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am ||>l W. * A<M , % , ~ lo C ALTi'EMS. j Beaufort, S. C. September'21, 1876. j ? -? **-??? 1 . The following have lee:: appom- \ ted by the Governor commissioners of election for this county : l)r. F. K. Wilder, of Hilton Head, and llcssrs. J. t\ Richuioud and B. B. Sauis of Beaufort. <-t?t fivaT Buy your teas of Huberts. fla^S. J. Lee, Esq., has been appointed by Gov. Chamberlain, Solicitor of this circuit, vice Hon. P. L. Wiggiu promoted to the beuch. Mr. Lee is the nominee of* the republican party tor solicitor. J&aT Just the cigar for the campaign, "the Piccadilly,"?at Roberts. The failure of the mail on Mon. day last, made numbers of our citizens wonder how they used to get along when Rcaufort had only a mail twice a week. - 4^# ffeir Schepps dessicated cocoanut, at Roberts. Cgk. A Novena of prayer is now being offered daily for nine days in St. Peters Catholic church Rev. J. B. Tardy Pastor. Supplicating the interposition of Divine t Mercy to stay the disease now rageing among our fellow citizens in Savannah, and to avert the impending danger from our midst. ? New extra mess mackerel at Roberts. Only second hand renublicans seem to make first class democrats nowadays. Fresh Yeast Cakes, at Roberts. 8^* Mr. Samuel Green, who for the past few years has represented this county as Senator, has been elected County Chairman of the Republican Party, for this county. B@- George's Bauk codfish, at Roberts. 8&T On Saturday last Mr. Devlin seized the gray mare that he claimed to have won at the Club Hou?e raffle. Si t was entered against him and the hor e taken possesion of by the sheriff. MrDevlin has given bonds of indemnfication and has regained possession . i f . the animal which may turn out to be a white elephant on his hands. A choice stock of fresh confectionery, at Roberts. J?* Tho following were drawn on the petit jury to serve at tho October term of court: 0. G. Mayner, Jos. M. Lawton, F. J. Bilcy, J. M. Lawton, Jacob Dawson, o* Lawton; F. Golden Jno. Guntcr, l'aul Nelson, Alex Jones, of Coosawhatchic; B. C. Adams, G. G. Martin, Emil Nehcmias, Elias A listen, of Sheldon; Bristol Brown, Daniel E. Washington, W. B. , Dtris, Jefftiy Field ,5 Grai.d Fuller, Jno. Ford, J. G. ^Nichols, Joe Bailey, of St Helena Milton F. Buckncr, L. G. Davis, Isaac Brown, of l'eeples; Joseph McTier, R. G. Ruth, \V in. A. Miller, of Goethe; Win. Jenkins, of Beaufort; J. B. Bascouib, of Robert; Charles Cruch, Charles Blake, John Baxter, of Ycinassee; Win. S. Drayton, of Hilton Head; John G. Bampfield of Pocotaligo and Redden S. Ilorten of Bluffton. ? Yermicilli at Roberts. Gen. Smalls gives an amusing illustration of the attitude of the democracy toward "the coloreduiUn and brother' in a story about a very profane and wicked old sinner, who got his flat ashore ou the Ohio river near a place where a large number of colored brethren were holding i5 Vlic ITlls WOl'k a camp meeting, utu.uj, ? the idea struck him of gettiug religion, and he went to the camp meeting telling his surprised colored friends that he had got religiou sure, and invited them down to his flat to hold a prayer meetiug. The colored men and women expressed their joy at the conversion of such a wicked old man as Fitzpatrick was known to be. They entered the flat and began a rousi' g "spiritual'' but kept to the shore end of the craft, which did not suit the plans of Fitzpatrick, who went to the other end, and in a sad solemn penitent voice, called the negroes around him as he wanted to toll his experience. The ruse took and his colored friends coming to his end of the flat