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. Forfeited Land Sale Continued. Mack, Samuel 10 acres arable; Mack, Daniel 15 acres arable aud 5 wood. \ Michael, Jane 5 acres arable and 6 wood, r Mlddleton, Joshua 5 acres arable and "1-2 wood Middleton, Dick 18 acres arable and 9 wood. Mlddleton, Joe 8 acres arable and 2 wood, v Mlddleton, Solomon 8 1-4 acres arable. Mlddleton, Sackey 20 acres arable and 1 buildlo Hltchel Henry 8 acres aud 10 wood. ^*-hel, Blckum 10 acres arable. Nicho^ Win. 7 acres arable 3 wood and 1 buildiE tab lot 3k sec. 12 lsleCoffin Point. Vslson, Marsh or Paul 8 acres arable and 2 woe *4 1 sec. 29 Is Is. Nlc?ola, E. G. 6 lots Lands End. John 10 acres wood. Oakland. 8?*n 3 7-8 acres arable. Polite, 5 acres arable. Polite, Ab*^ jy acres arable *10 wood and 1 bu ding, Powel, W?; 5^^ arable and 8 wood. Plnckney,f{obe?? io acres arable. Patterson, hrah 5 seres arable. Kiley, Wm. e?? i(^.u arable lot 59 sec. 9 1* Robinson, Job 9 *rrs arable and 11 wood. Robinson, Aaron ^cre* arable; Rivers; Abraham est jg acre* arable and 1 bui ding sub. lot 28 sec. 7 18*3 coffin point. Rivers, Mike 1 lot Land&?Q<] Rivers, Sumner 10 acres s^b'.c i buildini Soott Place. Richard, John 10 acres arable. Richards, Dick est. acres arable. Richards, Harry 10 a< res arable, Robinson Ceaaar 1 lot Lands End; Bobinsou, Tom 15 acres arable and 5 wood. Riley, Will 10 acres arable. Robinson, Jenny, est. 15 acres arable. Scott, Ben 12 acres arable, geabrook, Julia 8 acres arable ahd 2 rood. Si mods, Tom 6 acres arable and 4 wood. Smart, Judge 10 acses arable and 10 wood, lots J and 26 sec. 14 In lw. Swinton, Malsey 1*4 acre arable and 1 lot t Orangeville L. Is and. Savage, Joseph 7 acres arable and 3 wood. Sampson, Jacob la acres arable. Seabrook, Thos Fripp 9 acres arable and 1 wood. Small, Paul 10 acres wood. Small/Wat 8 acres arable and 2 wood; Singleton, Roger est. 5 acres arable and 5 wood. Simmons, Moses 9 acres arable and 1 wood. Shnmons, Cuffee 5 acres ?raMe and 2,wood. Scott, or Washington, Moses 7 acres arable and wood. Simmons, Betsey 10 acres wood. Seabrook, Clarreida 4 acres arable ard 2 wood. Simmons, Joseph 10 acres arable and 10 wood. Singleton, Nellie or Win. 5 acres wood. Simmons, Ned 2nd 10 acres arable. Simmons, Paris 10 acres arable. 8Jmmoos, March 2nd 16 acres arable and 4 wood Simmons, James 10 acres wood. Smalls Jacob 11 acres arable and 9 wood. Smith, Benjamin 10 acres arable. Snipe, Jack 15 acres arable. Mart Peter lOncrea araoie. be oft, Joe 7 acres arable. 8iiumons, Prince 10 acres arable. Simmons, Davis 9 1-3 acres arable. Tierlllc, John 10 acres arable. . Tftkille, Molly 5 acres arable and 5 wood. Williams, Clarisa 5 acres arable. Williams, Joshua 11 acres arable. Williams. Cu turnings or Monday 10 acres arabi Wallace, 8. 8 acres arable and 2 woocl. Washington, Geo. 1st. 1 lot Lands End. Watson, Toby 10 acres arable. Watson, Fred 8 1-4 acres arable. Washington, Smart 10 acres arable. Webb, Harry 3 acres arable. Win, Monday 10 arable. White, Will 2nd 5 acres arable. Washington, Harry 14 1-2 acres arable. Washington, Harry est. 30 acres wo.d. Waahiogtin, Moses S. 5 acres arable and 5 woo< Young, Isaac 5 arable L. I. Young, Billy &-t. 8 lots Lands End. Yousfc Cornelia 3 lots Lands End. Young, Jsffry 4 lots Lands End. EE A U FORT.?1874. Baker, Bristol 7 acres arable and 17 wood. Browu, Phillip T. 10 acres arable and 3 wood. Bradley. Sam sot. 5 acres arable and 5 wood. Cook, A Oram 10 Paris I. Ciiisolm. Dandy 5 acrtjPW**!. Dennis, Yaks 3 acredSmble and 5 wood. Green, Diana 2 acM*f?rable and la wood. Getters, Chance 9 a?rw* arable and 1 wood. Gray, George 20 acres arable; P. I. Green, Jonas 3 acres arable; Iliggit son. Hamilton, Isaac 20 acres meadow. ' Jenkins, Elsie 3 acres arable; Old Fort. JeakLua, Judy est. 3 acres arable and 3 wood. Jenkins. Hick urn lOacres wood; Sea brook. Miliar, Howard 7 acres arable and 7 meadow. Myers. 8tepbney 13 acres arable; P. I. Marshal, Israel 10 aeres arabl-. Miller. James 1 lot and 1 build ntr; Beaufort. Huberts, Fortune 7 3-8 acres wood. Robinson, Hamilton 2d. 5 acres arable and 5 woo Robinson, David 10 acres wood. SJownau, Seneca est. 10 acres arable. Feott, Abraui 10 acres arable; P. i. 8malls, James 5 acres arable aud 5 wood. BLCFFTON*. 1S74. Br id ion, nrcss nmc ?uvu. Chad wick, John 50 acres arable and 400 wood. Chaplin, 8. 