University of South Carolina Libraries
"local" Beaufort, S. C. September 14, 187(3.; ??*? ! One hundred ba!c"< of cotton wore shipped over the Port Koyal I v. K., during the week ending Friday last. fcsT The children <>P the Episcopal or" phan house, Savannah, have refugecd to Bluflton. 96?* Up to Friday last eighty-eight deaths from yellow fever were reported in Savannah, from the 21st of August. Number of cases 493. *. ?We hear of several "parties in Beaufort, who since Tildcn failed to explain his fraud upon the revenue, have sung: 4'Good bye Sam." The name of Wm. Wilson as a delegate to the State convention was inadvertentlv left out of our report of the county convention, last week. lie left for Columbia on Sunday last. &aT" The democratic convention to nominate a county ticket, will meet at Yemassee on Friday the 15th instThe majority of the delegates to the State, Circuit and Congressional conventions, lefl for Columbia on Saturday list. 9&~ The little boy who stabbed Lucy Fields, at the Rose plantation on Monday night was arrested the following day, and was committed to jail, to await his trial, by Trial Justice Carleton on Wednesday. Tkn cilant cvctpni nncht to be in. X 11V OI1VUV 0 troduced into our police force. Wranging with citizens, while on duty is very unseemly conduct and those officers who indulge in it ought to be at least reprimanded, if not more severely dealt with. J5ST Governor Chamberlain, has issue? a proclamation, on 'he late riot at Charleston, in which he discountenances the presence iu the streets of rifle clubs and other organized bodies of armed mer. I6F"A member of the police force of Beaufort, was suspended from duty by Act. InteDdant Scheper, this week. i * I ttBrl he Governor has appointed com. missioners of election, but no announcement has yet been made of their names. AST* The store of Mr. E. T. Roberts at Genesis' X Roads was burned o 1 Monday night last. It is reported that the ] fire was the act of an incendiary. V6P* Sea Island cotton, is coming into ' Beaufort very slowly. It is bringing from four to five cents per pound iu the seed. 6L. Mr. Calvert has just completed tinning the roof of tne new store of Mr. Jas. E. Boyce. The building when 1 completed will have an attractive appear ance. More new buildings nave *Deen erected on Bay St. this year, than for teu years previous. MSF The town has completed its public hog peu, near the poor house. Under an order ofthe Board of Health all hogs have been banished froin the town. All hogs will be treated as equals and no distinction will be made 011 account of race or color. They will be fed by the town and their owners assessed for the expense. I^Mr. Fleyward Howard of Graham ville, was in town this week and gave u> his version of the preliminary \ roceedings that led to the conviction of Snipe and Bright for the murder o)f Gen. Howard. He denies in toto that portion of Snipe's confession on the gallows, that conveyed the impression that undue influence had been used by him to extort their first confession. He assures us that he was not present when they made their statements implicating each other. - . ?aTMr. J. Franz, has opened a butcher's stall in the market, the arrangement of which is very unique. His ice chest is so arranged that the ice does not come in contact with the meat, thus preventing that water sobbing so objectionable in ice preserved meat. HeSis doing quite a fine business, and the specimens of meat displayed on his stall would tickle the appetite of an epicure. On Thursday evening last, Mr. b. i G. Hoffman of Charleston, who has been | appointed Adjutant-General for this State : of an organization knpwn as the "Boys in , Blue," composed of those who served in . the Union army during the war, or the sons of such. There wore about one hun-' dred persons present, many of whom wore 1 v m . .?o 1 1 o ex-sourters or rne zi*u., .wi., uim o-tm Rcgt. U. S. C. T. Mr. Hoffman explained the object of the organization, which in addition to it<< being a survivors association. serves the purpose of campaign clubs. Over 300,000 have joined the "Boys in Blue,'' throughout the United States. It is expected that before No- j vember several companies will be mustered