University of South Carolina Libraries
M * I allQ ''/WWUIHIHij* ^^Abiru-'Mwk-Kii*k vriw born on tho ff..tb? month Chriaban, m the yanr ., $38 of t be Ucgira. (iid April, 1823.) and hfi.% therefor^ it) this present year f1333) atiiufiod the ago of tliiety' year*. Ascending thetlirone, where ^?succeeded the Sultan nCs Ox f'x'ciri y.'jr:y,?c hat already reighed fourteen years. Ilisiin. p*?aive eounteuanco appears to ine io wear the air of profound satiety of power; an ex ^preetion.or fixed am) intense rnntii, always : jinebaugonblc, ami eternal os.the mountain*, J#Vi to form a utvb, an it were, of marble Upon bin visage, and steruneas and porma. nonce to feature* liy .BO means regular. IlinoM It** not tin? rwiuUiuo curve belonirinir to the strictly jwrkishtypc ;his cheeks* re pale. ,marked with Sine* indicative of fatigue, and .^contrasted with a sofl brown beard ; and hisforehead, U *o far sa tlio fex leato* w visible, eem* largo and full. Ilia eyes I can compare to nothing but auns of black, fixed in a a ley of diamond. No object aeenia to reflect itself in them. Ono would supposetbera the . eyes of %n ectatic, absorbed by some vision . not apparent to the vulgar gaze.. For the real his physiognomy is not, sombre, nor terrible, nor cruel, but simply extra bunion; I can find no better word. One felt that thin, young man, seated like a diety upon a golden throne, Vad nothing more to desire in the world ; that all the moat golden dreams of humanity were to hiin but worn-out and 4 insipid realities ; and that he was gradually J freezing out of the reach of the warm ** nipfttliies of our nature, in tho frigid atmosphere of such utter solitude. In fact, that from ti?o height of his grandeur he looked down upon the earth as upon a vaguo mist, from / amid which the heads of the most elevated alone were visible, and even those beneath Ijm feet. .T-7Guaticr> Constantinople of 2b : * William Pitt At the general election, this youth, in the twenty second year of his age, entered Par< liamont, while the expectations of all ranks and. parties were aroused in. his favor. It Mps publicly known that this illustrious father had coooeiveil the highest opinion of his taleuU and Acquirements. Lord Chatham had himself inspected the education of his children 4 and though immersed in public business, under the pressure of age and l*odily infirmity, with anxious delight had tutored, formed. And directed the opening tinderatanding of soch a promising son. In every stage otitis education, young frtt impressed all those who knew hitn with admiration of Jits'talent* and acquirement*. As ho advanced in years, he had progressively risen in estimation, and was chic-fly eminent for masculine strength and compass of iutellecr to*d j>owers, rapidly mastering the various ** <leparttneuts uf knowledge ant) Science, studying M a scholar, comprohetuling nod generalizing as a philosopher; bold and original in conception, profound in research, indefatigable in application, he had a firmness of tamper, which etendfjy pursued what heperccived to Ik? right, and adhered to idf own plana of conduct, undisturbed by thoiidicule of frivolity, and nuseduccd by the allurements of vice. At the university, die was doomed tar superior to ordinary men, and as one destined to transcend hi# rntetnnor.'iric,; as much in tho highest deliberative, unci exe cutive department a of public life, as he then surpassed them in the enuiition and science of aendamio retirement Some of lira friends at Cambridge proposed that he should stand candidate for representing the university in parliament but declining this honor unless unanimously offered, lie was returned for 1'oelo. In the speech winch lie now,tjcliver' < >1, Mr. Pitt fully justified tho nnticipations of the public, and was cousidercd from that time as an important accession to parliament ability. Although the young orator voted and spoko on lite side of opposition, he did v not connect himself with any of its members as a party, but lileo his renowned father, he trusted entirely to himself, without seeking eminence through tho collective influence of a combination.?Bitsctfa History ttf England. ' lp Two Killed ih Two Days.?This is doing pretty well for AngusU, and if she keeps on at this rate, she will ore long nocture a reputation?not very enviable, we *dmit-~-hut one Uiat she wilf merit, if oftendot* are pot punished. 