University of South Carolina Libraries
T??1C ST. I.(?l IS SHIP. It's a sort of a double cuder, is the Democratic ship, ^ Provisioned and put in conimi.ision for the Presidential trip, With a jolly hard-money Pilot, duly stationed at the fore, And another to mind rag-baby, abaft of the cabin door; Of course as she sails to the cast'ard, old Bullion is seen at his poet, While all of the stern is In shadow, for Tom is at best but a ghost; And money-bags. Idling in Wall Street, grows warm near the heart as he loaks, And chads his Republican neighbor, as he enters, his bets in his books. But when, under stress of the weather, Uncle Sata has his watch below, And the ship plunges on to the west'ard as only a ship will go That repudiates metal ballast, and hoists every yard of her sails. Expecting to reach her western port, by the force of the eastern gales ; - J? mUa Mil keeD The people oegin 10 wuuurr nu?, ?"v ? ?. . od au even keel, W ith nothing but rags to hold per taut, and only I Tom at the wheel, . Yet they hail her coming, and if she reels, only clap and shout the more, As they will, till the ides of November strew her ribs all along the shore. ? tl is'nt quite safe as a ventui e, or just the right thing to suppose That gold will heal all yoor bruises, or grkl* backs will plaster all woes ; That New England's grand mills and machinery as Ann as each storm-beaten crag Need only to rest in the future, upheld by a hard money flag; That the broad teeming west by dishonor, and paper rags sown like her wheat, May grow in the census by millions, with hug* wealth of corn and of meat; And thus, that the laws God established, the principles He has set forth. May moan what thry please down in Texas, be construed as to* choose at the north, A ship that has two commanders, trained up in tVo opposite schools, Grown old in a one-sided service, and either impatient of rules; One disposed to be prudent and cautious, one reckless of what may befal, Is she Ukely to make a safe voyage ? Nay can she be trusted at all ? And yet we are asked to accept them, as captains both pledge 1 to Reform While neither can show by his record, the firmness we need in a storm, And neither can give the assurance by what he has done In the past, That he means to be honest in Aituro, or repen* -w I- UL.1. U.? ISUCV U UKVIJ -.V HWk. No I whila manifold dangers are hanging around th? old vemel of State. Let a vigilant forecast prevent them, and ward elf the arrows of fate. Le^is march to the anthem of Freedom, tnder Joe who is fresh from a fight, Whieh was ended at last by the valor of thoee who were battling for right. . No ! give our brave crew but one leader, and mates who shall always agree, To.stick to the ship and her owners, whatever may hap on the sea; A discipline kind but unchanging, good purpoMS clearly expressed. And she'll come in good time to her harbor, and Cod will take care of the rest. > JHOW NOT TO DO IT. w When enemies threaten With musket or fist. The way to resist thorn Is?not to resist. Sound Copperhead doctrine! And so they assume The way to resumption \ Is?not to resume. As Hendricks and Tilden These doctrines affect, The way to elect them Is?not to elect. local'Ttems. Beanfort, S. C. August 31 1876. Monday next is convention day in Beaufort HffiT Tilden and reform has now been changed to Tilden and income tax. IV UH OUUUttV OCUlUg VU IUV ouvn road Port Royal Island, the wife of Wm. Lawrence, was struck by lightning and killed instantly. I 1^* The so called colored democrats from Port Royal, were in Beaufort on Saturday, over whom the democray were so jubilant recently. They are outspoke n Hayes and Wheeler men, and as they are members of the democratic club at Port Royal probably the club are for Hayes And Wheeler. A CARD. [Advertisement.] Brchsok, S. C. Aug. 25th 1876. I beg to state to the Public that the report circulated by Dr. W .T. Brelaad in reference to