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? . , , , ^ 1 . . ? II ' 1 . %? . #" ~~1.?" ~ W^~ .*" 1 ?. ' * * >! ? A T?st for Copper Ore*. For the benefit of those who may have ore* in their possession, but here not a sutiieicnt VriowNntge of chemistry to tost them, wo publish tho following simple test. Utoly communicated to the American IVesnytoiian, l?y J. 3i.Snnford, a practical mineralogist. It may be useful to many persons in those sections'where coppor ore is siippo3C<l to ex- j isV,,wiii vuhUo iheui to UoL ouuh apeeiinens ns may ootno in their way without dif- . liculty: -v-'Tho following mrvle of detecting copj>cr Srill he found to bo simplo and effective, aud 1 by carefully attending to the different steps i iu iho process, any ono who can procuro a ! ilimo's worth of aquafortis, or what is tho) J ivtiA nltria fti AA *viH l.? ..l.l.i q!..iw I I? ?""i-vtwi "V" "" -y ""v? "? nee of the motal in a rainojnil that conbut n traco of it. tho firstplaoe, reduce the mineral to be 1, to powder. Let a portion of this pow-say as in neb as can bo taken up on a ;ont niece?bo roasted. This is easily by heating it on a common shovel uubogiusto got rod hot. ?c noxt step is to take tho roasted pow-half as much as indicated above will est?and place it on a pieco of n broken i or saucer?a watch glass would bo best, i drop on enough aquafortis to make a paste with tho powder. Let it stand a few minutes, tueu add, drop by drop, t as much water. on so the mineral contains an abundance ppor, it is only necessary to insert iulo liquid u clean, bright, kuile blade, when li atouco become coated with copper, case tho mineral contains but little of netal, it might bo wholly overlooked in way. To detect a small quantity of tho il it win bo necessary to ^et rid of most io miuhfiMtis before inserting tho knife I k This is done by holdiug tho ]>iccc of or anueftr over a few coals until tho lcr becomes nearly dry, thon add a few a of water again, and insert the blade, iv copper be present, it will dually npj rear upon the knife. It is proper in tills I asc* to lot the blade remain half an hour or noru in liquid, if tho copper does not appear uoiier. Ir? this way n vory small amount of [>ppor in n sj>ecimen may be detected. The Mormons. ' A persons would be amazed, interested ud am*u?W were bo to pay a visit to tho Ionium Chufip, near Westport, It looks ko a great city built up iu tho beautiful ran a south of town, and tho number of I -nts placed out in regular order, gives one Iune idea of the multitude congregated toother, they number, wo believe about 1,00, ami still they come?-.every boat brings lore or loss of these infatuated beings?for lany of them Biippose, as we hear from rcablc information, that they are journeying i? an earthly Canaan which is to prove an ntranee to the heavenly Zion. In fact the hi lady questioned upon the subject, stated hat she had no friends or relatives iu all the oinpany, but was in hoiie her troubles would 0011 be to an end, for she was now near the iromised land, tlie land of peace, plenty and inliticss. Other, decriped, lsnie, halt and >lind, all journeying on, believing that their miladies will be cured and their difficulties einoved as soon us tliey reached the dcightful spot. Poor creatures, we liopo it nay lie so. They seem to be in gathered roin all climes and countries, but wo beiovo the majority of litem west of us here iow, are Danes and English, and from the j 'ontinea!?few from Scotland or Ireland, j i It is the Intention of those in charge of ^ hem to start upon their journey across the Mains this week { they aro to move in bauds, u that they will not impede tho progress of ' uch other. They go a new route, 0110 vliit-li is nearer anil lintler tliim nnv alitor Brfbre tried l?y at least 160 or 200 miles? o Bliey leave this country and keep the Santa Be road until they come tothe 110 or Council (Jrove Creek, and 0ten strike immodiateB no row to Fort Hiley, and from thenee in j B straight direction to Fort Laramie.