University of South Carolina Libraries
I LOCAL ITEMS. I Beaufort, S. C. September 7, 1376. Arka'isas'aal Yer.imit. These two States held elections on Mon- J day. The Democrats claim Arkansas, \ and the Republicans have carried Vcr-! mont by over twenty thousand majority. Full returns have not yet been received. JM#** Come down and see George at I Rudiail's. I !?> l^*Licut. Gov. R. H. G'eaves and N. B. Myers E?q. will speak at Blackville on Thursday, and on the same day Con- ' gressman Smalls will address a meeting ' at Walterboro. i We received informarion that the pilot boat Loula was struck by lightning ! this week, whilst cruising off the bar. None of her crew were iujured but considerable damage was sustained by the vessel. 9GT* Campaign drinks at RudisailV The Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners is attending pro- 1 fessionally upon a yellow fever patient at j ! Hardeeville. One of *he refugees from ' Savannah. 1 tmt l Hayes and Wheeler, milk punches ' St Kudisail's. I?" Saturday last, the barkentine I Mary McKee, Sharp, master, arrived at 1 Bennett's wharf, Beaufort and has been loaded with 535 tons of phosphate rock, i and sails for Baltimore. i f -f F Tilden and Hendrick's cock tails at ] Rudisail's. We have been requested by the pastors of the A. M. E. church, to announce the holding of their aunual camp- J meeting at Allen church camp ground, on Port Koyal Island, which will commence i Sept. 29, and close Oct. 9th. They invite the cordial co-operatiou of all chris- t tians. No whiskey or sports of any kind will be allowed on the ground. f Cigars of the finest brands at Rudisail's. . 9SF We found on our table a box ot fine cig%rs, with the compliments of Messrs. 1 Dick and Smalls on Saturday last. These re puffs, in the language of Dundreary li that any fellow can understand, " and J like many other variety of puffs ended in smoke. t Rudisail hands out fine milk punches T by George. * 1 fUT A census; of hogs taken, by the 1 Inspector of Nuisances, this week gives a i total of six hundred within the towr. i limits of Beaufort Under a recent sani- t tary order they are all to be removed out side the town boundaries forthwith. It is impossible to keep these animals clean in the confined yards of our town, .and it is a very questionable policy to allow them to be kept in town at any time, but j as a sanitary measure at this time the s general safety demands their expulsion. 1 Messrs. Conant and Emmons r< - ' ceived a schoouer load of ice this week. Mr. Devlin succeeded in throwing ( forty-one for himself and forty-four or Mr. H. You. Harten in the raffle for! ' Mr. F. W Scheper's gray inare, ou Saturday last Before the close of the raffle he bought the chance of Mr. Von. H&rteu for fifteen dollars ; set up the champagne, and felt as happy as a lord in the possession of the finest piece of horse flesh in town, but when he discovered that the horse had been claimed and delivered to Von. Iiarten his expressions were extremely calm, dignified 1 and impressive. i ?5$"* On Monday eveniug last the members and invited guests of the Benevolent Socity in connection with the Tabernacle Baptist church gave an enter, tainment in their new building. The taI ble was loaded with everything the market could afford or culjfjary art could & vise. Gtmes and other soci 1 pastim s were kept up till a late hour. To gain admittauce to the democratic club of Law Kange, you sing : "I wish my Sammy could see me now, " with an aristocratic inflection of the voice, and the recording secretary enrolls your name. We give these instructions to those who were not invited to attend the first meeting. " It was all an oversight you know. " Pitch your voice to A flat, on the "Sammy, "when you sing, and it is all right. |?f*Mr. Hoffman of Charleston, will * visit Beaufort to-day (Thursday) for the purpose of taking preliminary steps to organiie a regiment of the "Boys in Blue." These organizations are being enrolled throughout every section of the Union, composed of parties who served in the Union army. Their object is a peaceable one, to organize, hold meetings, advise and sustain each other, and to instill irv.