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THE PORT ROYAIj. ' STANDARD and COMMERCIAL Gov. Chamberlain declares he has been iootod governor bj* scvcti to ton thousand ity of the local voters of the State. h. Bare, well, EdireSehl and Aiken thow-:nds of colored men were prevented from voting the republican ticket, at some of ae p'-eeinefs the managers were com pel! 1 to -ivn the returns with pistols pointed :heir head?, and at one precinct a mutaa'tf? was shot. t other precincts where there were i;:.?.:i 'bliesn majorities tlit* Goxo- won | j >ycd and the managers out to ii rlf [ A:v-i? testimony lias been taktn! ii ?i?:-r one hundred democratic along the line of tlic Port Bovn' RaiVoad. videnoc overwhelminsr has been tak -ti of hundreds of (leorgians who \ i in South Carolina on election day. 1 l.o election in E Icefield Aiken B.irnwcl! and Laurens was a burlesque on free ballot and a disgrace to fl*ee gove: n. lueat. > . ~ The conflicting e'ection returns has afforded each party the pleasure of hfol'ug that tbey have won and lost. 1 ? - . ? The ease ot intimidation at ililton fiee.d on election day occurred after the *'intimidated'' had voted and while he tra- distributing counterfeit tickets and offering money to have them voted. The truth about this matter would do the Sews correspondent no good. The indications are still in favor of Hayes and Wheeler and the W. Y. Tribune and Times are confident that Hayes *oi Wheeler have carried Florida and Louisiana. This State is conceeded by " the democrats to Ilayes and Wheeler. ? ? The total vote of Beaufort County was 99G3, of this number 1 SOT were white and 8096 colored. The census of 1875 shows K241 colored and 1760 white votes snaking a total of 10.000 voters. It will be seen that the whites votes are more than reported in the ccncus anu that the colored votes fall short. i ^ + Should there ?>c any grounds or suspicion of fraudulent count on either side, it should be reported and denounced at once .No man worthy of the office of president should be willing to hold it if counted in or placed there by fraud. Either party can afford to be disappointed in the result The couutry cannot afford to have the result tainted by the suspicion of illegal or false returns. (Signed) U. S. Grant. v JJlirrlffs Salts. " SnEUIFrSiiALE. L. W. Youmans, administrator, Jane Sherman. Judgement for foreclosure and sale. ; y virtue of 3 judgement for foreclosure and sale "In the above spued case to me directed I will sell at . public ouicry In front of my office in the town of Be-iufort on the first Tuesday in December next 1476 being tho fifth day <>f said month during the legal hours of stile, the f?llow:ng property to wit: Ali that plantation or tract of land situate lying uad being in the oounty of Beaufort and State o South Carolina on Briar creek, waters of Coosow ba'.vliio river, bounded north by lands of Frank Parnelle, east by Frank Parneile, south by Thorn a* Smith, and west by Pompey Smith,containing three huudiod and sixty.two acres more or less. Term ca*h. Purchasers to pay for papers. WM. WILSON 'V . S. B. C. 1876. SUERIFrS SALE. 4 ,-v" " Judgement For Foreclosure and Sale. Calhoun H. Barnhill Assignee vs. Cbas. K. Cherin. By virtue of a judgement for Foreclosure and sale in the above ^tated case, to me dincted, I wilj sell at public outcry in front of my office in the Town >.r rieaufort on the first Tuesday in Decern-11 bor next 1>"6 being the firth day or said inornn during the legal hours of sale the following proper. * tytowit: All tba: plantation or tract of land, situate lying .J j< ing in the County of Beaufort and the State of Sntih Carolina about Dine miles below Rober" ville on the Robertville and Purysbuig Road containing thirteen hundred and twelve acres, more or less: bounded south east by John Brabham north east by lands of the hiers of Middleton and James '.'OfteH, and southwest and west by lands of William F. Roberts. Terais cash Purchasers to pay for papers. w:j. WILSON, S. B. C. Bft. S. C. Nov. 14th 1575. SHERIFF'S SALE. Judgement For Foreclosure and Sale. Brighora, Hoist and Co. vs. Jno. II. Rol?erts. By virtue of a judgement for Foreclosure in the I uk>\e s.ated case to uie directed, 1 will sell at public outcry in front of my office in the Town of Beaufon on the first Tuesday in IK c?. ruber next 1876 being the fifth day of said month during the legal hours of stile the following property to wit: All that plantation or tract of land commonly known as the ''Mount Hope " plantation situate lv ng ti.d being in the County of Beaufort and Slab or South Carolina, on the Savannah road, about seven miles below the Village of Robertville bounded north by lands of It. H. Tison, east hy same land, south by lands of W. F. Roberts and lands of the Estate of Dawson. wi st by lands of R. H. Tisoj and containing twenty four hundrcl acres '.ore or less. WM. WILSON. S. B. C. I Nov. 14th 1S7R. SHERIFF'S SALE7 dV'.^'tt, C. Bates, vs. Win. Spraguc et. til, survivors of lioyt Sprague and C ompany. By virtue of a writ of ncri facias to ino directed ; And lodged In my office, I will seli ..t public outcry ; iu front of ruy office in the Town of Bcaurort on the i firet Tuesday in December next 1S7C being the dfth day of srhJ.month during the legal hours of; liaie the following property to wit: At! the right title and interest of Wm. Sprague . ?: aj snrvivora of Hoyt Spraugne and Company in | sad t? all that plantation irAt of land situate lying and bt tg on St. Helena Island in the County of Beaufort a..d State of South Carolina, Bounded , north by the church road and Frank Pritehard place, south by Station Creek and the Jane Pritcir *rd place, east by Frank Pritehard place and Stariot Creek, and west by the Jane Pritehard pla-e *-i as " Sauford," containing six hundred acres mo*" >ss, ALSO. ; all ?. .