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m Brmr-r-tliMi? i 3-- >?yii -,~x -: -. ?, LOCAL ITEMS/ i Be aufort, S. C. September 28, 1876. ? The police force on Saturday night or Sunday morning must have gone j " from labor to refreshment." ?. fey" Secure your lire wood for the winter. See the notice of Messrs. Kobbins, , . Roddington and Co., Atlantic Saw Mills i; Beaufort. |, $&? A strict quarantine has now been established between Charleston, and Port ' Royal and Beaufort. Several passengers j from the first mentioned city, who ar- J r'ved in Beaufort on Sunday. were im.i mediately escorted outside the town Inn- i its. The course pursued by the town au- j thorities is meeting with the hearty sup. I port of the citizens of this town. feaT" Mr. E. A. Scheper left Beaufort i last week for Xew York, for the purpose j . of purchasing his fall stock of gent s fur- \ . nishing goods, and a general assortment ; 1 of new styles of dr< -s goods, and a com plctc line of domestics. j issT" The town council of Beaufort has 1 got tangled up with Mr. Tonking, or Mr. I TonkiDg has got tangled up with the council, we don't know which. His legal1 * advisor is endeavoring to unravel them. J: a Jte^"Mr. Clark, the contractor engaged t on the new store of Mr. Jas. E. Boycc is v pushing the work rapidly to completion. s The new front planned by Mr. V. P. e Toale. of Charleston,, has been put in this t Week and shows off to advantage. The ^ store will be ready for occupancy by about -j the fifth of best month, and will be a r great improvement to the Bay. feiT On Monday Capt. D. Jenkins of the bark Ogiuorc was brought up before ^ Trial Justice Carleton upoi?a complaint made by Health officer M. M. Sams, M. t . i P., for violating the quarantine, laws ot j 1 St. Helena harbor by going to the Coosaw j mines without permission. He was fined r $10 and costs. 1 o? t GST* At Yemassee on Thursday last I the following verdict was returned on the f remains of the body of a man which was . found near the Port Royal Railroad track c about a mile this side of the depot on the t previous day. 41 The deceased came tollbis death by blows administered on the j. Imdbysou opcr'onrr persons unknown." c He Ls'supposed to have been a sailor. 1 c His hat shoos and pants were missing and his skull wa< fractured. Mr.JPaul I>rodie,!n former resident of Beaufort is working heart and sou! with the republican party. Last week he was cloctod chairman 1 /. of the campaign .committee of the Caro- n lina Republican Association, in the j ."b city of Washington. He lias.'a good design in view and woT hope his plans wih -c V? never fail. 1 <?? ' '? Mr. August H. Girnrd, formerly j in this State from Beaufort County, now ? at Washington, represents this State in r the executive committee, composed of one representative from each State in the 1 Union, of the Centra! Republican Associ- | ation of the States, in Washington. j \ fcsr The democracy in this county j 1 - * ' 4I r have decided to make no nouiiiiiuimi.^ m county offices until after the meeting of f the County Convention of the republican party on the fifth of next month. The , leaded of the opposition would like to ( cnter^the fusion wedge, hut republicans cannot view the situation from this stan - 0 a point. . SftT" A rousing meeting was held on Ladies Island on Monday last. Although ^ this precinct has but a little over two hun- j <lred voters, there could not have bene Icwer persons than three hundred pres cnt at the meeting. Messrs. Sanil. Grcm . and Gilbert Sbcppard were elected dele- j gates to the county convention. The meeting was ad Iressed by Messrs. Smalls. v Bampfield, Middleton, Green and Robin- 1 son. This island will give a solid vote 1 for the entire State and County ticket 0 placed in the field by the republican par- * ty. 1*^ Dispatch in work is always com- c iuendable, and therefore ail will be intcrcs- t ted in the work performed by our energe- < tic tinsmith Mr. Calvert, who in the short 1 space of four and a half hours, tinned { the roof of Messrs. J. G. Nichols and GVs cotton house on St. Helena Island. 