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-imiu-mi i ii . , OFFICIAL ELECT REPRESENTATIVES. ?| .W !* ?! H *- ! ,.. BOXES j * j* 2 b * ? I :: ? ? f ?1 *. ". -a. 1 jink * _j M * ?"'??urt Houm, 41b 8W8 3681 17)1 2<H 234 TjidiHnJ#', 100 CH? 80 13 70 38 M?w?\ IftC 172 1ST! 198 46 67 liroi'kuiHtiV, AO 7o c?| 4 48 30 1|AM.1.M*.)L 1(111 * AO ? <(J ? - nvumnui^ liw JIO 1IU JO *W UV Hodge#', . 99 92 88 90 25 88 FomtUiu Inn, 4<? 32 28 SO 65 42 Kairview, 88 2i 26 41 22 24 McCullnngh'a, 65 21 29 SO 16 6? Douthett's, 18 14 14 0 14 4 HtW. , 88 07 OS ' To 28 8? fcruWa, 10O isl 106 M M 88 June#', 99 64 88 98 26 77 ffcockWyX 70 78 76 29 81 22 !>{?kcr'a, 16 SO 18 16 6 8 69 66 48 6 42 47 Montgomery*' 67 72 62 6 68 11 TnCkor't, . 87 22 SO 0 6 8 22 8 2 15 8 10 Total. 1686 1596 1468 896 817 832 1 Ttiote marked thus were elected. "The Administration a Failure." It is a very easy thing to find fault. Hie most degraded of human beings retains to the last the faculty of falsehood and vitunerntion, and those who are least resjx?nsible are always the most offensive in their use of fold language. We take tip a Whig paper that has l>cen published, let us say twenty y&ars, and has witnessed, if not confessed, the fact that no Whig administration has ever existed from the begining of the government without inflicting marked injury upon the interests of the people; nnd we find its columns stained with language the most unjust and discreditable in regard to the present general ad in in ist sat ion. The New York Courier is a specimen of this class; and what, with Gen. Webb, the absent editor, who tarries in London, flatters the nobility, and writes falsehoods against his country to his newspaper in New York, and the subordinates he has left behind to imitate his example, the virtuous indignation against tho administration which is ]>onrcd through its chaste columns is almost overwhelming. Who would suppose?we refer to the Courier cfc Enquirer, not by way of particularizing its somewhat odorous history, but simply as one of the class?who would suppose that this complaining saiut sat by and saw tho bankrupt law enacted, the Hank of the United States plundering the i?cf^?le, the high turifl'of 1842 taxing labor, 'and, finally, the Galphins and the thirdincrs rioting upon peculations ujnm the }*iblic treasury, and yet did not, in reproof of all this, print u single syllable I On the contrary, it was a refreshing spectacle to see how unoontaous were these vestals of Whiggvrv, while during the last administration, plunder in high places was the rule and intrgrityHJie exception. They did not scorn to know atiilhing that was progressing. They were hvir state of blissful ignonmjc; and, finally, When they did speak, it was to ex?1M that which they feared to defend.? Now. however, when President Pierce proves his determination to conduct the administration on the most economical scale, and in the most patriotic and progressive spirit? winie tun measure*, before two years of his term Have expired, nre pouring benefit* upon tliocountrv?wo hear such prints as the New York Courier *t Eaquirtr declaring lhat "the ndministrntion is a failure!"? Whv, this accusation' is so familiarly made l?y tl?e Whig papers North and South, no one has yet attempted to show. A list of the failure$ of the administration having never yet been published, we propose to make one, as follows: The administration has failed to commit' itself to the peculating policy of its prcde-' ccsaor. It has failed to give way to the assaults of the abolitionists. It has failed to permit them to violate the , constitution of the United States. It has failed to yield to the insolent demands of foreign governments. It has failed to oppose the Nebraska and Knnsas bill. It has failed to follow in the footsteps of its predecessor by fniling to make several treaties vitally important? to the peace, tranquility and welfare of our country. It naa failed to commit itself to nativeAtncricanUm, Know-Nothingisin, and fanaticism generally. These are among^he