, per lb, 12$ Refined, per lb. 10 a 12$ SALT .per bushel, 81 Salt, per back, a 2 25 SOAP Colgate,pale, 2$ ? 15 Yollow, per lb. 8 a' 10 SHOT per lb. 12$ Shot, per bag, 82$ a 82$ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T ?- J o ri, u ?ri m i juuuuuxi oc uo b. xamiiy mociicines. INDIAN EXPECTORANT, SarMparilla Syrup, Carminative Balsam, etc., etc. These Medicines have been before the public, and liavOga.ned a high reputation its Valuabik and Sake * Family Mediriu<?? 'They are the result of long experience, nnrl are prepared in the most careful manner. Loudon <1 Go. s ALMANAC, for gridnitous distribution, giving a list of these MeoifcBes, and a full Catalogue of Diseases, their Symptoms and Treatment. Carter'* (UpauiNli Mixture, tho most popular and valuable Remedy for all diseases of the Blood. Mexicau TOiiatniiff Lfiiicneiit, the great standard Medicine of this country. Littlrf'ft WitlK) Oil, the best preparation for tho various disoases of Horses, viz: Swcllod Joints, Sprains, (Juts, Gulls, Scratches, Poll Evil, Fistula, etc., etc., and many other Valiml?? Preparation*, to be sold at tho Drug Store of E. K HUTCII. Feb 23. 41 1 A Popular Club. rpiIG two best $3 Magazine* in tlie Union? A Godey's Lady's Book uml Harper's Magazine, will he sent one year on receipt of $4.50. . Address, L. A. OODEY. 113 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Fob. 23. 41 1 B RUCK'S NEW-YORK TVHJ-EGUN1>RY, e* tahlished in 1813, has now on hand, ready for immediate delivery, in fonts to suit purchasers, 100,00 lbs ROMAN TYPE of new but, 50,000 " FANCY TYPR , 10.000 ** SCRIPTS of various styles, 5,000 " GERMANS, ' ? 5,000 " ORNAMENTS in great variety, J' 5,000 " BORDERS, 30,000 feet BRASS AND TYPE METAL RULES, and all the novelties in the business. All the above Types are cast by steam power, of the new composition of metal peculiar to this foundry, and WHICH JS CERTAINLY BUPF.KI- i nu > - ,1,,, ... hi>t cvri i??i wiorc in hdii part of the j world. Hie unequalled rapidity ill the process j of ousting, enables nic to sell these more durable j types at the prices of ordinary types, cither on credit or for cash. 1 Presses, Wood, Types and all other Printing Ma- | terinls,except Paper and Cards, (which have no fix- | ed quality or price, furnished at manufacturer's , prices. , 1 Tlie latest Specimen Book of the Foundry is freely given to all printing offices, on the receipt j of fifty cents to prepay the postage. Printers of newspapers who choose to publish | this advertisement, including this noto.three times ! before the first day of July, 1865. and fbrward me ! one of the papers^ will be allowed their bills at,the | time of purchasing five times the amount of my i manufactures. New-York, Feb. 12, 1855. Address, GEORGE BRUCR 13 CFIAMBF.RS-ST. New-York. The Furm&n Univenjity. IN CONSEQUENCE of the circulation of a rumor-that 'fSOAUDING could uojt be obtained Tor the Students of tlfis Institution upon reasonable terms, it is deemed propcrto give notice that Hoarding and Lodging (exclusive of lights and washing) can be obtaiuea for a large numlwr of students at (11 per month. For lights n,.J washing, $1 00 each is charged. Apply to either >f tho Faculty or to the undersigned. 0. J. KLFOltD, Treasurer, feb 15 40 ' 3t 3. zniJTas:, MAIN-STREET, GREENVILLE, S. C. Dealer in drugs, medicines, hi/roi- ; eal Instruments, l'ainta, Dye-Stuf}*, Vnr- i lishee, Drug Glassware, Futty, Tobacco, Sega?*, I hiirit Gas, Oils Candles Soaj>?, Spices, brushes, j I'oilet Articles, Combs, l'erfunicryf etc. Iclreah and ?uh> 3)*?./as. iro warranted and sold at low price*. ?yf>r- j lers from Merchant* and Physicians respectfully elicited. jtf;3 Peraona acinling for Medicines at ' hi? Store may rely on having them compounded ;i vith neatness, accuracy and daopatch. February 3. 