it began to drift from the shore, when Fitzpatrick seized an oar, and uttering loud imprecations against the 44? niggers" drove them ashoro, as he had accomplished his object. The democratic flat, the General says, is now aground, and they were telling the colored people ! that they had seen the evil of their way and were going to amend it; calling them by endearing terms, but when they were safely elected and afloat, they would like Fitzpatrick drive the " niggers" overboard, to shift for themselves. ? ? ? California apricots and Thurber's best peaches, at liobcrts. - " " ' 1 A Steam Whistle. Editor Standard <f- Commercial. In the name of religion, humanity and general economy appeal to the authorities to quarantine a certain steam whistle. To say it is an abominable nuisance is mild language and such as wo can use only after waiting six hours to recover to some extent our equanimity. This torment bursts us out of our peaceful slumber before daylight and not satisfied with waking us goes on to let us see how lunny it i3 and makes our dog howl; when clothed in anger we rush forth, cuss ourselves out of breath, lose character, and our religion goes down below zero. The siek of our families demand a cos sation of such sport. Even if there i: ^ any use in it, it is certainly a ha:d case t< rri??i?Oi ,? ii u,njr. > ><?* i wake up fifteen hundfd inhabitants to j pick out your mnu and tell the re.-t '"now j sloop if you can. " This bents the Irish- j inan with his neighbors door rapper or ! the dentist with his handful of your teeth j because so often repealed. j As we arc a rigid economists we can't bear to sec so much steam wasted. If it has to blow c.m't the town hitch on a j brass band and give us some gentle touch- j cs to keep down our angry passions. Many Voters. S~$T Roast chicken, mutton and turkey j it cans, at Roberts. MARINE NEWS arrived.?st. helena sound. Sent. 14th?llr. Rk. Hollywood, Balaam, master, :>> days from Funchal in ballast to Campbell, Wy- j llic and Co, . ? CLEARED.?ST. HELENA SOUND. Sept. 12th?Schr. H. W. Faster, Rich, master, for Woods Hole with S00 tons of phosphate rock from Pacific Mines, 1 ? i Potted game, chicken, turkey, duck and beef, at Roberts. Apples and lemons, at Roberts. [Advertisement.} For next School Commissioner of Beaufort County, K. D.J. LAWRENCE, Esq., who has educated himself without going to school b it it secni> that school came to him. No one need tell us who he is, because we not only know him, but even his parents, hut we know more of him recently siuce he graduated in Charleston, where he was admitted to practice us a lawyer. Since that time he has returned to his home in Beaufort, where he was born. Ilore, helping the poorer classes of the people out of their difficulties, almost daily, in the courts, where he has proved himself to be the right man in the right place. He has never refused any one when called on to represent them in court on account of their having no money, but on the contrary, is always ready with or without pay. Therefore, we earnestly request the delegates and voters generally to give to such a man their support. (Signed.) Many Citizens. IS ? 