University of South Carolina Libraries
LOCAL ITEMS. Beauf >rt, S. C. Cot >ber 19, 1876. BEAUFORT C01XTY TICKET. I'.EPl BLIt AX .NOMINATIONS. For Senator, SAMUEL GREEN. I?,.,. T>, ?.n.'nnlo)iv(it, A UI ItCpiMI/UVUtxvv, THOMAS HAMILTON. HASTINGS OA NIT. JOSEPH ROBINSON, GEOllGE A. REED, N. B. MYERS, T. E. MILLER. For Clerk of Court, S. JONES BAMPFIELD. For Sheriff, WILLIAM WILSON. For School Commissioner, THOMAS II. WHEELER. For Judge of Probate, A. B. ADDISON. For Coroner, A. W. MUCKENFUSS. For County Commissioners, V. S. SCOTT. R. J. MARTIN, RENTY F. GREAVES, A company of U. S. Troops have been sent to Allendale to look after the lower part of Barnwell and the upper end of Beaufort. A republican majority in the Senate and House, and eight republican Congressmen out of thirteeu is being tortured into a democratic victory in Indiana. Rather poor consolatiou lor Tilden. The colored democrats are getting tired of machine in Beaufort. There's too much talk and no cider. The editor of this paper has been absent from town since Friday, and will return in about two weeks. ffST" Lieut.-Gov. Gleaves has been confined to his bed for several days with a severe attack of fever. He is slowly recovering. Every man who desires to hear true republican doctrine should attend the meetiug to bo held on Saturday. This meeting has been appointed by the State Executive Committee, who will furnish speakers from different parts of the State. The people far and uear should not fail to be present. BST The steamer Pilot Boy, on Friday went ashore in a tog on vMorgan island lank, St. Helena Sound. After three days hard work the steamer was got off without injury. The freight was sent to lieaufort in small boats and the Pilot lfoy proceeded to Charleston in order to make her regular trip to-day. && Every lover ot lree speech shoul \ attend the meeting on Saturday. Let no republican (alter in this duty, your help i* needed more than ever before, come and see that your neighbor attends also. Saturday should be the grand rally day of the canvas^ come and hoar the good news. 4^4 One of our merchants has received a circular from a Baltimore liquor house stating that the election of Tilden is certain, and therefore advises him to get a supply of the Hampton brand of whiskey. The merchant informed us that since the Governor's proclamation the demand for fighting whiskey had decreased and therefore would not order. <?> tfaT' The following is the ticket nominated by the Beaufort County democratic convention at Ycmassee:?For Senator, Wm. Elliott. For Representatives.?J. W. Moore, J. W. Lawton, C. J. C. I lotson; Daniel Washington, Abram P. Jenkins. For Clerk of Court.?R. Ward; Judge of Probate, Chas. E. Bell; Coroner, S. W. Washington; School Commissioner, B. F. Buckner; Sheriff, Owen F. Duke; County Commissioners, II. R. Williams. Wm. Russel and Cupid Ileyward. There is as on uch chance for the election of the above ticket as there is to make water run up hill. The stores of Mr. J. Apple, Wm. Kressel, and Dr. Jenkins was entered and robbed by burglars on Sunday uighi. Mr. Apple lost goods to the value of $250, consisting of clothing. Mr. Kressel lost one gold aiid three sil ver watches, a revolver and jewelry. The thieves left a chain which Mr. 1 requests they will cail for, as it belongs to one of the watches. An attempt was also made to enter Dr. Stuart's store but the thieves were frightened off before they did any damage. The town authorities have discharged the police who were ou duty, and will deduct one month s pay as additional punishment. A large republican meeting was held at Woodlawn on Ladies Island on Wednesday aud was addressed by A. Williams, S. E. Taylor It. J. .Martin and Jack ltivers who has been one of the colored democrats. After hearing the speakers Livers asked to be heard and upon takins the stand renounced ali further conncctior with the democrats, and pledged hiuisel: to work and vote fur Hayes and Wheelei Governor Chamberlain and the whole republican tie'et. The meeting was spirited and lively an 1 fail of cnthusirm, and it seemed ai though tne people wanted to show >cna tor Green tl.a' although ho is siik am uuab'o to attend that they were firme and stronger in the republican cans.