38 tf roisra ?oofii, IVatcli Haker and JcnfHcir, UNDER WREN'S HOTEL, i, KEEPS always on band Gold nu?l SllVet WaiclHM, and JEWELRY of ev ry doner!pti on. Fauov Good* and Perfumery, i I'loeka, Watche* nnn Jewelry repaired in the I seat manner. IL.-J dee. 2Jt, 83 ^ ^ ikv 9 $ > ffM' A' J> vi W << ?i> it fnt * * *""Tt jTTA\J^j#^?9spoiuti^ (>)1. H<?bk?t P. Guon1 XI ijfrc vrifh tor*'If tn the mercantile busiucss, the <?aid business will be carried ou andcr the iiftrue and style of GRADY & QOODLLtf, ut my old stand on the south; went corner of the ' (public bo euro. 1 borcby take occasion'to return ! my thanks for the liberal * patronage heretofore bestowed pn me, and solieit- a continuance of the Mime for tho new firm almre referred to, [ feeling confident.-that wo will be able fo give j satisfaction to all,\ylio may favor ua with a call I It. is with reluctance that I must truly say that J necessity construing me, to notify tho** .who are . indebted to too sitliet?. by notour book account | previous to 1st of Jauuary, 1866, to call and pav , up. , JOUN W. GRADY, ' I January 23, IBM. O0-pi.B.TI?SE.GHIP. TI1K undersigned having formed a copartnership under the name and style of GRADY i <fc pOODLFlT, and taken the stock of GOoda and Store of John W. Gninr, will continue the business. We hoju f&Y^VIl 3^%kbv promp'. attentions to merit oSflBRK ooutinuance of tho liherol patronage heretofore given tho business. Ojir stock is very csrapleto now, ami preparations are making to enlarge it soon. Give us a call. JOIfN W. GRADY, ROITf. 1\ GOODLLTT. Janunry.23, 1866. 1' British Periodicals. EARLY COPIES SECURED. LOliXARD RCOTT & CO., New-York, continue to re-pabli?li the follow British Periodicals, viz: 1. The London Qauuterly (Conservative) 2. Tup EiuKDUKpn Review (Whig1.) 3. The N. British Rkvlkw (Free CLurch) i 4. The Westminister Review (Liberal) 5. Blackwood's Ed. Maoazike (Tory.) rI"MIE present critical Ptate of European af.1. fairs will render these publications unusually interestfng during the forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle ground "between the Lustily written news-items, crude speculations and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the ponderous Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the great political events of the time shall have jmssed awav. It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelligible and reliable history of current events, und as such; in addition to their well-established literary, scientific, rihI, theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. Arrangements arc now permanently made for the reecipt of Early Sueets from tho British Publishers by which we are enabled to place All our Rkdiiints in tho hands of subscriber*, about as soon as they caii be furnished with the foreign copies. Although this involves a very large outlay on our pari, we shall continue to furnish the Periodicals at tho same low rates as heretofore, viz :? Per ann. For any one of tho four Reviews $3 00 For any. two of the four Review s 5 00 For any three of tho four Reviews 7 00 17 11* t ? - f rur ?111 lour OI lUCiVOVieWS. 8 00 j For Blackwood's Magazine .'3 00 j For Blackwood and 13 Reviews ft 00 For Blackwood tfc thfc 4 Reviews 10 00 Payment* to be made in all cases in advance. Money current in the Stale white issued will bencuvd at jxtr. CLUBBING. ! A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above prices will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or mure copies of any one or more ?>f the above works. Thus: Four copies of Black wood, or of ono Review, will besent to one address for $9 ; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $.10 ; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered through A gaits, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the Uni| tod States will be but Tu'tnty-jive cents a ! year for ^Blackwood, and but Fourteen cents a vear for each of the Reviews.