University of South Carolina Libraries
jhb?Mj?? LOCAL ITEMS. LIMB. . _ Beaufort, S. C. December 7, 1876. Jaiues M. Crofut, Esq., has been appointed Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue. Turkeys are strutting around as if their lives were insured uutil after New Years. ? ^ faff"Thc annual conuuu dcatiou of the I Grand Lodge of Masons of this 8tate will j K* hold in Charleston, on the J 2th insf. && Nat Myers, Tom Hamilton and have abandoned the party, and were sworn ia on the democratic side of the house. J&~ The big cotton factory iu Atlanta will commence operations Christmas day. and will be celebrated with due festivi" ties. Ml Friday and Saturday were the coldest days we have had in this section for years. The pond was frozen over and ice was quite common in the streets. The orange trees have beeu seriously injured. I i SCL. Choose ye whom ye will serveTwo Governors aud two Legislature.seems ta be the programme. JlgrA through coach will be run daily between Augusta aud Savannah via the Savannah aud Charleston Railroad. It will be transferred from one train to the other at Temassee. This does away wi:h the inconvenience aud delay of the trans fer of passengers. MT" The Savannah Xctcs of the 5r' aoj's : It is reported that Admiral Porter will, at the meeting of Congress, present a recommendatioi to establish a permanent naval station at Pu.t Royal. The fire department was out Fri " 1 t-r- ? day night ready tor wort one ineir services were not needed as only a chimney Jiad taking fire without doing any damage. There is a town ordinance requiring all chimney's to be swept once a year It would not be a bad idea if the Mar* sha! would have this oriiuance enforced. { IGF Indignation meetings have been 1 called in differeut parrs of the county at 1 which resolutions will be passed demand- . ing that Myers and Hamilton resign as representatives of a people they misrepresent Giotwre II linos E j has resigned as County Treasurer of Beaufort county. His resignation was sent last n o - h and he is waiting for it to be accept- d and his successor appointed. Nov. S'th Br. l<v; Marion, Kvans -'asic, da? frota j^ ndon. iu bail/, si, to Campbell, Wyllioai.d C?. * Br. Bk. Alou.-o, MoR a. nutter ,Ja7* fr*'" I/Oudwu in l.alin-J to Campbell Wylllennd Oo. " Not. 2Sth Br Bk. Record, Pnrehca. master. i8 day* from ballast to Campbell, Wyliie aud Co. " Not. 23th Br Bk. Magdala Bowrie, master, f>6 da>n from RioJauoro, iu ballaat to Campbell, Wyl:i* and Co. " Nov. 2sth Br. Bk. C.>oinas?io, Taylor niast-r ' 4C days from RioJaoerio in oallast to Cainlx-11, Wyliie and B>?* " Nov. 23th Ur. Bk. Mtiiaio t?)a*t- r JJ7 day.n from Bordeaux in ballast to Campbell Wylli. and Co. Nov.2Sth Norwegian Ilk, Peabody, Jor^nson for New Cattlo, Kuglajid with GlHon-sol phospi>at? rock froai Oak Point Minos. Nov. 2Sth Russian Bk. Ajan Strautlbure ?ia?to-, for London, with So4 tons of phosphate rock from Pacific Mines. LOSV. OS H oward ' IOST ON MONDAY HUPB-fcSKP BET WHEN j thi? Standard ?>t5 an 1 tbs dw? of uodrn>ixo*d on* w..kl Locket iu th?? forsu Mtouo with the Hter J. engraved on ou *i.lo and :iUo on ?