* ether tract of laml known as the Dr. Jen- ! tin j v'.itf situate lyiny and b in? on said Island in he County and State af*> tsaki, Bounded north by ! e Isaac Fripp place south by Station Creek and; "aulCh&p^in place east by Jane Pritehanl place: t i station Creek and west by Lonesome II ill l'aul Cihtplian et al containing six hundred and fifteen j^res more or less, levied upon as the pr?<|>erty of W m Sprafptoet al survivors of Hoyt Sprajjue and Co. at the suit of DeW'itt C. Kates. Terms cash. \VM. WILSON. S. ii. v. h'f. . 0. Nov. !-liii isTo. ffllfli) ? SUE!!! For Taxes for the Fiscal Years; ?FRO M? 1863 to 1875, both inclusive, j . 0 BEAUFORT.?1871. Aisoij, Iamhis 10 acn? aralile, Laurel Bay. Bryan, Ajjrippa 10 n<r- s v. o.kI, lot 9 sec. "J*., ! n 2 | w. Bennett, Stc 3 5-G acres arable, lots ">7 ami r>3, see. 1 25 1 w. Browu, C.iii'e 7 7-3 ai res arable lot 34 sec. 10 I n 1 v. Blake, Hector 10 acres. Bright, Martha 5 acres arable, lot 24 see. 1,1 n 2 w. Brown, Nod It 2-7 acres. Battesse, Moses 10 acres arable. Brown, George 7 1-4 acres wood, lot 47 sec. 10 1 n 2 w. Brantley IV.tie 6 arres. Brcwn, Jolin 1-7 acre. Bryan, Abraham 3 acres. Bolati, Robert 16 acres. Ciiisolui, 1'etir 21. 3 1-2 acres arable lot C sec. 21 1 s 2 w. Campbell, Mack to acres. Cuploton, Mary A. lOacres arable. Campbell, Pick G 1-2 acres arable lot 35 see. 4 1 u 2 w. Chisolm, Israel 7 1-1 acres arable. Chisolm, Robert 2 1-3 acres arable. Chaplin, Shad rack 10 acres arable. Dennis, Julia 3 acres arable lot 27 sec. 26 1 n 2 w Dougal, Abrani 10 acres. Dr. Laza s 20 acre . Frost, John 10 acres wood lot 2.0 sec. 27 1 n 2 w. Frost, Monday 10 acr. s wood lot 40 sec. 27 1 n 2w. Frost, Solomon 7 1-2 acres wood lot 40 sec. 27 1 n 2 w. Frost, Sana 7 1-2 acres. Green, Adam Jr. 3 3-4 acres. Green, Sampson 20 acres wood lots 59 and CO sec. 27 1 u 2 w. Graham, George Jr. 8 2-3 acres. Gilliard, July 4 4-5 acre:; arable. Grant, Joo 7 3-4 acres arable lot 10 sec. 27 1 s 2 w. Grant, Joe 10 acres, lievward, Jos. 7 3-4 acres, lie; ward, Joshua 10 acres. Hey ward, Edmund 6 acres. Hey ward, London 7 1-2 acres wood lot 32 sec. 33 1 n 2 w. Hey ward. Isaac 17 1-2 acres. Hey ward, John 82-5 acres. Her ward, Ed. fi acres. Jackson, Sam 17 1-4 acres. Jenkins, Phillip 10 acres. Jenkins, Tonoy 8 i-4 acres. Jackson, Bickum 10 acres arable. Jackson, Paul 10 acres. Lawrence. Esau 10 acres arable. Lawton. London 10 acres arable. I Lessington, Mary 10 acres wood. 0 Lawrence, Caesar 10 acres arable. McKnight, George 8 1-4 acres. Middleton, James 10 acres wood. Murray, Isaac 10 acres, half arable lot 64 sec. 4 1 s 2 w. Manigo. Chas. 8 1-4 acres. Mungen, Jacob 4 acres. Myers, Lang 20 acres, half arable. Middleton, Bryan 8 1-2 acres arablo lots 19 and 20 sec. 22s 1 w. Murray, Billy 10 acro?, half arable. McKuight, Jacob 10 acres. Myers, John 10 acres. Myers, Jacob 5 acres. Mack, Adam 3 1-2acres. Packer, Gabriel 10 acres. Pinckne), Hagar 10 acres, half arable lot 23 sec. 19 Is lw. Pinckney, Itobt. and Fras:r 20 acres arable. Roper, James Teffey 8 1-4 acres arable lot 5 sec. 26 In 2w. Robinson, Dr. Moses 8 1-1 acres, o acres arable lot 42 sec ? In 2w. Simmons, June S 4-5 acres arable. Staplcton, Th03.10 acres arable lot 32 sec. 20 In lw. Small, London 5 acres, 5 acres arable lot 2 see. 19 Is lw. S nail, Jackson 10 acres wood. Singleton, Yoik 10 acres arable. Simmons, J. R. 20 acres. Stuart, Ben Sr. 5 acres. Smal 1, Isaac 8 1-2 acres. Svolbrand, J. C. 298 acres marsh land. Simmons, Joseph IS acres, 10aces arable. Simmons. Win. 20 acres. Taylor, John 2 acres arable lot 4-1 see. 7 2s lw. Wallace, Monday 10 acres arable lot 39 sec. 9 Is 2w. White, Wm. 7 1-2 acres wood. BLUFFTON.?1871. AU1, John 1 lot. COOS AW IIATCHIE.?1871. Kirvin, Dick lf/4 acres wood adjoining J. B, W Garvin, T. S. Tuteu and W. C. Johnson. Gregory, John W. 10 acres arable. Gregory, Thos. 14 acres. Gregory, Win. 10 acres. Humbert, Win. 126-acres. Humbert, \\ in. est. l )i acres wood adjoining- est. Malphcus, F. W. Humbert, C. & S. It. It. Lartigue, Isadore est. 1-2 acre wood adjoining public road, Lawton et. al. Nix, John A. (trustee) 1 5 acres arable and meadow, adjoining Ferris, Buekner, Fickling et. al. Oxlesbjr, \V. J. l.T)7 acres wood and marsh land adjoining Jno. Gunter, Tuten et. al. Screven, John 113 acres. Snipe, Aduu: 10 acres arable. Tuten, J. J. 67 acres. GOETHE I$69-70 AND 1871. ^Anderson, John 7 acres wood land, taxes 1809 '70 and '71. Gill, A. J. 320 acres arable and meadow, and 516 acres wood adjoining Gill, Smith et. al. Jobuson, Mrs. Elizabeth "210 ncre9.' Kuowl -s, E* G. '217 teres, To meadow. Morgan, H. 2M acres, DO arable a nd meadow. Smith, Geo. W. 2A5 acres wood a ijoining Grimes, Phillips et. al. Spoake, IIutson 80 acres arable and 583 wood, taxes 1370 '71. Williams, Isaec 20 acroe arable adjoining Ayers and public road. LAWTON.?1871. Johnson, J. D. est. 150 acres arable and 639 wood, adjoining Joe Johnson, Mulligan and public road. ROBERT.?1871. r 'Parlor, El cnozer 58 acres. Hilton A Randall, 332 acres wood adjoining B. T. Strobhart and est. Youinans. Jones, I)ias 15 acres arable and 32 wood adjoining C. Dupont, Plenty Pinekney and Zahler. Pi epics, Wm. 100 acros wood adjoining est. of Jones, Robertson ard T. Williams. Itilcy, W. 0.190 acres wood adjoining Halford et al. Wiiliams, John 1" acres arable and 35 wood adjoining Tison, Rushing it. al. ST. HELENA.?1871. Austin, Ned " acres. til.:., t..... ... in .....r... ;\I N !