1 Th"e building is 32 by t>2 feet, and when 1 completed will be the finest cotton house in the county. It will be in runing order by Oct. 1st. 5**^. On Sunday morning last the dry i goodsstorc of W. C. Bellows, on the | worth side of Bay St. Beaufort, was cn- j i tered between the hours of two and four a. m. The burglars gained an entrance V.. ? *! >? Av?nf ,-lnnr nf tbi"? sfnrp uy prvillg WJ.IV 11 HIV IH'IIV .ivv. v.. ..... ....... . with a cro* bar ur chisels, and abstract- j od goods valued at over three hundred j dollars, comprising a large quantity of youth's and men's coats pants and vests, j -women's shoes, dress goods, and $10 in j small change. Mr. Bellows was in the J store until after midnight and wa^ j around the house until after two o'clock : a. m. He was not pware of the robbery j until his cook entered the store by the j front door in the morning at G-30 and i informed him of the condition of the I door. Detectives in other towns are ail- t vised to look after these goods, as the burglars Obtained such a small amount in ; ea?h that they may attempt soon to d's ; pose of the goods. The clothing was of blue fiannel, grey cloth and black d<>e- ! skin. Dark Days for Savannah The past, week has been a severe week . of trial to the eiry of Savannah, hut it is j ?* Jpjxxl that the fever d??w reached its 1 climax, and the returns of death - {'?>? the past two days has yiven eneonra.cement that the epidemic is on the decline. The following tahle shows tlie death rate foi tlie week: Ail Sources. ^ etlow fever. Wednesday, 4"> 3f> Thursday, i'I if' Friday, 3"> 31 Saturday, -Id 30 Sunday, -?> IS Monday, 22 IS rue-day, 34 2S T. .'.,1 >?,- j A COl Kt AIMOIKXER. 1 R:ulic<il <Tnd^ ' n vers his 3I.i Hgncr.*. Beaufort, S. C\. September 23. In the /uh'tnr of the Xe*ra end (Jnvrh r : Your Barnwell correspondent in his otter published in your issue of Friday loes me great injustice, bv his misstatenent of the facts connected with the mater of the abrupt adjournment of the erni of court:at that place, on Tuesday norning last. The facts briefly stated arc these : On donday I reached Barnwell with the in. ention of holding court and making a aii delivery, notwithstanding I had been dri ed that there was no money to pay he juries or witnesses, and that it rotild be better not to hold a court. Mo olicitor had been appointed by the Gov nor. and it being indispensable to the loiding of court, 1 immediate y appointed /ol. F. II. Gantt. who accepted the poition, and at once proceeded to prepare ndictuicnts. Quite early on 1 uesdavaorning Col. Gantt informed me that t would be impossible for him to continue to act, as he was compelled to go at once tothe scene of the disturbances on the Port Royal Railroad. I then applied to >ther attorneys, but found them either - * ' n _ :ngageil 111 t lie (ietencc 01 cases io ne ried or about to leave for Kllcnton. The ew jurors who remained in town were mien concerned for the safety of their amilies and property, and during the norning several of them urged nic to >eriuit tliem to go home, stating that hey slruld