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THE PORT ROYAL. STANDARD and COMMERCIAL .V. (r. THOMAS Kilitor, Beaufort S. C., Nov.? 2 1876. ^ ^ _ . w . .y~. SV BSCIt IPTIO XS. One Year, 00 Six Month., 1 00 | REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS | ^ FOE PRESIDENT RUTHERFORD B. HAYES of oiiio. FOB VICE PRESIDENT, WILLIAM A, WHEELER OF NEW YORK. FOR GOVERNOR, D. H. CHAMBERLAIN FOR LT.-GOVERNOR. RICH'D. H. GLEAVES. FOR CONGRESS-5th. DISTRICT ROBERT SMALLS, OF BEAUFORT. For Presidential Electors. At Large.?C. C. BO WEN. JOHN WINSMITH. First District.?T. B. JOHNSTON. Second District.?T. HURLEY. Third District.?W. B. NASH. Fourth District.?WILSON COOK. Fifth District.?W. F. MYERS. For Sect'y of State, H. E. HAYNE. For Comp.-General, T. C. DUNN. For State Treasurer, F. L. CARDOZO. For Att'y--General, R. B. ELLIOTT. For State Sup't of Education, J. R. TOLBERT. For Adj't Inspector-General, J. D. KENNEDY. For Solicitor Second Circuit, S. J. LEE. There were quite a number of ladies present to hear Gen. Hampton on Thursday, who must have been shocked with the vulgar stories aud profaue language of the speakers. We have never atteuded ? a meeting where so much Jprofane language was used by speakers. It told bad for the morals of the party, and as the meeting was opened with prayer, and " - 1 happened on the democratic last ana prayer day it was all the more aggravating. We know some well disposed Hampton men"who after leaving the meeting made up their minds to vote for Chamberlain. Gov. Chamberlain has given the people good government?a fact acknowledg- , ed by the democracy. Geu. Hampton -only gives you promises' As an honest citizen and a reasonable man. should you , not prefer Gov. Chamberlaiu with a con- ^ tinuatiou of good government to Hampton and promises thai he will never ful-1 fill. ] Gen. Wadu Hampton had a splendid ' opportunity in Beaufort on Thursday to deny the charges made by Mr. Maekey against him, He did however deny that j he was not a citizen or a carpet bagger, 1 but we suppose he was too "high toucd" i to notice the fact that he was not a tax- ] payer or property holder, or that he had t $12,000 of State funds, the sum was too J * - ?4 ! i IllSlglllUUUIJU | . The objections that have so often been ^ made by the southern democrats to "nig- j ' gers" and republicans who were willing : " to extend all the rights their manhood j { entitled them to, seems to have entirely I r disappeared. The meeting at Beaufort I was a labored attempt to capture the ne j gro vote, and as to the meeting at Early ' 1 Branch they actually discriminated j against the whites in favor of the colored j * people. This campaign has proved one j ( thing, that democrats will go as far as ; ( republicans in concession to the negroes j I when they have "an axe to grind." j t The people should bear in mind that * (jcii. Wade Hampton makes no charges i of corruption against the administration , 6 of Gov. Chamberlain, neither does he de-; e jjy the charges that Mr. Mackey made Against him. Therefore when Hampton ' speaks of reform. it has ?>ersonal refer- j a to ai 1 not :\u present *d t iu uisiration. c Gen. Wade Hampton said at the meeting at Deaufort that he had no interest in any other State but South Carolina. The tax books show that he has no interest at all in this State, and that ho dot s not have interest enough in the government to pay even a poll tax. JrmiE Cooke and his party walked out to the depot rather than ride in the carriages owned , as they said, * 'by damned radical nggers. rerhaps the .Judge had lost hi.4 iinmov at poker, and thought a a ( ! ii I .! iti.ii. i.. ? <.? 'i ilie pr I- j. .t.? j.wli, . * ^ V\ iiikk Gen. Hampton and his followers are crying reform, they do not point out a single evil in Gov. Chamberlain's administration to reform. They admit they have had good government for two years; but that proclamation and troops seems to worry them. The worst worrying will be over Chamberlain's majority. Bitlkk and Gary made an agreement to call a taxpayers conventio 1 to bull the bouds of this State, and were to receive teu per cent, of the profits, the people fell into line, went to the convention and were sold. Butler and Gaiy were also in the convention that nominated Hampton, aud it is r asonable to suppose that the secret session was had for the purpose of