<I, -a iw (H aiai'jr, At kin, Moses 3 acres arable and 3 1-1 wood. Ail.ston, Caviar 10 acres. Al'ston.Sain 10 acres. Bryan, Peter 8 acres. Brown, Albert (I acres arable and 4 wood lot T>8 sec. 35 Is lw. Bacon, Sam 5 acres arable and 3 1-4 wood lot 5G sic. 21 Is le. Bennett, Caesar 10 acres arable. Bird, Joe IS acres arable and 5 wood. Bird. Lymus 10 acres arable. Black, James 10 acres arable. . Blood, Henry 10 acres arable lot 41 sec. 13 Is lo. Bcaubicn, Pbillis 2 lots. Brown, Adam 8 1-1 acres. Brooks, Cato 10 acres arable. Brown, Jacob exo'r. 20 acres. Brown, .Manuel 8 1-2 acres lot 1 see. 2 2s lw. Brown. Tout 2 1. 5 acres. Brown, Geo. 10 acres.Brown. TVmjwey 8 l-i acres arable. Brown. Reuben 10 acres arable a ml 0 wood. Bryan, June or Jane 10 acres arable lot 12 see 20 | !n ; e. , iioree-a. I ni l 7 3-1 acres arable. Br >\> n, Aii'lri w 8 j-j at res arable lot 11 k/>o. 10 Is I v 1 w >.mi rr^_ huhjpi-a j Brown, Adam IS acres. ^ Brown, Sam J> acres. Bridcr, Wm. 8 1-2 acres. Bailey. Morris fi acres am Me. Blond, Simon -4 i-" acr -s arable. Barnwell. James 8 acr< s arable ami 1 wood. Brown. Aaron 10 acres. Brown, Chas. to acres. Bothersome, Briber 11 acres arable. Bryan, ("has 2?> acres. Bryan, John 2 acres. Benivtt. Aaron acres. ? ^ Benjamin, Harry acres. Cannon, Mcses 8 1-2 acres arable. Chaplin, Richard (1 1-2 acres arable. Chisel in Ibit *> acres arable. Cl isolni. St ration 5 a"res arable ami J 1-' wood.j2 Cohen, Juper it aties. Cohen, Il.ireasfi arp s. I Curt in, Francis 15 1-2 acres. Chisolni, Thomas 10 acres arable and 12-3 wo?d- , Chisolni, London s )-i aires a res arable. i Chisolni, Anthony Id acres a nil do lot 43 see. 30 Is j le. Chisolni, Nero 10acres arable. Chaplin, Jim 1 1-4 acres. Carter, Frank 10 acres arable. Cox, Sam 10 acres arable. Crawley, ScipJo 10 acres arable. Cook, James 10 acres. Dawson. Sambo 8 1-4 acres amide. Days, Friday 15 acres arable aud 5 wood lot 51 and 54 see. 0 Is lo. Drayton, March 5 acres arable. Dcas, Pil? 1 acre. Peas, Tim 15 acres. Eddings, Dennis E. 10 acres arable. Elliot, George 10 acres arable. Fields, Diauab 10 acres arable. Ford, Toney 10 acres arable lot CO sec. 1C Is lw. Frazier, Laura 5 acres wood. Frlpps, Mike 10 acres arable lot 11 sec. 27 Is le. Fields, Peter 10 acres arable. Gibbs, Peek 10 acres arable. Grayson, Daphne 8 1-4 acres arable. Goodwine, June 10 acres. Green, iune 10 acres arable. Grayson, Anthony 10 acres arable and 5 wood. Grant, Sain 20 acres arable and 10 wood. Greeu, Poland 10 acres arable. Green, Mrs. Sack 10 acres arable. 4 Green, David 2d. 10' acres wood lot 6 sec..20 lu 1 w. Green, Jas. 2d. 31-2 acres arable. Green, Brister 10 acres arable. Green, Jauuary 10 acres arable. Goodbred, Toney 4 acres. Haley, Primus 10 acres arable. Henderson, Titus 5 acres arable, lieyward, Titus 4 acres arable and 5 woodHoward, Thomas 5 acres arable. Hutson, Beu 10 acres. Huggins, Joe 2 acres. Izzard, Prince 5 acres arable and 5 wood. Jackson, Sharper 10 acres arable. Jackson, Chester 8 1-4 acres arable lot CI see. 20 In lw. Jenkins, Adeline 5 acres arable and 2 wood. Jenkins,Thomas lOjiercs arable. Jenkins, Ephraim 8 14 acres arable lot GO see. 12 Is le. join's, est in cr. cat. o mira m uuiv. Jenkins, Primus, 10 acres Johnson, July 10 acres. Jackson, Ilazzarcl 10 acres. Johnson, Sam 10 acres. Law, Ueuery 8 acres arable lot 42 see. 22 In lw. Lawrence, Robert 5 acres arable. Lawrence. Rosctta 9 acres arable. Lagree, Margaret 8 acres arable. Legree, Jim 2 2-3 acres wood lot 12 soc. 27 Is lo. Lockwood, Is'amael 10 acres. Lagree. Joseph 10 acres. Mack, Ben ft acres arable. Mack, Matilda 5 acr.-s arable and 5 wood. Major, Rinah 5 acres arablo. Major, Manuel 6 acres arable and 4 wood. Manigo, Ben 10 acres arable lot 33 sec. 10 Is lo. McLoyd, Pan'l. <5 acres arable and 4 wood. McKnight, March 10 acres arable. Middletou, Lyiuus 10 acres. Middleton, (.'ato 5 acres arable and *> wood. Middleton, Solomon 8 1-4 acres arable. Mike, Robt. 8 acres arable and 5 wood. Miller, Harriet 6 acres arablo. Mitchcl, Jimmy 8 1-4 acres arable lot .V> -sec. 29 Is lo. Mitchcl. Richard 10 acres arable, Morton, Sandy 10 acres. Murray, Selia "> acres arable. Middleton. Mike 10 acres arables Middleton, Renty 10 acres arable. Mack, Henry 10 acres. Mitchcl, Moses 10 acres. Middleton Joseph 10 acres. Nichols, Wm. 10 acres. Oblige, Hick 1"? acres arable. Patterson, John 5 acres arable. Parker Sam 3 7-8 acres arable. Pinekney, Lot 10 acres. Pinckncy, David 10 acres. Parker Edward 10 acres. Pinckncy, Sam '0 acre*;. Pope Robert 10 acres. Reed Chap. 10 acres arabJc. Rhett, CufFee 10 acres. Richardson, Pick 3 1-2 acres arable. Rivers, Toby 8 acres arable and 11 wood. Robinson, Prince 10 acres arable. Robinson, John 10 acres arable. Robinson, Simon S acres wood. Robinson, Hardtiraes 5 acres arabie and5 wood. Robinson, Asa 10 acres. Robinson, Jimmy 10 acres araldc. Rhodes. Dick 10 acres. Savage, Goe. 10 ac res. Seabrook, James 10 acres. Scott, Primus" 1-4 acres wood lot 39see. 1 2s lw. Simmons, Frank 7 acres. Scott, Nellie 10 acres arable and 5 wood. Small, July 10 acres. Scott, Hen 10 acres. Smith Alfred 10 acres. Singleton, Roger 10 acres. Sherman, Abrain 10 acres arable lot 10sec.28 Isle Silivan, VTm. 10 acres arable lot 33 sec. 18 Is lc. Simmons, Jacob 1st. 8 1-2 acres arable lota Sand 4 sec. 24 Is lw. Simmons, James 5 acres arable lot 43 sec. 24 Is lw. Simmons, June 20 acres arable. Simmons, Peter 10 acres arable. Singleton, Kit 9 acres arable. Singleton, London 9 acres. Singleton, Jas. 2d. 6 acres arable and 4 wood lot 10 sec. 18 Is lw. Singleton, Loudon 4 acres. Small, Sarah 10 acres arable. Small, John 4 acres arable lot 17 sec 33 In lw. Small, Jacob 3d. 5 acres arable and 5 wood lot 28 see. 19 In lw., Smith, Daby 8 1-4 acres arable lot 10 sec. 30 Is le. Smith, Bob 10 acres arable and 10 wood. Taylor, Anthony 10 acres arable