27 aeros arable and 200 wood. Ferguson, Jack 10 arable 4 meadow and SO wch Jeffords, T. J. Est. I lot and l building. Blufftou Prince, Edwanl 4 acres arable and 50 wood. Btoney, James eat. 150 acres arable and 582 wo 4' Tuten A Johnson 40 acres arabk',460 wood an WMing. ^Wiggins, Thos. J. 72 aer^s arable. COOSAWHATCHIE. 1S74. Black, Stephen 10 acres arable. Brabham, Alfred 100 acres arable 50 meadow ai 190 wood ai>d 2 buildings. Crosby, Samuel 4 acres arable and 6 wood. Mulligan, Frank 10 acres arable. Pepe, Wb. 1st. 10 acres arable and 212 wood. Pope, Wm. 2d. 25 acres arable aud 100 wood. Sauls, Robert 16 acres arable a nd 149 wood. Sauls, Benj. F. 135 acres arable and 600 wood. Stanley M. T. 100 acres wood. Suiitb, Sain 150 acres wood. GOETHE. 1874. Adger, Robert 800 acres arable and wood. Goethe, Wm 200 acres wood. Middleton, N. F. 50 arable and 245 wood. Owens. Augustus W. 395 acres arable wood. Parnell, Anna 3 acres arable 45 meadow and wood. Sanders, Mary S. 429 acres wood. Sweat, L. M. 100 acres wood. Smith, J. G. 50 acr* - arat?le and 210 wood. Smith, Mrs. H. P. 4o acres arable and 220 wood Tuten, Absalom C. 279 acres wood. Wright, C. H. 30 acres meadow and 120 wood. . LAWTON. 1874. Dwew, Joe. J. 280 acres acres wood. Mix on; John 63 acres wood. Primus, Hezekiah Jr. 7 acres arable and 193 wo< Russel, M. 16 acres arable. PEEPLES. 1874. Glorcr, J as. S. 402 acres wood. '"??? s?ml ? lots Varnsville. Langford, E. A. trustee, 274 acres wood. Stephenson, Alex. 50 acres arable and 200 wood Weekly, Elizabeth 10 acres arable and 40 wood. POCOTALIGO. 1874. Ford, Wally 4 arable. * Flinn, 50 acres wood. ROBERT.?1874. Brabham, Josiah 25 acres wood. Canady, Toney 10 acres arable and 40 wood. Dawson, James 50 acres arable aud 250 wood. Ford, Mrs. C. S. )00 acres wood. Frost, Joe 4 acres arable and 37 wood. Humbert, M. J. 685 acres meadow. Haltford, J. H. 10 acres wood. Joues, Ewd. M. 100 acres wood. Judson.G. 100acres wood. Overstreet, Labon 570 acres wood. Forcher, Nero 324 acres wood. Bteveuson, Sr., Geo. A. 16 acres arable. Wall, HamptoD 5 acres arable and "295 wood. Williams, Prince 115 acres wood. ST. HELENA, 1874. Albright,Stuart 10 acres wood. Allston, llagar 2 acres arable. Brown, Frank 1 lot Lands End. Bowles, Bickman 10 arable, Indian IIlll. Brown. Columbus 2 lots Lands End. Brown, Malinda 1 lot Lands End. Black, Nancy 5 acres arable Ladies Island. Coffin, Ned 5 acres arable Cherry Hill. Capers, est. Stuart 8 acres arable and 2 wood. Ohisolm, est. Dover 10 acres wood, Hopes Pla< Chaplin, Mingo 20 acres arable, Capers. Chisolm, Ben 5 acres arable. I>eas, Ben 2nd 10 acres arable, Marion Chapl Place. Frazier, Ned 5 acres arable, Fripps. . Fanner, est. June 7 acres arable a nd 12 wood. Grant. Sam 10 acres arable 30 wood. Long Islan Gardner, est. Paris 10 acres wood I>r. Popes Plai Glover, fccipio 8 aeres arable and 2 wood. Green, Chance 14 acres arable Corn I>laud. llarweod, E. 90 acres arabl- and 40 wood. Jonee, Sylvia 5 acres arable. Middleton, Richard 27 1-2 acres arable. Mltch?l, Jack 34 acres arable. Nichols, Win. 7 acres arable and 3 wood, w Parker, Edward 10 ai res arable Frogmore. Pope. Cuffee 10 acres arable. Froginore. Riley, W ill 5 acres arable and 5 wood. Hopes. Robinson, Robt 5 acres arable and 5 wood, Sco Ham peon, Jacob 10 acres arable. Orange Grove Hmall est, Lydia 1 lot Lands End, Bmall, Molly 8acres arable and 2 wood. Bimrao ns, Cuffy 5 acres arable and 5 wood. Treville, Peter 16 acres arable. Taylor, Ned 3 1-3 acres arable, Frogmore. Washington. Geo 2nd 1 lot Lands End. Washington, Moses 2nd 7 acres arable and 3 wo Frogmore. 18 illiams. Ishma] or Peter 5 acres arable, Set Young, Peter 1 lot Lands End. LADTES ISLAND.?1374. AlDn. Joshua 4 acres arable and 2 w ?od, Co Island. " B^ck, Nancy 5 a res arable Peas. Sibbie 1 lot Orangeville. _ Forgerson, Lcnah 10 acres arable Coosa w. ? Green, Charles 14 acres arable Corn Island. Judd, Smart est. 10 acres arable Webb place. King, Est. Jeffry 10 acres arable Bythewood nlace. Lawrence, Wm. 8 acres arable and 8 wood. Wood Lawn, Staurt, Peteror Llyo<l 10 acres arable Ooosaw. Swlnton, Massay 1 lot Orangeville. Simmons Ned 16 acres arable Hazel place. Singleton, est. Jacob 5 acres arable Bythewood. Singleton, London 5 acres woodT. g Wigg, Miley 10 acres arable. YEMASSEE.?1874 Ferebee, John 578 acres wood. Hamilton, Center 10 a~res wood. ig McNish. S. 20 acres arable. Stony, William 10 acres. . Simmons, Jack 5 acres. ? Walker, Ahrain 5 acres arable and 80 wood. Walker, Win. 50 acres wood. BEAUFORT. 