- ?h:i; ? / r rVerhe.iv. - mtum m.f im n?? a??Bwywr ismear, xrx Wade IJnm| ,00 will ii<?t lvc a hah u<?zen votes on the Island. ?"??*" Colored democrats grow scarce a* 1 the election approaches. On election da\ I the supposed democrats will vote the re publican ticket. They are only foraging on the enemy. Sheriffs ?atrs. ^^SHERTFF^SALEy Grace Myers, ts. Seaborn Drayton. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias to meairecie*. ' and lodged in my office I will sell at public outer] J in front of my office in the Towu of Beaufort 01 the first Tuesday in November next 1876, being th< 7th day of said month during the legal hours o s;de the following property to wit: All the right title and interest of Seaborn Dray ton in and to all that plantation or tract of land situate lying and being in Lawton Township Coun ty of Beaufort and State of South Carolina formerlj a part of the J. D. Johnson tract containing 10: acres more or less. Terms cash. I'u rchascrs to pa] for papers. WM. WILSON S. B. C. Oct. 17th 1876. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Probate Court. Robert Thomson, administrator of C. M. Thou: son deceased, vs. C. S. Garrett. A. M. Furse, J Thomson, B. M. Thomson, J. II. Thomson Win, Thomson. By virtue of an order of sale made in the cbov< entitled action by R. K. Carleton Esquire, Judge o Probate court of Beaufort County, I wil sell at pul lie outcry in front of my office in the Town o Beaufort on the first Tuesday in November nt x 1876 be:ug the 7th day of said bonth during the legal liou-s of sale the following property to wit: All those three lots of laud situate lying and being in the Town of Beaufort, County of Beauforl and State of South Carolina, as know and designa tiou upon the Plat of said Town as lots number 1375 134: and 136 and upon the said Town as lot B. ii Block 47. Terms cash Purchasers to pay for papers. WM. WILSON, SBC Oct. 17th 1876. SUERIFrS SALE. Probate Court.?Petition for Partition. Amelia S. Williams, Houry R. Williams, vs. W. C. Richards, T. Addison Richards, J. J. Kichara S. P. Richards, Catharine DuBose, C. W. DuBose Florence Whitehead, 0, Whitehead, S. P. White head, J a., Nellie Whitehead, Nellie Richards, B Richards, Ellen Richards. By virtue of an order of R. K. Carleton, Probat< Judge in the above entitled action, to me directed I will sell ai public outcry in front of my office, ir the town of Beaufort, on the first Tuesday in No I veiuber next, 1876, being the 7th day of said montt during the legal hours ef sale the following proper ty to wit: All that house and lot situate lying and being it llr.rdeeville, in the county of Beaufort and Stat< of South Carolina, bounded mrth by public roac' j from Purysburg to Now River Bridge, and lands o! S. P. Whitehead, east by lands of S. P. Whitehead Z. Richardson and C. A. Williams, south by lands of C. A. Williams, and west by the Medodist Parsonage, containing ten acres more or less. Also All that tract of laud situate lying and being ii I the County and State aforesaid, bounded north bj lands of estate of R. W. Pelot, east by lands of A. A south by lands formerly owned by estate of K. W Pelot, wesl by lands of estate of R. W. Pelot, con tiiniug two hundred and twenty-six acres more oi less. Terms cash, purch&s :rs to pay for papers. WM. WILSON, S. B. C. Centennial Reduction in Advertising. $3,250.40 ; Worth of NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING given foi $700. And A TUBE:: MONTHS' NOTE TAKEN in pay ment from Advertisers of resj onsibi.Py. A PRINTED LIST, Giving Name, Character, Actual Daily