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7 ? . w \ " .'* * v'v*? *# Aa? &2U^2?S* ?aa ?m yi^as^yw?n^ia^i^ w g -*^* ttf*W? fcnorr that tfcc following will 'prote int?Mgting tq onr yonng readers. Many of thorn ao dwbt, hare enjoyed themselves finely during the holidays, and are prepared to rejoice with our friend Jor. in the possession of many nice and *! gift*-?Kn. ENTURrRist ? %%*,? J "?i '*>.< . . ?A. * uy jor, n jHusky mvti. 3'' I know tliat n repetition of tbe pronoun /nillttf /l/filMil ilia v/-^im.l on* l.lti fsus 1 M vuvtivi viiv i.?, uuVAi V *?l | UUl HJT UH^ I cnnnot help making myself the hero of my own story in the present instance. I never, will forget the naturaf the Christmas pics-, eats which 1 had the fortune or misfortune to receive this* year, (1834.) I received a present of k frog made of ifedla rubber, from ? deaf and duirib young Hidy of Washington, I). 0., who was then on a visit to her friends in'Philadelphia. And a. eapipil gift it was. I made merry over it, and gave thanks to my kind donor-for it. Rely on rt, I almost fell in love with that trumpet of a girl, the sender of thocounteifeit frog. .She is on thiB eve of marriage. When the "event" takes place, may she bo wrapped up in the heaven, of enraptured delight. Her intended husband, though deprived of the faculty of speech, is something of a poet. T used to* study with liira, years agnne. . The next favor I received; whs n beautiful silver tooth pick from the " belle of Oata wissa that was," as "Miss E?, is popularly called. I, of course, was in raptdves with it. She is a graduate of the Philadelphia i Institution for the (leaf and dumb, well edu- { CAtcd, aud highly respected. Her lover, also a mute, has the sweetest dnA- v.f > f.??? i ever saw'. E?, 1 gUd|v greet you upon your success iu uiuking so iiaudsQmo u mnn worship at you* shrine. Picture to j yourself, ;dear, the exquisite felicities of mar- ' riage. Marry as soon as you can. That love of a silver apple kuife is a gift from my good friend Mrs. P?, deaf and dumb, and wife of one of mv fellow-teachers. She also presented me with a nice cup, lined outside with two large human cars attached to h man's face, and a wooden man, standing to the appearance, seven feet in his stockings, stick in hand, checks covered with whiskers, brown, and blue pantaloons. She has a highly intellectual daughter, now in her ninth year ; who; the good girl, gave mo ! A picture of two girls sitting in a boat manned by a boy, the whole enclosing nu ounce of sugar candy, and n piece of stone rcprc- ; Muting a fat man habited in a drab coat, ! his cheeks sticking out with fatness. This j little girl is blessed with all the senses, and can make signs. own pupil, au Indian girl, and whoso ; pother is likewise a mute, made inc a pres- j vu* oi iwo pieces or candy, one representing | ? horse and its rider, the other n baskets? I i ?he is still a semi-barbarian, yet she is generous, and ardently attached to those who do ! Iter a good thing, ljor father deceased a few months ago. lie coo Id hear and speak. A young man, deaf from childhood, was pleased to favor me with a beautiful picture j of a rose, which might adopt any drawingroom. To-use a vulgar phrase, ho " knows a thing or-two." To his credit be it said, j los benevolence extended itself beyond bis j <JWn family circle to many boys and girls. A lively, good looking girl, partially deaf, , and whose parents are well otTin some wealth, ' did me the honor to give ine a big man, with j 4 night cap on, done in sugar. I wsude-j lighted with