failures of the administration. Wo do not wonder that they excite the ire of the Whigs and the Whig leaders; but we do wonder that the ire should be so publicly and so bitterly manifeated.? Washington Union. On On* Condition. Bom* years ago, when the Legislature of vm of the middle Htsts* wews framing a Constitution, the dfoautiofl of its provisions was warm and obstinate. Many days had been went in Jfterv flshatn and the vols at length about to be taken. Just at this moment, a oountry member, who had been abMuit for aome day* previously, entered the House and took his seat. Another member, who was in favor of the amended Constitution, went to him and endeavored to make a convert of him. "You must vote for the Constitution by all means," said he. "HI think of it," said the country member. "But yon must make up your mind at once, man, for tlie vote is about to be taken." The country member scratched his head, end seemed nusxled. "Come, wny do you *hesitatc I Will you jwomise me to vote for to Constitution ? 1 sun sure it will give general satisfaction." "I'll vote for Tt on one condition," said the country member. "WWjt latitat!" "And on no other, by gracious 1" "But what condition is it 1" *Why,t that they lot it ran by iny farm." # & . * tax colle'jtoil c ? ' p K h K *?> Af-Itc b *2 *14 1M H?7 26 ? 1W u:t 5 ft 4 J 5 J1 " 0 Mn 11 4 6 18 81 ^ } 44 4* | ? o 0 18 81 6 J 0 0 ' 4 R 41 1 ? ?I " 21 28 2* 20 u 0 0 0 .J ? 26 2 66 6 1 0 0 0 ( 7 ?? ? 4 0 < 120168 M 8 0 12 O tf , 6ft 89 0 2 0 0 0 8 f? 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 12 1 O < O O 0 28 80 20 2 8 8 0 18 O 0 1 4 V 40 61 12 15 1 7 0 3 , 22 188 8 20 0 O 1 14 O 0 0 0 5 80 3 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 7 2 ft 0-8 7 010 1 0 2ft 10 10 0 O 1 41 O 4 0 1 22 lO 17 23 1 ft 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 7 0 21 8 7 0 0| 1 ft 14 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 I 84ft 411! 8781 1411 *92' Uftllfll|44l44'll8 Eufoft Choate. Wk do not know who wrote the following, but we tliiuk he ought to tnive something done for him: "Rufus Choatc is a picture to look at, and j, a crowdcr to spout, lie is about seven feet six, or six feet seven in his socks, suple as an eel, and wiry as n corkscrew. His face is a compound of wrinkles, "yallar janders" and j jurisprudence, lie has siuall, keen, piercing i Mack eyes, and a head shaped like a mam moth goose egg, big end up ; his hair black . and curtv, much resembling a bag of wool in "admirable disorder," or a brush heap in a I< gale of wind, llis body has no particular shape, and his wit and his legal "dodges'* have set inanv a imlor? in n uunlrw o?'t ??? ,v j ~b~ 1 confounded jurors as to make it almost impossible for tbciu to speak plain English, or tell the truth for the rest of their natural lives, ltufus is great on twisting himself up, squirming around, snd prancing, jumping and kicking up the dust when steam's up. His oratory is first rate, and his arguments ingenious and forcible, lie generally makes a "ten strike"?-judge and fury down at the end of every sentence. He is great on flow- I cry expressions and high-fulatin "flubbuibs." ' Strangers mostly think he is crazy, and the rest scarcely understand what he is about.? lie invoices his time and elocution four thousand per cent, over ordinary charges for having one's self put through a course of law. ltufus Clioatc is about fifty years of age, irerhaps over. lie is considrcd the ablest , lawyer in New England, or perhaps iu the < United States. JIm handwriting can't be 1 deciphered without tlio aid of a pair of com|>esses and a quadrant. His autograph somewhat resembles the map of Ohio, and looks like a piece of erayon sketching, done in the dark with a three pronged fork. lie has been in the Senate, and may he, if lie has time to fish for it, President of the United States." Singular, yet Interesting. Dl-riko last week as a man who was en-: gaged in digging a veil in the village of ltlooraington in this State, which he had | v?ni?ku yu mic ucjiiii