and Weeklj Circulation, an J Schedule Rates of Adverting, sent free to any address. Apply to GEO, P, POWELL & CO., I vrircoiDro iniTDTifiivc 1CTH lib IT >71 /II LiII /?Mr i uu M ioii?w nu a i. 41 PARK ROW N". Y. Auction Sale. CONDEMNED NAVY ORES, By J. M. Crofut, Auctioneer, At his Store on Kav Street, Commencing on SAT | I'KPAY. OCTOBEB* 14th, 1676. at'io'chck, p. m I and continuing until the sante is disposed of. 14<? LBS. FLoUR. is boxes navy brea p Tie above will be sold in small lots to suit pui j chasers oct-I4, NOTICE'. All persons are hereby cautionei against crediting any of the crew of the Schi j Charles Harvey, as the owner will not be responsi ble. J. II. TON KING, Oct. l2-1m. Master. PORT ROYAL RAILROAD. Magnolia Passenger Route, UH.WGE OF SCHEDULE. ' siterin'ts office port royal railr'd AUGUSTA, VJA., Vtl. <, io/n. The following Passenger Schedule will be open j ted on and atter Oct.JS, 1876. GOING SOUTH. Train No. 1. Dnily. i Leave Augusta 9 30 a i ' Arrive at Beaufort 3 13 p i j Arrive Port Royal 3 35 p i I Arrive at Savannah 4 30 p i i Arrive at Charleston 5 20 p i GOING NORTH. Train No. Daily. j u ?ve Port Poyal 10 .50 a i Leave Beaufort 11 10 pi Leave Savannah 10 00 a i L av. Charleston 9 30 a i J Arrive at Augusta 5 10 p i ' *Dinner. The only line making close connection wit the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad at Savannah, an from and to Jacksonville and all points in I'lorid avoiding the long, tedious and well-known Omnibt uransferer through that city j ?se only line jp lining Through Hay Coaches witl ; i out change between Augusta and Savannah. /T3-Connections made at Augus'a with the ^vuti Carolina Railroad for Aiken, S. C., Charlotte, <"? I niubia and Augusta Railroad for all points Nori ; and Southwest, West and Northwest. Sleeping Car Berths engag~* at Augussa by a i plying to agents at Beau for* Port Royal. Baggage Checked Tlirouv1'. j it. G. FLEMING, Superintendent. T. S. PAVANT, Gen'l. Pass. A r! EDUCATIONAL. A select school will be opsii'il in the town of B^: fort, oti <>r about the ICth day of October next ' Miss Sadie Ilogge, a proficient teacher of Engli | branches. For particulars apply to J AS. M. CROFCT, s Bay St Fire Wood. i r Topry cknts per. cord, at the at la . !" tie <aw Mill* B'-aufort. ISO It It INS lv?DMN<;TON a c It-.ttifurl, Sept. 11, is.'li, s v-,' & u {?,; ? et tea V . it I ?' ti # * r To the Working Clans?We are now pre5 I jiaml t<> furnish all classess with constant emplov. J ment at home, the whole of the titne or for their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sea easily oa n > from 50 cents to ?5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business . Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business we make this unparalleled offer To such as are not well satisfied we will send ohc dollar to pay for the trouble of Writing. For f>ar- C ticulars, samples worth several dollars td commence work on, and a copy of Home and Fireside one of the largest and best Illustrated Publication ' all sent free by mail. Reader, if you wdnt perman ? r ent, profitable work, address. GBdftOK StixsoX A 1 j Co., Portland, Maine. i Sept. ISth Spanish Bk DesengariO, Telleria, bia f ter for London, with 416 tofiS of phosphate rock n from Pacific Mines, sr 1 NOTICij - TO liOLDERS of CLAINS agaidst i Beaufort Comity, for the Tears i r 1873-4, and 1874-5. [ Office of the County Commissioners, Beaufort, S. C., Aug 11th, 1876. Irt accordance with the provisions of a lofnt Resolution of the General Assembly, approved March 24th, 1876, eutitled " a Joint Resolution authorizing the County Commissioners of Beaufort County m i to levy a special tax." _ J Notice is hereby given that all persons holding claims against Beaufort County, for the fiscal years " 187:3-4 and 1874-5, are required by said Joint Reso- * 9 lution to register their claims with the County 1 f Treasurer within ninety days from and after the | > i first day of September next. Claims not so registerf ed in the time required, will not be entitled to the t proceeds of the tax levied under said Joint Resolu - tion. THOS. H. WIIEELER. D aug.l7-tf. Clerk of Board. 