7^ A than by the name of Samuel AVitson, a painter, was shot down and killrd in tho streets on Saturday night, by Wm. A Archer. We haveheatd the particulars, but as A roller is in jail. Awaitin g tbe course of the l*r, wo deem it inexpedient to give them. ,On Monday evening, a man named Attotsjrw a* killed, we understand, by a blow on II pke head from a bride. We did not heaathe name of the inau who threw it. lie has not been Arrested. , - These two homieides are vrbnt Philosopher Oreely very appropriately designates Ritm's LW dwngs" may we not exclaim, Huzza for the ^dottous privilege of retailing Hquori?by ( which th?Hv*sofourcitizens,theim>ridsoflhc people, sud tbe peace ami qttdt of thotisands of families are destroyed l?Au?usla Chronicle <t JSrniinel. ' ^ j &ALKDAT.?There was quite a crowd yeaiiU'dsy. Every ponton seemed to be fell of fife and spirit* upon the entrance of the New t Year. A good deal of property won sold.? Home'Town property was sold at nuitemod ei?to figures. Negroes 'were very high ordi?? nary men going between 1000 and #1,000. The low price vt Cotton seems to have had ~ little ffffccnsi any species of projrdtty?none j> upon Negroes. + y *^r^Woa?TXas- (InTORi*.?The wealthiest citixen of Louisville, is said lobe Mr. Guthrie, i#cretary of tho 'treasury. Ilis property in one district of tWatoity is taxed at #501 ,*00. ^ Mrs. Pfirtlniftoft wishes to kmftw if % a Jj - 1. HUB. " Unfortunate Occurrence. We Mate with deep rogfet that our town wm the &ceoo? op i'htired^nlgWt, of a tragedy lamented as miloli utoee wU*?e jm?fortuuc it was to beAr'H prominent pkrt in it, an by the citizens generally. It is a matter of aoriotw regret that ertch penctfhl and highly respectable gentlemen should have been constrained by inevitable circumstance* to participate. Tno ravtorrenee and its rir<*Jim*tsn-?e* wer#* hriofly. these.: up Xg ^ Mr. ioHit McMaster bad permitted his negro** to have a danee in one of {be house* in Kift back lot on Tuesday night. For the mirpose of preserving ohlei^Mr.'RieKard McMaster bad attended. During the evening ? white man by the name pftieorgo Barker entered, and being,.it i* supposed, under the influence of urdents spirits, becamo obsteperous. Mr. It. McMaster spoke fa htm with the view of checking him. Instead of that H seemed only to have enraged him, and going out the door into the yard, attracted by hia loud profanity Dr. SfcMaslCr end two gentlemen who were in the piazzA conversing at the time. t)r. McMaster onlared him to leave the yard, and was approaching htm, hut was cheeked by Itis brother, Mr. Richard McMaster, who interposed and advised him of Barker being armed. Barker then drew his pistol, and Allen's Revolver, and presented it at Dr. McMaster, when Mr. Richard McMaster jumped At it, and seizing the pistol wrenched it from his hands. Baker then drew a dirk, and stabbed at McMaster, struck 111 in ill t1)A ctrln nn/1 l\nf ?% tbo* -* ?/I-r*1?/?I ...... ... ?.iv oimvj uwu vuv ivri ui^3 |.'iut iiAvwiim adherence of the sheath to the bltido, would tindoubteclv have inflicted a mortal wound. A* it was tue point of tbo blade, by the force of the blow, protruded through and entered to the depth of nt least an inch, making a voty* "glv, bnt not very dangerous wound. Mr. McMaster, w ith Barker's pistol in his hand, then fired at him, four barrels of the revolver going off almost instantaneously.? So much so that none of the bystanders heard more than three rapid explosions, while Ire himself remembers having shot but once.? Barker, after scuffling and stabbing at Dr. MfMaster and Capt. >V. O.' Buchanan, who interposed, run a short distance and fell in the streets, from whetico he was carried info 1 >r. Maddcn's office, and in a few minutes died. The whole affair transpired about 12 o'clock at night. No blame is attached to Mr. McMastcr, as he was acting under the impulse of self-defence. Mr. Batker is the same person who shot himself accidentally last year, by a pistol going off in bis pocket.? Winntborro Jbgiater. Congress. \Va8Hikutox, Dec, 29, 1854. Sexatk.? 