the thing, for T am fond of the i ludicrous. Let me say a word about this girl. Sho can dance, and paint, and work in 14 rich embroidery." She has a keen appreciation of the ludicrous, and will laugh loudly and long. In conversation she is five m.'yl '* T I , ^Mhisible, and entertaining. But bea^of all, a delicate little girl, now nine yearn of age, gave me a Christina* kivi, a kiss of childish love, which, depend upon it, filled my heart with joy unspeakable. O how I love this sweet little angel! She came to the Institution when only six years of age, having lost her father, nud her mother being too poor to support her. When I gaze on her blue eyes, how I wish she was iny own daughter. She often comes to and lays her little head on my knee to sleep uwhilo. None hut a father can imagine how 1 feel when I see her dear bend reclining up on my knee. Philadelphia, Pa. j^JThe Japanese Lapieb.?The Susqiifhnn- j na, which recently left Simodn, Japan, found on it* second *Ui', a Really improved disposition to foreigh intercourse amongst all classes. 'Even, the ladies have lost much of the reserve and ditfideaco which formerly charjwnerued thera and prevented us from having a eight of them. Iadeeri it seas not nnnsual to see officers sitting hi the houses j wjtii oacwral ladies and gentlemen around tltNB ; the former frequently pitying a navtioe gaitar or else anxiot^y engaged in convenation, eager to learn (hie English names of things and the mam^m.and customs of the people of our own r^Wkr, and some ex . piaaalng a warmdaeire sodn to be abtfto visit the land of flwr n*v acquaintances." * A, jn -aJ^n._pii, >> ? 'ii it, : >. M f nrttblr trim tfc* 6ttami. . It happened oiide, on a bright hummtrs day,-that I wa? striding near when^< H Little bird flew down, seekthg Ssater.-? ] Ther6 was, indeed, a iHrge trough ndAt* tbo \ well, but it was empty," and I grieved for a ( moment to th|iuL that Jmiiuu ctculurv "uiUs4 . ^ro away thimty ; but it settled npou the edge of the trough, Ivcnt it's little liend' dow?wardsvihon, raised it again/ spread ifc* wings, and soared away, singing; its tUirfct 1 *r a*.-appeased.. 1 v ulkcd up to-the trough and there in the stone work, I saw a little hoirr about the stee of a wren'* egg. The < water hold there had been a source of reviv al J and refreshment; it had found enough for < the present, and desired no itiore. This is ? I eonteidnii nt. I Again, I stood bv n lovely,'sweot-aiiiolling j flower, and there came a hoe, humming and sinking; and it chose the flower for its field ( of sweets. l?ot. the flower had no honey.-? This I knew, for It had no ncctarv. What tfyen, thought^, will the bee do 1 It came buzzing out of the cup to take n further ftirrht- but as it came OMt it s'nied the atamena ' lull of goUJpn farina, good for making wax, and it rolWd its little legs against them till s tlicy looked like yellow bosC, a?, the beekeeper Sny ; and then, thus heavily laden, 1 (lew away home. Then 1 said?-.'Thou i earnest seeking honeys aud finding none, j hast been satisfied with wax, and hath stored j it for thy house that thy labor might not he in vain. Thou likewise, shall be to me a lesson of contentment.' j The night is far ajH-nt?the dark night of j trouble?that sometimes threatened to close around us, but the day is at hand ; even in ' the night there were stars?1 hnvo looked 1 on them, and been comforted ; for as one set L could sec auethcr iis?, and each wa? a Wnm> showing ine somewhat of the depth of the I riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of'' I (lixl. Little Dam Brook. ; i 1 A clkkovm.vx seeing a little boy playing > 1 j in a small stream by the road side, inquired l I for his father. 