feel compelled to go even if yy. mission were refused. After consul;ation with several eitizons, and tlie sher:F ot the county, I concluded to adjourn he court and call a special term for first >f November. The adjournment was uade after deliberation, and with a firm :onviction that, under the circumstances. [ could not. go on with the business of he court; and I feel satisfied that tho-e ,'itizens of Barnwell who were in attcnlance will endorse my action. Ve y respectfully, P. L. Wkjgin. Town Council. The town Council met in Beaufort last ivening. Present the Intendant and iVardens Bnyoe, Scheper, Washington md Robinson. Several accounts were cferred to the committee, which also ap proved other bills. Mr. Bellows made a statement in refTence of the breaking open and robbery>f his store on Sunday morning. A com* uittee was appointed to investigate the wliee system of the t* wn. and to 'ake ii o consideration plans for rendering it nore efficient. It was decided to offer a eward for the apprehension of the parties vith proof to convict, who committed the jfiemv. Mr. Tonking appealed from tlie deeis. on of the Intendant on a charge of a delation of the market ordina t e, hut oancil sustained the Intendant and Mr. ronking paid over the fine and costs uuounting to six dollars. He gave noicc of appeal. The Intendant insisting ? ill*. h;?t no appeal wouiu lie. Soft. 20lli 15r. H^'. Ocnior-, Jenkins, fmastor, .Vi lays froiu Bah la in Iwllast to Campbell Wyllie, and " S pt. 22nd Br. Bkt. N<lli<\ Evans master, 37 ays from Funchal in ballast to Campbell, Wvlllc iii'l Co. $IOO.OO Rowarci. \ REWARD OF ONE HFXDRKD DOLLARS a will lv paid by the Town of B -aufort for the rrest and conviction of the person or persons rlio committed the r-.'Mierv at the store of W. C, iellows on tno morning of the J It h ins*. ALFHEl) V.'l 1.1.1 A MS, Intendaut Sept. 2sth-lmo. For next School Commissioner of Rcaufort County, K. D. J. LAWREXCK, Esq., rho has educated himself without Koinir to school >t!t it seem* tha: school came to him. Xo one need i ll us who he is, because we not only know him, )i;t even his parents, but wc know more of him ro etuly since lie jriadnated in Charl ston, where he rns admitted to practice as a lawyer, since that time he has returned to his home in Beaufort. where he was born. Here, helping the poorer lasses of the people out of tin ir difficulties, almost lai'.y, in tin courts, where he has proved himself to > the richt man in the ri^lit place. He has 11 ever vfu? -i ar.y one v. h -n called <>n to repr. sent tli nt n court "ii account of their having no mon \v. hut >11 the contrary, i> always ready with or without >ay. Therefore, we earnestly request the delegates and mtors generally to give to such a man ihcir suj>jort. (Signed.) Many Citizens. Application for Charter To whom it may concern: Notice is hcrt by given at ilio expiration o hirtv days from this Rate an a; plication in dut form will bo ma<!o to the Clerk 01 Court <>t Reaufor County, for a charterfor tin* l'ort Royal-Eivcrp > Real Estate Improvement Company. : ??rj>o::\ ti.?n to !*. established on l'ort Koyal iiarlxir. lift, .S. Sept. I, 1 *>. sej>t. 7 lm. To holders of i'duniy or AntiiU'J Maims, prior to Xovrmher 1, IS72, IX accordance with the provisions of a Joint elation entitled " A Joint Resolution authorizim he County Commissioner* of 1 Sean fort County t< ovv a special tax." datrd April 7, 1873, and "At act to amend the satin ," approved the 29th day o January. WI, seal-d proposals will ho received a this office from parties hoKhj. -hecks or auditc. claims contracted prior to November 1,1872, tint: TJ'ESDA Y, OCT. 3, 1876. at 12 M? at which tini" said bids will bo oponei and the board of county commissioners w'" <'ra\ orders on the Treasurer to the amount of one thou sand dol'ars, in favor of the person or persons wli slisil oiler the l-ir?0"t jit au:vm discount on th ! checks or audited claims. Proposal* siiould't" a Idr ss.