* Remittances and cominunications should always be addressed, post-paid, to tho Pub ! Ushers, LEONARD SCOTT <fc CO., 54 GOLD STREET, New York. N. 13.?L. ti. Co. r<v/>i.?1iT *\iiKltul?-I - - -, J p Oil, and hare now for sale, tho "FARMERS GUI UK," by Ilenry Stephens, </Edinburgh, and, tlie late Prof. Norton, of Yalo College, New lfaven, complete in 2 vols., royal octavo. containing lOuO pages, 14 steel and 600 wood engravings. Price, in muslin biuding, #6. JRjfTiiis work is not the old "liook of the Fann," lately resuscitated and thrown upon the market. Eating Saloon. OYSTERS, HAM. EGG AND|] . COFFEE. , r?^IlE undersigned having opened their Saloon , _1. for the coming m iumn are prepared to fur- , rush Oyster Suppers at the shortest notice. They ( are In receipt of Frasli Oysters, direct from , Charleston, twidft during the week. Excellent Cigars, Oranges, Cocoa S'nte, etc., on han?L? 1 Their Saloon uiuy he found in tlie cellar beneath he Saddlery of Mr. (4. Hkiomam, nenr tho river, Main-street: Open every night, except Sunday. ' wiUaON' COOK, l ov/iijt iitvk^iLR. ! r Feh. 9. IkSff. 89 tf J Sons of Temporanco. rI~MIE Members of Greenville Division ?>'o. 19. ! J will assemble at the llall, recently fitted up ] on the corner of Mrs. Thruston's lot, on Saturday ] evening next. A punctual attendance of the ] Members desired. S. B. HARTWEIX, It. S. \ fob 1? 40 If | Furman University, ' HpUK Treasurer will attend at the University ' I from 9 o'clock, till 12 M., during the first | week of the approaching tolju. fcf the purpose of i receiving the tuition foe*. which are required to ' be paid soTui-annually in advance Students who attend the University upon schol-) arshijis of others tran?fcrod, for tho time to them, ?r?" ruuuewn iu profluri" written trmUfera of the 111110. v. i l'avmont* pf t .til ion motyoy by jbraona owing I bond* pivet. f.?r?hy e?tfiUjphn?<* ?. ot' the t'nivcr I iitj* will lw regarded iii.fien ??f <> mueh eonenr 5 rent interest njx>n aaid bond#, And ? oortifleate I to that cffec t|??:jH be givon. ^ar 5 C. Jf. l:i FORD, fmatfrer, 1 .Tannart 11 U If ' . V . % rTw \ I Sr ?R tfM f"'Ttf|''' ' TDK nEOCXATt MKKTtuge Of Mountain Uo'nor, No. ::,. I. o. <>. F., are held <ni ^VtLUi?^Fridaveveninga at 7 o'clock hi' tficir Hall. W. I*. MoHKK, Oecrctart/. ? "? Grcunville, Jan. 12 85' |"Sj^ PE?A?ICJK. flKfR.NViu.K PivinioV, No. 19,? S. Of T., M^r*' bold tb' ir mooting* weekly, At tho I??viaion ltoom,(iu McUee'a IlnlDSaturdairevenitigs: J. II. GOWEft, A. Ji. -i. January IS 3,5 t Gummr* r:mrm YOU are requested to meet at the Division Room of the Sons of Temperance until further orders. Meeting?Friday Evening*. By order of W. IV 1'rk k, VT.-. 1'.'. January 12. 85 tf , - v, REED & GOODLETT, . &iisw$>}XStt&r3B ayi? pw, . Grefiiville, H. . JtyOffico next door to F. F. Heattik <kCo. j. f.] [^. i). oooim.ktt. January 12 3.r> tf LAST NOTICE. L!j FEUSONS indebted to o, A. Fickijc. on ! IX. account previous to March lost, are earnestly requested to call on W. K. Easi.kv and settle the same, as further indulgence Cannot be ! allowed. J. 15. IliTTTs, Assignee. January 5. 84 tf "111 ERMAN & (At tbo Old Stand of B. Dunham,) U AVISO bought from the Greenville Manufacturing Company their interest in the i . TIN NINO BURINKS8, and also their entire STOCK OK DRY 0001)9, SHflflBBAgricultural Implements. Ac.. Ac., on hand,-would respectfully inform Merchants, Farmers, and tho public generally that they will i curry on the above business in all its Various branches, and hones by prompt attention and j LOW PRICKS to 1 >o lila-rally patronized. They will keep constantly ou hand all kinds of ftt Wholesale and Retail. Copper iV Slirct-Iron Ware, Stove, Stovo Pipe, &c. made to order on short notice. TIN PLATE AND TINNER'S MATERIALS always on hand and for sale LOW for CASH. \ PRINTING, WRITING, LETTER A WRAPPING PAPER always on liaud, iu any quantity, at low price*. Cash paid for RAGS, BEESWAX, OLDi CO PI'Kit AM) OLD PKWTKll COUNTRY PRODUCE generally taken in exchange for GOODS. J. Tl. SHERMAN, J. R. 1IILL. ' Greenville, December 29. 