'lie's over to the little dam brook,1 exclaimed the lad. ^ 'Wbiu r said the reverend gentleman, j shocked at the hoy's profanity ; 'cnu't you j spenk without 6wenritig ? " j 'Weill he is over the iiulodain brook any how persisted the bov, as lie went spatter- 1 ing through the water and mud after a but terrty. 'He's been to tlio little dam brook ; all day, and if you don't believe, it, you can * go up to tliat house and ask mother." Tlie clergyman sought an interview with r the niotlier immediately, and complained of I the profanity of the child. After telling her,1 ji however, what the lad had said, she laugh-! ^ ingly informed him that 'little dam brook1 j 1 wns a title by which the stream was called j l to distinguish it from 'big dnm brook,' situn | ted a few miles further to the east Ward. l IIo now felt that he had wronged the ' < boy, and, therefore, owed him nn apology. "( Hurrying back to the spot, lie exclaimed : 1 . \ 'Boy, 1 wronged you in accusing you of swearing; but you should have told me that! little dmn brook'was only the name of a stream, and then I would not have scolded , you.' ^ 1 'n ell, 'taint no difference,' said the lu?p-' py youngster, as he held aloft a struggling , frog that ho had speared with his mother's j c elothes stick. 'There's a big dam on big I dam brook, and and a lijlle dmn on little [ a dam brook,.and we would have nlittle dmn \ on this brook, only, I Vpect it's so small it j <] ain't worth a Ham? * ov Jok "M'Ikoa.n's Lri'n.Kj DAixmTKK.?She was wont ta run over, v to the tavern in the evening to lead n homo. lifti* rlriiiitufl T,,^r ?.=. .-I... till HVt '? VI |U C ?U r*> i IV." was entering the door one night, Slack- c hurled a tuinbk-r fither lather, but it struck her upon the head, and resulted c in her death. .. . ' a Morgan bent down.liis ear. 1 "You will onl y have one lefV' Mary ,t said "only inoUiur. And who cries so much when you.aro away*" "1 won't leave her, Mary, only wbeni <> I go to work," said -Morgan w hi* per- t ing back to tho child, uand I'll never n gq out at night any more." ] c "Yes, you promise nie that." I' "And I'll promise more:" ,11 "What, father f j "Never go to the tavern again." o "Never i' s "No, never. Ahd lit promise still ' more." 1 -Father T i "Never to take a drop of Ihpto'r us g long as I live." t> -Oh, father! dear t'other V and with t a cry of joy pom* Mary started up and I flung herself upon Lis breast. Morgan * drew liis arm around her tightly, and 1 sat for a long time with his hps pressed J tto her check?-whileshe lay against his Imsom still as death. As death ! Yes; for when the father unclasped his arms, 1 mc tjpirfcLoi ins cmia wits with the an- t gels. 3 Aunt Rosy was dividing n mince t pie among the boya, and when who had wickedly pulled the chi'p tail,! i asked fofhis share, the dame replied, \No, Jim, yon are a wicked l?ojr, and < the Bible says there is no track for the wicked. ? A mfxtubmay. popped his head , ! through a ; Hilar ifeop window, in order to obtain a full view of the fair opera- | tives, exclaimed : i What o*tl<xk is it I % i Lhapn which the tailor lifted his lap boaA and struck him a blow on the*' heaa/answering: i II niu strnolc one. _ "II faience In AiS^^b^inlg?., lUet woek he visited thtf cfty. IgSSSfr up Wfeftdway, he discovered ft naif drohk&n man, ridiiig a bay hdpsthftt .Hitfkrttr' ?iru*k hi* fancy. Ketkat* "That's A fine beaef, ftftd how mucin dm looks like my 'Bess.