fixing up a plan to pay the conversion bonds and Blue Bidge Scrip. Whatever interruption was made at the Hampton meeting so far as it relates to Judge Cooke was caused by the profane abuse of the police by Cooke and au overdose of whiskey that effected the Judge's noddle. The citizens of Beaufort some time ago welcomed Gov. Chamberlain in the following language : "You are the first Governor since reconstruction that has kept faith with the people by keeping the pledges and promises upon cutering the responsible office you hold. "You have cut the gordian knot and it is our sincere wish that you may have the opportunity of another term of office.'' Gen. Hampton and all the democratic speakers except Judge Cooke were entertained at private residences in town. Judge Cooke and the band were quartered at the hotel. The A ncs and Courier says " it is a sacrifice for such men as Hampton, Simpson and Connor to accept office in South Carolina. Well the people are too kind hearted to accept the services of such valuable gentlemen at the very low salaries now prevailing. They will leave them for two years longer, at least, to attend to their private affairs. Don't worry, gentlemen. S. D. Gilbert, School Commissioner, has been absent for more than three .1. . 3 fi:. -t luuiiuis aim in v-uuftcqueuvHJ Ol ills aoseuce the schools have Dot been opened. Mr. Gilbert is at present writing democratic letters foi the Boston papers, instead of performing his duty as School Commissioner. No time during the canvass have the prospects of the republican party been so bright, and they are growing brighter every day. The national canvass has been pushed with vigor, and it is more than certain that Hayes and Wheeler will receive 243 of the electoral vote. The "solid South" is broken and South Carolina, North Carolina, Mississippi and Louisi ana are sure tor Hayes and Wheeler, and giving New York aud Indiana to Tilden Hayes is sure to be the next President. The people of this country are not willing to ;rust the government to the hands of the party that sought to destroy it a few years ago. If Gen. Hampton was the "high-toned rentlemau" as he would have the world oclieve; he would not coutinue the down ight lying in regard to what Hon. R. B. HHliott said iu the convention in reference o Mr. Chamberlain. He knows that Mr. Elliott never made any such assertions as te charges, and lie must know that (Jen. Sliioit has denied on the stump and in rnblic prints that he ever made use of uch language. A candidate for the high office of Gov;rnor who will continue in wilfull misrepesentation, when he knows the contrary, ught not to receive the votes of honest uon. i ^ > Wk understand that Kansorn Ward has j rithdrawn as a candidate for Clerk of ?ourt on the democratic ticket, and H. J. Judd, the defea cd candidate for th: t osition in the republican convention, is o be placed on the democratic ticket in dace of Mr. Ward. All republicans hould be wide awake for these tickets on ' lection day. All tickets with Judd'si lame upon them are put out iu the inter-1 st of the democratic party. Some of our citizens who a few weeks j go said there was no need of troops in , !.e Sr iit\ waa: to have a company lo-1 ated iu Beaufort. Gov. Chamberlain tele era plied to the X. Y. Tribune a letter three columns and ' ; a half long describing soiuc of the murderous work of the rifle clubs in South Carolina, and justifying his applicaton for j , United States troops to assi-t the power-' ; less civil authorities in preserving the I peace. It is an exceedingly graphic and i | forcible statement of the condition of affairs in this State, and we would gladly j publish it entire if our space permitted, j In this letter the Governor narrates the' -?n?l pr???!iess of the Kllenfon riots I ' < u Iiiii* \? 11 -1* :i I'im nt i lit hull divd-ti .ipliu<'-U ail-! 