33 tf M WLZ HAVING sold to J. D. SHERMAN our interest in the Tinning Business and Store at this place wo would say to all indebted to us that wo need the roonov they owe us, and that it must lie paid by the first of January next, and xo mistakk, for our Rooks must be closed. GREENVILLE MANUFACTURING CO. Bv J. B. SllKUMAX, Ag't I Nov. 24. "ow i A. HANSMAN, HOUSE, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL AND DECORATIVE a" ea ^ " a- at2<a <? TAPKR-HANOKR, lUUlKtt, (il.AZIP.K A ITllOUIIiKER. GltEKN YIl.LK, S. C. lf}"(Irders loft at Ibis Oflice attended to. JST24 ' 28 6m DoBow's Review. 4 DA1TKD primarily to tho Southern and xV Western States of the Union. Including statistics of Foreign and Domestic Industry und j Enterprise. Published Monthly in New Orleans, j at ?6 per annum in advance. A few Complete sots of the work, thirty vol-'' umes bound handsomely (600 to 680 pages,) are1 for sale nt. the olHce, New Orleans, deliverable i in any of the large cities or towns. Pufdicution office, Merchants' Exchange, (over ' post-office,) New-Orleans. Postage two cents per 1 number if pre-paid quarterly. JJ21?10 THE WEEKLY HERALD. The Best General Newspaper in the World. fTMlE Nt.w York Weekly IIkrai.o is publish-1 1 ed every Saturday morning. Its contents embrace all t he news of tho great events of the day, reports of meetings, of theStateLegislature, and of Congress; important public documents; European and homo correspondence; financial and commercial information, and editorials of general interest, that have appeared in the Xkw York Daily 11iriali?. It is neatly printed, in clear type, on a large douhe quarto sheet of forty-eight columns?a book-?a directory in it-self?and forms one of the best and most valuable weekly newspapers in the world. The greatest earo is taken to obtain the latest and most reliable inteligence of important movements in nil parts of the world. No expense is spared for this purpose. The subscription price is three dollars per annum, payable iu advance, or sixpence per single copy. Editors of newspapers throughout the country are particularly requested to act as a- ; gents. They *will recleve twsnty-tiyo per j cent commission on all cash subscriptions. ] Any person obtaining five or more subscribers will be ullowed the same commission. terms or clubs. For 1 copy of Weekly IIkhaki>, 1 year 00 ; r iv? copies iio. ilo. 11 25 j r. M do. do. 22 50 j Fifteen ' do. do. 35 7oi lNvent^y do, do. 4ft Of) | twenty-fivo do. do. Aft 50 i Hiirty , do. do. ??* 50 J Hurty-five do. do. 78 7ft , Forty do. ?ft>. ?b 0<i h'ortyfivo do. do. 101 2ft ' Fifty do. do. 112 50j All letters to be addressed to .Tamos (Jordon ITennett, proprietor and editor of thi New Yohk Hwi.w.n, >icw York eity. Remittances nniMt l?e . nado in funds current in thin city. Advertisements inserted in the Weekly Hntild for thirty cents per line.' 16 fe'b. Cabinet Making. r>KSl'li<rtH"ia.V informstliacitiaeiriKofGroen- j IV villo that he Unprepared to ruakehTUM-' riTRK : nuch ^waJptgt, Sideboards. Bureaus, j Foliling-leuf TaHlaa^autro Tftbbv W nrd robes, : to., Ac., and hope*to erosive a liberal patron l^je. Jle mavbo found at tin- Work-Shop *ear lie corner and Kuneoiiihe Street*, in the *e*r vf f\ C?Jjtii!