1875 Black,'raul*10'arable 10 wood Eddings p 1 Black, Chole 14 1-2 acres near Port Royal. Campbell, Iseal 10 acres Woodard place. II I Cormick, Benter 20 acres arable. Eddings p. i. I Doctor, eat. Lazarus 11% acres arable and 5 wood, Eddings p. 1. Peas MorrisflO acres wood, adjoining Phillip et al Fripp. Nancy 20 acres wood. Fields, Amy 10 acres arable lot S6 sec. 4 In 2w Seabrook. 1 Fields, Wm. 10 acres wood, Fuller place, p. i. Green, Middleton 10 acres arable Laure! Bay Green, Joseph 10 acres arable and 10 wood, Oakland. Green, Chas. 10 acres arable Eddings place, p. 1 , Green, Clarissa 10 acres arable.and 6 wood, Jericho. Green, Sharper 1 lot and 1 building Beaufort. Gadsden, Tom 20 acres arable Laurel Bay. Glbbes, est. Morris 15 acres arable and 5 wood ? Corn Island Greddes, Brister ]5 acres arable and 5 wood Horec Island. Greddes.Nat 4 acres arable and 6 wood Mills place. Garrison, Sam 20 acres arable Habersham p. i. Greddes, Ben 5 acres arable and 5 wood. Goldwin, John 10 acres arable lot 24 sec. 21 21 1 * 2% Ha~?] Sarah 10 acres arable Wm Perryclear place Heywan. j^eph 2 acres arable and 8 wood Haber shamfplace. Hunt, Nancy res arable, to _ Haynes, Joe aud x (jv acre arable and 9 wood " Swamp place. . Heyward, Andrew 10rrable Perrycler place Jenkins, Sam 10 acres ara.,? an(i 5 wugd> jfheU) .Jenkins^onas 20 acres arabt-v*f|orSe inland Jeukins, Flora 10 acres arable .Qd 10 wood Grey's ii 11 Jenkins, Isaac 10 acres wood, Tom i??and. Jenkins, Prince 10 acres arable* ana uj wood Horse Island. Jones, Wm. 1 lot and 10 acres arab's and 1 lot Higginson. Lawrence, Wm. 10 acres arable and 10 wood Magnolia. 3 Mack, est. Sam 12 acres arable and 8 wood' Cherry Hill. 4?Mack, Ben 10 acres arable and flO wood, Swamps Place. Mauigault' Martha 8 acres 'wood, Ann Perry Clear. McCloud, Philo 10 aeres arable. Fuller Place, P. I. Parker, Kachael 1 building In lot A block 12 Beaufort. Polite, Daniel 10 acres arable, Seabrook. Pettigru, Jacob 20 acres arable, Means Place; P. I Pritcnard, Primus 10 acres arable, Edd ings, Parrv Island. Robinson, Jr. Neptune 10 acres arable; Eddings, P.I. Robinson. Lucy 10 acre* arable; Mears place, P. I. Richardson, Joe 5 acres arable and 5 wood: Ba^nard place. Ricnardsoft, Elsie 5 Aeres arable; Stephen Elliott place. R?*sl, Peggy 10 acres arable; Fuller, P. I. 16 Richards, Hagar 10 acres arable; Fuller P. I. Reuben, Caesar 6 acrea arable; fraction B.^lot 32 sec. 26 In 2w. Simmons, Marcus W. 5 acres arable 5 wood and 1 building. iJSTiJBni pijw. , x Mn . Simmons, Daniel est. 5 acres arable; lot 49 sec. 1 "simmons, Marcus 15 acres arable attd^ wood; Stuart Point. Small. IshmhrlflO acres arable; Baynard. Small. Hanibal 10 acres arable and 10 wood; Wood* law place. Small. Monday 10 acres wood; Laurel Bay. Scott, Ben 10 acres arable; Fuller place. Seott, Abram 10 acres arable: P. I. Stuart Caesar eel. 18 acres arable sud 2 wood Kills place. .. Sweetflower, Simon 8 acres arable ;tDd 10 wood; Barnard. f hnmnaon, Mra. C. M. lot a?d;2 ;bulldings: Town of Beau tort. Washington, Moses P. 10 acrea wood; adjoining Tavlor. Green and Williams. White, Rebecca 10 acres arable and 10 woodjlFuL ler place. Wallace, Caesar 10 acrea'arable; Lono Island near P. I. Young, Ben T. SL'acres arable and 2 wood;^Tom Means place, P. 1. BLUFFTON. 1875. Bedon, Peter 13 acres arable and 1.37 wood; adjoining Clncheasee IUrer, and lauds of Gloror. Ferrebee, John est. (too acres wood* adjoining GarTin et. el. McPh? rson, Peter 2d. 1 acre arable audi bulldd. inpWinningham, e 1.1 lot Tillage of Bluffion. (< SAW EL TCHIE. 1875. Anders aij7 cres arable and 23 wood; on Bull Head ' e. ' 60 acres arall- and 120 wood: adjoin ?'g -a. , Ktutt and Clelatid. Bowers, James 21) acres arable and 80 wood; adI joining Men-, Pope and Fields. ! Bowers. Martha 250 acres wooJ; adjoining Wiu. xl j Bowers et. a!. I Bitig, Harriett 5 acres arable aud 30 wood; adjoiu' ! i"K Orr, Primus and Jones. (T-land, Mary 2? acres arable and 45 wood; ad> joining Sauls. llarrry et.: 1. Cohen, John 30 acres arable; adjoining Reed, Clelend, Tuten and Anders. DeVeaux, Saju 200 acres wood; adjoining Hodge, Stmbhart, Dupont and Smart. Ellis, a lex. 150 acres wood; odjoiaing Winn, Dowling et. al. Fields, Daniel 25 acres arable and 150 wood; adj joining Newton, Tope et. al. Fields, Jonas 6 acres arable and 47 wood; Brant tra-1. Ferreel>ec Wathan 60 acres arable and S58 meadow, adjoining Bobbins, Boddington A Co. et. al. g Cillison, Dr. W. D. 1200 acres arable and wo??d. Jones, I. S. 50 acres arable 79 wood; adjoiuiug Crosby, Miller and Johnson." Jones, Sarah 3 acres arable and 29 wood; adjoin ing Honey li ill battery. Jenkins. Horace 8 acres arable and 70 wood; adjoining Jenkiuset al. Thus. Jt-nkins tract. Jenkins, Thomas 3 arable aud 19 wood; adjoining Horace Jenkins et. al. Mew, John 12 arable and 195 wood; adjoining Tiudall Peebles and Terry. Rasher, Richard 25 arable and CI wood; adjoining Law. Ferreebee, et. al. ?