University of South Carolina Libraries
[ V ! 1 L o calTTEM sT ' Beaufort, S. C. November 2, 1876. BE\l FORT COUNTY TICKET. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. I For Senator, I , SAMUEL GREEN. For Representatives. . THOMAS HAMILTON. lUSTLNGS GANTT, I JOSEPH IIOBISSOS, ft GEORGE A. REED, F N. B. MYERS, | T. E. MILLER. For Clerk of Court, S. JONES BAMPFIELD. For Sheriff, I WILLIAM WILSON. For School Commissioner, THOMAS H. WHEELER. For Judge of Probate, A. B. ADDISON. For Coroner, A. W. MUCKENFCSS. For County Commissioners, V. S. SCOTT, R. J. MARTIN, RENTY F. GREAVES. ier A vote for Hampton is a vote in favor of the men who brought ruin and disaster upon the State by secession. Nothing but politics, no business ?ionfV 0j ]ots ol llllJt* UJUUC^, pivuy , excitement. The panacea for all this is the "Jth of November, whin a Republican victory will secure peace and prosperity to the people. 9&F Mr. C. Hey ward, one of the nominees on the democratic ticket for county commissioner, wishes us to state that he is in no way connected with the democratic party, and if elected will not serve. His intention is and always has been | to vote for Gov. Chamberlain and the entire republican ticket. State and National. How is this for high? On the arrival at Green Poud of the pa??enger train on Saturday, some jKirsons wearing red flannel, or the symbol of the democracy boarded the train, and on leaving it conveyed from it a basket containing a few articles belonging to one of the train hands, Mr. Ely Patrick. Oh! democrats don't begin so soon. I6T From the 1st. of September to October 28th., there has been 1,197 deaths from yellow fever in Savannah. 8,'KM) people are absent, and the number of those who have been sick is said to be - * * * 1 * srv 12,000. it is estiniaiea mm ?\^?^ of cotton will be diverted from So voir nah to other points of shipment, and that the loss in business depreciation of property &c., will amount to $1,300,000 tThe yellow fever was reported at Hampton Roads having been carried there by a vessel from Savannah. This is additional testimony iu favor of Port Royal Harbor, showing that this harbor is the safest rendezvous for the U. S. Fleet, there is on ihe entire coast Savannah, Charleston, Brunswick, Wilmington, Hampton Roads all having had some cases of yellow fever. Messrs. Bobbins. Boddington and Company have loading at the Atlantic Saw Mill the bark Derwent built in 1795 in England, she is in excellent trim and presents the appearance of a vessel of recent build. The Jerweut is constructed of the best cnglish oak and is copper 1'as? tened throughout and looks staunch enough to staud the storms until the next centennial. The republicans have made a gain of eleven congressmen so far. That is the way the democratic party is marching on to victory. At Walhalla in Pickens county Pro. fessor R. T. Greener a graduate of Harvard was frequently greeted with epithets like these : 44 Come down, you damn nigger ! " 44 No nigger has any right to speak in this county, " etc., etc., and all this too by the very men who, during the present campaign, have been been trying to persuade colored men to for H.imnron as the best friend of the Degro. Beaufort countv will poll the largest republican vote since 1868 and will give a larger republican majority than ever before. The meetings are larger and more enthusiastic than usual, and some who have never voted will come out and cast their ballots for the