University of South Carolina Libraries
LOCAL ITEMS. MU.U _ Beanfort, 8. C. October 5, 1876. The Congregation of the first African Baptist church in Beaufort, Rev. A. Wardel., pastor, contributed on Sunday night last, over twenty-nine dollars to the sufferers in Savannah. A noble work of charity. The water-boat Agnes, returned to Beaufort on Tu esday morning after a " TV?1_ thirty days quarantine. iUCSSR. -L/lUiv auu Small have been put to great expense and inconvenience by her absence, but they are citizens of the right stamp, and ?ay they would rather the boat had gone to Davy Jones' than for it to have been the means of bringing the Savaunah aconrge to this port. A pain'ul accident occurred to Senator Samuel Green on Tuesday last. He left his home ou that day on horseback to proceed to Beaufort. When nearing the ferry his horse stumbled, throwing him, dislocating his shoulder. He came on to Beaufort for surgical tieatmeut, and ^although his injuries are of a paiuful nature, they are not dangerous and it is thought he will be able to be out again :n the course of ten days. 16^* On Monday evening the Beaufort precinct meeting was held in the Arsenal; Mr. Peter Rolinson in the chair and Mr. F. D. J. Lawrence acting as secretary. Elections of delegates proceeded as follows : Messrs. Robt. Smalls Jos. Robinson, William Wilson, Thos. Hamilton. A dispute and contusion arose on the name of F. D. J. Lawrence ; being added to the list, and the secretary leaving the stand another secretary was J appointed and Peter Robinson declared i elected a delegate. The alternates were Messrs Bee, Graham, M. W. Williams I Rutledge, and Simon GreeD. Mr. Hamilton Robinson was elected precinct chairman for the next two years. COURT OF GENERAL SESSION. ' ??? I The October term of Court of General Sessions for the County opened on Monday last, being the first term in this county at which His Honor. Judge Wiggin presided; and Mr. S. J. Lee (the republican nominee for the circuit Solicitor) under appointment by the Governor j acted in that capacity. The business transacted was of an unimportant chnr- J aeter, and as there is no money in the j treasury to pay witnesses or jurors, the J object of the court was to effect a jail dc- j livery, thereby lessening the expense on I the taxpayers of the county. The Grand Jury on Tuesdav returned I i true bills against Pleasant Doctor, a boy charged with assult and battery with intent to kill; Henry Dawson charged with two similar offences, and Henry Monofcan late master-at-arms on board the U. S. Monitor44 Catskill, " on a charge of murder. The appeal cases of Dennis O'Drisco^ and J. Southmaid, and G. Fripp, charged with assault and battery were remanded back to Trial'.Justice Carleton to carry out the judgemeut of his court. The appeal case of Geo C. Hickman charged with breach of trust was also lemanded back to the same court for a similar purpose. Henry Dawson, who shot a man and woman near Gillisouville in July last, was brought in guilty of assalt and battery with intent to kill in both cases. Messrs. H. G. Judd of Beaufort, and Thos. B. Colding of Allendale, were examined in open court, by Messrs. Verdiei Moore and Warren, and hating passed an examination were admitted to practice. A. C. Crawford, charged with unlawfully resisting an officer ; Anthony Bailey ' and Nat Simmons, charged with grand larceny, and J. M. Cauty, charged with larceny, were discharged the state putting on the stand no witnesses against thkm. On Wednesday true bills were returned against Jenny Fanner and Robin Wei-1 come charged with assault and battery. The Grand jury called upon the Coun-1 ty treasurer to fiirnish them with his stub books 41 D " and 44 F " Mr. Moore counsel for the treasurer stated there was a rule issued at the l^t term of court in reference to these books and they were ready to answer. This answer stated that