1 $100.00 Reward. A REWARD OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be paid by the Town of Beaufort for the t arrest and conviction of the person or persons who committed the robbery at the store of W. C, * Bellows on the morning of the 24th inst. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Inteudant Sept. 28th-1mo. S< - THE U. S. OF AMERICA. ) 1n rnnr* *' South Carolina Pls't. /In ??eCircuitCoart Ludwig Marx et. al., vs. The Fort Royal R. R. Co. The Union Trust Co., vs. The Port Royal R. R. Co * Having been directed by an order of Judge Bryan |{ U. S. Judge, for the District of South Carolina, to a] 1 advertise for and call in all claims against the Por " Royal R. R. Co., having a lien prior to the mort- J ' gage on the property to be sold in this case including Receiver's certificates, amounts due to officers i and employees fees of attorneys, and any amount ? due for materials or repairs of the road under an 1 orders of this court made in this case, and to repor " the same to the "said court. All persons holding 1 claims as ahovc mentioned are herewith notified to " present the same to me on or before the first day of e November next, 1876. i JAS. SIMONS, Jr., 5 SpO-6t. Referee. J BANKING HOUSE, s i Win. If. Lockwood, BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. :. GOLD AND EXCHANGE OX New, York Charleston & Sav- ] annah Bought and Sold, I Collections made on any point in the t! United States. Accounts received subject ? to check at sight. ii np.27.6m. 1 , ~ i\ M7 VVHTTMAN, ? WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. Bay Street. Btnufort, 8. c., Has retruned erom the north i with a fine assortment of goods at 3Mortlicrn Price?. WEDDING RINGS, $3.00 to $12.00, SILVER RINGS, 30c. to $l..'i0. SILVER NAPKIN RINGS, $2.00 to $4.00. LADIES GOLlf WATCHES, $36 to $50. 0 . B Day i 1 Bay Striking Clocks, S3,SO to SO, < o a GENTS' GOLD CIl IANS, PINS. RINGS, SLEEVE ; f) BUTTONS. STUDS, WATCH CHAINS, LAr. DIES GOLDand PLATED JEWELRV, GOLD PENS, AC., AC. ( I GENTS' GOLD SILVER WATCHES. Call and examine before purchasing, and satisfy yourself you can save ten to^ twenty-five per eent from Charleston or Savannah prices. W. H. CALVERT. ' n PRACTICAL ] ? Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker ' i . DEALER IN j Japanned and Stamped Tin Wares. Constantlyon hand, Cooking Parlor and Box Stoves. ,u | TERMS CASH. I ,u Agent for the Celebrated i Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. IV. II. CALVERT, Bay St. brtu-een Sth A Dth sts. Beaufort. S. C a, . I E M. STUART, M. D., | ih | Cor. Bay A Eighth Streets. Beaufort, S. O. Iw PEAT.KR IN DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FA MI FA" MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES - STATIONERY, PURFUMERY, BRUSHES, Jcc., Ac., Ac'., Together with many other articles too numerous , (? mention. Al'of which will be sold at the lowes " I sh price tor cash. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. feh.P1 U I Barber. RCTLEIXJK, R. M.?Barber, shaving hair cutting, shampooing and dyeing done in the neatest manner. Buy St. (lO'tPKR .ToIFN?Dry (Foods Clothing, Millinary. Fretieh ami Domestic Flowers, Fain v < me Ac. Day St. See advertisement. 1 jas. e. McGregor, j ArriAgE maker, house, sigjr, -'- i n ? i>tjt ififr briii Pt>. Express Office, Beaufort, S. < 1 All kind* of Scroll and fancy sawing. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to, on ttSonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. 