republican ticket. On Thursday evening a large re publican meeting was held at Beaufort and stirring addresses were made by Hon, W. J. Whippar. Alfred Williams ani L. S. Langley. On Saturday a monster ma-s meetiug was held on Hilton Head. Th< greatest enthusiasm prevailed. Th< *l>eakers were Messrs. Jos. Robinson, F J). J. Lawrence and Alfred Williams There is not a democratic vote on that is ? ^1*" * *Aof f ill I m. AIIC UlUW ujtuiiiig ai uaiuuvi . Comer on Monday, was composed of fif teen hundred people. The speakers wen Hon. Robt. Small-, S. J. Bampfield T IF, Wheeler and others, the prospect o a democratic vote at this place has beer demolished by this meeting. Tiie Collector of Customs is removing > to I/aw Building were he has takei rovius. . . _ . _. Mr. Gage's lease having expired it can- j not be renewed for the reason that the law forbids under penalty of fine and imprisonment a Member of Congicss rent- f ing any building for government par- i J poses. I ti&T The banners of the colored demo-j cratic clubs archil trailing iu the dust. | The grand colored democratic club at Gardner's Corner has fizzled. On Mon- i day at the great republican mass meet- ) ing held at that place. Adam Parker, < ! London Hey wood, Saucho Jenkins, Capt. ! j Green and a dozen others came upon the ! speaker's stand and announced to the fifteen hundred people who were present, ' that they were not demoerats. that they itad heard ?en. Ilampton and other, speakers at Early Hraueh and that they would vote for Hayes and Wheeler, Gov. J Chamberlain and the straight republican j ticket. It looks now as though poor Abram Jcnkius would come over, he is about the only colored man the democrats have to count on, but it is rather lonely I for Abram. . i ffcg" H. G. Judd, for the sake of office !1 has gone over to the democrats. He always claimed to be a republican until defeated for office. It is a matter of ' office?not principle with Mr. Judd. Which is most to be admired and j' trusted, the man who it a straight out i or the one who is half* and half as a matter of policy ? ?hmff$ Sales. SIIKli IFF SUA L K. " " ~ ! ] Grace Myers, vs. Seaborn Drayton. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias to me directed and lodged iu my office I will sell at public outcry in front of my office in the Town of Beaufort on the first Tuesday iu November next 1S7G, being the i 7th div of said month during the legal hours of , sale the following property to wit : All the right title and interest of Seaborn Dray- I tou in and to all that plantation or tract of land j situate lying and being iti Lawtou Township Coun- ' ty ol' Beaufort and State of South Carolina formerly j a part of the J. D. Johnson tract containing 102 j acres more or less. Terms cash. Purchasers to pay for papers. WM. WILSON S. B. C. Oct. 17th 1876. SHERIFF'S SALK > In the Probate Court. Rol*crt Thomson, administrator of C. M. Thorn son dee-eased, vs. C. S. Garrett. A. M. Purse, J- 5 Thomson, B. 91. Thomson, J. II. Thomsou Win. Thomsou. By virtue of an order of sale made in the above entitled action by H. K. Carleton Esquire, Judge of 1 Probate court of Beaufort Couutv, I wil sell at pub lie outcry tu frout of my office iu the Towu of Beaufort on the first Tuesday iu November next 1876 being the 7th day of said flouth during tb.* iegal hours of sale the following property to wit: | All those three lots of land situate lying and bej iug in the Town of Beaufort, County of Beaufort ! and State of South Carolina, as know and designation upon the Plat of said Town as lots number 1&:> . 