r Dr. H. M. Stuart, medicine for jail 115 S. Mayo, hardware 9 00 D. C. Wilson, lumber for shell road 4 bO Peter Massey ' " * 2 00 W. H: Calvert goods for jail 11 50 Itenj. Franklin junitor 30 00 Geo. Ilolmcs, jostage and envelopes 25 :0 ) E. I). Washington, road overseer lb ' Neat Christons-n witness ticket 5 "0 J. P. Boyce, goods for jail 15 00 " " ' goods for jsil 5 40 W. M. French printing 35 90 . H. M. Stuart medicine for jail 8 00 W. H. l>ev]iu r. pairs on C. H 20 So S. P. Gilbert postage and stationary' ? 25 .Vases Fraaier, constable Chas. Gibbs road overs'-er A. G. Thomas, printing 20 85 j r'f. I), Lawrence road oversr.tr zo f? Peter Massey read overseer 11 06 D. C. Wilson, lumber 14 ".0 ij. G. Nichols " 6 4-'. W. H. Fisher " - 19 SS D. C. Wilson, 44 28 96 Edward Bu^h Janitor 15 (*0 V. S. Seolt lumber 10 00 Wis Wilson .Sheriff aceuut convev:ng prlssener to jail ~ *29 50 Howard and PrHehard building bridge 200 00 C. F. Pr. tabard " " 170 00 H. G. J add alert contingent Si5 85 G. W. Mnekenfu* coroner .. 17 65 J. C. Bkhmood trial Justice ..._ 197 5 W. C. Btllowa luaurtuee 14? 50 J. P. Beyc-- ^ovds ;o. poor 95 00 W. M, Devlin dietia.: j->oi Feb. 187$ 107 01 Rebeeon William* alms hou?e name SO 00 H. M. Stuart modicine for poor liar. Jan and H| ?e?. 9 ll ? (4 u ju^iciae tor pear 17 00 * ' medinine 1> So < E. Max cloth i., for poor 19 GO J. AppJo, slothing cui blanket for poor 25 2S John Rrodie dieting poor Nov 166 88 Alfred W" s .> ar. and April dork ac .. 0 I W. H. Devlia die April 105 SS . H. .u.M't. medicine attendance let qu.... 100 00 " 44 44 medicine for poor April 17 00 * *' 44 medkine for poor May 17 00 44 | 1 Fab 17 00 . Reb v< a Willmms aims house nurse May 15 00 Silas Williams ork'on alms house 4 00 1 J. P. Boycc goods for poor huuse $8 45 E. Max, 44 " 44 44 .. SS 49 < Geo. Wnterhousc goods for 65 21 J Wm H. Devlin Jieting poor April . 109 43 Hec&ar Washington Janitor 10 00 ( Joseph C?h?? jury eommar 10 50 J. P. ftuyeo goods for poor 23 30 J H. C. Judtf register work on ('. H. vol. 12-13 ' tat - 51 85 & Wm H. Dev lin burying, pauper 53 00 ' L W. H. (advert good for poor 19 75 j , U" H JVvlin dietiuc poor June 119 79 j I J. P. Boyee good* for poortu 12 60 j 44 44 go ?i poor 12 "0 j Rebecea Wiiiiaius aims house nurse 15 00 j H. M. Stuart mod, attendance 2nd quarter.., 100 00 44 44 44 44 outride poor 1 30 | 4 44 " 41 for poor 17 00 < John Brodiedieting poor proposals loo fG j W. M. French adrt, poor - ...? 4 5> j 4 44 44 44 u 6 00 ( Wu? Wilton sheriff ace't .... 77 50 T. H. Wheeler elerk account aud postage..... 00 ( V.S.fcott, lumber for read 13 00 ( John < 'ennui ice 4 50 John A. Jehnfn eorener account 34 07 8. Taylor acting elerk $0 00 A. W. Mockeafnaa coroner 19 75 J. P. Itoyee georia for jail 5 60 Va Ideftdl hnulmg for Verdiar bridge ?6 00 j P?toi Mans j road oeor>ecr 9 0c l>r Panl Pritebord deputy coroner arc't 10 80 | Alfmd Williams acting elcrk _ 18 00 ] Gee. Holmee pes. age, wood, treaa. orders 6145 B. J. Taut specie A. 6 Tbonai printing and stationary 13 00 Robeeca Wi IKum* * 13 00 J Dr H. X. dtu t medicine for ail 8 CO ?. ? .? ? U 17 00 ' W. X. Fisher laraher fo mad IS 46 Horner Washington Janitor 10 00 , Charles Edward work uii Okatea bride k Himua P uc'or 44 44 " . " 1 25 , Jnteph Parrcboe44 ?...? 2 5> ' Chas. Bueaunea 44 ** 44 ,4 2 50 H. G. Baily 44 ,u 44 44 1 10 1 J.C. Carter 44 41 *4 100'' j^. C. T. PriicLard 44 " 13 50 1 Hp Priueo Jonkina 2 00 j 1 T. H. Wheeler < 44 44 25 0 1 ChurloaS'itith haulingpurnHer *>r (*>">r < Geo. Waterhouse goods lor public buil4 .