- Stanley. Mrs. M. T. est. 100 acres wood; adjoining Tucker, et. al. Smith. Mrs. Josiah E. est 30 arable and 420 wood; adjoiuiug Mew et. al. GOETHE. 1875. Dowling, Wm. H. Jr. 300 wood; adj. Tuten, Tindall and Winn. Howling. Jas. Y. trustee, 28 wood; adjoining Younians, Speaks, et. al. Hawson, Richd. J. 9 wood; ltought of R. P. Smart. Ellis, N. W. 125 wood; adjoining Michael PeSwasb and Nix Harrison tract, xl Ellis, N. W. 50 arable an 217 wood; adjoining Griuar, Sweat, Mixon and Buckner. Goethe, Frauds R. 7 acres arable and 147 wood adjoining Tuten Trcvill Johnson and Ellis. Goethe, Francis It. 30 acres arable and 225 wood adjoining Trevcll Johnson and Ellis. Ueothe, Win. 150 acres wood adjoining Heap, Peoples and Smith. Hadwin, Sarah 5 acres arable and 995 wood adjoining 3tixou Johnson and Burn. Laviu, Nat ah R. 30 acres arable and 2G8 wood adjoining Shuman, Dowling and Long. Mixon, M. Elizebeth 3 acres arable and 145 wood Padgett, Martha W. 713 acres wood adjoining Winn Smith McNeal et al, Smith, M. Maddison 40 arable 220 wood adjoining Ginn Cranse Airs and Gill. Smith, Marietta 151 wood. Smith, est. lienrv 80 arable 235 wood adjoining Nix Shuman and Yotimans. klwnn- Cilao \f 1 fl/t tFA/i/1 Stone. Wiu. 8 arable715 wood adjoining River Ginn et. al Tuten, Absalom G 278 w<?d Tuten, Martha S. 140 wood Doyle tract. Youmans, Levenator 50 arable'aud 175 wood ndoiuing Mixsoa, Smith aud D.loa.h. LAWTON?1875Anderson. Jr. E. C. 205 wood adjoining Levin, Ruddell and Colcock. Bcaler, Allen 30 wood adjoining Bcalcr and estate of Lawton. Brantley. Joe 5 arable and 38 wood adjoining Stcj>heu's Maimer and Lawton Garner. Antlionv 25 arable 3-5 wood adjoining Norten. Tuten and Sliuinan. Russell. Bryant 175 wood adjoining Causey Stafee. ford and Russell. Reed, Sandy 50 wood. --human, Harriett 20 wood, adjoining Mason, Robin er's and Bostick. Stafford. Geo. W. 20 arable 35 meadow and -28-1-2 wood adjoining Tuten. Wood and Stafford. PEEBLES,?1875. J Brothers. J. C. 1 lot and 1 building Brunson. ce. Davis, Martha A. 60 arable 10 wood adjoining Hay Smith, and Wiley. Dowling, O. P," 40 arable 79 wood adjoining Hogarth. Bowers and Howling. Howling, Wm. 36 arable 70 wood, adjoining Wyman, Hograth, et. al. Fennel, W. A. 18 acres arable tsnd 26 wood, the John Fennel tract. Kinard. Lewis 29 acres arable and 90 wood, adjoining Thomas and Pulaski. Lee, E. E. A Co.' 1600 acres wood, Dear VarnsLoadhol. Miles 75 wood S. H. Adkcrson. ville. Mew. Howard W. 135 acres wood. John Mews tract. Mew, L. C. 15 acres arable and 120 wood, John A. Mew tract. Rivers, Susan A. 10 acres arable and 100 wood, adjoining Rivers, Barnes and Mole. Riley, Emily C. 1 lot Brunson. Tuten, Jas A. 20 acres arable and 150 wood, ad, 1 joining Ri-ers A Barnes. Yarn A Wood 45 acres arable aud 1028 w o od, near i Varnsvide. Williams. Isabella H. 25 acres nraMj aul 129 irn j w ;od adjoining Terry A Bower. I V.' is.,1, :i;i h. 1 lot and 1 building Br.ini son * ? * ROBERT, 1st."?. Bnrrison, Simon 16 arable 40 wood. Davidson, H.B; .'CO wool adjoining Ferribo Morecock Might A Jones. Davidson, M. M. 75 arable 75 wood NS E and V by II. B. Davidson. Ferribee John 286 wood. Ford & Porcher34 arable adjoining E. Y. Robert et el. (ireen Tinney 25 oeres arable and 105 wood, ad joining Pritobard, Brown, Lawton, et. al, Hodgins, Wra. 510 acres, rroctor, Sarah 2 arable and 3 wood, adjoinin, Pronutn, Royles and Moyd. Ricbardsou, Z. 99 wood, adjoining McKeuzie, est McKonzie Says, Moses 5 arable and 75 wool, adjoin in Stevens, Stephenson Smith A Bro. et .al. Trowel, K. S. 3 arable and 95 wool, bought of \Y F. Crosby. Sheldon. 1875 Garrett, June 4 arable 1 wood Oaklani place bought of D?. Win. Fuller. St. Helena. 