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r PARM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD ! c | ( K.llPht'D*liart!en. f Pi >w or fork up as much of the garden I before the ground freezes as possible, t leaving it without harrowing. Gather t up all rubbish and weeds, and burn so 1 that the v? hole ground 'will be ready for 1 the plow at any time. ' Maxubk ?This and the following ( mouti luu^fc bo devoted to increasing | j the stock of msuure. Provide absorbents J or the stable and pr*vy; dry eaith * is best; :( this has not been collected, ] use leaves, woods earth, d-y muok, or } even coarse marsh liay run through a cutting michine. Lot the manure from the henhouse be gathered and put in a dry p'ace at least once a month, ep^inkfe dry earth under the roosts 1 weekly. Winter protection is ueoessary in |' most north, rn localities, espec ally for spinach and sprouts. Do not apply 1 until froezin,' weather, the object being ' to prevent sudden changes from heat to ' cold. Cabbages ?Before the ground freezes hard, open a furrow in a dry spot, put ' down two railR five or six inches apart, and then lay the cabbages, head downward, upon them; torn the soil upon theai from each side so as to cover the heals with three or four inches of earth. \ If a part are covered with hay or straw i they con bo got at readily during mild I spells in the winter. Plants raised from ! seeds sown in September can now be set > out in cold frames to be kept until spring; set down to the first leaves and do not put on the glass until very cold weather, the object being to keep the i plants dormant. Those with soft or | poor heads, if set out in trenches and covered v ith boards, will make excellent heads by spring. Boots.?Market gardeners store their root crops (except potatoes) in trenches or pits in a dry place from which wuter will drain off. The trench is opened , four feet deep and six feet wide; the , roots are stacked in sections across the pit, two feet wide, then six inches of earth, then two feet of roots, six inches of earth, and so on, ooveriDg all with eighteen inches or two feet of soil rounded up to shed water. By covering the earth well with litter, the roots may ] be taken out at any time. If stored in | a root cellar they should be packed in earth to preserve their freshness. If the quantity is small, boxes or barrels , may i>e used, bat if large, bins may be , made. , CJelery may be stored in trenches in j the open ground; make them a foot , wide, and as doep as the length of the , celery; pack the plants closc-ly, before , severe weather comes. Cover with a few inches of hay or straw and boards ' to keep out water; when very cold 1 weather comes, more straw should be 1 added. Saiall lots may be stored in 1 long narrow boxes, with a few inches of ' soil oa tho bottom, and kept in a oool i cellar. i Rhubarb.?Make a new bed in the . fall, if needed, it starts very early in the v\ /v lr.\ *-v r% ?aa!o f / AVA -L OAU up t? ion IWKD 1 vl iUiV ing; a cask partly tilled with horse maMire placed in a warm cellar will answer. Sweet Potatoes.?As soon as frost has touched the vines, cut off close to the ground. Dig on a warm, sunDy day, and allow them to dry for a few hours, when they should be packed in boxes or barrels with perfectly dry chopped straw, and placed where the temperature will not sink below fiffcyti\o or sixty dog. Pausxips.?Dig before the ground freezes, and stoe as recommended above; a part may be left in the gronnd until spring. Carrots and beets should be gathered l c ore very cold weather, and stored the su-ie as parsnips. Some cut the tops with a sharp hoe before lifting. Turnips will stand hard frosts and may remain in the ground until freezing cold weather comes. Feed the tops to the cows.?Agriculturist. A .Hodel Farm Arroaat. The following statement of aocount lo, a farm in Ireland was recently given to the Agricultural Gazette by a corres pouient. It may serve as a model balance sheet: Balance sfceet of Tillage Farm of seventy e:atote acre-', ending April, 1875. Rotation t rincipally fenr-comse. Extent of permanent bias-*, sixteen acres. To amount of valuation, April, 1874. ?889 18 3 AnouDt ra d f or live stock 164 17 6 Amount for labor 139 0 4 Amount for farm seeds 14 2 5 Amount for manures .* 9 64 Amount for feeding stuffs...* 85 0 2 Amount for new implements and tmith's aooount 70 10 7 Amount miscellaneous exponsee.. 26 4 9 Rent of farm 99 10 8 Profit 185 15 7 Total ?1,634 1 7 CREDIT OB By amount received for cattle.... ?283 10 0 By amount received for p ultry... 2 8 3 By amount reoeived for dairy produce 52 15 7 By amount received for straw 34 3 3 By amouut received for oats 38 12 0 By amount received for barley .. 309 0 0 By amount received for root crops. 56 3 0 Miscellaneous receipts 12 9 0 Valuation, April 1875..# 845 0 6 Total ?1,634 1 7 ABSTRACT OF INVENTOR! OF VALUATION. April 1874. April, 1875 Horses ?41 0 0 ?39 0 0 Cattle 254 0 0 246 16 0 F?rm produce on hand 79 8 0 71 7 6 Crops 60wn and tillage 87 11 0 84 19 0 Manures 68 10 0 71 10 0 Implements 145 2 0 179 16 5 Permanent 1.4 2 3 151 11 7 Total ?839 13 3 ?843 0 6 Apples and the Orchards. When and how should apples be gathered for keeping? was a question1 i.