*y 6 4) | Wm Wilson ex; ense for e\- u irg. John j I Snipe 34 I A. Kesp'C at hauling goods for p.?>r 1 50 j | Win li. Leckwooi/Surniture for voium.'e off. ..." .*i0 j F Win Krwta.'l oil for C II.? So j L W. H. Calvert sundries f>r ;*1* 5 S ] B k u ii , ? "... 1 s" Wm II. Dsvlin dieting acco-mr Jum 125 M i ; Win if. Devlin dietiu< arco.iui July 11-*? 25 | J. P. Feyce goods for poor 17 25 | ' 11. M. .Stuart tue<iical atten. on j?oor July Aug *?? <5 j Jnkn Consul ice for f. 21 00 " i H'm WiUou hand cuffs 2 20 j , JwbL Erudie dieting poor 12 27 ; 1 ? " ? ?* 2?22 ' i Kr-bocca Williams aim ?use n e 9 (A1 | J?ha Hrodie dieting po<"?r 185 Oil j B.-becca Williams house nurse 30 Ot j Tho* H. Wheeler *.le:k of bcavd 33 G i 8olomou Washington Court ticket 1 5 j John iiright " " 1 50 0. B. Stcphcnsou " " J 1 5 | Jam** Mole " " 110?, W. J. Gooding " 12 50 j Bauty Greaves * " 9^0, John Salvesber 44 II 50 B. M. Davidson *' " 11 50 ' Cbaa. J. Colcock 44 44 .. 14 50 : V. M. Cox " 44 14 50 j B. I. Roberts ' 9 00 r?ftermon Taggar " " 8 50 j John Uiov r ' 8 50; '% . Bob Ancrum " 14 5a j -Loudon Snipe 4 " 9 50 I B. B. l'ostick " " 12 50 j fehf Patrick Bcc 50 ; W. C. Banner rt 7 5 - J H I.J. Cohen 44 ,4 7 5 IK C. Morrison 5 ;t ' |B W. M French 44 " 7 5 1. F. Preach-.r 115; Friday Albright 12 0j gy Eugene Bowles 44 9 " K Elbert Bowers 44 44 14 00 H I. J. I'ale 44 44 9 50 j* K Ceasar Days 11 5 i j J, L. Duncan 9 ">a . V W. H, Fisher 44 44 9 0 > i r Smart Hey ward 44 44 1 0 09 : lienry jonmoa - j.o Richard Johnson 44 " 10 00 i W. C. Bellow* 9 00 | B-.n Maner 15 00 ! Oliver Osgojls " " 12 00 I Ganriel Parker 44 " 9 00 1 Ephrium Peeples " " 14 00 i ^ C. B. Piuckuey " " 14 00 { T Jos. Robinson " 44 00 j m. E. A. Sc epor James Smith, 44 11 00 i FFinbron smith ' " 14 09 : Adam Adkin 8 50 | Hv Abram Crawford 44 11 00 | B H, B. Varnew 7 50. ) Richard OBright '* 14 O' James MilU'i 50 ^ A Mark 7 00 F M, W. Simmons " " 7 5 f A. P. Jeakius 44 44 7 50 Larry Aikla " " 7 50 8. E. Taylor " " 7 50 Josiah Jackson u 44 7 50 Richard'Brown 44 " 7 50 Edward IFalker ? " 11 00 : * Moses Frazier ' M 7 50 j IFIlllam Chisolm " 9 00 i Phillip Shine 44 44 14 50 j Jains* Simeons 44 14 10 00 B. D. Washington 44 10 00 Daniel Richard 44 44 9 00 ! t Ham'lton Robinson 44 9 00 W. J. Gooding, special committee grand jury claimed 8-T7.00, constructive iniloage disallowed 52 0 I C. J. Colcock, sj ecial committee grand jury claimed $28.00, constructive miliage disallowed 19 00 f <r. O. Dunn-r, special eom uitt) gran 1 jury, 31 % j John HYight court ticket, 1 50 Monday H"ii;;ht, " 1 50 Roht. Rohinsou, ' 10 50 Peter Robinson, " * 9 09 H'in. Chisolm " 3 "0 S. Hiatus, " -1 -50 J. Wright, " 9 W S. Major, " * 4 *' T. Audeison, " ' M. U'illiaiiif, " s '9 A. P. Pelot, " " Isoac Bennett, " " 9S Linda Johnson, court ticket?, S 49 R. W. Buford, court ticket, 8 40 Hr. Thotnp^ou. court ticket, 8 4a Stephen Campbell Jr. court ticket, 6 09 Stephen Campbell Jr. court ticket, GOO Fortune Bostick, cou.'t ticket, 9 50 A I rani Mite'ell, court ticket, 9 ."M Amelia Mitehel, eouit ticket, 4 5o II. K. li'illia ns. court ticket, 7 98 Matthew Johnson, court ticket, 9 4S RoVrt Myers, court ticket, 9 09 Muck I'oc, court ticket, 9 IS Smith, court ticket. 