-? j Cuidca will accompany tliem to show thcin ; Biu route. When opened out in this manjicr, this will be the moat popular and only if>ut? travelled to Oregon, California or Salt Bake, and insure all the emigration horeaf-; tlr to depart from this country. As tho proBess iu their course we will keep our reaA>rs*advised of the road, eountry and those Bussing over it?-Independence Messenger. Affecting Scene. I A melancholy incident, powerfully illusBating the solemn truth, "In the midst of To wo are in death," is thus related by tho Baltimore Repitolican, of Friday: LastTliursBiy evening was fixed upon for the marBur<*. rites between a young couple in East Baltimore. . A wnrtn affection hnd long exBed l>etween the pnrtiea, oven thrco years ho. u?ul arrangements had partly been luado Sr their marriage, hat the match was broBn tiff through the exertions of the young j Bdy's parents, whose only objections, how- j Bcr, to the nuptials, was tho youthful nge | Iiueir iiaii^iuT. j\ lew monuis ago, to] c groat ioy of the lovers, the parent* of the ling liuly consented to her marriage with r far-off suiter, who then urged and en ated for ?ui enrly period to bo namod for o ceremony. All arrangements were finalmade, and the happy day was fixed upon coma off on Thursday last, the day promis to which Ui6 bridegroom hud to ar e in the city. Arrived in the. city by the rostorn cars, with all prnctiblo speed lie intoned from tho Camden street depot to I p dwelling of the parents of his intended, 1 fJ)ie eastern bart of the city. Knocking wtily at tho door, he was admitted by a rvant with a sad face, and on greeting the j fronts of the young lady, thoir only replies nro the broken sobs and fearful exclnma>ns of heartfelt grief, Upon motiouiurt in onward, he followed them to an upper lartinenh in which, by' tho subdiuai'fight at entered between tlie bar* of fHo closed utters, he saw tho pale, still object of his i M II affections, void of life, and attired In a long robe of spotless white, extended upou the cooling-bord, waiting hor Just rei?oao in die colHn and the silent tomb. Early that morning she had bfeathed her Inst, nftcr a severe conflict with tlio droad destroysr, which seized hor for his own in three days from his first approach. Boside her cold remains there could still be seen the rich brocrtdod wedding robes; and her chilled but nnrufllod brow was adorned with the white Wreath of roSfft intended for her wedding crowd. ?-- ? gtoil ? 1 Duelling?Coolness on tho Field. Wc percicve Uio circumstances attending tho duel in Charleston, Smith Carolina, between Lagaro and Dimuovant, are wide and deservedly quoted, as evincing remarkable determination and eoolnoss. The second was about giving tho word when Dutmovant dis- ' covered a little clump of grn?s near him, and by which ho supposed Lagat* could lino him ; he very deliberately drew bin knife < from his pocket and cut down the gru?t? ; after wliich tho second gave the word, "Gentlemen, are you ready !" At this moment Lag iro informed Mr. Dunnovant that he was not holding his pistol proper, to which Dunnovant coolly ropliod : "Does that suit you Mr. Lagaro r* The second gave the word again, "Gentlemen, aro you ready f* to which both responded in tho ullirmativc. Lagaro fired instantly after tho count one, and missed, when Dunnovant shot his antagonist down, killing him instantly. "In the "MasterV Ylouse," a tale of Southern life, there is a description of a duel, which is evidently from tho life, that is remarkable, not only for tho vivid manner it is given, but also as n display of tlio highest courago. The rend Br must understand that Mildmay, from hi* quiet habits, rested under the imputation in the public mind, that ho would uot light, and, furthermore, his opponent; was to draw his firo and then shoot him down. When the parties arrived on tho Held, the description goes on as follows : uThe principals were at their places, their weapons in their hands. Colonel Lee, Mr. Moretoa's second, had tho ordering of the preliminaries and with professional solemnity asked? "Gentleman, nro you ready? "Wo are ready I" whs