these books were turned over to Mr. * N. B. Myers, and had never been returned. " On motion an order was granted discharging the rule to shew cause. Robin Welcome was found guilty of assaulting Jennie Farmer, by cutting her wrist with a razor at Stafford's Cross Roads. Presentment of the Grand Jury. To Hit Hon. P. L. Wiggin. Judge of the Second Circuit. The Grand Jury upon entering into an investigation of the boots and accounts of the county commissioner werejunable from the imperfect and loose,manner in which the books of the office are kept, to make such an examination as would satisfy them of their correctness, and as it would probably require several weeks or months, to arrive at anything like a satisfactory conclusion of the condition of the office, the grand jury concluded to defer the examination and to recommend to the court the importance of appointing an expert or person well acquainted with book-keeping, to make a thorough and complete examination of the office at the expense of the couuty, in connection with a committee of the grand jury and report the result at the next term of the court. In connection with the affairs of the office of the County Commissioers, the K grand jury regret to state that from tlieii own observation and the statement of responsible citizens of the County, thai the county commissioners allow theii . rk to take part in their discussions or matters ^'presented for their action, and too often control them in the disbursement oft lie county funds. The chairman of the County Comniis. sioners, who is also a member of the County Board ofEqualization, has at va- | rious times received pay from the Coun ty Treasurer on constructive services and mileage for services rendered t he respect- j ivc board on the same days. The Grand ; Jury w>.uld recommend to the court the! adoption of such a course as will compel ' hira to refund the money so received to the County Treasury, if by law he is not | entitled to receive the same. The Graud Jury are satisfied that the ! entire machinery of the County Offices [ require remodleing to reduce expenses in accordance with the means of the people, i The present rate of taxation is as high ; as can be borne short of actual confiscation and yet the amount collected falls far short of the present expenses. Some change must be made to prevent actual bankruptcy and ruin, and we respecfully suggest as the begining of reform that the people instruct their representatives at the ensuing session of the Legislature to make such a change in the law as will reduce the number of offices of the county, We think the duties of County Commissioners can be distributed between the Treasurer and Auditor, I except such as pertain to roads and j bridges, which can be attended to by townsnif boards free of expense. We would also call the attention of ! the Court to the increasing evil of Trial Justices sending to this court minor cases, which should be settled in their own courts. The attention of the jury has been called to a case recently sent to this court from the vicinity of Mat- I thew's Bluff for an ordinary riot, in which "no bill" was found and the exnnnofla omonnf to ninotr.onron bollard J/VUCVO HUJVUIIWVU tv 1IXUVIJ CV 1 VU UVliUiCt We hope if this matter comes within the jurisdiction of the Court, prompt measures will be adopted to suppress this evil, and if it does not, that the representatives of the people will pass such laws as will effect a reform. In connection with a reduction of the expenses of the county we would respectfully suggest that the June term of the court be dispensed with, by which I some twenty-five hundred or three thousand dollars would be saved to the county without in any way impairing the admin- l istration of justice. The grand jury further report that they < could not continue their investigation in the county treasurer's office from the continued absence of stub books UD" < and 11F" from that office. They have appointed a committee consiting of Messrs. W. C. Danner, W. M. French, and I. J. Cohen, to conduct a civil 6ult against the county treasurer and his sureties to recover such sums as have been illegally paid out of his office of funds belonging to the county; and of such overcharges of commissions that he has no right to make. ( We take pleasure in testifying to the 1 neat and orderly manner in which the office of the coroner and Judge of P.obaie 1 so far as we saw, were found. C. J. Colcock, Foreman. 