'The annual appropriation bills from the House for the i?ost office and army and for tho year ending June, I8JMJ, came in and were referred to tlie committee on finance. Mr. Cooper presented sundry memorial*. One of which was in reference to a expedition to the Arctic seas. Mr. Fish introduced a hill to remit certain penalties imposed on merchant vessel* in relation to passengers. Under a construction of the law by Secretary Walker, merchant vessels aro now on .the way hither with a greater number of passengers and on different decks tlian are considered legal by Mr.Guthrie, under his coftltruction of the act. To protect masters and ship owners who have followed the first construction, this biltprovide* that the act shall not apply to vessels which shall sail with such pasaeu gors before the first of March next. Mr. Norm objected, and the bill lies on the table. Mr. Fish remarked that he should call it up on Tuesday. A special report from Mr. Schoolcraft up on Indian matters was received, and on motion of Mr. Badger referred to the committee on Indian affairs. The Senate then adjourned to the 2n of January. Tho House was not in session to-day. Bio Hust'ho.?Two weeks since, the Oomales tTcviwllnnniivrMViin iiirK' ..f A ft our citizens went about fifteen miles from town to take * camp hunt. They wcro out two nights, during which time they succeeded in slaughtering seventeen deer, beside some smaller game. On the week following, the same party Again sallied forth to the hunting grounds, remaiued one night, and killed fifteen. Wa. II Arrison, the young medical slu dent convicted at Cincinnati, of the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Ai-i.tsow, by means of an infernal machine," has been sentenced to be hung on the I lth May next. The Hon. Edward A, ITanuegan, formerly United ?tatea Senator from Indiana, we Scant, propoees shortly to remove to California, to resume the practice of law. ATex.ah paper states that Gen. Houston con templates resigning his scat in tho Senate at the tlosS of the prevent session. Tho Stato of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. By Rotter t McKay ?xq,y Ordinary of said JDixtrift. WHERE Art, ALfcxAxnvn McRtr: lint filed n Petition in my Otfiee, praying- that betters of A irni i lift rut ion on sit sift singular tlio anode ami chatties, right* and credits of l^nxrs M, JgrBEic, late of the District aforesaid, deceased, rbwsud ho granted to4nm. VAe>* t/ur*forr, to cite and admonish nil ami singular tin- k i ml rod and creditor* of the aid deeoftsrd, to be and appear in the Conrt of Ordinary fnr said District, to l>e hohlrn ?t Greenville Omrt Honen, on tho sixth day of January next, to show o*nu if any, why Uta said Admin i.sirnmm auouhl Ml lie grftnfeKf. WjrllfiKT WcKAY, ?. o. d. Onlhmryj Office, Dee. SWth 18M. , ? w dee 33 2t -?'? .. v?-..? . .n.^ ~ trwe ? MlU|*ri??d He ?*nounee W, F. PRINCE, ?? eeia^UUtW Sher iff ttt the enmfog cWion for that office. Sept I. 19 to # # *> ^ A JUJtlllU1, , DlLL-.JL-? \Xr^l IIWLH, H" Urccnvillc Price* Current. CORMOTRP WtEKf.V VOIi TUB BSTfcitr Hit}*, IV JOHN W. RRAny. mcbkmnt. (UKI^ville, JtkHMnry 4, 1865. ' j * HOGGING, Gunnv, pur yftitl, 16 a 18 Dnndfee, 18 a 10 y BACON II?ms, per lb., JO a ^'2} i Shoulders, 8 a 10 Skies.; 10 a 12^ ' ItOg lOHilu, 10 BUTTKU.. .Ooelioh, per lb. none. , Cbntftry, per lb. jC 15 QOFl^Eti.. Jlio, y>or ll>. 14 J si va, per lb. 18 a 20 lX>MKSnCS, Shirting. per yd. of a 10 ' Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 13 Ominbvirgs, pervl. 11 a 12f Fr/>Clli...C.>tinfry, perbfil. $7 a 87^ .-> Country, per wick, $0 a $3-fr GRAIN,,....Corn, per hashed 60 a 63 Wheat, perbunhel, $1 a IRON.JWerlcP, per lb. 0^ a 1 English, per lb. . 6 a fi.V LAttf>.... ..pefll>. " 11 a 12* MOLASSES, c?iba, por pal. 33 a n7j ? N O, per. gal. 40 . SYnUr...." u per gal. CO a 02$ 1 OILS... *.. .Lnmj*, por gal. $1^ a $-2^ . TrHm/porgnj. 