11 vtii'Lui'I npp'iiij ers o?r Keformcr Tilden had surrounded ; eight v or ninety frightened negroes in a I swamp, and were about to fulfill their threat to kill every one of them, when j Capt. Lloyd of the J 8th United States In! fantry, arrived upon the scene with a company of soldiers and prevented a mascre which must have far surpassed in csJ tent the Hamburg butchery, and perhaps j rivalled that of Fort Pillow. Before this merciful intervention the rifle clubs had killed and wounded many negroes in the vicinity, shooting them down wherever found; and even afterwards, when pretending to disband and return home, they ' shot several whom they chanced to meet |by the way. Gen. Wade Hampton is a bankrupt, and does not pay a dollar of tax to the State, he does not own a foot of land in South Carolina. He abandoned the State in 18G5, and now after eleven years ab sence, comes back to South Caro.ina and asks the people to elect him Governor. This is what may be termed cheek. Proof by the reports and records were produced in support of ail that has been said against Wade Hampton and his ticket, which up to date has received no denial by the democrats. We would suggest that the democrats produce some little proof in support of what they say against republicans. The people are getting tired of assertions, and naturally enough would like to see some of the assertions proven. + It is surprising how they torture the truth in the reports of democratic meeting. The report of the meeting at Beaufort has disgusted many honest democrats who have come to the conclusion that the best thiugs they can do for the State is to vote for Governor Chamberlain. Biuck Pomeroy says that lilden inot honest enough for hini to support. As the Jubilee riigeis have it, uNow> isn't that hard?" On the 7th of November every voter should use his influence in preserving the peace, and in securing a quiet orderly election. Avoid all kind of disturbance on that da}*. Mr. Tilliman, candidate for Congress did not speak at the democratic meeting on Thursday in Beaufort, he seems to have uphill work. Ilis appearance is enough to beat him for Congress even k with his own party. . As a rule the republicans who are supporting Hampton were either bad republican, or chronic" office seekers who have been disappointed. Beware of split tickets on election day? sec that you vote the straight republican ticket, and see that your friends are no: deceived by counterfeit republican tickets. There will be all sorts of dodges resorted to at the election. A Well-known wall street financier, stated in private conversation that he had feared, in the event of the election of Mr T.'lJrtw pawiauo finonnlol fi?Anklo \ xr tkn j JLIIUCU, Dtlivuo uuauviui uvuwiv i; tuv depreciation of the Government and oth- 1 er securities. < ? i In a recent speech Wade Hampton said | that "the whole United States am y, if { thrust upon us, would not change the < vote of one democrat in South Carolina." ( They would not want to change it; they ( are as strong for home rule and good j goverumeut as we are." He would be glad, he said, to see troops there, wi.shed ^ there was a "company at every voting , place in South Carolina on election day," and knew they could not,"le made the j tools of Gov. Chamberlain." , This being the case the fuss that is be- j ing made about the President's proclamation is unnecessary. ' ( The Democrats are particularly unfor- * tunate in the case of Governor Chamber- ^ lain, of South Carolina. A few months ago Democrats showered praises upon j him, and leading Democratic journals declared that the honest men of the State should sec that no other candidate was nominated against him. Democratic ^ speakers and Democratic papers nrgucd that the way to peace in South Carolina and the way to refonn was in the re-electiou of Governor Chamberlain. After saving thus they chose another course, and now abuse the man they praised. i It is now only a question of majority j J whether the republican ticket will be ! t elected bv 10,000, 15,000 or 20,000. liepublicans contend for the latter figures. Nervous democrats are down to 5,000. i m a " Accept the fifteenth amendment, i but prevent its enforcement*' the (chief j ( plank in the platform of the Hampton democracy. ? i ^ i The South Carolina correspondent of the New York Herald says it is fully coneeded that there is 24,000 republican majority in this state and yet the democrats expect to overcome it. _ It is amusing to hear men who came to South Carolina with their elbows through their sleeves, to enlighten the poor negroes and till their pockets, talk about carpet-baggers, and Hampton and I'care. A-5 a rule it is jn<t this class of n ?i* -11 .viei p?v:t<-h Ilaliipton. lie n11*w Vilio hroti- hi tie I?