in in this county. Company A. with twenty-one membo'-s was organized at the meeting under the captaincy of Mr. W. H. ncGill. JfeaT The In ion Herald says: 1' 11 is a lovely sight hese moonlight nights to see a democrat with his arm around a colored brother, pouring into his ears how much he loves him." But it is a far more interesting sight to see him hand his colored brother the greenbacks, after he joins a democratic cluh. This is more substantial than maudling love orations. * i , m. When do the democrats of Beanfort intend calling a mass meeting ? Ar?j they waiting to inn'xt on being heard at the next mass meeting called by th? republicans. By this method they save ex^ pense connected with calling a meeting. ? ? fcri"" \\ e note some of o.;r e.v'hiingts brayginir on the number of cm^.o i liiou joining democratic clubs, llow many of their votes do they expect to get ? Is it not the same old cry, lots ol siicep but u scarcity of wool ? " 4^4 gSirOii Monday night la?t a girl about 11 years of ago named Lucy Fields was stabbed in the breast, by a little boy ?f about twelve years named Pleasure Doctor, near the Lose plantation, Port Royal Island. They had a slight quarrel and without any warning the boy stabbed her with a clasp knife, and ran away, and at the time of writing had not been captured. His parents live on the mainland. The girl was brought to Dr. Gibbs' office for treatment, on Tuesday morning, and may recover with good care, although the - i i. wound is ol a very severe cnarauter. - ^ ^ fitaT" Bethifort and Fort Royal have passed through one of the healthiest summers on record. In Beaufort there has scarcely been a single case of malarial sickness, and the sanitary condition of the town was never better. No fears are entertained ol yellow fever unless cases are imported here and the strictest quarantine against infected places is in opperation. Sept. 7th Spanish Bk. lAscngano, Telleria master, 10 days from Havana, iu ballast to Campbell Wyllie and Co. Sept. 7ih?Br. Bg. Argo, Pugsley,master, for London, with 3L?5 tons of phosphate rock from Pacific Mines. N " Br. Bk. Ada, Fallashaw, master, for Newcastie, Englan 1 with 610 tons of phosphate rock from Oak Point Mines. " 7th French Bk. Paralos, Pasco, master, for Hull; England, with 550 tons of phosphate rock from Oak Point Mines, " 7th Swedish, Bk. Echo, Jonsson, master, Hamburg Germany, with 600 tons of phosphate rock from Oak Point Min?s. " 7th U. S. Schr. II. W. Foster, Rich, master 1 day from Charleston in ballast to Pacific Mining Co. [Advertisement. ] For next School Commissioner of Beaufort County, F. P.J. LAWRENCE, Esq., who has educated himself without going to school but it seems that school came to him. No one need tell us who he is, because we not only know him, but even his parents, but we know more of him recently since he graduated in Charleston, where he was admitted to practice as a m Since that time he has returned to his home in Beaufort, where he was born. Here, helping the poorer classes of the people out of their difficulties, almost daily, in the courts, where he has proved himself to be the right man in the right place. He has never refused any one when called on to represent them in court on account of their having no money, but on the contrary, is always ready with or without pay. Therefore, wc earnestly request the delegates and voters generally to give to such a man their support. (Signed.) Mm cltizbws. To the Working Cl???.-We are now propared t ? furnish all classess with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or for their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sox easily ea:n from 50 cents to $5 per evening, nnd a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business we make this unparalleled offer. To such as are not well satisfied wo will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. For particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home and Fireside one of the largest and best Illustrated Publications all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want jxmi aneut. profitable work, address. Grokgk Stinsom A C ?., Portland, Maine. Fire Wood. ~ IJMFTY CENTS PER. CORD, AT THE ATLANtic Saw Mills Beaufort. BOBBINS BODDINGTON A Co. ) Beaufort, Sept. 14, 1876. Proclamation. OFFICE INTENDANT TOWN BEAUFORT. Beaufort, S. C. Aug.31st 1S7G. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO SHIP I it owners masters and others, that vessels and boats of all descriptions l?ound to this place from Savannah or other infected ports will'bo subject t the Quarantine laws of the Town and State. All persons are strictly prohibited from landing goods or passengers lrom sava.ns.mi i vii uuivt infected ports unless special permission is first obtained of the Intendant, Town Council or Board of Health. All violations of the Quarantine la swill be rigidlv prosecuted. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Intendant Town of Beaufort. MRS. E. HOLZACH. DREAD. f AKETpCY OAKERY, II ALL U KINDS I OF II FRESH CONFECTIONARY on hand and sold at the lowed prices for cash. For the convenience of my up-town customers and the public generally, I have fitted up a neat and commodious STORE at the N. E. Corner of W EST & C RAVEN STS., Where I will be happy to receive onlers, and furnish at short notice, all articles in my line at prices unsurpassed in town. aug3. Administrator's Notice. N ot CE is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator <-f the estate of 1. J. Rope, de' msmI will on ihe 10th day of September tn-xt pre sent his accounts before lite Court of Probate for lkaufori County for allowance, and apply for a discharge as administrator. H. G. JUDP. lift. Aug. 21, 187C. nug.24-4t To Holders of County Checks or Audited Claims, prior to November 1, 1*72, IN accordance with the provisions of aJoint Resolution entitled " A Joint Resolution authorizing he County Commissioners of licaufort County to j cvy a sjKvial tax," dated April 7, 187."., and "An act to amend the same," approved the 2"th day ol January, 1874, sealed proposals w ill l?e received at this office from parties lioldin ;hecks or audited claims contracted prior to Novo..her 1,1872, until TUESDAY. OCT. 3, 187ft. at 12 M? at which time said bids will ho opened and the Itoard of county commissioners will draw orders on the Treasurer to the amount of one thousand dollars, in favor of the person or persons whr shall offer the largest per centum discount on theii ; checks or audited claims. ) Proposals shouldbe addressed to tho fcbair nan o 1 the board of County Commissioners, and endorsee i "Proposals for the settlement of Past Gidebtednesi of Beaufort county. P. PR ITCIIAPJ>, M. I> V. S. SCOTT, r.. J. MART IN. County Commissioners Titos. II. v.' Clerk of Board, fehlO-it. -* ? II I. '1 #1 ! Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned a* administrator of the estate of Charles Owens, | deceased, will on the l<Uh day of September next, | i present his accounts before the Court of Probate for j j Heaufort County for nrtowance, and apply for a discharge as admiiiis'rator. II. ft. Jl*I>I>. lift. Aug. 21,1S7C. aug.24-.1t. Board of Equalization. OITICE COT'NTY AUDITOR, Pkavkout S. C. Aug. 1.1,1870. NOTICE is hereby given that the County Hoard of Equalisation will meet in this olliit* on the 4th day of Septeiul>er, next t>? consider such grievances relative to valuation of property as maybe laid before it. L. S. LANGLEY, augl7-.1t. Co. Auditor. A AT IT TAr ri TTn TT S Tn XXXi.1 JJLV V N/Uj j Win. H. Lockwood, BAT ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE ! New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any point in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. ap.27.f>m. P. M. WHITMAN" MATCHMAKER AN!) JEWELLER, Bay Street. Ilenufort, S. C., Has just retrtjned erom the north with a fine assortment of goods at 1STortlxorn Pricos. WEDDING RINGS, 83.00 to 812.00, SILVER RINGS, 30e. to $1.50. SILVER NAPKIN KINITH, 52.W 10 $4.uu. LADIES GOLD WATCHES, S3G to $50. 8 Day ? 