87$ a 81^ Linseed, $l| HICK...... .per lb. ? - 7 a 8J KOPK-..?. .per lb. 12? a 20 SUGAliS. ..N. Orleans, per IK 7 a 0 Porto Rico, per lb. 0 a 10 ? Loaf, per lb. 12$ Crushed, per ib, 12? Refined, per lb. 10 a 12^ SALT per bushel, $1 ( Salt, per hack, a none. SOAP Colgate,pale, 12 J a 15 j Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 j f SHOT.......per lb. 12$- !? Shot, per bag, t2$ a $2$ 1 Over Coats! Over Coats! AT VEItY LOW PRICES, FOR CAMI. 11 | Mir. sunsermer acatrous ot closing out Jus fine I A selection of OVKKCOATVA, offers litem ?t very reduced prices. Good l'ilot Over conU will be cold oa low n? ** . lie lifts also on liaiul a few of those elegant . iQachinoKlitrhcd Over Cout? and Tuluias. All will be sold lower than curv be bought else-1 whore, House cull nnd examine for yourselves. ; . fe 8W A M > A1. K. 11 January 5. S4 - 3 , Arrivals Extraordinary. 8 AAA HPAMSIl ClOARS, jn?t received < jUUU nnd for sole. Also. ! \ A Fine lot of KHUlTS, consisting of Ornncea, ' e 1 .onions. Fine Apples, Cocoa N uts, Koisens, Figs a nnd Curranta. Constimtly Receiving FRUITS ANDjggjJGROCERIES, [ Off Affill !OU3)3. j NOTICE TEI8. 1 I will say to those who nro indebted to me by Note or Hook Account np to (lie 1st. of January. lH34mh*kdt?v indt^Soinc nnd nmke payment,!1 ns I shall put myself to no trouble to hunt them ' up. W. 1L 1IKNWON. J January 6. 34 2 THE GREENVILLE BAPTIST FEMALE CQLifGE, 1 1^11 IS institution, recently established l?v tlic Baptist Convention of Sonth Carolina, and governed by the Hoard of Trustees of Furnian Coi versify, will go into operation on the first of February next, under a full corps of com- ' |h>t?*nt instructor* and at. the uaunl rates of tuition. ltonr<l enn ho obtained for students 011 application to the undersigned. RICHARD FURMAX, s C. J. EEFORD, 1 1'. C, EDWARDS, Executive ? T. B. ROBERTS, Committee. T. P. BUOCKMAX, - t 1\ E. DCXCAX, f January 5. 34 3 i LAST NOTICE- J ALL PERSONS indebted to O. A. Pnki.e, on . acoouut previous to Mnreli lost, are earnestly re<|nested to enll on W. K. Kasi.kt anil settle the same, as farther indulgence cannot be allowed. J. B. IUvTTS, Assignee. Jamtnry \ .84 tf "SllHMAN&lirOr (At tho Old Stand of B. Dunham;) i HAYING Ixniflht from the Groenville Mnnufluturiiie Cmnmny tl?*ir interc-at in ,th? TINNING M'SlNRfiH. nnd also their 22HpJ&*e.itir? STOCK OF DRV GOO]**, 55$SBrff?S Agrivultin nl Implement*. ?te? ?fcc., J on hand, would rcapootfuJly inform Merchant*,! Farmers, and the public generally tlmt they will ( . carry on the above business in all its various) branches, and nope* l?y prompt attention and j LOW PRICKS to be liberally patronised. i r They will keep constantly on band All kinds of !T3,M,?W<A5^!Et Wfcgtaale and Retail. c Copper ik. Shccr>Iron Ware, J Stove, Stove Pipe, &0. j1 urn do to order on short "notice. TIN PLATE AND TINKER'S MATERIALS , alwaya on-hand and for sale LOW for CASH. PRINTING, WRITING, LETTER & WRAP PING PAPER al ways on baud, in auy quantity, I at tonr pricee. CfMfc paid for /IA Oft, DATM WAX, OLD COPPKH AND OLD PKWTER. ar*CT)UNTRV PRODUCE generally taken ' in exchange for GOODS. J. B. SHERMAN, t J. B. HILL <1 Greenville, December 20. 83 tf * " '" i TiV I TTAVTNG Mid to.I. R SHERMAN onr inter- ? * m_ en ?n me linmntr Dunne## niwi r>rnre ui c thin jilnco wc wnnld My to hII indebted to m ( thftt we need the money they owo n\ end that it tniwt be p?jd by the nrst of Jniiimry nest, nn?l no MiatAKK, for onr Book# mint l?e URKKNVlLLE MASUrACTURfNT*T(). By J, B. HnmiAK, Ag't Xov. 24. 28 tf " ^^ ? --*? - - - - ? S'flcAYRD Or STOJ^RN from mv pine* on Mon- , ?ftT*i*K flat of Korember, n yonng buy IlOWKhv w^' rlcg ft round hi# left fore leg eaqsed by ? rope} ha# A am nil fttor in hi# fhee. Any I information wlfl b? thank/ullr iMeeived, And any per#o? taking hint upalMll heliberally rewarded < : mk- . #. i ji * * * % ' \ # ?* r. apHttaasyjiBiIIP.? ?? $? jfw ^ V- TIIE UF.Ot'LAR MEI7Tof Motvr.ux Lodok, No. jUfci^gjjayiUL l.o. <* K, are held on o**?iing?,?t 7 o'clock, n U*atrITi(H. J. Jk SllLilM AN, f?e?r<ri?ry. Greenville, Ang, v- 13 i Mb. SONS OF TiHl'KK AIICK. MQ^?<ii:KICXVll I V- ! >1 vision. No. 1.1, S. (if T., hold their meetings \y??cklr. at Iho T)?rhioii Roont,(in iltBtt'i 11*11) HatMiinr ovehinge. i 'J, iL iWUNKIN, si. ii. /?. Angn?t 28 * f J rl IE Members of Grccnvillo Section, "No. 1.1, nrc r?