ui wiiriy-uvc icei, lie ! becamo suddenly overcome with a gas or foul air. lie was just able to make hi* situ- 1 alion known to those al>ove to be drawn up before life was extinct. The rush of gas increased to such an extent as to cause a noise j which could be heard many feet from the j mouth of the well. The experiment of lighting it was tried, when instantly upon the application of a torch a volume of flame filled the wliolo apace below, and threw out a column several feet above the surface. As the ' gas appeared inexhaustible, the citizens confined it at the mouth of the well, and inserted a pipe about eight inches in diainctert' for its escape. It continues to burn, throwing out a flame of the purest and brightest kind, equal in diameter to the pipe, and in height about tenor fifteen feet aDovethe surface of the oarth, lighting the contigious portion of the town for a great distance. Its j>osition is only about fifty rods from thede- [ |K>t of the Illiuois Central Railroad, and it is j daily visited by hmfflreds of the surrounding I neighborhood. If "the lamp holds out to I burn." the citizens of lHoontin^ton wilt have an excellent opportunity of lighting their town with the purest giw without incurring , much expense.?Chicago (III.) American. i A (irkat raffle took place recently in Sun Francisco, the gratul prize in which?$10,000?was won by a young man named Keh ly. A little girl named Anna Maria Quinn j wflt selected to draw the numbers from the wheel. The excitement at the drawing is .1 ? u?:? i * " 1 ucn.iii>cu M nai ilig OWU intense. iYII eyes | were "taH on the wheel, and all began to clamor for the commencement of operations. Slowly the wheel began to turn, and every , revolution sent the hot blood coursing ( through the veins of those who had Invested their money in tickets, and stood among the ranks of thoee who worshipped at the shrine t of the "fickle goddess." Quicker and quick or revolved the wheel, and more intense became the excitement, and when it stopped, every tongue was hushed, every breath was { drawn, and even the falling of a pin could be distinctly heard in the vast multitude aascm- I bled. The little girl put in her hand, took out a ticket, and handed it to the president, \ who, in a clear and distinct tone, slowly ut- i tered the words "58,860"?which fell with 1 icy ooklneas upon the heads of every body j present but one man, who, on the extreme , verge of the crowd, jumped wildly forword, i exclaiming at tho top of his voice, "that's ine !* It is stated that Messrs. Kkko & IIuotiikks, 1 wholesale clothiers on Market-street, l'bila- 1 delphia, have failed, their liabilities being o- ' ver half a million of dollars. WRRKCTKD WUKLT FOR TUB KKTKRrRlSB, BY JfMN W. BRADY, MERCHANT, Grkkntiuj; October 5, 1844. ) BAGGING, Gunny, per v*rd, 10 a 18 DIUMKB, 121 jAvjON .lining per lb., 10 s !S{ Rhouklen, 0 a 10 Bidee, 11 a 121 Hog round, 10 1 BUTTER ? .(lotlieii, per H>. none. Country, per lb. 15 JOFFEE.. .Rio, per lb. 14 Jam, per lb. 18 a 20 UOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 61 a 10 til i .? i LTim-ujig, jmr j?. IV <> 16 Ostiaburgn, per yd. 11 a 1 { FLOUR ....Country, per bbl. *0 a *7 Country, per Mick, $3 a > GRAIN Com, per btuliel, 70 a 75 Wheat, per bushel, $1 a $l? IRON Sweden, per lb. OJ ? 7 English, per lb. 5 a LAUD .per lb. 0 a 10 MOLASSES, Cuba, per gal. 33 a 37^ N. On per. gal. 40 SYRUP....M 44 per gal. 50 a 02$UlLS Lamp, per gal. ? $2.J Train, per gal. 87^ a $1$ Linseed, RICE. per lb. 7 a 8* ! ROPE. i?er lb. 12^ a 20 | SUGARS...N. Oilcans, per lb. 7 a 9 Porto Rieo, |)cr lb. 9 a 10 Ixiaf, |>er lb. 124 Crushed, pci lb, 12^ Refined, per lb. 10 a 12f SALT per bushel, - 90 Salt, |?er back, $2} a $3 SOAP Colgate,pale, 12? a 15 Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 SHOT per lb. 12* Shot, per bag, $2 J a $2* Tho Stato of South Carolina,. GUKKN Y1LLK DISTRICT, i \ i;<(i ri v. Kmily C. Wv*tmoreli?n?l, ct, al., vs. William Wwt, ot. si.?Hill for Partition, Af. It. F. I'mky, Ken.. Complainant'* Solicitor. TK