134; and 136 and upon the said Towu as lot B. in ' Bloek 47. Terms cash Purchasers to pay for papers. WM. WILSON, | S. B. *?. Oct. 17th 1876. SHERIFF'S SALE. , Probate Court.?Petition for Partition. Amelia S. Williams, llonry K. William*. vs. W. C. Richards, T. Addison Richards, J. J. Richard S. P. Richards, Catharine DuBose, C. W. l>uBosc Florence Whitehead, O, Whitehead, S. P. Wliitr*? head, Jr., Nellie Whitehead, Nellie Richards, B j Richards, Ell. u Richards. By virtue of an order of Jl. K. Carleton, Probate Judge in the above cutitlcd action, to me directed, I will sell at public outcry iu front of my office, in the town of Beaufort, on the first Tuesday iu No vein bor next, 1876, being the 7th day of said month 1 during the legal hours ef sale the following proper- j ty to wit: A11 that house and lot situate lying and Wing in 1 Hardeeville, in the eouuty of Beaufort and State j of South Carolina, lMmnded north by public road j from Purvsburg to New ltiver Bridge, aud lands of S. P. Whitehead, east by lands of S. P. Whitehead, j Z. Richardson and C. A. Williams, south by lands ) of C. A. Williams, aud west by the Melodist Parsoiij age, containing ten acres more or less. Also All that tract of land situate lying and being in I the County and State aforesaid, bounded north by i lauds of estate of R. W. Pelot, east by lands of A. A. south bv lands formerly owned by estate of It. W Pelot, wesi by lands of estate of R. W. Pelot, containing two huudred and twenty-six acres more or less. Terms cash, purchasers to pay for papers. W.M. WILSON, js B. C. Auction Sale. i CONDEMNED NAVY OE S, By J. M. Crofut, Auctioneer, At his Store on Bav Street, Conituencintf on SAT- I URDAY. OCTOBER nth, 1876. at 2 O'clock. p.m., ami continuing until the same is disposed of. 140 LBS. FLOUR. 18 BOXES NAVY BR K The above will be sold in small lots to suit purchasers oct-14, XOTIOB. All persons are hereby cautioned against crediting any ol the crew of the Sclir. Charles Harvey, as the owner will not be responsible. J. II. TON KING, Oct. 12-lm. Master. PORT ROVAL RA1LR0AD7 i " ^ I ; Magnolia Passenger Route, CHAJXHiE OF StHEltlLE. ' i SUPERIN'TS OFFICE PORT ROYAL RAILR'D) Al'gfsta, Ga., Oct.7, 1876. J fru- stchfrinlp will he oners * lie ivuuniu^ i a.x?viigvi -J . ted on and atter Oct. 8, 1876. GOIN G SOUTH. Train No. 1. Daily. ; Leave Augusta 9 30 a in Arrive at Beaufort 3 13 p ni Arrive Port Royal 3 35 p in Arrive at Savannah .. 4 30 p in i j Arrive atCharleston 5 20 pin x i GOING NORTH. Train No. 4. Daily. 1 i ij *ve ^>yrt '>' 1? 50 a in Lea re Beaufort 11 10 p in Leave Savannah...., 10 00 a m , L'av Charleston 9 30 a in Arrive at Augusta. 5 10 p in Dinner. * The only line making close connection with '. the Atlantic aiid Gulf Railroad at Savannah, and from and to Jacksonville and all ]?oints in Florida. 2 | avoiding the long, tedious and well-known Omnibus transferer through that city The only line running Through Day Coaches withi [ out change between Augusta and Savannah. i Connections made at Augusta w\th the Svuth I ! Carolina Railroad for Aiken, S. C., Charlotte" Columbia and Augusta Railroad for all points North 1 aud Southwest, West and Northwest. Sleeping Car Berths engaged at Augussa by applying to agents at Beaufort or Port Royal. I Baggage Cheeked Through. ? R. G. FLEMING, 1 . Superiuteiidcut. T. S. PAVANT, 'ivuT. 