* Had she one white foot, I would certainly swear it was her. I wonder \\'hat Sort.. of a, dicker' I could strike up with tlie owp3r ? As he is about half snacked I should'not wonder if ho whre k'Uidly Imposed. Fur softening th? lieart a jtnrtll quantity of gin works wonders.' 41 say .old fellow, what do you ask prvthat horse V. . f VS-?rf . >NTut half what she is worth. She ?st $-U)0?I'll sell her for, howovcr, i for ?250. ' 'Too .much-?-I willgivoyop ?125. 1 want her for a match, or I'd offer wenty-five less.' 'Cnu't take any supli supi. Say $150 lad the critter is youra.' * ** After half hour's chaffing,a bargain was finally agreed to; they 'split the litferenee.' Sain paid 137 1-2 dollars, md the seller fobbed his money and retired to enjoy himself! Ilio next evening Sam started for Albany, witli 'a match for Bess,' that nc would-fjot take three hundrod dolars for.' Un stepping ashore the first man Sum met was his ostler who 'opont?d as follows.5 'Where did you get that marc?' 'In New York.? 'Well, how curious?I thought she was gone for good and all.' 'Thought what was gone?' Why; Bess, tho mare. She wo? stolen from the stable on Thursday night, mid we all thought she had been un off to Canadu.' 'You don't ?ov that mare is Bess?' 'I do indeed,''Where's lier white foot?' Under a little black paint, I should hink from the way tho hair sticks (tut. Besides there's the very head stall I mule last Sunday, with my own hlesed hands. It's lless. and no mistako.' After a little examination, Sam had o admit that 'gin and sugar' had done j ?... 1 Al* .4. xl '*- ?I inn uruwn?unit me uiaro wws I>ess, 1 iwl that he was out $123. and all I )roygftt about liy a desire to take an { id vantage of a greenhorn who could'nt eo through * forty foot ladder. ?. Whether thi* will reform Sam's tactics, e mains to be seen. P?u:xi>ki:s' EnaoKiAi..?A great man-! r ludicrous blunders have been prudti-' jed by transportations ami leaving oitf joints. A 'New York paper, annouucug the wreck of a vessel uear thcXar ows says: 'The only passengers were T. B. | S'athan, who owned three-fourths of he cargo a no the Caitaim's win-:.' A New Orleans editor, recording the arccr of u mud dojr, says : 4We are grieved to snv, the rapid; iuimtd. before lie could he killed, sc-1 erely bit Dr. Ilart and several other j in another paper we find the follow- j ng advertisement : 'For sale an excellent young house?i rouId suit any timid lady or gentle-' nan with a long silver tail.' We heard n good Methodist preach- i v nnfA 4f>-r? ifin' iii tl\!^ \r?iv "" ' "*V As I was ruling along once on one j f those beautiful Western piairiiw with i iiv dear old wife, who has since gone o heaven in a buggy .-?Jaw i#vil>le rouivaf. K rr ' fc The Schooi.m acthim among twf. Ta inns.?The following letter is a vcrbaim et literatim copy of u written apolgy sent by a journeyman ta'dQr to his mployers, the heads of a largo tailorng and clothing establishment in Sydicy. As will be seen from the tenor, t is intended to excuse the misconduct if the writer in having absented hiinclf from work during the past week:? Cir?it is with fueling* of regret that have to inform you that through itn nvitation i received to be ono of the meets.??a Tuilor'f wedden i became a lave to Intemperance Host Parte of hia w.eek-*~Cir,,a3 the truth isblamon>le but not shanieable I hope this apob gy will be a Buffishcntonc.?Oir, i rciiano your obedt,, Arc., Ac. Satirday, inly the 30 j 54.?Mr. E. J - - , Esq. ^Tlidlofl, ?Sharp," said Pop, meeting tim the other day in the street, "you lobMe, my boy, ghat's the matter with rou s 4^5*^7,. ' Oh, I liftd my IBoi crushed through he caroless^fc?