4J ss t? S. 8' ?' ts 1 ill I 4 f | To the Working Class.?We are now pre pared to furnish nil classess with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or for their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily en: u front 50 cents to S-1 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business we make this unparalleled offer. To such as are not well satisfied we will scud one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. For particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Homo and Fireside one of the largest and best Illustrated Publications all seat free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address. UkoRuE StissoN A Co., Portland, Maine. Fire Wood. TUFTY CENTS PKIt. CORD, AT THE ATLAX1 lie Saw Mills Beaufort. BOBBINS BODDINUTON A Oo. Beaufort, Sept. 14, 1876. Application for Charter To whom It may coucern: Notice Is hereby given that at the expiration o htrtv days from this date an application in due form will be made to the Clerk Of Court of R 00ufor County, for a charter for the Port Royal-Liverpo Real Estate Improvement Company, a corpora tion to be establishtd on Port Royal Harbor. Bft, S. C., Sept. I, 1876. sept. 7 lin. EDUCATIONAL. A select school will l?e opened in the town of Thau fort, on or about the 16th day of Octo'ier next b Mi-s> Sadie Hogee. a proficient teacher of English branches. For particulars apply to J AS. M.CltOlTT, Bay St. Proclamation. OFFICE INTEND ANT TOWN BEAUFORT. Bkaikoict, S. C. A up. *:i st ISTfi. VOTIVE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO SHIF owners masters and others, that vessels au<l boats of all descriptions bound to this from Savannah or other infected ports subject t the Quarantine laws of the Town and State. All persons are strictly prohibited from landing goods or passengers from Savannah, or other Infected ports unless special permission is fir-.t ol>tained of the Intendant, Town Council or Board of Health. AH violations of the Quarantine la s will be rigidly prosecuted. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Intendant Town of Beaufort. MRS. E. HOLZACH. r;AB. f AkT[MCT DAKERT, ALL ll KINDS I OF U FRESH CONFECTIONARY on hand and sold at the lowest prices for cash. 0 For the convenience of my uptown customers and the public generally, I have fitted up a neat and commodious STORE at the N. E. Corner of WEST & CRAVEN STS., Where I will he happy to receive orders, and furnish at short notice, all articles in my line at prices unsurpassed in town. aug3. Administrator's Notice. N'OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned ns administrator of the estate of J.J. l'ope, deceased, will on the !'?th day of Septoiiibtynext present bis accounts before the Court of Probate f<>r Bt-aufoit County for allowance, and apply for a discharge as administrator. H. G. JUDP. Bft. Aug. 21, 1876. aug.24-S? To Holders of County Checks or Audited ttaiais prior to .November 1, 1S72, IN acconlancc with the provisions of a.Toint Resolution entitled "AJoint Resolution authorizing he County Commissioners of Beaufort County to evy a special tax," dated April 7, 1873, and "An act to amend the same," approved the 2yth day o: January, 1S74, sealed proposals will be received ai this office from parties holdin jhecks or auditec claims contracted prior to November 1,1672, unti TUESDAY. OCT. 3. 1870. i at 12 M., at which time said bids will he ope net J and the board of county commissioners will drnv j orders on the Treasurer to the amount of one thou ] sand dollars, in favor of the person or persons wh< j shall offer the largest per ceil tan discount 011 tliei j checks or audited claims. Proposals should be addressed to the chairman 0 I the board of County Commissioners, aDd endorse . "Proposal* for the settlement of Past Indebted net | ; of Beaufort County. P. PRITCIIARD, M. D V. S. SCOTT, K. J.MARTIN, < County Coninii>sioners I Tuo.t. II. Whef.ler, ) Clerk of Board. leblO-lt. |m ) i '<hipp <a..v j THK r- ?V V* 1 in ? t r;:vu.i(on. . j N'litlt * nmh-i.i 1 ; j i. ) ! I.ttdwig Marx et. u?.. vs. The Tort K. R. Co. i 1 Th'' I'nion Trust Co., \>. I"ii?? l*>rt Royal K. R. Co IT i-*ti^r 'i vv ?, ' v an ,r,1',r of Judge fry an T.i? : r I ''' > f 'it'.: 1 'ar.