1*355. A \% jas. e. McGregor, j ,j i w r. CARRIAGE MAKER, H(>L*SE,SK;X, U> , and CAKIilACE 1'AINTKi:. ! v Opp. Express Oilier, Beaufort, S. All kinds of .Scroll and fancy si win;;. " - i.i. int.iiv :iftiMnlcsl to. on I w e- ? fl iv cU w v 4 ? v i / i * To the Working Clans.?We are now pr pared to furnish all classes* with constant emplo; incnt at home, the whole of the tim or for their spare moments. Business new, ligl and profitable. Persons of either sex easily ca from 50 cents to $5 per evening, and a proportion sum by devoting tlieir whole time to the busines Boys aud girls earn nearly as much as men. Tin all who see this notice may n nd their address, an test the business we make this unparalleled oll'c To such its are not well satisfied we will send oi dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. For pai tieulars, samples worth several dollars to con meuce work on, and a copy of Home and Fircsk one of the largest and best Illustrated Publiratioi all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want pormai ent, profitable work, address. Gkokue Stinson Co., Portland, Maine. Sept. 1 Sth Spanish Bk Desengano, Telleria, ins (or ftir l.ondoii. w ith lit! toil* of phosphate rot Iroin I'.i. iii. >lliif?. NOTICE TO HOLDERS of (LUNS asains Beaufort County, for I Sic lear 1873-4, and 1874-5. Office of the County Commissioners, Beaufort.S. C., Aug 11th, 1.*7f>. In accordance with the provisions of a t of tit Re olut ion of the General Assembly, approved Marc 24th, 1876, entitled "a Joint Resolution autliori; ing the County. Commissioners of B'aufort Count to levy a special tax." Notice is hereby given that all jtersons holdin claims against Beaufort County, for the fiscal ycai IS7J-4 and 1S74-5, are required by said Joint Re* lution to register their claims with the Count Treasurer within ninety days from and after tl first day of Septcml>er next. Claims not so rogiste ?d in the time required, will not Ik- entitled to tli proceeds of the tax levied under said Joint ltcsoli tion. THOS. II. WHEELER. aug.l7-tf. Clerk of Board. $*1.00.00 Howard. A REWARD OK ONIv HUNDRED DOLLAR will he paid hy the Town of Beaufort for th irrest and conviction of the person or persot ?ho committed the robbery at the store of W. ( Bellows on the morning of the 24tli inst. ALFRED WILLIAMS, a Intendant Sept. 28th-lmo. rHEtLThSX! I^theTircullCour Ludwig Marx et. al., vs. The Port Royal R. It. Co, rhe Union Trust Co., vs. The Port Royal R. R. C< Having been directed by an order of Judge Brya L". S. Judge, for the District 01 sown varomm, i Advertise for and call in all claims against the Pc Royal P?. R. Co., having a lien prior to the niori jage on the property to he sold in this case includ ng Receiver's certificates, amounts due to officei md employees fees of attorneys, and any amoun iue for materials or repairs of the road under an irders of this court made in this case, aud to repo he same to the'said court. All persons boldin laims as above mentioned are herewith notified t iresent the same to me on or l?elore the first day c November next, 1876. J AS. SIMONS, Jr., ?pt.7-6t. Referee. BANKING HOUSE, H ih. H. Lock wood BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE New, York Charleston & Sav annah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any point in th Tnited States. Accounts received subjee to check at sight. ftp.27;C>in. P. M. WHITMAN, WATCHMAKER AM) JEWELLER Hay Street, Ueaufort, S. C.? Has just