-d !o th* chairman < the board of County Commission! rs, and endorse 1 Proposals for the settlement of l' Iinlcbte lne? of Beaufort county. P. IT.ITCTIARD, M. H v. s. <COTT. R.J. MARTIN. County Commissioners Tiros. II. YTusrT.Et?. C'Jerk of Board. j'c'uM-it. . j Tin; i". s. ..K AMKRI.7. > r, rt.' .-oath (. aiolina !?i> t. > I uhvip Mar\ ft. al.. vs. Tin* i'ort il??yal It. It. Co. | Tlti1 I'iiioii Trust Co.. vs. TJk? Itnyal It. It. <'0 Having In-, n uiroc-i- <1 I-y an onlor of Jmlpf Ury.m 1 t*. S. Judo,., f?r ilii- I>i>t . ;? ; 01 Suntli Carolina, to i a?lv? rtise for an I rail in all claims against tin* I'or Hoyal It. it.' !i.ivitiit a li.-:: j?rii?r tlit* ii'ortj pape mi tlu- j'loji. 11 y to i in thi< < inclini! inp It i i-iviT's ? rtiti?*a!i's. am-nnis to officer* ami fini'IoV'-< f?v? of attorneys. ainl any amount diu'ft?r niatorials or rfjiair-of tin* ron?l ntnlcr an I ur>l?'rs ' ( this court made in this cas*. ami to r-'i'or th 1 sain.' to {lie "said I'ntirt. Ail J? fs'?ii< holding eiaiins as above in 'litioncd an* h 'ivwith TinJified in i , . , . . , . jir- sfiit tut' s.'ino :<> int' <>:; or heior ino :rsi day <il ) November ni'.xt, ISTt*. I .Tr? I ?j>t.T-t*t. Kef. BANKING- HOU3K, I Win. II. Loekwood. I.AY ST.. BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE ?ox I New, York Charleston u Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any i>oiut in the j j United States. Accounts received subject I to check at sight. ap.27.Gm. 1 P. M. WHlOIAX, NATHHIAKER AM) JEWELLER, i Huy Street. Eeaufort, S. C., j Has .test retrvxer ero?.i the north with a fine assortment ol'goods at INTortliom Pricc3. WEDDING RINGS. S-.OO Jo 519.00, SIIAEll RINGS, ?*. to 51.-.0. SILVER NAPKIN RINGS, *>.00 to f-t.00. LADIES GOLD WATCHES, it>o to 550. 0 Striking Slacks, S3,SO to SO, ; ) | ! GENTS' GOLT> CI1IANS. PINS, RINGS, SLEEVE 1 BUTTONS STUI'S. WATCH CHAINS, LADIES GOLD ami PLATED JKWKLIIV, GOLD PENS. AC., AC. I ! GENTS' GOLD 6i SIIAT.H WATCHES. i Call ami examine Before per'hasin?, an<l satisfy ! yourM'lf row can sarntcn t c.twenty-live per eent from Charleston or Savannah prices. jOT.H. GALYERT." ' i i . \ PRACTICAL Tin Sh?stlrcn. Cop:er Works* DEALER IX ! Ta?ann<sl awl Stamp' '1 Tin Wares. Cor.stantlyon ?' iianu, Cooking Parlor anil B?>x Stoves. TERMS CAS1I. : Agent for the Celebrated I ei*f r** H " ty F,*> *Tr'? ,* ?lf*TT.2<*< >C Ji i. L ^iWwUiU^ la^irW it W. If. CALVERT, Pay between Sth A 9th sis. Beaufort. S. C POST RSVAL RAILROAD. ?*? * "" V SSjPV> l?, -3 -? | Magnolia Pass?g?r Bouts, i ftj.vui: of senhiu lh. ! SUPERIN'TS OFFICE PORT ROYAL RAIT.R'R \ Af?rsT.v, (?a.. May 1. LS7i5. I The following Passenger Schedule will be operate! on and alter May J, lS7<i. GOING sol Tit. Train Xo. 1. Daily. Leave Augusta 8 30 a m j Leave Yemasse *12 37 p m i ; Arrive Pml Royal 2 30 j> ni ! ) Arrive at Savannah 3 30 pin i Arrive at Charleston 4 20 pin i [ Arrive at Jacksonville 8 33 p m | GOING \OUTJf. Train Xo. Daily. ! Leave Jacksonville - 2 10 p m j ; Leave Savannah *J 00 am : ! L 'i- Charleston 8 :>0 am ! ! ve Port Poyal 10 1.7 a m j Lr-aveYemassee *12 30 put ; Arrive at Au/usta 5 00 p n? j | *I>ir.ncr. ' .. A Tie* only Pn making c! "> " connection with :h"> Atlantic and Gulf Ral'road at Savannah, and from and to Jacksonville and all points in Florida, avoiding the tedious and well-known Oninl nis transferer through that city The onlv line ruining Through Pay Coaches with! out elianc" between Am.nista a d Savannah. i:i, Conn a liens made at Augusta with the Senth Carolina Kailr- a 1 (' >- Aik.