-iii'.', .< advertise :'or and call in mi claims agniu>l I no ?'?r K. K. i u., having a lion prior to flu* mortgage on the property to be jtold tn this rase including Receiver's certificates, amounts due to officers ami employees'fees of attorneys, and any amount due for materials or repairs of the road under an orders of this court made in this ease, and to rcpor the same to the'said court. All persons hoi-ling claims as a!save mentioned are-herewith noiiu-d (< present the same to mc on or before the lirsi day of November next, ISTft. J AS. SIMMONS. Jr., Spt.7-Gt. Kefi rec. BAJNJUJNG liuuisai, I Win. II. Lockwood, BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any point in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. a p. 27. tun. P \I. WHITMAN, ~ WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, Bay Street, Beaufort, S. C., Has just retruned ebom the north with a fine assortment ol'goods at Nortliorii Pricos. WEDDING RINGS, 33.00 to 312.00, SILVER RINGS, 30c. to 31.50. SILVER NAPKIN RINGS, 32.00 to $4.00. LADIES GOLD WATCHES, $30 to $50. 0 e Say ^ 1 h] Striking Skits, S5.S9 to S3, o GENTS' GOLD CIl FANS, PTNS, RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS,STUDS. WATCH CHAINS, LADIES GOLD and PLATED JEWELRY, GOLD PENS, AC., AC. GENTS' GOLD ?V SILVER WATCHES, Call and examine before purchasing, and satisfy yourself you can save ten to^twenty-fivc per cent from Charleston or Savannah prices. dee.6.1y nUir. n a T.vkrt. PRACTICAL i Tin SheetIrcn. Copper Worker! DEALER IN Tapanned ami Stamped Tin Wares. Constantlyon j J hand, Cooking Parlor a ml Bo x Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W. II. CALVERT, Bav St. between 8th A Oth sts. Beaufort. S. C PORT R0VAL RAit.R0AD. | Magnolia Passenger Eoute, CH.I.VOJl OF SCnjJiULF. eiTTOuiviT^hn rrr T?MPT ROV AT. RATT/R'D 1 C7 VJ A AW VA A ? \ l? ? "*?* m mmmm ^ . Augusta, Ga., May l, 1876. J The following Passenger Schedule will be operai ted on and alter May l, 1876. GOING SOUTH. Train No. 1. Dally. Leave Augusta S 30 a m Leave Yetuasse *12 37 p ni Arrive Port Royal 2 30 p m Arrive at Savannah 3 30 p m Arrive at Charleston 4 20 p ni Arrive at Jacksonville 8 33 p in GOING NORTH. Train No. Daily. Leave Jacksonville * 2 10pm Leave Savannah 9 00 am L2"ve Charleston 8 30 a m ve Port Poyal 10 13 am Leave Yemassee *12 30 p m Arrive at. Augusta 5 00 pm Pinner. *~~/A The only line making close connection with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad at Savannah, and from and to Jacksonville and all points in Florida, avoiding the long, tedious and well-known Omnibus transfer* r through that city The only line running Through Pay Coaches without change between Augusta and Savannah. Connections made at Augusta with the Svuth Carolina Railroad for Aiken, S. C., Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad for all points North and Southwest, West and Northwest. Sleeping Car Berths engaged at Angussa by applying to agents at Beaufort or Fort Royal. Baggage Checked Through. R. G. FLEMING, Superintendent. T, S. PAVANT, Gen'h Pass. A H. M. STUART, M. D., Cor. Uay & Eighth Streets, Beaufort, ?3. C. DKALKK IN DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY ANI) TOiLLT ARTICLES STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with taany other articles t?M> numcrou , o mention. All of which will hcs?!dat thelowo.J t j price for cash, rhysicSiius } rescript i.>us careful!; ' ! 