mutually answered. "Then, gentlemen," enid Colonel Leo, with a loud voice, "upon my repeating again the question, 'Are you ready ?' you nro to answer 'Yes.' I shall then sav,firc,oiie-two-tltree." At this instant Mildinay, who was stand-, ing with his ride in the hollow of his left arm, to tho astonishment of all present, dropped the 1 >11 tt upon the ground and said : "Colonel Leo, I desire some information." Gcnornl Uledsoo, (Mildmay's second,) who was now of course coiui?elled to be a silent spectator, felt a sickness coiuo over him, when Mildinny appeared thus bo unnecessarily to interrupt the proceedings, while n look of sarcastic significance passed between Moreton's friends, Beauchamp whispering "Mildmay's going to faint." "What is it, sir?" said Colonel Lee, impatiently, at tho same timo turning to the questioner. "I)o 1 understand aright, Colonel Leo," said Mildtn&y, with an cffoctadly blow emphasis, "that I ean fire at any time between tho counts of 'one?two?tlireo.' " "You ean, Bir L' answered Colonel Lee, waving his hand with authority. Upon hearing, which, Mildinny very slowly stooped down, and pinching up some dry dust between the thumb and fore finger of his right hand, without speaking, signified that lie understood tho arrangement, uud instantly assumed his proper position. General Bledsoe,wIiokc confidence in Mild nay's firmness had been bo terribly shaken, by what apj>eared to bo his ill-opportuncd interruption, instantly caught tho deep intent of Mildmay's question, and the reason of his apparent desire to fortify his finger against the possibility of slipping on tho trigger: it flashed upon him, like lightning, that it was all to derange Moreton's calculations about Mild may's making a quick lire, and (Jencral Bledsoe, whoso heart a moment before, was near collapsing with fear, with a thrill of admiration, could not without ditKculty refrain from falling on Mild may's nock and bursting into tears. Both Morcton and Mildmay now seemed conscious that the instant of action had arrived for they simultaneously and court<-oiisly raised their weapons, as if "presenting arms." Colonel Leo again, in a solcmu voice, asked : "Oentlemen, are you ready I' The combatants simultaneously answered : "We are!" Then said Col. Lee : "Gentleman?vntrc?one?w The numeral had liardly escaped tho lips | of Leo, before, the crashing sound of Mild' may's rillo echoed far and wide, and Moreton, with his weajx>n undischarged, sprang i?erjxmdicular in the air, and then fell lumoering to tho earth ; for an instant, his laxly trembled like an aspen leaf; he essayed to raise himself, and " nmid gurgling sounds, could Ihj faintly distinguished tho word: My wife,?my children 1* and then, with a I long-drawn sigh, he fell back?a corpse. Mildmav. still standinirin his nlace. rrazed At the group now kueeling about the lifeless form of the once splendid Mr. Moreton ; and then, handing his weapon to the General, who could scarce couceal his exultation at the result, ho mechanically moved towards his horse. Copper Mines. Tho Copper mines of this county arc opening beaut ifuly. The proprietors are actively engaged in taking out ore for market*, that already taken out is not considered inferior to tho best. Our people aro remarkably enorgetic in their researches, and those engaged in their farms are despatching their work rapidly, that they inay delve into the hills and mountains in search of mineral wealth, with which they abundantly abound. *Wo opine that in less than three months Envelopments will bo made that will astonish the wholo Country, and show that G<jory gin is entitled to that #n merited nppolla-j Hon, the "Empire Statu of the 8outl?.n? Dahlonnja (6'<i.,) Styudffa ' " -^5PrL'r Mk TELEGRAPHIC. ARRIVAL OF THE 'STEAMERATLANTlCr Nkw York, Aug 0. It has been stated officially in Parllnmant that the Czar was resolvod to hold on to the Principalities and that Austria was determined to ex{>el the Russians. Decisive results woso soon expected. Parliament had voted an additional war credit of ?3,000,000, Austria had