8 5o Louisa Smith court ticket, 8 50 (). R Stephenson, court ticket, 8 00 0. R Stephensen, court ticket, 1 50 O. B. Stephenson, court tic , 159 Isabella Washington, court ticket; 10 00 Thomas '* court ticket, 10 00 Jos Glover, court ticket, 9 uO Wtu. Broderick court ticket, 9 00 J. A. Molo 50 E iward Grant, 9 00 J. W. Branch, court ticket, 11 50 Dauitl Johnson, court ticket, 9 no George Siluiuons, court ticket. 9 0<? J. U. Cainpfio'.d,court ticket, 9 00 Chas. Kurrie, court ticket. 7 50 John R. Grunt, cou tick*t, 7 50 George Bear field; court ticket, 9 (K) W. C. E. Dupmt, court ticket, 6 00 W. W. G recur io, cou it ticket, 4 CO Robert Wiiliams, court ticket, 'J uo John A. Frederick, court ticket, 2 00 J. L. Owens, court ticket, S 50 Alexander Lowry, court ticket, S 50 R. F. Smart, court ticket, 7 00 John Bcstick court ticket, 10 00 Ihos. . Iiowurd, court ticket. 10 00 Dr. E. Dupont, court ticket, 2 50 J. W. Weston, court ticket, 13 09 C. Carlisle, court tick* t, 7 50 London Suipo, court ticket, . 9 50 Wiley Davenport, court ti. ki t, 4 oo j ["has. E. Bell,court ticket, * 4 00 rhos.H. Wheeler, court ticket, 1 no Klchd. Simmons, court ticket, 9 00 ["oudance Browii,court .ticket, 4 00 I Dr. II. M. Stuart tucJical att. 2<K> O0 u u I. 44 .. .i ]7 (X), Jos. Cohen jury couiuiis'rs Go oo H. M. Stuart luedicine for poor J 7 DO , Kicbard Krowu road overseer 5 <>'J Bit Tribune printing and advt'g 0 00 jreo. VVaterhouse jiood.s for poor house 8 35 [J. M. Stuart medicine fort i *S (K) Stephen Fields constable 9 8 ) Peter Massey constable ^ G 20 j 4. M. Stuart medicine for jail 8 o<) [ " , 8 < 0 ,4 II 41 II 44 g (jo ,1 It It U .1 (-.0 . 4 4 4 *' 444 i ;; a ? ' " (K) ' " " " p?or II 50 i 4. 4; 4; .4 n Q3 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 oO > O 1 Rebecca Wiiiiams nurse alms house 1500 4. .. J5 uo [T. G Judd cl'k of court 338 25 rl:t. Tribune advertisement 4 00 ' " 17 <x> " 44 39 0'i 11 *' 9 00 Rebecca Williams alms bouse nurse 15 > I'ixu Frazier constable 2 ) 00 T. lb Lawrence road overseer 14 oo Marcus Simmons ** " 12 ,Marcus Simmons road overseer 12 00 " . '! 5(0 R. M. Smith trial justice witness 3 20 O . 31. French advt. (> 50 II. Gothic Jiotinar pauper 20 00 P. L V?"iggin solicitor 200 00 J Ji.a-G.ait roa l overseer 10 0 ? j J has 11 Dsipong post mot'em a.id dissection 2i 00 j }. C. Rivers speciab'e constable 0 so KJward Bu h Janitor lo 00 ! Standard 3c CWm'l advt'g and print in K. Max clothing 13 25! !\ L Wiggin >oiL*itn? 4*? 00 S\ !'. Farr a;-t:njTcor n r 5 00 ! Pissipoy i'ii ixain spec.u con-to-l- 3 60 i 0 . i). Grngorie trial justice 21 <M i S ao !a:d Jt Comm I advt g ! ' 00 J. T. I? rd road over-eer 12 00 ('has. 1). l):i|m:i? post mortem c aimed 12 00 10 00 i Cha*: 11. Dupong '* " lit 00 j Tilos Farr holding inquest, II 20 1 Standa d 3c Courn 1 j rinting advt. an 1 stationary 63 5# | Id. W. Washington roa 1 ova R^r 27 00 ! T. W. Bra-y trial jo-tire 53 00 Samuel Dudley lumber for B ick Church 3 00 i Howard and IVitehard renai i i-g Coosawha'chie bridge 150 00 I). C. Wilson lumber S.ai dard and C'oiu'l advt. and stationary s4 50 Cuffio llevwarjl work on road 3 00 i - -j - i " o rianaaru a:iu vuuiui i m?uiw hit and printing and ::?ivt*g 5 M. W. Williaui? cosi.stab!-* 5 ) .si) 44 " Williams constable 72 80 Mo<es Frazier constable , 83 00 Jos. Cohen constable 32 oft Standard and Cuimu'l print'g and advt'g 2S 00 Richard Brown road overseer On J. M. Gregoiie holding inquest 10 00 Richard Simmons special constable 0 2G 1). C. Wilson lumber 5 40 Pompey Coasuui special constable 3 00 L S. Linglev Co. Aud r stationarv Ktc * ' 22 25 I>r J A Johnson deputy coroner 4G 3S t; l ( ;i 44 44 44 ( J 'Jack Daniels rod overseer 9 00 Hum v Gardner road claimed 19 50 8 50 A. G. Thomas printing arid advt. G 50 T. 11. Gainer road overseer 15 0.) 