|ii*it"il to meet it- (Mr i)nil ToViifhi. By order of W. P. l'mi r, TV".'. P.-. Otk 0, * *1 If loiSFiP????E3, Wntch Maker and Jeweller, yXDER STEEN'.S 1IOTLL, REEP3 nlwnyson Imml Gold and Silver Wulrlu'n, nnd JKWKLttY of eviry description. Knuey Boot la nml IVrfunierv. Clock*, Watches njid Jewelry repaired iu the M*: t niniifior dec. 29, - 33 ' Ij r JOSl-T WTOP.A.3T, t)K A I.KH IN 0T?^JPI?iSa A\JWffi> jyAVESTO'S' CC-3- <3L3?ar? JBDri^ Ren?Iy-lWn?Ic Clolhiiag, I ATS, CAI*S A- 1KIXXETS, BOOTS A SUOES, tfw&mwA&g & ?;y YLIERY, Drugs and Dyc-Stuffo, ^ocHcWf, Glj),ssb)3lrc, 6?1rocclrlw, &c. omwrrCTIIK COlRT-UOV*r, ON NAtv-BTRKlcr. i:y All description of Produce taken in exchange or Goods ut the market price, I .ilwrnt (.'ash idvnteces made on Cotton and other produce inrausitu for Murkot. Grcenrillc, June2, 3 U" BALTIMORE AJiVKinTsKNIENT? xv&mw&tD sipA'ipssss LOTTERY & EXCHANSS OFFICE, (TXnder tha Eutaw House, Ho. 8,) BALTIMORE ST. SK.&&&W$9S> & BBG to call particular attention to the splendid selection of MAGNIFICENT I/lTTi:UR> drawing daily. Tlic Capitals in each Lotcry range from the email amount of ?-1,000, o the Stupendous Sum of Tickets varying in price of from ?1 to $2rt. )ur success ill selMng Prizes has been entirely bound our expectations. We have sold ami cash *1 Prizes during the Inst year, amounting in the jfgrwgate to over Ono Million of Dollars! PACKAGE* OF TICKETS containing nil the lumbers in tlio IjOttory, aIvayr on Imtid, rnngng i? price from $:$ 50 to $1%0?1 Vixen from $4,000 to $100,000. ^ single package c?n draw the 4 highest Prise* ii the lottery. Orders solicited through ll?e Post-< ttTice. Our Monthly Bulletin containing the Schemes >f nil Lotteries one month in advance of the day >f drawing, rent to nil who order it. Free of diarge. Thnnkful for past favors we rcspectfuly solicit, a coiitiutuuico of the patronage so librrnllv beat owed on us heretofore. All Business Strictly private nnd eoufideiitinl. For IVizes either hv the Paeknge, Single Tickit* or Shares, he sure to call on or address your irdera to the Ohl Established House of 8MALLWOOD & CO., JVo. 8, Evtuw J louse, Haiti more, Md. August. 11, 1854. 13 3ni DoBow's Roview. XDAlTBh primarily to the Southern and . Western States of tho Union. Including tatisties of Foreign and Domestic Industry ami Enterprise. Published Monthly in New Orleans, it $5 per nnnmii in ndvnuee. A few complete sets of the work, thirty voluncs hound handsomely (6O9 to t>S0 paged,) nrc or sal" at. the ofliee, New Orleans, deliverable a nnv of tlie large cities or towns. Publication otliee, Merchants' Kxehnngo, (over *?.<t-oflfieo,) New-Orleans. Postage two cents per umber if pre-paid quarterly. JJ21?lt? rpxrc* ttTTTBO/nT) TT)TD JL jlJLJU klUJmOVlVXJDJCOV HAS just received and opening n tine assortment of the GHQJCHfJT FRUITS, Orange*, Lemon*, Cooon Nuts, l'inc Ajiplon, linn an**, Eta*. nn?l Currants. # \V. II. UBSSOS. Doe l" f.I * tf A 7H AN S M AN, iOUSE, SIQN, ORNAMENTAL AND DECORATIVE o? jwk.m mmrao: .mm. 9 r.vrKn-iiASiiXR, oildeb, obuhtt * upholsterer. gi;et:\vtlle, s. c. 3T"0rders left *t this attended to. N24 28 6m jm. mmmmo rlTE undersigned hating mn?le Sl'TlVEYINd both n study and practice, and having nct d for ever*! year* as ldsputy County Hurv nyor 11 Virgiuiu and North Carolina, he feels himself ompeteflt to perform Any hrttdiiPB* in that lino, uul would most rwjn"tn>'i!j ofTcr ids ices io lis friends and the public generally, and solicit ln-ir patronage. Any business intrusted to kiin s ill meet with prompt attention O. T. MAfOX, REFERENCE.?C. J. Effort*, Ke<j., J. GILUP.ath, dr. >1. 11 Eaklk, Col. D. lloKR. Greenville, Dee. 8. 80 tf ma I^IIK creditors of the late JOHN IT. JOICE. I.- Esq., are herel?y notified that, by order of he Court of Chancery, tln-y ere fcniiired to renler. ot onth, tl^dr demnudson the Estate of the nid .Ton* TT. Joic< deceased, to the Commissionr of the Court of Chancery f<?r OtMvilh) Dis ric!,.on or before the first day M .limitary next, n order that the same winy he nettled by the reoivcr of the wii?l lie to to, nud reported to the ionrt by the Commissioner. ?ai, S. A. TOWNER,^ F. 0.1). Greenville C. II., Nov. *22, 1954. $9? Thompson & Easley, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE C. H., 8. C. Jm? 21, 19*4. 