University of South Carolina Libraries
T i I < ; ; ir:' ? > \ I ? 0 LOl:..', i ! Beaufi.rt, S. C. October 26, 1378. { BEACFORT COfXTY TICKET. republican nominations. For Senator, s a MITEL GREEN. For Representative's, THOMAS HAMILTON. HASTINGS GANTT, JOSEPH ROBINSON, GEORGE A. REED, N. B. MYERS, T. E. MILLER. For Clerk of Court, S. JONES BAMPFIELD. For Sheriff, WILLIAM WILSON. For School Commissioner, THOMAS H. WHEELER. For Judge of Probate, A. B. ADDISON. For Coroner, A. W. MUCKENFUSS. For County Commissioners, j V. S. SCOTT, R. J. MARTIN, , RENTV F. GREAVES. We have been informed that in- 1 structions have been giveu to discharge any policeman or town employee who meddles with politics while on dut}'. IfiTAn independant county ticket has been put in the field. It will be independant of supporters on election day. Both parties will avoid it. - * l6F*The democratic committee went ? ~ ? -~11?_ around town ou aacuruay umi^ wmv tions to defray the expenses at Earlv Branch. What has become of the barrel of money Uncle Samuel sent to Beaufort. fST The town police claim to have frightened off and given chase to a thief i who attempted to enter the store of Mr. 1 Rich. We would rather hear of thieves ' being caught, it would tell better for the police. J Pmf~ A republican meeting was held at ! 1 Myrtle Bu>h on Thursday October 19th , '! and was addressed by Messrs. Jos. Rob- < iuson, A. Williams, MarcasSimmons and 5 others. Several colored men present who were said to belong to the Beaufort Dcui- i ocratic club denied that they were demo- 1 crata, and had only been trying to develop ! the resources of the opposition, and that , they would vote far Hayes and Wheeler, ] Gov. Chamberlain and the whole republican ticket. About four hundred persons were present. Lieut.-Gov. Gleaves was on the street yesterday his first appearauce since hit recent severe sickness. nT* Mr. C. W. Brown, living on Hilton Head Island, died at his residence last Friday of consumption. Mr. Jacob Apple, for many years " - ? i fii?1,.? a merchant or this place aieu m , ton on Sunday last. IST'The experience of this summer has demonstrate^ the fact that if proper sanitary precautions are taken Beaufort need never fear the visitation of yellow fever. While Savannah, Charleston Brunswick and other places have beeu visited by yellow fever, this town has been free from the dreadful scourge, not even the light billious fevers have prevailed here. Beau, i fort is the most healthful town in the I United States. A Republ can meeting was held at Allendale on Monday at which over three thousand people were present. This was the largest republican meeting that has been held at that place. Excursion trains carried people to and from the meeting. The meeting was addressed by G. W. Clark, Esq. Col. FillebrowD. W. J. ' Whipper and Hon. Robert Smaiis, the wildest enthusaism aud good order pre iled, music was furnished by the Beau fort Brass Band. While everybody is head and ears in politics, Port Poyal is as deeply in earnest in extending the commerce of this port. Last week the following vessels took in cargo. The Spanish steamer Ma"** O^AA tvft IAC OAtf An I iia, iuv/uiic ^ WCII^O vi vviwu , for Barcelona, Spain. The steamer Cal- J vert, Foley master, 1500 bales of cotton I for Baltimore. Steamers Montgomery, i Chester master, and Carondelet, Fair-1 cloth master with general merchandise. | The schooner Clara Belle with re-sawed j lumber. We doubt if Charleston or Sa- 1 rannah can make as good a showing. Those of our friends who do not like the phrase 44 shot-gun democracy " will please remember that it was the News j and Courier that first used it as a re-, proach to the party it now defends with Mich zeal, The Democrats dou't like to talk about the Republican gains of Congressmen; i in fact, they haven't heard of them at all yet. They are very loud in their talk ' about, gaining two United States Senators j in West Virginia, though how it is a gain when the State was represented by two K Democrats before is not apparent. Marine News. ARRIVED.?ST. HELENA SOUND. Oct. 17.?Br. Bg. Ino, Phillips master, 3*1 days from Funchal, in ballast to Campbell Wyliie A Co. Oct. 17.?Br. Bg. Retriever, Phillips master, 34 days from Funchal, in ballast to C- W. A Co. LOct. 19.?Br. Bg. Blaoche, Mallgraff master. 