*of a conductor thooth* ir day, lxitwoon railroad ears, that's "Art! don'? you mean to sue for hunagogr' >vlfimiur?ili !" no. niv. T ham lmd 1 damage* enough 'from tbero already ;! budn'tl better sue for rdpaira f' i A lovk sick swain sent a Christmas gift of r paif'af shoee to his sweetheart, accompanied byJth$ highly poetfc* effo* " Pilar Molly, 1 dp as ia tafdu-ttr, - Honot the ahado^. oftour shcKvtie; And mnr m namtjpfp Ctta ifn-esa, Bond yon a pi*amoflfiir efShoee^psi . V J* W* \ V . V V. r ' V '. : ' & W& AN tTNPnEC^DKNt'RP ^tiTCEPB AND.ES'-t ih oM.Xlwhtng ft Vnpcr hi arerr -reepeet oqi fo iho dii??ei6ioiiUoti of iiitMrr, lteh'tfloa*, tfclenl vocnting the gre?t prinqipJee of EQUA^ RK?nT? of our people. -' So for >re h?vo given entire ?tm nunibcr in our list oil friend* ?n<l subscribe ponw I * WORK I NO-MEN A 11? ' ? Have folind in its columns something Instructive ' ; OT ir&DKAHV A3 : IlftVa likewise fmiud llint it line rrfTorded tlve lute* ! , of the Enterprise is to afford u remliiig adapted t< I.ofrnl and District News, Shetihoa of Ohnrnotcr. 1 ocdntea, Choice Original and Selected Poetry mid AW EXCELLENT CORPS who have eon*.?nted to contribute regularly To o(ii befonhd in our State. Our circulation amount* h hist without a single subscriber. The paper *tninl <411!^ 41 Single Sul>*cri,I>erfi. $1,50, per nniitno, in ndvi it wiU bo seen that \vo can furnisli the paper ut t] ?i m and it shall he the best Dollar Papar in South Cai paper published at tb? nine ptisu in thp South., Subscriptions, Advertfaunientu nnd Coinmuincji Book and Job Printing <gf S T A 8 L.I. S H W E NT/0> IIA VINCI A FINK SELECTION OF WE ABE PI1EPABED TO DO W&RJC ?ss^a,, CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES, HAND-BILLS, WAYRtllS RAM TIPPATR PRnrbiUUCQ fiif Miaiiwj WMVh iynw V| I (IWVI lUlllllli bU j ?Vl luiktkd with dfflpatdh. r>, China. Satin Enamel, Satin Snrface and Plain and Cclced Cards, Dpoii iff* Ifosi Jqbolroble Jcrloa. Ct>l?^/a \<J3 A\ r^ATr jr,, Town and District Qovernnwntjutemiunt?-Dr. \. t>. ("kodk.wurdm*,??d. c? wkstkieup, j. w. fvrt>ki."st>q.. ii. ii. wiu.ujm, j?u|x mophkusan. < "> rk of the CouoriK?John W. SroKi>. I%q. mffi/fl-w. a. mcduniki.. fjjq. Clrrk of thr Court.?d.wiu hoke, e?j. Court of Ordinary.~1* M- M?'11kk, Eml Couirn'mfiontr in Equity,?Muj. 8. A. Townks WATCIIKS, JEWELRY, &C. JOHN j. BENEDICT f/Qt WOlILli rwpcetfnHv inform hi* Ivr?^LLJ?M fr1?tuli> tlmt lu> luis 'r*turn<yi ' '?SB fronp York, bringing with hint ?6&.v5jR* A STOCK OF JEWEIRY. wyiieh he is offering for snl? CIIKAP, at the store . of Churl or Merrick. It comprises. WATCHES,BRACELETS, GOLD PENCILS,BRINGS, &rA-Aii:Kl&US9jp9i Ho nsks nfr oxnmiiutMon ??f flu- Mine, anil arruro* thrm thnt- tfwjr WH1 l>e found of thf* best mntorr?). xnguut i > tf t Livery Stable. THE suhwribur* arc supplied with 9 number ; of COMFORTABLE f/ACES: CA HAM A AO?8 AXI) BU0(tIX8. with fccntle well-broke I JlQJtSl*, nud cnreful nod competent DRIVK.RS, end will oonvey Tr?T(llvrt ?r hire their-Vehicle* on Iteeeonehlc'Tcnn*. Their OniullMh will always lw found nt the ]>c-pof, ou tho Anjvul of th* Care, and will convey V^oMtri to nify prfrt of town of from nnyjmrt uf forth for SIS eenl?. TraveUfa wfl do wvlltfto make no erreugement* until thev reach.UrrwR-ille. . . IvCTi.KDGi: & S$WSl ' jnne ?Wb 7 fli? Mechanics, Manufacturers, and INVENTORS. A| Mv volume of the SCIKNTIKKl AMEJII AN commeneei ebmit theuB^Mo of _S?ptombtr In ^iv? h year. It i? * journal i>f S< i.