obedience to the Decree of the Court, in this I 1 case, tho I'lHiimiwioner will m>II to tho highest liiildcr, at Greenville Court House, on Sale-day in Novcml?cr noxt,on a credit of one, two and three years, the Tract of Ijiml whereon J nine* Went lived in his lifetime, lvipg on the waters of Saluln Hivcr, in Greenville Dintrict, containing live or nix hundred sores, known as the llome-plnce, and adjoining lands of Weatly l'liillijw and other*. This is n valuable Tract of Linnd, with all the improvements necessary for a Farm. The amount of the cost* in this ease, and also the costs in the cnao of ('aroliua McCarrol and her husband, against the I'lnintitTs and Jnmes West, will l?e required to he jaud in cash by the pnridiaser. He will also be required to give lmnd and two good sureties, to secure tho purchase money, with a mortgage of the premises . K. A. TOWAKSS c. e.o. u. Commissioner's Office, Greenville, H. C., July 17. 1H54. Oct 13 tvls ELECTIONNOTICE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, I Gkkkxvillk DLKTUICT. j Offire Court General Settioat, L'immmoh Pleat. I" 1>. IIOKK, Clerk of said Court in pursu1 ^ once of the Directions of the Act of the (.egialature in such case made and provided, do hereby give public notiec that an Flection for Ordinary for Greenville District, will be held on the First Monday in November next, at the usual places of Election throughout tho said District Witness my hand, at Greenville, this fifth day of t.tetobcr, A. D., 18&4. D. 1IOKE, C. 0. S. A C. P. Oetol>er rt, 18W. 21 td Cabinet Making. ? ?" a33*i32>33 SJD&I&IiS T> l-JSl'Kt T FLI.LY informs tlie* of CareenIV ville Hint he it prepared to make FURNITURE : nuch n* Bodaten<!?, SidelwnrdA,J1 lire ana. Folding-leaf Tables, Centre Tables, )iV nrdrobes, Ac., Ac., nnd liopca to receive a liberal patronage. He nmv he found at the Work-Shop near the corner Main nnd Bnneoinlie Streets, in the ronr of 1*. Oai dlk'h Blacksmith Shop. Greenville, October ?. 21 2 waodt nhmmos.] [a**, a. Thompson ft Easley, ATTORNEY8 AT LAW, GltKKXVILLK C. II, S. C. Jnna 2:t, 1861. ? f Found, ON Fridav, 15th iuat,, a BRACELET, supposed to Go lost by some one who attended the Episcopal Fair. The owner can have it l?y proving property and |>aying for this advertisement. Enquire at this office. S2V Southern Qurterlf Review. PERSONS having buaineaa relations with the "Somiaan QnAmcai.v Rkvikw, will for the present address their communications to the iiuldniher in Columbia, ft C. C. MORTIMER. fr?9 1# f A Horse For Sale. A HORSE seven years old, in good oruer, 1 V quite gentle, and works well in double or dngle harness, can be had elicap, hy enquiring it this office. 829 tf PROSPECTUS OF THE State Rights Register and National Economist. a ro'.iticai. joitmnal aid oknksal 8kwa p al'i'.b. CO. ltAYI/)K, K?litor.?Tcrma $8 a year e issued weekly. The State Rioiits Reom r*? will he conducted upon the principles of Rate rights aa laid down by Jefferson. The Reenter will ndhere to the original compact, as rati Ifd by the several HtatM, and will nnpoae al llattndinarianiem in legislation, and all cnoroeebnenta, aecret or open, nnon the ri((liU and aover-ignty of the State*. Tlte Regietrr will iaie a* ta text in the diaeueeion of all public question* the 'onstitntion, strictly construed and untueoprom- | ae-1. W amiinutox CiTT, Jnly, 1844. VLL thnee indebted to me hy Note or Aeocnnt now due, will pteaeo come forward and nake immediate payment, a* I will not give any | furl her indulgence, W. IL 11KNNON. 1 Oetobor ft. a S y ^ o . I Wl'li'l ".I I 1 AUCTION SALES. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF Ifegroos, Town Lots, Plantations, Cattle, Hanoi. Pravhioa. Ac. State oCSouth Carol inn. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. ww laK^waira'. CL J. Dfonl and JnntM K Sherman, Exwntors of R Ihinliain. dcccaaed, va. Kmfer Lowland.? Bill for Account, Relief, Half, Partition, Vie. Pkurt, and Yocxo A Kuman, Complainaiita' Solicitor*. rv Ak?i;.r^ ?- o-?