60 diya from Boloage, France, In ballast to C., W. A Co. .... >. v ?.-? t , .-.k vruVW< :. '. . .? j ' -. !-ri..: i.-. ? ' ,.o..? i\ ill.k, lit to . &. Co. CLEARED. Oct. 13.?Br. Bk. Florence, Richards waster, for J ! London, with C2o tons phosphate rock.jfrom Coosaw mines. ' Oct. 16.?Br. Bk. Towy, Davis master, for Newcastle, Eng., w.'th 529 tonsphosphate rock from Coosaw mines. Oct. 1*.?Br, Bkt. Gladstone, Burch master, for Plymouth, Eng., with 493 tons phosphate rock from J Coosaw mines. I .Sheriffs .Sales. SHERIFF.? .SALh\~"' " i'.mw Mrors. vs. Seaborn Drayton. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias to me directed and lodged in tuy office I will sell at public outcry in front of my office iu the Town of Beaufort on the first Tuesday in November next 1876, being the 7th day of said month during the legal hours of sale the following property to wit: i All the right title and interest of Seaborn Drayton iu and to all that plantation or tract of laud situate lying and being in Lawton Township County of Beaufort and State of South Carolina formerly a part of the J. D. Johnson tract containing 102 acres more or less. Terms cash. Purchasers to pay for papers. WM. WILSON , S. B. C. Oct. 17th 1876. SHERIFF'S SA LK \ In the Probate Court. ( Robert Thomson, administrator of C. M. Thom son deceased, vs. C. S. Garrett. A. M. Furse, J- ] Thomson, B. M. Thomson, J. II. Thomsou Win. Thomson. j By viri ue of-an order of sale made In the above ( entitled action by R. K. Carletou Esquire, Judge of ] Probate court of Beaufort County, I wil sell at pub t lie outcry in front of my office in the Town of Beaufort on the first Tuesday in November next 1876 being the 7th day of said nonth during the iegal hours of sale the following property to wit: A:1 those three lots of land situate lyiDg and being iu the Town of Beaufort, County of Beaufort ' and State of South Carolina, as know and designa- i tion upon the Plat of said Town as lots uumber 133? J 134; and J 36 and upon the said Town as lot B. in Block 47. Terms cash Purchasers to j?ay for papers. WM. WILSON, S. B. C. Oct. 17th 1876. SHERIFF'S SALE. ' ^ ? /... r>~ f rooare eouri.?rtuuuu iuc i muiiuu. Amelia S. William*, llonry R. Williams. T8. W. C. Richards, T. Addison Richards, J. J. Richard ! S. P. Richards, Catharine DuBose, C. W. DuBose ! Florence Whitehead, 0, Whitehead, S. P. White- 1 a head, J/., Nellie Whitehead, Nellie Richards, B Richards, Ellen Richards. By virtue of an order of R. K. Carleton, Probate Judge in the above entitled action, to me directed, j ? will sell at public outcry in front of my office, in the town of Beaufort, on the first Tuesday iu No- { rem be r next, IS76, being the "th day of said month luring the legal hours ef sale the following proper- { tylowit: All that house and lot situate lying and being in Hardeeville, in the county of Beaufort and State >f South Carolina, bounded north by public road , From Purysburg to New River Bridge, and lands of 5. P. Whitehead, cast by lauds of S. P. Whitehead, Z. Richardson and C. A. Williams, south by lands )f C. A. Williams, and west by the Midodist Parsontge, containing ten acres more or less. Also All that tract of land situate lying and being in I the County and State aforesaid, bounded north bylands of t state of R. W. Pelot, ? a>t by lands of A. A. jouth by lands formerly owned by estate of It. W, j ] Pelot, wesi by lands of estate of R. W. Pelot, containing two hundred and twenty-six acres moroor les<. Terms cash, purchasers to pay for papers. WM. WILSON, ' S. B. C. | Centennial Reduction > in Advertising. ?3.250.40 Worth of NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING given for $700. And A THREE MONTHS' NOTE TAKEN in pay incut from Advertisers of responsibility. A PRINTED LIM, Giving Name, Character. Actual Daily and Weekly Circulation^ ana Schedule Rates of Adverting, sent free to any address. Apply to GEO, P. BO WELL & QQ? NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGT-S <tl PARK ROW N". Y. Auction Sale. CONDEMNED NAVY ( ES. By J. M. Crofut, Auctioneer, At his Store on Bav Street, Commencing on SAT- , URPAY. OCTOBEB 14th, 1876. at'oVI.ek, p. ui, and continuing until the same is disposed of. 140 lbs. flour. i8 boxes navy bread The above will be sold in small lots to suit pur- ; 1 chasers oct-14, NOTICE. Alt. persons are hereby cautioned against crediting any at the crew of the Schr. Charles Harvey, as the owner will not he responsible. J. II. TONKING, Oct. 12-lrn. Master. PORT ROYAL RAILROAD. ~ s.rr? a Magnolia Passenger Route, CMMJrtW OF SCHEDULE. SUPERIN'TS OFFICE PORT ROY A I. RAILR'D) Al'GCSTA, Ga., Oct. 7, 1S76. / The following Passenger Schedule will bep*-?gated 011 and alter Oct. ,8, 1876. GOING SOUTH. Train No. 1. Da<^r. Leave Augusta 9 80 a m Arrive at Beaufort 3 13 p in Arrive Port Royal 3 So p m Arrive at Savannah 4 30 p m | Arrive at Charleston 5 2" p in J GOING NOKTII. Train No. i. Daily. ,ve Port Poyal...-. ... 10 50 a m | Leave Beaufort 11 10 p m Leave Savannah 10 00 a ra L'av Charleston 9 30 am Arrive at Augusta 3 10 p in Dinner. 'iit The only line making close connection with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad at Savannah, and from and to Jacksonville and all points in Florida, avoiding the long, tedious and well-known Omnibus transferer through that city The only line running Through Day Coaches without change between Augusta and Savannah. Connections made at Augusta with the South Carolina Railroad for Aiken, S. C., Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad for ali points North and Southwest, West and Northwest. Sleeping Car Berths engaged at Augussa by applying to agents at Beaufort or Port Royal. Baggage Checked Through. R.G. FLEMING, Superintendent. I T. S. DAVANT, Gen'l. Pass. A EDUCATIONAL. | A select school will bo opened in the town of Bean I ! fort, on or about the 16th day of October next b Miss Sadie llogge, a proficient teacher of English branches. For particulars apply to J AS. M.CROFUT. ^ Bay St. TUFTY CENTS PER. CORD, AT THE ATLAN r tic Saw Mills Beaufort. BOBBINS BOPPINGTON A C j Beaufort, Sept. 14, 187C. -v.w ?; <,vy. v: w>; A^rv.*1 o *.*. -> .~ ?- * ~ * I ? ? n5 4, a; St,1 ey ;'f To the \Vo? kln;g ( Ihm.?We arc now prepared to furnish all classess with constant employuient at home, the whole of the time or for their spare moments. Business new, light iml profitable. Persons of either sex easily ea n from -50 ceuts to Si per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business we make this unparalleled otter To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. For particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home and Fireside one of the largest and best Illustrated Publication allseut free by mail. Reader, if you want perman ent, profitable work, address. george Stixsox A Co., Portland, Maine. Sept. 18th Spanish Bk Desengann, Telleria, ma ter for London, with 416 tons of phosphate rock from Pacific Mines, NOTICE TO HOLDERS of CLAWS against Beaufort County, for the Tears 1873-4, and 1874-5. Office of the County Commissioners, Beaufort, S. C., Aug 11th, 1876. In accordance with the provisions of a lofnt Resolution of the General Assembly, approved March 21th, 1876, entitled " a Joint Resolution authorizing the County Commissioners of Beaufort County to levy a special tax." Notice is hereby given that all persons holding claims again>t Beaufort County, for the fiscal years 1873-4 and 1874-5, are required by said Joint Resolution to register their claims with the County Treasurer within ninety days from and after the first day of September next. Claims not so registersd iu the time required, will not be entitled to the proceeds of the tax le vied under said Joint Resolu tion. THOS. II. WIIEELF.R. aug.l7-tf. Clerk of Board. $100.00 Howard. A REWARD OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be paid by the Town of Beaufort for the irrest and conviction of the person or persons vho committed the robbery at the storo of W. C, Bellows on the morniug of the 24th inst. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Intendant Sept. 2Sth-lmo. THE U. S. OF AMERICA, \ r , ' ? , c ( South Carolina Dis't. j ln circuit court. Ludwlg Marx et. al., vs. The Port Royal R. R. Co. The Union Trust Co., vs. The Port Royal R. R. Co Having been directed by an order of Judge Bryan U.S. Judge, for the District of South Carolina, to idvertise for and call in all claims against the Por Hoyal R. It. Co., having a lien prior to the mortgage on the property to be sold in this case includng Receiver's certificates, amounts due to officers tnd employees fees of attorneys, and any amount lue for materials or repairs of the road under an irders of this court made in this case, and to repor he same to the 'said court. All persons holding laims as above mentioned are herewith notified to ireaent the same to me on or before the first day of November next, 1876. JAS. SIMONS, Jr., :pt.7-6t. Referee. BANKING HOUSE, ~ Win. II. Lock wood. BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections uiade on any point in the Uuited States. Accounts received subject to check at sigfit. ap.27.Gni. ~P. M. VVHmiAN. WATCHMAKER ASD JEWELLER, tiay Street. UcRuforl, S. C,, Has just retruned ekom the north i with a hue assortment of goods at WortbLorn Prices. WEDDING RINGS, $3.00 to $12.00, SILVER RINGS,30c. to $1.50. SILVER NAPKIN RINGS, $2 00 to $4.00. LADIES GOLD WATCHES, $86 to $50. 0 MM? ? H.. P1ma%h mAUtfl 1 3 * J Ui] WiUUi| kU VWi o GENTS' GOLD CI1IANS, PINS, RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS. STUDS, WATCH CHAINS, LADIES GOLD and PLATED JEWELRY, GOLD PENS, AC., AC. BENTS' GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. Call and examine before purchasing, and satisfy yourself you can save ten to^.twenty-five per eent from Charleston or Savannah prices. dec.6.1y W. ^GAL^RT. PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iron, Copper Worker DEALER IN Japanned and Stamped Tin Wares. Constantlyon hand, Cooking Parlor and Box Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W. H. CALVERT, Bay St. between 8tn A9th sts. Beaufort. S.C H. M. STUART, M. D., Co*. Itay ?Si Eighth Streets, 33 oaufort, S. O . DEALER IN DRUGS. AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, hltl'SIIES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with many other articles too uumeroui o mention. AH of which will tic sold at tholowes price for cash. Physicians prescriptions careful!) compounded. feli.l*1 Barber. RUTLEDGE, H. M?Barber, shaving hair cut ting, shampooing and dyeing done in tho n< at j est manner. Itay St. COOPER JOHN?Dry Goods Clothing, Millina ry. French and Domestic Flowers, Fane; 1 Goods, notions, Ac, Bay St. Seo adeerti cm'uL rn >*?? 'jTJ ; ^ x >*? 'i^-?U'f*Tx?. ?*jAh, l. fflicGREGOR, ? CARRIAGE MAKER, , HOUSE, SIGN, and CARRIAGE PAINTER. Opp. Express Office, Beaufort, S. C? All kinds of Scroll and fancy sawing. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to, on reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Agent for Barnes' patent foot power scroll saw, which can be seen in operation at ray shop. jas. e. McGregor. Julyl-ly. GRIND CENTENlilll SILf. AT THE STORE OF E. A. Scheper, The Leader in Low Prices :o: Having just arrived from NEW YORK, where I pave purchased one of the largest and most complete stock of Fall & Winter Goods Evor before offered to the Beaufort public. Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS. AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, . CARPETS Ac I offer an entirely fresh stock of first-class PRITS, to thi icliiinttd ORIENTAL 7-8 CAMBRICS AT 10c. Selected in New York with special view to fheir adaptability to present season, Ac. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS will be offered in all departments, as I am determined to make this one of the most attractive establishments in town. Call before purchasing elsewhere and examine the stock of goods at E. A. SCHEPER. ~ SAFETY AND BRlLLIANCYr VTilSTAL OIL. w 9V~ * * # Gives a better light than any other oil, and will no explode. For sale by M. KRE5SEL, ap.13. Bay St., eaufort. TAKE DR. DENNIS'~~ System Innovator and Blood PURIFYING SYRUP. For Dyspepsia, Piles, Heartburn, Sick Headache Fevers', Sores, Ac. M. J. GRAHAM, AGT., mar.SO-lm. ' Beaufort. Proclamation. OFFICE INTENDANT TOWN BEAUFORT. Bkai'POUT, S. C. Aug. Slit 1876. VTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN TO SHIP iv owners masters and others, that vessels and boats of all descriptions bound to this place from Savannah or other infected ports will-be subject t the Quarantinc*laws of the Town and State. All persons are strictly prohibited from landing goods or passengers frornf Savannah, or other infected ports unless special permission Is first obtained of the Intcndant, Town Council or Board of Health. All violations iho tiuar^Piino la s will l>o rigidly prosecuted. ALFRED WILLIAMS. Intendant Town of Beaufort. j W. H. DEVLIN, Carpenter ? Builder All kinds of BOAT WOBK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. o OFFICE AND SHOP COR. BAY and CHARLES STREET, BE A tJ F 0 RT , S . C. PORT ROYAIj Saw k Planing Hill BEAUFORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTTRF.R8 OF AND DEALERS IN YELLOW PINS Tim AKD LUlfSSK AND Cypress Sb.inglesf A130 Builders & Contractors PLASTER, LATHES, All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. nooriDg & Ceiling Mris always on hani Orders for Lumber and Timber by the eargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. nov.28-ly. D. C. WILSON. A CO' M. POLLITZER, COTTOX FACTOR AND Commission Merchant Beaufort s. c J. C RIC H M 0 N D~ Trial Justice. All business Intrusted to him will receive care ful and proinnt attention. Office Custom House Building. Beaufort S. C. ai> ril 27-t THE PARKER COM. SCRO STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS s ; WEST MERIDEN.CT. i - j: . - r Mwmr (tUarltsiou ^dmlistmoits. i w I D. O'NEILL & SONS, wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES, No, 83 ZXayno Stroot Cliarloston 0. C. aprl.&-lyr. 9 *09a "dzis .{as jo jopjo en jno ss-B[{) pnu simud Suixitu 0} uoAiri uoiiuojjb l^ioodg hkiinkmhm (i\Tv avari hiiiiav |)U? SlUlHtl 'HOvaHOO asv snm IISL* 'SKHVA x:i\T '*V S3NIAV 'SHO.lfcn O "fif 'tJOItlHOfT 'IS 'OAVIAI "S SILVER PLATED WARE. Electro-Plated Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work, IN GREAT VARIETY, MANUFACTURED BY TIIE MERIDIAN BRITANNIA COMPANY, 550 BROADWAY NEW YORK. The best Plated SPOONS and FORKS are those Silver Plated heaviest on the parts where necessarily the most wear comes, and bearing the Trade Mark. 1874?ROGERS BROTHERg-XlI. N. B. ?This great improvement in Silver-Plated Spoons and Forks is applied alike to each grade of Plate, A 1, 8 and 12 oz. as ordered. The Process and Machinery for manufacturing these goods are Patented. The Extra,or ' Standard Plate" made by this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 per cent, heavier than the ordiauary market standard. First Preraeums awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, from World.s Fair of 1852 to American Institute Fair, 1674. inclusive, mar 9-6 m. (hf tfjQfl per day at home. Samples worth Si ipO IU <DZU free. Stinson A Co., Portland' Maine SEND 2.5c. to G. P. R05VELL A CO., New Yorkfor Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing list of 3000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising tfjlrtaday