&!uc aid* M isonic Utt-tr* Around th * in *rgins. The abovo reward will be paid on iu return to 11. G. JU1>1>. Bft. 8. C. Dec. 6th 1S76. CEA ISXi^LZ^X). News & Stationary Depot. The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Beaufort and ^ the Fleet at Port Royal, that they are prepared to furni>h all the DAILY and WEEKLY PAPERS that are published, and all monthly magazines and novels at the shortest notice. We guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor us with their orders, and respectfully solicit your patronage. GORDON & FOR:* Beafuort, S. C. 1 " tf. ^ BANKING HOUSE, Wni. II. Lockwood,| BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE ! ON New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any point in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. ap. 27.6m. 1876. FALL 1876 NEW MILLINERY. I For the Season, JUST RECEIVED AT, * John Cooper's COR. BAY and CARTERKT STS., BEAUFORT. Together with a complete stock of I I) R Y G 0 0 1) S, CLOTHING, k FANCY GOODS, Xc. R . il ' jf wjjieh lie otfci?. at ei kes to suit tli times I | F. M. WHITMAN, M ATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, Bay Street, Beaufort, S. C\, sZx j I T-AS .1 rsr RETUtTNKD EROM THE NORTH j II with Chile assortment of goods at ortliern. Prices. WEDDING KINGS, ?3.00 to $12.00, SILVER RINGS, 30c. to $1.-50. SILVER NAPKIN RINGS, ?2.00 to $1.00. LADIES GOLD WATCHES, $36 to $50. 0 3 Say & 1 Daj Striking Clocks, 13,SO to 33, o GENTS' GOLD CI!IANS, PINS. RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS.STUDS, WATCH CHAINS,-LADIES GOLD and PLATED JEWELRY, GOLD PENS, AC., AC. GENTS' GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. Cal! and examine before purchasing, and satisfy yourself you can save ten to, twenty-five per eeni ( from Charleston or Savannah prices. | POST ROYAL RAILROAD. , Magnolia Passenger Koute, CHJJVVF OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTS OFFICE PORT ROYAL RAILR'D ) Acgcsta, Ga.. Oct. 7, 1876. J ( The following Passenger Sell dule will he opera led ou and alter Oct. 8, 1876. GOING SOUTH. Trnln No. 1. Dnily. j I.eavt Augusta y 30 a n, Arrive at Beaufort 3 Dip n: Arrive Port Royal 3 35 p u, | Arrive at Savannah 4 30 p n ] Arrive at Charleston 5 2ft p n GOING NORTH. Train No. 4. Dally. , ^ ?vc Port Poyal 10 .50 a ni ( Leave Beaufort 11 10 p in j Leave Savannah - 10 00 a m t I/ av Charleston 9 30 a ni Arrive at Augusta 510pm Irtnner. "k* Th*4 only line making close connection with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad at Savannah, an 1 j from and to Jacksonville apd all points in Florkla. avoiding the long tedious an?l well-known Omnibus transfer" r through that eity The onlv line running Through Day Coaches without change h-'tween Augusta and Savannah. Connections made at Augusta with the South ( Carolina Rail wad for Aiken. S. C., Chariot!'-, Columbia and Augusta Railroad for all poiuts North snd Southwest, West and Northwest. Sleeping Car Bertha engaged at Augussa by applying to agents at Beaufort or t'ort Royal. Baggage < heckod Through. R. C?. FLEMING, Superintendent. T.S. DA V A NT, Ueu'l. Pass. A f W. H. GALVERT 1 PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iran. Copter Worker DEALER IN y.i?anned and Stamj? d Tin Wares. Constantly on ?