-ked the American farmers' club. Gather the fruit by hand always when s madness and preservation is desired. Delay gathering as loDg as possible and avoid severe frosts. Place the fruit in now tight flour barrels as soon as gath? ered from the trees. Gently shake the Kirrels while filling them, and press the head closely in, fo that the apples will b 5 snugly packed. Place them in a cool, shady ex)X)">nre, where they had best remain until the weather beoomes too 1 severe, when they shonld be removed to I a cool, dry cellar, in which air can be j admitted occasionally in brisk weather, j English apple growers lay their fruit in heaps in diy, cool cellars and cover j them with straw. On plarth g orchards, how far apart should the trees be set? The uiatnnce apart depends upon the 1 m'xla m which they are to be treated. j {{ all the ground is to be devoted to the trees, thirty feet apart is recommended; but if the oaner wishes to keep the land between in. grain and grass, fifty feet is the proper interval. Forty feet i3 the distance at which trees in on hards ; are usually planted. Pow often does the " bearing year " ! of the apple tree take place ? Ia ordinary culture the bearing year j )ccutb every alternating year. This is ' >wing to the exoessive crops of this ( ruit, which exhausts most of the or- l ?anic matter laid np by the tree, which f ihen requires another season to recover t rod collect a sufficient supply to again ( !orm frnit bnds. With special culture ] ;he apple, like other fruit tre-: s, eon De 1 iiade to bear moderately every year. t This is done by thinning out one-half )f the fruit when in a young state doring the bearing year. The bearing penr of an apple tree may be changed by * eking off the fruit when the trees first j? ;how good crops and allowing it to re- ' nain on the alternate seasons. 1 i ? 11 SUMMARY OF flEWS. j1 I [tens *1 Interest from Hotae and Abroad, i There are internal disturbance* among the 1 Japanese Sinoe the last defeat of the 8er- ; r an army, the Russian officeie are leaving in i numbers, refusing longer to risk their lives for such a pusilanimous people, whom they cot> 3emn in the strongest terms The new Dutch maritime canal, connecting Amsterdam with the German ocean, has been opened with elaborate ceremonies Charles W. Garrett, of Indiana, and Frederick A. Woodworth, of California, were dismissed from the Annapolis naval aoidemy for hazing The Gloucester (Mass.) fishing schooner F. A. Smith lest three men by being washed overboard at the bai.ks Two horse thieves, named William Fulton and Hundley, were lynched in Wyandotte oounty, Kansas, by a vigilance committee Four carriages, three wagons, one pair of mules, one span of horses, one set of harness and three cows, the property of Brigham Young, were sold at public auotion in Salt Lake by the commissioner, to pay the award of the court in the Ann Eliza case. They brought $1,185. Further seizures of property will be made A conflagration in Granada. Miss., destroyed sixteen business houses The national debt was reduced $3,388,189 during October Two men were killed and a number injured by four cars being thrown from the traek of the North Pennsylvania railway at Center Valley. A broken axle was ths cause By the explosion of two mills of ths Miami Powder Co., situated near Xenia, Ohio, one man was killed and a number wounded. Loss, $15,000. Frank Bee be, aged eighteen years, bookkeeper of the West Troy (N. I ) tank, is a defaulter to the amount of $4 000 James Wesden, Bam Colljer, "'Fiddler' Neary," Ruih.rd fVuvlwin and John Clarke, o* trial at Salem, N. J., aa principal! or assistant! in the fatal prise fight between Weeden and Walker, were found guilty of manslaughter Turkey has oonceded to Russia's demand for a six weeks' armibtioe, ard the neoeseary papers have been signed Much damage to crops is reported from the interior of Cuba, on acscant of inundations A report from Camp Stambaugh, Wyoming Territory, says a tillage of five hundred lodges of Shoshones was attacked on the thirtieth of October by a large Sioux war party, estimated at 1,100 lodges, at Pointed Book, about ninety miles from Camp Stambaugh. As far as learned, only one Shoshone, named Humpy, escaped. He was tho Indian who sated the life of Oapt Henry in Gen. Crook's seoond fight last summer H. D. Simpson's glove factory at Chatham, N. Y., was destroyed by fire. Loss heavy; insured $15,600 The extensive barns of 0. W. Pieroe at Derby Line, Yt, were totally destroyed by fire, with their oontents. Loss, $30,000....A man named Jaokson and his wife, while returning to the American side from the Canadian shore in a small boat, were drowned By a oollision between passenger and freight train near Linden, N. J., oa the Pennsylvania railroad, one man was killed and several injured. Colored burglars broke into the house of a Mr. Hausman near Aikens, 8. C , and after murdering that gentleman and his nephew and ransacking the house, fired the premises. W.n. Wheatley, a well known actor in other days, diod in New York, aged sixty years....St. Hyacinthe, the small Canadian town near Montreal, which suffered so severely from fire a few months ago, has again been visited by the same scourge and twenty buildings destroyed?being the only portion of the tora exempted by the previous oonflagration. A high wind fanned the flames, as previously. ? Weeden, Goodwin and Oollyer, oonvicted of manslaughter at Salem, N. J., la