1875 Aiken, Peter 10 arable Hopes. Anderson, Butler 7 wood Corner Farm Bryan, Molly 10 wood Saxouville or PivMnnnrfi. ? w - ? Bowie?, Tira 7 arable Scott Bradley, Dick 2nd 10 arable Jan Pritcbard place. Brantley, Israel 2 arable and 17 woo( Saxsonvillc on Frogmore. Biwen, est Jacob 10 arable Tom P Chaplain place. Bowers, Wm. 27 arable, Hopes place Bowers, Wm. 7 wood, Capt. Johi Fripp place. Bac on, Thos W. est. 10 wood. Saxonvill on Frogmore. Byas, Toby 18 acres arable and 1 wood Barnwell, Miley 20 acres arable Pope' place. Chaplin, est. Morris 17 acres arabl Wallace place. Coaxum, Porupey 28 acres arable an< 10 wood. Philbrick Lands. Eddings, Thos. 15 acres arable and J wood, Dr. White place. Fields, Will 10 acres arable Robt. Ful lerplaoe. Fields, Toney 1 lot Lands End. Grant, Simon 1 lot Lands Ends. Grant, Sam 7 acres arable and 3 wooc Dr. Croft place, Long Island. Grayson, Frank Jr. 7 acres wood Frac tionafB. of lot 40, sec. 29 Is le. Glover. Richard 15 acres arable and ; wood. Dr. White place. Holmes, Rigor 5 acres arable and wood, Rose place. Jenkins, James 2 acres arable Coffit Point. Johnson, Samson 1 lot Lands End. Johnson, est Morris 9 acres arable ant 1 wood. Dr. Pope place. Jackson, Jim 10 acres arable, Haze farm. Lagree, James 10 acres arable, Hopei place. Lewis, Emma 4 acres arable one build ing. # Miduleton, Wm. 8 acres arable 7 wood Oliver Pritchard place. Mack, Harry 13 acres arable Jam Pritohard place. Mitchel, Mike 10 acres arable lot 50 sec 29 1 s 1 e. Mattis, Tob/ 5 acres arable Wassawisl'd Nesbit, Colatehet 3 2-4 acres arable 1( wood lot 12 sec. 29 Is le. Owens, Sarah 8 acres arable 2 wooc McTureous place. Polite, York 2 1-2 acres arable Fripp'i point. Perry, Wm. 10 acres arable Frogmore Rivers, James 26 14 acres arable 1( wood Cedar Grove. Richardson, Adam 9 acres arable 1 wood Hopes place. Richardson, Tony 5 acres wood, Pau Chaplin place. Roach, Neptune 5 acres arable 5 wooc lot 1 sec. 4 Is le. Richards, Hurry 20 arable lots 58, 5! sec. 19, Is le. Kundlet, J. C. 10 lots Lands End. Reindict, Mrs. Ellen 1 lot Lands End Richards, John 10 ai res arable 9 wooc lot 63 see. 24 Is le, aud lot 64 see. 24 1 le. Richardson. Sancho 10 acres arable 2< wood promontory ot Fripp's Point. Simmons, Ned F. 12 acres arable l wood, Hopes place. Smalls, Nod 5 acres arable Fripp* Point place. Singleton, Frimus G acres arable, wood, Jane Pritchard. Singleton, Solomon 10 acres arable Scott place. Smashum, Abram 10 acres arable Oak place. Sampson, Jacob 10 acres arable Oraug Grove place. Shcp^ard, Jack 10 acres arable, Edc ings Point. Smalls, Simon 8 arable aud 2 wood Fripps Point place. Stuart, Lavioia 4 arable and 6 wood Jane Pritchard place. Slowman, Henry est. 10 arable Toi Fripp place. Yanderhost, Posey 4 arable and 6 woo Saxonville on Frogmore. Washington, Moses 10 arable and wood, Frogiuore. Washington, Barcus 4 arable, Coffi Point. Wright, Betsey 15 arable and 5 woot Hopes place. LADIES ISLAND, 1875. Allston, Thos. 5 arable and 5 wood Webb place. ! Alden & Waters agts. 40 wood adjoii ing Bluff farm. ; Bryan, Adam 15 arable, Bloomfield, Brown, Jas. 10 acres arable and 1 I wood, lot 52 sec. 34 1 n 1 w. Brown, Minuie 10 arable and 10 wooc ! Com Island. Brown, Rinah 5 arable, Demncr field. Cohen, Joe 10 arable Coosaw Island. Fields. Frank 15 arable, Coosaw. tirecn, ueorgc 6 araoJe ana 6 woo( Corn Island. Uoliues, Carolina 10 wood Fripp Fai field. Hamilton, Sarah 10 arable, Spriuj field. Hudson, Lydia 10 arable, Springfielc Jones, Sylvia 3 arable Orange Grove, Pinekney, Peter 15 arable and 5 wooc Pope place, Phoenix, Will 5 arable and 5 wooc Coosaw. Riley. Rebecca 5 arable and 5 wooi Hazel Farm; Simmons, Betsy 3 arable and 7 woo< Gapers place. Simmons, Amelia 5 arable and 5 woo< Coo saw. Singleton, Chas. est. 10 arable, Whit hall. YEMASSEE, 1875. Butler, Siah 10 wood. Green, Abram 2nd 50 acres woo< bought of Tonssaint Golding. Johnson, Sancho 10 wood adjoinir Mrs. Shadd, etal. Beaufort, S. C. Nov. 2, 1876. lu compliance with Sec. 2, of UA Act to amend an Act entitled An Act i amend an Act to provide for the Kedem tion of Forfeited Lands npon certain coi ditions therein mentioned," he precee I ing list of Forfeited Lands will be offer* for sale by the County Treasurer at f office in said county on tne 30th, insi \ at eleven o'clock A. M., provided, th J such lands shall not be sold at a pri ; less than the aggregate of taxes, cosi j penalties, expenses of sale and makii I our title deeds to such land. L. S. LANOI.EY, County Auditor. ; fcip Some people we.e horrific 1th I there was uot even a drunken to f )und on election day. MBanaMHaBricaaiafcMBaiajalMHBSBUHStaaMCNfcariMBaKfaai Just Received. < 1 l i JtTy last steamer from : NEW YORK A select stock of s DRY GOODS, I' s BOOTS and SHOES, j RUBBERS; &c. ^ Together with a fine assortment of the j latest styles GENTS' READY MADE i 1 clothing, for sale at bottom prices aft D. R. HUTCHINSON; e Port Royal. 