1 Say Striking Clocks, S3.50 to S3, 0 GENTS' GOLD CIIIANS, TINS. RINGS. SLEEVE BUTTONS. STUDS, WATCII CHAINS, LADIES GOLD and PLATED JEWELRY, GOLD PENS,. AC., AC. OR.VTS' GOLD <Si SILVER WATCHES, Call and examine before purchasing, and satisfy yourself you can save ten to^twenty-five, per cent from Charleston or Savannah prices. dee.C.Iy W. H. CALVERT. PRACTICAL Tin Shsst Iron. Copper Worker DEALER IN Japanned and Stamped Tin Wares. Constantly on hand, Cooking Farloraml Box Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cocking Stoves. W. H. CALVERT, Bay St. between 8th A 9th sts. Beaufort. S. C PORT ROYAL RAILROAD. Magnolia Passenger Bouts, CHJ.WK OF SCHEDULE. SUPERIN'TS OFFICE PORT ROYAL RAILR'D\ Augusta, Ga., May 1, 1876. / The following Passenger Schedule will be operated on and alter May l, 1876. GOING SOUTH. Train No. 1. Dally. Leave Augusta 8 30 a m Leave Yeniasse *12 33 p ni Arrive Port Royal 2 30 p in Arrive at Savannah 3 30 p ra Arrive at Charleston 4 20 pm Arrive at Jacksonville 8 35 p in GOING SOUTH. Train Xo. ?. Dally. Leave Jacksonville 2 10pm Leave Savannah 9 00 a m Lc'^e Charleston 8 SO am Yj ve Port Poyal 10 15 a m L'-ave Ycmassee *12 30 pm Arrive at Augusta 5 00 p m Dinner. The only line makin~ close connection with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad at Savannah, and from and to Jacksonville and all points in Florida, avoiding the long, tedious and well-known Omnibus trausferer through that city The only line runniug Through Day Coaches without change between Augusta and Savannah. Connections made at Augusta with the South Carolina Railroad for Aiken. S. C., Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta Railroad for all points North and Southwest, West and Northwest. Sleeping Car Berths engaged at Augussa by applying to agents at Beaufort or Port Royal. Baggage Checked Through. R. G. FLEMING, Superintendent. T. S. DA VAST, Gen'l. Pass. A H. M. STUART, M. D., Cor. Bay Eighth Streets, Boaufort, &* O. DEAT.KR IN* DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY, PUIIFUMKRY, BRUSHKS, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with many other article* too numerous >j o mention. All of which will be sold at thelowes price for cash. Physicians prescriptions carefully ! commanded. feh.Pl IT'HANZ, JOHN?General Dry Goods House, Bay St. Beaufort. See advertisement. Barber. RUTLElKtK, R. M.?Barber, shaving hair cuttint:, shampooing and dyeing done in the neatest manner. Bay St. > r pOOPEK JOHN?Dry Goods Clothing, MilllnavV ry. French and Domestic Flowers, Fancy ^ Goods, notions, ac. Bay St. See advertisement. | Carriage Painter I J AS. K.?Carriage maker, sign and IvJ- carriage painter, Bay and Charles Sts. See advertisement. * j Professional Cards ! \\7IGGIN. P L.?Attorney at Low. Solicitor < ?? -Bd Circuit. Bay St. JAS. E. ACcGREGOR, ! .J. WW CAKKIACK MAKKK, IIOISK.Sir.N, and CARRIAGE IU INTER. Opp. Express Office, Beaufort, S. f. All kinds of .""iornll and fancy snwinjj. All kinds of rojKiirint? promptly attended to, on reasonable terms. Satisfaction xaaranteed. 4j?* Agent for Barnes' patent foot power scroll saw, which can be seen in ojierauuu ui mj JAS. E. MCGREGOR. Jnlvl-ly. HMD ClOSINS our Sill AT THE STORE OF K. A. Schcper, The Leader in Low Prices Will close out his complete stock of MG MIR GOODS Ever before offered to the Beaufort public. Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS. AND CARS, BOOTS AND SHOES, MATTING Ac I offer an entirely fresh stock of SPRING DRESS GOODS, Selected in New York with special view to their adaptability to present season, climate Ac. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS will be offered in all departments, as I am determined to make this one of the most attractive establishments in town. Call before purchasing elsewhere and examine the stock of goods at E. A. S CHE PER. SAFETY AND BRILLIANCY. VESTAL OIL, Gives a better light than any other oil, and will no explode. For sale by M. KRESSEL, ap.13. Bay St., eaufort. TAKE DR. DENNIS7 System Renovatorand Blood PURIFYING SYRUP. For Dyspepsia, Plies, Heartburn, SIek Headache Fevers, Sores, Ac. M. J. GRAHAM, Agt., mar.30-lm. Beaufort. MRS. E. HOLZACH;" B BREAD V D Cake, and Cracker Bakery BAY ST., COR. FREE LANDING, BEAUFORT Just received a large aud selected stock of FRENCH CANDIES, which will be sold at prices to suit the times. Will so keep on hand all kinds of CAKES, PIES; FRUITS, Ac Ac. sep.23-tf. ? wThTdevxinT-~ Carpenter f Builder All kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. OFFICE AND SHOP COR. BAY and CHARLES STREET, BEAUFORT, S.C. aug5.1y. PORT ROYAL Saw& Planing Mill BEAUFORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OK AND DRAPERS IN YELLOW PINE TINDER AND LENDER AND Cypress Shingles, ALSO Builders & Contractors P L AS T E R , L A T H E S, All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. j Flouring & Ceiling Boards always on band Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. nov.28-ly. P. C. WILSON. A COM7 POLL IT Z ER,~ COTTON FACTOR ' AND Commission Merchant BEAUFORT S . C " J."C. RICHMOND.