connection with the prize fight, were sentenoed each to six years1 imprisonment. Clark and Neary each reoeived one year's imprisonment The department of agrionltore issues a report for October, in which the crop of wheat is put at 245,000,0C0 bushels?a decrease of nearly onesixth. The rye crop falls short nearly four per oent. of that of last year. The barley crop is short six per oent., and oats twenty-three per oent John L. Routt, Colorado's first governor, has been inaugurated While a number of oonviots were being taken from Sing Sing to Auburn, one of them endeavored to esoape by equeezing through a car window, but fell on his head and was killed Two receivers have been appointed for the Kansas Paoifio railway in behalf of the holders of a mortgage oovering the entire road Eugene Catchings and Wm. Payne, who murdered John Love, near Terrell, Texas, in 1875, were hanged there a few days since. Engineer Boott and Fireman Keifer were killed by a railroad collision near Shoals, Ind. The New York schooner Early Bird, from 8 an to Domingo, was abandoned t.t sea by her captain and part of the crew, the balanoe, three men, having been drowned in a fierce gale Gen Miles, commanding the troops on the Yellowstone, after fighting, defeating, and pursuing Sitting Bull and the confederated tribes under him, ao oepted the surrender of four hundred lodges of Indians belonging to the Cheyenne agenoy. The tribes surrendered five of their principal chiefs as hostages as guarantee of their faithful compliance with the terms of the capitula tion. These bands are to go at once to tbe agency, where upon their arrival they will submiv to the requirements of the government O'Leary, the American pedestrian, walked 502 milee in less than six days in Liverpool, England, thus beating Weston's best walk by a mile By the breaking of a truck of a k eeping car near Edmondson, Tenn, one passenger was killed and about twenty others more or less injured. The flood accompanying tbe recent hurricane in Cuba extended over an area of about forty square miles, and totally ruined dozens of plantations The Mexican congress has declared itself into an electoral college and reelected President Lerdo do Tajada. The insurgents are throwing down their arms, being almos t completely without ammunition or sup- 1 plies Eight thousand Chicago business ! men have signed a petition and forwarded it | to Ju'Jge McAllister, requesting him to lesign, j on account of his behavior in the recent im.r- j der trial of Sullivan Mrs. B. A. Lock- i wood applied for permission to practice in the ! supreme court, and the motion was denied Cardinal Antonelli, for many years prime t minister and chief adviser of the Pope, la ! dead. The vote of the city of New York, at the late eleotion, was as follows: Robinson, Dem., 111,519; TildeD, Dem., 111268; and Ely, i Dem , 111,233. Mr. Ely's majority is the large t j (53,706), because Dix went behind his ticket. ' Tilden'a majority is 53,262 over Hayee, and j ?S,C27 over ail. Robinson's majority 1b 52,784. ] 3alvin, Dem., for surrogate, has a majority of j j .0,000. Of the district aldermen niDe are < rom Tammany, one from Anti-Tammany and I hree Republicans. The board will stand ] leventeen Democrats to five Republican*. The democrats elect seven of the eight Congressnen, McCook, Rep., beating Ward, Dem , in i he eighth district Tammany electa fifteen j 1 vssemblymen, Anti-Tammany one, and the Republicans fl7e. Mrs. John BoTnun, of W.vhing'on, Me , I ago-i ninety-five yohre, was burned to death t while in bed, the bedclothes catching from an an open fire A Japaneee naval and mili- 1 tary force attacktd the insurgents at Hagri, in , nf K?p?fn Thfi insnrcents were 1 beaten and fl xl The life saving statioDB dd the coasts of N w Jersey and Long Iela: d have resoued 3,168 persons in the last fonr i vears ... An attempt was made at night to ' steal the remains of President Lincoln from ' the oemetery vault at Springfield, 111. The plot was suspected some time since, and E'mer Waahburne, United States Deteotive Tyrrell and his assistants watched the vault. The scoundrels broke in the curer and inner doors ; of the vault, opened the eeveral cases of the | sarcophagus, and were about to make off with j the remains when the detective accidentally disoh&rged a pistol, which alarmed the vandals, and they fled precipitately, escaping in the darkness. A slight clew to their identity remains, and thtir oapture is probable The Duchoas of Aosta, ex-queen of Spain, Is dead During a drunken altercation in New York city John Fitzdmmors was killed by having an umbrella tip jammed through one of bis eyes into his brain. A Vast Sea.?It seems to be demonstrated that within historic time a vast inland sea filled the depression marked hy the vast plains of Turkistan, that it i included the Sea of Aral, the Caspian ! sea and the Black sea, and that the ! change, which is still going on, was in-1 augnrated by the openiug of the Bos- j phorus, which some suppose to have j been the deluge of Deucalion. Henry Saltonstall, of Massachusetts, reoently owned a oow that gave 13,065 quarts of milk in a year. Merchant's Gargling Oil has won for itself a world-wide reputation as a liniment useful in rheumatism, sprains, bruises, burns, scalds, etc. This preparation was first manufactured in 1833, and