9 00 A. U. 1'homas printing and advt. 4 50 Paul Anderson special constable IclaimedA'G 00 20 00 Jos. Richardson special constable 2 50 John A. Johnson deputy coroner 157 20 Jo-iiih Williams coffins for paupers 5 00 Geo. Waterhouse goods for poor 10 15 Win Wilson conveying prisoners to Win. Wilson conveying prisoners to Penitentiary 210 00 I. G. Judd clerk of court contingent account. 329 0. 1 certify that the above is a true and correct list of the accounts audited and allowed by th . d of County Commissioners, during the past fiscal year. Titos. II. Wheeler. Clerk of Board Com'rs. ?-lrOn Christmas day whileCapt. Stevens of the pilot boat F. W. Scheper wa? firing a salute from the signal gun the piece exploded and shattered the gun car r age to atoms, tearing out /lie bu! wark of (he vessel Capt. Stevens struck in the forehead and slightly wounded, his face presents the appea*auce of having gone through a serious skirmish. The Fantastical* luraed^t on C tristmas and 44 fantastic**^ ' riie s reets with parade and *lo;v' The costumes were mixed o J included-t^iwV # \ 1 ; ????????? thing from a Sioux Iutl.au* to the Carpe Bagger. The carpetbaggers valise looked lean and empty. Showing that this this was a new arrival.' The charI ocrev was appropriately worn. ? J . A flat was picked 11 IIilton i Head beach whit li the owner can have # jbyprovi : property paying oxpen>e> i by apply in? to II rv 11 edit?Ililion i Head. 5*eV* Wednesday ahou* I'd a. m. fire was di -ove-l in ill bakerj ;u-i {,, the S'orC of W. II. Wil' !\?;t Roy a ami in few in-unon: s r-idtn -fore an 1 ? i !: ?:. envc e whn'e prcinis flaines. S I rapid was * he prour <?:' the :i u . - aJ ! ?u attempts to save buildings wer nn f Had it not fir the raSnyjvcatho that led lb;* days. th. whole town of Port Royal might hav< iieen destroyed theic are no facilities lor ) utt.og fires at that place. The storehouse of Mr. J. Ohlaud. was broken into on Saturday evening lint and robbed of a large quantity of bacon and other gcods. On Sunday morning a portion of the goods was found in a shanty on the free lauding. On Tuesday evening another portion of the stolen ! goods was found at the store of Francis | M ;ioia on 7th St. The other portion is ! expected to be recovered shortly. ? The Western Union has resolved to fight, the question of demand for the production of telegraph dispatches with all | its might and main, and theyjjhave also I resolved hereafter to destroy original dis. | patches except when specially requested ! to save them. *0* ?, t*W9. Cleared?Dec. 18th from St. Helena Sound, genu an Bk Lena, Dinkela, ma>t r for Charleston in ballast to Campbell, Wyllie k Co. Dec. 18? Br. Bkt. Is Williams, master, for London, hnglau l with od'd tons phosphate rock irorn oosaw mines. Dec. 2i.?Br. Bk Coouiassie, Taylor master, for Lond in with GGtons of phosphate rook from Oak Point mines. Eulerei St. Helena Sound.?Br. Bkt. Spartan, Kelly master, 4(3 days Iroin Para in ballast to Campbell Wyilie & Co. Dec. IS?Br B? Prioress, Richards, master, G1 days from Funcha!, in baliast to Campbell Wyliie A: Co. Dee. 18?Russian Bk Hoppct, Frederiksson master, 70 days from Barcelona, in ballast to Campbell Wyilie and Co. Dec. 1:1 ? Norwegian Bk Lorenzo, Kitties?:) master, (J3 days from Aberdeen in ballast to Campbell 33 yllie and Co. 21?Xorv.eiyan Bk. Sestrie. Svcndsen, master. 