*u-t to th?' state are the loudest mouthed and most self important. One hundred repeaters have arrived in the State from Baltimore to vote for " Hampton and Peace " The republicans will be on the lookout to hand these fellows over to the U. S. Marshal. u Tiie republicans of Beaufort behaved respectfully to General Hampton. They heard him without interruption and his speech might have done good lor tiie democratic cause. But when it was attempted to palm Judge Cooke off as a republicau. it was too revolting. That lie was too bloated and too dirty to go down. The republicans should have gone away and thus shown their contempt for the spaniel who was but a little while ago whining for the favor of Whipper, and who now licks the hand of Hampton, and who, after the election, will return again to his vomit. We are sorry that they perniitted^themselves to follow the man ncrs of democrats af republican meetings. Free speech should be accorded even to Cooke. " It is unnecessary for the Union Herald to apologize for Cooke, we know he was drunk, and not responsible for the profane abuse, or insolent manner he addressed the people, it was only done for political effect, and every body saw through it, it was so thin. THE DOUGH-FACES. Following the clergy bankers, butchers green grocers, barbers, hotel waiters, etc. appropriately come the " northern born'' residents of Charleston, fifty-three in nnmKor tn aire a eertifiente flint the rifle clubs arc as harmless as doves and South Carolina democrats are pure as angels. More than half these signers are old citizens of Charleston, who have in times past expressed equal confidence i i the divinity of slavery and righteousness of s jccssion aud rebellion. Like al! converts and renegades they have been obliged to be even more ready to " protest " than those who are native and to the manner born. The Yankee slave driver was the hardest of the hard, and the Yankee dough-face is a sycophant of the sycopants. It was the existence frr the south of such northern born residents which caused the average southerner before the war to consider 1 imself equal in battle to five Yankees. He'was right as to that kind. Some of the signers were confederate soldiers, ethers blockade runners, others northern copperheads, others keep oyster saloons, bars, or peddle soda water. There are a few clerks in southern houses who have their places at stake, along with the porters and three or four cotton buyers. That make up the crowd There is consolation in knowing that those who use them despise them as much as we do. Governor Chamberlain's Record. Howard Carroll, the well koowo " Ii. C " of the New York Time34 who has been quoted all over the South as au impartial and tearless observer in a recent letter to his paper speaks as follows regarding the record of Governor Chamberlain : For two years he steadily fought corruption in his own party and among the Democrats ; he has prevented the ignorant negroes from accepting bribes and supporters of Hampton from giving them; armed with the power, he has stood between the taxpayers and jobs of every discription. He has been more careful of the people's interest than his cwu. The politicians of both parties villi5ed and slandered him becamse he was jo, but the people, the taxpayers of South Carolina, appreciated, or seemed jo appreciate, what he was doing for :hem, and for a time Daniel H. Chamccrlain was the most honored man in the Palmetto State. Three months ago his craises were sounded lar and near, and nen of all parties vied with each other n lauding him as u the noble young re'ormer, " To-day all this is changed, tnd why ? Simply because Mr. Charncerlaiu was bold enough, true enough to lenounce the Hamburg massacre as it leserved; because he proved that the rii i c mi i J UJ j 16 CIUUS UI XMieillUU cluu juu^cuciu uic nade up of lawless cut-throats and cold ilooied murderers. These are the Govjrnor's faults. He is a Republican ; he i-.s dared to tell the truth; he has shown 0 the world that the shot-gun leaders ire corwardly assassins, and he is using (very means in his power to punish them or their crimes. Too Ignorant for GoTernor. [Boston Jcurnal.] In addition to the other objections to iVade Hampton, he prwes to be too iglorunt for Governor of South Carolina. Cor iustance, he recently said in a speech: ' Did the colored people present know hat were they in Massachusetts, Mr. Chamberlain's State, they could not cast 1 vote ? They might walk up to the lolls with the Governor, and while 'hnniberlain could vote, the colored men . \ could not. The state of things he describes never existed iu Massachusetts. SOME REFORMERS. The National Republican publishes the following as a copy of a contract mane about the time of the tax-payers convention of 1 ST 1, in which Butler and Gary, we believe were delegates. What connection it had with any reports made ' on the financies we leave our readers to i judge: &tate of New York, city of New I York, in supreme court. Lysander D. j Childs and John 1'. Southern, plaintifi against Win. K. Everett & Co., de ?x"?