since then has steadily grown into the favor and confidence of the people. The loDg term of years during which it has oonstaatly been brought to the notice of the public, together with its immense sale, give evidence of an inherent value which cannot be doubted. An objection to its use?that of staining the skin?has been entirely removed, so that it now leaves no stain whatever. Although called " Family Oil," and prepared intentionally for human flesh, it answers as well for beasts; and will be found one of the best remedies for all purposes, where a liniment is required, that has ever been manufactured.?The Druggist, New Lebanon, N. Y. We would advise those of our readers wnoee buildings or fences require painting, or whose roofs are in need of repairs, to send at onoe for pamphlet and prioe list of Asbestos Paints, Roofing, Roof Paint and Cement. These articles, which are of unquestioned reliability, are also the most economical of any in use for such purposes. The Centennial Exposition medal and diploma of merit I have been awarded to the manufacturer, Mr. H. W. Johns, 87 Maiden Lane, New York, who within 4he past twenty years has built up the most extensive and successful business in this line in the world. Mr. Johns also manufactures Asbestos paper, cloth, steam pipe and boiler coverings, steam packing, sheathing?, etc., which are in use in every civilized country. Pimples on the faoe, rough skin, chapped hands, saltrheum and all cutaneous affections otired, the skin made soft and smooth, by the use of JumpebTab Soap. That made by Caswell, Hazard <fc Co., New lork, is. the only kind that can be relied on, as there are many imitations, made from common tar, ; whioh are worthless. Cut This Out. The Grand centra notei, uroaaway, new i York, is in every respect, a first-class hotel j It has few equals, no superiors. Every line of stages pass the door. It is easy walking distanoe to principal stores and plaoes of amusement. The rooms are largo, airy and elegantly ; furnished. The table and attendance all the most fastidious could desire, and last, but not least, the prices have been reduced to 12.50 and $3 per day. In consequence of the many inferior imitations, the manufacturers of theoelebrated " Matchless " brand of plug tobaooo have been compelled to protect themselves by a trade mark. Every plug now has the words " Matchless P. T. Co. thereon. The Pioneer Tobaooo Co., 124 Water St., N.Y.,are the manufacturers. Mr. W. C. Coup, manager of the N. Y. Aquarium, has had made, at great expense, a beautiful chromo of the Aquarium for persons who cannot visit it. As a picture it would be cheap at five times the prioe. See adv'L The Rev. Matthew Bonner, M.D., late medical missionary to China, is curing thousands of cases of dyspepsia, ladies' "morning sickness," foul breath, and all disorders of the Btomach and liver, by the use of " Ohing." It is the Chinese sovereign remedy for these disorders. Send $1 for a box. or a stamp for a circular, to poet-office box 111, Troy, N. Y. Physicians are Amazed, Patients delighted, the doubtful silenced, and all who have eyes to see, or ears to hear, more than satisfied by the absolute certainty with which Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar cures coughs, colds, hoarseness and every affection of the lungs and throat, tending to consumption. For sale by all druggists. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one minnte. Premature loss of hair, which is so J Anmmnn nowadays, mav be entirelv prevented by the use of Burnett's Coooaine. One More Unfortunate. Almost every day the papers ohroniele the suicide of some poor unfortnnate whose mind has been enfeebled by dyspepsia, over whose earthly horizon a heavy gloom has gathered from the untold and ontellable agonies of this cruel oomplaint. Dyspepsia is one of the most depressing diseases afflicting humanity.' It is cosmopolitan in its nature?no country is exempt from its visitations, no family free from ' its attacks. There is a balm in Gilead ; it comes in the shape of the Peruvian 8yrup. For years It has been scattering its blessings abroad. There is, probably, no disease which experience has so amply proved to be remediable by the Penman Syrup as dyspepsia. The most inveterate forms of this disease have been completely cured by this medicine, as ample testimony of many of our first citizens prove. A ease of chronic rheumatism of unusual severity, cured by Jehnson't Anodyne IAniment, is noticed by one of our exchange*. A large bunch came out upon the breast cf the sufferer, and appeared like part of the troast bone. Used internally and externally. The sweetest word in our language is hnalth. At tbe Jret indication of disease use wjll known and approved remedies. For d.vep jp^ia or indigeetion use Parsons' Purgative I 'ill*. For coughs, colds, sore or lame stomach tlgfl .Tohn*ortt Anodyne Liniment, The Calcutta wheat trade has grown into enormous proportions. In 1870 the axports amounted to only 2,000 tons, md during the first nine months of the I present year 120,000 tons had already been shipped. It is grown chiefly in j the Punjaub, and is much valued in the English markets, especially on acoount j of its dpyness. t __ i fcj SULPHUR SOAP, | The Most Effective Extern ai Remedy Ever Offered to the Public i ] Glenn's Sulphur Soap cures