4GT- Agent for Barnes' patent foot power scroll iw, which can be seen in operation at my shop. jas. e. McGregor. ulyj-ly. SRIND CLOSING OUT SALE AT THE STORE OF E. A. Scheper, The Leader in Low Prices :o: Till close out his complete stock of iPRING&SUMMERGOODS Ever before offered to the Beaufort public. Consisting of RY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS. AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, MATTING Ac offer an entirely fresh stock of SPRING DRESS GOODS, elected in New York with special view to their laptability to present season, climate Ac. EXTRA IXDUCEMEXTS ill be offered in all departments, as I am deterlined to make this one of the most attractive estabshmentsin town. Call before purchasing elsewhere nd examine the stock of goods at 3. A. SOHEPER. SAFETY AND BRILLIANCY? VESTAL OIL, ives a better light than any other oil, and will no tplode. For sale by M. KRESSEL, ap.13. Bay St., eaufort. TAKE DR. DENNIS' ystem Reno vat or and Blood PURIFY IWG SYRUP. or Dyspepsia, Piles, Heartburn, Sick Headache evers" Sores, Ac. M. J. GRAHAM. Aot., iar.S0?lm. Beaufort. Proclamation. OFFICE INTENDANT TOWN BEAUFORT. Bkaifort, S. C. Aug.31st 1876. UTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO SHIP .1 owners masters and others, that vessels and oats of all descriptions hound to this place from avannah Or other infected ports will be subject t lie Quarantine laws of the Town and State. All persons are strictly prohibited from landing oods or passengers from Savannah, or other nfected ports unless special permission is fir<t ob? nined of the Intendant, Town Council or Board f Health. All violations of the Quarantine la b will he rigily prosecuted. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Intendaut Town of Beaufort. W. H. DEVLIN, Carpenter I Builder All kinds of 30AT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING, j o | OFFICE AND SHOP ?0R? BAY and CHARLES STREET, BEAUFORT, S. C. PORT ROYAL Saw& Planing Rill BEAUFORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN rSLLOW FINE TIKBEBp AND LUMBER AND Cypress SLingloa, ALSO Builders & Contractors | PLASTER, LATHES, All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. Flooring & Ceiling BoarOs always on iani Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo promptly tilled. Terms Cash. nov.28-ly. D. C. WILSON, & CO* M. POLLITZE R,_ COTTOy FACTOR AND Commission Merchant BEAUFORT S . C j. c. rTchmond7~ Trial Justice. All business intrusted to hini will receive care ful and prompt attention. Office Custom House Building. Beaufort S. C. april 27-t THE PARKER CUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROV WEST MERIDEN.CT.; t'havlfstoti AiUniisnnrnts. D. O'NEILL, & SONS, wholesale Dealers is BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISE8, No, 33 Hayno Stroot Charleston S. C. aprl.8-ljr. 9 'o?a ozis Xnr jo aopjo en ino ssfljr) pin? sjtlitid Smxim 0} no.uS nopuenjn pnoodg 'ttKUKaaani ciky a\m 3,iiha\ *sITO PUH 4?ST?t-E) aovaaoo ukv saxn hrm '8NHVA XMN jt> 'sa.tiAA '88O1IM1 O's 'ljomooiT -?fi( Abct 'OAVWJS SILVER PLATED WARE. Electro-Plated Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work, IN GREAT VARIETY, MANUFACTURED BY THE MERIDIAN BRITANNIA COMPANY, 550 BROADWAY NEW YORK. The best Plated SPOONS and FORKS are those Silver Plated heaviest on the parts where necessarily the most wear comes, and bearing the Trade Mark. 1874?ROGERS BROTHERS?XII. N. B. ?This great improvement In Silver - Plated Spoors and Forks is applied alike to each grade of Plate, A 1, Sand 12 oz. as ordered. The Process and Machinery for .manufacturing these goods are Patented. The Extra.or 41 Standard Plate" made by this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 per cent, heavier than the ordianary market standard. 