> hand. Cooking Parlor and Box Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cocking Stoves. W. II. CALVERT, Bay St. bet we. n Sth A yth sts. Beaufort. S. ( Centennial Reduction in. Advertising. Worth of NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING tfivcn fo $700. \ud A THREE MONTHS' NOTKJTAKKN in pay uicnt from Advertisers of responsibility. A PRiXTEi) LIST, :-'vfns Name. Character, Actual Pally and WeoV Circulation,'an . Schedule Rat s -f Adv. rtinj,'. sent fr- e to any address Apply to Q}:Q P, mWEll dr CQ. EWSPAPEIl ADVE^T'S'Xd ACT* 41 PARK ROW :NT. Y. ~ ICE! ICE! CONANT A EMMONS, A RE NOW PREPARED TO FUR J\ Nis'ii Ice in any quantify Customer^ tuay desire, front their lee* II<>use, SovoiitH Stroot. JOHN CONANT, J. A. EMMONS .27 t-f ! H. M. STUART, M7R, | Cor. B*y Si i;i{;hth Strreli, ] 33 oaufort, S. O. DEALKB IN DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS. FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY, PCUFUMF.RY, I'.ItCSlIES, Ac., Ac., Ac., j Together with utany other articles too tiutiicrou | [o mention. All of which will be sold at the lowr j i . , price tor cash. Physicians prescriptions carefully ! cuupnuiiJeJ. fph.l'i JAS. E. McGREGOR," I (SeSL | vlvw ! ; CARRIAGE MAKER, lIor.SK.SIUN, and CARRIAGE PAINTER. i { Opp. Express Beaufort, S. f. All kinds of Scroll and fancy sawing. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to, on r. asonable terms. Satislaction guaranteed. ktj Agent for Barnes' patent f?>ot power scroll saw, which can he seen in operation at my shop. J.V. E. McGKEGOi^B ?? MB?gBTi iiir? i ii i?i ijTmraffaMMMWWMMQMa SAFETY AND SHILL!INCYT" VESTAL OIL, Ciivos a bettor Hub! tlian any other oil, and will no explode, l'o; sale by M. KIIESSEL, np.13. Hay St., oatifort. TAKE DR. DENNIS' System Reno>aior an?J Blooc! PI'R1FV1.VG SYRUP. For Dyspepsia, Files, Heart burn, Sick Headache Fevers, Sores, Ac. M.J.GRAHAM, AfiT., mar.30-!in. iicaufort. Proclamation. OFFICE INTEND A NT TOWN BKAUFOBT. Bkavfokt, S. C. Aug.Slst 1S7G. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO SIIIP IM owners masters and others, that vtssels and boats of all descriptions bound to this place from Savannah or other infected |>orls will be subject t the Quarantine laws of the Town and State. . All persons are strictly prohibited from landing goods or passengers from' Savannah, or other Infected ports unless special permission is first obtained of the Intcndant, Town Council or Board of Health. All violations of the Quarantine la 8 will be rigIdly prosecuted. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Tntendant Town of Beaufort NOTICE TO HOLDERS of LAL\S against Beaul'ort C'ouuty. for the Years 1873-4, and 1874-5. Office of the County Commissioners, Beaufort. S. ('., Aug 11th, 1871. In accordance with the provisions of a jopnt Resolution of the General Assembly, approved March Uth, 187ft, entitled "a Joint Resolution authorising the County Commissioners of Bsuufort County ;o levy a sj?ecial tax." v Notice is hereby given that all persons holding daiuis against Beaufort County, for tho fiscal years UST.'M and 1874-5, arc required by said Joint Itesoution to register Qtoir claims with the County Treasurer within ninety days from and after the irst day of September next. Claims not so registerd in the time required, will not be entitled to tho proceeds of the tax levied under said Joint Rcs.Ju ion. THOS. H. WHEELER. aug.l7-tf. Clerk of Board. M. POLLITZEE, COTTO-T FACTOR / A5D Commission Merchant ! B K \ V F O It T S . C ITC. RICHMOND 7" Trial Justice. All business intrusted to hint will receive caro 'ul and prompt attention. Office Custom IIouso 3oild!ng. Beaufort 8. C. ppr 3 2"-t THt PARKER GUN. | . v SEKO STAMP FOR CincULAa PARKER BROV WIST meriden.ct; PITITUTS ;.K Vin ^^ti -, south t a roll nr. i?is i.j I.udwig Marx et. a!., vs. Tli- 2*?