with j wondrous rapidity all Local Diseases i and Irritation of the Skin, remedies and prevents Rheumatism and Gout, removes Dandruff, Prevents the Hf'r from Falling Out and Turning Gray, and is the best possible protection against diseases communicated by contact complehonal defects are permanently removed by its use, and it exerts a most beautifying influence upon the face, neck, arms, and, indeed, upon the entire cnticle, which it endows with remarkable turity, \ fairness and softness. ' This inexpensive and convenient j specific renders unnecessary till outlay attending Sulphur Baths. It thoroughly disinfects contami- 1 nated clothing and linen. ! PHTSI0IA58 ADVISE ITS USE j Prices, 25 and 50 Cents per Cake, ; Per Box, (3 Cakes,) 60c. and $1.20. j N.B. Bj purchasing the large cakes at 64 centa 70a get triple the quantity. (( Hill's Hair and Whisker Dje,? Black or Brown, 50c. 0. n. ceittijiroh, Prop'r, J Sixth ar. i.t. ; A BOOKfor the MILLION, i medical advice and <?hronic D??ra.c?, janeerj i Catarrh, Ruptnra ^pium Habit, *c., SENT FREE on xeenl otiUuop. Addrtaa Dr. Bntta' IX maary No. 12 N. 8th it, St. Louis, tio A BBVPO Investigate the merit* of The IllaaJ1 IT f. H I |\k trated Weekly before determining flU Ulf A Ma upon toot work thla fall and winter. The combination for thla nesson anrpaaeee an jthlng heretofore attempted. Term* sent free. Address. OHA8. OLUOA8 A CO., 14 Warren 8t, NewYork. IN PRESS?OUTFITS READY-THE centennial exposition described and illustrated. A graphic pen-picture of it* hiatory, grand building*, wonderful exhibit*, curiosities, great days, etc. Profusely Illustrated, thoroughly popular, and retj ohean. Mutt tell immentely. 5,000 Agents wanted. Send'for fall particular*. This will be the ohsnce 01 100 year* to ooln money fast. Get the only reliable history. HUBBARD BROS., Pubs., 733 Saosom Street, Philadelphia, Pa., or Springfield, Mass. P A TTTTfiV ?? no' deceived bypremature books, VAUliUll Msnmlnc to be "official," and telUny what will happen In Anynwi and Septemher. EUPEON! If yon have Rheumatism, Neural;if Headache, a Burn, or a Braiie, procoi a bottle of Eupeon. It will rive instai t relief as thousands oan testify. Fc> sale by all Druggists. H. A. H0RLBU3 & CO., 75 and 77 Randolph Streei Chicago, Agents for the Proprietors. Whether You Travel or Not INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDS OF ACCIDENTS, BY A YEARLY POLICY IN THE T RAVELER S LIFE AND ACCIDENT INS. CO. Of HARTFORD, CONN. Exrerywliere. ffl ^H [Established 1846.] J.ESTET & 00, Brattloboro, T7"t. t^S^nd for Illustrated Cataloging Highest Honors AT THE CENTENNIAL! MASON & HAMLIN Cabinet Organs Unanimously Assigned the "FIRST RANK I SETERiL XEQDISITES" Of such Instruments! MEDALS OF EQUAL MERIT have bees awarded all articles deemed worthy of reoognitlon, eo that It will be easy for many makers to advertise that they have eoelved "highest medals." It la by the JUDGES' REPORTS, ONLY, that 00 nape tin* articles are assigned their comparative rank In exoellenoe. From these reports the following an extraet: "THE MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN CO.'S exhibit of Reed Orfans and Harmoniums shows Instruments of the FIRST RANK IN THE SEVERAL REQUISITES OF INSTRUMENTS OF THE CLASS ; rls.t Smoothness and equal distribution of tone, eeope of expression, resonance and singing quality freedom and qniokneas In action of keys and bellows with thoroughness of workmanship, combined with simplicity of action." (Signed by all the Judgee.) The MASON <t HAMLIN ORGANS are thus declared to RANK FIRST, not in one or two respect* only, but in ALL the IMPORTANT QUALITIES of such instruments; and they are the ONLY organs assigned this rank. This triumph waa not unexpected, for the Mavm k Hamlin Cabinet Organs have uniformly been awarded the highest honors In competitions in Amerioa, there having been scarcely six exceptions in hundreds of competitions. They were awarded HIGHEST HONORS and First Medals?HARIS, 1867; VIENNA, 1873; SANTIAGO, 1875: PHILADELPHIA, 1876; and have thus been awarded highest honors at every World's Exposition at wnlch they have been exhibited, being the only American organs which have ever obtained any award at any competition with beet European makers, or in any European World's Exposition! Insist on having a Mason & Hamlin Obgan do net take any other. Dealers often recommend Inferior organs because they are paid Lirg?r ocniinUsIcns for selling them. I NEW STYLES, with EXTENDED TOPS, very eleI rant, and other Improvements, exhibited at tbe OENj TEkMAL; elegant new cases In great variety. Prions very lowest consistent with best material and workmanship. Organs sold for cash or Installments, or rented until rent pays. Every organ warranted to give entire satisfaction to every reasonable purchaser or the monet returned. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES sent free MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN 00.