and 1 wood lots 19 and 20 sec. 18 Is le. Taunton, Henry 10 acres arable. Treville, I'apline 5 acres arable and 5 wood lot 60 sec. 22 Is le. Truel, James 5 acres e.rablo and 5 wood. Talhird, Frank 4 acres. Washington, Geo. 8 1-4 acres arablo lot 34 sec. 14 Is le. wmin ra-?c m -J/. -.ta? White, Gabriel 10 acres arable, Will; a, Eve 5 acres arable. Wigg, Tobias 10 acres arable. Williams, C'larisa 2 acres. Williams, James 1 0 acres arable. Williams, Robert 10 acres arable. Williams, Sancho 8 acres arable. Wilson, Wm. 16 acres. Wine. Abraham 7 1-1 acr<*. Ward, Lyuius 11 acres arable. White, Wm. 4 acres. Wearing, Mary 10 acres. Washington, Moses 10 acres. _ LOTS AT LANDS END, ST. HELENA ISL'D. Beaubein, Moses 1 lots Nos. 165 176 and 170, Bartlett St. Brown. Dick 2 lots Nos. 62 and 171, Br.rllett and Quiney streets. Bailey, Raphael 2 lots, Nos. 105 and 107 Burmelia street. Brown, Jim 1 lot N >. 166, Carrol street, linger, Admira; 1 lor No. 141 DeKalbstreet. Johns n, Thomas 1 lot No. 126 Izzard street. M'-Le<"l. James 1 lot No. 151 Bartletl street. McLetxl. James 1 lot No. 158 Carrol street. Michael, ( has. 1 lot No. 62 Ellery street. Moore, Richards 2 lots N<>s. 5.1 and 55 Ellery St. Myers. Robert 1 lot No. 58 Eilerv street, lb yno'ds, Joe ! lot No. 181 Bart let t.street. SlrieJetoii. Nellie or Win. 2 lots Nos. 56 and 57 1 [air ' .'fc'l lb ll.iio .'ro !. I 4. *_ m>j^?rxmBBwwxrzr?r-^K JkLMs*ry-mmmaKmmmmm*m Young, Peter 1 lot No. ISO Ifortlctt street. C YEMASSER.?1*71. 1 Jackson, Henry 27(10 acres; 70 acres arable and j endow,on Savannah river. Jones, M rs. S. M. 1 lot. llayniond, J. I*. Ui"0 acres. t Paminll. Franci;- M. S3S acres, part arable, on Fa mnah river. , Brown, SbAgors 10 acres arable. Bryan. Primus 8 acres arable. I!rown, Kdward l'J acres arable. Baker, Kuward i!?'J acres wood. r.eiiny, .Morgan acres aruuie r.arnw'll, Jessie in acres arable. Bryan Margaret 8 1-1 acres wood. I'hisnlm, John 10 acres arable. Coleman, Wni. 8 l-l acres arable. Chis'alai, Peter 18 acres arable and 2 wood. Campbell, Mack'10 acres. Chisolm, Harry est. H acres arable and 3 wood. Chisolin, Adam 10 acres wood. Conyers, Mack 1 acre arable. Devoe, Pompcy 2d. 10 acres wood. Devoe, Rcuty 3 1-4 acres arable and 3 wood. Devoe, Pet or 20. acres arable. Fields, Iteutr 2d. 13 acres arable. Fripp, David lO.acres arable. Fields. Margaret 10 acres arable. Fripp, Prince!20 acres wood. Green Caesar 7 1-4 acres wood. Green, Joseph 13 acres arable. Green, Jackson 18 acres arable. Green, David 10 acres arable. Green, ltonty 8 acres wood. Gardner, Timothy 20 acres arable. Grant, Lydia 7 3-4 acres arable. Gardner, Miss F. 6 acres arable. Gailyard, Sain 17 3-4 acres arable. Green, Jack&onjl2 acres arable. Grant, Charles 2 3-3 acres arable. Ileyward, Cupid Sr. 10 acres arable. Hey ward, Joseph 10 acres arable. Hey ward, Adain 10 acres arable. Hamilton, Joe 5 acres arable and 5 wood. Hubbard, Alexander 81-1 acres arable. Houston, Robert 10 acres arable and 7 3-4 wood. Ileyward, Abram 5 acres arable and 5 wood. Jackson, Chester 5 acres arable and 3 wood. Jenkins, Wm. 5 acres wood. Jarvis, John 10 acres arable and 6 1-4 wood. Kelson, Esaw 13 1-4 acres arable. King, Paul 10 acres arable. Linuea. banil. 20 acres arable. Lloyd, Ben 10 acres arable. Ladson, Alexander 10 acres arable, Lawrence, Wm 2d. 20 acres wood. Matthews, Warley 8 1-4 acres arable. Mitchell, Sandy 2d. 10 acres arable. Manigault, Elscy 10 acrts arable. McKnigbt, Toby 20 acres arable. Mulligan, Saml. 10 acres.arable. Mitchel. John 15.acres arable and 7 wood. Manigault, Minus 10 acres wood. McKce, Billy 10 acres arable and 10 wood. McConuick, John 10 acres.arablo. McKnigbt, Peter 10 acres wood. McKnight, Touey 30 acres arable and^G wood. Myers, Moses est. 10 acres arable. Middleton, Ilannah 10 acres arable. Myers, Edmund 5 acres arable. 3 meadow. Middleton, Abram 1 lot block 137 Beaufort. Middleton, York 10 acres arable. Owens, Sylvi? 5 acres arable. l'iucknep. Robert C>.acres arable. Phoenix, Sara 10 acres arablo. Torcher, Edmund 10 acres arable and 10 wood. Patrick, Sara 10 acres arable. Pushee, Ansel 4 acres arable. Porry, Wra. 10 a ores arable. Reed, Beuj. b 1-4 acres arable. Richardson, Brain 4 acres arable and 5 wood. Riley, Wra. 7 1-4 acros wood. Roberts, Poiupey 7 1-4 acre* arable. Rivers, James 1-2 acre arable. Scott, Adam 8 1-2 acres arable. Small. Bob 5 acres arable. Small. Bin ah 10 acres arable. Smith, Alfr?d S 1-4 acres arable. Singleton, Pen 10 acres arable. Beneliiton, Jonas 3 3-4 acres arable. Solomon*. S? necajb f 2 acres arable. Simmon*, 41 race 8 sens. Simmons. Ben 20 acres arable. Simmons, Prince 10 acres arable. Simmons, Wra. 10 acres arable, Taylor, Richard "> acres arable. Turner, Michael Sr. 10 acres arable. White, Mingo 10 acre* wood. Williams, Sanders > acres arable and 3 wood. White, Joseph 10 acres arable. Wallace, Caraar R. 10 acres arablo. Williams, Richards 7 1-2 acres wood. White, Sam ext. 10 acres arable. Wailey, Hnmilton 10 acres arable. Yancs, Allon 3 acres arable. BEUFITON 1S72. Brown, John T,. 3 acres amble and 237 wood. Cooper. George 10 acres arable. Ellis, T. B. 10 lacres arable, CO raea 'ow and 130 (rood. Grant, Solomon 1 acre arable 176,wood. Smith, Sandy 20 acres arable. Small, John 20 acres arable. COOSA WAATCHIK 1872. Bushay, Patrick 100 acres wood. Hrniliton \ 1 fn-d 9JiO acres wood. Deloach, M. 214 acres wood. Furman, Jane or June 1 lot, Coosawhatcliie, Forrcl, Isaac 10 acres araMe. Garvin, March 31 acres arable and 54 wood. .Toues, J. D. 8 acres aral?le and 231 w >cd. Lysaght; J. A. 40 a res arable and 510 wood. Perlieu; J. 5>. 