90:11 pounded. fch.l'l j flANZ, J.MIX?General Dry Goods House j x Day St. Rcaufnrt. Sco advertisement. Barber. RFTLEDGE, R. M.?Barltcr, shaving hair cut - iing. diampooing and dyeing done in the ncut - est manner. Hay St. r /"lOOPEK JoHN?Dry Goods Clothing, Millin; I vy ry. French and "Domestic Flowers, Fane ^ Goods, notions, Ac. Hay St. Sec advcrtioeiusnt. d Carriage Painter A j"cOUEGOR, .TAS. E.?Carriage maker, sign an , .. 1 carriage painter, Ray aud Charles Ns. S< advertisement. Professional Cards WIGGiN, P. it.?Attorney at Low. Solicitor .'nd Circuit. Bay St. JAS. E. JWcGREGQR, I '' | | f CARRIAGE MAKER, I IHMSK.MC.X, | 2ii'l CARRIAGE IWINTKR. I Opp. Express Office, L'eaiiforl, S. A'l kind* of Sc roll mid fhmy .-nwiRir. .Ml kinds i.f repairing promptly attended to, on I roasoiiRblo terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. i?f- Agent ft?r Barne*' patent foot power scroll saw, which can he seca in operation at my .-hop. J AS. E. MltiREGOR. J uly 1-1 jr. grIno closing out sue AT THE STORE OF E. A. Scliepcr, I The Leader in Low Prices :o; Will close out his complete stoek of i Ever before offered to the Beaufort public. | Consisting of DRY HOODS, CLOTHING, IIATS, AND CArS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ( MATTING Ac I offer an entirely fresh stock of SPRING PRESS GOODS, Selected in New York with special view to their adaptability to present season, climate Ac. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS will be otTered in all departments, no I am determined to make this one of the most attractive csfablishmcntsin town. Call before purchasing elsewhere aud examine the stock of goods at E. A. SCHEPER. SAFETY AND BRiLTTANCYr VESTAL OIL, Gives n hotter light than any other oil, and will no explode. For sale by M. KUESSEL, Pay St., eaufort. TAKE DR. DENN 1ST System Reno vator and Blood PURIFYING SYRUP. For Dyspepsia, Piles, Heartburn, Sick Headache Fevers, Sores, Ac. M. J. GRAHAM, Aot., mar.30-lm. Peaufort. "MRS. E. HOLZACH," ! E R BREAD A D Cake, and Cracker Bakery PAY ST., COIt. FREE LANDING. BEAUFORT Just received a large and selected stock of FRENCH CANDIES, whieh will bo sold at prices to suit the times. Will so keep on hand all kinds of CAKES, PIES, FRUITS, Ac Ac. sep.23-tf. . W. H. DEVLIN, Carpenter j Builder All kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. OFFICE AND SHOP COR. BAY and CHARLES STREET, BEAUFORT, S.C. Hugely. PORT ROYAli Siwk Planing mill BEAUFORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN 7E1L0W FINE Al'D LEHEEH AND Cypress Sliiriglcs, ALSO Builders & Contractors PLASTER, LATHES, All kinds ot JOB SAWING promptly done. Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on did Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo promptly tilled. Terms Cxsb. nov.2S-ly. I>. C. WILSON, A COM. POLLITZER, COTTON FACTOR Commission Merchant C r ACFOUT s. c JTcrTch mo n d" Trial Justice. i y All business intrusted to him will receive rnri ful and prompt attention. Oilke Custom IIou* i j Building. Beaufort S. C. april -! : JHEPARKERCUN. t 1,1 j ' SSTWO STAMP FOR CIRCUIAH = PARKER BRO'Sv , V/IST MCRlDEHjCT,, 01 ' 1 > n ~ w e? jaciou, mi iMil \ k*l.iez*. _ ?--w* (fhavlrstM ^dccvti>;iucu;^, ; 1 D. O'XKILL & SONS, air Dhai.i.ks in* I i?> O O j o, S> T**I O JZ". .^d , TRUNKS AND VALISES, No. 83 Hayuo Stropt ClaarloHton S. C, nprl-S-lyr. 9 ozts' .{in; jo iojuo oi in.) ssi:[?) jnur sjnunl ifiuxuii 01 uoaiJi uoiiuoni: p:;?