* Ml', I.:l\vr-n<-.-. .\i.u Voitu. Ajril I Till I >7 I. Whereas the undeiv-igned being desirous to take action to reinstate the value of the bonded debt of the state of Soutl Carolina, it is hereby agreed, the under sigucd agree to pay to M. C. Butler anc M. W. Gaiy ten per cent, of the nei gains that may arise from the purchast and sale of at.least $">00,(XX) of said stat< bonds, the increase to be measured bj the advance due from an indorsement o the public meetings to be held on oi about May next, at Columbia, approving the payment in full of all the presen bonded debt of the state. Agree to u.s< their best efforts to that effect in consid eration of said ten per centum specially mentioned. . Wm. E. Everett, L. D. Ciulds, J. B Palmer, pcrT. D. C J. P. southern. We accept the terms of the abovi agreement. M. C. Butler, Attorney-at-Law, M. W. Gart, Delegates from Edgefield county t Democratic Tax-payers' convention. f ?4^4 Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 2Sth. 1876 Editor Standard <? Commercial: The series of meetings begining at thi place and Gillisonville on Monday th 23rd and continuing on Tuesday at Rol ertville, Wednesday at Lawtonville an< culemiuating at Matthews Bluff oi Thursday were the largest and most hai monious aud enthusiastic meetings eve held in these sections since Beconstruc tion. It has been my good fortune t< canvass this county from the cotton field on the Barnwell line to the sea in ever; election both general aud special sine the celebrated contest between Geu' Smalls and Whipperin 1872 but thes meetings have far outshadowed any ] have before attended as well for barmou; and enthusiasm as for numbers and de termination to stand by the rcpublicai nom inees. If the democrats find any peculiar sat isfaction in the manufacture and distri but'nn of the thousauds of lies witl which their papers teem about the host; of colored men tha; are daily joininj ?i?..... ? their party tney are quae weieuuie i contiuue but I am sure and certaii that on election day some body will b< most damnably taken back. No greatc farce was ever put in operation an< forced upon the credulity of a peoph since politics became practical than thi newspaper campaign the democratic pc liticians srv carrying ou in this State But the worst of the thing is that thei boasted chivalry are asses enough to be 'ieve or affect to believe that Wade Hampton will be elected. 0 te stole dion. These meetings were severally address ed by Messrs. N. B. Myers, T. II Wheeler and S. Jones Bampfield wh< were joined by Mess. Miller and Gantt al Matthews Bluff. The latter had attendee very large meetings at Early Branch anc Branson and drove across to the Bluff or Thursday accouipauied by the Hayes anc Wheeler club from Branson mounted anc in command of Mr. George Bellenger. Space will not permit even an epitome of the speeches delivered at these meet ings, and therefore I shall not attempi here to do more than allude to them in general terms. At Lawtonville thert could not have been less than one thou .sand persons present, who were aglow with enthusiasm, and seemed to drink in every word that fell from the lips of the speakers. The meeting was first addressed by Mr. Wheeler, who spoke for an hour and three quarters greatly to the delight and edifi. cation of his hearers. He picked to pieces the characters of Wade Hampton and his crew, showed the hollowness ol their pretended friendship and good will towards the colored people, and wound up by knocking the bottom out of their : pretended effort to reform the goverm I rnent, and showed that it was only anoth" i er attempt to regain power. Mr. Wheeler seems to be quite a favorite among the republicans of the up country, and has