1 For Sale. A handsome Bay Stud colt, from the j best breed, as a racer, seven months old, a price only one hundred dollars. e ^ Apply to D. H. Hutchinson, . nov9.2m. Port Royal. [ P, I RAILROAD AT PUBLIC SALE. united states of america:?in the cir. i ciiit court,?district south carolina the union trust company ok new 5 york Et. Al., vs. the tort royal railroad company. in Accordance with the decree of the Court in this cane, will be sold at public sale at Port Royal South Carolina on the seventh day of December i 1876, between 11 o'clock, a. m., and 3 o'clock p. m to the highest bidder, all and singular the Port Royal Railroad, extending from the waters of Por' Royal Harbor, South Carolina to the City of Augusta, State of Georgia, constituting with Its turn-outs, * and side tracks one hundred and eighteen miles of road well constructed and in good order,?also alj > the lauds acquired by the Port Royal Railroad Company for right of way, depot grounds and other 1 purposes. Also Ail tracks, bridges, culverts, depots station houses ] engine houses, car houses, machine shops, work shops, erections, fixtures, and other structures now j held by the Port Royal Railroad Compauy, and situated in the counties of Beaufort, Barnwell, and ^ Aiken State of South Carolina, and in the county of Richmond,%tate of Georgia, also all locomotives, tenders, cars rolling stock, equipments, machinery tools implements, materials for constructing and repairing, and fuel on hand for the use of the said > road. Also the corporate franchises under its original charter or any of the amendments thereto ' and all other franchises whatsoever, possessed by ..1??u Alan fh<?endowments, income, rever lilt' 5AIU I Wrtu. v f _ sious, remainders, tolls, and all the estate right title and interest present or prospective, of the said Port . Royal Railroad in the said property and rights and ) every part and parcel thereof, TKBMS. 1 One third cash remainder in three equal annual jistallmcnts with seven per cent, interest, payablc 3 semi-annually from day of sale, secured by bond of the purchaser with mortgage of the property. Pur^ chaser to insure the depots and other buildings ) and assign the policies to the^iuartgagoe. One hun.' dred thousand dollars to be paid by the purchaser [ at the close of the bidding. In case of purchase of 1 he said Road by holders of first mortgage bonds j they arc entitled to make payment in said bonds> lo the extent of their pro rata share. Such boud i holders as may unite In the purchase aro eutitlcd by the decree In this case and laws of South Caroll na to organize as a corporation under tho presen charter of tbo Port Royal Railroad Company or under tho general corporation act of said state as the majority, of the said corporators may choose DUNCAN C. WILSON, 1 S;?ccial Master. ' GlMfllal si 8 at the store of 8 E. A. Scliepcr, . The Leader in_Low Prices Having just arrived front NEW YORK, where I 6 have purchased one of the largest and most complete stock of I Fall & Winter Goods Ever before offbred to the Iteaufort public. Constating of ? DRY GOODS, clothing, U HATS. AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, d CARPETS Ac 0 5 I offer an entirely fresh stock of first-cla^s PRITS, to tin celebrated n ORIENTAL 7-8 CAMBRICS AT 10c. i Selected in New York with special view to their adaptability to present season, Ac. , EXTRA INDUCEMENTS will be offered in all departments, as I am deterj mined to make this one of the most attractive establishments in town. Call before purchasing Use where and examine the stock of goods at 0 E7 A. S CHE PER J ' W; H. DEVLIN, I i, Carpenter \ Builder 5" . All kinds of BOAT WORK, i, CAULKING, lt and SPAR MAKING. i, > 0 OFFICE AND SHOP J, COR* BAY aud CHARLES STREET, j C. BEAUFORT, S. C. port ROYAXj 1 Saw aV Planing Hill BBAl'POHT, S C. ,n D. C. WILSON & CO., manufacturers of and dealers in I YELLOW FINS TIMBER AND LUMBER , and ?<i lis Oypross Shinnies, t also 1.1 ce; Builders & Contractors tg | 1' I. A S T E K LATH E S, i All kinds o. JOB SAWING promptly done. j riooring & Ceiling Boards always oil hand i Order* for T.'iTu1>??r and Timber i>v tho carip. 03 i promptly filled. Tt-rnio C'xdi. ' uo\.2S-lf. I?. C. WIL ON, A CO ? ??a?MM?a wwBMWBaaiBa (Charleston ^dvcrtiscmrnts. D. O'XEILIi & SOX'S, WHOLESALE DE.VI.KRd IN BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES, IMo, 33 Hayiio Street Cliarloeton S. O aprl.8-lyr. y *oo(| I OZIS .Cult JO aop.10 OJ jno SSCJJf) puu naind Suixiin o; iiOAii* uopuojji? [tiioodg 'wvrT.T.NrMvrymT. c\v:v avrdrr hxihay ?nO 1>ub 4ss?xO ' !o\.