4Gr First Preraeums awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, from World,s Fair of 1852 to American Institute Fair, 1674. inclusive, mar 9-6 m. tfjC fn per day at home. Samples worth 81 (J) J IU ipZiU free. Stinson A Co., Portland* Maine SEND 25c. to G. P. ROW ELL A CO., New York for Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing list of 8000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising. (hit) a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and (J)l6 terms free TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. mar9-ly. JOHN FRANZ, . Wholesale & Retail Grocer, - amd SHIP CHANDLER O ? Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. 0 Constantly receiving from St. Louis, the best FAMILY FLOUR, WHOLESALE GROCERIES, LIQUORS PLANTATION SUPPLIES at the prineple Store, formerly occupied by J. Fylcr, Corner Bay and West Streei BAKERY. Having just completed the erection of f bakery at uiy premises, at the corner Baj and Scott Sts., I shall keep a constam supply of fresh BREAD &c. I have se cured the services of an experienced ba ker, and by using the finest grades o flour, shall endeavor to secure a share o public patronage. Call and inspect sam pies. GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner of Baj and Scott Street. JUST RECEIVED, AT THE STlKDiRD&COMMERCUl JOB PRINTING OFFICE, A full line of superior PAPER. ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CARDS, ETC. ! Job printing done neatly and cheaply. All onlei promptly attended to. I (Srist and ?tt&. J .If. S. ELLIOTT, Beaufort S. V. JU VEJS"EL) S CO., Charleiton S. t THE BEAUFORT ; STEAM MILL COMPAQ H' A VINO PUT UP A GRIST MILL AT TIIEI old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed and Meal, any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. KLUOTT, A LECTURI TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published t in a Scaled Envelope .Price six cen A l ecture on the ^ ature. Treatment, t Kiulical cure of Seminai Weakness, or Sperm at : rhoea induced l?y Self-Abuse Involuntary Einissioi j Importency, Nervous I)ci>ility, and Impediments I Marriage generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, ai ; Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac.?1 j ROBERT Jt CTLVERWELL, M. D? author of t j "Green Book, " Ac. The world-renowned atttnor, m <nu< auuium Lecture, clearly proves from his own experien that the awful consequences of Self-Almso may effectually removed without nurdicine, and wi out dangerous surgical operations, bougie*, insti luents, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode care at once certain and effectual, by which cvt , sullen r, no matter what his condition may be, iu i cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. BTr) This Iscturt irill />rove <i boon to thovxtin/ls c I thousands. Sent, tinder seal, in a plain envelope, to any dr""". oe receipt of ?ix cents, or two postage stau Address the Publishers. F. BRIttlAlf & SO*. ; l I Ann St.. *>w York Po>t Office Box 43 \ \ I- y. I r. \v . s < m GROCERIES aigfcjg CANNED FRUITS, VEGl And a Full Variety of other things Goods Promptly Delii Are Yon Goi THEN CAE \ CHEMICJ Ready for use in WHITE, and ovei prime White Lead, Zinc and Linseed 0 Handsomer and Cheaper, and to last TI hasltaken the FIRST PREMIUMS at t and-is on MANY THOUSAND of the Address: July 27. ly. CLEARlNt AT THE OLI Jacob , < REGARDLESS OF COST of our entire FANCY GOODS DOMESTICS &c., we Best Quality Prints 7 and 8c. Best 4-4 Bleach, 9 and 10c. Best 4-4 Bleach, 11 and 12c. Best 7-8 Bleach, 6 aud " Best 4-4 Brown, 8 a Good Alpacas,1 Best Alpac Linens, Muslins, Lawns* at an actual sacrifice. Give us a call. Th Bay Street. JACOB A I y Are You Goi tiien use new yori GHEMICJ Ready for use in White, and over One i strictly prime White Lead, Rinc, and Lin much Handsomer and Cheaper, and to lai It has taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at -T ?e?* and'is on many uionsanas ui tuc ultosv uu< Address: N. Y. E PRtB REDVED | SAMPLEARD SEST FREE TWO IMPORTANT INI or XNTxzHfisr to bveb i?