- ' - - - I .. av iur \?nifr 01 In? i mirt of | II Equity for flreenville IHstrict, made at Ju- | It Term, 1854, the undersigned Commissioner of , ine snld Court will proceed to soil the partnertkip property i4 the finn of I >unham A loveUnd, I for partition, at the titnea nnd places following, to-wit Oa Wednesday, the first day of KoTemher next, at the Mountain Creek Plantation of IHjiiham A lsivoland, in said IHatriet. A quantity of CORK, Fodder, Shucks Oats and other Provisions A Large stork of Hogs 18 or 20 Ileal of Cows nnd Calves, 1 pair young Steers, 12 young Cattle 8 Horses, 1 Mule Colt 21 Sheep and l^unlis, 2 Old Carts 1 Harrow, 4 Hough Storks, 10 llouglt Moulds 1 Dung Fork, 2 Pitch Forks, 8 Hoes 6 Axes, 2 pair Steel van Is 3 Scythes and Cradles, 1 Bee Palace and Bees 1 Donldtf-hnrrelcd Shot Onn Cooking Utensils, do., Ac. Tkbm? or Balk, for tiir. aiwvkxamf.i? Pnorrntt.?A erodit of twelve months, with interest fn?m date, on note with two good sureties, excel >t for sums under #20, which will be required in cash to pay the cn*t? of Partition. And if a unfftuient amount of cash be not received in this account to meet the cx|7en*cs of Partition, then the renininder of what is necessary for tlii* ptirjxwe will be required of the otherwise Ted it portion of said sale. ALSO, On Sale-day in November, nt tlio Court-House of sniil District: 1. The LOT on Main-street, in the Town of Greenville, now occupied by It. Lovcland and others, measuring loo feet on Main-street, front, and llrown-street, back, and being 224 feet in deptli. On this I.ot is a large nnd well-built brick House, centsininc dwelling with six rooms almve, and two Store Rooms below. Also, a Wooden Store llouse, now occupied as a Tin Slioji nnd Store. There is also u|mmi the I>ot a Ilriek Kitchen, Smoke House nnd other Outbuildings, and a well of fine water. This property is situated in the centre of business, and is one of the most desirable I/>tn in the Town of Greenville, nnd with but little improvement it could lie made to produce a rent of #750 ]>er annum. 2. A I.OT immediately luick of the above, lining 100 feet on Brown street, front, and Spring street, back, and Iteing 2tK) feet in depth, having on it a large and convenient Stable, Ac. 3. One LOT on Buncombe street, in the said Town, now occupied by O. A. l'iekle, I icing feet front on Huucombe street, and feet in depth. On this Lot is u comfortable Dwelling House and Outbuildings. It is in one of the most jdeasant and improving portions of the Tow a. 4. One LOT at Pickens C. II., (|?articular descriptions of which will be given on the dny of sale.) 5. The Tract of LAND known as the Ilirwkitvs Tract, containing 8424 acres, more or less, situated on Mountain creek, in Greenville Ifistrlat, seven miles from Greenville 1L, on the rvMtd lead La 1/ to JsnkiiM' ' tn-~ greater .portion of this place U woodland, *ml there i* a good Saw Mill on the premise*. It i# beautifully located at the foot of 1'ari* Mountain, in a good neighborhood, and in one of the healthiest sections of the world. 8. The Truct of LAND, known as the Hooker Tract, adjoining the almve, containing 243 acres, more or less. This place is well improved, a large portion in woodland, and gome of the cleared lund very productive. 7. A Tract of LAND, on Jamicsoii's Creek, waters of South l'acolet Itiver, in <?roenville District, containing 100 acres, more or less. Tkrms or Sai.k, ro* tub Lands.?A credit of one, two and three years, in equal and successive annual instalments, bearing interest from the date of sale, to be secured by l?ond with two good securities, and by mortgaging the promisee The Town Ix>tsare now rented, and the purchaser will be entitled to the rent from the (late of sale. At.80, 2ft Valuable and Likely NegToet, vis: TOM, If ill. Marble, Susan, Owen, IMiillis, Florida, Costello, Saiu, Dan, Hob, Mary, Lueindn, Henry, Matilda, Jenny, 1'alius, Allen, Charles, joun, sosetta, ftponcer, Julia, Peter, BcUey. Terms ok Hale, run the Xeorok-*.?A credit of twelve months, with interest from ditto, to be secured by note*, with at lenst