>rt Royal It. It. < ? . The Union Trust Co., vs. The Port Royal It. It. Co Having been direct'*! ?.y an <>r,]er of .fudge I'.ryan I.*. S. .Judge, for tin-District of South Carolina, to J advertise for and call in all claims against the l'or ! Royal R. It. Co., having a lien prior to the niort-| gage on the property t? he sold in this ease iticlud- \ iug Receiver's c*rii!icA'es, amounts due to officers and employee* foes of attorneys, and any amount ' I I,., ?? due lor materials or repairs oi me moj .. ....v. .... . orders of (his court made in thi*cum\ anJ to r"jM>r i the to tho said court. All persons holding J claim* a<? above mentioned arc herewith untitled t<> j present the same to ;;jc on or before the fi:st day of November ?e;.t, I^TG. J AS. SIMONS, Jr., Spt.7 -Ct. Koforce. Auction Sale.' ? I CONDEMNED NAY 'I , ! By J. M. Crolu Auctioneer, At his Store on It iy Street, (' lunieiieing on SAT- j rHl?AY. 14tb, 1 r.TiI. at %lo'clock, p.m., i and continuing ituiii the saun. is disposed of. 14? LBS. FI.i H"!t. IS BOX lis NAVY Bit The above will be sold in small lots to suit purchasers oct-14, Rank the highest for Durability, Perfect Work, and Ease of Operation. They are the ruost silent, lightrunning and serviceable, the easiest to sell, and most I willingly paid for, and answer every requirement in j the family and manufactory. .Liberal terms to Agents. Address, "Domestic" Renlnir M.irhfne To., Nerr-Vork. j < r>ri?? u iar^p Hint varied assortment of Patterns ! for LaAies', Misses', and Children's Garments of foreign am! domestic designs, by the most accomplished JdodisUs. They are the most perfect fitting, most elaborate, and yet the most simple patterns ever presented to the public, and take the lead wherever introduced. Aycuts Wanted. Send for illust:ateJ Catalogue. Address, "Domestic" Sewin? Machine Co.,New-York. Drvontn to Fashion, Literatiee ask Art. A thoroughly reliable, refined and practical Informant concerning matters of Fashion in all its departments; a repository of choice and entertaining literature, handsome illustrations, art criticisms, etc.. etc.. and a Journal specially adapted to the wants of tlio home-circle. Terms, 11.60 per year. Specimen copies free. One 1) <j:ven Away to every subscriber in the celebrated "D'-mextic" Paper Fishioun as premium. Cuftciumtr* wauled everywhere. Address, "Domestic" Monthly, "Domestic" Building, Xew-York* "MRS.'E. holzach, B R BREAD i V D i Cake, and Cracker Pakery BAY.ST., COR. KR UK i.ANDIXG, BEAUFORT Just received a large and > !< eted stock of FRENCH CANDIES, ? Lwhich will so'rl at prices t-> suit the times. Will so keep on hand all kind- of f r.\ki..- .'Jl>, I'ltl i fs. Ae Ac j^sepdEMf. I ?i?r?WT 11 Just Received. iTy last steamer from NEW YORK A select stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBKKS; Sc. 1. . .1 Together with a line assortment of the ( latest styles GEMS' READY MADE clothing, for sale at bottom prices at I). 11. HUTCHINSON; I'ort Royal. For Sale. A handsome Bay Stud colt, from the best breed, as a racer, seven months old, price only one hundred dollars. Apply to 1). H. Hutchinson, nov9.2m. Port Royal. P. B.