-ntifte, Meeh&uical, iind other improvement*; tho j edvoante. of indnktry in ?)1 It* vnrion* branchc*. It ie published weekly in e form for binding, end constitute* ?t the end of each year, ri splendid volume of 400 peee*, with ? enpious inaec. end from five to six hundred original etvgravinge, together with e greet<tmount of practical information concerning the progrvs* of invention end diei-ovory fhrotlgjbont the world. ? The SHientlHe Anieriunn u t^e fnovt widely eireulnted end popular journal of the bind now pnl>li?l,ed. Its Kd iters, Contributor*, and Cor reepondontk nra among the ablest practical kuicnlific men in the world, ?. Thr.a?ent Clnirnk ere published weekly,'end are ir.wroable to Inventor* end Patentee* Wt DtftMulwlv nun lite nuhli* iog moiwy to travujfeg ugonU, m we ?rc not in tlvc habit of fumUbteg fertiticntct of kgeaev U nor one. ital j. .* letters *h?WM he dirocUd, (|M*t |>*i?l) M MUXN A CO., 129 Fulton street^ !f. Y?' y ? p..... . , .' r# T?~ :T*v ~ Ofas ?"J2r>j5*LJ>** X??j *a? <> ? mm/ frr ** MKfeths, IWVfenftw, for si* months. $4f Ton |#f foHwcWe wSBvlSr A w. ' i ' ^3 ^^ MTEIF11SE,: ^?BAGF.Mi yT HAS tH-IvST CPU F.FPOfcTS \ aal to "the tbpes In vtliicjj we live," am) devoted if?f\ hnii New* Intelligence, ?t tin some time sd* >, Vond'tlie Meml and loMlectnnl AdVmirrtneut t action, and tr? at* happy 4o minor nce.t lint We ? >j?40f ftlt?lnsft? of society- . jy.. -.^V' t iND MECHANICS and Klevntiag them in their different vocations. ^ f? AcmmmmrM' . ' t Foreign nnd Domestic Intelligence. Bot the , < ) the capacity nnd wonts of iVery member of iw ?m?U5o . Historical Kvonts, Congressional Proceedings, An- 1 Miscellany. Wolur* already engaged ^ OF CO R R E S P 0 St (Jig Stf $, ; paj>or, (linking it one of the best Newspapers to > nen'r six hundred, which commenced in Ainr j IS nUnic upon its merits. * ?n?c. Clulis of ten at >1,00 each. By Clubbing i he c\e?oding low price of * j mim9 \ olinn, and affording inore rending than other | itfona, w ill meet attention by being addressed ' LM AM I'. I'lllt'K?Boa Ko. iO, Greenville, S. C. _ . 1 PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENT . ( DOCTOR YOURSELF. r J The Pocket JEsculapius; i OH, eVKKY ONE 1)18 OWN IM1VIHCIA*. 1 &rpi!E FIFTIETH EDITION, with One 1 JL. Hundred Engraving*, showing Diar 1 cam-* and Malformation* of tho Human j System in vvtry shajx* and fom\. To 4 which is added a Treatise on tlt? Dmcwm ??f IV males, being of tho highest impnr- j tanee to rttsrried people, or those contemplating , marriogv. Jly wuxt** Yorao, M. D. k Let no father In* ashamed to present. A copy of 1 the jKHCULAPtUB. to hit child. It may save Uim from an early grave. Let ito young man or .1 wonttin enter info the secret obligation* of mar{ ritigo without reading t\\*> POCJCBT jS&CULA' I'il'K. iio ono suffering from a hae.knied cough, Fit in in the side, restless nights, nervous feelings, nnd the whole train of Dyspeptic tmsn- < lions, ami given up their phvsician, l>e another moment without consulting tfie sKSCULAPIUtli llave those married, or those about to be married any impediment; read this truly useful book, is it has iMcn the means of savjng thousands of unfortunntv creattwes froot the Very jaws of death. fc3J~Any psrsoinknding Tir*fUy-rir* Cent* enclosed <n u letter, will receive one copy of tliia i... a? -~-s - ? ? * " " <>i > >, vi vu|Mi'n *rm nfr one iloimr. Addrena, (post].aid) I)r. ^.YOtJNC}, 152 Spruce-street, Philadelphia. Juno 15,1884. ft fy SOUTH CAROLINA TEMPERANCE S1AN0AR0. i 'piIF. I'NPERSIGNKDwould reep'cetMf onX notineu to the friends of Temin'riiuceuenVrnllv that they intend to commence the .pubMeatioo of n Temperance Taper, about the 15th of June next, provided a sufficient tiumlx-r ofttnbecrtbcrs can r>.