-o the republican ranks a spirit of enthusiasm that will go far towards the success of the national candidates in November next. tt?%.Thc democratic correspondent of the democratic club of Beaufort says the democrat* have got lots of money. Of oourse they have. Uncle Sammy will send theui a few of his Michigan shin plasters. His own manufacture. J?*3-Ivear Admiral Trenchard, has sue ceedod R-^ar Admiral LeRoy, as comlaancer of the North A:.'a.?;ic a^ua-iron. The J.ttst of Hutto. Giles Porter, the man who under the . name ot Hutto, was such a terror about I < a j*ear ago to the inhabitants of several ' towns iu this and Barnwell county along ' the line of Port Koyal Hailroad and who was confined in the Beaufort jail for several months, awaiting his trial for the sho ?ting of the marshal of the town of j Alleudale, but who gained his liberty on : a plea of insanity, was shot and instantly ! killed at Windor S. C. by a posse ofj, colored men who claimed to have had ! i a warrant for his arrest, last week. The J colored men have been arrested .as there j were conflcting statements as to the au- j thority under which they were acting and. j as to any show of resistance on the part of Hutto. There is no doubt but this man was a desperate character, guilty of several deeds of lawlessness and bloodshed, and his taking off in the manner is reported has excited very little surprise or sympathy. J&*A naval review and inspection will be held in Port Royal harbor iu October. ( County Commissioners. ^ The board of County Commissioners * met on Wednesday last and commenced auditing all outstanding claims of the present fiscal year. The committee of ihe Grand Jury were in atteudance, so ' that little business other than investigation was transacted. 1 ^ i . A white man named Bennett was lodged in jail this week for shooting and killing another white man named Allen Middleton at Appleton on the 24th inst. Middleton was'pursuing his w'fe with a switch when lie was shot by Bennett. Hie shot took effect in his addomen and ] he died instantly. MARINE NEWS ARRIVED.?ST. HELENA SOUND. Aug: ISth Br. Bg. Francis John, B entlcy, mnste tl days from Funchal in ballast to Campbell Wyllie ind Co. " 29th Br. Bg. Argo, Pugaley, master, 37 days from * ?io Janeiro in ballast to Campbell Wyllie and Co. 6 " 29th Bk, Paralos, Paaco, master, 13 aays irom ,\>rt of Spain Trinidad, W. I. in ballast to Camp>ell, Wyllle and Co, ^ " 2Jhh Swedish Bk. Echo, Jonsson, master 58 days rom ftremerhaven in ballast to Campbell, Wyllle ,ud Co. CLEARED.?ST. HELENA SOUND. t 41 29th Br. Bg. Br. Florence, Beynon master, for 'ly mouth, England with 484 tons of phosphate rook rom Coosaw Mines. J" " 3l?t Br. Bg. Francis John, Bont'ey, master for fl Irfctol. England with 490 tons phosphate rock from 'oosaw Mines. ^ A Horse for Five Dollars As soon as the raffle list is completed lie bay colt of Mr. Robt. Smalls, will be afflei at the store of J. P. Boyce Beau" ort. Forty five chances at five dollars >erchance. All stiles of chances after the ists are closed must be acknowledged in vritin? and a copy served on the referee n order that no disputes may arise as to ' he delivery of the horse. Proclamation. t OFFICE INTENDANT TOWN BEAUFORT. Bkacfokt, S. C. 1878. J \TOTICK IS 1II.UF.BY (11 YEN TO SHIP Ll owners master* and others, that vessels and mats of all descriptions hound to this place from laTar nah or other infected ports will'he subject t he Quarantine laws of the Town and State. All person* are strietlv prohibited from landing c-)ovls or passengors from Savannah, or other nfoctcd ports unless special permission is first ol?.ainj-.l of the Intendant, Town Council or Board >f Health. , All violations of the Quarantine la s will he rigdlv prosecuted. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Intendant Town of Beaufort. MRS. E. HOLZACH. DREAD. PAKETfAMC7 OAKERY, s la ,.TVTW I nP II pKESfj t U ALL v Mi>i/o v* CONFECTIONARY l ju han 1 and sold at the lowest prices for cash. * 0 1 For the convenience of my up town customers and t the public generally, I have fitted up a neat and j commodious STORE at the N. E. Corner of WEST & CRAVEN STS., Where I will be happv to receive orders, and fur1 nish at short notice, all articles in my line at prices 1 unsurpassed in town. aug3. Notico. ' J i Office Town Treasurer i Beaufort, S. C. Aug. 22nd 1876. NO ACCOUNT AO A INST ANY TOWN EM- ( ployee w ill be collected through this office;? ( n?irher will any orders against the pay of any em- i ployee be accepted?Merchants and others having i a .-counts must collect the same. J. C. RICHMOND, Town Treasurer 2 t Administrator's Notice. "V^OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned ns j JL* administrator of the estate of J. J. Pope, deceased, will on the 16th dav of September next pre sect his accounts oeiore tne e-ouri ui rruwait H.r Beaufort County for allowance, aud apply for a discharge as administrator. H.G. JUDD. lift. Aug. 21, 1876. aug.24-St To Holders of County Cheeks or | Audited Claims, prior to November 1, 1872, IN accordance with the provisions of a Joint Resolution entitled "AJoint Resolution authorizing ho County Comruissiorfers of Beaufort County to ovy a special tax." dated April 7, 1873, and "An act to amend the same," approved the 29th day of January, 1874, scaled proposals will be received at this office from parties hold in jhecks or audited claims contracted rrior to November 1, 1872, until TUESDAY. OCT. 3. IS7f?. at 12 M, at which time said bids will he opened a id th" board of county commissioners will draw i orders on the Treasurer to the amonut of one thou- J I 8'tud dollars, in favor of the person or persons who shall offer the largest jter ceitfvm discount on their checks or audited claims. Proposals shouldbe addressed to the cliair nan of i the board of County Conimissione:?, and endorsed J '"Proposal? for the settlement of Past Indebtedness t of Beaufort county. P. PRITCIIARD, M. D. V. S. SCOTT, R.J. MARTIN. County Commissioners ; Timii. H. WHEEI.ER. (it rk of Board. ftblfl-ir. Administrator's Notice. I "lyOTIPK j* herchv given that the undersigned as i.s administrator of the estate of Charles Owens, deceased, will on the l(ith clay of Sejitember next, present his accounts before the Court of Probate for Beaufort County, for allowance, aud apply for a riisiharge as administrator. H. f?. JUI>I>. Bft. Aug. 21,1S76. aug.24-tt. Board of Equalization. orncK corxTV auditor, FKAI FORT S. Aug. 1), IK?0. N'OTIOE is hereby giveu that the County Foard < of Equalization will iu?'?-t in this office on the 1th day of September, next to consider such grieviucs relative to valuation of property as may belaid before it. L. S. LANG LEY, i r.igl7-.'lt. Co. Auditor. BANKING HOUSE, , Wm. II. Lockwood, BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any point in the United States. Accounts received subject ^ :o check at sight. j ap. 27.0111. P. M. WHITMAN,- ' W ATCHMAKER AM) JEWELLER, Bay Street, Beaufort, S. C., * % 1TAS JUST RETRUNED EROM THE NORTH Ll. with a fine assortments goods at Northorn Prices. * WEDDING RINGS, $3.00 to 812.00, SILVER RINGS, 30c. to 31.50. SILVER NAPKIN RINGS, $2.00 to $4.00. a LADIES GOLD WATCHES, $30 to $50. 1 Day & 1 Say Striking Clocks, $3,SO to SO, o iENTS' GOLD CIIIANS. PINS, RINGS, SLEEVE G BUTTONS. STUDS, WATCH CHAINS, LA- e DIES GOLD and PLATED JEWELRY, GOLD PENS, dC\, AC. :EXT8' GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. CnH and oxamino before purchasing, and satisfy ? ouraelf you can save ten to'.twenty-five per cent rom Charleston or Savannah prices. F W. H. CALVERT. 1 PRACTICAL fin Sheet Iron. Copter Worker } . DEALER IN Japanned and Stamped Tin Wares. Constantlyon " I hand, Cooking Parlor ami Box Stoves. TERMS CASH. igent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W. H. CALVERT, Bay St. between 8th A 0th sts. Beaufort. S. C | PORT ROVAL^RAllROAD. Magnolia Passenger Koute, CH%MJ\*OR OF SCHRIH'LB. ;u PERI NTS OFFICE PORT ROYAL RAILR'D\ Augusta, Oa., May l, 1876. J The following Passenger Schedule will be operaed on and alter May l, 1876. GOING SOUTH. Train No. 1. Dally. ( -cave Augusta 8 30 a in xtave Ye masse *12 3> p nt Arrive Port Royal 2 30 p ni 8 Vrriveat Savannah .. 