rctruned erom the sort with a fine assortment of goods at ]Mortliorn Prices. WEDDING RINGS, $.1.00 to $12.00, SILVER RINGS, 30c, to $1.50. SILVER NAPKIN RINGS, $2 00 to $4.00. LAD I IiS GOLD WATCHES, $3G to $oO. 0 SDayilDsy Strikiag Clocks, S3,3D to SI o GENTS' GOLD CHIANS, PINS, RINGS, SLEEV BUTTONS. STUDS. WATCH CHAINS, LADIE8 GOLD and PLATED J EWELKY, GOLD PENS, AC., AC. GENTS' GOLD Si SILVER WATCH El Call and examine before purchasing, and satis yourself you can save ten to^twenty-five per ee: from Charleston or Savannah prices. deeply W. H. CALVERT PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Workt DEALER IN Japanned and Stamped Tin Wares. Ccmstahily J hand, Cooking Parlor and Box Stotea. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cocking Stoves< W. H. CALVERT, Bay St. between 8th A 9th sts. Beaufort. S H. M. STUART, M. D Cor. Bay & Eighth Streets, Beaufort, 3 . C . DEALER IN DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY, PURFUMEKY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with many other articles too nuinei o mention. All of which will he sold at the lot {trice for cash. Physiciaus prescriptions carcfi compounded. feb.1 Barber. RUTLKDGE, K. M.?BarWr, shaving hair ting, shampooing ami dyeing done in (lie n est manner. Bay St. C100PER JOHN?Dry Goods Clothing, Mill / ry. French and Domestic Flowers, Fa Goods, notions, Ac. Bay bt. fee adrertitemtnt. I j -\ II K1 llll? "I I v|..m ? t \ _. 111 I. ? I'.inio' |mI< til I - .>i |...w . s. I.-II SUM . ? llii ll . ;i |{ I.. III l,l||"|l ,|l III! ?! ! .! r. \|. . i:t? j nit J -1 *. s iimEli, AT Tin: STOItE OF 5 E. A. Schcper, Tlin I norlap in I C\\AT PpiPftS 1 IIC/ 1-CClUOi III ww m ? >vww | ig :o: rs Having just arrived from NEW YORK, where I ( have purchased one of the largest and most complete stock of " Fall kYiinter Goods ie 1 Ever l>efore ottered to the Iteanfort public. Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, I . HATS, AND CAPS, p ROOTS AND SHOES, is CARPETS Ac - 0 I offer an entirely fresh stock of first-class PRITS, so tin celebrated . ORIENTAL 7-8 CAMBRICS AT 10c. ' Selected in New York with special view to their adaptability to present season, Ac. ' EXTRA IXD UCEMENTS n will be offered in all departments, as I am deter? mined to make this one of the most attractive estah,r lishmcnts in town. Call before purchasing elsewhere ( and examine the stock of goods at , f E. A. S CHE PER. 1 SAFETY AND BRILLIANCYr r * VESTAL OIL, ?f ' i (Jives a better light than any other oil, and will no explode. For sale by M. KRESSEL, ap.13. Ray St., eaufort. " take drTdennis'System Re n o v a t o r a n c! Blood J PURIFYING SYRUP. For Dyspepsia, Piles, Heartburn, Sick Headache Fevers, Sores, Ac. M.J.GRAHAM, Agt., mar..T0-dni. Beaufort, j Proclamation. K J OFFICE INTKNDANT TOWN BEAUFORT. BkaI'KORT, S. C. Aug..list li*76. VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO SHIP i.i owners masters and others, that vessels and Iwats of all descriptions bound to this place from ? I Savannah or other infected ports will l?e snlyVct t tin- Quarantine laws of the Town and State. All person*' are strictly prohibited from landing gouda ot passengers from* Savannah, or other iufceted ports unless special permission is fir -t obtained of the Intemlaiit, Towu Council or*"Board} of Healtft. All violations of the Quarantine la a will be rig- j i idly pfo$s-cuted. . . Alfred Williams. Inicndant Town of Beaufort. { W. H.DEVLIN, j Carpenter*Builder ?0? | All kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING, j o OFFICE AND SHOP 3- COR. BAY and CHARLES STREET,: BEAUFORT, S. C. -j.