^Bl?6kiimith Shop. Ore?nrill?, 0#f)b?r 6. MnkV gwr' . .... iVif i*\ i *V JWP'- & y yjr . Give Us a Call! TUS ettl*ew hero return iheir sincere thanks to their frieii ls ^nd customers, for Uw liberal patronage ami influence hitherto extended to them, and hope the same will be continued. Their assortment of AJKIiCl 1A VT TAliOr.INO OOODS, though small, is well selected, and of superior quality. Tlieir stock consists of the finest Cloths, Cassintrcs, Fancy Silk and Satin Vctdnyt^Slocks, Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves, <kc. Ji Also, choice l'UltFUMERfES .-.r.d EXTRACT?! for Cakes, Jellies, die. AH of which will be sold on ?ood term* Such articles as .they have not on hAuda, the subecrihers will be happy to order { ivr uii'ir unii-oua aim nid tneni in making selec- j tions. They would ulso add that they have the teat workmen engaged in the Tailoring Department, | and that all work will be esecuU-d promptly and warranted good. The subscribers would also take this opportunity of requesting those indebted to them to call without delay, and nettle 'their dues. Their agent at Oreeuville, Mr. O. A. PicgLr, has no leisure to enll on debtors, and the subscribers hope that all indebted will call ou him and payup as early us possible. C. W. PICKLE A CO. Jarrnarv 13. 85 . 3t Mountaineer will please copy three times, i The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. I LOUISA GILES, wife of Usr.sY Gam, a a firmer of Greenville District, hereby gives tiotieo that in one month frotn the date hereof, I will carry on the business of a BAKF.ll, in the District aforesaid, live miles from Greenville C. II., on my own account as ? sole trader, accord* ing to law in sdeh ease made and provided. LOUISA GILE9. . February 2. 83 i 41 Thompson & Easloy, ATTORNFVR AT I A \A/ * (JKEVNVIIleVIT3~a * 1 June 28. 1S.54. 6 . g I _ . | STATKOF SOI T1I CAROLINA. (J it KEN V11.LE DISTRICT. In Equity. Wellborn Barton, Executor, Ac., ve. Williams Cox. Executor, <to., ami others.?llill in Equity. Ac count, Relief, Sale of Property, Ac, rI"MIE Complainant having filed h'rs amended JL hill in this case, making the legatees and 1>ersons interested in the will of the late Mrs. iccrt-hcba Cox parties to this suit, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that Rufus W. Kolger and his wife Merinda Fodger, A. W. Lancaster and his wife Mary Jane Lancaster, Louisa A. Barton, Perry Burton and Eniilv R, Barton his wife, Gustnvus A Taylor and Mrs. Taylor, his wife, reside without the limitsof this State: It is ordered that the above named the Defendants do answer, plead or demur to the Comfduinaut's hill, within three months from the pnbication of this rule, or that the said bill will be taken pro confesso as to these Defend cut*. S. A TOWXES, C. E G. D. N17 27 Bra. STATE 5' SOITH CAKOLIMA. GUKKNV1LL7C DISTRICT. In Equity. Nancy MeKinney vs. Alexander MeKinney, Williuin MeKinney, Daniel MeKinney, John MeKinney, Joseph MeKinney, Amcnda Dill and Nail H. Dill, Elizabeth Russell and James Russell, FlenitningMeKinney, Clarinda MeKinuey, Harriet A. Calloway, Clarinda C. Calloway and James F. Calloway;?Bill for Partition of Real Estate, Ac, 'pilK Complainant having filed her Bill with * the Commissioner, and it appearing to the ! satisfaction of the Court, that Elizabeth Hawaii ' and Jatnes Russell, her husband, reside without thclinuls of this State: It is ordered, on motion of B. F. IVrrv, Complainant's Solicitor. that the said Elizabeth Russell and her husband, Janus Russell, do answer, plead or demur to Complainant's bill, within' three months from this date, or the same wilt be taken pro coufesap as to tlufse Defendants. S. A. TOWXES. C. II G D. Greenville C. II., 2d November, 1864. 