myself and brother A. M. Youmans being connected with the rescuing Jack Hammons, a prisoner from the hand8 of the constable at this place s?metime ago to be an unmitigated falsehood. JAS. C. YOUMANS. MARINE NEWS . ARRIVED.?ST. HELENA SOUND. " 14th Be. Bkt. William Bowen, Randell, master, 14 days from St. Thomas, W. I. in ballast to Campbell, Wyllie and Co. * 17 th Br. Bg. Florence, Beynon, matter, 27 days from St. Vincent, Cape > de Verdi, in ballast to Cantpbell, Wyllie and Co. M 16th Br. Bg. Antagonist, Winter, master for London with 571 tons of phoepate rock from Ceo. aw Mines, " 18th Br. Bk, Cyrua, Bichardson, master, for Belfast, with 542 ions of phosphate rock from Co** saw Mines CLEARED.?ST. HELENA SOUND. Aug. 22nd Br. Bg. Ottawa, Lodwig, master, for Stroud Junction, England, with 450 tons of phosphate from Coosaw Miaos. f "jara or. J?rt. wnimm cowen, rvanieu, master for London, with 518 tons of phosphate rock from Coosaw Mioea. . " 23rd Russian Bk. Ruthinas, Mikander master' for Copenhagen with 1020 tons of phosphate rock from Oak Point Mine*. Aug. 23rd B. Bk, Ada, Falfchaw, master, 55 days from London, in ballast to Campell, Wy Hie and Co. Administrator's Hotise. All persons having claims against the estate of Harry McMillian, deceased *ill present them forthwith properly attested aDd all persons, indebted to the same are requested to make immediate payment to JAMES e. boyce Administrator Bft. R c. Aug 21th 1878. Proclamation. office intendant town beaufort. Bkackort, 8. c. Aug."1st 1876. T^OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO SH P ?Ll owners masters and others, that vessels and b >ats of all descriptions bound to this place from Savannah or other infected ports will he subject to the Quarantine laws of the Town and State. f Ail persons art* strictly prohibited front landing | I goods or passengers from Savannah, or othor infected ports unless special permission is first obtained of the Intcndant, Town Council or Board of Health. AH violations of the Quarantine laws will l>e rigidly prosecuted. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Inteudant Town of Beaufort. I MRS. ErHOLZACH. DREAD. PAKE & [AKCI OAKERY, D ALL U KINDS I OF U FRESH CONFECTIONARY on hand and sold at the lowest prices for cash. 0 For the convenience of ray tip-town customers and the public generally, I have fitted up a neat and commodious STORE at the N. E. Corner of WEST & CRAVEN STS., Whore i will be happy to receive orders, and furnish at short notice, all articles in my line at prices unsurpassed in town. aug3. HEAD QUARTERS D. H. PARTY." ~ --ittomur JSWffpr Beaufort, S. C., Aug. 21, 1876. NOTICE is hereby given that a convention of the Union Republican Party of the County of Beaufort will be held in the Arsenal, in the town of Beaufort, on Monday the 4th day of September, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing 9even delegates to represent this county in the State Convention to be held in Columbia on the 12th day of September, and also to elect seven delegates to represent tbis county in the Congressional and Circuit conventions to be held at such times and places as the Congressional and Circuit chairmen may designate. The several parishes are entitled to the following quota of delegates, which shall be elected at the places and upon days hereinafter named: St Helena Parish 24 as follows; Brick Church, five; Ccffln Point, two; La nds End, two, to be elected at the Brick Church, Monday the 28th of August Beaufort, five; Port Royal, one; Lady's Island, two; Grey's Hill, three; Myrtle Bush, two; Paris Island, two; to be elected on Saturday, the 2d September. PriJice William's Parish, 16 as follows; Cbisolm's Landing, two, on Saturday, September 2d. Gardner's Corner, five; Pocotaligo, two; at Eustis' on Friday the 26 th of August Peeples, two; Varnsville, one; Brunson, four; on Saturday the- 26th August St. Luke's Parish 14 as follows; - Hilton Head, five; Saturday, August 2Gth. BlufEton, three; ,1c rtnrt- nn Thiirsdaw I VJi AiV?uo% vwvj VU * ?