-n, S. Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad for all points North and Sonthw est, West and Nor'hwest. Sleeping Car lV'rths engaged at Augnssa by applying to agents at R,-.aiifort or Port Royal. Raggave < h. -kctl Through. R. O. FLEMING, Superintendent. T. G. PAY ANT, Gcn'l. I'a?s. A H. M. STUART, M. D., i City. T?ny Si Ki^!i!!i Streets, 23 oaiifo.X'J, ?-? . O. I dt:AI.KI! !X .! uurcs. ant> nn:.MTf.\LS FAMi!iY M:-I'1 - J.*? !*"?, FANCY ANT> TClI.r.T AIJTICI.ES ' stationary, it'j:f;mi:i:y, HUr.-JI.'lS, Ac., Ac., Ac.. . i Together with many other artichs too nutai'rou; i ii o mi hiion. AH of ivhi< It v. ill be Sold at thelowcs 1 , price for ea-h. Physic-nans presoiptioiis carel'ulij f I compounded. feh.P1 1 I T7IIA v?. A'n'N?'toikt.ii I?ry (?<nnls House, , t J? i' ..\ .-4. i. uiifTt. Seo advertisement. Barber. v 1) I'TI.KImilX U. M?Barher. shaving hair etiti 4 tine. Ai:iiii|>u.?intr and dyeing tlone in tin.- n-. at* ( est manner, liay St. r' r?0OIM'H .TO!IN?Dry ( Jothinr. Millinai V> rv. Fr> noh and i?.oiicst>e Fh?uvfs, Fancy ' (I >o?is, notions Ac. !:.u Sro lelvertisetiiMit. C.irrinse Paint or j \ [< (;k::.;<)1;..I As it.?< T.rriage marer, sLui and i ;** earr;cc." painter, Hay and Charles Ms. Se? advert isctnei t. Profes jional Cards , \ !'I'riil V. 1' I,?Attor?:?vat Solicitor e ? > i-. lit ?: i-t." ! jas. e. mcgregor, ! pst'.sil^a \-/\x/ w/w \ '1 \.' \/ I \ > I zzr^ i | cakkiac!-: mak::i:. i:.'ix. n: u c.\;:i:;a<;s: painter. ! i i . ? ^ . t".?S {.' !?:< P, Si I ? i A3! !dn?is ? !' r.-il rn>i fancy >aw;;:?. I All fjciriiiv; promptly art- n>h <1 r- term;. >ati.-.'::et:oii t?u!?rnntcc<L if.-; Ajtciit for R.'.rneA j?-*it t'.-ot power scroll, which can i>c secti 5n op ration ;;{ my shop. .tas. i:. mrfis:nr.or. ' Jtilyl-Iy. ipnsBjs ?nw- Ail? eiiri I it " u t tr. I I V Will 'i xi ** 2 ?r r* 3ri At j AT THE STORK OF I E.A. Schemer. i The Leader in Low Prices: <>: | Will close out }ils c.mintctc stock of !???? Ever before offered to the Beaufort public. Consisting of DRY GOODS, clothing, 1IATS. AXD OA??. BOOTS AXD SHOES. MATTING Ac I o.Tor an entirely fresh stock of SPRING DRKSS r.OOPS, So]oct(He in New York with special view to titcir i 1 adaj lability to present season, climate Ac. | EXTRA IXDUCEMEXTS I will l?o ofloret! in all departments, na I am dctermined to make this one 01* the most sttractive establishments in town. Call beforepitrchasin^elscwhcrc ami examine the stock of ^-ood.s at |e. a. scheperJ I SAFETY AND BR1LLIANCY7 | | VESTAL OIL, Gives a better light than any other oil, am! will no explode. For sale by I M. Kit EPS EL, np.11. Ilay St., eaufort. TAKE DR~. DENNIS' System R e n o v a t o r a 11 d Blood PURIFYING SYRUP. For Dyspepsia. Piles, Heartburu, Sick Ilcadachc Fevers, .Sores, Ac. M. J. GRAIIAM, Aot., mar..10-lm. Beaufort, Proclamation. OFFICE INTENDANT TOWN* BEAUFORT. Bkavvout, S. ('. Aug. hist 1S7G. Y-OTK'E IS HEiiFHY GIVEN TO SIIIP a. 1 owii'Ts matters and others, that vessels and boats of all d-se:!,?t:ons hound to th'sjkuv from Savannah or other lnrfbHt tnirts will subject t the Ouarsnfin laws <<* th'- Town an 1 State. I All persons are stri -tly prohibited .Tom landing | jj.icls or pas ?er.;:cr.a from Savanna it, or olber j infected ports nnl-ss special permission isflr-t ob; faitied of the Intendant, Town t 'onncil or Board | of Health. 