concentrated 00,000 men within tho Principalities, and had called out her reserves to the amount of 130,000 men. Tho Army had progrdsscd no further than tho last accounts. All tho plans of tho Campaign wore now completed. The cholera had disappeared from the Baltic fleet. v Affairs in Italy were critical. A rovolu tion had broken out in Fauna niul tho peoplo bad fired upon tlio troop, ' ? LATER FROM CALAFORNIA. Arrival of the Star of the West. Nkw York, Aug 0. i Tho stcantor Star of tbo West has arrived with California dates of tlio 15th ult. Extensive fires had occurred at San Francisco and Sacramento. Mining was prosperous?business dull. Tho destruction of Grej'town had caused the greatest excitement at Jamaica. 11 ie English flag was floating at Grey town and English vessels had started in pursuit of tho Cyauo. The Captain of the Star of the West denies tho rejiort that Nicaragua was blockaded by tho British. North Carolina Election. Ralkioii, August 0. Tlio roturns of tho election come in slowly ana reports arc couHieting. In 37 counties, Doekery has gained nearly 4000 votes. Another report says that in 45 counties ltrngg has gained 1800 votes sineo the hist Presidential election, and is believed to be certainly elected. So far 10 Whigs and 10 Democrats havo be?n elected to the Senate and 35 Democrats, and 27 Whigs to tho Commons. The legislature is in doubt BY LAST NIGHT'S MAIL. Telegraphed for tho South Carolinian. THREE DAYS LATER FROTH EUROPE. AllUlVAL OF THE ?m M ;m > FROn THE SEAT OF WAR. IMPORTANT FROM SPAIN. New York, Aug. 8, 1854. Tito steamer Arabia lias arrived, bringing Liverpool dates to July 20. Tho Czar's reply to tho summons of Austria is haughty and unfavorable. Austria promises not to disappoint tlio hopes of Europe. Prussia shows less appearance of siding with tho Western liowers. Gorhdiiicoff was withdrawing his centre 1> 1 i IT. l-i ' u|?uii iHicntiresu ne naa received orders from the Czar to continue offensive operations. There had been 110 fighting sinco last advises. A small Russian steamer, the Volga, had bced captured in the White Sea. Tho Russian fleet was reported to have left Schastopol, and the allied fleet had consequently sailed from ihdtshik. fhe latest reports arc that Russia had asked for an armistice, and that Austria and Prussia had decided that tho request could not bo considered until tho Russians were withdrawn from the Principalities. In Spain all was quiet, tlio nrrivhl of Espartero being daily expected at Madrid. Christiana still continues hidden. The Queen keeps close to her palace. Salamonica had escaped disguised us a lamplighter. Additional by the Arabia. Tho Czar's reply to Austria is said to 1? in the following words, "Tell your master if he wishes war he shall have it, and probably neither he nor I will see tho end of it." A French transport with 2,000,000 francs for the army had been lost at sea. The Bouapartcs from Baltimore had been received witli grent honor at Paris. The motion declaring a want of confidence in the British Ministry had been defeated. At Madrid the troops maintain their position about tl?? pnbicc. The Ootmeil bf Safety and Defence had decreed the reorganization of the National Guard. ODoimell ai>d Kspartero will enter the city together. The ministry will hold ollieo till they coined St. Lovis, August 0. In Iowathe whole Whig and anti-Nebraska State WRcet w elected. Tho Whigs have also a majority in the Legislature, ami have no doubt elected both Congressmen. A United States Senators, in placo of Hon. A. C. Dodge, is to be elected by tho Legislature just chosen. In Missouri tlio returns indicate the defeat of Mr. 1 teuton for Const*** by 700 majority. Ilis opponent was L. M. Kennctt, Whig. Spain. Wash in at ox, August 0. Advices received from Spain at tho State I tepartment slate that the S|tanish insurgents OXpcct a monarchy, but will struggle hard for a constitutional govern nent, with Espartero as ten-years' l>ictator. M. Soule thinks tho domiuent party favorable to the sale ut Cuba. xjS flp +JjJJf v \ OOHK IP. qiAL. Columbia, August 9. Cottoil?The cotton market was rather less ae. tive yesterday, and prices of the poor and mid. . dliug qualities, of which the bulk of that offering consisted, receded an 4 to ? cent on previous tntioim. Bonio 800 bales changed hands at fifto gf cent*. Kbw York. Atig 7. Cotton.?Is iu moderate demaud at unchanged rates. Middling Orleans, OJ ; Middling Upland ?ie. Hour quiet and unchanged. Kio Coffee loto lie. Iliee unchanged. ttrecnvillc Prices Current. CORRECTED WEEIOY. 