^ ) August 31st. Grahamville, two; on Thursday August 24th. Gillisonville, 2; on Saturday August 26th. St* Peter's Parish, 15 as follows; Eellenger Hill, three; Levy's X Roads, 2; at Levy's X Roads, on Friday September 1st Hardeeville, one; ilennis' X Roads, one; Brighton, two; Lawton's Church, one; Matthews Bluff, two; Beech Branch, one; Black Creek, one; Nixville, one; on Saturday September 2d. Lawtonville, four;?(already elected.) o The sub-committee-men of each of the precincts will immediately upon the re ceipt of this call give ample and full notice to the voters of the same and adhere [ to the rules of the'party. He is required I t rt /Vi 11 tLi-i /V?</1 AM an/1 4aw%. %vr von tuc uivxiiu^ iu viuui aiiu porarily preside until a chairman is elect ed. Delegates are expected to be in town on the afternoon of the 3d. prox., as the conv mtion will be called to order promptly at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 4th. ROB'T. SMALLS, Chr'mn. U. R. Party, Beaufort Co. Notioe, Office Towjt Treasurer Beaufort, S. G. Aug. 22nd 1876. NO ACCOUNT AGAINST ANY TOWN EMployee will be collected through this office;? neither will any order.* against the pay of any employee be accepted?Merchant* and others baring accounts must collect the same. J. C. RICHMOND, Town Treasurer 2 t Administrator's Notice. N'OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator of the estate of J. J. Pope, deceased, will on the 16th day of September next pre 1 s tit his accounts before the Ckmrt of Probate for Beaufort County for allowance, and apply for a discharge as administrator. H. G. JUDI). I Bft. Aug. 21, 1676. aug.24-3t | Administrator's Notice. -jyOTirn is hereby given that the undersigned as i.\ administrator*of tlie estate of Charles Owens, j deceased, will on the 1 r.t 1> day of September next, j present his accounts before the Court <>f Probate for lieaufort County, for allowance, andapply for a discharge as administrator. It. G. JUPIb | Bft. Aug. 21,1876. aug.2t-'!t. Board' of Equalization. OFFICE COUNTY AUDITOR, Bkapfort S. C. Aug. 15, ISTfi. V]"OTICF is hereby given that the County Board JLi of Equalization will meet in this office on the 4th day of Septeml>er, next to consider such grievances relative to valuation of proj?erty as may he laid before it. L. S. LANGLEY, ang17-3t. Co. Auditor. BANKING HOUSE, Win. II. Lockwood, BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE on New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any poiut in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. ap.27.6m. "P. M. WHITMAN, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, Bay Street. Beaufort, S. C., Has just retruned erom the north with & fine assortment of goods at N'ortlierxi Prices. WEDDING RINGS, $3.00 to |l2.00, SILVER RINGS, 30c. to $1.50. SILVER NAPKIN ftlNGS, $2.00 to $4.00. LADIES GOLD WATCHES, $36 to $50. o 8 Day & 1 Day Striking Clocks, 83.80 to 88, o GENTS' GOLD Cn IANS, PINS, RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS. STUDS, WATCH CHAINS, LADIES GOLD and PLATED JEWELRY, GOLD PENS, AC., AC. GENTS' GOLD A SILVER WATCHES. Call and examine before purchasing, and satisfy yourself you can save ten to^twenty-five per eent from Charleston or Savannah prices. dec.6.1y W. H. CALVERT PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker DEALER IN Jananned and Stamped Tin Wares, Constantly on {land, Cooking Parlor and Box Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W. H. CALVERT, Bay St. between 8th A 9th sts. Beaufort. S. C PORT ROYAl RAILROAD. I Magnolia Passenger Route, cha.ww or svhkmujmjmu SUPERINTS OFFICE TORT ROYAL RAILR'P1 Augusta, Ga., May 1, 1876. / The following Passenger Schedule will be operated on and alter May 1, 1876. GOING SOUTH. Train No. 1. Daily. Leave Augusta 8 .TO