-I54 Tremont I ss ouSSl8OT* - i"w 7"'; 80 ?" I REMARKABLE LETTER From a Gentleman Known and Hon- ] ored from the Atlantio to the Paofoo Coast. ; 1?br*s A Potthe, Wholesale Druggists. Boe. < Ion, Maes Gentlemen,?I hare for some months relt It | i daty that I owed to suffering humanity to write you, , tatlng the (treat benefit that! have derived from the ise of Sawvord's Radical Cure tor Catarrh. For nore than 30 yeara I hare been afflicted with thla very ' roublesome complaint. I have tried all the remediea hat I conld find. Dot without material or permanent ' leneflt. Last fall the disease had arrived at that atate hat 1 mnat have relief or die. The entire membran- | >us system had become so Inflamed, and the stomach >o disordered, that it was a doubtful matter whether [ could go to the Pacific coast, or If I did go whether [ should live to come back or not. I saw an adveriisement of thla medicine, and although being very ncreduloua about specifics or nostrums of any kind, ret In sheer desperation I tried this, and was at once >eaeflted by it. The changes or climate, a chronic ; Useaaeofthe liver, and my age?over TO?may prerent my entire restoration, but the benefit 1 derive Tom its dally use Is to me invaluable, and 1 am hoping ' o be completely cured, and at last arrive at a respective old age. _ _ t , 1 IT this statement or raj cue can do 01 any semve w :hoae afflicted as I bare been, and enable joa to bring ibis remedy Into more general nse, especially on tbe Pacific coast (where It is mnch needed), my objsot In rrltlng tbls note will be obtained. Very trnly yours, HE2TRV WELLS, Avxoxx, V, Yn Jane, 1776. of Wells, Fargo St Co. | _____ i Each package contains Dr. Sanford's Improved Inlallng Tube, and fall directions for nse In all cases. Price II DO. For sale by all wholesale and retail Irogglsts throughout tbe United Btates. WEEKS 1 k POTTER, General Agents and Wholesale Dragrlsts, Boston, Mass. COLLINS' fjg VOLTAIC PLASTERS fa Looal Pains, Ij&meneea, Soreness, Weaknees, Wnmbneee and Inflammation o! the Longs, Liver, EUdneya, Spleen, Bowels, Bladder, Heart and Muscles, are equal to an krmy of doctors, and acres of plants and ihrnbs. Xven in Paralysis, Epilepsy, or Pits, and Nervous and Involuntary Mnsotilar Action, this Plaster, by Rallying the Nervous Forces, has effected Cares when jVtry other known remedy has flailed. BOLD BY ALL DBPQOIBTB. Prloe 25 eents. But on reoeipt of prioe, 25 oents for One, 11.35 for Six, or $2.25 for Twelve, to any part of the United Btates and Canadas, by walbulB A POTTER, Proprietors, Boston. A dose of Tarrant's Seltxer Aperient ias removed the agony of rheumatism, and Its sontlnaad use entirely healed the patient. Rheumatism is bat Ittle understood. Some empirics resort to embroee lons, which are really dangerous. It Is now seknowl-dved to be a blood disease, resulting from acidity. This aoerlent oo-recta all such aoldlty, and thus sores -ho disease. All rhenmatlc sufferers are advised So try U. , SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. NEW WILLCOX St GIBB8 AUTOMATIC t Only machine Invention, and%Sf\ /M i iMth^U producing V# Bdr Automatic most J& Bp Tension and Marvelous BByliwF Stitci Results. Indicato. Tradr Mark Id bass of sv.ry mscblna. SILENT SEWING MACHINE. Send Postal Card for Illustrated Price List, Ae. vpsii^- jpr ntbiia a M" fin.. VT 111LUA 11/ VJI1?/UK5 w.p {Cot. Bond 8t.\ 658 Broadway, yaw York. mt4j?jgSranr iOB TMUR0^grffek^^nhdl^r?fl-iht^ek Boynton's Furnaces ^ (Gut or Plato Iron). schools, no. MOST POWERFUL AND DURABLE FUKNAOK SOLD. OVER 20,O?iO IN USE. BOYNTO>H " 1 R7?" BALTT HORK FIREPLACE HEATER. Extremely powenol iu beating. Aitr.aotlTe. brilliant, iwvpnmlsAl II "bOYNTON'S "Tile" Open-Grate Stove. The most attractive library rfore ever made. Send for circulars. Estimates riven for heatinr, Correepondnooe *ol1oit*d. RIOHAKDSON. BOTNTON * OO., Manufacturer*. No. 234 Wet*- Hrreat, N?e Vnrk J. & P. COATS Have been awarded a Medal and Diploma at the Centennial Exposition and commend-d by the Jndcea for "SUPERIOR STRENGTH ?A5D? EXCELLENT QUALITY -orSPOOL 10TT0N." A. T. GOSHOBN, Dirootor-Geaeral. I ??" ; J* B< HAWLETi Proi ; Alp. R. Botblib, Secretary pro tern. For Singing Schools!! Make them doubly interesting by lnirodnelcg THE ENCORE! By L. O. UJJWLtiKSUJN. 5.5 rents ; $7.50 per dosen. THE ENCORE Contain# a First Class Elementary Oonne, with the beet xlnd of exercises, aire, tanee in one, two, three or tov parte, for practice. THE ENCORE Contains 1M pages filled with bright, wide-awake e*sy xleee and four-part songs. Thus It Is a good Olee Book as well as Singing School Book. THE ENCORE Contains 90 of Hymn tones and Anthems of the best ch. racter. Mr. L. O. EMERSON (Half a million of whose books hare been sold) has never been excelled as oompoeer or arranger of mnsle exactly adapted to the pobllo taste. Hla " tact" In this matter U infallible. Then try THE ENCORE. For sale by all prominent dealers. Specimens mailed, post-free, for 75 cents. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. C. H. DIT?ON dk CO., v> .. 