>o<!g uvwr UXIH.W '*IiO l>?? HDvanoo axv smri u^i 'sxhva XtfK ViXIAl 4S>IO.lT>I'I I o -s ^.TOjnuoa: *^S A-JEII 'GAYIAI *S SILVER PLATED WARE. Eleclro-Plated Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work, IN GREAT VARIETY, MANUFACTURED BY TIIE MERIDIAN BRITANNIA COMPANY, 550 BROADWAY NEW YORK. The best Plated SPOONS aud FORKS are those Silver Plated heaviest oil the parts where necessarily the most wear comes, and hearing the Trade Mark. 1S74?ROGERS BROTHERS?XII. N. B. ?This great improvement In Silver - Plated Sj?oons and Forks is applied alike to each grade of Plato, A 1, Sand 12 oz. as ordered. The Process and Machinery for manufacturing these goods are Patented. The Extra.or "Standard Plate" made by this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 j>er cent, heavier than theordianary market standard. First Preraeum3 awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, from World.s Fair of 18-?2 to American In>titute Fair, 1G74. inclusive, mar 9-6 m. tfl <JJOn Pcr at h<*me. Samples worth ^1 U)J U CDZU tree. Stisson a Co., Portland' Maine flKND ?><:. to O. I*. ROWELL A CO., New York Ufor Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing list of 30<?0 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising. (JJlQailay at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and Vj)IZ terms free TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. marO-ly. JOHN FRANZ, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, SHIP CHANDLER Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. ?o? Constantly receiving from St. Louis, the best family flour, WIIOLESALi; OIPJCEUIES, LTQUOR8 PLANTATION SUPPLIES, at the nrincple Store, formerly occupied by J. hyler, Corner Bay and West Street bakery. . Having just completed the erection of a bakery at my premises, at the corner Bay and Scott Sts., I shall keep a constant supply of fresh BREAD &c. I have secured the services of an experienced baker, and by using the finest grades ot flour, shall endeavor to secure a share of public patronage. Call aud inspect samples. groceries. a speciality at the Store Corner of Bay and Scott Street. ~ just received, AT TIIE ? ? ?. ^ ? ? ?1-H^.Aaai, OTIMDMMIII JOB PRINTING OFFICE, A full line of superior paper, envelopes, rill heads, letter heads, note heads, cards, etc. Job printing done neatly and cheaply. All orders promptly attended to. 6ri$t anil .W. 8. ELLIOTT, Beavfort 8. C. BJt VEJ\*EL, )T CO., Chart f ton 8. C. THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILL COMPACT. Having put up a grist mill at their old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed and | any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. ELLIOTT, A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, in a Settled Envelope .Price sit cents. A I'dlnre on (be .Valurr, Trrotiiicnt, A. Radical cure of Seiuinai Weakness, or S|?erii uto, rlioea induced by Self-Abuse Involuntary Emissions L. Importency, Xervous Debility, and Impediment* t. Marriage generally : fonsumption, KpiUpsy, and Fits; Mental and i'liysieal Incapacity, Ac.? Itv itOLKUT J. Cl'LVERWK.'.L, M. !>., author ol" tin " tirceil Book, " ?ic. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own expei i< n<-c that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may 1? elfeetually removed without medicine, a,id with out dangerous surgical operations, bougies, iiiatru ments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, bv w hich every suffen r, no matter what his condition mar bo, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. Kt> Thit Lecture will prove a b ton to thousands and thousands. S.-nt, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ail dr.'ss. on receipt of six cents, or two p<?ra*o ?t imp Address the Publishers. F, BftOTBUX k m, i 41 Aim St., Sdv York 1*0.-1 Office Box 4386 y0;h l-y. ??? mn ii^^r &f.T.