2.1 acres'arable. Pope, Win. 10 acres aral lc and 40 wood. Taylor, Iticliard 154 acres wood. Wilder. F. E. 10 acres arable and 58 wood. Walker, J. W. 1 lot, Coosawhatchie. Williams, Alfred 3 lots, Gillisonville, Williams, Alfred 460 acres arable and 1,024 wood. GOETIIE 1872. Ginn, J.v. R. 75 acres arable. Ginn, Mrs. P. P. 38 acres wood. Garner, Wat 7'acres arable. Ginn, II. 160 acres arable and 21*7 wood. Goethe, II. 905 acres wood. Lavoiguc, P. P. 70 acres arable and 150 wood. Long, Margaret 296 acres wood. Mulligan, Patrick 270 acres arable. Nix, David N. 30 acres arable and 120 wood. SafTord, R. E. 85 acres arable and 257 wood. Shultz, F. 70 acres wood. Thomas, Juo, P. 300 acres arable and 659 wood. Williams, Alfred 135 acres arable and 844 wood. L AWT ON.?1872. Andrew, John 4 acres arable and 17 wood. Becker, Mrs. Win. 12 acres arable and 33 wood. Dal ion, Jas. It. 2 acres arable and 31 wood. Johnson, J. D. 150 acres arable and 1850 wood, Malphcu.s, Mrs. M. E. 40 acres arable and 30 wood Shuman, Mrs. H. 182 acres wood; Smalls, Mrs. It. R. 75 acres arable and 210 wood. PEEPLES.?1872. Atkinson, S. II. 135 acres wood. Breolaml, W. T. 70 acres arable and 230 word. Eddy, Isiah 80 acres. Haygood, K. D, 50 acres arable and 560 wood. Loadliolt, Smart 10 acres arable. Mixon, It. F* 25 acres wood. Moor^ Arthur 216 acres wood. Priestor, Rebecca 101 acres arable. Pricster, Martha 35 acres arable and 88 wood. Rolwrtson, Irvin 116 acres wood. Terry, N. 60 acres arable and sj wood. * Terry, Mary S. est. 127 acres wood. Wilson, II. E. 30 acres araMe and So wood. Williams, Alfred 252 acres wood. . POCOTALIGOw?1S72. Crews, J. R. 150 acres arable and 200 wood. Crews, Jerry 10 acr^s arable. Pun lap, Monsees A Co. 50 acres arable and ^0 ood, Hutson, Joseph 4 acres arable and 20 wood. Heape, W. 400 acres wood. Ihley, James 40 acres arable and 75 wood. Martin, J. M. or M. 2 acres arable. Mew, J. P. 10 acres arable and 3 wood. Sellers, B. T. 150 aor >s arable and 330 wood. j w ROBERT 1872. Ring Harriett, 5 acres arable and 75 wood. Buckncr, James 120 acres arable and 880 wood. j Brown, Nelson 8 acres arable and 48 wood. Boyle*, Jobn 12 acres arable and 138 wood. Frost Daniel 30 acres arable and 177 wood. Hodttins. Win. 11 acres arable and 4S6 wood, II ape: Bciij. 3 acres arable and 7 wood. Jo'iTi-oii. James 300 acres wood. Johnson, R. F. 1M acres wood. I M:i')>?1!"ii*. J. 1.. 10 acres arable and 174 wood. M.'.l,'ii-c.i...ii A 10 .ta.- arui it- and 10 wood. | M lestereicher, John 1 aero arable. 'ope, J. II. 5 acres arable and 445 wood. 'rimus, Jane S acres arable and 192 wood, Iol>crts Krister 100 acres arable. ioberts, John 15 acres arable. 1 boberts.J,. C. 10 acre* arable. Stephens >u, (no. Jr. 12 acres arable and 7S wood. A'alls, Ilan)|iton 2<X> acres wood. Williams, Alfred 403 acres arable and 1378 wood. 2 ST. HELENA.?1872. Adkin*, Adam P. 10 acres arable and 10 wood. Allston, Israel 8 1-2 acres arable. ^ Aiken, Tullcy 8 acres arable and 1-4 wood. Brown, Daphne8 1-t acre." arable, imitr, \ uuucs* iv ?4i;rcs Becdle, Chas. 4 lots, Lands End. Beanbien. Phillis or Moses 2 lots, Lands End. Bradley. Sancho 2 lots Lands End. Broughton, George 8 acres arable. ltrown, itenty 20 acres araWe and 10 wood. Ilrown, Dick 2 lots Lands End. Brown, Abrara 10 acres arable. Brown, Abraham 10 acres arable and 10 wood. Brown, Miner 10 acres arable and 10 wood. Brown, Philip 13 acres arable. Bryan, James 2d. 8 1-2 acres arable. Bryan, Adam 15 acres arable and 5 wood. Bryan, Chloe 10 acres arable. Bailey, Raphael, 2 lots, Lands End. Brown, Chas. 10 acres arable. Brown, Peter 7 l-l*acres arable. Brown, Binab 5 acres arable. Brown, Jim 1 lot,'Lands End. Brown. Frank 1 lot, Lands End. Black, Paul 8 1-4 acres arable. Brown, Patience 8 acres arable. Brown. Xed 7 acres arable. Brown, Pbillis 2 lots, Lands End. Bird. Boson 1st. 10 acres arable. Bryan, Peter 8 acres arable. Bvas, Toby 1st. 10 acres arable. Bird, Boson 2d. 10 acres arable. Barnwell, Jessie 10 acres. Black, Harriett 10 acres arable. Carter, George 10 acres arable and 3 wood. Chaplin, Ben 2d. 10 acres arable and 10 wood. Chisolm, Joe 8 acros arable. Chisolm, Wm. 8 1-2 acres arable. Coaxum, Daphne 5 acres arable and 5 wood. Coleman, Jas. 8 acres arable and 2 wood. Cuthberd, Tom 3 lots, Lands End. Chaplin, Shadrack 10 acres arable. Chaplin, June 10 acres arable. Crier, Simon 10 acros arable. Chaplin, Moses 5 acres arable. Campbell, Toby 10 acres arable. Chaplin, Morris 30 acres arable. Cummiugs, Sarah 7 acres arable. Cunnnings, Juliet, 10 acres arable. DeSau8sure, Peter 10 acres arable. Driscoll, Dennis 5 lots, Lands End. Drayton, Binah 8 acres arable and 2 acres wood. French, Mrs, E. M. 20 aercslarablc. Fields, Thomas 10 acres arable. Frlpp, Prince 8 1-4 acres arable, Fields, Toney 3 acres arable. Fields, Joseph 10 acres arable. Green, George lOjacrcs arable. Glover, Scipio 8 acres arable and 1-4 woodGoodwin, Bounty 5 acres arable and 5 wood. Grayson, Frauk Jr. est. 7 acros wood. Grant. Agnes est. 5 acros arable and 5 wood. Grant, Simon 1 lot, Lands End. LIn I KKatf Qtns/in 1A aroKla vjivcu, .xwi't* uiiuvu k'j avii'j pi !