71 i HrsHsvin, Xrvi torU. J. E. TMTHUN A LO., Snooeeeors to Lee A Walker, Phlla. THE GREAT NEW' A bountiful Chromo-Llthograph of thl* Tilt Maria* . by * tab* as not to be injured, to any who will remit 501 1 rawing by ? t>r*t-el**s city artist. It la lo nine oolorr, < and Interior of th* building, with it* Bnorani Iron i and fttntaary* th* whole combining to mrnk* * p<<'? faithful representation of thla the first great Agnar! n irery variety of sea-life, from th* ainaU*<t and most gu w ind the monitor Derli Ft> h. Th* oharge ti mad* etanply to cover th* expense of 1 h Partial who remit M3 will b* entitled to seven lltb< r hem. In every case thin notloe iboold be out oat anr i his offer. Thf? picture ha* ooet several thousand d< U ray. Address. W. I ? MEBIDEN CUT! E?2~ Received the HICHEST lta? * Parr Xfoar1" Hjjou TabuiKsi WA? TTT A rVTTTU V AT.T. KTUPS flP KKlmlirVakeri ofUiT" FATENT~IVORY 99 or Mini >ld Knife, the moat dnrabie WHITE H AN- . OLE ?n>wn Tre Oldest Maanfaetnren In America. <> Uw?)i e;Ul for " Trade Mark" M liERIDKN CUT' KH? n Ontlery. and by the MERIDEN CUTLERY CO T7TTT & m Every Household Should Keep If (1 n I Maud laa remedy to nn without oaii" **11J tor i tr doctor. Golds, Oonghs. and On omption prera'l in almost every family. ALLEN'S LtNU BAf SAJI will onre the colds and ooncbs md prevent consumption. AS AN EXPECTORANT fT HAS NO EQTAI, Ji te bnrnlesi to the moot delicate cnlld. It roiiiH'.ns do Oplam In Any Form. Direction- sooompeay each bottle. It Is sold by all A- lCRtk!* ' '! n edlolne dealers. One Dollar. flESIESg ] One Dollar. HlflBOl EdUr One Dollar. ()h[m One Dollar. C3LSS One Dollar. HHHIEDGER One Dollar. flBlEDGER One Dollar. QH|B One Dollar. [H|m One Dollar. HIAGO | EDEER One Dollar. Ouininn I cnnco .mwiuu icuutn THE LEDGER 1b a large 48-oolumn paper, ably edited, handsomely printed; containing every week choice completed stories, an Installment of an interesting illustrated serial, and general reading tor old and young. Bend your name ana address, plainly mitten, Inclosing ONE DOLLAR, with fifteen cents for postage, and we wili send the paper to you for one year. Address THE LEDGER, CHICAGO, ILL, t rORK AQUARIUM* Aquarium will be sent, 'ree of expense, &"d ao rr< teeted senta-wltb addreee. Tbe Ifth'rrapb la executed fHa> a 10x30 inchea In alee. and repreeents toth tba exterior and Uln?a Tnnka, Caaradtn, Tropical Foliage tra of teal merit and hearty: at tbe aame time being a i In America, and one of tbe flneet Id tbe world. It Haa ly tropical Flab to the huge Whale, the voracious Shark. e wrapping to be and postage. apha; or. If they remit 9S, tbey will bare twet> eeot to orward?d with tbe money, aa It is not Intended to repeat in, and only a limited number will be distributed tn Udi COUP, manager New Yark Aqoarlaaa, Broadway mad aoih Street. LCiAX UUXOTAil X CEMTENNIAL PRIZE. TABLE CUTLERY. "^nTTcnTker^Jf the HARD KUHHEkUaNDLK. ' OO n on the blada. Warranted and told by nil Dmw ., 40 Ckamber* Street, New York. I>08 a Day to A|K. bampts Ine. a. Albert. Bo? toe.Ma. 01 ub Rem a4 eU Papers end Magssia?u Btar dtorwunt aVu wanted. Send stamp. Hnnt A Co.^ockland.Mase. I R^H.L'^yJa}a5wBixT?^H,Y,or p*g"BSiSgsassit ^rersas $25 0MBiiL.*L.VSSbM5f? IP?M?8Y agents rvtmpsasKEX; jbl A a Da*. KaploruatloraU. Ohxamo A Royalty *EJ. U Oat?TngeTfrw. Faltoc A Oo. Jig Hassan ?A JTY. BEV0LVEBVJg^S^?2a& $55 to $77 p.*o*vKfif5Y aotSI iH? OUTFIT PRES. Beet Chance Tet Wrtoe 5 C at Oaoa. OOLLIN8 A CO..? Clinton PlaeaJl.T. ) A a Week 8elaij guaranteed to maie A female Send. d" stamp for etrealeie. R. M. Bodlne.IndlanaptoJnd. fflBRran JWftaflBhSgSgg $15 tor $5 TXT ANTED?An Active Agsnt to manage the axelu11 slve tale of Olgars and Tobacco In erera county. Address N. Y. TOBACCO CO.. ?? Kenwtck fit. N._Y. SHORTHAND.?Instruotlou to ids i?otnaHna study O given by mall Oorrespcndenoe solicited. Ln-uoee tiamp aad address WRBTnYR. Hew Bedford. Haas. W|k|Q &!J^'"l2??,,fti8Kg8 iHllir windmilloo.t el?a.b.y. WANTED- Agents can easily make 010 par day sailing 11 our new arttala. Apply early for choice territory. The Lion Fever and Agne Oft, 1M Bgqadeay>BwrT<y*. BOOSEYS' SiS'S'iife'011 HIHiHItV* lill. 82 tol Utlr8?W.T.?w Yort. mflCA A Msatkr- Iff wanted 36 best sal %4fa|l lxut aitleleeIn the world. Onesamplefree, iPvUV Addis JAY BRONSONtimluMtleh. M0% WATCHES. A Great WsnseMoe, Awpts k < WmteJk sm *utb fr? to lawn. Better tua yb* Gold. Address A. OOULTRB A CO.. OMeaec. Aftsa A MONTH, hotel and toessltog expinsn yOCII paid for salesmen. Mo peddling. Address yWV MaarrroB Manure Co., Otnolnnatl, Ohio. jfcQft A .i<a?i? by one Agent in 57 days. It nrnSaJR Jx/Lwileles. Samples free. Address, VWWT C.3L LOUIGTON.Chlearo. Purebred Calves, ChasterWhite, Berkshire aad Yo, kshlre Pigs, Sootoh, Bkye and Shepherd pups,Poultry sod Pigeons all Unset Imported strains, bred aad for sale by ranoto Morris, Morion. Del. Co., Pa. Bend lor circular. AAT7 f Type aad Materials lower than ever. JjUUxY, Send 10c. for Illustrated Catalogue NATIONAL TYPE CO., 46 So 3rd St.. Phlla. Pa. fl'1 A.Ainnn ^vested in Wail St. Stocks makes HO^IOOO srsp'sass^'-" Address BAXTER A CO.. Bankers. 17 Wall 8t. R. Y. Aarv Annoim DI>DD IMAX iUDHHtf ?v VtKil caoa m. \m aujui(oyiimu (TO worn Article pom?mi l great dun lor both mzm. Sella at sight to every young lady aad pat SoatiTmo Wotbltt Oo . 