done yeoman service for the republican cause in that section. He was followed by Mr. Bampfield, who spoke at great length upon the various questions at issue and was followed by Mr. Myers, who dealt the democracy some telling blows. He showed that the democrats were insincere in their cry of honesty and capa b'.lity as the only test for office when they nominated men for positions on their county ticket, and for the responsible position of county commissioners who could neither road nor write, fie showed the utter falsity of their claim that theirs was a movement of the taxpayers of the State, when the very head and front of their ticket, Wade Hampton, was one who docs not pay a single dollar worth of taxes in the State. He dwelt at some length upon the bait which they were holding out to the colored people to catch votes for Hampton and his crew, iu the shape of a county ticket, and showed the utter falsity of their every pretension?concluding by urging the colored people to stand firm against the threats and importunities of the democrats and cast their votes as a unit for the entire republican ticket which was responded to by th<* wildest cnthusii / asm and shouts of "we will stand firmly 1 by the old flag. The entire up country is a unit for the republican ticket. The people of that section never better understood their duty thau now nor have they ever shown a more determined spirit to do it on the | day of election, the innumerable derooI cratic lies to the contrary notwithstand' I ing. On the 7th of November there will ! be dug by the thousands of republican I votes of this county a pit so vast and deep j that will bury eternally the last lingering j vestige of democracy. Let the other I counties do their duty and Beaufort will not bo backward in doing hers and on i lit: .sth ? ! XowiiiImt \v?* will write over ' ihegravoof tin: fallen fortunes of Jlainpton and his crew. "Let them rest in ' peace. Ipids. t i TO THE PUBLIC. 1 t I have been reliably informed that R. j N. Wright colored, and one W. Jones, j colored members of the democratic club 7 in this place are circulating reports f among the democrats that the republicans intend to create a riot on election day. j Therefore I desire to inform the citit zens that there is no such intention on i the part of republicans and that we intend - to have a quiet and peaceable election, f and to secure such a result there will be a sufficient force of U. S. Marshals and Supervisors to arrest any persons who may interfere with voters, wbethcr they . be democrats or republicans. The above report has been circulated e with malicious intent, to injure the republican party and to create unnecessary alarm among the people. I have made it my special business to 0 see that sufficient force will be present on election day and that the U. S. Commissioners are instructed to spare no efforts in ' preserving quiet and order. I have reason to believe that Wright s and Jones have been paid by some evil e minded persons to disturb the peace and *- quiet of our town for political effect. 1 Very Respectfully a Robkrt Smalls. r S@F The finest ship and the largest . one in the merchant marine service that -j has ever bceo in southern waters, is the 5 Harvey Mills now loadiug at Port Royal y with cotton. This fine vessel is 250 feet p long 43 feet beam and 29 feet depth of j, hold and has three full decks and when e ]oadcd will carry from seven to eight [ thousand bales of cotton. This ship y draws when loaded, dead weight, 25 feet i_ and measures 2,186 65-100 tons, and j carries a crew of thirty men, she Ls the fourth ship in size in the U. S., is bran . new, and was only launched on Sept 1st,, and the first trip is to this port. Ever}' 3 stick of timber in the Harvey Mills was s sawed at the mills of D. C. Wilson and j, Co., at this place. This ship is the finest [) shape and build and is a triumph in nai val architecture and is the pride of her , builders, Messrs. Mills & Co., of Thomr aston, Me., her, sailng qualities-arc une] quailed for a vessel of her size, having , made the trip from Thomastou in twelve g days against head winds, sjxlecn hour? h ot this time she was in a hurricane uuder bure poles. This ship is furnished with r spacious cabius containing all the conve_ uieuces of a first-c'ass dwelling. The quar? ters for the sailors, work thopsand