1 Uukknvjlue, August 8, 1884. J BAGGING, Gunny, per yard, 10 u 10 Dundee, I'd.J I BACON ... .lining, ]>or lb., 9 o 10 Shoulders, 7 a 8 Sides, 8 a 9 Hog round, ~ 7 ? 8 BUTTEH.. .Goshen, per Id. none. Country, j>er lb. ' * 12^ COFFEE...Uio, pei lb. U JkvH, per lb. 18 a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 0.^ a 10 Sheeting, j>cr yd. 10 ? 15 Osnuburgs, |?eryd. 11 ? 124 FLOUll ColMitrv nor 1.1.1 An " Country, l>or aaek, $'? ? GRAIN?... .Corn, per bushel, 70 a 75 Wheat, per bushel, ! a $1^ IKON Swedes, |?or ll>. 0^ a 7 English, per lb. 6 a 5^ liAItD per lb. 0 ? 10 MOLASSES, Cuba, per gal. 83 a 37A _ N O., per. gal. 40 SYItXJl>...,- u j>er gjd. 50 a 0*2 .J I OILS Lamp, per gal. ? ?'2$ Train, per gal. 87} a $1} Linseed, fcl} ! KICK |>er lb. 0 a 7 KOl'E per lb. 1*2 J ? 20 SUGAUS...N. Orleans,per lb. 7 a 9 Porto llieo, jK?r lb. 0 u 10 laud*, per lb. 12^ Crushed, pel lb, 12^ ltelined, j>er lb. 10 a 12} SALT. per bushel, 90 Salt, ]>er haek, #2} a $2} SOAP Colgate,pale, 12} a 15 Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 SHOT per lb. 12} Shot, per bag, $2] a $2} 1 TU- KK(:lILA.R MERT~ u m.B"' UJ mg* ??I dlOCXTAIN l/llNiK, .No. \ - vVil_A' * > ' 0. K., nru held on Friday evenings,nt t licir J lull. J. H WIBRSMW; TSfcretary. Greenville, Aug. 11. It | ^MS^?empebmce. (iltKEXVILI.K Divwiox, No. 11?, A of T., hold their meetings weekly, nt the Division Uoom,(m Mclk't'd 1 (nil) Saturday evening*. 1. D. WILSON, A. 1L & August 11. 23 f Paris Mountain Houso. HPIIE Mil wcribcr lui* opened (hi* well-known 1 IflOTKL for the accommodatian of Vi*-1 it ore nnd Hoarders during the Hummer *en*on.? This delightful retreat is situated on the summit of the Mountain, about eight mile* from the town of Greenville, A C., and near the road leading to Asheville, X. 0. Couvevnnee* luay be had in Greenville upon reasonable terms. J. 1?. lllLLlIOUSE. Aug. 11, 1854. 13 tf STATE OF"S01;TII CAROLIIIA. TOWN OK GREENVILLE TAX OBDIJIAIICE. An Ordinance to raise supplies for the year 185-1. BE IT ORDAINED by the Intciidantnud Warden* of the town of Greenville in Council assembled, and by tbo authority of the same, That a Tax to cover the period from the 28th August, 185-1, to 28th August, 18.55, for the sums and in the manner hereinafter mentioned, shall he rni?ed nnd paid into the public treasury for the use nnd *erviec thereof. SwTlftV 1 'Flint in tAanv* t/tn oonla *%?? hundred dollars of the assessed value of ltcnl Estate lying in the said Town. Sw\ 2. And be it further Ordained, That Timtty-fire C'ruts per head shall be paid on all the Slaves between the ago of lii and RO years. Set. 3. And be it further ordained. That Three Dollars shall he paid on each and every four- j wheeled l'Jeasuro Carriage drawn by two or more horses; Two Dollars on ouch one-horse Carriage, Barouche, (Jig, Sulkey or Buggy, kej>t for pleasure and not for hire; Ten Dollars on each four-horae Omnibus or Hack; Five Dollars on each Hack or Carriage drawn by t wo horses, and I run for tlio conveyaneo of passengers or hire ; Three Dollars on each lluggy run for hire ; Five Dollars on each four-horae Wagon ; Three l>ollars on each two-horse Dray or Wagon ; and Two Dollars on each one-horse Wagon or Dray j run for hire. Bee. 4. And be it further ordained, That if any person or persons shall fail, neglect, or refuse to make a return on oath to the Clerk of the Council of all of his, her or their Taxable Property, and to pay the tax thereon to said Clerk, on or I before tiie twenty-eighth day of August, 1864, such person or pcraolis shall pay a double tax, i and costs thereon ; and the said Clerk is hereby required to issue execution therefor immediately on such default. ' SVfimMf be It further ordained, That if any Iieroon or persons shall run for hire any vehicle icroin mentioned, without lirst paying tax therefor, every such perron -hnll pay for each day ho so offends, the auiiunl tax to which such vehicle is subject by thigfbdinniicc. , By order of ^Bikcil, 31st July, 1x61. VP!!. CiiOOK, IntendanL Joux W. SroKKsJxlerk. Aug. 11. Book and Job Printing AtUSHMEKTTe^ HAVING A FINK SELECTION1 OF WE ABE PREPARED TO DO WORK &S3 S!TC*?a. 1 - - ? CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES, HAND-BILLS, WAYBILLS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, JtC. I'RINTKI) WITH DKSl'AlCll Dpo# U)c ftfoirt E^JdhibU .Idrfow. anuria wa JL\ mvMi*. ? MAIN 8TliEET, OHEENV1LLR I . ? _1_ ~BALTIMORE ADVERTISEMENT?" LOTTERY & EXCHANGE: OFFICE, ' (Under the Eutaw House, Ho. 8,) BALTIMORE ST. & 03., J BEG to full particular utleivtion to tho splendid selection of M.VON1 TICEXT LOTTKltllW drawing daily. Tho Capitals in each I,ot- " tery range from the small amount of $1,QOO, to tho Stupendous Sum of ] Tickets varying in lirico of from $1 to $20. Our euecoBs in selling Prizes has boon entirely bo- . yond our c.\|)eclilioiin Wo have sold au<l ensiled I'rires during tlic last year, amounting in the aggregate to over Ono Million of Dollars! PACKAGES OF TK'IvlTIM^contnining nil the numbers in the Lottery, uhvnys on hum!, ranging in }irice from $H 5(i to $450?Prices from | ,V<,000 to $100,000. A single package can draw the 4 highest Prizes ' in the Lottery. Orders solicited through the Post-Offico. Our Monthly Bulletin containing the Sc hemes ' of nil Lotteries one month in advance of the day 1 of drawing, sent to nil who order it, Free of ' Charge. Thankful for past favors wo respectfully solicit n continuance of the patronage so liberally Ik-stowed on us heretofore. 1 All Business strictly private nnd confidential. l-or Prizes either by the Package, Single Tickets or Shares, he sure to call on or address your orders to the Old Established House of SMALLWOOD & CO., No. 8, Kuiaio House, Jialtiuiore, MJ. August 11, lri.1l. IS 8in ^ BI'is'if ~jSMM Y P i"b". M R. L A F A R , ! H AVFNO just received from Charleston, a fine assortment of FANCY CASES, ilEDAl.- 1 LIONS, 15KOAC11ES, ?!'<*., he would ropoctfully t invite the citizens of (irocnvillo audits vicinity, f to call and examine for themselves, lie tnny be ? found at McHvc's I lull. Please call and examine * specimens. "Instructions given in the nrt. j July *21, 1S01. lt? li i A. BRUCfj ! SMRQEON DENT08V, i fjirecnville, C. TS PREPA11KD for all operations olwiETII, JL and particularly FI LL SETTS of Tooth, ( made after the most improved plan. Entire sat- t isfaction given before paid for. Those jiersons about (iVecnvillo 0.11., who 1 occasionally hear of saying that 1 do not pretoud to set Teeth on Plate, or nmke Full Setts, will please discontinue, or I will ofFcr tlicm nti opportunity for ostublisliing their asMrtion if tlioy ciin. j Juno 28, 1854. * 6 tT ( J CHIT V7. ORADY, I DEALER IN H? hc v ms ou? o>i Kcady-Mndc Olottkiug, j II ATS, CAPS <fc HON NETS, HOOTS A SHOES, i HARDWARE A OUYLERY, ! Drugs and Dye-Stuffs, Cirocliclrl), tii^a^boolrc, Groceries, &c. orroSITU TIIK COL'KT-UOCMK, ON MAIN-STKEKT. KSPAll description of Produce taken in cxcJiangs for Goods at tho iiinrkot price. Liberal Cash advances made on Cotton anil other produce in- t transitu for Market. 1 Greenville, June 2, 1854. 3 tf i Livery Stable. r rI"MIE subscriber* are supplied with n number 1. of COM FORT A BLE HACKS, CAR HI- , AUKS AN1) liUOQIES, with gentle wcll-broko , HOUSES, and careful and competent DRIVERS, , and will convey Traveller*or hire their Vehicles , on Reasonable Terms. Tlicir Oumihu* will , ?lwi?v* bo found at tint Depot, on the Arrival of ^ the Cars, and will convey Passengers to any jmrt , of town or from any part of town for 25 cents. , Travelers will do well to make no arrangements . until they reach Greenville. t RUTLEDGK A ARCHER. , Juno 80. 