- PORT HOYAIj ? Saw A Planing Bill fy BEAUFORT, S C. j tit D. C. WILSON & CO., ! I ?AX('K.\CtURKR3 OK AND DEALERS IN ' | YELLOW PISE TIMBER ASS LOSSES AND Cypress Sb.lngloeif ALSO Builders & Contractors' PLASTER, LATIIES, All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. ?r Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on hand Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo ; proinprlvfilled. TerinsCash. <, , nov.28-ly. D. ('. WILSON, A COM. POLLITZER, j COTTOX FACTOR AND * i c Commission Merchant _ B K A I'FOH T S . C ~T. C. RICHMOND- ~ Trial Justice. All business intrusted to him will receive care ftil and prompt attention. Office Cusioni House I Building. Beaufort S. C. april 27-t JHLPARKERCIW. - j f; PARKER BRO'S ; '?-! WEST MERIDEN.CT. ncv I .... i . .... tflmlcston ^drrrtisrmrntS; 1). O'NEIIiL & SONSj WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES, No, 33 IItvyno Street Cliarlciston S. Ci aj?rI.S-Iyr. O'/ls Am: jm nj jn.) sstnf) pin: sjumlgiuxnui?j u.oaio 1101)1104)1: 'HmKH.llI.UUXV (IVH't rAXU\\\ >SI!() I?* 1?- *?Ttt?\L ;i:?n(iw s;i\n iisi.i >\:i\ v .1.1 \ V rv?\ i.w 1 T?f"i O rS ').ioint?ofT -)s ^wrr 'oavui "s SILVER PLATED WARE. Electro-Plated Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work, IN C.nCAT VARIETY, MANUFACTURED liY THE MERIDIAN BRITANNIA COMPANY, 550 BROADWW Y NEW YORK. The best SPOONS and FORKS are those Silver Plated heaviest on the parts where necessarily the must wear comes, and tearing the Trade Mark. IS7-I?ROGERS BROTHERS?XII. N. B.?This great improvement in Silver-Plated Spoons and Forks is applied alike to each grade of Plate, A 1,8 and 12 oz. as ordered. The Process and Machinery for manufacturing these goods are Patented. The Kxtra or "Standard I'iate" maue ny this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 per cent, heavier than the ordiauary market standard. Kir First Premeums awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, from World,s Fair of 1852 to American Institute Fair, 1674. inclusive, mar 0-6 m. djf |a tfjnn per day at home. Samples worth Si tj)3 III u)ZU free. Stjxson A Co., Portland' Maine SKXD 2.V. to (1. P. KOWKLL A CO., New Yorkfor Pamphlet o'f 100 pages, containing list of 3000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of ad vert i>in8 ^ (?10 a day at homo. Agents wanted. Outfit and <J)IZ term's free TRUE it CO., Augusta, Maine. marfMy. JOHN FRANZ, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, SHIP CHANDLER Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. ?o? Constantly receiving from St. Louis, the best FAMILY FLOUR, WHOLESAI.i: CROOK RTFS, LIQUORS PLANTATION SUPPLIES. at the princple Store, formerly occupied by J. Fyle'r, Currier Bay and West Street BAKERY. Having just completed the erection of a bakery at my premises, at the corner Bay and Scott Sts., I shall keep a constant - . r\ r t 1 supply of froh IHU'jAV &c. i nave secured the services of au experienced baker. and by using the finest grades of Hour, shall endeavor to secure a share of public patronage. Call aud inspect samples. GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner of Bay aud Scott Street. JUST RECEIVED, at the STUDUDftCMHIOU JOB PRINTING OFFICE, A full line of superior paper. envelopes, RILL HEADS, letter heads, note heads, CARDS, ETC. Jol> printing done neatly