a m Leave Yemasse ?12 35 p m Arrive Port Royal 2 30 p m Arrive at Savannah 3 30 p m Arrive at Charleston 4 20 p in Arrive at Jacksonville 8 33 p m GOING NORTH. Train No. ?. Dally. Leave Jacksonville 2 10pm Leave Savannah 9 00 am LylVe Charleston 8 30 am k ,ve Port Poyal 10 15 a m Leave Yetnassee .. ?12 30 p m Arrive at Augusta 5 00 p m Pinner. The only line making close connection with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad at Savannah, and from and to Jacksonville and all points in Florida, avoiding the long, tedious and well-known Omnibus transferer through that city The only line running Through Pay Coaches without change between Augusta and Savannah. Connections made at Augusta with the South Carolina Railroad for Aiken, S. C., Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad for all points Forth and Southwest, West and Northwest. Sleeping Car Berths engaged at Angussa by applying to agents at Beaufort or Port Royal. Baggage Chocked Through. R. G. FLEMING, Superintendent. T, 8. DAVANT, Gen'l. Pass. A H. M. STUART, M. D., Cor. Bay & Eighth Streets, Beaufort, 3 O. DEALER IN DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY, PURFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with many other articles too numerous' o mention. All of which will be sold at the lowe* price for cash. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. feb.1'1 FRANZ, JOHN?General Dry Goods House, Bay St. Beaufort. See advertisement. Barber. TXUTLEDGE, R. M.?Barber, shaving hair cutXV ting, shampooing and dyeing done in the n atest manner. Bay St. COOPER JOHN-Dry Goods Clothing, Military. French and Domestic Flowers, Fancy Goods, notions, Ac. Bay St. See advertiseni nt. Carriage Painter MCGREGOR, JAS. E.?Carriage maker, sign and carriage painter, Bay and Charles Ms. See advertisement. Professional Cards i TX7IGGIN. P. L.?Attorney at Low. Solicitor o I VV 2nd Circuit. Bay St. JAS. E. McGHEGOR, | CARRIAGE MAKER, HOUSE, SIGN, and CARRIAGE PAINTER. Opp. Express Office, Beaufort, S. f. 1 All kinds of Scroll and fancy sawing. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to, on reasonable terras. Satisfaction guaranteed. .ffs* Atrent for Dames' patent foot power scroll saw, which can be seen in operation at my shop. J as. e. McGregor. Julyl-ly. GRIND CLOSING OUT SUE AT THE STORE OF E. A. Schcper, The Leader in Low Prices :o: Will close out his complete stock of SPRING & SUMMER 600DS: Ever before offered to the Beaufort public. Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS. AND CAPS, | BOOTS AND SHOES, MATTING Ac I offer an entirely fresh stock of SPRING DRESS GOODS, J Selected in New York with special view to their adaptability to present season, climate Ac. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS i will be offered in all departments, as I am deter- ] mined to make this one of the most attractive establishments in town. Call before purchasing elsewhere and examine the stock of goods at E. A. SCHEPER. I SAFETY AND BRILLIANCY. ! I VESTAL UIJj, Gives a better light than anj other oil, and will no , explode. For sale by , M. KRESSEL, j ap.13. Bay St., eaufort. TAKE DR. DENNIS' j System Renovator and Blood ! PURIFYING SYRUP. j For Dyspepsia, Piles, Heartburn, Sick Headache i Fevers, Sores, Ac. j M. J. GRAHAM, Act., mar.30-lm. . Beaufort. | MRS. E. HOLZACH," ; BREAD V D Cake, and Cracker Bakery ; BAY ST., COR. FREE LANDING, BEAUFORT Just received a large and selected stock of FRENCH CANDIES, which will be sold at nriees to suit the times. Will so keep on hnnd all kinds of CAKES, PIES, FRUITS, Ac Ac. sep.23-tf. W. H. DEVLIN, Carpenter I Builder o All kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. o OFFICE AND SHOP COR. BAY and CUARLES STREET, -BEAUFORT, S.C. P O RTlaOYAIj Saw& Planing Mill BEAUFORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN 7ELL0W FINS TUBES AND LUHSEB j AND Cypress Shingles, ALSO Builders & Contractors PLASTER, LATHES, All kinds of^)B SAWING promptly done. Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on band Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. nov.28-ly. D. C. WILSON, A CO' ^.TO LLIT ZE RT COTTOS FACTOR AND , Commission Merchant BEAUFORT S.C ^ niruMfiNn J? li nitnmunv Trial Justice. All httdnoss intrusted to him will receive care ful nnd prompt attention. Office Custom House Building. Beaufort 8. C. april 27-t THE PARKER CUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRCfS s WEST MERIDEN.CT. , 1 I J t ? ' Charleston Mmtiscmcnts. j 1). O'NEILL & SON'S, WHOLESALE I>BALKRS IN BOOTS, SHOES, j TRUNKS AND VALISES, No. 33 Hayno Strool | Charleston S. C aprlJMyr. 9 *07js .Oirr jo jopio 0} jno ssnjr) pun rjnitrd Snixiin oj uoAiif uoiiuowu pioodg 'HNIXK3<lHilX (IKY (\YrArl HXIHA\ <HUO PUB SJtllBcI '8rt?IO aovaiioo axv sam nsia 'sxhva xax >? 'savi.w 'SHO.ltUl O's 'iJomigoq- 'is 'OiVW *S SILVER PLATED WARE. Electro-Plated Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work, IN GREAT VARIETY, MANUFACTURED BY THE MERIDIAN BRITANNIA COMPANY, 550 BROADWAY NEW YORK. The best Plated SPOONS and FORKS are those Silver Plated heaviest on the parts where necessarily the most wear comes, and bearing the Trade dark. 1874?ROGERS BROTHERS-XII. N. B. ?This great improvement in Silver - Plaed Spoons and Forks is applied alike to each grade if Plate, A 1, 8 and 12 oz. as ordered. The Process I ind Machinery for manufacturing these goods are ] Patented. The Extrajor ' Standard Plate" made by his Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated JO per cent, heavier than the ordianary market staniard. KT First Preraeums awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, from World,s Fair of 1852 to American institute Fair, 1671 iuclusive, mar 9-6 ra. toU tn $00 P" dfty a* h?me* Ssmplcs worth $1 J)j lU $ZU tree. Stinson Sc. Co., Portland' Maine SEND 25o. to G. P. ROWhLL A new ior*- i for Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing list of 3000 J newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising. {If)a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and J)1Z terms free TRUE i CO., Augusta, Maine. aiarS-ly. JOHN FRANZ, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, AND SHIP CHANDLER , Family Groceries and Cabin Stores 1 a specialty. j ?7~?? Constantly receiving from St. Louis, j the best FAMILY FLOUR, wholesale groceries, LIQUORS PLANTATION SUPPLIES, at the princple Store, formerly occupied by J. Fyler, Corner Bay and \Vest Street BAKERY. Having just completed the erection of a | bakery at my premises, at the corner Bay and Scott Sts., I shall keep a constant supply of fresh BREAD &c. I have secured the services of an experienced baker, and by using the finest grades of flour, shall endeavor to secure a share of public patronage. Call and inspect samples. i GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner of Bay aua Scott Street. JUSTRECEIVED, at tiie STMD1RD&C0MMERCUL JOB PRINTING OFFICE, A full line of superior paper, envelopes, bill heads, letter heads, note heads, cards, etc. Job printing done neatly and cheaply. All orders promptly attended to. $ri$t and ,frfd. V. 9. ELLIOTT, Beaufort 8, C. MJi VBJI'BL, ft CO., Charleston 8. C. THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILL CQMPAKT, Having put up a grist mill at tiieir old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed and Meal, any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. 8. ELLIOTT, A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. ! Jmt Published, in a Sealed Envelop* .Price six cats. A l ecture on the -Vat tire, Treatment. ?fc Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Speru-ato rhoea induced by Self-Abuse Involuntary Emissions Importoncy, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac.?By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. 