3m 1 N 17 27 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, j GREENVILLE DISTRICT. aasr cgDimmaw sp&aLAB. i John W. Grady ) vs. > Attachment. Win, M. Butler. ) A\7"lIF,HE.Wtho Plaintiff did on the 16tl. day IT of October, 1854, fil?! his declaration against the lb-fondant, who, (as it is said) is absent from and without the limits of the State, and 1ms neither wife or attorney now within the same upon a hum a copy of this declaration might be served. It is therefore ordered, that the said defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration on j or before the nineteenth dav of October, which | will he in the year of our I.ord one thousand eight hundred and fiftv-five, otherwise final and al solute judgement will then be given and awarded ugainst liiui. D. IIOKE. 0. C. P. Clerk's Office, Greenville District, j October 17, 1864. ) 3mly LOTTERY & EXCHANGE OFFICE, (Under the Eutaw Houge, No. 8,) BALTIMORE ST. T>EG to call particular attention to the splen13 did selection of MAfJUlFlCENT LOTTE-1 IIIRi draw ing daily. The Capitals in each Lot-j terv range from the small amount of $<1,000, to the Stupendous Sum of Ticket* varying in price of from $1 to ?'20. I Our success in sidling i'rizea hn? been entirely be- j yon'i our expectations. We have sold and cash- j ed Prizes during the lnetyear, amounting in tlje j aggregate to ove.r One Million of Dollars' PACK AGK8 OF TICKETS containing all the nnnibera in the Lottery, always on hand, ranging in price from $8 60 to *4.'!<)?Prizes from $4,000 to $100,000. . A single package can draw the 4 highest Prizes in the lottery. Orders solicited through the Post-Office. Our Monthly ltiilletin containing the Schemes of all Lotteries one month in advance of the clay I of drawing, sent to ail who order it, Free of Charge. 'J'hankfnl for past favors wo respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage so libcrsllv bestowed on ne heretofore. All Business strictly private and confidential. For Priuc* either by the Package, Single lick or Shares, be snre to call on or address your orders to the Old Established .House of SMALLWOOD & CO., JVf>. 8, How,*,'Baltimore* Afd. \ August 11, 1*64. II 3m ! The publ liners 0J?tafu1 aM^ knowledgniento forth* liomWr Kitli which 4 they have bacn sustained, and afe encouraged to renewed effort*. In a few mitAthii the pittfcation of Full-length Portrait)*;of some oHR Most Celebrated Musical Peraohages will l>o commenced. . The following ara uow in the bauds of an eminent artist. to bo pngraved. viz., Jcnnv bind, AnnA Tbillon, H. foiling, Catharine tlnyee, Alboni. aud Mr*. 4 E. G. Boelwick. If the?e s)a*uId meet with favor, although very expensive, they will b? followed by other* of u similar diameter?as the publishers are determined that the Wreath and Annual shall continue to be the liest of the Dollar Magazines. ' The Literary Matter will bo entirel** original; from the ablest and purest writers in the country. Every thing of an immoral or irreligious character will be carefully excluded. We intend to present the public Avitli a work which shall blend entertaimnent with instruction, and not only captivate the tasta, hut also elevate the thoughts and improve the heart?in short, to make the Wreath and Anntla) "a wclconv* visitor in every family" The Literary Departineut will be ably sustained. All who are interested in a puie Family Literature, and are willing to assist in foste:ing the best native tMent, are invited to become subscribers and aid in its ciicubtlioh. Erich number will contain a fine steel Engravinsr. and a Tbirtv-two Lww 1'nges, printed on fine paper. The May uutiiher will have an attractive Title-page, making in nil Twenty five Embellishments, and a volume of Four aud Thirtyfour f.ages I Notwithstanding the increased cost of the work by the advance in the pijce of pn|>er and printing, we shall continue to furnish the work at the following exceeding low price: One Dollar a Vear, in Advauee; Four Oojries, one vcar, 13,00; Seven Copies, ? 