9(3 days from Liverpool in balla. t to Campbell Wyilie and Co. ++S++ Just Received. P-OJK KiS-fB, A Lar.;e Assortment of mn ! -ATH. HARMS. I WT. f*A-L,V'sa'f, &&': V?," A I ; 1 PRACTICAL *v i <V*c3,f Tvn* r?*-p* V/^tItst I i 1*1 W il ? WW W , ti ?k W 1 II ?r 1 DEALER IX j fa van nod and Stamped Tin Wares. Conrtantlyon j ?/ hand, Cooking Parlor nr.d Pnx Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for tlic Celebrated Hnlr P! n "> It ? i* ft SfftTTC*1' W.iAt li?i Wkiri W W w iit ti wlJiwU* \V. H. CALVERT, j Bay St. brtwe< n *.T. & 9 Us. Bea ort.S.C ~ j. C R1 C"HM 0 N bT~ I Trial Justice. AH business intrusted to him will receive care \ | ful and prompt attention. Office Custom House j Building. Beaufort S. C. p I 27-t i I i Centennial Reduc on in Advertis g. | $3,250.40 t \ Worth of NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING givy ftr $7?0. | And A THREE MOXl 'XOTKfTA^EX in pay- | men I fmin Adwrt *5of ro^pnsibilitv. A PBttT w<T, | Giving Xame, Character, .'jjH I'ailynnd Weekly i Circulation, and Sched^^c s of Advc?ong, sent free to npy 4adr< s.< ,\ppb'lo QEQ, P? 3C'W IL & CO, I .i:v;$?\p' DVERTSSIXG AGT-S ! 4l*TAI-lIC ROV M". Y. Jfews a 5laticnary Depot-; >' The und^S^d takes pleasure i:i an j I uoujicine^o izena of Beaufort and j the 3'lp^t l'ort Boyal, that they are! prepared to furnish all the |' DAILY and WEEKLY PAPERS A j that are published, and all monthly matr^ j and novels at the shortest notice We guarantee satisfaction to all who 'cay favor us with their orders, an 1 res | pect fully solicit your patronage. GORDON & FOR P. Beafuort, S . deo.7.tf. * OBMBOCg^KaCMMMI^I HI ? I PI I .:?&* ! ' J last Received. [ t fy last steamer from NEW YORK A select stuck uf ' I ' DKY GOODS, BOOTS and SliOKS, RUBBERS; &c. Together witli a fine assortment of the latest styles f GENTS' READY MADE clothing, for sale at bottom juices at D. R. HUTCHINSON; Rort Royal. F o le. A ha n.Rome Ray Sra?I colt, fn m Hie best breed. a> a racer, seven months old, juice on.y one ars. Ai.ply to i>. 11. Hirrniixsox, nov9.2m. Rort Royal. 1876. FALL 157 SEW MIOMNEItY. , For;Sic Sea ci: JUST RECEIVED AT, J oh n Cooper's < COR. BAY and CARTERET STS., BEAUFORT. Together with a complete stock of DRY GOODS, 1 CLOTHING, FANCY GOODS, Ac. * a! 1 of which be offers at prices to "uit the tines j ' 1 BANKING H .. SE, Win. II. Loefewood, ' a BAY ST., BEAl'FOET, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE ' j * New, York Charleston & Sav- 1 annah Bought and Sold, Collections made 011 any point in the I United States. Accounts received subject 5 to check at sight. ? a p. 27.6 in. ' ICE! ICE! ! C0HA21T & EMUOHS, , 4 RE NOW PREPARED TO FUR A. Nisii Ice in any quantity Customers may desire, from their Tee House. Sovozitll^Stroot. , JOyN CONANT, > J. A. EMMONS . J m rati m, AT THE STORE OF ?. A. Se&eper, The Leader in Low Prices i ITnvincjtist arri.vd fro:?i NEW YORK, where I have puivba* d one of tV1 lar^ and 1:1 >st c.?rnplete i*tock of Fail & Winter Clo0d.s I: Ever before offered to ;be Beaufort public. Constating of fry con PS. clothing. i! ? tv avti r a rs HOOTS AND SHOES, CARPETS Ac | I oPer an entirely fnsh ?t-?ck oi Crst-chi-s PitlTS, j to >1 ( eelei raitd ORIENTAL 7-S CAMRRTCS AT 10c. Selected in New York vri;h special view to their I adaptability to present season, Ac. EXTRA IX D UCEMEXTS