store. rooms are lurge and roomy, and would make an ordinary sized ship. The cost r of building was about $125,000. Theship is commanded by Capt. W. F. Mills and 3 is consigned to the Augusta Cotton Press 5 Co., who pay $23,000 for the trip to EngI gland, and is to be loaded in about fort/ | days. What a noise Charleston and Sa} vannah would make if a vessel of this I size could only get over their bars* ' Nasby reports great joy at the Corners over the news from " Injeanny, " He writes to the Toledo Blade that a meet^ ing was organized at once to reap the fruits of the victory, and thus describes what action was taken : u Wc isliood a % proclamation to the carpit-baggers in the county, that we shood not yoo-e violence to rid ourselves uv them, ef it wuz possible to avoid it, but we gave em, nods that we wood ueither buy uv em, sell to em, or employ em in any possible way. We give em, notis, also, that votin for Hayes constitutid a carpit-bagge., and in the intrest of peace we shood promptly shoot every one wich perposed to wanton , ly outrage us by proposin to do sich a thing. Peace we must bev ef we hev to kill'every carpit-bagger and nigger in the county to git it The next mornfn wc held another meetio to git our claims agin the government in some kind uv shape. We found that in almost every ii stance the citizens hed got cm too low. For instance, Dcekin Program had a claim for a mule, a lot uv sweet potatoes and six lengths uv rail fence. He hed put this in for 86,000 only wich wuz absurdly low. Ef the half goes to the reform lobby, and the expenses uv election a reform congris must be taken out th - --? ? ? sainted deekin won t nev more man *1,500 left wich uv course he can't stand. We raised the claim to $10,000, wich will leeve him enuff to take care of hisself in his old age, wich he will needr ez I shel probably board with him. Giptain MPclter hed his claims in for $6,000, wich we raised to $15,000. Isaaker Gavitt's wuz put up from $8,000 to $20,000, and so on around, The Corners alone hez claims now ready for bein actid on to the amount of $345,000, wich wuz the result of Federal occupancy uv this section for jest two days. We feel that Kentucky made a great mistake in not secedin, for ef we hed gone out reglerly. and hed troops on our soil a month, we cood hcv put in bills for ten times the amount. We envy Georgia, and them states. " l&? It is said that a company of troops are to be sent to Bcaufort?during electior, they wil 1 help busiuess and be handy to send up the road. , i i 1876. FALL 1876 .. SEW MILLIJTERY. For the Season, JUST RECEIVED AT, John Cooper's COR. BAY and CARTERET STS.f BEAUFORT, Together with a complete stock of TA T) V n f\ HOC i; IV 1 VJ KJ KJ u & , CLOTHING, fancy goods, Ac. *11 of which ke offers at prices to suit the liw ? Special KTotioe. ATEITHER THE CAPTAIN NOB 00N8INGEES i> of the British Brig DcrweDt will be responible for debts contracted by any of the crew. BOBBINS BODDINGTON A Co. 3.t $1,000. PERSONS DESIRING TO BET FROM *100 to *1.000 that Gen'l Hampton will be elected Governor of 8outh Carolina can be accommodated ^ at this office. Put up or shut up. rtnnn Can't be made by crery agent every 1 IIIIII month in the business we furnish, but Aalalal those willing to work can easily earn a |(fUWW dozen dollars a day right in their own ocalities. Have no ro jin to explain here. Business pleasant and honorable. Women, and boys and girls do as well as iucn. We will furnish you ft complete Outfit free. The business pays bette than anything etae. We will liear expense of atartr ingyou. Particulars free. Write and see. Farmer" and mechanics, their sons and daughters, and al* classes in need of paying work at home,should write to us and U-arn all about the work at once. New is the time. Don't delay. Address TftCh A Co. ,1 Augusta Maine. "ICE! ICE! mm L EMMONS, Are now prepared to fur nish Ice in any quantity Customers may desire, fro? their Ice House, Seventh Street. . JOHN C0NANT, J. A. EMMONS .27 t-f OFFICE BOARD OF COfTNTY COMMISSIONERS Beaitort, 8. C. Oct. 16tb 1876. NOTICE is hereby given to ail person selling spfcritous liquors-In this County who have nul taken oot licenses, that proceedings will lie instituted againse them if settlwBeat Is not made at once. THOS. H. WHEELER. Clerk of Board. Assessment Notice 1! TOWN OF PORT K0V1L. All persons owning