(i!io,) axv saxn iism 'SXilVA JtfX *->T? S3 XI AY 'SHOiltHT it * ^ggF O "S ^.xojntioa *;s Auft ^OAYIftl *S SILVER PLATED WARE. Electro-Plated Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work. IN GREAT VARIETY. MANUFACTURED BY THE MERIDIAN BRITANNIA COMPANY* 550 It RO A DIVA Y NEW YORK. . The best Plated SPOONS and FORKS are those Silver Plated heaviest on the parts where necessarily the most wear comes, and bearing the Trade Mark. 1874?ROGERS BROTH KR5-XII. N. B.?This great improvement In Silver-Plated Spoons and Forks Is applied alike to each grade of Plate, A 1, Sand 12 oz. as ordered. The Process and Machinery for manufacturing these goofls are Patented. The Extra or ' Standard Plate" made by this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 percent, heavier than theordianary market standard. First Premeums awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, front World,s Fair of 1852 to American Institute Fair, 1C74. iuclusive, mar 9-6 ra. tn $Qfi P0* at ll, ,nfe- Samp'ea worm si $3 III U)ZU free. Stinsox A Co., Portland' Maine SEND 25c. to G. P. ROW ELL A CO., New Yorkfor Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing list of 3000 newspapers, ami estimates Showing coat of advertising. 4?ina day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and iJ)iZ terms free TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. niariMy. JOHN FRANZ, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, axd SHIP CHANDLER Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. "O Constantly receiving from St. Louis, the best FAMILY FLOUR, WHOLESALE GROCERIES, LIQUORS PLANTATION SUPPLIES, at tlic nrincple Store, formerly occupied by J. lylcr, Corner Bay and Wost Street BAKERY. Having just completed the erection of a bakery at my premises, at the corner Bay and Scott Sts., I shall keep a constant supply of fresh BBKAI) &c. I have secured the services of an experienced baker, and by using the finest guides ol flour, shall eudcavor to secure a share of public patronage. Call and inspect samples. GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner ol' Bay ana Scott Street. " -r-i /nm vTT-rrrv JUST ItJCiL/Uji V HilJ, at the SUUBIMCEMKIiaiL JOB PRINTING OFFICE, A full line of superior fa per. envelopes, rill heads, letter iieads, note heads, CARDS, ETC. Job printing done ucatiy and cheaply. All oiders promptly attended to. (Srist anil ^rril. .H. 8. ELLIOTT, II taw fort 8* C\ [l.l I "A.V/,7,, ft CO., Chti -ItPlcni 8. C. THE BEAUFORT SI3AM MILL COM?ALT, Having pet up a grist mill at their old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed M?al, any quantity, an I at reasonable rates. M. S. ELLIOTT, A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, ill (I Srillril Pnvclojui .pfirv six I It's A I crUire on the * afurc, TrrnSmriil, lladicul care of Setninai Weakness, or Spor < ato | rhoea induced hy Self-Abuse Involuntary Kin i anions | Importcticy, Nervous Debility, and Impediment* u j Marriage generally; Consumption, Epile|sy, am j Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac.?lit ROBERT J. CCLYEltWELL, JI. 1)., author of tin j "Green Book, " Ac. The world-renowned author, in this adrttirahl I Lecture, clearly proves front his own expericne ! that the awtul consequences of Self-Abuse may b ! effectually removed without medicine, and witl I out dangerous surgical operations, bougies, insfrti | ments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out anuxiec ! cure at once certain and effectual, by which ever suffer-r, no matter what his condition may be, nu cure himself cheaply, piivatvlv and radically. Sii. This Lecture willprove ? QTn to thousands un thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any a ! dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stain Address the Publishers. l\ Kitten t\ & SON. i* \ tii iik 1*051 Ofiiee lk?\ 4 V i<\ w. $c~: FINE GROCERIES : ^ Butter ^eese From the l?osi l>niri?