two good nitrifies. K A. TOWN**, C. K O. I>. Commissioner's Otfieo, ) sept 10, 1853. j 10 - tds Valuable Rosidcnce for Sale at Public Auction. THE subscriber will sell, at Public Auction, at Greenville Court House on Sale day in XoifmLrr n'xt, the 1IOU8E AN1> IjOT, on Coffee Street, in the Town of Greenville, now owned and occupied by Emanuel K. Robinson. The hot is atH> feet front on Coffee Street by 120 feet in depth on Spring and McIW St reets! The Dwelling is a handsome Brick Building with six room*. On the premises is a Coppersmith Shop, Brick Smoke House, Stable, Ac., and a number of the choicest peach and other Fruit Trees in the eountr/. This Lot is near Main Street, and near the 'ii.'fiisllit, Episcopal and Baptist i "nurches, and is very desirably located for a residence. J Terms.?A credit of six and twelve months* with interest from date, to be secured by bond with two surities and a mortgage of the premises. C. J. RLFURD, Att'v. ept 21 19 tds jmr ALL DEBTS owing to tlio firm of Robert* <fe Pickle, are in tho subscriber's hands, not pawl forthwith, will l>c sued upon. C. J. ELFORD, Assignee, sept 22 10 . 3 ALL DEBTS due to I. H. Benedict, deceased, or to Benedict A Burns, not paid forthwith, will he sued indeacriminatelv. C. J. ELFOR D, Adin'r. A Assignee, sept 22 10 3 l?rcn7KC3E3* AIX PERSONS having an^faemand* againM L. ft. Twuwmm, decea^f), will preeent theai property attested, and tfl indebted will i>lva?e mall* immediate payment, to H. LKK TllRl HTOX. J?s?-u/or. Sept. 12, 1M4? 19 * %? %a ,rti AVf ' THE REGULAR MEET<JP*? BV^Na ion ot Moc.ttai* Lomi. Kf. G&cfnftolA, I. O. O. ?, are K?!d mi Md?r rrninn'lt 7 o clock in their Hnll J. R 811ER MAN, S?r**iy. <; rccn v i 11 o, Atlg 'If' ! IOIVR OF TEMPERANCE. 'aOHBL?Oniutxvitxr Divmwojc, No. 1>, K off T.. Iiold their niwtitiw w?Wy, at the Invito n ftoumiin MoBorV I (nil) Saturday ovrninra. I. D, WILSON, A. It. A A<t](nit t% f T^HE Mcmbflri <vf Granville Section, ICo. 15, i -1. are rwiu?t?(l to meet at tlieir tfatl To! Xi'/ht. By order of W. P. Paica, W.-. P.*. Ort ?, 11 ;tf BA LTl MORE A DV EllTISEM EXT. LOTTERY & EXCHAN6E OFFICE, (Under the Entaw House, Ho. 8,) BALTIMORE ST. & S3.,, HWl to rail particular attrition to the ?plendi<l selection of MAGNIFICENT LOTTKK1RS drawing daily. The Capital* in cncli Lottery range from the email amount of to tho Stupendous Bum of Ticket* varying in prieo of from f 1 to *50. Ouraucccs* in selling l* ha* In'en entirely he-1 yond our expectation*. We have sold and cftsli-1 ed I'rir.e* during tho Iu*t year, amounting iu the) aggregate to over One Million of Dollars! l UF TlUKI'^S cmiMniHg all tlie j number* in the Lottery, always on hand, ranging in price from $8 60 to *4S()?Pria-* from | $4,000 1c $100,000. A single package can draw the 4 highest Prizes in the Lottery. Orders solicited through the Post-Office. Our Monthly Bulletin containing the He hemes ' of nil lotteries one month in advance of the day j of drawing, sent to all who order it. Free of Charge. Thankful for |>a?t favor* we resj?eetful- j ly a continuance pf the patronage so lile j ernlly bestowed on ns heretofore. All Business strictly |?rivato and confidential. : For Prizes either l?v the Package, Single Tickets or Shares, he sure to call on or address your orders to the Old Established House of SMALLWOOD & CO., A'o. 8, Eutaic Jfoutte, Baltimore, Mil. August 11, 1854. 13 Sin MR. L A F A R , HAVING just received from Charleston, a fine assortment of FANCY CASKS, MEDALLIONS, BROACHES, Ac., he would repectfnlly invite the citizens of Greenville and ita vicinity, j to call and examine for themselves, lie may be | found at McBnt'a Hall. Please call and examine J s|K.-cimcna. Inst ructions given in tlie art. July 11, 1854. 10 tf | WATCHES, JEWELRY, fcC. I JOHN J. BENEDICT WOULD respectfully inform his 1 Oohl friends that he lias returned ' C' Sgflfrom New York, bringing with him A STOCK OF JEWELRY, which he is offering for sale CHEAP, at the store of Messrs. UoWrts A Duncan. It comprises WATCHES, BRACELETS:) GOLD PENCILS, RINGS, ' lie asks an examination of the same, ami : them that they will l>e found of the best imiterinl. August 25. 