~ RAILROAD AT PUBLIC SALE. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA:?IN TIIE CIK cuit court,?district south Carolina THE UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEWYORK Ft. Al., vs. TIIE PORT ROYAL RAILROAD COMPANY. IN Accordance with the decree of the Court in this case, will be sold at public sale at Port Royal South Carolina on the seventh day of December jS76, between 11 o'clock, a. m., and 3 o'clock p. m to the highest bidder, all and singular the Port Royal Railroad, extending from the waters of Port Royal llarbor, South Carolina to the City of Augusta,State of Georgia, constituting with its turn-outs, and side tracks one hundred and eighteen miles of road well constructed and in good order,?also all the lands acquired by the Port Royal Railroad Company for right of way, depot grounds and other | purposes. Also All tracks, bridges, culverts, depots station houses engine houses, car houses, machine shops, work shops, erections, fixtures, and other structures uow held by the Port Royal Railroad Company, and situated in the counties of Beaufort, Barnwell, and Aiken .State of .South Caroliua, aud in the county of Richmond, State of Georgia, also all locomotives, tenders, cars rolling stock, equipments, machinery tools implements, materials for constructing and repairing, and fuel on hand for the use of the said road. Also the corporate franchises under its original charter or any of the amendments thereto and all other franchises whatsoever, possessed by the said road. Also t he endowments, income, reversions, remainders, tolls, and all the estate right title and interest present or prospective, of the said I'ort Royal Railroad in the said property and lights and every part aud panel thereof. TKRMS. One third cash remainder in tlireo equal annual stallments with seven perceut. interest, payabl. semi-annually from day of sale, secured by bond Of the purchaser with mortgage of the property. Pur_ -t {..euro tlio dcrmta and other b tildinzs t ktliivVt IV iUWUtV VMW ?.? v.w W * I ant] stsign the policies to thc^uiartgagco. One huit. j ircd thousand d -liars to he pai.! by the purchaser .it the close of the bidding. Iu case of purchase of the said ltoa-i by holders of first tnort^a^c bonds they aw entitled to make payment in said bunds, to the extent of th?ir pro rata share. Such bond holders as may unite in the purchase arc entitled by tie decree it. this case and laws of South Carol: ;.a to ..rjiuUo its a Corporation muter the preseu | charier of the Dort Uuyul liuilroad Company or | under ijto general corporation act <>f said state as , the majority, of the said corporators may choose ' DLM'AN C. WILSON, fcjHsnal .Master, PPitn prjt'rryisiji osir umml AT Till-: >TOitil Of E. A. Schcpcr, The Leader in Low Prices j V ^ I Having jn?t arrived from N11U" YORK, where 1 have one of the largest and most com- j pletc stock of Vail k Winter CSood^j Ever before offered to the Beaufort public. Consisting of !>KY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS. AND CATS, i niu its AND SHOES. CARPETS Ac | I offer an entirely fresh stock of first-cla.