3 30 pin * Vrrive at Charleston 4 20 p m Arrive at Jacksonville 8 35 p m . GOING NORTH. Trnln No. '4. Dally. J -oave Jacksonville 2 10 p in -caveSavannah 9 00 am L,yvc Charleston 8 30 am ?ve Port Poyal 10 15 a m jeave Yemassee *12 30 p m Vrrive at Augusta 5 00 p ni Dinner. Tt* The only line making close connection with | he Atlantic and Gulf Railroad at Savannah, and , rrom and to Jacksonville and all lntints in Florida, ivoiding the long, tedious and well-known Omnibus transferer through that city The only line running Through Day Coaches without change between Augusta and Sarannah. Connections made at Augusta with the Svuth Carolina Railroad for Aiken, 8. C., Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad for all poiuts North and Southwest, West and Northwest. Sleeping Car Berths engaged at Augussa by applying to agents at Beaufort or Port Royal. Baggage Checked Through. R. G. FLEMING, Superintendent. T. S. DAVANT, Gen'l. Pass. A H. M. STUART, M. D., Cor. Bay & Eighth Streets, B caufort, NS . C. DEALER IS DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY ANT) TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY, PU RI-TM ERY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with many other articles too numerous o mention. All of which will be sold at the lowes irrice for cash. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. 17RANZ, JOHN?General Dry Goods llouso, . Bay St. Beaufort. $ee advertisement. Barber. RLTLEDGE, U. M.?Barber, shaving hair cutting, shampooing and dyeing done in the neatest manner. Bay St. COOPER JOHN?Dry Goods Clothing, Millinary. French ami Domestic Flowers, Fancy Goods, notions, Ac, Bay St. See advertisem *nt. Carriage Painter MCGREGOR. J AS. K.?Carri ;e maker, sign and carriage painter, Bay ana Charles Sts. See ' advertisement. f Professional Cards WrIGGIN, P. L.?Attorney at Low. Solicitor o JodCiroaif. Bay St. jas. e. McGregor, w VIV i ? I ?ARRIAGE MAKER, HOUSE, SIGN, and CARRIAGE rAINTER. [>pp. Express Officef Beaufort, S. f. All kinds of Scroll and fancy sawing. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to, on reasonable terms, satisfaction guaranteed. G?~ Agent for Barnes' patent foot power scroll taw, which can be seen in oj>eration at my shop. J AS. E. MCGREGOR. hilvl-ly. GRIND CLOSING OUT SUE AT TIIE STORE OF E. A. Scheper, The Leader in Low Prices :o: Vill close out his complete stock of SPRING&SUMMERGOODS Ever before offered to the Beaufort public. Consisting of )RY GOODS. CLOTHING, HATS. AND CAPS, ' BOOTS AND SHOES, MATTING Ac offer an entirely fresh stock of SPRING DRESS GOODS, i? Vnn- v,,?t with snwial view to their daptability to present season, climate Ac. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS rill bo offered In all departments, as I am deterlined to make this one of the most attractive cstabshmentsin town. Call before purchasing elsewhere ud examine the stock of goods at E. A. S CHE PER. SAFETY AND BRILLIANCY. . VESTAL OIL, lives a better light than any other oil, and will no xplode. For sale by M. KRESSEL, ap.18. Bay St., eaufort. TAKE-DR. DENNIS' >y stem Renovator and Blood PURIFYING SYRUP. 'or Dyspepsia, Piles, Ileartburn, Sick Headache 'cvers. Sores, Ac. M. J. GRAHAM, Aot., iar.30-lui. Beaufort. MRS. E. HOLZACH, B R BREAD A lake, and Cracker Bakery BAY ST., COR. FRETC LANDING, BEAUFORT tint received a large and selected stock of FRENCH CANDIES, rhirh will be sold at prices to suit the times. Will *<? lusui on hand all kinds of CAKES, PIES, FRUITS, Ac Ac. 8cp.2:J-tf. y W." H. DEVLIN, Carpenter ? Builder All kinds of 30AT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. OFFICE AND SHOP JOB. BAY and CHARLES STREET, BEAUFORT, S.C. PORT ROYAL ~~ Saw A Planing Mill BEAUFORT, S C. D. 0. WILSON & CO., manufacturers of and dealers in rSLLOW FINE T1KSE& AND LUMBER and Cypress Sliingloai, ALSO Builders & Contractors PLASTER, LATHES, All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. Flooring & Ceiling Boaris always on hand Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. r\ r> u'u c/w a co nov.'ib-iy. i/, v. M. POLLITZER, COTTOy FACTOR AND Commission Merchant BE Al/FORT S4 C "IT[. RICHMONdT^ Trial Justice. All business intrnsted to hliu will receive care ful and prompt attention. Office Custom House Building. Beaufort S. C. april 27-t THtPARKERCUH. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRO'S v . WEST MERIDEN.CT., . ' i.? . . tflsarlfston 3uUfrti$cmruts. D. O'NEILL & SONS, wholesale dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES. No. 33 Hayno Strool Cliarloston 8. C? aprl.S-lrr. 9 -00(] ozts .Cut: jo oj jn."> ssnjf) pun 5?U|Xim oj tio.utf uoi jho)D' pnoodc? 'tfKuoauni (TXV avsri :TIIIIA\ 'SHU l>"? *tl'lvicl Movauoo cr\~v saxri hsm 'SXHVA 1MK S3KIA1 'gMO.lDn o 'S 'lAOItl^OfT *;8 -^t7FT ^QAVM S SILVER PLATED WARE. Electro-Plated Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work, IN GREAT VARIETY, MANUFACTURED BY THE MERIDIAN BRITANNIA COMPANY, 550 BROADWAY NEW YORK. The best Plated SPOONS and FORKS are those Silver Plated heaviest on the parts where necessarily the most wear comes, and bearing the TradeMark. 1874?ROGERS BROTHERS?XII. N. B. ?This great improvement In. Silver - Plated Spoons and Forks is applied alike to each grade of Plato, A 1,8 and 12 oz. as ordered. The Process and Machinery for manufacturing these goods are Patented. The Extra or ' Standard Plate" made by this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 percent, heavier than theordianary market standard. First Premcum9 awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, from World,* Fair of 1852 to American Institute Fair, 1674. inclusive, mar 9-6 ra. tf>f tn IM-'t" day at home. Samples worth Si <J)0 III <J)ZU free. Stinson A Co., Portland' Maine SEND 25c. to G. P. ROW ELL A CO., New Yorkfor Pamphlet of 10O pages, containing list of .1000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising. flIQaday at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and (J)1Z terms free TRUE <x CO., Augusta, Maine. marO-ly. JOHN FltANZj Wholesale & Retail Grocer, SHIP CHANDLER Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. o Constantly receiving from St. Louis, the best FAMILY FLOUR, wholesale groceries, LIQUORS PLANTATION SUPPLIES, at the princplc Store, formerly occupied by J. Fyler, Corner Bay and West Street BAKERY. Having ju<t completed the erection of a bakery at my premises, at the corner Bay and Scott Sts., I shall keep a constant supply of fresh BREAD &c. I have secured the services of an experienced baker, and by using the finest grades of flour, shall endeavor to secure a share of public patronage. Call and inspect samples. GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner of Bay and Scott Street. JUST RJiiUJii 1V JliJJ, at tjje ST1HDIRD & COMMERCIiL JOB PRINTING OFFICE, A full line of superior paper, envelopes, bill heads, letter heads, note heads, cards, etc, Job printing done neatly and cheaply. All orders promptly attended to. (Srist and itti. If. St JBLLIOTT, Bmufort St C. I JM VEtK'EL, * CO., Chmrleaton S. C. THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILL COMPACT, Having put up a grtst mill at theii old staDd, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed and Meal, any quautity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. El.TJOTT, A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEW. Just Published, in a Sealed KueeJopc .Price six eertU A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, d Kadfcnl cure of Seminar Weakness, or Spent-at o rhoea induce*! l?y Self-Abuse Involuntary Emission Importcncy, Nervous Pebility, and Impediments t Marriage generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, an< Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac.?B; ROBERT J. CTLVERWELL, M. P., author of th " tircen Book, " Ac. The world-renowned author, in thisadmirahl Lecture, clearly proves from his own experienc that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may b effectually removed without medicine, and wit] out dangerous surgical oporat ions, bougies, instru ments, rings, or cordials ; jHunting out amodoo cure at once certain and effectual, f>y which ever sufferer, no matter what his condition may Ik*, ma; cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. 