1 After the reading of the presentment the Solicitor remarked that he had given out bills against Mr. Geo. Holme-, based ! on the presentment of the Grand Jjiy at the June term, and he would like to know what was the result. Mr. Colcoek, foreman.?We withdraw our !ast presentment and return the bills without action. I Mr. Wheeler.?In reference to the presentment, I should like to make a few remarks. They charge that the books &c.. of the county commissioners office are kept in a loose manner, which I deny. The presentment is malicious and untrue, and has been made for political capital. His Hon.?This is a presentment of a | sworn body of men, and you cannot be 1 allowed to proceed. Mr. Wheeler. ? One of the members of , the Grand Jury told me they were hunting for political capital. Ivis Honor:?This is no place for you to bring in such a subject. Mr. Wheeler:?They shall know my mind however. j Mr. Moore, of counsel for the treasurer, reviewed in a most forcible and eloquent manner the course of the prosecution against his client, showing how the charges had been held over his client's head from one term of court to the other, although they were ready for trial and disclaiming any reflection on the Grand Jury, he thought their present action was a most extraordinary and un heard of proceeding. He denied that the indictments at the last term of court were quashed on account of technical defects, for in the language of the presiding judge of that term, they were quashed on good substantial and valid objections. ' - " i - i.? i i In the name 01 rigor aim justice uc ucmanded that some action shoald now be taken on these bills, either that they return "no bills" or "true bill" and do their duty. He submitted that their present course placed the Grand Jury in the light of persecutors even though they were unconscious if it. His Honor held that as the present jury were the jury of the last teim they hid a right to withdraw the presentment. The jury returned to their rooms, returning "no bill" in oue case" true bill" in the other; and the foreman recommended that a nol pross be entered in the j , case. | After a protest from Mr. Moore, a nol i pross was entered. i His Honor discharged the Grand Jury, remarking that he could not see his way clear to appoint an expert a< recommended :' :t< there was no law either for the ap pointment or for payment for his services. ! ' The case against Monohan for the murder of his shipmate commenced | Wednesday, and will continued through to-day, (Thursday. ) For nexl School Commissioner, of Boa u l?rt Comity, K. P. .1. I.AWIH'XCK, Ksq., who has educated himself without going t<> school j but it seems that school came to hint. No one need j toll us who lie is, because we not only know him, I but-even his parents, but we know more of him recently since he graduated in Charleston, where he was admitted to practice as a lawyer. Since that time he lias returned to his home in Beaufort, where lie was born. IleVe, helping the poorer classes of the people out of their difficulties, almost daily, in the courts, where he has proved himself to be the right man in the right place. He has never refused any one when called on to represent them in court on account of their having no money, but on the contrary, is always ready with or without