5,00.; Ton Copies 87,00 ; Fifteen Cornea* 810,00. Money may be sent by mad, at the risk of the publishers, if inclosed in the presence of a postmaster, whose certificate will be taken as evidence. Postago-atampfl may be sent in place of change. All communications in any w ay connected with the Wreath and Annual must be directed tiiKt.n'li.l tn r "'""BURDICK & SCOVIL. No 8," Spruce Street, New York. Dodge's Literary Museum. r|^HE NINTH VOLUME of the Museum ?om.JL mcuced Saturday, June &th, 1H54, which fur excels all preceding volumes of this widely circulated and independent Literary and Family Journal, both in, typographical upjiearence ni.d in the value of its original contents. The Mnecnm claims to stand second to no literary journnUn the United States, boasting a corps of Gifted Contributors whose names are enrolled in the list of the most eminent of American Authors, and whose effusions have long graced the pages of this paper. This is the Seventh Year of the Museum's existence, and its prosperity has been one of such a sure and substantial character, as to warrant the great and constant outlay made by the Pro prietor, in order to secure and increase for it a brilliant reputation. The Lditoiial Department is conducted by 0&?ian p. Poiou and J. W. Hanson. TKIOIS invariably in advance: One copy! year, ?2.00 ; One Volume, f 1.60. Four eopies, one year, ?6.00. Aud all above four copies at the same rate. Single copies to he had at all the Periodical stores in tlicwivilized world. We will send one eopj' each, of the Museum and Godey's Lnd'ys Book, for one year, to each subscriber, for $4.00. Also the Museum nnd the N. England Cultivator, for one year, for ffl.00. Persons wishing tlie direction of their papers changed should inform its of the Post Office to which they arc now sent, as well as of those to wliu-h they wish lluni ?<:t.L All letters w)u:tcv?r, respecting the breinres miiiiR^eiiK-iit or editorial d< paitmer.t, to he nJdr??s?J lo OSS1AIS K. bODGK, Xo. 12 ^chool-strceV, Bwton, Mas#. S fX}I?a3al^S?2ff93 2PS3m,<p!a3&& Drnwing-lloom Companion. A Record of the Icaui'jtd anduseful in Art. rI^he object of tlie paper is to present, in X the most elegant and available form, a weekly literary melange of notable events of the day. Its columns are devoted to original tales, sketches and ]K>ems, by tho BEHT AMERICAN AUTHORS. and the cream of the domestic and foreign news ; the whole well spiced*with wit and humor. Each paper is IJKAUTIEULI.Y I1.LU|M0LTED with numerous accurate enjtfnviiigs, by erainent artists, of notable objects, current events iu all parts of the world, and of men and manner, altogether making a paper entirely orginal in its design, in this country. Iu pages contain views of every populous city in the known world, of ail buildings of note in the eastern or western hemisphere, of all tlis principal ships and steamers of the navy arid merchaut service, with fine and accurate portraits of every noted character in tha wqrld. both male and female, Sketches of bcaujifnl scenery,4 taken from life, will also be given, w ith numerous specimens from the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea. * It is printed on fine white paper, with new and beautiful type, presenting in its msdftmiical execution an elegan-specimeu of art. The .size of the paper is fifteen hundred ana sixty four square inches, giving a great amnnt of reading matter and illustrations?a maninoth weekly paper ofdxtoen octavo pages. Each six month will make a volume of 41ft pages, w itil about one. thousand splendid engravings. Terms ISVAltlAtiLY IN ADVANCE. i euiocnDer, cue year 1 t3 00 4 subscribers," - 14 1000 10 44 " u 20 00 One copy of Tub Flao of our Uirioiir and one copy of Glbason's Pictorial, whew taken together by one person, for one year, for $4 00. The Pictorial 1>i?awtxo Room Compnion may be obtained at any of the peiiodical depots throughout the country, aud of newsmen, at six oents ]>er single cuny. 4 Published every Saturday bv1M' F. GLEASOKv _ fter. fr*t Br+r*ih a W