~ 1 Tllflfipo lliai V UOV&VVI All business intrusted to him will receive oare ful and prompt attention. Cilice Custom House | Huililint*. Beaufort S. C. ppril ?7-t Thfjarkercuh. ^rVD STAMP FOR CIRCULAR 'j PARKER BRO'S v J WEST MERIDENjCT.; g:*iw. * iJ v?''' ** r-> tfUarUston HVilratbcmrnts. j 1). O'X'EILl, 4: SOX'S, XVHOL'tSAT-K PFAI.K.RS IN BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES, 3Mo, 33 Hayno Street CiiarlcstOil 33. C. aprl.K-lyr. 9 MQ ozis .Cur jo jopio bi ino svrjr) put: ff}uir<I 3uixim oj imiif nopujvjjt: "HXI JNHcItfill (I XV (IVHT CTJJHAV mho puv: sjuih(x MDvauoo axv shnit iisia 'SNllVA 't 'S3NIAV ' ^13^ O's '1.TOIUVOCT *;s 'OAVIK 'S SILVER PLATED WARE~ Eleclro-PIated Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work, IN GREAT VARIETY. MANUFACTURED BY THE MERIDIAN BRITANNIA COMPANY, 550 BROADWAY NEW YORK. The 1?est Plated SPOONS and FORKS are those Silver riateu neaviest on mv |?i? ? mio uvw.-.w rily the most wear comes, and bearing the Trade Mark. 1874?ROGERS BROTHERS? XII. N. B. ?This great improvement In Silver-Plated Spoons and Forks is applied alike to each grade of Plate, A 1, Sand 12 oz. as ordered. The Process and Machinery for manufacturing these goods are Patented. The Extrajor ''Standard Plate" made by this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and Is plated 20 per cent, heavier than theordianary market standard. Fir3t Premeums awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, from World,s Fair of 1852 to American Institute Fair, 1674. inclusive, mar 9-6 m. (h/T fn (hflf) per day at home. Samples worth 81 $0 lU wZU free. Stinson & Co., Portland' Maine SEND to G. P. ROW ELL & CO., New Yorkfor Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing list of 3000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising (hit)a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and tplZ terms free TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. mar9-ly. JOHN FRANZ, ?^-o Wholesale & Retail Grocer, AMD SHIP CHANDLER Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. ?r~?? Pmisfnntlv receiving from St. Louis, the best FAMILY FLOUR, wholesale groceries, LIQUORS PLANTATION SUPPLIES, at the jirincplc Store, formerly occupied by J. Fyler, Corner Bay and West Street BAKERY. Having just completed the erection of a bakery at my premises, at the corner Bay and Scott Sts., I shall keep a constant supply of fresh BREAD &c. I have secured the services of an experienced baker, and by using the finest grades ot flour, shall endeavor to secure a share of public patronage. Call and inspect samples. GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner of Bay and Scott Street. JUST RECEIVED, AT THE SRNDJ1I1D & COMMERCUL JOB PRINTING OFFICE, A full line of superior PAPER, ENVELOPES, BILL HODS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, cards, etc. Job printing done neatly and cheaply. All orders promptly attended to. ! <Brist and ?tt&. ! .71. 9. ELLIOTT, Flea*Tori S. C. AJ V'EJS'EL, it CO., Chorlenttm S. O. THE BEAUFORT STBAJI MILL COMPANY, Having put up a grist mill at tiieir old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed and >IeaI, any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. ELLIOTT, A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, in a Sealed Knveioj>e .Price six rents A 1-eclnre 011 the \ature, Treatment, 6i Kntlic-'tl cure of Seminai Weakness, or Spere atorlioe.i induced by Self-Abuse Involuntary Emissions I Importency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments t( Marriace funerally ; Consumption, Epilepsy Kits and Physical Incapacity, Ac.--!'