aud cheaply. All orders promptly attended to. ?rist and W. 8. ELLIOTT, Beaufort S. C. I VBJVBLf X CO., Chartton S. C THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILL COMPANY Having put up a grist mill at theii old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed and Meal, any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M; S. ELLIOTT, A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Ji>.ti J'ublUhfl, in d Scaled iZurtloj# .Price six rru/i A Lcctnreon the \nturc, Trentim nf, A ltndic-il cure ofSeiuinai Weakness, or Speri ate I rhoea induced by Self-Abuse Involuntary Emission | Iiuportency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments t j Marriage generally; Consumption, Epilepsy, an j Kits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac.?B j ItOBEItT J. (TLVEKWELL, M. D., author of th I "(irccn Hook, " Ac. The world-renowned author, in this adtnirahl j Lecture, clearly proves froiu his own experietn j that the awful consequences oWiolf-Abuse may 1 I effectually removed without picdiciue, and wit j out dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instri i mcnts, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode i | cure at once certain and effect tgti, by whieli ? vet ! sulfercr, no matter what his eondition may lie, in; j cur.-himself cheaply, piivatvly ami radically. , ti,, Thix lscl'ir* will jtrvrc ? bo?n t<> a, . ihouMiitils. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any; I dress, on reeeipi of six cents, or two postage stain Address the Publishers. F, BlilOIAN & SOX, u St., Xeiv York Post Office Box 4'? v y. X . w. s c In hbj^i | FINE GROCERIES Rnllor &4l ?H..'V'4 " T" \"' * ' KruiiT I lie l.fNj pain. -. CANNED FRUITS, VEGE An#! a Full Variety ol' other liiin^s i Goods Promptly Deliv AwY??u (*oi 1!!' N I: !. M| C H Er M I O.A Beady for use in WHITE, find over prime W hite Lead, Zinc find Linseed Oil Ihnn1.<omer and Ciimpn ,, and to last TW j has'taken the FIHST 1*11 EM II MS at tv a tul'is on MAN V TIIOI SAND of the In Address: July 27.Iv. AT TTFK OLD I ... Jacob J OREOARDLFSS OF COST of our entire : FANCY HOODS DOMESTICS kc., urea Best Quality Prints 7 and 8c: Best 4-4 Bleach, artd !0c. Best 4-4 Blench, II and I2c: Be*f 7-S Bleach. t> and 7e Best 4-4 Brown, 8 am (100(1 Al| >acas, 1! Best Alpaca Linens, Muslins, Lawns? ^ i at an actual sacrifice. Give us a call. Tlia Bay Street. JACOB At Are You Goi THEN USE NEW YORK CHE1ICA Read y for Use in WiiiTE, and over One I strictly prime White Lead, Rinc, and Linse much Handsomer and Cheaper, and to last It has taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at ti and is on r,mny thousands of the finest hous | Address: N. Y. EI PR IF. RED I'ED SAMPLF.ARD SENT FREE. TWO IMPORTANT INVI OF XNTOUB8T TO S7IBI tsu A PIANO OR PARLOR ORG with an adjustable back,?made to support the b while leaning forward in tho ordinary position foi a simplo arrangement, which gives it a backward time a downward movement, follows his motions >_ nn.ttfnn witKnnt interfering in the least i I1U a 11 j pwoibtvu n IVMVW* ...? 0 of hla movemeuta. i ' COUNTER,PLATFORM WAGON&TRACK d/G"AGENTS WANTEDS | ^END F0f\ PF\1CE LIST MARVIN SAFE 85SCALE CO. '! 11,2.65 BROADWAY N. Y. | 72/ CHESTNUT ST. PH/LA.PA. \m SENECA ST. CLEVE. 0., fcgi in r. | - Uraufort i'HSiafSS jJiwrtoru. s j ?! \ [ITCIIKI.. \V.?IHackstnith. h<.r<e?lKMdlig, am' (I | VX gent-rat Miiiili work. Magnolia St. v J Wheelright i wlAVAt;i:,.W:i;UV -U'li -Iri-lii. !:?