/!? Green, Moses 4 1-4 acred arable. Green, Peter 2d. 10 acres arablo. Green, George 1st. 10 acres arable. . GadsJen, George 10 acres arablo. Grant, lolny 10 acres arable. Hamilton, Joseph 7 acres arable. Harris, Soml. L, G lots;i>ands End. Harris, Saml. L. 6 lots I.ands End. Heyward. Frank 1st. 10 acres arablo and 10 wood. Hey ward, Frank 2d. 15 acres arable and 1 w.ood. Howard, Paul G acres arable and 2 pood. Harrison, Pattie W. 1 lot Lands End. Hopkins, Beckey 10 acres arablo. Hoy ward, Abrarn 10 acres arable. Jackson, Win. 10 arrea arable. Jackson, Chester 30 acres arable and % wood. Jefferson, Cato 50 acres arable and 5 acres wood. jHckson, Bickaru 10 acres arable, Jenkins, Ben 20 acres arablo. Jenkins, Jiunes 2d, 5 acres arable and 1 wood. Jenkins, Stephen 1st. 10 aTf* arable. Jenkins, Win. 8 1-2 acres arable. Johnson, Joe 8 acres arable and 12 wood. Johnson, Tom 1 lot Lands Hud. Jenkins, Adam 11 acres arable and 10 wood. Jenkins, Edward 3d. 10 acres arablo. Lapree, Jas. 3d 10 acres wood. Lessington, Robt. 1st. 10 acres arable. Le&dngton, Robert 2d. 3 lots Lands End. Lowndes, Bob 8 1-4 acres arable, Lloyd, Peter 10 acres arable and 10 wood, Ladson, Jacob 7 acres arahle and 3 wood. Lloyd, Chat. 8 1-4 acres arable, Laurens, Mosetta 1 lot Lands End. Ladson, Adam 15 acros arable, Mnnigault, Duff G acres arable and 4 acres wood. McGrath, Ann 5 acres arabie. MoLcod, James 1 lot Lands End. Michael, Clias. 1 lot Lands End. Middleton, July 12 acres arable and fl wood. Middleton, Mozetta 20 acres. Mi.'dleton, Sackey 20acres arable. Moore, Richard 2 lots Lands End. McGill, Zachari.ih 10 acres arable. Myers, Robt. 1 lot Lands End. Myers, Jacob 3 1-4 arable. Middleton, Jim 10 acres arable. Mitchell, Tom 5 acres arable. Middleton, Charlotte 6 acres arafcdo, Nichols, E. G. 4 lots Lands End. Nichols, E. G. 2 lots Lands End. Parker, Sam 4 acres. Polite, !?ani Sr. 5 acres arable and 15 wood. Polite, Isaac 5 acres arable. Polite, Thos. 20 acres arable, and 5 wood. Pope Gabriel 10 acres arable. Pinckney, Isacc 15 acres arable. Rivers, Mike 1 lot Landj End. Rivers, Simon est. 6 acres arable. Reynolds, Adam 5 acres arable. Roper, Jaines 20 acres arable and 3 wood. Reed, Toney 10 acres arable and 2 wood. Reed, Toney 15 acres arable. Scott, Orchard G acres wood. Scott, Orchard B. 13 arable and 3 wood. Shephard. Gill>ert 10 acres arable Singleton, Hercules 3 acres arable and 10 wood. Simmons, Jacob 2d. 3 1-2 acres arable. Singleton, Nellie or Win. 2 lots Lands End. Simmons, Ned 1st. 1G acres arable. Simmons, Ned 2d. 10 acres arable* Simmons, David 8 1-4 acres arable. Simmons, Stephney 15 acres arahlo. Simmons, James 5 acres arable. Smith, Benjamin 8 1-4 acres arable. Smith, Paul 12 acres arable and 8 wood. Snipe, Gibbs est. 10 acres arable. Stuart, Annie 7 acres arable and 3 wood. Simmons, Marcus W. 8 l-? acres arable, Simmons, Cupid 2 acres arable. Smalls, Wat 10 acres arable, Scott, Joe 10 acres arable. Simmons, Pompcy 10 acres arable. Small Simon 10 acres arable. Simmons, Davkl 8 acres arable. Simmons, Joseph 17 1-2 aeres. Treville, Stephen 5 acres arable and 9 wood. Turner, Prince .5 acrc9 arable and 3 1-4 wood. ' nderhost, Posey'3."acres arable. Watson, Fred. 8 1-4 acres arable. Wnsblnt'lon Smart tfl anrfw (irililn Webb, Harry 3 acres arable. Welcome, Mack 7 acres arable and 3 wood. White, Torn 10 acres wood. White, Thos. 5 acres arable. Wigg, Monday 10 acres arable. Watkins. Anthony 8 acres arable. Williams, Sam 7 acres aiable and 3 wood. Wearing, Joseph 10 acres arable. Wineglass, Frank 10 acres arable and 20 wood. Walls, George 10 acres araole. Washington, Solomon 8 acres arable. Wilson, Clarisa 3 acres arable and 2 wood. Wright, Toney 7 acrds arable and 2 wood. White, Plato 10 acres arable. Washington, Stephncy 5 aeres arable and 13 ood. Washington, George l lot I.ande End. Young, June 10 acres arable. YEM ASSE E.?1872. Hardee and Lake, 287 acres wood. Prealer, Don til in 100 acres wood. Stoddard, Jno. J. 100 acres wood. RRAUFORT. -1873. All ton Pavid.est. 10 acres. Him*. Win. 20 acers L Blue. Larry 0 r.en s arable a .id wood Bryan, B-.n >? acr:s ? 1 Brown, Betsy f. acre* 1 building Kdgcrly Brown, Tal>er 20 acres arable and 1 building a Brown, Shanger 10 acre* arable. Brown, Andrew 12 acres wood. Bryan, Mary 6 acres arable l! Baker, Joseph 30 acres arable Brown, Tom est. 10 acres arable Crawford, Ellis 10 aer*? arable. Lot 16 aoet. 13 2 s ^ w. Claret, Bose V/2 arable Campbells. Cook, A brain; 10 acres arable audi building adjuring George Singleton et. al. ^ ' t J n ? en ?f a? f 01 1 a 9 W I IUXHIII, I Wgjf IV illtti'ic uvi. ow. Chisolm, Johu 10 acres arable Cooper, Isaac 10 acres arable. Campbell, Mack 10 acres arable. I David, Andrew 10 acres arable and 1 building, lot \ sec, 4 1 n 2 a- . Devoe, Pompey 10 acres arable. Eddings Frank 10 arable and 1 building, lot 6 icc. 12 2s 2w P. I. Ellis, Hannah 10 arable see 13 2s 2w. Fieids, Renty 2nd 15 arable. Fields Jos. 1st 10 arable Ellis. Frazier, Allston 12 arable 8 wood lot 44, and 54 ' see. 3 Is 2w p i. Ford, Toney 10 acres arable. Gervin, Bob 20 acres arable and 10 wood, lot 10 11 and 12 see. 7 2s lw. Green, est Toney 14 acres arable and 6 wood P. I Green, Jackson 10 acres arable H. B. Ferry. Grant, Joe 8 acres arable Cottage. Graving, George 1% acres arablo. Green, Edmund 14 acres arable. Graham, Mlnta 5 acres arable and 5 wood. P. BGrant, Renty 8 acres wood, lot 36 sec. 20 1 n 1 w Hutchinson Lydia 10 acres arable, lot 18 sec. 15 In lw. Grayson, Frank est. 5 acres arable. Green, George 10 acres arable. Howard, Polly 10 acres arable and 20 wood. Fraction lots 5. 