pay. Therefore, we earnestly request the delegates and voters generally to give to such a man their suj>port. {Signed.) Many Citizens. NOTICE TO HOLDERS of CLAWS against Beaufort County, for the Years 1873-4, and 1874-5. Office of the County Commissioners, Bedufnrt. S. C., Aug 11th, 181... In accordance with the provisions of a jopit Res- i olutionof the General Assembly, approved March 21th, 187C, entitled "a Joint Resolution authoiir- , ing the County Commissioners o?' Beaufort County to levy a special tax." ( Notice is hereby given that *11 persons holding claims against Beaufort County, for the fiscal years | 1878-4 and 1874-5, are required by said Joint Resolution to register their claims with the County Treasurer within ninety days from and after the first day of September next. Claims not so registered in the time required, will not be entitled to the 3 proceeds of the tax levied under said Joint Resolu lion. TIIOS. H. WHEELER. aug.l"-tf. - Clerk of Board. $100.00 Reward. j A REWARD OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be paid by the Town of Beaufort for the arrest and conviction of the jterson or persons tvho committed the robbery at the store of W. C, J Bel'ows on tlie mo-uing of the 24ih inst. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Intendant Sept. 28th-1mo. THE U.S. OF AMERICA, 1 T? i South Carolina Dis't. / In 1 J* Circuit Court- j Ludwig Marx et. ah, vs. The Port Royal R. R. Co. l _ . _ _ ? J The Union Trust Co., vs. The Port Koyai it. k. ro Having been directed by an order of Judge Bryan lT. S. Judge, for the District of South Carolina, to advertise for and eall in all claims a^,ai nst the Por Royal R. R. Co., living a lieu prior to the mortgage on the property to be sold in this case including Receiver's certificates, amounts due to officers md employee's fees of attorneys, and any amount ^ lue for materials or repairs of the road under an ( >rders of this court made in this case, and to repor he same to the 'said court. All persons holding :laims as above mentioned are herewith notified to iresent the same to me on or before the first day of November next, 1376. JAS. SIMONS, Jr., J >pt.7-6t. Referee. BANKING HOUSE, j Win II. Lock wood.1 BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C.. GOLD AND EXCHANGE ON t New, York Charleston & Sav- i annah Bought and Sold, t Collections made on any point in the i United States. Accounts received subject ( to check at sight. ap. 27.0m. 1 "P. M. WHITMAN, WATCHMAKER AMI JEWELLER, Ray Street. Beaufort, S. C., Has just retruned erom the nortu with a tine assortment of goods at Xortlieru Prioos. W ; DDING RINGS, $3.00 to $12.00, SILVER RINGS, 30c. to $1.50. SILVER NAPKIN RINGS, $2.00 to $4.00. LADIES GOLD WATCHES, $36 to $60. 0 3 Day 11 Bay Striking Clocks, S3.S0 to S3. ! o 1 jENTS' GOLD CHIANS, PINS, RINGS, SLEEVE 1 BUTTONS. STUDS, WATCH CHAINS, LA- ' DIES GOLD and PLATED JEWELRY, GOLD PENS, AC., AC. gents* gold & silver watches, Call and examine before purchasing, and satisfy rourself you can save ten to^ twenty-five per eent Trout Charleston or Savannah prices. < dee.6.1y , W. H. CALVERT. PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iran, Copper Worker DEALER IN Tapnnned and Stamped Tin Wares. Constantlyon J hand, Cooking Parlor and Box Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W. H. CALVERT, Bay St. between Sth A 9th sts. Beaufort. S. C H. M. STUAKT, JVl. U., Cor. Bay & Eighth Streets, Beaufort, & C . DKALKR IN DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATION EH Y, PURFUM EH Y, BRUSHES* Ac., Ac., Ac., j Together with many other articles too numerous o mention. AH of which will be sold at tlielowe* i j price for cash. Physicians prescriptions carefully I compounded. fch.l'l Barber. RUT LEDGE, R. M.?Barber, .