at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and ij)l? terms free TRUE A CO., Augusta,-Maine. inar9-ly. JOHN FRANZ, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, XD SHIP CHANDLER 0 Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. ?o? Constantly receiving from St. Louis, the best FAMILY FLOUR, WHOLESALE GROCERIES, LIQUORS PLANTATION SUPBLIES, at the princple Store, formerly occupied by J. Fyler, Comer Bay and West Street BAKERY.. Having just completed the eVOction of a bakery at my premises, at the corner Bay and Scott Sts., I shall keep a constant supply of fresh BREAD &c. I have secuied the services of au experienced baker, and by using the finest grades of flour, shall endeavor to secure a share of public patronage. Call and inspect samnlau pivut GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner of Bay ana Scott Street. JUST RECEIVED, at the MID & COM i Job printing office, A full Hue of superior paper, envelopes, BILL HEADS, letter heads, note heads, cards, etc. Job printing done neatly and cheaply. All orders promptly attended to. $ri$t and <?cfd. H, 8. ELLIOTT, Beaufort 8. C. WBJVELf X CO., Charleston 8. C. THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILL COMPANY, Having put up a grist mill at their old stand, are prepared to furnish fond and >IPAI. VI I3IJ 1 IUU ' uu my | any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. ELLIOTT. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. I Just Published, ih a Stal'd Knrrlope .Pricr sir cat.' I *A I.eel me on Ihe > nlure, Treatment, &. I Radical Cure of Seniinai Weakness, or Spem afoI rhoea induced by Self-Abuse Involuntary EmissionI Importency, Nervous Debility. ami Impediments tc I Marriage generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, nut! | Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac.?\U ROBERT J. CULVER WELL, M. D., author of tl?" " Green Book, " Ac. j The world-renowned author, in this adtniraW Lecture, clearly proves from liis own expcrlenci 1 that the awful consequent s of Self-Abuse may b j effectually removed without medicine, and wit! j out dangerous surgical operations, bougies, ir.stfu aunts, rings, or cordials ; painting out a mode o i cure at once certain and effectual, by Which i ver; suffer, r, no matter what his condition may ! <>, nia j cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. So * This Isttvre willprove a boon lo thcwtawls an thousands. SeDt. under seal, !n a plain enve!^, 10 any a dress, on receipt of six cents, or two po'staje stamj Address the Publishers. F. BRFGW1X & SOX, vu * t., New York Post Office Box 45? W. A - m+jmm # %w I F. W , SC HK^B I * 1 ??v utow i'aiiuo. -^? I CANNED FRUITS, VEGE And a Full Variety of oilier things I Goods Promptly Deliv Are You Goi THFNT USE M CHEMIGA Ready for use in WHITE, and over prime Whitc Lead, Zinc and Linseed Oi Handsomer and Cheaper, and to J*st T\A has!taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at t andfis on MANY THOUSAND of the I Address: | July 27. ly. CLEAMIi AT THE OLE ! Jacob i 0 REGARDLESS OF COST of our entire FANCY GOODS DOMESTICS &c., we a Best Quality Prints 7 and Sc. Best 4-4 Bleach, ana 10c; I Best 4-4 Bleach, II and 12c. I Be^t 7-8 Bleach, 6 and 7< Best 4-4 Brown, 8 an Good Alpacas, 1 Best Alpaca Linens, Muslins, Lawns* I at an actual sacrifice. Give us a call. Tha Bay Street. JACOB AI Are Yoii Goi THEN USE NEW YORK GHEOIIGJ Ready for use in White, and over One strictly prime White Lead, Rinc, and Lin? much Handsomer and Cheaper, and to lasl It has taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at t and is on many thousands of the finest bom Address: N. if. E] PR IE RED UED . SAMPLEARD SENT FREE. TWO IMPORTANT INV OF X2VTZOU9ST TO B721B! i*. A PIANO OR PARLOR OR< with an adjustable back,?made to support the i while leaning forward in the ordinary position ft a simple arrangement, which gives it a backward time a downward movement, follows his motkmt in any position without interfering in the least of his movements. I r.? 1 1 " *1 SIP1! COUNTER,PLATFORM WAGON &TRACK i MB C/TAGENTS WANTED^ ^?END FOI^ Pf\lOEL LIST I kianimi ni rn n AAlir AO VlAttV IN Ml L CjCbLRLL l,U. ,265 BROADWAYN. Y. 721 CHESTNUT STPHILA.PA. : 117 SENECA ST. CLEVE. 