6,11, and 12 sec. 18 2 s 1 w. Holmes, Susan est 6 acres wood. Heyward, Hannah est, 10 acre arable. Hey ward, Richard 7% acres wood. Heyward, Joseph 17% acre arable, "Possum Hill" Heyward, Adam 10 acres arable. Hubbard, Alex 10acres arable. Heyward, Frank 10 acres arable and 5 wood. Higgins, Wm, 10 arable. Jenkins, Tonoy 20 acres arable Broad River. Jenkins Price 20 acres arablo lots 1 and 2 sec. 22 2 s 15 and lot 42 sec. 36 1 s 2 w. Jenkins, Flora 10 acres arablo lot 87 sea 35 In lw P. L Jackson, January est 10 arable P. I. Jackson Simon 17% acres arablo. Jackson, Chester 5 acres arable and 3 wood. Jenkins, Phillip est. 10 acres arable. Jenkins, Prince 10 acres arable. King, Paul 10 acres arable. Loyd, Ben 10 acres arable Oakland. Light, Charles 10 acres arable. Linnen, Sam'l 10 acres arable. McKee, Ben 9 acres arable flbd 1 wood; adjoining Brier Thicket" McKnight, Tom 20 acres arablo. McClond, May 10 aores arable P. I, Mattis, John 20 acres arable P. I. Milton, Harry 20 arable P. I. Myers, Julia 1 lot. Murray James 1 lot. Miehol Cyrus 5 acros arable adjoining U.8. gov 1 McCoy, John 10 acres arable. McK night Toby 20 aeres arable. Murray, 3am'1 5 acres arablo. McCormick, John 10 arable. Mungen, Jacob 2 acres arable and 2 wood. MeKnight, Toney 2nd 36 acres arable. Mungen, Dolly 18 acres arable. Myers, Morse est. 10 acres arable. Middletoo, Hannah 10 acres arable. Parker, Jim 20 acre* arable, By lands of Jacob Pcttiegruo ea-nl. Polite, Realy 10 acres arable. Pbllllpa, Anthony 5 acres arable, 5 wood 1st SI aec 4 1a 2*. Polite A brum 10 acres arable lot 43 see. 82slw Porcher, Adam 1st 20 acre* arable. Pheonix, Niui'l 10 acrts arable. Parker, Gabriel 10 acres wtod. Phillips, Tyua 10 a-res arable. Pheonlx. Will 1 acre arable. Powell, Lymns 10 acres ar ablejand 10 wood. Robinson, Chax. est. 20 acres arable Kddings P. I. Robiusoa, Lucy 10 acres arable Lot 19 sec, 18 1 s; i w. P. I. Rivers, Simon 6 acres arable lot 7, 8 9 A 10 see 81? Reed Hex am:n 8 ? acres arable. Roberts, Pempcy 71-4 acres arable. Robert 1). Iiobinsen 10 acres arable. Rivers. Ja r?e* l-2d,;acro arable [1 lot) Slowiuan, Seneca 10 acres arable, lot 28 aec. 7 | w. P. I. Simraon3, David 2nd 1 acre Arable Edgely. Smalls, Brister 8 acres arable and 2 wood Verdier place. Scott. Nancy 6 acres arable and 4 wood Port Roy al Island. Stuart, Cudjo 10 acres arable, lot 31 sec. 18 2 a 1 n* S nails, Annetta 10 acres arable. Scott, Adam 8% acres arable. Simmons, Thos. 20 acres arablc'rnd 10 wood. Simmons, Wm, 2nd 20 acres arable. Simmons, Tom I. 2 acres arable. Scott, Moses Jr, 10 acres arable: Senllenton, Jonas 3^ acres arable. Simons, Robin est. 10 acres arable. Stephens, Ben 2nd 10 acres arable and 10 wood Turner, Michael Sr. 10 acres arable. Wright, March 10 acres arable lot 49 sec. 10 Oteheite. Whito, Samuel lot 1 21 Higginsonville. Washington; Paul 1st 6 acres arable, White, Sam'l est. 10 acres arable, White, Mingo 10 acres wood. White, Joseph 10 acr -s arablo. Washington, Jim 12-3 acres arable. Washington. Chas. 10 arable 4 wood. White, Primus 16 acres arable and 4 wood. Washington, Ned 8% acres arable. Williams Richard acres wood, BLUFFTON.?1878. Lochmere. H, (trustee) 1 acre arable and 2 buil dingsLaw, Geo. W. 10 acres arable 30 meadow and 915 wood. COOSA WHATCHIE.?1873. Bushey, Jerry 1 building 5 acres arable and 95 wood by Pope Bing, and Wilson. Bolan, Thomas 10 lots and 2 building*. Bowers, W. B- 183 acres arable. Bailey, R. H. Est. 105 acres wood. Dawson, Josiah trustee, 75 acres arable 100 meadow 75 wood 11 buildings and 4 lots. Ferrill, M. S. 20 acres arable and 35 wood. Ginn, M. W. 40 acres arable and 147 wood. Humbert, Frapeis 4 lots and 2 acres arable. Johnson, B. F. 140 acres wood and 3 buildings, by Woods, Buckner and Johnson. Jones, Sarah 2d. 33 acres meadow; by Miller and public road. Jaudoy, J. R. C. trustee, 5 acres arable, by Morrison Mew, Abram 25 acres arable and 375 wood. Pope, Wm. 1st. 125 acres wood; by Walls, Fields, Bushee and Pope. Padgett. C. J. Ill acres wood; by Perry. Screran, Wall Priester, Mills 362 acres wood* Robinson. J. T. est. 90 acres arable 1223 wood and 2 buildings. Screven, Tbos. E.ex'or. 662 acres wood; by Burgs est., Strobhart and Coleock. Stanley, Darby 30 acres arable and 159 t*oc& GOETHE.?1873. Aire, Wm. B. eat. 150 acres wood; by GUI, Smith, Crapse and Airs. Belton, Mrs. C. B. 10 acres era hie and 40 wood. Elmore, Edward 30 aores wood; by Fltta, Johnson anrl Pampllfi. Gray, James Medicine 950 acres wood; Levi Bay. Long, J. Q. S. 185 acres McBrWe, Cyrus 6 acres arabla and 1 building; by Hall, Fitts and Chisolm. Mixo?, Lizzie 100 acres wood. Pope, W. T. D. 40 acres arable and 160 wood. Stokes, E. C. 4 acrps arable, 250 wood and 4 buildings. Shuman, W. E. 100 acres arable and 167 wood. Stokes, A. R. 350 acres arable, 400 wood and 10 buildings. Terry, Mrs. H. E. 237 acres wood. Youmani, A. W. 60 acres arable, TOO wood and 5 buildings. LAWTON.?1873. Garner, Mottle or Noble 30 acres arable, 20 wood and 4 buildings. Goethe, Mrs. M. E. 14 acres arable and 223 wood. Jackson, Sam 1.4 acres arable and 1 wood; near r?!d poor at Steep Bottom. Portir, E. I>, 150 acr-.s wood. j ShnmftTt. J. E. B. or J. B. 20 acres arable 146 wood ml 3 building. Smith, Mm. R. R. 2 acre* arable and 1 building. N Tutcn, R.G. 20 acres arable 43 wood and 3 boLldags. , PEEFLES.?1873. -w Bulger, J. F. 5 acres arable; 63 wood and 3 build- ^ ngs. Dowllng, Jaa. T. 6 acres wood; by Bowers i Dewing 4 Goodiog, Martin C. 25 acr* arable and 65 wood ; \r u i d u-n /?AAMn? ^ 9 j n . u. u A. Jill/, t iwiuw^. Harrison, H. P. est. 247 acres wood. Loadholt, Ralph 1 lot Town of Brunson. Mole, Wyman 17 acres amble, 3 wood and 1 building. Paul A W ebb, 500 acres arable and 1305 wood; by Richardson, Bostick, Wilson and Barnwell county line. Simmons, W. J. 25 acre* arable, 55 wood and 4 buildings. Tutens, L. A. 25 acres amble and 170 meadow. Taten, Gadsden M. 25 acres arable and 323 wood. FOCOTALIGO.?1873. Ulmer, Rebecca 200 acres arable and 1 bonding. < ROBERT.?1873. Brown, Nelson 8 acres arable, 48 wood and I building. Carter, Nebnchadnexer 18 acres arable. Ellis, N. W. 140 acres arable and 10 wood. Gaylord, John 2,000 acres wood; by Reuben, Tisozs and Banks, Savannah river. Hodgens, Mary 5 acres arable; 475 wood and 3 buildings; by ; Gillison,. Porcher, McKenrie and Middleton. Johnson, B. F. 1C0 acres wood and 8 building** McKenzie, Cbas. J. 5 acres arable 360 wood and 1 building. Newton, W. H. 5 acres arable, 80 wood and 1 building by Heape and Porcher. i'rimus, Jane 8 acres arable. 