1 All vi? lations of the Quarantine la swill l>e rigidlv prosecuted. A LFttKJ) WILLIAMS, Intcndan: Town of Beaufort. | w7h. bevlin, ~ I Carpeaitf?Builder I o . All kin.Is of j BOAT WORK, CAULKING, j an-.l STAR MAKING. o j OFFICE ASD SHOP I (OR. BAY aii;i (TitRLL* STREKT, ! BEAUFORT, S.C. j rorcr 37i.C3Y^Xj ;?aw& Planiag Hill BEAUFORT, S C. | D. C. WILSON & CO., MANUF.\rrvR>:ns of and in YELLOW MS vm m ism AND CTpross Oliixislccs, ALSO Builders & Contractors PLASTER , LATIIES, ! All kindso:"JOB SAWIXf. promptly done. i riuorin j & Ceiiiiii BmIi always on hand Orders f<>r'kt ami Tiniaor !>y ihe oar<;o . promptly filled. Terms Casli. | uov.JS-ly. I>. C. VfIL?ON. & COj M. POLLITZER, C0T70X FACTOR AND ! Commission Merchant i 15 V. \ V V OUT S . C IJ C. RICH MO K D ~ Trial Justice. I i All btisIno?s Intrusted to fiini rrill receive car? i ful and prompt attention. (uUcc Custom House . UuilJin^r. Hoaufort S. C. r.prii 27-1 j THE PARKER CUN^ I StND STAMP FCR CIRCULAR ' PARKER BR US, WEST MERiDEN.CT., V! ?i.?4 -?* i.l I 4 1|>? 4.u ?. V J. V . - ^ ^ ^ . . . .. v - - i D. O'XKI !il> & SONS, . \vi|fij.ks.\t.f. i' in I BOOTS, SHOES, j j TKUNKS AND VALISES. No, 33 HoyKo fJK'i'oot aprl.S-!jr. *07n .oil! !'? j.m'.ih t!-? * '?:; *> i?i:i* : .* i i ' i s}iiu:il 5ujxi!ii o; !*.??; 1:1,?;::: i tfmxh.ui.udxv <iv:-n m.uii.u ' l*uo e5111 * i! ) mmxjh(u(ixvs:f\r[ usioi 'sxuva j.m . dt 'stt.v: n 'sjio.i?>? 1 1 i 0 'ojlvxk "3 silver plated ware. . Eieclro-PIalecI Si'ver Ware axd Ornamental Art Work, ix great variety. maxtfacturfd by tin: j ItlERHHAX BKITAXHA (031 PAX;, | 57,0 BKOADYUAY NEW YORK. ; 1 The Ivst Plated SPOONS and FORKS are those j Silver Plated heaviest on the parts where mwsR. I ' rily the most wear comes, aiul hearing the Trade Mark. 1S7-1?ROGERS BROTHKR5?XII. N. P.. ?This great improvement In Silver - Flated Spoons and Forks is applied alike to each grade of Plat", A 1. Sand 12 oz. as ordered. The Process and Machinery for manufacturing these goods are t Patented. The Extra or ' Standard Plate" made hv [ this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 per cent, heavier than the ordiaoary market star- , I dard. ] ftTy First Prem^nms awarded at all Fairs where ' exhibited, from World.s Fair of iSo2 to American Institute Fair, 1074. inclusive, mar 0-0 m. rij/" 4^ (ftfln p-T day at in iue. Samples worth 31 tpj III <4)oU 1 roe. ^TiN'snx A Co., I'oriland' Maine j SEND ioc. to U. P. lMWiLL & CO., New Yorkfor Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing list of 30O0 | newspapcis, and estimates showing cost of advertising. I (MQa day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and I iJUZ terms free TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. I marSMy. , |JOHN FRANZ,} Wholesale & iieLiil Grocer, SHIP CHANDLER| j Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. o Constantly roe.-i vine from St. Louis, the best ! FAMILY YLOUR. ! WHOLES \LK (iR- CLItrnS, LIQUORS PLANTATION SUPPLIES, i I ' at the orincjde Store. formerly occupied | by J. Fvler, Corner Bay and W est Street i n A T.!-T7irj-Tr i rTaving ju^t completed tbr? erection of a ; bakery at my premises. at the corner l>ay i and Scott S*s., f shall keen a constant I supply of fVesli RRKAP Ac. I have sej cured the services of an experienced hai ker, and by using the finest grades of [ j iiour, shall endeavor to secure a share of j public patronage. Call and inspect saiu- j pics. GEOCSEIES. n speciality at the Store Corner of Ray i and Scott Street. JUST RECEIVED, AT THE ; ?Tjj&3nisn o filpgfDfiil jon riiixrixo office, J A ft.II line of superior PATER, envelopes, BILL TIEADS, LETTER HEAPS, NOTE HEADS, CARDS, ETC. Jr.h printing (tone nently an?l rheaplr. A'l oruers promptly attemleJ to. &nst and feed. ' .H. S. KhLiO'VTi Hiftttor h.i ix ( >>., ci.a.