8 Greenville and Iiauxcns. pt A. RVPIlUTlI 9?HwMrfY nenmn* from i.T <y. t'racQvillo. to Eiuirene G II. Leaving ><*itirillc Tuesday and Friday, retnminc Vednetdavaand SHjtu^tiaya. AjTliealion to U nada the dav bafiftutfifivwp. JCO T. f - v.* * * .. JUL Mil J !I > iJl'.'JJ STATE OF SOCHI CABOLMA. GREENVILLE DlHTRlcT. In Equity. 7/?*liboru Tiai-von, tvaoetrtoc, ..o,, -?n "?Vil7".#n.e Cox, Executor, Ac,, ntwl others.?Bill in Equity. Ac count, RoIieC Fnle of lYoptfH?, Ac. .. 1 rJ"MlU Complainant having filed his attended X Mil hi this en**, male im; the legates* a*d iterson* interested in the wHi of the,. lata- Afrn liecrt.hcha Co* imrtiw to tlije unit, and it appear-, 'ing to the rut infection of tin Cotftitnisa^oner thot Unfit* W. Kwlger and hht wri'e McriwU Fodgor, A. \V. i^tnutSivfi. (iuu his ?M4 Jtufv .in;in tcr,'1?niM? A. Ibtrton, Ferry Burton ?m?l Kiiiil)' i R. Burton his wife, Guutorlu! ATayh?r and 3'ru. Taylor, his wife, reside without. IhV limit* of tliir State: "It is ordered flint the. ?l<ov? niunod thr Defendant* do iKivri; ideud or demur to the Com- . iduitinnt's hill, within three inOuth* fro(?? the pubi licdlion.oT this rule, or flint the ?*i<l bill will L* taken pro confemo us to tiles* lhsfundentii. I S. A To\V.NK\ C. A G. IX h K 17 37 \ 3m.STATK OF MMLITII tAROLlilA. GBKFNVli.LK DISTRICT. . In Equity, Nancy McKinney va, Alexander MeKinnev, Willi nin McKinney, Daniel MeKinnuy, John SleKinn ay, Joseph ilelvinney, Amendit Dill and Nnil II. Dili, Klixanrth Russell run! James ltusscll, i lemming MeKimn v, Clarimla MoKinney, Hnrriot A; Calloway, Chirindu C, Calloway and JlimPA C jvUfitfnv Hill AiO 1 Ki?tnti\ Ac. " * . r|'MlR Complainant having filed her BUI with JL tho Commissioner, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Elisabeth Uuescll and James Una-sell, lier husband, reside without the limit* of this State: It is ordered, on motion ' i of B. F. Perry, Complainattf* Solicitor. that Unsaid Kliznbct fi Kua-h-11 ami her husband, Jatnw Russell, ilo answer, plead or demur to Complainant's bill, within three months from this date, or tho same will be taken pro coufaaso as to those Defendants. a A. TOWNTO. C. E.OD. Greenville C. II., 2d Koveinber, ISM. 3m N 17 ? Great Economy in Timo & Labor. |PREMIUM CHURN. r |"M1E SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs his J. friends and the public generally thr.t be lias purclinrod the right to Manufacture the above Churn, and is now prepared In execute nil orders for the same. Its simplicity is such as to bo on- i derstOud by every intelligent child, and its eon i striiction is on truly and strictly philosophical I principles, and produces the desired remit iu uu ] almost incredible short time. Tho superior qualities of this Churn are as follows: First, the quick ami easy process of making butter when sitting in n chair. Secondly, In overrenting tho difficulty which produces r.swelling to overflow; nnd. Thirdly, the gathering process, in separating the butter from the milk, and preparing for salting. Persons wishing a Churn can find them at the suliscribor'n work-shdp, near the corner of Main and Buncombe streets. J. It. MKU1UU* Greenville, June 9, 4 tf STATE OF SOETfl CAROLINA. GUKEXVILLE DISTRICT. h C-S ? om ?.m:& I John \V. Grady) vs. v Attachment, J Win M. Butler. ) I A\T 11 KltfJ AS, the Plaintiff did on tho ICtlidny : f T of October, 185+, file liis declaration i rgiiast the defendant, who, (as it is said) is uhseiit from and "without the limits of the State, i and has neither wife or atlornev now within tho same ti|>oti wlium a copy of this declaration , might l?c served. It is therefore ordered, that the said defendant | do appear and plead to the said declaration on [ t.,.f.