9 Aator Place, Bow York. A Twenty 9x11 Mounted Ctaromu* (or "} o. 81. d sample*. poet-paid, 20a Stretched Chromoe, all sizes, at low prloee. Catalogue free. f'ONTi xxarrax Chbomo Oo., 37 Nassau Street, New York. Vn We will atari you la a bnaluaaa you oaa make 950 a wnk without ??p(Ul; c*q ~ VnVVV and reapeoUble for either sex. Aanitr ilLUrliiil SUTFLT Oo., 201 boeery.W. Y. O C aere mads by Agmu mi ling oar v. rotno.. Crayon*, Piclura and Cbrooiu Card*, lbe ar.t- 1 . . _ T.r'- worth &, writ p itreld for Me. IIImW.. tad 5iulofu# free. J. H. BGFFORD' S SONS, BOSTON, MAS4. M The New Work, Indlapecaable to V. A. ML Sella JE at sight. Rx elusive territory ilwn. Send .'or WV Deecrfptlve Catalogue. Wedding A Co., Pubs. /\^\ Standard MasoulcWorko, 731 Broad way .N.Y Oebhard'b Great Book of and Dlieotione to the Working ^ _ a Oleaeea how to atert e moony *. SPPfpTQ making Baalneea, wtto or with wVVl Vl9l,at cspitaL Prloe, AOeeaU ~ Add'* Oemuxp A Oo, 219 Clinton St.. Detroit, Mich BUTTER and OBEESB Coloring, Extract of Ch*w? Rennet, used by the Largest Dante* In Eorr-pe and America. Send for Price and Circular Free. Sole Agent for the U.S. M*g. B.8MI1H, 3 *7 Arch St. Pol*.. Fa. Tried and awarded Hlgfteat Centennial Prize MedaL DB. R. 8. FITCH'S FAMILT PHTMICIAP. Sample Copy, Paper Carer, 10 cent*. Bound la Cloth, with Illnnrrailon*. 132 aagw, 33 eente by mall. Addreee to 714 Bread way* New 1 ork. A TJ TUnj'U CJ ?r thsir aona wanted thla fkll aad t AAmI ijlby'ioier, ( lorSinc*ehCo.}tos?jI w? afewraple articles of reel mcrfi totbemrmara in their own counties. Business pleasant, profegood. Particulars free. J. Worm. fit. Louis,Mo. 1> A BTT17C birlnf l.AND TITLES or I AlVllriO LEUAL CI AIAn of any nature In any part of the United Statee, Canada, or Europe, which need tneeetlgatlon, a'tentlcn. or proseon tic, can find aeatrtance by addreaalng P. 0. BOX 4163* New York. ** Rtferm ci /lrtt-ela*s w rat a Q ?The oholoeat In the world?importer! JL JCiiAioa prioee Lariwt Oompeny In America? staple article?pleases everybody?Trade oontinnaily Increasing?Ar*nta wanted avervwher*?beat induoeraeata ?don't waata i. <e?aend (or Circular to ROBT WELLS, 43 Vwey 8t. W. Y. P. O. Bog I *87. &OKA mnWAMD/*r mn iMwrdbla Cmm. Dx. J. P. FiTun. belniLswonumnrljTad. IwmimBX rmxav triw ukn>t.^i*w om*>*i m4 Urm nm. * amiiw tm, m win *iA?4 mmt. PiapfcW*. feto mm ^ MU idrta* M by eall asm. lUne ML rtflJuL hgwaFtasU srwsL Fllli libll. MAMCUf A?PM?Mn. Electricity la Life* S^^ZoT/T^^afc. Paolla Belt, beat in the world ^^ J^^V^jtf^Curea Dlaeaae when all other kf^8mi^'^3LJretne<lle> Testimonial* wh^CHAlN an d eireulara tent free on a#plication, to P. J. WHITE, 1 -A 27 Bond Street, New York. /^T HUD "BOWKKK'S KKEBKKVATIVBwill kwp sweet the jeer roand. A ample package,* onghto k^ephslf eb- rrel ?w**t,isnt to any tddress for 2-i cents. Addrees H. L. BOWKKR A GO., Chemists, 132 Milk Street, Boston, Mete. " This dose the work perfectly. Older csa be msde as nice as champagne."?Aoa* on WmkJy Olob*. n AGENTS WANTED FOR HISTORY j UNTEN'L EXHIBITION n It sells fester then any other book. One Agent sold -Jk 34 copies In one dsy. Send for our extra terms to ' Agents. NATXQ?AI.PT7BLlSHraQOO., Philadelphia, Ps. \ SI5 SHOT gun aoubis-oarrst sen. bar or fmnteetion locks, warranted renuiaa twiat barrel*. an-1 a rwA shooter, OK WO 8a LI: with Flask. Poach, end IVad-'-nttcr. for $15. Can be sent C. 0. D. with priviW > t t it? hi Ivr? j i/in* bill. SenJ (temp for circular tu I'. 1M ? K..?. SON. ( inciuaeti. O. $10.$25.$50.$100.$200. ALEXANDER FROTHING HAM A CO., 12 Well Ml reel. New t'orh. Banker. ?nd Brokers, inreet In stocks of e legltia ete che> acter. The firm nnnsbers among its patrons thousand* who hare become rich throogh Frotnlngh.m A Co.'s fortunate Inreetmeote. Stocks pnichaacd and oam.d 'ong a* desired on margin from three to lire per pent PTwrnd for Orcnlar, Potter's American Monthly, rn nnn iLLtnmuTlD; BastFamltT Magaaine in ill llllll tb? Country, at 93 for 1877. loopiesone JU.UliU year for flS: 10 oo plea for 936; SO copies _ . .. for|t0; and a o pr of Potter's RIM* . Subscribers Encyclopedic, qnarto, 3,000 lllnsteto _ ** tioD*,price 82-1, gi*> n to the person send1077 ,n* this club. For sa.'e at all News standi, Ifl/I I 2.i cents a n amber. Special Terms to Iwl II Agents. J. EPonnn A Go.. Phila.. Pa. ?The Beet Truss wttboo Metal Springs ert-r invented sa evafiot c. jl No hambng claim of a ear cods radical cure, bat a guar an tee of a comfortable, ae> core, and satisfactory appll% anoe. W* will take book end pof fall price for all that do not s?AL Price, single, line eat, 84; for both sides, 86- Sent by mall, poet-paid, on reoetpt of prloe. N. B.?Tkit Tmm will eers more Kupture* tkom cmw of (Aces /or ?*!?* ma traaaaaat claim* or* mad*. Circular* free. POMEBOT TRUSS GO.. 746 Broadway. New York. The Great " Hard Tlntre f Paper.?The beet. JL thft O&Mpftftt, IDa Bonp'pow. noDW[iu? mr hw CRICKET ON THE HEARTH ft mammoth 16-pftre Illantrftted p? per (rise Harptr'i Wttkly), davotoa to Llterfttare, Romftnoft.Uftftful Kaowl dc*> AmimtDt, ft to*, ?>tft. Only || per iftftr, with oholoft of thrift prftmlnm#: the Iftrgo and bo*ntlfnl obromo." 7a or No f" any bo. kb-, Char lea Diokana, or a Box of Stationary; paper without premium, 7 A cents poryoar. Woalao send It lour uiootba on trial lor niy 25 cento. Specimen ftopy for ataisp. Afonts wanted. Addreee. F. M. LUPTON A CO., Publieheta, 37 Park Row, New York. DR, WARNER'S HEALTH CORSET. With Sldrt Supporter aad I Self-Adjn.tlD? Pada. mg / Secures Health and Coupon* at Body, with Gbacx and Beauty of Form. Three Garments in one, 7N Approved by all r hvoieiana. fWXK&sgl agents WANTED. UnfrjEL .Sam plea by mail In Contil, S1: l/wr&ff Sartean, fi 75. To Amenta at - / fM L\ V A 25 0en'8 ic*?- Order site two jr I iifv 1 inches smaller than waist maa- ^ MKJ [IjfAr sure over the dress. Warner Bros. 763 Broadway,FT t a Y N p No. 45 * ' . * WHEN WRITING TO AOYi^Rl ISERS. pieaae any ibut you law th? advartlaooaeat la tfcla paper. A