-s I'RITS. | >n tlit ctlel ratt d ORIENTAL 7 8 CAMBRICS AT 10c. Selected in New York with sjtecial view to their adaptability to present season, Ac. EXTRA IX D UCEM ESTH will be ottVr< d in all departments, as I am determined to make this one of the most attractive establishments in town. Call before purchasing elsewhere and examine the stock of eoods at E . A ~ S C H E P E R. W. H. DEVLIN, Carpenter?Builder o All kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SUAE, MAKING. I 0 j OFt'll E AND SUOZ* I I (OR. BAY an:! CHARLES STREET, j n i.' * i: v ri rf T s C. ' * ~ | rjonT iiovaxj Saw k Planing Mill i llKAl'KOKT, 8 C. D. 0. WILSON & CO., MANUF.UITKKKS OF AND DBAl.FKS IS | YELLOW FINE Tim AND LESSER AND Cypro?w Shiiigloa, A1-SO Builders & Contractors V L AST i: II LATH KS, All kinds o* .FOR SA\V!X*? jiroiiijdl** ik*nc. i : risoricg I Coilii!2 Mit always as M Anl? rs f->r ainl Timber tlie car# proiiintlv tillr J. l'cfiii.i v'a.-'i. i). C. ?Vl!.>OXj A. CO* tfUarlcston Aflvcrttsifmentis. D. O'NEILL & SONS, WHOLESALE DKALEES IN BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES, 3NTo, 32 Ilayno Sti'oot Clxai'loston S3. O aprl.S-lyr. ' I ozis* aim: |o.j,>|uo '! )tiA ) r-iii: | 3uixtm o\ uoAiif iH)j}u.>i}u nv:n hiuiav 'S[l<J 1>U?J SJIIllStX 'SSClf) uovanoo u\*v s h\ti iisw 'S'\*UYA J.M\~ >v shxiav '?) o *S 4?..xojfxvooo: "iS^WEI 'OAVES "S SILVER PLATED WARE. Eleclro-Plated Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work, IN GREAT VARIETY, MANUFACTURED BY TJIE MERIDIAN BRITAXMA i'OMIMXV, 550 BROADWAY .\'E\V YORK. I i The best Plated SPOONS and PORKS are those Silver Plated heaviest on the j arts where neecssarilv the most wear co:ues, and U:triug the Trad. Mark. 187-4?ROGERS BROTHERS?XII. N. 11. ?This great improvement In Silver - Plated Spoons and Forks is applied alike s<> each gradt of Plate, A 1,8 and 12 oz. as or.iered. The Process and Machinery for manufacturing these goods are Patented. The Extra or ' Standard If ate" made i?y this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated ^ 20 |w r cent, heavier than theordiauary market stan- j dard. I First Premiums awarded at alf Fairs when, exhibited, from World,s Pair of 1852 to Anu rieai. Institute l-'air, 1G74. inclusive, mar 9-5 in. (hf t,-? Add per day at h. inc. Samnlrs worth Si 4)J I'J tree. Stinson A Co., Portland' Maine SEND 2-V. to <?. P. KOW1 I.L A < ()., New York for Pamphlet of loo pages, containing list of .'10?>0 newspapers, and estimates slewing cost of advcVtuind? (MHa (lay at A gents wanted. Outtil and <4)14 U nas free TUCK A to., Augusta, Maine. g iuarO-!y. ? JOHN FllAN/J Wholesale & Heiaii Grocer, AND SHIP CHANDLER Family Groceries a^d Cabin Store* a specialty. Constantly r? 'vin^ trom St. Louis. li.c i.'CSu FAMILY FLGUH, WHOi-USAE*.>rf'Tftll>', Li *!'? as i'LAXTA ft?iN >F|?I?I.IKat t!;t* princp'c Si ore. formerly occupied by J. Fylcr, Comer liny and We.i Street BAKERY. Ilavif.L' just completed the erection of a bakery at my premies. at tiie comer Hay and Self Sis., I shall keep a eozistam supply of fre.-h HKF.Ai) &e. i have; seemed t he services of an experienced baker. and by usny the tinot grades oi flour, sbab endeavor to secure a share ?>l public palronaye. (Pal! anu inspect samples. GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner id' Ha; and Scott street. JUST RECEIVED, I CTIflMDPff ! j JOB HUNTING OFFICE, A full line of suj? rior l'Ai'KU, I:NYI::.