-having hair rut.ting, s'lamjiooing and dyeing done in tin n-.atest manner. Bav St. jas. e. McGregor, 1 CAKKIAGEJfAKKR, HOUSE, SIGN, and CARRIAGE PAINTER. ftnn. Evnress Office. Beaufort, S. . j ~* r- ? , All kinds of Scroll and fancy sawing. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to, on reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Agent for Barnes' patent foot power scroll saw, which can be seen in operation at niy shop. jas. e. McGregor. Julyl-ly. GRIND CLOSING OUT SHE at the store of E. A. Sclieper, The Leader in Low Prices :o: Will close out his complete stock of SPRING (MID GOODS Ever before offered to the Beaufort public. Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, hats. and caps, j boots and shoes, MATTING Ac 0 I offer an entirely fresh stock of SPRING DRESS GOODS, ] Selected in New York with special view to their idaptability to present season, climate Ac. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS i rill be offered in all departments, as I am deter- ] nined to make this one of the most attractive establishments in town. Call before purchasing elsewhere md examine the stock of goods at E. A. S CHE PER. ?' SAFETY AND BRILLIANCY. I VESTAL OIL, ; Jives a better light than any other oil, and will no j 'xpiode. For sale by , M. KRESSEL, j ap.13. Bay St., eaufort. TAKE DR. DENNIS1 j System Renovator and Blood ' PURIFYING SYRUP. ?or Dyspepsia, Piles, Heartburn, Sick Headache i revere, Sores, dc. j M. J. GRAHAM, Agt., nar.80-lm. Beaufort. , Proclamation. ! OFFICE INTENDANT TOW* BEAUFORT. ( Beaukort, S. C. Aug.31st 1876. VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO SHIP L\ owners master* and others, that vessels and >oats of all descriptions bound to this place from iavannab or other infected ports wilBbe subject t he Quarantine laws of the Town and State. I All persons are strictly prohibited from landing jond* or passengers from Savannah, or other ] nfected ports unless special permission is first obaiticd of the I ntendant, Town Council or Board >f Health. All violations of the Quarantine la s will be rigdly prosecuted. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Intendant Town of Beaufort. W. H. DEVLIN, Carpenter | Builder' a. 0 All kinds of ' I BOAT WORK, ? CAULKING, 1 and SPAR MAKING, j OFFICE AND SHOP COR. BAY and CHARLES STREET, ! BEAUFORT, S. C. iug5.1y. POH.T nOYAIi _ $aw& Planing Hill BEAUFORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., manufacturers of and dealers in FELLOW FINS TWER MS LUMBER and Cypress Slxlngles, also Builders & Contractors PLASTER, LATHES, All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on banc! Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. nov.2S-ly. D. C. WILSON, A CO' M. POLLITZER,~ COTTOy FACTOR and Commission Merchant BEAUFORT S.C J, C. RICHMOND. Trial Justice. All business intrusted to him will receive care ful and prompt attention. Office Custom House Building. Beaufort 8. C. aprll 27-t ! , Thiparkercun. j PARKER BR0Ys ! .WEST MERIDEN.CT. i (Charleston ^drcvtiscmcnts. D. O'S'EILL & SONS, WIIOJ.ESAI.K r>HAI.KKS IN BOOTS, SHOES, ] TRUNKS AND VALISES. No. 33 Hnyiio Street Charleston S. C. aprl.S-lyr. 9 ! ozis -CntJ jo 0) }no sst-'l*) pin: | smind Suixira oi uoais uouuanr itnooils ! 'ttNLioaam (Tx:v (iv:-rt kxihav ! *Kl?0 P?K WIXITHj; 4S>>??JX?) aovmioo axv saxn iisia 'sxhva xa\T i *>>T 'S3KLW 'SHO.ltin O *S 'uoinvoFT *;s j?t?ir 'OAVW "S SILVER PLATED WARE. Eleclro-Plated Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work, IN GREAT VARIETY, MANUFACTURED BY THE MERIDIAN BRITANNIA COMPANY, 550 BROADWAY NEW YORK. The best Plated SPOONS and FORKS are those Silver Plated heaviest on the parts where necessa- J ily the most wear comes, and bearing tne rraae dark. 1874?ROGERS BROTHERS?XII. N. B. ?This great improvement in Silver - Plaed Spoons and Forks is applied alike to each grade )f Plate, A 1, 8 and 12 oz. as ordered. The Process ind Machinery for manufacturing these goods are Patented. The Extra-or "Standard Plate" made by .his Company i? stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 10 percent, heavier than theordianary market stanlard. ty* First Preraeums awarded at all Fairs where ixhibited. from World,8 Fair of 1852 to American institute Fair, 1674. inclusive, nar 9-6 m. Jf fn <jnn per day at home. Samples worth Si (3 lu i5ZU free. Stissos A Co., Portland' Maine P|ENI> 25c. to G. P. ROWELL A CO., New YorkJjfor Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing list of 3000 iewspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertisD8 m Jit) a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and J>1Z terms free TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. narO-ly. JOHN FRANZ" 0 Wholesale & Retail Grocer, and SHIP CHANDLER Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. ?7~?? Constantly receiving from St. Louis, the best FAMILY FLOUR, IVHOLESALK GROCERIES, LIQUORS PLANTATION SUTPLIES, it the princple Store, formerly occupied r tV i ? 11 r> \\rnJ* 0) J r^ icr^ UUi uur miu n c."?i kivtuv/v | BAKERY. Having just completed the erection of a bakery at my premise.?, at the corner Bay md Scott Sts., I shall keep a constant supply .of fresh BREAD &c. I have secured the sen-ice? of an experienced baker, and by using the finest grades ot flour, shall endeavor to secure a share of public patronage. Call and inspect samples. GROCERIES. i speciality at the Store Corner of Bay ina Scott Street. " JUST RECEIVED, AT THE STMDiRD&COMlflCML JOB PRINTING OFFICE, A full line of superior PAPER, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CARDS, ETC. Job printing done neatly and cheaply. All orders promptly attended to. Crist and ^rcd. 71. 8. ELLIOTT, Btan fort 8. l\ BJL VEJ\*EL, if CO., Chartf ton 8. C. THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILL COMPANY, TTAVING PUT UP A GRIST MILL AT THEIR * * n?0*,oro,l *n furnish JLJL OIU siaiiu, aic^ Grist) Feed and Meal, any quantity, and at reasonable rates. JI^S. KLI.IOTT, A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, in a Sealed Enrelope .Price six cents. A I/tctnrr oil Hie .Valure, Treatment, &. Radical cure of Seminai Weakness, or Speru atorhoea induced by Self-Abuse Involuntary Emissions Importency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac.?By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. D? author of the "Green Book, " Ac. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse lifav be effectually removed without medicine, and with out dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, majeure himself cheaply, privately and radically. *v- 77' it Is dure will j/rote a boon to thousand* and thousand*. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on rcneipi of six cents, or two postage stamp Add re ? tl; Publishers. F. KRCGMAX ^ SOX, tl Ann fSt.. \?w Yo'k |\ ?t Offu-.? B..\ 1 *)' Jf. \V . S t'] ||g|| /|: FISE Fill Crock Are You Goi TiiKJf us;::!f G n E M I C A Ready for use in Willi H, and over prime \\ hite Lead, Zinc and Linseed Oil, Handsomer and Cheaper, and to last TW hasltakcn the FIRST PREMIUMS at tw and'is on MANY THOUSAND of the be Address: July 27.1 v. CLEARING AT THE OLD Jacob A 0REGARDLESS OF COST of our entire s FANCY GOODS DOMESTICS &c., wear Best Quality Prints 7 and Sc. i Best 4-4 Bleach, 0 and 10c. Best 4-4 Bleach, 11 and 12c. Best 7-8 Bleach, G and 7c. Best 4 4 Brown, 8 and Good Alpacas, 18 Post Alnaons Linens, Muslins, Lawns* N at an actual sacrifice. Give us a call. Thar Bay Street. JACOB AP Are You Goii THEN USE NEW YORK ] C H E M I C A Ready for use in White, and over One I] strictly prime White Lead, Rinc, and Linse< much Handsomer and Cheaper, and to last1 It has taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at tn and is on many thousands of the finest house Address: N. Y. E? PR IE RED L ED SAMPLEARD SEXT FREE. ^rW(T IMPORTANT INV! Or XXTSRE3T TO BVEHT J*. A PIANO OP PARLOR ORC with an adjustable back,?made to support the t while leaning forward in the ordinary position fo a simple arrangement, which gives it a backward time a downward movement, follows his motions in any position without interfering in the least of his movements. MIPS COUNTER,PLATFORM WAGON WRACK :: d/yAGENTS WANTEDS J>END FOi^ PF\ICE. LIST MARVIN SAFE 85SCALE CO, >,265 BROADWAY N. Y. 121 CHESTNUT ST PH/LA. PA. j I " 111 SENECA ST. CLEVE. 