1.5 tf A., BRUCE, ?Ua?E?N ?EMTOST, brcriivilh', ?. C. jS PREPARED for all operation* on TKETll, and particularly FI LL SKITS of Teeth, ; made after the moat improved plan. Entire satisfaction given before paid for. Those person* about Greenville O. II., who I occasionally hear of saying thnt I do not pretend to oet Teeth on I'late, or make Full Setts, will please discontinue, or I will offer them an npj>ortunity for establishing their assertion if they can. June 28, 1854. 'ft tf j DeBow's Review. VDAPTKD primarily to the Southern and Western States of the I'nion. Including j statistics of Foreign nnd Domestic Industry and Enterprise. Published Monthly in Sew Orleans, j at $5 per annum in advance. A few complete acts of the work, thirty vol-' nmea hound handsomely (60O to (iKO pages,) are for sale at the office, Sew Orleans, deliverable j in any of thejarge cities or towns. Publication office. Merchants' Exchange, (over ' post-offioa,) New-( Orleans. Postage two cents per number if |H*e-paid quarterly. J21?10$ Livery Stable. 1M1E subscrilters are supplied with a number . of COMFORTABLE HACKS, CARRIAGES AMD BUOOIKH, witbgcntlo well-broke HOII8EH, and careful and competent DRIVERS, and will convey Travellers or hire their Vehicles on Reasonable Terms. Their OMHlbUN will always be found at the Depot, on the Arrival of the Cars, and will convey Passengers to uny part of town or from any part of town fur cents. Travelers will do well to make no arrangements j until thev reach Greenville. RUTLEDGF. A ARCHER. June 80. 7 Am a ? T .1 llf A (notftvi /. MSSM . I Aijij me haiviiui, mi?r JEWELRY, which were left for repair with the lato I. II. Benedict, or witii Benedict & Burns, and which are net cnflcd for and expenses paid by tho 1st Norcinber next, will then do aold to |?ay charges, without further notice. C. J. ELFOHD, Adm'r. <fc Assignee, sept 22 10 ftt The Wool Cards. VT McBEK'H MILI?S Ulow Greenville CI It., hnvejust I.sen fitted up in th? b< *t manner, fur making fuil.IH, Bring your Wool in nice fix, and yon will gel i good Rolls. Greenville and Laurens. GA. Rrnrrt TH will carry persons from Greenville to Unrun ri. H. leaving Greenville ererr Tueadav and Friday, (returning Wednesdays and Saturdays. Applicat on to Wi made the day bvfute leaving. ,130 7 f i dS f # t^rw* him Wen lathorM to MM*M Boktrt 9f?K?r> Cewlldete fcr the office of OKMhART, at tbe aemt election far said* office. Aug. f#> tt If"We Are nrUiorAati ta am* nounce W. P. l'RI JiCK, u Mmdfcluto farffir : iff at I bo ensuing election for offok SepL 8, 17 ? trait". Editor to-Ye a will plwwr ntinmtneo W, M. GOODLKTT Cnadbtoto far OHlwfy at the ensuing election. 829 <4 JOBIT VT. OfUUDY* m?Ai.HR m ?ft?A2P&gi ^vssrto n'^as'^s' hi***1 1 HATS CAltJ * BONKEIS, BOOfB 4k WJM'QWMSL 6 OOTlEWV, Draft Md Dyt'tftuffk* tViViifrj|, tilqsfttofllre, GlroceirUf, &c, \ ?m *rr k *11 * cockt-u otsx, on M.?ix-*rautr, iy All description *4PtwfM4 taWn in exchangO for (toudu af th* Murftvi price, l.fheral Cm* advance* made on Cotton and oilier produce ll* trnn*itu for Mnrktt. Greenville, June 2, I tf aiKWoiwiis?ii?iie DAGUERREAN GALLERY. W. H? BURKS HAS UKFITTED arndf 6?( In compfefo ordef the Room* fotmeny occupied 1>Y A.- 11/ UowAxn a* a Book-Bindery and DAOUKRREXSt G-ALI^u'sSlKVy and respectfully announce* to the citizen* of Greenville and vicinity, that he i* now prepared to execute l.ikucMC* in handsome *tvle and nokdk Likenesses retaken, and placed in Mrdftifivm tf any other stylo of case, Children'* pie to re* Uh ken in n very fetf rwiwofevwith accuracy. Greenville, .Mine 9, 1854. 4 tf Great Economy in Time & Labor* S&iiL&SSSLLeS9? PREMIUM CHURN* rpiHv*Ul**CRIBKK respectfully inform* hi* 1 friends and the pnlilic (generally that ha lino purchased the right to Manufacture the abovo -..