-i *:on s. c. THE BEAUFORT steam mil.mmi HAVIXCf PET T'P A GRIST MII.E AT THEIR uld stantl, :tr;: prepared to furnish GriSi, Feed and ^Icni, | nr.y quantity, ttit-I at r-MS'iuahle rati*. M. S. \]]AA()77. !v?*s?T A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. i Jut! !' !i>: (i V ./V;'. i A 1 tcliive mi 'J?c >ahnr. Tr^nlnicut. ?v l?ml jc? I '?r >. r i ' ih?vu iruiti'.-ot 1>y S If- \bus-j rnvN?:?iary Kin's : >.i> I:v;i >tf -1 y. Nirv-its* ih Niity, ami ivp-Ji!.: n>:< in Marring /-neraUy : Con.saiaptioii. Kp:!.*; *r, ami : r'ils ; Mental ami I'hy-ical Ii:entiscrly. Ac.?i'y i i:or.i:i:T J. ci'ja'EIiwkll, m. i>? ami arortiu-! i " (Jr.?n " Ac. ! Tli'1 worM-renowned author, in thi? alnMiahh* ; Lfctitn*, cl.-ariy pf'tv^s from his own ex;; ri? n?-?thai til'- auTul riuss-'qu'iifi s of Scl'-Ahns may i> ! cir. itH.;!ly ;viimvv?l with- -it ;.i. .ii. im , nn.i with; ont <la5i,'ar<>'.r< <i.r"i- -r1. op. rati-m*. han-jh-s. ii?>tnii in. :!! ., l N-- r. Hial-: t -ii 11i?cr r.ti' m.-'< <>(' ' cure at m ?* < Ttnin ami :!' . ti;ai. 1 v vi,.'v??ry sufl'-r r :i?' 11 r >iha( Lis -n?I? i<?i? may i?-. m.ty i ; ci;r<'li'in-s-ll'fh -ai'!y. pvivav-ly ai: i r.';ii~a!ly. i' J- Th* /.- ' . > vi 7 ;??".? * U !' ' > './ ij't.i.. Hl!i' | ; !h(>>r.:c,iuit. S..nt, tir.h'r- .".1. ii: a j.Jr'n ? iv?,?npf, to my snl ! .ir- ss. en r?'f: ipt ??f six . nts. .?r ium p. stay stamp j Address thv I*i:h i -. X i lllii (HI I I .V . ?W.? ? , -II *lin ct.t *?rtv Yovlc J'.ist Oiiioa i'.ox i Jv W v; /-i JL < ? * ? U V Ff r- ' <| ?_ W - ; ^ >)% * ' w .-. ||flSB FAI />' S-V. /. v Lt ' .YV yr- *. !* ?! Sfi Mil > ^ fiT! . cV 'c ,s / Mi'lTUT p". {>W& . UilUMjf 111 /J* "'S Kay ?t., < . J- " _ "v> <Ovv:;>ki>c4-.v, ' * V r Si ^ire i ou uc ' ' ' - '* ' ^ {j n ' Ikn ly fur v i-i \\ Ii I M. anJ ovi prime V, Iirio Lr:i?l. Zinc ;v? I Lin-vol 5 Iltnulsnivrr r a? Cher-*?. n;i* 1 to !;:; t t 'nns taken the ITnST i iiKM 11 'MS n! ami is on MXX i 14. O* SAX i> of the A'ltkess: July 27. !y. fi H T* A T-! Y TTf g I y 8 H fi I ? ?, 51 * M & g B 2 gf g !] j if w *i t ^ J* It'J 8 g s, S 5 i: g I g fs u H 5 1 H Vfc' u-xm ?i rxa I a -jii cc J -i AT THE Oi' v^; VS fS [U\<?ARPLESS or COST Tour emir AXCY OOODS i)Oi)IESTK'o &c., \v< Cost Ounlitv Prints T ntvl ^c. Best 1-4 ]j, g ami kV. Best 4?1 BVkm. il aivl I2r 7-S ]>'< neii, r? ami Best 1 -I Brown, 8; (?<><! .V.paens. Le:;t Alps Linens, ft i;si ins, Lawns it an actual sacrifice. Give us r# call. T Bay SireeL JACOB I Are You Go T;:re; u.i: :.*i:\v von GESilIC Itcady for use in White. an J over O.v strictly |>rinic White Lead, J line, and Li much IFmubomrr and Chciprr, rn I to Is It lias taker, the FIRST PitEMIU.MS at m l is on many thousands of the Hue-it lit Address: N. Y. 2 frie redued sa .vp7. ? a rd sext free. TWO IMPORTANT IN or zsjTrr.usr tq 1st. a PiAwO 02 PA3L03 Oi with ar. atijurtcbie back,?made to support tt while leaning forward ia tuc ordinary position a simple arr.:n~emcti, which ^ircs it a batkw tine a downward cicvcncct, follows his moti in any position without interfering iu the lc? of his movements. \ > *v \ Vfci.*: _ : r'' - \ WS* * H ^ . -f.'V 5?5?1 jS&s^Vr '~- ' 'IllPUt1 Ufa ? *?$ If1^ WliBfflJIi.t^ j ii ,*v^?V 5^7 W5a^?^^^aag:T;Saca^ri! COUNTER, FLATFuRM WAGON WRACK! iR <s?f a. *, vi Jt,l sa %ki Cr$jr\ j &aJ A >J t*.j rf;v;?