J will be offered in all departments, as I am deb*" I mined to make tfc;* one of the most tttraetive lishments in town, t all before purchasingels: *'"t>'e and examine the stock of ^ocds at E . A . SCHS JR. W. H. DE VXdN, / / Carpeiit^l Bolider j /? I. y- All kinds of BO>f M'ORK, CAULKING, ' ( and SPAR MAKING. I] o? | i OFFICE ASD SHOP r COR.RAY and CHARLES STREET, B EAUFORT, S . C. ruT-I.l v. FOX1T KOYAX. Saw& Planing I ill' OEAIFOUT, S C. D. C. WILSON & Of | MASt PACn rKEBS OK AND DKALKR8 N yellow mi vm im w l AND Cyt^resa Sliiu^lca, ALSO _ j?! Guilders & Contraccc^ P L AS1fEIi L AT H K 1 * j All kind? or.iOB S.-^INO promptly done. rioorin&Csllittoilsaliajsrai'aa. Orders for LumVr and Timber by tT?car. rompily filled. Terms Cash. ; flOv.28-ly. ' l?. < . 'WILSON, A COA. ffikarUisitott ^Ldrcrtijsemrtttjss. D. O'NEILL & SONS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN f BOOTS, SHOES, j TRUNKS AND VALISES. I rCTo 33 Knyr.o ?3troot [ Cixai'loi-iion ?3. O aprl.S-! yr. !) -oo(i D7TS- Xuu jo joiuO 0} jna puR | ijnmlSuixim oj uo.vt;? uojjuowk P'!,)r;(-S J :iNTi\'HJU.iias:v uvTt hiiilu! *sl?<> 1?UK HjMIBcI 4SS?:*f) auvdHoo iixv b'Mxn IISM 'SXHVA J.1(\T '>-? S5IXIAI D *B '1-tOTtlVOfT 'is J*Ll2TZ'O&VJM 'B SILVER PLATED WARE. Electro-Plated Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work. IN GREAT VARIETY", MAXCFACTU11ED JiY TllE MERIDIAN BUiTlWIA COMPANY. 55-) BROADWAV JiEff YORK. The best Plated SPOONS ami FORKS an* those !:!v<-r ririt.nl heaviest on the parts where neeosailv the most wear couk-s, and bearing the Trade dark. j 1W-I-ItOCJEIlS BKOTHKRS-XII. j N. B. ?Tfiis great improvement In Silver- I'la- j ed Spoons and Forks is applied alike to each grade if Flat.*, A 1, A and 12 <>z. as oner.-d. The Proco?a ,nd Machinery for manufacturing thesa goods are 'at en ted. i he Extra or * Standard Plate" made by his Company is stump-d A I, simply, and is |>!a'.'?i lap r cent, heavier than theonlianary market stanlard. Firet Fro me urns awarded at all I airs where xhibited. frc-ni World.s Fair of 1852 to Americau n?ti:ute Fair, 1674. inclusive, nar 9-G m. lIA In COfl P r 'aJ" a' home. Samples worth Si ?J III 06U free. Stinson A Co., Portland' Mrinx 1KND 25c. to (i. 1?. IlOWiXL A CO., Now York )i<>r l'amphlet of 100 pages, containing list of 3-> 0 icwspa;* -s, kii'i estimates allowing cost ofadvjttis?S Mfl* day at lion-*. Agents wanted. Outfit and gla terms free Tltl'L A CO., Augusta, Maine. , .iari?-ly. JOHN F11ANZ, <3 ; tthoiesjtle k iieiaii Gnccr, AS I> SHIP CHANDLER family Groceries and Cabin Stores ? a specialty. Constancy receiving from St. Lo::U the best FAIvI-LY FLOUR. iviiOLi;.-.\:v :..tiE5, liquors i'i.ANTATU'N SUPPLE i( ti e princplc Sto-?. fonnor'v, oe'iipio! by J. Fyicr. Corner ihty an I West St: to' ? BARER Y. f I llavipy jiv>t completed Jhe erectiop <?f j : bakery at i!iv p;cMui.kOs. at tho c^r?lv?r i andSeofct Srs., I.fhaH keajyfe^ant supply of fresh ky } have e- j, cut e?i tIre :rrvieese^pcneiAe i ! a Iter, ar 1 by iisiui^Mc p'-up* ? iiOur, shall cndea\mffo:l snare it! public natronage. Call fl inspect samples. * Gr.ocasRiS3. I a speciality a' *bc Store Corner of Tkt; i v., i r yo'cof. iiu I > V-"V> J17ST RECEIVED, ! AT THE rflsniDftp : 1 '* a $3 5 31lv *^ " j 5 < ' ' J t AAtJ&i* ;Tv Li UUuJiisLc. i. _ . JOB PKLVriXG OFFICF, ^ ft:li Iihi; ??f superior rAPLR, KNVER TES, ptt.t, heads, T.ETTETt HEADS, NOTEIIKAiS, o CARDS, ETC. nli pr'ntinrr dene neat I - and t-hcaply. Ai! ?