> A PIANO OR PARLOR OR With an adjustable back,?made to rapport Um While leaning forward in the ordinary position a ilmple arrangement, which given it a baekwa t time a downward movement, follows his taotlo la any position without Interfering In the lent of Ua movement*. f |BKTn mBWBBP ^^X3k?1i pipi STANMBI* msm " 00UHTER.PLATF0RM. WAGON&TRACK ' \ z/sAGENTS WANTED^ jfiEND ron. PS\ICC. LIST ? MARVIN SAFE 85SCALECO. , .26S BROADWAY N. Y. 721 CHESTNUT STPH/LA.PA. : 111 SENECA ST. t*. 'w ^ gcaufovt justness pirfrtorit. iTITCHET., W.?Blacksmith, horseshoeing, an< lrt .VI. general smith work. Magnolia >SU 5y he " meclright ce OAVA6E..IER8V?Vvli'Tlrighl. Ileptintprtmipl O lv executed. Magnolia St. be I itb lkKVLIN, W. H,?Builder and contractor, Rn rtl_ t yJ and Chariot? Sts. See advert ivment-. Painter and Glazier. a* T OPKZ, El'WARD.?Printer and (ilazier, Hon? JLi Sign and < ?rnamental painting done at reasoi r ml aide rates and with proin|>(Hcss and d is catch. BOYCB,.IAS. E.?Wholesale ani retail dealer Groceries. Lienors, Segarn, Vty Goods at up general Kay St. Groceries. DOICK. 1. !' '?riw-... tvino. I.ifpiors, and J J J gir*, Sontl: id.? Stay St., Beau tort. 1 IliU'EK, TMS' C ' I - ' _ "feggfr A 8PECULTT. I 7??aU? TABLES, MEATS, &c. usually kept in a first-class Store* jered free of charge. ing to Paint? riLLEli BROS.' lL paint p One Hundred different colors made of il, Chemically combined, warranted Much VICE /:.S LONG as any other Paint It twenty of the State Fairs of the Union; best houses in the country. MILLER BROTHERS, 109 Water Street, Cleveland, Ohio. rou rs EE" D STAND OP Apple's. 3 DRV GOODS. CLOTHING are selling 4 nd 9c. '0$ 1 18 and 20c. as, 40 to 60c. Nansooks, Cambrics, &c., ankful for past favors.?I am Reep'fy, PPLE, Beaufort, S. C. ing to. Paint? Z ENAMEL PAINT CO.'S ILPAINT Hundred Dieferent Colors made of seed Oil, Chemically combined, fMWiuted it TWICE AS LONG as any other Pafart. twenty of the State Fairs of the the Tin toe I8e8*in the country INAMEL PAINT CO. 103 (feaita Street. New lort. T /ENTIONS fHB i* ONE. (CAN CHAIR, ?H"^J 5 back of the sitter ^ for playing, end by rd end at the mum ? and?pportahhn it with the freedom ^RH W. A PLATFORM ROCKER ON CASTORS, with the long wy movement of the old style, without the projecting roc Iters to mar other furnimre ami the bases of rooms; being, in fact, the only Platform Rocker made that has a perfectly satisfactory movement. Manufactured for the trade by ALBERT BEST & CO., BUFFALO, N. Y., and for sale by the principal dealers throughout the United States. PF~ If not kept by any dealer in your towm, tend to ns for Price List and Catalogue. MRS. E. HOLZACH. DREAD. PAKE & [MCI OAKERY, M ALL W KINDS I OF " FRESH CONFISCATION ART. on hand and sold at the lowest prices for cask. For the convenience of my up town customers and the public seneraily, I have fitted up a acat and commodious STORE at the N. E. Osrner ef WEST A CRAVEN STS., Where 1 will he happy to nceive orders, and tar* nish at short notice, ail articles in my line at p."ico j unsnrpassod in town. au^-l. nmtTO?}up g ?PTY "O I kqi(|\x j,uoih..j ;n uooaoq uvu ?liaad?M<(? ?JJ via.ruaynni.f'x3aiij.'7?r>B.T?mj1590j M 8 'AaiHDivia *9 o a '? UTIUHK 5 pnrj pnoud qif* Vn5opr}*j joj pnoe jo tut eoi pnBKva'uojuqrqx^aiqoqj oj umoj u| uoq.w nfi 'TIY'JCS 8*?3|Jd '3f)HV1 put, ^o?T)fl tpamuonf s.ini|i.>Dj J?u{jr?v>*J C -ntn>m - jv\ |>v i M0'i p'i? p|rtti>nini( .1 mMoo qjj* viuxn^ ?,-o g aogujo pus a^unonj pmpuujg Cupeling ^JBes^D^h^WoriSL T > D| IT/'IJT PVM Bg . > Horizontal ice-Cream Freezer. I (mOLF.Y'S FATSMT.) li on* ee?? I j son to pey for the machine. The tab reqairtt bat ono filling to freeze. Sizes, 3 to * purii. H When In trwn to the Big Bk ibitlsa, cotw in end see us, or s?'nd for descriptive dmler H h1 and price-list. Very lihenil srrangemettAl made with the trade. The nm< hfnes cm H> ? dzo be seen at the (Vntenniel Kxhib^ Agi1 nilt'l Hell, Cor. Aisles 9 A N, Coiaum Letter n, No. in ^ ^ uj.ATOHl.EY, Maflnfr, I ^ 506 Co*MF.gcr. STRtrr, PHitAnrtein*. y