7 Cm ( Tlio House and Lot \ ON'MARKET STREET,threesquares cost from the Court-House, is now offered FOR SALE. The Is.t enibruccs n superior Vegetable Garden, 1 the front well set with ehoicoT fruit trees, flowers, A e. The house contains two rooms, 20 by 16, with fire-places. Other buildings on the premises. Tho location is convenient to a spring of as pure wafer as the mountains aflbrd ; and as a residence, is at oneo retired from the hustb. ami convenient tonll thu principal business parts of town. To lie solil cheap. For particulars apply to L. WOOD. < August 4. 12 3t ] HEAD-QUARTERS. FIRST BRIGADE. Axointtxix C. 1J., July 1, 1852. OKDF.R NO. ''I'M IE following Regiments of Tnfantry will j?nJL ratio for Drill ami Review at the times nml phices specified below, viz : j The 4th Regiment of Infantry, at Haynio's on tlio loth of August. The 4 2d Regiment of Infantry, at Minton's on Saturday, the 12th of August. The 'id Regiment of Infantry, ut Hall's on 1 Tuesday, tlio 15th of August. The fitli Regiment of Infantry, at Hunter's on Thursday, 17lh of August. The :t<l Regiment of Infantry, at. Toucy's Old Store, onTrtwday, the 22il of August. The 1st Regiment of Infantry, at ltruton's on Thursday, the ilfh of August. The (cmraiisiotKil and Non-commissioned Officers, will appear nt their rcsjioctivo places of rendezvous, thu day previous for Drill. lly order of J. W. HARRISON, Rrigadier General of lit lirign le. J. N. Wiutner, Jr., Rrig. Major, al?12 t DeBow's Roviow. VDAITffl) primarily to I lie Hoitthern and Western States of the Union. Including stalirtiea of Foreign ami lHnnertic Industry and Enterprise. Publiahed Monthly in New Orleans, at f f? per aniuim in advance. A few complete rot* of the work, thirty volumes boiiiid liainUmnaly (600 to ?X0 patm) are for rale at the o.'lioe, New Orleans deliverable in any of the large eities or towns. Publication office, Merchants' Exchange, (over port office.) New-Orleanr. Portage two rente per number if pro-paid quarterly. Jiil?10| Tho Wool Cards. AT Mi HICK'S Ml 1.1A In-low (.reenrille C. 11. have just been fitted up iu the tn*t manner, for making UOUA ltring vonr Wool in nice fix, and you will gel good Kofi?. Jnly 14 ft M CANDIDATES. wn>? Mends fl^P^rry B. IHBfcCQM* Bm|., beg Icato to nnounco him M ft Cnndiinta for re-election r% Representative in the 5 In to Legislature from Grocuri'N Di^trifth Juno 16! 6 ^ td* tSf V?'i nro authorised annoi'uo* C*pt? Sasscci Tnylotl r? for Ta* Collector *:t the ensuing election. I? 4J WE jtra authorised to awoii-'i TVtlft. l*iukr.<ty UcfSco, ?ci., ( untildate for lis Leg* ' ' ire at the ensuing Klcetion. Juuc X. 8 ui stK^r-ir^ac^aiw DAGUERRKA.i GALLERY. w. tL atm?? I I A4i RKFHYEI> and put in com id eta order II the Looms formerly occaftfod by A. II. ItowAND us a Book-llindery -n 1 l>.\GUKRREAli G-AhV^ LaUIJMI* V*9 ind respectfully announce* to the eiliaen* at jroenvifls mid vicinity, thrths b now prepared o execute J Jkncnscs in handsome style and nnisli. Likenesses retaken, mid |>lneed in Medallion or my other style of case. Children'* i?ioturc? taken in a very few n.iimtos with Greenville, June 9, 185-i. 4 tf WAI>OT TIIOMrsoS.] [wx. K. KMLtT, Thompson & F^sley, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, * UKKEXVILLK C. II., b. C. June 28, 1861. 6 fl . ... " * 3reat Economy in Tim? & T^abor#.. PREMIUM CHURN. j"MIE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs hie friends and tho public generally that he in* purchased the right to MaimiV.eturo the above .'hum, and is now prepared acute all orders br the name. Its simplicity is ctieli n? to be tinlerstood by every intelligent ekild, and its eontraction is on truly and strictly philosophical trinoiples, and produce* the desired result in ait ilnlost incredible short time. The superior qualities of this Churn are as fob ows: First, the quich and easy process of male-1 ng butter when sitting in a chair. Secondly, In jvcreomingthe dilHeulty which provinces a swellng to overflow; and, Thirdly, tho gathering irooese, in separating the butt/er from the milk, ind preparing for sniting. Persons wishing a .Intra can find them at the Hiibscriber's^work-shop* iesr tic corner of .Main and Bi.w?hiiuc etreetai J. 1C MERRILL. Greenville, Juno 9, 185L 4 tf Greonvilio and T?aiirefis. ( 1 A. SUDDUTH will cury persons front LX Greer.'