-1 ......... m<u in now prepared to execute all orders for the same. Its simplicity is such as to be understood l?y every intelligent, child, and its construction is on truly and strictly philosophical principles, mid produces the desired result m Ml almost incrodilde short time. The superior qualifies of this Clmr* ntr* #.? f?f-? lows: hirst, the quick and eas^ process of msking butter when sitting in a chair.- Secondly, In overcoming the difHcuIty which produces a swell" ing to overflow; and. Thirdly, the gathering process, in scpnrating the lintter from the nvSHE, nnd preparing for salting. Persons wishing or Churn can find them at the suliseriber's work-shop, near the corner of Main and Buncombe streets. J. K. MEKKlLLr flrocnvflle, June 9, 4 tf Mechanics, Manufacturers, and INVENTORS, Vnew volume of the SCIENTIFIC* A MEMAX commences about the itiifddlo of Sep* tenibor in ench year. It is a journal of Scientific, Mcolinnical, nnd other improvements; tha advocate of industry in all its various branches. It is published wee kly in a form suitable for binding, and constitutes at the end of eaeh year, a splendid volume of 400 pages, with a copious index, and from live to six hundred original engravings, together with a great amount of practi" cal information concerning the progress of inrek' tion and discovery throughout the world. The Scientific American is the most widely circulated nnd popular journal of the kind nosr published. Its Editors, Contributors, ?*ni Cof' respondents are ninongthe ablest practical seiew tifie men in tin- worM The Potent C'lnima are published weekly, n*d ore invaluable to Inventors and Patentees. We particularly warn the puMie against pay ing money to travelling agents, its we are not i* the hnhit* of furnishing eertifieatee of agency te? nny one. Letters should be directed, (post paid) to MUXN A- CO., 1*28 Fulton street, N. V. Term*. One copy, for one year, One copy, for six months, $1; Five copies, for six months. *4; Ten copies, for six months, $8; Ten copies, for t welter J months, $16; Fifteen copies, for twelve months, $22 ; Twenty copies, for twelve months, $28, j Southern and Western money taken at |w*r far subscription, or post office stamps taken st their full value. The Southern Cultivator! A MONTHLY JOLRNAU devoted exclusively to the Improvement of Southern Agriculture, Htoek Breeding, Poultry, Bees, Oetiernl Farm Economy, Ac., Ac. Illustrated with numerous Klegnnt Engravings. OK K DOLLAR A YKARIX ADVAXCK " Paxicx Lkf, M. I)., A D. REDMoxn, Editor* 'Jh* T\rr!fth Volume, Greatly Imjtroped, c&mmrmceet January, 1854. Titx Cci.tiv at- it, is a large octavo of Thirty-tw? pages, forming a volume of 884 pages in the yea*, (t eontains a much greater amount of reading matter than nny similar putdication in the Hasith ?embracing in addition to the mrrefrf agrienlftrral topic* of the day, valuable original conflMmtions from main of I he m*mt intelligent ru><\ practical Planters, farmers in?d Horticulturists in ery aeetion of the South and South-west. Tcnw* One Copy, one year, $1; Six Copies, rrnt tear,$6; Twenty nve, ' " $20; One Hundred" " $76. TiisC.-<i! $Tiim vttl ho : igidl* adhered to, g and in no instance wil) the paper he aitf unless the money accompanies the order, The flifk o4 MWH rwriVrO at ttmr, AB money remitted I?y ronfl, pontnge-Onhb will bo nt the rink af tin" Publisher. Ad?fre*a, WILLIAM JOSBV AngnnCn Hn. ggT Pef??n? nki will net a* Agonf*. wn?l obtain Mit^enbcrn, ?fll be fnfni*hed with the paper nt > flub priw*. M?J 2H, 1HH f 2 Game Fowls, PKHBONfi vbiting the Agricultural Fair to fur held nt Greenrfna (N <1. on the llth and 12th of Oetr*>rt will hare ?n importinu'ty of necing >fime of the heat OA MR IIIRlW In fhe United St?te?. 1 Mtwet to hare a many breed* o? exhibition, nil of wliieh Will be offered for nnle, xrKb the prlee marked on the cnopa. V. K. MARTIN". Hept. it '19 9 The Spartanburg Express BY EDWARD H. IIRnTOS, (Formerly of the Fairfield IbyMrr mtd Ilernld, awl UUt one of Bin Editor* and Proprietor* of tire Charleafon ^taodnrd,) ha* been eatsWbhed nt Sf nrtanbnrg C. )f , fk O TERMS. , ;i ' Tri-Weekly Esprrn*, per annum. $3 (*> Weekly % ho