> obtained to warrant the undertaking. It will he printed upon snlwtanttal paper of Tinperial aire, and will contain 24 columns of mutter. It will be denominated the "!k>Mtl*CaroIiiih HVn?|H ranfro Standard," nn?f will l?e published every two weeks, at the price of One Dol lnr per nutittm. Aa soon a? fifteen hundred suit M'riltera ere obtained, wo will publish It weekly at the rauie price. Our side ut'j. ct is to advocote the cause of Tem pcrutirc; ami particularly the Legislative Prohibition of the Traffic in TntoxSeating IVrinke; and to prepare the masses of the people of our State, tor the enactment of such a Law, by convincing them ofaUexpediency pud necessity. We will endeavor to make it a Welcome visitor In every family. Nothing will be admitted into it* columns of a worthless and immoral ten; iirncT.' v ' ' ' A strict neutrality will be maintained on nil subject* ot it political nit J religion# sectarian character. No subscription will on received ftif lets than on ymr. nnd in every cue the - order rmiat be accoiiipouiad by the money. . ^ . ..." P\, ' \\\ bono all persons feeling on interest in the sweet h of this enterprise, wilt exert themselves In getting mlaa riptions," and as soon thereafter as , conf eiiient liona us their lists. FosUtonstors ore requested to set as Agents. . IHt . > All thrtuonKtlentlC^s Intend*^ IWr^he must be post pud, and addressed to the | Carolina IVmperutue iuxndurd," l/Syington f. IL. 1*. 0. , K. r ATI Ml MAX, ) ->ji. If. J3RKAUJ1, ? I Kortiiw dr Fsorxterorn. H. OoUhfc*. ^ , ) vt \W - < ^ ' WltT'l* * '* (fj" r~ " y~q; . I'uosi'Kcri;^ oV fins STATES' lUtiHTS?K<USTKR AND *Vf I rtir^\T 4 T ^ A A*Vi* J\L. < AiMLiSAV A PO'.fTM'AI. JCKH.SAL AX* OWJ>M? \t XfcW M AiTJL Cc HAVr.OK, KxMtrtf.?T. rnv ** ft frit WHtsd-WwkJr. 1'llK 8TATK UtftHT* HWNX TB* will ho oendurted np<* rt?? prilK ipl?4 of Stnt.". right* iwleid down by Jeffi wn. The I(? u' ?M?r will N>ih*ire to the orifftuft) vompaot, *e' fgti Hed hy the *ev?rftl Stote*.|M will obpoee unletitti<i>n?ri*ii>?*rt Uf leffSelfttion. nml nh etierooohiu?-!iU. t or 'ipeo, upon the righto end ?overoignty of the Stntem The R?-gint.-r will Wife u it* text In the diwiaiaion of 4H puhlie qncmtion* the Conetitntloo, etrictly eoiwt rm d end .itneoniprMft J . ,,v ?... Y?5T * WuniNeriw Cm, July, 1*64. . . . ? . ? ??'' ?< ?!. ?. ? * Monthevii Quarterly R?vl0W. iUEMOM hnriftg bitfiaea Motion* wKfc -4 - ' IP /. * ' 4 . j i. ' pfcjML ?QD ^ ' - * - % * r*?>utii ivit?15v^^^^^^ Y * >!?? Cvbr, ono-Vo*>, |R 3Jn Onpj^ntio ycar.ftrt :> IV-MUytivo, - ' **> ;' One.ilumlrcd'' " W3, - 'ftfoC/wrtt^Vsn:* will In* riphUv adhered >V ? iml in no inataucc will the paper be, iwuit union be money accompanies tbv order. ^Hb' WW* "v it ftic rfofr of the rubHviier. Adduce*, **T * ; *> */ a jpfrE*. Augusta, ': tar* whfr-vfiW not us AireKtis and obtslft ulieoribcrs, will be furnished with the paper ut' Jub prices. May 20, 1ft54. j 'S ltOSTON A..VKRT.SKMKNT *140,000 w?rth of BOOKS. VL- i' Bvtu oy* KHKn to Tin; wokuj ! !.* i.fet TIIE) snbsciibere liming made arrangeP^ffifents with ptiblkherR in Boston, Newforlr/and Phtttulelphia, have ooimnehced Merit Great BOOK SA1J5 J. which will bo on tinned until the stuck ngrccd upon Las >een exhausted. This stock of books when sold, vrStl hwreo 1 large net proni; a poriiuu uf >5>y 1 >roj>rieU>r? will distribute, by directors who hull bo chosen by SharehoU^m, btit said >i recti** shall have jio p?