^ h. YV . bli. if #?f^l R W-2 J^$?N FAMD ' lE1?0rtjflWapHliini its* '^^^g>iicry Cm SEA'islaS ". ' - * _ "T - ?- - - _' f _ vif ? :|| ' P|p HAS C E E X R TIIE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAY J A MES ODELL, C L EARING AT THE OLI Jaeob i o REGARDLESS OF COST of our entire FANCY GOODS DOMESTICS wer Rest Quality Prints 7 and 8c. Best 1-4 Bleach, 9 and 10c. Rest 4-4 i'leach, 11 and I2c. Rest 7-a Bleach, G and 7< Rest 4 4 Brown, 8 an Good Alpacas, 1 Best A!pa? Linens, Muslins, Lawns, i at an actual sacrifice. Give us a call. Tlu Bav Street. JACOB A! J Arc You Goi THEN USE NEW YORK GQEMICi Ready for use in Whitk, and over Onf. strictly prime White Lead, Rinc, and Lins much Handsomer and Cheaper, and to lasi It has taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at t and is on many thousands of the finest hou; Address: N. Y. K PR IK RED FED SAMPLE A RD SEXT FREE. TME~ SEWING MAC! Is prepared to offer t) TO MERCMKT! ?Who will Sewing Machine! FAMILY F Its Name Indica Refer to 250,000 Families iSt'j NAMED GENNKAL F Adapted to every possible grade ol ledges For Tailors an IT STANDS WITHOU Weed Sewing Ma Dec.30. Nos. ")] TWO IMPORTANT IV OP INTEREST TO 2VSF 1st. A P!ANO OR PARLOR OP with aa adjus*<tbio !j3c!c,?raudc to support tin while leaning forward in tho ordinary position a simple arrangement, which givca it a backwa tipie a downward movement, followa hia motto in any position without interfering in the leai of hia movements. Beaufort ihtstncss |Uwtorg. \ riTC'IIEL, W.?B! icksmith, horseshoeing, and VJ. general smith work, Magnolia M. RAVAGE. JKRRY?AVho'Irfght. Repairs promptO ly executed. Magnolia St. TAEYLIN. W. H.?BaiMor and e niraei , Ray \J and C'harlo* Sts. .v.-? advertisement. i tt T I i . - . 4;: . . 7~ ' i ? I X- :? "<-atrw~ ' HEPER, \X GROCERIES H U ISIIIJIi ?(K)DS. Jjjjllgfr tif. Hardware I) liOTEL, E- OPENED. ELLING PUBLIC IS S0LI01CTD. PropmMTOEL IT SALE ) STAND OF Apple's* Sfock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING trc. selling id 9c. 8 and 20c. ? is, 40 to 60c. ^ansooks, Cambrics, 4c.f inkful for past fivers.?I >m Kmn'fi. PPLE, Beaufort, S.C. . > , -rv m > & jig to fainti ENAMEL PAINT CO.'S LL PiLZIV Hundred Different CaLflif afe41 #f cod Oil, Ch.nniadly combined, titfcCflhtod t TWICE AS LONO as any *tor wenty of the State Fairs of the dtttSfciea ses'ia the country NAMEL PAINT OO. 103 CM? Street, Rew M WEED 3INE COMFY, ic most liberal terms S AISB OTHERS, deal in? s of its Man'ftnre. 's*T A ? ORITE, LCD 1 L'O V^UcLUl/lCO. ; Who Have Them in Use. AVORITE, BECAUSE 'work.?Our competitors acknow- r that d Shoemakers, 'T A RIVAL. Address, tchine Company, and 53 St. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. MENTIONS Wtf e back of the fitter for playing, and by :rd and at ihe fame na and supports him it with tlie freedom ?d. A PLATFORM ROCK I* Oil CASTORS, with the long e?y,aoT?ey?t Of ine oiu atyie, wuauut iuc . to mar other farnitnre and the bam of nwt) be in:?, ill fact, the only Platform Rocker Bad* that haj a perfectly satisfactory movement, Manufactured for the trade by ALBERTBESTtCO, BUFFALO, N. Y., and for rale by the principal deafen fhiWffcoat the United States. &T 1 f not kept by any dealer in yaar loam, semi to us for Price List and Catalogue. j rzr?-. - _jj . BUM Painter and Glacier. i T OPEZ, EDWARD.?Painter and Glasfet. Hoaso. XJ Slpn and Ornamental pointing done at reanena able rates and with promptoem and diapatch. BOYCK, JAS. E.?Wholesale and rrtaU dealer la Groceries. I.iquors, Segars, Dry Geoda and 1 qouora! Bay St. i ii i n Groceries. BOYCE, J. P ?Groceries. Wines, Llquojy, and 5'ars, South side Bay St., Beaufort,