>|iuir.- \ w O lv executed. Magnolia^. I) | \KVL1X, IV. H.?lSuilder ami, Pa; J J atnl Cliarl-s Sis See salvctilHeuienf. u 9. Painter and Glazier. l-v Ol'ilZ, I'lrWAilD.- !"?inl>Tintl( ! -i-r. Hoe? Siatiaud sinaia ;>; I i>afnting ilntir at iliic rati- ami wish pro,apt.i> --ami !:>--atili. BOYt'K.JAS K. -Wl.olestlc at.I retail d.nlcr ii ur-K-vrii's. Liijiiois, St<, Dry- (iowN stud p general im-rclutuilim*. l>ay St. Groceries. - ' - ' * I) yci: J. I'?! ?i|Uot.-> endS1) b'-t. , S . .'!i : i! I'. y St., ft tiifoi*. H if k i' k k, ^ rat, coffees, , ,pa% A srttlAl.IV: fef Wfr Fcreljh. Ectr'estid ^ I * I ? t * I 'tt*. TABLES, MEATS &c. I'suaH) Kept in a firsi-rlass Store. erod free ofci argc. nig* (o Paint ? LI.LIi I>!, 1m P ill NT Our lliouhrd different colors inade of . Chemically combine:!, warranted Much ll'K 8 LONG as tiny other Paidt. It reiity of the State Fairs of the Unidtij \st houses ill the country. MILLER BROTHERS, it)0 Water Street, Cleveland, oTid. 00!SALF STAND OF Lp pie's. slock of 1 >ItV GOODS, CLOTHING re selling 1 Oc. . % S and 20c; s, 40 to 00c. foncrvnL-c fomhrlnC A/* ICVIUVVUJj WUI11UI IVklj WV.J rikful for past favors.?I am Resp'fy, , JPLE, Beaufort, S. C> ng to Paint? enamel paixt co.'s . I* P A I it T Iundred PfF.n-uent.Colors made of icd Oil, Chcmicall); combined, warranted TWICE AS LONG as any otter Paint: renty of the State Faits of the the Unfed es'iri the country AMEL PAINT CO. 103 (Umbers Street, New M ONZL wBV AN CHAIR, M 1 ack of fitter r playing, and bJ and at the same and eupporta him with the freedom w A PLATFORM ROCKKR OR ASTORS, with the long easy movement tlie oldaOle, without the projecting rockert mar other furniture and the bares of rooms;, Ing, in fact, the only Platform Rocker made at hae a perfectly satisfactory movement. Manufactured for the trade by tLBERTBESmo., BUFFALO, N. Y., d for sale by the principal dealers throughout, e United States. ?&~lf not kept by any dealer in your town; ad to us for Price List and Catalogue. MRS. E. HOLZACH. DREAD, f AEETriCT JjAEERY, ? ALL V KIN'lxj I OF II FRHSH (jOX FEUTK )N AR Y on hand anil sold at the lowest prices for cash. (> * For the con veil i .-nee oi my up town customers and the public generally, I have fitted up a n rat and coniui *ltous STORE at the N". E. 1'it'n?'r of WEST & rilAVKN *STS.i Where I will lie happy to receive orders, and furl n'sh at short notice, all articles in tny line at pries unsurpassed it) town. augS. I O'T amhj<v) $ q 80[?fy -anq I S N?'l*3 uooeixj inofthundMoitx I i*vnmiavuHjajmcicoo orw V'U?N 'A31H01Via '9 '0 mam| ptr? sto'J'I qir.w 'onSoj^w joj poos io su oot pus nso'uojipipfx^ 3i.|oifj oj uao) uj uoq vv "TIVKS 'HDHVl ?u??njjo?e pu? ^"'}s ipose*n>nj .fijv.ui s.ipi{t3?j Suu.rpwj -nuujtf >'juom.?AO.!.lint i['mn(vv j|r [>uv'?>(.(}* *oi| ptnr pjocJiifiiji j.x!<t>j tp| m vlinn^ 11, 03 no^my put Jo<yunon3 paspuwig @m(S% 1 000? \.%jy vj Bn~ * h Best in the World. 3 BLATCHLEY>8 3 Horizontal Ice-Cream Freezer. (TTXQ LAY'S PiTOT.) I unequalled. T3? closed bead will save ice enoorh in one mm? son to pay for the machine. Thetubreqnlros bnt one filling to freer?. Siies, 3 to 4( quarto. When in town to the Big Exhibition, canto and see us, or send for descriptive circular and price-list. Very liberal arrangement made with the trade. The machinea con ako l>e seen at the Centennial Exliik, Agi*? cult'l Hall, Cor. Aisles 9 A N, Column Letter 0, No. 10. C. 6. BLATOHLEY, 8lWr, 506 Commmce STarcT, PHJtaDftnaa. ^ "