-cuniary interest, n the matter, (savo and except being paid 'or their time alul sea vices Qi distribution.) 1)15,000 will bo invested in n farm, in the own of Groton. Miws. San! form i* led within one tnilc and a half tit iltftddfO* * Ire Depot; it comprise* upward* of one huhired and twenty acres of land, fifty-five- of which are under the highest state of oiihl* ration,-nn orchard and beautiful garden,? There is a magnificent mansion, in complete repair, together with barns, carriage ^onae* and other building* attached, HA,000 A Faitn in W?tboro\kni.w n us tlie "Harrington Farm," consisting of one hundred lores of Land, twelve' of which are woodland. The balance is well divided into . mowing, pasturing and tillage?nlenty-OT good fruit and a large strawlieny*' bed and ;ranberry meadow. Building* in good repair. Tue farm-bouso ??? one of the-best on the road, and ? large and convenient. Tim whole establishment is o\ie of tlie best (arm* in "which. Worcester County is so famous. 7,000 Two modern built hoiiae* inCtOnbridge, - ^ a few rod* from the College, the -fiist valued at 6.000 The second at " . ' - 4,600 One mylern built three story brick house, in complete repair, containing 10 rooms, in Oneida street, Boston, 0,000 One hundred grdd'eagfcs, 1,000 Two Land Lot* in Melrose: one contains 26,000 feet and upwards, 600 One do.* 18,000 feet and upwards, 600 Live IMano Forte.- of Chickling's make worth $450 ench, distributed aeper'ately, " > ... *,250 Twenty-five Indies' gold watches, ittvoi- * ced nt $55 each, 1,375 One thousand gold pencil*, $4 each, 4,000 Five hundred engmAdngs, Washington ciristijpg the 1 MaWftre, f4 eftcli, f 2t000 One thousand engravings?'UncleTom* and 'Little Kva,' ) encli* 1,000 * Kincty Thousand and Tiocn/u~JF!Ku. <jraviuQM of JJiJJcrent KiI The distribution of tlio profits accruing from the w?U> of the hereafter lurationed - I books will-be Arranged thus: There will be owe receipt holder chosen by the proprietor* from each of tiro cities mentioned, vht: Salem, l'roviderce, New Bedford, Bangor, New Haven, Concord, Montpclier, Worcester, Lowell, Saeo, Fall IUrer, and Munches- > m ter, N. II. The receipt holders j.hall choose a committee of five person* to take charge of ?U the property after the sole, but no one appointed aha'll have any interest in the sale of snid bfloks or own a ticket* or hold one of the receipts connected with the book sab-. BY THE PAYMENT OF t)NE DOLLAR, a person can receive either of the following named books, also a receipt which will eon- $ stitute him a shareholder fa the profits, viau Beautiful Pocket Bible, bound in morocco, of Washington, L*? IllVoftft- lVitlJtlwHA Pdhn- i'ltonWm fcwtiu?? - -???? J?n? * "W I* iilly"' I'm HWIfl I Marion, Daniel Wcrbeter, Henry Cloy* Cot* Taylor, Yankee Tea J'mtv, tStoriea c4 tire . Involution, Old Dill of Independence, King; jet Arthur, (by Hit Edward Bnlwer l/yttoru)WEJPL?l eje Tom's Ctobin, American Farmer in Fug* land, niul other work* of Putnam'* 1 WKCUASIC* own 900K, 1 I Persons inching to purcliahe two^Of-snoforeceipta ran be supplied with. any standard work ?t the proportional* ratio of prieep^? To (;kibs and Societies who. pi?rclm*o twenty in more book* together, ten pft <kwt dyjy count trill I* made. Due notice will he |pvon by such newspapers sr. advertise for us when the ?wht i* eoihpieted, , All common icationa or *e*jt by Kxpress (or otherwise) mn?t bo directed to otir I T.icf, So. 31 Exchange stM K. W. WETUreasonable per c*ntage wfll he allowed. AH 3^"?^ A