<*. CANNED FRUITS, VEGE Ai?! a Full Variety of otiier things i Goods Frcmpuy uenv Are You Gsoi tii;:nt use mi G II S3 M I G A Ready for use in WilliK, and over priuic W hite Lead, Zinc a^d Linseed Oil Ihtiidxomcr ami Cheaper, and to last T\\ has'taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at U and'is on MANY TIJOGSANI) of the b Address: July 27. ly. AT THE OLE Jacob REGARDLESS OF COST of our entire* FANCY GOODS DOMESTICS &c., we a Best Quality Prints 7 and Sc. Best 4-4 Bleach, 9 and 10c. Best 4-4 Bleach, 11 and 12c. Best 7-8 Bleach, C and 7( Best 4-4 Brown, 8 an Good Alpacas, 1 Best Alpaca Linens, Muslins, Lawns* I at an actual sacrifice. Give us a call. Tha Bay Street. JACOB Al Avo ^'nn (frM JLJLJL V/ JL VVt. v>n Vf jm. THEN USE NEW YORK G H E M I C M Road}' fr** use in White, and over One ] strictly prime White Lead, Rioc, and Lins< much Handsomer and Cheaper, and to last It has taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at t and is on many thousands of the finest horn Address: N. Y. E] PRIE REDEED SAMPLEARD SEST FREE. TWO IMPORTANT INV! Or INTEREST TO UTERI A PIANO OR PARLOR ORC with an adjustable back,?made to support (be 1 while leaning forward in the ordinary position fo a simple arrangement, which gives it a backward time a downward movement, follows his motions in any position without interfering in the least of bis movements. "I raps STAHDftgft COUNTER, PLATFORM WAGON &TRACK oXs AGENTS WANTEOcXs JiEND FUi^ uai MARVIN SAFE85SCALECO. f 265 BROADWAY N. Y. 721 CHESTNUT SI PR J17SENECA 'ST. CLEVE.O. j|$ra?fort Xusiurss fUrotcrjj. ' I \ | ITl'IIKL. W.?Blacksmith, h rsi-shoeing, and I VJ. general smith *dh. Magnolia St. r | ? . "V7ii0cl.*i/ht 1 RAVAGE. JERKY?Wheelrlglit. Ilejmfr* pr?njpte O lycx tod. Magnolia St. h ' 1 \EVLIN, \V. H.?Iluih'er and cut-actor, Bay I XJ and Charles Sts. Set advertisement. *- \ v I Painter ani Glacier. J" [ OPHZ, FDWARD.?Ppinter and ' I A r Jin ! 1 j Signarxl Ornam -iital iciatin--'<lon?-a: ?-a>. n,1 1 able rates and with promptness and didiateh BOYt'K. .IAS E.?Whole-ale and retail d-.a|.>r it trmeeries Liiinors, Scgar.-, Dry Goods 31.< p : gene nil Buy M. Groceries. * -> ^ r;;. J. J\- rr<>?(* i* ? U'i?? * T.' ????. - .l1S. 3 c % 4 ? - i!. >.1 ?. l%i if i: t'Eii, TEAS, COFFEES, SPWKS <<r ~ "11' _ * A SPECIALTY Hf r?:e!3"'" ' ' ?$$&* Domestic FRUITS. TABLES, KEATS, &c. Hsiiali) L?pi in a Or?t-eIass Sforf. crec! free of charge. ng to Faint? [LLER BROS.' ^ la F IK ITS T Ow Hu/idrhl differ*lit colors made of , <Vtcniictdly combined, warranted Much ICE . S LONG as auy other Paint. It venty nf the State Fairs of the Union, est hoitsos in the country. MILLER, BROTHERS, 109 Water Street, Cleveland, Ohio! HIT ME STAND OF kp pie's. Stock of DRY COODS, CLOTHING1 ire selling ? d 9c. 8 and 20c. us, 40 to 60c. Yansooks, Cambrics, &c<, nkful for past favors.?I am Resp'Iy, . PPLE, Beaufort, S. C.lig to Paint? ENAMEL PAINT CO.'S IL PAINT < 1 Hundred Dujferent Colors m&do of jed Oil, Chauiadhj combined, warranted TWICE AS LONG as any other Paint wenty of the State Fairs of the the Union' jes!in the country NAMEL PAINT CO. j 103 (Men Street, New Tort. FEJTinfK 3d. A PLATFORM ROCKER ON 'ASTORS* with the lorg racy movement rtheolaistyle, withoct the projecting rockers > mar otbet'lurniiure en I tiio of rooms; ;ing, in fact, the only Platform Rocker mado lat has a perfectly satisfactory movement. Manufactured for the trade by \LBERT BEST & CO., BUFFALO, N. Y., id for eaie by the principal dealers throoghoot ie United States. BT If not kept by any dealer in yoar town, :nd to as for Price List and Catalogue. MRS. E. HOLZACH. DREAD, p AKETHNCI BAKERY, il ALL W KINDS I OF U FRESH CONFECTION ART on hand and sot J at the lowest prices for cash. For ihe couvcuienae of my up town customers and the public gcu Tally, I have fitted up a neat aud cominodious STORE at the N. E. Corner of # WKST & CRAVRN STS., Where I wit!happy to receive orders, and furnish at short notice, all articles in my line at pries unsurpassed in town. aug-l. M Wl uiOT|Of) 'u y e geivxy -j<v) *11*11 jS 9 m!1*S I,'i.?}ua5l? ftoosoq U*o sdtand Meqj, M ?3 viHa ri iruu,! 'uauxq uninioo 909 b H ?jjntpw *A31H01Via '9 0 I B . renoj pn? koijJ rpui 'on9orn^o joj pue? aosn oos B '"HrilHM UJ ""MM 1 nvifs hmyi iu^uivioww pu? a J tpojg ipMMOOI AjjrcjjS wp.jjpxj Eiiunpttj H a -nonR sjTioiiMAoji'oiinjqrnjev |pjpu*'*o|Ai? H T A3U p?w p;o*dimi(( jxMco qitM'fvltnn^ e, ng I | uoyujQ puuxxymung [UKt>uvj$ ".feiWlfl I I OOOM ^..^yg ' g Best in the World. I | BLATCHLEY1 I | Homontal lee-Cream Iter. 8 *h (tinolat'i r&ttrt.) son to pay for the machine The tub ro^triree H M but one filling to freeze. Siz<?,3 to 41 qoarti. I 9 M'hon in tvwn to the Biff Exhibition. ooose H PI and see no, or send for <V aeriptlvo etreolar l| and piice-list. Very lilieml arrangementi H tJ nuulo with the trade. Toe mnchlaee M M also la* Keen at the Ontennfal Exhib? Agri rl cult'l I all, Car. Aiates a S. K, Coluian Utter 0 ?' N?',0' C G. BUTOHLEY, Manufr, Sf h p06 cojotrack siiii!?.t p'uladkiphia. h eaaasf??afl