1)., author of the " Green Book, " Ac. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and with out dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instru' ments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. Mi- This Lecture will prove a boon lo thousands and thousands. I Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad i dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamp Address the Publishers. ! F. BRUGMAN & SON, i 41 Ann M., New York Tost Office Box 4586 july 9th l*y. ~ f. w . s c ] m. k-Mi seaTslan HAS BEEN R THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAV 4 JAMES OP EL L , CLEARING AT THE OLD Jacob A o REGARDLESS OF COST of our entire i ?ANCY GOODS DOMESTICS &c., we a Best Quality Prints 7 and 8c. Best 4-4 Bleach, 9 and 10c. Best 4-4 Bleach, 11 and 12c. Best 7-8 Bleach, 6 and 7c Best 4-4 Brown, 8 am Good Alpacas, 11 Best Alpaca.' Linens, Muslins, Lawns* N it an actual sacrifice. Give as a call. Thai Bay Street. JACOB AI Are You Gol THEN USE NEW YORK CHEMIGA Ready for use in White, and over One I itrictly prime White Lead, Rioc, and Linse nuch Handsomer and Cheaper, and to last [t has taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at ti ind is on many thousands of the finest hous Address: N. Y. EI PR IE RED UED SA MPLEARD SENT FREE THE SEWING MACI Is prepared to offer th TO MERCHANTS ?Who will Sewing Machines o FAMILY F Its Name Indical Refer to 250,000 Families OU NAMED GENNRAL P. Adapted to every possible grade of ledges i For Tailors an rr STANDS WITOOU' Weed Sewing Ma Dec. 30. Nos. 51 ~ TWO IMPORTANT ^ or nrrsBSBT to zmax 1^. a piano or parlor ol With an adjustable back,?made to support tfa while leaning forward In the ordinary position a simple arrangement, which gives it a backwi time a downward movement, follows his motk la any position withont Interfering in the lee of his movements. ' gtaufort gusinrss Siwtorg. MITCHEL, W.?Blacksmith, horseshoeing, and general smith work. Magnolia fit. SAVAGE, JERRY?Wheel right. Repairs promptly executed. Magnolia St. DEVLIN. W. H.?Builder and contractor, Bay and Charles Sts. Hoe advertisement. ST I'ART. H. M. DR.?Dnjirgist and ApoiUcreary Bay St. Beaulort. oee advertisement. 1 f 11E PER, WS&E& 'M ^ ,f GROCERIES mm atm, DIIOTEL, gjgg^ g . E-OPE XED. ELLING I'UBLIC IS SOUC1TFD. . Proprietor. iTsm STAND OF Lpple's. \ stock of DRY GtX)DS, CfcOTfllNQ, re selling 19c. V i and 20c. J* 3, 40 to ^Oc. lansooks, Cambrics, *0., nkful for past favors.?I am BiAvAr, >PLE, Beaufort, S. C. ~ \ , ng to Paint? enamelj?aint co.'s L, PAINT Icndred Different Colors Made of ;ed Oil, Chemically combined, warranted TWICE AS LONG as any other ftfat renty of the State Fairs of the (he {Jntjp es^n the country JAMEL PAINT 00. 103 Chamfers Street, Mew Tfflft WEED IINE COMFY., e most liberal terms SAND OTHERS, deal in? 1 of its Man'fture. " w, A VORITE, ?s its Qualities. Who Have Them in Use. A.VORITE, BECAUSE work.?Our competitors acknowthat d Shoemakers, r A RIVAL. Address chine Company, and 53 St. Charles St%, Baltimore, Md. MENTIONS nr okxl Hb {CAN CHAIN, ? back of the sitter playing, by ^^ANN||^N ud and at the same NHj ma and supports him at with the freedom W A PLATFORM tOCtO M to mar other furniure and tM bu? of memt\ being, in fact, the only Platform Rocker maia that has a perfectly satiafeetory movement. Manufactured foiJh? trade by ALBERT BEST & CO, BUFFALO, K. Y., and for sale by the principal dealers throatkuea the United States. ft* If not kept by any dealer tn roar towa, send to as for Prxo List and Catalogue. I ? ? Painter and Glatitr. IOPF.Z. ED W A RD-Painter tad to***, J Sign and Or tamenul paintfiur done at rraauaable rate* aad with promptness aid di*|?tch. B' OYCE, J AH. F?-Wholesale aad retail dealer la Groceries. Liquors, Sugars, Dry Goods aad general merchandise. Bay St. Groceriea. BOYCK. J. P?Groceries, Winet. l iquors,aVtafjm gar>, !S>utii side Ifcyr St., Beaufort.