or having control of nwf mil estate on perxmal property wit bin the limits U the Town ot Feet Royal arw hereby notified to list the mix tor taxstita aadi make* return tbeseoitothe Town Treasurer between the 1st and 10th dry of November next. Persons failing to make a retwro within the time prescribed will be Hable to pay a peaat; <A 50 petm cent in addition to their regular f*x, m. R. cooper. Port Royal S. C. Oct 17th 1876. NOTIOH ^ PORT ROYAL RAILROAD CO., Augusta, C,*., Oct. 25,1876. On and after thivdiUe all freights by P. It. 1L for Beaufort Statfon, must be ?cttiod.for at time >f delivery. P. HAMILTON*, ^ Ag-nt, Beaufort, 8. C. _________________________________ I P. P. RAILROAD AT PBBJg SALS. UNITED STATES OK AMERICA;?IN TIIE CIRf CUIT COURT,?DISTRICT SOUTH CAROLINA! THE UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEWYORK Et. Al? vs. THE PORT ROYAL BAILROAD COMPANY. IN Accordance with the decree of the Court la this ca?e, will be sold at public sale at Port Royal South Carolina on the seventh day of December* j876, between II o'clock, a. 3TS and 3 o'clock. B..1C to the highest hifiifct; a If and singular tBe Port Royal Railroad, extending from the waters of Port Royal Harbor, South Carolina to the City of Augusta, State of Georgia, const ituting with its turn-outs, and side tracks one hundred and eighteen miles o_ w r road well constructed and in good order,?also alj the lands acquired by the Port Royal Railroad. Company for right of way, depot grounds and other purposes. Also All tracks, bridges, culvert* depots station houses engine houses, car houses machine shops, work shops, erections, fixtures, and other structures now held by the Port Boysl Railroad Company, and situated in the counties of Beauf irt, Barnwell, and Aiken State ofSouth Carolina, and in the county of Richmond, State of Georgia, also all locomotives tenders, cars rolling stock, equipments, machinerytools implements, materials for constructing and repairing, and fuel on hand for the use of the said road. Also the corporate franchises under It*, original charter or any of the amendments thereto and all other franchises whatsoever, possessed by the said road. Also the endowments, income, reversions, remainders, toll* and all the estate right title and interest present or prospective, of the said Port Royal Rail row! in the said property- and rights and v every part and parcel thereof. Tsbxs. One third cosh remainder in three equal annual nstallments with seven per cent. Interest, payable semi-annually from, day of sale, secured by bond of the purchaser with mortgage of the property. Pur chaser to insure the depots snd other buildingf!* and assign the policies to thejnartgageo. One buai dred thousand dollars to be paid by the purchaser at the close of the bidding- In case of purchase of the said Road by holders of first mortgage bonds, tbey are entitled to make payment in said booda?to the extent of their pro rata share. Such bond holders as may unite in the purchase are entitled by the decree in this case and laws of South enroll^ na to organise as a corporation under the presea ^ cnaner 01 iuc rurt iw;n Miinwu vvui|?u; w under the general corporation a*:t of said state aa the majority, of the said corporators may choose DUNCAN C.. WILSON* Speoin* Master.. To Holders of County Cheeks or Audited Claims, prior to lfovem~ her 1, 1872, % IN accordance with the provisions ef a Joint Re*? 41 olution entitled M A Joint Resolution authorizing he County Commissioners of Beaufort County tot evy a special tax," dated April 7, 1878, and "Aa act to amend the same," approved the 29th day of January, 1874, sealed proitosals will be received at tbl? office from parties holdn. checks or audited claim contracted prior to November 1,1873, antO THURSDAY. NOl. 9, 1876. at 12 M? at which time said hWewill be opened and the board of coonty commissioners will draw orders on the Treasurer to the amount ot one tho?<* sand dollar*, in favor of the person or persons who ' shall offer the largest per centum discount on their checks or audited claims. Proposals should be addressed to the chairman of the board of County Commissioners, and endorsed "Proposals for the settlement of Past Indebtedness of Beaufort county. P. PRITCHARD, M. D* V. S. SCOTT, ' R. J. MARTIN. County Commissioners ^4 TnO^. H. WlfFKLKB, '"jerk of Board. *?bl$-4t..