< BES, i BILI< HEADS, LETTER NOTE llKAI'S, i cards, etc. Joliprinting done neatly aud cheaply. All one r> I promptiy attended to. Ctisit and feed. J .n. >. ELLIOTT, a.autorl s. / . i:a Viwrf:;., x at., Ckarhtum s. < THE BEAUFORT STEAM Mill COMPANY, I HAVING PUT UP A CRIST Mll.r. AT TIlKIi. old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed :md ."Heal, any quantity, aa-1 at reasonable rates. 3TS. ELLIOTT. ^^7 A LECTURE! ! TO YOUNG MEN. ; Just pHklith-!, i.l a l\ujii .I'rir rts , ; A lcftnr<- on ;iir n'nre, Trent ut t-it t, <<. I K?dlc??l ci:rc of So'uinai V>cakii? ss. or So r r.i?I ; rlioca induced l?y > Ii-Ahas-* involuntary I'oiN.i n < j Ini|K?rtein v, Nervi/us Dchiliiy^uid Imp-dinn-nt* to ; i Marriage generally ; Consumption, KpHqsy, an.! j j Fits; Mental ami Physical Incapacity, Ac.?By i ! ROB Ft IT J. (TLVKRWKLL, M. D., author of the j | "tlfivu Book. " Ac. | The worhl-renoaned autiior, in this admirabh j 1 Lecture,cieany pru?s? ..... ! that th- awitii ( jtiscpK iifi-auf S-!i-Al.t:.-v may h- ! | clf'-v t ally icniovi! without medicine, .?r:d with , i out daiirf rous surreal operations. botieius. ItiMru- ' incnts ri:tg>, <>r mf.iiaN ; piintiaj,' oat a mult* oi I cure at owe rta'ii and fleetu.ii. hy which *-ve;y mstier r. no iiiatti r what his condition ru.iv l-o, ma\ I euro him*; IT?'!:< uply. j. irately and radically. K j This L .'(!>' I'i" >i/or . a Lo-jii to tLo<..u,,:.'\ 'Uut I houftt i nt. under seal, in a (lain envelope, to any u<i 1 >if * *, oil receipt of -ix cents, or two postage sia^ip , > the l'uUi>li'. rs. ! '. ict? tr>i'.v .v so\, V? v/ Vis h t titiioH ];j4 i 5??: I F. W. SCI 01 aii (i rados. fc?L".\ ^A Butter , CANNED FRUITS, VEGET A lid ?i Fui! Yarifly of clher i!:\ !?; s ii Ccoris Prcmptly De!!ve Are You (Joil tijmx est: mil GH3MIGA Ready for use in WHITE. and over ( prime W hite Lead. Zinc ami LinsCcdOil, Iluiulsnmri' < (.'Lcnper, and to !;s:-f 1WI1 lias taken the FIRST PRKMir.MSat two and is t:ii MAN i i'HOCSAXR ofthe be* Address: J t!y 27. ly. pin i uiiip I h ia|l i l u Is is ii 111 U AT THE OLD $ Jacob A o? HKIrABDLKSS OF COST ofour entire sn ?AXCY HOODS DOMESTICS Ac., Tveare Host Quality Prints 7 and Sc. Host 44 iileach, <> and lf>e. i l>e.-t 4 4 IlSeach. II and 12c. Heu 7-8 R'each, ?> and 7o. liot 4 4 Drown, Sand 1 (jood Alpacas, 18 ; Dost Alpacas, Linens, !>Ius!ins, Lawns- Na it an actual sacrifice, (live us a call. Thank 3ay S ireet. J AGO B API A '^T K /-V Tv / \ 1 l J. / VI 1 1 J:\l i3 JL*m VJ U11J TIJr.X U*12 X!*\V YOi'iK 1" G H B E I G A Ready for use in White, and over Onk lit itrietly prime White Lead, Line, and Linsee*. nnch Handsomer and (%nj>rr, and to last T Lt has taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at two md is 011 many thousands of the finest houses Address: N. Y. EN PR IE RE DEEP o.lMl'LEARD SEXT FREE. TWO IMPORTANT INVEI cr to bvsht < l?t. A PIANO OR PARLOR ORCA with an adjastablo back,?-mado to purport the bac while leaning forward in the ordinary position for i a f iniple arrangement, which pivea it a backward at time a downward movement, follows his motions at in any position without interfering iu the least wi of hLj movements. - Jg COUNTER,PLATFCRN^VVAGOT^T^GKC/s AGENTS WANTEDS | Ji>?ND FOt^ PF\!CE: LIST WARYIN SAFE %SCALE CO. I 265 BROADWAY A/.Y. ' 72J CHESTNUT ST, PHI LA. PA, ( ; 111 SENECA ST. CLEVE. 0.j jj s 1 , y I ? '..viiayy " ' i i * > k V * . . ^ V j lit ill-. I. W I: >: ?r t> it : 2!i?I 11 r::l -ii..:."