-) ROBERT J. (TLYKRWKLL, M. I>., author of tin i " Green Book, " Ac. The worid-renowned author, in tin's adrnirnbh Lecture, clearly proves from bis own experienct that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may b< effectually removed without inedicipe, and witl out dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instru ments, rings, or cordials ; )>ointing out a mode o cure at oucc certain and effectual, by which ever suffer* r, no matter what bis condition may be, uia< cure himself cheaply, prir&teiy and radically. Ait' This Lecture will prove a boon lo thousands am I thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ac ! dr s>, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamp ! Address the Publishers. F. SRIGtttX & SOX, ! II Ann St., New York Post Office Box 4 3*i uly 9tb l*y. - - ?- MiJk M ig )'.? x i<\ W . SCI raV^jlm riiit j^Bb^liNrt F!'l!.\l: Crucki '' Hay St.. ?u SMAlSLAN r - | ^ ^" V II AS BEEN 11 THE PATRONAGE OF TIIE TKAVJ JAMES ODELL, - CLEARING AT THE ODD \ Jacob A 0 ? REGARDLESS OF COST of our entire s FANCY GOODS DOMESTICS &c., wo ar Best Quality Points 7 anil Sc. Best 4-4 Bleach, 9 and 10c. * Best. 4-4 Bleach, 11 and i2e. Best 7-8 Bleach, 0 and 7c. Best 4-4 Brown, 8 nnd Good Alpacas, 18 Best Alpafcas Linens, Muslins, Lawns* N at an actual sacrifice. Give us a call. Thar Bay Street. JACOB AF Are.You Goii then use new york ] . ' GHEM1GA Ready for use in White, and over One E strictly prime White Lead, Rinc, and Linsei much Handsomer and Cheaper, and to last It has taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at tw and is ota many thousands of the finest house Address; N. Y.EJ PRTE REEVED SA MPLEARD SF.ST FREE. THE 1 SEWING MACS Is prepared to offer the TO MERCHANTS | ?Who will e Sewing Machines 0'FAMILY F. Its Name Indicat Refer to 250,000 Families 0 3c* NAMED GENNRAL Fl . Adapted to every possible grade of i ledges tl For Tailors IT STANDS WITHOUT Weed Sewing Ma Dec. 30. Nos. 51 i 'two ^pomant m or unznzz? avrr-: 1st. A PIANO OR PARLOR OR< with an adjustable back,?made to support the While leaning forward in the ordinary position f a simple arrangement, which gives it a backwnn time a downward movement, follows his motion in any position without interfering in the least oi ma movements. ' graufort ^justness girrrionj. i MITCH EL, W.?Blacktonith, horseshoeirtg, and general .smith work. Magnolia St. [ QAVAf,E, JERUY ?Wh< Irigbt. Repairs jiroinptlO lv execnt d. Magnolia St. DEVLIN. W. H.?I;?Iand contractor, j!ay and diaries Sis. Sec :ulv. rtiviuent. &l -UAar. H. M. D!i.?!>r.legist in a y S;. Beaufort. See advertbjm.'a,* , ja 11 E PER, ^PEET'fe f j ? GROCERIES ji.Ll SHIM ?(N)IK^ try, Hardware |^iuL? DIIOTEL, GeOP E NED. SLLINO PUBLIC IS S0LIC1TFD*: PROpRiirroR. in sir STAND OF Lpplc's* UkjIc of DRY GOODS, CLOTHIJf'i c selling I 9c. 1 and 20c. i, 40 to 00c. *?' *' ansooks, Cambrics, &c.; ikfm for nast favors.?I nm Rosn'frV 'PLE, Beaufort,S.Cf tig to Paint? ENAMEL PAINT CO.'S Zi PAINT [UNDRED DfEFERENT COLORS UMtSe 0f 2d Oil,' Chemically combined, wamnteJ TWICE AS LONG as any other Hunt, enty oflhc State Fairs of the the Upitfrf V is*in the country ' IAMEL PAINT 0(5. 103 Ohamlters Street, New MWEED UNECOMP'Y., $ \ most liberal terms i AND OTHERS, leal in? of its Man'fture/ HVORITE, % es its Qualities. Who Have Them in Use'/ w, LYOB.ITE, BECAUSS ,vork. ?Our com pctitors acknowhat 1 Shoemakers, 'A RIVAL. Address, ohine. Company,ant! 53 St. Charles St., Baltimore, 1 and at the samo with the freedom H **. A PLATFORM RQGKER OW JASTQRS, wi'h tbe long easy movement 1 the ola style, without the projecting rockery o mir other iurriiiure and the bar<x of rooms; lefnjr, in fact, the ouly Platform Rocker mad* bat has a perfectly *3tLJfartory movement. iTanafacturcd /or tlie trade by ALBERT BEST & CO., > BUFFALO, N. Y., n<l for pale by the principal dealer* throuclio*^ he United State*. pi/"" If not kept by my dealer in y?:r town, end to us for Pr ce List and Catalogue. Pointer and Glazier, LOPEZ, EDWARD.^PafaSr awdrr.wto, H***, Sign and Ornamental painting Hons at umy* able rate* and with promptness and dispaiejfc. BOYCE. JAS F.?Wholesale and retail deafer ftV Groceries, Li<juors, Segarp, I>ry wood* as? j genera! merchandise. Bay St. Groceries. BGYfK, J. I ?Groceries. Wine*, T :>yiors, a ad I* gars, NMith ?tde Ray St., KoaiAr**.