~.. II.....U. ,4 #1. ?. -.LI.!. I ... .v.v mi ...mvm vim.i unv ui vicvotn.T, wiiivii ? will be in tho your of our Lord one thousand ' eight hundred and liftv-iivo, otherwise final find absolute judgement will then be given and awar tied against him. D. 1T0KE, C. 0. P. Clerk's Office, Oroer.ville District, 1 October 17, 1851, f Smly By Authority this Time! | ,1 IX jiemons ind?4>te?l to'tiie folate of JOTfX ; J.Y. If JOYCK deceased, arc informed fhnt the j | Debts tine, the Estate must be paid i in mediately, ' I as longer indulgence enunot be given, i tar This not ice is final as to Debtors, t'redi- I j tors, present your claims duly attested, and you shall ho paid. ' A. J. JOYCE. der-J'2 lit Ueeciver. Cabinet Making. 333i33ii stasias REPl'l't rrn LLY informs the citi/ensofOrecn ville that lie i? pVoparod to make Fl.TvXII TP RE: such as Bedsteads, Sideboards, Bureaus, | Folding-leaf Tables, Centre Tables, Wardrobes, jdro., <?e?, and hopes to receive a liberal patronage. lie may be found nt the Work-Shop near , ! 11. ? *.e a n 1 _ ux- * - [ i iic nn hit <m uiiiii mm jiunconmc rwrceTS, 111 llie j rear of P. C.trnLK'# Illncksinitli Shop. Greenville, October ft. 51 2 j FRUSSI ARRIVALS j AT W. H. HENNQN'S. COUGARS?-HtunitV Refined, Criudied, Loaf, [ Refined, nuil Clarified, A fine article of Rio Coffee, Mackerel, Pickleil Salmon, Jxbetorr, Sardine*, and Cracker*, Sperm, Tallow and Adamantine Candle*, | lYoeerve*, Pickle* and brandy Fruifa. HARPWARS & QTOMMfcY, A laryre and one a?s? rtment of i swaw | I wliieli 1 will aelll^nw for Ca*h. [yCotne and | I w? for yourselves. All kind* of Produce taken i ' in exchange for goods and {*vneerio<?. W. 11. IIKXXON". I Kovomber 10, 2ft 2 Water Colors, &c. TTMIE onhacriberx have jn^t opened a large a* A r<?rtn?ent of AVulor ColoPa, in Itoxcs rnripnt} n ?m mcenretu y?, to whtcli t-hey ttoiiM invito attention., PAIXT PALTRTlhS, CA if KIM IIAIR PKSClLP, l.XhIA IXh\ I XI) IA RVP.UKR, PIS K. HA HOURS,VAliMlXK gam hook VRinriLUOX, LKA 1> PKXf/IhH, dr. A* our Assortment of Watr* Coi-oh* i* on extensive oue, we can innkc it tothoodvniitnj^c uf Mereiionto And otliern to j>urelinoo from ua bj tlie tfthreii -lioxeaw more. ON 11 AXL> a tine ftoek of Book* ami NtnliuQery, nt I.OW PKJCIX G. E. ELKOKD & CO. Nor. 'it. 28 .. . X Wo have boon authorized to Announeo C'npt. A. 1'. Owing*"A candidate forShcr. \?t at tho noxt election. Oct. 27?td. Book and .ton pkiktino nc*tijenc?t ^ (M " Efiteiprise Office." < " ft* % ? 1 LiiLP 1 "-.'.J I JJ l" J The Ladies' Wxiafh. AND l'AHLOK ANNUAL. Tlte rmhltJitij* tender tWlr TtffM 81*knowle<Jgmcnts fur the Hl?endly with wWrh they have bccti sustained, and nr?r ai|touragod to renewed effort*, lu a (ear tnoatlm the publication of Fuli-Jctipth Portraits of ?onie of the Most Celebrated Mnsi?nl Porsonign will be commenced. The f? blowing jira now in tint hand* of an eminent artist.-to bo engraved. vi|L, jenny i.ind, Anna Tniiinn. ii. Sou tug. 0?thririne kayos, Albonl, ?!?d Mr*. H. G. Ibwlwick. If theso slrould meet with favor, although very expensive, th-V wilt ba ii >lln wed by other* of a fcimihir character?-a* the publishers are. determined that the Wreath nr.d Annual shall continue to be thw Hot of tlie Dollar Mrgazioe*. ' The Literary Matter will bo entirely Original ; fi-pm the Ablest ntid purest writers in the Country. Every tiling of*n immnrfcl or irreligious character will be earcfwUr evef oiled. VVa intend to nre??>ju tl.e pvhh> Wfth ? work which shall blend entertainment with instruction, and not only rapliuato the taste, but also cievulo the thoughts and improve the heart?in short, to make the Wteath and Annual "a welcome Tisitor fn every family." The Literary Department will bo nbly sustained. , All who are'interested in h pure Family Literature, and aro willing to nosist in fostering the l>est native talent, aro invited to become subscribers nnd aid in its circulation. finch number w ill contain a tine steer,Engraving, and a Thirty-two Ijirge Optav? Luges, printed on fine paper. The May number will have an attractive Title-page, making in all Twenty live EintallLhment*, and a volume of Four Hundred and Thirtyfeu r pages ! Notwithstanding the iuoreased cost of the work by the advance in the ju ice of paper and priming, wcshall continue to found* the* work at the following exceeding low price I One Dollar