0. Sri -***"- - * ^catifort i'usincsv: Sirrrtore. UITC1IKL, W.? Blacksmith, Imrsoltoeiii.;, and general smith ?. k. Magnolia St. I Wli eel right ^AVA'iK. IKKKV -'.VI. !r.'!i; I'.i j ,:i. - i...".ii O Iv executed. Magnolia St. DEVLIN, W. II.?xiuiMcr ;i<s?i cintutetor, nav an.l diaries Srs. S. o :i?l . . ?! ?. Painter and Glazier. TOI'KZ. EDWARD.?Painter awl (Slnaicr. House,' A Sign and Ornamental painting <h>n<* at reason- | able rates and with promptness and d:.*| atch. BOYCE, JAS. E.?Wholesale :tr d retad dealer in ' lingeries. l.i<)iior>, Segu-. Dry O.Mais :.?i.I i general Merchandise. Pay Groc.ries. ; JV V;'E .T. P?t;r.v V.'iii . ; -.j. and s. \) gars South >ii.5c P;v *s!.. Iut . [IK PEll, llkrfe \ T GROCERIES Wi*r\ iLiquors, [p^SJ SHIS# GOODS, lfe#r > no* ti\ Ptiinf? IV A M/XlJLi;# m.f.i: i;ues.? ?* PAINT Jlumlml different colors made of Chnniadly combined, warranted 3/mcA ICK . S LONG a.-, any other Paint. It cntv of the State Fairs of the Unioti; it houses in the country. MILLER BROTHERS, J 09 Water Street, Cleveland, Ohio; OUT SILT STAND OF Lpple's* ' ^Tof DRY GOODS, CLOTHING e selling I 9c. i and 20c. i, 40 to 60c. ansooks, Cambrics, &c.; ikful for past favore.? I am Resp'fy, PLE, Beaufort, S. Ci L ag to Paint? snamel pa i xt co.'s 1m faint [unpred Different Colors made of 2d Oil, Chemically combined, warranted TWICE AS LONG as any other Putft enty of the State Fairs of the the tldibd ss'in the coantry JAMEL PAINT CO. 183 Chambers Street, New Tort aw ma the freedom M. A PLATFORM ROCKIER ON ASTORS, wi,h the long easy movement the old style, without the projectin g rockers mar other furniture and the bates of rooms; ing, in fact, the only Platform Rocker made at has a perfectly satisfactory movement. Manufactured for the trsde by tLBERT BEST & CO., BUFFALO, N. Y., d for sale by the principal dealers throughout e United States. &T If not kept by any dealer in your total, nd to us for Price List and Catalogue. MRS. E. HOLZAOH. {BEAD, f AKeTcMCY OAKERY, J AI.L b KILLS I OF II FttESII CONFECTION AElf ' A n hand and sold at the lowest prices for cash.' 'or the convenience of my up town customers and he public generally, I have fitted up a neat and umiuodioua STORE at the N. E. Cot ner of WEST & CRAVEN STS., i'here I will lie happy to receive orders, an! fnrisli at short notice, all articles in my line at price nsurpassed in town. augt. *01 -or *0 *n ij Jg nranjo^ '}^ T 6 esprv *JOQ ' twn B ?3 I.'i tuoq itj uooscq inosdtanaesotfx H W 'vitM naYTiiij'xs3ux<{ 3oaaK?or? goo a 3 VU*W 'A31H01V18 *9 '0 ?... Rj Eg pin? tooud 'onSopjjso xoj p ros jo en oo? II g puvilw'uontqttixjlSrqetij oj u^o) uj uaq;\ fl [1TIVRS f?!?d juotinxoew ptm D 3 1-XT9 tpwoxaoj ?<r..,i8 3aunirmj 89 -nuvpf 'sju.xn.ixFijiiia;opptuim i;i?pus Swj (jk n jg .?'?? p'lS p[0sflntuj[ xMdoo qji.H 'edtund ,'0 if 52 uoyuxi) pub xxyunanj juvpuvjc' 8,X?pp??tg ? mmM I OOOM I g D^ttL 111 Lilt? W UJT1U* IlLATCHLEY'S | I Horizontal Ice-cream Freezer. I |j (TJNGI.EY'B TATJUrt.) O a I viv^ irr ^otu-h ^n oat ? > ^ a son to pay for the machine. T)\* tub requires m but one Ailing to freeze. Sizes 3 to K quarts. K When in town to the Big Exhibition, com* 9 W and see us. ?t ?<*nd f>r de*cri|<tiYe circular ?2 K tud price-!i*t Very liberal arrangements |j fe nni" with the trade. The nuu-hfnee <sr. 9 iult'1 <ilf !i, Ct. Art! > h A N. Coiu.iiii I .>tter S 4 ' C. G. BLATGh'LEY, Kaaufr,. ? ig WV CA ?Mza'-z STHEFT, Fpn.A?rtwMA^Jf 1