91v* This Lecti're trill jimrt a b<em to thousands inn thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to Any ai dross, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamp Address the Publishers. F. BRUGMAV SOX, i 41 A n? M., l*t w York Post Office Box ju'.y Mi? 1-y. F. W . S C ||fiS|'jn?E rim FI'M SKA ISJLA> E -J_U --=JgSsiimii^r^agSS=~j?^^ ~ rs |H HAS B T5 E X ? THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRA\ JAMES 0 D E L I-, CLEARING AT THE OLl Jacob i 0 REGARDLESS OF COST of our entire FANCY GOODS DOMESTICS Ac., we t Best Quality Prints" and 8c. Best 4-4 Bleach, 9 and 10c. . Best 4-4 Bleach, 11 and 12c. Best 7-8 Bleach, 6 and 7< Best 4-4 Brown, 8 an Good Alpacas, 1 Best Alpacj Linens, Muslins, Lawns* I at an actual sacrifice. Givcjis a^eall^ Th< Bay Street. jalub a Are Yon Goi then use new york CHEMICJ Ready for use in White, and over One strictly prime White Lead, Rinc, and Lins much Handxomer and Cheaper, and to lasl It has taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at t and is on many thousand* of the finest houi Address: N. Y. E] PRIK REDUED SA MPLEARD SEXT FREE. THE SEWING MAC! Is prepared to offer tl TO MERCHANTS ?Who will Sewing Machines ~*T FAMILY F Its Name Indicai Refer to 250,000 Families NAMED GENNRAL F Adapted to every j>ossible grade of ? ledges For Tailors an IT STANDS WITHOC Weed Sewing Ma Dec. 30. No8. 51 ""two important iw OF ZXfTSBSST TO HVJSB , A PIANO OR PARLOR OR With an ad j as table back,?made to sapport th< while leaning forward in the ordinary position a simple arrangement, which gires it a backwa time a downward movement, follows bis motto la any position without interfering in the 1?m of his morementa. * ' M i KiQSH|^Mfc>v iRmSS ' graufort ^?sittfss Biwtorj. MITCHEL, W.?Blacksmith, ft?rw*hoelng? and genera! 5<mith work. Magnolia St, 1 i QAVAfiE.JEKRY?Wheelrigbt. Repairs pn>mpt| O Iv executed. Magnolia St. DEVLIX, W. If.?Builder and coutractor, Bay and Charles Sts. See advertisement. ^ TUA1 T. H. M. DR.^Draggittand Apothereary it"/ St. Beaufort. See idvtttisemerit. 1 n e p 7 ~ SCHEFER, ^ LF GROCERIES 'Mlj id Liquors, IISHIJfi CSOIH. toy, Hart ware < iliiforf , S. Cm 1 ID HOTEL, I E-O P E XE D. 'ELLING PUBLIC IS SOLIC1TFD. Proprietor. HOT SALE ) STAND OF v tuple's* stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING ire selling \ v * v Vti 5. id 9c. .8 and 20c. IS, 40 to 60C. Nansooks, Cambrics, &c., inkful for past favors.?I am Reap'fv, PPLE, Beaufort, S. C. ng to Paint? enamel paint co/s ' " * 'V \ f ? .y LLPAINT Hundred Dieferent Colors made of ' t i eed Oil, Cfien^ttJfy combined, warranted* t TWICE AS LONG as any other Taint, wenty of the State Fairs of the the Union scs'in the country NAMEL PAINT CO. 103 ewers Street, New Tort WEED 3INE COMPY., le most liberal terms 3 AND OTHERS, deal in? 5 of its Man'fture. A V ORITE, tes its Qualities. i Who Have Them in Use. AVORITE, BECAUSE ? 'work.?Our competitors acknowthat d Shoemakers, T A RIVAL. Address, ' " ? K ' x ichine Company, and 53 St. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. Y ON2L !CAN CHAIR, s back of the sitter for playing, and by B rd and at the samo as and supports him \l wiui roe inxxLom *d. A PLATFORM ROCKER ON CASTORS* "i'h the long e?sy movement of tne olfl style, wirtjoot the projrttlug rockcrv to uiar other turniinre and the b?w# of room#) being, in fact, the oc.'y Plmtfonn linger mautf that has a perfectly satisfactory movement. -~" Manufactured for the trade If ALBERT BEST & CO, & BUFFALO, N. Y., and for rale by the principal dealers through*** the United States. 0T1( not kept by any dealer In your town* lend to ua for Price List and Catalogue. Painter and Glazier. I or...:, EhtVARD.?Fainter and Glazier. J Stgnami Oroanu-nUil fwinrrnz dou<- at -m* B' able rates am! with promptness and dispali h. # BOVCK, JAS. EL?Wholesale and reta'f d^abritj Groceries, Liquors, Sugars, Pry tin. ds and general men/hand inc. liny St. Groceries. 1 JOYCE, .T. P?Oroorrh*. Wines, Lf?'ior> :?.d ?#