a Year, in Advance; Four Cop! ios, one year, $3,00; 8even Copies. *5,00 j j Ten Copier- 4-7,00 ; Fifteen Copies, $10,00.. u? - I i . * - jhwuicji may of seui uy mini, ui ihc mKot | the publishers, if inclosed in the presence of a pofi(r.ia?tor, whoso certificate will lie taken as evidence. I'ostago-vtamps may be sent in placo of cli autre. All communication* in auy way connected with tiro Wreath and Annua! must bo directed, post-paid, to BCRIJTCK & SOOVir,. No 8, Hprtwc Street, New York. Dodg-e'ft Litfrarj ittiiNoum. rpm: NINTH VOLUME of the Museum eohW JL i??oi?co?i Sat it I'd ay, Juue 5th, ]XM, which far excels all picrteding Vuiunive ?t ibis wiciuiy circulated and independent Li tern ry and Family Jonrnnl, both in typographical appearance and in the \ulue of its original contents. The Museum claims to stand second to no literary journal in the United States, boasting corps of Gifted t'ontrihutors whose names art enrolled in the list of tlis most eminent of American Authors, and whose effusions have long graced the pages of this imj?er. This is the Seventh Year of the Museum's existence, and its prosperity has been one of such a sure and sulistantinl character, as to warrant the great and eonstiinfoutlny mndc by tbo Pro prietor, in order to seenrc aud increase for it a brilliant reputation. The Editorial Department is conducted by Oast as lv. Douc.e and J. W. 1Laxsos. TERMS invariably in advene* s iv One copy, one year, $2.00; One Volume (1.00. Four copies, one year, $(1.00. And all above four copies at tlie same rate. Single copies to be bad at all the Periodical store* in the civilised world. Wo will Si-nd one copy each, of the Museum and Uodcy ? Lnd'ys Hook, for one year, to each subscriber, for $4.00. Also the Museum and tha X. England Cultivator, for one year, for $5.00. ; Persons wishing the direction of their papers changed should inform us of the I'ost Office to which they nre now sent, as well its of tlioea to which tlicy wish them sent. All letters whatever, respecting (lie business management or editorial department, to be addressed to OSS 1 AN K. 1KJDOF, Xo. 12 School-street, Ronton, Mass. Drnirin^-Itooui Companion. A Record of the beautiful aud useful in Art. rI^Jto object of tho pnjior is to present, in X tlif most elegant and available form, ? w eekly literary melange of notable event* of the day. It* columns arc devoted to origintil tales, sketches and poems, by the J?K?T AMKIIIOAX Al'TIIOItg. and the cream of lho domestic and foreign news ; lite whole well spiced with wit and lilltiiftr Vuol i rvn tvrvv io BEAb'TlFVLLY II.LfBTHATEll with numcrom accurate engravings, by tmiocnt ai tints, of notable objects, current events in all parts of the world, and <jjf men Mid manner, altogether making a prfjier entirely orginal in it* design, in this country. Its pages contain views of ever}- populous city in the known world, of all buildings of note in the eastern or western hemisphere, of all the principal ships and steamers of the navy sod merchant service, with fine and occnrnte portraits of cvvij noted ciiirnCirr in ilia world, both male rnd female, Sketches of beau?rful scenery, taken from life, will nlso be given, w ith numerous specimens from the I birds of the air, and the fish of the sea. It ' is printed oil fine white paper, with new and beautiful type, presenting in Its mechanical i execution an elegau-spis inien of art. Tim size of the paper is fifteen hundred nnu sixty fonraquaie inches giving a great ninunt of i reading matter and illustrations?a man! moth weekly paper ofsixteen octavo pages. Kneh six month will make a volume of 4It pages, with about one thousand splendid engravings. Terjis INVAHIAW.Y IN ADVANCE. 1 sutaciilief, one year fS 00 4 suUseribers,** " * 1000 10 * M 44 tftflA One copy of Tiir Fi.4? or orn L'wiow and one cupy of cir.Abek's Pictorial, when ! taken together by one [tfrson, for one year, t for t4 00. The rtrronrai. T?*aviso Jtoou Co?rjtios inny l?e obtaiucd at any of'.he peri: odicni depot* ihrudfehotit lite country, and of newsmen, at six cents per single copy. ' Published otJCHt Saturday by " F. fiU&ASQy. ; cw. Oj TrfmoAt aA &#*? W