> .i r. ? iromptiy a(t<.T.d? d to. C>il5t a;t;t feel ;i. s. KI.LtO'lTy Pi ran fort t\ Jt',i i 'A'A'AV", A' CO.) C/i/trh *'ir>< .* . ?" TM" nr ' * ",inT ill*. DiLAUfUn r 37EAH HILL C0M.v..'H7 Having rrrri* ahwst mile at tm.::; old utand, are prepared io :"uriti?-ri (ir.'si, Fre.j: nil Jlrai, my jii.iiity, an I .it r a: m.iMe rati *. M. S. EJJJ0T7. * ? y. A LLL i U i: ? X ^ rp /?v Tr^TTTvT('< V. fT .?: Vf TO i U IN O iVi r_ ;N . Jiitt PiillisJimJ, in >i >' :'f' ihur ' . ? A i rciniroii ibe r.-Ui'.". .'.i. C t'udV'i I c't/o >j1 i.isi.ti W' uknr.'ii, cr ' j: r ' rli *> a iiiiUic.tl >>' "> ,.-.'i'j -s r'?iv?i*:tn!' iit\> : uIisii Xi'?"y ; !: ! !; vil'.;' !): ' to \?arri?^'.' generally; ? j, ! -t:. i , 1 its : Mental ami J ly-h.il Imv.jiac tv. \v..? llv I.Oi:i:hT J. (TIA'liiiWi.l.L, M. author. I l!r , Hereon Hoik, " Ac. j Tl.c worM-rvnown.v! r.r.'V.r, In T:..T? [ Lcoturc, flv.>ar!y pio'v;"* i'rom li s own exj-.ri ? that ih awful toasivjin'iiv. ? i>f Si-Ii-Al?a> i.mv I> j eif-i-tnally ri'iujviil wi.iiot.t me-lii -li-, : ;.u will; ' Dili dan:? ron." s.ir^i-'il ?>y -rati.'tis, iio-igK*. i'l-unini Jits. ri:r,'- <w rorilial* ; ts?!,r smt a in- I n' cure at c.ii v arrtaiti a:?l IK-etuai. l-y whi. !i voy r, do matt- r what tu tooditiuti may t-?( mav ciirv him* If'-hrajdy. i> ivat. 'y and r:nh.- illy. L > Tf> * l.cci-irc ;; i j'l'vcc a be- ,i Ij i! j. r.xJ J. uii.'ntitls. t>?nt, timl'T seal. In a ?da!n env.loj e. t?> ->?>y ail i i. -i. o!l I'."."' I'l "i -.X C' II , Hi' . .. j .>i aiUlllI1 iluas ti?v" i'lthlisherji. - F. BRtrSHVX& SOX, s-*-? Yorlc p..it n,.X 4*>S? ? v j. ~ ~ F. W . S FINE GROCERIES. ; i 1.0 LI'' . () 1' all (J ra <1 e ;. i y S~ Rnfrpr r;S.-rr ?^ J3 >: Cheese I'roM th?-I'.iii !>s. ' --.k=SP CANNED FRUITS, VEGI Ar:I a Vail Varitly of ulfeer things Goods Promptly Deih Arc You Go; Tiirx i;sk>i r*- tj7 Yi? "v fA sj? slJL .iia usiu ;. ? w .?2 ll.-aJy for ii.se in V. Hi i K. ami over # prime 'A kite Lead, Zinc anJ Linseed 01 Uf.ut.-'duu ; /<< :i rr! to last 'i V iias'taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at t auJ'ison MANY THOUSAND of the 1 A-M.cti: .T -T.lv. >l B piir b li ?< A fl 1 ii IJ AT THE OLI J'aeofe 2 0 REGARDLESS OF TOST of our entire FANCY GOODS DOMESTICS Ac., wet Bert Qualify Prints 7 ami Sc. Best 4-4 Bleach, 0 and lOe. Best 4-4 Bleach, fl ami 12c. ]$e^t 7-8 Bleach, fi and 7 Best 4 t Brown. S ar Good Alpacas, ] Bc>t Alpac; Linens, &us!ir?s, LaV/nS; I it an actii i! saeriiice. Giro us a call. Tift Bav Street. JACOB A _ y_ a. Are You Goi ..... .r? \trw irnViiV 1 H!"-> L or. -> r. w iuka G II E M E C / R.i .-Jy for u*c hi White, an 1 over One strictly prime White Lead, iline, and Lips much Ilt))d<nmn- a ad CJttnper, an i to lasi It has taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at t and is on ninny thon&tnd* of the finest hou; / Address: N. Y. E] J FR1F. RED I'ED t IJf IfZA RV SEXT FREE. TWO IWP0RT1NT INVI OP ZNT2HE3T TO EVHtY lft. A PIANO OR PARLOR ORG wfth anadjnsteblo back,?made to support the b whiltfteaning forward in the ordinary position for a siaip'c arrangement, v. hich gives it a backward tfcnc a downward movement, follows his motions, In any position without Interfering in the leaat \ of his movements. \ cXs AGENTS WANTED^ ^EHD FOf\ PRICE LIST MARVIN SAFE85SCALECO. 265 BROADWAY 721 CHESTNUT ST. PHI LA. PA. 111 SENECA ST. CLEVE.O. i'QUfcrt & ZiP'tiMij. \ V.'.- I ia: :ih. '1 r?'shw'rjr, Cl ft. ? t! rills. m. V/?e?