^ff' ii&wAyimlraJtSoLffij CX?AGENTS WAMTEOaNo _p?KD ro^_ PRICE UST MARVIN SAFE ?5SCALE CO, .; 255 BROADWAY JV. Y. 72! CHESTNUT STFHiLAPA. [ //7 SEVtCA ST. CL"/E. 0. j i Ui d ; I J 'U * l ^Ti'U': V,*?c!? <1- . : j;. a.!< V4 X N N - . ?V -X. ^ ' V.\<-K. ,!i * ?riu!?I. iici uir> j.Piiiii'l 0 lv fX?VlTtfil. iU'VUX, 1 .? i.;. 1/ :*?*?* \ hai-ivs S-.' mi :!. y fkhv.whv- .! ?? i- i- -. ?!<? ? 1 4 s:?:? li.-l 'TJ.PT 1 . ' ?u ? ;/? r;il? -:???! p;' :ii< i . :t.' .. >. ^i iV( .A. !!.- ' ! ' '! i'V-.J. vi i* <. l.iiTiin'x. : '-v, ry : ! a! ti. - .<i ' y |}iiyr.'I, .1. f*--'ir<t : i > x) 'h M it Si f H K P K H, *r A?;* ; -^jSpn 67 scheferTCT [!. ilL'f GROCERIES VaLj led Liquors, jj . i } :mm?ooi>:;, jsfery. HartelM^ ?< ?Mr?c. s. (. IX _ . .;- ^.wV-^4 !&*d3 ' ?jf t> i:- -?t-i " ?- jpjf >iii$r to Paint ? t * '!;i.;.iii: r. i Is P A IJV T er t'A/r U.nuhnl iliffcicri colors made of* )ii. ('ii'-iui. tihj combined, warranted Much "V.'K'jC S long as any other Paint. Ifc twenty of the State Fairs of the Union# 1 Lest houses in the country. .miller BROTHERS, 100 Water Street, Cleveland, Ohio. J OUT SALT :d stand of ? stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING 3 are selling ic. ;iM?I flc. , 18 and 20?. teas, 40 to 00?. Nansooks, Cambrics, &c., hmkfui for past favors.?T am Rcsp'fy, iFPLS, Beaufort, S. C. lug to Paint? :k enamel paint co/s il In * P A I Iff T e ITunpued Dieferent Colors made of nscod Oil, Chemically combined, warranted ist TWICE AS LONG as any other Paint t t*.reaty of the State Fai rs of the the Union niscs'in the country 3NAMEL PAINT CO. 103 ntaaoers Stet, New M. VENTiONS^^^^ WO 2d. A PLATFORM ROCKER OTI CASTORS, v;5.h j he lon^ ?a*y movement of tl'ttoMs'vl , wirlionttueprej. rttbjf rocker* to in?ro!?s< x famiiuK and t!.o l^w* of mom?; betn:*, in fact. tbe only Pletfn'tn Rocker nude th.'.r. Las a perfectly 6atis?iriorv movement. Manufactured for the trade by ALBERT BEST & CO., O BUFFALO, N. Y., an 1 for esTo brthe principal dealers throxighoat the United State*. 537" If rot kept by any dealer In your town, send to ua for Price List and Catalogue. 7" MRS. E. HOLZAOhT ! mm f aseTJ anct dakery, ! J ALL t? KIS1>3 I OF U FUKSII CONFECTIONARY on hand and -old at the lowest prices for enshi For the convenience ot my up town customers and he publi.- sen-Tilly. I have si:ted up a noa, and uious STOUT at the X. E. Corner of VviSST&Cfl WBN STl 4 'Vh e 7 w :l be hippy to nc ivc orders, an 1 for. :i'sh at s: i t notiee, all articles in my line at prieeg xni.-'urpass d !ix teifn. aug.t. 3 , "01 "?N '0 m , j >T nTTHSfoo ??J s> 6 Fopry uof) ^prn i.o|j8y I *1 '-oi'|X'| i,ii .ii;.?;)jBUd09oq rntjwiiondnwt|x J J *vi!J n iv itn,!'laaui-? n./traricoo 90U 1 ft ^RJ2W 'A31H3iyia *9 '0 \ **] "Fmn>| l| j, J c?rM 'nM\ 'avJkry^a joj pno* xo rn o*t \ ?s ?>??*ipo'ur)::! rtjx-f oj u.nnj ti) u.i?(ft ? j j ilVK? 'Sf)JVl V??Hn|jnwi |>?ni j j,; X :r^Mwi?! A.muJ f tiiji.-ntj Sitpnp*? * > > -rirr* * "j't fl $4 tt14" , "J) J ? - pu# lU^tUBJg ' ft /^\\ n inm i j j\wdiS luis CT % I . m ,<Jz {i ?A ;ju [| C00M %-?y tl y IjC*3 t in t h.e World, fl ? BLATC HLEY>S U y ImoBtal Ice Ciffl Fressr. E y (TI* JLKTf'd PAtBXT.) ^ *' * ^in *',,nu''>o" 8 $ uneqnallU The H !P closed bend vrlfl ?re ice enough in one noajj son fc> pay for the machine. The tub requires H ? ] *vt ono filling to freeze. Size*, 3 to 4f quarts. R ? I When in twn to tho Pig Px hi bit fan. ccmo Kj i\3 and see u*. or eenl for dcecrijitivc circular U >?j and pilce-li.-t. Very liberal arm n omenta H .1 made with tho trade. Tlie marliim* can ll tA aim ho seen at th* Confenninl Exhlh.. Agri- R| y culfl Hell. Cor. A idles y i N, Column letter H 0, > >. 10. c Q BUTOHLEY, ?snid>. ? ?1^^?C3CV?MMEXC^:LErT^lJn^I?t^ITA^tj