0. , I Li . . ?* I gcaufovt ?u$iuc.$$ Oircftoni. 11* ? ^ * ! I %yf ITl'MKL, W.?Blacksmith, lmrs. Mee. iug, and 1 VI general smith work. Magnolia.St. Whe?lri?ht. I j O AV.\<1K, JKKUY?Wh v frtft't, ltepxfrs nnar.ptj It executed. Mngtmlir. St. a | lvKYflN \V. H.?PniMcr. 4ud rt>*'tra<r<y/, Bay ! XJ nod t^nrlcs Sts. rice auvcr'isement. y Fainter and Glacier. ^ ! T Ol'liZ, EI>\VARP.?Painter and (Hazier, Hoost J Jlj Sign ?nd ornamental glinting done at reason(I ; able rates and (nth promptness and dispatch. B0 WE, J Ad. Hr?Wholesale ai d r-ta l d.alcr ii 'irocerfcs, Liquor*. >egar>, Dry Goods am a j general merchandise. Hay St. j Groceries. ? ' 130V('E. J. P ?ttpicerie* Win s. 1 iemus .md .S D gars, South side Bay St., ik-ttttlo;*.' V . i PI J? J-JH *- TT-fqa?^ HEPKH, TEAS, MM Doifiesttt ? Km; its. 'TABLES, MEATS, tb. usually kept in a fl:si-ci?ss Slore. ered free of chrrce. kJ ng to Fait it? ILLER RROS.* la p A I Ti T One Hum!red differ nit colors made of I, Chemicnlh/ combined; warranted Much 'ICE . S LONG as any. other Paint. It wenty of the State Fairs of the Union, est houses in the country. MILLER BROTHERS', 109 Water Street, Cleveland, Ohio; OUT Sill I STAND OF Apple's. siock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING ire selling ft d 9c. 8 and 20c. is, 40 to GOc. Yansooks, Cambrics, &c., >nkful for past favors.?I am Resp'fy, ??? ? ? r> i r ri trll, deauiori, u . \ ng to Paint? enamel paint co.'s LL PAINT FIundred Dieferent Colors made of eed Oil, Chemically combined, warranted 1 TWICE AS LONG as any other Paint, wenty of the State Fairs of the the Unioit ses'jn the country NAMEL PAINT CtS. 103 (frontal Street, Mew Tori ENTIONS Wjjjjft with the freedom *? APLATFORM ROCKER OH JASTORS, with the Ion? easy movement t tne old style, without the pr^jicth:? rockerc 3 mar other luraiture and the buses of rooma; elne, in fact, the only Platform Rocker mad?i iatnaa a perfectly satisfactory movement. Manufactured for the trade by M.BERT BEST & CO., I BUFFALO, N. Y., nd for sale by the principal dealers throughout he United States. |3^If not kept by any dealer in your town, end to us for Price List and Catalogue. MRS. E. HOLZACH. DREAD. PAKETHNCY DAfflY, U ALL U KIN'DS I OF II FRESH CONFECTIONARY on hand and sold at the lowest prices for cash. For the convenience of mv up town customers the public geucrally, I have fitted up a neat and commodious STORE at the X. E. Comer of WEST & CRAVEN STS., Where I will be happy to receive cWers, and furnish at short notice, all artfehs in my line at prlo I ' I unsurpassed in town. augt. i | -m umntoo ?}f y e tr>r>iy -joq *;|W|| [.auSy |n j l.noniaojuuaojioq (nQfduirHltfsaq.1, Ei viu.maviiHrf'isauia s..riK--tor)90'J El ! JilnuBW 'A31H3JLV18 *0 'D >j | pa* eeoud qit.n 'en^omro joj pn.-ni jo sti ?*s u K puv ((va'uoijtmqx^i 3c?j oqj 01 u.t\?| u; uaq \\ Si S "TlYlfS b.ou<I rI i'OiniJ. fwi pu* n 3S 3?o.'U t p.xni.>ijiij s*Mif[paj Suurrj^vj H K -nucj^ sjiouw?O.I !mt.>{int)(r\(ptj>im'w|A")? j H pne j.vMri iii|:\'?[ainj 9/03 H Fj uoyuy puu jW-/unouj pavpupis .<o(njjt ja rj I | W ?00M %_??# i guEMsmesmmammumm ia?T Best in the World, [ BLATCHI-EY'S Horizontal Ico-Cream Frra. (TIXCLEV'o VATKKT.) J cloeod head will ^;\c ice enough* In one seaE son to pay for the rr^:\cliint? The tub rv<>uirae S hat one fllling to froez\ S?L(*,3 to 4( quart*, f When in tvwn to the Big Exhibit!**, come I and lee M, or ?ond for d<* riptive drrnlar and prirp-lttt. Tory lil onl arrangement! I M made with the trade. The n>*' hlnea can 3 siro be aeen at the Centennial Lthft, Agri- 1 H cuit'l Hall, Cor. A?lt? j a. X, Column Letter | I ?' N?'10' C. G. BLATOHLEY, Msnufr, 5 , ' B .106 CONMKKCC iTui r.V. ?H1LA DF.f PHJA. I ' r~^"*~T? tiJBBK