192 wood and 8 buildings. X Roberts. L. C. 10 acres arable. Roberts, John 15 acres arable. Roberts, Brister 100 acres arable and wood. Stephenson, Geo. 20 acres arable and 60 Jwood; by Moses Says and Savannah River. Sauls, Elias 9 acres arable and 40 wood. Woods, R. J. 1st. 7 acne arable, 238 wood and f building by Woods, Tison and Humbert. Wright, Thos. Est. 4 acres arable, 38 wood and ? buildings. ? SHELDON.?1872 73. Brown, Tom 19 acres arable and 3 wood; by Mo?Clond, Bowman, and Letrerett, Oakland plantationJones, Rose 18 acres. Maybsnk, Mrs. 1800 acres arable and Wfted; taxes due for 1872 and 1873. ST. HELENA.?1878. Austin, Prince 8 1-4 acires arable. ^ Byas, Lydla-7 acres wood; Fuller*. Bryant, Ham 10 acres wood; lot 61 see. 30 la le. Blake, Totwy est. 1 lot and 1 building; Lands End, Bright, Solomon 1 lot Lands End. Brown, Caesar 15 acres meadow and 25 wood; by Simmons, Burn and Gordon. Barnwell, Grace 10 acres arable and 1 building, | lot 57 sec. 24 Is lw. | Bryan, Jas. P. 10 acres arable and 1 building; let 1? BUC. 4# 1? IV. Brown, Roeina 10 acrss arable, 10 woodaod 1 building; lot 40eec. 22 aleo lot 3ft aee. 21 la. le. Brown, Daphne 10 acre* arable and 1 building; Hazel farm. Brown, Ellen 11 aeroarabk and 1 building. Brown, Blister 10 acres arable and 1 building; lot 13 tec. 22 Is le. Brown, Win. est. 2 acres arable I wood and 1 ball* ding; lot 40 eee 24 In In. > Barns, Lizzie 7 acres arable. Bird, Boston orBoeo i 10 aeres arable. Blue, Cbas. lOacree wood. Beadle, Cbas. H. 4 lots Lands End. Bird, Skiller 10 acre*; arable and 8 wood, Bowen, Jacob 1 lot and 81-2 aszee arable; Laadfc End. Brantly, Dick 10 acres arable. Brooks, Isaac 7 acreo arable and 29 wood. Broughton, Goo. 8 arres arable. Brown Phoebe 4 acroe arable. Bryan, Jas, 2d. 8 1-2 acres arable, Bryan, Adam 15 acres arable and 5 woodBryan, Chloe 10 acres arable. Brown. Adam 12 ac roe .'arable. Brown, Cha*. 10 acres arable. Brown, June 1 lot; Lands End. Black, Paul 8 1-4 acres arable. Ftilvy, Abel 8 acres arable and 4 wood, Brown, Colmnhns 2 lots; Lands End. Brown, PhiUIs, 2 lets; Lands End. Brown, Joseph 19 acres arable. Brown, Linda 10 acres ifood. Chaplin, Doctor or July 10 acres arabla lot 40* sec. lb Is le. Cummincs, Sarah 7 acres wood. Carter. Timothy 10 acres arable 8 wood and 1' building Fripp Point Grove. Chaplin, Joe 3 ara!>!<* by Morton, Black A Young. Capers, Smart est. t acres arable and 2 wood lot 42 sec. 28 Is le. t'hieolm, Wm: 8 l-^arable. '* Chaplin, Shadrack 10 acres arable. Davis. Paul 1 lot Linda End, Peas Sub lot 1 in lot 1 sec. 17 Is Iw Orangevillt. De.Saussure, Peter 10 acres arable. Dagon, July 20 acres arable. Drayton, Rinah 8 acres arable and 2 wood. Peas, Rebecca 10 aeres wood. Edison. Ed 12 acrei arable and 1 building sub lot 4 sec. 23 Is le Cherrr Hill. Kddings, E. Dennl i 10 acres arable. Froder, Anthony 14 acres arable 5 wood and 1 building Coffin Point. Ficklin. Cathrine 9 acre* arable 1 wood end 1 building, lot 40 sec. ? Is le. Fields. Nelson 10 acres arable and 1 building Orange Grove. , Fenwick, Will g acres arable 2 wood, by Hirers, Cblsolm est. Coosaw Island. Fripp Jack Tom est 10 aeres arable and 1 building. Fripp, January 6 vcres arable and 5 wood. Gilbert, Alford 20 iicres arable and 1 building, by Joe Green Nero Aiken and School Farm. Gadson, George 10 acres arable lot 39 sec 10 Is lw. Gibbs, Richard est 10 acres arable and 10 wood lots 19 land 20 sec 21-' In le. Green, Joeseph 10 arable and 8 1-2 wood lets SI *"d 32 sec. 23 Is lw Pope Oaks Green, Sue 5 acres arable, Seotts Place. General. Andrew 8 1-2 acres arable. Glory, Jimmy 10 acres arable adjoining Gabrll Jtid'l etal, Ladles Island. Grayson Raymond 1 lot Lands End. Grayson, Frank Sr. 10 acres aiable. Grant, Will.10 acres arable. Goodwine, Tena 10 acres arabls. Robt Fnllsr place. Green, Jfom 4% seres arable. Green, George 2nd 10 acres arable and 6 wood. Glover, Harry 10 acres arable. Hall, Jacob 1 lot lands End. Harrison, Scipio 11 acres arable, and 1 bnildlng. lot 50sec. 18 Is le. Howard, Hercules 1 lot Lands End. Howard, Frank eit. 10 acres arable and 5 wood Scott Place. Hazel, John 9% acres arable Jane Pritchard plaee Hey ward, Ceasar i]4 acres arable and 1 building8axton Village, . Hey ward, Titus 4 acres arable and 8 wood. Jones, Kit est. 10 acres arable and 1 building Orange Grove. Johnson, Thos est. 10 acres arable and 1 building Johnson, Kit 1 lot Lands Ends. Jenkins Isaac (trustee) 1 lot Land End. Jenkins, Lymus I lot Land End. Jackson, Bickum 10 acres arable. \ Jenkins, Ben 20 acres arable. Jenkins, James 2rd 5 acres arable, and 1 weed. Jenkins, Stephen 8-1-2 acres arable. Jenkins, Moses eat. 1 lot Land bnd. Jenkina, AuthoDj' est 10 acres arable. Joyce, May 8 acres arable. Johnson, Tom 1 lot Lands End. Jenkins. James 8 -d 2 acres arable. Josiafc, John 10 acres arable. Jenkins, Isaac 8r 3rd 10 acres arable. Lewis, Hattie 3% acres arable and 10 wood t sec. 29 Is le also lot 62. Lowndes, HenHr 3 acras arable and 3 wood. Lowndes, Bob 8 ticres arable and 2 wood. Latson, Jacob 7 teres arable and 3 wood. Lyod, Cbas 81-4 acres arable Maxwell, Daniel 10 acras arable and 1 building lot 29 sec. 27 Is le. Maxwell, Peter 10 acres arable and 1 buildiag. l0| 43 sec. 28 Is. le. Maxwell, Albert 10acres arable and 1 building 8cott place. Mack. Carolina 10 acres arable and 1 building Scott place. MeCloud, Jas. 2 lots Lands End. Morris, Major 7 acres arable and 1 wood Coffin Point". Mi^Jdlcton. Richard 10 acres arable Indian Ilill Middlcton, Lym is B. 24 acres arable and 10 woo<J Corner Farm, and Edgar Fripp places. J/Iddleton, July l.t acres arable and 4 wood lot^ .r4) and .77 sec. 19 Is le. Mnncm. Jacob 1 acres arable. Mat'/, AJi'rcd 10 acres arable.