.-:!!-.- to T corona V. If. Leaving Jreenville every Tuesday Friday, returning iVedncsdarsand Saturdays. Application to l>c nnde the day boforc leaving. J80 t f Fresh Arrivals. v >R.VNDY PEACHES, Green (1mm and Aprils cots, lie Frniia, Preserved Rhubarb, Goose terries. 1 tniiisons. Ae. Jslli-s 'humpngne Cider, English Porter, Cofdittl^ Pieties, Sardines, Loimtcn, Crnatm and lldVriiigs, i ml ?little LID. All low for easli. Corner roon. W. 1L 11ENKON. Juno 2, 1854. 3 3 The Home Journal. rN consequenceof (he grent ami continually increasing demand for this elegantly printed nul widely circulated, and universally popular family Newspaper, vo have boon unable to furlisli the lmck numbers only to a very limited sxtent. This disappointment will in future be ivoided, besides the original production of tlie iditors, the foreign end domestic correspondence OK A I.AI-OK LIST OK COXTRlIUiTonv, lie ppice of the European Magazines; the sclecions of the most interesting publications of tint lay; tho brief novels; the piquant stories; the iparkling wit, and nmusing anecdote; the news nul gossip of the Parisian paperj; the personal ketches of public characters ; the stirring secne# if the world we live iu ; the chronicle of tho lews for ladies ; the fashions and fashionable jossip ; the facts and outlines of news J tlie pick >f English information ; the wit, pathos and hunor of the times; tho essays on life, literature, . criticism, poetry, etc., eevcral new and attractive features of remarkable interest will enrich aud jive value to the new series of the work. TERMS. For one copy $2 ; for three copies $5 i or ono copy for three years ?5?always in advance. Subscribe without delay. Address, MORRIS ?fc WILLIS. J7 8 New York. Tlio Southern Cultivator, V MONTHLY .TOITRN AL, devoted cxefciBlcely to I ho Improvement of Southern Agriculture, Stock Breeding, Poultry, Been, General Farm Economy, Ae., ?jko. Illustrated with uuincroiid Elegant Engraving*. OXh' DOLLA 11 A YEA R IN Al) VANCR. Daxiei. Lke, M. IX, A D. Uanwoxn, Editor*. 771* 7\t*fflh Volume, Greatly Improved, rouoncneed January, 1864. The CYi.tiv ator, is a largo oetnvo ot Thirty-two [ ages, forming a volume of ?S84 pages in the year. It contains a much greater amount of reading matter thnu any tdinilnr puhlicHtiou iu the Soutn ?embracing in a ddition to the current, agricultural topics of tho day, valuable original contributions from many of the mostintellijfrnt and jtraclical Planters, Fanners and Horticulturists in every section of tho South and South-west, Terms* , One Copy, one year, $ 1 ; Six Copied one yeac,$5j Twenty live, " " ?20; One 1 lundred" " $76. TiihCami Sv-tph will be rigidly adhered Uv and in no instance will the paper bo sent- unless . * the money accompanies ' he order. The PIB? of 'i all specie-paying Banks reeeired at par. All money remitted hy mail, postage-paid, will be at tho risk of tho Publisher. Address, WILLIAM S. JONES, Augusta, Ga. ct;. Persons who will act as Agents, nud obtain subscribers, will he furnished will the paper at club prices. May 2rt, 1864. f 9 PKOSPKCTUH OF THE Stato Rights Register and National Economist. a m .rriCAt, aoirxal axi> itirwsi-Araa ( \ 0. BA YlAlJV Editor.?Terms K? a year Jm famed weekly. Tiia State Rtenf* Xkomir.n will lw conducted upon the principles *4 Stato rights as laid do withy Jeffcfwn. The B^g- * ister will adhere to tlm original compart, as rati* tied hy the eevornl StnfaaJ a???l will oj<po?? atllatitudinariani?m in logi?d?tion,^and oacrcach mown, ftrom <>r tirow int> rrRiiw Ami *ovcrijntv , f tlx- St.'i I is. will tnko u its text in t?twiliscHMii?n ?>f till ( tiblie qiKftiotm th* (\>iK>t.?tuU<>rH ?tiietly coitotniM ami uiieonijirom is?-l. - > WambiM** Cwr, Jul/, \85t K? Z. J -. ? ViV'' . W V. ?**.?* V" ' *' ** v " ^ $ v 'W