-I ... Whceiright .JAY AUK. JKICliV - WU? ir;_?li:. iiv'i-a .'.i i ii! s:. Dr.YLIN. \Y. !f.?j nil.!*. ??;.! . . nf.'H'Iyr, I :.. ; a.i'l t liar!- S:>. > e it'i? r N. m< Painter .".rid G!"mer. I T ?!'i?\VA !i II'aii.i. r:.?! 1 :i i r. ; * i S'.rii'r::.i!.ii :;. .! (..lit.i'ii.--a; ej&> hui?!l> r..' . .> .! t: J '.ViTii jii'tiiij.! .< - . i ?? ?? .ilrli. T)oVCf:, .IAS ! : IV!.. I- ..! am"! n :n i .?kfr it j ?) <ir.K'<ri'A K;.,'., !>n Scotia i?< i!i<T. har:<!i.... i u\ >1. Grc cries. V*( V(. I'. J* - cm t* ? V.": i .. -I. . .>*l\ 11: v 1: it, ?KtMn fetsfe? TEAS, COFFEES, Or ^1 >J CFS d c I?^Z_ A SPECIALTY rocs* Foreipn ' "y'.* '* "d Icrcestis ^ FiiCITS. ACLES, MEATS, U, *.naHy kfjit iu ~ ?:rM-dass Slore* red free of ci-rroc. j ig to Fa if it? i.ku kkscks.* I, P H 7 NT. I )it>' Hundred dij-ennt odors wade of Cl.niuoidy combined, warranted Much f'E S L( )X(r a- any other Paint. It iitv of the State Fair of the Union, t liuurfj# in the country. .MILLER BROTHERS, 1 ()(J Water Street, Cievelaud, Ohio. STAND OF LppSe9s? ,; K-k of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING felling lie. and 20e. 40 tu 00c. nsooks, Cambrics, &c., for past favors.?I uiu Resp'fy, -LF, Beaufort, S. C.' ig to Paint? paint co.'s Ja PAINT indued Different Colors made of I Oil, Ckeuu'mUy comtjfned, warranted W ICK AS LONTf as any other Point*, nty of the State Fairs of the bhe Unioa in the country . AMEL PAINT CO. 133 (.tasters Street. New Tori, ^ ^ A AT ^ ON STORS* wi'h the lor< t i?y mov'.'iamt ie oloV vlT-, without tlio * ruckcra ar otto r lurni.ure mi l lue hi*.-. ??f rooms; i, in f?< r. the ouly Platform ]to< k? r rnauo La# a pirfccily Mti??u*tor> movement. maCactureJ for the trade b7 LBERT BEST & CO., t->TTrrn* T r\ M V jjurrni-u, *-?. > for Ffile by the principal dealer* throughool Jutted State*. T" If not kept by any dealer in roar town, to ua for Trice List aud t-u-alu^ue. MRS. E. HOLZAOH. READ. ?AKE iTANOT DAXS8T, . i f I ALL J KINIfS i OF W FK CON'FK-'TIOXAKV b.iri! and sold a? the Io\re.-t prices for cmL. r tlmvonv-ni nee of my up t nr:i custouera a:U t u'iiie joa rilly, I iliti?l up a neat and iiin x|i<uis frt'Ti!'] it the N. K. Co.'Bor uf V.'Ivi'i'A; (.YiAVEX STC., -* i: i ?\ lib:.;?oy fo i'? c iVO orders, and fur.t nitort mm V.. <!i mi e ? in :.?y Hue at prica -urpa?* d in town. a' fft. % '01 "?N 'O JO} ?3 it* *1*7 ntnuj.v) rj> $ so pry -jof> *|pjjj pot-iSy H <1 '*?is,T;*I l.n ucoMfiundaMtQ, n jSs 'isaxi-! 5.>a3KK07 soo fa % H 't I'M *>utd Tir* 'ovSojepo jo; pn?? jorn om ? purr |px>'uoiimiuxtSiooiii 01 u.woi tit uan ii 13 *2 "'i'lVKS * '' ) 'ill VI jiMiujjotww pun? r Vojs 1 p->sr? ?.f >ti| ? muiJ -m.v;y ufxj.itiri.>|ot'iif * ||vpu? V>|*;* u 2 AiJii |?;? ii.Dn^tit'ni ,i.I.!I,'I>.I iptn*K>!niti,( c,ol') P ^ puuo^jiu'usij lutipitefc' ^Xojiojvyi g 1 %'if 00?* 1^ i^estinUicWoS^B FF.ATt ttLEV'S ; Horizontal Ics-Creai Freezer. W (TiXttLM'S PATENT.) L3 ' f !b 0?* Mr I gson to pay for the machine The tub rvqatrtf 3 bi.t one ailing to free**., it to ? qaarto. 3 When in trwn to the Big bxMbltJoa. wi 3 8 and seo us. or send for descrijitfTe rircalar 1 B and price-list. Very lil?er?l airanneraeoti 1 m made with the trade. The macbiaea eaa | R also lie seen at the Centennial F.xhib., A?ri- El S cult'l Hall, Cor. Abies u <fc N, Column l**m U 0, So. 10. g C. G. BLATOHLEY, ManuPr, g] gg .ViG ComMKK. t StOP.F.T, flJILAOKLPHlA.