>irl/a5 ? AVACII-, JKBKY?Wh ir^Lt.ktpifikfli int '> Iv - .U'i t.l.d. M. j % T:vi :V V/ M.? !<u?ia> 1 c .?it*aet*'r, ,:v\ U Url s ? v Jul vt > :? myot. /tjifccr crt'l C/"iziv* ; OP'.'/.. j.'DV.W I;;!*.1 iu?ai-.d ?'! /i.-r, l'o 3 ^aui; .1 r.t ! paintimr <!?;?. at ckv.:.in; tn - - a;.! dvj.sii I.. IJt'Vt K, J>.S M ?*-."!: ?! : u! <1 r-!a 1 i} (.Jin- r:-I i mi;iv. : irar>, 1/ry :m gi tii'ntJ hatitti^*. i?r.> St. j ?roce | . _ ~ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ , - -> is- - -' pin E.: Win > T-r-jw.-- >? it I S "v? !l !| ?i I. .1 , .. SI'ICES <te fi_ ~-~?--f3S?5.A si'EeiAiii ' Foreign Domestic FRUITS. ITABLES, MEATS, *c. 'ussiallj kept fn .1 firsi-cJass StortV r-ered free of charge. _ isn?; to Paint? [ir.LKR PROS.' . r.s f ii 1 H 1* v, J.rumlr'ti tfrjfi.-t'iit cJoti made of. */ !. (.'.'khi'nil!j c<?t;w.!iJo\ v.^nawted Much IC J . S i.OX(j as any oilier Paint. H 1 w..sity of the State Pure of the Union, K--t houses in t lie coinfrfr. .miller iifiotn.iRs, 1<)9 \\ ater Street. Cleveland, U i IT SlLF > STAND OF Apple's. ' stock of DKY GOODS, CLOTHING tre selling / ? ' A / ill 9?. IS and 20c. 1:5, 40 to 60c. Nansooks, Cambric^,fAc.y' inkfal for prv-t favors ?I am Re?p'fy, , PPL?:, Beaufort, S. C,ng to Paint? * enamel paint co.'s % % L la P A I Iff T IICN^KED Dieferevt Colors md? of cc'l 0';!, Chemically combined, varwntW . : TWICE AS LONG as any other Fakt ' wenty of the State Fairs of the the Unioi * ?es.in the country MAMEL PAINT COt 133 f iaite Street, New Tort' ack of the titter , playing, and by J: and at the same ? j and supports him ^KHE^ ^ jj^HHfj ' ><f. A PLATFORM ROCKER ON ASTORS, wiihthe Iodst easy movement the old ? \ r', wi-tioat tiie projecting rockers m?r otba tLrniture and the baa*** of rooma; . [ng, in fact. the only Platform Rocker tmde it lias a perfectly satisfactory movement, If anufactured for the trade by iLBERTBEST&CO., BUFFALO, N. Y., 1 for pale by the principal dealers throughout ! United States. ST" If not kept by any dealer in your town, id to us for Price Let and Catalogue. ^ - V I/I 3 3. E. HOLZACH. fmifmumx ' ,1 > ALL -J K i:\DS i (>> J 1 i;lg^ rO.\"i-\v.T- ?XAKY; >!i hr.nl -n l m?M -at the love-it p.fc?ifor ca*h. ' r t'l'*' ?' >'> eunfoiaera aad Ju* i ' I s neat and . ,,,i. -1: i t- -TOltB it tin- N. B. Corner of WSfST* i.'UAVEN STS., A'iu; I * :1 V happy ?< I' e.lve ??r itr-, and furti >!i r.t .*Ii >rt .i?t!ce, trtfeki in my line at prio* 'l n tnwi. *>g?. ( *01 OK 'O Jot E? *>I95Y ^?T) l.^v M i'? 'itujjB n-'Wtic.i n?osdiuuda?.ti(t? ?i !v iim,J'iiaan ?. asimoo WW ?J '-iWB 'A31H01V18 '9 0 I I want ? ! 'an#oi?}*D jo) pn?? jn?n ??i . 'J ' , C'f.itt' SJlJOt'l 0| (I AO} U{ Uct||| I I'ilfeS M'l '30*I\ I pu? ?.*.. ?! X r'.uS oai'HP*) 8iiunpn| - ; -fHir'J MIIITtrtl (inj^(rp!a|vt||vpm !)](p : * Ai. :. jniB !?: ? wrfritutj j .! ;??.? iim*? 'rlpnj f, op w. ' g Ui ijv.iQ [m? i->v nuiij pjwpu?}gi^Xft[?4aj4?|g I njjMflj /&*%< : - >i s a : < |a ^,^7 OOOM \mt/^ - ; | Li Best in the WoSST^ DT 4'I'l HI rV)fl | Horizontal Ice-Cream Freezer. I j y (tinouht'i pxrur.) R V jj <I-<d h'.-ul wiii Ktre iee enough 1' <* mm-1* ' \ g son to pay for the machine. The tub reqrinifl ; j I but ono filling to freeze. anaStaff fatMn' - ] fl When in trwn to the Rig gjutbttfra. cam* Ml fa and are ns, or lend tor aeeMptfre etronlnr B' W j E maSe nith the trade. Tha machlgM eaa I' f alt) lt? seen at the On fen noil Rx.*f>^ Apt- j y cult;i Hall, Cor. Aialee 9 4S, Oglo mo Letter i |0,NO%.G.BUTOKIEY^?^, I I I WLPF OovKKeca dnut, nhLAMumu. 1